path: root/lib/asn1/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/src')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index c6f08dba93..aa8bd58e53 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -1148,55 +1148,16 @@ gen_record(Gen, TorPtype, Name, #type{}=Type, Num) ->
0 -> open_hrl(get(outfile),get(currmod));
_ -> true
- Prefix = get_record_name_prefix(Gen),
- emit({"-record('",Prefix,list2name(Name),"',{",nl}),
- RootList = case CompList of
- _ when is_list(CompList) ->
- CompList;
- {Rl,_} -> Rl;
- {Rl1,_Ext,_Rl2} -> Rl1
- end,
- gen_record2(Name,'SEQUENCE',RootList),
- NewCompList =
+ do_gen_record(Gen, Name, CompList),
+ NewCompList =
case CompList of
{CompList1,[]} ->
- emit({"}). % with extension mark",nl,nl}),
{Tr,ExtensionList2} ->
- case Tr of
- [] -> true;
- _ -> emit({",",nl})
- end,
- emit({"%% with extensions",nl}),
- gen_record2(Name, 'SEQUENCE', ExtensionList2,
- "", ext),
- emit({"}).",nl,nl}),
Tr ++ ExtensionList2;
{Rootl1,Extl,Rootl2} ->
- case Rootl1 =/= [] andalso Extl++Rootl2 =/= [] of
- true -> emit([com]);
- false -> ok
- end,
- case Rootl1 of
- [_|_] -> emit([nl]);
- [] -> ok
- end,
- emit(["%% with extensions",nl]),
- gen_record2(Name,'SEQUENCE',Extl,"",ext),
- case Extl =/= [] andalso Rootl2 =/= [] of
- true -> emit([com]);
- false -> ok
- end,
- case Extl of
- [_|_] -> emit([nl]);
- [] -> ok
- end,
- emit(["%% end of extensions",nl]),
- gen_record2(Name,'SEQUENCE',Rootl2,"",noext),
- emit(["}).",nl,nl]),
- _ ->
- emit({"}).",nl,nl}),
+ _ ->
gen_record(Gen, TorPtype, Name, NewCompList, Num+1);
@@ -1208,6 +1169,51 @@ gen_record(Gen, TorPtype, Name, #type{}=Type, Num) ->
gen_record(_, _, _, _, NumRecords) -> % skip CLASS etc for now.
+do_gen_record(Gen, Name, CL0) ->
+ CL = case CL0 of
+ {Root,[]} ->
+ Root ++ [{comment,"with extension mark"}];
+ {Root,Ext} ->
+ Root ++ [{comment,"with exensions"}] ++
+ only_components(Ext);
+ {Root1,Ext,Root2} ->
+ Root1 ++ [{comment,"with exensions"}] ++
+ only_components(Ext) ++
+ [{comment,"end of extensions"}] ++ Root2;
+ _ when is_list(CL0) ->
+ CL0
+ end,
+ Prefix = get_record_name_prefix(Gen),
+ emit(["-record('",Prefix,list2name(Name),"', {"] ++
+ do_gen_record_1(CL) ++
+ [nl,"}).",nl,nl]).
+only_components(CL) ->
+ [C || #'ComponentType'{}=C <- CL].
+do_gen_record_1([#'ComponentType'{name=Name,prop=Prop}|T]) ->
+ Val = case Prop of
+ " = asn1_NOVALUE";
+ {'DEFAULT',_} ->
+ " = asn1_DEFAULT";
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Com = case needs_trailing_comma(T) of
+ true -> [com];
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ [nl," ",{asis,Name},Val,Com|do_gen_record_1(T)];
+do_gen_record_1([{comment,Text}|T]) ->
+ [nl," %% ",Text|do_gen_record_1(T)];
+do_gen_record_1([]) ->
+ [].
+needs_trailing_comma([#'ComponentType'{}|_]) -> true;
+needs_trailing_comma([_|T]) -> needs_trailing_comma(T);
+needs_trailing_comma([]) -> false.
gen_head(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, Mod, Hrl) ->
Name = case Gen of
#gen{erule=per,aligned=false} ->
@@ -1240,31 +1246,6 @@ gen_hrlhead(Mod) ->
emit({"%% definition,in module ",Mod,nl,nl}),
-gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,Comps) ->
- gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,Comps,"",noext).
-gen_record2(_Name,_SeqOrSet,[],_Com,_Extension) ->
- true;
-gen_record2(_Name,_SeqOrSet,[H = #'ComponentType'{name=Cname}],Com,Extension) ->
- emit(Com),
- emit({asis,Cname}),
- gen_record_default(H, Extension);
-gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,[H = #'ComponentType'{name=Cname}|T],Com, Extension) ->
- emit(Com),
- emit({asis,Cname}),
- gen_record_default(H, Extension),
- gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,T,", ", Extension);
-gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,[_|T],Com,Extension) ->
- %% skip EXTENSIONMARK, ExtensionAdditionGroup and other markers
- gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,T,Com,Extension).
-gen_record_default(#'ComponentType'{prop='OPTIONAL'}, _)->
- emit(" = asn1_NOVALUE");
-gen_record_default(#'ComponentType'{prop={'DEFAULT',_}}, _)->
- emit(" = asn1_DEFAULT");
-gen_record_default(_, _) ->
- true.
%% May only be a list or a two-tuple.
to_textual_order({Root,Ext}) ->