path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
index 332a326b0d..46eaeaa303 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
- check_contracts/3,
+ check_contracts/4,
- get_invalid_contract_warnings/3,
+ get_invalid_contract_warnings/4,
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
%% to expand records and/or remote types that they might contain.
--type tmp_contract_fun() :: fun((set(), dict()) -> contract_pair()).
+-type tmp_contract_fun() :: fun((sets:set(mfa()), types()) -> contract_pair()).
-record(tmp_contract, {contract_funs = [] :: [tmp_contract_fun()],
forms = [] :: [{_, _}]}).
@@ -160,17 +160,24 @@ process_contract_remote_types(CodeServer) ->
dialyzer_codeserver:finalize_contracts(NewContractDict, NewCallbackDict,
+-type opaques() :: [erl_types:erl_type()] | 'universe'.
+-type opaques_fun() :: fun((module()) -> opaques()).
+-type fun_types() :: dict:dict(label(), erl_types:type_table()).
-spec check_contracts([{mfa(), file_contract()}],
- dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), dict()) -> plt_contracts().
+ dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), fun_types(),
+ opaques_fun()) -> plt_contracts().
-check_contracts(Contracts, Callgraph, FunTypes) ->
+check_contracts(Contracts, Callgraph, FunTypes, FindOpaques) ->
FoldFun =
fun(Label, Type, NewContracts) ->
case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Label, Callgraph) of
{ok, {M,F,A} = MFA} ->
case orddict:find(MFA, Contracts) of
{ok, {_FileLine, Contract}} ->
- case check_contract(Contract, Type) of
+ Opaques = FindOpaques(M),
+ case check_contract(Contract, Type, Opaques) of
ok ->
case erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A) of
true ->
@@ -192,7 +199,10 @@ check_contracts(Contracts, Callgraph, FunTypes) ->
%% Checks all components of a contract
-spec check_contract(#contract{}, erl_types:erl_type()) -> 'ok' | {'error', term()}.
-check_contract(#contract{contracts = Contracts}, SuccType) ->
+check_contract(Contract, SuccType) ->
+ check_contract(Contract, SuccType, 'universe').
+check_contract(#contract{contracts = Contracts}, SuccType, Opaques) ->
Contracts1 = [{Contract, insert_constraints(Constraints, dict:new())}
|| {Contract, Constraints} <- Contracts],
@@ -203,9 +213,9 @@ check_contract(#contract{contracts = Contracts}, SuccType) ->
error ->
{error, {overlapping_contract, []}};
ok ->
- InfList = [erl_types:t_inf(Contract, SuccType, opaque)
+ InfList = [erl_types:t_inf(Contract, SuccType, Opaques)
|| Contract <- Contracts2],
- case check_contract_inf_list(InfList, SuccType) of
+ case check_contract_inf_list(InfList, SuccType, Opaques) of
{error, _} = Invalid -> Invalid;
ok -> check_extraneous(Contracts2, SuccType)
@@ -217,7 +227,7 @@ check_contract(#contract{contracts = Contracts}, SuccType) ->
check_domains([_]) -> ok;
check_domains([Dom|Doms]) ->
Fun = fun(D) ->
- erl_types:any_none_or_unit(erl_types:t_inf_lists(Dom, D, opaque))
+ erl_types:any_none_or_unit(erl_types:t_inf_lists(Dom, D))
case lists:all(Fun, Doms) of
true -> check_domains(Doms);
@@ -227,23 +237,23 @@ check_domains([Dom|Doms]) ->
%% Allow a contract if one of the overloaded contracts is possible.
%% We used to be more strict, e.g., all overloaded contracts had to be
%% possible.
-check_contract_inf_list([FunType|Left], SuccType) ->
+check_contract_inf_list([FunType|Left], SuccType, Opaques) ->
FunArgs = erl_types:t_fun_args(FunType),
case lists:any(fun erl_types:t_is_none_or_unit/1, FunArgs) of
- true -> check_contract_inf_list(Left, SuccType);
+ true -> check_contract_inf_list(Left, SuccType, Opaques);
false ->
STRange = erl_types:t_fun_range(SuccType),
case erl_types:t_is_none_or_unit(STRange) of
true -> ok;
false ->
Range = erl_types:t_fun_range(FunType),
- case erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(STRange, Range, opaque)) of
- true -> check_contract_inf_list(Left, SuccType);
+ case erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(STRange, Range)) of
+ true -> check_contract_inf_list(Left, SuccType, Opaques);
false -> ok
-check_contract_inf_list([], _SuccType) ->
+check_contract_inf_list([], _SuccType, _Opaques) ->
{error, invalid_contract}.
check_extraneous([], _SuccType) -> ok;
@@ -259,7 +269,7 @@ check_extraneous_1(Contract, SuccType) ->
STRng = erl_types:t_fun_range(SuccType),
?debug("CR = ~p\nSR = ~p\n", [CRngs, STRng]),
case [CR || CR <- CRngs,
- erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(CR, STRng, opaque))] of
+ erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(CR, STRng))] of
[] ->
CRngList = list_part(CRng),
STRngList = list_part(STRng),
@@ -268,7 +278,7 @@ check_extraneous_1(Contract, SuccType) ->
true ->
CRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(CRngList),
STRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(STRngList),
- Inf = erl_types:t_inf(CRngElements, STRngElements, opaque),
+ Inf = erl_types:t_inf(CRngElements, STRngElements),
case erl_types:t_is_none(Inf) of
true -> {error, invalid_contract};
false -> ok
@@ -278,13 +288,14 @@ check_extraneous_1(Contract, SuccType) ->
list_part(Type) ->
- erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_list(), Type, opaque).
+ erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_list(), Type).
is_not_nil_list(Type) ->
erl_types:t_is_list(Type) andalso not erl_types:t_is_nil(Type).
%% This is the heart of the "range function"
--spec process_contracts([contract_pair()], [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> erl_types:erl_type().
+-spec process_contracts([contract_pair()], [erl_types:erl_type()]) ->
+ erl_types:erl_type().
process_contracts(OverContracts, Args) ->
process_contracts(OverContracts, Args, erl_types:t_none()).
@@ -299,7 +310,8 @@ process_contracts([OverContract|Left], Args, AccRange) ->
process_contracts([], _Args, AccRange) ->
--spec process_contract(contract_pair(), [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> 'error' | {'ok', erl_types:erl_type()}.
+-spec process_contract(contract_pair(), [erl_types:erl_type()]) ->
+ 'error' | {'ok', erl_types:erl_type()}.
process_contract({Contract, Constraints}, CallTypes0) ->
CallTypesFun = erl_types:t_fun(CallTypes0, erl_types:t_any()),
@@ -335,8 +347,11 @@ solve_constraints(Contract, Call, Constraints) ->
%% ?debug("Inf: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(Inf)]),
%% erl_types:t_assign_variables_to_subtype(Contract, Inf).
+-type contracts() :: dict:dict(mfa(),dialyzer_contracts:file_contract()).
%% Checks the contracts for functions that are not implemented
--spec contracts_without_fun(dict(), [_], dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph()) -> [dial_warning()].
+-spec contracts_without_fun(contracts(), [_], dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph()) ->
+ [dial_warning()].
contracts_without_fun(Contracts, AllFuns0, Callgraph) ->
AllFuns1 = [{dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Label, Callgraph), Arity}
@@ -369,12 +384,15 @@ insert_constraints([{subtype, Type1, Type2}|Left], Dict) ->
insert_constraints([], Dict) -> Dict.
--spec store_tmp_contract(mfa(), file_line(), [_], dict(), dict()) -> dict().
+-type types() :: erl_types:type_table().
+-spec store_tmp_contract(mfa(), file_line(), [_], contracts(), types()) ->
+ contracts().
store_tmp_contract(MFA, FileLine, TypeSpec, SpecDict, RecordsDict) ->
%% io:format("contract from form: ~p\n", [TypeSpec]),
TmpContract = contract_from_form(TypeSpec, RecordsDict, FileLine),
- %% io:format("contract: ~p\n", [Contract]),
+ %% io:format("contract: ~p\n", [TmpContract]),
dict:store(MFA, {FileLine, TmpContract}, SpecDict).
contract_from_form(Forms, RecDict, FileLine) ->
@@ -396,7 +414,8 @@ contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], RecDict,
throw({error, NewMsg})
NewType = erl_types:t_solve_remote(Type, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
- {NewType, []}
+ NewTypeNoVars = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(NewType),
+ {NewTypeNoVars, []}
NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc],
NewFormAcc = [{Form, []} | FormAcc],
@@ -410,7 +429,8 @@ contract_from_form([{type, _L1, bounded_fun,
process_constraints(Constr, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
Type = erl_types:t_from_form(Form, RecDict, VarDict),
NewType = erl_types:t_solve_remote(Type, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
- {NewType, Constr1}
+ NewTypeNoVars = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(NewType),
+ {NewTypeNoVars, Constr1}
NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc],
NewFormAcc = [{Form, Constr} | FormAcc],
@@ -494,30 +514,35 @@ general_domain([], AccSig) ->
AccSig1 = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(AccSig),
--spec get_invalid_contract_warnings([module()], dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(), dialyzer_plt:plt()) -> [dial_warning()].
+-spec get_invalid_contract_warnings([module()],
+ dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
+ dialyzer_plt:plt(),
+ opaques_fun()) -> [dial_warning()].
-get_invalid_contract_warnings(Modules, CodeServer, Plt) ->
- get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules(Modules, CodeServer, Plt, []).
+get_invalid_contract_warnings(Modules, CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques) ->
+ get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules(Modules, CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques, []).
-get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules([Mod|Mods], CodeServer, Plt, Acc) ->
+get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules([Mod|Mods], CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques, Acc) ->
Contracts1 = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_contracts(Mod, CodeServer),
Contracts2 = dict:to_list(Contracts1),
Records = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_records(Mod, CodeServer),
- NewAcc = get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Contracts2, Plt, Records, Acc),
- get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules(Mods, CodeServer, Plt, NewAcc);
-get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules([], _CodeServer, _Plt, Acc) ->
+ NewAcc = get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Contracts2, Plt, Records, FindOpaques, Acc),
+ get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules(Mods, CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques, NewAcc);
+get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules([], _CodeServer, _Plt, _FindOpaques, Acc) ->
get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([{MFA, {FileLine, Contract}}|Left],
- Plt, RecDict, Acc) ->
+ Plt, RecDict, FindOpaques, Acc) ->
case dialyzer_plt:lookup(Plt, MFA) of
none ->
%% This must be a contract for a non-available function. Just accept it.
- get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Left, Plt, RecDict, Acc);
+ get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Left, Plt, RecDict, FindOpaques, Acc);
{value, {Ret, Args}} ->
Sig = erl_types:t_fun(Args, Ret),
+ {M, _F, _A} = MFA,
+ Opaques = FindOpaques(M),
NewAcc =
- case check_contract(Contract, Sig) of
+ case check_contract(Contract, Sig, Opaques) of
{error, invalid_contract} ->
[invalid_contract_warning(MFA, FileLine, Sig, RecDict)|Acc];
{error, {overlapping_contract, []}} ->
@@ -551,7 +576,7 @@ get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([{MFA, {FileLine, Contract}}|Left],
BifArgs = erl_bif_types:arg_types(M, F, A),
BifRet = erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A),
BifSig = erl_types:t_fun(BifArgs, BifRet),
- case check_contract(Contract, BifSig) of
+ case check_contract(Contract, BifSig, Opaques) of
{error, _} ->
[invalid_contract_warning(MFA, FileLine, BifSig, RecDict)
@@ -564,9 +589,9 @@ get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([{MFA, {FileLine, Contract}}|Left],
RecDict, Acc)
- get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Left, Plt, RecDict, NewAcc)
+ get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Left, Plt, RecDict, FindOpaques, NewAcc)
-get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([], _Plt, _RecDict, Acc) ->
+get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([], _Plt, _RecDict, _FindOpaques, Acc) ->
invalid_contract_warning({M, F, A}, FileLine, SuccType, RecDict) ->
@@ -601,16 +626,23 @@ picky_contract_check(CSig0, Sig0, MFA, FileLine, Contract, RecDict, Acc) ->
extra_contract_warning({M, F, A}, FileLine, Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
- SigString = lists:flatten(dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, RecDict)),
- ContractString0 = lists:flatten(dialyzer_utils:format_sig(CSig, RecDict)),
+ %% We do not want to depend upon erl_types:t_to_string() possibly
+ %% hiding the contents of opaque types.
+ SigUnopaque = erl_types:t_unopaque(Sig),
+ CSigUnopaque = erl_types:t_unopaque(CSig),
+ SigString0 =
+ lists:flatten(dialyzer_utils:format_sig(SigUnopaque, RecDict)),
+ ContractString0 =
+ lists:flatten(dialyzer_utils:format_sig(CSigUnopaque, RecDict)),
%% The only difference is in record fields containing 'undefined' or not.
- IsUndefRecordFieldsRelated = SigString =:= ContractString0,
+ IsUndefRecordFieldsRelated = SigString0 =:= ContractString0,
{IsRemoteTypesRelated, SubtypeRelation} =
is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict),
case IsUndefRecordFieldsRelated orelse IsRemoteTypesRelated of
true ->
false ->
+ SigString = lists:flatten(dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, RecDict)),
ContractString = contract_to_string(Contract),
{Tag, Msg} =
case SubtypeRelation of