path: root/lib/compiler/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src')
22 files changed, 437 insertions, 451 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl
index dd7e03dd28..410f598665 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ rename_instr({bs_private_append=I,F,Sz,U,Src,Flags,Dst}) ->
rename_instr(bs_init_writable=I) ->
+rename_instr({test,Op,F,[Ctx,Bits,{string,Str}]}) ->
+ %% When compiling from a .S file.
+ <<Bs:Bits/bits,_/bits>> = list_to_binary(Str),
+ {test,Op,F,[Ctx,Bs]};
rename_instr({put_map_assoc,Fail,S,D,R,L}) ->
rename_instr({put_map_exact,Fail,S,D,R,L}) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl
index f8cf178d2e..73694b96ce 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ build_file(Code, Attr, Dict, NumLabels, NumFuncs, Abst, SourceFile, Opts) ->
LiteralChunk = case beam_dict:literal_table(Dict) of
{0,[]} -> [];
{NumLiterals,LitTab0} ->
- LitTab1 = iolist_to_binary(LitTab0),
- LitTab2 = <<NumLiterals:32,LitTab1/binary>>,
- LitTab = iolist_to_binary(zlib:compress(LitTab2)),
- chunk(<<"LitT">>, <<(byte_size(LitTab2)):32>>, LitTab)
+ LitTab1 = [<<NumLiterals:32>>,LitTab0],
+ LitTab = zlib:compress(LitTab1),
+ chunk(<<"LitT">>, <<(iolist_size(LitTab1)):32>>,
+ LitTab)
%% Create the line chunk.
@@ -431,45 +431,35 @@ encode_alloc_list_1([], Dict, Acc) ->
encode(Tag, N) when N < 0 ->
- encode1(Tag, negative_to_bytes(N, []));
+ encode1(Tag, negative_to_bytes(N));
encode(Tag, N) when N < 16 ->
(N bsl 4) bor Tag;
encode(Tag, N) when N < 16#800 ->
[((N bsr 3) band 2#11100000) bor Tag bor 2#00001000, N band 16#ff];
encode(Tag, N) ->
- encode1(Tag, to_bytes(N, [])).
+ encode1(Tag, to_bytes(N)).
encode1(Tag, Bytes) ->
- case length(Bytes) of
+ case iolist_size(Bytes) of
Num when 2 =< Num, Num =< 8 ->
[((Num-2) bsl 5) bor 2#00011000 bor Tag| Bytes];
Num when 8 < Num ->
[2#11111000 bor Tag, encode(?tag_u, Num-9)| Bytes]
-to_bytes(N0, Acc) ->
- Bits = 3*128,
- case N0 bsr Bits of
- 0 ->
- to_bytes_1(N0, Acc);
- N ->
- to_bytes(N, binary_to_list(<<N0:Bits>>) ++ Acc)
- end.
-to_bytes_1(0, [B|_]=Done) when B < 128 -> Done;
-to_bytes_1(N, Acc) -> to_bytes(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff|Acc]).
-negative_to_bytes(N0, Acc) ->
- Bits = 3*128,
- case N0 bsr Bits of
- -1 ->
- negative_to_bytes_1(N0, Acc);
- N ->
- negative_to_bytes_1(N, binary_to_list(<<N0:Bits>>) ++ Acc)
+to_bytes(N) ->
+ Bin = binary:encode_unsigned(N),
+ case Bin of
+ <<0:1,_/bits>> -> Bin;
+ <<1:1,_/bits>> -> [0,Bin]
-negative_to_bytes_1(-1, [B1,_B2|_]=Done) when B1 > 127 ->
- Done;
-negative_to_bytes_1(N, Acc) ->
- negative_to_bytes_1(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff|Acc]).
+negative_to_bytes(N) when N >= -16#8000 ->
+ <<N:16>>;
+negative_to_bytes(N) ->
+ Bytes = byte_size(binary:encode_unsigned(-N)),
+ Bin = <<N:Bytes/unit:8>>,
+ case Bin of
+ <<0:1,_/bits>> -> [16#ff,Bin];
+ <<1:1,_/bits>> -> Bin
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl
index 5216f39296..e2639e9cac 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl
@@ -61,15 +61,6 @@ blockify(Is) ->
blockify([{loop_rec,{f,Fail},{x,0}},{loop_rec_end,_Lbl},{label,Fail}|Is], Acc) ->
%% Useless instruction sequence.
blockify(Is, Acc);
-%% New bit syntax matching.
-blockify([{bs_save2,R,Point}=I,{bs_restore2,R,Point}|Is], Acc) ->
- blockify([I|Is], Acc);
- {bs_restore2,R,Point}|Is], Acc) ->
- blockify([I,Test|Is], Acc);
-%% Do other peep-hole optimizations.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl
index d54c2a9fde..2a15c1ddf3 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
--import(lists, [member/2,foldl/3,reverse/1,sort/1,all/2,dropwhile/2]).
+-import(lists, [member/2,foldl/3,reverse/1,sort/1,all/2]).
%%% We optimize bit syntax matching where the tail end of a binary is
@@ -542,16 +542,13 @@ btb_context_regs_1(Regs, N, Tag, Acc) ->
%% a binary. MustSave is true if the function may pass the match
%% context to the bs_context_to_binary instruction (in which case
%% the current position in the binary must have saved into the
-%% start position using "bs_save_2 Ctx start".
+%% start position using "bs_save_2 Ctx start").
btb_index(Fs) ->
btb_index_1(Fs, []).
btb_index_1([{function,_,_,Entry,Is0}|Fs], Acc0) ->
- [{label,Entry}|Is] =
- dropwhile(fun({label,L}) when L =:= Entry -> false;
- (_) -> true
- end, Is0),
+ Is = drop_to_label(Is0, Entry),
Acc = btb_index_2(Is, Entry, false, Acc0),
btb_index_1(Fs, Acc);
btb_index_1([], Acc) -> gb_trees:from_orddict(sort(Acc)).
@@ -566,6 +563,9 @@ btb_index_2(Is0, Entry, _, Acc) ->
throw:none -> Acc
+drop_to_label([{label,L}|Is], L) -> Is;
+drop_to_label([_|Is], L) -> drop_to_label(Is, L).
btb_index_find_start_match([{test,_,{f,F},_},{bs_context_to_binary,_}|Is]) ->
btb_index_find_label(Is, F);
btb_index_find_start_match(_) ->
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ collect_warnings_instr([_|Is], D, Acc) ->
collect_warnings_instr([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
add_warning(Term, Anno, Ws) ->
- Line = abs(get_line(Anno)),
+ Line = get_line(Anno),
File = get_file(Anno),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl
index b68b8702e0..1d26993103 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl
@@ -184,14 +184,6 @@ function_replace([{function,Name,Arity,Entry,Asm0}|Fs], Dict, Acc) ->
function_replace(Fs, Dict, [{function,Name,Arity,Entry,Asm}|Acc]);
function_replace([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
-replace([{test,bs_match_string=Op,{f,Lbl},[Ctx,Bin0]}|Is], Acc, D) ->
- Bits = bit_size(Bin0),
- Bin = case Bits rem 8 of
- 0 -> Bin0;
- Rem -> <<Bin0/bitstring,0:(8-Rem)>>
- end,
- I = {test,Op,{f,label(Lbl, D)},[Ctx,Bits,{string,binary_to_list(Bin)}]},
- replace(Is, [I|Acc], D);
replace([{test,Test,{f,Lbl},Ops}|Is], Acc, D) ->
replace(Is, [{test,Test,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Ops}|Acc], D);
replace([{test,Test,{f,Lbl},Live,Ops,Dst}|Is], Acc, D) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl
index f4515ba2a7..5932d8ce1d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl
@@ -255,6 +255,16 @@ backward([{jump,{f,To}}=J|[{bif,Op,_,Ops,Reg}|Is]=Is0], D, Acc) ->
throw:not_possible -> backward(Is0, D, [J|Acc])
+backward([{test,bs_start_match2,F,_,[R,_],Ctxt}=I|Is], D,
+ [{test,bs_match_string,F,[Ctxt,Bs]},
+ {test,bs_test_tail2,F,[Ctxt,0]}|Acc0]=Acc) ->
+ case beam_utils:is_killed(Ctxt, Acc0, D) of
+ true ->
+ Eq = {test,is_eq_exact,F,[R,{literal,Bs}]},
+ backward(Is, D, [Eq|Acc0]);
+ false ->
+ backward(Is, D, [I|Acc])
+ end;
backward([{test,bs_start_match2,{f,To0},Live,[Src|_]=Info,Dst}|Is], D, Acc) ->
To = shortcut_bs_start_match(To0, Src, D),
I = {test,bs_start_match2,{f,To},Live,Info,Dst},
@@ -459,8 +469,8 @@ count_bits_matched([{test,_,_,_,[_,Sz,U,{field_flags,_}],_}|Is], SavePoint, Bits
{integer,N} -> count_bits_matched(Is, SavePoint, Bits+N*U);
_ -> count_bits_matched(Is, SavePoint, Bits)
-count_bits_matched([{test,bs_match_string,_,[_,Bits,_]}|Is], SavePoint, Bits0) ->
- count_bits_matched(Is, SavePoint, Bits0+Bits);
+count_bits_matched([{test,bs_match_string,_,[_,Bs]}|Is], SavePoint, Bits) ->
+ count_bits_matched(Is, SavePoint, Bits+bit_size(Bs));
count_bits_matched([{test,_,_,_}|Is], SavePoint, Bits) ->
count_bits_matched(Is, SavePoint, Bits);
count_bits_matched([{bs_save2,Reg,SavePoint}|_], {Reg,SavePoint}, Bits) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl
index ea51673fa3..68dc104dd3 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ new() ->
%% Remember the highest opcode.
-spec opcode(non_neg_integer(), bdict()) -> bdict().
-opcode(Op, Dict) when Dict#asm.highest_opcode > Op -> Dict;
+opcode(Op, Dict) when Dict#asm.highest_opcode >= Op -> Dict;
opcode(Op, Dict) -> Dict#asm{highest_opcode=Op}.
%% Returns the highest opcode encountered.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
index ba71d4efae..52b6464c7f 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
%%% on the program state.
--import(lists, [reverse/1,reverse/2,foldl/3,dropwhile/2]).
+-import(lists, [reverse/1,reverse/2,foldl/3]).
module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,Lc}, _Opt) ->
Fs = [function(F) || F <- Fs0],
@@ -509,10 +509,7 @@ rem_unused([{label,Lbl}=I|Is0], Used, [Prev|_]=Acc) ->
case gb_sets:is_member(Lbl, Used) of
false ->
Is = case is_unreachable_after(Prev) of
- true ->
- dropwhile(fun({label,_}) -> false;
- (_) -> true
- end, Is0);
+ true -> drop_upto_label(Is0);
false -> Is0
rem_unused(Is, Used, Acc);
@@ -533,6 +530,10 @@ initial_labels([{label,Lbl}|Is], Acc) ->
initial_labels([{func_info,_,_,_},{label,Lbl}|_], Acc) ->
+drop_upto_label([{label,_}|_]=Is) -> Is;
+drop_upto_label([_|Is]) -> drop_upto_label(Is);
+drop_upto_label([]) -> [].
%% ulbl(Instruction, UsedGbSet) -> UsedGbSet'
%% Update the gb_set UsedGbSet with any function-local labels
%% (i.e. not with labels in call instructions) referenced by
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
index 50d1f3cdb1..726bb7f5eb 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ module(Stream, {Mod,Exp,Attr,Code,NumLabels}) ->
fun ({function,Name,Arity,Entry,Asm}) ->
io:format(Stream, "\n\n{function, ~w, ~w, ~w}.\n",
[Name, Arity, Entry]),
- foreach(fun(Op) -> print_op(Stream, Op) end, Asm) end,
- Code);
+ io:put_chars(Stream, format_asm(Asm))
+ end, Code);
module(Stream, {Mod,Exp,Inter}) ->
%% Other kinds of intermediate formats.
io:fwrite(Stream, "~w.~n~p.~n", [Mod,Exp]),
@@ -56,10 +56,11 @@ module(Stream, [_|_]=Fs) ->
%% Form-based abstract format.
foreach(fun (F) -> io:format(Stream, "~p.\n", [F]) end, Fs).
-print_op(Stream, Label) when element(1, Label) == label ->
- io:format(Stream, " ~p.\n", [Label]);
-print_op(Stream, Op) ->
- io:format(Stream, " ~p.\n", [Op]).
+format_asm([{label,L}|Is]) ->
+ [" {label,",integer_to_list(L),"}.\n"|format_asm(Is)];
+format_asm([I|Is]) ->
+ [io_lib:format(" ~p", [I]),".\n"|format_asm(Is)];
+format_asm([]) -> [].
function(File, {function,Name,Arity,Args,Body,Vdb,_Anno}) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
index fad9c42584..8181e555a1 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
@@ -172,6 +172,10 @@ remap([{bif,Name,Fail,Ss,D}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
remap([{gc_bif,Name,Fail,Live,Ss,D}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
I = {gc_bif,Name,Fail,Live,[Map(S) || S <- Ss],Map(D)},
remap(Is, Map, [I|Acc]);
+remap([{get_map_elements,Fail,M,{list,L0}}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
+ L = [Map(E) || E <- L0],
+ I = {get_map_elements,Fail,Map(M),{list,L}},
+ remap(Is, Map, [I|Acc]);
remap([{bs_init,Fail,Info,Live,Ss0,Dst0}|Is], Map, Acc) ->
Ss = [Map(Src) || Src <- Ss0],
Dst = Map(Dst0),
@@ -275,6 +279,8 @@ frame_size([{kill,_}|Is], Safe) ->
frame_size(Is, Safe);
frame_size([{make_fun2,_,_,_,_}|Is], Safe) ->
frame_size(Is, Safe);
+frame_size([{get_map_elements,{f,L},_,_}|Is], Safe) ->
+ frame_size_branch(L, Is, Safe);
frame_size([{deallocate,N}|_], _) -> N;
frame_size([{line,_}|Is], Safe) ->
frame_size(Is, Safe);
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl
index 26c933481a..4731b5e78e 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl
@@ -149,9 +149,10 @@ simplify_basic_1([], Ts, Acc) ->
simplify_float(Is0, Ts0) ->
{Is1,Ts} = simplify_float_1(Is0, Ts0, [], []),
- Is2 = flt_need_heap(Is1),
+ Is2 = opt_fmoves(Is1, []),
+ Is3 = flt_need_heap(Is2),
- {flt_liveness(Is2),Ts}
+ {flt_liveness(Is3),Ts}
throw:not_possible -> not_possible
@@ -202,14 +203,15 @@ simplify_float_1([{set,_,_,{'catch',_}}=I|Is]=Is0, _Ts, Rs0, Acc0) ->
simplify_float_1(Is, tdb_new(), Rs0, [I|Acc]);
simplify_float_1([{set,_,_,{line,_}}=I|Is], Ts, Rs, Acc) ->
simplify_float_1(Is, Ts, Rs, [I|Acc]);
+simplify_float_1([I|Is], Ts0, [], Acc) ->
+ Ts = update(I, Ts0),
+ simplify_float_1(Is, Ts, [], [I|Acc]);
simplify_float_1([I|Is]=Is0, Ts0, Rs0, Acc0) ->
Ts = update(I, Ts0),
{Rs,Acc} = flush(Rs0, Is0, Acc0),
simplify_float_1(Is, Ts, Rs, [I|checkerror(Acc)]);
-simplify_float_1([], Ts, Rs, Acc0) ->
- Acc = checkerror(Acc0),
- Is0 = reverse(flush_all(Rs, [], Acc)),
- Is = opt_fmoves(Is0, []),
+simplify_float_1([], Ts, [], Acc) ->
+ Is = reverse(Acc),
coerce_to_float({integer,I}=Int) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
index 7704690f86..b82bcd0e95 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
@@ -128,8 +128,7 @@ empty_label_index() ->
%% Add an index for a label.
index_label(Lbl, Is0, Acc) ->
- Is = lists:dropwhile(fun({label,_}) -> true;
- (_) -> false end, Is0),
+ Is = drop_labels(Is0),
gb_trees:enter(Lbl, Is, Acc).
@@ -344,14 +343,10 @@ check_liveness(R, [{call_ext,Live,_}=I|Is], St) ->
false ->
check_liveness(R, Is, St);
true ->
- %% We must make sure we don't check beyond this instruction
- %% or we will fall through into random unrelated code and
- %% get stuck in a loop.
- %%
- %% We don't want to overwrite a 'catch', so consider this
- %% register in use.
- %%
- {used,St}
+ %% We must make sure we don't check beyond this
+ %% instruction or we will fall through into random
+ %% unrelated code and get stuck in a loop.
+ {killed,St}
check_liveness(R, [{call_fun,Live}|Is], St) ->
@@ -472,6 +467,22 @@ check_liveness(R, [{loop_rec_end,{f,Fail}}|_], St) ->
check_liveness_at(R, Fail, St);
check_liveness(R, [{line,_}|Is], St) ->
check_liveness(R, Is, St);
+check_liveness(R, [{get_map_elements,{f,Fail},S,{list,L}}|Is], St0) ->
+ {Ss,Ds} = split_even(L),
+ case member(R, [S|Ss]) of
+ true ->
+ {used,St0};
+ false ->
+ case check_liveness_at(R, Fail, St0) of
+ {killed,St}=Killed ->
+ case member(R, Ds) of
+ true -> Killed;
+ false -> check_liveness(R, Is, St)
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end
+ end;
check_liveness(_R, Is, St) when is_list(Is) ->
%% case Is of
%% [I|_] ->
@@ -612,13 +623,15 @@ is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St0) ->
index_labels_1([{label,Lbl}|Is0], Acc) ->
- Is = lists:dropwhile(fun({label,_}) -> true;
- (_) -> false end, Is0),
+ Is = drop_labels(Is0),
index_labels_1(Is0, [{Lbl,Is}|Acc]);
index_labels_1([_|Is], Acc) ->
index_labels_1(Is, Acc);
index_labels_1([], Acc) -> gb_trees:from_orddict(sort(Acc)).
+drop_labels([{label,_}|Is]) -> drop_labels(Is);
+drop_labels(Is) -> Is.
%% Help functions for combine_heap_needs.
combine_alloc_lists(Al1, Al2) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
index c55919dc73..780826b126 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
--import(lists, [reverse/1,foldl/3,foreach/2,member/2,dropwhile/2]).
+-import(lists, [reverse/1,foldl/3,foreach/2,dropwhile/2]).
-define(MAXREG, 1024).
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ validate_0(Module, [{function,Name,Ar,Entry,Code}|Fs], Ft) ->
hf=0, %Available heap size for floats.
fls=undefined, %Floating point state.
ct=[], %List of hot catch/try labels
- bits=undefined, %Number of bits in bit syntax binary.
setelem=false %Previous instruction was setelement/3.
@@ -411,37 +410,33 @@ valfun_1({'try',Dst,{f,Fail}}, Vst0) ->
Vst = #vst{current=#st{ct=Fails}=St} =
set_type_y({trytag,[Fail]}, Dst, Vst0),
-valfun_1({catch_end,Reg}, #vst{current=#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}=St0}=Vst0) ->
+valfun_1({catch_end,Reg}, #vst{current=#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}}=Vst0) ->
case get_special_y_type(Reg, Vst0) of
{catchtag,Fail} ->
- Vst = #vst{current=St} =
- set_type_y(initialized_ct, Reg,
- Vst0#vst{current=St0#st{ct=Fails}}),
+ Vst = #vst{current=St} = set_catch_end(Reg, Vst0),
Xs = gb_trees_from_list([{0,term}]),
- Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs,fls=undefined}};
+ Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs,ct=Fails,fls=undefined}};
Type ->
-valfun_1({try_end,Reg}, #vst{current=#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}=St}=Vst0) ->
+valfun_1({try_end,Reg}, #vst{current=#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}=St0}=Vst0) ->
case get_special_y_type(Reg, Vst0) of
{trytag,Fail} ->
Vst = case Fail of
[FailLabel] -> branch_state(FailLabel, Vst0);
_ -> Vst0
- set_type_reg(initialized_ct, Reg,
- Vst#vst{current=St#st{ct=Fails,fls=undefined}});
+ St = St0#st{ct=Fails,fls=undefined},
+ set_catch_end(Reg, Vst#vst{current=St});
Type ->
-valfun_1({try_case,Reg}, #vst{current=#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}=St0}=Vst0) ->
+valfun_1({try_case,Reg}, #vst{current=#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}}=Vst0) ->
case get_special_y_type(Reg, Vst0) of
{trytag,Fail} ->
- Vst = #vst{current=St} =
- set_type_y(initialized_ct, Reg,
- Vst0#vst{current=St0#st{ct=Fails}}),
- Xs = gb_trees_from_list([{0,{atom,[]}},{1,term},{2,term}]), %XXX
- Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs,fls=undefined}};
+ Vst = #vst{current=St} = set_catch_end(Reg, Vst0),
+ Xs = gb_trees_from_list([{0,{atom,[]}},{1,term},{2,term}]),
+ Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs,ct=Fails,fls=undefined}};
Type ->
@@ -700,8 +695,7 @@ valfun_4({bs_init2,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
Vst1 = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
- Vst3 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
- Vst = bs_zero_bits(Vst3),
+ Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_init_bits,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
@@ -713,8 +707,7 @@ valfun_4({bs_init_bits,{f,Fail},Sz,Heap,Live,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
Vst1 = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
- Vst3 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
- Vst = bs_zero_bits(Vst3),
+ Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_append,{f,Fail},Bits,Heap,Live,_Unit,Bin,_Flags,Dst}, Vst0) ->
verify_live(Live, Vst0),
@@ -722,43 +715,35 @@ valfun_4({bs_append,{f,Fail},Bits,Heap,Live,_Unit,Bin,_Flags,Dst}, Vst0) ->
assert_term(Bin, Vst0),
Vst1 = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
- Vst3 = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
- Vst = bs_zero_bits(Vst3),
+ Vst = prune_x_regs(Live, Vst2),
set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_private_append,{f,Fail},Bits,_Unit,Bin,_Flags,Dst}, Vst0) ->
assert_term(Bits, Vst0),
assert_term(Bin, Vst0),
- Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
- Vst = bs_zero_bits(Vst1),
+ Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
valfun_4({bs_put_string,Sz,_}, Vst) when is_integer(Sz) ->
-valfun_4({bs_put_binary,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}=I, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Sz, Vst0),
- assert_term(Src, Vst0),
- Vst = bs_align_check(I, Vst0),
+valfun_4({bs_put_binary,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}, Vst) ->
+ assert_term(Sz, Vst),
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
-valfun_4({bs_put_float,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}=I, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Sz, Vst0),
- assert_term(Src, Vst0),
- Vst = bs_align_check(I, Vst0),
+valfun_4({bs_put_float,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}, Vst) ->
+ assert_term(Sz, Vst),
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
-valfun_4({bs_put_integer,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}=I, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Sz, Vst0),
- assert_term(Src, Vst0),
- Vst = bs_align_check(I, Vst0),
+valfun_4({bs_put_integer,{f,Fail},Sz,_,_,Src}, Vst) ->
+ assert_term(Sz, Vst),
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
-valfun_4({bs_put_utf8,{f,Fail},_,Src}=I, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst0),
- Vst = bs_align_check(I, Vst0),
+valfun_4({bs_put_utf8,{f,Fail},_,Src}, Vst) ->
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
-valfun_4({bs_put_utf16,{f,Fail},_,Src}=I, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst0),
- Vst = bs_align_check(I, Vst0),
+valfun_4({bs_put_utf16,{f,Fail},_,Src}, Vst) ->
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
-valfun_4({bs_put_utf32,{f,Fail},_,Src}=I, Vst0) ->
- assert_term(Src, Vst0),
- Vst = bs_align_check(I, Vst0),
+valfun_4({bs_put_utf32,{f,Fail},_,Src}, Vst) ->
+ assert_term(Src, Vst),
branch_state(Fail, Vst);
%% Map instructions.
valfun_4({put_map_assoc,{f,Fail},Src,Dst,Live,{list,List}}, Vst) ->
@@ -1071,55 +1056,7 @@ bsm_restore(Reg, SavePoint, Vst) ->
_ -> error({illegal_restore,SavePoint,range})
-%%% Validation of alignment in the bit syntax. (Currently, construction only.)
-%%% We make sure that the aligned flag is only set when we can be sure of the
-%%% aligment.
-bs_zero_bits(#vst{current=St}=Vst) ->
- Vst#vst{current=St#st{bits=0}}.
-bs_align_check({bs_put_utf8,_,Flags,_}, #vst{current=#st{}=St}=Vst) ->
- bs_verify_flags(Flags, St),
- Vst;
-bs_align_check({bs_put_utf16,_,Flags,_}, #vst{current=#st{}=St}=Vst) ->
- bs_verify_flags(Flags, St),
- Vst;
-bs_align_check({bs_put_utf32,_,Flags,_}, #vst{current=#st{}=St}=Vst) ->
- bs_verify_flags(Flags, St),
- Vst;
-bs_align_check({_,_,Sz,U,Flags,_}, #vst{current=#st{bits=Bits}=St}=Vst) ->
- bs_verify_flags(Flags, St),
- bs_update_bits(Bits, Sz, U, St, Vst).
-bs_update_bits(undefined, _, _, _, Vst) -> Vst;
-bs_update_bits(Bits0, {integer,Sz}, U, St, Vst) ->
- Bits = Bits0 + U*Sz,
- Vst#vst{current=St#st{bits=Bits}};
-bs_update_bits(_, {atom,all}, _, _, Vst) ->
- %% A binary will not change the alignment.
- Vst;
-bs_update_bits(_, _, U, _, Vst) when U rem 8 =:= 0 ->
- %% Units of 8, 16, and so on will not change the aligment.
- Vst;
-bs_update_bits(_, _, _, St, Vst) ->
- %% We can no longer be sure about aligment.
- Vst#vst{current=St#st{bits=undefined}}.
-bs_verify_flags({field_flags,Fl}, #st{bits=Bits}) ->
- case bs_is_aligned(Fl) of
- false -> ok;
- true when is_integer(Bits), Bits rem 8 =:= 0 -> ok;
- true -> error({aligned_flag_set,{bits,Bits}})
- end.
-bs_is_aligned(Fl) when is_integer(Fl) -> Fl band 1 =:= 1;
-bs_is_aligned(Fl) when is_list(Fl) -> member(aligned, Fl).
%%% Keeping track of types.
@@ -1135,35 +1072,26 @@ set_type_reg(Type, {x,X}, #vst{current=#st{x=Xs}=St}=Vst)
set_type_reg(Type, Reg, Vst) ->
set_type_y(Type, Reg, Vst).
-set_type_y(Type, {y,Y}=Reg, #vst{current=#st{y=Ys0,numy=NumY}=St}=Vst)
+set_type_y(Type, {y,Y}=Reg, #vst{current=#st{y=Ys0}=St}=Vst)
when is_integer(Y), 0 =< Y ->
- case {Y,NumY} of
- {_,none} ->
- error({no_stack_frame,Reg});
- {_,_} when Y > NumY ->
- error({y_reg_out_of_range,Reg,NumY});
- {_,_} ->
- Ys = if Type =:= initialized_ct ->
- gb_trees:enter(Y, initialized, Ys0);
- true ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(Y, Ys0) of
- none ->
- gb_trees:insert(Y, Type, Ys0);
- {value,uinitialized} ->
- gb_trees:insert(Y, Type, Ys0);
- {value,{catchtag,_}=Tag} ->
- error(Tag);
- {value,{trytag,_}=Tag} ->
- error(Tag);
- {value,_} ->
- gb_trees:update(Y, Type, Ys0)
- end
- end,
- Vst#vst{current=St#st{y=Ys}}
- end;
+ Ys = case gb_trees:lookup(Y, Ys0) of
+ none ->
+ error({invalid_store,Reg,Type});
+ {value,{catchtag,_}=Tag} ->
+ error(Tag);
+ {value,{trytag,_}=Tag} ->
+ error(Tag);
+ {value,_} ->
+ gb_trees:update(Y, Type, Ys0)
+ end,
+ Vst#vst{current=St#st{y=Ys}};
set_type_y(Type, Reg, #vst{}) -> error({invalid_store,Reg,Type}).
+set_catch_end({y,Y}, #vst{current=#st{y=Ys0}=St}=Vst) ->
+ Ys = gb_trees:update(Y, initialized, Ys0),
+ Vst#vst{current=St#st{y=Ys}}.
assert_term(Src, Vst) ->
get_term_type(Src, Vst),
@@ -1362,13 +1290,13 @@ merge_states(L, St, Branched) when L =/= 0 ->
{value,OtherSt} -> merge_states_1(St, OtherSt)
#st{x=Xs1,y=Ys1,numy=NumY1,h=H1,ct=Ct1}) ->
NumY = merge_stk(NumY0, NumY1),
Xs = merge_regs(Xs0, Xs1),
Ys = merge_y_regs(Ys0, Ys1),
Ct = merge_ct(Ct0, Ct1),
- St#st{x=Xs,y=Ys,numy=NumY,h=min(H0, H1),ct=Ct}.
+ #st{x=Xs,y=Ys,numy=NumY,h=min(H0, H1),ct=Ct}.
merge_stk(S, S) -> S;
merge_stk(_, _) -> undecided.
@@ -1398,20 +1326,24 @@ merge_regs_1([], [_|_]) -> [];
merge_regs_1([_|_], []) -> [].
merge_y_regs(Rs0, Rs1) ->
- Rs = merge_y_regs_1(gb_trees:to_list(Rs0), gb_trees:to_list(Rs1)),
- gb_trees_from_list(Rs).
+ case {gb_trees:size(Rs0),gb_trees:size(Rs1)} of
+ {Sz0,Sz1} when Sz0 < Sz1 ->
+ merge_y_regs_1(Sz0-1, Rs1, Rs0);
+ {_,Sz1} ->
+ merge_y_regs_1(Sz1-1, Rs0, Rs1)
+ end.
-merge_y_regs_1([Same|Rs1], [Same|Rs2]) ->
- [Same|merge_y_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2)];
-merge_y_regs_1([{R1,_}|Rs1], [{R2,_}|_]=Rs2) when R1 < R2 ->
- [{R1,uninitialized}|merge_y_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2)];
-merge_y_regs_1([{R1,_}|_]=Rs1, [{R2,_}|Rs2]) when R1 > R2 ->
- [{R2,uninitialized}|merge_y_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2)];
-merge_y_regs_1([{R,Type1}|Rs1], [{R,Type2}|Rs2]) ->
- [{R,merge_types(Type1, Type2)}|merge_y_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2)];
-merge_y_regs_1([], []) -> [];
-merge_y_regs_1([], [_|_]=Rs) -> Rs;
-merge_y_regs_1([_|_]=Rs, []) -> Rs.
+merge_y_regs_1(Y, S, Regs0) when Y >= 0 ->
+ Type0 = gb_trees:get(Y, Regs0),
+ case gb_trees:get(Y, S) of
+ Type0 ->
+ merge_y_regs_1(Y-1, S, Regs0);
+ Type1 ->
+ Type = merge_types(Type0, Type1),
+ Regs = gb_trees:update(Y, Type, Regs0),
+ merge_y_regs_1(Y-1, S, Regs)
+ end;
+merge_y_regs_1(_, _, Regs) -> Regs.
%% merge_types(Type1, Type2) -> Type
%% Return the most specific type possible.
@@ -1630,8 +1562,6 @@ return_type_1(M, F, A, _) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A), A >= 0 ->
return_type_erl(exit, 1) -> exception;
return_type_erl(throw, 1) -> exception;
-return_type_erl(fault, 1) -> exception;
-return_type_erl(fault, 2) -> exception;
return_type_erl(error, 1) -> exception;
return_type_erl(error, 2) -> exception;
return_type_erl(F, A) when is_atom(F), is_integer(A), A >= 0 -> term.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl
index 0c7bef9183..47e786034d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl
@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ undo_rename({bs_init,F,{I,Extra,U,Flags},Live,[Sz,Src],Dst}) ->
undo_rename({bs_init,_,bs_init_writable=I,_,_,_}) ->
+undo_rename({test,bs_match_string=Op,F,[Ctx,Bin0]}) ->
+ Bits = bit_size(Bin0),
+ Bin = case Bits rem 8 of
+ 0 -> Bin0;
+ Rem -> <<Bin0/bitstring,0:(8-Rem)>>
+ end,
+ {test,Op,F,[Ctx,Bits,{string,binary_to_list(Bin)}]};
undo_rename({put_map,Fail,assoc,S,D,R,L}) ->
undo_rename({put_map,Fail,exact,S,D,R,L}) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
index f8489a800b..02cdb966ce 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/cerl_inline.erl
@@ -445,15 +445,14 @@ i_var_1(R, Opnd, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
residualize_var(R, S);
false ->
S1 = st__mark_inner_pending(L, S),
- case catch {ok, visit(Opnd, S1)} of
- {ok, {E, S2}} ->
+ try visit(Opnd, S1) of
+ {E, S2} ->
%% Note that we pass the current environment and
%% context to `copy', but not the current renaming.
S3 = st__clear_inner_pending(L, S2),
- copy(R, Opnd, E, Ctxt, Env, S3);
- {'EXIT', X} ->
- exit(X);
- X ->
+ copy(R, Opnd, E, Ctxt, Env, S3)
+ catch
+ throw:X ->
%% If we use destructive update for the
%% `inner-pending' flag, we must make sure to clear
%% it also if we make a nonlocal return.
@@ -1128,8 +1127,8 @@ i_call_3(M, F, As, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
%% Note that we extract the results of argument expessions here; the
%% expressions could still be sequences with side effects.
Vs = [concrete(result(A)) || A <- As],
- case catch {ok, apply(atom_val(M), atom_val(F), Vs)} of
- {ok, V} ->
+ try apply(atom_val(M), atom_val(F), Vs) of
+ V ->
%% Evaluation completed normally - try to turn the result
%% back into a syntax tree (representing a literal).
case is_literal_term(V) of
@@ -1142,8 +1141,9 @@ i_call_3(M, F, As, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
false ->
%% The result could not be represented as a literal.
i_call_4(M, F, As, E, Ctxt, Env, S)
- end;
- _ ->
+ end
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
%% The evaluation attempt did not complete normally.
i_call_4(M, F, As, E, Ctxt, Env, S)
@@ -1736,12 +1736,11 @@ copy_1(R, Opnd, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
copy_inline(R, Opnd, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
S1 = st__mark_outer_pending(Opnd#opnd.loc, S),
- case catch {ok, copy_inline_1(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S1)} of
- {ok, {E1, S2}} ->
- {E1, st__clear_outer_pending(Opnd#opnd.loc, S2)};
- {'EXIT', X} ->
- exit(X);
- X ->
+ try copy_inline_1(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S1) of
+ {E1, S2} ->
+ {E1, st__clear_outer_pending(Opnd#opnd.loc, S2)}
+ catch
+ throw:X ->
%% If we use destructive update for the `outer-pending'
%% flag, we must make sure to clear it upon a nonlocal
%% return.
@@ -1758,19 +1757,16 @@ copy_inline_1(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
copy_inline_2(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S);
false ->
S1 = new_active_effort(get_effort_limit(S), S),
- case catch {ok, copy_inline_2(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S1)} of
- {ok, {E1, S2}} ->
+ try copy_inline_2(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S1) of
+ {E1, S2} ->
%% Revert to the old effort counter.
- {E1, revert_effort(S, S2)};
- {counter_exceeded, effort, _} ->
+ {E1, revert_effort(S, S2)}
+ catch
+ throw:{counter_exceeded, effort, _} ->
%% Aborted this inlining attempt because too much
%% effort was spent. Residualize the variable and
%% revert to the previous state.
- residualize_var(R, S);
- {'EXIT', X} ->
- exit(X);
- X ->
- throw(X)
+ residualize_var(R, S)
@@ -1796,11 +1792,12 @@ copy_inline_2(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
%% close to zero at this point. (This is an extension to the
%% original algorithm.)
S1 = new_active_size(Limit + apply_size(length(Ctxt#app.opnds)), S),
- case catch {ok, inline(E, Ctxt, ren__identity(), Env, S1)} of
- {ok, {E1, S2}} ->
+ try inline(E, Ctxt, ren__identity(), Env, S1) of
+ {E1, S2} ->
%% Revert to the old size counter.
- {E1, revert_size(S, S2)};
- {counter_exceeded, size, S2} ->
+ {E1, revert_size(S, S2)}
+ catch
+ throw:{counter_exceeded, size, S2} ->
%% Aborted this inlining attempt because it got too big.
%% Residualize the variable and revert to the old size
%% counter. (It is important that we do not also revert the
@@ -1813,11 +1810,7 @@ copy_inline_2(R, E, Ctxt, Env, S) ->
%% must make sure to clear the flags of any nested
%% app-contexts upon aborting; see `inline' for details.
S4 = reset_nested_apps(Ctxt, S3), % for effect
- residualize_var(R, S4);
- {'EXIT', X} ->
- exit(X);
- X ->
- throw(X)
+ residualize_var(R, S4)
reset_nested_apps(#app{ctxt = Ctxt, loc = L}, S) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index c45c9a1a29..b54d125774 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
-type option() :: atom() | {atom(), term()} | {'d', atom(), term()}.
--type err_info() :: {erl_scan:line() | 'none',
+-type err_info() :: {erl_anno:line() | 'none',
module(), term()}. %% ErrorDescriptor
-type errors() :: [{file:filename(), [err_info()]}].
-type warnings() :: [{file:filename(), [err_info()]}].
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ env_default_opts() ->
Str when is_list(Str) ->
case erl_scan:string(Str) of
{ok,Tokens,_} ->
- case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens ++ [{dot, 1}]) of
+ Dot = {dot, erl_anno:new(1)},
+ case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens ++ [Dot]) of
{ok,List} when is_list(List) -> List;
{ok,Term} -> [Term];
{error,_Reason} ->
@@ -285,11 +286,20 @@ internal_comp(Passes, File, Suffix, St0) ->
St1 = St0#compile{filename=File, dir=Dir, base=Base,
ifile=erlfile(Dir, Base, Suffix),
ofile=objfile(Base, St0)},
- Run = case member(time, St1#compile.options) of
- true ->
- io:format("Compiling ~tp\n", [File]),
- fun run_tc/2;
- false -> fun({_Name,Fun}, St) -> catch Fun(St) end
+ Opts = St1#compile.options,
+ Run0 = case member(time, Opts) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("Compiling ~tp\n", [File]),
+ fun run_tc/2;
+ false -> fun({_Name,Fun}, St) -> catch Fun(St) end
+ end,
+ Run = case keyfind(eprof, 1, Opts) of
+ {eprof,EprofPass} ->
+ fun(P, St) ->
+ run_eprof(P, EprofPass, St)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Run0
case fold_comp(Passes, Run, St1) of
{ok,St2} -> comp_ret_ok(St2);
@@ -320,17 +330,26 @@ fold_comp([{Name,Pass}|Ps], Run, St0) ->
fold_comp([], _Run, St) -> {ok,St}.
run_tc({Name,Fun}, St) ->
- Before0 = statistics(runtime),
+ T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
Val = (catch Fun(St)),
- After0 = statistics(runtime),
- {Before_c, _} = Before0,
- {After_c, _} = After0,
+ T2 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
+ Elapsed = erlang:convert_time_unit(T2 - T1, native, milli_seconds),
Mem0 = erts_debug:flat_size(Val)*erlang:system_info(wordsize),
Mem = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.1f kB", [Mem0/1024])),
- io:format(" ~-30s: ~10.2f s ~12s\n",
- [Name,(After_c-Before_c) / 1000,Mem]),
+ io:format(" ~-30s: ~10.3f s ~12s\n",
+ [Name,Elapsed/1000,Mem]),
+run_eprof({Name,Fun}, Name, St) ->
+ io:format("~p: Running eprof\n", [Name]),
+ eprof:start_profiling([self()]),
+ Val = (catch Fun(St)),
+ eprof:stop_profiling(),
+ eprof:analyze(),
+ Val;
+run_eprof({_,Fun}, _, St) ->
+ catch Fun(St).
comp_ret_ok(#compile{code=Code,warnings=Warn0,module=Mod,options=Opts}=St) ->
case werror(St) of
true ->
@@ -606,7 +625,7 @@ standard_passes() ->
%% Conversion to Core Erlang.
- ?pass(core_module),
+ {pass,v3_core},
| core_passes()].
@@ -618,7 +637,7 @@ core_passes() ->
[{core_old_inliner,fun test_old_inliner/1,fun core_old_inliner/1},
- ?pass(core_fold_module),
+ {pass,sys_core_fold},
{core_inline_module,fun test_core_inliner/1,fun core_inline_module/1},
@@ -631,14 +650,14 @@ core_passes() ->
kernel_passes() ->
%% Destructive setelement/3 optimization and core lint.
- [?pass(core_dsetel_module),
+ [{pass,sys_core_dsetel},
%% Kernel Erlang and code generation.
- ?pass(kernel_module),
+ {pass,v3_kernel},
@@ -1176,14 +1195,6 @@ expand_module(#compile{code=Code,options=Opts0}=St0) ->
Opts = expand_opts(Opts1),
-core_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) ->
- {ok,Code,Ws} = v3_core:module(Code0, Opts),
- {ok,St#compile{code=Code,warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}.
-core_fold_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts,warnings=Warns}=St) ->
- {ok,Code,Ws} = sys_core_fold:module(Code0, Opts),
- {ok,St#compile{code=Code,warnings=Warns ++ Ws}}.
core_fold_module_after_inlining(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) ->
%% Inlining may produce code that generates spurious warnings.
%% Ignore all warnings.
@@ -1219,14 +1230,6 @@ core_inline_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) ->
Code = cerl_inline:core_transform(Code0, Opts),
-core_dsetel_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) ->
- {ok,Code} = sys_core_dsetel:module(Code0, Opts),
- {ok,St#compile{code=Code}}.
-kernel_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) ->
- {ok,Code,Ws} = v3_kernel:module(Code0, Opts),
- {ok,St#compile{code=Code,warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}.
save_abstract_code(#compile{ifile=File}=St) ->
case abstract_code(St) of
{ok,Code} ->
@@ -1235,7 +1238,8 @@ save_abstract_code(#compile{ifile=File}=St) ->
{error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ [{File,Es}]}}
-abstract_code(#compile{code=Code,options=Opts,ofile=OFile}) ->
+abstract_code(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts,ofile=OFile}) ->
+ Code = erl_parse:anno_to_term(Code0),
Abstr = erlang:term_to_binary({raw_abstract_v1,Code}, [compressed]),
case member(encrypt_debug_info, Opts) of
true ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
index beab2ce897..6f8279f65e 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
@@ -2532,18 +2532,35 @@ maybe_suppress_warnings(Arg, _, _, effect) ->
%% Don't suppress any warnings in effect context.
maybe_suppress_warnings(Arg, Vs, PrevBody, value) ->
- case suppress_warning(Arg) of
+ case should_suppress_warning(Arg) of
true ->
Arg; %Already suppressed.
false ->
case is_any_var_used(Vs, PrevBody) of
true ->
- cerl:set_ann(Arg, [compiler_generated]);
+ suppress_warning([Arg]);
false ->
+%% Suppress warnings for a Core Erlang expression whose value will
+%% be ignored.
+suppress_warning([H|T]) ->
+ case cerl:is_literal(H) of
+ true ->
+ suppress_warning(T);
+ false ->
+ case cerl:is_data(H) of
+ true ->
+ suppress_warning(cerl:data_es(H) ++ T);
+ false ->
+ Arg = cerl:set_ann(H, [compiler_generated]),
+ cerl:c_seq(Arg, suppress_warning(T))
+ end
+ end;
+suppress_warning([]) -> void().
clauses=InnerClauses}=Inner, Sub) ->
@@ -3093,7 +3110,7 @@ add_bin_opt_info(Core, Term) ->
add_warning(Core, Term) ->
- case suppress_warning(Core) of
+ case should_suppress_warning(Core) of
true ->
false ->
@@ -3118,7 +3135,7 @@ get_file([{file,File}|_]) -> File;
get_file([_|T]) -> get_file(T);
get_file([]) -> "no_file". % should not happen
-suppress_warning(Core) ->
+should_suppress_warning(Core) ->
is_compiler_generated(Core) orelse
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
index f99307c865..4c4628d580 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
-record(expand, {module=[], %Module name
exports=[], %Exports
imports=[], %Imports
- compile=[], %Compile flags
attributes=[], %Attributes
callbacks=[], %Callbacks
optional_callbacks=[] :: [fa()], %Optional callbacks
@@ -46,9 +45,7 @@
vcount=0, %Variable counter
func=[], %Current function
arity=[], %Arity for current function
- fcount=0, %Local fun count
- bitdefault,
- bittypes
+ fcount=0 %Local fun count
%% module(Forms, CompileOptions)
@@ -69,15 +66,12 @@ module(Fs0, Opts0) ->
%% Build initial expand record.
St0 = #expand{exports=PreExp,
- compile=Opts,
- defined=PreExp,
- bitdefault = erl_bits:system_bitdefault(),
- bittypes = erl_bits:system_bittypes()
+ defined=PreExp
%% Expand the functions.
{Tfs,St1} = forms(Fs, define_functions(Fs, St0)),
%% Get the correct list of exported functions.
- Exports = case member(export_all, St1#expand.compile) of
+ Exports = case member(export_all, Opts) of
true -> gb_sets:to_list(St1#expand.defined);
false -> St1#expand.exports
@@ -85,7 +79,7 @@ module(Fs0, Opts0) ->
{Ats,St3} = module_attrs(St1#expand{exports = Exports}),
{Mfs,St4} = module_predef_funcs(St3),
{St4#expand.module, St4#expand.exports, Ats ++ Tfs ++ Mfs,
- St4#expand.compile}.
+ Opts}.
compiler_options(Forms) ->
lists:flatten([C || {attribute,_,compile,C} <- Forms]).
@@ -121,7 +115,8 @@ is_fa_list(_) -> false.
module_predef_funcs(St) ->
- {Mpf1++Mpf2,St2}.
+ Mpf = [erl_parse:new_anno(F) || F <- Mpf1++Mpf2],
+ {Mpf,St2}.
module_predef_func_beh_info(#expand{callbacks=[]}=St) ->
{[], St};
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index 40235d6767..aa2ebc0f85 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -121,24 +121,15 @@ cg_fun(Les, Hvs, Vdb, AtomMod, NameArity, Anno, St0) ->
put_reg(V, Reg)
end, [], Hvs),
stk=[]}, 0, Vdb),
- {B0,_Aft,St} = cg_list(Les, 0, Vdb, Bef,
+ {B,_Aft,St} = cg_list(Les, 0, Vdb, Bef,
- B = fix_bs_match_strings(B0),
{Name,Arity} = NameArity,
Asm = [{label,Fi},line(Anno),{func_info,AtomMod,{atom,Name},Arity},
- when is_list(BinList) ->
- I = {test,bs_match_string,F,[Ctx,list_to_bitstring(BinList)]},
- [I|fix_bs_match_strings(Is)];
-fix_bs_match_strings([I|Is]) ->
- [I|fix_bs_match_strings(Is)];
-fix_bs_match_strings([]) -> [].
%% cg(Lkexpr, Vdb, StackReg, State) -> {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
%% Generate code for a kexpr.
%% Split function into two steps for clarity, not efficiency.
@@ -584,7 +575,7 @@ top_level_block(Keis, Bef, MaxRegs, _St) ->
(return) ->
(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
- [turn_yregs(tuple_size(Tuple), Tuple, MaxY)];
+ [turn_yregs(Tuple, MaxY)];
(Other) ->
end, Keis),
@@ -596,14 +587,49 @@ top_level_block(Keis, Bef, MaxRegs, _St) ->
%% catches work. The code generation algorithm gives a lower register
%% number to the outer catch, which is wrong.
-turn_yregs(0, Tp, _) -> Tp;
-turn_yregs(El, Tp, MaxY) ->
- turn_yregs(El-1,setelement(El,Tp,turn_yreg(element(El,Tp),MaxY)),MaxY).
-turn_yreg({yy,YY},MaxY) -> {y,MaxY-YY};
-turn_yreg({list,Ls},MaxY) -> {list, turn_yreg(Ls,MaxY)};
-turn_yreg(Ts,MaxY) when is_list(Ts) -> [turn_yreg(T,MaxY)||T<-Ts];
-turn_yreg(Other,_MaxY) -> Other.
+turn_yregs({call,_,_}=I, _MaxY) -> I;
+turn_yregs({call_ext,_,_}=I, _MaxY) -> I;
+turn_yregs({jump,_}=I, _MaxY) -> I;
+turn_yregs({label,_}=I, _MaxY) -> I;
+turn_yregs({line,_}=I, _MaxY) -> I;
+turn_yregs({test_heap,_,_}=I, _MaxY) -> I;
+turn_yregs({bif,Op,F,A,B}, MaxY) ->
+ {bif,Op,F,turn_yreg(A, MaxY),turn_yreg(B, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({gc_bif,Op,F,Live,A,B}, MaxY) when is_integer(Live) ->
+ {gc_bif,Op,F,Live,turn_yreg(A, MaxY),turn_yreg(B, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({get_tuple_element,S,N,D}, MaxY) ->
+ {get_tuple_element,turn_yreg(S, MaxY),N,turn_yreg(D, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({put_tuple,Arity,D}, MaxY) ->
+ {put_tuple,Arity,turn_yreg(D, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({select_val,R,F,L}, MaxY) ->
+ {select_val,turn_yreg(R, MaxY),F,L};
+turn_yregs({test,Op,F,L}, MaxY) ->
+ {test,Op,F,turn_yreg(L, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({test,Op,F,Live,A,B}, MaxY) when is_integer(Live) ->
+ {test,Op,F,Live,turn_yreg(A, MaxY),turn_yreg(B, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({Op,A}, MaxY) ->
+ {Op,turn_yreg(A, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({Op,A,B}, MaxY) ->
+ {Op,turn_yreg(A, MaxY),turn_yreg(B, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs({Op,A,B,C}, MaxY) ->
+ {Op,turn_yreg(A, MaxY),turn_yreg(B, MaxY),turn_yreg(C, MaxY)};
+turn_yregs(Tuple, MaxY) ->
+ turn_yregs(tuple_size(Tuple), Tuple, MaxY).
+turn_yregs(1, Tp, _) ->
+ Tp;
+turn_yregs(N, Tp, MaxY) ->
+ E = turn_yreg(element(N, Tp), MaxY),
+ turn_yregs(N-1, setelement(N, Tp, E), MaxY).
+turn_yreg({yy,YY}, MaxY) ->
+ {y,MaxY-YY};
+turn_yreg({list,Ls},MaxY) ->
+ {list,turn_yreg(Ls, MaxY)};
+turn_yreg([_|_]=Ts, MaxY) ->
+ [turn_yreg(T, MaxY) || T <- Ts];
+turn_yreg(Other, _MaxY) ->
+ Other.
%% select_cg(Sclause, V, TypeFail, ValueFail, StackReg, State) ->
%% {Is,StackReg,State}.
@@ -682,22 +708,37 @@ select_nil(#l{ke={val_clause,nil,B}}, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
Int0 = clear_dead(Bef#sr{reg=Bef#sr.reg}, I, Vdb),
- {Bis,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0),
+ {Bis0,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0),
CtxReg = fetch_var(V, Int0),
Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
- {[{test,bs_start_match2,{f,Tf},Live,[CtxReg,V],CtxReg},
- {bs_save2,CtxReg,{V,V}}|Bis],
- Aft,St1};
+ Bis1 = [{test,bs_start_match2,{f,Tf},Live,[CtxReg,V],CtxReg},
+ {bs_save2,CtxReg,{V,V}}|Bis0],
+ Bis = finish_select_binary(Bis1),
+ {Bis,Aft,St1};
V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
Regs = put_reg(Ivar, Bef#sr.reg),
Int0 = clear_dead(Bef#sr{reg=Regs}, I, Vdb),
- {Bis,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0),
+ {Bis0,Aft,St1} = match_cg(B, Vf, Int0, St0),
CtxReg = fetch_var(Ivar, Int0),
Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
- {[{test,bs_start_match2,{f,Tf},Live,[fetch_var(V, Bef),Ivar],CtxReg},
- {bs_save2,CtxReg,{Ivar,Ivar}}|Bis],
- Aft,St1}.
+ Bis1 = [{test,bs_start_match2,{f,Tf},Live,[fetch_var(V, Bef),Ivar],CtxReg},
+ {bs_save2,CtxReg,{Ivar,Ivar}}|Bis0],
+ Bis = finish_select_binary(Bis1),
+ {Bis,Aft,St1}.
+finish_select_binary([{bs_save2,R,Point}=I,{bs_restore2,R,Point}|Is]) ->
+ [I|finish_select_binary(Is)];
+ {bs_restore2,R,Point}|Is]) ->
+ [I,Test|finish_select_binary(Is)];
+ when is_list(BinList) ->
+ I = {test,bs_match_string,F,[Ctx,list_to_bitstring(BinList)]},
+ [I|finish_select_binary(Is)];
+finish_select_binary([I|Is]) ->
+ [I|finish_select_binary(Is)];
+finish_select_binary([]) -> [].
%% New instructions for selection of binary segments.
@@ -2099,9 +2140,11 @@ put_stack(Val, [free|Stk]) -> [{Val}|Stk];
put_stack(Val, [NotFree|Stk]) -> [NotFree|put_stack(Val, Stk)].
put_stack_carefully(Val, Stk0) ->
- case catch put_stack_carefully1(Val, Stk0) of
- error -> error;
- Stk1 when is_list(Stk1) -> Stk1
+ try
+ put_stack_carefully1(Val, Stk0)
+ catch
+ throw:error ->
+ error
put_stack_carefully1(_, []) -> throw(error);
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
index ed7b55df07..ecaecb0ff6 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@
--define(REC_OFFSET, 100000000). % Also in erl_expand_records.
%% Internal core expressions and help functions.
%% N.B. annotations fields in place as normal Core expressions.
@@ -170,8 +168,10 @@ form({attribute,_,file,{File,_Line}}, {Fs,As,Ws,_}, _Opts) ->
form({attribute,_,_,_}=F, {Fs,As,Ws,File}, _Opts) ->
-attribute({attribute,Line,Name,Val}) ->
- {#c_literal{val=Name, anno=[Line]}, #c_literal{val=Val, anno=[Line]}}.
+attribute(Attribute) ->
+ Fun = fun(A) -> [erl_anno:location(A)] end,
+ {attribute,Line,Name,Val} = erl_parse:map_anno(Fun, Attribute),
+ {#c_literal{val=Name, anno=Line}, #c_literal{val=Val, anno=Line}}.
%% function_dump(module_info,_,_,_) -> ok;
%% function_dump(Name,Arity,Format,Terms) ->
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ make_bool_switch(L, E, V, T, F, #core{}) ->
make_bool_switch_body(L, E, V, T, F).
make_bool_switch_body(L, E, V, T, F) ->
- NegL = neg_line(abs_line(L)),
+ NegL = no_compiler_warning(L),
Error = {tuple,NegL,[{atom,NegL,badarg},V]},
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ make_bool_switch_body(L, E, V, T, F) ->
make_bool_switch_guard(_, E, _, {atom,_,true}, {atom,_,false}) -> E;
make_bool_switch_guard(L, E, V, T, F) ->
- NegL = neg_line(abs_line(L)),
+ NegL = no_compiler_warning(L),
@@ -869,10 +869,10 @@ constant_bin_1(Es) ->
({float,_,F}, B) -> {value,F,B};
({atom,_,undefined}, B) -> {value,undefined,B}
- case catch eval_bits:expr_grp(Es, EmptyBindings, EvalFun) of
+ try eval_bits:expr_grp(Es, EmptyBindings, EvalFun) of
{value,Bin,EmptyBindings} ->
- Bin;
- _ ->
+ Bin
+ catch error:_ ->
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ verify_suitable_fields([]) -> ok.
%% (We don't need an exact result for this purpose.)
count_bits(Int) ->
- count_bits_1(abs_line(Int), 64).
+ count_bits_1(abs(Int), 64).
count_bits_1(0, Bits) -> Bits;
count_bits_1(Int, Bits) -> count_bits_1(Int bsr 64, Bits+64).
@@ -2311,22 +2311,15 @@ bitstr_vars(Segs, Vs) ->
lit_vars(V, lit_vars(S, Vs0))
end, Vs, Segs).
-record_anno(L, St) when L >= ?REC_OFFSET ->
- case member(dialyzer, St#core.opts) of
- true ->
- [record | lineno_anno(L - ?REC_OFFSET, St)];
- false ->
- full_anno(L, St)
- end;
-record_anno(L, St) when L < -?REC_OFFSET ->
- case member(dialyzer, St#core.opts) of
+record_anno(L, St) ->
+ case
+ erl_anno:record(L) andalso member(dialyzer, St#core.opts)
+ of
true ->
- [record | lineno_anno(L + ?REC_OFFSET, St)];
+ [record | lineno_anno(L, St)];
false ->
full_anno(L, St)
- end;
-record_anno(L, St) ->
- full_anno(L, St).
+ end.
full_anno(L, #core{wanted=false}=St) ->
[result_not_wanted|lineno_anno(L, St)];
@@ -2334,13 +2327,10 @@ full_anno(L, #core{wanted=true}=St) ->
lineno_anno(L, St).
lineno_anno(L, St) ->
- {line, Line} = erl_parse:get_attribute(L, line),
- if
- Line < 0 ->
- [-Line] ++ St#core.file ++ [compiler_generated];
- true ->
- [Line] ++ St#core.file
- end.
+ Line = erl_anno:line(L),
+ Generated = erl_anno:generated(L),
+ CompilerGenerated = [compiler_generated || Generated],
+ [Line] ++ St#core.file ++ CompilerGenerated.
get_lineno_anno(Ce) ->
case get_anno(Ce) of
@@ -2348,15 +2338,8 @@ get_lineno_anno(Ce) ->
A when is_list(A) -> A
-location(L) ->
- {location,Location} = erl_parse:get_attribute(L, location),
- Location.
-abs_line(L) ->
- erl_parse:set_line(L, fun(Line) -> abs(Line) end).
-neg_line(L) ->
- erl_parse:set_line(L, fun(Line) -> -abs(Line) end).
+no_compiler_warning(Anno) ->
+ erl_anno:set_generated(true, Anno).
%% The following three functions are used both with cerl:cerl() and with i()'s
@@ -2400,6 +2383,10 @@ format_error(bad_binary) ->
format_error(badmap) ->
"map construction will fail because of a type mismatch".
-add_warning(Line, Term, #core{ws=Ws,file=[{file,File}]}=St) when Line >= 0 ->
- St#core{ws=[{File,[{location(Line),?MODULE,Term}]}|Ws]};
-add_warning(_, _, St) -> St.
+add_warning(Anno, Term, #core{ws=Ws,file=[{file,File}]}=St) ->
+ case erl_anno:generated(Anno) of
+ false ->
+ St#core{ws=[{File,[{erl_anno:location(Anno),?MODULE,Term}]}|Ws]};
+ true ->
+ St
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index 0ac1aaf158..7dff58582e 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -836,12 +836,23 @@ get_vsub(V, Vsub) ->
set_vsub(V, S, Vsub) ->
orddict:store(V, S, Vsub).
-subst_vsub(V, S, Vsub0) ->
- %% Fold chained substitutions.
- Vsub1 = orddict:map(fun (_, V1) when V1 =:= V -> S;
- (_, V1) -> V1
- end, Vsub0),
- orddict:store(V, S, Vsub1).
+subst_vsub(Key, New, [{K,Key}|Dict]) ->
+ %% Fold chained substitution.
+ [{K,New}|subst_vsub(Key, New, Dict)];
+subst_vsub(Key, New, [{K,_}|_]=Dict) when Key < K ->
+ %% Insert the new substitution here, and continue
+ %% look for chained substitutions.
+ [{Key,New}|subst_vsub_1(Key, New, Dict)];
+subst_vsub(Key, New, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
+ [E|subst_vsub(Key, New, Dict)];
+subst_vsub(Key, New, []) -> [{Key,New}].
+subst_vsub_1(V, S, [{K,V}|Dict]) ->
+ %% Fold chained substitution.
+ [{K,S}|subst_vsub_1(V, S, Dict)];
+subst_vsub_1(V, S, [E|Dict]) ->
+ [E|subst_vsub_1(V, S, Dict)];
+subst_vsub_1(_, _, []) -> [].
get_fsub(F, A, Fsub) ->
case orddict:find({F,A}, Fsub) of
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
index 75bd188479..4b1f1c3f71 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
--import(lists, [member/2,map/2,foldl/3,reverse/1,sort/1]).
+-import(lists, [member/2,map/2,reverse/1,sort/1]).
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,intersection/2,union/2]).
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ functions([], Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
function(#k_fdef{anno=#k{a=Anno},func=F,arity=Ar,vars=Vs,body=Kb}) ->
As = var_list(Vs),
- Vdb0 = foldl(fun ({var,N}, Vdb) -> new_var(N, 0, Vdb) end, [], As),
+ Vdb0 = init_vars(As),
%% Force a top-level match!
B0 = case Kb of
#k_match{} -> Kb;
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ function(#k_fdef{anno=#k{a=Anno},func=F,arity=Ar,vars=Vs,body=Kb}) ->
body(#k_seq{arg=Ke,body=Kb}, I, Vdb0) ->
%%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(A#k.us, I, new_vars(A#k.ns, I, Vdb0)),
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
{Es,MaxI,Vdb2} = body(Kb, I+1, Vdb1),
E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb2),
body(Ke, I, Vdb0) ->
%%ok = io:fwrite("life ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{Ke,I,Vdb0}]),
A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(A#k.us, I, new_vars(A#k.ns, I, Vdb0)),
+ Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, A#k.ns), I, Vdb0),
E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb1),
@@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ expr(#k_try_enter{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh}, I, Vdb) -
%% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
- Tdb1 = use_vars(Ab#k.us, I+3, use_vars(Ah#k.us, I+3, Tdb0)),
+ Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
{Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, 1000000, Tdb2)),
- {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Vs), I+3, Tdb2)),
- {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Evs), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ expr(#k_receive{anno=A,var=V,body=Kb,timeout=T,action=Ka,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
%% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
Rdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
M = match(Kb, add_element(V#k_var.name, A#k.us), I+1, [],
- new_var(V#k_var.name, I, Rdb)),
+ new_vars([V#k_var.name], I, Rdb)),
{Tes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+1, Rdb),
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ body_try(#k_try{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh,ret=Rs},
%% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
- Tdb1 = use_vars(Ab#k.us, I+3, use_vars(Ah#k.us, I+3, Tdb0)),
+ Tdb1 = use_vars(union(Ab#k.us, Ah#k.us), I+3, Tdb0),
Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
{Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, locked, Tdb2)),
- {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Vs), I+3, Tdb2)),
- {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Evs), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Vs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(sort(map(Vnames, Evs)), I+3, Tdb2)),
@@ -400,79 +400,68 @@ is_gc_bif(Bif, Arity) ->
erl_internal:new_type_test(Bif, Arity) orelse
erl_internal:comp_op(Bif, Arity)).
-%% new_var(VarName, I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
+%% Keep track of life time for variables.
+%% init_vars([{var,VarName}]) -> Vdb.
%% new_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
-%% use_var(VarName, I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
%% use_vars([VarName], I, Vdb) -> Vdb.
%% add_var(VarName, F, L, Vdb) -> Vdb.
+%% The list of variable names for new_vars/3 and use_vars/3
+%% must be sorted.
-new_var(V, I, Vdb) ->
- vdb_store_new(V, I, I, Vdb).
+init_vars(Vs) ->
+ sort([{V,0,0} || {var,V} <- Vs]).
-new_vars(Vs, I, Vdb0) ->
- foldl(fun (V, Vdb) -> new_var(V, I, Vdb) end, Vdb0, Vs).
+new_vars([], _, Vdb) -> Vdb;
+new_vars([V], I, Vdb) -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb);
+new_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
-use_var(V, I, Vdb) ->
+use_vars([], _, Vdb) ->
+ Vdb;
+use_vars([V], I, Vdb) ->
case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
- {V,F,L} when I > L -> vdb_update(V, F, I, Vdb);
+ {V,F,L} when I > L -> vdb_update(V, {V,F,I}, Vdb);
{V,_,_} -> Vdb;
- error -> vdb_store_new(V, I, I, Vdb)
- end.
-use_vars([], _, Vdb) -> Vdb;
-use_vars([V], I, Vdb) -> use_var(V, I, Vdb);
-use_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) ->
- Res = use_vars_1(sort(Vs), Vdb, I),
- %% The following line can be used as an assertion.
- %% Res = foldl(fun (V, Vdb) -> use_var(V, I, Vdb) end, Vdb, Vs),
- Res.
-%% Measurements show that it is worthwhile having this special
-%% function that updates/inserts several variables at once.
-use_vars_1([V|_]=Vs, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb], I) when V > V1 ->
- [Vd|use_vars_1(Vs, Vdb, I)];
-use_vars_1([V|Vs], [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb, I) when V < V1 ->
- %% New variable.
- [{V,I,I}|use_vars_1(Vs, Vdb, I)];
-use_vars_1([V|Vs], [{_,F,L}=Vd|Vdb], I) ->
- %% Existing variable.
- if
- I > L ->[{V,F,I}|use_vars_1(Vs, Vdb, I)];
- true -> [Vd|use_vars_1(Vs, Vdb, I)]
+ error -> vdb_store_new(V, {V,I,I}, Vdb)
-use_vars_1([V|Vs], [], I) ->
- %% New variable.
- [{V,I,I}|use_vars_1(Vs, [], I)];
-use_vars_1([], Vdb, _) -> Vdb.
+use_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
add_var(V, F, L, Vdb) ->
- vdb_store_new(V, F, L, Vdb).
+ vdb_store_new(V, {V,F,L}, Vdb).
vdb_find(V, Vdb) ->
- %% Performance note: Profiling shows that this function accounts for
- %% a lot of the execution time when huge constant terms are built.
- %% Using the BIF lists:keyfind/3 is a lot faster than the
- %% original Erlang version.
case lists:keyfind(V, 1, Vdb) of
false -> error;
Vd -> Vd
-%vdb_find(V, [{V1,F,L}=Vd|Vdb]) when V < V1 -> error;
-%vdb_find(V, [{V1,F,L}=Vd|Vdb]) when V == V1 -> Vd;
-%vdb_find(V, [{V1,F,L}=Vd|Vdb]) when V > V1 -> vdb_find(V, Vdb);
-%vdb_find(V, []) -> error.
+vdb_update(V, Update, [{V,_,_}|Vdb]) ->
+ [Update|Vdb];
+vdb_update(V, Update, [Vd|Vdb]) ->
+ [Vd|vdb_update(V, Update, Vdb)].
-vdb_update(V, F, L, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb]) when V > V1 ->
- [Vd|vdb_update(V, F, L, Vdb)];
-vdb_update(V, F, L, [{V1,_,_}|Vdb]) when V == V1 ->
- [{V,F,L}|Vdb].
+vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb]) when V > V1 ->
+ [Vd|vdb_store_new(V, New, Vdb)];
+vdb_store_new(V, New, [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb) when V < V1 ->
+ [New|Vdb];
+vdb_store_new(_, New, []) -> [New].
-vdb_store_new(V, F, L, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb]) when V > V1 ->
- [Vd|vdb_store_new(V, F, L, Vdb)];
-vdb_store_new(V, F, L, [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb) when V < V1 -> [{V,F,L}|Vdb];
-vdb_store_new(V, F, L, []) -> [{V,F,L}].
+vdb_update_vars([V|_]=Vs, [{V1,_,_}=Vd|Vdb], I) when V > V1 ->
+ [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
+vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{V1,_,_}|_]=Vdb, I) when V < V1 ->
+ %% New variable.
+ [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
+vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [{_,F,L}=Vd|Vdb], I) ->
+ %% Existing variable.
+ if
+ I > L -> [{V,F,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)];
+ true -> [Vd|vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I)]
+ end;
+vdb_update_vars([V|Vs], [], I) ->
+ %% New variable.
+ [{V,I,I}|vdb_update_vars(Vs, [], I)];
+vdb_update_vars([], Vdb, _) -> Vdb.
%% vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) -> Vdb.
%% Extract variables which are used before and after Min. Lock