path: root/erts/emulator
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator')
10 files changed, 220 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/beam/bif.tab b/erts/emulator/beam/bif.tab
index 1799f15504..59a91cd40c 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/beam/bif.tab
+++ b/erts/emulator/beam/bif.tab
@@ -31,219 +31,116 @@
# Important: Use "ubif" for guard BIFs and operators; use "bif" for ordinary BIFs.
-# Add new BIFs to the end of the file. Do not bother adding a "packaged BIF name"
-# (such as 'erl.lang.number'); if/when packages will be supported we will add
-# all those names.
+# Add new BIFs to the end of the file.
# Note: Guards BIFs require special support in the compiler (to be able to actually
# call them from within a guard).
ubif erlang:abs/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':abs/1 ebif_abs_1
bif erlang:adler32/1
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.adler32':sum/1 ebif_adler32_1
bif erlang:adler32/2
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.adler32':sum/2 ebif_adler32_2
bif erlang:adler32_combine/3
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.adler32':combine/3 ebif_adler32_combine_3
bif erlang:apply/3
-bif 'erl.lang':apply/3 ebif_apply_3
bif erlang:atom_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.atom':to_string/1 ebif_atom_to_string_1 atom_to_list_1
bif erlang:binary_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.binary':to_list/1 ebif_binary_to_list_1
bif erlang:binary_to_list/3
-bif 'erl.lang.binary':to_list/3 ebif_binary_to_list_3
bif erlang:binary_to_term/1
-bif 'erl.lang.binary':to_term/1 ebif_binary_to_term_1
bif erlang:check_process_code/2
-bif 'erl.system.code':check_process/2 ebif_check_process_code_2
bif erlang:crc32/1
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.crc32':sum/1 ebif_crc32_1
bif erlang:crc32/2
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.crc32':sum/2 ebif_crc32_2
bif erlang:crc32_combine/3
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.crc32':combine/3 ebif_crc32_combine_3
bif erlang:date/0
-bif 'erl.util.date':today/0 ebif_date_0
bif erlang:delete_module/1
-bif 'erl.system.code':delete/1 ebif_delete_module_1
bif erlang:display/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':display/1 ebif_display_1
bif erlang:display_string/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':display_string/1 ebif_display_string_1
bif erlang:display_nl/0
-bif 'erl.system.debug':display_nl/0 ebif_display_nl_0
ubif erlang:element/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.tuple':element/2 ebif_element_2
bif erlang:erase/0
-bif 'erl.lang.proc.pdict':erase/0 ebif_erase_0
bif erlang:erase/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc.pdict':erase/1 ebif_erase_1
bif erlang:exit/1
-bif 'erl.lang':exit/1 ebif_exit_1
bif erlang:exit/2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':signal/2 ebif_signal_2 exit_2
bif erlang:external_size/1
-bif 'erl.lang.term':external_size/1 ebif_external_size_1
bif erlang:external_size/2
-bif 'erl.lang.term':external_size/2 ebif_external_size_2
ubif erlang:float/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':to_float/1 ebif_to_float_1 float_1
bif erlang:float_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.float':to_string/1 ebif_float_to_string_1 float_to_list_1
bif erlang:fun_info/2
-bif 'erl.lang.function':info/2 ebif_fun_info_2
bif erlang:garbage_collect/0
-bif 'erl.system':garbage_collect/0 ebif_garbage_collect_0
bif erlang:garbage_collect/1
-bif 'erl.system':garbage_collect/1 ebif_garbage_collect_1
bif erlang:get/0
-bif 'erl.lang.proc.pdict':get/0 ebif_get_0
bif erlang:get/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc.pdict':get/1 ebif_get_1
bif erlang:get_keys/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc.pdict':get_keys/1 ebif_get_keys_1
bif erlang:group_leader/0
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':group_leader/0 ebif_group_leader_0
bif erlang:group_leader/2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':set_group_leader/2 ebif_group_leader_2
bif erlang:halt/0
-bif 'erl.lang.system':halt/0 ebif_halt_0
bif erlang:halt/1
-bif 'erl.lang.system':halt/1 ebif_halt_1
bif erlang:halt/2
-bif 'erl.lang.system':halt/2 ebif_halt_2
bif erlang:phash/2
bif erlang:phash2/1
bif erlang:phash2/2
-bif 'erl.lang.term':hash/1 ebif_phash2_1
-bif 'erl.lang.term':hash/2 ebif_phash2_2
ubif erlang:hd/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.list':hd/1 ebif_hd_1
bif erlang:integer_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.integer':to_string/1 ebif_integer_to_string_1 integer_to_list_1
bif erlang:is_alive/0
-bif 'erl.lang.node':is_alive/0 ebif_is_alive_0
ubif erlang:length/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.list':length/1 ebif_length_1
bif erlang:link/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':link/1 ebif_link_1
bif erlang:list_to_atom/1
-bif 'erl.lang.atom':from_string/1 ebif_string_to_atom_1 list_to_atom_1
bif erlang:list_to_binary/1
-bif 'erl.lang.binary':from_list/1 ebif_list_to_binary_1
bif erlang:list_to_float/1
-bif 'erl.lang.float':from_string/1 ebif_string_to_float_1 list_to_float_1
bif erlang:list_to_integer/1
-bif 'erl.lang.integer':from_string/1 ebif_string_to_integer_1 list_to_integer_1
bif erlang:list_to_pid/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':string_to_pid/1 ebif_string_to_pid_1 list_to_pid_1
bif erlang:list_to_tuple/1
-bif 'erl.lang.tuple':from_list/1 ebif_list_to_tuple_1
bif erlang:loaded/0
-bif 'erl.system.code':loaded/0 ebif_loaded_0
bif erlang:localtime/0
-bif 'erl.util.date':local/0 ebif_localtime_0
bif erlang:localtime_to_universaltime/2
-bif 'erl.util.date':local_to_utc/2 ebif_localtime_to_universaltime_2
bif erlang:make_ref/0
-bif 'erl.lang.ref':new/0 ebif_make_ref_0
bif erlang:md5/1
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.md5':digest/1 ebif_md5_1
bif erlang:md5_init/0
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.md5':init/0 ebif_md5_init_0
bif erlang:md5_update/2
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.md5':update/2 ebif_md5_update_2
bif erlang:md5_final/1
-bif 'erl.util.crypt.md5':final/1 ebif_md5_final_1
bif erlang:module_loaded/1
-bif 'erl.system.code':is_loaded/1 ebif_is_loaded_1 module_loaded_1
bif erlang:function_exported/3
-bif 'erl.system.code':is_loaded/3 ebif_is_loaded_3 function_exported_3
bif erlang:monitor_node/2
-bif 'erl.lang.node':monitor/2 ebif_monitor_node_2
bif erlang:monitor_node/3
-bif 'erl.lang.node':monitor/3 ebif_monitor_node_3
ubif erlang:node/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.node':node/1 ebif_node_1
ubif erlang:node/0
-ubif 'erl.lang.node':node/0 ebif_node_0
bif erlang:nodes/1
-bif 'erl.lang.node':nodes/1 ebif_nodes_1
bif erlang:now/0
-bif 'erl.system':now/0 ebif_now_0
bif erlang:open_port/2
-bif 'erl.lang.port':open/2 ebif_open_port_2 open_port_2
bif erlang:pid_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':pid_to_string/1 ebif_pid_to_string_1 pid_to_list_1
bif erlang:ports/0
-bif 'erl.lang.node':ports/0 ebif_ports_0
bif erlang:pre_loaded/0
-bif 'erl.system.code':preloaded/0 ebif_pre_loaded_0
bif erlang:process_flag/2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':set_flag/2 ebif_process_flag_2
bif erlang:process_flag/3
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':set_flag/3 ebif_process_flag_3
bif erlang:process_info/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':info/1 ebif_process_info_1
bif erlang:process_info/2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':info/2 ebif_process_info_2
bif erlang:processes/0
-bif 'erl.lang.node':processes/0 ebif_processes_0
bif erlang:purge_module/1
-bif 'erl.system.code':purge/1 ebif_purge_module_1
bif erlang:put/2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc.pdict':put/2 ebif_put_2
bif erlang:register/2
-bif 'erl.lang.node':register/2 ebif_register_2
bif erlang:registered/0
-bif 'erl.lang.node':registered/0 ebif_registered_0
ubif erlang:round/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':round/1 ebif_round_1
ubif erlang:self/0
-ubif 'erl.lang.proc':self/0 ebif_self_0
bif erlang:setelement/3
-bif 'erl.lang.tuple':setelement/3 ebif_setelement_3
ubif erlang:size/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':size/1 ebif_size_1
bif erlang:spawn/3
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':spawn/3 ebif_spawn_3
bif erlang:spawn_link/3
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':spawn_link/3 ebif_spawn_link_3
bif erlang:split_binary/2
-bif 'erl.lang.binary':split/2 ebif_split_binary_2
bif erlang:statistics/1
-bif 'erl.system':statistics/1 ebif_statistics_1
bif erlang:term_to_binary/1
-bif 'erl.lang.binary':from_term/1 ebif_term_to_binary_1
bif erlang:term_to_binary/2
-bif 'erl.lang.binary':from_term/2 ebif_term_to_binary_2
bif erlang:throw/1
-bif 'erl.lang':throw/1 ebif_throw_1
bif erlang:time/0
-bif 'erl.util.date':time_of_day/0 ebif_time_0
ubif erlang:tl/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.list':tl/1 ebif_tl_1
ubif erlang:trunc/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':trunc/1 ebif_trunc_1
bif erlang:tuple_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.tuple':to_list/1 ebif_tuple_to_list_1
bif erlang:universaltime/0
-bif 'erl.util.date':utc/0 ebif_universaltime_0
bif erlang:universaltime_to_localtime/1
-bif 'erl.util.date':utc_to_local/1 ebif_universaltime_to_localtime_1
bif erlang:unlink/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':unlink/1 ebif_unlink_1
bif erlang:unregister/1
-bif 'erl.lang.node':unregister/1 ebif_unregister_1
bif erlang:whereis/1
-bif 'erl.lang.node':whereis/1 ebif_whereis_1
bif erlang:spawn_opt/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':spawn_opt/1 ebif_spawn_opt_1
bif erlang:setnode/2
bif erlang:setnode/3
bif erlang:dist_exit/3
@@ -261,190 +158,106 @@ bif erts_internal:port_get_data/1
# Tracing & debugging.
bif erlang:trace_pattern/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':trace_pattern/2 ebif_trace_pattern_2
bif erlang:trace_pattern/3
-bif 'erl.system.debug':trace_pattern/3 ebif_trace_pattern_3
bif erlang:trace/3
-bif 'erl.system.debug':trace/3 ebif_trace_3
bif erlang:trace_info/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':trace_info/2 ebif_trace_info_2
bif erlang:trace_delivered/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':trace_delivered/1 ebif_trace_delivered_1
bif erlang:seq_trace/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':seq_trace/2 ebif_seq_trace_2
bif erlang:seq_trace_info/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':seq_trace_info/1 ebif_seq_trace_info_1
bif erlang:seq_trace_print/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':seq_trace_print/1 ebif_seq_trace_print_1
bif erlang:seq_trace_print/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':seq_trace_print/2 ebif_seq_trace_print_2
bif erlang:suspend_process/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':suspend_process/2 ebif_suspend_process_2
bif erlang:resume_process/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':resume_process/1 ebif_resume_process_1
bif erlang:process_display/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':process_display/2 ebif_process_display_2
bif erlang:bump_reductions/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':bump_reductions/1 ebif_bump_reductions_1
bif math:cos/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':cos/1 ebif_math_cos_1
bif math:cosh/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':cosh/1 ebif_math_cosh_1
bif math:sin/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':sin/1 ebif_math_sin_1
bif math:sinh/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':sinh/1 ebif_math_sinh_1
bif math:tan/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':tan/1 ebif_math_tan_1
bif math:tanh/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':tanh/1 ebif_math_tanh_1
bif math:acos/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':acos/1 ebif_math_acos_1
bif math:acosh/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':acosh/1 ebif_math_acosh_1
bif math:asin/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':asin/1 ebif_math_asin_1
bif math:asinh/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':asinh/1 ebif_math_asinh_1
bif math:atan/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':atan/1 ebif_math_atan_1
bif math:atanh/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':atanh/1 ebif_math_atanh_1
bif math:erf/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':erf/1 ebif_math_erf_1
bif math:erfc/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':erfc/1 ebif_math_erfc_1
bif math:exp/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':exp/1 ebif_math_exp_1
bif math:log/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':log/1 ebif_math_log_1
bif math:log10/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':log10/1 ebif_math_log10_1
bif math:sqrt/1
-bif 'erl.lang.math':sqrt/1 ebif_math_sqrt_1
bif math:atan2/2
-bif 'erl.lang.math':atan2/2 ebif_math_atan2_2
bif math:pow/2
-bif 'erl.lang.math':pow/2 ebif_math_pow_2
bif erlang:start_timer/3
-bif 'erl.lang.timer':start/3 ebif_start_timer_3
bif erlang:send_after/3
-bif 'erl.lang.timer':send_after/3 ebif_send_after_3
bif erlang:cancel_timer/1
-bif 'erl.lang.timer':cancel/1 ebif_cancel_timer_1
bif erlang:read_timer/1
-bif 'erl.lang.timer':read/1 ebif_read_timer_1
bif erlang:make_tuple/2
-bif 'erl.lang.tuple':make/2 ebif_make_tuple_2
bif erlang:append_element/2
-bif 'erl.lang.tuple':append_element/2 ebif_append_element_2
bif erlang:make_tuple/3
bif erlang:system_flag/2
-bif 'erl.system':set_flag/2 ebif_system_flag_2
bif erlang:system_info/1
-bif 'erl.system':info/1 ebif_system_info_1
# New in R9C
bif erlang:system_monitor/0
-bif 'erl.system':monitor/0 ebif_system_monitor_0
bif erlang:system_monitor/1
-bif 'erl.system':monitor/1 ebif_system_monitor_1
bif erlang:system_monitor/2
-bif 'erl.system':monitor/2 ebif_system_monitor_2
# Added 2006-11-07
bif erlang:system_profile/2
-bif 'erl.system':profile/2 ebif_system_profile_2
# End Added 2006-11-07
# Added 2007-01-17
bif erlang:system_profile/0
-bif 'erl.system':profile/0 ebif_system_profile_0
# End Added 2007-01-17
bif erlang:ref_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ref':to_string/1 ebif_ref_to_string_1 ref_to_list_1
bif erlang:port_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.port':to_string/1 ebif_port_to_string_1 port_to_list_1
bif erlang:fun_to_list/1
-bif 'erl.lang.function':to_string/1 ebif_fun_to_string_1 fun_to_list_1
bif erlang:monitor/2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':monitor/2 ebif_monitor_2
bif erlang:demonitor/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':demonitor/1 ebif_demonitor_1
bif erlang:demonitor/2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':demonitor/2 ebif_demonitor_2
bif erlang:is_process_alive/1
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':is_alive/1 ebif_proc_is_alive_1 is_process_alive_1
bif erlang:error/1 error_1
-bif 'erl.lang':error/1 ebif_error_1 error_1
bif erlang:error/2 error_2
-bif 'erl.lang':error/2 ebif_error_2 error_2
bif erlang:raise/3 raise_3
-bif 'erl.lang':raise/3 ebif_raise_3 raise_3
bif erlang:get_stacktrace/0
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':get_stacktrace/0 ebif_get_stacktrace_0
bif erlang:is_builtin/3
-bif 'erl.system.code':is_builtin/3 ebif_is_builtin_3
ubif erlang:'and'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.bool':'and'/2 ebif_and_2
ubif erlang:'or'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.bool':'or'/2 ebif_or_2
ubif erlang:'xor'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.bool':'xor'/2 ebif_xor_2
ubif erlang:'not'/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.bool':'not'/1 ebif_not_1
ubif erlang:'>'/2 sgt_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':greater/2 ebif_gt_2 sgt_2
ubif erlang:'>='/2 sge_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':greater_or_equal/2 ebif_ge_2 sge_2
ubif erlang:'<'/2 slt_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':less/2 ebif_lt_2 slt_2
ubif erlang:'=<'/2 sle_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':less_or_equal/2 ebif_le_2 sle_2
ubif erlang:'=:='/2 seq_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':equal/2 ebif_eq_2 seq_2
ubif erlang:'=='/2 seqeq_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':arith_equal/2 ebif_areq_2 seqeq_2
ubif erlang:'=/='/2 sneq_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':not_equal/2 ebif_neq_2 sneq_2
ubif erlang:'/='/2 sneqeq_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':not_arith_equal/2 ebif_nareq_2 sneqeq_2
ubif erlang:'+'/2 splus_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':plus/2 ebif_plus_2 splus_2
ubif erlang:'-'/2 sminus_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':minus/2 ebif_minus_2 sminus_2
ubif erlang:'*'/2 stimes_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':multiply/2 ebif_multiply_2 stimes_2
ubif erlang:'/'/2 div_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':divide/2 ebif_divide_2 div_2
ubif erlang:'div'/2 intdiv_2
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'div'/2 ebif_intdiv_2
ubif erlang:'rem'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'rem'/2 ebif_rem_2
ubif erlang:'bor'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'bor'/2 ebif_bor_2
ubif erlang:'band'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'band'/2 ebif_band_2
ubif erlang:'bxor'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'bxor'/2 ebif_bxor_2
ubif erlang:'bsl'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'bsl'/2 ebif_bsl_2
ubif erlang:'bsr'/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'bsr'/2 ebif_bsr_2
ubif erlang:'bnot'/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.integer':'bnot'/1 ebif_bnot_1
ubif erlang:'-'/1 sminus_1
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':minus/1 ebif_minus_1 sminus_1
ubif erlang:'+'/1 splus_1
-ubif 'erl.lang.number':plus/1 ebif_plus_1 splus_1
# New operators in R8. These were the only operators missing.
# erlang:send/2, erlang:append/2 and erlang:subtract/2 are now also
@@ -452,45 +265,27 @@ ubif 'erl.lang.number':plus/1 ebif_plus_1 splus_1
# internal references have been updated to the new ebif_... entries.
bif erlang:'!'/2 ebif_bang_2
-bif 'erl.lang.proc':send/2 ebif_send_2 send_2
bif erlang:send/2
-bif 'erl.lang':send/3 ebif_send_3 send_3
bif erlang:send/3
bif erlang:'++'/2 ebif_plusplus_2
-bif 'erl.lang.list':append/2 ebif_append_2 ebif_plusplus_2
bif erlang:append/2
bif erlang:'--'/2 ebif_minusminus_2
-bif 'erl.lang.list':subtract/2 ebif_list_subtract_2 ebif_minusminus_2
bif erlang:subtract/2
ubif erlang:is_atom/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_atom/1 ebif_is_atom_1
ubif erlang:is_list/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_list/1 ebif_is_list_1
ubif erlang:is_tuple/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_tuple/1 ebif_is_tuple_1
ubif erlang:is_float/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_float/1 ebif_is_float_1
ubif erlang:is_integer/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_integer/1 ebif_is_integer_1
ubif erlang:is_number/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_number/1 ebif_is_number_1
ubif erlang:is_pid/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_pid/1 ebif_is_pid_1
ubif erlang:is_port/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_port/1 ebif_is_port_1
ubif erlang:is_reference/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_reference/1 ebif_is_reference_1
ubif erlang:is_binary/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_binary/1 ebif_is_binary_1
ubif erlang:is_function/1
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_function/1 ebif_is_function_1
ubif erlang:is_function/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_function/2 ebif_is_function_2
ubif erlang:is_record/2
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_record/2 ebif_is_record_2
ubif erlang:is_record/3
-ubif 'erl.lang.term':is_record/3 ebif_is_record_3
bif erlang:match_spec_test/3
@@ -499,96 +294,53 @@ bif erlang:match_spec_test/3
bif ets:all/0
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':all/0 ebif_ets_all_0
bif ets:new/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':new/2 ebif_ets_new_2
bif ets:delete/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':delete/1 ebif_ets_delete_1
bif ets:delete/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':delete/2 ebif_ets_delete_2
bif ets:delete_all_objects/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':delete_all_objects/1 ebif_ets_delete_all_objects_1
bif ets:delete_object/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':delete_object/2 ebif_ets_delete_object_2
bif ets:first/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':first/1 ebif_ets_first_1
bif ets:is_compiled_ms/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':is_compiled_ms/1 ebif_ets_is_compiled_ms_1
bif ets:lookup/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':lookup/2 ebif_ets_lookup_2
bif ets:lookup_element/3
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':lookup_element/3 ebif_ets_lookup_element_3
bif ets:info/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':info/1 ebif_ets_info_1
bif ets:info/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':info/2 ebif_ets_info_2
bif ets:last/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':last/1 ebif_ets_last_1
bif ets:match/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match/1 ebif_ets_match_1
bif ets:match/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match/2 ebif_ets_match_2
bif ets:match/3
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match/3 ebif_ets_match_3
bif ets:match_object/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match_object/1 ebif_ets_match_object_1
bif ets:match_object/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match_object/2 ebif_ets_match_object_2
bif ets:match_object/3
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match_object/3 ebif_ets_match_object_3
bif ets:member/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':is_key/2 ebif_ets_member_2
bif ets:next/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':next/2 ebif_ets_next_2
bif ets:prev/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':prev/2 ebif_ets_prev_2
bif ets:insert/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':insert/2 ebif_ets_insert_2
bif ets:insert_new/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':insert_new/2 ebif_ets_insert_new_2
bif ets:rename/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':rename/2 ebif_ets_rename_2
bif ets:safe_fixtable/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':fixtable/2 ebif_ets_safe_fixtable_2
bif ets:slot/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':slot/2 ebif_ets_slot_2
bif ets:update_counter/3
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':update_counter/3 ebif_ets_update_counter_3
bif ets:select/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select/1 ebif_ets_select_1
bif ets:select/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select/2 ebif_ets_select_2
bif ets:select/3
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select/3 ebif_ets_select_3
bif ets:select_count/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select/2 ebif_ets_select_count_2
bif ets:select_reverse/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select_reverse/1 ebif_ets_select_reverse_1
bif ets:select_reverse/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select_reverse/2 ebif_ets_select_reverse_2
bif ets:select_reverse/3
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select_reverse/3 ebif_ets_select_reverse_3
bif ets:select_delete/2
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':select_delete/2 ebif_ets_select_delete_2
bif ets:match_spec_compile/1
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match_spec_compile/1 ebif_ets_match_spec_compile_1
bif ets:match_spec_run_r/3
-bif 'erl.lang.ets':match_spec_run_r/3 ebif_ets_match_spec_run_r_3
# Bifs in os module.
bif os:putenv/2
-bif 'erl.system.os':setenv/2 ebif_os_setenv_2 os_putenv_2
bif os:getenv/0
-bif 'erl.system.os':getenv/0 ebif_os_getenv_0
bif os:getenv/1
-bif 'erl.system.os':getenv/1 ebif_os_getenv_1
bif os:getpid/0
-bif 'erl.system.os':pid/0 ebif_os_pid_0 os_getpid_0
bif os:timestamp/0
-bif 'erl.system.os':timestamp/0 ebif_os_timestamp_0 os_timestamp_0
# Bifs in the erl_ddll module (the module actually does not exist)
@@ -615,13 +367,9 @@ bif re:run/3
bif lists:member/2
-bif 'erl.lang.list':is_element/2 ebif_list_is_element_2 lists_member_2
bif lists:reverse/2
-bif 'erl.lang.list':reverse/2 ebif_list_reverse_2 lists_reverse_2
bif lists:keymember/3
-bif 'erl.lang.list.keylist':is_element/3 ebif_keylist_is_element_3 lists_keymember_3
bif lists:keysearch/3
-bif 'erl.lang.list.keylist':search/3 ebif_keylist_search_3 lists_keysearch_3
bif lists:keyfind/3
@@ -629,21 +377,13 @@ bif lists:keyfind/3
bif erts_debug:disassemble/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':disassemble/1 ebif_erts_debug_disassemble_1
bif erts_debug:breakpoint/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':breakpoint/2 ebif_erts_debug_breakpoint_2
bif erts_debug:same/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':same/2 ebif_erts_debug_same_2
bif erts_debug:flat_size/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':flat_size/1 ebif_erts_debug_flat_size_1
bif erts_debug:get_internal_state/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':get_internal_state/1 ebif_erts_debug_get_internal_state_1
bif erts_debug:set_internal_state/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':set_internal_state/2 ebif_erts_debug_set_internal_state_2
bif erts_debug:display/1
-bif 'erl.system.debug':display/1 ebif_erts_debug_display_1
bif erts_debug:dist_ext_to_term/2
-bif 'erl.system.debug':dist_ext_to_term/2 ebif_erts_debug_dist_ext_to_term_2
bif erts_debug:instructions/0
@@ -663,13 +403,9 @@ bif erts_debug:lock_counters/1
bif code:get_chunk/2
-bif 'erl.system.code':get_chunk/2 ebif_code_get_chunk_2
bif code:module_md5/1
-bif 'erl.system.code':module_md5/1 ebif_code_module_md5_1
bif code:make_stub_module/3
-bif 'erl.system.code':make_stub_module/3 ebif_code_make_stub_module_3
bif code:is_module_native/1
-bif 'erl.system.code':is_native/1 ebif_code_is_native_1 code_is_module_native_1
# New Bifs in R9C.
diff --git a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h
index 046b46513f..d50ba364d0 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h
+++ b/erts/emulator/beam/erl_driver.h
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
#include "erl_drv_nif.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h> /* ssize_t on Mac OS X */
+#include <sys/types.h> /* ssize_t */
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_)
diff --git a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/efile_drv.c b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/efile_drv.c
index 912f5d3d8b..25b02db2c9 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/efile_drv.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/efile_drv.c
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#define FILE_FADVISE 31
#define FILE_SENDFILE 32
+#define FILE_FALLOCATE 33
/* Return codes */
@@ -439,6 +440,7 @@ struct t_data
Efile_error errInfo;
int flags;
SWord fd;
+ int is_fd_unused;
Efile_info info;
EFILE_DIR_HANDLE dir_handle; /* Handle to open directory. */
@@ -503,6 +505,10 @@ struct t_data
Uint64 written;
} sendfile;
#endif /* HAVE_SENDFILE */
+ struct {
+ Sint64 offset;
+ Sint64 length;
+ } fallocate;
} c;
char b[1];
@@ -781,11 +787,6 @@ file_start(ErlDrvPort port, char* command)
return (ErlDrvData) desc;
-static void free_data(void *data)
- EF_FREE(data);
static void do_close(int flags, SWord fd) {
if (flags & EFILE_COMPRESSED) {
@@ -803,6 +804,17 @@ static void invoke_close(void *data)
+static void free_data(void *data)
+ struct t_data *d = (struct t_data *) data;
+ if (d->command == FILE_OPEN && d->is_fd_unused && d->fd != FILE_FD_INVALID) {
+ do_close(d->flags, d->fd);
+ }
+ EF_FREE(data);
* Driver entry point -> stop
@@ -1862,6 +1874,9 @@ static void invoke_open(void *data)
d->result_ok = status;
+ if (!status) {
+ d->fd = FILE_FD_INVALID;
+ }
@@ -1953,6 +1968,17 @@ static int flush_sendfile(file_descriptor *desc,void *_) {
#endif /* HAVE_SENDFILE */
+static void invoke_fallocate(void *data)
+ struct t_data *d = (struct t_data *) data;
+ int fd = (int) d->fd;
+ Sint64 offset = d->c.fallocate.offset;
+ Sint64 length = d->c.fallocate.length;
+ d->again = 0;
+ d->result_ok = efile_fallocate(&d->errInfo, fd, offset, length);
static void free_readdir(void *data)
struct t_data *d = (struct t_data *) data;
@@ -2348,6 +2374,7 @@ file_async_ready(ErlDrvData e, ErlDrvThreadData data)
reply(desc, d->result_ok, &d->errInfo);
@@ -2373,8 +2400,10 @@ file_async_ready(ErlDrvData e, ErlDrvThreadData data)
if (!d->result_ok) {
reply_error(desc, &d->errInfo);
} else {
+ ASSERT(d->is_fd_unused);
desc->fd = d->fd;
desc->flags = d->flags;
+ d->is_fd_unused = 0;
reply_Uint(desc, d->fd);
@@ -2745,6 +2774,7 @@ file_output(ErlDrvData e, char* buf, ErlDrvSizeT count)
d->invoke = invoke_open;
d->free = free_data;
d->level = 2;
+ d->is_fd_unused = 1;
goto done;
@@ -2958,6 +2988,20 @@ file_output(ErlDrvData e, char* buf, ErlDrvSizeT count)
goto done;
+ {
+ d = EF_SAFE_ALLOC(sizeof(struct t_data));
+ d->fd = fd;
+ d->command = command;
+ d->invoke = invoke_fallocate;
+ d->free = free_data;
+ d->level = 2;
+ d->c.fallocate.offset = get_int64((uchar*) buf);
+ d->c.fallocate.length = get_int64(((uchar*) buf) + sizeof(Sint64));
+ goto done;
+ }
diff --git a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/erl_efile.h b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/erl_efile.h
index 69ad02633c..b29b4f971c 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/erl_efile.h
+++ b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/erl_efile.h
@@ -185,3 +185,4 @@ int efile_fadvise(Efile_error* errInfo, int fd, Sint64 offset, Sint64 length,
int efile_sendfile(Efile_error* errInfo, int in_fd, int out_fd,
off_t *offset, Uint64 *nbytes, struct t_sendfile_hdtl *hdtl);
#endif /* HAVE_SENDFILE */
+int efile_fallocate(Efile_error* errInfo, int fd, Sint64 offset, Sint64 length);
diff --git a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/ram_file_drv.c b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/ram_file_drv.c
index a109e40333..7f7cd7cd91 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/ram_file_drv.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/ram_file_drv.c
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#define RAM_FILE_SIZE 37 /* get file size */
#define RAM_FILE_ADVISE 38 /* predeclare the access
* pattern for file data */
+#define RAM_FILE_ALLOCATE 39 /* allocate space for a file */
/* possible new operations include:
@@ -720,6 +721,13 @@ static void rfile_command(ErlDrvData e, char* buf, ErlDrvSizeT count)
reply(f, 1, 0);
+ if (f->flags == 0)
+ error_reply(f, EBADF);
+ else
+ reply(f, 1, 0);
+ break;
* Ignore anything else -- let the caller hang.
diff --git a/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/ttsl_drv.c b/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/ttsl_drv.c
index b29f80a8ba..ab2abb88d1 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/ttsl_drv.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/ttsl_drv.c
@@ -912,11 +912,15 @@ static int insert_buf(byte *s, int n)
lbuf[lpos++] = (CONTROL_TAG | ((Uint32) ch));
ch = 0;
} while (lpos % 8);
- } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
+ } else if (ch == '\e' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
write_buf(lbuf + buffpos, lpos - buffpos);
- outc('\r');
- if (ch == '\n')
- outc('\n');
+ if (ch == '\e') {
+ outc('\e');
+ } else {
+ outc('\r');
+ if (ch == '\n')
+ outc('\n');
+ }
if (llen > lpos) {
memcpy(lbuf, lbuf + lpos, llen - lpos);
diff --git a/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/unix_efile.c b/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/unix_efile.c
index cf7af71b92..558651fff9 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/unix_efile.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/drivers/unix/unix_efile.c
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
# include "config.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE) && !defined(__sun) && !defined(__sun__)
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+#if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) && defined(HAVE_LINUX_FALLOC_H)
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "sys.h"
#include "erl_driver.h"
#include "erl_efile.h"
@@ -41,9 +47,13 @@
#define DARWIN 1
-#ifdef DARWIN
+#if defined(DARWIN) || defined(HAVE_LINUX_FALLOC_H) || defined(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE)
#include <fcntl.h>
-#endif /* DARWIN */
+#include <linux/falloc.h>
#ifdef SUNOS4
# define getcwd(buf, size) getwd(buf)
@@ -967,3 +977,81 @@ efile_sendfile(Efile_error* errInfo, int in_fd, int out_fd,
return check_error(retval, errInfo);
#endif /* HAVE_SENDFILE */
+static int
+call_posix_fallocate(int fd, Sint64 offset, Sint64 length)
+ int ret;
+ /*
+ * On Linux and Solaris for example, posix_fallocate() returns
+ * a positive error number on error and it does not set errno.
+ * On FreeBSD however (9.0 at least), it returns -1 on error
+ * and it sets errno.
+ */
+ do {
+ ret = posix_fallocate(fd, (off_t) offset, (off_t) length);
+ if (ret > 0) {
+ errno = ret;
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ } while (ret != 0 && errno == EINTR);
+ return ret;
+efile_fallocate(Efile_error* errInfo, int fd, Sint64 offset, Sint64 length)
+#if defined HAVE_FALLOCATE
+ /* Linux specific, more efficient than posix_fallocate. */
+ int ret;
+ do {
+ ret = fallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE, (off_t) offset, (off_t) length);
+ } while (ret != 0 && errno == EINTR);
+ /* Fallback to posix_fallocate if available. */
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ ret = call_posix_fallocate(fd, offset, length);
+ }
+ return check_error(ret, errInfo);
+#elif defined F_PREALLOCATE
+ /* Mac OS X specific, equivalent to posix_fallocate. */
+ int ret;
+ fstore_t fs;
+ memset(&fs, 0, sizeof(fs));
+ fs.fst_flags = F_ALLOCATECONTIG;
+ fs.fst_posmode = F_VOLPOSMODE;
+ fs.fst_offset = (off_t) offset;
+ fs.fst_length = (off_t) length;
+ ret = fcntl(fd, F_PREALLOCATE, &fs);
+ if (-1 == ret) {
+ fs.fst_flags = F_ALLOCATEALL;
+ ret = fcntl(fd, F_PREALLOCATE, &fs);
+ /* Fallback to posix_fallocate if available. */
+ if (-1 == ret) {
+ ret = call_posix_fallocate(fd, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ return check_error(ret, errInfo);
+ /* Other Unixes, use posix_fallocate if available. */
+ return check_error(call_posix_fallocate(fd, offset, length), errInfo);
+ errno = ENOTSUP;
+ return check_error(-1, errInfo);
diff --git a/erts/emulator/drivers/win32/win_efile.c b/erts/emulator/drivers/win32/win_efile.c
index dc7add01f7..f5011d11a5 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/drivers/win32/win_efile.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/drivers/win32/win_efile.c
@@ -1558,3 +1558,13 @@ efile_fadvise(Efile_error* errInfo, int fd, Sint64 offset,
return check_error(0, errInfo);
+efile_fallocate(Efile_error* errInfo, int fd, Sint64 offset, Sint64 length)
+ /* No file preallocation method available in Windows. */
+ errno = errno_map(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ return check_error(-1, errInfo);
diff --git a/erts/emulator/hipe/hipe_mkliterals.c b/erts/emulator/hipe/hipe_mkliterals.c
index 5911d76ad9..0e287908b1 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/hipe/hipe_mkliterals.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/hipe/hipe_mkliterals.c
@@ -262,47 +262,6 @@ static const struct literal {
const char *name;
int value;
} literals[] = {
- /* Field offsets in a process struct */
- { "P_HP", offsetof(struct process, htop) },
- { "P_HP_LIMIT", offsetof(struct process, stop) },
- { "P_OFF_HEAP_FIRST", offsetof(struct process, off_heap.first) },
- { "P_MBUF", offsetof(struct process, mbuf) },
- { "P_ID", offsetof(struct process, common.id) },
- { "P_FLAGS", offsetof(struct process, flags) },
- { "P_FVALUE", offsetof(struct process, fvalue) },
- { "P_FREASON", offsetof(struct process, freason) },
- { "P_FTRACE", offsetof(struct process, ftrace) },
- { "P_FCALLS", offsetof(struct process, fcalls) },
- { "P_BEAM_IP", offsetof(struct process, i) },
- { "P_ARITY", offsetof(struct process, arity) },
- { "P_ARG0", offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[0]) },
- { "P_ARG1", offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[1]) },
- { "P_ARG2", offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[2]) },
- { "P_ARG3", offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[3]) },
- { "P_ARG4", offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[4]) },
- { "P_ARG5", offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[5]) },
-#ifdef HIPE
- { "P_NSP", offsetof(struct process, hipe.nsp) },
- { "P_NCALLEE", offsetof(struct process, hipe.ncallee) },
- { "P_CLOSURE", offsetof(struct process, hipe.closure) },
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- { "P_NSP_LIMIT", offsetof(struct process, hipe.nstack) },
- { "P_CSP", offsetof(struct process, hipe.ncsp) },
-#elif defined(__sparc__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__powerpc64__) || defined(__arm__)
- { "P_NSP_LIMIT", offsetof(struct process, hipe.nstack) },
- { "P_NRA", offsetof(struct process, hipe.nra) },
- { "P_NARITY", offsetof(struct process, hipe.narity) },
- offsetof(struct process, hipe.float_result)
-# endif
- },
-# if defined(ERTS_ENABLE_LOCK_CHECK) && defined(ERTS_SMP)
- { "P_BIF_CALLEE", offsetof(struct process, hipe.bif_callee) },
-# endif
-#endif /* HIPE */
/* process flags bits */
{ "F_TIMO", F_TIMO },
@@ -380,8 +339,6 @@ static const struct literal {
{ "MS_SAVEOFFSET_SIZE", field_sizeof(struct erl_bin_match_struct, save_offset)},
/* messages */
- { "P_MSG_FIRST", offsetof(struct process, msg.first) },
- { "P_MSG_SAVE", offsetof(struct process, msg.save) },
{ "MSG_NEXT", offsetof(struct erl_mesg, next) },
/* ARM */
@@ -460,12 +417,14 @@ static const struct atom_literal {
* These depend on configuration options such as heap architecture.
* The compiler accesses these through hipe_bifs:get_rts_param/1.
-static const struct rts_param {
+struct rts_param {
unsigned int nr;
const char *name;
unsigned int is_defined;
int value;
-} rts_params[] = {
+static const struct rts_param rts_params[] = {
1, offsetof(struct process, off_heap.first)
@@ -518,7 +477,53 @@ static const struct rts_param {
{ 19, "MSG_MESSAGE",
1, offsetof(struct erl_mesg, m[0])
- /* highest entry ever used == 21 */
+ /* Field offsets in a process struct */
+ { 22, "P_HP", 1, offsetof(struct process, htop) },
+ { 23, "P_HP_LIMIT", 1, offsetof(struct process, stop) },
+ { 24, "P_OFF_HEAP_FIRST", 1, offsetof(struct process, off_heap.first) },
+ { 25, "P_MBUF", 1, offsetof(struct process, mbuf) },
+ { 26, "P_ID", 1, offsetof(struct process, common.id) },
+ { 27, "P_FLAGS", 1, offsetof(struct process, flags) },
+ { 28, "P_FVALUE", 1, offsetof(struct process, fvalue) },
+ { 29, "P_FREASON", 1, offsetof(struct process, freason) },
+ { 30, "P_FTRACE", 1, offsetof(struct process, ftrace) },
+ { 31, "P_FCALLS", 1, offsetof(struct process, fcalls) },
+ { 32, "P_BEAM_IP", 1, offsetof(struct process, i) },
+ { 33, "P_ARITY", 1, offsetof(struct process, arity) },
+ { 34, "P_ARG0", 1, offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[0]) },
+ { 35, "P_ARG1", 1, offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[1]) },
+ { 36, "P_ARG2", 1, offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[2]) },
+ { 37, "P_ARG3", 1, offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[3]) },
+ { 38, "P_ARG4", 1, offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[4]) },
+ { 39, "P_ARG5", 1, offsetof(struct process, def_arg_reg[5]) },
+ { 40, "P_NSP", 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.nsp) },
+ { 41, "P_NCALLEE", 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.ncallee) },
+ { 42, "P_CLOSURE", 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.closure) },
+ { 43, "P_NSP_LIMIT", 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.nstack) },
+ { 44, "P_CSP",
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.ncsp)
+ },
+ { 45, "P_NRA",
+#if defined(__sparc__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__powerpc64__) || defined(__arm__)
+ 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.nra)
+ },
+ { 46, "P_NARITY", 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.narity) },
+ { 47, "P_FLOAT_RESULT",
+ 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.float_result)
+ },
+ { 48, "P_BIF_CALLEE",
+#if defined(ERTS_ENABLE_LOCK_CHECK) && defined(ERTS_SMP)
+ 1, offsetof(struct process, hipe.bif_callee)
+ },
+ { 49, "P_MSG_FIRST", 1, offsetof(struct process, msg.first) },
+ { 50, "P_MSG_SAVE", 1, offsetof(struct process, msg.save) },
#define NR_PARAMS ARRAY_SIZE(rts_params)
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/trace_local_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/trace_local_SUITE.erl
index 1e0705fabe..b89a8c4a0e 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/trace_local_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/trace_local_SUITE.erl
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ exception_test(Opts, Func0, Args0) ->
%% wrap them in wrappers...
?line {Func1,Args1} =
case Function of
- true -> {fun exc/2,[Func0,Args0]};
+ true -> {fun (F, As) -> exc(F, As) end,[Func0,Args0]};
false -> {Func0,Args0}