path: root/lib/compiler/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src')
12 files changed, 281 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl
index fdfcb08125..d54c2a9fde 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ btb_reaches_match_2([{call,Arity,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Regs, D) ->
btb_reaches_match_2([{apply,Arity}|Is], Regs, D) ->
btb_call(Arity+2, apply, Regs, Is, D);
btb_reaches_match_2([{call_fun,Live}=I|Is], Regs, D) ->
+ btb_ensure_not_used([{x,Live}], I, Regs),
btb_call(Live, I, Regs, Is, D);
btb_reaches_match_2([{make_fun2,_,_,_,Live}|Is], Regs, D) ->
btb_call(Live, make_fun2, Regs, Is, D);
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl
index e0d0d0fd1d..57fdf95677 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ resolve_inst({line,[Index]},_,_,_) ->
-%% R17A.
+%% 17.0
resolve_inst({put_map_assoc,Args},_,_,_) ->
[FLbl,Src,Dst,{u,N},{{z,1},{u,_Len},List0}] = Args,
@@ -1150,6 +1150,10 @@ resolve_inst({is_map,Args0},_,_,_) ->
[FLbl|Args] = resolve_args(Args0),
{test, is_map, FLbl, Args};
+resolve_inst({has_map_field,Args0},_,_,_) ->
+ [FLbl|Args] = resolve_args(Args0),
+ {test,has_map_field,FLbl,Args};
resolve_inst({get_map_element,Args},_,_,_) ->
[FLbl,Src,Key,Dst] = resolve_args(Args),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
index 97f84da08f..682f7adbc2 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
@@ -574,6 +574,7 @@ valfun_4({apply,Live}, Vst) ->
valfun_4({apply_last,Live,_}, Vst) ->
tail_call(apply, Live+2, Vst);
valfun_4({call_fun,Live}, Vst) ->
+ validate_src([{x,Live}], Vst),
call('fun', Live+1, Vst);
valfun_4({call,Live,Func}, Vst) ->
call(Func, Live, Vst);
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index 0bb4de6f17..e79fe41f9b 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -623,9 +623,11 @@ core_passes() ->
[{core_old_inliner,fun test_old_inliner/1,fun core_old_inliner/1},
+ {iff,dcorefold,{listing,"corefold"}},
{core_inline_module,fun test_core_inliner/1,fun core_inline_module/1},
- {core_fold_after_inlining,fun test_core_inliner/1,fun core_fold_module_after_inlining/1},
+ {core_fold_after_inlining,fun test_any_inliner/1,
+ fun core_fold_module_after_inlining/1},
@@ -1171,6 +1173,9 @@ test_core_inliner(#compile{options=Opts}) ->
end, Opts)
+test_any_inliner(St) ->
+ test_old_inliner(St) orelse test_core_inliner(St).
core_old_inliner(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) ->
{ok,Code} = sys_core_inline:module(Code0, Opts),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl b/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl
index f506901099..ed181e3baa 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ vu_expr(V, #c_cons{hd=H,tl=T}) ->
vu_expr(V, H) orelse vu_expr(V, T);
vu_expr(V, #c_tuple{es=Es}) ->
vu_expr_list(V, Es);
-vu_expr(V, #c_map{es=Es}) ->
- vu_expr_list(V, Es);
+vu_expr(V, #c_map{var=M,es=Es}) ->
+ vu_expr(V, M) orelse vu_expr_list(V, Es);
vu_expr(V, #c_map_pair{key=Key,val=Val}) ->
vu_expr_list(V, [Key,Val]);
vu_expr(V, #c_binary{segments=Ss}) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
index 1cdbac5693..e2b9213891 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
@@ -305,6 +305,10 @@ expr(#c_let{}=Let, Ctxt, Sub) ->
%% Now recursively re-process the new expression.
expr(Expr, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub))
+expr(#c_letrec{body=#c_var{}}=Letrec, effect, _Sub) ->
+ %% This is named fun in an 'effect' context. Warn and ignore.
+ add_warning(Letrec, useless_building),
+ void();
expr(#c_letrec{defs=Fs0,body=B0}=Letrec, Ctxt, Sub) ->
Fs1 = map(fun ({Name,Fb}) ->
{Name,expr(Fb, {letrec,Ctxt}, Sub)}
@@ -349,7 +353,12 @@ expr(#c_case{}=Case0, Ctxt, Sub) ->
Case = Case1#c_case{arg=Arg2,clauses=Cs2},
warn_no_clause_match(Case1, Case),
Expr = eval_case(Case, Sub),
- bsm_an(Expr);
+ case move_case_into_arg(Case, Sub) of
+ impossible ->
+ bsm_an(Expr);
+ Other ->
+ expr(Other, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub))
+ end;
Other ->
expr(Other, Ctxt, Sub)
@@ -598,6 +607,14 @@ eval_binary_1([#c_bitstr{val=#c_literal{val=Val},size=#c_literal{val=Sz},
error:_ ->
+ unit=#c_literal{},type=#c_literal{},
+ flags=#c_cons{}=Flags}=Bitstr|Ss], Acc0) ->
+ case cerl:fold_literal(Flags) of
+ #c_literal{} = Flags1 ->
+ eval_binary_1([Bitstr#c_bitstr{flags=Flags1}|Ss], Acc0);
+ _ -> throw(impossible)
+ end;
eval_binary_1([], Acc) -> Acc;
eval_binary_1(_, _) -> throw(impossible).
@@ -1536,9 +1553,17 @@ map_pair_pattern_list(Ps0, Isub, Osub0) ->
{Ps,{_,Osub}} = mapfoldl(fun map_pair_pattern/2, {Isub,Osub0}, Ps0),
-map_pair_pattern(#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},key=K0,val=V0}=Pair, {Isub,Osub0}) ->
- {K,Osub1} = pattern(K0, Isub, Osub0),
- {V,Osub} = pattern(V0, Isub, Osub1),
+map_pair_pattern(#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},key=K0,val=V0}=Pair,{Isub,Osub0}) ->
+ {K,Osub1} = case cerl:type(K0) of
+ binary ->
+ K1 = eval_binary(K0),
+ case cerl:type(K1) of
+ literal -> {K1,Osub0};
+ _ -> pattern(K0,Isub,Osub0)
+ end;
+ _ -> pattern(K0,Isub,Osub0)
+ end,
+ {V,Osub} = pattern(V0,Isub,Osub1),
bin_pattern_list(Ps0, Isub, Osub0) ->
@@ -1920,14 +1945,45 @@ opt_bool_case_guard(Arg, [#c_clause{pats=[#c_literal{val=false}]}=Fc,Tc]) ->
%% last clause is guaranteed to match so if there is only one clause
%% with a pattern containing only variables then rewrite to a let.
-eval_case(#c_case{arg=E,clauses=[#c_clause{pats=Ps0,body=B}]}, Sub) ->
+ guard=#c_literal{val=true},
+ body=B}]}=Case, Sub) ->
Es = case cerl:is_c_values(E) of
true -> cerl:values_es(E);
false -> [E]
- {true,Bs} = cerl_clauses:match_list(Ps0, Es),
- {Ps,As} = unzip(Bs),
- expr(#c_let{vars=Ps,arg=core_lib:make_values(As),body=B}, sub_new(Sub));
+ %% Consider:
+ %%
+ %% case SomeSideEffect() of
+ %% X=Y -> ...
+ %% end
+ %%
+ %% We must not rewrite it to:
+ %%
+ %% let <X,Y> = <SomeSideEffect(),SomeSideEffect()> in ...
+ %%
+ %% because SomeSideEffect() would be evaluated twice.
+ %%
+ %% Instead we must evaluate the case expression in an outer let
+ %% like this:
+ %%
+ %% let NewVar = SomeSideEffect() in
+ %% let <X,Y> = <NewVar,NewVar> in ...
+ %%
+ Vs = make_vars([], length(Es)),
+ case cerl_clauses:match_list(Ps0, Vs) of
+ {false,_} ->
+ %% This can only happen if the Core Erlang code is
+ %% handwritten or generated by another code generator
+ %% than v3_core. Assuming that the Core Erlang program
+ %% is correct, the clause will always match at run-time.
+ Case;
+ {true,Bs} ->
+ {Ps,As} = unzip(Bs),
+ InnerLet = cerl:c_let(Ps, core_lib:make_values(As), B),
+ Let = cerl:c_let(Vs, E, InnerLet),
+ expr(Let, sub_new(Sub))
+ end;
eval_case(Case, _) -> Case.
%% case_opt(CaseArg, [Clause]) -> {CaseArg,[Clause]}.
@@ -2555,6 +2611,77 @@ opt_simple_let_2(Let, Vs0, Arg0, Body, value, Sub) ->
value, Sub)
+ body=InnerArg0}=Outer,
+ clauses=InnerClauses}=Inner, Sub) ->
+ %%
+ %% case let <OuterVars> = <OuterArg> in <InnerArg> of
+ %% <InnerClauses>
+ %% end
+ %%
+ %% ==>
+ %%
+ %% let <OuterVars> = <OuterArg>
+ %% in case <InnerArg> of <InnerClauses> end
+ %%
+ ScopeSub0 = sub_subst_scope(Sub#sub{t=[]}),
+ {OuterVars,ScopeSub} = pattern_list(OuterVars0, ScopeSub0),
+ InnerArg = body(InnerArg0, ScopeSub),
+ Outer#c_let{vars=OuterVars,arg=OuterArg,
+ body=Inner#c_case{arg=InnerArg,clauses=InnerClauses}};
+ clauses=[OuterCa0,OuterCb]}=Outer,
+ clauses=InnerClauses}=Inner0, Sub) ->
+ case is_failing_clause(OuterCb) of
+ true ->
+ #c_clause{pats=OuterPats0,guard=OuterGuard0,
+ body=InnerArg0} = OuterCa0,
+ %%
+ %% case case <OuterArg> of
+ %% <OuterPats> when <OuterGuard> -> <InnerArg>
+ %% <OuterCb>
+ %% ...
+ %% end of
+ %% <InnerClauses>
+ %% end
+ %%
+ %% ==>
+ %%
+ %% case <OuterArg> of
+ %% <OuterPats> when <OuterGuard> ->
+ %% case <InnerArg> of <InnerClauses> end
+ %% <OuterCb>
+ %% end
+ %%
+ ScopeSub0 = sub_subst_scope(Sub#sub{t=[]}),
+ {OuterPats,ScopeSub} = pattern_list(OuterPats0, ScopeSub0),
+ OuterGuard = guard(OuterGuard0, ScopeSub),
+ InnerArg = body(InnerArg0, ScopeSub),
+ Inner = Inner0#c_case{arg=InnerArg,clauses=InnerClauses},
+ OuterCa = OuterCa0#c_clause{pats=OuterPats,guard=OuterGuard,
+ body=Inner},
+ Outer#c_case{arg=OuterArg,
+ clauses=[OuterCa,OuterCb]};
+ false ->
+ impossible
+ end;
+ clauses=InnerClauses}=Inner, _Sub) ->
+ %%
+ %% case do <OuterArg> <InnerArg> of
+ %% <InnerClauses>
+ %% end
+ %%
+ %% ==>
+ %%
+ %% do <OuterArg>
+ %% case <InnerArg> of <InerClauses> end
+ %%
+ Outer#c_seq{arg=OuterArg,
+ body=Inner#c_case{arg=InnerArg,clauses=InnerClauses}};
+move_case_into_arg(_, _) ->
+ impossible.
%% In guards only, rewrite a case in a let argument like
%% let <Var> = case <> of
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index c8735a76e8..4d155c0fd0 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ basic_block([Le|Les], Acc) ->
%% sets that may garbage collect are not allowed in basic blocks.
collect_block({set,_,{binary,_}}) -> no_block;
-collect_block({set,_,{map,_,_}}) -> no_block;
+collect_block({set,_,{map,_,_,_}}) -> no_block;
collect_block({set,_,_}) -> include;
collect_block({call,{var,_}=Var,As,_Rs}) -> {block_end,As++[Var]};
collect_block({call,Func,As,_Rs}) -> {block_end,As++func_vars(Func)};
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ select_extract_tuple(Src, Vs, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
select_map(Scs, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) ->
Reg = fetch_var(V, Bef),
{Is,Aft,St1} =
- match_fmf(fun(#l{ke={val_clause,{map,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb}, Fail, St1) ->
+ match_fmf(fun(#l{ke={val_clause,{map,_,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb}, Fail, St1) ->
select_map_val(V, Es, B, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St1)
end, Vf, St0, Scs),
@@ -1488,55 +1488,35 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
%% Now generate the complete code for constructing the binary.
Code = cg_binary(PutCode, Target, Temp, Fail, MaxRegs, Le#l.a),
-set_cg([{var,R}], {map,SrcMap,Es0}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
+set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
#cg{in_catch=InCatch,bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
Fail = {f,Bfail},
{Sis,Int0} =
case InCatch of
true -> adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb);
false -> {[],Bef}
+ SrcReg = cg_reg_arg(Map,Int0),
Line = line(Le#l.a),
- SrcReg = case SrcMap of
- {var,SrcVar} -> fetch_var(SrcVar, Int0);
- _ -> SrcMap
- end,
- {Assoc,Exact} =
- try
- cg_map_pairs(Es0)
- catch
- throw:badarg ->
- {[],[{{float,0.0},{atom,badarg}},
- {{integer,0},{atom,badarg}}]}
- end,
- F = fun ({K,{var,V}}) -> [K,fetch_var(V, Int0)];
- ({K,E}) -> [K,E]
- end,
- AssocList = flatmap(F, Assoc),
- ExactList = flatmap(F, Exact),
- Live0 = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
- Int1 = clear_dead(Int0, Le#l.i, Vdb),
- Aft = Bef#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Int1#sr.reg)},
- Target = fetch_reg(R, Aft#sr.reg),
- Code = [Line] ++
- case {AssocList,ExactList} of
- {[_|_],[]} ->
- [{put_map_assoc,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,AssocList}}];
- {[_|_],[_|_]} ->
- Live = case Target of
- {x,TargetX} when TargetX =:= Live0 ->
- Live0 + 1;
- _ ->
- Live0
- end,
- [{put_map_assoc,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,AssocList}},
- {put_map_exact,Fail,Target,Target,Live,{list,ExactList}}];
- {[],[_|_]} ->
- [{put_map_exact,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,ExactList}}];
- {[],[]} ->
- [{put_map_assoc,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,[]}}]
- end,
- {Sis++Code,Aft,St};
+ %% The instruction needs to store keys in term sorted order
+ %% All keys has to be unique here
+ Pairs = map_pair_strip_and_termsort(Es),
+ %% fetch registers for values to be put into the map
+ List = flatmap(fun({K,V}) -> [K,cg_reg_arg(V,Int0)] end, Pairs),
+ Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
+ Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Int0#sr.reg)},
+ Aft = clear_dead(Int1, Le#l.i, Vdb),
+ Target = fetch_reg(R, Int1#sr.reg),
+ I = case Op of
+ assoc -> put_map_assoc;
+ exact -> put_map_exact
+ end,
+ {Sis++[Line]++[{I,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live,{list,List}}],Aft,St};
set_cg([{var,R}], Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%% Find a place for the return register first.
Int = Bef#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Bef#sr.reg)},
@@ -1549,70 +1529,12 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
{Ais,clear_dead(Int, Le#l.i, Vdb),St}.
-%% cg_map_pairs(MapPairs) -> {Assoc,Exact}
-%% Assoc = Exact = [{K,V}]
-%% Remove multiple assignments to the same key, and return
-%% one list key-value list with all keys that may or may not exist
-%% (Assoc), and one with keys that must exist (Exact).
-cg_map_pairs(Es0) ->
- Es = cg_map_pairs_1(Es0, 0),
- R0 = sofs:relation(Es),
- R1 = sofs:relation_to_family(R0),
- R2 = sofs:to_external(R1),
- %% R2 is now [{KeyValue,[{Order,Op,OriginalKey,Value}]}]
- R3 = [begin
- %% The value for the last pair determines the value.
- {_,_,_,V} = lists:last(Vs),
- {Op,{_,SortOrder}=K} = map_pair_op_and_key(Vs),
- {Op,{SortOrder,K,V}}
- end || {_,Vs} <- R2],
- %% R3 is now [{Op,{Key,Value}}]
- R = termsort(R3),
- %% R4 is now sorted with all alloc first in the list, followed by
- %% all exact.
- {Assoc,Exact} = lists:partition(fun({Op,_}) -> Op =:= assoc end, R),
- {[{K,V} || {_,{_,K,V}} <- Assoc],
- [{K,V} || {_,{_,K,V}} <- Exact]}.
-cg_map_pairs_1([{map_pair_assoc,{_,Kv}=K,V}|T], Order) ->
- [{Kv,{Order,assoc,K,V}}|cg_map_pairs_1(T, Order+1)];
-cg_map_pairs_1([{map_pair_exact,{_,Kv}=K,V}|T], Order) ->
- [{Kv,{Order,exact,K,V}}|cg_map_pairs_1(T, Order+1)];
-cg_map_pairs_1([], _) -> [].
-%% map_pair_op_and_key({_,Op,K,_}) -> {Operator,Key}
-%% Determine the operator and key to use. Throw a 'badarg'
-%% exception if there are contradictory exact updates.
-map_pair_op_and_key(L) ->
- case [K || {_,exact,K,_} <- L] of
- [K] ->
- %% There is a single ':=' operator. Use that key.
- {exact,K};
- [K|T] ->
- %% There is more than one ':=' operator. All of them
- %% must have the same key.
- case lists:all(fun(E) -> E =:= K end, T) of
- true ->
- {exact,K};
- false ->
- %% Some keys are different, e.g. 1 and 1.0.
- throw(badarg)
- end;
- [] ->
- %% Only '=>' operators. Use the first key in the list.
- [{_,assoc,K,_}|_] = L,
- {assoc,K}
- end.
-termsort(Ls) ->
- lists:sort(fun(A,B) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) < 0 end, Ls).
+map_pair_strip_and_termsort(Es) ->
+ %% format in
+ %% [{map_pair,K,V}]
+ %% where K is for example {integer, 1} and we want to sort on 1.
+ Ls = [{K,V}||{_,K,V}<-Es],
+ lists:sort(fun({{_,A},_},{{_,B},_}) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) < 0 end, Ls).
%%% Code generation for constructing binaries.
@@ -2085,7 +2007,7 @@ load_vars(Vs, Regs) ->
foldl(fun ({var,V}, Rs) -> put_reg(V, Rs) end, Regs, Vs).
%% put_reg(Val, Regs) -> Regs.
-%% find_reg(Val, Regs) -> ok{r{R}} | error.
+%% find_reg(Val, Regs) -> {ok,r{R}} | error.
%% fetch_reg(Val, Regs) -> r{R}.
%% Functions to interface the registers.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
index c58bedac1a..ec5deb6905 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-import(lists, [reverse/1,reverse/2,map/2,member/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,
- splitwith/2,keyfind/3,sort/1,foreach/2]).
+ splitwith/2,keyfind/3,sort/1,foreach/2,droplast/1,last/1]).
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,is_element/2,
-import(cerl, [ann_c_cons/3,ann_c_cons_skel/3,ann_c_tuple/2,c_tuple/1]).
@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ guard(Gs0, St0) ->
Gt1 = guard_tests(Gt0),
L = element(2, Gt1),
- end, guard_tests(last(Gs0)), first(Gs0)),
+ end, guard_tests(last(Gs0)), droplast(Gs0)),
{Gs,St} = gexpr_top(Gs1, St0#core{in_guard=true}),
guard_tests(Gs) ->
L = element(2, hd(Gs)),
- {protect,L,foldr(fun (G, Rhs) -> {op,L,'and',G,Rhs} end, last(Gs), first(Gs))}.
+ {protect,L,foldr(fun (G, Rhs) -> {op,L,'and',G,Rhs} end, last(Gs), droplast(Gs))}.
%% gexpr_top(Expr, State) -> {Cexpr,State}.
%% Generate an internal core expression of a guard test. Explicitly
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ expr({bin,L,Es0}, St0) ->
expr({block,_,Es0}, St0) ->
%% Inline the block directly.
- {Es1,St1} = exprs(first(Es0), St0),
+ {Es1,St1} = exprs(droplast(Es0), St0),
{E1,Eps,St2} = expr(last(Es0), St1),
{E1,Es1 ++ Eps,St2};
expr({'if',L,Cs0}, St0) ->
@@ -1594,15 +1594,6 @@ pat_alias_list(_, _) -> throw(nomatch).
pattern_list(Ps, St) -> [pattern(P, St) || P <- Ps].
-%% first([A]) -> [A].
-%% last([A]) -> A.
-first([_]) -> [];
-first([H|T]) -> [H|first(T)].
-last([L]) -> L;
-last([_|T]) -> last(T).
%% make_vars([Name]) -> [{Var,Name}].
make_vars(Vs) -> [ #c_var{name=V} || V <- Vs ].
@@ -1685,13 +1676,13 @@ uclause(#iclause{anno=Anno,pats=Ps0,guard=G0,body=B0}, Pks, Ks0, St0) ->
uguard([], [], _, St) -> {[],St};
uguard(Pg, [], Ks, St) ->
%% No guard, so fold together equality tests.
- uguard(first(Pg), [last(Pg)], Ks, St);
+ uguard(droplast(Pg), [last(Pg)], Ks, St);
uguard(Pg, Gs0, Ks, St0) ->
%% Gs0 must contain at least one element here.
{Gs3,St5} = foldr(fun (T, {Gs1,St1}) ->
{L,St2} = new_var(St1),
{R,St3} = new_var(St2),
- {[#iset{var=L,arg=T}] ++ first(Gs1) ++
+ {[#iset{var=L,arg=T}] ++ droplast(Gs1) ++
#icall{anno=#a{}, %Must have an #a{}
@@ -2094,7 +2085,8 @@ cexpr(#ifun{anno=#a{us=Us0}=A0,name={named,Name},fc=#iclause{pats=Ps}}=Fun0,
RecVar = #c_var{name={Name,length(Ps)}},
Let = #c_let{vars=[#c_var{name=Name}],arg=RecVar,body=Body},
CFun1 = CFun0#c_fun{body=Let},
- Letrec = #c_letrec{defs=[{RecVar,CFun1}],
+ Letrec = #c_letrec{anno=A0#a.anno,
+ defs=[{RecVar,CFun1}],
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index 9a2b1605ad..bc5ca0314a 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,splitwith/2,member/2,
- keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2]).
+ keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2,droplast/1,last/1]).
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,union/2,union/1,subtract/2]).
-import(cerl, [c_tuple/1]).
@@ -274,8 +274,7 @@ expr(#c_tuple{anno=A,es=Ces}, Sub, St0) ->
expr(#c_map{anno=A,var=Var0,es=Ces}, Sub, St0) ->
{Var,[],St1} = expr(Var0, Sub, St0),
- {Kes,Ep,St2} = map_pairs(Ces, Sub, St1),
- {#k_map{anno=A,var=Var,es=Kes},Ep,St2};
+ map_split_pairs(A, Var, Ces, Sub, St1);
expr(#c_binary{anno=A,segments=Cv}, Sub, St0) ->
try atomic_bin(Cv, Sub, St0) of
{Kv,Ep,St1} ->
@@ -351,7 +350,7 @@ expr(#c_case{arg=Ca,clauses=Ccs}, Sub, St0) ->
{Kvs,Pv,St2} = match_vars(Ka, St1), %Must have variables here!
{Km,St3} = kmatch(Kvs, Ccs, Sub, St2),
Match = flatten_seq(build_match(Kvs, Km)),
- {last(Match),Pa ++ Pv ++ first(Match),St3};
+ {last(Match),Pa ++ Pv ++ droplast(Match),St3};
expr(#c_receive{anno=A,clauses=Ccs0,timeout=Ce,action=Ca}, Sub, St0) ->
{Ke,Pe,St1} = atomic(Ce, Sub, St0), %Force this to be atomic!
{Rvar,St2} = new_var(St1),
@@ -497,15 +496,71 @@ translate_match_fail_1(Anno, As, Sub, #kern{ff=FF}) ->
translate_fc(Args) ->
-%% FIXME: Not completed
-map_pairs(Es, Sub, St) ->
- foldr(fun
- (#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=Op},key=K0,val=V0}, {Kes,Esp,St0}) when
- Op =:= assoc; Op =:= exact -> %% assert Op
- {K,[],St1} = expr(K0, Sub, St0),
- {V,Ep,St2} = atomic(V0, Sub, St1),
- {[#k_map_pair{op=Op,key=K,val=V}|Kes],Ep ++ Esp,St2}
- end, {[],[],St}, Es).
+ %{Kes,Ep,St2} = map_pairs(Ces, Sub, St1),
+map_split_pairs(A, Var, Ces, Sub, St0) ->
+ %% two steps
+ %% 1. force variables
+ %% 2. remove multiples
+ Pairs0 = [{Op,K,V} || #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=Op},key=K,val=V} <- Ces],
+ {Pairs,Esp,St1} = foldr(fun
+ ({Op,K0,V0}, {Ops,Espi,Sti0}) when Op =:= assoc; Op =:= exact ->
+ {K,[],Sti1} = expr(K0, Sub, Sti0),
+ {V,Ep,Sti2} = atomic(V0, Sub, Sti1),
+ {[{Op,K,V}|Ops],Ep ++ Espi,Sti2}
+ end, {[],[],St0}, Pairs0),
+ case map_group_pairs(Pairs) of
+ {Assoc,[]} ->
+ Kes = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{assoc,K,V}} <- Assoc],
+ {#k_map{anno=A,op=assoc,var=Var,es=Kes},Esp,St1};
+ {[],Exact} ->
+ Kes = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{exact,K,V}} <- Exact],
+ {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,var=Var,es=Kes},Esp,St1};
+ {Assoc,Exact} ->
+ Kes1 = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{assoc,K,V}} <- Assoc],
+ {Mvar,Em,St2} = force_atomic(#k_map{anno=A,op=assoc,var=Var,es=Kes1},St1),
+ Kes2 = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{exact,K,V}} <- Exact],
+ {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,var=Mvar,es=Kes2},Em ++ Esp,St2}
+ end.
+%% Group map by Assoc operations and Exact operations
+map_group_pairs(Es) ->
+ Groups = dict:to_list(map_group_pairs(Es,dict:new())),
+ partition(fun({_,{Op,_,_}}) -> Op =:= assoc end, Groups).
+map_group_pairs([{assoc,K,V}|Es0],Used0) ->
+ Used1 = case map_key_is_used(K,Used0) of
+ {ok, {assoc,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{assoc,K,V},Used0);
+ {ok, {exact,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{exact,K,V},Used0);
+ _ -> map_key_set_used(K,{assoc,K,V},Used0)
+ end,
+ map_group_pairs(Es0,Used1);
+map_group_pairs([{exact,K,V}|Es0],Used0) ->
+ Used1 = case map_key_is_used(K,Used0) of
+ {ok, {assoc,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{assoc,K,V},Used0);
+ {ok, {exact,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{exact,K,V},Used0);
+ _ -> map_key_set_used(K,{exact,K,V},Used0)
+ end,
+ map_group_pairs(Es0,Used1);
+map_group_pairs([],Used) ->
+ Used.
+map_key_set_used(K,How,Used) ->
+ dict:store(map_key_clean(K),How,Used).
+map_key_is_used(K,Used) ->
+ dict:find(map_key_clean(K),Used).
+%% Be explicit instead of using set_kanno(K,[])
+map_key_clean(#k_literal{val=V}) -> {k_literal,V};
+map_key_clean(#k_int{val=V}) -> {k_int,V};
+map_key_clean(#k_float{val=V}) -> {k_float,V};
+map_key_clean(#k_atom{val=V}) -> {k_atom,V};
+map_key_clean(#k_nil{}) -> k_nil;
+map_key_clean(#k_var{name=V}) -> {k_var,V}.
%% call_type(Module, Function, Arity) -> call | bif | apply | error.
%% Classify the call.
@@ -664,11 +719,11 @@ pattern(#c_tuple{anno=A,es=Ces}, Isub, Osub0, St0) ->
pattern(#c_map{anno=A,es=Ces}, Isub, Osub0, St0) ->
{Kes,Osub1,St1} = pattern_list(Ces, Isub, Osub0, St0),
- {#k_map{anno=A,es=Kes},Osub1,St1};
+ {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,es=Kes},Osub1,St1};
pattern(#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},anno=A,key=Ck,val=Cv},Isub, Osub0, St0) ->
{Kk,Osub1,St1} = pattern(Ck, Isub, Osub0, St0),
{Kv,Osub2,St2} = pattern(Cv, Isub, Osub1, St1),
- {#k_map_pair{anno=A,op=exact,key=Kk,val=Kv},Osub2,St2};
+ {#k_map_pair{anno=A,key=Kk,val=Kv},Osub2,St2};
pattern(#c_binary{anno=A,segments=Cv}, Isub, Osub0, St0) ->
{Kv,Osub1,St1} = pattern_bin(Cv, Isub, Osub0, St0),
@@ -847,15 +902,6 @@ foldr2(Fun, Acc0, [E1|L1], [E2|L2]) ->
foldr2(Fun, Acc1, L1, L2);
foldr2(_, Acc, [], []) -> Acc.
-%% first([A]) -> [A].
-%% last([A]) -> A.
-last([L]) -> L;
-last([_|T]) -> last(T).
-first([_]) -> [];
-first([H|T]) -> [H|first(T)].
%% This code implements the algorithm for an optimizing compiler for
%% pattern matching given "The Implementation of Functional
%% Programming Languages" by Simon Peyton Jones. The code is much
@@ -1365,9 +1411,8 @@ new_clauses(Cs0, U, St) ->
#k_bin_int{next=N} ->
- #k_map{es=Es} ->
- Vals = [V ||
- #k_map_pair{op=exact,val=V} <- Es],
+ #k_map{op=exact,es=Es} ->
+ Vals = [V || #k_map_pair{val=V} <- Es],
Vals ++ As;
_Other ->
@@ -1467,9 +1512,9 @@ arg_val(Arg, C) ->
_ ->
{set_kanno(S, []),U,T,Fs}
- #k_map{es=Es} ->
+ #k_map{op=exact,es=Es} ->
Keys = [begin
- #k_map_pair{op=exact,key=#k_literal{val=Key}} = Pair,
+ #k_map_pair{key=#k_literal{val=Key}} = Pair,
end || Pair <- Es],
%% multiple keys may have the same name
@@ -1885,7 +1930,7 @@ pat_vars(#k_tuple{es=Es}) ->
pat_vars(#k_map{es=Es}) ->
-pat_vars(#k_map_pair{op=exact,val=V}) ->
+pat_vars(#k_map_pair{val=V}) ->
pat_list_vars(Ps) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
index c7886a070d..ab66445f73 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
-record(k_nil, {anno=[]}).
-record(k_tuple, {anno=[],es}).
--record(k_map, {anno=[],var,es}).
--record(k_map_pair, {anno=[],op,key,val}).
+-record(k_map, {anno=[],var,op,es}).
+-record(k_map_pair, {anno=[],key,val}).
-record(k_cons, {anno=[],hd,tl}).
-record(k_binary, {anno=[],segs}).
-record(k_bin_seg, {anno=[],size,unit,type,flags,seg,next}).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
index edbd3f74f8..639c6737e2 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
@@ -110,15 +110,18 @@ format_1(#k_map{var=#k_var{}=Var,es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
" | ",format_1(Var, Ctxt),
-format_1(#k_map{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
- [$~,${,
+format_1(#k_map{op=assoc,es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
+ ["~{",
format_hseq(Es, ",", ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2),
- $},$~
+ "}~"
+ ];
+format_1(#k_map{op=exact,es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
+ ["::{",
+ format_hseq(Es, ",", ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2),
+ "}::"
-format_1(#k_map_pair{op=assoc,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
- ["~<",format(K, Ctxt),",",format(V, Ctxt),">"];
-format_1(#k_map_pair{op=exact,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
- ["::<",format(K, Ctxt),",",format(V, Ctxt),">"];
+format_1(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
+ ["<",format(K, Ctxt),",",format(V, Ctxt),">"];
format_1(#k_binary{segs=S}, Ctxt) ->
["#<",format(S, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 2)),">#"];
format_1(#k_bin_seg{next=Next}=S, Ctxt) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
index ae928e955c..c4f54a7970 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
@@ -367,12 +367,10 @@ literal(#k_bin_end{}, Ctxt) ->
literal(#k_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
{tuple,literal_list(Es, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_map{var=Var,es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
- {map,literal(Var, Ctxt),literal_list(Es, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_map_pair{op=assoc,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
- {map_pair_assoc,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)};
-literal(#k_map_pair{op=exact,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
- {map_pair_exact,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)};
+literal(#k_map{op=Op,var=Var,es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
+ {map,Op,literal(Var, Ctxt),literal_list(Es, Ctxt)};
+literal(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
+ {map_pair,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)};
literal(#k_literal{val=V}, _Ctxt) ->
@@ -402,8 +400,8 @@ literal2(#k_bin_end{}, Ctxt) ->
literal2(#k_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
{tuple,literal_list2(Es, Ctxt)};
-literal2(#k_map{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
- {map,literal_list2(Es, Ctxt)};
+literal2(#k_map{op=Op,es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
+ {map,Op,literal_list2(Es, Ctxt)};
literal2(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) ->
{map_pair,literal2(K, Ctxt),literal2(V, Ctxt)}.