path: root/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_dsetel.erl
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diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_dsetel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_dsetel.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab83c210f..0000000000
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_dsetel.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2018. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose : Using dsetelement to make multiple-field record updates
-%% faster.
-%% The expansion of record field updates, when more than one field is
-%% updated, but not a majority of the fields, will create a sequence of
-%% calls to 'erlang:setelement(Index, Value, Tuple)' where Tuple in the
-%% first call is the original record tuple, and in the subsequent calls
-%% Tuple is the result of the previous call. Furthermore, all Index
-%% values are constant positive integers, and the first call to
-%% 'setelement' will have the greatest index. Thus all the following
-%% calls do not actually need to test at run-time whether Tuple has type
-%% tuple, nor that the index is within the tuple bounds.
-%% Since this introduces destructive updates in the Core Erlang code, it
-%% must be done as a last stage before going to lower-level code.
-%% NOTE: Because there are currently no write barriers in the system,
-%% this kind of optimization can only be done when we are sure that
-%% garbage collection will not be triggered between the creation of the
-%% tuple and the destructive updates - otherwise we might insert
-%% pointers from an older generation to a newer.
-%% The rewriting is done as follows:
-%% let X1 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in call 'erlang':'setelement(3, X1, Value2)
-%% =>
-%% let X1 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in do primop dsetelement(3, X1, Value2)
-%% X1
-%% and
-%% let X1 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in let X2 = call 'erlang':'setelement(3, X1, Value2)
-%% in ...
-%% =>
-%% let X2 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in do primop 'dsetelement(3, X2, Value2)
-%% ...
-%% if X1 is used exactly once.
-%% Thus, we need to track variable usage.
--spec module(cerl:c_module(), [compile:option()]) -> {'ok', cerl:c_module()}.
-module(M0, _Options) ->
- M = visit_module(M0),
- {ok,M}.
-visit_module(#c_module{defs=Ds0}=R) ->
- Env = #{},
- Ds = visit_module_1(Ds0, Env, []),
- R#c_module{defs=Ds}.
-visit_module_1([{Name,F0}|Fs], Env, Acc) ->
- try visit(Env, F0) of
- {F,_} ->
- visit_module_1(Fs, Env, [{Name,F}|Acc])
- catch
- Class:Error:Stack ->
- #c_var{name={Func,Arity}} = Name,
- io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Func,Arity]),
- erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
- end;
-visit_module_1([], _, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-visit(Env, #c_var{name={_,_}}=R) ->
- %% Ignore local function name.
- {R, Env};
-visit(Env0, #c_var{name=X}=R) ->
- %% There should not be any free variables. If there are,
- %% the case will fail with an exception.
- case Env0 of
- #{X:=N} ->
- {R, Env0#{X:=N+1}}
- end;
-visit(Env, #c_literal{}=R) ->
- {R, Env};
-visit(Env0, #c_tuple{es=Es0}=R) ->
- {Es1,Env1} = visit_list(Env0, Es0),
- {R#c_tuple{es=Es1}, Env1};
-visit(Env0, #c_map{es=Es0}=R) ->
- {Es1,Env1} = visit_list(Env0, Es0),
- {R#c_map{es=Es1}, Env1};
-visit(Env0, #c_map_pair{key=K0,val=V0}=R) ->
- {K,Env1} = visit(Env0, K0),
- {V,Env2} = visit(Env1, V0),
- {R#c_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Env2};
-visit(Env0, #c_cons{hd=H0,tl=T0}=R) ->
- {H1,Env1} = visit(Env0, H0),
- {T1,Env2} = visit(Env1, T0),
- {R#c_cons{hd=H1,tl=T1}, Env2};
-visit(Env0, #c_binary{segments=Segs}=R) ->
- Env = visit_bin_segs(Env0, Segs),
- {R, Env};
-visit(Env0, #c_values{es=Es0}=R) ->
- {Es1,Env1} = visit_list(Env0, Es0),
- {R#c_values{es=Es1}, Env1};
-visit(Env0, #c_fun{vars=Vs, body=B0}=R) ->
- {Xs, Env1} = bind_vars(Vs, Env0),
- {B1,Env2} = visit(Env1, B0),
- {R#c_fun{body=B1}, restore_vars(Xs, Env0, Env2)};
-visit(Env0, #c_let{vars=Vs, arg=A0, body=B0}=R) ->
- {A1,Env1} = visit(Env0, A0),
- {Xs,Env2} = bind_vars(Vs, Env1),
- {B1,Env3} = visit(Env2, B0),
- rewrite(R#c_let{arg=A1,body=B1}, Env3, restore_vars(Xs, Env1, Env3));
-visit(Env0, #c_seq{arg=A0, body=B0}=R) ->
- {A1,Env1} = visit(Env0, A0),
- {B1,Env2} = visit(Env1, B0),
- {R#c_seq{arg=A1,body=B1}, Env2};
-visit(Env0, #c_case{arg=A0,clauses=Cs0}=R) ->
- {A1,Env1} = visit(Env0, A0),
- {Cs1,Env2} = visit_list(Env1, Cs0),
- {R#c_case{arg=A1,clauses=Cs1}, Env2};
-visit(Env0, #c_clause{pats=Ps,guard=G0,body=B0}=R) ->
- {Vs, Env1} = visit_pats(Ps, Env0),
- {G1,Env2} = visit(Env1, G0),
- {B1,Env3} = visit(Env2, B0),
- {R#c_clause{guard=G1,body=B1}, restore_vars(Vs, Env0, Env3)};
-visit(Env0, #c_receive{clauses=Cs0,timeout=T0,action=A0}=R) ->
- {T1,Env1} = visit(Env0, T0),
- {Cs1,Env2} = visit_list(Env1, Cs0),
- {A1,Env3} = visit(Env2, A0),
- {R#c_receive{clauses=Cs1,timeout=T1,action=A1}, Env3};
-visit(Env0, #c_apply{op=Op0, args=As0}=R) ->
- {Op1,Env1} = visit(Env0, Op0),
- {As1,Env2} = visit_list(Env1, As0),
- {R#c_apply{op=Op1,args=As1}, Env2};
-visit(Env0, #c_call{module=M0,name=N0,args=As0}=R) ->
- {M1,Env1} = visit(Env0, M0),
- {N1,Env2} = visit(Env1, N0),
- {As1,Env3} = visit_list(Env2, As0),
- {R#c_call{module=M1,name=N1,args=As1}, Env3};
-visit(Env0, #c_primop{name=N0, args=As0}=R) ->
- {N1,Env1} = visit(Env0, N0),
- {As1,Env2} = visit_list(Env1, As0),
- {R#c_primop{name=N1,args=As1}, Env2};
-visit(Env0, #c_try{arg=E0, vars=Vs, body=B0, evars=Evs, handler=H0}=R) ->
- {E1,Env1} = visit(Env0, E0),
- {Xs, Env2} = bind_vars(Vs, Env1),
- {B1,Env3} = visit(Env2, B0),
- Env4 = restore_vars(Xs, Env1, Env3),
- {Ys, Env5} = bind_vars(Evs, Env4),
- {H1,Env6} = visit(Env5, H0),
- {R#c_try{arg=E1,body=B1,handler=H1}, restore_vars(Ys, Env4, Env6)};
-visit(Env0, #c_catch{body=B0}=R) ->
- {B1,Env1} = visit(Env0, B0),
- {R#c_catch{body=B1}, Env1};
-visit(Env0, #c_letrec{defs=Ds0,body=B0}=R) ->
- {Xs, Env1} = bind_vars([V || {V,_} <- Ds0], Env0),
- {Ds1,Env2} = visit_def_list(Env1, Ds0),
- {B1,Env3} = visit(Env2, B0),
- {R#c_letrec{defs=Ds1,body=B1}, restore_vars(Xs, Env0, Env3)}.
-%% The following general code for handling modules is slow if a module
-%% contains very many functions. There is special code in visit_module/1
-%% which is much faster.
-%% visit(Env0, #c_module{defs=D0}=R) ->
-%% {R1,Env1} = visit(Env0, #c_letrec{defs=D0,body=#c_nil{}}),
-%% {R#c_module{defs=R1#c_letrec.defs}, Env1};
-visit_list(Env, L) ->
- lists:mapfoldl(fun (E, A) -> visit(A, E) end, Env, L).
-visit_def_list(Env, L) ->
- lists:mapfoldl(fun ({Name,V0}, E0) ->
- {V1,E1} = visit(E0, V0),
- {{Name,V1}, E1}
- end, Env, L).
-visit_bin_segs(Env, Segs) ->
- lists:foldl(fun (#c_bitstr{val=Val,size=Sz}, E0) ->
- {_, E1} = visit(E0, Val),
- {_, E2} = visit(E1, Sz),
- E2
- end, Env, Segs).
-bind_vars(Vs, Env) ->
- bind_vars(Vs, Env, []).
-bind_vars([#c_var{name=X}|Vs], Env0, Xs)->
- bind_vars(Vs, Env0#{X=>0}, [X|Xs]);
-bind_vars([], Env,Xs) ->
- {Xs, Env}.
-visit_pats(Ps, Env) ->
- visit_pats(Ps, Env, []).
-visit_pats([P|Ps], Env0, Vs0) ->
- {Vs1, Env1} = visit_pat(Env0, P, Vs0),
- visit_pats(Ps, Env1, Vs1);
-visit_pats([], Env, Vs) ->
- {Vs, Env}.
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_var{name=V}, Vs) ->
- {[V|Vs], Env0#{V=>0}};
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_tuple{es=Es}, Vs) ->
- visit_pats(Es, Env0, Vs);
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_map{es=Es}, Vs) ->
- visit_pats(Es, Env0, Vs);
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},key=V,val=K}, Vs0) ->
- {Vs1, Env1} = visit_pat(Env0, V, Vs0),
- visit_pat(Env1, K, Vs1);
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_cons{hd=H,tl=T}, Vs0) ->
- {Vs1, Env1} = visit_pat(Env0, H, Vs0),
- visit_pat(Env1, T, Vs1);
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_binary{segments=Segs}, Vs) ->
- visit_pats(Segs, Env0, Vs);
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_bitstr{val=Val,size=Sz}, Vs0) ->
- {Vs1, Env1} =
- case Sz of
- #c_var{name=V} ->
- %% We don't tolerate free variables.
- case Env0 of
- #{V:=N} ->
- {Vs0, Env0#{V:=N+1}}
- end;
- _ ->
- visit_pat(Env0, Sz, Vs0)
- end,
- visit_pat(Env1, Val, Vs1);
-visit_pat(Env0, #c_alias{pat=P,var=#c_var{name=V}}, Vs) ->
- visit_pat(Env0#{V=>0}, P, [V|Vs]);
-visit_pat(Env, #c_literal{}, Vs) ->
- {Vs, Env}.
-restore_vars([V|Vs], Env0, Env1) ->
- case Env0 of
- #{V:=N} ->
- restore_vars(Vs, Env0, Env1#{V=>N});
- _ ->
- restore_vars(Vs, Env0, maps:remove(V, Env1))
- end;
-restore_vars([], _, Env1) ->
- Env1.
-%% let X1 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in call 'erlang':'setelement(3, X1, Value2)
-%% =>
-%% let X1 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in do primop dsetelement(3, X1, Value2)
-%% X1
- arg=#c_call{module=#c_literal{val='erlang'},
- name=#c_literal{val='setelement'},
- args=[#c_literal{val=Index1}, _Tuple, _Val1]
- }=A,
- body=#c_call{anno=Banno,module=#c_literal{val='erlang'},
- name=#c_literal{val='setelement'},
- args=[#c_literal{val=Index2},
- #c_var{name=X},
- Val2]
- }
- }=R,
- _BodyEnv, FinalEnv)
- when is_integer(Index1), is_integer(Index2), Index2 > 0, Index1 > Index2 ->
- case is_safe(Val2) of
- true ->
- {R#c_let{vars=Vs,
- arg=A,
- body=#c_seq{arg=#c_primop{
- anno=Banno,
- name=#c_literal{val='dsetelement'},
- args=[#c_literal{val=Index2},
- V,
- Val2]},
- body=V}
- },
- FinalEnv};
- false ->
- {R, FinalEnv}
- end;
-%% let X1 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in let X2 = 'erlang':'setelement(3, X1, Value2)
-%% in ...
-%% =>
-%% let X2 = call 'erlang':'setelement(5, Tuple, Value1)
-%% in do primop dsetelement(3, X2, Value2)
-%% ...
-%% if X1 is used exactly once.
- arg=#c_call{module=#c_literal{val='erlang'},
- name=#c_literal{val='setelement'},
- args=[#c_literal{val=Index1}, _Tuple, _Val1]
- }=A,
- body=#c_let{vars=[#c_var{}=V]=Vs,
- arg=#c_call{anno=Banno,
- module=#c_literal{val='erlang'},
- name=#c_literal{val='setelement'},
- args=[#c_literal{val=Index2},
- #c_var{name=X1},
- Val2]},
- body=B}
- }=R,
- BodyEnv, FinalEnv)
- when is_integer(Index1), is_integer(Index2), Index2 > 0, Index1 > Index2 ->
- case is_single_use(X1, BodyEnv) andalso is_safe(Val2) of
- true ->
- {R#c_let{vars=Vs,
- arg=A,
- body=#c_seq{arg=#c_primop{
- anno=Banno,
- name=#c_literal{val='dsetelement'},
- args=[#c_literal{val=Index2},
- V,
- Val2]},
- body=B}
- },
- FinalEnv};
- false ->
- {R, FinalEnv}
- end;
-rewrite(R, _, FinalEnv) ->
- {R, FinalEnv}.
-%% is_safe(CoreExpr) -> true|false
-%% Determines whether the Core expression can cause a GC collection at run-time.
-%% Note: Assumes that the constant pool is turned on.
-is_safe(#c_var{}) -> true;
-is_safe(#c_literal{}) -> true;
-is_safe(_) -> false.
-is_single_use(V, Env) ->
- case Env of
- #{V:=1} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end.