path: root/lib/compiler/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src')
12 files changed, 173 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
index 124abd13c1..d01f9ee13d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
@@ -318,6 +318,8 @@ split_block_label_used([{set,[_],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}|_], Fail) ->
split_block_label_used([{set,[_],_,{alloc,_,{gc_bif,_,{f,Fail}}}}|_], Fail) ->
+split_block_label_used([{set,[_],_,{alloc,_,{put_map,_,{f,Fail}}}}|_], Fail) ->
+ true;
split_block_label_used([_|Is], Fail) ->
split_block_label_used(Is, Fail);
split_block_label_used([], _) -> false.
@@ -391,10 +393,14 @@ bopt_tree([{set,_,_,{bif,'xor',_}}|_], _, _) ->
bopt_tree([{protected,[Dst],Code,_}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
ProtForest0 = gb_trees:from_orddict([P || {_,any}=P <- gb_trees:to_list(Forest0)]),
- {ProtPre,[{_,ProtTree}]} = bopt_tree(Code, ProtForest0, []),
- Prot = {prot,ProtPre,ProtTree},
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Prot, Forest0),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, Pre);
+ case bopt_tree(Code, ProtForest0, []) of
+ {ProtPre,[{_,ProtTree}]} ->
+ Prot = {prot,ProtPre,ProtTree},
+ Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Prot, Forest0),
+ bopt_tree(Is, Forest, Pre);
+ _Res ->
+ throw(not_boolean_expr)
+ end;
bopt_tree([{set,[Dst],[Src],move}=Move|Is], Forest, Pre) ->
case {Src,Dst} of
{{tmp,_},_} -> throw(move);
@@ -525,7 +531,9 @@ bopt_cg({prot,Pre0,Tree}, Fail, Rs0, Acc, St0) ->
bopt_cg({atom,true}, _Fail, _Rs, Acc, St) ->
bopt_cg({atom,false}, Fail, _Rs, Acc, St) ->
- {[{jump,{f,Fail}}|Acc],St}.
+ {[{jump,{f,Fail}}|Acc],St};
+bopt_cg(_, _, _, _, _) ->
+ throw(not_boolean_expr).
bopt_cg_not({'and',As0}) ->
As = [bopt_cg_not(A) || A <- As0],
@@ -538,7 +546,9 @@ bopt_cg_not({'not',Arg}) ->
bopt_cg_not({test,Test,Fail,As}) ->
bopt_cg_not({atom,Bool}) when is_boolean(Bool) ->
- {atom,not Bool}.
+ {atom,not Bool};
+bopt_cg_not(_) ->
+ throw(not_boolean_expr).
bopt_cg_not_not({'and',As}) ->
{'and',[bopt_cg_not_not(A) || A <- As]};
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
index 0fc8d45c80..b952139f2c 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
@@ -446,11 +446,13 @@ is_label_used_in_2({set,_,_,Info}, Lbl) ->
case Info of
{bif,_,{f,F}} -> F =:= Lbl;
{alloc,_,{gc_bif,_,{f,F}}} -> F =:= Lbl;
+ {alloc,_,{put_map,_,{f,F}}} -> F =:= Lbl;
{'catch',{f,F}} -> F =:= Lbl;
{alloc,_,_} -> false;
{put_tuple,_} -> false;
{get_tuple_element,_} -> false;
{set_tuple_element,_} -> false;
+ {get_map_elements,{f,F}} -> F =:= Lbl;
{line,_} -> false;
_ when is_atom(Info) -> false
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
index 27034aecce..8ca368c167 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
@@ -748,6 +748,8 @@ live_opt([{try_end,_}=I|Is], Regs, D, Acc) ->
live_opt(Is, Regs, D, [I|Acc]);
live_opt([{loop_rec_end,_}=I|Is], Regs, D, Acc) ->
live_opt(Is, Regs, D, [I|Acc]);
+live_opt([{wait_timeout,_,nil}=I|Is], Regs, D, Acc) ->
+ live_opt(Is, Regs, D, [I|Acc]);
live_opt([{wait_timeout,_,{Tag,_}}=I|Is], Regs, D, Acc) when Tag =/= x ->
live_opt(Is, Regs, D, [I|Acc]);
live_opt([{line,_}=I|Is], Regs, D, Acc) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_clauses.erl b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_clauses.erl
index 99fa8dd9d5..76d70dcabf 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_clauses.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_clauses.erl
@@ -354,6 +354,24 @@ match(P, E, Bs) ->
{false, Bs}
+ map ->
+ %% The most we can do is to say "definitely no match" if a
+ %% binary pattern is matched against non-binary data.
+ case E of
+ any ->
+ {false, Bs};
+ _ ->
+ case type(E) of
+ literal ->
+ none;
+ cons ->
+ none;
+ tuple ->
+ none;
+ _ ->
+ {false, Bs}
+ end
+ end;
_ ->
match_1(P, E, Bs)
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
index 44293bb8ce..bc9bdc67a4 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
catch_body/1, clause_body/1, clause_guard/1,
clause_pats/1, clause_vars/1, concrete/1, cons_hd/1,
cons_tl/1, data_arity/1, data_es/1, data_type/1,
- fun_body/1, fun_vars/1, get_ann/1, int_val/1,
+ fname_arity/1, fun_body/1, fun_vars/1, get_ann/1, int_val/1,
is_c_atom/1, is_c_cons/1, is_c_fname/1, is_c_int/1,
is_c_list/1, is_c_seq/1, is_c_tuple/1, is_c_var/1,
is_data/1, is_literal/1, is_literal_term/1, let_arg/1,
@@ -1030,8 +1030,16 @@ i_apply(E, Ctxt, Ren, Env, S) ->
visit_and_count_size(Opnd, S)
S3, Opnds),
- N = apply_size(length(Es)),
- {update_c_apply(E, E1, Es), count_size(N, S4)}
+ Arity = length(Es),
+ E2 = case is_c_fname(E1) andalso length(Es) =/= fname_arity(E1) of
+ true ->
+ V = new_var(Env),
+ update_c_let(E, [V], E1, update_c_apply(E, V, Es));
+ false ->
+ update_c_apply(E, E1, Es)
+ end,
+ N = apply_size(Arity),
+ {E2, count_size(N, S4)}
apply_size(A) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index b88f9792a5..9030dd998b 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ format_error_reason({Reason, Stack}) when is_list(Stack) ->
FormatFun = fun (Term, _) -> io_lib:format("~tp", [Term]) end,
[io_lib:format("~tp", [Reason]),"\n\n",
- lib:format_stacktrace(1, erlang:get_stacktrace(), StackFun, FormatFun)];
+ lib:format_stacktrace(1, Stack, StackFun, FormatFun)];
format_error_reason(Reason) ->
io_lib:format("~tp", [Reason]).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl b/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl
index 36165245a6..25df33a287 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/core_lint.erl
@@ -267,10 +267,21 @@ gexpr(#c_let{vars=Vs,arg=Arg,body=B}, Def, Rt, St0) ->
St1 = gbody(Arg, Def, let_varcount(Vs), St0), %This is a guard body
{Lvs,St2} = variable_list(Vs, St1),
gbody(B, union(Lvs, Def), Rt, St2);
- name=#c_literal{},
- args=As}, Def, 1, St) ->
- gexpr_list(As, Def, St);
+ args=[Arg,#c_literal{val=Tag},#c_literal{val=Size}]},
+ Def, 1, St) when is_atom(Tag), is_integer(Size) ->
+ gexpr(Arg, Def, 1, St);
+ _Def, 1, St) ->
+ add_error({illegal_guard,St#lint.func}, St);
+ Def, 1, St) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case is_guard_bif(Name, length(As)) of
+ true ->
+ gexpr_list(As, Def, St);
+ false ->
+ add_error({illegal_guard,St#lint.func}, St)
+ end;
gexpr(#c_primop{name=#c_literal{val=A},args=As}, Def, _Rt, St0) when is_atom(A) ->
gexpr_list(As, Def, St0);
@@ -298,6 +309,14 @@ gbitstr_list(Es, Def, St0) ->
gbitstr(#c_bitstr{val=V,size=S}, Def, St) ->
gexpr_list([V,S], Def, St).
+%% is_guard_bif(Name, Arity) -> Boolean.
+is_guard_bif(Name, Arity) ->
+ erl_internal:guard_bif(Name, Arity)
+ orelse erl_internal:arith_op(Name, Arity)
+ orelse erl_internal:bool_op(Name, Arity)
+ orelse erl_internal:comp_op(Name, Arity).
%% expr(Expr, Defined, RetCount, State) -> State.
expr(#c_var{name={_,_}=FA}, Def, _Rt, St) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
index eb9c302334..6fdeea51d1 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
@@ -2346,16 +2346,31 @@ is_safe_bool_expr(Core, Sub) ->
is_safe_bool_expr_1(Core, Sub, gb_sets:empty()).
- name=#c_literal{val=is_record},
- args=[_,_]},
- _Sub, _BoolVars) ->
+ name=#c_literal{val=is_record},
+ args=[A,#c_literal{val=Tag},#c_literal{val=Size}]},
+ Sub, _BoolVars) when is_atom(Tag), is_integer(Size) ->
+ is_safe_simple(A, Sub);
+ name=#c_literal{val=is_record}},
+ _Sub, _BoolVars) ->
%% The is_record/2 BIF is NOT allowed in guards.
+ %% The is_record/3 BIF where its second argument is not an atom or its third
+ %% is not an integer is NOT allowed in guards.
%% NOTE: Calls like is_record(Expr, LiteralTag), where LiteralTag
%% is a literal atom referring to a defined record, have already
%% been rewritten to is_record(Expr, LiteralTag, TupleSize).
+ name=#c_literal{val=is_function},
+ args=[A,#c_literal{val=Arity}]},
+ Sub, _BoolVars) when is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0 ->
+ is_safe_simple(A, Sub);
+ name=#c_literal{val=is_function}},
+ _Sub, _BoolVars) ->
+ false;
Sub, BoolVars) ->
NumArgs = length(Args),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
index 9998043013..91a46a20fe 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
@@ -331,9 +331,10 @@ expr({tuple,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
expr({map,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
{Es1,St1} = expr_list(Es0, St0),
-expr({map,Line,Var,Es0}, St0) ->
- {Es1,St1} = expr_list(Es0, St0),
- {{map,Line,Var,Es1},St1};
+expr({map,Line,E0,Es0}, St0) ->
+ {E1,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
+ {Es1,St2} = expr_list(Es0, St1),
+ {{map,Line,E1,Es1},St2};
expr({map_field_assoc,Line,K0,V0}, St0) ->
{K,St1} = expr(K0, St0),
{V,St2} = expr(V0, St1),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index e00ee1f3ad..f1331d1fe7 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -1551,7 +1551,11 @@ map_pair_strip_and_termsort(Es) ->
%% [{map_pair,K,V}]
%% where K is for example {integer, 1} and we want to sort on 1.
Ls = [{K,V}||{_,K,V}<-Es],
- lists:sort(fun({{_,A},_},{{_,B},_}) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) < 0 end, Ls).
+ lists:sort(fun ({{_,A},_}, {{_,B},_}) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) =< 0;
+ ({nil,_}, {{_,B},_}) -> [] =< B;
+ ({{_,A},_}, {nil,_}) -> A =< [];
+ ({nil,_}, {nil,_}) -> true
+ end, Ls).
%%% Code generation for constructing binaries.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
index a50b46bd7b..3d17557e01 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
@@ -274,51 +274,67 @@ gexpr({op,L,'orelse',E1,E2}, Bools, St0) ->
True = {atom,L,true},
E = make_bool_switch_guard(L, E1, V, True, E2),
gexpr(E, Bools, St);
-gexpr({op,Line,Op,L,R}=Call, Bools0, St0) ->
+gexpr({op,Line,Op,L,R}=E, Bools, St) ->
case erl_internal:bool_op(Op, 2) of
- true ->
- {Le,Lps,Bools1,St1} = gexpr(L, Bools0, St0),
- {Ll,Llps,St2} = force_safe(Le, St1),
- {Re,Rps,Bools,St3} = gexpr(R, Bools1, St2),
- {Rl,Rlps,St4} = force_safe(Re, St3),
- Anno = lineno_anno(Line, St4),
- {#icall{anno=#a{anno=Anno}, %Must have an #a{}
- module=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val=erlang},
- name=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val=Op},
- args=[Ll,Rl]},Lps ++ Llps ++ Rps ++ Rlps,Bools,St4};
- false ->
- gexpr_test(Call, Bools0, St0)
+ true ->
+ gexpr_bool(Op, L, R, Bools, St, Line);
+ false ->
+ gexpr_test(E, Bools, St)
-gexpr({op,Line,Op,A}=Call, Bools0, St0) ->
- case Op of
- 'not' ->
- {Ae0,Aps,Bools,St1} = gexpr(A, Bools0, St0),
- case Ae0 of
- #icall{module=#c_literal{val=erlang},
- name=#c_literal{val='=:='},
- args=[E,#c_literal{val=true}]}=EqCall ->
- %%
- %% Doing the following transformation
- %% not(Expr =:= true) ==> Expr =:= false
- %% will help eliminating redundant is_boolean/1 tests.
- %%
- Ae = EqCall#icall{args=[E,#c_literal{val=false}]},
- {Al,Alps,St2} = force_safe(Ae, St1),
- {Al,Aps ++ Alps,Bools,St2};
- Ae ->
- {Al,Alps,St2} = force_safe(Ae, St1),
- Anno = lineno_anno(Line, St2),
- {#icall{anno=#a{anno=Anno}, %Must have an #a{}
- module=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val=erlang},
- name=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val=Op},
- args=[Al]},Aps ++ Alps,Bools,St2}
- end;
- _ ->
- gexpr_test(Call, Bools0, St0)
+gexpr({call,Line,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,Op}},[L,R]}=E, Bools, St) ->
+ case erl_internal:bool_op(Op, 2) of
+ true ->
+ gexpr_bool(Op, L, R, Bools, St, Line);
+ false ->
+ gexpr_test(E, Bools, St)
+gexpr({op,Line,'not',A}, Bools, St) ->
+ gexpr_not(A, Bools, St, Line);
+gexpr({call,Line,{remote,_,{atom,_,erlang},{atom,_,'not'}},[A]}, Bools, St) ->
+ gexpr_not(A, Bools, St, Line);
gexpr(E0, Bools, St0) ->
gexpr_test(E0, Bools, St0).
+%% gexpr_not(L, R, Bools, State) -> {Cexpr,[PreExp],Bools,State}.
+%% Generate a guard for boolean operators
+gexpr_bool(Op, L, R, Bools0, St0, Line) ->
+ {Le,Lps,Bools1,St1} = gexpr(L, Bools0, St0),
+ {Ll,Llps,St2} = force_safe(Le, St1),
+ {Re,Rps,Bools,St3} = gexpr(R, Bools1, St2),
+ {Rl,Rlps,St4} = force_safe(Re, St3),
+ Anno = lineno_anno(Line, St4),
+ {#icall{anno=#a{anno=Anno}, %Must have an #a{}
+ module=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val=erlang},
+ name=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val=Op},
+ args=[Ll,Rl]},Lps ++ Llps ++ Rps ++ Rlps,Bools,St4}.
+%% gexpr_not(Expr, Bools, State) -> {Cexpr,[PreExp],Bools,State}.
+%% Generate an erlang:'not'/1 guard test.
+gexpr_not(A, Bools0, St0, Line) ->
+ {Ae0,Aps,Bools,St1} = gexpr(A, Bools0, St0),
+ case Ae0 of
+ #icall{module=#c_literal{val=erlang},
+ name=#c_literal{val='=:='},
+ args=[E,#c_literal{val=true}]}=EqCall ->
+ %%
+ %% Doing the following transformation
+ %% not(Expr =:= true) ==> Expr =:= false
+ %% will help eliminating redundant is_boolean/1 tests.
+ %%
+ Ae = EqCall#icall{args=[E,#c_literal{val=false}]},
+ {Al,Alps,St2} = force_safe(Ae, St1),
+ {Al,Aps ++ Alps,Bools,St2};
+ Ae ->
+ {Al,Alps,St2} = force_safe(Ae, St1),
+ Anno = lineno_anno(Line, St2),
+ {#icall{anno=#a{anno=Anno}, %Must have an #a{}
+ module=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val=erlang},
+ name=#c_literal{anno=Anno,val='not'},
+ args=[Al]},Aps ++ Alps,Bools,St2}
+ end.
%% gexpr_test(Expr, Bools, State) -> {Cexpr,[PreExp],Bools,State}.
%% Generate a guard test. At this stage we must be sure that we have
%% a proper boolean value here so wrap things with an true test if we
@@ -335,7 +351,8 @@ gexpr_test(E0, Bools0, St0) ->
#icall{anno=Anno,module=#c_literal{val=erlang},name=#c_literal{val=N},args=As} ->
Ar = length(As),
case erl_internal:type_test(N, Ar) orelse
- erl_internal:comp_op(N, Ar) of
+ erl_internal:comp_op(N, Ar) orelse
+ erl_internal:bool_op(N, Ar) of
true -> {E1,Eps0,Bools0,St1};
false ->
Lanno = Anno#a.anno,
@@ -623,7 +640,7 @@ expr({call,Lc,{atom,Lf,F},As0}, St0) ->
Op = #c_var{anno=lineno_anno(Lf, St1),name={F,length(As1)}},
{#iapply{anno=#a{anno=lineno_anno(Lc, St1)},op=Op,args=As1},Aps,St1};
expr({call,L,FunExp,As0}, St0) ->
- {Fun,Fps,St1} = safe(FunExp, St0),
+ {Fun,Fps,St1} = safe_fun(length(As0), FunExp, St0),
{As1,Aps,St2} = safe_list(As0, St1),
Lanno = lineno_anno(L, St2),
{#iapply{anno=#a{anno=Lanno},op=Fun,args=As1},Fps ++ Aps,St2};
@@ -1408,6 +1425,15 @@ safe(E0, St0) ->
{Se,Sps,St2} = force_safe(E1, St1),
{Se,Eps ++ Sps,St2}.
+safe_fun(A0, E0, St0) ->
+ case safe(E0, St0) of
+ {#c_var{name={_,A1}}=E1,Eps,St1} when A1 =/= A0 ->
+ {V,St2} = new_var(St1),
+ {V,Eps ++ [#iset{var=V,arg=E1}],St2};
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ end.
safe_list(Es, St) ->
foldr(fun (E, {Ces,Esp,St0}) ->
{Ce,Ep,St1} = safe(E, St0),
@@ -1756,13 +1782,16 @@ uexpr(#iletrec{anno=A,defs=Fs0,body=B0}, Ks, St0) ->
{B1,St2} = uexprs(B0, Ks, St1),
Used = used_in_any(map(fun ({_,F}) -> F end, Fs1) ++ B1),
-uexpr(#icase{anno=A,args=As0,clauses=Cs0,fc=Fc0}, Ks, St0) ->
+uexpr(#icase{anno=#a{anno=Anno}=A,args=As0,clauses=Cs0,fc=Fc0}, Ks, St0) ->
%% As0 will never generate new variables.
{As1,St1} = uexpr_list(As0, Ks, St0),
{Cs1,St2} = uclauses(Cs0, Ks, St1),
{Fc1,St3} = uclause(Fc0, Ks, St2),
Used = union(used_in_any(As1), used_in_any(Cs1)),
- New = new_in_all(Cs1),
+ New = case member(list_comprehension, Anno) of
+ true -> [];
+ false -> new_in_all(Cs1)
+ end,
uexpr(#ifun{anno=A0,id=Id,vars=As,clauses=Cs0,fc=Fc0,name=Name}, Ks0, St0) ->
Avs = lit_list_vars(As),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index 5675572092..d00dd56f30 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ map_split_pairs(A, Var, Ces, Sub, St0) ->
Kes1 = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{assoc,K,V}} <- Assoc],
{Mvar,Em,St2} = force_atomic(#k_map{anno=A,op=assoc,var=Var,es=Kes1},St1),
Kes2 = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{exact,K,V}} <- Exact],
- {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,var=Mvar,es=Kes2},Em ++ Esp,St2}
+ {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,var=Mvar,es=Kes2},Esp ++ Em,St2}