path: root/lib/common_test/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test/src')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
index 44aba94cd1..f243b87f54 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
%% If you change this, remember to update ct_util:look -> stop clause as well.
-define(config_name, ct_hooks).
--record(ct_hook_config, {id, module, prio = 0, scope, opts = [], state = []}).
+-record(ct_hook_config, {id, module, prio, scope, opts = [], state = []}).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% API Functions
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ call_id(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, opts = Opts} = Hook, Config, Scope) ->
call_init(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, opts = Opts, id = Id, prio = P} = Hook,
Config,_Meta) ->
case Mod:init(Id, Opts) of
+ {ok, NewState} when P =:= undefined ->
+ {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState, prio = 0 } };
{ok, NewState} ->
{Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } };
{ok, NewState, Prio} when P =:= undefined ->
@@ -189,12 +191,12 @@ call([{Hook, call_id, NextFun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
case lists:keyfind(NewId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks) of
false when NextFun =:= undefined ->
{Hooks ++ [NewHook],
- [{NewId, fun call_init/3} | Rest]};
+ [{NewId, call_init} | Rest]};
ExistingHook when is_tuple(ExistingHook) ->
{Hooks, Rest};
_ ->
{Hooks ++ [NewHook],
- [{NewId, fun call_init/3},{NewId,NextFun} | Rest]}
+ [{NewId, call_init}, {NewId,NextFun} | Rest]}
call(resort(NewRest,NewHooks), Config, Meta, NewHooks)
catch Error:Reason ->
@@ -204,13 +206,16 @@ call([{Hook, call_id, NextFun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
call([], {fail,"Failed to start CTH"
", see the CT Log for details"}, Meta, Hooks)
+call([{HookId, call_init} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
+ call([{HookId, fun call_init/3} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks);
call([{HookId, Fun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
Hook = lists:keyfind(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks),
{NewConf, NewHook} = Fun(Hook, Config, Meta),
NewCalls = get_new_hooks(NewConf, Fun),
NewHooks = lists:keyreplace(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks, NewHook),
- call(NewCalls ++ Rest, remove(?config_name, NewConf), Meta,
+ call(resort(NewCalls ++ Rest,NewHooks), %% Resort if call_init changed prio
+ remove(?config_name, NewConf), Meta,
terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, Meta, NewHooks))
catch throw:{error_in_cth_call,Reason} ->
call(Rest, {fail, Reason}, Meta,
@@ -284,14 +289,41 @@ save_suite_data_async(Hooks) ->
get_hooks() ->
-%% Call with three element tuples are call_id so always do them first
+%% Sort all calls in this order:
+%% call_id < call_init < Hook Priority 1 < .. < Hook Priority N
+%% If Hook Priority is equal, check when it has been installed and
+%% sort on that instead.
resort(Calls, Hooks) ->
- [Call || {_,_,_} = Call <- Calls] ++
- resort1(Calls, lists:keysort(#ct_hook_config.prio, Hooks)).
-resort1(Calls, [#ct_hook_config{ id = Id }|Rest]) ->
- [Call || {CId,_} = Call <- Calls, CId =:= Id] ++ resort1(Calls,Rest);
-resort1(_,[]) ->
- [].
+ lists:sort(
+ fun({_,_,_},_) ->
+ true;
+ (_,{_,_,_}) ->
+ false;
+ ({_,call_init},_) ->
+ true;
+ (_,{_,call_init}) ->
+ false;
+ ({Id1,_},{Id2,_}) ->
+ P1 = (lists:keyfind(Id1, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks))#ct_hook_config.prio,
+ P2 = (lists:keyfind(Id2, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks))#ct_hook_config.prio,
+ if
+ P1 == P2 ->
+ %% If priorities are equal, we check the position in the
+ %% hooks list
+ pos(Id1,Hooks) < pos(Id2,Hooks);
+ true ->
+ P1 < P2
+ end
+ end,Calls).
+pos(Id,Hooks) ->
+ pos(Id,Hooks,0).
+pos(Id,[#ct_hook_config{ id = Id}|_],Num) ->
+ Num;
+pos(Id,[_|Rest],Num) ->
+ pos(Id,Rest,Num+1).
catch_apply(M,F,A, Default) ->