path: root/lib/crypto/c_src/dh.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/crypto/c_src/dh.c')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/crypto/c_src/dh.c b/lib/crypto/c_src/dh.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38eb534d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/crypto/c_src/dh.c
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * %CopyrightBegin%
+ *
+ * Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2018. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * %CopyrightEnd%
+ */
+#include "dh.h"
+#include "bn.h"
+ERL_NIF_TERM dh_generate_key_nif(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+{/* (PrivKey|undefined, DHParams=[P,G], Mpint, Len|0) */
+ DH *dh_params = NULL;
+ unsigned int mpint; /* 0 or 4 */
+ ERL_NIF_TERM head, tail;
+ BIGNUM *dh_p = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *dh_p_shared;
+ BIGNUM *dh_g = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *priv_key_in = NULL;
+ unsigned long len = 0;
+ unsigned char *pub_ptr, *prv_ptr;
+ int pub_len, prv_len;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM ret_pub, ret_prv, ret;
+ const BIGNUM *pub_key_gen, *priv_key_gen;
+ EVP_PKEY *dhkey = NULL, *params = NULL;
+ ASSERT(argc == 4);
+ if (argv[0] != atom_undefined) {
+ if (!get_bn_from_bin(env, argv[0], &priv_key_in))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ }
+ if (!enif_get_list_cell(env, argv[1], &head, &tail))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!get_bn_from_bin(env, head, &dh_p))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!enif_get_list_cell(env, tail, &head, &tail))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!get_bn_from_bin(env, head, &dh_g))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!enif_is_empty_list(env, tail))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!enif_get_uint(env, argv[2], &mpint))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (mpint != 0 && mpint != 4)
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!enif_get_ulong(env, argv[3], &len))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (len > LONG_MAX)
+ goto bad_arg;
+ /* Load dh_params with values to use by the generator.
+ Mem mgmnt transfered from dh_p etc to dh_params */
+ if ((dh_params = DH_new()) == NULL)
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (priv_key_in) {
+ if (!DH_set0_key(dh_params, NULL, priv_key_in))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ /* On success, dh_params owns priv_key_in */
+ priv_key_in = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!DH_set0_pqg(dh_params, dh_p, NULL, dh_g))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ dh_p_shared = dh_p; /* Don't free this because dh_params owns it */
+ /* On success, dh_params owns dh_p and dh_g */
+ dh_p = NULL;
+ dh_g = NULL;
+ if (len) {
+ int bn_len;
+ if ((bn_len = BN_num_bits(dh_p_shared)) < 0)
+ goto bad_arg;
+ dh_p_shared = NULL; /* dh_params owns the reference */
+ if (len >= (size_t)bn_len)
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!DH_set_length(dh_params, (long)len))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ }
+ if ((params = EVP_PKEY_new()) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ /* set the key referenced by params to dh_params... */
+ if (EVP_PKEY_set1_DH(params, dh_params) != 1)
+ goto err;
+ if ((ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(params, NULL)) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(ctx) != 1)
+ goto err;
+ if ((dhkey = EVP_PKEY_new()) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ /* key gen op, key written to ppkey (=last arg) */
+ if (EVP_PKEY_keygen(ctx, &dhkey) != 1)
+ goto err;
+ DH_free(dh_params);
+ if ((dh_params = EVP_PKEY_get1_DH(dhkey)) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (!DH_generate_key(dh_params))
+ goto err;
+ DH_get0_key(dh_params, &pub_key_gen, &priv_key_gen);
+ if ((pub_len = BN_num_bytes(pub_key_gen)) < 0)
+ goto err;
+ if ((prv_len = BN_num_bytes(priv_key_gen)) < 0)
+ goto err;
+ if ((pub_ptr = enif_make_new_binary(env, (size_t)pub_len+mpint, &ret_pub)) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if ((prv_ptr = enif_make_new_binary(env, (size_t)prv_len+mpint, &ret_prv)) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (mpint) {
+ put_uint32(pub_ptr, (unsigned int)pub_len);
+ pub_ptr += 4;
+ put_uint32(prv_ptr, (unsigned int)prv_len);
+ prv_ptr += 4;
+ }
+ if (BN_bn2bin(pub_key_gen, pub_ptr) < 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (BN_bn2bin(priv_key_gen, prv_ptr) < 0)
+ goto err;
+ ERL_VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(pub_ptr, pub_len);
+ ERL_VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(prv_ptr, prv_len);
+ ret = enif_make_tuple2(env, ret_pub, ret_prv);
+ goto done;
+ bad_arg:
+ ret = enif_make_badarg(env);
+ goto done;
+ err:
+ ret = atom_error;
+ done:
+ if (priv_key_in)
+ BN_free(priv_key_in);
+ if (dh_p)
+ BN_free(dh_p);
+ if (dh_g)
+ BN_free(dh_g);
+ if (dh_params)
+ DH_free(dh_params);
+ if (ctx)
+ EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(ctx);
+ if (dhkey)
+ EVP_PKEY_free(dhkey);
+ if (params)
+ EVP_PKEY_free(params);
+ return ret;
+ERL_NIF_TERM dh_compute_key_nif(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+{/* (OthersPublicKey, MyPrivateKey, DHParams=[P,G]) */
+ BIGNUM *other_pub_key = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *dh_p = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *dh_g = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *dummy_pub_key = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *priv_key = NULL;
+ DH *dh_priv = NULL;
+ ERL_NIF_TERM head, tail, ret;
+ ErlNifBinary ret_bin;
+ int size;
+ int ret_bin_alloc = 0;
+ int dh_size;
+ /* Check the arguments and get
+ my private key (dh_priv),
+ the peer's public key (other_pub_key),
+ the parameters p & q
+ */
+ ASSERT(argc == 3);
+ if (!get_bn_from_bin(env, argv[0], &other_pub_key))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!get_bn_from_bin(env, argv[1], &priv_key))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!enif_get_list_cell(env, argv[2], &head, &tail))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!get_bn_from_bin(env, head, &dh_p))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!enif_get_list_cell(env, tail, &head, &tail))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!get_bn_from_bin(env, head, &dh_g))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ if (!enif_is_empty_list(env, tail))
+ goto bad_arg;
+ /* Note: DH_set0_key() does not allow setting only the
+ * private key, although DH_compute_key() does not use the
+ * public key. Work around this limitation by setting
+ * the public key to a copy of the private key.
+ */
+ if ((dummy_pub_key = BN_dup(priv_key)) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if ((dh_priv = DH_new()) == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (!DH_set0_key(dh_priv, dummy_pub_key, priv_key))
+ goto err;
+ /* dh_priv owns dummy_pub_key and priv_key now */
+ dummy_pub_key = NULL;
+ priv_key = NULL;
+ if (!DH_set0_pqg(dh_priv, dh_p, NULL, dh_g))
+ goto err;
+ /* dh_priv owns dh_p and dh_g now */
+ dh_p = NULL;
+ dh_g = NULL;
+ if ((dh_size = DH_size(dh_priv)) < 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (!enif_alloc_binary((size_t)dh_size, &ret_bin))
+ goto err;
+ ret_bin_alloc = 1;
+ if ((size = DH_compute_key(ret_bin.data, other_pub_key, dh_priv)) < 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (size == 0)
+ goto err;
+ if ((size_t)size != ret_bin.size) {
+ if (!enif_realloc_binary(&ret_bin, (size_t)size))
+ goto err;
+ }
+ ret = enif_make_binary(env, &ret_bin);
+ ret_bin_alloc = 0;
+ goto done;
+ bad_arg:
+ err:
+ if (ret_bin_alloc)
+ enif_release_binary(&ret_bin);
+ ret = enif_make_badarg(env);
+ done:
+ if (other_pub_key)
+ BN_free(other_pub_key);
+ if (priv_key)
+ BN_free(priv_key);
+ if (dh_p)
+ BN_free(dh_p);
+ if (dh_g)
+ BN_free(dh_g);
+ if (dummy_pub_key)
+ BN_free(dummy_pub_key);
+ if (dh_priv)
+ DH_free(dh_priv);
+ return ret;