path: root/lib/crypto/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/crypto/test')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/lib/crypto/test/crypto_bench_SUITE.erl b/lib/crypto/test/crypto_bench_SUITE.erl
index e1fd0a63e5..c66a27f0c8 100644
--- a/lib/crypto/test/crypto_bench_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/crypto/test/crypto_bench_SUITE.erl
@@ -33,29 +33,39 @@ suite() -> [%%{ct_hooks,[{ts_install_cth,[{nodenames,2}]}]},
all() ->
- {group, ciphers_128}
+ {group, textblock_256}
groups() ->
- {ciphers_128, [{repeat, 3}], [{group,textblock_256}
+ {textblock_256, [], [
+ {group, ciphers_128},
+ {group, ciphers_256}
+ ]},
+ {ciphers_128, [{repeat, 5}], [
+ block,
+ stream
- {textblock_256, [{repeat,2}], [
- block,
- stream
- ]}
+ {ciphers_256, [{repeat, 5}], [
+ block,
+ stream,
+ chacha
+ ]}
-init_per_suite(Config) ->
+init_per_suite(Config0) ->
try crypto:start() of
_ ->
[{_,_,Info}] = crypto:info_lib(),
ct:pal("Crypto version: ~p~n~n~p",[Info,crypto:supports()]),
- [{sec_goal,5} | Config]
+ Config1 = measure_openssl_aes_cbc([128,256], Config0),
+ calibrate([{sec_goal,10} | Config1])
catch _:_ ->
{fail, "Crypto did not start"}
@@ -65,15 +75,11 @@ end_per_suite(_Config) ->
-init_per_group(Group, Config0) ->
- ct:pal("~p(~p,..)",[?FUNCTION_NAME,Group]),
- Config = calibrate(Config0),
+init_per_group(Group, Config) ->
case atom_to_list(Group) of
"ciphers_"++KeySizeStr ->
KeySize = list_to_integer(KeySizeStr),
- [{key_size,KeySize}
- | measure_openssl_aes_cbc(KeySize, Config)];
+ [{key_size,KeySize} | Config];
"textblock_"++BlockSizeStr ->
BlockSize = list_to_integer(BlockSizeStr),
@@ -87,45 +93,51 @@ end_per_group(_Group, Config) ->
-measure_openssl_aes_cbc(KeySize, Config) ->
- BLno_acc = [baseline(aes_cbc, KeySize, false)],
+measure_openssl_aes_cbc(KeySizes, Config) ->
+ BLno_acc = [baseline(aes_cbc, KeySize, false) || KeySize <- KeySizes],
ct:pal("Non-accelerated baseline encryption time [µs/block]:~n~p", [BLno_acc]),
- BLacc = [baseline(aes_cbc, KeySize, true)],
+ BLacc = [baseline(aes_cbc, KeySize, true) || KeySize <- KeySizes],
ct:pal("Possibly accelerated baseline encryption time [µs/block]:~n~p", [BLacc]),
{no_acc,BLno_acc} | Config].
calibrate(Config) ->
- Secs = proplists:get_value(sec_goal, Config, 5),
+ Secs = proplists:get_value(sec_goal, Config, 10),
{_,Empty} = data(empty, 0, 0),
- {Ne,Te} = run1(Secs*2000, Empty),
+ {Ne,Te} = run1(Secs*3000, Empty),
+ report(["Overhead"], Te/Ne),
[{overhead,Te/Ne} | Config].
block(Config) ->
- run_cryptos([aes_cbc, aes_gcm, aes_ccm, chacha20_poly1305],
+ run_cryptos([aes_cbc, aes_gcm, aes_ccm],
stream(Config) ->
- run_cryptos([aes_ctr, chacha20],
+ run_cryptos([aes_ctr],
+ Config).
+chacha(Config) ->
+ run_cryptos([chacha20, chacha20_poly1305],
run_cryptos(Cryptos, Config) ->
- run_cryptos(Cryptos, 1, Config).
-run_cryptos(Cryptos, Factor, Config) ->
KeySize = proplists:get_value(key_size, Config),
BlockSize = proplists:get_value(block_size, Config),
MilliSecGoal = 1000*proplists:get_value(sec_goal,Config),
OverHead = proplists:get_value(overhead, Config, 0),
- Factor*run(Crypto,KeySize,BlockSize,MilliSecGoal) - OverHead
+ TimePerOpBrutto = run(Crypto,KeySize,BlockSize,MilliSecGoal),
+ %% ct:pal("Brutto: ~p Overhead: ~p (~.2f %) Netto: ~p",
+ %% [TimePerOpBrutto, OverHead, 100*OverHead/TimePerOpBrutto,TimePerOpBrutto - OverHead]),
+ TimePerOpBrutto - OverHead
TimePerOp -> % µs
%% First, Report speed of encrypting blocks of 1000. [blocks/sec]
@@ -263,6 +275,7 @@ run1(MilliSecGoal, Funs) ->
Pid = spawn(fun() ->
{Fi,Fu,Ff} = Funs,
Ctx0 = Fi(),
+ erlang:garbage_collect(),
T0 = start_time(),
{N,Ctx} = loop(Fu, Ctx0, 0),
T = elapsed_time(T0),