path: root/lib/asn1
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1')
6 files changed, 130 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
index 7fc904ec16..c3067e53be 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
@@ -1322,8 +1322,7 @@ gen_dec_component_no_val({ext,_,_},mandatory) ->
-gen_dec_choice_line(Erule, TopType, Comp, Pos, Ext) ->
- Pre = gen_dec_line_open_type(Erule, Ext, Pos),
+gen_dec_choice_line(Erule, TopType, Comp, Pre) ->
Imm0 = gen_dec_line_imm(Erule, TopType, Comp, false, Pre),
Init = {ignore,fun(_) -> {[],[]} end},
Imm = [{group,[Init|Imm0]}],
@@ -1638,62 +1637,135 @@ gen_enc_choice2(Erule, TopType, [H|T], Pos, Sep0, Ext) ->
gen_enc_choice2(Erule, TopType, T, Pos+1, Sep, Ext);
gen_enc_choice2(_, _, [], _, _, _) -> ok.
-gen_dec_choice(Erule,TopType,CompList,{ext,Pos,NumExt}) ->
- emit(["{Ext,",{curr,bytes},"} = ",
- {call,Erule,getbit,["Bytes"]},com,nl]),
+%% Generate the code for CHOICE. If the CHOICE is extensible,
+%% the structure of the generated code is as follows:
+%% case Bytes of
+%% <<0:1,Bytes1/bitstring>> ->
+%% Choice = <Decode INTEGER (0..LastRootChoice) from Bytes1>
+%% case Choice of
+%% 0 -> <Decode>;
+%% :
+%% LastRootChoice -> <Decode>
+%% end;
+%% <<1:1,Bytes1/bitstring>> ->
+%% Choice = <Decode normally small number from Bytes1>
+%% TmpVal = <Decode open type>
+%% case Choice of
+%% 0 -> <Decode TmpVal>;
+%% :
+%% LastExtension -> <Decode TmpVal>;
+%% _ -> <Return TmpVal since the type is unknown>
+%% end
+%% end
+%% The return value from the generated function always looks like:
+%% {{ChoiceTag,Value},RemainingBuffer}
+%% where ChoiceTag will be 'asn1_ExtAlt' for an unknown extension.
+%% If the CHOICE is not extensible, the top-level case is omitted
+%% and only the code in the first case arm is generated.
+gen_dec_choice(Erule, TopType, CompList, {ext,_,_}=Ext) ->
+ {RootList,ExtList} = split_complist(CompList),
+ emit(["case Bytes of",nl]),
+ case RootList of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [_|_] ->
+ emit(["<<0:1,Bytes1/bitstring>> ->",nl]),
+ asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
+ gen_dec_choice1(Erule, TopType, RootList, noext),
+ emit([";",nl,nl])
+ end,
+ emit(["<<1:1,Bytes1/bitstring>> ->",nl]),
+ asn1ct_name:clear(),
+ asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType,CompList,{ext,Pos,NumExt});
-gen_dec_choice(Erule,TopType,CompList,noext) ->
- gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType,CompList,noext).
-gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType,CompList,noext) ->
- emit(["{Choice,",{curr,bytes},
- "} = ",{call,Erule,getchoice,
- [{prev,bytes},length(CompList),"0"]},com,nl,
- "{Cname,{Val,NewBytes}} = case Choice of",nl]),
- gen_dec_choice2(Erule,TopType,CompList,noext),
- emit({nl,"end,",nl}),
- emit({nl,"{{Cname,Val},NewBytes}"});
-gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType,{RootList,ExtList},Ext) ->
- NewList = RootList ++ ExtList,
- gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType, NewList, Ext);
-gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType,{RootList,ExtList,RootList2},Ext) ->
- NewList = RootList ++ RootList2 ++ ExtList,
- gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType, NewList, Ext);
-gen_dec_choice1(Erule,TopType,CompList,{ext,ExtPos,ExtNum}) ->
- emit(["{Choice,",{curr,bytes},"} = ",
- {call,Erule,getchoice,
- [{prev,bytes},length(CompList)-ExtNum,"Ext"]},com,nl]),
- emit({"{Cname,{Val,NewBytes}} = case Choice + Ext*",ExtPos-1," of",nl}),
- gen_dec_choice2(Erule,TopType,CompList,{ext,ExtPos,ExtNum}),
+ gen_dec_choice1(Erule, TopType, ExtList, Ext),
+ emit([nl,"end"]);
+gen_dec_choice(Erule, TopType, CompList, noext) ->
+ gen_dec_choice1(Erule, TopType, CompList, noext).
+split_complist({Root1,Ext,Root2}) ->
+ {Root1++Root2,Ext};
+split_complist({_,_}=CompList) ->
+ CompList.
+gen_dec_choice1(Erule, TopType, CompList, noext=Ext) ->
+ emit_getchoice(Erule, CompList, Ext),
+ emit(["case Choice of",nl]),
+ Pre = {safe,fun(St) ->
+ {asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(bytes)),
+ fun() -> St end}
+ end},
+ gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, CompList, Pre),
+ emit([nl,"end"]);
+gen_dec_choice1(Erule, TopType, CompList, {ext,_,_}=Ext) ->
+ emit_getchoice(Erule, CompList, Ext),
Imm = asn1ct_imm:per_dec_open_type(is_aligned(Erule)),
+ emit(["begin",nl]),
BytesVar = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(bytes)),
- emit([";",nl,
- "_ ->",nl]),
- {TmpTerm,TmpBuf} = asn1ct_imm:dec_slim_cg(Imm, BytesVar),
- emit([com,nl,
- "{asn1_ExtAlt,{",TmpTerm,com,TmpBuf,"}}",nl,
- "end,",nl,nl,
- "{{Cname,Val},NewBytes}"]).
+ {Dst,DstBuf} = asn1ct_imm:dec_slim_cg(Imm, BytesVar),
+ emit([nl,
+ "end,",nl,
+ "case Choice of",nl]),
+ Pre = {safe,fun(St) ->
+ emit(["{TmpVal,_} = "]),
+ {Dst,
+ fun() ->
+ emit([",",nl,
+ "{TmpVal,",DstBuf,"}"]),
+ St
+ end}
+ end},
+ gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, CompList, Pre),
+ case CompList of
+ [] -> ok;
+ [_|_] -> emit([";",nl])
+ end,
+ emit(["_ ->",nl,
+ "{{asn1_ExtAlt,",Dst,"},",DstBuf,"}",nl,
+ "end"]).
+emit_getchoice(Erule, CompList, Ext) ->
+ Al = is_aligned(Erule),
+ Imm = case {Ext,CompList} of
+ {noext,[_]} ->
+ {value,0};
+ {noext,_} ->
+ asn1ct_imm:per_dec_constrained(0, length(CompList)-1, Al);
+ {{ext,_,_},_} ->
+ asn1ct_imm:per_dec_normally_small_number(Al)
+ end,
+ emit(["{Choice,",{curr,bytes},"} = ",nl]),
+ BytesVar = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:prev(bytes)),
+ asn1ct_imm:dec_code_gen(Imm, BytesVar),
+ emit([com,nl]).
gen_dec_choice2(Erule,TopType,L,Ext) ->
gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, L, 0, [], Ext).
-gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, [H0|T], Pos, Sep0, Ext) ->
+gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, [H0|T], Pos, Sep0, Pre) ->
#'ComponentType'{name=Cname,typespec=Type} = H0,
H = H0#'ComponentType'{prop=mandatory},
+ emit([Sep0,Pos," ->",nl]),
case Type#type.def of
#'ObjectClassFieldType'{type={typefield,_}} ->
- emit([Sep0,Pos," ->",nl]),
- gen_dec_choice_line(Erule, TopType, H, Pos+1, Ext);
+ emit("{Cname,{Val,NewBytes}} = begin\n"),
+ gen_dec_choice_line(Erule, TopType, H, Pre),
+ emit([nl,
+ "end,",nl,
+ "{{Cname,Val},NewBytes}"]);
_ ->
- emit([Sep0,Pos," -> {",{asis,Cname},",",nl]),
- gen_dec_choice_line(Erule, TopType, H, Pos+1, Ext),
- emit("}")
+ emit("{Val,NewBytes} = begin\n"),
+ gen_dec_choice_line(Erule, TopType, H, Pre),
+ emit([nl,
+ "end,",nl,
+ "{{",{asis,Cname},",Val},NewBytes}"])
Sep = [";",nl],
- gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, T, Pos+1, Sep, Ext);
+ gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, T, Pos+1, Sep, Pre);
gen_dec_choice2(_, _, [], _, _, _) -> ok.
indent(N) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl
index 4b2c3b1b65..2c5620d5c8 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_per.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_per.erl
index aa6cf4da0a..1023be8ce1 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_per.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_per.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-export([setext/1, fixextensions/2,
- skipextensions/3, getbit/1, getchoice/3,
+ skipextensions/3,
@@ -88,23 +88,6 @@ skipextensions(Bytes0, Nr, ExtensionBitstr) when is_bitstring(ExtensionBitstr) -
-getchoice(Bytes, 1, 0) -> % only 1 alternative is not encoded
- {0,Bytes};
-getchoice(Bytes, _, 1) ->
- decode_small_number(Bytes);
-getchoice(Bytes, NumChoices, 0) ->
- decode_constrained_number(Bytes, {0,NumChoices-1}).
-getbit(Buffer) ->
- <<B:1,Rest/bitstring>> = Buffer,
- {B,Rest}.
-getbits(Buffer, Num) when is_bitstring(Buffer) ->
- <<Bs:Num,Rest/bitstring>> = Buffer,
- {Bs,Rest}.
align(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
align(BitStr) when is_bitstring(BitStr) ->
@@ -112,28 +95,6 @@ align(BitStr) when is_bitstring(BitStr) ->
<<_:AlignBits,Rest/binary>> = BitStr,
-%% First align buffer, then pick the first Num octets.
-%% Returns octets as an integer with bit significance as in buffer.
-getoctets(Buffer, Num) when is_binary(Buffer) ->
- <<Val:Num/integer-unit:8,RestBin/binary>> = Buffer,
- {Val,RestBin};
-getoctets(Buffer, Num) when is_bitstring(Buffer) ->
- AlignBits = bit_size(Buffer) rem 8,
- <<_:AlignBits,Val:Num/integer-unit:8,RestBin/binary>> = Buffer,
- {Val,RestBin}.
-%% First align buffer, then pick the first Num octets.
-%% Returns octets as a binary
-getoctets_as_bin(Bin,Num) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- <<Octets:Num/binary,RestBin/binary>> = Bin,
- {Octets,RestBin};
-getoctets_as_bin(Bin,Num) when is_bitstring(Bin) ->
- AlignBits = bit_size(Bin) rem 8,
- <<_:AlignBits,Val:Num/binary,RestBin/binary>> = Bin,
- {Val,RestBin}.
%% set_choice(Alt,Choices,Altnum) -> ListofBitSettings
%% Alt = atom()
@@ -238,15 +199,6 @@ encode_small_number(Val) when Val < 64 ->
encode_small_number(Val) ->
[1|encode_semi_constrained_number(0, Val)].
-decode_small_number(Bytes) ->
- {Bit,Bytes2} = getbit(Bytes),
- case Bit of
- 0 ->
- getbits(Bytes2, 6);
- 1 ->
- decode_semi_constrained_number(Bytes2)
- end.
%% X.691:10.7 Encoding of a semi-constrained whole number
encode_semi_constrained_number(Lb, Val) ->
Val2 = Val - Lb,
@@ -261,10 +213,6 @@ encode_semi_constrained_number(Lb, Val) ->
-decode_semi_constrained_number(Bytes) ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Bytes),
- getoctets(Bytes2, Len).
encode_constrained_number({Lb,_Ub},_Range,{bits,N},Val) ->
Val2 = Val-Lb,
@@ -333,47 +281,6 @@ encode_constrained_number({Lb,Ub}, Val) when Val >= Lb, Ub >= Val ->
encode_constrained_number({_,_},Val) ->
-decode_constrained_number(Buffer,VR={Lb,Ub}) ->
- Range = Ub - Lb + 1,
- decode_constrained_number(Buffer,VR,Range).
-decode_constrained_number(Buffer,{Lb,_Ub},Range) ->
- % Val2 = Val - Lb,
- {Val,Remain} =
- if
- Range == 1 ->
- {0,Buffer};
- Range == 2 ->
- getbits(Buffer,1);
- Range =< 4 ->
- getbits(Buffer,2);
- Range =< 8 ->
- getbits(Buffer,3);
- Range =< 16 ->
- getbits(Buffer,4);
- Range =< 32 ->
- getbits(Buffer,5);
- Range =< 64 ->
- getbits(Buffer,6);
- Range =< 128 ->
- getbits(Buffer,7);
- Range =< 255 ->
- getbits(Buffer,8);
- Range =< 256 ->
- getoctets(Buffer,1);
- Range =< 65536 ->
- getoctets(Buffer,2);
- Range =< (1 bsl (255*8)) ->
- OList = binary:bin_to_list(binary:encode_unsigned(Range - 1)),
- RangeOctLen = length(OList),
- {Len, Bytes} = decode_length(Buffer, {1, RangeOctLen}),
- {Octs, RestBytes} = getoctets_as_bin(Bytes, Len),
- {binary:decode_unsigned(Octs), RestBytes};
- true ->
- exit({not_supported,{integer_range,Range}})
- end,
- {Val+Lb,Remain}.
%% For some reason the minimum bits needed in the length field in
%% the encoding of constrained whole numbers must always be at least 2?
minimum_bits(N) when N < 4 -> 2;
@@ -476,11 +383,6 @@ decode_length(Buffer) -> % un-constrained
-decode_length(Buffer, {Lb,Ub}) when Ub =< 65535, Lb >= 0 -> % constrained
- decode_constrained_number(Buffer, {Lb,Ub});
-decode_length(Buffer, {Lb,_Ub}) when is_integer(Lb), Lb >= 0 -> % Ub > 65535
- decode_length(Buffer).
%% bitstring NamedBitList
%% Val can be of:
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_uper.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_uper.erl
index 8efe9a7b0f..e55535860f 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_uper.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_uper.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-export([setext/1, fixoptionals/3,
- skipextensions/3, getbit/1, getchoice/3 ]).
+ skipextensions/3]).
-export([set_choice/3, encode_integer/2, encode_integer/3]).
-export([encode_small_number/1, encode_constrained_number/2,
@@ -123,29 +123,6 @@ skipextensions(Bytes0, Nr, ExtensionBitstr) when is_bitstring(ExtensionBitstr) -
-getchoice(Bytes,1,0) -> % only 1 alternative is not encoded
- {0,Bytes};
-getchoice(Bytes,_,1) ->
- decode_small_number(Bytes);
-getchoice(Bytes,NumChoices,0) ->
- decode_constrained_number(Bytes,{0,NumChoices-1}).
-getbit(Buffer) ->
- <<B:1,Rest/bitstring>> = Buffer,
- {B,Rest}.
-getbits(Buffer, Num) when is_bitstring(Buffer) ->
- <<Bs:Num,Rest/bitstring>> = Buffer,
- {Bs,Rest}.
-%% Pick the first Num octets.
-%% Returns octets as an integer with bit significance as in buffer.
-getoctets(Buffer, Num) when is_bitstring(Buffer) ->
- <<Val:Num/integer-unit:8,RestBitStr/bitstring>> = Buffer,
- {Val,RestBitStr}.
%% set_choice(Alt,Choices,Altnum) -> ListofBitSettings
%% Alt = atom()
@@ -265,15 +242,6 @@ encode_small_number(Val) when Val < 64 ->
encode_small_number(Val) ->
[<<1:1>>|encode_semi_constrained_number(0, Val)].
-decode_small_number(Bytes) ->
- {Bit,Bytes2} = getbit(Bytes),
- case Bit of
- 0 ->
- getbits(Bytes2,6);
- 1 ->
- decode_semi_constrained_number(Bytes2)
- end.
%% X.691:10.7 Encoding of a semi-constrained whole number
encode_semi_constrained_number(Lb, Val) ->
%% encoding in minimum number of octets preceeded by a length
@@ -289,11 +257,6 @@ encode_semi_constrained_number(Lb, Val) ->
-decode_semi_constrained_number(Bytes) ->
- {Len,Bytes2} = decode_length(Bytes),
- {V,Bytes3} = getoctets(Bytes2,Len),
- {V,Bytes3}.
encode_constrained_number({Lb,Ub}, Val) when Val >= Lb, Ub >= Val ->
Range = Ub - Lb + 1,
Val2 = Val - Lb,
@@ -302,13 +265,6 @@ encode_constrained_number({Lb,Ub}, Val) when Val >= Lb, Ub >= Val ->
encode_constrained_number(Range,Val) ->
-decode_constrained_number(Buffer, {Lb,Ub}) ->
- Range = Ub - Lb + 1,
- NumBits = num_bits(Range),
- {Val,Remain} = getbits(Buffer,NumBits),
- {Val+Lb,Remain}.
%% X.691:10.8 Encoding of an unconstrained whole number
encode_unconstrained_number(Val) when Val >= 0 ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/ChoExtension.asn1 b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/ChoExtension.asn1
index 18473bae30..f6fe18be10 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/ChoExtension.asn1
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/ChoExtension.asn1
@@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ ChoExt4 ::= CHOICE
+ChoEmptyRoot ::= CHOICE {
+ ...,
+ bool BOOLEAN,
+ int INTEGER (0..7)
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testChoExtension.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testChoExtension.erl
index 067d4d2bf7..5c67ff62ce 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testChoExtension.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testChoExtension.erl
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ extension(_Rules) ->
roundtrip('ChoExt3', {int,33}),
roundtrip('ChoExt4', {str,"abc"}),
+ roundtrip('ChoEmptyRoot', {bool,false}),
+ roundtrip('ChoEmptyRoot', {bool,true}),
+ roundtrip('ChoEmptyRoot', {int,0}),
+ roundtrip('ChoEmptyRoot', {int,7}),