path: root/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index 34c67b16ca..f531056591 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -827,21 +827,24 @@ select_extract_bin([{var,Hd},{var,Tl}], Size0, Unit, Type, Flags, Vf,
{Es,clear_dead(Aft, I, Vdb),St};
-select_extract_bin([{var,Hd}], Size0, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
+select_extract_bin([{var,Hd}], Size, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
I, Vdb, Bef, Ctx, Body, St) ->
- SizeReg = get_bin_size_reg(Size0, Bef),
+ %% Match the last segment of a binary. We KNOW that the size
+ %% must be 'all'.
+ Size = {atom,all}, %Assertion.
{Es,Aft} =
case vdb_find(Hd, Vdb) of
{_,_,Lhd} when Lhd =< I ->
+ %% The result will not be used. Furthermore, since we
+ %% we are at the end of the binary, the position will
+ %% not be used again; thus, it is safe to do a cheaper
+ %% test of the unit.
CtxReg = fetch_var(Ctx, Bef),
- {case SizeReg =:= {atom,all} andalso is_context_unused(Body) of
- true when Unit =:= 1 ->
+ {case Unit of
+ 1 ->
- true ->
- [{test,bs_test_unit,{f,Vf},[CtxReg,Unit]}];
- false ->
- [{test,bs_skip_bits2,{f,Vf},
- [CtxReg,SizeReg,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}]}]
+ _ ->
+ [{test,bs_test_unit,{f,Vf},[CtxReg,Unit]}]
{_,_,_} ->
case is_context_unused(Body) of
@@ -853,7 +856,7 @@ select_extract_bin([{var,Hd}], Size0, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
Name = bs_get_binary2,
Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
- [CtxReg,SizeReg,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],Rhd}],
+ [CtxReg,Size,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],Rhd}],
true ->
%% Since the matching context will not be used again,
@@ -868,7 +871,7 @@ select_extract_bin([{var,Hd}], Size0, Unit, binary, Flags, Vf,
Name = bs_get_binary2,
Live = max_reg(Int1#sr.reg),
- [CtxReg,SizeReg,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],CtxReg}],
+ [CtxReg,Size,Unit,{field_flags,Flags}],CtxReg}],
@@ -1327,12 +1330,13 @@ bif_cg(Bif, As, [{var,V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% that we save any variable that will be live after this BIF call.
MayFail = not erl_bifs:is_safe(erlang, Bif, length(As)),
- {Sis,Int0} = case St0#cg.in_catch andalso
- St0#cg.bfail =:= 0 andalso
- MayFail of
- true -> adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb);
- false -> {[],Bef}
- end,
+ {Sis,Int0} =
+ case MayFail of
+ true ->
+ maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb, St0);
+ false ->
+ {[],Bef}
+ end,
Int1 = clear_dead(Int0, Le#l.i, Vdb),
Reg = put_reg(V, Int1#sr.reg),
Int = Int1#sr{reg=Reg},
@@ -1363,11 +1367,7 @@ gc_bif_cg(Bif, As, [{var,V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% Currently, we are somewhat pessimistic in
%% that we save any variable that will be live after this BIF call.
- {Sis,Int0} =
- case St0#cg.in_catch andalso St0#cg.bfail =:= 0 of
- true -> adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb);
- false -> {[],Bef}
- end,
+ {Sis,Int0} = maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb, St0),
Int1 = clear_dead(Int0, Le#l.i, Vdb),
Reg = put_reg(V, Int1#sr.reg),
@@ -1512,8 +1512,7 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {cons,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Int0#sr.reg)},
Ret = fetch_reg(R, Int1#sr.reg),
{[{put_list,S1,S2,Ret}], Int1, St};
-set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
- #cg{in_catch=InCatch, bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
+set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, #cg{bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
%% At run-time, binaries are constructed in three stages:
%% 1) First the size of the binary is calculated.
%% 2) Then the binary is allocated.
@@ -1532,11 +1531,7 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
%% First generate the code that constructs each field.
Fail = {f,Bfail},
PutCode = cg_bin_put(Segs, Fail, Bef),
- {Sis,Int1} =
- case InCatch of
- true -> adjust_stack(Int0, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb);
- false -> {[],Int0}
- end,
+ {Sis,Int1} = maybe_adjust_stack(Int0, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb, St),
MaxRegs = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
Aft = clear_dead(Int1, Le#l.i, Vdb),
@@ -1545,14 +1540,11 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
% Map single variable key
set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,[{map_pair,{var,_}=K,V}]}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
- #cg{in_catch=InCatch,bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
+ #cg{bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
Fail = {f,Bfail},
- {Sis,Int0} =
- case InCatch of
- true -> adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb);
- false -> {[],Bef}
- end,
+ {Sis,Int0} = maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb, St),
SrcReg = cg_reg_arg(Map,Int0),
Line = line(Le#l.a),
@@ -1573,17 +1565,13 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,[{map_pair,{var,_}=K,V}]}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
% Map (possibly) multiple literal keys
set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
- #cg{in_catch=InCatch,bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
+ #cg{bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
%% assert key literals
[] = [Var||{map_pair,{var,_}=Var,_} <- Es],
Fail = {f,Bfail},
- {Sis,Int0} =
- case InCatch of
- true -> adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb);
- false -> {[],Bef}
- end,
+ {Sis,Int0} = maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb, St),
SrcReg = cg_reg_arg(Map,Int0),
Line = line(Le#l.a),
@@ -2038,6 +2026,19 @@ trim_free([R|Rs0]) ->
trim_free([]) -> [].
+%% maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, FirstBefore, LastFrom, Vdb, St) -> {[Ainstr],Aft}.
+%% Adjust the stack, but only if the code is inside a catch and not
+%% inside a guard. Use this funtion before instructions that may
+%% cause an exception.
+maybe_adjust_stack(Bef, Fb, Lf, Vdb, St) ->
+ case St of
+ #cg{in_catch=true,bfail=0} ->
+ adjust_stack(Bef, Fb, Lf, Vdb);
+ #cg{} ->
+ {[],Bef}
+ end.
%% adjust_stack(Bef, FirstBefore, LastFrom, Vdb) -> {[Ainstr],Aft}.
%% Do complete stack adjustment by compressing stack and adding
%% variables to be saved. Try to optimise ordering on stack by