path: root/lib/asn1/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/src')
26 files changed, 1167 insertions, 1343 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/Makefile b/lib/asn1/src/Makefile
index 2733cde3f8..4bd49aa93b 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ CT_MODULES= \
asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2 \
asn1ct_value \
asn1ct_tok \
- asn1ct_parser2
+ asn1ct_parser2 \
+ asn1ct_table
asn1rt \
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ RT_MODULES= \
asn1rt_per_bin_rt2ct \
asn1rt_uper_bin \
asn1rt_check \
- asn1rt_driver_handler
+ asn1rt_nif
# asn1_sup \
# asn1_app \
# asn1_server
@@ -152,16 +153,16 @@ $(APPUP_TARGET): $(APPUP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk
release_spec: opt
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(RELSYSDIR)/examples
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(RELSYSDIR)/examples"
# there are no include files to be used by the user
+#$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(RELSYSDIR)/include"
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1.app.src b/lib/asn1/src/asn1.app.src
index abacb0a1e9..09144ba2f7 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1.app.src
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1.app.src
@@ -9,12 +9,11 @@
- asn1rt_driver_handler
+ asn1rt_nif
{registered, [
- asn1db,
- asn1_driver_owner
+ asn1db
{env, []},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]}
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_app.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_app.erl
index 2d3eed1743..9fff96e0bf 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_app.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_app.erl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
%% {error, Reason}
start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
- asn1_sup:start_link().
+ {ok, self()}.
%% stop(State)
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
index f680b3d064..843fc66c9c 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
@@ -1,167 +1,154 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% internal exports
-%% Db stuff
-dbstart(Includes) ->
- start_server(asn1db, asn1_db, dbloop0, [Includes]).
-dbloop0(Includes) ->
- dbloop(Includes, ets:new(asn1, [set,named_table])).
-opentab(Tab,Mod,[]) ->
- opentab(Tab,Mod,["."]);
-opentab(Tab,Mod,Includes) ->
- Base = lists:concat([Mod,".asn1db"]),
- opentab2(Tab,Base,Mod,Includes,ok).
+-record(state, {parent, monitor, includes, table}).
-opentab2(_Tab,_Base,_Mod,[],Error) ->
- Error;
-opentab2(Tab,Base,Mod,[Ih|It],_Error) ->
- File = filename:join(Ih,Base),
- case ets:file2tab(File) of
- {ok,Modtab} ->
- ets:insert(Tab,{Mod, Modtab}),
- {ok,Modtab};
- NewErr ->
- opentab2(Tab,Base,Mod,It,NewErr)
+%% Interface
+dbstart(Includes) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ case get(?MODULE) of
+ undefined ->
+ put(?MODULE, spawn_link(fun() -> init(Parent, Includes) end)),
+ true;
+ _Pid ->
+ req({new_includes, Includes})
-dbloop(Includes, Tab) ->
- receive
- {From,{set, Mod, K2, V}} ->
- [{_,Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- ets:insert(Modtab,{K2, V}),
- From ! {asn1db, ok},
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {get, Mod, K2}} ->
- Result = case ets:lookup(Tab,Mod) of
- [] ->
- opentab(Tab,Mod,Includes);
- [{_,Modtab}] -> {ok,Modtab}
- end,
- case Result of
- {ok,Newtab} ->
- From ! {asn1db, lookup(Newtab, K2)};
- _Error ->
- From ! {asn1db, undefined}
- end,
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {all_mod, Mod}} ->
- [{_,Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- From ! {asn1db, ets:tab2list(Modtab)},
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {delete_mod, Mod}} ->
- [{_,Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- ets:delete(Modtab),
- ets:delete(Tab,Mod),
- From ! {asn1db, ok},
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {save, OutFile,Mod}} ->
- [{_,Mtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- From ! {asn1db, ets:tab2file(Mtab,OutFile)},
- dbloop(Includes,Tab);
- {From, {load, Mod}} ->
- Result = case ets:lookup(Tab,Mod) of
- [] ->
- opentab(Tab,Mod,Includes);
- [{_,Modtab}] -> {ok,Modtab}
- end,
- From ! {asn1db,Result},
- dbloop(Includes,Tab);
- {From, {new, Mod}} ->
- case ets:lookup(Tab,Mod) of
- [{_,Modtab}] ->
- ets:delete(Modtab);
- _ ->
- true
- end,
- Tabname = list_to_atom(lists:concat(["asn1_",Mod])),
- ets:new(Tabname, [set,named_table]),
- ets:insert(Tab,{Mod,Tabname}),
- From ! {asn1db, ok},
- dbloop(Includes,Tab);
- {From, stop} ->
- From ! {asn1db, ok}; %% nothing to store
- {From, clear} ->
- ModTabList = [Mt||{_,Mt} <- ets:tab2list(Tab)],
- lists:foreach(fun(T) -> ets:delete(T) end,ModTabList),
- ets:delete(Tab),
- From ! {asn1db, cleared},
- dbloop(Includes, ets:new(asn1, [set]));
- {From,{new_includes,[NewIncludes]}} ->
- From ! {asn1db,done},
- dbloop(NewIncludes,Tab)
+dbnew(Module) -> req({new, Module}).
+dbsave(OutFile, Module) -> req({save, OutFile, Module}).
+dbload(Module) -> req({load, Module}).
+dbput(Module, K, V) -> req({set, Module, K, V}).
+dbget(Module, K) -> req({get, Module, K}).
+dbget_all(K) -> req({get_all, K}).
+dbget_all_mod(Mod) -> req({all_mod, Mod}).
+dbclear() -> req(clear).
+dberase_module({module,M}) -> req({delete_mod, M}).
+dbstop() -> Resp = req(stop), erase(?MODULE), Resp.
+%% Internal functions
+req(Request) ->
+ DbPid = get(?MODULE),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process,DbPid),
+ get(?MODULE) ! {{Ref, self()}, Request},
+ receive
+ {{Ref,?MODULE}, Reply} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Ref,[flush]),
+ Reply;
+ {'DOWN',Ref,_,_,Info} ->
+ exit({db_error,Info})
+reply({Ref,From}, Response) ->
+ From ! {{Ref,?MODULE}, Response}.
-%%all(Tab, K) ->
-%% pickup(K, ets:match(Tab, {{K, '$1'}, '$2'})).
-%%pickup(K, []) -> [];
-%%pickup(K, [[V1,V2] |T]) ->
-%% [{{K,V1},V2} | pickup(K, T)].
+init(Parent, Includes) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent),
+ loop(#state{parent = Parent, monitor = MRef, includes = Includes,
+ table = ets:new(?MODULE, [])}).
-lookup(Tab, K) ->
- case ets:lookup(Tab, K) of
- [] -> undefined;
- [{K,V}] -> V
+loop(#state{parent = Parent, monitor = MRef, table = Table,
+ includes = Includes} = State) ->
+ receive
+ {From, {set, Mod, K2, V}} ->
+ [{_, Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ ets:insert(Modtab, {K2, V}),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {get, Mod, K2}} ->
+ Result = case ets:lookup(Table, Mod) of
+ [] -> opentab(Table, Mod, Includes);
+ [{_, Modtab}] -> {ok, Modtab}
+ end,
+ case Result of
+ {ok, Newtab} -> reply(From, lookup(Newtab, K2));
+ _Error -> reply(From, undefined)
+ end,
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {all_mod, Mod}} ->
+ [{_, Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ reply(From, ets:tab2list(Modtab)),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {delete_mod, Mod}} ->
+ [{_, Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ ets:delete(Modtab),
+ ets:delete(Table, Mod),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {save, OutFile, Mod}} ->
+ [{_,Mtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ reply(From, ets:tab2file(Mtab, OutFile)),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {load, Mod}} ->
+ Result = case ets:lookup(Table, Mod) of
+ [] -> opentab(Table, Mod, Includes);
+ [{_, Modtab}] -> {ok, Modtab}
+ end,
+ reply(From, Result),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {new, Mod}} ->
+ case ets:lookup(Table, Mod) of
+ [{_, Modtab}] -> ets:delete(Modtab);
+ _ -> true
+ end,
+ ModTableId = ets:new(list_to_atom(lists:concat(["asn1_",Mod])), []),
+ ets:insert(Table, {Mod, ModTableId}),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, clear} ->
+ [ets:delete(Mt) || {_, Mt} <- ets:tab2list(Table)],
+ ets:delete(Table),
+ reply(From, cleared),
+ loop(State#state{table = ets:new(asn1, [set])});
+ {From, {new_includes, NewIncludes}} ->
+ reply(From, true),
+ loop(State#state{includes = NewIncludes});
+ {From, stop} ->
+ reply(From, stopped); %% Nothing to store
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Parent, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason)
+opentab(Tab, Mod, []) ->
+ opentab(Tab, Mod, ["."]);
+opentab(Tab, Mod, Includes) ->
+ Base = lists:concat([Mod, ".asn1db"]),
+ opentab2(Tab, Base, Mod, Includes, ok).
-dbnew(Module) -> req({new,Module}).
-dbsave(OutFile,Module) -> req({save,OutFile,Module}).
-dbload(Module) -> req({load,Module}).
-dbput(Module,K,V) -> req({set, Module, K, V}).
-dbget(Module,K) -> req({get, Module, K}).
-dbget_all(K) -> req({get_all, K}).
-dbget_all_mod(Mod) -> req({all_mod,Mod}).
-dbstop() -> stop_server(asn1db).
-dbclear() -> req(clear).
- req({delete_mod, M}).
-req(R) ->
- asn1db ! {self(), R},
- receive {asn1db, Reply} -> Reply end.
-stop_server(Name) ->
- stop_server(Name, whereis(Name)).
-stop_server(_, undefined) -> stopped;
-stop_server(Name, _Pid) ->
- Name ! {self(), stop},
- receive {Name, _} -> stopped end.
-start_server(Name,Mod,Fun,Args) ->
- case whereis(Name) of
- undefined ->
- register(Name, spawn(Mod,Fun, Args));
- _Pid ->
- req({new_includes,Args})
+opentab2(_Tab, _Base, _Mod, [], Error) ->
+ Error;
+opentab2(Tab, Base, Mod, [Ih|It], _Error) ->
+ File = filename:join(Ih, Base),
+ case ets:file2tab(File) of
+ {ok, Modtab} ->
+ ets:insert(Tab, {Mod, Modtab}),
+ {ok, Modtab};
+ NewErr ->
+ opentab2(Tab, Base, Mod, It, NewErr)
+lookup(Tab, K) ->
+ case ets:lookup(Tab, K) of
+ [] -> undefined;
+ [{K,V}] -> V
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_server.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_server.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index aeb59d8b0c..0000000000
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_server.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
-%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% Purpose: Provide complete encode/and pre-decode of asn1.
-%% Internal exports, call-back functions.
- terminate/2]).
-%% Macros
- { asn1_drv01, asn1_drv02, asn1_drv03, asn1_drv04,
- asn1_drv05, asn1_drv06, asn1_drv07, asn1_drv08,
- asn1_drv09, asn1_drv10, asn1_drv11, asn1_drv12,
- asn1_drv13, asn1_drv14, asn1_drv15, asn1_drv16 }).
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------
-%%% Interface Functions.
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, asn1_server}, asn1_server, [], []).
-init([]) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- erl_ddll:start(),
- PrivDir = code:priv_dir(asn1),
- LibDir1 = filename:join([PrivDir, "lib"]),
- case erl_ddll:load_driver(LibDir1, asn1_erl_drv) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error,_} ->
- LibDir2 =
- filename:join(LibDir1,
- erlang:system_info(system_architecture)),
- erl_ddll:load_driver(LibDir2, asn1_erl_drv)
- end,
- open_ports("asn1_erl_drv",size(?port_names)).
-open_ports(_,0) ->
- {ok, []};
-open_ports(Cmd,N) ->
- Port = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, []),
- %% check that driver is loaded, linked and working
- case catch port_control(Port, 0, []) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- {stop, nodriver};
- _ ->
- register(element(N,?port_names), Port),
- open_ports(Cmd,N-1)
- end.
-client_port() ->
- element(erlang:system_info(scheduler_id) rem size(?port_names) + 1,
- ?port_names).
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------
-%%% The call-back functions.
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------
-handle_call(_, _, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_cast(_, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason}, State) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Port, Reason}, State) when is_port(Port) ->
- {stop, {port_died, Reason}, State};
-handle_info(_, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- close_ports(size(?port_names)).
-close_ports(0) ->
- ok;
-close_ports(N) ->
- element(N,?port_names) ! {self(), close}, %% almost same as port_close(Name)
- close_ports(N-1).
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_sup.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_sup.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index a241dec6f4..0000000000
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_sup.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
-%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% Purpose: Main supervisor in asn1 application.
--export([start_link/0, init/1]).
-start_link() ->
- supervisor:start_link({local, asn1_sup}, asn1_sup, []).
-%% init([])
-%% Returns: {ok, {SupFlags, [ChildSpec]}}
-init([]) ->
- Child = {asn1_server, {asn1_server, start_link, []},
- permanent, 2000, worker, [asn1_server]},
- {ok, {{one_for_all, 10, 3600}, [Child]}}.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
index e26fadd160..8e971a1c76 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+%% vim: tabstop=8:shiftwidth=4
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -24,13 +25,13 @@
%% Public exports
-export([compile/1, compile/2]).
--export([start/0, start/1, stop/0]).
+-export([start/0, start/1]).
-export([encode/2, encode/3, decode/3]).
--export([test/1, test/2, test/3, value/2]).
+-export([test/1, test/2, test/3, value/2, value/3]).
%% Application internal exports
- value/1,vsn/0,
- create_ets_table/2,get_name_of_def/1,get_pos_of_def/1]).
+ vsn/0,
+ get_name_of_def/1,get_pos_of_def/1]).
@@ -47,6 +48,10 @@
@@ -81,27 +86,32 @@ compile(File) ->
compile(File,Options) when is_list(Options) ->
+ case lists:member(driver, Options) of %% remove me in R16A!
+ true ->
+ io:format("Warning: driver option is obsolete and will be removed in R16A, use nif instead!");
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
Options1 = optimize_ber_bin(Options),
Options2 = includes(File,Options1),
- Includes=[I||{i,I}<-Options2],
- case (catch input_file_type(File,Includes)) of
- {single_file,SuffixedFile} -> %% "e.g. "/tmp/File.asn"
- (catch compile1(SuffixedFile,Options2));
- {multiple_files_file,SetBase,FileName} ->
- FileList = get_file_list(FileName,Includes),
-%% io:format("FileList: ~p~n",[FileList]),
- case FileList of
- L when is_list(L) ->
- (catch compile_set(SetBase,FileList,Options2));
- Err ->
- Err
- end;
- Err = {input_file_error,_Reason} ->
- {error,Err};
- Err2 -> Err2
+ Includes = strip_includes(Options2),
+ in_process(fun() -> compile_proc(File, Includes, Options2) end).
+compile_proc(File, Includes, Options) ->
+ case input_file_type(File, Includes) of
+ {single_file, SuffixedFile} -> %% "e.g. "/tmp/File.asn"
+ compile1(SuffixedFile, Options);
+ {multiple_files_file, SetBase, FileName} ->
+ case get_file_list(FileName, Includes) of
+ FileList when is_list(FileList) ->
+ compile_set(SetBase, FileList, Options);
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end;
+ Err = {input_file_error, _Reason} ->
+ {error, Err}
compile1(File,Options) when is_list(Options) ->
verbose("Erlang ASN.1 version ~p compiling ~p ~n",[?vsn,File],Options),
verbose("Compiler Options: ~p~n",[Options],Options),
@@ -111,13 +121,13 @@ compile1(File,Options) when is_list(Options) ->
DbFile = outfile(Base,"asn1db",Options),
Includes = [I || {i,I} <- Options],
EncodingRule = get_rule(Options),
- create_ets_table(asn1_functab,[named_table]),
+ asn1ct_table:new(asn1_functab),
Continue1 = scan(File,Options),
Continue2 = parse(Continue1,File,Options),
Continue3 = check(Continue2,File,OutFile,Includes,EncodingRule,
Continue4 = generate(Continue3,OutFile,EncodingRule,Options),
- delete_tables([asn1_functab]),
+ asn1ct_table:delete(asn1_functab),
Ret = compile_erl(Continue4,OutFile,Options),
case inline(is_inline(Options),
@@ -179,7 +189,7 @@ compile_set(SetBase,Files,Options)
DbFile = outfile(SetBase,"asn1db",Options),
Includes = [I || {i,I} <- Options],
EncodingRule = get_rule(Options),
- create_ets_table(asn1_functab,[named_table]),
+ asn1ct_table:new(asn1_functab),
ScanRes = scan_set(Files,Options),
ParseRes = parse_set(ScanRes,Options),
Result =
@@ -204,7 +214,7 @@ compile_set(SetBase,Files,Options)
{error,{'unexpected error in scan/parse phase',
lists:map(fun(X)->element(3,X) end,Other)}}
- delete_tables([asn1_functab]),
+ asn1ct_table:delete(asn1_functab),
@@ -216,7 +226,7 @@ check_set(ParseRes,SetBase,OutFile,Includes,EncRule,DbFile,
Continue2 = generate(Continue1,OutFile,EncRule,Options),
- delete_tables([renamed_defs,original_imports,automatic_tags]),
+ asn1ct_table:delete([renamed_defs, original_imports, automatic_tags]),
Ret = compile_erl(Continue2,OutFile,Options),
case inline(is_inline(Options),
@@ -237,12 +247,11 @@ check_set(ParseRes,SetBase,OutFile,Includes,EncRule,DbFile,
merge_modules(ParseRes,CommonName) ->
ModuleList = lists:map(fun(X)->element(2,X) end,ParseRes),
NewModuleList = remove_name_collisions(ModuleList),
- case ets:info(renamed_defs,size) of
- 0 -> ets:delete(renamed_defs);
- _ -> ok
+ case asn1ct_table:size(renamed_defs) of
+ 0 -> asn1ct_table:delete(renamed_defs);
+ _ -> ok
-% io:format("~p~n~p~n~p~n~n",[ets:lookup(original_imports,'M1'),ets:lookup(original_imports,'M2'),ets:tab2list(original_imports)]),
TypeOrVal = lists:append(lists:map(fun(X)->X#module.typeorval end,
InputMNameList = lists:map(fun(X)->X#module.name end,
@@ -262,7 +271,7 @@ merge_modules(ParseRes,CommonName) ->
%% causes an exit if duplicate definition names exist in a module
remove_name_collisions(Modules) ->
- create_ets_table(renamed_defs,[named_table]),
+ asn1ct_table:new(renamed_defs),
%% Name duplicates in the same module is not allowed.
lists:foreach(fun exit_if_nameduplicate/1,Modules),
%% Then remove duplicates in different modules and return the
@@ -294,7 +303,8 @@ remove_name_collisions2(ModName,[T|Ts],Ms,Acc) ->
%% rename T
NewT = set_name_of_def(ModName,Name,T), %rename def
- ets:insert(renamed_defs,{get_name_of_def(NewT),Name,ModName}),
+ asn1ct_table:insert(renamed_defs,
+ {get_name_of_def(NewT), Name, ModName}),
{NewMs,?dupl_equaldefs} -> % name duplicates, but identical defs
%% keep name of T
@@ -318,8 +328,8 @@ discover_dupl_in_mods(Name,Def,[M=#module{name=N,typeorval=TorV}|Ms],
%% rename def
- ets:insert(renamed_defs,{get_name_of_def(NewT),
- Name,N}),
+ asn1ct_table:insert(renamed_defs,
+ {get_name_of_def(NewT), Name, N}),
{NewT,?dupl_uniquedefs bor RenamedOrDupl};
{Name,equal} ->
%% delete def
@@ -474,8 +484,9 @@ save_imports(ModuleList)->
[] ->
ImportsList2 ->
- create_ets_table(original_imports,[named_table]),
- lists:foreach(fun(X) -> ets:insert(original_imports,X) end,ImportsList2)
+ asn1ct_table:new(original_imports),
+ lists:foreach(fun(X) -> asn1ct_table:insert(original_imports, X) end,
+ ImportsList2)
@@ -551,7 +562,7 @@ check_tagdefault(ModList) ->
case have_same_tagdefault(ModList) of
{true,TagDefault} -> TagDefault;
{false,TagDefault} ->
- create_ets_table(automatic_tags,[named_table]),
+ asn1ct_table:new(automatic_tags),
@@ -578,7 +589,7 @@ save_automatic_tagged_types([#module{tagdefault='AUTOMATIC',
typeorval=TorV}|Ms]) ->
Fun =
fun(T) ->
- ets:insert(automatic_tags,{get_name_of_def(T)})
+ asn1ct_table:insert(automatic_tags, {get_name_of_def(T)})
@@ -805,7 +816,9 @@ check({true,M},File,OutFile,Includes,EncodingRule,DbFile,Options,InputMods) ->
- end
+ end;
+ ErrorList = {error,_} ->
+ {false,ErrorList}
check({false,M},_,_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
@@ -817,22 +830,14 @@ generate({true,{M,_Module,GenTOrV}},OutFile,EncodingRule,Options) ->
_ -> ok
- create_ets_table(check_functions,[named_table]),
+ asn1ct_table:new(check_functions),
%% create decoding function names and taglists for partial decode
- %% For the time being leave errors unnoticed !!!!!!!!!
-% io:format("Options: ~p~n",[Options]),
- case catch specialized_decode_prepare(EncodingRule,M,GenTOrV,Options) of
- {error, enoent} -> ok;
- {error, Reason} -> warning("Error in configuration "
- "file: ~n~p~n",[Reason],Options,
- "Error in configuration file");
- {'EXIT',Reason} -> warning("Internal error when "
- "analyzing configuration "
- "file: ~n~p~n",[Reason],Options,
- "Internal error when "
- "analyzing configuration");
- _ -> ok
+ case (catch specialized_decode_prepare(EncodingRule,M,GenTOrV,Options)) of
+ {error, Reason} -> warning("Error in configuration file: ~n~p~n",
+ [Reason], Options,
+ "Error in configuration file");
+ _ -> ok
Result =
@@ -849,7 +854,7 @@ generate({true,{M,_Module,GenTOrV}},OutFile,EncodingRule,Options) ->
erase(tlv_format), % used in ber_bin, optimize
erase(class_default_type),% used in ber_bin, optimize
- ets:delete(check_functions),
+ asn1ct_table:delete(check_functions),
case Result of
{error,_} ->
@@ -1085,7 +1090,7 @@ get_runtime_mod(Options) ->
ber_bin_v2 -> ["asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl"];
uper_bin -> ["asn1rt_uper_bin.erl"]
- RtMod1++["asn1rt_check.erl","asn1rt_driver_handler.erl","asn1rt.erl"].
+ RtMod1++["asn1rt_check.erl","asn1rt.erl"].
erl_compile(OutFile,Options) ->
@@ -1171,17 +1176,28 @@ optimize_ber_bin(Options) ->
includes(File,Options) ->
- Dir = filename:dirname(File),
- Options2 =
- case lists:member({i,"."},Options) of
- false -> Options ++ [{i,"."}];
- _ -> Options
- end,
- case lists:member({i,Dir}, Options2) of
- false -> Options2 ++ [{i,Dir}];
- _ -> Options2
+ Options2 = include_append(".", Options),
+ Options3 = include_append(filename:dirname(File), Options2),
+ case proplists:get_value(outdir, Options) of
+ undefined -> Options3;
+ OutDir -> include_prepend(OutDir, Options3)
+include_append(Dir, Options) ->
+ option_add({i, Dir}, Options, fun(Opts) -> Opts ++ [{i, Dir}] end).
+include_prepend(Dir, Options) ->
+ option_add({i, Dir}, Options, fun(Opts) -> [{i, Dir}|Opts] end).
+option_add(Option, Options, Fun) ->
+ case lists:member(Option, Options) of
+ true -> Options;
+ false -> Fun(Options)
+ end.
+strip_includes(Includes) ->
+ [I || {i, I} <- Includes].
is_inline(Options) ->
case lists:member(inline,Options) of
true -> true;
@@ -1211,10 +1227,7 @@ compile_py(File,OutFile,Options) ->
compile(File, _OutFile, Options) ->
- case catch compile(File, make_erl_options(Options)) of
- Exit = {'EXIT',_Reason} ->
- error("~p~n~s~n",[Exit,"error"],Options),
- error;
+ case compile(File, make_erl_options(Options)) of
{error,_Reason} ->
%% case occurs due to error in asn1ct_parser2,asn1ct_check
%% io:format("~p~n",[_Reason]),
@@ -1227,10 +1240,7 @@ compile(File, _OutFile, Options) ->
ScanRes when is_list(ScanRes) ->
- ok;
- Unknown ->
- error("~p~n~s~n",[Unknown,"error"],Options),
- error
+ ok
%% Converts generic compiler options to specific options.
@@ -1329,17 +1339,6 @@ start() ->
start(Includes) when is_list(Includes) ->
-stop() ->
- save(),
- asn1_db:stop_server(ns),
- asn1_db:stop_server(rand),
- stopped.
-save() ->
- asn1_db:dbstop().
-%%clear() ->
-%% asn1_db:dbclear().
encode(Module,Term) ->
@@ -1355,94 +1354,116 @@ decode(Module,Type,Bytes) ->
-test(Module) ->
- start(),
- M = asn1_db:dbget(Module,'MODULE'),
- {Types,_Values,_Ptypes,_Classes,_Objects,_ObjectSets} = M#module.typeorval,
- test_each(Module,Types).
-test_each(Module,[Type | Rest]) ->
- case test(Module,Type) of
- {ok,_Result} ->
- test_each(Module,Rest);
- Error ->
- Error
+test(Module) -> test_module(Module, []).
+test(Module, [] = Options) -> test_module(Module, Options);
+test(Module, [{i, _}|_] = Options) -> test_module(Module, Options);
+test(Module, Type) -> test_type(Module, Type, []).
+test(Module, Type, [] = Options) -> test_type(Module, Type, Options);
+test(Module, Type, [{i, _}|_] = Options) -> test_type(Module, Type, Options);
+test(Module, Type, Value) -> test_value(Module, Type, Value).
+test_module(Module, Includes) ->
+ in_process(fun() ->
+ start(strip_includes(Includes)),
+ case check(Module, Includes) of
+ {ok, NewTypes} -> test_each(Module, NewTypes);
+ Error -> Error
+ end
+ end).
+test_each(Module, [Type|Rest]) ->
+ case test_type(Module, Type) of
+ {ok, _Result} -> test_each(Module, Rest);
+ Error -> Error
test_each(_,[]) ->
-test(Module,Type) ->
- io:format("~p:~p~n",[Module,Type]),
- case (catch value(Module,Type)) of
- {ok,Val} ->
- %% io:format("asn1ct:test/2: ~w~n",[Val]),
- test(Module,Type,Val);
- {'EXIT',Reason} ->
- {error,{asn1,{value,Reason}}}
+test_type(Module, Type, Includes) ->
+ in_process(fun() ->
+ start(strip_includes(Includes)),
+ case check(Module, Includes) of
+ {ok, _NewTypes} -> test_type(Module, Type);
+ Error -> Error
+ end
+ end).
+test_type(Module, Type) ->
+ case get_value(Module, Type) of
+ {ok, Val} -> test_value(Module, Type, Val);
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, {asn1, {value, Reason}}}
+test_value(Module, Type, Value) ->
+ in_process(fun() ->
+ case catch encode(Module, Type, Value) of
+ {ok, Bytes} ->
+ M = to_atom(Module),
+ NewBytes = prepare_bytes(M:encoding_rule(), Bytes),
+ case decode(Module, Type, NewBytes) of
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ {ok, {Module, Type, Value}};
+ {ok, Res} ->
+ {error, {asn1,
+ {encode_decode_mismatch,
+ {{Module, Type, Value}, Res}}}};
+ Error ->
+ {error, {asn1,
+ {{decode,
+ {Module, Type, Value}, Error}}}}
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ {error, {asn1,
+ {encode, {{Module, Type, Value}, Error}}}}
+ end
+ end).
+value(Module, Type) -> value(Module, Type, []).
+value(Module, Type, Includes) ->
+ in_process(fun() ->
+ start(strip_includes(Includes)),
+ case check(Module, Includes) of
+ {ok, _NewTypes} -> get_value(Module, Type);
+ Error -> Error
+ end
+ end).
+get_value(Module, Type) ->
+ case asn1ct_value:from_type(Module, Type) of
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason};
+ Result -> {ok, Result}
+ end.
-test(Module,Type,Value) ->
- case catch encode(Module,Type,Value) of
- {ok,Bytes} ->
- %% io:format("test 1: ~p~n",[{Bytes}]),
- M = if
- is_list(Module) ->
- list_to_atom(Module);
- true ->
- Module
- end,
- NewBytes =
- case M:encoding_rule() of
- ber ->
- lists:flatten(Bytes);
- ber_bin when is_binary(Bytes) ->
- Bytes;
- ber_bin ->
- list_to_binary(Bytes);
- ber_bin_v2 when is_binary(Bytes) ->
- Bytes;
- ber_bin_v2 ->
- list_to_binary(Bytes);
- per ->
- lists:flatten(Bytes);
- per_bin when is_binary(Bytes) ->
- Bytes;
- per_bin ->
- list_to_binary(Bytes);
- uper_bin ->
- Bytes
- end,
- case decode(Module,Type,NewBytes) of
- {ok,Value} ->
- {ok,{Module,Type,Value}};
- {ok,Res} ->
- {error,{asn1,{encode_decode_mismatch,
- {{Module,Type,Value},Res}}}};
- Error ->
- {error,{asn1,{{decode,
- {Module,Type,Value},Error}}}}
- end;
- Error ->
- {error,{asn1,{encode,{{Module,Type,Value},Error}}}}
+check(Module, Includes) ->
+ case asn1_db:dbget(Module,'MODULE') of
+ undefined ->
+ {error, {file_not_found, lists:concat([Module, ".asn1db"])}};
+ M ->
+ TypeOrVal = M#module.typeorval,
+ State = #state{mname = M#module.name,
+ module = M#module{typeorval=[]},
+ options = Includes},
+ case asn1ct_check:check(State, TypeOrVal) of
+ {ok, {NewTypes, _, _, _, _, _}, _} -> {ok, NewTypes};
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
+ end
-value(Module) ->
- start(),
- M = asn1_db:dbget(Module,'MODULE'),
- {Types,_Values,_Ptypes,_Classes,_Objects,_ObjectSets} = M#module.typeorval,
- lists:map(fun(A) ->value(Module,A) end,Types).
+to_atom(Term) when is_list(Term) -> list_to_atom(Term);
+to_atom(Term) when is_atom(Term) -> Term.
-value(Module,Type) ->
- start(),
- case catch asn1ct_value:get_type(Module,Type,no) of
- {error,Reason} ->
- {error,Reason};
- {'EXIT',Reason} ->
- {error,Reason};
- Result ->
- {ok,Result}
- end.
+prepare_bytes(ber, Bytes) -> lists:flatten(Bytes);
+prepare_bytes(ber_bin, Bytes) when is_binary(Bytes) -> Bytes;
+prepare_bytes(ber_bin, Bytes) -> list_to_binary(Bytes);
+prepare_bytes(ber_bin_v2, Bytes) when is_binary(Bytes) -> Bytes;
+prepare_bytes(ber_bin_v2, Bytes) -> list_to_binary(Bytes);
+prepare_bytes(per, Bytes) -> lists:flatten(Bytes);
+prepare_bytes(per_bin, Bytes) when is_binary(Bytes) -> Bytes;
+prepare_bytes(per_bin, Bytes) -> list_to_binary(Bytes);
+prepare_bytes(uper_bin, Bytes) -> Bytes.
vsn() ->
@@ -1474,38 +1495,6 @@ print_listing([],_) ->
-%% functions to administer ets tables
-%% Always creates a new table
-create_ets_table(Name,Options) when is_atom(Name) ->
- case ets:info(Name) of
- undefined ->
- ets:new(Name,Options);
- _ ->
- ets:delete(Name),
- ets:new(Name,Options)
- end.
-%% Creates a new ets table only if no table exists
-create_if_no_table(Name,Options) ->
- case ets:info(Name) of
- undefined ->
- %% create a new table
- create_ets_table(Name,Options);
- _ -> ok
- end.
-delete_tables([Table|Ts]) ->
- case ets:info(Table) of
- undefined -> ok;
- _ -> ets:delete(Table)
- end,
- delete_tables(Ts);
-delete_tables([]) ->
- ok.
specialized_decode_prepare(Erule,M,TsAndVs,Options) ->
case lists:member(asn1config,Options) of
true ->
@@ -1524,26 +1513,26 @@ partial_decode_prepare(ber_bin_v2,M,TsAndVs,Options) when is_tuple(TsAndVs) ->
_ -> M#module.name
%% io:format("ModName: ~p~nM#module.name: ~p~n~n",[ModName,M#module.name]),
- CfgList = read_config_file(ModName),
- SelectedDecode = get_config_info(CfgList,selective_decode),
- ExclusiveDecode = get_config_info(CfgList,exclusive_decode),
- CommandList =
- create_partial_decode_gen_info(M#module.name,SelectedDecode),
- %% To convert CommandList to a proper list for the driver change
- %% the list:[[choosen,Tag1],skip,[skip_optional,Tag2]] to L =
- %% [5,2,Tag1,0,1,Tag2] where 5 is the length, and call
- %% port_control(asn1_driver_port,3,[L| Bin])
- save_config(partial_decode,CommandList),
- save_gen_state(selective_decode,SelectedDecode),
-% io:format("selective_decode: CommandList:~n~p~nSelectedDecode:~n~p~n",
-% [CommandList,SelectedDecode]),
- CommandList2 =
- create_partial_inc_decode_gen_info(M#module.name,ExclusiveDecode),
-% io:format("partial_incomplete_decode = ~p~n",[CommandList2]),
- Part_inc_tlv_tags = tlv_tags(CommandList2),
-% io:format("partial_incomplete_decode: tlv_tags = ~p~n",[Part_inc_tlv_tags]),
- save_config(partial_incomplete_decode,Part_inc_tlv_tags),
- save_gen_state(exclusive_decode,ExclusiveDecode,Part_inc_tlv_tags);
+ case read_config_file(ModName) of
+ no_config_file ->
+ ok;
+ CfgList ->
+ SelectedDecode = get_config_info(CfgList,selective_decode),
+ ExclusiveDecode = get_config_info(CfgList,exclusive_decode),
+ CommandList = create_partial_decode_gen_info(M#module.name,
+ SelectedDecode),
+ %% To convert CommandList to a proper list for the driver change
+ %% the list:[[choosen,Tag1],skip,[skip_optional,Tag2]] to L =
+ %% [5,2,Tag1,0,1,Tag2] where 5 is the length, and call
+ %% port_control(asn1_driver_port,3,[L| Bin])
+ save_config(partial_decode,CommandList),
+ save_gen_state(selective_decode,SelectedDecode),
+ CommandList2 = create_partial_inc_decode_gen_info(M#module.name,
+ ExclusiveDecode),
+ Part_inc_tlv_tags = tlv_tags(CommandList2),
+ save_config(partial_incomplete_decode,Part_inc_tlv_tags),
+ save_gen_state(exclusive_decode,ExclusiveDecode,Part_inc_tlv_tags)
+ end;
partial_decode_prepare(_,_,_,_) ->
@@ -2022,7 +2011,7 @@ read_config_file(ModuleName) ->
read_config_file1(ModuleName,[]) ->
case filename:extension(ModuleName) of
".asn1config" ->
- throw({error,enoent});
+ no_config_file;
_ ->
@@ -2051,14 +2040,14 @@ get_config_info(CfgList,InfoType) ->
%% Before saving anything check if a table exists
%% The record gen_state is saved with the key {asn1_config,gen_state}
save_config(Key,Info) ->
- create_if_no_table(asn1_general,[named_table]),
- ets:insert(asn1_general,{{asn1_config,Key},Info}).
+ asn1ct_table:new_reuse(asn1_general),
+ asn1ct_table:insert(asn1_general, {{asn1_config, Key}, Info}).
read_config_data(Key) ->
- case ets:info(asn1_general) of
- undefined -> undefined;
- _ ->
- case ets:lookup(asn1_general,{asn1_config,Key}) of
+ case asn1ct_table:exists(asn1_general) of
+ false -> undefined;
+ true ->
+ case asn1ct_table:lookup(asn1_general,{asn1_config,Key}) of
[{_,Data}] -> Data;
Err -> % Err is [] when nothing was saved in the ets table
%% io:format("strange data from config file ~w~n",[Err]),
@@ -2585,3 +2574,21 @@ is_werr(S) when is_record(S, state) ->
is_werr(O) ->
lists:member(warnings_as_errors, O).
+in_process(Fun) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> process(Parent, Fun) end),
+ receive
+ {Pid, Result} -> Result;
+ {Pid, Class, Reason, Stack} ->
+ ST = try throw(x) catch throw:x -> erlang:get_stacktrace() end,
+ erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stack ++ ST)
+ end.
+process(Parent, Fun) ->
+ try
+ Parent ! {self(), Fun()}
+ catch Class:Reason ->
+ Parent ! {self(), Class, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()}
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
index e318477234..59e82b7a57 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+%% vim: tabstop=8:shiftwidth=4
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -94,8 +95,8 @@ check(S,{Types,Values,ParameterizedTypes,Classes,Objects,ObjectSets}) ->
_Perror = checkp(S,ParameterizedTypes,[]), % must do this before the templates are used
%% table to save instances of parameterized objects,object sets
- asn1ct:create_ets_table(parameterized_objects,[named_table]),
- asn1ct:create_ets_table(inlined_objects,[named_table]),
+ asn1ct_table:new(parameterized_objects),
+ asn1ct_table:new(inlined_objects),
Terror = checkt(S,Types,[]),
@@ -144,17 +145,17 @@ check(S,{Types,Values,ParameterizedTypes,Classes,Objects,ObjectSets}) ->
?dbg("checko finished with errors:~n~p~n~n",[Oerror]),
- InlinedObjTuples = ets:tab2list(inlined_objects),
+ InlinedObjTuples = asn1ct_table:to_list(inlined_objects),
InlinedObjects = lists:map(Element2,InlinedObjTuples),
- ets:delete(inlined_objects),
- ParameterizedElems = ets:tab2list(parameterized_objects),
+ asn1ct_table:delete(inlined_objects),
+ ParameterizedElems = asn1ct_table:to_list(parameterized_objects),
ParObjectSets = lists:filter(fun({_OSName,objectset,_}) -> true;
(_)-> false end,ParameterizedElems),
ParObjectSetNames = lists:map(Element1,ParObjectSets),
ParTypes = lists:filter(fun({_TypeName,type,_}) -> true;
(_) -> false end, ParameterizedElems),
ParTypesNames = lists:map(Element1,ParTypes),
- ets:delete(parameterized_objects),
+ asn1ct_table:delete(parameterized_objects),
Exporterror = check_exports(S,S#state.module),
@@ -4176,7 +4177,7 @@ check_constraint(S,{'SizeConstraint',Lb}) ->
check_constraint(S,{'SingleValue', L}) when is_list(L) ->
F = fun(A) -> resolv_value(S,A) end,
- {'SingleValue',lists:map(F,L)};
+ {'SingleValue',lists:sort(lists:map(F,L))};
check_constraint(S,{'SingleValue', V}) when is_integer(V) ->
Val = resolv_value(S,V),
@@ -4398,22 +4399,22 @@ constraint_union(_S,C) ->
constraint_union1(S,[A={'ValueRange',_},union,B={'ValueRange',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = constraint_union_vr([A,B]),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[A={'SingleValue',_},union,B={'SingleValue',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = constraint_union_sv(S,[A,B]),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[A={'SingleValue',_},union,B={'ValueRange',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = union_sv_vr(S,A,B),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[A={'ValueRange',_},union,B={'SingleValue',_}|Rest],Acc) ->
AunionB = union_sv_vr(S,B,A),
- constraint_union1(S,Rest,AunionB++Acc);
+ constraint_union1(S,Rest,Acc ++ AunionB);
constraint_union1(S,[union|Rest],Acc) -> %skip when unsupported constraints
constraint_union1(S,[A|Rest],Acc) ->
constraint_union1(_S,[],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
+ Acc.
constraint_union_sv(_S,SV) ->
Values=lists:map(fun({_,V})->V end,SV),
@@ -4466,63 +4467,33 @@ constraint_union_vr([{_,{_,Ub2}}|Rest],A=[{_,{_,Ub1}}|_Acc]) when Ub2=<Ub1->
constraint_union_vr([VR|Rest],Acc) ->
when is_integer(SV) ->
- case is_int_in_vr(SV,C2) of
- true -> [C2];
- _ ->
- case VR of
- {'MIN',Ub} when SV==Ub+1 -> [{'ValueRange',{'MIN',SV}}];
- {Lb,'MAX'} when SV==Lb-1 -> [{'ValueRange',{SV,'MAX'}}];
- {Lb,Ub} when SV==Ub+1 -> [{'ValueRange',{Lb,SV}}];
- {Lb,Ub} when SV==Lb-1 -> [{'ValueRange',{SV,Ub}}];
- _ ->
- [C1,C2]
- end
- end;
+ union_sv_vr(_S,{'SingleValue',[SV]},VR);
when is_list(SV) ->
- case lists:filter(fun(X)->is_int_in_vr(X,C2) end,SV) of
- [] -> [C2];
- L ->
- case expand_vr(L,C2) of
- {[],C3} -> [C3];
- {L,C2} -> [C1,C2];
- {[Val],C3} -> [{'SingleValue',Val},C3];
- {L2,C3} -> [{'SingleValue',L2},C3]
- end
- end.
-expand_vr(L,VR={_,{Lb,Ub}}) ->
- case lower_Lb(L,Lb) of
- false ->
- case higher_Ub(L,Ub) of
- false ->
- {L,VR};
- {L1,UbNew} ->
- expand_vr(L1,{'ValueRange',{Lb,UbNew}})
- end;
- {L1,LbNew} ->
- expand_vr(L1,{'ValueRange',{LbNew,Ub}})
- end.
-lower_Lb(_,'MIN') ->
- false;
-lower_Lb(L,Lb) ->
- remove_val_from_list(Lb - 1,L).
-higher_Ub(_,'MAX') ->
- false;
-higher_Ub(L,Ub) ->
- remove_val_from_list(Ub + 1,L).
+ L = lists:sort(SV++[VLb,VUb]),
+ {Lb,L1} = case lists:member('MIN',L) of
+ true -> {'MIN',L--['MIN']}; % remove 'MIN' so it does not disturb
+ false -> {hd(L),tl(L)}
+ end,
+ Ub = case lists:member('MAX',L1) of
+ true -> 'MAX';
+ false -> lists:last(L1)
+ end,
+ case SV of
+ [H] -> H;
+ _ -> SV
+ end,
+ %% for now we through away the Singlevalues so that they don't disturb
+ %% in the code generating phase (the effective Valuerange is already
+ %% calculated. If we want to keep the Singlevalues as well for
+ %% use in code gen phases we need to introduce a new representation
+ %% like {'ValueRange',{Lb,Ub},[ListOfRanges|AntiValues|Singlevalues]
+ %% These could be used to generate guards which allows only the specific
+ %% values , not the full range
+ [{'ValueRange',{Lb,Ub}}].
-remove_val_from_list(Val,List) ->
- case lists:member(Val,List) of
- true ->
- {lists:delete(Val,List),Val};
- false ->
- false
- end.
%% get_constraints/2
%% Arguments are a list of constraints, which has the format {key,value},
@@ -4923,12 +4894,7 @@ get_referenced(S,Emod,Ename,Pos) ->
%% May be an imported entity in module Emod or Emod may not exist
case asn1_db:dbget(Emod,'MODULE') of
undefined ->
- case parse_and_save(S,Emod) of
- ok ->
- get_referenced(S,Emod,Ename,Pos);
- _ ->
- throw({error,{asn1,{module_not_found,Emod}}})
- end;
+ throw({error,{asn1,{module_not_found,Emod}}});
_ ->
NewS = update_state(S,Emod),
@@ -4970,13 +4936,7 @@ get_imported(S,Name,Module,Pos) ->
case asn1_db:dbget(Imodule,'MODULE') of
undefined ->
- case parse_and_save(S,Imodule) of
- ok ->
- %% check with cover
- get_referenced(S,Module,Name,Pos);
- _ ->
- throw({error,{asn1,{module_not_found,Imodule}}})
- end;
+ throw({error,{asn1,{module_not_found,Imodule}}});
Im when is_record(Im,module) ->
case is_exported(Im,Name) of
false ->
@@ -5116,16 +5076,16 @@ renamed_reference(S,#'Externaltypereference'{type=Name,module=Module}) ->
renamed_reference(S,Name,Module) ->
%% first check if there is a renamed type in this module
%% second check if any type was imported with this name
- case ets:info(renamed_defs) of
- undefined -> undefined;
- _ ->
- case ets:match(renamed_defs,{'$1',Name,Module}) of
+ case asn1ct_table:exists(renamed_defs) of
+ false -> undefined;
+ true ->
+ case asn1ct_table:match(renamed_defs, {'$1',Name,Module}) of
[] ->
- case ets:info(original_imports) of
- undefined ->
+ case asn1ct_table:exists(original_imports) of
+ false ->
- _ ->
- case ets:match(original_imports,{Module,'$1'}) of
+ true ->
+ case asn1ct_table:match(original_imports, {Module,'$1'}) of
[] ->
[[ImportsList]] ->
@@ -5253,6 +5213,9 @@ check_int(S,[{'NamedNumber',Id,Num}|T],Acc) when is_integer(Num) ->
check_int(S,[{'NamedNumber',Id,{identifier,_,Name}}|T],Acc) ->
Val = dbget_ex(S,S#state.mname,Name),
+check_int(S,[{'NamedNumber',Id,{'Externalvaluereference',_,Mod,Name}}|T],Acc) ->
+ Val = dbget_ex(S,Mod,Name),
+ check_int(S,[{'NamedNumber',Id,Val#valuedef.value}|T],Acc);
check_int(_S,[],Acc) ->
@@ -6002,17 +5965,12 @@ tag_nums_root2([],Ext,Root2) ->
is_automatic_tagged_in_multi_file(Name) ->
- case ets:info(automatic_tags) of
- undefined ->
+ case asn1ct_table:exists(automatic_tags) of
+ false ->
%% this case when not multifile compilation
- _ ->
-% case ets:member(automatic_tags,Name) of
- case ets:lookup(automatic_tags,Name) of
-% true ->
-% true;
-% _ ->
-% false
+ true ->
+ case asn1ct_table:lookup(automatic_tags, Name) of
[] -> false;
_ -> true
@@ -6033,17 +5991,25 @@ generate_automatic_tags1([H|T],[TagNo|TagNos]) when is_record(H,'ComponentType')
form= 0 }]}, % PRIMITIVE
-generate_automatic_tags1([ExtMark|T],[_TagNo|TagNos]) -> % EXTENSIONMARK
+generate_automatic_tags1([ExtMark = #'EXTENSIONMARK'{}|T],[_TagNo|TagNos]) ->
[ExtMark | generate_automatic_tags1(T,TagNos)];
+generate_automatic_tags1([H|T],TagList) -> % ExtensionAdditionGroup etc are just ignored
+ [H | generate_automatic_tags1(T,TagList)];
generate_automatic_tags1([],_) ->
-any_manual_tag([#'ComponentType'{typespec=#type{tag=[]}}|Rest]) ->
- any_manual_tag(Rest);
-any_manual_tag([#'EXTENSIONMARK'{}|Rest]) ->
- any_manual_tag(Rest);
-any_manual_tag([_|_Rest]) ->
+%% Returns true if there is at least one ComponentType with a manually
+%% specified tag. No manual tag is indicated by typespec=#type{tag=[]}
+%% so we check if we find a tag =/= [] and return true in that case
+%% all other things in the componentlist like (EXTENSIONMARK,
+%% ExtensionAdditionGroup,...) except ComponentType is simply
+%% ignored/skipped
+ when Tag =/= []->
+any_manual_tag([_|Rest]) ->
+ any_manual_tag(Rest);
any_manual_tag([]) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl
index 77b78dcac7..360de77663 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ mkfunname(Erule,TopType,Cname,WhatKind,DecOrEnc,Arity) ->
F = lists:concat(["fun '",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'/",Arity]),
{F, "?MODULE", F};
#'Externaltypereference'{module=Mod,type=EType} ->
- {lists:concat(["{'",Mod,"','",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'}"]),Mod,
+ {lists:concat(["fun '",Mod,"':'",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'/",Arity]),Mod,
{constructed,bif} ->
F =
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
index e3be914af4..2c4b44996d 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -877,13 +877,13 @@ gen_dec_choice(Erules,TopType, _ChTag, CompList, Ext) ->
_ ->
- emit([indent(9),"{asn1_ExtAlt, ?RT_BER:encode(",{curr,else},")}",nl])
+ emit([indent(9),"{asn1_ExtAlt, ?RT_BER:encode(",{curr,else},
+ asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),")}",nl])
gen_dec_choice_cases(_Erules,_TopType, []) ->
gen_dec_choice_cases(Erules,TopType, [H|T]) ->
@@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ gen_dec_call({typefield,_},_,_,_Cname,Type,BytesVar,Tag,_,_,false,_) ->
% emit([indent(9),{curr,opendec}," = ?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",
emit([indent(9),{curr,tmptlv}," = ?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",
- BytesVar,",",{asis,Tag},"),",nl]),
+ BytesVar,",",{asis,Tag},asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),"),",nl]),
% emit([indent(9),"{",{curr,tmptlv},",_} = ?RT_BER:decode(",
% {curr,opendec},"),",nl]),
@@ -1242,7 +1242,8 @@ gen_dec_call({typefield,_},_,_,_Cname,Type,BytesVar,Tag,_,_,false,_) ->
gen_dec_call({typefield,_},_,_,Cname,Type,BytesVar,Tag,_,_,_DecObjInf,OptOrMandComp) ->
- emit(["?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",BytesVar,",",{asis,Tag},")"]),
+ emit(["?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",BytesVar,",",{asis,Tag},
+ asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),")"]),
RefedFieldName =
% asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(Type#type.constraint,
% tableconstraint_info),
@@ -1250,7 +1251,8 @@ gen_dec_call({typefield,_},_,_,Cname,Type,BytesVar,Tag,_,_,_DecObjInf,OptOrMandC
gen_dec_call({objectfield,PrimFieldName,PFNList},_,_,Cname,_,BytesVar,Tag,_,_,_,OptOrMandComp) ->
- emit(["?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",BytesVar,",",{asis,Tag},")"]),
+ emit(["?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",BytesVar,",",{asis,Tag},
+ asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),")"]),
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
index c1b6aa5713..5de29a9c77 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -73,16 +73,23 @@ gen_encode_constructed(Erule,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
_ ->
- case {Optionals = optionals(to_textual_order(CompList)),CompList} of
- {[],EmptyCL} when EmptyCL == {[],[],[]};EmptyCL == {[],[]};EmptyCL == [] ->
+ case {Optionals = optionals(to_textual_order(CompList)),CompList,
+ is_optimized(Erule)} of
+ {[],EmptyCL,_} when EmptyCL == {[],[],[]};EmptyCL == {[],[]};EmptyCL == [] ->
emit(["%%Variable setting just to eliminate ",
"compiler warning for unused vars!",nl,
"_Val = ",{curr,val},",",nl]);
- {[],_} ->
+ {[],_,_} ->
emit([{next,val}," = ?RT_PER:list_to_record("]),
emit([", ",{curr,val},"),",nl]);
- _ ->
+ {_,_,true} ->
+ gen_fixoptionals(Optionals),
+ FixOpts = param_map(fun(Var) ->
+ {var,Var}
+ end,asn1ct_name:all(fixopt)),
+ emit({"{",{next,val},",Opt} = {",{curr,val},",[",FixOpts,"]},",nl});
+ {_,_,false} ->
Fixoptcall = ",Opt} = ?RT_PER:fixoptionals(",
@@ -93,20 +100,29 @@ gen_encode_constructed(Erule,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
case Ext of
{ext,_,NumExt} when NumExt > 0 ->
case extgroup_pos_and_length(CompList) of
- {extgrouppos,ExtGroupPos,ExtGroupLen} ->
- Elements = make_elements(ExtGroupPos+1,
- "Val1",lists:seq(1,ExtGroupLen)),
- emit([
- {next,val}," = case [X || X <- [",Elements,
- "],X =/= asn1_NOVALUE] of",nl,
- "[] -> ",{curr,val},";",nl,
- "_ -> setelement(",{asis,ExtGroupPos+1},",",
- {curr,val},",",
- "{extaddgroup,", Elements,"})",nl,
- "end,",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(val);
- _ -> % no extensionAdditionGroup
- ok
+ {extgrouppos,[]} -> % no extenstionAdditionGroup
+ ok;
+ {extgrouppos,ExtGroupPosLenList} ->
+ ExtGroupFun =
+ fun({ExtActualGroupPos,ExtGroupVirtualPos,ExtGroupLen}) ->
+ Elements =
+ make_elements(ExtGroupVirtualPos+1,
+ "Val1",
+ lists:seq(1,ExtGroupLen)),
+ emit([
+ {next,val}," = case [X || X <- [",Elements,
+ "],X =/= asn1_NOVALUE] of",nl,
+ "[] -> setelement(",
+ {asis,ExtActualGroupPos+1},",",
+ {curr,val},",",
+ "asn1_NOVALUE);",nl,
+ "_ -> setelement(",{asis,ExtActualGroupPos+1},",",
+ {curr,val},",",
+ "{extaddgroup,", Elements,"})",nl,
+ "end,",nl]),
+ asn1ct_name:new(val)
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(ExtGroupFun,ExtGroupPosLenList)
emit(["Extensions = ?RT_PER:fixextensions(",{asis,Ext},",",
@@ -272,9 +288,9 @@ gen_decode_constructed(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- NewCompList = wrap_compList(CompList),
+%% NewCompList = wrap_compList(CompList),
{AccTerm,AccBytes} =
- gen_dec_components_call(Erules,Typename,NewCompList,MaybeComma2,DecObjInf,Ext,length(Optionals)),
+ gen_dec_components_call(Erules,Typename,CompList,MaybeComma2,DecObjInf,Ext,length(Optionals)),
case asn1ct_name:all(term) of
[] -> emit(MaybeComma2); % no components at all
_ -> emit({com,nl})
@@ -439,9 +455,7 @@ gen_encode_sof(Erule,Typename,SeqOrSetOf,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- emit({nl,indent(3),"?RT_PER:encode_length(",
- {asis,SizeConstraint},
- ",length(Val)),",nl}),
+ gen_encode_length(SizeConstraint, is_optimized(Erule)),
"_components'(Val",ObjFun,", [])"}),
@@ -453,6 +467,42 @@ gen_encode_sof(Erule,Typename,SeqOrSetOf,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
+%% Logic copied from asn1_per_bin_rt2ct:encode_constrained_number
+gen_encode_length({Lb,Ub},true) when Ub =< 65535, Lb >= 0 ->
+ Range = Ub - Lb + 1,
+ V2 = ["(length(Val) - ",Lb,")"],
+ Encode = if
+ Range == 1 ->
+ "[]";
+ Range == 2 ->
+ {"[",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 4 ->
+ {"[10,2,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 8 ->
+ {"[10,3,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 16 ->
+ {"[10,4,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 32 ->
+ {"[10,5,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 64 ->
+ {"[10,6,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 128 ->
+ {"[10,7,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 255 ->
+ {"[10,8,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 256 ->
+ {"[20,1,",V2,"]"};
+ Range =< 65536 ->
+ {"[20,2,<<",V2,":16>>]"};
+ true ->
+ {"?RT_PER:encode_length(",{asis,{Lb,Ub}},",length(Val))"}
+ end,
+ emit({nl,Encode,",",nl});
+gen_encode_length(SizeConstraint,_) ->
+ emit({nl,indent(3),"?RT_PER:encode_length(",
+ {asis,SizeConstraint},",length(Val)),",nl}).
gen_decode_sof(Erules,Typename,SeqOrSetOf,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
{_SeqOrSetOf,ComponentType} = D#type.def,
@@ -469,7 +519,8 @@ gen_decode_sof(Erules,Typename,SeqOrSetOf,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
_ ->
- emit({nl,"{Num,Bytes1} = ?RT_PER:decode_length(Bytes,",{asis,SizeConstraint},"),",nl}),
+ gen_decode_length(SizeConstraint,
+ is_optimized(Erules)),
"_components'(Num, Bytes1, telltype",ObjFun,", []).",nl}),
NewComponentType =
@@ -480,6 +531,41 @@ gen_decode_sof(Erules,Typename,SeqOrSetOf,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
+%% Logic copied from asn1_per_bin_rt2ct:decode_constrained_number
+gen_decode_length({Lb,Ub},true) when Ub =< 65535, Lb >= 0 ->
+ Range = Ub - Lb + 1,
+ Call = if
+ Range == 1 ->
+ "{0,Bytes}";
+ Range == 2 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,1)";
+ Range =< 4 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,2)";
+ Range =< 8 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,3)";
+ Range =< 16 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,4)";
+ Range =< 32 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,5)";
+ Range =< 64 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,6)";
+ Range =< 128 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,7)";
+ Range =< 255 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getbits(Bytes,8)";
+ Range =< 256 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getoctets(Bytes,1)";
+ Range =< 65536 ->
+ "?RT_PER:getoctets(Bytes,2)";
+ true ->
+ ["exit({not_supported,{integer_range,",Range,"}}"]
+ end,
+ emit({nl,"{Val,Remain} = ",Call,",",nl}),
+ emit({nl,"{Num,Bytes1} = {Val+",Lb,",Remain},",nl});
+gen_decode_length(SizeConstraint,_) ->
+ emit({nl,"{Num,Bytes1} = ?RT_PER:decode_length(Bytes,",
+ {asis,SizeConstraint},"),",nl}).
gen_encode_sof_components(Erule,Typename,SeqOrSetOf,Cont) ->
{ObjFun,ObjFun_Var} =
case Cont#type.tablecinf of
@@ -612,30 +698,55 @@ ext_length([],_,Acc) ->
extgroup_pos_and_length(CompList) when is_list(CompList) ->
- noextgroup;
+ {extgrouppos,[]};
extgroup_pos_and_length({RootList,ExtList}) ->
- extgrouppos(ExtList,length(RootList)+1);
-extgroup_pos_and_length({Rl1,Ext,_Rl2}) ->
- extgrouppos(Ext,length(Rl1)+1).
-extgrouppos([{'ExtensionAdditionGroup',_Num}|T],Pos) ->
- extgrouppos(T,Pos,0);
-extgrouppos([_|T],Pos) ->
- extgrouppos(T,Pos+1);
-extgrouppos([],_) ->
- noextgroup.
-extgrouppos(['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|_T],Pos,Len) ->
- {extgrouppos,Pos,Len};
-extgrouppos([_|T],Pos,Len) ->
- extgrouppos(T,Pos,Len+1).
+ ActualPos = length(RootList) +1,
+ %% position to get and deliver data in the record to the user
+ VirtualPos = ActualPos,
+ %% position to encode/decode the extaddgroup as an opentype sequence
+ extgrouppos(ExtList,ActualPos,VirtualPos,[]);
+extgroup_pos_and_length({RootList,ExtList,_Rl2}) ->
+ extgroup_pos_and_length({RootList,ExtList}).
+extgrouppos([{'ExtensionAdditionGroup',_Num}|T],ActualPos,VirtualPos,Acc) ->
+ extgrouppos(T,ActualPos,VirtualPos,0,Acc);
+extgrouppos([_|T],ActualPos,VirtualPos,Acc) ->
+ extgrouppos(T,ActualPos+1,VirtualPos+1,Acc);
+extgrouppos([],_,_,Acc) ->
+ {extgrouppos,lists:reverse(Acc)}.
+extgrouppos(['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|T],ActualPos,VirtualPos,Len,Acc) ->
+ extgrouppos(T,ActualPos+1,VirtualPos+Len,[{ActualPos,VirtualPos,Len}|Acc]);
+extgrouppos([_|T],ActualPos,VirtualPos,Len,Acc) ->
+ extgrouppos(T,ActualPos,VirtualPos,Len+1,Acc).
gen_dec_extension_value(_) ->
emit({"{Ext,",{next,bytes},"} = ?RT_PER:getext(",{curr,bytes},")"}),
+gen_fixoptionals([{Pos,Def}|R]) ->
+ asn1ct_name:new(fixopt),
+ emit({{curr,fixopt}," = case element(",{asis,Pos},",",{curr,val},") of",nl,
+ "asn1_DEFAULT -> 0;",nl,
+ {asis,Def}," -> 0;",nl,
+ "_ -> 1",nl,
+ "end,",nl}),
+ gen_fixoptionals(R);
+gen_fixoptionals([Pos|R]) ->
+ gen_fixoptionals([{Pos,asn1_NOVALUE}|R]);
+gen_fixoptionals([]) ->
+ ok.
+param_map(Fun, [H]) ->
+ [Fun(H)];
+param_map(Fun, [H|T]) ->
+ [Fun(H),","|param_map(Fun,T)].
%% Produce a list with positions (in the Value record) where
%% there are optional components, start with 2 because first element
@@ -719,19 +830,21 @@ add_textual_order1(Cs,NumIn) ->
-gen_enc_components_call(Erule,TopType,{Root1,ExtList,Root2},MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,Ext) ->
- gen_enc_components_call(Erule,TopType,{Root1++Root2,ExtList},MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,Ext);
-gen_enc_components_call(Erule,TopType,{CompList,ExtList},MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,Ext) ->
+gen_enc_components_call(Erule,TopType,{Root,ExtList},MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,Ext) ->
+ gen_enc_components_call(Erule,TopType,{Root,ExtList,[]},MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,Ext);
+gen_enc_components_call(Erule,TopType,CL={Root,ExtList,Root2},MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,Ext) ->
%% The type has extensionmarker
- Rpos = gen_enc_components_call1(Erule,TopType,CompList,1,MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,noext),
+ Rpos = gen_enc_components_call1(Erule,TopType,Root++Root2,1,MaybeComma,DynamicEnc,noext),
case Ext of
{ext,_,ExtNum} when ExtNum > 0 ->
_ -> true
%handle extensions
- NewExtList = wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtList),
+ {extgrouppos,ExtGroupPosLen} = extgroup_pos_and_length(CL),
+ NewExtList = wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtList,ExtGroupPosLen),
gen_enc_components_call(Erule,TopType, CompList, MaybeComma, DynamicEnc, Ext) ->
%% The type has no extensionmarker
@@ -840,7 +953,7 @@ gen_enc_line(Erule,TopType,Cname,Type,Element, _Pos,DynamicEnc,Ext) ->
Atype =
case Type of
#type{def=#'ObjectClassFieldType'{type=InnerType}} ->
- InnerType;
+ InnerType;
_ ->
@@ -850,6 +963,7 @@ gen_enc_line(Erule,TopType,Cname,Type,Element, _Pos,DynamicEnc,Ext) ->
_ -> true
case Atype of
{typefield,_} ->
case DynamicEnc of
@@ -922,23 +1036,25 @@ gen_enc_line(Erule,TopType,Cname,Type,Element, _Pos,DynamicEnc,Ext) ->
case Ext of
{ext,_Ep2,_} ->
- emit(["))"]);
+ emit("))");
_ -> true
-gen_dec_components_call(Erule,TopType,{Root1,ExtList,Root2},MaybeComma,DecInfObj,Ext,NumberOfOptionals) ->
- gen_dec_components_call(Erule,TopType,{Root1++Root2,ExtList},MaybeComma,DecInfObj,Ext,NumberOfOptionals);
DecInfObj,Ext,NumberOfOptionals) ->
+ gen_dec_components_call(Erule,TopType,{Root,ExtList,[]},MaybeComma,DecInfObj,Ext,NumberOfOptionals);
+gen_dec_components_call(Erule,TopType,CL={Root1,ExtList,Root2},MaybeComma,DecInfObj,Ext,NumberOfOptionals) ->
%% The type has extensionmarker
- OptTable = create_optionality_table(CompList),
+ OptTable = create_optionality_table(Root1++Root2),
{Rpos,AccTerm,AccBytes} =
- gen_dec_components_call1(Erule,TopType, CompList, 1, OptTable,
+ gen_dec_components_call1(Erule,TopType, Root1++Root2, 1, OptTable,
emit([",",nl,"{Extensions,",{next,bytes},"} = "]),
- NewExtList = wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtList),
+ {extgrouppos,ExtGroupPosLen} = extgroup_pos_and_length(CL),
+ NewExtList = wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtList,ExtGroupPosLen),
{_Epos,AccTermE,AccBytesE} =
gen_dec_components_call1(Erule,TopType,NewExtList,Rpos, OptTable,
@@ -1135,8 +1251,7 @@ gen_dec_line(Erule,TopType,Cname,Type,Pos,DecInfObj,Ext,Prop) ->
"} = ?RT_PER:decode_open_type(",{curr,bytes},
", []),",nl]),
emit([indent(2),"case (catch ObjFun(",
- {asis,Name},
- ",",{curr,tmpterm},",telltype,",
+ {asis,Name},",",{curr,tmpterm},",telltype,",
{asis,RestFieldNames},")) of", nl]),
emit([indent(4),"{'EXIT',",{curr,reason},"} ->",nl]),
emit([indent(6),"exit({'Type not ",
@@ -1498,42 +1613,44 @@ flat_complist({Rl1,El,Rl2}) -> Rl1 ++ El ++ Rl2;
flat_complist({Rl,El}) -> Rl ++ El;
flat_complist(CompList) -> CompList.
-wrap_compList({Root1,Ext,Root2}) ->
- {Root1,wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Ext),Root2};
-wrap_compList({Root1,Ext}) ->
- {Root1,wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Ext)};
-wrap_compList(CompList) ->
- CompList.
+%%wrap_compList({Root1,Ext,Root2}) ->
+%% {Root1,wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Ext),Root2};
+%%wrap_compList({Root1,Ext}) ->
+%% {Root1,wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Ext)};
+%%wrap_compList(CompList) ->
+%% CompList.
%% Will convert all componentTypes following 'ExtensionAdditionGroup'
%% up to the matching 'ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd' into one componentType
%% of type SEQUENCE with the componentTypes as components
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtCompList) ->
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtCompList,[],0).
+wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtCompList,ExtGroupPosLen) ->
+ wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtCompList,ExtGroupPosLen,[],0,0).
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([{'ExtensionAdditionGroup',_Number}|Rest],Acc,0) ->
- {ExtGroupCompList=
- [#'ComponentType'{textual_order=TextPos}|_],
- ['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|Rest2]} =
+ [{ActualPos,_,_}|ExtGroupPosLenRest],Acc,_ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum) ->
+ {ExtGroupCompList,['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|Rest2]} =
lists:splitwith(fun(#'ComponentType'{}) -> true;
(_) -> false
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Rest2,
+ wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Rest2,ExtGroupPosLenRest,
- name='ExtAddGroup', % FIXME: handles ony one ExtAddGroup
- typespec=#type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
- extaddgroup=1,% FIXME: handles only one
+ name=list_to_atom("ExtAddGroup"++
+ integer_to_list(ExtGroupNum+1)),
+ typespec=#type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
+ extaddgroup=ExtGroupNum+1,
- textual_order = TextPos,
- prop='OPTIONAL'}|Acc],length(ExtGroupCompList)-1);
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([H=#'ComponentType'{textual_order=Tord}|T],Acc,ExtAddGroupDiff) when is_integer(Tord) ->
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(T,[H#'ComponentType'{
- textual_order=Tord - ExtAddGroupDiff}|Acc],ExtAddGroupDiff);
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([H|T],Acc,ExtAddGroupDiff) ->
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(T,[H|Acc],ExtAddGroupDiff);
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([],Acc,_) ->
+ textual_order = ActualPos,
+ prop='OPTIONAL'}|Acc],length(ExtGroupCompList)-1,
+ ExtGroupNum+1);
+ ExtAddGrpLenPos,Acc,ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum) when is_integer(Tord) ->
+ wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(T,ExtAddGrpLenPos,[H#'ComponentType'{
+ textual_order=Tord - ExtAddGroupDiff}|Acc],ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum);
+wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([H|T],ExtAddGrpLenPos,Acc,ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum) ->
+ wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(T,ExtAddGrpLenPos,[H|Acc],ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum);
+wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([],_,Acc,_,_) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index e49829d82f..64a3555f62 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
%% pgen(Outfile, Erules, Module, TypeOrVal, Options)
%% Generate Erlang module (.erl) and (.hrl) file corresponding to an ASN.1 module
@@ -128,28 +129,39 @@ pgen_types(Rtmod,Erules,N2nConvEnums,Module,[H|T]) ->
+%% Enumerated type with extension marker
pgen_n2nconversion(_Erules,#typedef{name=TypeName,typespec=#type{def={'ENUMERATED',{NN1,NN2}}}}) ->
NN = NN1 ++ NN2,
- pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,NN),
- pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,NN);
+ pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,NN, extension_marker),
+ pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,NN, extension_marker);
+%% Without extension marker
+pgen_n2nconversion(_Erules,#typedef{name=TypeName,typespec=#type{def={'ENUMERATED',NN}}}) ->
+ pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,NN, no_extension_marker),
+ pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,NN, no_extension_marker);
pgen_n2nconversion(_Erules,_) ->
-pgen_name2numfunc(_TypeName,[]) ->
+pgen_name2numfunc(_TypeName,[], _) ->
-pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}]) ->
+pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}], extension_marker) ->
+ emit(["name2num_",TypeName,"(",{asis,Atom},") ->",Number,";",nl]),
+ emit(["name2num_",TypeName,"({asn1_enum, Num}) -> Num.",nl,nl]);
+pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}], _) ->
emit(["name2num_",TypeName,"(",{asis,Atom},") ->",Number,".",nl,nl]);
-pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}|NNRest]) ->
+pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}|NNRest], EM) ->
emit(["name2num_",TypeName,"(",{asis,Atom},") ->",Number,";",nl]),
- pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,NNRest).
+ pgen_name2numfunc(TypeName,NNRest, EM).
-pgen_num2namefunc(_TypeName,[]) ->
+pgen_num2namefunc(_TypeName,[], _) ->
-pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}]) ->
+pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}], extension_marker) ->
+ emit(["num2name_",TypeName,"(",Number,") ->",{asis,Atom},";",nl]),
+ emit(["num2name_",TypeName,"(ExtensionNum) -> {asn1_enum, ExtensionNum}.",nl,nl]);
+pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}], _) ->
emit(["num2name_",TypeName,"(",Number,") ->",{asis,Atom},".",nl,nl]);
-pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}|NNRest]) ->
+pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,[{Atom,Number}|NNRest], EM) ->
emit(["num2name_",TypeName,"(",Number,") ->",{asis,Atom},";",nl]),
- pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,NNRest).
+ pgen_num2namefunc(TypeName,NNRest, EM).
pgen_objects(_,_,_,[]) ->
@@ -168,7 +180,7 @@ pgen_objectsets(Rtmod,Erules,Module,[H|T]) ->
pgen_check_defaultval(Erules,Module) ->
- CheckObjects = ets:tab2list(check_functions),
+ CheckObjects = asn1ct_table:to_list(check_functions),
case get(asndebug) of
true ->
FileName = lists:concat([Module,".table"]),
@@ -938,13 +950,13 @@ pgen_dispatcher(Erules,_Module,{Types,_Values,_,_,_Objects,_ObjectSets}) ->
NoFinalPadding = lists:member(no_final_padding,get(encoding_options)),
Call = case Erules of
per -> "?RT_PER:complete(encode_disp(Type,Data))";
- per_bin -> "?RT_PER:complete(encode_disp(Type,Data))";
+ per_bin -> ["?RT_PER:complete(encode_disp(Type,Data))"];
ber -> "encode_disp(Type,Data)";
ber_bin -> "encode_disp(Type,Data)";
ber_bin_v2 -> "encode_disp(Type,Data)";
uper_bin when NoFinalPadding == true ->
- uper_bin -> "?RT_PER:complete(encode_disp(Type,Data))"
+ uper_bin -> ["?RT_PER:complete(encode_disp(Type,Data))"]
EncWrap = case Erules of
ber -> "wrap_encode(Bytes)";
@@ -974,7 +986,7 @@ pgen_dispatcher(Erules,_Module,{Types,_Values,_,_,_Objects,_ObjectSets}) ->
% case Erules of
% ber_bin_v2 ->
% emit(["decode(Type,Data0) ->",nl]),
-% emit(["{Data,_RestBin} = ?RT_BER:decode(Data0",driver_parameter(),"),",nl]);
+% emit(["{Data,_RestBin} = ?RT_BER:decode(Data0",nif_parameter(),"),",nl]);
% _ ->
% emit(["decode(Type,Data) ->",nl])
% end,
@@ -991,10 +1003,10 @@ pgen_dispatcher(Erules,_Module,{Types,_Values,_,_,_Objects,_ObjectSets}) ->
{ber_bin_v2,false} ->
- driver_parameter(),"))"]);
+ nif_parameter(),"))"]);
{ber_bin_v2,true} ->
emit(["{Data,Rest} = ?RT_BER:decode(Data0",
- driver_parameter(),"),",nl]),
+ nif_parameter(),"),",nl]),
_ ->
@@ -1130,13 +1142,8 @@ gen_decode_partial_incomplete(Erule) when Erule == ber;Erule==ber_bin;
"Data) of",nl]),
emit(["decode_part(Type,Data0) ->",nl]),
- Driver =
- case lists:member(driver,get(encoding_options)) of
- true ->
- ",driver";
- _ -> ""
- end,
- emit([" case catch decode_inc_disp(Type,element(1,?RT_BER:decode(Data0",Driver,"))) of",nl]),
+ emit([" case catch decode_inc_disp(Type,element(1,"
+ "?RT_BER:decode(Data0",nif_parameter(),"))) of",nl]),
% " {Data,_RestBin} = ?RT_BER:decode(Data0),",nl,
% " case catch decode_inc_disp(Type,Data) of",nl]),
@@ -1179,12 +1186,12 @@ gen_partial_inc_dispatcher([],_) ->
emit(["decode_partial_inc_disp(Type,_Data) ->",nl,
" exit({error,{asn1,{undefined_type,Type}}}).",nl]).
-driver_parameter() ->
+nif_parameter() ->
Options = get(encoding_options),
- case lists:member(driver,Options) of
- true ->
- ",driver";
- _ -> ""
+ case {lists:member(driver,Options),lists:member(nif,Options)} of
+ {true,_} -> ",nif";
+ {_,true} -> ",nif";
+ _ -> ""
gen_wrapper() ->
@@ -1525,8 +1532,9 @@ gen_head(Erules,Mod,Hrl) ->
- case Hrl of
- 0 -> true;
+ case {Hrl,lists:member(inline,get(encoding_options))} of
+ {0,_} -> true;
+ {_,true} -> true;
_ ->
@@ -1601,7 +1609,7 @@ gen_check_call(TopType,Cname,Type,InnerType,WhatKind,DefaultValue,Element) ->
NameList = [Cname|TopType],
Name = list2name(NameList ++ [check]),
emit({"'",Name,"'(",DefaultValue,", ",Element,")"}),
- ets:insert(check_functions,{Name,Type}),
+ asn1ct_table:insert(check_functions, {Name, Type}),
%% Must look for check functions in InnerType,
%% that may be referenced or internal defined
%% constructed types not used elsewhere.
@@ -1747,10 +1755,9 @@ lookahead_reference(#'Externaltypereference'{module=M,type=T}) ->
insert_once(Table,Object) ->
- _Info = ets:info(Table),
- case ets:lookup(Table,element(1,Object)) of
+ case asn1ct_table:lookup(Table, element(1, Object)) of
[] ->
- ets:insert(Table,Object); %returns true
+ asn1ct_table:insert(Table, Object); %returns true
_ -> false
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl
index 9ec458e351..3ccfca3784 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -416,10 +416,10 @@ gen_decode_selected(Erules,Type,FuncName) ->
emit([" case ?RT_BER:decode_selective(",{asis,Pattern},",Bin) of",nl,
" {ok,Bin2} when is_binary(Bin2) ->",nl,
- " {Tlv,_} = ?RT_BER:decode(Bin2),",nl]),
+ " {Tlv,_} = ?RT_BER:decode(Bin2",asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),"),",nl]),
- emit(["};",nl," Err -> exit({error,{selctive_decode,Err}})",nl,
+ emit(["};",nl," Err -> exit({error,{selective_decode,Err}})",nl,
" end.",nl]).
gen_decode_selected_type(_Erules,TypeDef) ->
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ gen_dec_prim(Erules,Att,BytesVar,DoTag,TagIn,Form,OptOrMand) ->
- add_func({decode_open_type_as_binary,2});
+ add_func({decode_open_type_as_binary,3});
#'ObjectClassFieldType'{} ->
case asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Att#type.def) of
{fixedtypevaluefield,_,InnerType} ->
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ gen_dec_prim(Erules,Att,BytesVar,DoTag,TagIn,Form,OptOrMand) ->
- add_func({decode_open_type_as_binary,2});
+ add_func({decode_open_type_as_binary,3});
Other ->
exit({'can not decode' ,Other})
@@ -728,13 +728,13 @@ gen_dec_prim(Erules,Att,BytesVar,DoTag,TagIn,Form,OptOrMand) ->
{_,#'ObjectClassFieldType'{}} ->
case asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Att#type.def) of
- emit([{asis,DoTag},")"]);
+ emit([{asis,DoTag},asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),")"]);
_ -> ok
{{string,TagStr},'ASN1_OPEN_TYPE'} ->
- emit([TagStr,")"]);
+ emit([TagStr,asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),")"]);
{_,'ASN1_OPEN_TYPE'} ->
- emit([{asis,DoTag},")"]);
+ emit([{asis,DoTag},asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),")"]);
{{string,TagStr},_} ->
_ when is_list(DoTag) ->
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ emit_tlv_format_function() ->
emit_tlv_format_function1() ->
emit(["tlv_format(Bytes) when is_binary(Bytes) ->",nl,
- " {Tlv,_}=?RT_BER:decode(Bytes),",nl,
+ " {Tlv,_}=?RT_BER:decode(Bytes",asn1ct_gen:nif_parameter(),"),",nl,
" Tlv;",nl,
"tlv_format(Bytes) ->",nl,
" Bytes.",nl]).
@@ -1502,13 +1502,14 @@ gen_objset_dec(Erules,ObjSetName,_UniqueName,['EXTENSIONMARK'],_ClName,
_ClFields,_NthObj) ->
emit(["'getdec_",ObjSetName,"'(_, _) ->",nl]),
emit([indent(2),"fun(_,Bytes, _RestPrimFieldName) ->",nl]),
case Erules of
ber_bin_v2 ->
emit([indent(4),"case Bytes of",nl,
indent(6),"Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> ",nl,
indent(6),"_ ->",nl,
- indent(8),"?RT_BER:encode(Bytes)",nl,
+ indent(8),"?RT_BER:encode(Bytes",driver_parameter(),")",nl,
_ ->
emit([indent(6),"Len = case Bytes of",nl,indent(9),
@@ -1521,6 +1522,14 @@ gen_objset_dec(Erules,ObjSetName,_UniqueName,['EXTENSIONMARK'],_ClName,
gen_objset_dec(_,_,_,[],_,_,_) ->
+driver_parameter() ->
+ Options = get(encoding_options),
+ case {lists:member(driver,Options),lists:member(nif,Options)} of
+ {true,_} -> ",nif";
+ {_,true} -> ",nif";
+ _ -> ",erlang"
+ end.
emit_default_getdec(ObjSetName,UniqueName) ->
emit(["'getdec_",ObjSetName,"'(",{asis,UniqueName},", ErrV) ->",nl]),
emit([indent(2), "fun(C,V,_) -> exit({{component,C},{value,V},{unique_name_and_value,",{asis,UniqueName},", ErrV}}) end"]).
@@ -1825,7 +1834,7 @@ mk_object_val(Val, Ack, Len) ->
mk_object_val(Val bsr 7, [((Val band 127) bor 128) | Ack], Len + 1).
add_func(F={_Func,_Arity}) ->
- ets:insert(asn1_functab,{F}).
+ asn1ct_table:insert(asn1_functab, {F}).
%% For BER the ExtensionAdditionGroup notation has no impact on the encoding/decoding
%% and therefore we only filter away the ExtensionAdditionGroup start and end markers
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per.erl
index 8313cf1b60..bd5b81991d 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -238,7 +238,8 @@ gen_encode_prim(Erules,D,DoTag,Value) when is_record(D,type) ->
[#type{def=#'Externaltypereference'{type=Tname}}] ->
- "?RT_PER:complete(enc_~s(~s))",[Tname,Value]);
+ "?RT_PER:complete(enc_~s(~s))",
+ [Tname,Value]);
_ -> Value
emit(["?RT_PER:encode_open_type(", {asis,Constraint}, ",",
@@ -320,19 +321,13 @@ effective_constr(_,[]) ->
effective_constr('SingleValue',List) ->
SVList = lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(X)->element(2,X)end,List)),
- % sort and remove duplicates
- SortedSVList = lists:sort(SVList),
- RemoveDup = fun([],_) ->[];
- ([H],_) -> [H];
- ([H,H|T],F) -> F([H|T],F);
- ([H|T],F) -> [H|F(T,F)]
- end,
- case RemoveDup(SortedSVList,RemoveDup) of
+ %% Sort and remove duplicates before generating SingleValue or ValueRange
+ %% In case of ValueRange, also check for 'MIN and 'MAX'
+ case lists:usort(SVList) of
[N] ->
- L when is_list(L) ->
- [{'ValueRange',{hd(L),lists:last(L)}}]
+ L when is_list(L) ->
+ [{'ValueRange',{least_Lb(L),greatest_Ub(L)}}]
effective_constr('ValueRange',List) ->
LBs = lists:map(fun({_,{Lb,_}})-> Lb end,List),
@@ -357,6 +352,10 @@ greatest_common_range2({_,Int},VR={_Lb,_Ub}) when is_integer(Int) ->
greatest_common_range2({_,L},{Lb,Ub}) when is_list(L) ->
Min = least_Lb([Lb|L]),
Max = greatest_Ub([Ub|L]),
+ [{'ValueRange',{Min,Max}}];
+greatest_common_range2({Lb1,Ub1},{Lb2,Ub2}) ->
+ Min = least_Lb([Lb1,Lb2]),
+ Max = greatest_Ub([Ub1,Ub2]),
mk_vr([{Type,I}]) when is_atom(Type), is_integer(I) ->
@@ -1400,19 +1399,21 @@ get_object_field(Name,ObjectFields) ->
%% have been specified within a SEQUENCE, therefore we construct a fake sequence type here
%% so that we can generate code for it
extaddgroup2sequence(ExtList) ->
- extaddgroup2sequence(ExtList,[]).
+ extaddgroup2sequence(ExtList,0,[]).
-extaddgroup2sequence([{'ExtensionAdditionGroup',Number0}|T],Acc) ->
+extaddgroup2sequence([{'ExtensionAdditionGroup',Number0}|T],ExtNum,Acc) ->
Number = case Number0 of undefined -> 1; _ -> Number0 end,
{ExtGroupComps,['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|T2]} =
lists:splitwith(fun(Elem) -> is_record(Elem,'ComponentType') end,T),
- extaddgroup2sequence(T2,[#'ComponentType'{
- name='ExtAddGroup',
- typespec=#type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
- extaddgroup=Number,
- components=ExtGroupComps}},
- prop='OPTIONAL'}|Acc]);
-extaddgroup2sequence([C|T],Acc) ->
- extaddgroup2sequence(T,[C|Acc]);
-extaddgroup2sequence([],Acc) ->
+ extaddgroup2sequence(T2,ExtNum+1,
+ [#'ComponentType'{
+ name=list_to_atom("ExtAddGroup"++
+ integer_to_list(ExtNum+1)),
+ typespec=#type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
+ extaddgroup=Number,
+ components=ExtGroupComps}},
+ prop='OPTIONAL'}|Acc]);
+extaddgroup2sequence([C|T],ExtNum,Acc) ->
+ extaddgroup2sequence(T,ExtNum,[C|Acc]);
+extaddgroup2sequence([],_,Acc) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per_rt2ct.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per_rt2ct.erl
index 4f4fcfafc3..16eec92847 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per_rt2ct.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_per_rt2ct.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ gen_encode_prim(Erules,D,DoTag,Value) when is_record(D,type) ->
[#type{def=#'Externaltypereference'{type=Tname}}] ->
- "?RT_PER:complete(enc_~s(~s))",[Tname,Value]);
+ "?RT_PER:complete(enc_~s(~s))",
+ [Tname,Value]);
_ -> Value
emit(["?RT_PER:encode_open_type(", {asis,Constraint}, ",",
@@ -669,18 +670,13 @@ effective_constr(_,[]) ->
effective_constr('SingleValue',List) ->
SVList = lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(X)->element(2,X)end,List)),
- % sort and remove duplicates
- RemoveDup = fun([],_) ->[];
- ([H],_) -> [H];
- ([H,H|T],F) -> F([H|T],F);
- ([H|T],F) -> [H|F(T,F)]
- end,
- case RemoveDup(SVList,RemoveDup) of
+ %% Sort and remove duplicates before generating SingleValue or ValueRange
+ %% In case of ValueRange, also check for 'MIN and 'MAX'
+ case lists:usort(SVList) of
[N] ->
- L when is_list(L) ->
- [{'ValueRange',{hd(L),lists:last(L)}}]
+ L when is_list(L) ->
+ [{'ValueRange',{least_Lb(L),greatest_Ub(L)}}]
effective_constr('ValueRange',List) ->
LBs = lists:map(fun({_,{Lb,_}})-> Lb end,List),
@@ -703,6 +699,10 @@ greatest_common_range([{_,Int}],VR=[{_,{_Lb,_Ub}}]) when is_integer(Int) ->
greatest_common_range([{_,L}],[{_,{Lb,Ub}}]) when is_list(L) ->
Min = least_Lb([Lb|L]),
Max = greatest_Ub([Ub|L]),
+ [{'ValueRange',{Min,Max}}];
+greatest_common_range([{_,{Lb1,Ub1}}],[{_,{Lb2,Ub2}}]) ->
+ Min = least_Lb([Lb1,Lb2]),
+ Max = greatest_Ub([Ub1,Ub2]),
@@ -1803,19 +1803,21 @@ dec_enumerated_cases([],_,_) ->
%% have been specified within a SEQUENCE, therefore we construct a fake sequence type here
%% so that we can generate code for it
extaddgroup2sequence(ExtList) ->
- extaddgroup2sequence(ExtList,[]).
+ extaddgroup2sequence(ExtList,0,[]).
-extaddgroup2sequence([{'ExtensionAdditionGroup',Number0}|T],Acc) ->
+extaddgroup2sequence([{'ExtensionAdditionGroup',Number0}|T],ExtNum,Acc) ->
Number = case Number0 of undefined -> 1; _ -> Number0 end,
{ExtGroupComps,['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|T2]} =
lists:splitwith(fun(Elem) -> is_record(Elem,'ComponentType') end,T),
- extaddgroup2sequence(T2,[#'ComponentType'{
- name='ExtAddGroup',
- typespec=#type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
- extaddgroup=Number,
- components=ExtGroupComps}},
- prop='OPTIONAL'}|Acc]);
-extaddgroup2sequence([C|T],Acc) ->
- extaddgroup2sequence(T,[C|Acc]);
-extaddgroup2sequence([],Acc) ->
+ extaddgroup2sequence(T2,ExtNum+1,
+ [#'ComponentType'{
+ name=list_to_atom("ExtAddGroup"++
+ integer_to_list(ExtNum+1)),
+ typespec=#type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
+ extaddgroup=Number,
+ components=ExtGroupComps}},
+ prop='OPTIONAL'}|Acc]);
+extaddgroup2sequence([C|T],ExtNum,Acc) ->
+ extaddgroup2sequence(T,ExtNum,[C|Acc]);
+extaddgroup2sequence([],_,Acc) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_name.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_name.erl
index a6aa4255cc..3ab6f7b0ed 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_name.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_name.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
- start/0,
@@ -35,38 +34,50 @@
start() ->
- start_server(asn1_ns, asn1ct_name,name_server_loop,[[]]).
+ Parent = self(),
+ case get(?MODULE) of
+ undefined ->
+ put(?MODULE, spawn_link(fun() ->
+ Ref = monitor(process, Parent),
+ name_server_loop({Ref,Parent},[])
+ end)),
+ ok;
+ _Pid ->
+ already_started
+ end.
-stop() -> stop_server(asn1_ns).
+stop() ->
+ req(stop),
+ erase(?MODULE).
-name_server_loop(Vars) ->
+name_server_loop({Ref, Parent} = Monitor,Vars) ->
%% io:format("name -- ~w~n",[Vars]),
{From,{current,Variable}} ->
- From ! {asn1_ns,get_curr(Vars,Variable)},
- name_server_loop(Vars);
+ From ! {?MODULE,get_curr(Vars,Variable)},
+ name_server_loop(Monitor,Vars);
{From,{pop,Variable}} ->
- From ! {asn1_ns,done},
- name_server_loop(pop_var(Vars,Variable));
+ From ! {?MODULE,done},
+ name_server_loop(Monitor,pop_var(Vars,Variable));
{From,{push,Variable}} ->
- From ! {asn1_ns,done},
- name_server_loop(push_var(Vars,Variable));
+ From ! {?MODULE,done},
+ name_server_loop(Monitor,push_var(Vars,Variable));
{From,{delete,Variable}} ->
- From ! {asn1_ns,done},
- name_server_loop(delete_var(Vars,Variable));
+ From ! {?MODULE,done},
+ name_server_loop(Monitor,delete_var(Vars,Variable));
{From,{new,Variable}} ->
- From ! {asn1_ns,done},
- name_server_loop(new_var(Vars,Variable));
+ From ! {?MODULE,done},
+ name_server_loop(Monitor,new_var(Vars,Variable));
{From,{prev,Variable}} ->
- From ! {asn1_ns,get_prev(Vars,Variable)},
- name_server_loop(Vars);
+ From ! {?MODULE,get_prev(Vars,Variable)},
+ name_server_loop(Monitor,Vars);
{From,{next,Variable}} ->
- From ! {asn1_ns,get_next(Vars,Variable)},
- name_server_loop(Vars);
+ From ! {?MODULE,get_next(Vars,Variable)},
+ name_server_loop(Monitor,Vars);
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Parent, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason);
{From,stop} ->
- unregister(asn1_ns),
- From ! {asn1_ns,stopped},
- exit(normal)
+ From ! {?MODULE,stopped}
active(V) ->
@@ -76,12 +87,16 @@ active(V) ->
req(Req) ->
- asn1_ns ! {self(), Req},
- receive {asn1_ns, Reply} -> Reply end.
+ get(?MODULE) ! {self(), Req},
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, Reply} -> Reply
+ after 5000 ->
+ exit(name_server_timeout)
+ end.
pop(V) -> req({pop,V}).
push(V) -> req({push,V}).
-clear() -> req(stop), start().
+clear() -> stop(), start().
curr(V) -> req({current,V}).
new(V) -> req({new,V}).
delete(V) -> req({delete,V}).
@@ -209,25 +224,3 @@ get_next(Vars,Variable) ->
_ ->
-stop_server(Name) ->
- stop_server(Name, whereis(Name)).
-stop_server(_Name, undefined) -> stopped;
-stop_server(Name, _Pid) ->
- Name ! {self(), stop},
- receive {Name, _} -> stopped end.
-start_server(Name,Mod,Fun,Args) ->
- case whereis(Name) of
- undefined ->
- case catch register(Name, spawn(Mod,Fun, Args)) of
- {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} ->
- start_server(Name,Mod,Fun,Args);
- _ ->
- ok
- end;
- _Pid ->
- already_started
- end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_parser2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_parser2.erl
index 224a535e87..7301f49085 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_parser2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_parser2.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+%% vim: tabstop=8:shiftwidth=4
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -81,14 +82,15 @@ parse_ModuleDefinition([{typereference,L1,ModuleIdentifier}|Rest0]) ->
case Rest3 of
[{'::=',_L7}, {'BEGIN',_L8}|Rest4] ->
{Exports, Rest5} = parse_Exports(Rest4),
- {Imports, Rest6} = parse_Imports(Rest5),
+ {{imports, Imports}, Rest6} = parse_Imports(Rest5),
+ put({get(asn1_module), imports}, Imports),
{#module{ pos = L1,
name = ModuleIdentifier,
defid = [], % fix this
tagdefault = TagDefault,
extensiondefault = ExtensionDefault,
exports = Exports,
- imports = Imports},Rest6};
+ imports = {imports, Imports}}, Rest6};
_ -> throw({asn1_error,{get_line(hd(Rest3)),get(asn1_module),
[got,get_token(hd(Rest3)),expected,"::= BEGIN"]}})
@@ -717,12 +719,12 @@ parse_DefinedType(Tokens=[{typereference,L1,TypeName},
{'EXIT',_Reason} ->
Rest2 = [T2,T3|Rest],
{#type{def = #'Externaltypereference'{pos=L1,
- module=get(asn1_module),
+ module=resolve_module(TypeName),
{asn1_error,_} ->
Rest2 = [T2,T3|Rest],
{#type{def = #'Externaltypereference'{pos=L1,
- module=get(asn1_module),
+ module=resolve_module(TypeName),
Result ->
@@ -735,7 +737,7 @@ parse_DefinedType([{typereference,L1,Module},{'.',_},{typereference,_,TypeName}|
parse_DefinedType([{typereference,L1,TypeName}|Rest]) ->
case is_pre_defined_class(TypeName) of
false ->
- {#type{def = #'Externaltypereference'{pos=L1,module=get(asn1_module),
+ {#type{def = #'Externaltypereference'{pos=L1,module=resolve_module(TypeName),
_ ->
@@ -758,6 +760,23 @@ parse_SelectionType(Tokens) ->
[got,get_token(hd(Tokens)),expected,'identifier <']}}).
+resolve_module(Type) ->
+ Current = get(asn1_module),
+ Imports = get({Current, imports}),
+ resolve_module(Type, Current, Imports).
+resolve_module(_Type, Current, undefined) ->
+ Current;
+resolve_module(Type, Current, Imports) ->
+ case [Mod || #'SymbolsFromModule'{symbols = S, module = Mod} <- Imports,
+ #'Externaltypereference'{type = T} <- S,
+ Type == T] of
+ [#'Externaltypereference'{type = Mod}|_] -> Mod;
+ %% This allows the same symbol to be imported several times
+ %% which ought to be checked elsewhere and flagged as an error
+ [] -> Current
+ end.
%% --------------------------
@@ -1539,7 +1558,7 @@ parse_DefinedObjectSet([{typereference,L1,ModuleName},{'.',_},
parse_DefinedObjectSet([{typereference,L1,ObjSetName}|Rest]) ->
- {{objectset,L1,#'Externaltypereference'{pos=L1,module=get(asn1_module),
+ {{objectset,L1,#'Externaltypereference'{pos=L1,module=resolve_module(ObjSetName),
parse_DefinedObjectSet(Tokens) ->
@@ -3203,17 +3222,17 @@ prioritize_error(ErrList) ->
tref2Exttref(#typereference{pos=Pos,val=Name}) ->
- module=get(asn1_module),
+ module=resolve_module(Name),
tref2Exttref(Pos,Name) ->
- module=get(asn1_module),
+ module=resolve_module(Name),
identifier2Extvalueref(#identifier{pos=Pos,val=Name}) ->
- module=get(asn1_module),
+ module=resolve_module(Name),
%% lookahead_assignment/1 checks that the next sequence of tokens
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_table.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_table.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5eb6d0413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_table.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Table abstraction module for ASN.1 compiler
+-export([delete/1]). % TODO: Remove (since we run in a separate process)
+%% Always creates a new table
+new(Table) -> new(Table, []).
+new(Table, Options) ->
+ TableId = case get(Table) of
+ undefined ->
+ ets:new(Table, Options);
+ _ ->
+ delete(Table),
+ ets:new(Table, Options)
+ end,
+ put(Table, TableId).
+%% Only create it if it doesn't exist yet
+new_reuse(Table) -> new_reuse(Table, []).
+new_reuse(Table, Options) ->
+ not exists(Table) andalso new(Table, Options).
+exists(Table) -> get(Table) =/= undefined.
+size(Table) -> ets:info(get(Table), size).
+insert(Table, Tuple) -> ets:insert(get(Table), Tuple).
+lookup(Table, Key) -> ets:lookup(get(Table), Key).
+match(Table, MatchSpec) -> ets:match(get(Table), MatchSpec).
+to_list(Table) -> ets:tab2list(get(Table)).
+delete(Tables) when is_list(Tables) ->
+ [delete(T) || T <- Tables],
+ true;
+delete(Table) when is_atom(Table) ->
+ case get(Table) of
+ undefined ->
+ true;
+ TableId ->
+ ets:delete(TableId),
+ erase(Table)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl
index d099376b1b..9013baef92 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -25,58 +25,58 @@
%% Generate examples of values ******************************
-get_type(M,Typename,Tellname) ->
+from_type(M,Typename) ->
case asn1_db:dbget(M,Typename) of
undefined ->
- {asn1_error,{not_found,{M,Typename}}};
+ {error,{not_found,{M,Typename}}};
Tdef when is_record(Tdef,typedef) ->
Type = Tdef#typedef.typespec,
- get_type(M,[Typename],Type,Tellname);
+ from_type(M,[Typename],Type);
+ Vdef when is_record(Vdef,valuedef) ->
+ from_value(Vdef);
Err ->
- {asn1_error,{other,Err}}
+ {error,{other,Err}}
-get_type(M,Typename,Type,Tellname) when is_record(Type,type) ->
+from_type(M,Typename,Type) when is_record(Type,type) ->
InnerType = get_inner(Type#type.def),
case asn1ct_gen:type(InnerType) of
#'Externaltypereference'{module=Emod,type=Etype} ->
- get_type(Emod,Etype,Tellname);
+ from_type(Emod,Etype);
{_,user} ->
- case Tellname of
- yes -> {Typename,get_type(M,InnerType,no)};
- no -> get_type(M,InnerType,no)
- end;
+ from_type(M,InnerType);
{notype,_} ->
{primitive,bif} ->
- get_type_prim(Type,get_encoding_rule(M));
+ from_type_prim(Type,get_encoding_rule(M));
case Type#type.constraint of
[#'Externaltypereference'{type=TrefConstraint}] ->
- get_type(M,TrefConstraint,no);
+ from_type(M,TrefConstraint);
_ ->
ERule = get_encoding_rule(M),
{constructed,bif} when Typename == ['EXTERNAL'] ->
- Val=get_type_constructed(M,Typename,InnerType,Type),
+ Val=from_type_constructed(M,Typename,InnerType,Type),
{constructed,bif} ->
- get_type_constructed(M,Typename,InnerType,Type)
+ from_type_constructed(M,Typename,InnerType,Type)
-get_type(M,Typename,#'ComponentType'{name = Name,typespec = Type},_) ->
- get_type(M,[Name|Typename],Type,no);
-get_type(_,_,_,_) -> % 'EXTENSIONMARK'
+from_type(M,Typename,#'ComponentType'{name = Name,typespec = Type}) ->
+ from_type(M,[Name|Typename],Type);
+from_type(_,_,_) -> % 'EXTENSIONMARK'
+from_value(#valuedef{type = #type{def = 'INTEGER'}, value = Val}) ->
+ Val.
get_inner(A) when is_atom(A) -> A;
get_inner(Ext) when is_record(Ext,'Externaltypereference') -> Ext;
get_inner({typereference,_Pos,Name}) -> Name;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ get_inner(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
-get_type_constructed(M,Typename,InnerType,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
+from_type_constructed(M,Typename,InnerType,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
case InnerType of
'SET' ->
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ get_components(M,Typename,{Root,Ext}) ->
%% Should enhance this *** HERE *** with proper handling of extensions
get_components(M,Typename,[H|T]) ->
- [get_type(M,Typename,H,no)|
+ [from_type(M,Typename,H)|
get_components(_,_,[]) ->
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ get_choice(M,Typename,Type) ->
{CompList,ExtList} -> % Should be enhanced to handle extensions too
CList = CompList ++ ExtList,
C = lists:nth(random(length(CList)),CList),
- {C#'ComponentType'.name,get_type(M,Typename,C,no)};
+ {C#'ComponentType'.name,from_type(M,Typename,C)};
CompList when is_list(CompList) ->
C = lists:nth(random(length(CompList)),CompList),
- {C#'ComponentType'.name,get_type(M,Typename,C,no)}
+ {C#'ComponentType'.name,from_type(M,Typename,C)}
get_sequence_of(M,Typename,Type,TypeSuffix) ->
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ get_sequence_of(M,Typename,Type,TypeSuffix) ->
C = Type#type.constraint,
S = size_random(C),
NewTypeName = [TypeSuffix|Typename],
- gen_list(M,NewTypeName,Oftype,no,S).
+ gen_list(M,NewTypeName,Oftype,S).
-gen_list(_,_,_,_,0) ->
+gen_list(_,_,_,0) ->
-gen_list(M,Typename,Oftype,Tellname,N) ->
- [get_type(M,Typename,Oftype,no)|gen_list(M,Typename,Oftype,Tellname,N-1)].
+gen_list(M,Typename,Oftype,N) ->
+ [from_type(M,Typename,Oftype)|gen_list(M,Typename,Oftype,N-1)].
-get_type_prim(D,Erule) ->
+from_type_prim(D,Erule) ->
C = D#type.constraint,
case D#type.def of
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ get_type_prim(D,Erule) ->
NN = [X||{X,_} <- NNew],
case NN of
[] ->
+ io:format(user, "Enum = ~p~n", [Enum]),
_ ->
case C of
@@ -412,14 +413,20 @@ adjust_list1(Len,Orig,[Oh|Ot],Acc) ->
-get_constraint(C,Key) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key,1,C) of
- false ->
- no;
- {value,{_,V}} ->
- V
+get_constraint(C, Key) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, C) of
+ false -> no;
+ {'ValueRange', {Lb, Ub}} -> {check_external(Lb), check_external(Ub)};
+ {'SizeConstraint', N} -> N;
+ {Key, Value} -> Value
+check_external(ExtRef) when is_record(ExtRef, 'Externalvaluereference') ->
+ #'Externalvaluereference'{module = Emod, value = Evalue} = ExtRef,
+ from_type(Emod, Evalue);
+check_external(Value) ->
+ Value.
get_encoding_rule(M) ->
Mod =
if is_list(M) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt.erl
index 9ef68efab5..d18f81346a 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
%% Runtime functions for ASN.1 (i.e encode, decode)
encode(Module,{Type,Term}) ->
@@ -46,38 +46,12 @@ decode(Module,Type,Bytes) ->
-%% asn1-
-%% load_driver() ->
-%% asn1rt_driver_handler:load_driver(),
-%% receive
-%% driver_ready ->
-%% ok;
-%% Err={error,_Reason} ->
-%% Err;
-%% Error ->
-%% {error,Error}
-%% end.
-%% asn1-1.6.9
- load_driver() ->
- case catch asn1rt_driver_handler:load_driver() of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error,{already_started,asn1}} ->
- ok;
- Err ->
- {error,Err}
- end.
+%% Remove in R16A
+load_driver() ->
+ ok.
unload_driver() ->
- case catch asn1rt_driver_handler:unload_driver() of
- ok ->
- ok;
- Error ->
- {error,Error}
- end.
+ ok.
info(Module) ->
case catch apply(Module,info,[]) of
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl
index a3bb570282..9ff5017c68 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin_v2.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
%% encoding / decoding of BER
--export([decode/1, decode/2, match_tags/2, encode/1]).
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, match_tags/2, encode/1, encode/2]).
-export([fixoptionals/2, cindex/3,
@@ -49,11 +49,13 @@
- decode_open_type/2,decode_open_type_as_binary/2]).
+ decode_open_type/2,decode_open_type/3,
+ decode_open_type_as_binary/2,
+ decode_open_type_as_binary/3]).
% the encoding of class of tag bits 8 and 7
-define(UNIVERSAL, 0).
@@ -125,15 +127,28 @@
% encode(Tlv) ->
% encode_constructed(Tlv).
-encode([Tlv]) ->
- encode(Tlv);
-encode({TlvTag,TlvVal}) when is_list(TlvVal) ->
+encode(Tlv) ->
+ encode(Tlv,erlang).
+encode(Tlv,_) when is_binary(Tlv) ->
+ Tlv;
+encode([Tlv],Method) ->
+ encode(Tlv,Method);
+encode(Tlv, nif) ->
+ case is_nif_loadable() of
+ true ->
+ asn1rt_nif:encode_ber_tlv(Tlv);
+ false ->
+ encode_erl(Tlv)
+ end;
+encode(Tlv, _) ->
+ encode_erl(Tlv).
+encode_erl({TlvTag,TlvVal}) when is_list(TlvVal) ->
%% constructed form of value
-encode({TlvTag,TlvVal}) ->
- encode_tlv(TlvTag,TlvVal,?PRIMITIVE);
-encode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- Bin.
+encode_erl({TlvTag,TlvVal}) ->
+ encode_tlv(TlvTag,TlvVal,?PRIMITIVE).
encode_tlv(TlvTag,TlvVal,Form) ->
Tag = encode_tlv_tag(TlvTag,Form),
@@ -152,70 +167,61 @@ encode_tlv_val(Bin) ->
encode_tlv_list([Tlv|Tlvs],Acc) ->
- EncTlv = encode(Tlv),
+ EncTlv = encode_erl(Tlv),
encode_tlv_list([],Acc) ->
-%% asn1-
-%% decode(B,driver) ->
-%% case catch port_control(asn1_driver_port,2,B) of
-%% Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
-%% binary_to_term(Bin);
-%% List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B);
-%% {'EXIT',{badarg,Reason}} ->
-%% asn1rt_driver_handler:load_driver(),
-%% receive
-%% driver_ready ->
-%% case catch port_control(asn1_driver_port,2,B) of
-%% Bin2 when is_binary(Bin2) -> binary_to_term(Bin2);
-%% List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B);
-%% Error -> exit(Error)
-%% end;
-%% {error,Error} -> % error when loading driver
-%% %% the driver could not be loaded
-%% exit(Error);
-%% Error={port_error,Reason} ->
-%% exit(Error)
-%% end;
-%% {'EXIT',Reason} ->
-%% exit(Reason)
-%% end.
-%% asn1-1.6.9
-decode(B,driver) ->
- case catch control(?TLV_DECODE,B) of
- Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
- binary_to_term(Bin);
- List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B);
- {'EXIT',{badarg,_Reason}} ->
- case asn1rt:load_driver() of
- ok ->
- case control(?TLV_DECODE,B) of
- Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> binary_to_term(Bin);
- List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,B)
- end;
- Err ->
- Err
- end
- end.
+decode(B) ->
+ decode(B, erlang).
+%% asn1-1.7
+decode(B, nif) ->
+ case is_nif_loadable() of
+ true ->
+ case asn1rt_nif:decode_ber_tlv(B) of
+ {error, Reason} -> handle_error(Reason, B);
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+ false ->
+ decode(B)
+ end;
+decode(B,erlang) when is_binary(B) ->
+ decode_primitive(B);
+decode(Tlv,erlang) ->
+ {Tlv,<<>>}.
+%% Have to check this since asn1 is not guaranteed to be available
+is_nif_loadable() ->
+ case application:get_env(asn1, nif_loadable) of
+ {ok,R} ->
+ R;
+ undefined ->
+ case catch code:load_file(asn1rt_nif) of
+ {module, asn1rt_nif} ->
+ application:set_env(asn1, nif_loadable, true),
+ true;
+ _Else ->
+ application:set_env(asn1, nif_loadable, false),
+ false
+ end
+ end.
exit({error,{asn1,{"memory allocation problem"}}});
-handle_error([$1|_],L) -> % error in driver
+handle_error({$1,_},L) -> % error in nif
-handle_error([$2|T],L) -> % error in driver due to wrong tag
+handle_error({$2,T},L) -> % error in nif due to wrong tag
exit({error,{asn1,{"bad tag after byte:",error_pos(T),L}}});
-handle_error([$3|T],L) -> % error in driver due to length error
+handle_error({$3,T},L) -> % error in driver due to length error
exit({error,{asn1,{"bad length field after byte:",
-handle_error([$4|T],L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
+handle_error({$4,T},L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
{"indefinite length without end bytes after byte:",
-handle_error([$5|T],L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
+handle_error({$5,T},L) -> % error in driver due to indefinite length error
exit({error,{asn1,{"bad encoded value after byte:",
handle_error(ErrL,L) ->
@@ -228,16 +234,6 @@ error_pos([B])->
error_pos([B|Bs]) ->
BS = 8 * length(Bs),
B bsl BS + error_pos(Bs).
-%% asn1-1.6.9
-control(Cmd, Data) ->
- Port = asn1rt_driver_handler:client_port(),
- erlang:port_control(Port, Cmd, Data).
-decode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- decode_primitive(Bin);
-decode(Tlv) -> % assume it is a tlv
- {Tlv,<<>>}.
decode_primitive(Bin) ->
{Form,TagNo,V,Rest} = decode_tag_and_length(Bin),
@@ -614,8 +610,8 @@ match_tags(Vlist = [{T,_V}|_], [T]) ->
match_tags(Tlv, []) ->
-match_tags({Tag,_V},[T|_Tt]) ->
- {error,{asn1,{wrong_tag,{Tag,T}}}}.
+match_tags(Tlv = {Tag,_V},[T|_Tt]) ->
+ exit({error,{asn1,{wrong_tag,{{expected,T},{got,Tag,Tlv}}}}}).
cindex(Ix,Val,Cname) ->
@@ -796,20 +792,24 @@ encode_open_type(Val,Tag) ->
%% Value = binary with decoded data (which must be decoded again as some type)
decode_open_type(Tlv, TagIn) ->
+ decode_open_type(Tlv, TagIn, erlang).
+decode_open_type(Tlv, TagIn, Method) ->
case match_tags(Tlv,TagIn) of
Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
- {InnerTlv,_} = decode(Bin),
+ {InnerTlv,_} = decode(Bin,Method),
TlvBytes -> TlvBytes
+decode_open_type_as_binary(Tlv, TagIn) ->
+ decode_open_type_as_binary(Tlv, TagIn, erlang).
+decode_open_type_as_binary(Tlv,TagIn, Method)->
case match_tags(Tlv,TagIn) of
V when is_binary(V) ->
- [Tlv2] -> encode(Tlv2);
- Tlv2 -> encode(Tlv2)
+ [Tlv2] -> encode(Tlv2, Method);
+ Tlv2 -> encode(Tlv2, Method)
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ encode_real(C,Val, TagIn) when is_tuple(Val); is_list(Val) ->
encode_real(C,Val) ->
- ?RT_COMMON:encode_real(C,Val).
+ asn1rt_ber_bin:encode_real(C,Val).
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ decode_real_notag(Buffer) ->
{_T,_V} ->
- {Val,_Rest,Len} = ?RT_COMMON:decode_real(Buffer,Len),
+ {Val,_Rest,Len} = asn1rt_ber_bin:decode_real(Buffer,Len),
%% exit({error,{asn1, {unimplemented,real}}}).
%% decode_real2(Buffer, Form, size(Buffer)).
@@ -1577,14 +1577,12 @@ e_object_identifier(V) when is_tuple(V) ->
e_object_identifier([E1, E2 | Tail]) ->
Head = 40*E1 + E2, % wow!
{H,Lh} = mk_object_val(Head),
- {R,Lr} = enc_obj_id_tail(Tail, [], 0),
+ {R,Lr} = lists:mapfoldl(fun enc_obj_id_tail/2,0,Tail),
{[H|R], Lh+Lr}.
-enc_obj_id_tail([], Ack, Len) ->
- {lists:reverse(Ack), Len};
-enc_obj_id_tail([H|T], Ack, Len) ->
+enc_obj_id_tail(H, Len) ->
{B, L} = mk_object_val(H),
- enc_obj_id_tail(T, [B|Ack], Len+L).
+ {B,Len+L}.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_check.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_check.erl
index 24a2a3802d..35b993fc71 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_check.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_check.erl
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
@@ -313,7 +311,8 @@ transform_to_EXTERNAL1990([Data_val_desc,Data_value],Acc)
when is_binary(Data_value)->
-transform_to_EXTERNAL1990([Data_value],Acc) when is_list(Data_value)->
+ when is_list(Data_value); is_binary(Data_value) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_driver_handler.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_driver_handler.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 146d0043f9..0000000000
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_driver_handler.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Internal exports
-%% Macros
- { asn1_drv01, asn1_drv02, asn1_drv03, asn1_drv04,
- asn1_drv05, asn1_drv06, asn1_drv07, asn1_drv08,
- asn1_drv09, asn1_drv10, asn1_drv11, asn1_drv12,
- asn1_drv13, asn1_drv14, asn1_drv15, asn1_drv16 }).
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------
-%%% Interface Functions.
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------
-load_driver() ->
- load_driver(noreason).
-load_driver(Reason) ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- case whereis(asn1_driver_owner) of % to prevent unnecessary spawn
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- asn1_driver_owner ! {self(),Ref,are_you_ready},
- receive
- {Ref,driver_ready} ->
- ok
- after 10000 ->
- {error,{timeout,waiting_for_drivers}}
- end;
- _ ->
- {_,Mref} = spawn_monitor(asn1rt_driver_handler, init, [self(),Ref]),
- receive
- {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, NewReason} ->
- case NewReason of
- Reason -> {error,Reason};
- _ -> load_driver(NewReason)
- end;
- {Ref,driver_ready} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mref),
- ok;
- {Ref,Error = {error,_Reason}} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mref),
- Error
- after 10000 -> %% 10 seconds
- {error,{timeout,waiting_for_drivers}}
- end
- end.
-init(FromPid,FromRef) ->
- case catch register(asn1_driver_owner,self()) of
- true -> true;
- _Other -> exit(normal)
- end,
- Dir = filename:join([code:priv_dir(asn1),"lib"]),
- case catch erl_ddll:load_driver(Dir,asn1_erl_drv) of
- ok ->
- Result = open_named_ports(),
- catch (FromPid ! {FromRef,Result}),
- loop(Result);
- {error,Err} -> % if erl_ddll:load_driver fails
- ForErr = erl_ddll:format_error(Err),
- OSDir = filename:join(Dir,erlang:system_info(system_architecture)),
- case catch erl_ddll:load_driver(OSDir,asn1_erl_drv) of
- ok ->
- Result = open_named_ports(),
- catch (FromPid ! {FromRef,Result}),
- loop(Result);
- {error,Err2} ->
-% catch (FromPid ! {FromRef,Error})
- ForErr2 = erl_ddll:format_error(Err2),
- catch (FromPid ! {FromRef,{error,{{Dir,ForErr},{OSDir,ForErr2}}}})
- end
- end.
-open_named_ports() ->
- open_named_ports(size(?port_names)).
-open_named_ports(0) ->
- driver_ready;
-open_named_ports(N) ->
- case catch open_port({spawn,"asn1_erl_drv"},[]) of
- {'EXIT',Reason} ->
- {error,{port_error,Reason}};
- Port ->
- register(element(N,?port_names),Port),
- open_named_ports(N-1)
- end.
-loop(Result) ->
- receive
- {_FromPid,_FromRef,unload} ->
- close_ports(size(?port_names)),
- erl_ddll:unload_driver(asn1_erl_drv),
- ok;
- {FromPid,FromRef,are_you_ready} ->
- catch (FromPid ! {FromRef,driver_ready}),
- loop(Result);
- _ ->
- loop(Result)
- end.
-unload_driver() ->
- case whereis(asn1_driver_owner) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Pid ! {self(),make_ref(),unload},
- ok;
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-close_ports(0) ->
- ok;
-close_ports(N) ->
- element(N,?port_names) ! {self(), close}, %% almost same as port_close(Name)
- close_ports(N-1).
-client_port() ->
- element(erlang:system_info(scheduler_id) rem size(?port_names) + 1,
- ?port_names).
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_nif.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_nif.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de1fb94816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_nif.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Nif interface for asn1
+ decode_ber_tlv/1,
+ encode_ber_tlv/1]).
+load_nif() ->
+ LibBaseName = "asn1_erl_nif",
+ PrivDir = code:priv_dir(asn1),
+ LibName = case erlang:system_info(build_type) of
+ opt ->
+ LibBaseName;
+ Type ->
+ LibTypeName = LibBaseName ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Type),
+ case (filelib:wildcard(
+ filename:join(
+ [PrivDir,
+ "lib",
+ LibTypeName ++ "*"])) /= []) orelse
+ (filelib:wildcard(
+ filename:join(
+ [PrivDir,
+ "lib",
+ erlang:system_info(system_architecture),
+ LibTypeName ++ "*"])) /= []) of
+ true -> LibTypeName;
+ false -> LibBaseName
+ end
+ end,
+ Lib = filename:join([PrivDir, "lib", LibName]),
+ Status = case erlang:load_nif(Lib, ?ASN1_NIF_VSN) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, {load_failed, _}}=Error1 ->
+ ArchLibDir =
+ filename:join([PrivDir, "lib",
+ erlang:system_info(system_architecture)]),
+ Candidate =
+ filelib:wildcard(filename:join([ArchLibDir,LibName ++ "*" ])),
+ case Candidate of
+ [] -> Error1;
+ _ ->
+ ArchLib = filename:join([ArchLibDir, LibName]),
+ erlang:load_nif(ArchLib, ?ASN1_NIF_VSN)
+ end;
+ Error1 -> Error1
+ end,
+ case Status of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, {E, Str}} ->
+ error_logger:error_msg("Unable to load asn1 nif library. "
+ "Failed with error:~n\"~p, ~s\"~n",[E,Str]),
+ Status
+ end.
+encode_per_complete(_TagValueList) ->
+ erlang:nif_error({nif_not_loaded,module,?MODULE,line,?LINE}).
+decode_ber_tlv(_Binary) ->
+ erlang:nif_error({nif_not_loaded,module,?MODULE,line,?LINE}).
+encode_ber_tlv(_TagValueList) ->
+ erlang:nif_error({nif_not_loaded,module,?MODULE,line,?LINE}).
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin.erl
index 6bbca26209..5772f09bf4 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
%% encoding / decoding of PER aligned
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@
encode_NumericString/2, decode_NumericString/2,
encode_ObjectDescriptor/2, decode_ObjectDescriptor/1
+-export([complete_bytes/1, getbits/2, getoctets/2, minimum_bits/1]).
@@ -695,21 +694,28 @@ encode_constrained_number({Lb,Ub},Val) when Val >= Lb, Ub >= Val ->
Range =< 65536 ->
- Range =< 16#1000000 ->
- Octs = eint_positive(Val2),
- [{bits,2,length(Octs)-1},{octets,Octs}];
- Range =< 16#100000000 ->
- Octs = eint_positive(Val2),
- [{bits,2,length(Octs)-1},{octets,Octs}];
- Range =< 16#10000000000 ->
- Octs = eint_positive(Val2),
- [{bits,3,length(Octs)-1},{octets,Octs}];
+ Range =< (1 bsl (255*8)) ->
+ Octs = binary:encode_unsigned(Val2),
+ RangeOcts = binary:encode_unsigned(Range - 1),
+ OctsLen = erlang:byte_size(Octs),
+ RangeOctsLen = erlang:byte_size(RangeOcts),
+ LengthBitsNeeded = minimum_bits(RangeOctsLen - 1),
+ [{bits, LengthBitsNeeded, OctsLen - 1}, {octets, Octs}];
true ->
encode_constrained_number(Range,Val) ->
+%% For some reason the minimum bits needed in the length field in encoding of
+%% constrained whole numbers must always be atleast 2?
+minimum_bits(N) when N < 4 -> 2;
+minimum_bits(N) when N < 8 -> 3;
+minimum_bits(N) when N < 16 -> 4;
+minimum_bits(N) when N < 32 -> 5;
+minimum_bits(N) when N < 64 -> 6;
+minimum_bits(N) when N < 128 -> 7;
+minimum_bits(_N) -> 8.
decode_constrained_number(Buffer,{Lb,Ub}) ->
Range = Ub - Lb + 1,
@@ -738,18 +744,12 @@ decode_constrained_number(Buffer,{Lb,Ub}) ->
Range =< 65536 ->
- Range =< 16#1000000 ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Buffer,{1,3}),
- {Octs,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_list(Bytes2,Len),
- {dec_pos_integer(Octs),Bytes3};
- Range =< 16#100000000 ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Buffer,{1,4}),
- {Octs,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_list(Bytes2,Len),
- {dec_pos_integer(Octs),Bytes3};
- Range =< 16#10000000000 ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Buffer,{1,5}),
- {Octs,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_list(Bytes2,Len),
- {dec_pos_integer(Octs),Bytes3};
+ Range =< (1 bsl (255*8)) ->
+ OList = binary:bin_to_list(binary:encode_unsigned(Range - 1)),
+ RangeOctLen = length(OList),
+ {Len, Bytes} = decode_length(Buffer, {1, RangeOctLen}),
+ {Octs, RestBytes} = getoctets_as_list(Bytes, Len),
+ {binary:decode_unsigned(binary:list_to_bin(Octs)), RestBytes};
true ->
@@ -803,8 +803,6 @@ decode_unconstrained_number(Bytes) ->
{Ints,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_list(Bytes2,Len),
-dec_pos_integer(Ints) ->
- decpint(Ints, 8 * (length(Ints) - 1)).
dec_integer(Ints) when hd(Ints) band 255 =< 127 -> %% Positive number
decpint(Ints, 8 * (length(Ints) - 1));
dec_integer(Ints) -> %% Negative
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin_rt2ct.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin_rt2ct.erl
index f4aecf9322..1df757a47f 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin_rt2ct.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_per_bin_rt2ct.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
%% encoding / decoding of PER aligned
@@ -605,19 +604,13 @@ encode_constrained_number({Lb,Ub},Val) when Val >= Lb, Ub >= Val ->
Range =< 65536 ->
% Size = {octets,<<Val2:16>>};
- Range =< 16#1000000 ->
- Octs = eint_positive(Val2),
-% [{bits,2,length(Octs)-1},{octets,Octs}];
- Len = length(Octs),
- [10,2,Len-1,20,Len,Octs];
- Range =< 16#100000000 ->
- Octs = eint_positive(Val2),
- Len = length(Octs),
- [10,2,Len-1,20,Len,Octs];
- Range =< 16#10000000000 ->
- Octs = eint_positive(Val2),
- Len = length(Octs),
- [10,3,Len-1,20,Len,Octs];
+ Range =< (1 bsl (255*8)) ->
+ Octs = binary:encode_unsigned(Val2),
+ RangeOcts = binary:encode_unsigned(Range - 1),
+ OctsLen = erlang:byte_size(Octs),
+ RangeOctsLen = erlang:byte_size(RangeOcts),
+ LengthBitsNeeded = asn1rt_per_bin:minimum_bits(RangeOctsLen - 1),
+ [10,LengthBitsNeeded,OctsLen-1,20,OctsLen,Octs];
true ->
@@ -661,18 +654,12 @@ decode_constrained_number(Buffer,{Lb,_Ub},Range) ->
Range =< 65536 ->
- Range =< 16#1000000 ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Buffer,{1,3}),
- {Octs,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_bin(Bytes2,Len),
- {dec_pos_integer(Octs),Bytes3};
- Range =< 16#100000000 ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Buffer,{1,4}),
- {Octs,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_bin(Bytes2,Len),
- {dec_pos_integer(Octs),Bytes3};
- Range =< 16#10000000000 ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Buffer,{1,5}),
- {Octs,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_bin(Bytes2,Len),
- {dec_pos_integer(Octs),Bytes3};
+ Range =< (1 bsl (255*8)) ->
+ OList = binary:bin_to_list(binary:encode_unsigned(Range - 1)),
+ RangeOctLen = length(OList),
+ {Len, Bytes} = decode_length(Buffer, {1, RangeOctLen}),
+ {Octs, RestBytes} = getoctets_as_bin(Bytes, Len),
+ {binary:decode_unsigned(Octs), RestBytes};
true ->
@@ -736,17 +723,12 @@ decode_unconstrained_number(Bytes) ->
{Ints,Bytes3} = getoctets_as_bin(Bytes2,Len),
-dec_pos_integer(Ints) ->
- decpint(Ints).
dec_integer(Bin = <<0:1,_:7,_/binary>>) ->
dec_integer(<<_:1,B:7,BitStr/bitstring>>) ->
Size = bit_size(BitStr),
<<I:Size>> = BitStr,
(-128 + B) bsl bit_size(BitStr) bor I.
decpint(Bin) ->
Size = bit_size(Bin),
@@ -1734,143 +1716,24 @@ get_constraint(C,Key) ->
complete(L) ->
- case complete1(L) of
- {[],[]} ->
- <<0>>;
- {Acc,[]} ->
- Acc;
- {Acc,Bacc} ->
- [Acc|complete_bytes(Bacc)]
- end.
-% this function builds the ugly form of lists [E1|E2] to avoid having to reverse it at the end.
-% this is done because it is efficient and that the result always will be sent on a port or
-% converted by means of list_to_binary/1
- complete1(InList) when is_list(InList) ->
- complete1(InList,[],[]);
- complete1(InList) ->
- complete1([InList],[],[]).
- complete1([],Acc,Bacc) ->
- {Acc,Bacc};
- complete1([H|T],Acc,Bacc) when is_list(H) ->
- {NewH,NewBacc} = complete1(H,Acc,Bacc),
- complete1(T,NewH,NewBacc);
- complete1([{octets,Bin}|T],Acc,[]) ->
- complete1(T,[Acc|Bin],[]);
- complete1([{octets,Bin}|T],Acc,Bacc) ->
- complete1(T,[Acc|[complete_bytes(Bacc),Bin]],[]);
- complete1([{debug,_}|T], Acc,Bacc) ->
- complete1(T,Acc,Bacc);
- complete1([{bits,N,Val}|T],Acc,Bacc) ->
- complete1(T,Acc,complete_update_byte(Bacc,Val,N));
- complete1([{bit,Val}|T],Acc,Bacc) ->
- complete1(T,Acc,complete_update_byte(Bacc,Val,1));
- complete1([align|T],Acc,[]) ->
- complete1(T,Acc,[]);
- complete1([align|T],Acc,Bacc) ->
- complete1(T,[Acc|complete_bytes(Bacc)],[]);
- complete1([{0,Bin}|T],Acc,[]) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- complete1(T,[Acc|Bin],[]);
- complete1([{Unused,Bin}|T],Acc,[]) when is_integer(Unused),is_binary(Bin) ->
- Size = size(Bin)-1,
- <<Bs:Size/binary,B>> = Bin,
- NumBits = 8-Unused,
- complete1(T,[Acc|Bs],[[B bsr Unused]|NumBits]);
- complete1([{Unused,Bin}|T],Acc,Bacc) when is_integer(Unused),is_binary(Bin) ->
- Size = size(Bin)-1,
- <<Bs:Size/binary,B>> = Bin,
- NumBits = 8 - Unused,
- Bf = complete_bytes(Bacc),
- complete1(T,[Acc|[Bf,Bs]],[[B bsr Unused]|NumBits]).
- complete_update_byte([],Val,Len) ->
- complete_update_byte([[0]|0],Val,Len);
- complete_update_byte([[Byte|Bacc]|NumBits],Val,Len) when NumBits + Len == 8 ->
- [[0,((Byte bsl Len) + Val) band 255|Bacc]|0];
- complete_update_byte([[Byte|Bacc]|NumBits],Val,Len) when NumBits + Len > 8 ->
- Rem = 8 - NumBits,
- Rest = Len - Rem,
- complete_update_byte([[0,((Byte bsl Rem) + (Val bsr Rest)) band 255 |Bacc]|0],Val,Rest);
- complete_update_byte([[Byte|Bacc]|NumBits],Val,Len) ->
- [[((Byte bsl Len) + Val) band 255|Bacc]|NumBits+Len].
- complete_bytes([[Byte|Bacc]|0]) ->
- lists:reverse(Bacc);
- complete_bytes([[Byte|Bacc]|NumBytes]) ->
- lists:reverse([(Byte bsl (8-NumBytes)) band 255|Bacc]);
- complete_bytes([]) ->
- [].
+ erlang_complete(L).
-%% asn1-
-%% complete(L) ->
-%% case catch port_control(asn1_driver_port,1,L) of
-%% Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
-%% Bin;
-%% List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,L);
-%% {'EXIT',{badarg,Reason}} ->
-%% asn1rt_driver_handler:load_driver(),
-%% receive
-%% driver_ready ->
-%% case catch port_control(asn1_driver_port,1,L) of
-%% Bin2 when is_binary(Bin2) -> Bin2;
-%% List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,L);
-%% {'EXIT',Reason2={badarg,_R}} ->
-%% exit({"failed to call driver probably due to bad asn1 value",Reason2});
-%% Reason2 -> exit(Reason2)
-%% end;
-%% {error,Error} -> % error when loading driver
-%% %% the driver could not be loaded
-%% exit(Error);
-%% Error={port_error,Reason} ->
-%% exit(Error)
-%% end;
-%% {'EXIT',Reason} ->
-%% exit(Reason)
-%% end.
-%% asn1-1.6.9
+%% asn1-1.7
complete(L) ->
- case catch control(?COMPLETE_ENCODE,L) of
- Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
- Bin;
- List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,L);
- {'EXIT',{badarg,_Reason}} ->
- case asn1rt:load_driver() of
- ok ->
- case control(?COMPLETE_ENCODE,L) of
- Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->Bin;
- List when is_list(List) -> handle_error(List,L)
- end;
- Err ->
- Err
- end
+ case asn1rt_nif:encode_per_complete(L) of
+ {error, Reason} -> handle_error(Reason, L);
+ Else when is_binary(Else) -> Else
exit({error,{asn1,{"memory allocation problem in driver"}}});
-handle_error("1",L) -> % error in complete in driver
+handle_error($1,L) -> % error in complete in driver
handle_error(ErrL,L) ->
-%% asn1-1.6.9
-control(Cmd, Data) ->
- Port = asn1rt_driver_handler:client_port(),
- erlang:port_control(Port, Cmd, Data).