path: root/lib/common_test/src/ct_gen_conn.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test/src/ct_gen_conn.erl')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_gen_conn.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_gen_conn.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a31e57c7ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_gen_conn.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% @doc Generic connection owner process.
+%%% @type handle() = pid(). A handle for using a connection implemented
+%%% with ct_gen_conn.erl.
+-export([start/4, stop/1]).
+-export([call/2, do_within_time/2]).
+ name,
+ address,
+ init_data,
+ conn_pid,
+ cb_state,
+ ct_util_server}).
+%%% @spec start(Name,Address,InitData,CallbackMod) ->
+%%% {ok,Handle} | {error,Reason}
+%%% Name = term()
+%%% CallbackMod = atom()
+%%% InitData = term()
+%%% Address = term()
+%%% @doc Open a connection and start the generic connection owner process.
+%%% <p>The <code>CallbackMod</code> is a specific callback module for
+%%% each type of connection (e.g. telnet, ftp,...). It must export the
+%%% function <code>init/3</code> which takes the arguments
+%%% <code>Name</code>, <code>Addresse</code>) and
+%%% <code>InitData</code> and returna
+%%% <code>{ok,ConnectionPid,State}</code> or
+%%% <code>{error,Reason}</code>.</p>
+start(Name,Address,InitData,CallbackMod) ->
+ case ct_util:does_connection_exist(Name,Address,CallbackMod) of
+ {ok,Pid} ->
+ log("ct_gen_conn:start","Using existing connection!\n",[]),
+ {ok,Pid};
+ false ->
+ Self = self(),
+ Pid = spawn(fun() ->
+ init_gen(Self, #gen_opts{callback=CallbackMod,
+ name=Name,
+ address=Address,
+ init_data=InitData})
+ end),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process,Pid),
+ receive
+ {connected,Pid} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef),
+ ct_util:register_connection(Name,Address,CallbackMod,Pid),
+ {ok,Pid};
+ {Error,Pid} ->
+ receive {'DOWN',MRef,process,_,_} -> ok end,
+ Error;
+ {'DOWN',MRef,process,_,Reason} ->
+ log("ct_gen_conn:start",
+ "Connection process died: ~p\n",
+ [Reason]),
+ {error,{connection_process_died,Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
+%%% @spec stop(Handle) -> ok
+%%% Handle = handle()
+%%% @doc Close the telnet connection and stop the process managing it.
+stop(Pid) ->
+ call(Pid,stop).
+%%% @spec log(Heading,Format,Args) -> ok
+%%% @doc Log activities on the current connection (tool-internal use only).
+%%% @see ct_logs:log/3
+log(Heading,Format,Args) ->
+ log(log,[Heading,Format,Args]).
+%%% @spec start_log(Heading) -> ok
+%%% @doc Log activities on the current connection (tool-internal use only).
+%%% @see ct_logs:start_log/1
+start_log(Heading) ->
+ log(start_log,[Heading]).
+%%% @spec cont_log(Format,Args) -> ok
+%%% @doc Log activities on the current connection (tool-internal use only).
+%%% @see ct_logs:cont_log/2
+cont_log(Format,Args) ->
+ log(cont_log,[Format,Args]).
+%%% @spec end_log() -> ok
+%%% @doc Log activities on the current connection (tool-internal use only).
+%%% @see ct_logs:end_log/0
+end_log() ->
+ log(end_log,[]).
+%%% @spec do_within_time(Fun,Timeout) -> FunResult | {error,Reason}
+%%% Fun = function()
+%%% Timeout = integer()
+%%% @doc Execute a function within a limited time (tool-internal use only).
+%%% <p>Execute the given <code>Fun</code>, but interrupt if it takes
+%%% more than <code>Timeout</code> milliseconds.</p>
+%%% <p>The execution is also interrupted if the connection is
+%%% closed.</p>
+do_within_time(Fun,Timeout) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ Silent = get(silent),
+ TmpPid = spawn_link(fun() -> put(silent,Silent),
+ R = Fun(),
+ Self ! {self(),R}
+ end),
+ ConnPid = get(conn_pid),
+ receive
+ {TmpPid,Result} ->
+ Result;
+ {'EXIT',ConnPid,_Reason}=M ->
+ unlink(TmpPid),
+ exit(TmpPid,kill),
+ self() ! M,
+ {error,connection_closed}
+ after
+ Timeout ->
+ exit(TmpPid,kill),
+ receive
+ {TmpPid,Result} ->
+ %% TmpPid just managed to send the result at the same time
+ %% as the timeout expired.
+ receive {'EXIT',TmpPid,_reason} -> ok end,
+ Result;
+ {'EXIT',TmpPid,killed} ->
+ %% TmpPid did not send the result before the timeout expired.
+ {error,timeout}
+ end
+ end.
+%%% Internal functions
+call(Pid,Msg) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process,Pid),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Pid ! {Msg,{self(),Ref}},
+ receive
+ {Ref, Result} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef),
+ case Result of
+ {retry,_Data} ->
+ call(Pid,Result);
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end;
+ {'DOWN',MRef,process,_,Reason} ->
+ {error,{process_down,Pid,Reason}}
+ end.
+return({To,Ref},Result) ->
+ To ! {Ref, Result}.
+init_gen(Parent,Opts) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit,true),
+ CtUtilServer = whereis(ct_util_server),
+ link(CtUtilServer),
+ put(silent,false),
+ case catch (Opts#gen_opts.callback):init(Opts#gen_opts.name,
+ Opts#gen_opts.address,
+ Opts#gen_opts.init_data) of
+ {ok,ConnPid,State} when is_pid(ConnPid) ->
+ link(ConnPid),
+ put(conn_pid,ConnPid),
+ Parent ! {connected,self()},
+ loop(Opts#gen_opts{conn_pid=ConnPid,
+ cb_state=State,
+ ct_util_server=CtUtilServer});
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ Parent ! {{error,Reason},self()}
+ end.
+loop(Opts) ->
+ receive
+ {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} when Pid==Opts#gen_opts.conn_pid ->
+ log("Connection down!\nOpening new!","Reason: ~p\nAddress: ~p\n",
+ [Reason,Opts#gen_opts.address]),
+ case reconnect(Opts) of
+ {ok, NewPid, NewState} ->
+ link(NewPid),
+ put(conn_pid,NewPid),
+ loop(Opts#gen_opts{conn_pid=NewPid,cb_state=NewState});
+ Error ->
+ ct_util:unregister_connection(self()),
+ log("Reconnect failed. Giving up!","Reason: ~p\n",[Error])
+ end;
+ {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
+ case Opts#gen_opts.ct_util_server of
+ Pid ->
+ exit(Reason);
+ _ ->
+ loop(Opts)
+ end;
+ {stop, From} ->
+ ct_util:unregister_connection(self()),
+ (Opts#gen_opts.callback):terminate(Opts#gen_opts.conn_pid,
+ Opts#gen_opts.cb_state),
+ return(From,ok),
+ ok;
+ {{retry,{Error,_Name,CPid,_Msg}}, From} when CPid == Opts#gen_opts.conn_pid ->
+ %% only retry if failure is because of a reconnection
+ Return = case Error of
+ {error,_} -> Error;
+ Reason -> {error,Reason}
+ end,
+ return(From, Return),
+ loop(Opts);
+ {{retry,{_Error,_Name,_CPid,Msg}}, From} ->
+ log("Rerunning command","Connection reestablished. Rerunning command...",[]),
+ {Return,NewState} =
+ (Opts#gen_opts.callback):handle_msg(Msg,Opts#gen_opts.cb_state),
+ return(From, Return),
+ loop(Opts#gen_opts{cb_state=NewState});
+ {Msg,From={Pid,_Ref}} when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ {Return,NewState} =
+ (Opts#gen_opts.callback):handle_msg(Msg,Opts#gen_opts.cb_state),
+ return(From, Return),
+ loop(Opts#gen_opts{cb_state=NewState})
+ end.
+nozero({ok,S}) when is_list(S) ->
+ {ok,[C || C <- S,
+ C=/=0,
+ C=/=13]};
+nozero(M) ->
+ M.
+reconnect(Opts) ->
+ (Opts#gen_opts.callback):reconnect(Opts#gen_opts.address,
+ Opts#gen_opts.cb_state).
+log(Func,Args) ->
+ case get(silent) of
+ true when not ?dbg->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ apply(ct_logs,Func,Args)
+ end.