path: root/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
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diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
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index 1452b78d1d..0000000000
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
+++ /dev/null
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-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose : Convert annotated kernel expressions to annotated beam format.
-%% This module creates beam format annotated with variable lifetime
-%% information. Each thing is given an index and for each variable we
-%% store the first and last index for its occurrence. The variable
-%% database, VDB, attached to each thing is only relevant internally
-%% for that thing.
-%% For nested things like matches the numbering continues locally and
-%% the VDB for that thing refers to the variable usage within that
-%% thing. Variables which live through a such a thing are internally
-%% given a very large last index. Internally the indexes continue
-%% after the index of that thing. This creates no problems as the
-%% internal variable info never escapes and externally we only see
-%% variable which are alive both before or after.
-%% This means that variables never "escape" from a thing and the only
-%% way to get values from a thing is to "return" them, with 'break' or
-%% 'return'. Externally these values become the return values of the
-%% thing. This is no real limitation as most nested things have
-%% multiple threads so working out a common best variable usage is
-%% difficult.
--import(lists, [member/2,map/2,reverse/1,sort/1]).
--import(ordsets, [add_element/2,intersection/2,union/2]).
-%% These are not defined in v3_kernel.hrl.
-get_kanno(Kthing) -> element(2, Kthing).
-%%set_kanno(Kthing, Anno) -> setelement(2, Kthing, Anno).
-module(#k_mdef{name=M,exports=Es,attributes=As,body=Fs0}, _Opts) ->
- Fs1 = functions(Fs0, []),
- {ok,{M,Es,As,Fs1}}.
-functions([F|Fs], Acc) ->
- functions(Fs, [function(F)|Acc]);
-functions([], Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
-%% function(Kfunc) -> Func.
-function(#k_fdef{anno=#k{a=Anno},func=F,arity=Ar,vars=Vs,body=Kb}) ->
- try
- As = var_list(Vs),
- Vdb0 = init_vars(As),
- %% Force a top-level match!
- B0 = case Kb of
- #k_match{} -> Kb;
- _ ->
- Ka = get_kanno(Kb),
- #k_match{anno=#k{us=Ka#k.us,ns=[],a=Ka#k.a},
- vars=Vs,body=Kb,ret=[]}
- end,
- put(guard_refc, 0),
- {B1,_,Vdb1} = body(B0, 1, Vdb0),
- erase(guard_refc),
- {function,F,Ar,As,B1,Vdb1,Anno}
- catch
- Class:Error ->
- Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [F,Ar]),
- erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
- end.
-%% body(Kbody, I, Vdb) -> {[Expr],MaxI,Vdb}.
-%% Handle a body.
-body(#k_seq{arg=Ke,body=Kb}, I, Vdb0) ->
- %%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
- A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
- {Es,MaxI,Vdb2} = body(Kb, I+1, Vdb1),
- E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb2),
- {[E|Es],MaxI,Vdb2};
-body(Ke, I, Vdb0) ->
- %%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
- A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
- E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb1),
- {[E],I,Vdb1}.
-%% guard(Kguard, I, Vdb) -> Guard.
- handler=#k_atom{val=false},ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before try and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try expression.
- Pdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- {T,MaxI,Pdb1} = body(Ts, I+1, Pdb0),
- Pdb2 = use_vars(A#k.ns, MaxI+1, Pdb1), %Save "return" values
- #l{ke={protected,T,var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a,vdb=Pdb2}.
-%% expr(Kexpr, I, Vdb) -> Expr.
-expr(#k_test{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={test,test_op(Op),atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_call{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={call,call_op(Op),atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_enter{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={enter,call_op(Op),atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_bif{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- Bif = k_bif(A, Op, As, Rs),
- #l{ke=Bif,i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
- Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, [], Mdb),
- #l{ke={match,M,var_list(Rs)},i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_guard_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
- Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, [], Mdb),
- #l{ke={guard_match,M,var_list(Rs)},i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_try{}=Try, I, Vdb) ->
- case is_in_guard() of
- false -> body_try(Try, I, Vdb);
- true -> guard(Try, I, Vdb)
- end;
-expr(#k_try_enter{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
- Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
- %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
- Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
- Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
- Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
- Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
- Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
- {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, 1000000, Tdb2)),
- {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- #l{ke={try_enter,#l{ke={block,Aes},i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},
- var_list(Vs),#l{ke={block,Bes},i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Evs),#l{ke={block,Hes},i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]}},
- i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_catch{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=[R]}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the catch.
- %% Add catch tag 'variable'.
- Cdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- {Es,_,Cdb1} = body(Kb, I+1, add_var({catch_tag,I}, I, locked, Cdb0)),
- #l{ke={'catch',Es,variable(R)},i=I,vdb=Cdb1,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_receive{anno=A,var=V,body=Kb,timeout=T,action=Ka,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
- Rdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- M = match(Kb, add_element(V#k_var.name, A#k.us), I+1, [],
- new_vars([V#k_var.name], I, Rdb)),
- {Tes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+1, Rdb),
- #l{ke={receive_loop,atomic(T),variable(V),M,
- #l{ke=Tes,i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},var_list(Rs)},
- i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Vdb),a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_receive_accept{anno=A}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke=receive_accept,i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_receive_next{anno=A}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke=receive_next,i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_put{anno=A,arg=Arg,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={set,var_list(Rs),literal(Arg, [])},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_break{anno=A,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={break,atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_guard_break{anno=A,args=As}, I, Vdb) ->
- Locked = [V || {V,_,_} <- Vdb],
- #l{ke={guard_break,atomic_list(As),Locked},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_return{anno=A,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={return,atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a}.
- I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
- Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
- %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
- Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
- Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
- Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
- Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
- Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
- {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, locked, Tdb2)),
- {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
- #l{ke={'try',#l{ke={block,Aes},i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},
- var_list(Vs),#l{ke={block,Bes},i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Evs),#l{ke={block,Hes},i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Rs)},
- i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a}.
-%% call_op(Op) -> Op.
-%% bif_op(Op) -> Op.
-%% test_op(Op) -> Op.
-%% Do any necessary name translations here to munge into beam format.
-call_op(#k_local{name=N}) -> N;
-call_op(#k_remote{mod=M,name=N}) -> {remote,atomic(M),atomic(N)};
-call_op(Other) -> variable(Other).
-bif_op(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=N}}) -> N;
-bif_op(#k_internal{name=N}) -> N.
-test_op(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=N}}) -> N.
-%% k_bif(Anno, Op, [Arg], [Ret], Vdb) -> Expr.
-%% Build bifs, do special handling of internal some calls.
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=dsetelement,arity=3}, As, []) ->
- {bif,dsetelement,atomic_list(As),[]};
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=bs_context_to_binary=Op,arity=1}, As, []) ->
- {bif,Op,atomic_list(As),[]};
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=bs_init_writable=Op,arity=1}, As, Rs) ->
- {bif,Op,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)};
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=make_fun},
- [#k_atom{val=Fun},#k_int{val=Arity},
- #k_int{val=Index},#k_int{val=Uniq}|Free],
- Rs) ->
- {bif,{make_fun,Fun,Arity,Index,Uniq},var_list(Free),var_list(Rs)};
-k_bif(_A, Op, As, Rs) ->
- %% The general case.
- Name = bif_op(Op),
- Ar = length(As),
- case is_gc_bif(Name, Ar) of
- false ->
- {bif,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)};
- true ->
- {gc_bif,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)}
- end.
-%% match(Kexpr, [LockVar], I, Vdb) -> Expr.
-%% Convert match tree to old format.
-match(#k_alt{anno=A,first=Kf,then=Kt}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I, Vdb0),
- F = match(Kf, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- T = match(Kt, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={alt,F,T},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=A#k.a};
-match(#k_select{anno=A,var=V,types=Kts}, Ls0, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vanno = get_kanno(V),
- Ls1 = case member(no_usage, Vanno) of
- false -> add_element(V#k_var.name, Ls0);
- true -> Ls0
- end,
- Anno = case member(reuse_for_context, Vanno) of
- true -> [reuse_for_context|A#k.a];
- false -> A#k.a
- end,
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls1), I, Vdb0),
- Ts = [type_clause(Tc, Ls1, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1) || Tc <- Kts],
- #l{ke={select,literal(V, Ctxt),Ts},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=Anno};
-match(#k_guard{anno=A,clauses=Kcs}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I, Vdb0),
- Cs = [guard_clause(G, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1) || G <- Kcs],
- #l{ke={guard,Cs},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=A#k.a};
-match(Other, Ls, I, _Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(Ls, I, Vdb0),
- {B,_,Vdb2} = body(Other, I+1, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={block,B},i=I,vdb=Vdb2,a=[]}.
-type_clause(#k_type_clause{anno=A,type=T,values=Kvs}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- %%ok = io:format("life ~w: ~p~n", [?LINE,{T,Kvs}]),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I+1, Vdb0),
- Vs = [val_clause(Vc, Ls, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1) || Vc <- Kvs],
- #l{ke={type_clause,type(T),Vs},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=A#k.a}.
-val_clause(#k_val_clause{anno=A,val=V,body=Kb}, Ls0, I, Ctxt0, Vdb0) ->
- New = (get_kanno(V))#k.ns,
- Bus = (get_kanno(Kb))#k.us,
- %%ok = io:format("Ls0 = ~p, Used=~p\n New=~p, Bus=~p\n", [Ls0,Used,New,Bus]),
- Ls1 = union(intersection(New, Bus), Ls0), %Lock for safety
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls1), I+1, new_vars(New, I, Vdb0)),
- Ctxt = case V of
- #k_binary{segs=#k_var{name=C0}} -> C0;
- _ -> Ctxt0
- end,
- B = match(Kb, Ls1, I+1, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={val_clause,literal(V, Ctxt),B},i=I,vdb=use_vars(Bus, I+1, Vdb1),a=A#k.a}.
-guard_clause(#k_guard_clause{anno=A,guard=Kg,body=Kb}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
- Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I+2, Vdb0),
- Gdb = vdb_sub(I+1, I+2, Vdb1),
- OldRefc = put(guard_refc, get(guard_refc)+1),
- G = guard(Kg, I+1, Gdb),
- put(guard_refc, OldRefc),
- B = match(Kb, Ls, I+2, Ctxt, Vdb1),
- #l{ke={guard_clause,G,B},
- i=I,vdb=use_vars((get_kanno(Kg))#k.us, I+2, Vdb1),
- a=A#k.a}.
-%% type(Ktype) -> Type.
-type(k_literal) -> literal;
-type(k_int) -> integer;
-%%type(k_char) -> integer; %Hhhmmm???
-type(k_float) -> float;
-type(k_atom) -> atom;
-type(k_nil) -> nil;
-type(k_cons) -> cons;
-type(k_tuple) -> tuple;
-type(k_binary) -> binary;
-type(k_bin_seg) -> bin_seg;
-type(k_bin_int) -> bin_int;
-type(k_bin_end) -> bin_end;
-type(k_map) -> map.
-%% variable(Klit) -> Lit.
-%% var_list([Klit]) -> [Lit].
-variable(#k_var{name=N}) -> {var,N}.
-var_list(Ks) -> [variable(K) || K <- Ks].
-%% atomic(Klit) -> Lit.
-%% atomic_list([Klit]) -> [Lit].
-atomic(#k_literal{val=V}) -> {literal,V};
-atomic(#k_var{name=N}) -> {var,N};
-atomic(#k_int{val=I}) -> {integer,I};
-atomic(#k_float{val=F}) -> {float,F};
-atomic(#k_atom{val=N}) -> {atom,N};
-%%atomic(#k_char{val=C}) -> {char,C};
-atomic(#k_nil{}) -> nil.
-atomic_list(Ks) -> [atomic(K) || K <- Ks].
-%% literal(Klit) -> Lit.
-%% literal_list([Klit]) -> [Lit].
-literal(#k_var{name=N}, _) -> {var,N};
-literal(#k_literal{val=I}, _) -> {literal,I};
-literal(#k_int{val=I}, _) -> {integer,I};
-literal(#k_float{val=F}, _) -> {float,F};
-literal(#k_atom{val=N}, _) -> {atom,N};
-%%literal(#k_char{val=C}, _) -> {char,C};
-literal(#k_nil{}, _) -> nil;
-literal(#k_cons{hd=H,tl=T}, Ctxt) ->
- {cons,[literal(H, Ctxt),literal(T, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_binary{segs=V}, Ctxt) ->
- {binary,literal(V, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_bin_seg{size=S,unit=U,type=T,flags=Fs,seg=Seg,next=[]}, Ctxt) ->
- %% Only occurs in patterns.
- {bin_seg,Ctxt,literal(S, Ctxt),U,T,Fs,[literal(Seg, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_bin_seg{size=S,unit=U,type=T,flags=Fs,seg=Seg,next=N}, Ctxt) ->
- {bin_seg,Ctxt,literal(S, Ctxt),U,T,Fs,
- [literal(Seg, Ctxt),literal(N, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_bin_int{size=S,unit=U,flags=Fs,val=Int,next=N}, Ctxt) ->
- %% Only occurs in patterns.
- {bin_int,Ctxt,literal(S, Ctxt),U,Fs,Int,
- [literal(N, Ctxt)]};
-literal(#k_bin_end{}, Ctxt) ->
- {bin_end,Ctxt};
-literal(#k_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
- {tuple,literal_list(Es, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_map{op=Op,var=Var,es=Es0}, Ctxt) ->
- {map,Op,literal(Var, Ctxt),literal_list(Es0, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
- {map_pair,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)}.
-literal_list(Ks, Ctxt) ->
- [literal(K, Ctxt) || K <- Ks].
-%% is_gc_bif(Name, Arity) -> true|false
-%% Determines whether the BIF Name/Arity might do a GC.
-is_gc_bif(hd, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(tl, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(self, 0) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(node, 0) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(node, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(element, 2) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(get, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(raise, 2) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(tuple_size, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(Bif, Arity) ->
- not (erl_internal:bool_op(Bif, Arity) orelse
- erl_internal:new_type_test(Bif, Arity) orelse
- erl_internal:comp_op(Bif, Arity)).
-%% Keep track of life time for variables.
-%% init_vars([{var,VarName}]) -> Vdb.
-%% new_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% use_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% add_var(VarName, F, L, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% The list of variable names for new_vars/3 and use_vars/3
-%% must be sorted.
-init_vars(Vs) ->
- vdb_new(Vs).
-new_vars([], _, Vdb) -> Vdb;
-new_vars([V], I, Vdb) -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb);
-new_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
-use_vars([], _, Vdb) ->
- Vdb;
-use_vars([V], I, Vdb) ->
- case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
- {V,F,L} when I > L -> vdb_update(V, {V,F,I}, Vdb);
- {V,_,_} -> Vdb;
- error -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb)
- end;
-use_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
-add_var(V, F, L, Vdb) ->
- vdb_store_new(V, {V,F,L}, Vdb).
-%% is_in_guard() -> true|false.
-is_in_guard() ->
- get(guard_refc) > 0.
-%% vdb
-vdb_new(Vs) ->
- sort([{V,0,0} || {var,V} <- Vs]).
-vdb_find(V, Vdb) ->
- case lists:keyfind(V, 1, Vdb) of
- false -> error;
- Vd -> Vd
- end.
-vdb_update(V, Update, [{V,_,_}|Vdb]) ->
- [Update|Vdb];
-vdb_update(V, Update, [Vd|Vdb]) ->
- [Vd|vdb_update(V, Update, Vdb)].
-vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb]) when V > V1 ->
- [Vd|vdb_store_new(V, New, Vdb)];
-vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb) when V < V1 ->
- [New|Vdb];
-vdb_store_new(_, New, []) -> [New].
-vdb_update_vars([V|_]=Vs, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb], I) when V > V1 ->
- [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
-vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb, I) when V < V1 ->
- %% New variable.
- [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
-vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{_,F,L}=Vd|Vdb], I) ->
- %% Existing variable.
- if
- I > L -> [{V,F,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
- true -> [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)]
- end;
-vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [], I) ->
- %% New variable.
- [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, [], I)];
-vdb_update_vars([], Vdb, _) -> Vdb.
-%% vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% Extract variables which are used before and after Min. Lock
-%% variables alive after Max.
-vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) ->
- [ if L >= Max -> {V,F,locked};
- true -> Vd
- end || {V,F,L}=Vd <- Vdb, F < Min, L >= Min ].