path: root/erts/emulator/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test')
5 files changed, 873 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl
index dae36fed8f..dfba7d098f 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@
- thr_msg_blast/1]).
+ thr_msg_blast/1,
+ consume_timeslice/1]).
@@ -149,7 +150,8 @@ all() ->
- thr_msg_blast].
+ thr_msg_blast,
+ consume_timeslice].
groups() ->
[{timer, [],
@@ -2073,10 +2075,329 @@ thr_msg_blast(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+consume_timeslice(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %%
+ %% Verify that erl_drv_consume_timeslice() works.
+ %%
+ %% The first four cases expect that the command signal is
+ %% delivered immediately, i.e., isn't scheduled. Since there
+ %% are no conflicts these signals should normally be delivered
+ %% immediately. However some builds and configurations may
+ %% schedule these ops anyway, in these cases we do not verify
+ %% scheduling counts.
+ %%
+ %% When signal is delivered immediately we must take into account
+ %% that process and port are "virtualy" scheduled out and in
+ %% in the trace generated.
+ %%
+ %% Port ! {_, {command, _}, and port_command() differs. The send
+ %% instruction needs to check if the caller is out of reductions
+ %% at the end of the instruction, since no erlang function call
+ %% is involved. Otherwise, a sequence of send instructions would
+ %% not be scheduled out even when out of reductions. port_commond()
+ %% doesn't do that since it will always (since R16A) be called via
+ %% the erlang wrappers in the erlang module.
+ %%
+ %% The last two cases tests scheduled operations. We create
+ %% a conflict by executing at the same time on different
+ %% schedulers. When only one scheduler we enable parallelism on
+ %% the port instead.
+ %%
+ Path = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ erl_ddll:start(),
+ ok = load_driver(Path, consume_timeslice_drv),
+ Port = open_port({spawn, consume_timeslice_drv}, [{parallelism, false}]),
+ Parent = self(),
+ Go = make_ref(),
+ "enabled" = port_control(Port, $E, ""),
+ Proc1 = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ receive Go -> ok end,
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}}
+ end),
+ receive after 100 -> ok end,
+ count_pp_sched_start(),
+ Proc1 ! Go,
+ wait_command_msgs(Port, 10),
+ [{Port, Sprt1}, {Proc1, Sproc1}] = count_pp_sched_stop([Port, Proc1]),
+ case Sprt1 of
+ 10 ->
+ true = in_range(5, Sproc1-10, 7);
+ _ ->
+ case erlang:system_info(lock_checking) of
+ true -> ?t:format("Ignore bad sched count due to lock checking", []);
+ false -> ?t:fail({unexpected_sched_counts, Sprt1, Sproc1})
+ end
+ end,
+ "disabled" = port_control(Port, $D, ""),
+ Proc2 = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ receive Go -> ok end,
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port ! {Parent, {command, ""}}
+ end),
+ receive after 100 -> ok end,
+ count_pp_sched_start(),
+ Proc2 ! Go,
+ wait_command_msgs(Port, 10),
+ [{Port, Sprt2}, {Proc2, Sproc2}] = count_pp_sched_stop([Port, Proc2]),
+ case Sprt2 of
+ 10 ->
+ true = in_range(1, Sproc2-10, 2);
+ _ ->
+ case erlang:system_info(lock_checking) of
+ true -> ?t:format("Ignore bad sched count due to lock checking", []);
+ false -> ?t:fail({unexpected_sched_counts, Sprt2, Sproc2})
+ end
+ end,
+ "enabled" = port_control(Port, $E, ""),
+ Proc3 = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ receive Go -> ok end,
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, "")
+ end),
+ count_pp_sched_start(),
+ Proc3 ! Go,
+ wait_command_msgs(Port, 10),
+ [{Port, Sprt3}, {Proc3, Sproc3}] = count_pp_sched_stop([Port, Proc3]),
+ case Sprt3 of
+ 10 ->
+ true = in_range(5, Sproc3-10, 7);
+ _ ->
+ case erlang:system_info(lock_checking) of
+ true -> ?t:format("Ignore bad sched count due to lock checking", []);
+ false -> ?t:fail({unexpected_sched_counts, Sprt3, Sproc3})
+ end
+ end,
+ "disabled" = port_control(Port, $D, ""),
+ Proc4 = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ receive Go -> ok end,
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, ""),
+ port_command(Port, "")
+ end),
+ count_pp_sched_start(),
+ Proc4 ! Go,
+ wait_command_msgs(Port, 10),
+ [{Port, Sprt4}, {Proc4, Sproc4}] = count_pp_sched_stop([Port, Proc4]),
+ case Sprt4 of
+ 10 ->
+ true = in_range(1, Sproc4-10, 2);
+ _ ->
+ case erlang:system_info(lock_checking) of
+ true -> ?t:format("Ignore bad sched count due to lock checking", []);
+ false -> ?t:fail({unexpected_sched_counts, Sprt4, Sproc4})
+ end
+ end,
+ SOnl = erlang:system_info(schedulers_online),
+ %% If only one scheduler use port with parallelism set to true,
+ %% in order to trigger scheduling of command signals
+ Port2 = case SOnl of
+ 1 ->
+ Port ! {self(), close},
+ receive {Port, closed} -> ok end,
+ open_port({spawn, consume_timeslice_drv},
+ [{parallelism, true}]);
+ _ ->
+ process_flag(scheduler, 1),
+ 1 = erlang:system_info(scheduler_id),
+ Port
+ end,
+ count_pp_sched_start(),
+ "enabled" = port_control(Port2, $E, ""),
+ W5 = case SOnl of
+ 1 ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ W1= spawn_opt(fun () ->
+ 2 = erlang:system_info(scheduler_id),
+ "sleeped" = port_control(Port2, $S, "")
+ end, [link,{scheduler,2}]),
+ receive after 100 -> ok end,
+ W1
+ end,
+ Proc5 = spawn_opt(fun () ->
+ receive Go -> ok end,
+ 1 = erlang:system_info(scheduler_id),
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}}
+ end, [link,{scheduler,1}]),
+ receive after 100 -> ok end,
+ Proc5 ! Go,
+ wait_procs_exit([W5, Proc5]),
+ wait_command_msgs(Port2, 10),
+ [{Port2, Sprt5}, {Proc5, Sproc5}] = count_pp_sched_stop([Port2, Proc5]),
+ true = in_range(2, Sproc5, 3),
+ true = in_range(7, Sprt5, 20),
+ count_pp_sched_start(),
+ "disabled" = port_control(Port2, $D, ""),
+ W6 = case SOnl of
+ 1 ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ W2= spawn_opt(fun () ->
+ 2 = erlang:system_info(scheduler_id),
+ "sleeped" = port_control(Port2, $S, "")
+ end, [link,{scheduler,2}]),
+ receive after 100 -> ok end,
+ W2
+ end,
+ Proc6 = spawn_opt(fun () ->
+ receive Go -> ok end,
+ 1 = erlang:system_info(scheduler_id),
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}},
+ Port2 ! {Parent, {command, ""}}
+ end, [link,{scheduler,1}]),
+ receive after 100 -> ok end,
+ Proc6 ! Go,
+ wait_procs_exit([W6, Proc6]),
+ wait_command_msgs(Port2, 10),
+ [{Port2, Sprt6}, {Proc6, Sproc6}] = count_pp_sched_stop([Port2, Proc6]),
+ true = in_range(2, Sproc6, 3),
+ true = in_range(3, Sprt6, 6),
+ process_flag(scheduler, 0),
+ Port2 ! {self(), close},
+ receive {Port2, closed} -> ok end,
+ ok.
+wait_command_msgs(_, 0) ->
+ ok;
+wait_command_msgs(Port, N) ->
+ receive
+ {Port, command} ->
+ wait_command_msgs(Port, N-1)
+ end.
+in_range(Low, Val, High) when is_integer(Low),
+ is_integer(Val),
+ is_integer(High),
+ Low =< Val,
+ Val =< High ->
+ true;
+in_range(Low, Val, High) when is_integer(Low),
+ is_integer(Val),
+ is_integer(High) ->
+ false.
+count_pp_sched_start() ->
+ erlang:trace(all, true, [running_procs, running_ports, {tracer, self()}]),
+ ok.
+count_pp_sched_stop(Ps) ->
+ Td = erlang:trace_delivered(all),
+ erlang:trace(all, false, [running_procs, running_ports, {tracer, self()}]),
+ PNs = lists:map(fun (P) -> {P, 0} end, Ps),
+ receive {trace_delivered, all, Td} -> ok end,
+ Res = count_proc_sched(Ps, PNs),
+ ?t:format("Scheduling counts: ~p~n", [Res]),
+ erlang:display({scheduling_counts, Res}),
+ Res.
+do_inc_pn(_P, []) ->
+ throw(undefined);
+do_inc_pn(P, [{P,N}|PNs]) ->
+ [{P,N+1}|PNs];
+do_inc_pn(P, [PN|PNs]) ->
+ [PN|do_inc_pn(P, PNs)].
+inc_pn(P, PNs) ->
+ try
+ do_inc_pn(P, PNs)
+ catch
+ throw:undefined -> PNs
+ end.
+count_proc_sched(Ps, PNs) ->
+ receive
+ TT when element(1, TT) == trace, element(3, TT) == in ->
+% erlang:display(TT),
+ count_proc_sched(Ps, inc_pn(element(2, TT), PNs));
+ TT when element(1, TT) == trace, element(3, TT) == out ->
+ count_proc_sched(Ps, PNs)
+ after 0 ->
+ PNs
+ end.
%% Utilities
+%flush_msgs() ->
+% receive
+% M ->
+% erlang:display(M),
+% flush_msgs()
+% after 0 ->
+% ok
+% end.
+wait_procs_exit([]) ->
+ ok;
+wait_procs_exit([P|Ps]) when is_pid(P) ->
+ Mon = erlang:monitor(process, P),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mon, process, P, _} ->
+ wait_procs_exit(Ps)
+ end;
+wait_procs_exit([_|Ps]) ->
+ wait_procs_exit(Ps).
get_port_msg(Port, Timeout) ->
{Port, What} ->
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE_data/Makefile.src b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE_data/Makefile.src
index b667dff6b6..1fedd72200 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE_data/Makefile.src
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE_data/Makefile.src
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ MISC_DRVS = outputv_drv@dll@ \
otp_9302_drv@dll@ \
thr_free_drv@dll@ \
async_blast_drv@dll@ \
- thr_msg_blast_drv@dll@
+ thr_msg_blast_drv@dll@ \
+ consume_timeslice_drv@dll@
SYS_INFO_DRVS = sys_info_base_drv@dll@ \
sys_info_prev_drv@dll@ \
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE_data/consume_timeslice_drv.c b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE_data/consume_timeslice_drv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b0c4cf37d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE_data/consume_timeslice_drv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * %CopyrightBegin%
+ *
+ * Copyright Ericsson AB 2012. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+ * Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+ * Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+ * retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+ * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * %CopyrightEnd%
+ */
+#include "erl_driver.h"
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static void stop(ErlDrvData drv_data);
+static ErlDrvData start(ErlDrvPort port,
+ char *command);
+static void output(ErlDrvData drv_data,
+ char *buf, ErlDrvSizeT len);
+static ErlDrvSSizeT control(ErlDrvData drv_data,
+ unsigned int command,
+ char *buf, ErlDrvSizeT len,
+ char **rbuf, ErlDrvSizeT rlen);
+static ErlDrvEntry consume_timeslice_drv_entry = {
+ NULL /* init */,
+ start,
+ stop,
+ output,
+ NULL /* ready_input */,
+ NULL /* ready_output */,
+ "consume_timeslice_drv",
+ NULL /* finish */,
+ NULL /* handle */,
+ control,
+ NULL /* timeout */,
+ NULL /* outputv */,
+ NULL /* ready_async */,
+ NULL /* flush */,
+ NULL /* call */,
+ NULL /* event */,
+ NULL /* handle2 */,
+ NULL /* handle_monitor */
+typedef struct {
+ ErlDrvPort port;
+ ErlDrvTermData tport;
+ ErlDrvTermData cmd_msg[6];
+ int consume_timeslice;
+} consume_timeslice_data_t;
+ return &consume_timeslice_drv_entry;
+static void stop(ErlDrvData drv_data)
+ driver_free((void *) drv_data);
+static ErlDrvData start(ErlDrvPort port,
+ char *command)
+ consume_timeslice_data_t *ctsd;
+ ctsd = driver_alloc(sizeof(consume_timeslice_data_t));
+ if (!ctsd)
+ ctsd->port = port;
+ ctsd->tport = driver_mk_port(port);
+ ctsd->consume_timeslice = 0;
+ ctsd->cmd_msg[0] = ERL_DRV_PORT;
+ ctsd->cmd_msg[1] = ctsd->tport;
+ ctsd->cmd_msg[2] = ERL_DRV_ATOM;
+ ctsd->cmd_msg[3] = driver_mk_atom("command");
+ ctsd->cmd_msg[4] = ERL_DRV_TUPLE;
+ ctsd->cmd_msg[5] = (ErlDrvTermData) 2;
+ return (ErlDrvData) ctsd;
+static void output(ErlDrvData drv_data,
+ char *buf, ErlDrvSizeT len)
+ consume_timeslice_data_t *ctsd = (consume_timeslice_data_t *) drv_data;
+ int res;
+ if (ctsd->consume_timeslice) {
+ int res = erl_drv_consume_timeslice(ctsd->port, 50);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ driver_failure_atom(ctsd->port, "erl_drv_consume_timeslice() failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ res = erl_drv_output_term(ctsd->tport,
+ ctsd->cmd_msg,
+ sizeof(ctsd->cmd_msg)/sizeof(ErlDrvTermData));
+ if (res <= 0) {
+ driver_failure_atom(ctsd->port, "erl_drv_output_term() failed");
+ return;
+ }
+static ErlDrvSSizeT control(ErlDrvData drv_data,
+ unsigned int command,
+ char *buf, ErlDrvSizeT len,
+ char **rbuf, ErlDrvSizeT rlen)
+ consume_timeslice_data_t *ctsd = (consume_timeslice_data_t *) drv_data;
+ int res;
+ char *res_str;
+ ErlDrvSSizeT res_len;
+ switch (command) {
+ case 'E':
+ ctsd->consume_timeslice = 1;
+ res_str = "enabled";
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ ctsd->consume_timeslice = 0;
+ res_str = "disabled";
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+ Sleep((DWORD) 1000);
+ sleep(1);
+ res_str = "sleeped";
+ break;
+ default:
+ res_str = "what?";
+ break;
+ }
+ res_len = strlen(res_str);
+ if (res_len > rlen) {
+ char *abuf = driver_alloc(sizeof(char)*res_len);
+ if (!abuf) {
+ driver_failure_atom(ctsd->port, "driver_alloc() failed");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *rbuf = abuf;
+ }
+ memcpy((void *) *rbuf, (void *) res_str, res_len);
+ return res_len;
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/hash_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/hash_SUITE.erl
index 830ed91da9..898eae8c15 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/hash_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/hash_SUITE.erl
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ config(priv_dir,_) ->
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
- ?line Dog=test_server:timetrap(test_server:minutes(10)),
+ Dog=test_server:timetrap(test_server:minutes(10)),
[{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
@@ -169,24 +169,24 @@ otp_7127(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% define -DSTANDALONE when compiling.
basic_test() ->
- ?line 685556714 = erlang:phash({a,b,c},16#FFFFFFFF),
- ?line 14468079 = erlang:hash({a,b,c},16#7FFFFFF),
- ?line 37442646 = erlang:phash([a,b,c,{1,2,3},c:pid(0,2,3),
+ 685556714 = erlang:phash({a,b,c},16#FFFFFFFF),
+ 14468079 = erlang:hash({a,b,c},16#7FFFFFF),
+ 37442646 = erlang:phash([a,b,c,{1,2,3},c:pid(0,2,3),
- ?line Comment = case erlang:hash([a,b,c,{1,2,3},c:pid(0,2,3),
+ Comment = case erlang:hash([a,b,c,{1,2,3},c:pid(0,2,3),
16#77777777777777],16#7FFFFFF) of
102727602 ->
- ?line big = erlang:system_info(endian),
+ big = erlang:system_info(endian),
"Big endian machine";
105818829 ->
- ?line little = erlang:system_info(endian),
+ little = erlang:system_info(endian),
"Little endian machine"
ExternalReference = <<131,114,0,3,100,0,13,110,111,110,111,100,101,64,
- ?line 1113403635 = erlang:phash(binary_to_term(ExternalReference),
+ 1113403635 = erlang:phash(binary_to_term(ExternalReference),
- ?line 123 = erlang:hash(binary_to_term(ExternalReference),
+ 123 = erlang:hash(binary_to_term(ExternalReference),
ExternalFun = <<131,117,0,0,0,3,103,100,0,13,110,111,110,111,100,101,64,
@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ basic_test() ->
- ?line 170987488 = erlang:phash(binary_to_term(ExternalFun),
+ 170987488 = erlang:phash(binary_to_term(ExternalFun),
- ?line 124460689 = erlang:hash(binary_to_term(ExternalFun),
+ 124460689 = erlang:hash(binary_to_term(ExternalFun),
case (catch erlang:phash(1,0)) of
{'EXIT',{badarg, _}} ->
@@ -237,23 +237,23 @@ range_test() ->
spread_test(N) ->
- ?line test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
+ test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
- ?line test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},0,fun(X) ->
+ test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},0,fun(X) ->
- ?line test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF,fun(X) ->
+ test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF,fun(X) ->
- ?line test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
+ test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
- ?line test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
+ test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
- ?line test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
- integer_to_binary(X)
+ test_fun(N,{erlang,phash},16#50000000000,fun(X) ->
+ integer_to_binary_value(X)
@@ -265,14 +265,14 @@ cmp_test(N) ->
do_cmp_hashes(0,_) ->
do_cmp_hashes(N,Steps) ->
- ?line R0 = random:uniform(1 bsl Steps - 1) + random:uniform(16#FFFFFFFF),
- ?line R = case random:uniform(2) of
+ R0 = random:uniform(1 bsl Steps - 1) + random:uniform(16#FFFFFFFF),
+ R = case random:uniform(2) of
1 ->
_ ->
- ?line NSteps = case N rem 10 of
+ NSteps = case N rem 10 of
0 ->
case (Steps + 8) rem 1024 of
0 ->
@@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ do_cmp_hashes(N,Steps) ->
_ ->
- ?line X = erlang:phash(R,16#FFFFFFFF),
- ?line Y = make_hash(R,16#FFFFFFFF),
- ?line case X =:= Y of
+ X = erlang:phash(R,16#FFFFFFFF),
+ Y = make_hash(R,16#FFFFFFFF),
+ case X =:= Y of
true ->
do_cmp_hashes(N - 1, NSteps);
_ ->
@@ -469,8 +469,8 @@ phash2_test() ->
SpecFun = fun(S) -> sofs:no_elements(S) > 1 end,
F = sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:converse(sofs:relation(L))),
D = sofs:to_external(sofs:family_specification(SpecFun, F)),
- ?line [] = D,
- ?line [] = [{E,H,H2} || {E,H} <- L, (H2 = erlang:phash2(E, Max)) =/= H],
+ [] = D,
+ [] = [{E,H,H2} || {E,H} <- L, (H2 = erlang:phash2(E, Max)) =/= H],
@@ -497,17 +497,17 @@ otp_5292_test() ->
S2 = md5([md5(hash_int(S, E, PH)) || {Start, N, Sz} <- d(),
{S, E} <- int(Start, N, Sz)]),
- ?line Comment = case S1 of
+ Comment = case S1 of
<<4,248,208,156,200,131,7,1,173,13,239,173,112,81,16,174>> ->
- ?line big = erlang:system_info(endian),
+ big = erlang:system_info(endian),
"Big endian machine";
<<180,28,33,231,239,184,71,125,76,47,227,241,78,184,176,233>> ->
- ?line little = erlang:system_info(endian),
+ little = erlang:system_info(endian),
"Little endian machine"
- ?line <<124,81,198,121,174,233,19,137,10,83,33,80,226,111,238,99>> = S2,
- ?line 2 = erlang:hash(1, (1 bsl 27) -1),
- ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch erlang:hash(1, (1 bsl 27))),
+ <<124,81,198,121,174,233,19,137,10,83,33,80,226,111,238,99>> = S2,
+ 2 = erlang:hash(1, (1 bsl 27) -1),
+ {'EXIT', _} = (catch erlang:hash(1, (1 bsl 27))),
{comment, Comment}.
d() ->
@@ -528,21 +528,21 @@ md5(T) ->
bit_level_binaries() ->
- ?line [3511317,7022633,14044578,28087749,56173436,112344123,90467083|_] =
+ [3511317,7022633,14044578,28087749,56173436,112344123,90467083|_] =
bit_level_all_different(fun erlang:hash/2),
- ?line [3511317,7022633,14044578,28087749,56173436,112344123,90467083|_] =
+ [3511317,7022633,14044578,28087749,56173436,112344123,90467083|_] =
bit_level_all_different(fun erlang:phash/2),
- ?line [102233154,19716,102133857,4532024,123369135,24565730,109558721|_] =
+ [102233154,19716,102133857,4532024,123369135,24565730,109558721|_] =
bit_level_all_different(fun erlang:phash2/2),
- ?line 13233341 = test_hash_phash(<<42:7>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
- ?line 79121243 = test_hash_phash(<<99:7>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
- ?line 95517726 = test_hash_phash(<<16#378ABF73:31>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
+ 13233341 = test_hash_phash(<<42:7>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
+ 79121243 = test_hash_phash(<<99:7>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
+ 95517726 = test_hash_phash(<<16#378ABF73:31>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
- ?line 64409098 = test_phash2(<<99:7>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
- ?line 55555814 = test_phash2(<<123,19:2>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
- ?line 83868582 = test_phash2(<<123,45,6:3>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
- ?line 2123204 = test_phash2(<<123,45,7:3>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
+ 64409098 = test_phash2(<<99:7>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
+ 55555814 = test_phash2(<<123,19:2>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
+ 83868582 = test_phash2(<<123,45,6:3>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
+ 2123204 = test_phash2(<<123,45,7:3>>, 16#7FFFFFF),
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ test_phash2(Bitstr, Rem) ->
otp_7127_test() ->
%% Used to return 2589127136.
- ?line 38990304 = erlang:phash2(<<"Scott9">>),
+ 38990304 = erlang:phash2(<<"Scott9">>),
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ collect_hits() ->
-integer_to_binary(N) ->
+integer_to_binary_value(N) ->
integer_to_bytelist(0,Acc) ->
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl
index c625e655ce..b92a0e2059 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl
@@ -31,24 +31,28 @@
%% list_to_integer/1
%% round/1
%% trunc/1
--export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, t_abs/1, t_float/1,
- t_float_to_list/1, t_integer_to_list/1,
- t_list_to_integer/1,
- t_list_to_float_safe/1, t_list_to_float_risky/1,
- t_round/1, t_trunc/1]).
+%% integer_to_binary/1
+%% integer_to_binary/2
+%% binary_to_integer/1
+-export([all/0, suite/0, groups/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
+ init_per_group/2, end_per_group/2, t_abs/1, t_float/1,
+ t_float_to_string/1, t_integer_to_string/1,
+ t_string_to_integer/1,
+ t_string_to_float_safe/1, t_string_to_float_risky/1,
+ t_round/1, t_trunc/1
+ ]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
- [t_abs, t_float, t_float_to_list, t_integer_to_list,
- {group, t_list_to_float}, t_list_to_integer, t_round,
+ [t_abs, t_float, t_float_to_string, t_integer_to_string,
+ {group, t_string_to_float}, t_string_to_integer, t_round,
groups() ->
- [{t_list_to_float, [],
- [t_list_to_float_safe, t_list_to_float_risky]}].
+ [{t_string_to_float, [],
+ [t_string_to_float_safe, t_string_to_float_risky]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -65,273 +69,382 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
t_abs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Floats.
- ?line 5.5 = abs(id(5.5)),
- ?line 0.0 = abs(id(0.0)),
- ?line 100.0 = abs(id(-100.0)),
+ 5.5 = abs(id(5.5)),
+ 0.0 = abs(id(0.0)),
+ 100.0 = abs(id(-100.0)),
%% Integers.
- ?line 5 = abs(id(5)),
- ?line 0 = abs(id(0)),
- ?line 100 = abs(id(-100)),
+ 5 = abs(id(5)),
+ 0 = abs(id(0)),
+ 100 = abs(id(-100)),
%% The largest smallnum. OTP-3190.
- ?line X = id((1 bsl 27) - 1),
- ?line X = abs(X),
- ?line X = abs(X-1)+1,
- ?line X = abs(X+1)-1,
- ?line X = abs(-X),
- ?line X = abs(-X-1)-1,
- ?line X = abs(-X+1)+1,
+ X = id((1 bsl 27) - 1),
+ X = abs(X),
+ X = abs(X-1)+1,
+ X = abs(X+1)-1,
+ X = abs(-X),
+ X = abs(-X-1)-1,
+ X = abs(-X+1)+1,
%% Bignums.
BigNum = id(13984792374983749),
- ?line BigNum = abs(BigNum),
- ?line BigNum = abs(-BigNum),
+ BigNum = abs(BigNum),
+ BigNum = abs(-BigNum),
t_float(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line 0.0 = float(id(0)),
- ?line 2.5 = float(id(2.5)),
- ?line 0.0 = float(id(0.0)),
- ?line -100.55 = float(id(-100.55)),
- ?line 42.0 = float(id(42)),
- ?line -100.0 = float(id(-100)),
+ 0.0 = float(id(0)),
+ 2.5 = float(id(2.5)),
+ 0.0 = float(id(0.0)),
+ -100.55 = float(id(-100.55)),
+ 42.0 = float(id(42)),
+ -100.0 = float(id(-100)),
%% Bignums.
- ?line 4294967305.0 = float(id(4294967305)),
- ?line -4294967305.0 = float(id(-4294967305)),
+ 4294967305.0 = float(id(4294967305)),
+ -4294967305.0 = float(id(-4294967305)),
%% Extremly big bignums.
- ?line Big = id(list_to_integer(id(lists:duplicate(2000, $1)))),
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float(Big)),
- %% Invalid types and lists.
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_integer(id(atom))),
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_integer(id(123))),
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_integer(id([$1,[$2]]))),
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_integer(id("1.2"))),
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_integer(id("a"))),
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_integer(id(""))),
+ Big = id(list_to_integer(id(lists:duplicate(2000, $1)))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float(Big)),
-%% Tests float_to_list/1, float_to_list/2.
-t_float_to_list(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- test_ftl("0.0e+0", 0.0),
- test_ftl("2.5e+1", 25.0),
- test_ftl("2.5e+0", 2.5),
- test_ftl("2.5e-1", 0.25),
- test_ftl("-3.5e+17", -350.0e15),
- "1.00000000000000000000e+00" = float_to_list(1.0),
- "1.00000000000000000000e+00" = float_to_list(1.0, []),
- "-1.00000000000000000000e+00" = float_to_list(-1.0, []),
- "-1.00000000000000000000" = float_to_list(-1.0, [{decimals, 20}]),
- {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, -1}])),
- {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, 254}])),
- {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0, [{scientific, 250}])),
- {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0e+300, [{decimals, 1}])),
- "1.0e+300" = float_to_list(1.0e+300, [{scientific, 1}]),
- "1.0" = float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, 249}, compact]),
- "1" = float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, 0}]),
- "2" = float_to_list(1.9, [{decimals, 0}]),
- "123456789012345680.0" = erlang:float_to_list(
- 123456789012345678.0, [{decimals, 236}, compact]),
- {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(
- 123456789012345678.0, [{decimals, 237}])),
- Expected = "1." ++ string:copies("0", 249) ++ "e+00",
- Expected = float_to_list(1.0, [{scientific, 249}, compact]),
+%% Tests float_to_list/1, float_to_list/2, float_to_binary/1, float_to_binary/2
+t_float_to_string(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ test_fts("0.00000000000000000000e+00", 0.0),
+ test_fts("2.50000000000000000000e+01", 25.0),
+ test_fts("2.50000000000000000000e+00", 2.5),
+ test_fts("2.50000000000000000000e-01", 0.25),
+ test_fts("-3.50000000000000000000e+17", -350.0e15),
+ test_fts("1.00000000000000000000e+00",1.0),
+ test_fts("1.00000000000000000000e+00",1.0, []),
+ test_fts("-1.00000000000000000000e+00",-1.0, []),
+ test_fts("-1.00000000000000000000",-1.0, [{decimals, 20}]),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, -1}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, 254}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0, [{scientific, 250}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(1.0e+300, [{decimals, 1}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_binary(1.0, [{decimals, -1}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_binary(1.0, [{decimals, 254}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_binary(1.0, [{scientific, 250}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_binary(1.0e+300, [{decimals, 1}])),
+ test_fts("1.0e+300",1.0e+300, [{scientific, 1}]),
+ test_fts("1.0",1.0, [{decimals, 249}, compact]),
+ test_fts("1",1.0,[{decimals,0}]),
+ test_fts("2",1.9,[{decimals,0}]),
+ test_fts("123456789012345680.0",123456789012345678.0,
+ [{decimals, 236}, compact]),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_list(
+ 123456789012345678.0, [{decimals, 237}])),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch float_to_binary(
+ 123456789012345678.0, [{decimals, 237}])),
+ test_fts("1." ++ string:copies("0", 249) ++ "e+00",
+ 1.0, [{scientific, 249}, compact]),
X1 = float_to_list(1.0),
X2 = float_to_list(1.0, [{scientific, 20}]),
X1 = X2,
- "1.000e+00" = float_to_list(1.0, [{scientific, 3}]),
- "1.000" = float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, 3}]),
- "1.0" = float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, 1}]),
- "1.0" = float_to_list(1.0, [{decimals, 3}, compact]),
- "1.12" = float_to_list(1.123, [{decimals, 2}]),
- "1.123" = float_to_list(1.123, [{decimals, 3}]),
- "1.123" = float_to_list(1.123, [{decimals, 3}, compact]),
- "1.1230" = float_to_list(1.123, [{decimals, 4}]),
- "1.12300" = float_to_list(1.123, [{decimals, 5}]),
- "1.123" = float_to_list(1.123, [{decimals, 5}, compact]),
- "1.1234" = float_to_list(1.1234,[{decimals, 6}, compact]),
- "1.01" = float_to_list(1.005, [{decimals, 2}]),
- "-1.01" = float_to_list(-1.005,[{decimals, 2}]),
- "0.999" = float_to_list(0.999, [{decimals, 3}]),
- "-0.999" = float_to_list(-0.999,[{decimals, 3}]),
- "1.0" = float_to_list(0.999, [{decimals, 2}, compact]),
- "-1.0" = float_to_list(-0.999,[{decimals, 2}, compact]),
- "0.5" = float_to_list(0.5, [{decimals, 1}]),
- "-0.5" = float_to_list(-0.5, [{decimals, 1}]),
+ Y1 = float_to_binary(1.0),
+ Y2 = float_to_binary(1.0, [{scientific, 20}]),
+ Y1 = Y2,
+ test_fts("1.000e+00",1.0, [{scientific, 3}]),
+ test_fts("1.000",1.0, [{decimals, 3}]),
+ test_fts("1.0",1.0, [{decimals, 1}]),
+ test_fts("1.0",1.0, [{decimals, 3}, compact]),
+ test_fts("1.12",1.123, [{decimals, 2}]),
+ test_fts("1.123",1.123, [{decimals, 3}]),
+ test_fts("1.123",1.123, [{decimals, 3}, compact]),
+ test_fts("1.1230",1.123, [{decimals, 4}]),
+ test_fts("1.12300",1.123, [{decimals, 5}]),
+ test_fts("1.123",1.123, [{decimals, 5}, compact]),
+ test_fts("1.1234",1.1234,[{decimals, 6}, compact]),
+ test_fts("1.01",1.005, [{decimals, 2}]),
+ test_fts("-1.01",-1.005,[{decimals, 2}]),
+ test_fts("0.999",0.999, [{decimals, 3}]),
+ test_fts("-0.999",-0.999,[{decimals, 3}]),
+ test_fts("1.0",0.999, [{decimals, 2}, compact]),
+ test_fts("-1.0",-0.999,[{decimals, 2}, compact]),
+ test_fts("0.5",0.5, [{decimals, 1}]),
+ test_fts("-0.5",-0.5, [{decimals, 1}]),
"2.333333" = erlang:float_to_list(7/3, [{decimals, 6}, compact]),
"2.333333" = erlang:float_to_list(7/3, [{decimals, 6}]),
- "0.00000000000000000000e+00" = float_to_list(0.0, [compact]),
- "0.0" = float_to_list(0.0, [{decimals, 10}, compact]),
- "123000000000000000000.0" = float_to_list(1.23e20, [{decimals, 10}, compact]),
- "1.2300000000e+20" = float_to_list(1.23e20, [{scientific, 10}, compact]),
- "1.23000000000000000000e+20" = float_to_list(1.23e20, []),
+ <<"2.333333">> = erlang:float_to_binary(7/3, [{decimals, 6}, compact]),
+ <<"2.333333">> = erlang:float_to_binary(7/3, [{decimals, 6}]),
+ test_fts("0.00000000000000000000e+00",0.0, [compact]),
+ test_fts("0.0",0.0, [{decimals, 10}, compact]),
+ test_fts("123000000000000000000.0",1.23e20, [{decimals, 10}, compact]),
+ test_fts("1.2300000000e+20",1.23e20, [{scientific, 10}, compact]),
+ test_fts("1.23000000000000000000e+20",1.23e20, []),
-test_ftl(Expect, Float) ->
- %% No ?line on the next line -- we want the line number from t_float_to_list.
- Expect = remove_zeros(lists:reverse(float_to_list(Float)), []).
-%% Removes any non-significant zeros in a floating point number.
-%% Example: 2.500000e+01 -> 2.5e+1
-remove_zeros([$+, $e|Rest], [$0, X|Result]) ->
- remove_zeros([$+, $e|Rest], [X|Result]);
-remove_zeros([$-, $e|Rest], [$0, X|Result]) ->
- remove_zeros([$-, $e|Rest], [X|Result]);
-remove_zeros([$0, $.|Rest], [$e|Result]) ->
- remove_zeros(Rest, [$., $0, $e|Result]);
-remove_zeros([$0|Rest], [$e|Result]) ->
- remove_zeros(Rest, [$e|Result]);
-remove_zeros([Char|Rest], Result) ->
- remove_zeros(Rest, [Char|Result]);
-remove_zeros([], Result) ->
- Result.
-%% Tests integer_to_list/1.
-t_integer_to_list(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line "0" = integer_to_list(id(0)),
- ?line "42" = integer_to_list(id(42)),
- ?line "-42" = integer_to_list(id(-42)),
- ?line "32768" = integer_to_list(id(32768)),
- ?line "268435455" = integer_to_list(id(268435455)),
- ?line "-268435455" = integer_to_list(id(-268435455)),
- ?line "123456932798748738738" = integer_to_list(id(123456932798748738738)),
- ?line Big_List = id(lists:duplicate(2000, id($1))),
- ?line Big = list_to_integer(Big_List),
- ?line Big_List = integer_to_list(Big),
- ok.
+test_fts(Expect, Float) ->
+ Expect = float_to_list(Float),
+ BinExpect = list_to_binary(Expect),
+ BinExpect = float_to_binary(Float).
-%% Tests list_to_float/1.
+test_fts(Expect, Float, Args) ->
+ Expect = float_to_list(Float,Args),
+ BinExpect = list_to_binary(Expect),
+ BinExpect = float_to_binary(Float,Args).
-t_list_to_float_safe(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line 0.0 = list_to_float(id("0.0")),
- ?line 0.0 = list_to_float(id("-0.0")),
- ?line 0.5 = list_to_float(id("0.5")),
- ?line -0.5 = list_to_float(id("-0.5")),
- ?line 100.0 = list_to_float(id("1.0e2")),
- ?line 127.5 = list_to_float(id("127.5")),
- ?line -199.5 = list_to_float(id("-199.5")),
+%% Tests list_to_float/1.
- ?line {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("0"))),
- ?line {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("0..0"))),
- ?line {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("0e12"))),
- ?line {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("--0.0"))),
+t_string_to_float_safe(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ test_stf(0.0,"0.0"),
+ test_stf(0.0,"-0.0"),
+ test_stf(0.5,"0.5"),
+ test_stf(-0.5,"-0.5"),
+ test_stf(100.0,"1.0e2"),
+ test_stf(127.5,"127.5"),
+ test_stf(-199.5,"-199.5"),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("0"))),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("0..0"))),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("0e12"))),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch list_to_float(id("--0.0"))),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch binary_to_float(id(<<"0">>))),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch binary_to_float(id(<<"0..0">>))),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch binary_to_float(id(<<"0e12">>))),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch binary_to_float(id(<<"--0.0">>))),
+ UBin = <<0:3,(id(<<"0.0">>))/binary,0:5>>,
+ <<_:3,UnAlignedBin:3/binary,0:5>> = id(UBin),
+ 0.0 = binary_to_float(UnAlignedBin),
+ ABin = <<0:8,(id(<<"1.0">>))/binary,0:8>>,
+ <<_:8,AlignedBin:3/binary,0:8>> = id(ABin),
+ 1.0 = binary_to_float(AlignedBin),
%% This might crash the emulator...
%% (Known to crash the Unix version of Erlang 4.4.1)
-t_list_to_float_risky(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line Many_Ones = lists:duplicate(25000, id($1)),
- ?line id(list_to_float("2."++Many_Ones)),
- ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_float("2"++Many_Ones)),
- ok.
-%% Tests list_to_integer/1.
+t_string_to_float_risky(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Many_Ones = lists:duplicate(25000, id($1)),
+ id(list_to_float("2."++Many_Ones)),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch list_to_float("2"++Many_Ones)),
-t_list_to_integer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line 0 = list_to_integer(id("0")),
- ?line 0 = list_to_integer(id("00")),
- ?line 0 = list_to_integer(id("-0")),
- ?line 1 = list_to_integer(id("1")),
- ?line -1 = list_to_integer(id("-1")),
- ?line 42 = list_to_integer(id("42")),
- ?line -12 = list_to_integer(id("-12")),
- ?line 32768 = list_to_integer(id("32768")),
- ?line 268435455 = list_to_integer(id("268435455")),
- ?line -268435455 = list_to_integer(id("-268435455")),
- %% Bignums.
- ?line 123456932798748738738 = list_to_integer(id("123456932798748738738")),
- ?line id(list_to_integer(lists:duplicate(2000, id($1)))),
+ id(binary_to_float(list_to_binary("2."++Many_Ones))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch binary_to_float(
+ list_to_binary("2"++Many_Ones))),
+test_stf(Expect,List) ->
+ Expect = list_to_float(List),
+ Bin = list_to_binary(List),
+ Expect = binary_to_float(Bin).
%% Tests round/1.
t_round(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line 0 = round(id(0.0)),
- ?line 0 = round(id(0.4)),
- ?line 1 = round(id(0.5)),
- ?line 0 = round(id(-0.4)),
- ?line -1 = round(id(-0.5)),
- ?line 255 = round(id(255.3)),
- ?line 256 = round(id(255.6)),
- ?line -1033 = round(id(-1033.3)),
- ?line -1034 = round(id(-1033.6)),
+ 0 = round(id(0.0)),
+ 0 = round(id(0.4)),
+ 1 = round(id(0.5)),
+ 0 = round(id(-0.4)),
+ -1 = round(id(-0.5)),
+ 255 = round(id(255.3)),
+ 256 = round(id(255.6)),
+ -1033 = round(id(-1033.3)),
+ -1034 = round(id(-1033.6)),
% OTP-3722:
- ?line X = id((1 bsl 27) - 1),
- ?line MX = -X,
- ?line MXm1 = -X-1,
- ?line MXp1 = -X+1,
- ?line F = id(X + 0.0),
- ?line X = round(F),
- ?line X = round(F+1)-1,
- ?line X = round(F-1)+1,
- ?line MX = round(-F),
- ?line MXm1 = round(-F-1),
- ?line MXp1 = round(-F+1),
- ?line X = round(F+0.1),
- ?line X = round(F+1+0.1)-1,
- ?line X = round(F-1+0.1)+1,
- ?line MX = round(-F+0.1),
- ?line MXm1 = round(-F-1+0.1),
- ?line MXp1 = round(-F+1+0.1),
- ?line X = round(F-0.1),
- ?line X = round(F+1-0.1)-1,
- ?line X = round(F-1-0.1)+1,
- ?line MX = round(-F-0.1),
- ?line MXm1 = round(-F-1-0.1),
- ?line MXp1 = round(-F+1-0.1),
- ?line 0.5 = abs(round(F+0.5)-(F+0.5)),
- ?line 0.5 = abs(round(F-0.5)-(F-0.5)),
- ?line 0.5 = abs(round(-F-0.5)-(-F-0.5)),
- ?line 0.5 = abs(round(-F+0.5)-(-F+0.5)),
+ X = id((1 bsl 27) - 1),
+ MX = -X,
+ MXm1 = -X-1,
+ MXp1 = -X+1,
+ F = id(X + 0.0),
+ X = round(F),
+ X = round(F+1)-1,
+ X = round(F-1)+1,
+ MX = round(-F),
+ MXm1 = round(-F-1),
+ MXp1 = round(-F+1),
+ X = round(F+0.1),
+ X = round(F+1+0.1)-1,
+ X = round(F-1+0.1)+1,
+ MX = round(-F+0.1),
+ MXm1 = round(-F-1+0.1),
+ MXp1 = round(-F+1+0.1),
+ X = round(F-0.1),
+ X = round(F+1-0.1)-1,
+ X = round(F-1-0.1)+1,
+ MX = round(-F-0.1),
+ MXm1 = round(-F-1-0.1),
+ MXp1 = round(-F+1-0.1),
+ 0.5 = abs(round(F+0.5)-(F+0.5)),
+ 0.5 = abs(round(F-0.5)-(F-0.5)),
+ 0.5 = abs(round(-F-0.5)-(-F-0.5)),
+ 0.5 = abs(round(-F+0.5)-(-F+0.5)),
%% Bignums.
- ?line 4294967296 = round(id(4294967296.1)),
- ?line 4294967297 = round(id(4294967296.9)),
- ?line -4294967296 = -round(id(4294967296.1)),
- ?line -4294967297 = -round(id(4294967296.9)),
+ 4294967296 = round(id(4294967296.1)),
+ 4294967297 = round(id(4294967296.9)),
+ -4294967296 = -round(id(4294967296.1)),
+ -4294967297 = -round(id(4294967296.9)),
t_trunc(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ?line 0 = trunc(id(0.0)),
- ?line 5 = trunc(id(5.3333)),
- ?line -10 = trunc(id(-10.978987)),
+ 0 = trunc(id(0.0)),
+ 5 = trunc(id(5.3333)),
+ -10 = trunc(id(-10.978987)),
% The largest smallnum, converted to float (OTP-3722):
- ?line X = id((1 bsl 27) - 1),
- ?line F = id(X + 0.0),
+ X = id((1 bsl 27) - 1),
+ F = id(X + 0.0),
io:format("X = ~p/~w/~w, F = ~p/~w/~w, trunc(F) = ~p/~w/~w~n",
[X, X, binary_to_list(term_to_binary(X)),
F, F, binary_to_list(term_to_binary(F)),
trunc(F), trunc(F), binary_to_list(term_to_binary(trunc(F)))]),
- ?line X = trunc(F),
- ?line X = trunc(F+1)-1,
- ?line X = trunc(F-1)+1,
- ?line X = -trunc(-F),
- ?line X = -trunc(-F-1)-1,
- ?line X = -trunc(-F+1)+1,
+ X = trunc(F),
+ X = trunc(F+1)-1,
+ X = trunc(F-1)+1,
+ X = -trunc(-F),
+ X = -trunc(-F-1)-1,
+ X = -trunc(-F+1)+1,
%% Bignums.
- ?line 4294967305 = trunc(id(4294967305.7)),
- ?line -4294967305 = trunc(id(-4294967305.7)),
+ 4294967305 = trunc(id(4294967305.7)),
+ -4294967305 = trunc(id(-4294967305.7)),
+%% Tests integer_to_binary/1.
+t_integer_to_string(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ test_its("0",0),
+ test_its("42",42),
+ test_its("-42",-42),
+ test_its("32768",32768),
+ test_its("268435455",268435455),
+ test_its("-268435455",-268435455),
+ test_its("123456932798748738738",123456932798748738738),
+ %% 1 bsl 33, just beyond 32 bit
+ test_its("8589934592",8589934592),
+ test_its("-8589934592",-8589934592),
+ %% 1 bsl 65, just beyond 64 bit
+ test_its("36893488147419103232",36893488147419103232),
+ test_its("-36893488147419103232",-36893488147419103232),
+ %% Bignums.
+ BigBin = id(list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(2000, id($1)))),
+ Big = erlang:binary_to_integer(BigBin),
+ BigBin = erlang:integer_to_binary(Big),
+ %% Invalid types
+ lists:foreach(fun(Value) ->
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch erlang:integer_to_binary(Value)),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch erlang:integer_to_list(Value))
+ end,[atom,1.2,0.0,[$1,[$2]]]),
+ ok.
+test_its(List,Int) ->
+ Int = list_to_integer(List),
+ Int = binary_to_integer(list_to_binary(List)).
+%% Tests binary_to_integer/1.
+t_string_to_integer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ 0 = erlang:binary_to_integer(id(<<"00">>)),
+ 0 = erlang:binary_to_integer(id(<<"-0">>)),
+ 0 = erlang:binary_to_integer(id(<<"+0">>)),
+ test_sti(0),
+ test_sti(1),
+ test_sti(-1),
+ test_sti(42),
+ test_sti(-12),
+ test_sti(32768),
+ test_sti(268435455),
+ test_sti(-268435455),
+ %% 1 bsl 28 - 1, just before 32 bit bignum
+ test_sti(1 bsl 28 - 1),
+ %% 1 bsl 28, just beyond 32 bit small
+ test_sti(1 bsl 28),
+ %% 1 bsl 33, just beyond 32 bit
+ test_sti(1 bsl 33),
+ %% 1 bsl 60 - 1, just before 64 bit bignum
+ test_sti(1 bsl 60 - 1),
+ %% 1 bsl 60, just beyond 64 bit small
+ test_sti(1 bsl 60),
+ %% 1 bsl 65, just beyond 64 bit
+ test_sti(1 bsl 65),
+ %% Bignums.
+ test_sti(123456932798748738738,16),
+ test_sti(list_to_integer(lists:duplicate(2000, $1))),
+ %% unalign string
+ Str = <<"10">>,
+ UnalignStr = <<0:3, (id(Str))/binary, 0:5>>,
+ <<_:3, SomeStr:2/binary, _:5>> = id(UnalignStr),
+ 10 = erlang:binary_to_integer(SomeStr),
+ %% Invalid types
+ lists:foreach(fun(Value) ->
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch binary_to_integer(Value)),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch erlang:list_to_integer(Value))
+ end,[atom,1.2,0.0,[$1,[$2]]]),
+ % Default base error cases
+ lists:foreach(fun(Value) ->
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch erlang:binary_to_integer(
+ list_to_binary(Value))),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch erlang:list_to_integer(Value))
+ end,["1.0"," 1"," -1",""]),
+ % Custom base error cases
+ lists:foreach(fun({Value,Base}) ->
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch binary_to_integer(
+ list_to_binary(Value),Base)),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
+ (catch erlang:list_to_integer(Value,Base))
+ end,[{" 1",1},{" 1",37},{"2",2},{"C",11},
+ {"1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111z",16},
+ {"1z111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",16},
+ {"111z11111111",16}]),
+ ok.
+test_sti(Num) ->
+ [begin
+ io:format("Testing ~p:~p",[Num,Base]),
+ test_sti(Num,Base)
+ end|| Base <- lists:seq(2,36)].
+test_sti(Num,Base) ->
+ Num = list_to_integer(int2list(Num,Base),Base),
+ Num = -1*list_to_integer(int2list(Num*-1,Base),Base),
+ Num = binary_to_integer(int2bin(Num,Base),Base),
+ Num = -1*binary_to_integer(int2bin(Num*-1,Base),Base).
% Calling this function (which is not supposed to be inlined) prevents
% the compiler from calculating the answer, so we don't test the compiler
% instead of the newest runtime system.
id(X) -> X.
+%% Uses the printing library to to integer_to_binary conversions.
+int2bin(Int,Base) when Base < 37 ->
+ iolist_to_binary(int2list(Int,Base)).
+int2list(Int,Base) when Base < 37 ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~."++integer_to_list(Base)++"B",[Int])).