path: root/lib/cosNotification/src/CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel_impl.erl
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diff --git a/lib/cosNotification/src/CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel_impl.erl b/lib/cosNotification/src/CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel_impl.erl
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--- a/lib/cosNotification/src/CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel_impl.erl
+++ /dev/null
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-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% File : CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel_impl.erl
-%% Purpose :
-%% Created : 28 Sep 1999
-%%--------------- INCLUDES -----------------------------------
-%% Application files
-%%--------------- EXPORTS ------------------------------------
-%%--------------- External -----------------------------------
-%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel ------------------
- new_for_suppliers/4,
- get_consumeradmin/4,
- get_supplieradmin/4,
- get_all_consumeradmins/3,
- get_all_supplieradmins/3]).
-%% Attributes (external)
- '_get_default_consumer_admin'/3,
- '_get_default_supplier_admin'/3,
- '_get_default_filter_factory'/3]).
-%%----- Inherit from CosNotification::QoSAdmin ---------------
- set_qos/4,
- validate_qos/4]).
-%%----- Inherit from CosNotification::AdminPropertiesAdmin ---
- set_admin/4]).
-%%----- Inherit from CosEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel ------
- for_suppliers/3,
- destroy/3]).
-%%--------------- Internal -----------------------------------
-%%----- Inherit from cosNotificationComm ---------------------
- callSeq/5]).
-%%--------------- gen_server specific exports ----------------
--export([handle_info/2, code_change/3]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2]).
-%% Data structures
--record(state, {myFac,
- myConsumers = [],
- defConsumerAdmin,
- defSupplierAdmin,
- defConsumerAdminPid,
- defSupplierAdminPid,
- defFilterFac,
- defFilterFacPid,
- etsR,
- qosLocal,
- qosGlobal,
- admGlobal,
- options,
- idCounter = 0,
- 'MaxQueueLength',
- 'MaxConsumers',
- 'MaxSuppliers'}).
-%% Data structures constructors
--define(get_InitState(My, Fil, FilPid, QoS, LQoS, GA, MQ, MC, MS, O),
- #state{myFac = My,
- defFilterFac = Fil,
- defFilterFacPid = FilPid,
- etsR = ets:new(oe_ets, [set, protected]),
- qosLocal = LQoS,
- qosGlobal = QoS,
- admGlobal = GA,
- options = O,
- 'MaxQueueLength' = MQ,
- 'MaxConsumers' = MC,
- 'MaxSuppliers' = MS}).
-%% NOTE!!!
-%% When forwarding events, the objects we will contact is ONLY ConsumerAdmins!!
-%% Hence, we will store SupplierAdmins and ConsumerAdmins differently. SupplierAdmins
-%% we store in our ets-table while the ConsumerAdmins will be stored on the local
-%% State.
-%% Data structures selectors
--define(get_supplierAdmins(S), [S#state.defSupplierAdmin|
- lists:flatten(ets:match(S#state.etsR,
- {'_','$1','_'}))]).
--define(get_consumerAdmins(S), [{0, S#state.defConsumerAdmin,S#state.defConsumerAdminPid}
- |S#state.myConsumers]).
--define(get_allAdmins(S), [S#state.defSupplierAdmin,
- S#state.defConsumerAdmin|
- lists:flatten(ets:match(S#state.etsR,
- {'_','$1','_'}))++
- find_field(S#state.myConsumers, 2)]).
--define(get_consumerAdmIDs(S), [0|find_field(S#state.myConsumers, 1)]).
--define(get_supplierAdmIDs(S), [0|lists:flatten(ets:match(S#state.etsR,
- {'$1','_','_'}))]).
--define(get_supplierAdmin(S, I), find_obj(ets:lookup(S#state.etsR, I))).
--define(get_consumerAdmin(S, I), find_obj(lists:keysearch(I,1,S#state.myConsumers))).
--define(get_supplierAmount(S), ets:info(S#state.etsR, size)).
--define(get_consumerAmount(S), length(S#state.myConsumers)).
--define(get_MyFactory(S), S#state.myFac).
--define(get_defConsumerAdm(S), S#state.defConsumerAdmin).
--define(get_defSupplierAdm(S), S#state.defSupplierAdmin).
--define(get_defConsumerAdmPid(S), S#state.defConsumerAdminPid).
--define(get_defSupplierAdmPid(S), S#state.defSupplierAdminPid).
--define(get_defFilterFac(S), S#state.defFilterFac).
--define(get_defFilterFacPid(S), S#state.defFilterFacPid).
--define(get_GlobalQoS(S), S#state.qosGlobal).
--define(get_LocalQoS(S), S#state.qosLocal).
--define(get_BothQoS(S), {S#state.qosGlobal, S#state.qosLocal}).
--define(get_GlobalAdm(S), S#state.admGlobal).
--define(get_Options(S), S#state.options).
--define(get_MaxQueueLength(S), S#state.'MaxQueueLength').
--define(get_MaxConsumers(S), S#state.'MaxConsumers').
--define(get_MaxSuppliers(S), S#state.'MaxSuppliers').
--define(get_IdCounter(S), S#state.idCounter).
-%% Data structures modifiers
--define(set_GlobalQoS(S,D), S#state{qosGlobal=D}).
--define(set_BothQoS(S,GD,LD), S#state{qosGlobal=GD, qosLocal=LD}).
--define(set_GlobalAdm(S,D), S#state{admGlobal=D}).
--define(set_AllAdminP(S,GD, MQ, MC, MS),
- S#state{admGlobal=GD,'MaxQueueLength'=MQ,
- 'MaxConsumers'=MC, 'MaxSuppliers'=MS}).
--define(set_MaxQueueLength(S,D), S#state{'MaxQueueLength'=D}).
--define(set_MaxConsumers(S,D), S#state{'MaxConsumers'=D}).
--define(set_MaxSuppliers(S,D), S#state{'MaxSuppliers'=D}).
--define(set_defConsumerAdm(S,D,P), S#state{defConsumerAdmin=D, defConsumerAdminPid=P}).
--define(set_defSupplierAdm(S,D,P), S#state{defSupplierAdmin=D, defSupplierAdminPid=P}).
--define(set_defFilterFac(S,D,P), S#state{defFilterFac=D, defFilterFacPid=P}).
--define(add_supplierAdmin(S,I,O,P), ets:insert(S#state.etsR, {I,O,P})).
--define(add_consumerAdmin(S,I,O,P), S#state{myConsumers= [{I,O,P}|S#state.myConsumers]}).
--define(del_supplierAdmin(S,I), ets:delete(S#state.etsR, I)).
--define(del_consumerAdmin(S,I), S#state{myConsumers=
- lists:keydelete(I, 1,
- S#state.myConsumers)}).
--define(del_consumerAdminRef(S,O), S#state{myConsumers=
- lists:keydelete(O, 2,
- S#state.myConsumers)}).
--define(del_AdminPid(S,P), delete_obj(S, P)).
--define(set_IdCounter(S,V), S#state{idCounter=V}).
--define(new_Id(S), 'CosNotification_Common':create_id(S#state.idCounter)).
-%% MISC
--define(is_UndefDefConsAdm(S), S#state.defConsumerAdmin == undefined).
--define(is_UndefDefSuppAdm(S), S#state.defSupplierAdmin == undefined).
--define(is_UndefDefFilterFac(S), S#state.defFilterFac == undefined).
- ?not_GetConnectionReliability((S#state.qosLocal)) == ?not_Persistent).
- ?not_GetEventReliability((S#state.qosLocal)) == ?not_Persistent).
-%% function : handle_info, code_change
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-%% Effect : Functions demanded by the gen_server module.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-handle_info(Info, State) ->
- ?DBG("INFO: ~p~n", [Info]),
- case Info of
- {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} when ?get_defConsumerAdmPid(State) == Pid ->
- {noreply, ?set_defConsumerAdm(State, undefined, undefined)};
- {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} when ?get_defSupplierAdmPid(State) == Pid ->
- {noreply, ?set_defSupplierAdm(State, undefined, undefined)};
- {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} when ?get_defFilterFacPid(State) == Pid ->
- {noreply, ?set_defFilterFac(State, undefined, undefined)};
- {'EXIT', Pid, normal} ->
- {noreply, ?del_AdminPid(State, Pid)};
- _Other ->
- ?DBG("TERMINATED: ~p~n",[_Other]),
- {noreply, State}
- end.
-%% function : init, terminate
-%% Arguments:
-init([MyFac, InitQoS, InitAdmin, LocalQoS, [MaxQ, MaxC, MaxS|_], Options]) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, Options,
- ?DBG("CHANNEL INIT STATE:~n~p~n~p~n~p ~p ~p ~p~n~p~n",
- [InitQoS, InitAdmin, LocalQoS,MaxQ, MaxC, MaxS, Options]),
- %% Both default Admin:s have the unique id 0 (OMG spec, 98-11-01,
- %% Notification p 148), hence, no need to create a unique id.
- %% We don't have acces to OE_THIS in this stage so we cannot create the objects
- %% now, even though the specification states that.
- %% DefConAdm = 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin':oe_create_link([0],[]),
- %% DefSupAdm = 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin':oe_create_link([0],[]),
- case 'CosNotifyFilter_FilterFactory':oe_create_link([], [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, DefFiFac} ->
- {ok, ?get_InitState(MyFac, DefFiFac, Pid, InitQoS, LocalQoS,
- InitAdmin, MaxQ, MaxC, MaxS, Options)};
- Reason ->
- {stop, Reason}
- end.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel attributes -------
-%% Attribute: '_get_MyFactory'
-%% Type : readonly
-%% Returns :
-'_get_MyFactory'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_MyFactory(State), State}.
-%% Attribute: '_get_default_consumer_admin'
-%% Type : readonly
-%% Returns :
-'_get_default_consumer_admin'(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State)
- when ?is_UndefDefConsAdm(State) ->
- Op = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(filterOp, ?get_Options(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin':oe_create_link([0, OE_THIS,
- self(), Op,
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, DefConAdm} ->
- {reply, DefConAdm, ?set_defConsumerAdm(State, DefConAdm, Pid)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_consumer_admin();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end;
-'_get_default_consumer_admin'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_defConsumerAdm(State), State}.
-%% Attribute: '_get_default_supplier_admin'
-%% Type : readonly
-%% Returns :
-'_get_default_supplier_admin'(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State)
- when ?is_UndefDefSuppAdm(State) ->
- Op = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(filterOp, ?get_Options(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin':oe_create_link([0, OE_THIS,
- self(), Op,
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, DefSupAdm} ->
- {reply, DefSupAdm, ?set_defSupplierAdm(State, DefSupAdm, Pid)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_supplier_admin();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end;
-'_get_default_supplier_admin'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_defSupplierAdm(State), State}.
-%% Attribute: '_get_default_filter_factory'
-%% Type : readonly
-%% Returns :
-'_get_default_filter_factory'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State)
- when ?is_UndefDefFilterFac(State) ->
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyFilter_FilterFactory':oe_create_link([], [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, DefFiFac} ->
- {reply, DefFiFac, ?set_defFilterFac(State, DefFiFac, Pid)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_filter_factory();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_FilterFactory.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end;
-'_get_default_filter_factory'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_defFilterFac(State), State}.
-%%------- Exported external functions -----------------------
-%% function : new_for_consumers
-%% Arguments: Op - InterFilterGroupOperator: 'AND_OP' | 'OR_OP'
-%% Determines if the Admin:s proxy-children will
-%% use AND or OR when checking Filters.
-%% Returns : ConsAdm
-%% AdminId (out)
-new_for_consumers(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Op) ->
- is_admin_limit_reached(?get_MaxConsumers(State), ?get_consumerAmount(State)),
- AdminId = ?new_Id(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin':oe_create_link([AdminId, OE_THIS,
- self(), Op,
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, AdminCo} ->
- %% Due to different storage, adding a new consumer is NOT done in the
- %% same way as for suppliers.
- NewState = ?add_consumerAdmin(State, AdminId, AdminCo, Pid),
- {reply, {AdminCo, AdminId}, ?set_IdCounter(NewState, AdminId)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:nef_for_consumers();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% function : new_for_suppliers
-%% Arguments: Op - InterFilterGroupOperator: 'AND_OP' | 'OR_OP'
-%% Determines if the Admin:s proxy-children will
-%% use AND or OR when checking Filters.
-%% Returns : SuppAdm
-%% AdminId (out)
-new_for_suppliers(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Op) ->
- is_admin_limit_reached(?get_MaxSuppliers(State), ?get_supplierAmount(State)),
- AdminId = ?new_Id(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin':oe_create_link([AdminId, OE_THIS,
- self(), Op,
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, AdminSu} ->
- %% Due to different storage, adding a new supplier is NOT done in the
- %% same way as for consumers.
- ?add_supplierAdmin(State, AdminId, AdminSu, Pid),
- {reply, {AdminSu, AdminId}, ?set_IdCounter(State, AdminId)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:new_for_suppliers();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% function : get_consumeradmin
-%% Arguments: AdminId
-%% Returns : ConsAdmin
-get_consumeradmin(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 0) when ?is_UndefDefConsAdm(State) ->
- Op = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(filterOp, ?get_Options(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin':oe_create_link([0, OE_THIS,
- self(), Op,
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, DefConAdm} ->
- {reply, DefConAdm, ?set_defConsumerAdm(State, DefConAdm, Pid)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_consumer_admin();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end;
-get_consumeradmin(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 0) ->
- {reply, ?get_defConsumerAdm(State), State};
-get_consumeradmin(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, AdminId) when is_integer(AdminId) ->
- {reply, ?get_consumerAdmin(State, AdminId), State};
-get_consumeradmin(_, _, _, What) ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_consumeradmin(~p);~n"
- "Not an integer", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-%% function : get_supplieradmin
-%% Arguments: AdminId
-%% Returns :
-get_supplieradmin(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 0) when ?is_UndefDefSuppAdm(State) ->
- Op = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(filterOp, ?get_Options(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin':oe_create_link([0, OE_THIS,
- self(), Op,
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, DefSupAdm} ->
- {reply, DefSupAdm, ?set_defSupplierAdm(State, DefSupAdm, Pid)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_supplieradmin();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end;
-get_supplieradmin(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 0) ->
- {reply, ?get_defSupplierAdm(State), State};
-get_supplieradmin(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, AdminId) when is_integer(AdminId) ->
- {reply, ?get_supplierAdmin(State, AdminId), State};
-get_supplieradmin(_, _, _, What) ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_supplieradmin(~p);~n"
- "Not an integer", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-%% function : get_all_consumeradmins
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : AdminIDSeq - a list of all unique ID:s.
-get_all_consumeradmins(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_consumerAdmIDs(State), State}.
-%% function : get_all_supplieradmins
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : AdminIDSeq - a list of all unique ID:s.
-get_all_supplieradmins(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_supplierAdmIDs(State), State}.
-%%----- Inherit from CosNotification::QoSAdmin --------------
-%% function : get_qos
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : CosNotification::QoSProperties
-%% [#'Property'{name, value}, ...] where name eq. string()
-%% and value eq. any().
-get_qos(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_GlobalQoS(State), State}.
-%% function : set_qos
-%% Arguments: QoS - CosNotification::QoSProperties, i.e.,
-%% [#'Property'{name, value}, ...] where name eq. string()
-%% and value eq. any().
-%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS}
-set_qos(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, QoS) ->
- {GQoS,LQoS} = 'CosNotification_Common':set_qos(QoS, ?get_BothQoS(State),
- channel, false,
- ?get_allAdmins(State)),
- {reply, ok, ?set_BothQoS(State, GQoS,LQoS)}.
-%% function : validate_qos
-%% Arguments: Required_qos - CosNotification::QoSProperties
-%% [#'Property'{name, value}, ...] where name eq. string()
-%% and value eq. any().
-%% Returns : {'EXCEPTION', CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS} |
-%% {ok, CosNotification::NamedPropertyRangeSeq}
-validate_qos(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Required_qos) ->
- QoS = 'CosNotification_Common':validate_qos(Required_qos, ?get_BothQoS(State),
- channel, false,
- ?get_allAdmins(State)),
- {reply, {ok, QoS}, State}.
-%%----- Inherit from CosNotification::AdminPropertiesAdmin --
-%% function : get_admin
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : AdminProperties
-get_admin(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {reply, ?get_GlobalAdm(State), State}.
-%% function : set_admin
-%% Arguments: Admin
-%% Returns :
-set_admin(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Admin) ->
- {GAdm,[MaxQ, MaxC, MaxS|_]} =
- 'CosNotification_Common':set_adm(Admin, ?get_GlobalAdm(State)),
- {reply, ok, ?set_AllAdminP(State, GAdm, MaxQ, MaxC, MaxS)}.
-%%----- Inherit from CosEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel -----
-%% function : for_consumers
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : ConsAdm
-for_consumers(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- is_admin_limit_reached(?get_MaxConsumers(State), ?get_consumerAmount(State)),
- AdminId = ?new_Id(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin':oe_create_link([AdminId, OE_THIS,
- self(), 'AND_OP',
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, AdminCo} ->
- %% Due to different storage, adding a new consumer is NOT done in the
- %% same way as for suppliers.
- NewState = ?add_consumerAdmin(State, AdminId, AdminCo, Pid),
- {reply, AdminCo, ?set_IdCounter(NewState, AdminId)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_consumers();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% function : for_suppliers
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : SuppAdm
-for_suppliers(OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- is_admin_limit_reached(?get_MaxSuppliers(State), ?get_supplierAmount(State)),
- AdminId = ?new_Id(State),
- SO = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(server_options, ?get_Options(State),
- case catch 'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin':oe_create_link([AdminId, OE_THIS,
- self(), 'AND_OP',
- ?get_GlobalQoS(State),
- ?get_LocalQoS(State),
- ?get_Options(State)],
- [{sup_child, true}|SO]) of
- {ok, Pid, AdminSu} ->
- %% Due to different storage, adding a new supplier is NOT done in the
- %% same way as for consumers.
- ?add_supplierAdmin(State, AdminId, AdminSu, Pid),
- {reply, AdminSu, ?set_IdCounter(State, AdminId)};
- What ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_suppliers();~n"
- "Unable to create: CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin.~n"
- "Reason: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end.
-%% function : destroy
-%% Arguments: -
-%% Returns : ok
-destroy(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
- {stop, normal, ok, State}.
-%%--------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS ----------------------------
-find_obj([]) -> {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_AdminNotFound'{}};
-find_obj([{_, Obj,_}]) -> Obj;
-find_obj({value, {_, Obj,_}}) -> Obj;
-find_obj(_) -> {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_AdminNotFound'{}}.
-find_field(List, Field) ->
- find_field(List, Field, []).
-find_field([], _, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-find_field([{I,_,_}|T], 1, Acc) ->
- find_field(T, 1, [I|Acc]);
-find_field([{_,O,_}|T], 2, Acc) ->
- find_field(T, 2, [O|Acc]);
-% Left out for now to avoid dialyzer warning.
-%find_field([{_,_,P}|T], 3, Acc) ->
-% find_field(T, 3, [P|Acc]);
-find_field(What, _, _) ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:find_field();~n"
- "Data corrupt: ~p", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
-delete_obj(State, Pid) ->
- case ets:match_object(State#state.etsR, {'_', '_', Pid}) of
- [] ->
- State#state{myConsumers=lists:keydelete(Pid, 3, State#state.myConsumers)};
- [{Id,_Obj,Pid}] ->
- ets:delete(State#state.etsR, Id),
- State
- end.
-%% Test if we have reached limit for Admin objects.
-is_admin_limit_reached(0, _) ->
- %% When set to zero it means that there is no limit.
- ok;
-is_admin_limit_reached(Max, Current) when Current >= Max ->
- %% The Current value do not include the default Admin objects, hence
- %% we use >= instead of >.
- corba:raise(#'IMP_LIMIT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
-is_admin_limit_reached(_, _) ->
- ok.
-%% function : callSeq
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-callSeq(_OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State, Event, Status) ->
- corba:reply(OE_FROM, ok),
- forward(seq, State, Event, Status).
-%% function : callAny
-%% Arguments:
-%% Returns :
-callAny(_OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State, Event, Status) ->
- corba:reply(OE_FROM, ok),
- forward(any, State, Event, Status).
-%% Forward events
-forward(Type, State, Event, Status) ->
- forward(Type, ?get_consumerAdmins(State), State, Event, Status).
-forward(_, [], State, _, _) ->
- {noreply, State};
-forward(Type, [{_,undefined,_}|T], State, Event, Status) ->
- %% Match if no default objects associated.
- forward(Type, T, State, Event, Status);
-forward(any, [{_,H,_}|T], State, Event, Status) ->
- case catch oe_CosNotificationComm_Event:callAny(H, Event, Status) of
- ok ->
- ?DBG("CHANNEL FORWARD ANY: ~p~n",[Event]),
- forward(any, T, State, Event, Status);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST') ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:forward();~n"
- "Admin no longer exists; dropping it: ~p",
- NewState = ?del_consumerAdminRef(State,H),
- forward(any, T, NewState, Event, Status);
- R when ?is_PersistentConnection(State) ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:forward();~n"
- "Admin behaves badly: ~p/~p",
- forward(any, T, State, Event, Status);
- R ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:forward();~n"
- "Admin behaves badly: ~p~n"
- "Dropping it: ~p", [?LINE, R, H], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- NewState = ?del_consumerAdminRef(State, H),
- forward(any, T, NewState, Event, Status)
- end;
-forward(seq, [{_,H,_}|T], State, Event, Status) ->
- case catch oe_CosNotificationComm_Event:callSeq(H, Event, Status) of
- ok ->
- forward(seq, T, State, Event, Status);
- {'EXCEPTION', E} when is_record(E, 'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST') ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:forward();~n"
- "Admin no longer exists; dropping it: ~p",
- NewState = ?del_consumerAdminRef(State,H),
- forward(seq, T, NewState, Event, Status);
- R when ?is_PersistentConnection(State) ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:forward();~n"
- "Admin behaves badly: ~p/~p",
- forward(seq, T, State, Event, Status);
- R ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:forward();~n"
- "Admin behaves badly: ~p~n"
- "Dropping it: ~p", [?LINE, R, H], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- NewState = ?del_consumerAdminRef(State,H),
- forward(seq, T, NewState, Event, Status)
- end.
-%%--------------- MISC FUNCTIONS, E.G. DEBUGGING -------------
-%%--------------- END OF MODULE ------------------------------