path: root/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/scripts/smoke')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke b/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2429f104c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/scripts/smoke
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+main(_Args) ->
+ setup(),
+ clone_elixir(),
+ build_elixir(),
+ test_elixir(),
+ setup_mix(),
+ smoke(main),
+ smoke(rabbitmq),
+ halt(0).
+setup() ->
+ ScriptsDir = scripts_dir(),
+ SmokeBuildDir = filename:join(ScriptsDir, "smoke-build"),
+ _ = file:make_dir(SmokeBuildDir),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(SmokeBuildDir),
+ ok.
+clone_elixir() ->
+ {ok,SmokeDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ DotGitDir = filename:join([SmokeDir,"elixir",".git"]),
+ ElixirRepo = "[email protected]:elixir-lang/elixir.git",
+ case filelib:is_dir(DotGitDir) of
+ false ->
+ cmd("git clone " ++ ElixirRepo);
+ true ->
+ GetHeadSHA1 = "cd elixir && git rev-parse --verify HEAD",
+ Before = os:cmd(GetHeadSHA1),
+ cmd("cd elixir && git pull --ff-only origin master"),
+ case os:cmd(GetHeadSHA1) of
+ Before ->
+ ok;
+ _After ->
+ %% There were some changes. Clean to force a re-build.
+ cmd("cd elixir && make clean")
+ end
+ end.
+build_elixir() ->
+ cmd("cd elixir && make compile").
+test_elixir() ->
+ cmd("cd elixir && make test_stdlib").
+setup_mix() ->
+ MixExsFile = filename:join(scripts_dir(), "smoke-mix.exs"),
+ {ok,MixExs} = file:read_file(MixExsFile),
+ ok = file:write_file("mix.exs", MixExs),
+ {ok,SmokeDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ElixirBin = filename:join([SmokeDir,"elixir","bin"]),
+ PATH = ElixirBin ++ ":" ++ os:getenv("PATH"),
+ os:putenv("PATH", PATH),
+ mix("local.rebar --force"),
+ ok.
+smoke(Set) ->
+ os:putenv("SMOKE_DEPS_SET", atom_to_list(Set)),
+ _ = file:delete("mix.lock"),
+ cmd("touch mix.exs"),
+ mix("deps.clean --all"),
+ mix("deps.get"),
+ mix("deps.compile"),
+ ok.
+scripts_dir() ->
+ Root = code:lib_dir(compiler),
+ filename:join(Root, "scripts").
+mix(Cmd) ->
+ cmd("mix " ++ Cmd).
+cmd(Cmd) ->
+ run("sh", ["-c",Cmd]).
+run(Program0, Args) ->
+ Program = case os:find_executable(Program0) of
+ Path when is_list(Path) ->
+ Path;
+ false ->
+ abort("Unable to find program: ~s\n", [Program0])
+ end,
+ Cmd = case {Program0,Args} of
+ {"sh",["-c"|ShCmd]} ->
+ ShCmd;
+ {_,_} ->
+ lists:join(" ", [Program0|Args])
+ end,
+ io:format("\n# ~s\n", [Cmd]),
+ Options = [{args,Args},binary,exit_status,stderr_to_stdout],
+ try open_port({spawn_executable,Program}, Options) of
+ Port ->
+ case run_loop(Port, <<>>) of
+ 0 ->
+ ok;
+ ExitCode ->
+ abort("*** Failed with exit code: ~p\n",
+ [ExitCode])
+ end
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ abort("Failed to execute ~s\n", [Program0])
+ end.
+run_loop(Port, Output) ->
+ receive
+ {Port,{exit_status,Status}} ->
+ Status;
+ {Port,{data,Bin}} ->
+ io:put_chars(Bin),
+ run_loop(Port, <<Output/binary,Bin/binary>>);
+ Msg ->
+ io:format("L: ~p~n", [Msg]),
+ run_loop(Port, Output)
+ end.
+abort(Format, Args) ->
+ io:format(Format, Args),
+ halt(1).