path: root/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
index c223561f12..187339fb53 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
@@ -4399,22 +4399,22 @@ constraint_union(_S,C) ->
constraint_union1(S,[A={'ValueRange',_},union,B={'ValueRange',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = constraint_union_vr([A,B]),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[A={'SingleValue',_},union,B={'SingleValue',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = constraint_union_sv(S,[A,B]),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[A={'SingleValue',_},union,B={'ValueRange',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = union_sv_vr(S,A,B),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[A={'ValueRange',_},union,B={'SingleValue',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = union_sv_vr(S,B,A),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[union|Rest],Acc) -> %skip when unsupported constraints
constraint_union1(S,[A|Rest],Acc) ->
constraint_union1(_S,[],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
+ Acc.
constraint_union_sv(_S,SV) ->
Values=lists:map(fun({_,V})->V end,SV),
@@ -4467,63 +4467,33 @@ constraint_union_vr([{_,{_,Ub2}}|Rest],A=[{_,{_,Ub1}}|_Acc]) when Ub2=<Ub1->
constraint_union_vr([VR|Rest],Acc) ->
when is_integer(SV) ->
- case is_int_in_vr(SV,C2) of
- true -> [C2];
- _ ->
- case VR of
- {'MIN',Ub} when SV==Ub+1 -> [{'ValueRange',{'MIN',SV}}];
- {Lb,'MAX'} when SV==Lb-1 -> [{'ValueRange',{SV,'MAX'}}];
- {Lb,Ub} when SV==Ub+1 -> [{'ValueRange',{Lb,SV}}];
- {Lb,Ub} when SV==Lb-1 -> [{'ValueRange',{SV,Ub}}];
- _ ->
- [C1,C2]
- end
- end;
+ union_sv_vr(_S,{'SingleValue',[SV]},VR);
when is_list(SV) ->
- case lists:filter(fun(X)->is_int_in_vr(X,C2) end,SV) of
- [] -> [C2];
- L ->
- case expand_vr(L,C2) of
- {[],C3} -> [C3];
- {L,C2} -> [C1,C2];
- {[Val],C3} -> [{'SingleValue',Val},C3];
- {L2,C3} -> [{'SingleValue',L2},C3]
- end
- end.
-expand_vr(L,VR={_,{Lb,Ub}}) ->
- case lower_Lb(L,Lb) of
- false ->
- case higher_Ub(L,Ub) of
- false ->
- {L,VR};
- {L1,UbNew} ->
- expand_vr(L1,{'ValueRange',{Lb,UbNew}})
- end;
- {L1,LbNew} ->
- expand_vr(L1,{'ValueRange',{LbNew,Ub}})
- end.
-lower_Lb(_,'MIN') ->
- false;
-lower_Lb(L,Lb) ->
- remove_val_from_list(Lb - 1,L).
-higher_Ub(_,'MAX') ->
- false;
-higher_Ub(L,Ub) ->
- remove_val_from_list(Ub + 1,L).
+ L = lists:sort(SV++[VLb,VUb]),
+ {Lb,L1} = case lists:member('MIN',L) of
+ true -> {'MIN',L--['MIN']}; % remove 'MIN' so it does not disturb
+ false -> {hd(L),tl(L)}
+ end,
+ Ub = case lists:member('MAX',L1) of
+ true -> 'MAX';
+ false -> lists:last(L1)
+ end,
+ case SV of
+ [H] -> H;
+ _ -> SV
+ end,
+ %% for now we through away the Singlevalues so that they don't disturb
+ %% in the code generating phase (the effective Valuerange is already
+ %% calculated. If we want to keep the Singlevalues as well for
+ %% use in code gen phases we need to introduce a new representation
+ %% like {'ValueRange',{Lb,Ub},[ListOfRanges|AntiValues|Singlevalues]
+ %% These could be used to generate guards which allows only the specific
+ %% values , not the full range
+ [{'ValueRange',{Lb,Ub}}].
-remove_val_from_list(Val,List) ->
- case lists:member(Val,List) of
- true ->
- {lists:delete(Val,List),Val};
- false ->
- false
- end.
%% get_constraints/2
%% Arguments are a list of constraints, which has the format {key,value},