path: root/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl')
1 files changed, 438 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl
index 5deb69edab..1cbce5b80b 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -35,14 +35,18 @@
-export([set_cookie/2, get_cookie/0]).
-export([set_cpu_topology/1, format_cpu_topology/1]).
+-export([memory/0, memory/1]).
+-export([alloc_info/1, alloc_sizes/1]).
+ await_sched_wall_time_modifications/2]).
% Get rid of autoimports of spawn to avoid clashes with ourselves.
@@ -535,11 +539,6 @@ set_cookie(Node, C) when Node =/= nonode@nohost, is_atom(Node) ->
get_cookie() ->
--spec concat_binary(ListOfBinaries) -> binary() when
- ListOfBinaries :: iolist().
-concat_binary(List) ->
- list_to_binary(List).
-spec integer_to_list(Integer, Base) -> string() when
Integer :: integer(),
Base :: 2..36.
@@ -806,3 +805,434 @@ min(A, _) -> A.
Maximum :: term().
max(A, B) when A < B -> B;
max(A, _) -> A.
+%% erlang:memory/[0,1]
+%% NOTE! When updating these functions, make sure to also update
+%% erts_memory() in $ERL_TOP/erts/emulator/beam/erl_alloc.c
+-type memory_type() :: 'total' | 'processes' | 'processes_used' | 'system' | 'atom' | 'atom_used' | 'binary' | 'code' | 'ets' | 'low' | 'maximum'.
+-define(CARRIER_ALLOCS, [mseg_alloc, sbmbc_alloc, sbmbc_low_alloc]).
+-define(LOW_ALLOCS, [sbmbc_low_alloc, ll_low_alloc, std_low_alloc]).
+-define(ALL_NEEDED_ALLOCS, (erlang:system_info(alloc_util_allocators)
+-record(memory, {total = 0,
+ processes = 0,
+ processes_used = 0,
+ system = 0,
+ atom = 0,
+ atom_used = 0,
+ binary = 0,
+ code = 0,
+ ets = 0,
+ low = 0,
+ maximum = 0}).
+-spec memory() -> [{memory_type(), non_neg_integer()}].
+memory() ->
+ case aa_mem_data(au_mem_data(?ALL_NEEDED_ALLOCS)) of
+ notsup ->
+ erlang:error(notsup);
+ Mem ->
+ InstrTail = case Mem#memory.maximum of
+ 0 -> [];
+ _ -> [{maximum, Mem#memory.maximum}]
+ end,
+ Tail = case Mem#memory.low of
+ 0 -> InstrTail;
+ _ -> [{low, Mem#memory.low} | InstrTail]
+ end,
+ [{total, Mem#memory.total},
+ {processes, Mem#memory.processes},
+ {processes_used, Mem#memory.processes_used},
+ {system, Mem#memory.system},
+ {atom, Mem#memory.atom},
+ {atom_used, Mem#memory.atom_used},
+ {binary, Mem#memory.binary},
+ {code, Mem#memory.code},
+ {ets, Mem#memory.ets} | Tail]
+ end.
+-spec memory(memory_type()|[memory_type()]) -> non_neg_integer() | [{memory_type(), non_neg_integer()}].
+memory(Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
+ {AA, ALCU, ChkSup, BadArgZero} = need_mem_info(Type),
+ case get_mem_data(ChkSup, ALCU, AA) of
+ notsup ->
+ erlang:error(notsup, [Type]);
+ Mem ->
+ Value = get_memval(Type, Mem),
+ case {BadArgZero, Value} of
+ {true, 0} -> erlang:error(badarg, [Type]);
+ _ -> Value
+ end
+ end;
+memory(Types) when is_list(Types) ->
+ {AA, ALCU, ChkSup, BadArgZeroList} = need_mem_info_list(Types),
+ case get_mem_data(ChkSup, ALCU, AA) of
+ notsup ->
+ erlang:error(notsup, [Types]);
+ Mem ->
+ case memory_result_list(Types, BadArgZeroList, Mem) of
+ badarg -> erlang:error(badarg, [Types]);
+ Result -> Result
+ end
+ end.
+memory_result_list([], [], _Mem) ->
+ [];
+memory_result_list([T|Ts], [BAZ|BAZs], Mem) ->
+ case memory_result_list(Ts, BAZs, Mem) of
+ badarg -> badarg;
+ TVs ->
+ V = get_memval(T, Mem),
+ case {BAZ, V} of
+ {true, 0} -> badarg;
+ _ -> [{T, V}| TVs]
+ end
+ end.
+get_mem_data(true, AlcUAllocs, NeedAllocatedAreas) ->
+ case memory_is_supported() of
+ false -> notsup;
+ true -> get_mem_data(false, AlcUAllocs, NeedAllocatedAreas)
+ end;
+get_mem_data(false, AlcUAllocs, NeedAllocatedAreas) ->
+ AlcUMem = case AlcUAllocs of
+ [] -> #memory{};
+ _ ->
+ au_mem_data(AlcUAllocs)
+ end,
+ case NeedAllocatedAreas of
+ true -> aa_mem_data(AlcUMem);
+ false -> AlcUMem
+ end.
+need_mem_info_list([]) ->
+ {false, [], false, []};
+need_mem_info_list([T|Ts]) ->
+ {MAA, MALCU, MChkSup, MBadArgZero} = need_mem_info_list(Ts),
+ {AA, ALCU, ChkSup, BadArgZero} = need_mem_info(T),
+ {case AA of
+ true -> true;
+ _ -> MAA
+ end,
+ ALCU ++ (MALCU -- ALCU),
+ case ChkSup of
+ true -> true;
+ _ -> MChkSup
+ end,
+ [BadArgZero|MBadArgZero]}.
+need_mem_info(Type) when Type == total;
+ Type == system ->
+ {true, ?ALL_NEEDED_ALLOCS, false, false};
+need_mem_info(Type) when Type == processes;
+ Type == processes_used ->
+ {true, [eheap_alloc, fix_alloc], true, false};
+need_mem_info(Type) when Type == atom;
+ Type == atom_used;
+ Type == code ->
+ {true, [], true, false};
+need_mem_info(binary) ->
+ {false, [binary_alloc], true, false};
+need_mem_info(ets) ->
+ {true, [ets_alloc], true, false};
+need_mem_info(low) ->
+ {_, _, FeatureList, _} = erlang:system_info(allocator),
+ AlcUAllocs = case LowAllocs -- FeatureList of
+ [] -> LowAllocs;
+ _ -> []
+ end,
+ {false, AlcUAllocs, true, true};
+need_mem_info(maximum) ->
+ {true, [], true, true};
+need_mem_info(_) ->
+ {false, [], false, true}.
+get_memval(total, #memory{total = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(processes, #memory{processes = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(processes_used, #memory{processes_used = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(system, #memory{system = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(atom, #memory{atom = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(atom_used, #memory{atom_used = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(binary, #memory{binary = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(code, #memory{code = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(ets, #memory{ets = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(low, #memory{low = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(maximum, #memory{maximum = V}) -> V;
+get_memval(_, #memory{}) -> 0.
+memory_is_supported() ->
+ {_, _, FeatureList, _} = erlang:system_info(allocator),
+ case ((erlang:system_info(alloc_util_allocators)
+ -- FeatureList) of
+ [] -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+get_blocks_size([{blocks_size, Sz, _, _} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ get_blocks_size(Rest, Acc+Sz);
+get_blocks_size([{_, _, _, _} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ get_blocks_size(Rest, Acc);
+get_blocks_size([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+blocks_size([{Carriers, SizeList} | Rest], Acc) when Carriers == mbcs;
+ Carriers == sbcs;
+ Carriers == sbmbcs ->
+ blocks_size(Rest, get_blocks_size(SizeList, Acc));
+blocks_size([_ | Rest], Acc) ->
+ blocks_size(Rest, Acc);
+blocks_size([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+get_fix_proc([{ProcType, A1, U1}| Rest], {A0, U0}) when ProcType == proc;
+ ProcType == monitor_sh;
+ ProcType == nlink_sh;
+ ProcType == msg_ref ->
+ get_fix_proc(Rest, {A0+A1, U0+U1});
+get_fix_proc([_|Rest], Acc) ->
+ get_fix_proc(Rest, Acc);
+get_fix_proc([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+fix_proc([{fix_types, SizeList} | _Rest], Acc) ->
+ get_fix_proc(SizeList, Acc);
+fix_proc([_ | Rest], Acc) ->
+ fix_proc(Rest, Acc);
+fix_proc([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+is_low_alloc(_A, []) ->
+ false;
+is_low_alloc(A, [A|_As]) ->
+ true;
+is_low_alloc(A, [_A|As]) ->
+ is_low_alloc(A, As).
+is_low_alloc(A) ->
+ is_low_alloc(A, ?LOW_ALLOCS).
+au_mem_data(notsup, _) ->
+ notsup;
+au_mem_data(_, [{_, false} | _]) ->
+ notsup;
+au_mem_data(#memory{total = Tot,
+ processes = Proc,
+ processes_used = ProcU} = Mem,
+ [{eheap_alloc, _, Data} | Rest]) ->
+ Sz = blocks_size(Data, 0),
+ au_mem_data(Mem#memory{total = Tot+Sz,
+ processes = Proc+Sz,
+ processes_used = ProcU+Sz},
+ Rest);
+au_mem_data(#memory{total = Tot,
+ system = Sys,
+ ets = Ets} = Mem,
+ [{ets_alloc, _, Data} | Rest]) ->
+ Sz = blocks_size(Data, 0),
+ au_mem_data(Mem#memory{total = Tot+Sz,
+ system = Sys+Sz,
+ ets = Ets+Sz},
+ Rest);
+au_mem_data(#memory{total = Tot,
+ system = Sys,
+ binary = Bin} = Mem,
+ [{binary_alloc, _, Data} | Rest]) ->
+ Sz = blocks_size(Data, 0),
+ au_mem_data(Mem#memory{total = Tot+Sz,
+ system = Sys+Sz,
+ binary = Bin+Sz},
+ Rest);
+au_mem_data(#memory{total = Tot,
+ processes = Proc,
+ processes_used = ProcU,
+ system = Sys} = Mem,
+ [{fix_alloc, _, Data} | Rest]) ->
+ {A, U} = fix_proc(Data, {0, 0}),
+ Sz = blocks_size(Data, 0),
+ au_mem_data(Mem#memory{total = Tot+Sz,
+ processes = Proc+A,
+ processes_used = ProcU+U,
+ system = Sys+Sz-A},
+ Rest);
+au_mem_data(#memory{total = Tot,
+ system = Sys,
+ low = Low} = Mem,
+ [{A, _, Data} | Rest]) ->
+ Sz = blocks_size(Data, 0),
+ au_mem_data(Mem#memory{total = Tot+Sz,
+ system = Sys+Sz,
+ low = case is_low_alloc(A) of
+ true -> Low+Sz;
+ false -> Low
+ end},
+ Rest);
+au_mem_data(EMD, []) ->
+ EMD.
+au_mem_data(Allocs) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ erlang:system_info({allocator_sizes, Ref, Allocs}),
+ receive_emd(Ref).
+receive_emd(_Ref, EMD, 0) ->
+ EMD;
+receive_emd(Ref, EMD, N) ->
+ receive
+ {Ref, _, Data} ->
+ receive_emd(Ref, au_mem_data(EMD, Data), N-1)
+ end.
+receive_emd(Ref) ->
+ receive_emd(Ref, #memory{}, erlang:system_info(schedulers)).
+aa_mem_data(#memory{} = Mem,
+ [{maximum, Max} | Rest]) ->
+ aa_mem_data(Mem#memory{maximum = Max},
+ Rest);
+aa_mem_data(#memory{} = Mem,
+ [{total, Tot} | Rest]) ->
+ aa_mem_data(Mem#memory{total = Tot,
+ system = 0}, % system will be adjusted later
+ Rest);
+aa_mem_data(#memory{atom = Atom,
+ atom_used = AtomU} = Mem,
+ [{atom_space, Alloced, Used} | Rest]) ->
+ aa_mem_data(Mem#memory{atom = Atom+Alloced,
+ atom_used = AtomU+Used},
+ Rest);
+aa_mem_data(#memory{atom = Atom,
+ atom_used = AtomU} = Mem,
+ [{atom_table, Sz} | Rest]) ->
+ aa_mem_data(Mem#memory{atom = Atom+Sz,
+ atom_used = AtomU+Sz},
+ Rest);
+aa_mem_data(#memory{ets = Ets} = Mem,
+ [{ets_misc, Sz} | Rest]) ->
+ aa_mem_data(Mem#memory{ets = Ets+Sz},
+ Rest);
+aa_mem_data(#memory{processes = Proc,
+ processes_used = ProcU,
+ system = Sys} = Mem,
+ [{ProcData, Sz} | Rest]) when ProcData == bif_timer;
+ ProcData == link_lh;
+ ProcData == process_table ->
+ aa_mem_data(Mem#memory{processes = Proc+Sz,
+ processes_used = ProcU+Sz,
+ system = Sys-Sz},
+ Rest);
+aa_mem_data(#memory{code = Code} = Mem,
+ [{CodeData, Sz} | Rest]) when CodeData == module_table;
+ CodeData == export_table;
+ CodeData == export_list;
+ CodeData == fun_table;
+ CodeData == module_refs;
+ CodeData == loaded_code ->
+ aa_mem_data(Mem#memory{code = Code+Sz},
+ Rest);
+aa_mem_data(EMD, [{_, _} | Rest]) ->
+ aa_mem_data(EMD, Rest);
+aa_mem_data(#memory{total = Tot,
+ processes = Proc,
+ system = Sys} = Mem,
+ []) when Sys =< 0 ->
+ %% Instrumented runtime system -> Sys = Tot - Proc
+ Mem#memory{system = Tot - Proc};
+aa_mem_data(EMD, []) ->
+ EMD.
+aa_mem_data(notsup) ->
+ notsup;
+aa_mem_data(EMD) ->
+ aa_mem_data(EMD, erlang:system_info(allocated_areas)).
+%% alloc_info/1 and alloc_sizes/1 are for internal use only (used by
+%% erlang:system_info({allocator|allocator_sizes, _})).
+alloc_info(Allocs) ->
+ get_alloc_info(allocator, Allocs).
+alloc_sizes(Allocs) ->
+ get_alloc_info(allocator_sizes, Allocs).
+get_alloc_info(Type, AAtom) when is_atom(AAtom) ->
+ [{AAtom, Result}] = get_alloc_info(Type, [AAtom]),
+ Result;
+get_alloc_info(Type, AList) when is_list(AList) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ erlang:system_info({Type, Ref, AList}),
+ receive_allocator(Ref,
+ erlang:system_info(schedulers),
+ mk_res_list(AList)).
+mk_res_list([]) ->
+ [];
+mk_res_list([Alloc | Rest]) ->
+ [{Alloc, []} | mk_res_list(Rest)].
+insert_instance(I, N, []) ->
+ [{instance, N, I}];
+insert_instance(I, N, [{instance, M, _}|_] = Rest) when N < M ->
+ [{instance, N, I} | Rest];
+insert_instance(I, N, [Prev|Rest]) ->
+ [Prev | insert_instance(I, N, Rest)].
+insert_info([], Ys) ->
+ Ys;
+insert_info([{A, false}|Xs], [{A, _IList}|Ys]) ->
+ insert_info(Xs, [{A, false}|Ys]);
+insert_info([{A, N, I}|Xs], [{A, IList}|Ys]) ->
+ insert_info(Xs, [{A, insert_instance(I, N, IList)}|Ys]);
+insert_info([{A1, _}|_] = Xs, [{A2, _} = Y | Ys]) when A1 /= A2 ->
+ [Y | insert_info(Xs, Ys)];
+insert_info([{A1, _, _}|_] = Xs, [{A2, _} = Y | Ys]) when A1 /= A2 ->
+ [Y | insert_info(Xs, Ys)].
+receive_allocator(_Ref, 0, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+receive_allocator(Ref, N, Acc) ->
+ receive
+ {Ref, _, InfoList} ->
+ receive_allocator(Ref, N-1, insert_info(InfoList, Acc))
+ end.
+-spec await_sched_wall_time_modifications(Ref, Result) -> boolean() when
+ Ref :: reference(),
+ Result :: boolean().
+await_sched_wall_time_modifications(Ref, Result) ->
+ sched_wall_time(Ref, erlang:system_info(schedulers)),
+ Result.
+-spec gather_sched_wall_time_result(Ref) -> [{pos_integer(),
+ non_neg_integer(),
+ non_neg_integer()}] when
+ Ref :: reference().
+gather_sched_wall_time_result(Ref) when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ sched_wall_time(Ref, erlang:system_info(schedulers), []).
+sched_wall_time(_Ref, 0) ->
+ ok;
+sched_wall_time(Ref, N) ->
+ receive Ref -> sched_wall_time(Ref, N-1) end.
+sched_wall_time(_Ref, 0, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+sched_wall_time(Ref, N, undefined) ->
+ receive {Ref, _} -> sched_wall_time(Ref, N-1, undefined) end;
+sched_wall_time(Ref, N, Acc) ->
+ receive
+ {Ref, undefined} -> sched_wall_time(Ref, N-1, undefined);
+ {Ref, SWT} -> sched_wall_time(Ref, N-1, [SWT|Acc])
+ end.