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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler')
31 files changed, 875 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml b/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml index 1459f696a0..c66c8ea4bf 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml +++ b/lib/compiler/doc/src/compile.xml @@ -408,6 +408,11 @@ module.beam: module.erl \ <code>-compile({no_auto_import,[error/1]}).</code> </item> + <tag><c>no_auto_import</c></tag> + <item> + <p>Do not auto import any functions from the module <c>erlang</c>.</p> + </item> + <tag><c>no_line_info</c></tag> <item> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl index 3dfa67a771..fe4f473846 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_a.erl @@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ rename_instr({put_map_assoc,Fail,S,D,R,L}) -> {put_map,Fail,assoc,S,D,R,L}; rename_instr({put_map_exact,Fail,S,D,R,L}) -> {put_map,Fail,exact,S,D,R,L}; +rename_instr({test,has_map_fields,Fail,Src,{list,List}}) -> + {test,has_map_fields,Fail,[Src|List]}; rename_instr({select_val=I,Reg,Fail,{list,List}}) -> {select,I,Reg,Fail,List}; rename_instr({select_tuple_arity=I,Reg,Fail,{list,List}}) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl index 112b087f3c..f8cf178d2e 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl @@ -324,6 +324,8 @@ make_op({gc_bif,Bif,Fail,Live,Args,Dest}, Dict) -> encode_op(BifOp, [Fail,Live,{extfunc,erlang,Bif,Arity}|Args++[Dest]],Dict); make_op({bs_add=Op,Fail,[Src1,Src2,Unit],Dest}, Dict) -> encode_op(Op, [Fail,Src1,Src2,Unit,Dest], Dict); +make_op({test,Cond,Fail,Src,{list,_}=Ops}, Dict) -> + encode_op(Cond, [Fail,Src,Ops], Dict); make_op({test,Cond,Fail,Ops}, Dict) when is_list(Ops) -> encode_op(Cond, [Fail|Ops], Dict); make_op({test,Cond,Fail,Live,[Op|Ops],Dst}, Dict) when is_list(Ops) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl index 3723cc19e1..7a30c68593 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_block.erl @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ collect({get_list,S,D1,D2}) -> {set,[D1,D2],[S],get_list}; collect(remove_message) -> {set,[],[],remove_message}; collect({put_map,F,Op,S,D,R,{list,Puts}}) -> {set,[D],[S|Puts],{alloc,R,{put_map,Op,F}}}; -collect({get_map_element,F,S,K,D}) -> - {set,[D],[S],{get_map_element,K,F}}; +collect({get_map_elements,F,S,{list,Gets}}) -> + {set,Gets,[S],{get_map_elements,F}}; collect({'catch',R,L}) -> {set,[R],[],{'catch',L}}; collect(fclearerror) -> {set,[],[],fclearerror}; collect({fcheckerror,{f,0}}) -> {set,[],[],fcheckerror}; @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ move_allocates_2(Alloc, [], Acc) -> alloc_may_pass({set,_,_,{alloc,_,_}}) -> false; alloc_may_pass({set,_,_,{set_tuple_element,_}}) -> false; -alloc_may_pass({set,_,_,{get_map_element,_,_}}) -> false; +alloc_may_pass({set,_,_,{get_map_elements,_}}) -> false; alloc_may_pass({set,_,_,put_list}) -> false; alloc_may_pass({set,_,_,put}) -> false; alloc_may_pass({set,_,_,_}) -> true. @@ -291,7 +291,11 @@ opt_moves([X0,Y0], Is0) -> not_possible -> {[X,Y0],Is2}; {X,_} -> {[X,Y0],Is2}; {Y,Is} -> {[X,Y],Is} - end. + end; +opt_moves(Ds, Is) -> + %% multiple destinations -> pass through + {Ds,Is}. + %% opt_move(Dest, [Instruction]) -> {UpdatedDest,[Instruction]} | not_possible %% If there is a {move,Dest,FinalDest} instruction diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl index fdfcb08125..d54c2a9fde 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bsm.erl @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ btb_reaches_match_2([{call,Arity,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Regs, D) -> btb_reaches_match_2([{apply,Arity}|Is], Regs, D) -> btb_call(Arity+2, apply, Regs, Is, D); btb_reaches_match_2([{call_fun,Live}=I|Is], Regs, D) -> + btb_ensure_not_used([{x,Live}], I, Regs), btb_call(Live, I, Regs, Is, D); btb_reaches_match_2([{make_fun2,_,_,_,Live}|Is], Regs, D) -> btb_call(Live, make_fun2, Regs, Is, D); diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl index 55f985ad0e..b653998252 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_clean.erl @@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ replace([{bs_utf16_size=I,{f,Lbl},Src,Dst}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 -> replace([{put_map=I,{f,Lbl},Op,Src,Dst,Live,List}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 -> replace(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Op,Src,Dst,Live,List}|Acc], D); -replace([{get_map_element=I,{f,Lbl},Src,Key,Dst}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 -> - replace(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Src,Key,Dst}|Acc], D); +replace([{get_map_elements=I,{f,Lbl},Src,List}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 -> + replace(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Src,List}|Acc], D); replace([I|Is], Acc, D) -> replace(Is, [I|Acc], D); replace([], Acc, _) -> Acc. diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl index 57fdf95677..363989f4c9 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl @@ -366,9 +366,13 @@ disasm_instr(B, Bs, Atoms, Literals) -> select_tuple_arity -> disasm_select_inst(select_tuple_arity, Bs, Atoms, Literals); put_map_assoc -> - disasm_map_inst(put_map_assoc, Bs, Atoms, Literals); + disasm_map_inst(put_map_assoc, Arity, Bs, Atoms, Literals); put_map_exact -> - disasm_map_inst(put_map_exact, Bs, Atoms, Literals); + disasm_map_inst(put_map_exact, Arity, Bs, Atoms, Literals); + get_map_elements -> + disasm_map_inst(get_map_elements, Arity, Bs, Atoms, Literals); + has_map_fields -> + disasm_map_inst(has_map_fields, Arity, Bs, Atoms, Literals); _ -> try decode_n_args(Arity, Bs, Atoms, Literals) of {Args, RestBs} -> @@ -399,16 +403,15 @@ disasm_select_inst(Inst, Bs, Atoms, Literals) -> {List, RestBs} = decode_n_args(Len, Bs4, Atoms, Literals), {{Inst, [X,F,{Z,U,List}]}, RestBs}. -disasm_map_inst(Inst, Bs0, Atoms, Literals) -> - {F, Bs1} = decode_arg(Bs0, Atoms, Literals), - {S, Bs2} = decode_arg(Bs1, Atoms, Literals), - {X, Bs3} = decode_arg(Bs2, Atoms, Literals), - {N, Bs4} = decode_arg(Bs3, Atoms, Literals), - {Z, Bs5} = decode_arg(Bs4, Atoms, Literals), - {U, Bs6} = decode_arg(Bs5, Atoms, Literals), - {u, Len} = U, - {List, RestBs} = decode_n_args(Len, Bs6, Atoms, Literals), - {{Inst, [F,S,X,N,{Z,U,List}]}, RestBs}. +disasm_map_inst(Inst, Arity, Bs0, Atoms, Literals) -> + {Args0,Bs1} = decode_n_args(Arity, Bs0, Atoms, Literals), + %% no droplast .. + [Z|Args1] = lists:reverse(Args0), + Args = lists:reverse(Args1), + {U, Bs2} = decode_arg(Bs1, Atoms, Literals), + {u, Len} = U, + {List, RestBs} = decode_n_args(Len, Bs2, Atoms, Literals), + {{Inst, Args ++ [{Z,U,List}]}, RestBs}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% decode_arg([Byte]) -> {Arg, [Byte]} @@ -1150,13 +1153,15 @@ resolve_inst({is_map,Args0},_,_,_) -> [FLbl|Args] = resolve_args(Args0), {test, is_map, FLbl, Args}; -resolve_inst({has_map_field,Args0},_,_,_) -> - [FLbl|Args] = resolve_args(Args0), - {test,has_map_field,FLbl,Args}; +resolve_inst({has_map_fields,Args0},_,_,_) -> + [FLbl,Src,{{z,1},{u,_Len},List0}] = Args0, + List = resolve_args(List0), + {test,has_map_fields,FLbl,Src,{list,List}}; -resolve_inst({get_map_element,Args},_,_,_) -> - [FLbl,Src,Key,Dst] = resolve_args(Args), - {get_map_element,FLbl,Src,Key,Dst}; +resolve_inst({get_map_elements,Args0},_,_,_) -> + [FLbl,Src,{{z,1},{u,_Len},List0}] = Args0, + List = resolve_args(List0), + {get_map_elements,FLbl,Src,{list,List}}; %% %% Catches instructions that are not yet handled. diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_flatten.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_flatten.erl index 534bc6d954..46835bece1 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_flatten.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_flatten.erl @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ norm({set,[],[S,D],{set_tuple_element,I}}) -> {set_tuple_element,S,D,I}; norm({set,[D1,D2],[S],get_list}) -> {get_list,S,D1,D2}; norm({set,[D],[S|Puts],{alloc,R,{put_map,Op,F}}}) -> {put_map,F,Op,S,D,R,{list,Puts}}; -norm({set,[D],[S],{get_map_element,K,F}}) -> - {get_map_element,F,S,K,D}; +norm({set,Gets,[S],{get_map_elements,F}}) -> + {get_map_elements,F,S,{list,Gets}}; norm({set,[],[],remove_message}) -> remove_message; norm({set,[],[],fclearerror}) -> fclearerror; norm({set,[],[],fcheckerror}) -> {fcheckerror,{f,0}}. diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl index 1f720b94c3..0fc8d45c80 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ ulbl({bs_put,Lbl,_,_}, Used) -> mark_used(Lbl, Used); ulbl({put_map,Lbl,_Op,_Src,_Dst,_Live,_List}, Used) -> mark_used(Lbl, Used); -ulbl({get_map_element,Lbl,_Src,_Key,_Dst}, Used) -> +ulbl({get_map_elements,Lbl,_Src,_List}, Used) -> mark_used(Lbl, Used); ulbl(_, Used) -> Used. diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_split.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_split.erl index 638a4826ea..688bba9a94 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_split.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_split.erl @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ split_block([{set,[D],[S|Puts],{alloc,R,{put_map,Op,{f,Lbl}=Fail}}}|Is], Bl, Acc) when Lbl =/= 0 -> split_block(Is, [], [{put_map,Fail,Op,S,D,R,{list,Puts}}| make_block(Bl, Acc)]); -split_block([{set,[D],[S],{get_map_element,K,{f,Lbl}=Fail}}|Is], Bl, Acc) +split_block([{set,Gets,[S],{get_map_elements,{f,Lbl}=Fail}}|Is], Bl, Acc) when Lbl =/= 0 -> - split_block(Is, [], [{get_map_element,Fail,S,K,D}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]); + split_block(Is, [], [{get_map_elements,Fail,S,{list,Gets}}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]); split_block([{set,[R],[],{'catch',L}}|Is], Bl, Acc) -> split_block(Is, [], [{'catch',R,L}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]); split_block([{set,[],[],{line,_}=Line}|Is], Bl, Acc) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl index a3f16cfa8f..27034aecce 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ is_pure_test({test,is_lt,_,[_,_]}) -> true; is_pure_test({test,is_nil,_,[_]}) -> true; is_pure_test({test,is_nonempty_list,_,[_]}) -> true; is_pure_test({test,test_arity,_,[_,_]}) -> true; +is_pure_test({test,has_map_fields,_,[_,{list,_}]}) -> true; is_pure_test({test,Op,_,Ops}) -> erl_internal:new_type_test(Op, length(Ops)). diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl index 97f84da08f..7e1324cf61 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl @@ -574,6 +574,7 @@ valfun_4({apply,Live}, Vst) -> valfun_4({apply_last,Live,_}, Vst) -> tail_call(apply, Live+2, Vst); valfun_4({call_fun,Live}, Vst) -> + validate_src([{x,Live}], Vst), call('fun', Live+1, Vst); valfun_4({call,Live,Func}, Vst) -> call(Func, Live, Vst); @@ -769,6 +770,10 @@ valfun_4({test,is_nonempty_list,{f,Lbl},[Cons]}, Vst) -> valfun_4({test,test_arity,{f,Lbl},[Tuple,Sz]}, Vst) when is_integer(Sz) -> assert_type(tuple, Tuple, Vst), set_type_reg({tuple,Sz}, Tuple, branch_state(Lbl, Vst)); +valfun_4({test,has_map_fields,{f,Lbl},Src,{list,List}}, Vst) -> + validate_src([Src], Vst), + assert_strict_literal_termorder(List), + branch_state(Lbl, Vst); valfun_4({test,_Op,{f,Lbl},Src}, Vst) -> validate_src(Src, Vst), branch_state(Lbl, Vst); @@ -870,18 +875,27 @@ valfun_4({put_map_assoc,{f,Fail},Src,Dst,Live,{list,List}}, Vst) -> verify_put_map(Fail, Src, Dst, Live, List, Vst); valfun_4({put_map_exact,{f,Fail},Src,Dst,Live,{list,List}}, Vst) -> verify_put_map(Fail, Src, Dst, Live, List, Vst); -valfun_4({get_map_element,{f,Fail},Src,Key,Dst}, Vst0) -> - assert_term(Src, Vst0), - assert_term(Key, Vst0), - Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0), - set_type_reg(term, Dst, Vst); +valfun_4({get_map_elements,{f,Fail},Src,{list,List}}, Vst) -> + verify_get_map(Fail, Src, List, Vst); valfun_4(_, _) -> error(unknown_instruction). +verify_get_map(Fail, Src, List, Vst0) -> + assert_term(Src, Vst0), + Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0), + Lits = mmap(fun(L,_R) -> [L] end, List), + assert_strict_literal_termorder(Lits), + verify_get_map_pair(List,Vst0,Vst1). + +verify_get_map_pair([],_,Vst) -> Vst; +verify_get_map_pair([Src,Dst|Vs],Vst0,Vsti) -> + assert_term(Src, Vst0), + verify_get_map_pair(Vs,Vst0,set_type_reg(term,Dst,Vsti)). + verify_put_map(Fail, Src, Dst, Live, List, Vst0) -> verify_live(Live, Vst0), verify_y_init(Vst0), - [assert_term(Term, Vst0) || Term <- List], + foreach(fun (Term) -> assert_term(Term, Vst0) end, List), assert_term(Src, Vst0), Vst1 = heap_alloc(0, Vst0), Vst2 = branch_state(Fail, Vst1), @@ -908,7 +922,7 @@ validate_bs_skip_utf(Fail, Ctx, Live, Vst0) -> branch_state(Fail, Vst). %% -%% Special state handling for setelement/3 and the set_tuple_element/3 instruction. +%% Special state handling for setelement/3 and set_tuple_element/3 instructions. %% A possibility for garbage collection must not occur between setelement/3 and %% set_tuple_element/3. %% @@ -1098,6 +1112,39 @@ assert_freg_set({fr,Fr}=Freg, #vst{current=#st{f=Fregs}}) end; assert_freg_set(Fr, _) -> error({bad_source,Fr}). +%%% Maps + +%% ensure that a list of literals has a strict +%% ascending term order (also meaning unique literals) +assert_strict_literal_termorder(Ls) -> + Vs = lists:map(fun (L) -> get_literal(L) end, Ls), + case check_strict_value_termorder(Vs) of + true -> ok; + false -> error({not_strict_order, Ls}) + end. + +%% usage: +%% mmap(fun(A,B) -> [{A,B}] end, [1,2,3,4]), +%% [{1,2},{3,4}] + +mmap(F,List) -> + {arity,Ar} = erlang:fun_info(F,arity), + mmap(F,Ar,List). +mmap(_F,_,[]) -> []; +mmap(F,Ar,List) -> + {Hd,Tl} = lists:split(Ar,List), + apply(F,Hd) ++ mmap(F,Ar,Tl). + +check_strict_value_termorder([]) -> true; +check_strict_value_termorder([_]) -> true; +check_strict_value_termorder([V1,V2]) -> + erts_internal:cmp_term(V1,V2) < 0; +check_strict_value_termorder([V1,V2|Vs]) -> + case erts_internal:cmp_term(V1,V2) < 0 of + true -> check_strict_value_termorder([V2|Vs]); + false -> false + end. + %%% %%% Binary matching. %%% @@ -1333,6 +1380,7 @@ assert_term(Src, Vst) -> %% number Integer or Float of unknown value %% + assert_type(WantedType, Term, Vst) -> assert_type(WantedType, get_term_type(Term, Vst)). @@ -1348,7 +1396,6 @@ assert_type({tuple_element,I}, {tuple,Sz}) assert_type(Needed, Actual) -> error({bad_type,{needed,Needed},{actual,Actual}}). - %% upgrade_tuple_type(NewTupleType, OldType) -> TupleType. %% upgrade_tuple_type/2 is used when linear code finds out more and %% more information about a tuple type, so that the type gets more @@ -1429,6 +1476,15 @@ get_term_type_1({y,Y}=Reg, #vst{current=#st{y=Ys}}) when is_integer(Y) -> get_term_type_1(Src, _) -> error({bad_source,Src}). +%% get_literal(Src) -> literal_value(). +get_literal(nil) -> []; +get_literal({atom,A}) when is_atom(A) -> A; +get_literal({float,F}) when is_float(F) -> F; +get_literal({integer,I}) when is_integer(I) -> I; +get_literal({literal,L}) -> L; +get_literal(T) -> error({not_literal,T}). + + branch_arities([], _, #vst{}=Vst) -> Vst; branch_arities([Sz,{f,L}|T], Tuple, #vst{current=St}=Vst0) when is_integer(Sz) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl index 9953a48710..c2a6ef604e 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_z.erl @@ -78,6 +78,18 @@ undo_rename({put_map,Fail,assoc,S,D,R,L}) -> {put_map_assoc,Fail,S,D,R,L}; undo_rename({put_map,Fail,exact,S,D,R,L}) -> {put_map_exact,Fail,S,D,R,L}; +undo_rename({test,has_map_fields,Fail,[Src|List]}) -> + {test,has_map_fields,Fail,Src,{list,[to_typed_literal(V)||V<-List]}}; +undo_rename({get_map_elements,Fail,Src,{list, List}}) -> + {get_map_elements,Fail,Src,{list,[to_typed_literal(V)||V<-List]}}; undo_rename({select,I,Reg,Fail,List}) -> {I,Reg,Fail,{list,List}}; undo_rename(I) -> I. + +%% to_typed_literal(Arg) +%% transform Arg to specific literal i.e. float | integer | atom if applicable +to_typed_literal({literal, V}) when is_float(V) -> {float, V}; +to_typed_literal({literal, V}) when is_atom(V) -> {atom, V}; +to_typed_literal({literal, V}) when is_integer(V) -> {integer, V}; +to_typed_literal({literal, []}) -> nil; +to_typed_literal(V) -> V. diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl index 0bb4de6f17..e79fe41f9b 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/compile.erl @@ -623,9 +623,11 @@ core_passes() -> [{core_old_inliner,fun test_old_inliner/1,fun core_old_inliner/1}, {iff,doldinline,{listing,"oldinline"}}, ?pass(core_fold_module), + {iff,dcorefold,{listing,"corefold"}}, {core_inline_module,fun test_core_inliner/1,fun core_inline_module/1}, {iff,dinline,{listing,"inline"}}, - {core_fold_after_inlining,fun test_core_inliner/1,fun core_fold_module_after_inlining/1}, + {core_fold_after_inlining,fun test_any_inliner/1, + fun core_fold_module_after_inlining/1}, ?pass(core_transforms)]}, {iff,dcopt,{listing,"copt"}}, {iff,'to_core',{done,"core"}}]} @@ -1171,6 +1173,9 @@ test_core_inliner(#compile{options=Opts}) -> end, Opts) end. +test_any_inliner(St) -> + test_old_inliner(St) orelse test_core_inliner(St). + core_old_inliner(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) -> {ok,Code} = sys_core_inline:module(Code0, Opts), {ok,St#compile{code=Code}}. diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl b/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl index f506901099..ed181e3baa 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/core_lib.erl @@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ vu_expr(V, #c_cons{hd=H,tl=T}) -> vu_expr(V, H) orelse vu_expr(V, T); vu_expr(V, #c_tuple{es=Es}) -> vu_expr_list(V, Es); -vu_expr(V, #c_map{es=Es}) -> - vu_expr_list(V, Es); +vu_expr(V, #c_map{var=M,es=Es}) -> + vu_expr(V, M) orelse vu_expr_list(V, Es); vu_expr(V, #c_map_pair{key=Key,val=Val}) -> vu_expr_list(V, [Key,Val]); vu_expr(V, #c_binary{segments=Ss}) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/genop.tab b/lib/compiler/src/genop.tab index 79b467f949..7d6bf56ccb 100755 --- a/lib/compiler/src/genop.tab +++ b/lib/compiler/src/genop.tab @@ -529,10 +529,10 @@ BEAM_FORMAT_NUMBER=0 153: line/1 -# R16 +# R17 154: put_map_assoc/5 155: put_map_exact/5 156: is_map/2 -157: has_map_field/3 -158: get_map_element/4 +157: has_map_fields/3 +158: get_map_elements/3 diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl index d1eec9e347..eb9c302334 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl @@ -305,6 +305,10 @@ expr(#c_let{}=Let, Ctxt, Sub) -> %% Now recursively re-process the new expression. expr(Expr, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub)) end; +expr(#c_letrec{body=#c_var{}}=Letrec, effect, _Sub) -> + %% This is named fun in an 'effect' context. Warn and ignore. + add_warning(Letrec, useless_building), + void(); expr(#c_letrec{defs=Fs0,body=B0}=Letrec, Ctxt, Sub) -> Fs1 = map(fun ({Name,Fb}) -> {Name,expr(Fb, {letrec,Ctxt}, Sub)} @@ -349,7 +353,12 @@ expr(#c_case{}=Case0, Ctxt, Sub) -> Case = Case1#c_case{arg=Arg2,clauses=Cs2}, warn_no_clause_match(Case1, Case), Expr = eval_case(Case, Sub), - bsm_an(Expr); + case move_case_into_arg(Case, Sub) of + impossible -> + bsm_an(Expr); + Other -> + expr(Other, Ctxt, sub_new_preserve_types(Sub)) + end; Other -> expr(Other, Ctxt, Sub) end; @@ -1936,14 +1945,45 @@ opt_bool_case_guard(Arg, [#c_clause{pats=[#c_literal{val=false}]}=Fc,Tc]) -> %% last clause is guaranteed to match so if there is only one clause %% with a pattern containing only variables then rewrite to a let. -eval_case(#c_case{arg=E,clauses=[#c_clause{pats=Ps0,body=B}]}, Sub) -> +eval_case(#c_case{arg=E,clauses=[#c_clause{pats=Ps0, + guard=#c_literal{val=true}, + body=B}]}=Case, Sub) -> Es = case cerl:is_c_values(E) of true -> cerl:values_es(E); false -> [E] end, - {true,Bs} = cerl_clauses:match_list(Ps0, Es), - {Ps,As} = unzip(Bs), - expr(#c_let{vars=Ps,arg=core_lib:make_values(As),body=B}, sub_new(Sub)); + %% Consider: + %% + %% case SomeSideEffect() of + %% X=Y -> ... + %% end + %% + %% We must not rewrite it to: + %% + %% let <X,Y> = <SomeSideEffect(),SomeSideEffect()> in ... + %% + %% because SomeSideEffect() would be evaluated twice. + %% + %% Instead we must evaluate the case expression in an outer let + %% like this: + %% + %% let NewVar = SomeSideEffect() in + %% let <X,Y> = <NewVar,NewVar> in ... + %% + Vs = make_vars([], length(Es)), + case cerl_clauses:match_list(Ps0, Vs) of + {false,_} -> + %% This can only happen if the Core Erlang code is + %% handwritten or generated by another code generator + %% than v3_core. Assuming that the Core Erlang program + %% is correct, the clause will always match at run-time. + Case; + {true,Bs} -> + {Ps,As} = unzip(Bs), + InnerLet = cerl:c_let(Ps, core_lib:make_values(As), B), + Let = cerl:c_let(Vs, E, InnerLet), + expr(Let, sub_new(Sub)) + end; eval_case(Case, _) -> Case. %% case_opt(CaseArg, [Clause]) -> {CaseArg,[Clause]}. @@ -2571,6 +2611,77 @@ opt_simple_let_2(Let, Vs0, Arg0, Body, value, Sub) -> value, Sub) end. +move_case_into_arg(#c_case{arg=#c_let{vars=OuterVars0,arg=OuterArg, + body=InnerArg0}=Outer, + clauses=InnerClauses}=Inner, Sub) -> + %% + %% case let <OuterVars> = <OuterArg> in <InnerArg> of + %% <InnerClauses> + %% end + %% + %% ==> + %% + %% let <OuterVars> = <OuterArg> + %% in case <InnerArg> of <InnerClauses> end + %% + ScopeSub0 = sub_subst_scope(Sub#sub{t=[]}), + {OuterVars,ScopeSub} = pattern_list(OuterVars0, ScopeSub0), + InnerArg = body(InnerArg0, ScopeSub), + Outer#c_let{vars=OuterVars,arg=OuterArg, + body=Inner#c_case{arg=InnerArg,clauses=InnerClauses}}; +move_case_into_arg(#c_case{arg=#c_case{arg=OuterArg, + clauses=[OuterCa0,OuterCb]}=Outer, + clauses=InnerClauses}=Inner0, Sub) -> + case is_failing_clause(OuterCb) of + true -> + #c_clause{pats=OuterPats0,guard=OuterGuard0, + body=InnerArg0} = OuterCa0, + %% + %% case case <OuterArg> of + %% <OuterPats> when <OuterGuard> -> <InnerArg> + %% <OuterCb> + %% ... + %% end of + %% <InnerClauses> + %% end + %% + %% ==> + %% + %% case <OuterArg> of + %% <OuterPats> when <OuterGuard> -> + %% case <InnerArg> of <InnerClauses> end + %% <OuterCb> + %% end + %% + ScopeSub0 = sub_subst_scope(Sub#sub{t=[]}), + {OuterPats,ScopeSub} = pattern_list(OuterPats0, ScopeSub0), + OuterGuard = guard(OuterGuard0, ScopeSub), + InnerArg = body(InnerArg0, ScopeSub), + Inner = Inner0#c_case{arg=InnerArg,clauses=InnerClauses}, + OuterCa = OuterCa0#c_clause{pats=OuterPats,guard=OuterGuard, + body=Inner}, + Outer#c_case{arg=OuterArg, + clauses=[OuterCa,OuterCb]}; + false -> + impossible + end; +move_case_into_arg(#c_case{arg=#c_seq{arg=OuterArg,body=InnerArg}=Outer, + clauses=InnerClauses}=Inner, _Sub) -> + %% + %% case do <OuterArg> <InnerArg> of + %% <InnerClauses> + %% end + %% + %% ==> + %% + %% do <OuterArg> + %% case <InnerArg> of <InerClauses> end + %% + Outer#c_seq{arg=OuterArg, + body=Inner#c_case{arg=InnerArg,clauses=InnerClauses}}; +move_case_into_arg(_, _) -> + impossible. + %% In guards only, rewrite a case in a let argument like %% %% let <Var> = case <> of @@ -3035,9 +3146,6 @@ format_error(result_ignored) -> "(suppress the warning by assigning the expression to the _ variable)"; format_error(useless_building) -> "a term is constructed, but never used"; -format_error({map_pair_key_overloaded,K}) -> - M = io_lib:format("the key ~p is used multiple times in map value association",[K]), - flatten(M); format_error(bin_opt_alias) -> "INFO: the '=' operator will prevent delayed sub binary optimization"; format_error(bin_partition) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl index c8735a76e8..e00ee1f3ad 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ basic_block([Le|Les], Acc) -> %% sets that may garbage collect are not allowed in basic blocks. collect_block({set,_,{binary,_}}) -> no_block; -collect_block({set,_,{map,_,_}}) -> no_block; +collect_block({set,_,{map,_,_,_}}) -> no_block; collect_block({set,_,_}) -> include; collect_block({call,{var,_}=Var,As,_Rs}) -> {block_end,As++[Var]}; collect_block({call,Func,As,_Rs}) -> {block_end,As++func_vars(Func)}; @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ select_extract_tuple(Src, Vs, I, Vdb, Bef, St) -> select_map(Scs, V, Tf, Vf, Bef, St0) -> Reg = fetch_var(V, Bef), {Is,Aft,St1} = - match_fmf(fun(#l{ke={val_clause,{map,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb}, Fail, St1) -> + match_fmf(fun(#l{ke={val_clause,{map,_,Es},B},i=I,vdb=Vdb}, Fail, St1) -> select_map_val(V, Es, B, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St1) end, Vf, St0, Scs), {[{test,is_map,{f,Tf},[Reg]}|Is],Aft,St1}. @@ -938,22 +938,39 @@ select_map_val(V, Es, B, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St0) -> {Bis,Aft,St2} = match_cg(B, Fail, Int, St1), {Eis++Bis,Aft,St2}. +select_extract_map(_, [], _, _, _, Bef, St) -> {[],Bef,St}; select_extract_map(Src, Vs, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) -> - F = fun ({map_pair,Key,{var,V}}, Int0) -> - Rsrc = fetch_var(Src, Int0), + %% First split the instruction flow + %% We want one set of each + %% 1) has_map_fields (no target registers) + %% 2) get_map_elements (with target registers) + %% Assume keys are term-sorted + Rsrc = fetch_var(Src, Bef), + + {{HasKs,GetVs},Aft} = lists:foldr(fun + ({map_pair,Key,{var,V}},{{HasKsi,GetVsi},Int0}) -> case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of {V,_,L} when L =< I -> - {[{test,has_map_field,{f,Fail},[Rsrc,Key]}],Int0}; + {{[Key|HasKsi],GetVsi},Int0}; _Other -> Reg1 = put_reg(V, Int0#sr.reg), Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=Reg1}, - {[{get_map_element,{f,Fail}, - Rsrc,Key,fetch_reg(V, Reg1)}], - Int1} + {{HasKsi,[Key,fetch_reg(V, Reg1)|GetVsi]},Int1} end - end, - {Es,Aft} = flatmapfoldl(F, Bef, Vs), - {Es,Aft,St}. + end, {{[],[]},Bef}, Vs), + + Code = case {HasKs,GetVs} of + {[],[]} -> {[],Aft,St}; + {HasKs,[]} -> + [{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,HasKs}}]; + {[],GetVs} -> + [{get_map_elements, {f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,GetVs}}]; + {HasKs,GetVs} -> + [{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,HasKs}}, + {get_map_elements, {f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,GetVs}}] + end, + {Code, Aft, St}. + select_extract_cons(Src, [{var,Hd}, {var,Tl}], I, Vdb, Bef, St) -> {Es,Aft} = case {vdb_find(Hd, Vdb), vdb_find(Tl, Vdb)} of @@ -1488,55 +1505,35 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef, %% Now generate the complete code for constructing the binary. Code = cg_binary(PutCode, Target, Temp, Fail, MaxRegs, Le#l.a), {Sis++Code,Aft,St}; -set_cg([{var,R}], {map,SrcMap,Es0}, Le, Vdb, Bef, +set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef, #cg{in_catch=InCatch,bfail=Bfail}=St) -> + Fail = {f,Bfail}, {Sis,Int0} = case InCatch of true -> adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb); false -> {[],Bef} end, + SrcReg = cg_reg_arg(Map,Int0), Line = line(Le#l.a), - SrcReg = case SrcMap of - {var,SrcVar} -> fetch_var(SrcVar, Int0); - _ -> SrcMap - end, - {Assoc,Exact} = - try - cg_map_pairs(Es0) - catch - throw:badarg -> - {[],[{{float,0.0},{atom,badarg}}, - {{integer,0},{atom,badarg}}]} - end, - F = fun ({K,{var,V}}) -> [K,fetch_var(V, Int0)]; - ({K,E}) -> [K,E] - end, - AssocList = flatmap(F, Assoc), - ExactList = flatmap(F, Exact), - Live0 = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg), - Int1 = clear_dead(Int0, Le#l.i, Vdb), - Aft = Bef#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Int1#sr.reg)}, - Target = fetch_reg(R, Aft#sr.reg), - Code = [Line] ++ - case {AssocList,ExactList} of - {[_|_],[]} -> - [{put_map_assoc,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,AssocList}}]; - {[_|_],[_|_]} -> - Live = case Target of - {x,TargetX} when TargetX =:= Live0 -> - Live0 + 1; - _ -> - Live0 - end, - [{put_map_assoc,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,AssocList}}, - {put_map_exact,Fail,Target,Target,Live,{list,ExactList}}]; - {[],[_|_]} -> - [{put_map_exact,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,ExactList}}]; - {[],[]} -> - [{put_map_assoc,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live0,{list,[]}}] - end, - {Sis++Code,Aft,St}; + + %% The instruction needs to store keys in term sorted order + %% All keys has to be unique here + Pairs = map_pair_strip_and_termsort(Es), + + %% fetch registers for values to be put into the map + List = flatmap(fun({K,V}) -> [K,cg_reg_arg(V,Int0)] end, Pairs), + + Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg), + Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Int0#sr.reg)}, + Aft = clear_dead(Int1, Le#l.i, Vdb), + Target = fetch_reg(R, Int1#sr.reg), + + I = case Op of + assoc -> put_map_assoc; + exact -> put_map_exact + end, + {Sis++[Line]++[{I,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live,{list,List}}],Aft,St}; set_cg([{var,R}], Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) -> %% Find a place for the return register first. Int = Bef#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Bef#sr.reg)}, @@ -1549,70 +1546,12 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], Con, Le, Vdb, Bef, St) -> end, {Ais,clear_dead(Int, Le#l.i, Vdb),St}. -%% cg_map_pairs(MapPairs) -> {Assoc,Exact} -%% Assoc = Exact = [{K,V}] -%% -%% Remove multiple assignments to the same key, and return -%% one list key-value list with all keys that may or may not exist -%% (Assoc), and one with keys that must exist (Exact). -%% - -cg_map_pairs(Es0) -> - Es = cg_map_pairs_1(Es0, 0), - R0 = sofs:relation(Es), - R1 = sofs:relation_to_family(R0), - R2 = sofs:to_external(R1), - - %% R2 is now [{KeyValue,[{Order,Op,OriginalKey,Value}]}] - R3 = [begin - %% The value for the last pair determines the value. - {_,_,_,V} = lists:last(Vs), - {Op,{_,SortOrder}=K} = map_pair_op_and_key(Vs), - {Op,{SortOrder,K,V}} - end || {_,Vs} <- R2], - - %% R3 is now [{Op,{Key,Value}}] - R = termsort(R3), - - %% R4 is now sorted with all alloc first in the list, followed by - %% all exact. - {Assoc,Exact} = lists:partition(fun({Op,_}) -> Op =:= assoc end, R), - {[{K,V} || {_,{_,K,V}} <- Assoc], - [{K,V} || {_,{_,K,V}} <- Exact]}. - -cg_map_pairs_1([{map_pair_assoc,{_,Kv}=K,V}|T], Order) -> - [{Kv,{Order,assoc,K,V}}|cg_map_pairs_1(T, Order+1)]; -cg_map_pairs_1([{map_pair_exact,{_,Kv}=K,V}|T], Order) -> - [{Kv,{Order,exact,K,V}}|cg_map_pairs_1(T, Order+1)]; -cg_map_pairs_1([], _) -> []. - -%% map_pair_op_and_key({_,Op,K,_}) -> {Operator,Key} -%% Determine the operator and key to use. Throw a 'badarg' -%% exception if there are contradictory exact updates. - -map_pair_op_and_key(L) -> - case [K || {_,exact,K,_} <- L] of - [K] -> - %% There is a single ':=' operator. Use that key. - {exact,K}; - [K|T] -> - %% There is more than one ':=' operator. All of them - %% must have the same key. - case lists:all(fun(E) -> E =:= K end, T) of - true -> - {exact,K}; - false -> - %% Some keys are different, e.g. 1 and 1.0. - throw(badarg) - end; - [] -> - %% Only '=>' operators. Use the first key in the list. - [{_,assoc,K,_}|_] = L, - {assoc,K} - end. - -termsort(Ls) -> - lists:sort(fun(A,B) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) < 0 end, Ls). +map_pair_strip_and_termsort(Es) -> + %% format in + %% [{map_pair,K,V}] + %% where K is for example {integer, 1} and we want to sort on 1. + Ls = [{K,V}||{_,K,V}<-Es], + lists:sort(fun({{_,A},_},{{_,B},_}) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) < 0 end, Ls). %%% %%% Code generation for constructing binaries. @@ -2085,7 +2024,7 @@ load_vars(Vs, Regs) -> foldl(fun ({var,V}, Rs) -> put_reg(V, Rs) end, Regs, Vs). %% put_reg(Val, Regs) -> Regs. -%% find_reg(Val, Regs) -> ok{r{R}} | error. +%% find_reg(Val, Regs) -> {ok,r{R}} | error. %% fetch_reg(Val, Regs) -> r{R}. %% Functions to interface the registers. diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl index e30bfa729c..a50b46bd7b 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_core.erl @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ -export([module/2,format_error/1]). -import(lists, [reverse/1,reverse/2,map/2,member/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3, - splitwith/2,keyfind/3,sort/1,foreach/2]). + splitwith/2,keyfind/3,sort/1,foreach/2,droplast/1,last/1]). -import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,is_element/2, union/1,union/2,intersection/2,subtract/2]). -import(cerl, [ann_c_cons/3,ann_c_cons_skel/3,ann_c_tuple/2,c_tuple/1]). @@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ -record(ireceive2, {anno=#a{},clauses,timeout,action}). -record(iset, {anno=#a{},var,arg}). -record(itry, {anno=#a{},args,vars,body,evars,handler}). +-record(ifilter, {anno=#a{},arg}). +-record(igen, {anno=#a{},acc_pat,acc_guard,skip_pat,tail,tail_pat,arg}). -type iapply() :: #iapply{}. -type ibinary() :: #ibinary{}. @@ -117,10 +119,13 @@ -type ireceive2() :: #ireceive2{}. -type iset() :: #iset{}. -type itry() :: #itry{}. +-type ifilter() :: #ifilter{}. +-type igen() :: #igen{}. -type i() :: iapply() | ibinary() | icall() | icase() | icatch() | iclause() | ifun() | iletrec() | imatch() | iprimop() - | iprotect() | ireceive1() | ireceive2() | iset() | itry(). + | iprotect() | ireceive1() | ireceive2() | iset() | itry() + | ifilter() | igen(). -type warning() :: {file:filename(), [{integer(), module(), term()}]}. @@ -226,13 +231,13 @@ guard(Gs0, St0) -> Gt1 = guard_tests(Gt0), L = element(2, Gt1), {op,L,'or',Gt1,Rhs} - end, guard_tests(last(Gs0)), first(Gs0)), + end, guard_tests(last(Gs0)), droplast(Gs0)), {Gs,St} = gexpr_top(Gs1, St0#core{in_guard=true}), {Gs,St#core{in_guard=false}}. guard_tests(Gs) -> L = element(2, hd(Gs)), - {protect,L,foldr(fun (G, Rhs) -> {op,L,'and',G,Rhs} end, last(Gs), first(Gs))}. + {protect,L,foldr(fun (G, Rhs) -> {op,L,'and',G,Rhs} end, last(Gs), droplast(Gs))}. %% gexpr_top(Expr, State) -> {Cexpr,State}. %% Generate an internal core expression of a guard test. Explicitly @@ -479,8 +484,9 @@ expr({cons,L,H0,T0}, St0) -> {T1,Tps,St2} = safe(T0, St1), A = lineno_anno(L, St2), {ann_c_cons(A, H1, T1),Hps ++ Tps,St2}; -expr({lc,L,E,Qs}, St) -> - lc_tq(L, E, Qs, #c_literal{anno=lineno_anno(L, St),val=[]}, St); +expr({lc,L,E,Qs0}, St0) -> + {Qs1,St1} = preprocess_quals(L, Qs0, St0), + lc_tq(L, E, Qs1, #c_literal{anno=lineno_anno(L, St1),val=[]}, St1); expr({bc,L,E,Qs}, St) -> bc_tq(L, E, Qs, {nil,L}, St); expr({tuple,L,Es0}, St0) -> @@ -513,7 +519,7 @@ expr({bin,L,Es0}, St0) -> end; expr({block,_,Es0}, St0) -> %% Inline the block directly. - {Es1,St1} = exprs(first(Es0), St0), + {Es1,St1} = exprs(droplast(Es0), St0), {E1,Eps,St2} = expr(last(Es0), St1), {E1,Es1 ++ Eps,St2}; expr({'if',L,Cs0}, St0) -> @@ -647,7 +653,7 @@ expr({match,L,P0,E0}, St0) -> Other when not is_atom(Other) -> {#imatch{anno=#a{anno=Lanno},pat=P2,arg=E2,fc=Fc},Eps,St4} end; -expr({op,_,'++',{lc,Llc,E,Qs},More}, St0) -> +expr({op,_,'++',{lc,Llc,E,Qs0},More}, St0) -> %% Optimise '++' here because of the list comprehension algorithm. %% %% To avoid achieving quadratic complexity if there is a chain of @@ -655,7 +661,8 @@ expr({op,_,'++',{lc,Llc,E,Qs},More}, St0) -> %% evaluation of More now. Evaluating More here could also reduce the %% number variables in the environment for letrec. {Mc,Mps,St1} = safe(More, St0), - {Y,Yps,St} = lc_tq(Llc, E, Qs, Mc, St1), + {Qs,St2} = preprocess_quals(Llc, Qs0, St1), + {Y,Yps,St} = lc_tq(Llc, E, Qs, Mc, St2), {Y,Mps++Yps,St}; expr({op,L,'andalso',E1,E2}, St0) -> {#c_var{name=V0},St} = new_var(L, St0), @@ -889,133 +896,45 @@ fun_tq({_,_,Name}=Id, Cs0, L, St0, NameInfo) -> %% lc_tq(Line, Exp, [Qualifier], Mc, State) -> {LetRec,[PreExp],State}. %% This TQ from Simon PJ pp 127-138. -%% This gets a bit messy as we must transform all directly here. We -%% recognise guard tests and try to fold them together and join to a -%% preceding generators, this should give us better and more compact -%% code. -lc_tq(Line, E, [{generate,Lg,P,G}|Qs0], Mc, St0) -> - {Gs,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), +lc_tq(Line, E, [#igen{anno=GAnno,acc_pat=AccPat,acc_guard=AccGuard, + skip_pat=SkipPat,tail=Tail,tail_pat=TailPat, + arg={Pre,Arg}}|Qs], Mc, St0) -> {Name,St1} = new_fun_name("lc", St0), - {Head,St2} = new_var(St1), - {Tname,St3} = new_var_name(St2), - LA = lineno_anno(Line, St3), - LAnno = #a{anno=LA}, - Tail = #c_var{anno=LA,name=Tname}, - {Arg,St4} = new_var(St3), - {Nc,[],St5} = expr({call,Lg,{atom,Lg,Name},[{var,Lg,Tname}]}, St4), - {Guardc,St6} = lc_guard_tests(Gs, St5), %These are always flat! - {Lc,Lps,St7} = lc_tq(Line, E, Qs1, Nc, St6), - {Pc,St8} = list_gen_pattern(P, Line, St7), - {Gc,Gps,St9} = safe(G, St8), %Will be a function argument! - Fc = function_clause([Arg], LA, {Name,1}), - - %% Avoid constructing a default clause if the list comprehension - %% only has a variable as generator and there are no guard - %% tests. In other words, if the comprehension is equivalent to - %% lists:map/2. - Cs0 = case {Guardc, Pc} of - {[], #c_var{}} -> - [#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=[]}],guard=[], - body=[Mc]}]; - _ -> - [#iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[ann_c_cons(LA, Head, Tail)], - guard=[], - body=[Nc]}, - #iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=[]}],guard=[], - body=[Mc]}] - end, - Cs = case Pc of - nomatch -> Cs0; - _ -> - [#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[ann_c_cons(LA, Pc, Tail)], - guard=Guardc, - body=Lps ++ [Lc]}|Cs0] - end, - Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=[Arg],clauses=Cs,fc=Fc}, - {#iletrec{anno=LAnno,defs=[{{Name,1},Fun}], - body=Gps ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno, - op=#c_var{anno=LA,name={Name,1}}, - args=[Gc]}]}, - [],St9}; -lc_tq(Line, E, [{b_generate,Lg,P,G}|Qs0], Mc, St0) -> - {Gs,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), - {Name,St1} = new_fun_name("blc", St0), LA = lineno_anno(Line, St1), LAnno = #a{anno=LA}, - HeadBinPattern = pattern(P, St1), - #c_binary{segments=Ps0} = HeadBinPattern, - {Ps,Tail,St2} = append_tail_segment(Ps0, St1), - {EPs,St3} = emasculate_segments(Ps, St2), - Pattern = HeadBinPattern#c_binary{segments=Ps}, - EPattern = HeadBinPattern#c_binary{segments=EPs}, - {Arg,St4} = new_var(St3), - {Guardc,St5} = lc_guard_tests(Gs, St4), %These are always flat! - Tname = Tail#c_var.name, - {Nc,[],St6} = expr({call,Lg,{atom,Lg,Name},[{var,Lg,Tname}]}, St5), - {Bc,Bps,St7} = lc_tq(Line, E, Qs1, Nc, St6), - {Gc,Gps,St10} = safe(G, St7), %Will be a function argument! - Fc = function_clause([Arg], LA, {Name,1}), - {TailSegList,_,St} = append_tail_segment([], St10), - Cs = [#iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[Pattern], - guard=Guardc, - body=Bps ++ [Bc]}, - #iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[EPattern], - guard=[], - body=[#iapply{anno=LAnno, - op=#c_var{anno=LA,name={Name,1}}, - args=[Tail]}]}, - #iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_binary{anno=LA,segments=TailSegList}],guard=[], - body=[Mc]}], - Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=[Arg],clauses=Cs,fc=Fc}, - {#iletrec{anno=LAnno,defs=[{{Name,1},Fun}], - body=Gps ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno, - op=#c_var{anno=LA,name={Name,1}}, - args=[Gc]}]}, - [],St}; -lc_tq(Line, E, [Fil0|Qs0], Mc, St0) -> - %% Special case sequences guard tests. - LA = lineno_anno(element(2, Fil0), St0), - LAnno = #a{anno=LA}, - case is_guard_test(Fil0) of - true -> - {Gs0,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), - {Lc,Lps,St1} = lc_tq(Line, E, Qs1, Mc, St0), - {Gs,St2} = lc_guard_tests([Fil0|Gs0], St1), %These are always flat! - {#icase{anno=LAnno, - args=[], - clauses=[#iclause{anno=LAnno,pats=[], - guard=Gs,body=Lps ++ [Lc]}], - fc=#iclause{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[],guard=[],body=[Mc]}}, - [],St2}; - false -> - {Lc,Lps,St1} = lc_tq(Line, E, Qs0, Mc, St0), - {Fpat,St2} = new_var(St1), - Fc = fail_clause([Fpat], LA, - c_tuple([#c_literal{val=case_clause},Fpat])), - %% Do a novars little optimisation here. - {Filc,Fps,St3} = novars(Fil0, St2), - {#icase{anno=LAnno, - args=[Filc], - clauses=[#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=true}], - guard=[], - body=Lps ++ [Lc]}, - #iclause{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=false}], - guard=[], - body=[Mc]}], - fc=Fc}, - Fps,St3} - end; + F = #c_var{anno=LA,name={Name,1}}, + Nc = #iapply{anno=GAnno,op=F,args=[Tail]}, + {Var,St2} = new_var(St1), + Fc = function_clause([Var], LA, {Name,1}), + TailClause = #iclause{anno=LAnno,pats=[TailPat],guard=[],body=[Mc]}, + Cs0 = case {AccPat,AccGuard} of + {SkipPat,[]} -> + %% Skip and accumulator patterns are the same and there is + %% no guard, no need to generate a skip clause. + [TailClause]; + _ -> + [#iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, + pats=[SkipPat],guard=[],body=[Nc]}, + TailClause] + end, + {Cs,St4} = case AccPat of + nomatch -> + %% The accumulator pattern never matches, no need + %% for an accumulator clause. + {Cs0,St2}; + _ -> + {Lc,Lps,St3} = lc_tq(Line, E, Qs, Nc, St2), + {[#iclause{anno=LAnno,pats=[AccPat],guard=AccGuard, + body=Lps ++ [Lc]}|Cs0], + St3} + end, + Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=[Var],clauses=Cs,fc=Fc}, + {#iletrec{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[list_comprehension|LA]},defs=[{{Name,1},Fun}], + body=Pre ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno,op=F,args=[Arg]}]}, + [],St4}; +lc_tq(Line, E, [#ifilter{}=Filter|Qs], Mc, St) -> + filter_tq(Line, E, Filter, Mc, St, Qs, fun lc_tq/5); lc_tq(Line, E0, [], Mc0, St0) -> {H1,Hps,St1} = safe(E0, St0), {T1,Tps,St} = force_safe(Mc0, St1), @@ -1025,143 +944,60 @@ lc_tq(Line, E0, [], Mc0, St0) -> %% bc_tq(Line, Exp, [Qualifier], More, State) -> {LetRec,[PreExp],State}. %% This TQ from Gustafsson ERLANG'05. -%% This gets a bit messy as we must transform all directly here. We -%% recognise guard tests and try to fold them together and join to a -%% preceding generators, this should give us better and more compact -%% code. %% More could be transformed before calling bc_tq. -bc_tq(Line, Exp, Qualifiers, _, St0) -> +bc_tq(Line, Exp, Qs0, _, St0) -> {BinVar,St1} = new_var(St0), - {Sz,SzPre,St2} = bc_initial_size(Exp, Qualifiers, St1), - {E,BcPre,St} = bc_tq1(Line, Exp, Qualifiers, BinVar, St2), + {Sz,SzPre,St2} = bc_initial_size(Exp, Qs0, St1), + {Qs,St3} = preprocess_quals(Line, Qs0, St2), + {E,BcPre,St} = bc_tq1(Line, Exp, Qs, BinVar, St3), Pre = SzPre ++ [#iset{var=BinVar, arg=#iprimop{name=#c_literal{val=bs_init_writable}, args=[Sz]}}] ++ BcPre, {E,Pre,St}. -bc_tq1(Line, E, [{generate,Lg,P,G}|Qs0], AccExpr, St0) -> - {Gs,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), +bc_tq1(Line, E, [#igen{anno=GAnno,acc_pat=AccPat,acc_guard=AccGuard, + skip_pat=SkipPat,tail=Tail,tail_pat=TailPat, + arg={Pre,Arg}}|Qs], Mc, St0) -> {Name,St1} = new_fun_name("lbc", St0), LA = lineno_anno(Line, St1), - {[Head,Tail,AccVar],St2} = new_vars(LA, 3, St1), LAnno = #a{anno=LA}, - {Arg,St3} = new_var(St2), - NewMore = {call,Lg,{atom,Lg,Name},[{var,Lg,Tail#c_var.name}, - {var,Lg,AccVar#c_var.name}]}, - {Guardc,St4} = lc_guard_tests(Gs, St3), %These are always flat! - {Lc,Lps,St5} = bc_tq1(Line, E, Qs1, AccVar, St4), - {Nc,Nps,St6} = expr(NewMore, St5), - {Pc,St7} = list_gen_pattern(P, Line, St6), - {Gc,Gps,St8} = safe(G, St7), %Will be a function argument! - Fc = function_clause([Arg,AccVar], LA, {Name,2}), - Cs0 = case {Guardc, Pc} of - {[], #c_var{}} -> - [#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=[]},AccVar],guard=[], - body=[AccVar]}]; - _ -> - [#iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[ann_c_cons(LA, Head, Tail),AccVar], - guard=[], - body=Nps ++ [Nc]}, - #iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=[]},AccVar],guard=[], - body=[AccVar]}] - end, - Cs = case Pc of - nomatch -> Cs0; - _ -> - Body = Lps ++ Nps ++ [#iset{var=AccVar,arg=Lc},Nc], - [#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[ann_c_cons(LA,Pc,Tail),AccVar], - guard=Guardc, - body=Body}|Cs0] - end, - Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=[Arg,AccVar],clauses=Cs,fc=Fc}, - {#iletrec{anno=LAnno,defs=[{{Name,2},Fun}], - body=Gps ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno, - op=#c_var{anno=LA,name={Name,2}}, - args=[Gc,AccExpr]}]}, - [],St8}; -bc_tq1(Line, E, [{b_generate,Lg,P,G}|Qs0], AccExpr, St0) -> - {Gs,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), - {Name,St1} = new_fun_name("lbc", St0), - LA = lineno_anno(Line, St1), - {AccVar,St2} = new_var(LA, St1), - LAnno = #a{anno=LA}, - HeadBinPattern = pattern(P, St2), - #c_binary{segments=Ps0} = HeadBinPattern, - {Ps,Tail,St3} = append_tail_segment(Ps0, St2), - {EPs,St4} = emasculate_segments(Ps, St3), - Pattern = HeadBinPattern#c_binary{segments=Ps}, - EPattern = HeadBinPattern#c_binary{segments=EPs}, - {Arg,St5} = new_var(St4), - NewMore = {call,Lg,{atom,Lg,Name},[{var,Lg,Tail#c_var.name}, - {var,Lg,AccVar#c_var.name}]}, - {Guardc,St6} = lc_guard_tests(Gs, St5), %These are always flat! - {Bc,Bps,St7} = bc_tq1(Line, E, Qs1, AccVar, St6), - {Nc,Nps,St8} = expr(NewMore, St7), - {Gc,Gps,St9} = safe(G, St8), %Will be a function argument! - Fc = function_clause([Arg,AccVar], LA, {Name,2}), - Body = Bps ++ Nps ++ [#iset{var=AccVar,arg=Bc},Nc], - {TailSegList,_,St} = append_tail_segment([], St9), - Cs = [#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[Pattern,AccVar], - guard=Guardc, - body=Body}, - #iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[EPattern,AccVar], - guard=[], - body=Nps ++ [Nc]}, - #iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_binary{anno=LA,segments=TailSegList},AccVar], - guard=[], - body=[AccVar]}], - Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=[Arg,AccVar],clauses=Cs,fc=Fc}, - {#iletrec{anno=LAnno,defs=[{{Name,2},Fun}], - body=Gps ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno, - op=#c_var{anno=LA,name={Name,2}}, - args=[Gc,AccExpr]}]}, - [],St}; -bc_tq1(Line, E, [Fil0|Qs0], AccVar, St0) -> - %% Special case sequences guard tests. - LA = lineno_anno(element(2, Fil0), St0), - LAnno = #a{anno=LA}, - case is_guard_test(Fil0) of - true -> - {Gs0,Qs1} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), - {Bc,Bps,St1} = bc_tq1(Line, E, Qs1, AccVar, St0), - {Gs,St} = lc_guard_tests([Fil0|Gs0], St1), %These are always flat! - {#icase{anno=LAnno, - args=[], - clauses=[#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[], - guard=Gs,body=Bps ++ [Bc]}], - fc=#iclause{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[],guard=[],body=[AccVar]}}, - [],St}; - false -> - {Bc,Bps,St1} = bc_tq1(Line, E, Qs0, AccVar, St0), - {Fpat,St2} = new_var(St1), - Fc = fail_clause([Fpat], LA, - c_tuple([#c_literal{val=case_clause},Fpat])), - %% Do a novars little optimisation here. - {Filc,Fps,St} = novars(Fil0, St2), - {#icase{anno=LAnno, - args=[Filc], - clauses=[#iclause{anno=LAnno, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=true}], - guard=[], - body=Bps ++ [Bc]}, - #iclause{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, - pats=[#c_literal{anno=LA,val=false}], - guard=[], - body=[AccVar]}], - fc=Fc}, - Fps,St} - end; + {Vars=[_,AccVar],St2} = new_vars(LA, 2, St1), + F = #c_var{anno=LA,name={Name,2}}, + Nc = #iapply{anno=GAnno,op=F,args=[Tail,AccVar]}, + Fc = function_clause(Vars, LA, {Name,2}), + TailClause = #iclause{anno=LAnno,pats=[TailPat,AccVar],guard=[], + body=[AccVar]}, + Cs0 = case {AccPat,AccGuard} of + {SkipPat,[]} -> + %% Skip and accumulator patterns are the same and there is + %% no guard, no need to generate a skip clause. + [TailClause]; + _ -> + [#iclause{anno=#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, + pats=[SkipPat,AccVar],guard=[],body=[Nc]}, + TailClause] + end, + {Cs,St4} = case AccPat of + nomatch -> + %% The accumulator pattern never matches, no need + %% for an accumulator clause. + {Cs0,St2}; + _ -> + {Bc,Bps,St3} = bc_tq1(Line, E, Qs, AccVar, St2), + Body = Bps ++ [#iset{var=AccVar,arg=Bc},Nc], + {[#iclause{anno=LAnno, + pats=[AccPat,AccVar],guard=AccGuard, + body=Body}|Cs0], + St3} + end, + Fun = #ifun{anno=LAnno,id=[],vars=Vars,clauses=Cs,fc=Fc}, + {#iletrec{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[list_comprehension|LA]},defs=[{{Name,2},Fun}], + body=Pre ++ [#iapply{anno=LAnno,op=F,args=[Arg,Mc]}]}, + [],St4}; +bc_tq1(Line, E, [#ifilter{}=Filter|Qs], Mc, St) -> + filter_tq(Line, E, Filter, Mc, St, Qs, fun bc_tq1/5); bc_tq1(_, {bin,Bl,Elements}, [], AccVar, St0) -> {E,Pre,St} = expr({bin,Bl,[{bin_element,Bl, {var,Bl,AccVar#c_var.name}, @@ -1169,16 +1005,154 @@ bc_tq1(_, {bin,Bl,Elements}, [], AccVar, St0) -> [binary,{unit,1}]}|Elements]}, St0), #a{anno=A} = Anno0 = get_anno(E), Anno = Anno0#a{anno=[compiler_generated,single_use|A]}, - %%Anno = Anno0#a{anno=[compiler_generated|A]}, {set_anno(E, Anno),Pre,St}. +%% filter_tq(Line, Expr, Filter, Mc, State, [Qualifier], TqFun) -> +%% {Case,[PreExpr],State}. +%% Transform an intermediate comprehension filter to its intermediate case +%% representation. + +filter_tq(Line, E, #ifilter{anno=#a{anno=LA}=LAnno,arg={Pre,Arg}}, + Mc, St0, Qs, TqFun) -> + %% The filter is an expression, it is compiled to a case of degree 1 with + %% 3 clauses, one accumulating, one skipping and the final one throwing + %% {case_clause,Value} where Value is the result of the filter and is not a + %% boolean. + {Lc,Lps,St1} = TqFun(Line, E, Qs, Mc, St0), + {FailPat,St2} = new_var(St1), + Fc = fail_clause([FailPat], LA, + c_tuple([#c_literal{val=case_clause},FailPat])), + {#icase{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[list_comprehension|LA]},args=[Arg], + clauses=[#iclause{anno=LAnno, + pats=[#c_literal{val=true}],guard=[], + body=Lps ++ [Lc]}, + #iclause{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, + pats=[#c_literal{val=false}],guard=[], + body=[Mc]}], + fc=Fc}, + Pre,St2}; +filter_tq(Line, E, #ifilter{anno=#a{anno=LA}=LAnno,arg=Guard}, + Mc, St0, Qs, TqFun) when is_list(Guard) -> + %% Otherwise it is a guard, compiled to a case of degree 0 with 2 clauses, + %% the first matches if the guard succeeds and the comprehension continues + %% or the second one is selected and the current element is skipped. + {Lc,Lps,St1} = TqFun(Line, E, Qs, Mc, St0), + {#icase{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[list_comprehension|LA]},args=[], + clauses=[#iclause{anno=LAnno,pats=[],guard=Guard,body=Lps ++ [Lc]}], + fc=#iclause{anno=LAnno#a{anno=[compiler_generated|LA]}, + pats=[],guard=[],body=[Mc]}}, + [],St1}. + +%% preprocess_quals(Line, [Qualifier], State) -> {[Qualifier'],State}. +%% Preprocess a list of Erlang qualifiers into its intermediate representation, +%% represented as a list of #igen{} and #ifilter{} records. We recognise guard +%% tests and try to fold them together and join to a preceding generators, this +%% should give us better and more compact code. + +preprocess_quals(Line, Qs, St) -> + preprocess_quals(Line, Qs, St, []). + +preprocess_quals(Line, [Q|Qs0], St0, Acc) -> + case is_generator(Q) of + true -> + {Gs,Qs} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), + {Gen,St} = generator(Line, Q, Gs, St0), + preprocess_quals(Line, Qs, St, [Gen|Acc]); + false -> + LAnno = #a{anno=lineno_anno(get_anno(Q), St0)}, + case is_guard_test(Q) of + true -> + %% When a filter is a guard test, its argument in the + %% #ifilter{} record is a list as returned by + %% lc_guard_tests/2. + {Gs,Qs} = splitwith(fun is_guard_test/1, Qs0), + {Cg,St} = lc_guard_tests([Q|Gs], St0), + Filter = #ifilter{anno=LAnno,arg=Cg}, + preprocess_quals(Line, Qs, St, [Filter|Acc]); + false -> + %% Otherwise, it is a pair {Pre,Arg} as in a generator + %% input. + {Ce,Pre,St} = novars(Q, St0), + Filter = #ifilter{anno=LAnno,arg={Pre,Ce}}, + preprocess_quals(Line, Qs0, St, [Filter|Acc]) + end + end; +preprocess_quals(_, [], St, Acc) -> + {reverse(Acc),St}. + +is_generator({generate,_,_,_}) -> true; +is_generator({b_generate,_,_,_}) -> true; +is_generator(_) -> false. + +%% +%% Generators are abstracted as sextuplets: +%% - acc_pat is the accumulator pattern, e.g. [Pat|Tail] for Pat <- Expr. +%% - acc_guard is the list of guards immediately following the current +%% generator in the qualifier list input. +%% - skip_pat is the skip pattern, e.g. <<X,_:X,Tail/bitstring>> for +%% <<X,1:X>> <= Expr. +%% - tail is the variable used in AccPat and SkipPat bound to the rest of the +%% generator input. +%% - tail_pat is the tail pattern, respectively [] and <<_/bitstring>> for list +%% and bit string generators. +%% - arg is a pair {Pre,Arg} where Pre is the list of expressions to be +%% inserted before the comprehension function and Arg is the expression +%% that it should be passed. +%% + +%% generator(Line, Generator, Guard, State) -> {Generator',State}. +%% Transform a given generator into its #igen{} representation. + +generator(Line, {generate,Lg,P0,E}, Gs, St0) -> + LA = lineno_anno(Line, St0), + GA = lineno_anno(Lg, St0), + {Head,St1} = list_gen_pattern(P0, Line, St0), + {[Tail,Skip],St2} = new_vars(2, St1), + {Cg,St3} = lc_guard_tests(Gs, St2), + {AccPat,SkipPat} = case Head of + #c_var{} -> + %% If the generator pattern is a variable, the + %% pattern from the accumulator clause can be + %% reused in the skip one. lc_tq and bc_tq1 takes + %% care of dismissing the latter in that case. + Cons = ann_c_cons(LA, Head, Tail), + {Cons,Cons}; + nomatch -> + %% If it never matches, there is no need for + %% an accumulator clause. + {nomatch,ann_c_cons(LA, Skip, Tail)}; + _ -> + {ann_c_cons(LA, Head, Tail), + ann_c_cons(LA, Skip, Tail)} + end, + {Ce,Pre,St4} = safe(E, St3), + Gen = #igen{anno=#a{anno=GA},acc_pat=AccPat,acc_guard=Cg,skip_pat=SkipPat, + tail=Tail,tail_pat=#c_literal{anno=LA,val=[]},arg={Pre,Ce}}, + {Gen,St4}; +generator(Line, {b_generate,Lg,P,E}, Gs, St0) -> + LA = lineno_anno(Line, St0), + GA = lineno_anno(Lg, St0), + Cp = #c_binary{segments=Segs} = pattern(P, St0), + %% The function append_tail_segment/2 keeps variable patterns as-is, making + %% it possible to have the same skip clause removal as with list generators. + {AccSegs,Tail,TailSeg,St1} = append_tail_segment(Segs, St0), + AccPat = Cp#c_binary{segments=AccSegs}, + {Cg,St2} = lc_guard_tests(Gs, St1), + {SkipSegs,St3} = emasculate_segments(AccSegs, St2), + SkipPat = Cp#c_binary{segments=SkipSegs}, + {Ce,Pre,St4} = safe(E, St3), + Gen = #igen{anno=#a{anno=GA},acc_pat=AccPat,acc_guard=Cg,skip_pat=SkipPat, + tail=Tail,tail_pat=#c_binary{anno=LA,segments=[TailSeg]}, + arg={Pre,Ce}}, + {Gen,St4}. + append_tail_segment(Segs, St0) -> {Var,St} = new_var(St0), Tail = #c_bitstr{val=Var,size=#c_literal{val=all}, unit=#c_literal{val=1}, type=#c_literal{val=binary}, flags=#c_literal{val=[unsigned,big]}}, - {Segs++[Tail],Var,St}. + {Segs++[Tail],Var,Tail,St}. emasculate_segments(Segs, St) -> emasculate_segments(Segs, St, []). @@ -1189,7 +1163,7 @@ emasculate_segments([B|Rest], St0, Acc) -> {Var,St1} = new_var(St0), emasculate_segments(Rest, St1, [B#c_bitstr{val=Var}|Acc]); emasculate_segments([], St, Acc) -> - {lists:reverse(Acc),St}. + {reverse(Acc),St}. lc_guard_tests([], St) -> {[],St}; lc_guard_tests(Gs0, St0) -> @@ -1505,8 +1479,50 @@ pattern({cons,L,H,T}, St) -> pattern({tuple,L,Ps}, St) -> ann_c_tuple(lineno_anno(L, St), pattern_list(Ps, St)); pattern({map,L,Ps}, St) -> - #c_map{anno=lineno_anno(L, St), es=sort(pattern_list(Ps, St))}; -pattern({map_field_exact,L,K,V}, St) -> + #c_map{anno=lineno_anno(L, St), es=pattern_map_pairs(Ps, St)}; +pattern({bin,L,Ps}, St) -> + %% We don't create a #ibinary record here, since there is + %% no need to hold any used/new annotations in a pattern. + #c_binary{anno=lineno_anno(L, St),segments=pat_bin(Ps, St)}; +pattern({match,_,P1,P2}, St) -> + pat_alias(pattern(P1, St), pattern(P2, St)). + +%% pattern_map_pairs([MapFieldExact],State) -> [#c_map_pairs{}] +pattern_map_pairs(Ps, St) -> + %% check literal key uniqueness (dict is needed) + %% pattern all pairs + {CMapPairs, Kdb} = lists:mapfoldl(fun + (P,Kdbi) -> + #c_map_pair{key=Ck,val=Cv} = CMapPair = pattern_map_pair(P,St), + K = core_lib:literal_value(Ck), + case dict:find(K,Kdbi) of + {ok, Vs} -> + {CMapPair, dict:store(K,[Cv|Vs],Kdbi)}; + _ -> + {CMapPair, dict:store(K,[Cv],Kdbi)} + end + end, dict:new(), Ps), + pattern_alias_map_pairs(CMapPairs,Kdb,dict:new(),St). + +pattern_alias_map_pairs([],_,_,_) -> []; +pattern_alias_map_pairs([#c_map_pair{key=Ck}=Pair|Pairs],Kdb,Kset,St) -> + %% alias same keys if needed + K = core_lib:literal_value(Ck), + case dict:find(K,Kset) of + {ok,processed} -> + pattern_alias_map_pairs(Pairs,Kdb,Kset,St); + _ -> + Cvs = dict:fetch(K,Kdb), + Cv = pattern_alias_map_pair_patterns(Cvs), + Kset1 = dict:store(K, processed, Kset), + [Pair#c_map_pair{val=Cv}|pattern_alias_map_pairs(Pairs,Kdb,Kset1,St)] + end. + +pattern_alias_map_pair_patterns([Cv]) -> Cv; +pattern_alias_map_pair_patterns([Cv1,Cv2|Cvs]) -> + pattern_alias_map_pair_patterns([pat_alias(Cv1,Cv2)|Cvs]). + +pattern_map_pair({map_field_exact,L,K,V}, St) -> %% FIXME: Better way to construct literals? or missing case %% {Key,_,_} = expr(K, St), Key = case K of @@ -1523,13 +1539,8 @@ pattern({map_field_exact,L,K,V}, St) -> #c_map_pair{anno=lineno_anno(L, St), op=#c_literal{val=exact}, key=Key, - val=pattern(V, St)}; -pattern({bin,L,Ps}, St) -> - %% We don't create a #ibinary record here, since there is - %% no need to hold any used/new annotations in a pattern. - #c_binary{anno=lineno_anno(L, St),segments=pat_bin(Ps, St)}; -pattern({match,_,P1,P2}, St) -> - pat_alias(pattern(P1, St), pattern(P2, St)). + val=pattern(V, St)}. + %% pat_bin([BinElement], State) -> [BinSeg]. @@ -1588,15 +1599,6 @@ pat_alias_list(_, _) -> throw(nomatch). pattern_list(Ps, St) -> [pattern(P, St) || P <- Ps]. -%% first([A]) -> [A]. -%% last([A]) -> A. - -first([_]) -> []; -first([H|T]) -> [H|first(T)]. - -last([L]) -> L; -last([_|T]) -> last(T). - %% make_vars([Name]) -> [{Var,Name}]. make_vars(Vs) -> [ #c_var{name=V} || V <- Vs ]. @@ -1679,13 +1681,13 @@ uclause(#iclause{anno=Anno,pats=Ps0,guard=G0,body=B0}, Pks, Ks0, St0) -> uguard([], [], _, St) -> {[],St}; uguard(Pg, [], Ks, St) -> %% No guard, so fold together equality tests. - uguard(first(Pg), [last(Pg)], Ks, St); + uguard(droplast(Pg), [last(Pg)], Ks, St); uguard(Pg, Gs0, Ks, St0) -> %% Gs0 must contain at least one element here. {Gs3,St5} = foldr(fun (T, {Gs1,St1}) -> {L,St2} = new_var(St1), {R,St3} = new_var(St2), - {[#iset{var=L,arg=T}] ++ first(Gs1) ++ + {[#iset{var=L,arg=T}] ++ droplast(Gs1) ++ [#iset{var=R,arg=last(Gs1)}, #icall{anno=#a{}, %Must have an #a{} module=#c_literal{val=erlang}, @@ -2088,7 +2090,8 @@ cexpr(#ifun{anno=#a{us=Us0}=A0,name={named,Name},fc=#iclause{pats=Ps}}=Fun0, RecVar = #c_var{name={Name,length(Ps)}}, Let = #c_let{vars=[#c_var{name=Name}],arg=RecVar,body=Body}, CFun1 = CFun0#c_fun{body=Let}, - Letrec = #c_letrec{defs=[{RecVar,CFun1}], + Letrec = #c_letrec{anno=A0#a.anno, + defs=[{RecVar,CFun1}], body=RecVar}, {Letrec,[],Us1,St1} end; diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl index 9a2b1605ad..5675572092 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ -export([module/2,format_error/1]). -import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,splitwith/2,member/2, - keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2]). + keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2,droplast/1,last/1]). -import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,union/2,union/1,subtract/2]). -import(cerl, [c_tuple/1]). @@ -274,8 +274,7 @@ expr(#c_tuple{anno=A,es=Ces}, Sub, St0) -> {#k_tuple{anno=A,es=Kes},Ep,St1}; expr(#c_map{anno=A,var=Var0,es=Ces}, Sub, St0) -> {Var,[],St1} = expr(Var0, Sub, St0), - {Kes,Ep,St2} = map_pairs(Ces, Sub, St1), - {#k_map{anno=A,var=Var,es=Kes},Ep,St2}; + map_split_pairs(A, Var, Ces, Sub, St1); expr(#c_binary{anno=A,segments=Cv}, Sub, St0) -> try atomic_bin(Cv, Sub, St0) of {Kv,Ep,St1} -> @@ -351,7 +350,7 @@ expr(#c_case{arg=Ca,clauses=Ccs}, Sub, St0) -> {Kvs,Pv,St2} = match_vars(Ka, St1), %Must have variables here! {Km,St3} = kmatch(Kvs, Ccs, Sub, St2), Match = flatten_seq(build_match(Kvs, Km)), - {last(Match),Pa ++ Pv ++ first(Match),St3}; + {last(Match),Pa ++ Pv ++ droplast(Match),St3}; expr(#c_receive{anno=A,clauses=Ccs0,timeout=Ce,action=Ca}, Sub, St0) -> {Ke,Pe,St1} = atomic(Ce, Sub, St0), %Force this to be atomic! {Rvar,St2} = new_var(St1), @@ -497,15 +496,70 @@ translate_match_fail_1(Anno, As, Sub, #kern{ff=FF}) -> translate_fc(Args) -> [#c_literal{val=function_clause},make_list(Args)]. -%% FIXME: Not completed -map_pairs(Es, Sub, St) -> - foldr(fun - (#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=Op},key=K0,val=V0}, {Kes,Esp,St0}) when - Op =:= assoc; Op =:= exact -> %% assert Op - {K,[],St1} = expr(K0, Sub, St0), - {V,Ep,St2} = atomic(V0, Sub, St1), - {[#k_map_pair{op=Op,key=K,val=V}|Kes],Ep ++ Esp,St2} - end, {[],[],St}, Es). +map_split_pairs(A, Var, Ces, Sub, St0) -> + %% two steps + %% 1. force variables + %% 2. remove multiples + Pairs0 = [{Op,K,V} || #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=Op},key=K,val=V} <- Ces], + {Pairs,Esp,St1} = foldr(fun + ({Op,K0,V0}, {Ops,Espi,Sti0}) when Op =:= assoc; Op =:= exact -> + {K,[],Sti1} = expr(K0, Sub, Sti0), + {V,Ep,Sti2} = atomic(V0, Sub, Sti1), + {[{Op,K,V}|Ops],Ep ++ Espi,Sti2} + end, {[],[],St0}, Pairs0), + + case map_group_pairs(Pairs) of + {Assoc,[]} -> + Kes = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{assoc,K,V}} <- Assoc], + {#k_map{anno=A,op=assoc,var=Var,es=Kes},Esp,St1}; + {[],Exact} -> + Kes = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{exact,K,V}} <- Exact], + {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,var=Var,es=Kes},Esp,St1}; + {Assoc,Exact} -> + Kes1 = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{assoc,K,V}} <- Assoc], + {Mvar,Em,St2} = force_atomic(#k_map{anno=A,op=assoc,var=Var,es=Kes1},St1), + Kes2 = [#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}||{_,{exact,K,V}} <- Exact], + {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,var=Mvar,es=Kes2},Em ++ Esp,St2} + + end. + +%% Group map by Assoc operations and Exact operations + +map_group_pairs(Es) -> + Groups = dict:to_list(map_group_pairs(Es,dict:new())), + partition(fun({_,{Op,_,_}}) -> Op =:= assoc end, Groups). + +map_group_pairs([{assoc,K,V}|Es0],Used0) -> + Used1 = case map_key_is_used(K,Used0) of + {ok, {assoc,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{assoc,K,V},Used0); + {ok, {exact,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{exact,K,V},Used0); + _ -> map_key_set_used(K,{assoc,K,V},Used0) + end, + map_group_pairs(Es0,Used1); +map_group_pairs([{exact,K,V}|Es0],Used0) -> + Used1 = case map_key_is_used(K,Used0) of + {ok, {assoc,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{assoc,K,V},Used0); + {ok, {exact,_,_}} -> map_key_set_used(K,{exact,K,V},Used0); + _ -> map_key_set_used(K,{exact,K,V},Used0) + end, + map_group_pairs(Es0,Used1); +map_group_pairs([],Used) -> + Used. + +map_key_set_used(K,How,Used) -> + dict:store(map_key_clean(K),How,Used). + +map_key_is_used(K,Used) -> + dict:find(map_key_clean(K),Used). + +%% Be explicit instead of using set_kanno(K,[]) +map_key_clean(#k_literal{val=V}) -> {k_literal,V}; +map_key_clean(#k_int{val=V}) -> {k_int,V}; +map_key_clean(#k_float{val=V}) -> {k_float,V}; +map_key_clean(#k_atom{val=V}) -> {k_atom,V}; +map_key_clean(#k_nil{}) -> k_nil; +map_key_clean(#k_var{name=V}) -> {k_var,V}. + %% call_type(Module, Function, Arity) -> call | bif | apply | error. %% Classify the call. @@ -663,12 +717,8 @@ pattern(#c_tuple{anno=A,es=Ces}, Isub, Osub0, St0) -> {Kes,Osub1,St1} = pattern_list(Ces, Isub, Osub0, St0), {#k_tuple{anno=A,es=Kes},Osub1,St1}; pattern(#c_map{anno=A,es=Ces}, Isub, Osub0, St0) -> - {Kes,Osub1,St1} = pattern_list(Ces, Isub, Osub0, St0), - {#k_map{anno=A,es=Kes},Osub1,St1}; -pattern(#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},anno=A,key=Ck,val=Cv},Isub, Osub0, St0) -> - {Kk,Osub1,St1} = pattern(Ck, Isub, Osub0, St0), - {Kv,Osub2,St2} = pattern(Cv, Isub, Osub1, St1), - {#k_map_pair{anno=A,op=exact,key=Kk,val=Kv},Osub2,St2}; + {Kes,Osub1,St1} = pattern_map_pairs(Ces, Isub, Osub0, St0), + {#k_map{anno=A,op=exact,es=Kes},Osub1,St1}; pattern(#c_binary{anno=A,segments=Cv}, Isub, Osub0, St0) -> {Kv,Osub1,St1} = pattern_bin(Cv, Isub, Osub0, St0), {#k_binary{anno=A,segs=Kv},Osub1,St1}; @@ -683,6 +733,25 @@ flatten_alias(#c_alias{var=V,pat=P}) -> {[V|Vs],Pat}; flatten_alias(Pat) -> {[],Pat}. +pattern_map_pairs(Ces0, Isub, Osub0, St0) -> + %% It is assumed that all core keys are literals + %% It is later assumed that these keys are term sorted + %% so we need to sort them here + Ces1 = lists:sort(fun + (#c_map_pair{key=CkA},#c_map_pair{key=CkB}) -> + A = core_lib:literal_value(CkA), + B = core_lib:literal_value(CkB), + erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) < 0 + end, Ces0), + %% pattern the pair keys and values as normal + {Kes,{Osub1,St1}} = lists:mapfoldl(fun + (#c_map_pair{anno=A,key=Ck,val=Cv},{Osubi0,Sti0}) -> + {Kk,Osubi1,Sti1} = pattern(Ck, Isub, Osubi0, Sti0), + {Kv,Osubi2,Sti2} = pattern(Cv, Isub, Osubi1, Sti1), + {#k_map_pair{anno=A,key=Kk,val=Kv},{Osubi2,Sti2}} + end, {Osub0, St0}, Ces1), + {Kes,Osub1,St1}. + pattern_bin(Es, Isub, Osub0, St0) -> {Kbin,{_,Osub},St} = pattern_bin_1(Es, Isub, Osub0, St0), {Kbin,Osub,St}. @@ -847,15 +916,6 @@ foldr2(Fun, Acc0, [E1|L1], [E2|L2]) -> foldr2(Fun, Acc1, L1, L2); foldr2(_, Acc, [], []) -> Acc. -%% first([A]) -> [A]. -%% last([A]) -> A. - -last([L]) -> L; -last([_|T]) -> last(T). - -first([_]) -> []; -first([H|T]) -> [H|first(T)]. - %% This code implements the algorithm for an optimizing compiler for %% pattern matching given "The Implementation of Functional %% Programming Languages" by Simon Peyton Jones. The code is much @@ -1342,13 +1402,13 @@ get_match(#k_bin_int{}=BinInt, St0) -> get_match(#k_tuple{es=Es}, St0) -> {Mes,St1} = new_vars(length(Es), St0), {#k_tuple{es=Mes},Mes,St1}; -get_match(#k_map{es=Es0}, St0) -> +get_match(#k_map{op=exact,es=Es0}, St0) -> {Mes,St1} = new_vars(length(Es0), St0), {Es,_} = mapfoldl(fun (#k_map_pair{}=Pair, [V|Vs]) -> {Pair#k_map_pair{val=V},Vs} end, Mes, Es0), - {#k_map{es=Es},Mes,St1}; + {#k_map{op=exact,es=Es},Mes,St1}; get_match(M, St) -> {M,[],St}. @@ -1365,9 +1425,8 @@ new_clauses(Cs0, U, St) -> [S,N|As]; #k_bin_int{next=N} -> [N|As]; - #k_map{es=Es} -> - Vals = [V || - #k_map_pair{op=exact,val=V} <- Es], + #k_map{op=exact,es=Es} -> + Vals = [V || #k_map_pair{val=V} <- Es], Vals ++ As; _Other -> As @@ -1467,14 +1526,14 @@ arg_val(Arg, C) -> _ -> {set_kanno(S, []),U,T,Fs} end; - #k_map{es=Es} -> + #k_map{op=exact,es=Es} -> Keys = [begin - #k_map_pair{op=exact,key=#k_literal{val=Key}} = Pair, + #k_map_pair{key=#k_literal{val=Key}} = Pair, Key end || Pair <- Es], %% multiple keys may have the same name %% do not use ordsets - lists:sort(Keys) + lists:sort(fun(A,B) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) < 0 end, Keys) end. %% ubody_used_vars(Expr, State) -> [UsedVar] @@ -1885,7 +1944,7 @@ pat_vars(#k_tuple{es=Es}) -> pat_list_vars(Es); pat_vars(#k_map{es=Es}) -> pat_list_vars(Es); -pat_vars(#k_map_pair{op=exact,val=V}) -> +pat_vars(#k_map_pair{val=V}) -> pat_vars(V). pat_list_vars(Ps) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl index c7886a070d..ab66445f73 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ -record(k_nil, {anno=[]}). -record(k_tuple, {anno=[],es}). --record(k_map, {anno=[],var,es}). --record(k_map_pair, {anno=[],op,key,val}). +-record(k_map, {anno=[],var,op,es}). +-record(k_map_pair, {anno=[],key,val}). -record(k_cons, {anno=[],hd,tl}). -record(k_binary, {anno=[],segs}). -record(k_bin_seg, {anno=[],size,unit,type,flags,seg,next}). diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl index edbd3f74f8..b4e486f97c 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl @@ -110,15 +110,18 @@ format_1(#k_map{var=#k_var{}=Var,es=Es}, Ctxt) -> " | ",format_1(Var, Ctxt), $},$~ ]; +format_1(#k_map{op=assoc,es=Es}, Ctxt) -> + ["~{", + format_hseq(Es, ",", ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2), + "}~" + ]; format_1(#k_map{es=Es}, Ctxt) -> - [$~,${, + ["::{", format_hseq(Es, ",", ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2), - $},$~ + "}::" ]; -format_1(#k_map_pair{op=assoc,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) -> - ["~<",format(K, Ctxt),",",format(V, Ctxt),">"]; -format_1(#k_map_pair{op=exact,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) -> - ["::<",format(K, Ctxt),",",format(V, Ctxt),">"]; +format_1(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) -> + ["<",format(K, Ctxt),",",format(V, Ctxt),">"]; format_1(#k_binary{segs=S}, Ctxt) -> ["#<",format(S, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 2)),">#"]; format_1(#k_bin_seg{next=Next}=S, Ctxt) -> diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl index ae928e955c..c4f54a7970 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl @@ -367,12 +367,10 @@ literal(#k_bin_end{}, Ctxt) -> {bin_end,Ctxt}; literal(#k_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) -> {tuple,literal_list(Es, Ctxt)}; -literal(#k_map{var=Var,es=Es}, Ctxt) -> - {map,literal(Var, Ctxt),literal_list(Es, Ctxt)}; -literal(#k_map_pair{op=assoc,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) -> - {map_pair_assoc,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)}; -literal(#k_map_pair{op=exact,key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) -> - {map_pair_exact,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)}; +literal(#k_map{op=Op,var=Var,es=Es}, Ctxt) -> + {map,Op,literal(Var, Ctxt),literal_list(Es, Ctxt)}; +literal(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) -> + {map_pair,literal(K, Ctxt),literal(V, Ctxt)}; literal(#k_literal{val=V}, _Ctxt) -> {literal,V}. @@ -402,8 +400,8 @@ literal2(#k_bin_end{}, Ctxt) -> {bin_end,Ctxt}; literal2(#k_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) -> {tuple,literal_list2(Es, Ctxt)}; -literal2(#k_map{es=Es}, Ctxt) -> - {map,literal_list2(Es, Ctxt)}; +literal2(#k_map{op=Op,es=Es}, Ctxt) -> + {map,Op,literal_list2(Es, Ctxt)}; literal2(#k_map_pair{key=K,val=V}, Ctxt) -> {map_pair,literal2(K, Ctxt),literal2(V, Ctxt)}. diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile index 0a637a07cd..39c9fea5d9 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile +++ b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ NO_OPT= \ fun \ guard \ lc \ + map \ match \ misc \ num_bif \ diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/bs_match_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/bs_match_SUITE.erl index 9f15845d33..149b9bbb8f 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/test/bs_match_SUITE.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/test/bs_match_SUITE.erl @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ otp_7188/1,otp_7233/1,otp_7240/1,otp_7498/1, match_string/1,zero_width/1,bad_size/1,haystack/1, cover_beam_bool/1,matched_out_size/1,follow_fail_branch/1, - no_partition/1]). + no_partition/1,calling_a_binary/1]). -export([coverage_id/1,coverage_external_ignore/2]). @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ groups() -> matching_and_andalso,otp_7188,otp_7233,otp_7240, otp_7498,match_string,zero_width,bad_size,haystack, cover_beam_bool,matched_out_size,follow_fail_branch, - no_partition]}]. + no_partition,calling_a_binary]}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> @@ -1178,6 +1178,17 @@ no_partition_2([], a5) -> no_partition_2(42.0, a6) -> six. +calling_a_binary(Config) when is_list(Config) -> + [] = call_binary(<<>>, []), + {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch call_binary(<<1>>, [])), + {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch call_binary(<<1,2,3>>, [])), + ok. + +call_binary(<<>>, Acc) -> + Acc; +call_binary(<<H,T/bits>>, Acc) -> + T(<<Acc/binary,H>>). + check(F, R) -> R = F(). diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/core_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/core_SUITE.erl index 1a521c3591..aa222c48de 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/test/core_SUITE.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/test/core_SUITE.erl @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ dehydrated_itracer/1,nested_tries/1, seq_in_guard/1,make_effect_seq/1,eval_is_boolean/1, unsafe_case/1,nomatch_shadow/1,reversed_annos/1, - map_core_test/1]). + map_core_test/1,eval_case/1]). -include_lib("test_server/include/test_server.hrl"). @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ groups() -> [{p,test_lib:parallel(), [dehydrated_itracer,nested_tries,seq_in_guard,make_effect_seq, eval_is_boolean,unsafe_case,nomatch_shadow,reversed_annos, - map_core_test + map_core_test,eval_case ]}]. @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> ?comp(nomatch_shadow). ?comp(reversed_annos). ?comp(map_core_test). +?comp(eval_case). try_it(Mod, Conf) -> Src = filename:join(?config(data_dir, Conf), atom_to_list(Mod)), diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/core_SUITE_data/eval_case.core b/lib/compiler/test/core_SUITE_data/eval_case.core new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2776e2b1f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/compiler/test/core_SUITE_data/eval_case.core @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +module 'eval_case' ['eval_case'/0] + attributes [] +'eval_case'/0 = + fun () -> + case <> of + <> when 'true' -> + case apply 'do_case'/0() of + <'ok'> when 'true' -> + 'ok' + ( <_cor0> when 'true' -> + primop 'match_fail' + ({'badmatch',_cor0}) + -| ['compiler_generated'] ) + end + ( <> when 'true' -> + ( primop 'match_fail' + ({'function_clause'}) + -| [{'function_name',{'eval_case',0}}] ) + -| ['compiler_generated'] ) + end +'do_case'/0 = + fun () -> + case let <_cor0> = + apply 'id'/1(42) + in let <_cor1> = + call 'erlang':'+' + (_cor0, 7) + in {'x',_cor1} of + <{'x',49}> when 'true' -> + 'ok' + end +'id'/1 = + fun (_cor0) -> _cor0 +end diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl index 69f61a046f..8151dc1b16 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, t_element/1,setelement/1,t_length/1,append/1,t_apply/1,bifs/1, eq/1,nested_call_in_case/1,guard_try_catch/1,coverage/1, - unused_multiple_values_error/1,unused_multiple_values/1]). + unused_multiple_values_error/1,unused_multiple_values/1, + multiple_aliases/1]). -export([foo/0,foo/1,foo/2,foo/3]). @@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ groups() -> [{p,test_lib:parallel(), [t_element,setelement,t_length,append,t_apply,bifs, eq,nested_call_in_case,guard_try_catch,coverage, - unused_multiple_values_error,unused_multiple_values]}]. + unused_multiple_values_error,unused_multiple_values, + multiple_aliases]}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> @@ -299,8 +301,6 @@ cover_is_safe_bool_expr(X) -> bsm_an_inlined(<<_:8>>, _) -> ok; bsm_an_inlined(_, _) -> error. -id(I) -> I. - unused_multiple_values_error(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), @@ -338,3 +338,31 @@ do_something(I) -> put(unused_multiple_values, [I|get(unused_multiple_values)]), I. + + +%% Make sure that multiple aliases does not cause +%% the case expression to be evaluated twice. +multiple_aliases(Config) when is_list(Config) -> + do_ma(fun() -> + X = Y = run_once(), + {X,Y} + end, {ok,ok}), + do_ma(fun() -> + case {true,run_once()} of + {true=A=B,ok=X=Y} -> + {A,B,X,Y} + end + end, {true,true,ok,ok}), + ok. + +do_ma(Fun, Expected) when is_function(Fun, 0) -> + Expected = Fun(), + ran_once = erase(run_once), + ok. + +run_once() -> + undefined = put(run_once, ran_once), + ok. + + +id(I) -> I. diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/error_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/error_SUITE.erl index 859c4571ea..5cdf429a5f 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/test/error_SUITE.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/test/error_SUITE.erl @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, head_mismatch_line/1,warnings_as_errors/1, bif_clashes/1, - transforms/1]). + transforms/1,forbidden_maps/1]). %% Used by transforms/1 test case. -export([parse_transform/2]). @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ all() -> groups() -> [{p,test_lib:parallel(), - [head_mismatch_line,warnings_as_errors,bif_clashes,transforms]}]. + [head_mismatch_line,warnings_as_errors,bif_clashes,transforms,forbidden_maps]}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. @@ -240,6 +240,21 @@ parse_transform(_, _) -> error(too_bad). +forbidden_maps(Config) when is_list(Config) -> + Ts1 = [{map_illegal_use_of_pattern, + <<" + -export([t/0]). + t() -> + V = 32, + #{<<\"hi\",V,\"all\">> := 1} = id(#{<<\"hi all\">> => 1}). + id(I) -> I. + ">>, + [return], + {error,[{5,erl_lint,{illegal_map_key_variable,'V'}}], []}}], + [] = run2(Config, Ts1), + ok. + + run(Config, Tests) -> ?line File = test_filename(Config), run(Tests, File, dont_write_beam). diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/map_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/map_SUITE.erl index 0ba5d5dd0d..7d35ffc8d5 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/test/map_SUITE.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/test/map_SUITE.erl @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ t_list_comprehension/1, t_map_sort_literals/1, t_map_size/1, + t_build_and_match_aliasing/1, %% warnings t_warn_useless_build/1, @@ -38,10 +39,10 @@ %% not covered in 17.0-rc1 t_build_and_match_over_alloc/1, t_build_and_match_empty_val/1, - t_build_and_match_val/1 + t_build_and_match_val/1, %% errors in 17.0-rc1 - + t_update_values/1 ]). suite() -> []. @@ -54,6 +55,8 @@ all() -> [ t_guard_bifs, t_guard_sequence, t_guard_update, t_guard_receive,t_guard_fun, t_list_comprehension, t_map_sort_literals, + t_map_size, + t_build_and_match_aliasing, %% warnings t_warn_useless_build, @@ -62,10 +65,10 @@ all() -> [ %% not covered in 17.0-rc1 t_build_and_match_over_alloc, t_build_and_match_empty_val, - t_build_and_match_val + t_build_and_match_val, %% errors in 17.0-rc1 - + t_update_values ]. groups() -> []. @@ -103,8 +106,6 @@ t_build_and_match_literals(Config) when is_list(Config) -> id(#{ map_1=>#{ map_2=>#{value_3 => third}, value_2=> second}, value_1=>first}), %% error case - %V = 32, - %{'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{<<"hi all">> => 1} = id(#{<<"hi",V,"all">> => 1}))), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=3,x:=2} = id(#{x=>3}))), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=2} = id(#{x=>3}))), {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=3} = id({a,b,c}))), @@ -112,6 +113,20 @@ t_build_and_match_literals(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=3} = id(#{x=>"three"}))), ok. +t_build_and_match_aliasing(Config) when is_list(Config) -> + M1 = id(#{a=>1,b=>2,c=>3,d=>4}), + #{c:=C1=_=_=C2} = M1, + true = C1 =:= C2, + #{a:=A,a:=A,a:=A,b:=B,b:=B} = M1, + #{a:=A,a:=A,a:=A,b:=B,b:=B,b:=2} = M1, + #{a:=A=1,a:=A,a:=A,b:=B=2,b:=B,b:=2} = M1, + #{c:=C1, c:=_, c:=3, c:=_, c:=C2} = M1, + #{c:=C=_=3=_=C} = M1, + + M2 = id(#{"a"=>1,"b"=>2,"c"=>3,"d"=>4}), + #{"a":=A2,"a":=A2,"a":=A2,"b":=B2,"b":=B2,"b":=2} = M2, + #{"a":=_,"a":=_,"a":=_,"b":=_,"b":=_,"b":=2} = M2, + ok. t_map_size(Config) when is_list(Config) -> 0 = map_size(id(#{})), @@ -179,6 +194,17 @@ t_update_map_expressions(Config) when is_list(Config) -> #{ a :=42, b:=42, c:=42 } = (maps:from_list([{a,1},{b,2},{c,3}]))#{ a := 42, b := 42, c := 42 }, #{ "a" :=1, "b":=42, "c":=42 } = (maps:from_list([{"a",1},{"b",2}]))#{ "b" := 42, "c" => 42 }, + %% Test need to be in a fun. + %% This tests that let expr optimisation in sys_core_fold + %% covers maps correctly. + F = fun() -> + M0 = id(#{ "a" => [1,2,3] }), + #{ "a" := _ } = M0, + M0#{ "a" := b } + end, + + #{ "a" := b } = F(), + %% Error cases, FIXME: should be 'badmap'? {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch (id(<<>>))#{ a := 42, b => 2 }), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch (id([]))#{ a := 42, b => 2 }), @@ -212,16 +238,46 @@ t_update_exact(Config) when is_list(Config) -> M2 = M0#{3.0:=new}, #{1:=a,2:=b,3.0:=new,4:=d,5:=e} = M2, M2 = M0#{3.0=>wrong,3.0:=new}, - M2 = M0#{3=>wrong,3.0:=new}, + true = M2 =/= M0#{3=>right,3.0:=new}, + #{ 3 := right, 3.0 := new } = M0#{3=>right,3.0:=new}, + + M3 = id(#{ 1 => val}), + #{1 := update2,1.0 := new_val4} = M3#{ + 1.0 => new_val1, 1 := update, 1=> update3, + 1 := update2, 1.0 := new_val2, 1.0 => new_val3, + 1.0 => new_val4 }, %% Errors cases. + {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch ((id(nil))#{ a := b })), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{nonexisting:=val}), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{1.0:=v,1.0=>v2}), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{42.0:=v,42:=v2}), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{42=>v1,42.0:=v2,42:=v3}), + ok. +t_update_values(Config) when is_list(Config) -> + V0 = id(1337), + M0 = #{ a => 1, val => V0}, + V1 = get_val(M0), + M1 = M0#{ val := [V0,V1], "wazzup" => 42 }, + [1337, {some_val, 1337}] = get_val(M1), + + N = 110, + List = [{[I,1,2,3,I],{1,2,3,"wat",I}}|| I <- lists:seq(1,N)], + + {_,_,#{val2 := {1,2,3,"wat",N}, val1 := [N,1,2,3,N]}} = lists:foldl(fun + ({V2,V3},{Old2,Old3,Mi}) -> + ok = check_val(Mi,Old2,Old3), + #{ val1 := Old2, val2 := Old3 } = Mi, + {V2,V3, Mi#{ val1 := id(V2), val2 := V1, val2 => id(V3)}} + end, {none, none, #{val1=>none,val2=>none}},List), ok. +check_val(#{val1:=V1, val2:=V2},V1,V2) -> ok. + +get_val(#{ "wazzup" := _, val := V}) -> V; +get_val(#{ val := V }) -> {some_val, V}. + t_guard_bifs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> true = map_guard_head(#{a=>1}), false = map_guard_head([]), diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/warnings_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/warnings_SUITE.erl index 7186956603..16d15a59e5 100644 --- a/lib/compiler/test/warnings_SUITE.erl +++ b/lib/compiler/test/warnings_SUITE.erl @@ -390,6 +390,10 @@ effect(Config) when is_list(Config) -> <<X:8>>; unused_fun -> fun() -> {ok,X} end; + unused_named_fun -> + fun F(0) -> 1; + F(N) -> N*F(N-1) + end; unused_atom -> ignore; %no warning unused_nil -> @@ -484,8 +488,9 @@ effect(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {22,sys_core_fold,{no_effect,{erlang,is_integer,1}}}, {24,sys_core_fold,useless_building}, {26,sys_core_fold,useless_building}, - {32,sys_core_fold,{no_effect,{erlang,'=:=',2}}}, - {34,sys_core_fold,{no_effect,{erlang,get_cookie,0}}}]}}], + {28,sys_core_fold,useless_building}, + {36,sys_core_fold,{no_effect,{erlang,'=:=',2}}}, + {38,sys_core_fold,{no_effect,{erlang,get_cookie,0}}}]}}], ?line [] = run(Config, Ts), ok. |