path: root/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
index 692684cd99..46467a1303 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
t_bitstr/0, t_bitstr/2, t_bitstr_concat/1, t_bitstr_match/2,
t_cons/0, t_cons/2, t_cons_hd/2, t_cons_tl/2,
- t_find_opaque_mismatch/2, t_float/0, t_from_range/2, t_from_term/1,
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch/3, t_float/0, t_from_range/2, t_from_term/1,
t_fun/0, t_fun/2, t_fun_args/1, t_fun_args/2, t_fun_range/1,
t_fun_range/2, t_integer/0, t_integers/1,
t_is_any/1, t_is_atom/1, t_is_atom/2, t_is_any_atom/3,
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@
-define(TYPE_LIMIT, 3).
+-define(BITS, 128).
-record(state, {callgraph :: dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(),
envs :: env_tab(),
fun_tab :: fun_tab(),
@@ -136,11 +138,10 @@
get_warnings(Tree, Plt, Callgraph, Records, NoWarnUnused) ->
State1 = analyze_module(Tree, Plt, Callgraph, Records, true),
- State2 = find_mismatched_record_patterns(Tree, State1),
- State3 =
- state__renew_warnings(state__get_warnings(State2, NoWarnUnused), State2),
- State4 = state__get_race_warnings(State3),
- {State4#state.warnings, state__all_fun_types(State4)}.
+ State2 =
+ state__renew_warnings(state__get_warnings(State1, NoWarnUnused), State1),
+ State3 = state__get_race_warnings(State2),
+ {State3#state.warnings, state__all_fun_types(State3)}.
-spec get_fun_types(cerl:c_module(), dialyzer_plt:plt(),
@@ -277,13 +278,8 @@ traverse(Tree, Map, State) ->
{State1, Map1} = lists:foldl(FoldFun, {State, Map}, Defs),
traverse(Body, Map1, State1);
literal ->
- %% This is needed for finding records
- case cerl:unfold_literal(Tree) of
- Tree ->
- Type = literal_type(Tree),
- {State, Map, Type};
- NewTree -> traverse(NewTree, Map, State)
- end;
+ Type = literal_type(Tree),
+ {State, Map, Type};
module ->
handle_module(Tree, Map, State);
primop ->
@@ -363,20 +359,24 @@ traverse_list([], Map, State, Acc) ->
handle_apply(Tree, Map, State) ->
Args = cerl:apply_args(Tree),
Op = cerl:apply_op(Tree),
- {State1, Map1, ArgTypes} = traverse_list(Args, Map, State),
- {State2, Map2, OpType} = traverse(Op, Map1, State1),
+ {State0, Map1, ArgTypes} = traverse_list(Args, Map, State),
+ {State1, Map2, OpType} = traverse(Op, Map1, State0),
case any_none(ArgTypes) of
true ->
- {State2, Map2, t_none()};
+ {State1, Map2, t_none()};
false ->
- {CallSitesKnown, FunList} =
- case state__lookup_call_site(Tree, State2) of
- error -> {false, []};
- {ok, [external]} -> {false, []};
- {ok, List} -> {true, List}
+ FunList =
+ case state__lookup_call_site(Tree, State) of
+ error -> [external]; %% so that we go directly in the fallback
+ {ok, List} -> List
- case CallSitesKnown of
- false ->
+ FunInfoList = [{local, state__fun_info(Fun, State)} || Fun <- FunList],
+ case
+ handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map2, Tree, State1)
+ of
+ {had_external, State2} ->
+ %% Fallback: use whatever info we collected from traversing the op
+ %% instead of the result that has been generalized to t_any().
Arity = length(Args),
OpType1 = t_inf(OpType, t_fun(Arity, t_any())),
case t_is_none(OpType1) of
@@ -408,25 +408,23 @@ handle_apply(Tree, Map, State) ->
{State2, enter_type(Op, OpType1, Map3), Range}
- true ->
- FunInfoList = [{local, state__fun_info(Fun, State)}
- || Fun <- FunList],
- handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map2, Tree, State1)
+ Normal -> Normal
handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State) ->
None = t_none(),
handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
- [None || _ <- ArgTypes], None).
+ [None || _ <- ArgTypes], None, false).
handle_apply_or_call([{local, external}|Left], Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
- _AccArgTypes, _AccRet) ->
+ _AccArgTypes, _AccRet, _HadExternal) ->
handle_apply_or_call(Left, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
- ArgTypes, t_any());
+ ArgTypes, t_any(), true);
handle_apply_or_call([{TypeOfApply, {Fun, Sig, Contr, LocalRet}}|Left],
Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree,
- #state{opaques = Opaques} = State, AccArgTypes, AccRet) ->
+ #state{opaques = Opaques} = State,
+ AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal) ->
Any = t_any(),
AnyArgs = [Any || _ <- Args],
GenSig = {AnyArgs, fun(_) -> t_any() end},
@@ -573,11 +571,16 @@ handle_apply_or_call([{TypeOfApply, {Fun, Sig, Contr, LocalRet}}|Left],
NewAccRet = t_sup(AccRet, TotalRet),
?debug("NewAccRet: ~s\n", [t_to_string(NewAccRet)]),
handle_apply_or_call(Left, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree,
- State3, NewAccArgTypes, NewAccRet);
+ State3, NewAccArgTypes, NewAccRet, HadExternal);
handle_apply_or_call([], Args, _ArgTypes, Map, _Tree, State,
- AccArgTypes, AccRet) ->
- NewMap = enter_type_lists(Args, AccArgTypes, Map),
- {State, NewMap, AccRet}.
+ AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal) ->
+ case HadExternal of
+ false ->
+ NewMap = enter_type_lists(Args, AccArgTypes, Map),
+ {State, NewMap, AccRet};
+ true ->
+ {had_external, State}
+ end.
apply_fail_reason(FailedSig, FailedBif, FailedContract) ->
@@ -1103,7 +1106,7 @@ handle_tuple(Tree, Map, State) ->
%% Let's find out if this is a record
case Elements of
[Tag|Left] ->
- case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) of
+ case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) andalso is_literal_record(Tree) of
true ->
TagVal = cerl:atom_val(Tag),
case state__lookup_record(TagVal, length(Left), State1) of
@@ -1233,15 +1236,10 @@ do_clause(C, Arg, ArgType0, OrigArgType, Map, State) ->
false ->
{State1, Map, t_none(), ArgType0};
true ->
- PatString =
- case ErrorType of
- bind -> format_patterns(Pats);
- record -> format_patterns(Pats);
- opaque -> format_patterns(NewPats)
- end,
{Msg, Force} =
case t_is_none(ArgType0) of
true ->
+ PatString = format_patterns(Pats),
PatTypes = [PatString, format_type(OrigArgType, State1)],
%% See if this is covered by an earlier clause or if it
%% simply cannot match
@@ -1291,6 +1289,12 @@ do_clause(C, Arg, ArgType0, OrigArgType, Map, State) ->
false ->
+ PatString =
+ case ErrorType of
+ bind -> format_patterns(Pats);
+ record -> format_patterns(NewPats);
+ opaque -> format_patterns(NewPats)
+ end,
PatTypes = case ErrorType of
bind -> [PatString, format_type(ArgType0, State1)];
record -> [PatString, format_type(Type, State1)];
@@ -1437,7 +1441,7 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
BinType = t_inf(t_bitstr(), Type, Opaques),
case t_is_none(BinType) of
true ->
- case t_find_opaque_mismatch(t_bitstr(), Type) of
+ case t_find_opaque_mismatch(t_bitstr(), Type, Opaques) of
{ok, T1, T2} ->
bind_error([Pat], T1, T2, opaque);
error ->
@@ -1453,7 +1457,7 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
Cons = t_inf(Type, t_cons(), Opaques),
case t_is_none(Cons) of
true ->
- bind_opaque_pats(t_cons(), Type, Pat, Map, State, Rev);
+ bind_opaque_pats(t_cons(), Type, Pat, State);
false ->
{Map1, [HdType, TlType]} =
bind_pat_vars([cerl:cons_hd(Pat), cerl:cons_tl(Pat)],
@@ -1466,7 +1470,7 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
Literal = literal_type(Pat),
case t_is_none(t_inf(Literal, Type, Opaques)) of
true ->
- bind_opaque_pats(Literal, Type, Pat, Map, State, Rev);
+ bind_opaque_pats(Literal, Type, Pat, State);
false -> {Map, Literal}
map ->
@@ -1477,7 +1481,7 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
case Es of
[] -> {false, t_tuple([])};
[Tag|Left] ->
- case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) of
+ case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) andalso is_literal_record(Pat) of
true ->
TagAtom = cerl:atom_val(Tag),
case state__lookup_record(TagAtom, length(Left), State) of
@@ -1493,7 +1497,7 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
Tuple = t_inf(Prototype, Type, Opaques),
case t_is_none(Tuple) of
true ->
- bind_opaque_pats(Prototype, Type, Pat, Map, State, Rev);
+ bind_opaque_pats(Prototype, Type, Pat, State);
false ->
SubTuples = t_tuple_subtypes(Tuple, Opaques),
%% Need to call the top function to get the try-catch wrapper
@@ -1542,7 +1546,7 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
VarType2 = t_inf(VarType1, Type, Opaques),
case t_is_none(VarType2) of
true ->
- case t_find_opaque_mismatch(VarType1, Type) of
+ case t_find_opaque_mismatch(VarType1, Type, Opaques) of
{ok, T1, T2} ->
bind_error([Pat], T1, T2, opaque);
error ->
@@ -1608,10 +1612,18 @@ bind_bin_segs([Seg|Segs], BinType, Acc, Map, State) ->
SizeVal = lists:max(List),
Flags = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_flags(Seg)),
N = SizeVal * UnitVal,
- case lists:member(signed, Flags) of
- true -> t_from_range(-(1 bsl (N - 1)), 1 bsl (N - 1) - 1);
- false -> t_from_range(0, 1 bsl N - 1)
- end
+ case N >= ?BITS of
+ true ->
+ case lists:member(signed, Flags) of
+ true -> t_from_range(neg_inf, pos_inf);
+ false -> t_from_range(0, pos_inf)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case lists:member(signed, Flags) of
+ true -> t_from_range(-(1 bsl (N - 1)), 1 bsl (N - 1) - 1);
+ false -> t_from_range(0, 1 bsl N - 1)
+ end
+ end
{Map2, [_]} = bind_pat_vars([Val], [ValConstr], [], Map1, State, false),
@@ -1624,21 +1636,26 @@ bind_bin_segs([Seg|Segs], BinType, Acc, Map, State) ->
bind_bin_segs([], _BinType, Acc, Map, _State) ->
{Map, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
-bind_error(Pats, Type, OpaqueType, Error) ->
+bind_error(Pats, Type, OpaqueType, Error0) ->
+ Error = case {Error0, Pats} of
+ {bind, [Pat]} ->
+ case is_literal_record(Pat) of
+ true -> record;
+ false -> Error0
+ end;
+ _ -> Error0
+ end,
throw({error, Error, Pats, Type, OpaqueType}).
-bind_opaque_pats(GenType, Type, Pat, Map, State, Rev) ->
- case t_find_opaque_mismatch(GenType, Type) of
+-spec bind_opaque_pats(type(), type(), cerl:c_literal(), state()) ->
+ no_return().
+bind_opaque_pats(GenType, Type, Pat, State) ->
+ case t_find_opaque_mismatch(GenType, Type, State#state.opaques) of
{ok, T1, T2} ->
- case erl_types:is_opaque_type(T2, State#state.opaques) of
- true ->
- NewType = erl_types:t_struct_from_opaque(Type, [T2]),
- {Map1, _} =
- bind_pat_vars([Pat], [NewType], [], Map, State, Rev),
- {Map1, T2};
- false -> bind_error([Pat], T1, T2, opaque)
- end;
- error -> bind_error([Pat], Type, t_none(), bind)
+ bind_error([Pat], T1, T2, opaque);
+ error ->
+ bind_error([Pat], Type, t_none(), bind)
@@ -1836,9 +1853,9 @@ handle_guard_comp(Guard, Comp, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
[Type1, Type2] = ArgTypes,
IsInt1 = t_is_integer(Type1, Opaques),
IsInt2 = t_is_integer(Type2, Opaques),
- case {cerl:type(Arg1), cerl:type(Arg2)} of
- {literal, literal} ->
- case erlang:Comp(cerl:concrete(Arg1), cerl:concrete(Arg2)) of
+ case {type(Arg1), type(Arg2)} of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, {literal, Lit2}} ->
+ case erlang:Comp(cerl:concrete(Lit1), cerl:concrete(Lit2)) of
true when Eval =:= pos -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
true when Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
true when Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
@@ -1847,13 +1864,13 @@ handle_guard_comp(Guard, Comp, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
false when Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
false when Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(false)}
- {literal, var} when IsInt1 andalso IsInt2 andalso (Eval =:= pos) ->
- case bind_comp_literal_var(Arg1, Arg2, Type2, Comp, Map1, Opaques) of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, var} when IsInt1 andalso IsInt2 andalso (Eval =:= pos) ->
+ case bind_comp_literal_var(Lit1, Arg2, Type2, Comp, Map1, Opaques) of
error -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
{ok, NewMap} -> {NewMap, t_atom(true)}
- {var, literal} when IsInt1 andalso IsInt2 andalso (Eval =:= pos) ->
- case bind_comp_literal_var(Arg2, Arg1, Type1, invert_comp(Comp),
+ {var, {literal, Lit2}} when IsInt1 andalso IsInt2 andalso (Eval =:= pos) ->
+ case bind_comp_literal_var(Lit2, Arg1, Type1, invert_comp(Comp),
Map1, Opaques) of
error -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
{ok, NewMap} -> {NewMap, t_atom(true)}
@@ -1973,15 +1990,15 @@ handle_guard_is_record(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
handle_guard_eq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
[Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
- case {cerl:type(Arg1), cerl:type(Arg2)} of
- {literal, literal} ->
- case cerl:concrete(Arg1) =:= cerl:concrete(Arg2) of
+ case {type(Arg1), type(Arg2)} of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, {literal, Lit2}} ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit1) =:= cerl:concrete(Lit2) of
true ->
Eval =:= pos -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
Eval =:= neg ->
- ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg1)),
- t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg2))],
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(true)}
@@ -1990,28 +2007,28 @@ handle_guard_eq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
Eval =:= pos ->
- ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg1)),
- t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg2))],
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State)
- {literal, _} when Eval =:= pos ->
- case cerl:concrete(Arg1) of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, _} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit1) of
Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
- bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
[] ->
- bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
_ ->
- bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ bind_eq_guard(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
- {_, literal} when Eval =:= pos ->
- case cerl:concrete(Arg2) of
+ {_, {literal, Lit2}} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit2) of
Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
- bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Arg2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
[] ->
- bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Arg2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
_ ->
- bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Lit2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
{_, _} ->
bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
@@ -2043,13 +2060,14 @@ bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
handle_guard_eqeq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
[Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
- case {cerl:type(Arg1), cerl:type(Arg2)} of
- {literal, literal} ->
- case cerl:concrete(Arg1) =:= cerl:concrete(Arg2) of
+ case {type(Arg1), type(Arg2)} of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, {literal, Lit2}} ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit1) =:= cerl:concrete(Lit2) of
true ->
if Eval =:= neg ->
- ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg1)),
- t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg2))],
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
Eval =:= pos -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(true)}
@@ -2058,15 +2076,15 @@ handle_guard_eqeq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
if Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
Eval =:= pos ->
- ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg1)),
- t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Arg2))],
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State)
- {literal, _} when Eval =:= pos ->
- bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
- {_, literal} when Eval =:= pos ->
- bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Arg2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
+ {{literal, Lit1}, _} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
+ {_, {literal, Lit2}} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
{_, _} ->
bind_eqeq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
@@ -2763,8 +2781,7 @@ filter_match_fail([]) ->
%%% ===========================================================================
state__new(Callgraph, Tree, Plt, Module, Records) ->
- Opaques = erl_types:module_builtin_opaques(Module) ++
- erl_types:t_opaque_from_records(Records),
+ Opaques = erl_types:t_opaque_from_records(Records),
TreeMap = build_tree_map(Tree),
Funs = dict:fetch_keys(TreeMap),
FunTab = init_fun_tab(Funs, dict:new(), TreeMap, Callgraph, Plt),
@@ -3275,12 +3292,17 @@ get_file([_|Tail]) -> get_file(Tail).
is_compiler_generated(Ann) ->
lists:member(compiler_generated, Ann) orelse (get_line(Ann) < 1).
+is_literal_record(Tree) ->
+ Ann = cerl:get_ann(Tree),
+ lists:member(record, Ann).
-spec format_args([cerl:cerl()], [type()], state()) ->
format_args([], [], _State) ->
-format_args(ArgList, TypeList, State) ->
+format_args(ArgList0, TypeList, State) ->
+ ArgList = fold_literals(ArgList0),
"(" ++ format_args_1(ArgList, TypeList, State) ++ ")".
format_args_1([Arg], [Type], State) ->
@@ -3339,7 +3361,8 @@ format_cerl(Tree) ->
{ribbon, 100000} %% newlines.
-format_patterns(Pats) ->
+format_patterns(Pats0) ->
+ Pats = fold_literals(Pats0),
NewPats = map_pats(cerl:c_values(Pats)),
String = format_cerl(NewPats),
case Pats of
@@ -3371,6 +3394,23 @@ map_pats(Pats) ->
cerl_trees:map(Fun, Pats).
+fold_literals(TreeList) ->
+ [cerl:fold_literal(Tree) || Tree <- TreeList].
+type(Tree) ->
+ Folded = cerl:fold_literal(Tree),
+ case cerl:type(Folded) of
+ literal -> {literal, Folded};
+ Type -> Type
+ end.
+is_literal(Tree) ->
+ Folded = cerl:fold_literal(Tree),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Folded) of
+ true -> {yes, Folded};
+ false -> no
+ end.
parent_allows_this(FunLbl, #state{callgraph = Callgraph, plt = Plt} =State) ->
case state__is_escaping(FunLbl, State) of
false -> false; % if it isn't escaping it can't be a return value
@@ -3415,18 +3455,18 @@ find_terminals(Tree) ->
M0 = cerl:call_module(Tree),
F0 = cerl:call_name(Tree),
A = length(cerl:call_args(Tree)),
- case cerl:is_literal(M0) andalso cerl:is_literal(F0) of
- false ->
- %% We cannot make assumptions. Say that both are true.
- {true, true};
- true ->
- M = cerl:concrete(M0),
- F = cerl:concrete(F0),
+ case {is_literal(M0), is_literal(F0)} of
+ {{yes, LitM}, {yes, LitF}} ->
+ M = cerl:concrete(LitM),
+ F = cerl:concrete(LitF),
case (erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A)
andalso t_is_none(erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A))) of
true -> {true, false};
false -> {false, true}
- end
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% We cannot make assumptions. Say that both are true.
+ {true, true}
'case' -> find_terminals_list(cerl:case_clauses(Tree));
'catch' -> find_terminals(cerl:catch_body(Tree));
@@ -3471,66 +3511,6 @@ find_terminals_list([], Explicit, Normal) ->
-%% If you write a record pattern in a matching that violates the
-%% definition it will never match. However, the warning is lost in the
-%% regular analysis. This after-pass catches it.
-find_mismatched_record_patterns(Tree, State) ->
- cerl_trees:fold(
- fun(SubTree, AccState) ->
- case cerl:is_c_clause(SubTree) of
- true -> lists:foldl(fun(P, AccState1) ->
- find_rec_warnings(P, AccState1)
- end, AccState, cerl:clause_pats(SubTree));
- false -> AccState
- end
- end, State, Tree).
-find_rec_warnings(Tree, State) ->
- cerl_trees:fold(
- fun(SubTree, AccState) ->
- case cerl:is_c_tuple(SubTree) of
- true -> find_rec_warnings_tuple(SubTree, AccState);
- false -> AccState
- end
- end, State, Tree).
-find_rec_warnings_tuple(Tree, State) ->
- Elements = cerl:tuple_es(Tree),
- {_, _, EsType} = traverse_list(Elements, map__new(), State),
- TupleType = t_tuple(EsType),
- case t_is_none(TupleType) of
- true -> State;
- false ->
- %% Let's find out if this is a record construction.
- case Elements of
- [Tag|Left] ->
- case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) of
- true ->
- TagVal = cerl:atom_val(Tag),
- case state__lookup_record(TagVal, length(Left), State) of
- error -> State;
- {ok, Prototype} ->
- InfTupleType = t_inf(Prototype, TupleType),
- case t_is_none(InfTupleType) of
- true ->
- Msg = {record_matching,
- [format_patterns([Tree]), TagVal]},
- state__add_warning(State, ?WARN_MATCHING, Tree, Msg);
- false ->
- State
- end
- end;
- false ->
- State
- end;
- _ ->
- State
- end
- end.
debug_pp(Tree, true) ->
io:put_chars(cerl_prettypr:format(Tree, [{hook, cerl_typean:pp_hook()}])),