path: root/lib/cosNotification/src/PullerSupplier_impl.erl
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1 files changed, 914 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/cosNotification/src/PullerSupplier_impl.erl b/lib/cosNotification/src/PullerSupplier_impl.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f12f9c742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cosNotification/src/PullerSupplier_impl.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% File : PullerSupplier_impl.erl
+%% Purpose :
+%%--------------- INCLUDES -----------------------------------
+%% cosEvent files.
+%% Application files
+%%--------------- EXPORTS ------------------------------------
+%%--------------- External -----------------------------------
+%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyPullSupplier -------------
+%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SequenceProxyPullSupplier -----
+%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPullSupplier ---
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxySupplier ----
+ validate_event_qos/4]).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotification::QoSAdmin ---------------
+ set_qos/4,
+ validate_qos/4]).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyComm::NotifySubscribe ----------
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyFilter::FilterAdmin ------------
+ remove_filter/4,
+ get_filter/4,
+ get_all_filters/3,
+ remove_all_filters/3]).
+%%----- Inherit from CosEventComm::PullSupplier -------------
+ try_pull/3,
+ disconnect_pull_supplier/3]).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyComm::SequencePullSupplier --
+ try_pull_structured_events/4,
+ disconnect_sequence_pull_supplier/3]).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyComm::StructuredPullSupplier --
+ try_pull_structured_event/3,
+ disconnect_structured_pull_supplier/3]).
+%%----- Inherit from CosEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPullSupplier
+%% Attributes (external) CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxySupplier
+ '_get_MyAdmin'/3,
+ '_get_priority_filter'/3,
+ '_set_priority_filter'/4,
+ '_get_lifetime_filter'/3,
+ '_set_lifetime_filter'/4]).
+%%--------------- Internal -----------------------------------
+%%----- Inherit from cosNotificationComm --------------------
+ callSeq/5]).
+%%--------------- gen_server specific exports ----------------
+-export([handle_info/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2]).
+%%--------------- LOCAL DEFINITIONS --------------------------
+%% Data structures
+-record(state, {myType,
+ myAdmin,
+ myAdminPid,
+ myChannel,
+ myFilters = [],
+ myOperator,
+ idCounter = 0,
+ prioFil,
+ lifetFil,
+ client,
+ qosGlobal,
+ qosLocal,
+ pacingTimer,
+ respondTo,
+ subscribeType = false,
+ subscribeData = true,
+ etsR,
+ eventDB}).
+%% Data structures constructors
+-define(get_InitState(_MyT, _MyA, _MyAP, _QS, _LQS, _Ch, _MyOp, _GT, _GL, _TR),
+ #state{myType = _MyT,
+ myAdmin = _MyA,
+ myAdminPid= _MyAP,
+ myChannel = _Ch,
+ myOperator= _MyOp,
+ qosGlobal = _QS,
+ qosLocal = _LQS,
+ etsR = ets:new(oe_ets, [set, protected]),
+ eventDB = cosNotification_eventDB:create_db(_LQS, _GT, _GL, _TR)}).
+%% Data structures selectors
+%% Attributes
+-define(get_MyType(S), S#state.myType).
+-define(get_MyAdmin(S), S#state.myAdmin).
+-define(get_MyAdminPid(S), S#state.myAdmin).
+-define(get_MyChannel(S), S#state.myChannel).
+-define(get_MyOperator(S), S#state.myOperator).
+-define(get_PrioFil(S), S#state.prioFil).
+-define(get_LifeTFil(S), S#state.lifetFil).
+%% Client Object
+-define(get_Client(S), S#state.client).
+%% QoS
+-define(get_GlobalQoS(S), S#state.qosGlobal).
+-define(get_LocalQoS(S), S#state.qosLocal).
+-define(get_BothQoS(S), {S#state.qosGlobal, S#state.qosLocal}).
+%% Filters
+-define(get_Filter(S, I), find_obj(lists:keysearch(I, 1, S#state.myFilters))).
+-define(get_AllFilter(S), S#state.myFilters).
+-define(get_AllFilterID(S), find_ids(S#state.myFilters)).
+%% Event
+-define(get_Event(S), cosNotification_eventDB:get_event(S#state.eventDB)).
+-define(get_Events(S,M), cosNotification_eventDB:get_events(S#state.eventDB, M)).
+-define(get_RespondTo(S), S#state.respondTo).
+%% Amin
+-define(get_PacingTimer(S), S#state.pacingTimer).
+-define(get_PacingInterval(S), round(?not_GetPacingInterval((S#state.qosLocal))/10000000)).
+-define(get_BatchLimit(S), ?not_GetMaximumBatchSize((S#state.qosLocal))).
+%% Subscribe
+-define(get_AllSubscribe(S), lists:flatten(ets:match(S#state.etsR,
+ {'$1',subscribe}))).
+-define(get_SubscribeType(S), S#state.subscribeType).
+-define(get_SubscribeData(S), S#state.subscribeData).
+%% ID
+-define(get_IdCounter(S), S#state.idCounter).
+-define(get_SubscribeDB(S), S#state.etsR).
+%% Data structures modifiers
+%% Attributes
+-define(set_PrioFil(S,D), S#state{prioFil=D}).
+-define(set_LifeTFil(S,D), S#state{lifetFil=D}).
+%% Client Object
+-define(set_Client(S,D), S#state{client=D}).
+-define(del_Client(S), S#state{client=undefined}).
+%% QoS
+-define(set_LocalQoS(S,D), S#state{qosLocal=D}).
+-define(set_GlobalQoS(S,D), S#state{qosGlobal=D}).
+-define(set_BothQoS(S,GD,LD), S#state{qosGlobal=GD, qosLocal=LD}).
+-define(update_EventDB(S,Q), S#state{eventDB=
+ cosNotification_eventDB:update(S#state.eventDB, Q)}).
+%% Filters
+-define(add_Filter(S,I,O), S#state{myFilters=[{I,O}|S#state.myFilters]}).
+-define(del_Filter(S,I), S#state{myFilters=
+ delete_obj(lists:keydelete(I, 1, S#state.myFilters),
+ S#state.myFilters)}).
+-define(del_AllFilter(S), S#state{myFilters=[]}).
+-define(set_Unconnected(S), S#state{client=undefined}).
+-define(reset_RespondTo(S), S#state{respondTo=undefined}).
+-define(set_RespondTo(S,F), S#state{respondTo=F}).
+%% Event
+-define(add_Event(S,E), catch cosNotification_eventDB:
+ add_event(S#state.eventDB, E, S#state.lifetFil, S#state.prioFil)).
+-define(addAndGet_Event(S,E), catch cosNotification_eventDB:
+ add_and_get_event(S#state.eventDB, E, S#state.lifetFil, S#state.prioFil)).
+%% Admin
+-define(set_PacingTimer(S,T), S#state{pacingTimer=T}).
+%% Subscribe
+-define(add_Subscribe(S,E), ets:insert(S#state.etsR, {E, subscribe})).
+-define(del_Subscribe(S,E), ets:delete(S#state.etsR, E)).
+-define(set_SubscribeType(S,T), S#state{subscribeType=T}).
+-define(set_SubscribeData(S,D), S#state{subscribeData=D}).
+%% ID
+-define(set_IdCounter(S,V), S#state{idCounter=V}).
+-define(new_Id(S), 'CosNotification_Common':create_id(S#state.idCounter)).
+%% MISC
+-define(is_ANY(S), S#state.myType == 'PULL_ANY').
+-define(is_STRUCTURED(S), S#state.myType == 'PULL_STRUCTURED').
+-define(is_SEQUENCE(S), S#state.myType == 'PULL_SEQUENCE').
+-define(is_ANDOP(S), S#state.myOperator == 'AND_OP').
+-define(is_UnConnected(S), S#state.client == undefined).
+-define(is_Connected(S), S#state.client =/= undefined).
+-define(is_Waiting(S), S#state.respondTo =/= undefined).
+-define(is_SubscribedFor(S,K), ets:lookup(S#state.etsR, K) =/= []).
+-define(is_BatchLimitReached(S,M), cosNotification_eventDB:
+ status(S#state.eventDB, {batchLimit,
+ ?not_GetMaximumBatchSize((S#state.qosLocal)), M})).
+%% function : handle_info, code_change
+%% Arguments:
+%% Returns :
+%% Effect : Functions demanded by the gen_server module.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ ?DBG("INFO: ~p~n", [Info]),
+ case Info of
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} when ?get_MyAdminPid(State)==Pid->
+ ?DBG("PARENT ADMIN: ~p TERMINATED.~n",[Reason]),
+ {stop, Reason, State};
+ {'EXIT', _Pid, _Reason} ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ {pacing, TS} when ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ case ?get_PacingTimer(State) of
+ {_, TS} ->
+ {RespondTo, Max} = ?get_RespondTo(State),
+ {EventSeq, _} = ?get_Events(State, Max),
+ corba:reply(RespondTo, EventSeq),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)};
+ _ ->
+ %% Must have been an old timer event, i.e., we reached the
+ %% Batch Limit before Pace limit and we were not able
+ %% to stop the timer before it triggered an event.
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+ {pacing, _} ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ _ ->
+ {noreply, State}
+ end.
+%% function : init, terminate
+%% Arguments:
+init([MyType, MyAdmin, MyAdminPid, InitQoS, LQS, MyChannel, Options, Operator]) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ GCTime = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(gcTime, Options,
+ GCLimit = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(gcLimit, Options,
+ TimeRef = 'CosNotification_Common':get_option(timeService, Options,
+ {ok, ?get_InitState(MyType, MyAdmin, MyAdminPid, InitQoS, LQS, MyChannel,
+ Operator, GCTime, GCLimit, TimeRef)}.
+terminate(_Reason, State) when ?is_UnConnected(State) ->
+ ok;
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ Client = ?get_Client(State),
+ case catch corba_object:is_nil(Client) of
+ false when ?is_ANY(State) ->
+ 'CosNotification_Common':disconnect('CosEventComm_PullConsumer',
+ disconnect_pull_consumer,
+ Client);
+ false when ?is_SEQUENCE(State) ->
+ 'CosNotification_Common':disconnect('CosNotifyComm_SequencePullConsumer',
+ disconnect_sequence_pull_consumer,
+ Client);
+ false when ?is_STRUCTURED(State) ->
+ 'CosNotification_Common':disconnect('CosNotifyComm_StructuredPullConsumer',
+ disconnect_structured_pull_consumer,
+ Client);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier attributes ------
+%% Attribute: '_get_MyType'
+%% Type : readonly
+%% Returns :
+'_get_MyType'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {reply, ?get_MyType(State), State}.
+%% Attribute: '_get_MyAdmin'
+%% Type : readonly
+%% Returns :
+'_get_MyAdmin'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {reply, ?get_MyAdmin(State), State}.
+%% Attribute: '_*et_priority_filter'
+%% Type : read/write
+%% Returns :
+'_get_priority_filter'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {reply, ?get_PrioFil(State), State}.
+'_set_priority_filter'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, PrioF) ->
+ {reply, ok, ?set_PrioFil(State, PrioF)}.
+%% Attribute: '_*et_lifetime_filter'
+%% Type : read/write
+%% Returns :
+'_get_lifetime_filter'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {reply, ?get_LifeTFil(State), State}.
+'_set_lifetime_filter'(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, LifeTF) ->
+ {reply, ok, ?set_LifeTFil(State, LifeTF)}.
+%%------- Exported external functions -----------------------
+%%----- CosEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPullSupplier -------------
+%% function : connect_pull_consumer
+%% Arguments: Client - CosEventComm::PullConsumer
+%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'AlreadyConnected'{}} |
+%% {'EXCEPTION', #'TypeError'{}} |
+%% Both exceptions from CosEventChannelAdmin!!!
+connect_pull_consumer(OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State, Client) ->
+ connect_any_pull_consumer(OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State, Client).
+%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyPullSupplier ------------
+%% function : connect_any_pull_consumer
+%% Arguments: Client - CosEventComm::PullConsumer
+%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'AlreadyConnected'{}} |
+%% {'EXCEPTION', #'TypeError'{}} |
+%% Both exceptions from CosEventChannelAdmin!!!
+connect_any_pull_consumer(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Client) when ?is_ANY(State) ->
+ ?not_TypeCheck(Client, 'CosEventComm_PullConsumer'),
+ if
+ ?is_Connected(State) ->
+ corba:raise(#'CosEventChannelAdmin_AlreadyConnected'{});
+ true ->
+ {reply, ok, ?set_Client(State, Client)}
+ end;
+connect_any_pull_consumer(_, _, _, _) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SequenceProxyPullSupplier ----
+%% function : connect_sequence_pull_consumer
+%% Arguments: Client - CosNotifyComm::SequencePullConsumer
+%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'AlreadyConnected'{}} |
+%% {'EXCEPTION', #'TypeError'{}} |
+connect_sequence_pull_consumer(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Client) when ?is_SEQUENCE(State) ->
+ ?not_TypeCheck(Client, 'CosNotifyComm_SequencePullConsumer'),
+ if
+ ?is_Connected(State) ->
+ corba:raise(#'CosEventChannelAdmin_AlreadyConnected'{});
+ true ->
+ {reply, ok, ?set_Client(State, Client)}
+ end;
+connect_sequence_pull_consumer(_, _, _, _) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%%----- CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPullSupplier --
+%% function : connect_structured_pull_consumer
+%% Arguments: Client - CosNotifyComm::StructuredPullConsumer
+%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'AlreadyConnected'{}} |
+%% {'EXCEPTION', #'TypeError'{}} |
+connect_structured_pull_consumer(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Client) when ?is_STRUCTURED(State) ->
+ ?not_TypeCheck(Client, 'CosNotifyComm_StructuredPullConsumer'),
+ if
+ ?is_Connected(State) ->
+ corba:raise(#'CosEventChannelAdmin_AlreadyConnected'{});
+ true ->
+ {reply, ok, ?set_Client(State, Client)}
+ end;
+connect_structured_pull_consumer(_, _, _, _) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxySupplier ---
+%% function : obtain_offered_types
+%% Arguments: Mode - enum 'ObtainInfoMode' (CosNotifyChannelAdmin)
+%% Returns : CosNotification::EventTypeSeq
+obtain_offered_types(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 'ALL_NOW_UPDATES_OFF') ->
+ {reply, ?get_AllSubscribe(State), ?set_SubscribeType(State, false)};
+obtain_offered_types(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 'ALL_NOW_UPDATES_ON') ->
+ {reply, ?get_AllSubscribe(State), ?set_SubscribeType(State, true)};
+obtain_offered_types(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 'NONE_NOW_UPDATES_OFF') ->
+ {reply, [], ?set_SubscribeType(State, false)};
+obtain_offered_types(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, 'NONE_NOW_UPDATES_ON') ->
+ {reply, [], ?set_SubscribeType(State, true)};
+obtain_offered_types(_,_,_,What) ->
+ orber:dbg("[~p] PullerSupplier:obtain_offered_types(~p);~n"
+ "Incorrect enumerant", [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%% function : validate_event_qos
+%% Arguments: RequiredQoS - CosNotification::QoSProperties
+%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'UnsupportedQoS'{}}
+%% AvilableQoS - CosNotification::NamedPropertyRangeSeq (out)
+validate_event_qos(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, RequiredQoS) ->
+ AvilableQoS = 'CosNotification_Common':validate_event_qos(RequiredQoS,
+ ?get_LocalQoS(State)),
+ {reply, {ok, AvilableQoS}, State}.
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotification::QoSAdmin --------------
+%% function : get_qos
+%% Arguments:
+%% Returns :
+get_qos(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {reply, ?get_GlobalQoS(State), State}.
+%% function : set_qos
+%% Arguments: QoS - CosNotification::QoSProperties, i.e.,
+%% [#'Property'{name, value}, ...] where name eq. string()
+%% and value eq. any().
+%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS}
+set_qos(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, QoS) ->
+ {NewQoS, LQS} = 'CosNotification_Common':set_qos(QoS, ?get_BothQoS(State),
+ proxy, ?get_MyAdmin(State),
+ false),
+ NewState = ?update_EventDB(State, LQS),
+ {reply, ok, ?set_BothQoS(NewState, NewQoS, LQS)}.
+%% function : validate_qos
+%% Arguments: Required_qos - CosNotification::QoSProperties
+%% [#'Property'{name, value}, ...] where name eq. string()
+%% and value eq. any().
+%% Returns : {'EXCEPTION', CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS}
+%% {ok, CosNotification::NamedPropertyRangeSeq}
+validate_qos(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Required_qos) ->
+ QoS = 'CosNotification_Common':validate_qos(Required_qos, ?get_BothQoS(State),
+ proxy, ?get_MyAdmin(State),
+ false),
+ {reply, {ok, QoS}, State}.
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyComm::NotifySubscribe ---------
+%% function : subscription_change
+%% Arguments: Added - Removed - CosNotification::EventTypeSeq
+%% Returns : ok
+subscription_change(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Added, Removed) ->
+ cosNotification_Filter:validate_types(Added),
+ cosNotification_Filter:validate_types(Removed),
+ %% On this "side", we care about which type of events the client
+ %% will require, since the client (or an agent) clearly stated
+ %% that it's only interested in these types of events.
+ %% Also see PusherConsumer- and PullerConsumer-'offer_change'.
+ update_subscribe(remove, State, Removed),
+ CurrentSub = ?get_AllSubscribe(State),
+ NewState =
+ case cosNotification_Filter:check_types(Added++CurrentSub) of
+ true ->
+ %% Types supplied does in some way cause all events to be valid.
+ %% Smart? Would have been better to not supply any at all.
+ ?set_SubscribeData(State, true);
+ {ok, Which, WC} ->
+ ?set_SubscribeData(State, {Which, WC})
+ end,
+ update_subscribe(add, NewState, Added),
+ case ?get_SubscribeType(NewState) of
+ true ->
+ %% Perhaps we should handle exception here?!
+ %% Probably not. Better to stay "on-line".
+ catch 'CosNotifyComm_NotifyPublish':
+ offer_change(?get_Client(NewState), Added, Removed),
+ ok;
+ _->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {reply, ok, NewState}.
+update_subscribe(_, _, [])->
+ ok;
+update_subscribe(add, State, [H|T]) ->
+ ?add_Subscribe(State, H),
+ update_subscribe(add, State, T);
+update_subscribe(remove, State, [H|T]) ->
+ ?del_Subscribe(State, H),
+ update_subscribe(remove, State, T).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyFilter::FilterAdmin -----------
+%% function : add_filter
+%% Arguments: Filter - CosNotifyFilter::Filter
+%% Returns : FilterID - long
+add_filter(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Filter) ->
+ 'CosNotification_Common':type_check(Filter, 'CosNotifyFilter_Filter'),
+ FilterID = ?new_Id(State),
+ NewState = ?set_IdCounter(State, FilterID),
+ {reply, FilterID, ?add_Filter(NewState, FilterID, Filter)}.
+%% function : remove_filter
+%% Arguments: FilterID - long
+%% Returns : ok
+remove_filter(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, FilterID) when is_integer(FilterID) ->
+ {reply, ok, ?del_Filter(State, FilterID)};
+remove_filter(_,_,_,What) ->
+ orber:dbg("[~p] PullerSupplier:remove_filter(~p); Not an integer",
+ [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%% function : get_filter
+%% Arguments: FilterID - long
+%% Returns : Filter - CosNotifyFilter::Filter |
+%% {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_FilterNotFound'{}}
+get_filter(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, FilterID) when is_integer(FilterID) ->
+ {reply, ?get_Filter(State, FilterID), State};
+get_filter(_,_,_,What) ->
+ orber:dbg("[~p] PullerSupplier:get_filter(~p); Not an integer",
+ [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_PARAM'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%% function : get_all_filters
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns : Filter - CosNotifyFilter::FilterIDSeq
+get_all_filters(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {reply, ?get_AllFilterID(State), State}.
+%% function : remove_all_filters
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns : ok
+remove_all_filters(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {reply, ok, ?del_AllFilter(State)}.
+%%----- Inherit from CosEventComm::PullSupplier -------------
+%% function : disconnect_pull_supplier
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns : ok
+disconnect_pull_supplier(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, ok, ?set_Unconnected(State)}.
+%% function : pull
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns : any - CORBA::ANY
+pull(_OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State) when ?is_ANY(State) ->
+ case ?get_Event(State) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ {noreply, ?set_RespondTo(State, OE_FROM)};
+ {Event,_} ->
+ {reply, Event, State}
+ end;
+pull(_,_,_) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%% function : try_pull
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns : any - CORBA::ANY
+%% HasEvent - boolean (out-type)
+try_pull(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) when ?is_ANY(State) ->
+ case ?get_Event(State) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ {reply, {any:create(orber_tc:null(), null), false}, State};
+ {Event, Bool} ->
+ {reply, {Event, Bool}, State}
+ end;
+try_pull(_,_,_) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyComm::SequencePullSupplier ----
+%% function : disconnect_sequence_pull_supplier
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns : ok
+disconnect_sequence_pull_supplier(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, ok, ?set_Unconnected(State)}.
+%% function : pull_structured_events
+%% Arguments: Max - long()
+%% Returns : [StructuredEvent, ..]
+pull_structured_events(_OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State, Max) when ?is_SEQUENCE(State) ->
+ case ?is_BatchLimitReached(State, Max) of
+ true ->
+ %% This test is not fool-proof; if Events have been stored
+ %% using StartTime they will still be there but we cannot
+ %% deliver them anyway. To solve this "problem" would cost!
+ %% Hence, since it works fine otherwise it will do.
+ case ?get_Events(State, Max) of
+ {[], false} ->
+ NewState = start_timer(State),
+ {noreply, ?set_RespondTo(NewState, {OE_FROM, Max})};
+ {Event,_} ->
+ {reply, Event, State}
+ end;
+ _->
+ NewState = start_timer(State),
+ {noreply, ?set_RespondTo(NewState, {OE_FROM, Max})}
+ end;
+pull_structured_events(_,_,_,_) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%% function : try_pull_structured_events
+%% Arguments: Max - long()
+%% Returns : [StructuredEvent, ..]
+%% HasEvent - Boolean()
+try_pull_structured_events(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State, Max) when ?is_SEQUENCE(State) ->
+ {reply, ?get_Events(State, Max), State};
+try_pull_structured_events(_,_,_,_) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%%----- Inherit from CosNotifyComm::StructuredPullSupplier --
+%% function : disconnect_structured_pull_supplier
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns : ok
+disconnect_structured_pull_supplier(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, ok, ?set_Unconnected(State)}.
+%% function : pull_structured_event
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns :
+pull_structured_event(_OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State) when ?is_STRUCTURED(State) ->
+ case ?get_Event(State) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ {noreply, ?set_RespondTo(State, OE_FROM)};
+ {Event,_} ->
+ {reply, Event, State}
+ end;
+pull_structured_event(_,_,_) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%% function : try_pull_structured_event
+%% Arguments: -
+%% Returns :
+try_pull_structured_event(_OE_THIS, _OE_FROM, State) when ?is_STRUCTURED(State) ->
+ case ?get_Event(State) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ {reply,
+ {?not_CreateSE("","","",[],[],any:create(orber_tc:null(), null)), false},
+ State};
+ {Event, Bool} ->
+ {reply, {Event, Bool}, State}
+ end;
+try_pull_structured_event(_,_,_) ->
+ corba:raise(#'BAD_OPERATION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%%--------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS ----------------------------
+find_obj({value, {_, Obj}}) -> Obj;
+find_obj(_) -> {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_FilterNotFound'{}}.
+find_ids(List) -> find_ids(List, []).
+find_ids([], Acc) -> Acc;
+find_ids([{I,_}|T], Acc) -> find_ids(T, [I|Acc]);
+find_ids(_, _) -> corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO}).
+%% Delete a single object.
+%% The list do not differ, i.e., no filter removed, raise exception.
+delete_obj(List,List) -> corba:raise(#'CosNotifyFilter_FilterNotFound'{});
+delete_obj(List,_) -> List.
+%% function : callSeq
+%% Arguments:
+%% Returns :
+callSeq(_OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State, EventsIn, Status) ->
+ %% We should do something here, i.e., see what QoS this Object offers and
+ %% act accordingly.
+ corba:reply(OE_FROM, ok),
+ case cosNotification_eventDB:validate_event(?get_SubscribeData(State), EventsIn,
+ ?get_AllFilter(State),
+ ?get_SubscribeDB(State),
+ Status) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ %% Just one event and we got a client waiting => there is no need to store
+ %% the event, just transform it and pass it on.
+ {[Event], _} when ?is_ANY(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ ?DBG("PROXY RECEIVED SEQUENCE[1]==>ANY: ~p~n",[Event]),
+ AnyEvent = any:create('CosNotification_StructuredEvent':tc(),Event),
+ case ?addAndGet_Event(State, AnyEvent) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ [Event]),
+ %% Cannot deliver the event at the moment; perhaps Starttime
+ %% set or Deadline passed.
+ {noreply, State};
+ {PossiblyOtherEvent, _} ->
+ [Event, PossiblyOtherEvent]),
+ corba:reply(?get_RespondTo(State), PossiblyOtherEvent),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)}
+ end;
+ {[Event],_} when ?is_STRUCTURED(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ case ?addAndGet_Event(State, Event) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ [Event]),
+ %% Cannot deliver the event at the moment; perhaps Starttime
+ %% set or Deadline passed.
+ {noreply, State};
+ {PossiblyOtherEvent, _} ->
+ [Event, PossiblyOtherEvent]),
+ corba:reply(?get_RespondTo(State), PossiblyOtherEvent),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)}
+ end;
+ %% A sequence of events => store them and extract the first (according to QoS)
+ %% event and forward it.
+ {Events,_} when ?is_ANY(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ store_events(State, Events),
+ case ?get_Event(State) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ {AnyEvent, _} ->
+ corba:reply(?get_RespondTo(State), AnyEvent),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)}
+ end;
+ {Events, _} when ?is_STRUCTURED(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ store_events(State, Events),
+ case ?get_Event(State) of
+ {[], _} ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ {_StrEvent, _} ->
+ corba:reply(?get_RespondTo(State), Events),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)}
+ end;
+ {Events, _} when ?is_SEQUENCE(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ %% Store them first and extract Max events in QoS order.
+ store_events(State, Events),
+ {RespondTo, Max} = ?get_RespondTo(State),
+ case ?is_BatchLimitReached(State, Max) of
+ true ->
+ {EventSeq, _} = ?get_Events(State, Max),
+ corba:reply(RespondTo, EventSeq),
+ stop_timer(State),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)};
+ _->
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+ %% No client waiting. Store the event(s).
+ {Events, _} ->
+ store_events(State, Events),
+ {noreply, State}
+ end.
+store_events(_State, []) ->
+ ok;
+store_events(State, [Event|Rest]) when ?is_ANY(State) ->
+ AnyEvent = any:create('CosNotification_StructuredEvent':tc(),Event),
+ ?add_Event(State,AnyEvent),
+ store_events(State, Rest);
+store_events(State, [Event|Rest]) ->
+ ?add_Event(State,Event),
+ store_events(State, Rest).
+%% function : callAny
+%% Arguments:
+%% Returns :
+callAny(_OE_THIS, OE_FROM, State, EventIn, Status) ->
+ corba:reply(OE_FROM, ok),
+ case cosNotification_eventDB:validate_event(?get_SubscribeData(State), EventIn,
+ ?get_AllFilter(State),
+ ?get_SubscribeDB(State),
+ Status) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ {Event,_} when ?is_ANY(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ ?DBG("PROXY RECEIVED ANY: ~p~n",[Event]),
+ case ?addAndGet_Event(State, Event) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ %% Unable to deliver the event (Starttime, Deadline etc).
+ {noreply, State};
+ {MaybeOtherEvent , _} ->
+ corba:reply(?get_RespondTo(State), MaybeOtherEvent),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)}
+ end;
+ {Event,_} when ?is_ANY(State) ->
+ ?DBG("PROXY RECEIVED ANY: ~p~n",[Event]),
+ ?add_Event(State,Event),
+ {noreply, State};
+ {Event,_} when ?is_STRUCTURED(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ case ?addAndGet_Event(State, ?not_CreateSE("","%ANY","",[],[],Event)) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ %% Unable to deliver the event (Starttime, Deadline etc).
+ {noreply, State};
+ {MaybeOtherEvent , _} ->
+ corba:reply(?get_RespondTo(State), MaybeOtherEvent),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)}
+ end;
+ {Event,_} when ?is_SEQUENCE(State), ?is_Waiting(State) ->
+ ?DBG("PROXY RECEIVED ANY==>SEQUENCE[1]: ~p~n",[Event]),
+ ?add_Event(State,?not_CreateSE("","%ANY","",[],[],Event)),
+ {RespondTo, Max} = ?get_RespondTo(State),
+ case ?is_BatchLimitReached(State, Max) of
+ true ->
+ {EventSeq, _} = ?get_Events(State, Max),
+ corba:reply(RespondTo, EventSeq),
+ stop_timer(State),
+ {noreply, ?reset_RespondTo(State)};
+ _ ->
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+ {Event,_} ->
+ ?add_Event(State,?not_CreateSE("","%ANY","",[],[],Event)),
+ {noreply, State}
+ end.
+%% Start timers which send a message each time we should push events. Only used
+%% when this objects is defined to supply sequences.
+start_timer(State) ->
+ TS = now(),
+ case catch timer:send_after(timer:seconds(?get_PacingInterval(State)),
+ {pacing, TS}) of
+ {ok,PacTRef} ->
+ [?get_BatchLimit(State)]),
+ ?set_PacingTimer(State, {PacTRef, TS});
+ What ->
+ orber:dbg("[~p] PullerSupplier:start_timer();~n"
+ "Unable to invoke timer:send_interval/2: ~p",
+ [?LINE, What], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
+ corba:raise(#'INTERNAL'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
+ end.
+stop_timer(State) ->
+ case ?get_PacingTimer(State) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ {Timer, _} ->
+ timer:cancel(Timer)
+ end.
+%%--------------- MISC FUNCTIONS, E.G. DEBUGGING -------------
+%%--------------- END OF MODULE ------------------------------