path: root/erts/emulator/test/port_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/port_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/port_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/port_SUITE.erl
index ee07699884..3a2243f553 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/port_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/port_SUITE.erl
@@ -83,14 +83,17 @@
+ cd_relative/1,
+ dropped_commands/1,
+ pipe_limit_env/1,
@@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
+ mon_port_owner_dies/1,
@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@
+-export([do_iter_max_ports/2, relative_cd/0]).
%% Internal exports.
@@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ all() ->
{group, multiple_packets}, parallell, dying_port,
port_program_with_path, open_input_file_port,
open_output_file_port, name1, env, huge_env, bad_env, cd,
- bad_args,
+ cd_relative, pipe_limit_env, bad_args,
exit_status, iter_max_ports, count_fds, t_exit, {group, tps}, line,
stderr_to_stdout, otp_3906, otp_4389, win_massive,
mix_up_ports, otp_5112, otp_5119,
@@ -171,6 +175,7 @@ all() ->
+ mon_port_owner_dies,
@@ -544,6 +549,45 @@ make_dying_port(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Command = lists:concat([PortTest, " -h0 -d -q"]),
open_port({spawn, Command}, [stream]).
+%% Test that dropped port_commands work correctly.
+%% This used to cause a segfault.
+%% This testcase creates a port and then lets many processes
+%% do parallel commands to it. After a while it closes the
+%% port and we are trying to catch the race when doing a
+%% command while the port is closing.
+dropped_commands(Config) ->
+ %% Test with output callback
+ dropped_commands(Config, false, {self(), {command, "1"}}),
+ %% Test with outputv callback
+ dropped_commands(Config, true, {self(), {command, "1"}}).
+dropped_commands(Config, Outputv, Cmd) ->
+ Path = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ os:putenv("ECHO_DRV_USE_OUTPUTV", atom_to_list(Outputv)),
+ ok = load_driver(Path, "echo_drv"),
+ [dropped_commands_test(Cmd) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 100)],
+ timer:sleep(100),
+ erl_ddll:unload_driver("echo_drv"),
+ ok.
+dropped_commands_test(Cmd) ->
+ Port = erlang:open_port({spawn_driver, "echo_drv"}, [{parallelism, true}]),
+ spawn_monitor(
+ fun() ->
+ [spawn_link(fun() -> spin(Port, Cmd) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1,8)],
+ timer:sleep(5),
+ port_close(Port),
+ timer:sleep(5),
+ exit(nok)
+ end),
+ receive _M -> timer:sleep(5) end.
+spin(P, Cmd) ->
+ P ! Cmd,
+ spin(P, Cmd).
%% Tests that port program with complete path (but without any
%% .exe extension) can be started, even if there is a file with
%% the same name but without the extension in the same directory.
@@ -972,21 +1016,21 @@ try_bad_env(Env) ->
%% Test that we can handle a very very large environment gracefully.
huge_env(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ct:timetrap({minutes, 2}),
- Vars = case os:type() of
- {win32,_} -> 500;
- _ ->
- %% We create a huge environment,
- %% 20000 variables is about 25MB
- %% which seems to be the limit on Linux.
- 20000
- end,
+ {Vars, Cmd} = case os:type() of
+ {win32,_} -> {500, "cmd /q /c ls"};
+ _ ->
+ %% We create a huge environment,
+ %% 20000 variables is about 25MB
+ %% which seems to be the limit on Linux.
+ {20000, "ls"}
+ end,
Env = [{[$a + I div (25*25*25*25) rem 25,
$a + I div (25*25*25) rem 25,
$a + I div (25*25) rem 25,
$a+I div 25 rem 25, $a+I rem 25],
lists:duplicate(100,$a+I rem 25)}
|| I <- lists:seq(1,Vars)],
- try erlang:open_port({spawn,"ls"},[exit_status, {env, Env}]) of
+ try erlang:open_port({spawn,Cmd},[exit_status, {env, Env}]) of
P ->
{P, {exit_status,N}} = M ->
@@ -1002,6 +1046,58 @@ huge_env(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ct:fail("Open port failed ~p:~p",[E,R])
+%% Test to spawn program with command payload buffer
+%% just around pipe capacity (9f779819f6bda734c5953468f7798)
+pipe_limit_env(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Cmd = case os:type() of
+ {win32,_} -> "cmd /q /c true";
+ _ -> "true"
+ end,
+ CmdSize = command_payload_size(Cmd),
+ Limits = [4096, 16384, 65536], % Try a couple of common pipe buffer sizes
+ lists:foreach(fun(Lim) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(L) -> pipe_limit_env_do(L, Cmd, CmdSize)
+ end, lists:seq(Lim-5, Lim+5))
+ end, Limits),
+ ok.
+pipe_limit_env_do(Bytes, Cmd, CmdSize) ->
+ case env_of_bytes(Bytes-CmdSize) of
+ [] -> skip;
+ Env ->
+ try erlang:open_port({spawn,Cmd},[exit_status, {env, Env}]) of
+ P ->
+ receive
+ {P, {exit_status,N}} ->
+ %% Bug caused exit_status 150 (EINVAL+128)
+ 0 = N
+ end
+ catch E:R ->
+ %% Have to catch the error here, as printing the stackdump
+ %% in the ct log is way to heavy for some test machines.
+ ct:fail("Open port failed ~p:~p",[E,R])
+ end
+ end.
+%% environ format: KEY=VALUE\0
+env_of_bytes(Bytes) when Bytes > 3 ->
+ Env = [{"X",lists:duplicate(Bytes-3, $x)}];
+env_of_bytes(_) -> [].
+%% White box assumption about payload written to pipe
+%% for Cmd and current environment (see spawn_start in sys_driver.c)
+command_payload_size(Cmd) ->
+ EnvSize = lists:foldl(fun(E,Acc) -> length(E) + 1 + Acc end,
+ 0, os:getenv()),
+ {ok, PWD} = file:get_cwd(),
+ (4 % buffsz
+ + 4 % flags
+ + 5 + length(Cmd) + 1 % "exec $Cmd"
+ + length(PWD) + 1 % $PWD
+ + 1 % nullbuff
+ + 4 % env_len
+ + EnvSize).
%% Test bad 'args' options.
bad_args(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -1036,8 +1132,7 @@ cd(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Cmd = Program ++ " -pz " ++ DataDir ++
" -noshell -s port_test pwd -s erlang halt",
_ = open_port({spawn, Cmd},
- [{cd, TestDir},
- {line, 256}]),
+ [{cd, TestDir}, {line, 256}]),
{_, {data, {eol, String}}} ->
case filename_equal(String, TestDir) of
@@ -1063,7 +1158,74 @@ cd(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Other3 ->
ct:fail({env, Other3})
- ok.
+ InvalidDir = filename:join(DataDir, "invaliddir"),
+ try open_port({spawn, Cmd},
+ [{cd, InvalidDir}, exit_status, {line, 256}]) of
+ _ ->
+ receive
+ {_, {exit_status, _}} ->
+ ok;
+ Other4 ->
+ ct:fail({env, Other4})
+ end
+ catch error:eacces ->
+ %% This happens on Windows
+ ok
+ end,
+ %% Check that there are no lingering messages
+ receive
+ Other5 ->
+ ct:fail({env, Other5})
+ after 10 ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% Test that an emulator that has set it's cwd to
+%% something other then when it started, can use
+%% relative {cd,"./"} to open port and that cd will
+%% be relative the new cwd and not the original
+cd_relative(Config) ->
+ Program = atom_to_list(lib:progname()),
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ TestDir = filename:join(DataDir, "dir"),
+ Cmd = Program ++ " -pz " ++ filename:dirname(code:where_is_file("port_SUITE.beam")) ++
+ " -noshell -s port_SUITE relative_cd -s erlang halt",
+ _ = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [{line, 256}, {cd, TestDir}]),
+ receive
+ {_, {data, {eol, String}}} ->
+ case filename_equal(String, TestDir) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ ct:fail({cd_relative, String})
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ ct:fail(Other)
+ end.
+relative_cd() ->
+ Program = atom_to_list(lib:progname()),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(".."),
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Cmd = Program ++ " -pz " ++ Cwd ++
+ " -noshell -s port_test pwd -s erlang halt",
+ _ = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [{line, 256}, {cd, "./dir"}, exit_status]),
+ receive
+ {_, {data, {eol, String}}} ->
+ io:format("~s~n",[String]);
+ Other ->
+ io:format("ERROR: ~p~n",[Other])
+ end.
filename_equal(A, B) ->
case os:type() of
@@ -1867,7 +2029,7 @@ exit_status_msb_test(Config, SleepSecs) when is_list(Config) ->
Parent = self(),
io:format("SleepSecs = ~p~n", [SleepSecs]),
PortProg = "sleep " ++ integer_to_list(SleepSecs),
- Start = erlang:monotonic_time(micro_seconds),
+ Start = erlang:monotonic_time(microsecond),
NoProcs = case NoSchedsOnln of
NProcs when NProcs < ?EXIT_STATUS_MSB_MAX_PROCS ->
@@ -1941,12 +2103,12 @@ exit_status_msb_test(Config, SleepSecs) when is_list(Config) ->
receive {P, started, SIds} -> SIds end
- StartedTime = (erlang:monotonic_time(micro_seconds) - Start)/1000000,
+ StartedTime = (erlang:monotonic_time(microsecond) - Start)/1000000,
io:format("StartedTime = ~p~n", [StartedTime]),
true = StartedTime < SleepSecs,
erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, block),
lists:foreach(fun (P) -> receive {P, done} -> ok end end, Procs),
- DoneTime = (erlang:monotonic_time(micro_seconds) - Start)/1000000,
+ DoneTime = (erlang:monotonic_time(microsecond) - Start)/1000000,
io:format("DoneTime = ~p~n", [DoneTime]),
true = DoneTime > SleepSecs,
ok = verify_multi_scheduling_blocked(),
@@ -2170,7 +2332,7 @@ maybe_to_list(List) ->
format({Eol,List}) ->
- io_lib:format("tuple<~w,~s>",[Eol, maybe_to_list(List)]);
+ io_lib:format("tuple<~w,~w>",[Eol, maybe_to_list(List)]);
format(List) when is_list(List) ->
case list_at_least(50, List) of
true ->
@@ -2520,6 +2682,29 @@ mon_port_origin_dies(Config) ->
Port5 ! {self(), {command, <<"1">>}}, % make port quit
+%% Port and Monitor owner dies before port is closed
+%% This testcase checks for a regression memory leak in erts
+%% when the controlling and monitoring process is the same process
+%% and the process dies
+mon_port_owner_dies(Config) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ Proc = spawn(fun() ->
+ Port = create_port(Config, ["-h1", "-q"]),
+ Self ! {test_started, Port},
+ erlang:monitor(port, Port),
+ receive stop -> ok end
+ end),
+ erlang:monitor(process, Proc), % we want to sync with its death
+ Port = receive {test_started,P} -> P
+ after 1000 -> ?assert(false) end,
+ ?assertMatch({proc_monitors, true, port_monitored_by, true},
+ port_is_monitored(Proc, Port)),
+ Proc ! stop,
+ %% receive from monitor
+ receive ExitP5 -> ?assertMatch({'DOWN', _, process, Proc, _}, ExitP5)
+ after 1000 -> ?assert(false) end,
+ ok.
%% Monitor a named port
mon_port_named(Config) ->
Name6 = test_port6,