path: root/lib/cosNotification/doc/src/CosNotifyFilter_Filter.xml
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd">
- <header>
- <copyright>
- <year>2000</year><year>2016</year>
- <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
- </copyright>
- <legalnotice>
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- </legalnotice>
- <title>CosNotifyFilter_Filter</title>
- <prepared></prepared>
- <docno></docno>
- <checked></checked>
- <date>2000-02-01</date>
- <rev>1.0</rev>
- </header>
- <module>CosNotifyFilter_Filter</module>
- <modulesummary>This module implements the OMG CosNotifyFilter::Filter interface.</modulesummary>
- <description>
- <p>To get access to the record definitions for the structures use: <br></br>
- </description>
- <funcs>
- <func>
- <name>_get_constraint_grammar(Filter) -> Grammar</name>
- <fsummary>Return which type of Grammar the Filter uses</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>Grammar = string()</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation returns which type of Grammar the Filter uses. Currently, only <c>"EXTENDED_TCL"</c> is supported.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>add_constraints(Filter, ConstraintExpSeq) -> Reply</name>
- <fsummary>Add new constraints to the filter</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>ConstraintExpSeq = [Constraint]</v>
- <v>ConstraintExp = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintExp'{event_types, constraint_expr}</v>
- <v>event_types = #'CosNotification_EventTypeSeq'{}</v>
- <v>constraint_expr = string()</v>
- <v>Reply = ConstraintInfoSeq | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_InvalidConstraint'{constr}}</v>
- <v>constr = ConstraintExp</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfoSeq = [ConstraintInfo]</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id}</v>
- <v>constraint_expression = ConstraintExp</v>
- <v>constraint_id = long()</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>Initially, Filters do not contain any constraints, hence, all events will be forwarded.
- The <c>add_constraints/2</c> operation allow us to add constraints to the target object.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>modify_constraints(Filter, ConstraintIDSeq, ConstraintInfoSeq) -> Reply</name>
- <fsummary>Modify existing constraints</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>ConstraintIDSeq = [ConstraintID]</v>
- <v>ConstraintID = long()</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfoSeq = [ConstraintInfo]</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id}</v>
- <v>constraint_expression = ConstraintExp</v>
- <v>constraint_id = long()</v>
- <v>Reply = ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_InvalidConstraint'{constr}} | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintNotFound'{id}}</v>
- <v>constr = ConstraintExp</v>
- <v>id = long()</v>
- <v>ConstraintExp = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintExp'{event_types, constraint_expr}</v>
- <v>event_types = #'CosNotification_EventTypeSeq'{}</v>
- <v>constraint_expr = string()</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation is invoked by a client in order to modify the constraints associated
- with the target object. The constraints related to the Id's in the parameter sequence
- <c>ConstraintIDSeq</c> will, if all values are valid, be deleted. The <c>ConstraintInfoSeq</c>
- parameter contains of Id-Expression pairs and a constraint matching one of the unique
- Id's will, if all input values are correct, be updated. If the parameters contain incorrect
- data en exception will be raised.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>get_constraints(Filter, ConstraintIDSeq) -> Reply</name>
- <fsummary>Return all constraints which match the supplied Ids</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>ConstraintIDSeq = [ConstraintID]</v>
- <v>ConstraintID = long()</v>
- <v>Reply = ConstraintInfoSeq | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintNotFound'{id}}</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfoSeq = [ConstraintInfo]</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id}</v>
- <v>constraint_expression = ConstraintExp</v>
- <v>constraint_id = id = long()</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation return a sequence of ConstraintInfo's, related to the given ConstraintID's,
- associated with the target object.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>get_all_constraints(Filter) -> ConstraintInfoSeq</name>
- <fsummary>Return all constraints associated with the target object</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfoSeq = [ConstraintInfo]</v>
- <v>ConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id}</v>
- <v>constraint_expression = ConstraintExp</v>
- <v>constraint_id = long()</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>All constraints, and their unique Id, associated with the target object will be returned by this operation.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>remove_all_constraints(Filter) -> ok</name>
- <fsummary>Remove all constraints associated with the target object</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>All constraints associated with the target object are removed by this operation and, since
- the the target object no longer contain any constraints, true will always be the result of
- any match operation.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>destroy(Filter) -> ok</name>
- <fsummary>Terminate the target object</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation terminates the target object.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>match(Filter, Event) -> Reply</name>
- <fsummary>Match the Any event if it satisfies at least one constraint</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>Event = #any</v>
- <v>Reply = boolean() | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_UnsupportedFilterableData'{}}</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation accepts an <c>#any{}</c> event and returns <c>true</c> if it satisfies
- at least one constraint. If the event contains data of the wrong type, e.g., should be
- a string() but in fact i a short(), an exception is raised.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>match_structured(Filter, Event) -> Reply</name>
- <fsummary>Match the structured event if it satisfies at least one constraint</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>Event = #'CosNotification_StructuredEvent'{}</v>
- <v>Reply = boolean() | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_UnsupportedFilterableData'{}}</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation is similar to the <c>match</c> operation but accepts structured
- events instead.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>attach_callback(Filter, NotifySubscribe) -> CallbackID</name>
- <fsummary>Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>NotifySubscribe = #objref</v>
- <v>CallbackID = long()</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation connects a NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed
- when the target object's constraints are updated. A unique Id is returned
- which must be stored if we ever want to detach the callback object in the future.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>detach_callback(Filter, CallbackID) -> Reply</name>
- <fsummary>Disconnect the NotifySubscribe object with the given Id</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>CallbackID = long()</v>
- <v>Reply = ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_CallbackNotFound'{}}</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>If the target object has an associated callback that matches the supplied
- Id it will be removed and longer informed of any updates. If no object
- with a matching Id is found an exception is raised.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- <func>
- <name>get_callbacks(Filter) -> CallbackIDSeq</name>
- <fsummary>Return all NotifySubscribe Id's associated with the target object</fsummary>
- <type>
- <v>Filter = #objref</v>
- <v>CallbackIDSeq = [CallbackID]</v>
- <v>CallbackID = long()</v>
- </type>
- <desc>
- <p>This operation returns a sequence of all connected NotifySubscribe object Id's.
- If no callbacks are associated with the target object the list will be empty.</p>
- </desc>
- </func>
- </funcs>