path: root/erts/preloaded/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/preloaded/src')
6 files changed, 395 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/Makefile b/erts/preloaded/src/Makefile
index 52034a0881..31383dda83 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/Makefile
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/Makefile
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ PRE_LOADED_ERL_MODULES = \
zlib \
prim_zip \
otp_ring0 \
+ erts_code_purger \
erlang \
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl
index d9dc9a1976..40d5aedd24 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/erlang.erl
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
-export([bit_size/1, bitsize/1, bitstring_to_list/1]).
-export([bump_reductions/1, byte_size/1, call_on_load_function/1]).
-export([cancel_timer/1, cancel_timer/2, check_old_code/1, check_process_code/2,
- check_process_code/3, copy_literals/2, crc32/1]).
+ check_process_code/3, crc32/1]).
-export([crc32/2, crc32_combine/3, date/0, decode_packet/3]).
-export([delete_module/1, demonitor/1, demonitor/2, display/1]).
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ check_old_code(_Module) ->
CheckResult :: boolean().
check_process_code(Pid, Module) ->
- erlang:check_process_code(Pid, Module, [{allow_gc, true}])
+ erts_internal:check_process_code(Pid, Module, [{allow_gc, true}])
error:Error -> erlang:error(Error, [Pid, Module])
@@ -475,58 +475,11 @@ check_process_code(Pid, Module) ->
CheckResult :: boolean() | aborted.
check_process_code(Pid, Module, OptionList) ->
- {Async, AllowGC} = get_cpc_opts(OptionList, sync, true),
- case Async of
- {async, ReqId} ->
- {priority, Prio} = erlang:process_info(erlang:self(),
- priority),
- erts_internal:request_system_task(Pid,
- Prio,
- {check_process_code,
- ReqId,
- Module,
- AllowGC}),
- async;
- sync ->
- case Pid == erlang:self() of
- true ->
- erts_internal:check_process_code(Module,
- [{allow_gc, AllowGC}]);
- false ->
- {priority, Prio} = erlang:process_info(erlang:self(),
- priority),
- ReqId = erlang:make_ref(),
- erts_internal:request_system_task(Pid,
- Prio,
- {check_process_code,
- ReqId,
- Module,
- AllowGC}),
- receive
- {check_process_code, ReqId, CheckResult} ->
- CheckResult
- end
- end
- end
+ erts_internal:check_process_code(Pid, Module, OptionList)
error:Error -> erlang:error(Error, [Pid, Module, OptionList])
-% gets async and allow_gc opts and verify valid option list
-get_cpc_opts([{async, _ReqId} = AsyncTuple | Options], _OldAsync, AllowGC) ->
- get_cpc_opts(Options, AsyncTuple, AllowGC);
-get_cpc_opts([{allow_gc, AllowGC} | Options], Async, _OldAllowGC) ->
- get_cpc_opts(Options, Async, AllowGC);
-get_cpc_opts([], Async, AllowGC) ->
- {Async, AllowGC}.
-%% copy_literals/2
--spec erlang:copy_literals(Module,Bool) -> 'true' | 'false' | 'aborted' when
- Module :: module(),
- Bool :: boolean().
-copy_literals(_Mod, _Bool) ->
- erlang:nif_error(undefined).
%% crc32/1
-spec erlang:crc32(Data) -> non_neg_integer() when
Data :: iodata().
@@ -1471,8 +1424,16 @@ processes() ->
%% purge_module/1
-spec purge_module(Module) -> true when
Module :: atom().
-purge_module(_Module) ->
- erlang:nif_error(undefined).
+purge_module(Module) when erlang:is_atom(Module) ->
+ case erts_code_purger:purge(Module) of
+ {false, _} ->
+ erlang:error(badarg, [Module]);
+ {true, _} ->
+ true
+ end;
+purge_module(Arg) ->
+ erlang:error(badarg, [Arg]).
%% put/2
-spec put(Key, Val) -> term() when
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/erts.app.src b/erts/preloaded/src/erts.app.src
index 8442aaf7e8..e53b6e5bab 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/erts.app.src
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/erts.app.src
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ erts_code_purger,
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/erts_code_purger.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/erts_code_purger.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a64860bec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/erts_code_purger.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose : Implement system process erts_code_purger
+%% to handle code module purging.
+-export([start/0, purge/1, soft_purge/1]).
+-spec start() -> term().
+start() ->
+ register(erts_code_purger, self()),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ loop().
+loop() ->
+ receive
+ {purge,Mod,From,Ref} when is_atom(Mod), is_pid(From) ->
+ Res = do_purge(Mod),
+ From ! {reply, purge, Res, Ref};
+ {soft_purge,Mod,From,Ref} when is_atom(Mod), is_pid(From) ->
+ Res = do_soft_purge(Mod),
+ From ! {reply, soft_purge, Res, Ref};
+ _Other -> ignore
+ end,
+ loop().
+%% purge(Module)
+%% Kill all processes running code from *old* Module, and then purge the
+%% module. Return {WasOld, DidKill}:
+%% {false, false} there was no old module to purge
+%% {true, false} module purged, no process killed
+%% {true, true} module purged, at least one process killed
+purge(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ erts_code_purger ! {purge, Mod, self(), Ref},
+ receive
+ {reply, purge, Result, Ref} ->
+ Result
+ end.
+do_purge(Mod) ->
+ case erts_internal:copy_literals(Mod, true) of
+ false ->
+ {false, false};
+ true ->
+ DidKill = check_proc_code(erlang:processes(), Mod, true),
+ true = erts_internal:copy_literals(Mod, false),
+ WasPurged = erts_internal:purge_module(Mod),
+ {WasPurged, DidKill}
+ end.
+%% soft_purge(Module)
+%% Purge old code only if no procs remain that run old code.
+%% Return true in that case, false if procs remain (in this
+%% case old code is not purged)
+soft_purge(Mod) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ erts_code_purger ! {soft_purge, Mod, self(), Ref},
+ receive
+ {reply, soft_purge, Result, Ref} ->
+ Result
+ end.
+do_soft_purge(Mod) ->
+ case erts_internal:copy_literals(Mod, true) of
+ false ->
+ true;
+ true ->
+ DoPurge = check_proc_code(erlang:processes(), Mod, false),
+ true = erts_internal:copy_literals(Mod, false),
+ case DoPurge of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ true ->
+ erts_internal:purge_module(Mod),
+ true
+ end
+ end.
+%% check_proc_code(Pids, Mod, Hard) - Send asynchronous
+%% requests to all processes to perform a check_process_code
+%% operation. Each process will check their own state and
+%% reply with the result. If 'Hard' equals
+%% - true, processes that refer 'Mod' will be killed. If
+%% any processes were killed true is returned; otherwise,
+%% false.
+%% - false, and any processes refer 'Mod', false will
+%% returned; otherwise, true.
+%% Requests will be sent to all processes identified by
+%% Pids at once, but without allowing GC to be performed.
+%% Check process code operations that are aborted due to
+%% GC need, will be restarted allowing GC. However, only
+%% ?MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS outstanding operation allowing GC at
+%% a time will be allowed. This in order not to blow up
+%% memory wise.
+%% We also only allow ?MAX_CPC_NO_OUTSTANDING_KILLS
+%% outstanding kills. This both in order to avoid flooding
+%% our message queue with 'DOWN' messages and limiting the
+%% amount of memory used to keep references to all
+%% outstanding kills.
+%% We maybe should allow more than two outstanding
+%% GC requests, but for now we play it safe...
+-define(MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS, 2).
+-record(cpc_static, {hard, module, tag}).
+-record(cpc_kill, {outstanding = [],
+ no_outstanding = 0,
+ waiting = [],
+ killed = false}).
+check_proc_code(Pids, Mod, Hard) ->
+ Tag = erlang:make_ref(),
+ CpcS = #cpc_static{hard = Hard,
+ module = Mod,
+ tag = Tag},
+ check_proc_code(CpcS, cpc_init(CpcS, Pids, 0), 0, [], #cpc_kill{}, true).
+check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = true}, 0, 0, [],
+ #cpc_kill{outstanding = [], waiting = [], killed = Killed},
+ true) ->
+ %% No outstanding requests. We did a hard check, so result is whether or
+ %% not we killed any processes...
+ Killed;
+check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = false}, 0, 0, [], _KillState, Success) ->
+ %% No outstanding requests and we did a soft check...
+ Success;
+check_proc_code(#cpc_static{hard = false, tag = Tag} = CpcS, NoReq0, NoGcReq0,
+ [], _KillState, false) ->
+ %% Failed soft check; just cleanup the remaining replies corresponding
+ %% to the requests we've sent...
+ {NoReq1, NoGcReq1} = receive
+ {check_process_code, {Tag, _P, GC}, _Res} ->
+ case GC of
+ false -> {NoReq0-1, NoGcReq0};
+ true -> {NoReq0, NoGcReq0-1}
+ end
+ end,
+ check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq1, [], _KillState, false);
+check_proc_code(#cpc_static{tag = Tag} = CpcS, NoReq0, NoGcReq0, NeedGC0,
+ KillState0, Success) ->
+ %% Check if we should request a GC operation
+ {NoGcReq1, NeedGC1} = case NoGcReq0 < ?MAX_CPC_GC_PROCS of
+ GcOpAllowed when GcOpAllowed == false;
+ NeedGC0 == [] ->
+ {NoGcReq0, NeedGC0};
+ _ ->
+ {NoGcReq0+1, cpc_request_gc(CpcS,NeedGC0)}
+ end,
+ %% Wait for a cpc reply or 'DOWN' message
+ {NoReq1, NoGcReq2, Pid, Result, KillState1} = cpc_recv(Tag,
+ NoReq0,
+ NoGcReq1,
+ KillState0),
+ %% Check the result of the reply
+ case Result of
+ aborted ->
+ %% Operation aborted due to the need to GC in order to
+ %% determine if the process is referring the module.
+ %% Schedule the operation for restart allowing GC...
+ check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, [Pid|NeedGC1], KillState1,
+ Success);
+ false ->
+ %% Process not referring the module; done with this process...
+ check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1, KillState1,
+ Success);
+ true ->
+ %% Process referring the module...
+ case CpcS#cpc_static.hard of
+ false ->
+ %% ... and soft check. The whole operation failed so
+ %% no point continuing; clean up and fail...
+ check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, [], KillState1,
+ false);
+ true ->
+ %% ... and hard check; schedule kill of it...
+ check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1,
+ cpc_sched_kill(Pid, KillState1), Success)
+ end;
+ 'DOWN' ->
+ %% Handled 'DOWN' message
+ check_proc_code(CpcS, NoReq1, NoGcReq2, NeedGC1,
+ KillState1, Success)
+ end.
+cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq, #cpc_kill{outstanding = []} = KillState) ->
+ receive
+ {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
+ cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
+ end;
+cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq,
+ #cpc_kill{outstanding = [R0, R1, R2, R3, R4 | _]} = KillState) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', R, process, _, _} when R == R0;
+ R == R1;
+ R == R2;
+ R == R3;
+ R == R4 ->
+ cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, KillState);
+ {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
+ cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
+ end;
+cpc_recv(Tag, NoReq, NoGcReq, #cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|_]} = KillState) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', R, process, _, _} ->
+ cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, KillState);
+ {check_process_code, {Tag, Pid, GC}, Res} ->
+ cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, GC, Pid, Res, KillState)
+ end.
+cpc_handle_down(NoReq, NoGcReq, R, #cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs,
+ no_outstanding = N} = KillState) ->
+ {NoReq, NoGcReq, undefined, 'DOWN',
+ cpc_sched_kill_waiting(KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = cpc_list_rm(R, Rs),
+ no_outstanding = N-1})}.
+cpc_list_rm(R, [R|Rs]) ->
+ Rs;
+cpc_list_rm(R0, [R1|Rs]) ->
+ [R1|cpc_list_rm(R0, Rs)].
+cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, false, Pid, Res, KillState) ->
+ {NoReq-1, NoGcReq, Pid, Res, KillState};
+cpc_handle_cpc(NoReq, NoGcReq, true, Pid, Res, KillState) ->
+ {NoReq, NoGcReq-1, Pid, Res, KillState}.
+cpc_sched_kill_waiting(#cpc_kill{waiting = []} = KillState) ->
+ KillState;
+cpc_sched_kill_waiting(#cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs,
+ no_outstanding = N,
+ waiting = [P|Ps]} = KillState) ->
+ R = erlang:monitor(process, P),
+ exit(P, kill),
+ KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|Rs],
+ no_outstanding = N+1,
+ waiting = Ps,
+ killed = true}.
+cpc_sched_kill(Pid, #cpc_kill{no_outstanding = N, waiting = Pids} = KillState)
+ KillState#cpc_kill{waiting = [Pid|Pids]};
+ #cpc_kill{outstanding = Rs, no_outstanding = N} = KillState) ->
+ R = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ exit(Pid, kill),
+ KillState#cpc_kill{outstanding = [R|Rs],
+ no_outstanding = N+1,
+ killed = true}.
+cpc_request(#cpc_static{tag = Tag, module = Mod}, Pid, AllowGc) ->
+ erts_internal:check_process_code(Pid, Mod, [{async, {Tag, Pid, AllowGc}},
+ {allow_gc, AllowGc},
+ {copy_literals, true}]).
+cpc_request_gc(CpcS, [Pid|Pids]) ->
+ cpc_request(CpcS, Pid, true),
+ Pids.
+cpc_init(_CpcS, [], NoReqs) ->
+ NoReqs;
+cpc_init(CpcS, [Pid|Pids], NoReqs) ->
+ cpc_request(CpcS, Pid, false),
+ cpc_init(CpcS, Pids, NoReqs+1).
+% end of check_proc_code() implementation.
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/erts_internal.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/erts_internal.erl
index 426749264f..84dedab930 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/erts_internal.erl
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/erts_internal.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
@@ -47,6 +49,9 @@
+%% Auto import name clash
%% Await result of send to port
@@ -197,11 +202,80 @@ port_info(_Result, _Item) ->
request_system_task(_Pid, _Prio, _Request) ->
--spec check_process_code(Module, OptionList) -> boolean() when
+-define(ERTS_CPC_ALLOW_GC, (1 bsl 0)).
+-define(ERTS_CPC_COPY_LITERALS, (1 bsl 1)).
+-spec check_process_code(Module, Flags) -> boolean() when
+ Module :: module(),
+ Flags :: non_neg_integer().
+check_process_code(_Module, _Flags) ->
+ erlang:nif_error(undefined).
+-spec check_process_code(Pid, Module, OptionList) -> CheckResult | async when
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ Module :: module(),
+ RequestId :: term(),
+ Option :: {async, RequestId} | {allow_gc, boolean()} | {copy_literals, boolean()},
+ OptionList :: [Option],
+ CheckResult :: boolean() | aborted.
+check_process_code(Pid, Module, OptionList) ->
+ {Async, Flags} = get_cpc_opts(OptionList, sync, ?ERTS_CPC_ALLOW_GC),
+ case Async of
+ {async, ReqId} ->
+ {priority, Prio} = erlang:process_info(erlang:self(),
+ priority),
+ erts_internal:request_system_task(Pid,
+ Prio,
+ {check_process_code,
+ ReqId,
+ Module,
+ Flags}),
+ async;
+ sync ->
+ case Pid == erlang:self() of
+ true ->
+ erts_internal:check_process_code(Module, Flags);
+ false ->
+ {priority, Prio} = erlang:process_info(erlang:self(),
+ priority),
+ ReqId = erlang:make_ref(),
+ erts_internal:request_system_task(Pid,
+ Prio,
+ {check_process_code,
+ ReqId,
+ Module,
+ Flags}),
+ receive
+ {check_process_code, ReqId, CheckResult} ->
+ CheckResult
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+% gets async and flag opts and verify valid option list
+get_cpc_opts([{async, _ReqId} = AsyncTuple | Options], _OldAsync, Flags) ->
+ get_cpc_opts(Options, AsyncTuple, Flags);
+get_cpc_opts([{allow_gc, AllowGC} | Options], Async, Flags) ->
+ get_cpc_opts(Options, Async, cpc_flags(Flags, ?ERTS_CPC_ALLOW_GC, AllowGC));
+get_cpc_opts([{copy_literals, CopyLit} | Options], Async, Flags) ->
+ get_cpc_opts(Options, Async, cpc_flags(Flags, ?ERTS_CPC_COPY_LITERALS, CopyLit));
+get_cpc_opts([], Async, Flags) ->
+ {Async, Flags}.
+cpc_flags(OldFlags, Bit, true) ->
+ OldFlags bor Bit;
+cpc_flags(OldFlags, Bit, false) ->
+ OldFlags band (bnot Bit).
+-spec copy_literals(Module,Bool) -> 'true' | 'false' | 'aborted' when
Module :: module(),
- Option :: {allow_gc, boolean()},
- OptionList :: [Option].
-check_process_code(_Module, _OptionList) ->
+ Bool :: boolean().
+copy_literals(_Mod, _Bool) ->
+ erlang:nif_error(undefined).
+-spec purge_module(Module) -> boolean() when
+ Module :: module().
+purge_module(_Module) ->
%% term compare where integer() < float() = true
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/init.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/init.erl
index 383c4a1ec6..ed65c57c0d 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/init.erl
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/init.erl
@@ -636,9 +636,9 @@ unload(_) ->
do_unload([M|Mods]) ->
- catch erlang:purge_module(M),
+ catch erts_internal:purge_module(M),
catch erlang:delete_module(M),
- catch erlang:purge_module(M),
+ catch erts_internal:purge_module(M),
do_unload([]) ->