path: root/erts/emulator/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test')
7 files changed, 339 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/beam_literals_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/beam_literals_SUITE.erl
index 09761263e2..b447ca0210 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/beam_literals_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/beam_literals_SUITE.erl
@@ -248,35 +248,58 @@ literal_type_tests(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
make_test([{is_function=T,L}|Ts]) ->
- [test(T, L),test(T, 0, L)|make_test(Ts)];
+ [guard_test(T, L),guard_test(T, 0, L),body_test(T, L),body_test(T, 0, L)|make_test(Ts)];
make_test([{T,L}|Ts]) ->
- [test(T, L)|make_test(Ts)];
+ [guard_test(T, L),body_test(T, L)|make_test(Ts)];
make_test([]) -> [].
-test(T, L) ->
- S = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("begin io:format(\"~~p~n\", [{~p,~p}]), if ~w(~w) -> true; true -> false end end. ", [T, L, T, L])),
- {ok,Toks,_Line} = erl_scan:string(S),
- {ok,E} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Toks),
- {value,Val,_Bs} = erl_eval:exprs(E, []),
+guard_test(_, L) when is_function(L) ->
+ %% Skip guard tests with exports - they are not literals
+ {atom,erl_anno:new(0),true};
+guard_test(T, L) ->
+ S = io_lib:format("begin io:format(\"~~p~n\", [{~p,~p}]), if ~w(~w) -> true; true -> false end end. ", [T, L, T, L]),
+ {Val,Expr} = eval_string(S),
+ Anno = erl_anno:new(0),
+ {match,Anno,{atom,Anno,Val},Expr}.
+guard_test(_, _, L) when is_function(L) ->
+ %% Skip guard tests with exports - they are not literals
+ {atom,erl_anno:new(0),true};
+guard_test(T, A, L) ->
+ S = io_lib:format("begin io:format(\"~~p~n\", [{~p,~p,~p}]), if ~w(~w, ~w) -> true; true -> false end end. ", [T,L,A,T,L,A]),
+ {Val,Expr} = eval_string(S),
+ Anno = erl_anno:new(0),
+ {match,Anno,{atom,Anno,Val},Expr}.
+body_test(T, L) ->
+ S = io_lib:format("begin io:format(\"~~p~n\", [{~p,~p}]), ~w(~w) end. ", [T,L,T,L]),
+ {Val,Expr} = eval_string(S),
Anno = erl_anno:new(0),
- {match,Anno,{atom,Anno,Val},hd(E)}.
+ {match,Anno,{atom,Anno,Val},Expr}.
-test(T, A, L) ->
- S = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("begin io:format(\"~~p~n\", [{~p,~p,~p}]), if ~w(~w, ~w) -> true; true -> false end end. ",
- [T,L,A,T,L,A])),
- {ok,Toks,_Line} = erl_scan:string(S),
+body_test(T, A, L) ->
+ S = io_lib:format("begin io:format(\"~~p~n\", [{~p,~p,~p}]), ~w(~w,~w) end. ", [T,L,A,T,L,A]),
+ {Val,Expr} = eval_string(S),
+ Anno = erl_anno:new(0),
+ {match,Anno,{atom,Anno,Val},Expr}.
+eval_string(S) ->
+ {ok,Toks,_Line} = erl_scan:string(lists:flatten(S)),
{ok,E} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Toks),
{value,Val,_Bs} = erl_eval:exprs(E, []),
- Anno = erl_anno:new(0),
- {match,Anno,{atom,Anno,Val},hd(E)}.
+ {Val,hd(E)}.
literals() ->
- xxxx].
+ "abc",
+ <<"abc">>,
+ {},
+ xxxx,
+ fun erlang:erase/0].
type_tests() ->
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/bif_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/bif_SUITE.erl
index 22706ae8b1..32bfcd5520 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/bif_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/bif_SUITE.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
is_builtin/1, error_stacktrace/1,
group_leader_prio/1, group_leader_prio_dirty/1,
- is_process_alive/1]).
+ is_process_alive/1,
+ process_info_blast/1]).
suite() ->
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ all() ->
erl_crash_dump_bytes, min_max, erlang_halt, is_builtin,
error_stacktrace, error_stacktrace_during_call_trace,
group_leader_prio, group_leader_prio_dirty,
- is_process_alive].
+ is_process_alive, process_info_blast].
%% Uses erlang:display to test that erts_printf does not do deep recursion
display(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -1099,6 +1100,76 @@ is_process_alive(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+process_info_blast(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Tester = self(),
+ NoAttackers = 1000,
+ NoAL = lists:seq(1, NoAttackers),
+ Consume = make_ref(),
+ Victim = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ receive
+ Consume ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ consume_msgs()
+ end),
+ AFun = fun () ->
+ Victim ! hej,
+ Res = process_info(Victim, message_queue_len),
+ Tester ! {self(), Res}
+ end,
+ Attackers0 = lists:map(fun (_) ->
+ spawn_link(AFun)
+ end,
+ NoAL),
+ lists:foreach(fun (A) ->
+ receive
+ {A, Res} ->
+ case Res of
+ {message_queue_len, Len} when Len > 0, Len =< NoAttackers ->
+ Len;
+ Error ->
+ exit({unexpected, Error})
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ Attackers0),
+ Attackers1 = lists:map(fun (_) ->
+ spawn_link(AFun)
+ end,
+ NoAL),
+ Victim ! Consume,
+ lists:foreach(fun (A) ->
+ receive
+ {A, Res} ->
+ case Res of
+ {message_queue_len, Len} when Len >= 0, Len =< 2*NoAttackers+1 ->
+ ok;
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ Error ->
+ exit({unexpected, Error})
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ Attackers1),
+ KillFun = fun (P) ->
+ unlink(P),
+ exit(P, kill),
+ false = erlang:is_process_alive(P)
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(fun (A) -> KillFun(A) end, Attackers0),
+ lists:foreach(fun (A) -> KillFun(A) end, Attackers1),
+ KillFun(Victim),
+ ok.
+consume_msgs() ->
+ receive
+ _ ->
+ consume_msgs()
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end.
%% helpers
id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/exception_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/exception_SUITE.erl
index da0292f385..60d14ce841 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/exception_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/exception_SUITE.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,
badmatch/1, pending_errors/1, nil_arith/1, top_of_stacktrace/1,
stacktrace/1, nested_stacktrace/1, raise/1, gunilla/1, per/1,
- exception_with_heap_frag/1, line_numbers/1]).
+ exception_with_heap_frag/1, backtrace_depth/1,
+ line_numbers/1]).
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
[badmatch, pending_errors, nil_arith, top_of_stacktrace,
stacktrace, nested_stacktrace, raise, gunilla, per,
- exception_with_heap_frag, line_numbers].
+ exception_with_heap_frag, backtrace_depth, line_numbers].
catch ?MODULE:bar(),
@@ -572,6 +573,57 @@ do_exception_with_heap_frag(Bin, [Sz|Sizes]) ->
do_exception_with_heap_frag(Bin, Sizes);
do_exception_with_heap_frag(_, []) -> ok.
+backtrace_depth(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ _ = [do_backtrace_depth(D) || D <- lists:seq(0, 8)],
+ ok.
+do_backtrace_depth(D) ->
+ Old = erlang:system_flag(backtrace_depth, D),
+ try
+ Expected = max(1, D),
+ do_backtrace_depth_1(Expected)
+ after
+ _ = erlang:system_flag(backtrace_depth, Old)
+ end.
+do_backtrace_depth_1(D) ->
+ Exit = fun() ->
+ error(reason)
+ end,
+ HandCrafted = fun() ->
+ {'EXIT',{_,Stk0}} = (catch error(get_stacktrace)),
+ %% Fool the compiler to force a hand-crafted
+ %% stacktrace.
+ Stk = [hd(Stk0)|tl(Stk0)],
+ erlang:raise(error, reason, Stk)
+ end,
+ PassedOn = fun() ->
+ try error(get_stacktrace)
+ catch error:_:Stk ->
+ %% Just pass on the given stacktrace.
+ erlang:raise(error, reason, Stk)
+ end
+ end,
+ do_backtrace_depth_2(D, Exit),
+ do_backtrace_depth_2(D, HandCrafted),
+ do_backtrace_depth_2(D, PassedOn),
+ ok.
+do_backtrace_depth_2(D, Exc) ->
+ try
+ Exc()
+ catch
+ error:reason:Stk ->
+ if
+ length(Stk) =/= D ->
+ io:format("Expected depth: ~p\n", [D]),
+ io:format("~p\n", [Stk]),
+ error(bad_depth);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end.
line_numbers(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE_data/nif_SUITE.c b/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE_data/nif_SUITE.c
index e8d9302505..a0aef60cf1 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE_data/nif_SUITE.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE_data/nif_SUITE.c
@@ -2859,7 +2859,7 @@ unsigned rand_bits(struct frenzy_rand_bits* rnd, unsigned int nbits)
struct frenzy_monitor {
ErlNifMutex* lock;
- enum {
+ volatile enum {
} state;
@@ -3221,13 +3221,24 @@ static void frenzy_resource_down(ErlNifEnv* env, void* obj, ErlNifPid* pid,
DBG_TRACE3("DOWN pid=%T, r=%p rix=%u\n", pid->pid, r, r->rix);
for (mix = 0; mix < FRENZY_MONITORS_MAX; mix++) {
- if (r->monv[mix].pid.pid == pid->pid && r->monv[mix].state >= MON_TRYING) {
+ int state1 = r->monv[mix].state;
+ /* First do dirty access of pid and state without the lock */
+ if (r->monv[mix].pid.pid == pid->pid && state1 >= MON_TRYING) {
+ int state2;
- if (enif_compare_monitors(mon, &r->monv[mix].mon) == 0) {
- assert(r->monv[mix].state >= MON_ACTIVE);
- r->monv[mix].state = MON_FREE_DOWN;
- enif_mutex_unlock(r->monv[mix].lock);
- return;
+ state2 = r->monv[mix].state;
+ if (state2 >= MON_ACTIVE) {
+ if (enif_compare_monitors(mon, &r->monv[mix].mon) == 0) {
+ r->monv[mix].state = MON_FREE_DOWN;
+ enif_mutex_unlock(r->monv[mix].lock);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(state2 != MON_TRYING);
+ assert(state1 == MON_TRYING || /* racing monitor failed */
+ state2 == MON_FREE_DEMONITOR || /* racing demonitor */
+ state2 == MON_FREE_DOWN); /* racing down */
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl
index 592542405f..290bb61fc8 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/num_bif_SUITE.erl
@@ -213,6 +213,20 @@ fts_rand_float_decimals(N) ->
F0 = rand_float_reasonable(),
L0 = float_to_list(F0, [{decimals, D}]),
+ case conform_with_io_lib_format_os(F0,D) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true ->
+ IOL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.*f", [D, F0])),
+ true = case L0 =:= IOL of
+ true -> true;
+ false ->
+ io:format("F0 = ~w ~w\n", [F0, <<F0/float>>]),
+ io:format("decimals = ~w\n", [D]),
+ io:format("float_to_list = ~s\n", [L0]),
+ io:format("io_lib:format = ~s\n", [IOL]),
+ false
+ end
+ end,
L1 = case D of
0 -> L0 ++ ".0";
_ -> L0
@@ -234,6 +248,26 @@ fts_rand_float_decimals(N) ->
+conform_with_io_lib_format_os(F, D) ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32,_} ->
+ %% io_lib:format("~.*f") buggy on windows? OTP-15010
+ false;
+ _ ->
+ conform_with_io_lib_format(F, D)
+ end.
+conform_with_io_lib_format(_, 0) ->
+ %% io_lib:format("~.*f") does not support zero decimals
+ false;
+conform_with_io_lib_format(_, D) when D > 10 ->
+ %% Seems float_to_list gets it slightly wrong sometimes for many decimals
+ false;
+conform_with_io_lib_format(F, D) ->
+ %% io_lib:format prints '0' for input bits beyond mantissa precision
+ %% float_to_list treats those unknown input bits as if they were zeros.
+ math:log2(abs(F) * math:pow(10,D)) < 54.
max_diff_decimals(F, D) ->
IntBits = floor(math:log2(abs(F))) + 1,
FracBits = (52 - IntBits),
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/process_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/process_SUITE.erl
index 7eff786e8b..46ece531a8 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/process_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/process_SUITE.erl
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
+ process_info_smoke_all/1,
+ process_info_status_handled_signal/1,
bump_reductions/1, low_prio/1, binary_owner/1, yield/1, yield2/1,
otp_4725/1, bad_register/1, garbage_collect/1, otp_6237/1,
process_info_messages/1, process_flag_badarg/1, process_flag_heap_size/1,
@@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ all() ->
+ process_info_smoke_all,
+ process_info_status_handled_signal,
bump_reductions, low_prio, yield, yield2, otp_4725,
bad_register, garbage_collect, process_info_messages,
process_flag_badarg, process_flag_heap_size,
@@ -510,14 +514,20 @@ pio_current_location(N, Pid, Pi, Looper) ->
case Where of
{erlang,process_info,2,[]} ->
pio_current_location(N-1, Pid, Pi+1, Looper);
+ {erts_internal,await_result,1, Loc} when is_list(Loc) ->
+ pio_current_location(N-1, Pid, Pi+1, Looper);
{?MODULE,process_info_looper,1,Loc} when is_list(Loc) ->
- pio_current_location(N-1, Pid, Pi, Looper+1)
+ pio_current_location(N-1, Pid, Pi, Looper+1);
+ _ ->
+ exit({unexpected_location, Where})
pio_current_stacktrace() ->
L = [begin
- {current_stacktrace,Stk} = process_info(P, current_stacktrace),
- {P,Stk}
+ case process_info(P, current_stacktrace) of
+ {current_stacktrace, Stk} -> {P,Stk};
+ undefined -> {P, []}
+ end
end || P <- processes()],
[erlang:garbage_collect(P) || {P,_} <- L],
@@ -973,6 +983,106 @@ process_info_garbage_collection(_Config) ->
gv(Key,List) ->
+process_info_smoke_all_tester() ->
+ register(process_info_smoke_all_tester, self()),
+ put(ets_ref, ets:new(blupp, [])),
+ put(binary, [list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(1000, 1)),
+ list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(1000, 2))]),
+ process_info_smoke_all_tester_loop().
+process_info_smoke_all_tester_loop() ->
+ receive
+ {other_process, Pid} ->
+ case get(procs) of
+ undefined -> put(procs, [Pid]);
+ Procs -> put(procs, [Pid|Procs])
+ end,
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ link(Pid),
+ process_info_smoke_all_tester_loop()
+ end.
+process_info_smoke_all(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AllPIOptions = [registered_name,
+ current_function,
+ initial_call,
+ messages,
+ message_queue_len,
+ links,
+ monitors,
+ monitored_by,
+ dictionary,
+ trap_exit,
+ error_handler,
+ heap_size,
+ stack_size,
+ memory,
+ garbage_collection,
+ group_leader,
+ reductions,
+ priority,
+ trace,
+ binary,
+ sequential_trace_token,
+ catchlevel,
+ backtrace,
+ last_calls,
+ total_heap_size,
+ suspending,
+ min_heap_size,
+ min_bin_vheap_size,
+ max_heap_size,
+ current_location,
+ current_stacktrace,
+ message_queue_data,
+ garbage_collection_info,
+ magic_ref,
+ fullsweep_after],
+ {ok, Node} = start_node(Config, ""),
+ RP = spawn_link(Node, fun process_info_smoke_all_tester/0),
+ LP = spawn_link(fun process_info_smoke_all_tester/0),
+ RP ! {other_process, LP},
+ LP ! {other_process, RP},
+ LP ! {other_process, self()},
+ LP ! ets:new(blapp, []),
+ LP ! ets:new(blipp, []),
+ LP ! list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(1000, 3)),
+ receive after 1000 -> ok end,
+ _MLP = erlang:monitor(process, LP),
+ true = is_process_alive(LP),
+ PI = process_info(LP, AllPIOptions),
+ io:format("~p~n", [PI]),
+ garbage_collect(),
+ unlink(RP),
+ unlink(LP),
+ exit(RP, kill),
+ exit(LP, kill),
+ false = is_process_alive(LP),
+ stop_node(Node),
+ ok.
+process_info_status_handled_signal(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ P = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ receive after infinity -> ok end
+ end),
+ wait_until(fun () ->
+ process_info(P, status) == {status, waiting}
+ end),
+ %%
+ %% The 'messages' option will force a process-info-request
+ %% signal to be scheduled on the process. Ensure that status
+ %% 'waiting' is reported even though it is actually running
+ %% when handling the request. We want it to report the status
+ %% it would have had if it had not been handling the
+ %% process-info-request...
+ %%
+ [{status, waiting}, {messages, []}] = process_info(P, [status, messages]),
+ unlink(P),
+ exit(P, kill),
+ false = erlang:is_process_alive(P),
+ ok.
%% Tests erlang:bump_reductions/1.
bump_reductions(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/z_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/z_SUITE.erl
index ac3df8bfbf..103f9f1550 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/z_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/z_SUITE.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
-export([schedulers_alive/1, node_container_refc_check/1,
long_timers/1, pollset_size/1,
check_io_debug/1, get_check_io_info/0,
+ lc_graph/1,
suite() ->
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
[schedulers_alive, node_container_refc_check,
long_timers, pollset_size, check_io_debug,
+ lc_graph,
%% Make sure that the leaked_processes/1 is always
%% run last.
@@ -289,6 +291,12 @@ has_gethost([P|T]) ->
has_gethost([]) ->
+lc_graph(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% Create "lc_graph" file in current working dir
+ %% if lock checker is enabled
+ erts_debug:lc_graph(),
+ ok.
leaked_processes(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Replace the defualt timetrap with a timetrap with
%% known pid.