path: root/lib/compiler/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src')
21 files changed, 1053 insertions, 1891 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/Makefile b/lib/compiler/src/Makefile
index 518c89d044..c37f731d8c 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/Makefile
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ MODULES = \
beam_a \
beam_asm \
beam_block \
- beam_bool \
beam_bs \
beam_bsm \
beam_clean \
@@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ MODULES = \
sys_core_fold_lists \
sys_core_inline \
sys_pre_attributes \
- sys_pre_expand \
v3_codegen \
v3_core \
v3_kernel \
@@ -198,7 +196,6 @@ $(EBIN)/sys_core_dsetel.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/sys_core_fold.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/sys_core_fold_lists.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/sys_core_inline.beam: core_parse.hrl
-$(EBIN)/sys_pre_expand.beam: ../../stdlib/include/erl_bits.hrl
$(EBIN)/v3_codegen.beam: v3_life.hrl
$(EBIN)/v3_core.beam: core_parse.hrl
$(EBIN)/v3_kernel.beam: core_parse.hrl v3_kernel.hrl
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e4ccb1e9..0000000000
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,765 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose: Optimizes booleans in guards.
--import(lists, [reverse/1,reverse/2,foldl/3,mapfoldl/3,map/2]).
- {next, %Next label number.
- ll %Live regs at labels.
- }).
-module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,Lc}, _Opts) ->
- %%io:format("~p:\n", [Mod]),
- {Fs,_} = mapfoldl(fun(Fn, Lbl) -> function(Fn, Lbl) end, 100000000, Fs0),
- {ok,{Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs,Lc}}.
-function({function,Name,Arity,CLabel,Is0}, Lbl0) ->
- try
- {Is,#st{next=Lbl}} = bool_opt(Is0, Lbl0),
- {{function,Name,Arity,CLabel,Is},Lbl}
- catch
- Class:Error ->
- Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]),
- erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
- end.
-%% Optimize boolean expressions that use guard bifs. Rewrite to
-%% use test instructions if possible.
-bool_opt(Asm, Lbl) ->
- LiveInfo = beam_utils:index_labels(Asm),
- bopt(Asm, [], #st{next=Lbl,ll=LiveInfo}).
- [{jump,{f,Succ}},
- {label,Fail},
- {block,[{set,[Dst],[{atom,false}],move}]},
- {label,Succ}|Is]=Is0], Acc0, St) ->
- case split_block(Bl0, Dst, Fail, Acc0, true) of
- failed ->
- bopt(Is0, [Block|Acc0], St);
- {Bl,PreBlock} ->
- Acc1 = case PreBlock of
- [] -> Acc0;
- _ -> [{block,PreBlock}|Acc0]
- end,
- Acc = [{protected,[Dst],Bl,{Fail,Succ}}|Acc1],
- bopt(Is, Acc, St)
- end;
-bopt([{test,is_eq_exact,{f,Fail},[Reg,{atom,true}]}=I|Is], [{block,_}|_]=Acc0, St0) ->
- case bopt_block(Reg, Fail, Is, Acc0, St0) of
- failed -> bopt(Is, [I|Acc0], St0);
- {Acc,St} -> bopt(Is, Acc, St)
- end;
-bopt([I|Is], Acc, St) ->
- bopt(Is, [I|Acc], St);
-bopt([], Acc, St) ->
- {bopt_reverse(Acc, []),St}.
-bopt_reverse([{protected,[Dst],Block,{Fail,Succ}}|Is], Acc0) ->
- Acc = [{block,Block},{jump,{f,Succ}},
- {label,Fail},
- {block,[{set,[Dst],[{atom,false}],move}]},
- {label,Succ}|Acc0],
- bopt_reverse(Is, Acc);
-bopt_reverse([I|Is], Acc) ->
- bopt_reverse(Is, [I|Acc]);
-bopt_reverse([], Acc) -> Acc.
-%% bopt_block(Reg, Fail, OldIs, Accumulator, St) -> failed | {NewAcc,St}
-%% Attempt to optimized a block of guard BIFs followed by a test
-%% instruction.
-bopt_block(Reg, Fail, OldIs, [{block,Bl0}|Acc0], St0) ->
- case split_block(Bl0, Reg, Fail, Acc0, false) of
- failed ->
- %% Reason for failure: The block either contained no
- %% guard BIFs with the failure label Fail, or the final
- %% instruction in the block did not assign the Reg register.
- %%io:format("split ~p: ~P\n", [Reg,Bl0,20]),
- failed;
- {Bl1,BlPre} ->
- %% The block has been splitted. Bl1 is a non-empty list
- %% of guard BIF instructions having the failure label Fail.
- %% BlPre is a (possibly empty list) of instructions preceeding
- %% Bl1.
- Acc1 = make_block(BlPre, Acc0),
- {Bl,Acc} = extend_block(Bl1, Fail, Acc1),
- try
- {NewCode,St} = bopt_tree_cg(Bl, Fail, St0),
- ensure_opt_safe(Bl, NewCode, OldIs, Fail, Acc, St),
- {NewCode++Acc,St}
- catch
- %% Not possible to rewrite because a boolean value is
- %% passed to another guard bif, e.g. 'abs(A > B)'
- %% (in this case, obviously nonsense code). Rare in
- %% practice.
- throw:mixed ->
- failed;
- %% There was a reference to a boolean expression
- %% from inside a protected block (try/catch), to
- %% a boolean expression outside.
- throw:protected_barrier ->
- failed;
- %% The 'xor' operator was used. We currently don't
- %% find it worthwile to translate 'xor' operators
- %% (the code would be clumsy).
- throw:'xor' ->
- failed;
- %% The block does not contain a boolean expression,
- %% but only a call to a guard BIF.
- %% For instance: ... when element(1, T) ->
- throw:not_boolean_expr ->
- failed;
- %% The optimization is not safe. (A register
- %% used by the instructions following the
- %% optimized code is either not assigned a
- %% value at all or assigned a different value.)
- throw:all_registers_not_killed ->
- failed;
- throw:registers_used ->
- failed;
- %% A protected block refered to the value
- %% returned by another protected block,
- %% probably because the Core Erlang code
- %% used nested try/catches in the guard.
- %% (v3_core never produces nested try/catches
- %% in guards, so it must have been another
- %% Core Erlang translator.)
- throw:protected_violation ->
- failed;
- %% Failed to work out the live registers for a GC
- %% BIF. For example, if the number of live registers
- %% needed to be 4 because {x,3} was a source register,
- %% but {x,2} was not known to be initialized, this
- %% exception would be thrown.
- throw:gc_bif_alloc_failure ->
- failed
- end
- end.
-%% ensure_opt_safe(OriginalCode, OptCode, FollowingCode, Fail,
-%% ReversedPrecedingCode, State) -> ok
-%% Comparing the original code to the optimized code, determine
-%% whether the optimized code is guaranteed to work in the same
-%% way as the original code.
-%% Throw an exception if the optimization is not safe.
-ensure_opt_safe(Bl, NewCode, OldIs, Fail, PrecedingCode, St) ->
- %% Here are the conditions that must be true for the
- %% optimization to be safe.
- %%
- %% 1. If a register is INITIALIZED by PrecedingCode,
- %% then if that register assigned a value in the original
- %% code, but not in the optimized code, it must be UNUSED or KILLED
- %% in the code that follows.
- %%
- %% 2. If a register is not known to be INITIALIZED by PreccedingCode,
- %% then if that register assigned a value in the original
- %% code, but not in the optimized code, it must be KILLED
- %% by the code that follows.
- %%
- %% 3. Any register that is assigned a value in the optimized
- %% code must be UNUSED or KILLED in the following code,
- %% unless we can be sure that it is always assigned the same
- %% value.
- InitInPreceding = initialized_regs(PrecedingCode),
- PrevDst = dst_regs(Bl),
- NewDst = dst_regs(NewCode),
- NotSet = ordsets:subtract(PrevDst, NewDst),
- MustBeKilled = ordsets:subtract(NotSet, InitInPreceding),
- case all_killed(MustBeKilled, OldIs, Fail, St) of
- false -> throw(all_registers_not_killed);
- true -> ok
- end,
- MustBeUnused = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:union(NotSet, NewDst),
- MustBeKilled),
- case none_used(MustBeUnused, OldIs, Fail, St) of
- false -> throw(registers_used);
- true -> ok
- end,
- ok.
-update_fail_label([{set,Ds,As,{bif,N,{f,_}}}|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
- update_fail_label(Is, Fail, [{set,Ds,As,{bif,N,{f,Fail}}}|Acc]);
-update_fail_label([{set,Ds,As,{alloc,Regs,{gc_bif,N,{f,_}}}}|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
- update_fail_label(Is, Fail,
- [{set,Ds,As,{alloc,Regs,{gc_bif,N,{f,Fail}}}}|Acc]);
-update_fail_label([], _, Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
-make_block(Bl) ->
- make_block(Bl, []).
-make_block([], Acc) -> Acc;
-make_block(Bl, Acc) -> [{block,Bl}|Acc].
-extend_block(BlAcc, Fail, [{protected,_,_,_}=Prot|OldAcc]) ->
- extend_block([Prot|BlAcc], Fail, OldAcc);
-extend_block(BlAcc0, Fail, [{block,Is0}|OldAcc]) ->
- case extend_block_1(reverse(Is0), Fail, BlAcc0) of
- {BlAcc,[]} -> extend_block(BlAcc, Fail, OldAcc);
- {BlAcc,Is} -> {BlAcc,[{block,Is}|OldAcc]}
- end;
-extend_block(BlAcc, _, OldAcc) -> {BlAcc,OldAcc}.
-extend_block_1([{set,[{x,_}],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
- extend_block_1(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
-extend_block_1([{set,[{x,_}],As,{bif,Bif,_}}=I|Is]=Is0, Fail, Acc) ->
- case safe_bool_op(Bif, length(As)) of
- false -> {Acc,reverse(Is0)};
- true -> extend_block_1(Is, Fail, [I|Acc])
- end;
-extend_block_1([_|_]=Is, _, Acc) -> {Acc,reverse(Is)};
-extend_block_1([], _, Acc) -> {Acc,[]}.
-%% split_block([Instruction], Destination, FailLabel, [PreInstruction],
-%% ProhibitFailLabelInPreBlock) -> failed | {Block,PreBlock}
-%% Split a sequence of instructions into two blocks - one containing
-%% all guard bif instructions and a pre-block all instructions before
-%% the guard BIFs.
-split_block(Is0, Dst, Fail, PreIs, ProhibitFailLabel) ->
- case ProhibitFailLabel andalso beam_jump:is_label_used_in(Fail, PreIs) of
- true ->
- %% The failure label was used in one of the instructions (most
- %% probably bit syntax construction) preceeding the block,
- %% the caller might eliminate the label.
- failed;
- false ->
- case reverse(Is0) of
- [{set,[Dst],_,_}|_]=Is ->
- split_block_1(Is, Fail, ProhibitFailLabel);
- _ -> failed
- end
- end.
-split_block_1(Is, Fail, ProhibitFailLabel) ->
- case split_block_2(Is, Fail, []) of
- {[],_} -> failed;
- {_,PreBlock}=Res ->
- case ProhibitFailLabel andalso
- split_block_label_used(PreBlock, Fail) of
- true ->
- %% The failure label was used in the pre-block;
- %% not allowed, because the label may be removed.
- failed;
- false ->
- Res
- end
- end.
-split_block_2([{set,[_],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
- split_block_2(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
-split_block_2([{set,[_],_,{alloc,_,{gc_bif,_,{f,Fail}}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
- split_block_2(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
-split_block_2(Is0, _, Acc) ->
- Is = reverse(Is0),
- {Acc,Is}.
-split_block_label_used([{set,[_],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}|_], Fail) ->
- true;
-split_block_label_used([{set,[_],_,{alloc,_,{gc_bif,_,{f,Fail}}}}|_], Fail) ->
- true;
-split_block_label_used([{set,[_],_,{alloc,_,{put_map,_,{f,Fail}}}}|_], Fail) ->
- true;
-split_block_label_used([_|Is], Fail) ->
- split_block_label_used(Is, Fail);
-split_block_label_used([], _) -> false.
-dst_regs(Is) ->
- dst_regs(Is, []).
-dst_regs([{block,Bl}|Is], Acc) ->
- dst_regs(Bl, dst_regs(Is, Acc));
-dst_regs([{set,[D],_,{bif,_,{f,_}}}|Is], Acc) ->
- dst_regs(Is, [D|Acc]);
-dst_regs([{set,[D],_,{alloc,_,{gc_bif,_,{f,_}}}}|Is], Acc) ->
- dst_regs(Is, [D|Acc]);
-dst_regs([{protected,_,Bl,_}|Is], Acc) ->
- dst_regs(Bl, dst_regs(Is, Acc));
-dst_regs([_|Is], Acc) ->
- dst_regs(Is, Acc);
-dst_regs([], Acc) -> ordsets:from_list(Acc).
-all_killed([R|Rs], OldIs, Fail, St) ->
- case is_killed(R, OldIs, Fail, St) of
- false -> false;
- true -> all_killed(Rs, OldIs, Fail, St)
- end;
-all_killed([], _, _, _) -> true.
-none_used([R|Rs], OldIs, Fail, St) ->
- case is_not_used(R, OldIs, Fail, St) of
- false -> false;
- true -> none_used(Rs, OldIs, Fail, St)
- end;
-none_used([], _, _, _) -> true.
-bopt_tree_cg(Block0, Fail, St) ->
- Free = free_variables(Block0),
- Block = ssa_block(Block0),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [Block0]),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [Block]),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [gb_trees:to_list(Free)]),
- case bopt_tree(Block, Free, []) of
- {Pre0,[{_,Tree}]} ->
- Pre1 = update_fail_label(Pre0, Fail, []),
- Regs0 = init_regs(gb_trees:keys(Free)),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [dst_regs(Block0)]),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [Pre1]),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [Tree]),
-%% io:nl(),
- {Pre,Regs} = rename_regs(Pre1, Regs0),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [Regs0]),
-%% io:format("~p\n", [Pre]),
- bopt_cg(Tree, Fail, Regs, make_block(Pre), St);
- _Res ->
- throw(not_boolean_expr)
- end.
-bopt_tree([{set,[Dst],As0,{bif,'not',_}}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
- {[Arg],Forest1} = bopt_bool_args(As0, Forest0),
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, {'not',Arg}, Forest1),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, Pre);
-bopt_tree([{set,[Dst],As0,{bif,'and',_}}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
- {As,Forest1} = bopt_bool_args(As0, Forest0),
- Node = make_and_node(As),
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Node, Forest1),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, Pre);
-bopt_tree([{set,[Dst],As0,{bif,'or',_}}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
- {As,Forest1} = bopt_bool_args(As0, Forest0),
- Node = make_or_node(As),
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Node, Forest1),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, Pre);
-bopt_tree([{set,_,_,{bif,'xor',_}}|_], _, _) ->
- throw('xor');
-bopt_tree([{protected,[Dst],Code,_}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
- ProtForest0 = gb_trees:from_orddict([P || {_,any}=P <- gb_trees:to_list(Forest0)]),
- case bopt_tree(Code, ProtForest0, []) of
- {ProtPre,[{_,ProtTree}]} ->
- Prot = {prot,ProtPre,ProtTree},
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Prot, Forest0),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, Pre);
- _Res ->
- throw(not_boolean_expr)
- end;
-bopt_tree([{set,[Dst],As,{bif,N,_}}=Bif|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
- Ar = length(As),
- case safe_bool_op(N, Ar) of
- false ->
- bopt_good_args(As, Forest0),
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, any, Forest0),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, [Bif|Pre]);
- true ->
- bopt_good_args(As, Forest0),
- Test = bif_to_test(Dst, N, As),
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Test, Forest0),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, Pre)
- end;
-bopt_tree([{set,[Dst],As,{alloc,_,{gc_bif,_,_}}}=Bif|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
- bopt_good_args(As, Forest0),
- Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, any, Forest0),
- bopt_tree(Is, Forest, [Bif|Pre]);
-bopt_tree([], Forest, Pre) ->
- {reverse(Pre),[R || {_,V}=R <- gb_trees:to_list(Forest), V =/= any]}.
-safe_bool_op(N, Ar) ->
- erl_internal:new_type_test(N, Ar) orelse erl_internal:comp_op(N, Ar).
-bopt_bool_args([V0,V0], Forest0) ->
- {V,Forest} = bopt_bool_arg(V0, Forest0),
- {[V,V],Forest};
-bopt_bool_args(As, Forest) ->
- mapfoldl(fun bopt_bool_arg/2, Forest, As).
-bopt_bool_arg({T,_}=R, Forest) when T =:= x; T =:= y; T =:= tmp ->
- Val = case gb_trees:lookup(R, Forest) of
- {value,any} -> {test,is_eq_exact,fail,[R,{atom,true}]};
- {value,Val0} -> Val0;
- none -> throw(mixed)
- end,
- {Val,gb_trees:delete(R, Forest)};
-bopt_bool_arg(Term, Forest) ->
- {Term,Forest}.
-bopt_good_args([A|As], Regs) ->
- bopt_good_arg(A, Regs),
- bopt_good_args(As, Regs);
-bopt_good_args([], _) -> ok.
-bopt_good_arg({Tag,_}=X, Regs) when Tag =:= x; Tag =:= tmp ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(X, Regs) of
- {value,any} -> ok;
- {value,_} -> throw(mixed);
- none -> throw(protected_barrier)
- end;
-bopt_good_arg(_, _) -> ok.
-bif_to_test(_, N, As) ->
- beam_utils:bif_to_test(N, As, fail).
-make_and_node(Is) ->
- AndList0 = make_and_list(Is),
- case simplify_and_list(AndList0) of
- [] -> {atom,true};
- [Op] -> Op;
- AndList -> {'and',AndList}
- end.
-make_and_list([{'and',As}|Is]) ->
- make_and_list(As++Is);
-make_and_list([I|Is]) ->
- [I|make_and_list(Is)];
-make_and_list([]) -> [].
-simplify_and_list([{atom,true}|T]) ->
- simplify_and_list(T);
-simplify_and_list([{atom,false}=False|_]) ->
- [False];
-simplify_and_list([H|T]) ->
- [H|simplify_and_list(T)];
-simplify_and_list([]) -> [].
-make_or_node(Is) ->
- OrList0 = make_or_list(Is),
- case simplify_or_list(OrList0) of
- [] -> {atom,false};
- [Op] -> Op;
- OrList -> {'or',OrList}
- end.
-make_or_list([{'or',As}|Is]) ->
- make_or_list(As++Is);
-make_or_list([I|Is]) ->
- [I|make_or_list(Is)];
-make_or_list([]) -> [].
-simplify_or_list([{atom,false}|T]) ->
- simplify_or_list(T);
-simplify_or_list([{atom,true}=True|_]) ->
- [True];
-simplify_or_list([H|T]) ->
- [H|simplify_or_list(T)];
-simplify_or_list([]) -> [].
-%% Code generation for a boolean tree.
-bopt_cg({'not',Arg}, Fail, Rs, Acc, St) ->
- I = bopt_cg_not(Arg),
- bopt_cg(I, Fail, Rs, Acc, St);
-bopt_cg({'and',As}, Fail, Rs, Acc, St) ->
- bopt_cg_and(As, Fail, Rs, Acc, St);
-bopt_cg({'or',As}, Fail, Rs, Acc, St0) ->
- {Succ,St} = new_label(St0),
- bopt_cg_or(As, Succ, Fail, Rs, Acc, St);
-bopt_cg({test,N,fail,As0}, Fail, Rs, Acc, St) ->
- As = rename_sources(As0, Rs),
- Test = {test,N,{f,Fail},As},
- {[Test|Acc],St};
-bopt_cg({inverted_test,N,fail,As0}, Fail, Rs, Acc, St0) ->
- As = rename_sources(As0, Rs),
- {Lbl,St} = new_label(St0),
- {[{label,Lbl},{jump,{f,Fail}},{test,N,{f,Lbl},As}|Acc],St};
-bopt_cg({prot,Pre0,Tree}, Fail, Rs0, Acc, St0) ->
- Pre1 = update_fail_label(Pre0, Fail, []),
- {Pre,Rs} = rename_regs(Pre1, Rs0),
- bopt_cg(Tree, Fail, Rs, make_block(Pre, Acc), St0);
-bopt_cg({atom,true}, _Fail, _Rs, Acc, St) ->
- {Acc,St};
-bopt_cg({atom,false}, Fail, _Rs, Acc, St) ->
- {[{jump,{f,Fail}}|Acc],St};
-bopt_cg(_, _, _, _, _) ->
- throw(not_boolean_expr).
-bopt_cg_not({'and',As0}) ->
- As = [bopt_cg_not(A) || A <- As0],
- {'or',As};
-bopt_cg_not({'or',As0}) ->
- As = [bopt_cg_not(A) || A <- As0],
- {'and',As};
-bopt_cg_not({'not',Arg}) ->
- bopt_cg_not_not(Arg);
-bopt_cg_not({test,Test,Fail,As}) ->
- {inverted_test,Test,Fail,As};
-bopt_cg_not({atom,Bool}) when is_boolean(Bool) ->
- {atom,not Bool};
-bopt_cg_not(_) ->
- throw(not_boolean_expr).
-bopt_cg_not_not({'and',As}) ->
- {'and',[bopt_cg_not_not(A) || A <- As]};
-bopt_cg_not_not({'or',As}) ->
- {'or',[bopt_cg_not_not(A) || A <- As]};
-bopt_cg_not_not({'not',Arg}) ->
- bopt_cg_not(Arg);
-bopt_cg_not_not(Leaf) -> Leaf.
-bopt_cg_and([I|Is], Fail, Rs, Acc0, St0) ->
- {Acc,St} = bopt_cg(I, Fail, Rs, Acc0, St0),
- bopt_cg_and(Is, Fail, Rs, Acc, St);
-bopt_cg_and([], _, _, Acc, St) -> {Acc,St}.
-bopt_cg_or([I], Succ, Fail, Rs, Acc0, St0) ->
- {Acc,St} = bopt_cg(I, Fail, Rs, Acc0, St0),
- {[{label,Succ}|Acc],St};
-bopt_cg_or([I|Is], Succ, Fail, Rs, Acc0, St0) ->
- {Lbl,St1} = new_label(St0),
- {Acc,St} = bopt_cg(I, Lbl, Rs, Acc0, St1),
- bopt_cg_or(Is, Succ, Fail, Rs, [{label,Lbl},{jump,{f,Succ}}|Acc], St).
-new_label(#st{next=LabelNum}=St) when is_integer(LabelNum) ->
- {LabelNum,St#st{next=LabelNum+1}}.
-free_variables(Is) ->
- E = gb_sets:empty(),
- free_vars_1(Is, E, E, E).
-free_vars_1([{set,Ds,As,{bif,_,_}}|Is], F0, N0, A) ->
- F = gb_sets:union(F0, gb_sets:difference(var_list(As), N0)),
- N = gb_sets:union(N0, var_list(Ds)),
- free_vars_1(Is, F, N, A);
-free_vars_1([{set,Ds,As,{alloc,Regs,{gc_bif,_,_}}}|Is], F0, N0, A0) ->
- A = gb_sets:union(A0, gb_sets:from_list(free_vars_regs(Regs))),
- F = gb_sets:union(F0, gb_sets:difference(var_list(As), N0)),
- N = gb_sets:union(N0, var_list(Ds)),
- free_vars_1(Is, F, N, A);
-free_vars_1([{protected,_,Pa,_}|Is], F, N, A) ->
- free_vars_1(Pa++Is, F, N, A);
-free_vars_1([], F0, N, A) ->
- F = case gb_sets:is_empty(A) of
- true ->
- %% No GC BIFs.
- {x,X} = gb_sets:smallest(N),
- P = ordsets:from_list(free_vars_regs(X)),
- ordsets:union(gb_sets:to_list(F0), P);
- false ->
- %% At least one GC BIF.
- gb_sets:to_list(gb_sets:union(F0, gb_sets:difference(A, N)))
- end,
- gb_trees:from_orddict([{K,any} || K <- F]).
-var_list(Is) ->
- var_list_1(Is, gb_sets:empty()).
-var_list_1([{Tag,_}=X|Is], D) when Tag =:= x; Tag =:= y ->
- var_list_1(Is, gb_sets:add(X, D));
-var_list_1([_|Is], D) ->
- var_list_1(Is, D);
-var_list_1([], D) -> D.
-free_vars_regs(0) -> [];
-free_vars_regs(X) -> [{x,X-1}|free_vars_regs(X-1)].
-rename_regs(Is, Regs) ->
- rename_regs(Is, Regs, []).
-rename_regs([{set,[Dst0],Ss0,{alloc,_,Info}}|Is], Regs0, Acc) ->
- Live = live_regs(Regs0),
- Ss = rename_sources(Ss0, Regs0),
- Regs = put_reg(Dst0, Regs0),
- Dst = fetch_reg(Dst0, Regs),
- rename_regs(Is, Regs, [{set,[Dst],Ss,{alloc,Live,Info}}|Acc]);
-rename_regs([{set,[Dst0],Ss0,Info}|Is], Regs0, Acc) ->
- Ss = rename_sources(Ss0, Regs0),
- Regs = put_reg(Dst0, Regs0),
- Dst = fetch_reg(Dst0, Regs),
- rename_regs(Is, Regs, [{set,[Dst],Ss,Info}|Acc]);
-rename_regs([], Regs, Acc) -> {reverse(Acc),Regs}.
-rename_sources(Ss, Regs) ->
- map(fun({x,_}=R) -> fetch_reg(R, Regs);
- ({tmp,_}=R) -> fetch_reg(R, Regs);
- (E) -> E
- end, Ss).
-%%% Keeping track of register assignments.
-init_regs(Free) ->
- init_regs_1(Free, 0).
-init_regs_1([{x,I}=V|T], I) ->
- [{I,V}|init_regs_1(T, I+1)];
-init_regs_1([{x,X}|_]=T, I) when I < X ->
- [{I,reserved}|init_regs_1(T, I+1)];
-init_regs_1([{y,_}|_], _) -> [];
-init_regs_1([], _) -> [].
-put_reg(V, Rs) -> put_reg_1(V, Rs, 0).
-put_reg_1(V, [R|Rs], I) -> [R|put_reg_1(V, Rs, I+1)];
-put_reg_1(V, [], I) -> [{I,V}].
-fetch_reg(V, [{I,V}|_]) -> {x,I};
-fetch_reg(V, [_|SRs]) -> fetch_reg(V, SRs).
-live_regs([{_,reserved}|_]) ->
- %% We are not sure that this register is initialized, so we must
- %% abort the optimization.
- throw(gc_bif_alloc_failure);
-live_regs([{I,_}]) ->
- I+1;
-live_regs([{_,_}|Regs]) ->
- live_regs(Regs);
-live_regs([]) ->
- 0.
-%%% Convert a block to Static Single Assignment (SSA) form.
- {live=0, %Variable counter.
- sub=gb_trees:empty(), %Substitution table.
- prot=gb_sets:empty(), %Targets assigned by protecteds.
- in_prot=false %Inside a protected.
- }).
-ssa_block(Is0) ->
- {Is,_} = ssa_block_1(Is0, #ssa{}, []),
- Is.
-ssa_block_1([{protected,[_],Pa0,Pb}|Is], Sub0, Acc) ->
- {Pa,Sub1} = ssa_block_1(Pa0, Sub0#ssa{in_prot=true}, []),
- Dst = ssa_last_target(Pa),
- Sub = Sub1#ssa{prot=gb_sets:insert(Dst, Sub1#ssa.prot),
- in_prot=Sub0#ssa.in_prot},
- ssa_block_1(Is, Sub, [{protected,[Dst],Pa,Pb}|Acc]);
-ssa_block_1([{set,[Dst],As,Bif}|Is], Sub0, Acc0) ->
- Sub1 = ssa_in_use_list(As, Sub0),
- Sub = ssa_assign(Dst, Sub1),
- Acc = [{set,[ssa_sub(Dst, Sub)],ssa_sub_list(As, Sub0),Bif}|Acc0],
- ssa_block_1(Is, Sub, Acc);
-ssa_block_1([], Sub, Acc) -> {reverse(Acc),Sub}.
-ssa_in_use_list(As, Sub) ->
- foldl(fun ssa_in_use/2, Sub, As).
-ssa_in_use({x,_}=R, #ssa{sub=Sub0}=Ssa) ->
- case gb_trees:is_defined(R, Sub0) of
- true -> Ssa;
- false ->
- Sub = gb_trees:insert(R, R, Sub0),
- Ssa#ssa{sub=Sub}
- end;
-ssa_in_use(_, Ssa) -> Ssa.
-ssa_assign({x,_}=R, #ssa{sub=Sub0}=Ssa0) ->
- {NewReg,Ssa} = ssa_new_reg(Ssa0),
- case gb_trees:is_defined(R, Sub0) of
- false ->
- Sub = gb_trees:insert(R, NewReg, Sub0),
- Ssa#ssa{sub=Sub};
- true ->
- Sub1 = gb_trees:update(R, NewReg, Sub0),
- Sub = gb_trees:insert(NewReg, NewReg, Sub1),
- Ssa#ssa{sub=Sub}
- end.
-ssa_sub_list(List, Sub) ->
- [ssa_sub(E, Sub) || E <- List].
-ssa_sub(R0, #ssa{sub=Sub,prot=Prot,in_prot=InProt}) ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(R0, Sub) of
- none -> R0;
- {value,R} ->
- case InProt andalso gb_sets:is_element(R, Prot) of
- true ->
- throw(protected_violation);
- false ->
- R
- end
- end.
-ssa_new_reg(#ssa{live=Reg}=Ssa) ->
- {{tmp,Reg},Ssa#ssa{live=Reg+1}}.
-ssa_last_target([{set,[Dst],_,_}]) -> Dst;
-ssa_last_target([_|Is]) -> ssa_last_target(Is).
-%% is_killed(Register, [Instruction], FailLabel, State) -> true|false
-%% Determine whether a register is killed in the instruction sequence.
-%% The state is used to allow us to determine the kill state
-%% across branches.
-is_killed(R, Is, Label, #st{ll=Ll}) ->
- beam_utils:is_killed(R, Is, Ll) andalso
- beam_utils:is_killed_at(R, Label, Ll).
-%% is_not_used(Register, [Instruction], FailLabel, State) -> true|false
-%% Determine whether a register is never used in the instruction sequence
-%% (it could still referenced by an allocate instruction, meaning that
-%% it MUST be initialized).
-%% The state is used to allow us to determine the usage state
-%% across branches.
-is_not_used(R, Is, Label, #st{ll=Ll}) ->
- beam_utils:is_not_used(R, Is, Ll) andalso
- beam_utils:is_not_used_at(R, Label, Ll).
-%% initialized_regs([Instruction]) -> [Register])
-%% Given a REVERSED instruction sequence, return a list of the registers
-%% that are guaranteed to be initialized (not contain garbage).
-initialized_regs(Is) ->
- initialized_regs(Is, ordsets:new()).
-initialized_regs([{set,Dst,_Src,{alloc,Live,_}}|_], Regs0) ->
- Regs = add_init_regs(free_vars_regs(Live), Regs0),
- add_init_regs(Dst, Regs);
-initialized_regs([{set,Dst,Src,_}|Is], Regs) ->
- initialized_regs(Is, add_init_regs(Dst, add_init_regs(Src, Regs)));
-initialized_regs([{test,_,_,Src}|Is], Regs) ->
- initialized_regs(Is, add_init_regs(Src, Regs));
-initialized_regs([{block,Bl}|Is], Regs) ->
- initialized_regs(reverse(Bl, Is), Regs);
-initialized_regs([{bs_context_to_binary,Src}|Is], Regs) ->
- initialized_regs(Is, add_init_regs([Src], Regs));
-initialized_regs([{label,_},{func_info,_,_,Arity}|_], Regs) ->
- InitRegs = free_vars_regs(Arity),
- add_init_regs(InitRegs, Regs);
-initialized_regs([_|_], Regs) -> Regs.
-add_init_regs([{x,_}=X|T], Regs) ->
- add_init_regs(T, ordsets:add_element(X, Regs));
-add_init_regs([_|T], Regs) ->
- add_init_regs(T, Regs);
-add_init_regs([], Regs) -> Regs.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl
index 6f6d742293..9087586b58 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dead.erl
@@ -266,20 +266,42 @@ backward([{jump,{f,To0}},{move,Src,Reg}=Move|Is], D, Acc) ->
false -> backward([Move|Is], D, [Jump|Acc]);
true -> backward([Jump|Is], D, Acc)
-backward([{jump,{f,To}}=J|[{bif,Op,_,Ops,Reg}|Is]=Is0], D, Acc) ->
+backward([{jump,{f,To}}=J|[{bif,Op,{f,BifFail},Ops,Reg}|Is]=Is0], D, Acc) ->
try replace_comp_op(To, Reg, Op, Ops, D) of
I -> backward(Is, D, I++Acc)
- throw:not_possible -> backward(Is0, D, [J|Acc])
+ throw:not_possible ->
+ case To =:= BifFail of
+ true ->
+ %% The bif instruction is redundant. See the comment
+ %% in the next clause for why there is no need to
+ %% test for liveness of Reg at label To.
+ backward([J|Is], D, Acc);
+ false ->
+ backward(Is0, D, [J|Acc])
+ end
-backward([{test,bs_start_match2,F,_,[R,_],Ctxt}=I|Is], D,
+backward([{jump,{f,To}}=J|[{gc_bif,_,{f,To},_,_,_Dst}|Is]], D, Acc) ->
+ %% The gc_bif instruction is redundant, since either the gc_bif
+ %% instruction itself or the jump instruction will transfer control
+ %% to label To. Note that a gc_bif instruction does not assign its
+ %% destination register if the failure branch is taken; therefore,
+ %% the code at label To is not allowed to assume that the destination
+ %% register is initialized, and it is therefore no need to test
+ %% for liveness of the destination register at label To.
+ backward([J|Is], D, Acc);
+backward([{test,bs_start_match2,F,Live,[R,_]=Args,Ctxt}|Is], D,
{test,bs_test_tail2,F,[Ctxt,0]}|Acc0]=Acc) ->
+ {f,To0} = F,
case beam_utils:is_killed(Ctxt, Acc0, D) of
true ->
- Eq = {test,is_eq_exact,F,[R,{literal,Bs}]},
+ To = shortcut_bs_context_to_binary(To0, R, D),
+ Eq = {test,is_eq_exact,{f,To},[R,{literal,Bs}]},
backward(Is, D, [Eq|Acc0]);
false ->
+ To = shortcut_bs_start_match(To0, R, D),
+ I = {test,bs_start_match2,{f,To},Live,Args,Ctxt},
backward(Is, D, [I|Acc])
backward([{test,bs_start_match2,{f,To0},Live,[Src|_]=Info,Dst}|Is], D, Acc) ->
@@ -357,6 +379,14 @@ backward([{kill,_}=I|Is], D, [{line,_},Exit|_]=Acc) ->
false -> backward(Is, D, [I|Acc]);
true -> backward(Is, D, Acc)
+backward([{bif,'or',{f,To0},[Dst,{atom,false}],Dst}=I|Is], D,
+ [{test,is_eq_exact,{f,To},[Dst,{atom,true}]}|_]=Acc) ->
+ case shortcut_label(To0, D) of
+ To ->
+ backward(Is, D, Acc);
+ _ ->
+ backward(Is, D, [I|Acc])
+ end;
backward([I|Is], D, Acc) ->
backward(Is, D, [I|Acc]);
backward([], _D, Acc) -> Acc.
@@ -375,6 +405,8 @@ shortcut_select_list([Lit,{f,To0}|T], Reg, D, Acc) ->
shortcut_select_list(T, Reg, D, [{f,To},Lit|Acc]);
shortcut_select_list([], _, _, Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
+shortcut_label(0, _) ->
+ 0;
shortcut_label(To0, D) ->
case beam_utils:code_at(To0, D) of
[{jump,{f,To}}|_] -> shortcut_label(To, D);
@@ -551,6 +583,21 @@ shortcut_bs_start_match_1([{test,bs_start_match2,{f,To},_,[Reg|_],_}|_],
shortcut_bs_start_match_1(_, _, To, _) ->
+%% shortcut_bs_context_to_binary(TargetLabel, Reg) -> TargetLabel
+%% If a bs_start_match2 instruction has been eliminated, the
+%% bs_context_to_binary instruction can be eliminated too.
+shortcut_bs_context_to_binary(To, Reg, D) ->
+ shortcut_bs_ctb_1(beam_utils:code_at(To, D), Reg, To, D).
+shortcut_bs_ctb_1([{bs_context_to_binary,Reg}|Is], Reg, To, D) ->
+ shortcut_bs_ctb_1(Is, Reg, To, D);
+shortcut_bs_ctb_1([{jump,{f,To}}|_], Reg, _, D) ->
+ Code = beam_utils:code_at(To, D),
+ shortcut_bs_ctb_1(Code, Reg, To, D);
+shortcut_bs_ctb_1(_, _, To, _) ->
+ To.
%% shortcut_rel_op(FailLabel, Operator, [Operand], D) -> FailLabel'
%% Try to shortcut the given test instruction. Example:
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
index 48b5a32814..e096270d8c 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- remove_unused_labels/1,is_label_used_in/2]).
+ remove_unused_labels/1]).
%%% The following optimisations are done:
@@ -155,9 +155,7 @@ share(Is0) ->
Is = eliminate_fallthroughs(Is0, []),
share_1(Is, #{}, [], []).
-share_1([{label,_}=Lbl|Is], Dict, [], Acc) ->
- share_1(Is, Dict, [], [Lbl|Acc]);
-share_1([{label,L}=Lbl|Is], Dict0, Seq, Acc) ->
+share_1([{label,L}=Lbl|Is], Dict0, [_|_]=Seq, Acc) ->
case maps:find(Seq, Dict0) of
error ->
Dict = maps:put(Seq, L, Dict0),
@@ -208,21 +206,18 @@ sharable_with_try([]) -> true.
%% Eliminate all fallthroughs. Return the result reversed.
-eliminate_fallthroughs([I,{label,L}=Lbl|Is], Acc) ->
- case is_unreachable_after(I) orelse is_label(I) of
+eliminate_fallthroughs([{label,L}=Lbl|Is], [I|_]=Acc) ->
+ case is_unreachable_after(I) of
false ->
%% Eliminate fallthrough.
- eliminate_fallthroughs(Is, [Lbl,{jump,{f,L}},I|Acc]);
+ eliminate_fallthroughs(Is, [Lbl,{jump,{f,L}}|Acc]);
true ->
- eliminate_fallthroughs(Is, [Lbl,I|Acc])
+ eliminate_fallthroughs(Is, [Lbl|Acc])
eliminate_fallthroughs([I|Is], Acc) ->
eliminate_fallthroughs(Is, [I|Acc]);
eliminate_fallthroughs([], Acc) -> Acc.
-is_label({label,_}) -> true;
-is_label(_) -> false.
%%% (2) Move short code sequences ending in an instruction that causes an exit
%%% to the end of the function.
@@ -478,36 +473,6 @@ is_exit_instruction({try_case_end,_}) -> true;
is_exit_instruction({badmatch,_}) -> true;
is_exit_instruction(_) -> false.
-%% is_label_used_in(LabelNumber, [Instruction]) -> boolean()
-%% Check whether the label is used in the instruction sequence
-%% (including inside blocks).
-is_label_used_in(Lbl, Is) ->
- is_label_used_in_1(Is, Lbl, cerl_sets:new()).
-is_label_used_in_1([{block,Block}|Is], Lbl, Empty) ->
- lists:any(fun(I) -> is_label_used_in_block(I, Lbl) end, Block)
- orelse is_label_used_in_1(Is, Lbl, Empty);
-is_label_used_in_1([I|Is], Lbl, Empty) ->
- Used = ulbl(I, Empty),
- cerl_sets:is_element(Lbl, Used) orelse is_label_used_in_1(Is, Lbl, Empty);
-is_label_used_in_1([], _, _) -> false.
-is_label_used_in_block({set,_,_,Info}, Lbl) ->
- case Info of
- {bif,_,{f,F}} -> F =:= Lbl;
- {alloc,_,{gc_bif,_,{f,F}}} -> F =:= Lbl;
- {alloc,_,{put_map,_,{f,F}}} -> F =:= Lbl;
- {get_map_elements,{f,F}} -> F =:= Lbl;
- {try_catch,_,{f,F}} -> F =:= Lbl;
- {alloc,_,_} -> false;
- {put_tuple,_} -> false;
- {get_tuple_element,_} -> false;
- {set_tuple_element,_} -> false;
- {line,_} -> false;
- _ when is_atom(Info) -> false
- end.
%% remove_unused_labels(Instructions0) -> Instructions
%% Remove all unused labels. Also remove unreachable
%% instructions following labels that are removed.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
index ce566373bb..d82ed8639d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_listing.erl
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ module(Stream, {Mod,Exp,Attr,Code,NumLabels}) ->
[Name, Arity, Entry]),
io:put_chars(Stream, format_asm(Asm))
end, Code);
-module(Stream, {Mod,Exp,Inter}) ->
- %% Other kinds of intermediate formats.
- io:fwrite(Stream, "~w.~n~p.~n", [Mod,Exp]),
- foreach(fun (F) -> io:format(Stream, "~p.\n", [F]) end, Inter);
module(Stream, [_|_]=Fs) ->
%% Form-based abstract format.
foreach(fun (F) -> io:format(Stream, "~p.\n", [F]) end, Fs).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
index a8dc6805bc..d40669083e 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_trim.erl
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ safe_labels([], Acc) -> gb_sets:from_list(Acc).
frame_layout(Is, Kills, #st{safe=Safe,lbl=D}) ->
N = frame_size(Is, Safe),
- IsKilled = fun(R) -> beam_utils:is_killed(R, Is, D) end,
+ IsKilled = fun(R) -> beam_utils:is_not_used(R, Is, D) end,
{N,frame_layout_1(Kills, 0, N, IsKilled, [])}.
frame_layout_1([{kill,{y,Y}}=I|Ks], Y, N, IsKilled, Acc) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl
index acaf3ede66..d324580cba 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_type.erl
@@ -592,6 +592,9 @@ is_math_bif(log10, 1) -> true;
is_math_bif(sqrt, 1) -> true;
is_math_bif(atan2, 2) -> true;
is_math_bif(pow, 2) -> true;
+is_math_bif(ceil, 1) -> true;
+is_math_bif(floor, 1) -> true;
+is_math_bif(fmod, 2) -> true;
is_math_bif(pi, 0) -> true;
is_math_bif(_, _) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
index 249d9395ca..74e3d7e38a 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- is_not_used/3,is_not_used_at/3,
+ is_not_used/3,
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@
-import(lists, [member/2,sort/1,reverse/1,splitwith/2]).
- {bl, %Block check fun.
- lbl, %Label to code index.
+ {lbl, %Label to code index.
res}). %Result cache for each label.
@@ -45,12 +44,16 @@
%% i.e. it is OK to enter the instruction sequence with Register
%% containing garbage.
-is_killed_block(R, Is) ->
- case check_killed_block(R, Is) of
- killed -> true;
- used -> false;
- transparent -> false
- end.
+is_killed_block({x,X}, [{set,_,_,{alloc,Live,_}}|_]) ->
+ X >= Live;
+is_killed_block(R, [{set,Ds,Ss,_Op}|Is]) ->
+ not member(R, Ss) andalso (member(R, Ds) orelse is_killed_block(R, Is));
+is_killed_block(R, [{'%live',_,Regs}|Is]) ->
+ case R of
+ {x,X} when (Regs bsr X) band 1 =:= 0 -> true;
+ _ -> is_killed_block(R, Is)
+ end;
+is_killed_block(_, []) -> false.
%% is_killed(Register, [Instruction], State) -> true|false
%% Determine whether a register is killed by the instruction sequence.
@@ -63,20 +66,20 @@ is_killed_block(R, Is) ->
%% to determine the kill state across branches.
is_killed(R, Is, D) ->
- St = #live{bl=check_killed_block_fun(),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
+ St = #live{lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness(R, Is, St) of
{killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false
+ {_,_} -> false
%% is_killed_at(Reg, Lbl, State) -> true|false
%% Determine whether Reg is killed at label Lbl.
is_killed_at(R, Lbl, D) when is_integer(Lbl) ->
- St0 = #live{bl=check_killed_block_fun(),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
+ St0 = #live{lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
{killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false
+ {_,_} -> false
%% is_not_used(Register, [Instruction], State) -> true|false
@@ -87,24 +90,10 @@ is_killed_at(R, Lbl, D) when is_integer(Lbl) ->
%% across branches.
is_not_used(R, Is, D) ->
- St = #live{bl=fun check_used_block/3,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
+ St = #live{lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness(R, Is, St) of
- {killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false
- end.
-%% is_not_used(Register, [Instruction], State) -> true|false
-%% Determine whether a register is never used in the instruction sequence
-%% (it could still be referenced by an allocate instruction, meaning that
-%% it MUST be initialized, but that its value does not matter).
-%% The state is used to allow us to determine the usage state
-%% across branches.
-is_not_used_at(R, Lbl, D) ->
- St = #live{bl=fun check_used_block/3,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
- case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St) of
- {killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false
+ {used,_} -> false;
+ {_,_} -> true
%% index_labels(FunctionIs) -> State
@@ -240,15 +229,19 @@ split_even(Rs) -> split_even(Rs, [], []).
%% check_liveness(Reg, [Instruction], #live{}) ->
-%% {killed | used, #live{}}
+%% {killed | not_used | used, #live{}}
%% Find out whether Reg is used or killed in instruction sequence.
-%% 'killed' means that Reg is assigned a new value or killed by an
-%% allocation instruction. 'used' means that Reg is used in some way.
+%% killed - Reg is assigned or killed by an allocation instruction.
+%% not_used - the value of Reg is not used, but Reg must not be garbage
+%% used - Reg is used
-check_liveness(R, [{block,Blk}|Is], #live{bl=BlockCheck}=St0) ->
- case BlockCheck(R, Blk, St0) of
- {transparent,St} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St);
- {Other,_}=Res when is_atom(Other) -> Res
+check_liveness(R, [{block,Blk}|Is], St0) ->
+ case check_liveness_block(R, Blk, St0) of
+ {transparent,St1} ->
+ check_liveness(R, Is, St1);
+ {Other,_}=Res when is_atom(Other) ->
+ Res
check_liveness(R, [{label,_}|Is], St) ->
check_liveness(R, Is, St);
@@ -258,8 +251,12 @@ check_liveness(R, [{test,_,{f,Fail},As}|Is], St0) ->
false ->
case check_liveness_at(R, Fail, St0) of
- {killed,St} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St);
- {_,_}=Other -> Other
+ {killed,St1} ->
+ check_liveness(R, Is, St1);
+ {not_used,St1} ->
+ not_used(check_liveness(R, Is, St1));
+ {used,_}=Used ->
+ Used
check_liveness(R, [{test,Op,Fail,Live,Ss,Dst}|Is], St) ->
@@ -329,7 +326,7 @@ check_liveness(R, [{call,Live,_}|Is], St) ->
case R of
{x,X} when X < Live -> {used,St};
{x,_} -> {killed,St};
- {y,_} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St)
+ {y,_} -> not_used(check_liveness(R, Is, St))
check_liveness(R, [{call_ext,Live,_}=I|Is], St) ->
case R of
@@ -340,7 +337,7 @@ check_liveness(R, [{call_ext,Live,_}=I|Is], St) ->
{y,_} ->
case beam_jump:is_exit_instruction(I) of
false ->
- check_liveness(R, Is, St);
+ not_used(check_liveness(R, Is, St));
true ->
%% We must make sure we don't check beyond this
%% instruction or we will fall through into random
@@ -352,43 +349,20 @@ check_liveness(R, [{call_fun,Live}|Is], St) ->
case R of
{x,X} when X =< Live -> {used,St};
{x,_} -> {killed,St};
- {y,_} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St)
+ {y,_} -> not_used(check_liveness(R, Is, St))
check_liveness(R, [{apply,Args}|Is], St) ->
case R of
{x,X} when X < Args+2 -> {used,St};
{x,_} -> {killed,St};
- {y,_} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St)
- end;
-check_liveness(R, [{bif,Op,{f,Fail},Ss,D}|Is], St0) ->
- case check_liveness_fail(R, Op, Ss, Fail, St0) of
- {killed,St} = Killed ->
- case member(R, Ss) of
- true -> {used,St};
- false when R =:= D -> Killed;
- false -> check_liveness(R, Is, St)
- end;
- Other ->
- Other
- end;
-check_liveness(R, [{gc_bif,Op,{f,Fail},Live,Ss,D}|Is], St0) ->
- case R of
- {x,X} when X >= Live ->
- {killed,St0};
- {x,_} ->
- {used,St0};
- _ ->
- case check_liveness_fail(R, Op, Ss, Fail, St0) of
- {killed,St}=Killed ->
- case member(R, Ss) of
- true -> {used,St};
- false when R =:= D -> Killed;
- false -> check_liveness(R, Is, St)
- end;
- Other ->
- Other
- end
- end;
+ {y,_} -> not_used(check_liveness(R, Is, St))
+ end;
+check_liveness(R, [{bif,Op,Fail,Ss,D}|Is], St) ->
+ Set = {set,[D],Ss,{bif,Op,Fail}},
+ check_liveness(R, [{block,[Set]}|Is], St);
+check_liveness(R, [{gc_bif,Op,{f,Fail},Live,Ss,D}|Is], St) ->
+ Set = {set,[D],Ss,{alloc,Live,{gc_bif,Op,Fail}}},
+ check_liveness(R, [{block,[Set]}|Is], St);
check_liveness(R, [{bs_put,{f,0},_,Ss}|Is], St) ->
case member(R, Ss) of
true -> {used,St};
@@ -414,7 +388,7 @@ check_liveness(R, [{make_fun2,_,_,_,NumFree}|Is], St) ->
case R of
{x,X} when X < NumFree -> {used,St};
{x,_} -> {killed,St};
- _ -> check_liveness(R, Is, St)
+ {y,_} -> not_used(check_liveness(R, Is, St))
check_liveness({x,_}=R, [{'catch',_,_}|Is], St) ->
%% All x registers will be killed if an exception occurs.
@@ -483,18 +457,9 @@ check_liveness(R, [{get_map_elements,{f,Fail},S,{list,L}}|Is], St0) ->
-check_liveness(R, [{put_map,{f,_},_,Src,_D,Live,{list,_}}|_], St0) ->
- case R of
- Src ->
- {used,St0};
- {x,X} when X < Live ->
- {used,St0};
- {x,_} ->
- {killed,St0};
- {y,_} ->
- %% Conservatively mark it as used.
- {used,St0}
- end;
+check_liveness(R, [{put_map,F,Op,S,D,Live,{list,Puts}}|Is], St) ->
+ Set = {set,[D],[S|Puts],{alloc,Live,{put_map,Op,F}}},
+ check_liveness(R, [{block,[Set]}||Is], St);
check_liveness(R, [{test_heap,N,Live}|Is], St) ->
I = {block,[{set,[],[],{alloc,Live,{nozero,nostack,N,[]}}}]},
check_liveness(R, [I|Is], St);
@@ -507,16 +472,24 @@ check_liveness(R, [{get_list,S,D1,D2}|Is], St) ->
check_liveness(_R, Is, St) when is_list(Is) ->
%% Not implemented. Conservatively assume that the register is used.
-check_liveness_everywhere(R, [{f,Lbl}|T], St0) ->
- case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
- {killed,St} -> check_liveness_everywhere(R, T, St);
- {_,_}=Other -> Other
+check_liveness_everywhere(R, Lbls, St0) ->
+ check_liveness_everywhere_1(R, Lbls, killed, St0).
+check_liveness_everywhere_1(R, [{f,Lbl}|T], Res0, St0) ->
+ {Res1,St} = check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0),
+ Res = case Res1 of
+ killed -> Res0;
+ _ -> Res1
+ end,
+ case Res of
+ used -> {used,St};
+ _ -> check_liveness_everywhere_1(R, T, Res, St)
-check_liveness_everywhere(R, [_|T], St) ->
- check_liveness_everywhere(R, T, St);
-check_liveness_everywhere(_, [], St) ->
- {killed,St}.
+check_liveness_everywhere_1(R, [_|T], Res, St) ->
+ check_liveness_everywhere_1(R, T, Res, St);
+check_liveness_everywhere_1(_, [], Res, St) ->
+ {Res,St}.
check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, #live{lbl=Ll,res=ResMemorized}=St0) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Lbl, ResMemorized) of
@@ -530,56 +503,20 @@ check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, #live{lbl=Ll,res=ResMemorized}=St0) ->
{Res,St#live{res=gb_trees:insert(Lbl, Res, St#live.res)}}
+not_used({killed,St}) -> {not_used,St};
+not_used({_,_}=Res) -> Res.
check_liveness_ret(R, R, St) -> {used,St};
check_liveness_ret(_, _, St) -> {killed,St}.
-check_liveness_fail(_, _, _, 0, St) ->
- {killed,St};
-check_liveness_fail(R, Op, Args, Fail, St) ->
- Arity = length(Args),
- case erl_internal:comp_op(Op, Arity) orelse
- erl_internal:new_type_test(Op, Arity) of
- true -> {killed,St};
- false -> check_liveness_at(R, Fail, St)
- end.
-%% check_killed_block(Reg, [Instruction], State) -> killed | transparent | used
-%% Finds out how Reg is used in the instruction sequence inside a block.
-%% Returns one of:
-%% killed - Reg is assigned a new value or killed by an allocation instruction
-%% transparent - Reg is neither used nor killed
-%% used - Reg is used or referenced by an allocation instruction.
-%% (Unknown instructions will cause an exception.)
-check_killed_block_fun() ->
- fun(R, Is, St) -> {check_killed_block(R, Is),St} end.
-check_killed_block({x,X}, [{set,_,_,{alloc,Live,_}}|_]) ->
- if
- X >= Live -> killed;
- true -> used
- end;
-check_killed_block(R, [{set,Ds,Ss,_Op}|Is]) ->
- case member(R, Ss) of
- true -> used;
- false ->
- case member(R, Ds) of
- true -> killed;
- false -> check_killed_block(R, Is)
- end
- end;
-check_killed_block(R, [{'%live',_,Regs}|Is]) ->
- case R of
- {x,X} when (Regs bsr X) band 1 =:= 0 -> killed;
- _ -> check_killed_block(R, Is)
- end;
-check_killed_block(_, []) -> transparent.
-%% check_used_block(Reg, [Instruction], State) -> killed | transparent | used
+%% check_liveness_block(Reg, [Instruction], State) ->
+%% {killed | not_used | used | transparent,State'}
%% Finds out how Reg is used in the instruction sequence inside a block.
%% Returns one of:
-%% killed - Reg is assigned a new value or killed by an allocation instruction
+%% killed - Reg is assigned a new value or killed by an
+%% allocation instruction
+%% not_used - The value is not used, but the register is referenced
+%% e.g. by an allocation instruction
%% transparent - Reg is neither used nor killed
%% used - Reg is explicitly used by an instruction
@@ -587,45 +524,64 @@ check_killed_block(_, []) -> transparent.
%% (Unknown instructions will cause an exception.)
-check_used_block({x,X}=R, [{set,Ds,Ss,{alloc,Live,Op}}|Is], St) ->
+check_liveness_block({x,X}=R, [{set,Ds,Ss,{alloc,Live,Op}}|Is], St0) ->
- X >= Live -> {killed,St};
- true -> check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St)
+ X >= Live ->
+ {killed,St0};
+ true ->
+ case check_liveness_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St0) of
+ {killed,St} -> {not_used,St};
+ {transparent,St} -> {not_used,St};
+ {_,_}=Res -> Res
+ end
-check_used_block(R, [{set,Ds,Ss,Op}|Is], St) ->
- check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St);
-check_used_block(_, [], St) -> {transparent,St}.
+check_liveness_block({y,_}=R, [{set,Ds,Ss,{alloc,_Live,Op}}|Is], St) ->
+ check_liveness_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St);
+check_liveness_block(R, [{set,Ds,Ss,Op}|Is], St) ->
+ check_liveness_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St);
+check_liveness_block(_, [], St) -> {transparent,St}.
-check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St0) ->
+check_liveness_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St0) ->
case member(R, Ss) of
true ->
false ->
- case is_reg_used_at(R, Op, St0) of
- {true,St} ->
- {used,St};
- {false,St} ->
+ case check_liveness_block_2(R, Op, Ss, St0) of
+ {killed,St} ->
case member(R, Ds) of
true -> {killed,St};
- false -> check_used_block(R, Is, St)
- end
+ false -> check_liveness_block(R, Is, St)
+ end;
+ {not_used,St} ->
+ not_used(case member(R, Ds) of
+ true -> {killed,St};
+ false -> check_liveness_block(R, Is, St)
+ end);
+ {used,St} ->
+ {used,St}
-is_reg_used_at(R, {gc_bif,_,{f,Lbl}}, St) ->
- is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St);
-is_reg_used_at(R, {bif,_,{f,Lbl}}, St) ->
- is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St);
-is_reg_used_at(_, _, St) ->
- {false,St}.
+check_liveness_block_2(R, {gc_bif,_Op,{f,Lbl}}, _Ss, St) ->
+ check_liveness_block_3(R, Lbl, St);
+check_liveness_block_2(R, {bif,Op,{f,Lbl}}, Ss, St) ->
+ Arity = length(Ss),
+ case erl_internal:comp_op(Op, Arity) orelse
+ erl_internal:new_type_test(Op, Arity) of
+ true ->
+ {killed,St};
+ false ->
+ check_liveness_block_3(R, Lbl, St)
+ end;
+check_liveness_block_2(R, {put_map,_Op,{f,Lbl}}, _Ss, St) ->
+ check_liveness_block_3(R, Lbl, St);
+check_liveness_block_2(_, _, _, St) ->
+ {killed,St}.
-is_reg_used_at_1(_, 0, St) ->
- {false,St};
-is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St0) ->
- case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
- {killed,St} -> {false,St};
- {used,St} -> {true,St}
- end.
+check_liveness_block_3(_, 0, St) ->
+ {killed,St};
+check_liveness_block_3(R, Lbl, St0) ->
+ check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0).
index_labels_1([{label,Lbl}|Is0], Acc) ->
Is = drop_labels(Is0),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
index 16dba35adc..5659077c5d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ all_ms_in_x_regs(Live0, Vst) ->
ms_in_y_regs(Id, #vst{current=#st{y=Ys0}}) ->
Ys = gb_trees:to_list(Ys0),
- [Y || {Y,#ms{id=OtherId}} <- Ys, OtherId =:= Id].
+ [{y,Y} || {Y,#ms{id=OtherId}} <- Ys, OtherId =:= Id].
verify_call_match_context(Lbl, Ctx, #vst{ft=Ft}) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Lbl, Ft) of
@@ -1508,7 +1508,9 @@ bif_type(abs, [Num], Vst) ->
bif_type(float, _, _) -> {float,[]};
bif_type('/', _, _) -> {float,[]};
%% Integer operations.
+bif_type(ceil, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
bif_type('div', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
+bif_type(floor, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
bif_type('rem', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
bif_type(length, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
bif_type(size, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
@@ -1642,6 +1644,9 @@ return_type_math(log10, 1) -> {float,[]};
return_type_math(sqrt, 1) -> {float,[]};
return_type_math(atan2, 2) -> {float,[]};
return_type_math(pow, 2) -> {float,[]};
+return_type_math(ceil, 1) -> {float,[]};
+return_type_math(floor, 1) -> {float,[]};
+return_type_math(fmod, 2) -> {float,[]};
return_type_math(pi, 0) -> {float,[]};
return_type_math(F, A) when is_atom(F), is_integer(A), A >= 0 -> term.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
index e951a25e04..37da045d25 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ run_tc({Name,Fun}, St) ->
T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
Val = (catch Fun(St)),
T2 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
- Elapsed = erlang:convert_time_unit(T2 - T1, native, milli_seconds),
+ Elapsed = erlang:convert_time_unit(T2 - T1, native, millisecond),
Mem0 = erts_debug:flat_size(Val)*erlang:system_info(wordsize),
Mem = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.1f kB", [Mem0/1024])),
io:format(" ~-30s: ~10.3f s ~12s\n",
@@ -646,13 +646,13 @@ standard_passes() ->
- ?pass(expand_module),
+ ?pass(expand_records),
%% Conversion to Core Erlang.
- {pass,v3_core},
+ ?pass(core),
| core_passes()].
@@ -707,8 +707,6 @@ asm_passes() ->
- {unless,no_bopt,{pass,beam_bool}},
- {iff,dbool,{listing,"bool"}},
@@ -1227,13 +1225,17 @@ makedep_output(#compile{code=Code,options=Opts,ofile=Ofile}=St) ->
-%% expand_module(State) -> State'
-%% Do the common preprocessing of the input forms.
+expand_records(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St0) ->
+ Code = erl_expand_records:module(Code0, Opts),
+ {ok,St0#compile{code=Code}}.
-expand_module(#compile{code=Code,options=Opts0}=St0) ->
- {Mod,Exp,Forms,Opts1} = sys_pre_expand:module(Code, Opts0),
+core(#compile{code=Forms,options=Opts0}=St) ->
+ Opts1 = lists:flatten([C || {attribute,_,compile,C} <- Forms] ++ Opts0),
Opts = expand_opts(Opts1),
- {ok,St0#compile{module=Mod,options=Opts,code={Mod,Exp,Forms}}}.
+ {ok,Core,Ws} = v3_core:module(Forms, Opts),
+ Mod = cerl:concrete(cerl:module_name(Core)),
+ {ok,St#compile{module=Mod,code=Core,options=Opts,
+ warnings=St#compile.warnings++Ws}}.
core_fold_module_after_inlining(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) ->
%% Inlining may produce code that generates spurious warnings.
@@ -1776,7 +1778,6 @@ pre_load() ->
L = [beam_a,
- beam_bool,
@@ -1808,7 +1809,6 @@ pre_load() ->
- sys_pre_expand,
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src b/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src
index 1fd7800e85..3cb991687b 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/compiler.app.src
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
- beam_bool,
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@
- sys_pre_expand,
@@ -73,5 +71,5 @@
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
{env, []},
- {runtime_dependencies, ["stdlib-2.5","kernel-4.0","hipe-3.12","erts-7.0",
+ {runtime_dependencies, ["stdlib-2.5","kernel-4.0","hipe-3.12","erts-9.0",
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
index 67209d06be..cff6c7098b 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ format_1(#c_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
format_hseq(Es, ",", add_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2),
-format_1(#c_map{arg=#c_literal{anno=[],val=M},es=Es}, Ctxt)
+format_1(#c_map{arg=#c_literal{val=M},es=Es}, Ctxt)
when is_map(M), map_size(M) =:= 0 ->
format_hseq(Es, ",", add_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl b/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl
index 6b2d781a76..d60f73d421 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl
@@ -75,10 +75,12 @@ is_pure(erlang, binary_to_list, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, binary_to_list, 3) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, bit_size, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, byte_size, 1) -> true;
+is_pure(erlang, ceil, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, element, 2) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, float, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, float_to_list, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, float_to_binary, 1) -> true;
+is_pure(erlang, floor, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, hash, 2) -> false;
is_pure(erlang, hd, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, integer_to_binary, 1) -> true;
@@ -129,11 +131,14 @@ is_pure(math, asinh, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, atan, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, atan2, 2) -> true;
is_pure(math, atanh, 1) -> true;
+is_pure(math, ceil, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, cos, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, cosh, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, erf, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, erfc, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, exp, 1) -> true;
+is_pure(math, floor, 1) -> true;
+is_pure(math, fmod, 2) -> true;
is_pure(math, log, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, log2, 1) -> true;
is_pure(math, log10, 1) -> true;
@@ -203,7 +208,6 @@ is_safe(erlang, registered, 0) -> true;
is_safe(erlang, self, 0) -> true;
is_safe(erlang, term_to_binary, 1) -> true;
is_safe(erlang, time, 0) -> true;
-is_safe(error_logger, warning_map, 0) -> true;
is_safe(_, _, _) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
index 4922953407..50d28c0a5f 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
@@ -83,10 +83,11 @@
case E of
- true -> ok;
+ true ->
+ ok;
false ->
io:format("~p, line ~p: assertion failed\n", [?MODULE,?LINE]),
- exit(assertion_failed)
+ error(assertion_failed)
-define(ASSERT(E), ignore).
@@ -120,7 +121,10 @@ module(#c_module{defs=Ds0}=Mod, Opts) ->
function_1({#c_var{name={F,Arity}}=Name,B0}) ->
- B = expr(B0, value, sub_new()), %This must be a fun!
+ B = find_fixpoint(fun(Core) ->
+ %% This must be a fun!
+ expr(Core, value, sub_new())
+ end, B0, 20),
Class:Error ->
@@ -129,6 +133,14 @@ function_1({#c_var{name={F,Arity}}=Name,B0}) ->
erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
+find_fixpoint(_OptFun, Core, 0) ->
+ Core;
+find_fixpoint(OptFun, Core0, Max) ->
+ case OptFun(Core0) of
+ Core0 -> Core0;
+ Core -> find_fixpoint(OptFun, Core, Max-1)
+ end.
%% body(Expr, Sub) -> Expr.
%% body(Expr, Context, Sub) -> Expr.
%% No special handling of anything except values.
@@ -160,13 +172,23 @@ guard(Expr, Sub) ->
opt_guard_try(#c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body0}=Seq) ->
Body = opt_guard_try(Body0),
- case {Arg,Body} of
- {#c_call{module=#c_literal{val=Mod},
- name=#c_literal{val=Name},
- args=Args},#c_literal{val=false}} ->
+ WillFail = case Body of
+ #c_call{module=#c_literal{val=erlang},
+ name=#c_literal{val=error},
+ args=[_]} ->
+ true;
+ #c_literal{val=false} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end,
+ case Arg of
+ #c_call{module=#c_literal{val=Mod},
+ name=#c_literal{val=Name},
+ args=Args} when WillFail ->
%% We have sequence consisting of a call (evaluated
%% for a possible exception and/or side effect only),
- %% followed by 'false'.
+ %% followed by 'false' or a call to error/1.
%% Since the sequence is inside a try block that will
%% default to 'false' if any exception occurs, not
%% evalutating the call will not change the behaviour
@@ -181,7 +203,7 @@ opt_guard_try(#c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body0}=Seq) ->
%% be safely removed.
- {_,_} ->
+ _ ->
opt_guard_try(#c_case{clauses=Cs}=Term) ->
@@ -239,7 +261,7 @@ expr(#c_cons{anno=Anno,hd=H0,tl=T0}=Cons, Ctxt, Sub) ->
case Ctxt of
effect ->
add_warning(Cons, useless_building),
- expr(make_effect_seq([H1,T1], Sub), Ctxt, Sub);
+ make_effect_seq([H1,T1], Sub);
value ->
ann_c_cons(Anno, H1, T1)
@@ -248,7 +270,7 @@ expr(#c_tuple{anno=Anno,es=Es0}=Tuple, Ctxt, Sub) ->
case Ctxt of
effect ->
add_warning(Tuple, useless_building),
- expr(make_effect_seq(Es, Sub), Ctxt, Sub);
+ make_effect_seq(Es, Sub);
value ->
ann_c_tuple(Anno, Es)
@@ -257,7 +279,7 @@ expr(#c_map{anno=Anno,arg=V0,es=Es0}=Map, Ctxt, Sub) ->
case Ctxt of
effect ->
add_warning(Map, useless_building),
- expr(make_effect_seq(Es, Sub), Ctxt, Sub);
+ make_effect_seq(Es, Sub);
value ->
V = expr(V0, Ctxt, Sub),
@@ -310,7 +332,7 @@ expr(#c_let{}=Let0, Ctxt, Sub) ->
Expr ->
%% The let body was successfully moved into the let argument.
%% Now recursively re-process the new expression.
- expr(Expr, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub))
+ Expr
expr(#c_letrec{body=#c_var{}}=Letrec, effect, _Sub) ->
%% This is named fun in an 'effect' context. Warn and ignore.
@@ -351,7 +373,7 @@ expr(#c_case{}=Case0, Ctxt, Sub) ->
%% (in addition to any warnings that may have been emitted
%% according to the rules above).
- case opt_bool_case(Case0) of
+ case opt_bool_case(Case0, Sub) of
#c_case{arg=Arg0,clauses=Cs0}=Case1 ->
Arg1 = body(Arg0, value, Sub),
LitExpr = cerl:is_literal(Arg1),
@@ -364,7 +386,7 @@ expr(#c_case{}=Case0, Ctxt, Sub) ->
impossible ->
Other ->
- expr(Other, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub))
+ Other
Other ->
expr(Other, Ctxt, Sub)
@@ -1403,9 +1425,6 @@ sub_new() -> #sub{v=orddict:new(),s=cerl_sets:new(),t=#{}}.
sub_new(#sub{}=Sub) ->
-sub_new_preserve_types(#sub{}=Sub) ->
- Sub#sub{v=orddict:new()}.
sub_get_var(#c_var{name=V}=Var, #sub{v=S}) ->
case orddict:find(V, S) of
{ok,Val} -> Val;
@@ -1535,9 +1554,11 @@ will_match(E, [P]) ->
will_match_1({false,_}) -> maybe;
will_match_1({true,_}) -> yes.
-%% opt_bool_case(CoreExpr) - CoreExpr'.
-%% Do various optimizations to case statement that has a
-%% boolean case expression.
+%% opt_bool_case(CoreExpr, Sub) - CoreExpr'.
+%% In bodies, do various optimizations to case statements that have
+%% boolean case expressions. We don't do the optimizations in guards,
+%% because they would thwart the optimization in v3_kernel.
%% We start with some simple optimizations and normalization
%% to facilitate later optimizations.
@@ -1546,7 +1567,7 @@ will_match_1({true,_}) -> yes.
%% (or fail), we can remove any clause that cannot
%% possibly match 'true' or 'false'. Also, any clause
%% following both 'true' and 'false' clause can
-%% be removed. If successful, we will end up this:
+%% be removed. If successful, we will end up like this:
%% case BoolExpr of case BoolExpr of
%% true -> false ->
@@ -1557,8 +1578,11 @@ will_match_1({true,_}) -> yes.
%% We give up if there are clauses with guards, or if there
%% is a variable clause that matches anything.
-opt_bool_case(#c_case{arg=Arg}=Case0) ->
+opt_bool_case(#c_case{}=Case, #sub{in_guard=true}) ->
+ %% v3_kernel does a better job without "help".
+ Case;
+opt_bool_case(#c_case{arg=Arg}=Case0, #sub{in_guard=false}) ->
case is_bool_expr(Arg) of
false ->
@@ -1570,8 +1594,7 @@ opt_bool_case(#c_case{arg=Arg}=Case0) ->
impossible ->
- end;
-opt_bool_case(Core) -> Core.
+ end.
opt_bool_clauses(#c_case{clauses=Cs}=Case) ->
Case#c_case{clauses=opt_bool_clauses(Cs, false, false)}.
@@ -1587,16 +1610,14 @@ opt_bool_clauses(Cs, true, true) ->
- guard=#c_literal{val=true},
- body=B}=C0|Cs], SeenT, SeenF) ->
+ guard=#c_literal{val=true}}=C|Cs], SeenT, SeenF) ->
case is_boolean(Lit) of
false ->
%% Not a boolean - this clause can't match.
- add_warning(C0, nomatch_clause_type),
+ add_warning(C, nomatch_clause_type),
opt_bool_clauses(Cs, SeenT, SeenF);
true ->
%% This clause will match.
- C = C0#c_clause{body=opt_bool_case(B)},
case {Lit,SeenT,SeenF} of
{false,_,false} ->
[C|opt_bool_clauses(Cs, SeenT, true)];
@@ -2023,10 +2044,10 @@ case_opt_lit_1(_, []) -> [].
%% the clauses where it is actually needed.
case_opt_data(E, Cs0) ->
- Es = cerl:data_es(E),
TypeSig = {cerl:data_type(E),cerl:data_arity(E)},
- try case_opt_data_1(Cs0, Es, TypeSig) of
+ try case_opt_data_1(Cs0, TypeSig) of
Cs ->
+ Es = cerl:data_es(E),
throw:impossible ->
@@ -2034,44 +2055,47 @@ case_opt_data(E, Cs0) ->
-case_opt_data_1([{[P0|Ps0],C,PsAcc,Bs0}|Cs], Es, TypeSig) ->
+case_opt_data_1([{[P0|Ps0],C,PsAcc,Bs0}|Cs], TypeSig) ->
P = case_opt_compiler_generated(P0),
- BindTo = #c_var{name=dummy},
- {Ps1,[{BindTo,_}|Bs1]} = case_data_pat_alias(P, BindTo, TypeSig, []),
- [{Ps1++Ps0,C,PsAcc,Bs1++Bs0}|case_opt_data_1(Cs, Es, TypeSig)];
-case_opt_data_1([], _, _) -> [].
+ {Ps1,Bs} = case_opt_data_2(P, TypeSig, Bs0),
+ [{Ps1++Ps0,C,PsAcc,Bs}|case_opt_data_1(Cs, TypeSig)];
+case_opt_data_1([], _) -> [].
-case_data_pat_alias(P, BindTo0, TypeSig, Bs0) ->
- case cerl:type(P) of
- alias ->
- %% Recursively handle the pattern and bind to
- %% the alias variable.
- BindTo = cerl:alias_var(P),
- Apat0 = cerl:alias_pat(P),
- Ann = [compiler_generated],
- Apat = cerl:set_ann(Apat0, Ann),
- {Ps,Bs} = case_data_pat_alias(Apat, BindTo, TypeSig, Bs0),
- {Ps,[{BindTo0,BindTo}|Bs]};
- var ->
- %% Here we will need to actually build the data and bind
- %% it to the variable.
+case_opt_data_2(P, TypeSig, Bs0) ->
+ case case_analyze_pat(P) of
+ {[],Pat} when Pat =/= none ->
+ DataEs = cerl:data_es(P),
+ {DataEs,Bs0};
+ {[V|Vs],none} ->
{Type,Arity} = TypeSig,
Ann = [compiler_generated],
Vars = make_vars(Ann, Arity),
Data = cerl:ann_make_data(Ann, Type, Vars),
- Bs = [{BindTo0,P},{P,Data}|Bs0],
+ Bs = [{V,Data} | [{Var,V} || Var <- Vs] ++ Bs0],
- _ ->
- %% Since case_opt_nomatch/3 has removed all clauses that
- %% cannot match, we KNOW that this clause must match and
- %% that the pattern must be a data constructor.
- %% Here we must build the data and bind it to the variable.
+ {[V|Vs],Pat} when Pat =/= none ->
{Type,_} = TypeSig,
- DataEs = cerl:data_es(P),
+ DataEs = cerl:data_es(Pat),
Vars = pat_to_expr_list(DataEs),
Ann = [compiler_generated],
Data = cerl:ann_make_data(Ann, Type, Vars),
- {DataEs,[{BindTo0,Data}]}
+ Bs = [{V,Data} | [{Var,V} || Var <- Vs] ++ Bs0],
+ {DataEs,Bs}
+ end.
+case_analyze_pat(P) ->
+ case_analyze_pat_1(P, [], none).
+case_analyze_pat_1(P, Vs, Pat) ->
+ case cerl:type(P) of
+ alias ->
+ V = cerl:alias_var(P),
+ Apat = cerl:alias_pat(P),
+ case_analyze_pat_1(Apat, [V|Vs], Pat);
+ var ->
+ {[P|Vs],Pat};
+ _ ->
+ {Vs,P}
%% pat_to_expr(Pattern) -> Expression.
@@ -2115,7 +2139,7 @@ make_var(A) ->
make_var_name() ->
N = get(new_var_num),
put(new_var_num, N+1),
- list_to_atom("fol"++integer_to_list(N)).
+ list_to_atom("@f"++integer_to_list(N)).
letify(Bs, Body) ->
Ann = cerl:get_ann(Body),
@@ -2129,7 +2153,7 @@ letify(Bs, Body) ->
-spec opt_not_in_let(cerl:c_let()) -> cerl:cerl().
opt_not_in_let(#c_let{vars=[_]=Vs0,arg=Arg0,body=Body0}=Let) ->
- case opt_not_in_let(Vs0, Arg0, Body0) of
+ case opt_not_in_let_0(Vs0, Arg0, Body0) of
{[],#c_values{es=[]},Body} ->
{Vs,Arg,Body} ->
@@ -2137,13 +2161,7 @@ opt_not_in_let(#c_let{vars=[_]=Vs0,arg=Arg0,body=Body0}=Let) ->
opt_not_in_let(Let) -> Let.
-%% opt_not_in_let(Vs, Arg, Body) -> {Vs',Arg',Body'}
-%% Try to optimize away a 'not' operator in a 'let'.
--spec opt_not_in_let([cerl:c_var()], cerl:cerl(), cerl:cerl()) ->
- {[cerl:c_var()],cerl:cerl(),cerl:cerl()}.
-opt_not_in_let([#c_var{name=V}]=Vs0, Arg0, Body0) ->
+opt_not_in_let_0([#c_var{name=V}]=Vs0, Arg0, Body0) ->
case cerl:type(Body0) of
call ->
%% let <V> = Expr in not V ==>
@@ -2174,9 +2192,7 @@ opt_not_in_let([#c_var{name=V}]=Vs0, Arg0, Body0) ->
_ ->
- end;
-opt_not_in_let(Vs, Arg, Body) ->
- {Vs,Arg,Body}.
+ end.
opt_not_in_let_1(V, Call, Body) ->
case Call of
@@ -2222,24 +2238,24 @@ inverse_rel_op('=<') -> '>';
inverse_rel_op(_) -> no.
-%% opt_bool_case_in_let(LetExpr, Sub) -> Core
+%% opt_bool_case_in_let(LetExpr) -> Core
opt_bool_case_in_let(#c_let{vars=Vs,arg=Arg,body=B}=Let, Sub) ->
- opt_case_in_let_1(Vs, Arg, B, Let, Sub).
+ opt_bool_case_in_let_1(Vs, Arg, B, Let, Sub).
-opt_case_in_let_1([#c_var{name=V}], Arg,
+opt_bool_case_in_let_1([#c_var{name=V}], Arg,
#c_case{arg=#c_var{name=V}}=Case0, Let, Sub) ->
case is_simple_case_arg(Arg) of
true ->
- Case = opt_bool_case(Case0#c_case{arg=Arg}),
+ Case = opt_bool_case(Case0#c_case{arg=Arg}, Sub),
case core_lib:is_var_used(V, Case) of
- false -> expr(Case, sub_new(Sub));
+ false -> Case;
true -> Let
false ->
-opt_case_in_let_1(_, _, _, Let, _) -> Let.
+opt_bool_case_in_let_1(_, _, _, Let, _) -> Let.
%% is_simple_case_arg(Expr) -> true|false
%% Determine whether the Expr is simple enough to be worth
@@ -2372,9 +2388,7 @@ is_safe_bool_expr_list([], _, _) -> true.
%% as a let or a sequence, move the original let body into the complex
%% expression.
-simplify_let(#c_let{arg=Arg0}=Let0, Sub) ->
- Arg = opt_bool_case(Arg0),
- Let = Let0#c_let{arg=Arg},
+simplify_let(#c_let{arg=Arg}=Let, Sub) ->
move_let_into_expr(Let, Arg, Sub).
@@ -2630,11 +2644,10 @@ opt_simple_let_0(#c_let{arg=Arg0}=Let, Ctxt, Sub) ->
opt_simple_let_1(#c_let{vars=Vs0,body=B0}=Let, Arg0, Ctxt, Sub0) ->
%% Optimise let and add new substitutions.
- {Vs1,Args,Sub1} = let_substs(Vs0, Arg0, Sub0),
- BodySub = update_let_types(Vs1, Args, Sub1),
- B1 = body(B0, Ctxt, BodySub),
- Arg1 = core_lib:make_values(Args),
- {Vs,Arg,B} = opt_not_in_let(Vs1, Arg1, B1),
+ {Vs,Args,Sub1} = let_substs(Vs0, Arg0, Sub0),
+ BodySub = update_let_types(Vs, Args, Sub1),
+ B = body(B0, Ctxt, BodySub),
+ Arg = core_lib:make_values(Args),
opt_simple_let_2(Let, Vs, Arg, B, B0, Ctxt, Sub1).
opt_simple_let_2(Let0, Vs0, Arg0, Body, PrevBody, Ctxt, Sub) ->
@@ -2647,25 +2660,23 @@ opt_simple_let_2(Let0, Vs0, Arg0, Body, PrevBody, Ctxt, Sub) ->
false ->
%% let <Var> = Arg in <OtherVar> ==> seq Arg OtherVar
Arg = maybe_suppress_warnings(Arg1, Vs0, PrevBody),
- expr(#c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body}, Ctxt,
- sub_new_preserve_types(Sub))
+ #c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body}
{[],#c_values{es=[]},_} ->
%% No variables left.
{Vs,Arg1,#c_literal{}} ->
Arg = maybe_suppress_warnings(Arg1, Vs, PrevBody),
- E = case Ctxt of
- effect ->
- %% Throw away the literal body.
- Arg;
- value ->
- %% Since the variable is not used in the body, we
- %% can rewrite the let to a sequence.
- %% let <Var> = Arg in Literal ==> seq Arg Literal
- #c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body}
- end,
- expr(E, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub));
+ case Ctxt of
+ effect ->
+ %% Throw away the literal body.
+ Arg;
+ value ->
+ %% Since the variable is not used in the body, we
+ %% can rewrite the let to a sequence.
+ %% let <Var> = Arg in Literal ==> seq Arg Literal
+ #c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body}
+ end;
{Vs,Arg1,Body} ->
%% If none of the variables are used in the body, we can
%% rewrite the let to a sequence:
@@ -2674,12 +2685,10 @@ opt_simple_let_2(Let0, Vs0, Arg0, Body, PrevBody, Ctxt, Sub) ->
case is_any_var_used(Vs, Body) of
false ->
Arg = maybe_suppress_warnings(Arg1, Vs, PrevBody),
- expr(#c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body}, Ctxt,
- sub_new_preserve_types(Sub));
+ #c_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body};
true ->
Let1 = Let0#c_let{vars=Vs,arg=Arg1,body=Body},
- Let2 = opt_bool_case_in_let(Let1, Sub),
- opt_case_in_let_arg(Let2, Ctxt, Sub)
+ opt_bool_case_in_let(Let1, Sub)
@@ -2807,48 +2816,6 @@ move_case_into_arg(#c_case{arg=#c_seq{arg=OuterArg,body=InnerArg}=Outer,
move_case_into_arg(_, _) ->
-%% In guards only, rewrite a case in a let argument like
-%% let <Var> = case <> of
-%% <> when AnyGuard -> Literal1;
-%% <> when AnyGuard -> Literal2
-%% end
-%% in LetBody
-%% to
-%% case <> of
-%% <> when AnyGuard ->
-%% let <Var> = Literal1 in LetBody
-%% <> when 'true' ->
-%% let <Var> = Literal2 in LetBody
-%% end
-%% In the worst case, the size of the code could increase.
-%% In practice, though, substituting the literals into
-%% LetBody and doing constant folding will decrease the code
-%% size. (Doing this transformation outside of guards could
-%% lead to a substantational increase in code size.)
-opt_case_in_let_arg(#c_let{arg=#c_case{}=Case}=Let, Ctxt,
- #sub{in_guard=true}=Sub) ->
- opt_case_in_let_arg_1(Let, Case, Ctxt, Sub);
-opt_case_in_let_arg(Let, _, _) -> Let.
-opt_case_in_let_arg_1(Let0, #c_case{arg=#c_values{es=[]},
- clauses=Cs}=Case0, Ctxt, Sub) ->
- Let = mark_compiler_generated(Let0),
- case Cs of
- [#c_clause{body=#c_literal{}=BodyA}=Ca0,
- #c_clause{body=#c_literal{}=BodyB}=Cb0] ->
- Ca = Ca0#c_clause{body=Let#c_let{arg=BodyA}},
- Cb = Cb0#c_clause{body=Let#c_let{arg=BodyB}},
- Case = Case0#c_case{clauses=[Ca,Cb]},
- expr(Case, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub));
- _ -> Let
- end;
-opt_case_in_let_arg_1(Let, _, _, _) -> Let.
is_any_var_used([#c_var{name=V}|Vs], Expr) ->
case core_lib:is_var_used(V, Expr) of
false -> is_any_var_used(Vs, Expr);
@@ -2956,7 +2923,9 @@ returns_integer(bit_size, [_]) -> true;
returns_integer('bsl', [_,_]) -> true;
returns_integer('bsr', [_,_]) -> true;
returns_integer(byte_size, [_]) -> true;
+returns_integer(ceil, [_]) -> true;
returns_integer('div', [_,_]) -> true;
+returns_integer(floor, [_]) -> true;
returns_integer(length, [_]) -> true;
returns_integer('rem', [_,_]) -> true;
returns_integer('round', [_]) -> true;
@@ -3277,13 +3246,6 @@ bsm_problem(Where, What) ->
%%% Handling of warnings.
-mark_compiler_generated(Term) ->
- cerl_trees:map(fun mark_compiler_generated_1/1, Term).
-mark_compiler_generated_1(#c_call{anno=Anno}=Term) ->
- Term#c_call{anno=[compiler_generated|Anno--[compiler_generated]]};
-mark_compiler_generated_1(Term) -> Term.
init_warnings() ->
put({?MODULE,warnings}, []).
@@ -3446,12 +3408,18 @@ format_error(bin_var_used_in_guard) ->
verify_scope(E, #sub{s=Scope}) ->
Free0 = cerl_trees:free_variables(E),
Free = [V || V <- Free0, not is_tuple(V)], %Ignore function names.
- case ordsets:is_subset(Free, cerl_sets:to_list(Scope)) of
- true -> true;
+ case is_subset_of_scope(Free, Scope) of
+ true ->
+ true;
false ->
io:format("~p\n", [E]),
io:format("~p\n", [Free]),
- io:format("~p\n", [cerl_sets:to_list(Scope)]),
+ io:format("~p\n", [ordsets:from_list(cerl_sets:to_list(Scope))]),
+is_subset_of_scope([V|Vs], Scope) ->
+ cerl_sets:is_element(V, Scope) andalso is_subset_of_scope(Vs, Scope);
+is_subset_of_scope([], _) -> true.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ab4e1845c..0000000000
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_pre_expand.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose : Expand some source Erlang constructions. This is part of the
-%% pre-processing phase.
-%% N.B. Although structs (tagged tuples) are not yet allowed in the
-%% language there is code included in pattern/2 and expr/3 (commented out)
-%% that handles them by transforming them to tuples.
-%% Main entry point.
--import(lists, [member/2,foldl/3,foldr/3]).
--type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}.
--record(expand, {module=[], %Module name
- exports=[], %Exports
- attributes=[], %Attributes
- callbacks=[], %Callbacks
- optional_callbacks=[] :: [fa()], %Optional callbacks
- vcount=0, %Variable counter
- func=[], %Current function
- arity=[], %Arity for current function
- fcount=0, %Local fun count
- ctype %Call type map
- }).
-%% module(Forms, CompileOptions)
-%% {ModuleName,Exports,TransformedForms,CompileOptions'}
-%% Expand the forms in one module.
-%% CompileOptions is augmented with options from -compile attributes.
-module(Fs0, Opts0) ->
- %% Expand records. Normalise guard tests.
- Fs = erl_expand_records:module(Fs0, Opts0),
- Opts = compiler_options(Fs) ++ Opts0,
- %% Set pre-defined exported functions.
- PreExp = [{module_info,0},{module_info,1}],
- %% Build the set of defined functions and the initial call
- %% type map.
- Defined = defined_functions(Fs, PreExp),
- Ctype = maps:from_list([{K,local} || K <- Defined]),
- %% Build initial expand record.
- St0 = #expand{exports=PreExp,
- ctype=Ctype
- },
- %% Expand the functions.
- {Tfs,St1} = forms(Fs, St0),
- %% Get the correct list of exported functions.
- Exports = case member(export_all, Opts) of
- true -> Defined;
- false -> St1#expand.exports
- end,
- St2 = St1#expand{exports=Exports,ctype=undefined},
- %% Generate all functions from stored info.
- {Ats,St3} = module_attrs(St2),
- {Mfs,St4} = module_predef_funcs(St3),
- {St4#expand.module, St4#expand.exports, Ats ++ Tfs ++ Mfs,
- Opts}.
-compiler_options(Forms) ->
- lists:flatten([C || {attribute,_,compile,C} <- Forms]).
-%% defined_function(Forms, Predef) -> Functions.
-%% Add function to defined if form is a function.
-defined_functions(Forms, Predef) ->
- Fs = foldl(fun({function,_,N,A,_Cs}, Acc) -> [{N,A}|Acc];
- (_, Acc) -> Acc
- end, Predef, Forms),
- ordsets:from_list(Fs).
-module_attrs(#expand{attributes=Attributes}=St) ->
- Attrs = [{attribute,Line,Name,Val} || {Name,Line,Val} <- Attributes],
- Callbacks = [Callback || {_,_,callback,_}=Callback <- Attrs],
- OptionalCallbacks = get_optional_callbacks(Attrs),
- {Attrs,St#expand{callbacks=Callbacks,
- optional_callbacks=OptionalCallbacks}}.
-get_optional_callbacks(Attrs) ->
- L = [O ||
- {attribute, _, optional_callbacks, O} <- Attrs,
- is_fa_list(O)],
- lists:append(L).
-is_fa_list([{FuncName, Arity}|L])
- when is_atom(FuncName), is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0 ->
- is_fa_list(L);
-is_fa_list([]) -> true;
-is_fa_list(_) -> false.
-module_predef_funcs(St0) ->
- {Mpf1,St1} = module_predef_func_beh_info(St0),
- Mpf2 = module_predef_funcs_mod_info(St1),
- Mpf = [erl_parse:new_anno(F) || F <- Mpf1++Mpf2],
- {Mpf,St1}.
-module_predef_func_beh_info(#expand{callbacks=[]}=St) ->
- {[], St};
- optional_callbacks=OptionalCallbacks,
- exports=Exports}=St) ->
- PreDef0 = [{behaviour_info,1}],
- PreDef = ordsets:from_list(PreDef0),
- {[gen_beh_info(Callbacks, OptionalCallbacks)],
- St#expand{exports=ordsets:union(PreDef, Exports)}}.
-gen_beh_info(Callbacks, OptionalCallbacks) ->
- List = make_list(Callbacks),
- OptionalList = make_optional_list(OptionalCallbacks),
- {function,0,behaviour_info,1,
- [{clause,0,[{atom,0,callbacks}],[],
- [List]},
- {clause,0,[{atom,0,optional_callbacks}],[],
- [OptionalList]}]}.
-make_list([]) -> {nil,0};
-make_list([{_,_,_,[{{Name,Arity},_}]}|Rest]) ->
- {cons,0,
- {tuple,0,
- [{atom,0,Name},
- {integer,0,Arity}]},
- make_list(Rest)}.
-make_optional_list([]) -> {nil,0};
-make_optional_list([{Name,Arity}|Rest]) ->
- {cons,0,
- {tuple,0,
- [{atom,0,Name},
- {integer,0,Arity}]},
- make_optional_list(Rest)}.
-module_predef_funcs_mod_info(#expand{module=Mod}) ->
- ModAtom = {atom,0,Mod},
- [{function,0,module_info,0,
- [{clause,0,[],[],
- [{call,0,{remote,0,{atom,0,erlang},{atom,0,get_module_info}},
- [ModAtom]}]}]},
- {function,0,module_info,1,
- [{clause,0,[{var,0,'X'}],[],
- [{call,0,{remote,0,{atom,0,erlang},{atom,0,get_module_info}},
- [ModAtom,{var,0,'X'}]}]}]}].
-%% forms(Forms, State) ->
-%% {TransformedForms,State'}
-%% Process the forms. Attributes are lost and just affect the state.
-%% Ignore uninteresting forms like eof and type.
-forms([{attribute,_,file,_File}=F|Fs0], St0) ->
- {Fs,St1} = forms(Fs0, St0),
- {[F|Fs],St1};
-forms([{attribute,Line,Name,Val}|Fs0], St0) ->
- St1 = attribute(Name, Val, Line, St0),
- forms(Fs0, St1);
-forms([{function,L,N,A,Cs}|Fs0], St0) ->
- {Ff,St1} = function(L, N, A, Cs, St0),
- {Fs,St2} = forms(Fs0, St1),
- {[Ff|Fs],St2};
-forms([_|Fs], St) -> forms(Fs, St);
-forms([], St) -> {[],St}.
-%% attribute(Attribute, Value, Line, State) -> State'.
-%% Process an attribute, this just affects the state.
-attribute(module, Module, _L, St) ->
- true = is_atom(Module),
- St#expand{module=Module};
-attribute(export, Es, _L, St) ->
- St#expand{exports=ordsets:union(ordsets:from_list(Es),
- St#expand.exports)};
-attribute(import, Is, _L, St) ->
- import(Is, St);
-attribute(compile, _C, _L, St) ->
- St;
-attribute(Name, Val, Line, St) when is_list(Val) ->
- St#expand{attributes=St#expand.attributes ++ [{Name,Line,Val}]};
-attribute(Name, Val, Line, St) ->
- St#expand{attributes=St#expand.attributes ++ [{Name,Line,[Val]}]}.
-function(L, N, A, Cs0, St0) ->
- {Cs,St} = clauses(Cs0, St0#expand{func=N,arity=A,fcount=0}),
- {{function,L,N,A,Cs},St}.
-%% clauses([Clause], State) ->
-%% {[TransformedClause],State}.
-%% Expand function clauses.
-clauses([{clause,Line,H0,G0,B0}|Cs0], St0) ->
- {H,St1} = head(H0, St0),
- {G,St2} = guard(G0, St1),
- {B,St3} = exprs(B0, St2),
- {Cs,St4} = clauses(Cs0, St3),
- {[{clause,Line,H,G,B}|Cs],St4};
-clauses([], St) -> {[],St}.
-%% head(HeadPatterns, State) ->
-%% {TransformedPatterns,Variables,UsedVariables,State'}
-head(As, St) -> pattern_list(As, St).
-%% pattern(Pattern, State) ->
-%% {TransformedPattern,State'}
-pattern({var,_,_}=Var, St) ->
- {Var,St};
-pattern({char,_,_}=Char, St) ->
- {Char,St};
-pattern({integer,_,_}=Int, St) ->
- {Int,St};
-pattern({float,_,_}=Float, St) ->
- {Float,St};
-pattern({atom,_,_}=Atom, St) ->
- {Atom,St};
-pattern({string,_,_}=String, St) ->
- {String,St};
-pattern({nil,_}=Nil, St) ->
- {Nil,St};
-pattern({cons,Line,H,T}, St0) ->
- {TH,St1} = pattern(H, St0),
- {TT,St2} = pattern(T, St1),
- {{cons,Line,TH,TT},St2};
-pattern({tuple,Line,Ps}, St0) ->
- {TPs,St1} = pattern_list(Ps, St0),
- {{tuple,Line,TPs},St1};
-pattern({map,Line,Ps}, St0) ->
- {TPs,St1} = pattern_list(Ps, St0),
- {{map,Line,TPs},St1};
-pattern({map_field_exact,Line,K0,V0}, St0) ->
- %% Key should be treated as an expression
- %% but since expressions are not allowed yet,
- %% process it through pattern .. and handle assoc
- %% (normalise unary op integer -> integer)
- {K,St1} = pattern(K0, St0),
- {V,St2} = pattern(V0, St1),
- {{map_field_exact,Line,K,V},St2};
-pattern({map_field_assoc,Line,K0,V0}, St0) ->
- %% when keys are Maps
- {K,St1} = pattern(K0, St0),
- {V,St2} = pattern(V0, St1),
- {{map_field_assoc,Line,K,V},St2};
-%%pattern({struct,Line,Tag,Ps}, St0) ->
-%% {TPs,TPsvs,St1} = pattern_list(Ps, St0),
-%% {{tuple,Line,[{atom,Line,Tag}|TPs]},TPsvs,St1};
-pattern({bin,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
- {Es1,St1} = pattern_bin(Es0, St0),
- {{bin,Line,Es1},St1};
-pattern({op,_,'++',{nil,_},R}, St) ->
- pattern(R, St);
-pattern({op,_,'++',{cons,Li,H,T},R}, St) ->
- pattern({cons,Li,H,{op,Li,'++',T,R}}, St);
-pattern({op,_,'++',{string,Li,L},R}, St) ->
- pattern(string_to_conses(Li, L, R), St);
-pattern({match,Line,Pat1, Pat2}, St0) ->
- {TH,St1} = pattern(Pat2, St0),
- {TT,St2} = pattern(Pat1, St1),
- {{match,Line,TT,TH},St2};
-%% Compile-time pattern expressions, including unary operators.
-pattern({op,_Line,_Op,_A}=Op, St) ->
- {erl_eval:partial_eval(Op),St};
-pattern({op,_Line,_Op,_L,_R}=Op, St) ->
- {erl_eval:partial_eval(Op),St}.
-pattern_list([P0|Ps0], St0) ->
- {P,St1} = pattern(P0, St0),
- {Ps,St2} = pattern_list(Ps0, St1),
- {[P|Ps],St2};
-pattern_list([], St) -> {[],St}.
-%% guard(Guard, State) ->
-%% {TransformedGuard,State'}
-%% Transform a list of guard tests. We KNOW that this has been checked
-%% and what the guards test are. Use expr for transforming the guard
-%% expressions.
-guard([G0|Gs0], St0) ->
- {G,St1} = guard_tests(G0, St0),
- {Gs,St2} = guard(Gs0, St1),
- {[G|Gs],St2};
-guard([], St) -> {[],St}.
-guard_tests([Gt0|Gts0], St0) ->
- {Gt1,St1} = guard_test(Gt0, St0),
- {Gts1,St2} = guard_tests(Gts0, St1),
- {[Gt1|Gts1],St2};
-guard_tests([], St) -> {[],St}.
-guard_test(Test, St) ->
- expr(Test, St).
-%% exprs(Expressions, State) ->
-%% {TransformedExprs,State'}
-exprs([E0|Es0], St0) ->
- {E,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
- {Es,St2} = exprs(Es0, St1),
- {[E|Es],St2};
-exprs([], St) -> {[],St}.
-%% expr(Expression, State) ->
-%% {TransformedExpression,State'}
-expr({var,_,_}=Var, St) ->
- {Var,St};
-expr({char,_,_}=Char, St) ->
- {Char,St};
-expr({integer,_,_}=Int, St) ->
- {Int,St};
-expr({float,_,_}=Float, St) ->
- {Float,St};
-expr({atom,_,_}=Atom, St) ->
- {Atom,St};
-expr({string,_,_}=String, St) ->
- {String,St};
-expr({nil,_}=Nil, St) ->
- {Nil,St};
-expr({cons,Line,H0,T0}, St0) ->
- {H,St1} = expr(H0, St0),
- {T,St2} = expr(T0, St1),
- {{cons,Line,H,T},St2};
-expr({lc,Line,E0,Qs0}, St0) ->
- {Qs1,St1} = lc_tq(Line, Qs0, St0),
- {E1,St2} = expr(E0, St1),
- {{lc,Line,E1,Qs1},St2};
-expr({bc,Line,E0,Qs0}, St0) ->
- {Qs1,St1} = lc_tq(Line, Qs0, St0),
- {E1,St2} = expr(E0, St1),
- {{bc,Line,E1,Qs1},St2};
-expr({tuple,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
- {Es1,St1} = expr_list(Es0, St0),
- {{tuple,Line,Es1},St1};
-%%expr({struct,Line,Tag,Es0}, Vs, St0) ->
-%% {Es1,Esvs,Esus,St1} = expr_list(Es0, Vs, St0),
-%% {{tuple,Line,[{atom,Line,Tag}|Es1]},Esvs,Esus,St1};
-expr({map,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
- {Es1,St1} = expr_list(Es0, St0),
- {{map,Line,Es1},St1};
-expr({map,Line,E0,Es0}, St0) ->
- {E1,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
- {Es1,St2} = expr_list(Es0, St1),
- {{map,Line,E1,Es1},St2};
-expr({map_field_assoc,Line,K0,V0}, St0) ->
- {K,St1} = expr(K0, St0),
- {V,St2} = expr(V0, St1),
- {{map_field_assoc,Line,K,V},St2};
-expr({map_field_exact,Line,K0,V0}, St0) ->
- {K,St1} = expr(K0, St0),
- {V,St2} = expr(V0, St1),
- {{map_field_exact,Line,K,V},St2};
-expr({bin,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
- {Es1,St1} = expr_bin(Es0, St0),
- {{bin,Line,Es1},St1};
-expr({block,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
- {Es,St1} = exprs(Es0, St0),
- {{block,Line,Es},St1};
-expr({'if',Line,Cs0}, St0) ->
- {Cs,St1} = clauses(Cs0, St0),
- {{'if',Line,Cs},St1};
-expr({'case',Line,E0,Cs0}, St0) ->
- {E,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
- {Cs,St2} = clauses(Cs0, St1),
- {{'case',Line,E,Cs},St2};
-expr({'receive',Line,Cs0}, St0) ->
- {Cs,St1} = clauses(Cs0, St0),
- {{'receive',Line,Cs},St1};
-expr({'receive',Line,Cs0,To0,ToEs0}, St0) ->
- {To,St1} = expr(To0, St0),
- {ToEs,St2} = exprs(ToEs0, St1),
- {Cs,St3} = clauses(Cs0, St2),
- {{'receive',Line,Cs,To,ToEs},St3};
-expr({'fun',Line,Body}, St) ->
- fun_tq(Line, Body, St);
-expr({named_fun,Line,Name,Cs}, St) ->
- fun_tq(Line, Cs, St, Name);
-expr({call,Line,{atom,La,N}=Atom,As0}, St0) ->
- {As,St1} = expr_list(As0, St0),
- Ar = length(As),
- Key = {N,Ar},
- case St1#expand.ctype of
- #{Key:=local} ->
- {{call,Line,Atom,As},St1};
- #{Key:={imported,Mod}} ->
- {{call,Line,{remote,La,{atom,La,Mod},Atom},As},St1};
- _ ->
- true = erl_internal:bif(N, Ar),
- {{call,Line,{remote,La,{atom,La,erlang},Atom},As},St1}
- end;
-expr({call,Line,{remote,Lr,M0,F},As0}, St0) ->
- {[M1,F1|As1],St1} = expr_list([M0,F|As0], St0),
- {{call,Line,{remote,Lr,M1,F1},As1},St1};
-expr({call,Line,F,As0}, St0) ->
- {[Fun1|As1],St1} = expr_list([F|As0], St0),
- {{call,Line,Fun1,As1},St1};
-expr({'try',Line,Es0,Scs0,Ccs0,As0}, St0) ->
- {Es1,St1} = exprs(Es0, St0),
- {Scs1,St2} = clauses(Scs0, St1),
- {Ccs1,St3} = clauses(Ccs0, St2),
- {As1,St4} = exprs(As0, St3),
- {{'try',Line,Es1,Scs1,Ccs1,As1},St4};
-expr({'catch',Line,E0}, St0) ->
- {E,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
- {{'catch',Line,E},St1};
-expr({match,Line,P0,E0}, St0) ->
- {E,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
- {P,St2} = pattern(P0, St1),
- {{match,Line,P,E},St2};
-expr({op,Line,Op,A0}, St0) ->
- {A,St1} = expr(A0, St0),
- {{op,Line,Op,A},St1};
-expr({op,Line,Op,L0,R0}, St0) ->
- {L,St1} = expr(L0, St0),
- {R,St2} = expr(R0, St1),
- {{op,Line,Op,L,R},St2}.
-expr_list([E0|Es0], St0) ->
- {E,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
- {Es,St2} = expr_list(Es0, St1),
- {[E|Es],St2};
-expr_list([], St) -> {[],St}.
-%% lc_tq(Line, Qualifiers, State) ->
-%% {[TransQual],State'}
-lc_tq(Line, [{generate,Lg,P0,G0} | Qs0], St0) ->
- {G1,St1} = expr(G0, St0),
- {P1,St2} = pattern(P0, St1),
- {Qs1,St3} = lc_tq(Line, Qs0, St2),
- {[{generate,Lg,P1,G1} | Qs1],St3};
-lc_tq(Line, [{b_generate,Lg,P0,G0}|Qs0], St0) ->
- {G1,St1} = expr(G0, St0),
- {P1,St2} = pattern(P0, St1),
- {Qs1,St3} = lc_tq(Line, Qs0, St2),
- {[{b_generate,Lg,P1,G1}|Qs1],St3};
-lc_tq(Line, [F0 | Qs0], St0) ->
- {F1,St1} = expr(F0, St0),
- {Qs1,St2} = lc_tq(Line, Qs0, St1),
- {[F1|Qs1],St2};
-lc_tq(_Line, [], St0) ->
- {[],St0}.
-%% fun_tq(Line, Body, State) ->
-%% {Fun,State'}
-%% Transform an "explicit" fun {'fun', Line, {clauses, Cs}} into an
-%% extended form {'fun', Line, {clauses, Cs}, Info}, unless it is the
-%% name of a BIF (erl_lint has checked that it is not an import).
-%% "Implicit" funs {'fun', Line, {function, F, A}} are not changed.
-fun_tq(Lf, {function,F,A}=Function, St0) ->
- case erl_internal:bif(F, A) of
- true ->
- {As,St1} = new_vars(A, Lf, St0),
- Cs = [{clause,Lf,As,[],[{call,Lf,{atom,Lf,F},As}]}],
- fun_tq(Lf, {clauses,Cs}, St1);
- false ->
- {Fname,St1} = new_fun_name(St0),
- Index = Uniq = 0,
- {{'fun',Lf,Function,{Index,Uniq,Fname}},St1}
- end;
-fun_tq(L, {function,M,F,A}, St) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
- %% This is the old format for external funs, generated by a pre-R15
- %% compiler. That means that a tool, such as the debugger or xref,
- %% directly invoked this module with the abstract code from a
- %% pre-R15 BEAM file. Be helpful, and translate it to the new format.
- fun_tq(L, {function,{atom,L,M},{atom,L,F},{integer,L,A}}, St);
-fun_tq(Lf, {function,_,_,_}=ExtFun, St) ->
- {{'fun',Lf,ExtFun},St};
-fun_tq(Lf, {clauses,Cs0}, St0) ->
- {Cs1,St1} = clauses(Cs0, St0),
- {Fname,St2} = new_fun_name(St1),
- %% Set dummy values for Index and Uniq -- the real values will
- %% be assigned by beam_asm.
- Index = Uniq = 0,
- {{'fun',Lf,{clauses,Cs1},{Index,Uniq,Fname}},St2}.
-fun_tq(Line, Cs0, St0, Name) ->
- {Cs1,St1} = clauses(Cs0, St0),
- {Fname,St2} = new_fun_name(St1, Name),
- {{named_fun,Line,Name,Cs1,{0,0,Fname}},St2}.
-%% new_fun_name(State) -> {FunName,State}.
-new_fun_name(St) ->
- new_fun_name(St, 'fun').
-new_fun_name(#expand{func=F,arity=A,fcount=I}=St, FName) ->
- Name = "-" ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(A)
- ++ "-" ++ atom_to_list(FName) ++ "-" ++ integer_to_list(I) ++ "-",
- {list_to_atom(Name),St#expand{fcount=I+1}}.
-%% pattern_bin([Element], State) -> {[Element],[Variable],[UsedVar],State}.
-pattern_bin(Es0, St) ->
- Es1 = bin_expand_strings(Es0),
- foldr(fun (E, Acc) -> pattern_element(E, Acc) end, {[],St}, Es1).
-pattern_element({bin_element,Line,Expr0,Size0,Type0}, {Es,St0}) ->
- {Expr1,St1} = pattern(Expr0, St0),
- {Size1,St2} = pat_bit_size(Size0, St1),
- {Size,Type} = make_bit_type(Line, Size1, Type0),
- Expr = coerce_to_float(Expr1, Type0),
- {[{bin_element,Line,Expr,Size,Type}|Es],St2}.
-pat_bit_size(default, St) -> {default,St};
-pat_bit_size({var,_Lv,_V}=Var, St) -> {Var,St};
-pat_bit_size(Size, St) ->
- Line = element(2, Size),
- {value,Sz,_} = erl_eval:expr(Size, erl_eval:new_bindings()),
- {{integer,Line,Sz},St}.
-make_bit_type(Line, default, Type0) ->
- case erl_bits:set_bit_type(default, Type0) of
- {ok,all,Bt} -> {{atom,Line,all},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)};
- {ok,undefined,Bt} -> {{atom,Line,undefined},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)};
- {ok,Size,Bt} -> {{integer,Line,Size},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)}
- end;
-make_bit_type(_Line, Size, Type0) -> %Integer or 'all'
- {ok,Size,Bt} = erl_bits:set_bit_type(Size, Type0),
- {Size,erl_bits:as_list(Bt)}.
-coerce_to_float({integer,L,I}=E, [float|_]) ->
- try
- {float,L,float(I)}
- catch
- error:badarg -> E
- end;
-coerce_to_float(E, _) -> E.
-%% expr_bin([Element], State) -> {[Element],State}.
-expr_bin(Es0, St) ->
- Es1 = bin_expand_strings(Es0),
- foldr(fun (E, Acc) -> bin_element(E, Acc) end, {[],St}, Es1).
-bin_element({bin_element,Line,Expr,Size,Type}, {Es,St0}) ->
- {Expr1,St1} = expr(Expr, St0),
- {Size1,St2} = if Size == default -> {default,St1};
- true -> expr(Size, St1)
- end,
- {Size2,Type1} = make_bit_type(Line, Size1, Type),
- {[{bin_element,Line,Expr1,Size2,Type1}|Es],St2}.
-bin_expand_strings(Es) ->
- foldr(fun ({bin_element,Line,{string,_,S},Sz,Ts}, Es1) ->
- foldr(fun (C, Es2) ->
- [{bin_element,Line,{char,Line,C},Sz,Ts}|Es2]
- end, Es1, S);
- (E, Es1) -> [E|Es1]
- end, [], Es).
-%% new_var_name(State) -> {VarName,State}.
-new_var_name(St) ->
- C = St#expand.vcount,
- {list_to_atom("pre" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#expand{vcount=C+1}}.
-%% new_var(Line, State) -> {Var,State}.
-new_var(L, St0) ->
- {New,St1} = new_var_name(St0),
- {{var,L,New},St1}.
-%% new_vars(Count, Line, State) -> {[Var],State}.
-%% Make Count new variables.
-new_vars(N, L, St) -> new_vars(N, L, St, []).
-new_vars(N, L, St0, Vs) when N > 0 ->
- {V,St1} = new_var(L, St0),
- new_vars(N-1, L, St1, [V|Vs]);
-new_vars(0, _L, St, Vs) -> {Vs,St}.
-string_to_conses(Line, Cs, Tail) ->
- foldr(fun (C, T) -> {cons,Line,{char,Line,C},T} end, Tail, Cs).
-%% import(Line, Imports, State) ->
-%% State'
-%% Handle import declarations.
-import({Mod,Fs}, #expand{ctype=Ctype0}=St) ->
- true = is_atom(Mod),
- Ctype = foldl(fun(F, A) ->
- A#{F=>{imported,Mod}}
- end, Ctype0, Fs),
- St#expand{ctype=Ctype}.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index 4df1aadd0a..3627cdb7cd 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ cg({bif,Bif,As,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
bif_cg(Bif, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
cg({gc_bif,Bif,As,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
gc_bif_cg(Bif, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
+cg({internal,Bif,As,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ internal_cg(Bif, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
cg({receive_loop,Te,Rvar,Rm,Tes,Rs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
recv_loop_cg(Te, Rvar, Rm, Tes, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St);
cg(receive_next, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
@@ -208,15 +210,10 @@ need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,Val}}, H) ->
{tuple,Es} -> 1 + length(Es);
_Other -> 0
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={bif,dsetelement,_As,_Rs},i=I}, H) ->
- {need_heap_need(I, H),0};
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={bif,{make_fun,_,_,_,_},_As,_Rs},i=I}, H) ->
- {need_heap_need(I, H),0};
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={bif,bs_init_writable,_As,_Rs},i=I}, H) ->
- {need_heap_need(I, H),0};
need_heap_1(#l{ke={bif,_Bif,_As,_Rs}}, H) ->
need_heap_1(#l{i=I}, H) ->
+ %% Call or call-like instruction such as set_tuple_element/3.
{need_heap_need(I, H),0}.
need_heap_need(_I, 0) -> [];
@@ -366,7 +363,7 @@ bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={match,Ms0,Rs}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={guard_match,Ms0,Rs}}=L, Old, New, InProt) ->
Ms = bsm_rename_ctx(Ms0, Old, New, InProt),
-bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={test,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
+bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={test,_,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={bif,_,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={gc_bif,_,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
bsm_rename_ctx(#l{ke={set,_,_}}=L, _, _, _) -> L;
@@ -1054,8 +1051,15 @@ guard_cg(#l{ke={protected,Ts,Rs},i=I,vdb=Pdb}, Fail, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
protected_cg(Ts, Rs, Fail, I, Pdb, Bef, St);
guard_cg(#l{ke={block,Ts},i=I,vdb=Bdb}, Fail, _Vdb, Bef, St) ->
guard_cg_list(Ts, Fail, I, Bdb, Bef, St);
-guard_cg(#l{ke={test,Test,As},i=I,vdb=_Tdb}, Fail, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
- test_cg(Test, As, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St);
+guard_cg(#l{ke={test,Test,As,Inverted},i=I,vdb=_Tdb}, Fail, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+ case Inverted of
+ false ->
+ test_cg(Test, As, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St0);
+ true ->
+ {Psucc,St1} = new_label(St0),
+ {Is,Aft,St2} = test_cg(Test, As, Psucc, I, Vdb, Bef, St1),
+ {Is++[{jump,{f,Fail}},{label,Psucc}],Aft,St2}
+ end;
guard_cg(G, _Fail, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%%ok = io:fwrite("cg ~w: ~p~n", [?LINE,{G,Fail,Vdb,Bef}]),
{Gis,Aft,St1} = cg(G, Vdb, Bef, St),
@@ -1106,6 +1110,13 @@ test_cg(is_map, [A], Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
Arg = cg_reg_arg_prefer_y(A, Bef),
Aft = clear_dead(Bef, I, Vdb),
+test_cg(is_boolean, [{atom,Val}], Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ Aft = clear_dead(Bef, I, Vdb),
+ Is = case is_boolean(Val) of
+ true -> [];
+ false -> [{jump,{f,Fail}}]
+ end,
+ {Is,Aft,St};
test_cg(Test, As, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
Args = cg_reg_args(As, Bef),
Aft = clear_dead(Bef, I, Vdb),
@@ -1301,10 +1312,10 @@ trap_bif(erlang, group_leader, 2) -> true;
trap_bif(erlang, exit, 2) -> true;
trap_bif(_, _, _) -> false.
-%% bif_cg(Bif, [Arg], [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
+%% internal_cg(Bif, [Arg], [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
%% {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
-bif_cg(bs_context_to_binary=Instr, [Src0], [], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+internal_cg(bs_context_to_binary=Instr, [Src0], [], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
[Src] = cg_reg_args([Src0], Bef),
case is_register(Src) of
false ->
@@ -1312,25 +1323,34 @@ bif_cg(bs_context_to_binary=Instr, [Src0], [], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
true ->
{[{Instr,Src}],clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb), St0}
-bif_cg(dsetelement, [Index0,Tuple0,New0], _Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+internal_cg(dsetelement, [Index0,Tuple0,New0], _Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
[New,Tuple,{integer,Index1}] = cg_reg_args([New0,Tuple0,Index0], Bef),
Index = Index1-1,
clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb), St0};
-bif_cg({make_fun,Func,Arity,Index,Uniq}, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
+internal_cg(make_fun, [Func0,Arity0|As], Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
%% This behaves more like a function call.
+ {atom,Func} = Func0,
+ {integer,Arity} = Arity0,
{Sis,Int} = cg_setup_call(As, Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
Reg = load_vars(Rs, clear_regs(Int#sr.reg)),
{FuncLbl,St1} = local_func_label(Func, Arity, St0),
- MakeFun = {make_fun2,{f,FuncLbl},Index,Uniq,length(As)},
+ MakeFun = {make_fun2,{f,FuncLbl},0,0,length(As)},
{Sis ++ [MakeFun],
clear_dead(Int#sr{reg=Reg}, Le#l.i, Vdb),
-bif_cg(bs_init_writable=I, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+internal_cg(bs_init_writable=I, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%% This behaves like a function call.
{Sis,Int} = cg_setup_call(As, Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb),
Reg = load_vars(Rs, clear_regs(Int#sr.reg)),
{Sis++[I],clear_dead(Int#sr{reg=Reg}, Le#l.i, Vdb),St};
+internal_cg(raise, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
+ %% raise can be treated like a guard BIF.
+ bif_cg(raise, As, Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St).
+%% bif_cg(Bif, [Arg], [Ret], Le, Vdb, StackReg, State) ->
+%% {[Ainstr],StackReg,State}.
bif_cg(Bif, As, [{var,V}], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
Ars = cg_reg_args(As, Bef),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
index d71411de80..f40cf97f57 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl
@@ -137,11 +137,13 @@
-record(core, {vcount=0 :: non_neg_integer(), %Variable counter
fcount=0 :: non_neg_integer(), %Function counter
+ function={none,0} :: fa(), %Current function.
in_guard=false :: boolean(), %In guard or not.
wanted=true :: boolean(), %Result wanted or not.
opts :: [compile:option()], %Options.
ws=[] :: [warning()], %Warnings.
- file=[{file,""}]}). %File
+ file=[{file,""}] %File.
+ }).
%% XXX: The following type declarations do not belong in this module
-type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}.
@@ -149,38 +151,77 @@
-type form() :: {function, integer(), atom(), arity(), _}
| {attribute, integer(), attribute(), _}.
--spec module({module(), [fa()], [form()]}, [compile:option()]) ->
+-record(imodule, {name = [],
+ exports = ordsets:new(),
+ attrs = [],
+ defs = [],
+ file = [],
+ opts = [],
+ ws = []}).
+-spec module([form()], [compile:option()]) ->
-module({Mod,Exp,Forms}, Opts) ->
- Cexp = map(fun ({_N,_A} = NA) -> #c_var{name=NA} end, Exp),
- {Kfs0,As0,Ws,_File} = foldl(fun (F, Acc) ->
- form(F, Acc, Opts)
- end, {[],[],[],[]}, Forms),
- Kfs = reverse(Kfs0),
+module(Forms0, Opts) ->
+ Forms = erl_internal:add_predefined_functions(Forms0),
+ Module = foldl(fun (F, Acc) ->
+ form(F, Acc, Opts)
+ end, #imodule{}, Forms),
+ #imodule{name=Mod,exports=Exp0,attrs=As0,defs=Kfs0,ws=Ws} = Module,
+ Exp = case member(export_all, Opts) of
+ true -> defined_functions(Forms);
+ false -> Exp0
+ end,
+ Cexp = [#c_var{name=FA} || {_,_}=FA <- Exp],
As = reverse(As0),
+ Kfs = reverse(Kfs0),
-form({function,_,_,_,_}=F0, {Fs,As,Ws0,File}, Opts) ->
+form({function,_,_,_,_}=F0, Module, Opts) ->
+ #imodule{file=File,defs=Defs,ws=Ws0} = Module,
{F,Ws} = function(F0, Ws0, File, Opts),
- {[F|Fs],As,Ws,File};
-form({attribute,_,file,{File,_Line}}, {Fs,As,Ws,_}, _Opts) ->
- {Fs,As,Ws,File};
-form({attribute,_,_,_}=F, {Fs,As,Ws,File}, _Opts) ->
- {Fs,[attribute(F)|As],Ws,File}.
+ Module#imodule{defs=[F|Defs],ws=Ws};
+form({attribute,_,module,Mod}, Module, _Opts) ->
+ true = is_atom(Mod),
+ Module#imodule{name=Mod};
+form({attribute,_,file,{File,_Line}}, Module, _Opts) ->
+ Module#imodule{file=File};
+form({attribute,_,compile,_}, Module, _Opts) ->
+ %% Ignore compilation options.
+ Module;
+form({attribute,_,import,_}, Module, _Opts) ->
+ %% Ignore. We have no futher use for imports.
+ Module;
+form({attribute,_,export,Es}, #imodule{exports=Exp0}=Module, _Opts) ->
+ Exp = ordsets:union(ordsets:from_list(Es), Exp0),
+ Module#imodule{exports=Exp};
+form({attribute,_,_,_}=F, #imodule{attrs=As}=Module, _Opts) ->
+ Module#imodule{attrs=[attribute(F)|As]};
+form(_, Module, _Opts) ->
+ %% Ignore uninteresting forms such as 'eof'.
+ Module.
attribute(Attribute) ->
Fun = fun(A) -> [erl_anno:location(A)] end,
- {attribute,Line,Name,Val} = erl_parse:map_anno(Fun, Attribute),
+ {attribute,Line,Name,Val0} = erl_parse:map_anno(Fun, Attribute),
+ Val = if
+ is_list(Val0) -> Val0;
+ true -> [Val0]
+ end,
{#c_literal{val=Name, anno=Line}, #c_literal{val=Val, anno=Line}}.
+defined_functions(Forms) ->
+ Fs = [{Name,Arity} || {function,_,Name,Arity,_} <- Forms],
+ ordsets:from_list(Fs).
%% function_dump(module_info,_,_,_) -> ok;
%% function_dump(Name,Arity,Format,Terms) ->
%% io:format("~w/~w " ++ Format,[Name,Arity]++Terms),
%% ok.
function({function,_,Name,Arity,Cs0}, Ws0, File, Opts) ->
- St0 = #core{vcount=0,opts=Opts,ws=Ws0,file=[{file,File}]},
+ St0 = #core{vcount=0,function={Name,Arity},opts=Opts,
+ ws=Ws0,file=[{file,File}]},
{B0,St1} = body(Cs0, Name, Arity, St0),
%% ok = function_dump(Name,Arity,"body:~n~p~n",[B0]),
{B1,St2} = ubody(B0, St1),
@@ -632,9 +673,11 @@ expr({'catch',L,E0}, St0) ->
{E1,Eps,St1} = expr(E0, St0),
Lanno = lineno_anno(L, St1),
{#icatch{anno=#a{anno=Lanno},body=Eps ++ [E1]},[],St1};
-expr({'fun',L,{function,F,A},{_,_,_}=Id}, St) ->
- Lanno = full_anno(L, St),
- {#c_var{anno=Lanno++[{id,Id}],name={F,A}},[],St};
+expr({'fun',L,{function,F,A}}, St0) ->
+ {Fname,St1} = new_fun_name(St0),
+ Lanno = full_anno(L, St1),
+ Id = {0,0,Fname},
+ {#c_var{anno=Lanno++[{id,Id}],name={F,A}},[],St1};
expr({'fun',L,{function,M,F,A}}, St0) ->
{As,Aps,St1} = safe_list([M,F,A], St0),
Lanno = full_anno(L, St1),
@@ -642,12 +685,12 @@ expr({'fun',L,{function,M,F,A}}, St0) ->
-expr({'fun',L,{clauses,Cs},Id}, St) ->
- fun_tq(Id, Cs, L, St, unnamed);
-expr({named_fun,L,'_',Cs,Id}, St) ->
- fun_tq(Id, Cs, L, St, unnamed);
-expr({named_fun,L,Name,Cs,Id}, St) ->
- fun_tq(Id, Cs, L, St, {named,Name});
+expr({'fun',L,{clauses,Cs}}, St) ->
+ fun_tq(Cs, L, St, unnamed);
+expr({named_fun,L,'_',Cs}, St) ->
+ fun_tq(Cs, L, St, unnamed);
+expr({named_fun,L,Name,Cs}, St) ->
+ fun_tq(Cs, L, St, {named,Name});
expr({call,L,{remote,_,M,F},As0}, St0) ->
{[M1,F1|As1],Aps,St1} = safe_list([M,F|As0], St0),
Anno = full_anno(L, St1),
@@ -899,14 +942,29 @@ try_after(As, St0) ->
%% record whereas c_literal should not have a wrapped annotation
expr_bin(Es0, Anno, St0) ->
- case constant_bin(Es0) of
+ Es1 = [bin_element(E) || E <- Es0],
+ case constant_bin(Es1) of
error ->
- {Es,Eps,St} = expr_bin_1(Es0, St0),
+ {Es,Eps,St} = expr_bin_1(bin_expand_strings(Es1), St0),
Bin ->
+bin_element({bin_element,Line,Expr,Size0,Type0}) ->
+ {Size,Type} = make_bit_type(Line, Size0, Type0),
+ {bin_element,Line,Expr,Size,Type}.
+make_bit_type(Line, default, Type0) ->
+ case erl_bits:set_bit_type(default, Type0) of
+ {ok,all,Bt} -> {{atom,Line,all},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)};
+ {ok,undefined,Bt} -> {{atom,Line,undefined},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)};
+ {ok,Size,Bt} -> {{integer,Line,Size},erl_bits:as_list(Bt)}
+ end;
+make_bit_type(_Line, Size, Type0) -> %Integer or 'all'
+ {ok,Size,Bt} = erl_bits:set_bit_type(Size, Type0),
+ {Size,erl_bits:as_list(Bt)}.
%% constant_bin([{bin_element,_,_,_,_}]) -> binary() | error
%% If the binary construction is truly constant (no variables,
%% no native fields), and does not contain fields whose expansion
@@ -923,7 +981,8 @@ constant_bin(Es) ->
constant_bin_1(Es) ->
EmptyBindings = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
- EvalFun = fun({integer,_,I}, B) -> {value,I,B};
+ EvalFun = fun({string,_,S}, B) -> {value,S,B};
+ ({integer,_,I}, B) -> {value,I,B};
({char,_,C}, B) -> {value,C,B};
({float,_,F}, B) -> {value,F,B};
({atom,_,undefined}, B) -> {value,undefined,B}
@@ -944,6 +1003,9 @@ verify_suitable_fields([{bin_element,_,Val,SzTerm,Opts}|Es]) ->
{unit,Unit} = keyfind(unit, 1, Opts),
case {SzTerm,Val} of
+ {{atom,_,undefined},{string,_,_}} ->
+ %% UTF-8/16/32.
+ ok;
{{atom,_,undefined},{char,_,_}} ->
%% UTF-8/16/32.
@@ -983,6 +1045,14 @@ count_bits(Int) ->
count_bits_1(0, Bits) -> Bits;
count_bits_1(Int, Bits) -> count_bits_1(Int bsr 64, Bits+64).
+bin_expand_strings(Es) ->
+ foldr(fun ({bin_element,Line,{string,_,S},Sz,Ts}, Es1) ->
+ foldr(fun (C, Es2) ->
+ [{bin_element,Line,{char,Line,C},Sz,Ts}|Es2]
+ end, Es1, S);
+ (E, Es1) -> [E|Es1]
+ end, [], Es).
expr_bin_1(Es, St) ->
foldr(fun (E, {Ces,Esp,St0}) ->
{Ce,Ep,St1} = bitstr(E, St0),
@@ -1018,17 +1088,19 @@ bitstr({bin_element,_,E0,Size0,[Type,{unit,Unit}|Flags]}, St0) ->
%% fun_tq(Id, [Clauses], Line, State, NameInfo) -> {Fun,[PreExp],State}.
-fun_tq({_,_,Name}=Id, Cs0, L, St0, NameInfo) ->
+fun_tq(Cs0, L, St0, NameInfo) ->
Arity = clause_arity(hd(Cs0)),
{Cs1,Ceps,St1} = clauses(Cs0, St0),
{Args,St2} = new_vars(Arity, St1),
{Ps,St3} = new_vars(Arity, St2), %Need new variables here
Anno = full_anno(L, St3),
+ {Name,St4} = new_fun_name(St3),
Fc = function_clause(Ps, Anno, {Name,Arity}),
+ Id = {0,0,Name},
Fun = #ifun{anno=#a{anno=Anno},
id=[{id,Id}], %We KNOW!
- {Fun,Ceps,St3}.
+ {Fun,Ceps,St4}.
%% lc_tq(Line, Exp, [Qualifier], Mc, State) -> {LetRec,[PreExp],State}.
%% This TQ from Simon PJ pp 127-138.
@@ -1354,8 +1426,9 @@ list_gen_pattern(P0, Line, St) ->
%%% the result binary in a binary comprehension.
-bc_initial_size(E, Q, St0) ->
+bc_initial_size(E0, Q, St0) ->
+ E = bin_bin_element(E0),
{ElemSzExpr,ElemSzPre,EVs,St1} = bc_elem_size(E, St0),
{V,St2} = new_var(St1),
{GenSzExpr,GenSzPre,St3} = bc_gen_size(Q, EVs, St2),
@@ -1394,11 +1467,15 @@ bc_elem_size({bin,_,El}, St0) ->
bc_elem_size(_, _) ->
-bc_elem_size_1([{bin_element,_,_,{integer,_,N},Flags}|Es], Bits, Vars) ->
- {unit,U} = keyfind(unit, 1, Flags),
+ Bits, Vars) ->
+ U = get_unit(El),
+ bc_elem_size_1(Es, Bits+U*N*length(String), Vars);
+bc_elem_size_1([{bin_element,_,_,{integer,_,N},_}=El|Es], Bits, Vars) ->
+ U = get_unit(El),
bc_elem_size_1(Es, Bits+U*N, Vars);
-bc_elem_size_1([{bin_element,_,_,{var,_,Var},Flags}|Es], Bits, Vars) ->
- {unit,U} = keyfind(unit, 1, Flags),
+bc_elem_size_1([{bin_element,_,_,{var,_,Var},_}=El|Es], Bits, Vars) ->
+ U = get_unit(El),
bc_elem_size_1(Es, Bits, [{U,#c_var{name=Var}}|Vars]);
bc_elem_size_1([_|_], _, _) ->
@@ -1455,7 +1532,9 @@ bc_gen_size_1([{generate,L,El,Gen}|Qs], EVs, E0, Pre0, St0) ->
{E,Pre,St} = bc_gen_size_mul(E0, #c_literal{val=Len}, Pre0, St0),
bc_gen_size_1(Qs, EVs, E, Pre, St)
-bc_gen_size_1([{b_generate,_,El,Gen}|Qs], EVs, E0, Pre0, St0) ->
+bc_gen_size_1([{b_generate,_,El0,Gen0}|Qs], EVs, E0, Pre0, St0) ->
+ El = bin_bin_element(El0),
+ Gen = bin_bin_element(Gen0),
bc_verify_non_filtering(El, EVs),
{MatchSzExpr,Pre1,_,St1} = bc_elem_size(El, St0),
Pre2 = reverse(Pre1, Pre0),
@@ -1471,6 +1550,10 @@ bc_gen_size_1([], _, E, Pre, St) ->
bc_gen_size_1(_, _, _, _, _) ->
+bin_bin_element({bin,L,El}) ->
+ {bin,L,[bin_element(E) || E <- El]};
+bin_bin_element(Other) -> Other.
bc_gen_bit_size({var,L,V}, Pre0, St0) ->
Lanno = lineno_anno(L, St0),
{SzVar,St} = new_var(St0),
@@ -1513,8 +1596,11 @@ bc_list_length(_, _) ->
bc_bin_size({bin,_,Els}) ->
bc_bin_size_1(Els, 0).
-bc_bin_size_1([{bin_element,_,_,{integer,_,Sz},Flags}|Els], N) ->
- {unit,U} = keyfind(unit, 1, Flags),
+bc_bin_size_1([{bin_element,_,{string,_,String},{integer,_,Sz},_}=El|Els], N) ->
+ U = get_unit(El),
+ bc_bin_size_1(Els, N+U*Sz*length(String));
+bc_bin_size_1([{bin_element,_,_,{integer,_,Sz},_}=El|Els], N) ->
+ U = get_unit(El),
bc_bin_size_1(Els, N+U*Sz);
bc_bin_size_1([], N) -> N;
bc_bin_size_1(_, _) -> throw(impossible).
@@ -1549,11 +1635,24 @@ bc_bsr(E1, E2) ->
-%% is_guard_test(Expression) -> true | false.
-%% Test if a general expression is a guard test. Use erl_lint here
-%% as it now allows sys_pre_expand transformed source.
+get_unit({bin_element,_,_,_,Flags}) ->
+ {unit,U} = keyfind(unit, 1, Flags),
+ U.
-is_guard_test(E) -> erl_lint:is_guard_test(E).
+%% is_guard_test(Expression) -> true | false.
+%% Test if a general expression is a guard test.
+%% Note that a local function overrides a BIF with the same name.
+%% For example, if there is a local function named is_list/1,
+%% any unqualified call to is_list/1 will be to the local function.
+%% The guard function must be explicitly called as erlang:is_list/1.
+is_guard_test(E) ->
+ %% erl_expand_records has added a module prefix to any call
+ %% to a BIF or imported function. Any call without a module
+ %% prefix that remains must therefore be to a local function.
+ IsOverridden = fun({_,_}) -> true end,
+ erl_lint:is_guard_test(E, [], IsOverridden).
%% novars(Expr, State) -> {Novars,[PreExpr],State}.
%% Generate a novars expression, basically a call or a safe. At this
@@ -1696,7 +1795,18 @@ pattern({bin,L,Ps}, St) ->
pattern({match,_,P1,P2}, St) ->
{Cp1,Eps1,St1} = pattern(P1,St),
{Cp2,Eps2,St2} = pattern(P2,St1),
- {pat_alias(Cp1,Cp2),Eps1++Eps2,St2}.
+ {pat_alias(Cp1,Cp2),Eps1++Eps2,St2};
+%% Evaluate compile-time expressions.
+pattern({op,_,'++',{nil,_},R}, St) ->
+ pattern(R, St);
+pattern({op,_,'++',{cons,Li,H,T},R}, St) ->
+ pattern({cons,Li,H,{op,Li,'++',T,R}}, St);
+pattern({op,_,'++',{string,Li,L},R}, St) ->
+ pattern(string_to_conses(Li, L, R), St);
+pattern({op,_Line,_Op,_A}=Op, St) ->
+ pattern(erl_eval:partial_eval(Op), St);
+pattern({op,_Line,_Op,_L,_R}=Op, St) ->
+ pattern(erl_eval:partial_eval(Op), St).
%% pattern_map_pairs([MapFieldExact],State) -> [#c_map_pairs{}]
pattern_map_pairs(Ps, St) ->
@@ -1736,18 +1846,29 @@ pat_alias_map_pairs_1([]) -> [].
%% pat_bin([BinElement], State) -> [BinSeg].
-pat_bin(Ps, St) -> [pat_segment(P, St) || P <- Ps].
+pat_bin(Ps, St) -> [pat_segment(P, St) || P <- bin_expand_strings(Ps)].
-pat_segment({bin_element,L,Val,Size,[Type,{unit,Unit}|Flags]}, St) ->
+pat_segment({bin_element,L,Val,Size0,Type0}, St) ->
+ {Size,Type1} = make_bit_type(L, Size0, Type0),
+ [Type,{unit,Unit}|Flags] = Type1,
Anno = lineno_anno(L, St),
- {Pval,[],St1} = pattern(Val,St),
- {Psize,[],_St2} = pattern(Size,St1),
+ {Pval0,[],St1} = pattern(Val, St),
+ Pval = coerce_to_float(Pval0, Type0),
+ {Psize,[],_St2} = pattern(Size, St1),
+coerce_to_float(#c_literal{val=Int}=E, [float|_]) when is_integer(Int) ->
+ try
+ E#c_literal{val=float(Int)}
+ catch
+ error:badarg -> E
+ end;
+coerce_to_float(E, _) -> E.
%% pat_alias(CorePat, CorePat) -> AliasPat.
%% Normalise aliases. Trap bad aliases by throwing 'nomatch'.
@@ -1817,11 +1938,18 @@ pattern_list([P0|Ps0], St0) ->
pattern_list([], St) ->
+string_to_conses(Line, Cs, Tail) ->
+ foldr(fun (C, T) -> {cons,Line,{char,Line,C},T} end, Tail, Cs).
%% make_vars([Name]) -> [{Var,Name}].
make_vars(Vs) -> [ #c_var{name=V} || V <- Vs ].
+new_fun_name(#core{function={F,A},fcount=I}=St) ->
+ Name = "-" ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(A)
+ ++ "-fun-" ++ integer_to_list(I) ++ "-",
+ {list_to_atom(Name),St#core{fcount=I+1}}.
%% new_fun_name(Type, State) -> {FunName,State}.
new_fun_name(Type, #core{fcount=C}=St) ->
@@ -1830,7 +1958,7 @@ new_fun_name(Type, #core{fcount=C}=St) ->
%% new_var_name(State) -> {VarName,State}.
new_var_name(#core{vcount=C}=St) ->
- {list_to_atom("cor" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#core{vcount=C + 1}}.
+ {list_to_atom("@c" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#core{vcount=C + 1}}.
%% new_var(State) -> {{var,Name},State}.
%% new_var(LineAnno, State) -> {{var,Name},State}.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index b4bbc5e739..2bfa610628 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,splitwith/2,member/2,
- keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2,droplast/1,last/1]).
+ keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2,droplast/1,last/1,sort/1]).
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,union/2,union/1,subtract/2]).
-import(cerl, [c_tuple/1]).
@@ -190,9 +190,479 @@ body(Ce, Sub, St0) ->
guard(G0, Sub, St0) ->
{G1,St1} = wrap_guard(G0, St0),
{Ge0,Pre,St2} = expr(G1, Sub, St1),
- {Ge,St} = gexpr_test(Ge0, St2),
+ {Ge1,St3} = gexpr_test(Ge0, St2),
+ {Ge,St} = guard_opt(Ge1, St3),
{pre_seq(Pre, Ge),St}.
+%% guard_opt(Kexpr, State) -> {Kexpr,State}.
+%% Optimize the Kexpr for the guard. Instead of evaluating a boolean
+%% expression comparing it to 'true' in a final #k_test{},
+%% replace BIF calls with #k_test{} in the expression.
+%% As an example, take the guard:
+%% when is_integer(V0), is_atom(V1) ->
+%% The unoptimized Kexpr translated to pseudo BEAM assembly
+%% code would look like:
+%% bif is_integer V0 => Bool0
+%% bif is_atom V1 => Bool1
+%% bif and Bool0 Bool1 => Bool
+%% test Bool =:= true else goto Fail
+%% ...
+%% Fail:
+%% ...
+%% The optimized code would look like:
+%% test is_integer V0 else goto Fail
+%% test is_atom V1 else goto Fail
+%% ...
+%% Fail:
+%% ...
+%% An 'or' operation is only slightly more complicated:
+%% test is_integer V0 else goto NotFailedYet
+%% goto Success
+%% NotFailedYet:
+%% test is_atom V1 else goto Fail
+%% Success:
+%% ...
+%% Fail:
+%% ...
+guard_opt(G, St0) ->
+ {Root,Forest0,St1} = make_forest(G, St0),
+ {Exprs,Forest,St} = rewrite_bool(Root, Forest0, false, St1),
+ E = forest_pre_seq(Exprs, Forest),
+ {G#k_try{arg=E},St}.
+%% rewrite_bool(Kexpr, Forest, Inv, St) -> {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
+%% Rewrite Kexpr to use #k_test{} operations instead of comparison
+%% and type test BIFs.
+%% If Kexpr is a #k_test{} operation, the call will always
+%% succeed. Otherwise, a 'not_possible' exception will be
+%% thrown if Kexpr cannot be rewritten.
+ args=[#k_var{}=V,#k_atom{val=true}]}=Test, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ try rewrite_bool_var(V, Forest0, Inv, St0) of
+ {_,_,_}=Res ->
+ Res
+ catch
+ throw:not_possible ->
+ {[Test],Forest0,St0}
+ end;
+ args=[#k_var{}=V,#k_atom{val=false}]}=Test, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ try rewrite_bool_var(V, Forest0, not Inv, St0) of
+ {_,_,_}=Res ->
+ Res
+ catch
+ throw:not_possible ->
+ {[Test],Forest0,St0}
+ end;
+ args=[#k_atom{val=V1},#k_atom{val=V2}]}, Forest0, false, St0) ->
+ case V1 =:= V2 of
+ true ->
+ {[make_test(is_boolean, [#k_atom{val=true}])],Forest0,St0};
+ false ->
+ {[make_failing_test()],Forest0,St0}
+ end;
+rewrite_bool(#k_test{}=Test, Forest, false, St) ->
+ {[Test],Forest,St};
+ handler=#k_atom{val=false},ret=[]}=Prot,
+ Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ {Root,Forest1,St1} = make_forest(Prot, Forest0, St0),
+ {Exprs,Forest2,St} = rewrite_bool(Root, Forest1, Inv, St1),
+ InnerForest = maps:without(maps:keys(Forest0), Forest2),
+ Forest = maps:without(maps:keys(InnerForest), Forest2),
+ E = forest_pre_seq(Exprs, InnerForest),
+ {[Prot#k_try{arg=E}],Forest,St};
+rewrite_bool(#k_match{body=Body,ret=[]}, Forest, Inv, St) ->
+ rewrite_match(Body, Forest, Inv, St);
+rewrite_bool(Other, Forest, Inv, St) ->
+ case extract_bif(Other) of
+ {Name,Args} ->
+ rewrite_bif(Name, Args, Forest, Inv, St);
+ error ->
+ throw(not_possible)
+ end.
+%% rewrite_bool_var(Var, Forest, Inv, St) -> {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
+%% Rewrite the boolean expression whose key in Forest is
+%% given by Var. Throw a 'not_possible' expression if something
+%% prevents the rewriting.
+rewrite_bool_var(Arg, Forest0, Inv, St) ->
+ {Expr,Forest} = forest_take_expr(Arg, Forest0),
+ rewrite_bool(Expr, Forest, Inv, St).
+%% rewrite_bool_args([Kexpr], Forest, Inv, St) -> {[[Kexpr]],Forest,St}.
+%% Rewrite each Kexpr in the list. The input Kexpr should be variables
+%% or boolean values. Throw a 'not_possible' expression if something
+%% prevents the rewriting.
+%% This function is suitable for handling the arguments for both
+%% 'and' and 'or'.
+rewrite_bool_args([#k_atom{val=B}=A|Vs], Forest0, false=Inv, St0) when is_boolean(B) ->
+ {Tail,Forest1,St1} = rewrite_bool_args(Vs, Forest0, Inv, St0),
+ Bif = make_bif('=:=', [A,#k_atom{val=true}]),
+ {Exprs,Forest,St} = rewrite_bool(Bif, Forest1, Inv, St1),
+ {[Exprs|Tail],Forest,St};
+rewrite_bool_args([#k_var{}=Var|Vs], Forest0, false=Inv, St0) ->
+ {Tail,Forest1,St1} = rewrite_bool_args(Vs, Forest0, Inv, St0),
+ {Exprs,Forest,St} =
+ case is_bool_expr(Var, Forest0) of
+ true ->
+ rewrite_bool_var(Var, Forest1, Inv, St1);
+ false ->
+ Bif = make_bif('=:=', [Var,#k_atom{val=true}]),
+ rewrite_bool(Bif, Forest1, Inv, St1)
+ end,
+ {[Exprs|Tail],Forest,St};
+rewrite_bool_args([_|_], _Forest, _Inv, _St) ->
+ throw(not_possible);
+rewrite_bool_args([], Forest, _Inv, St) ->
+ {[],Forest,St}.
+%% rewrite_bif(Name, [Kexpr], Forest, Inv, St) -> {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
+%% Rewrite a BIF. Throw a 'not_possible' expression if something
+%% prevents the rewriting.
+rewrite_bif('or', Args, Forest, true, St) ->
+ rewrite_not_args('and', Args, Forest, St);
+rewrite_bif('and', Args, Forest, true, St) ->
+ rewrite_not_args('or', Args, Forest, St);
+rewrite_bif('and', [#k_atom{val=Val},Arg], Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ false = Inv, %Assertion.
+ case Val of
+ true ->
+ %% The result only depends on Arg.
+ rewrite_bool_var(Arg, Forest0, Inv, St0);
+ _ ->
+ %% Will fail. There is no need to evalute the expression
+ %% represented by Arg. Take it out from the forest and
+ %% discard the expression.
+ Failing = make_failing_test(),
+ try rewrite_bool_var(Arg, Forest0, Inv, St0) of
+ {_,Forest,St} ->
+ {[Failing],Forest,St}
+ catch
+ throw:not_possible ->
+ try forest_take_expr(Arg, Forest0) of
+ {_,Forest} ->
+ {[Failing],Forest,St0}
+ catch
+ throw:not_possible ->
+ %% Arg is probably a variable bound in an
+ %% outer scope.
+ {[Failing],Forest0,St0}
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+rewrite_bif('and', [Arg,#k_atom{}=Atom], Forest, Inv, St) ->
+ false = Inv, %Assertion.
+ rewrite_bif('and', [Atom,Arg], Forest, Inv, St);
+rewrite_bif('and', Args, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ false = Inv, %Assertion.
+ {[Es1,Es2],Forest,St} = rewrite_bool_args(Args, Forest0, Inv, St0),
+ {Es1 ++ Es2,Forest,St};
+rewrite_bif('or', Args, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ false = Inv, %Assertion.
+ {[First,Then],Forest,St} = rewrite_bool_args(Args, Forest0, Inv, St0),
+ Alt = make_alt(First, Then),
+ {[Alt],Forest,St};
+rewrite_bif('xor', [_,_], _Forest, _Inv, _St) ->
+ %% Rewriting 'xor' is not practical. Fortunately, 'xor' is
+ %% almost never used in practice.
+ throw(not_possible);
+rewrite_bif('not', [Arg], Forest0, Inv, St) ->
+ {Expr,Forest} = forest_take_expr(Arg, Forest0),
+ rewrite_bool(Expr, Forest, not Inv, St);
+rewrite_bif(Op, Args, Forest, Inv, St) ->
+ case is_test(Op, Args) of
+ true ->
+ rewrite_bool(make_test(Op, Args, Inv), Forest, false, St);
+ false ->
+ throw(not_possible)
+ end.
+rewrite_not_args(Op, [A0,B0], Forest0, St0) ->
+ {A,Forest1,St1} = rewrite_not_args_1(A0, Forest0, St0),
+ {B,Forest2,St2} = rewrite_not_args_1(B0, Forest1, St1),
+ rewrite_bif(Op, [A,B], Forest2, false, St2).
+rewrite_not_args_1(Arg, Forest, St) ->
+ Not = make_bif('not', [Arg]),
+ forest_add_expr(Not, Forest, St).
+%% rewrite_match(Kvar, TypeClause, Forest, Inv, St) ->
+%% {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
+%% Try to rewrite a #k_match{} originating from an 'andalso' or an 'orelse'.
+rewrite_match(#k_alt{first=First,then=Then}, Forest, Inv, St) ->
+ case {First,Then} of
+ {#k_select{var=#k_var{name=V}=Var,types=[TypeClause]},#k_var{name=V}} ->
+ rewrite_match_1(Var, TypeClause, Forest, Inv, St);
+ {_,_} ->
+ throw(not_possible)
+ end.
+rewrite_match_1(Var, #k_type_clause{values=Cs0}, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ Cs = sort([{Val,B} || #k_val_clause{val=#k_atom{val=Val},body=B} <- Cs0]),
+ case Cs of
+ [{false,False},{true,True}] ->
+ rewrite_match_2(Var, False, True, Forest0, Inv, St0);
+ _ ->
+ throw(not_possible)
+ end.
+rewrite_match_2(Var, False, #k_atom{val=true}, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ %% Originates from an 'orelse'.
+ case False of
+ #k_atom{val=NotBool} when not is_boolean(NotBool) ->
+ rewrite_bool(Var, Forest0, Inv, St0);
+ _ ->
+ {CodeVar,Forest1,St1} = add_protected_expr(False, Forest0, St0),
+ rewrite_bif('or', [Var,CodeVar], Forest1, Inv, St1)
+ end;
+rewrite_match_2(Var, #k_atom{val=false}, True, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
+ %% Originates from an 'andalso'.
+ {CodeVar,Forest1,St1} = add_protected_expr(True, Forest0, St0),
+ rewrite_bif('and', [Var,CodeVar], Forest1, Inv, St1);
+rewrite_match_2(_V, _, _, _Forest, _Inv, _St) ->
+ throw(not_possible).
+%% is_bool_expr(#k_var{}, Forest) -> true|false.
+%% Return true if the variable refers to a boolean expression
+%% that does not need an explicit '=:= true' test.
+is_bool_expr(V, Forest) ->
+ case forest_peek_expr(V, Forest) of
+ error ->
+ %% Defined outside of the guard. We can't know.
+ false;
+ Expr ->
+ case extract_bif(Expr) of
+ {Name,Args} ->
+ is_test(Name, Args) orelse
+ erl_internal:bool_op(Name, length(Args));
+ error ->
+ %% Not a BIF. Should be possible to rewrite
+ %% to a boolean. Definitely does not need
+ %% a '=:= true' test.
+ true
+ end
+ end.
+make_bif(Op, Args) ->
+ #k_bif{op=#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},
+ name=#k_atom{val=Op},
+ arity=length(Args)},
+ args=Args}.
+ name=#k_atom{val=Name}},
+ args=Args}) ->
+ {Name,Args};
+extract_bif(_) ->
+ error.
+%% make_alt(First, Then) -> KMatch.
+%% Make a #k_alt{} within a #k_match{} to implement
+%% 'or' or 'orelse'.
+make_alt(First0, Then0) ->
+ First1 = pre_seq(droplast(First0), last(First0)),
+ Then1 = pre_seq(droplast(Then0), last(Then0)),
+ First2 = make_protected(First1),
+ Then2 = make_protected(Then1),
+ Body = #k_atom{val=ignored},
+ First3 = #k_guard_clause{guard=First2,body=Body},
+ Then3 = #k_guard_clause{guard=Then2,body=Body},
+ First = #k_guard{clauses=[First3]},
+ Then = #k_guard{clauses=[Then3]},
+ Alt = #k_alt{first=First,then=Then},
+ #k_match{vars=[],body=Alt}.
+add_protected_expr(#k_atom{}=Atom, Forest, St) ->
+ {Atom,Forest,St};
+add_protected_expr(#k_var{}=Var, Forest, St) ->
+ {Var,Forest,St};
+add_protected_expr(E0, Forest, St) ->
+ E = make_protected(E0),
+ forest_add_expr(E, Forest, St).
+make_protected(#k_try{}=Try) ->
+ Try;
+make_protected(B) ->
+ #k_try{arg=B,vars=[#k_var{name=''}],body=#k_var{name=''},
+ handler=#k_atom{val=false}}.
+make_failing_test() ->
+ make_test(is_boolean, [#k_atom{val=fail}]).
+make_test(Op, Args) ->
+ make_test(Op, Args, false).
+make_test(Op, Args, Inv) ->
+ Remote = #k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},
+ name=#k_atom{val=Op},
+ arity=length(Args)},
+ #k_test{op=Remote,args=Args,inverted=Inv}.
+is_test(Op, Args) ->
+ A = length(Args),
+ erl_internal:new_type_test(Op, A) orelse erl_internal:comp_op(Op, A).
+%% make_forest(Kexpr, St) -> {RootKexpr,Forest,St}.
+%% Build a forest out of Kexpr. RootKexpr is the final expression
+%% nested inside Kexpr.
+make_forest(G, St) ->
+ make_forest_1(G, #{}, 0, St).
+%% make_forest(Kexpr, St) -> {RootKexpr,Forest,St}.
+%% Add to Forest from Kexpr. RootKexpr is the final expression
+%% nested inside Kexpr.
+make_forest(G, Forest0, St) ->
+ N = forest_next_index(Forest0),
+ make_forest_1(G, Forest0, N, St).
+make_forest_1(#k_try{arg=B}, Forest, I, St) ->
+ make_forest_1(B, Forest, I, St);
+make_forest_1(#iset{vars=[]}=Iset0, Forest, I, St0) ->
+ {UnrefVar,St} = new_var(St0),
+ Iset = Iset0#iset{vars=[UnrefVar]},
+ make_forest_1(Iset, Forest, I, St);
+make_forest_1(#iset{vars=[#k_var{name=V}],arg=Arg,body=B}, Forest0, I, St) ->
+ Forest = Forest0#{V => {I,Arg}, {untaken,V} => true},
+ make_forest_1(B, Forest, I+1, St);
+make_forest_1(Innermost, Forest, _I, St) ->
+ {Innermost,Forest,St}.
+%% forest_take_expr(Kexpr, Forest) -> {Expr,Forest}.
+%% If Kexpr is a variable, take out the expression corresponding
+%% to variable in Forest. Expressions that have been taken out
+%% of the forest will not be included the Kexpr returned
+%% by forest_pre_seq/2.
+%% Throw a 'not_possible' exception if Kexpr is not a variable or
+%% if the name of the variable is not a key in Forest.
+forest_take_expr(#k_var{name=V}, Forest0) ->
+ %% v3_core currently always generates guard expressions that can
+ %% be represented as a tree. Other code generators (such as LFE)
+ %% could generate guard expressions that can only be represented
+ %% as a DAG (i.e. some nodes are referenced more than once). To
+ %% handle DAGs, we must never remove a node from the forest, but
+ %% just remove the {untaken,V} marker. That will effectively convert
+ %% the DAG to a tree by duplicating the shared nodes and their
+ %% descendants.
+ case maps:find(V, Forest0) of
+ {ok,{_,Expr}} ->
+ Forest = maps:remove({untaken,V}, Forest0),
+ {Expr,Forest};
+ error ->
+ throw(not_possible)
+ end;
+forest_take_expr(_, _) ->
+ throw(not_possible).
+%% forest_peek_expr(Kvar, Forest) -> Kexpr | error.
+%% Return the expression corresponding to Kvar in Forest or
+%% return 'error' if there is a corresponding expression.
+forest_peek_expr(#k_var{name=V}, Forest0) ->
+ case maps:find(V, Forest0) of
+ {ok,{_,Expr}} -> Expr;
+ error -> error
+ end.
+%% forest_add_expr(Kexpr, Forest, St) -> {Kvar,Forest,St}.
+%% Add a new expression to Forest.
+forest_add_expr(Expr, Forest0, St0) ->
+ {#k_var{name=V}=Var,St} = new_var(St0),
+ N = forest_next_index(Forest0),
+ Forest = Forest0#{V => {N,Expr}},
+ {Var,Forest,St}.
+forest_next_index(Forest) ->
+ 1 + lists:max([N || {N,_} <- maps:values(Forest),
+ is_integer(N)] ++ [0]).
+%% forest_pre_seq([Kexpr], Forest) -> Kexpr.
+%% Package the list of Kexprs into a nested Kexpr, prepending all
+%% expressions in Forest that have not been taken out using
+%% forest_take_expr/2.
+forest_pre_seq(Exprs, Forest) ->
+ Es0 = [#k_var{name=V} || {untaken,V} <- maps:keys(Forest)],
+ Es = Es0 ++ Exprs,
+ Vs = extract_all_vars(Es, Forest, []),
+ Pre0 = sort([{maps:get(V, Forest),V} || V <- Vs]),
+ Pre = [#iset{vars=[#k_var{name=V}],arg=A} ||
+ {{_,A},V} <- Pre0],
+ pre_seq(Pre++droplast(Exprs), last(Exprs)).
+extract_all_vars(Es, Forest, Acc0) ->
+ case extract_var_list(Es) of
+ [] ->
+ Acc0;
+ [_|_]=Vs0 ->
+ Vs = [V || V <- Vs0, maps:is_key(V, Forest)],
+ NewVs = ordsets:subtract(Vs, Acc0),
+ NewEs = [begin
+ {_,E} = maps:get(V, Forest),
+ E
+ end || V <- NewVs],
+ Acc = union(NewVs, Acc0),
+ extract_all_vars(NewEs, Forest, Acc)
+ end.
+extract_vars(#iset{arg=A,body=B}) ->
+ union(extract_vars(A), extract_vars(B));
+extract_vars(#k_bif{args=Args}) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(lit_list_vars(Args));
+extract_vars(#k_call{}) ->
+ [];
+extract_vars(#k_test{args=Args}) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(lit_list_vars(Args));
+extract_vars(#k_match{body=Body}) ->
+ extract_vars(Body);
+extract_vars(#k_alt{first=First,then=Then}) ->
+ union(extract_vars(First), extract_vars(Then));
+extract_vars(#k_guard{clauses=Cs}) ->
+ extract_var_list(Cs);
+extract_vars(#k_guard_clause{guard=G}) ->
+ extract_vars(G);
+extract_vars(#k_select{var=Var,types=Types}) ->
+ union(ordsets:from_list(lit_vars(Var)),
+ extract_var_list(Types));
+extract_vars(#k_type_clause{values=Values}) ->
+ extract_var_list(Values);
+extract_vars(#k_val_clause{body=Body}) ->
+ extract_vars(Body);
+extract_vars(#k_try{arg=Arg}) ->
+ extract_vars(Arg);
+extract_vars(Lit) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(lit_vars(Lit)).
+extract_var_list(L) ->
+ union([extract_vars(E) || E <- L]).
%% Wrap the entire guard in a try/catch if needed.
wrap_guard(#c_try{}=Try, St) -> {Try,St};
@@ -880,7 +1350,7 @@ new_fun_name(Type, #kern{func={F,Arity},fcount=C}=St) ->
%% new_var_name(State) -> {VarName,State}.
new_var_name(#kern{vcount=C}=St) ->
- {list_to_atom("ker" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#kern{vcount=C+1}}.
+ {list_to_atom("@k" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#kern{vcount=C+1}}.
%% new_var(State) -> {#k_var{},State}.
@@ -1734,15 +2204,15 @@ uexpr(#k_receive_accept{anno=A}, _, St) ->
uexpr(#k_receive_next{anno=A}, _, St) ->
{break,Rs0}=Br, St0) ->
case is_in_guard(St0) of
true ->
{[#k_var{name=X}],#k_var{name=X}} = {Vs,B0}, %Assertion.
#k_atom{val=false} = H0, %Assertion.
{A1,Bu,St1} = uexpr(A0, Br, St0),
- {Try#k_try{anno=#k{us=Bu,ns=lit_list_vars(Rs0),a=A},
- arg=A1,ret=Rs0},Bu,St1};
+ {#k_protected{anno=#k{us=Bu,ns=lit_list_vars(Rs0),a=A},
+ arg=A1,ret=Rs0},Bu,St1};
false ->
{Avs,St1} = new_vars(length(Vs), St0),
{A1,Au,St2} = ubody(A0, {break,Avs}, St1),
@@ -1791,13 +2261,9 @@ uexpr(#ifun{anno=A,vars=Vs,body=B0}, {break,Rs}, St0) ->
Fun = #k_fdef{anno=#k{us=[],ns=[],a=A},func=Fname,arity=Arity,
vars=Vs ++ Fvs,body=B1},
- %% Set dummy values for Index and Uniq -- the real values will
- %% be assigned by beam_asm.
- Index = Uniq = 0,
- op=#k_internal{name=make_fun,arity=length(Free)+3},
- args=[#k_atom{val=Fname},#k_int{val=Arity},
- #k_int{val=Index},#k_int{val=Uniq}|Fvs],
+ op=#k_internal{name=make_fun,arity=length(Free)+2},
+ args=[#k_atom{val=Fname},#k_int{val=Arity}|Fvs],
Free,add_local_function(Fun, St)};
uexpr(Lit, {break,Rs0}, St0) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
index 5216a1a620..7cd30b25a8 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
-record(k_seq, {anno=[],arg,body}).
-record(k_put, {anno=[],arg,ret=[]}).
-record(k_bif, {anno=[],op,args,ret=[]}).
--record(k_test, {anno=[],op,args}).
+-record(k_test, {anno=[],op,args,inverted=false}).
-record(k_call, {anno=[],op,args,ret=[]}).
-record(k_enter, {anno=[],op,args}).
-record(k_receive, {anno=[],var,body,timeout,action,ret=[]}).
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
-record(k_receive_next, {anno=[]}).
-record(k_try, {anno=[],arg,vars,body,evars,handler,ret=[]}).
-record(k_try_enter, {anno=[],arg,vars,body,evars,handler}).
+-record(k_protected, {anno=[],arg,ret=[]}).
-record(k_catch, {anno=[],body,ret=[]}).
-record(k_guard_match, {anno=[],vars,body,ret=[]}).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
index 0b90f0a1e0..d5f6ee19c9 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
@@ -235,8 +235,13 @@ format_1(#k_bif{op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, Ctxt) ->
[Txt,format_args(As, Ctxt1),
format_ret(Rs, Ctxt1)
-format_1(#k_test{op=Op,args=As}, Ctxt) ->
- Txt = ["test (",format(Op, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 6)),$)],
+format_1(#k_test{op=Op,args=As,inverted=Inverted}, Ctxt) ->
+ Txt = case Inverted of
+ false ->
+ ["test (",format(Op, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 6)),$)];
+ true ->
+ ["inverted_test (",format(Op, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 6)),$)]
+ end,
Ctxt1 = ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 2),
[Txt,format_args(As, Ctxt1)];
format_1(#k_put{arg=A,ret=Rs}, Ctxt) ->
@@ -279,6 +284,15 @@ format_1(#k_try_enter{arg=A,vars=Vs,body=B,evars=Evs,handler=H}, Ctxt) ->
+format_1(#k_protected{arg=A,ret=Rs}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ ["protected",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format(A, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ "end",
+ format_ret(Rs, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 1))
+ ];
format_1(#k_catch{body=B,ret=Rs}, Ctxt) ->
Ctxt1 = ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
index 1452b78d1d..0f2aeda87f 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
@@ -78,9 +78,7 @@ function(#k_fdef{anno=#k{a=Anno},func=F,arity=Ar,vars=Vs,body=Kb}) ->
- put(guard_refc, 0),
{B1,_,Vdb1} = body(B0, 1, Vdb0),
- erase(guard_refc),
Class:Error ->
@@ -106,12 +104,13 @@ body(Ke, I, Vdb0) ->
E = expr(Ke, I, Vdb1),
-%% guard(Kguard, I, Vdb) -> Guard.
+%% protected(Kprotected, I, Vdb) -> Protected.
+%% Only used in guards.
- handler=#k_atom{val=false},ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
+protected(#k_protected{anno=A,arg=Ts,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
%% Lock variables that are alive before try and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try expression.
+ %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the protected
+ %% expression.
Pdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
{T,MaxI,Pdb1} = body(Ts, I+1, Pdb0),
Pdb2 = use_vars(A#k.ns, MaxI+1, Pdb1), %Save "return" values
@@ -119,8 +118,8 @@ guard(#k_try{anno=A,arg=Ts,vars=[#k_var{name=X}],body=#k_var{name=X},
%% expr(Kexpr, I, Vdb) -> Expr.
-expr(#k_test{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={test,test_op(Op),atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
+expr(#k_test{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,inverted=Inverted}, I, _Vdb) ->
+ #l{ke={test,test_op(Op),atomic_list(As),Inverted},i=I,a=A#k.a};
expr(#k_call{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
expr(#k_enter{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
@@ -139,10 +138,9 @@ expr(#k_guard_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, [], Mdb),
#l{ke={guard_match,M,var_list(Rs)},i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a};
expr(#k_try{}=Try, I, Vdb) ->
- case is_in_guard() of
- false -> body_try(Try, I, Vdb);
- true -> guard(Try, I, Vdb)
- end;
+ body_try(Try, I, Vdb);
+expr(#k_protected{}=Protected, I, Vdb) ->
+ protected(Protected, I, Vdb);
expr(#k_try_enter{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh}, I, Vdb) ->
%% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
%% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
@@ -213,7 +211,6 @@ body_try(#k_try{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh,ret=Rs},
%% call_op(Op) -> Op.
-%% bif_op(Op) -> Op.
%% test_op(Op) -> Op.
%% Do any necessary name translations here to munge into beam format.
@@ -221,28 +218,14 @@ call_op(#k_local{name=N}) -> N;
call_op(#k_remote{mod=M,name=N}) -> {remote,atomic(M),atomic(N)};
call_op(Other) -> variable(Other).
-bif_op(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=N}}) -> N;
-bif_op(#k_internal{name=N}) -> N.
test_op(#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=N}}) -> N.
%% k_bif(Anno, Op, [Arg], [Ret], Vdb) -> Expr.
-%% Build bifs, do special handling of internal some calls.
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=dsetelement,arity=3}, As, []) ->
- {bif,dsetelement,atomic_list(As),[]};
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=bs_context_to_binary=Op,arity=1}, As, []) ->
- {bif,Op,atomic_list(As),[]};
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=bs_init_writable=Op,arity=1}, As, Rs) ->
- {bif,Op,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)};
-k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=make_fun},
- [#k_atom{val=Fun},#k_int{val=Arity},
- #k_int{val=Index},#k_int{val=Uniq}|Free],
- Rs) ->
- {bif,{make_fun,Fun,Arity,Index,Uniq},var_list(Free),var_list(Rs)};
-k_bif(_A, Op, As, Rs) ->
- %% The general case.
- Name = bif_op(Op),
+%% Build bifs.
+k_bif(_A, #k_internal{name=Name}, As, Rs) ->
+ {internal,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)};
+k_bif(_A, #k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=Name}}, As, Rs) ->
Ar = length(As),
case is_gc_bif(Name, Ar) of
false ->
@@ -303,9 +286,7 @@ val_clause(#k_val_clause{anno=A,val=V,body=Kb}, Ls0, I, Ctxt0, Vdb0) ->
guard_clause(#k_guard_clause{anno=A,guard=Kg,body=Kb}, Ls, I, Ctxt, Vdb0) ->
Vdb1 = use_vars(union(A#k.us, Ls), I+2, Vdb0),
Gdb = vdb_sub(I+1, I+2, Vdb1),
- OldRefc = put(guard_refc, get(guard_refc)+1),
- G = guard(Kg, I+1, Gdb),
- put(guard_refc, OldRefc),
+ G = protected(Kg, I+1, Gdb),
B = match(Kb, Ls, I+2, Ctxt, Vdb1),
i=I,vdb=use_vars((get_kanno(Kg))#k.us, I+2, Vdb1),
@@ -394,7 +375,6 @@ is_gc_bif(node, 0) -> false;
is_gc_bif(node, 1) -> false;
is_gc_bif(element, 2) -> false;
is_gc_bif(get, 1) -> false;
-is_gc_bif(raise, 2) -> false;
is_gc_bif(tuple_size, 1) -> false;
is_gc_bif(Bif, Arity) ->
not (erl_internal:bool_op(Bif, Arity) orelse
@@ -431,11 +411,6 @@ use_vars(Vs, I, Vdb) -> vdb_update_vars(Vs, Vdb, I).
add_var(V, F, L, Vdb) ->
vdb_store_new(V, {V,F,L}, Vdb).
-%% is_in_guard() -> true|false.
-is_in_guard() ->
- get(guard_refc) > 0.
%% vdb
vdb_new(Vs) ->