path: root/lib/dialyzer/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src')
7 files changed, 496 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.erl
index 9f51dfe356..bcac8afe64 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.erl
@@ -336,6 +336,9 @@ message_to_string({guard_fail, []}) ->
"Clause guard cannot succeed.\n";
message_to_string({guard_fail, [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]}) ->
io_lib:format("Guard test ~s ~s ~s can never succeed\n", [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]);
+message_to_string({map_update, [Type, Key]}) ->
+ io_lib:format("A key of type ~s cannot exist "
+ "in a map of type ~s\n", [Key, Type]);
message_to_string({neg_guard_fail, [Arg1, Infix, Arg2]}) ->
io_lib:format("Guard test not(~s ~s ~s) can never succeed\n",
[Arg1, Infix, Arg2]);
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.hrl
index 601e2e954b..ea6a71217c 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.hrl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.hrl
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
-define(WARN_BEHAVIOUR, warn_behaviour).
-define(WARN_UNDEFINED_CALLBACK, warn_undefined_callbacks).
-define(WARN_UNKNOWN, warn_unknown).
+-define(WARN_MAP_CONSTRUCTION, warn_map_construction).
%% The following type has double role:
@@ -75,7 +76,8 @@
%% This is the representation of each warning as they will be returned
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
index e03e4d5bb4..1895a98e96 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
@@ -277,28 +277,45 @@ check_extraneous_1(Contract, SuccType) ->
case [CR || CR <- CRngs,
erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(CR, STRng))] of
[] ->
- CRngList = list_part(CRng),
- STRngList = list_part(STRng),
- case is_not_nil_list(CRngList) andalso is_not_nil_list(STRngList) of
- false -> ok;
- true ->
- CRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(CRngList),
- STRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(STRngList),
- Inf = erl_types:t_inf(CRngElements, STRngElements),
- case erl_types:t_is_none(Inf) of
- true -> {error, invalid_contract};
- false -> ok
- end
+ case bad_extraneous_list(CRng, STRng)
+ orelse bad_extraneous_map(CRng, STRng)
+ of
+ true -> {error, invalid_contract};
+ false -> ok
CRs -> {error, {extra_range, erl_types:t_sup(CRs), STRng}}
+bad_extraneous_list(CRng, STRng) ->
+ CRngList = list_part(CRng),
+ STRngList = list_part(STRng),
+ case is_not_nil_list(CRngList) andalso is_not_nil_list(STRngList) of
+ false -> false;
+ true ->
+ CRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(CRngList),
+ STRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(STRngList),
+ Inf = erl_types:t_inf(CRngElements, STRngElements),
+ erl_types:t_is_none(Inf)
+ end.
list_part(Type) ->
erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_list(), Type).
is_not_nil_list(Type) ->
erl_types:t_is_list(Type) andalso not erl_types:t_is_nil(Type).
+bad_extraneous_map(CRng, STRng) ->
+ CRngMap = map_part(CRng),
+ STRngMap = map_part(STRng),
+ (not is_empty_map(CRngMap)) andalso (not is_empty_map(STRngMap))
+ andalso is_empty_map(erl_types:t_inf(CRngMap, STRngMap)).
+map_part(Type) ->
+ erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_map(), Type).
+is_empty_map(Type) ->
+ erl_types:t_is_equal(Type, erl_types:t_from_term(#{})).
%% This is the heart of the "range function"
-spec process_contracts([contract_pair()], [erl_types:erl_type()]) ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
index 6e49043551..f0fa9fbb4e 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
t_tuple/0, t_tuple/1, t_tuple_args/1, t_tuple_args/2,
t_unit/0, t_unopaque/2,
- t_map/1
+ t_map/0, t_map/1, t_is_singleton/2
%%-define(DEBUG, true).
@@ -342,8 +342,6 @@ traverse(Tree, Map, State) ->
handle_tuple(Tree, Map, State);
map ->
handle_map(Tree, Map, State);
- map_pair ->
- handle_map_pair(Tree, Map, State);
values ->
Elements = cerl:values_es(Tree),
{State1, Map1, EsType} = traverse_list(Elements, Map, State),
@@ -1102,15 +1100,54 @@ handle_try(Tree, Map, State) ->
handle_map(Tree,Map,State) ->
- Pairs = cerl:map_es(Tree),
- {State1, Map1, TypePairs} = traverse_list(Pairs,Map,State),
- {State1, Map1, t_map(TypePairs)}.
+ Pairs = cerl:map_es(Tree),
+ Arg = cerl:map_arg(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, ArgType} = traverse(Arg, Map, State),
+ ArgType1 = t_inf(t_map(), ArgType),
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(ArgType1) of
+ true ->
+ {State1, Map1, ArgType1};
+ false ->
+ {State2, Map2, TypePairs, ExactKeys} =
+ traverse_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, State1, t_none(), [], []),
+ InsertPair = fun({KV,assoc,_},Acc) -> erl_types:t_map_put(KV,Acc);
+ ({KV,exact,KVTree},Acc) ->
+ case t_is_none(T=erl_types:t_map_update(KV,Acc)) of
+ true -> throw({none, Acc, KV, KVTree});
+ false -> T
+ end
+ end,
+ try lists:foldl(InsertPair, ArgType1, TypePairs)
+ of ResT ->
+ BindT = t_map([{K, t_any()} || K <- ExactKeys]),
+ case bind_pat_vars_reverse([Arg], [BindT], [], Map2, State2) of
+ {error, _, _, _, _} -> {State2, Map2, ResT};
+ {Map3, _} -> {State2, Map3, ResT}
+ end
+ catch {none, MapType, {K,_}, KVTree} ->
+ Msg2 = {map_update, [format_type(MapType, State2),
+ format_type(K, State2)]},
+ {state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_MAP_CONSTRUCTION, KVTree, Msg2),
+ Map2, t_none()}
+ end
+ end.
-handle_map_pair(Tree,Map,State) ->
- Key = cerl:map_pair_key(Tree),
- Val = cerl:map_pair_val(Tree),
+traverse_map_pairs([], Map, State, _ShadowKeys, PairAcc, KeyAcc) ->
+ {State, Map, lists:reverse(PairAcc), KeyAcc};
+traverse_map_pairs([Pair|Pairs], Map, State, ShadowKeys, PairAcc, KeyAcc) ->
+ Key = cerl:map_pair_key(Pair),
+ Val = cerl:map_pair_val(Pair),
+ Op = cerl:map_pair_op(Pair),
{State1, Map1, [K,V]} = traverse_list([Key,Val],Map,State),
- {State1, Map1, {K,V}}.
+ KeyAcc1 =
+ case cerl:is_literal(Op) andalso cerl:concrete(Op) =:= exact andalso
+ t_is_singleton(K, State#state.opaques) andalso
+ t_is_none(t_inf(ShadowKeys, K)) of
+ true -> [K|KeyAcc];
+ false -> KeyAcc
+ end,
+ traverse_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, State1, t_sup(K, ShadowKeys),
+ [{{K,V},cerl:concrete(Op),Pair}|PairAcc], KeyAcc1).
@@ -1445,7 +1482,9 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
{NewMap, TypeOut} =
case cerl:type(Pat) of
alias ->
- AliasPat = cerl:alias_pat(Pat),
+ %% Map patterns are more allowing than the type of their literal. We
+ %% must unfold AliasPat if it is a literal.
+ AliasPat = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(cerl:alias_pat(Pat)),
Var = cerl:alias_var(Pat),
Map1 = enter_subst(Var, AliasPat, Map),
{Map2, [PatType]} = bind_pat_vars([AliasPat], [Type], [],
@@ -1486,14 +1525,59 @@ bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
{Map1, t_cons(HdType, TlType)}
literal ->
- Literal = literal_type(Pat),
- case t_is_none(t_inf(Literal, Type, Opaques)) of
+ Pat0 = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Pat),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Pat0) of
true ->
- bind_opaque_pats(Literal, Type, Pat, State);
- false -> {Map, Literal}
+ Literal = literal_type(Pat),
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(Literal, Type, Opaques)) of
+ true ->
+ bind_opaque_pats(Literal, Type, Pat, State);
+ false -> {Map, Literal}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ %% Retry with the unfolded pattern
+ {Map1, [PatType]}
+ = bind_pat_vars([Pat0], [Type], [], Map, State, Rev),
+ {Map1, PatType}
map ->
- {Map, t_map([])};
+ MapT = t_inf(Type, t_map(), Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(MapT) of
+ true ->
+ bind_opaque_pats(t_map(), Type, Pat, State);
+ false ->
+ case Rev of
+ %% TODO: Reverse matching (propagating a matched subset back to a value)
+ true -> {Map, MapT};
+ false ->
+ FoldFun =
+ fun(Pair, {MapAcc, ListAcc}) ->
+ %% Only exact (:=) can appear in patterns
+ exact = cerl:concrete(cerl:map_pair_op(Pair)),
+ Key = cerl:map_pair_key(Pair),
+ KeyType =
+ case cerl:type(Key) of
+ var ->
+ case state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Key, State) of
+ error -> lookup_type(Key, MapAcc);
+ {ok, RecType} -> RecType
+ end;
+ literal ->
+ literal_type(Key)
+ end,
+ Bind = erl_types:t_map_get(KeyType, MapT),
+ {MapAcc1, [ValType]} =
+ bind_pat_vars([cerl:map_pair_val(Pair)],
+ [Bind], [], MapAcc, State, Rev),
+ case t_is_singleton(KeyType, Opaques) of
+ true -> {MapAcc1, [{KeyType, ValType}|ListAcc]};
+ false -> {MapAcc1, ListAcc}
+ end
+ end,
+ {Map1, Pairs} = lists:foldl(FoldFun, {Map, []}, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
+ {Map1, t_inf(MapT, t_map(Pairs))}
+ end
+ end;
tuple ->
Es = cerl:tuple_es(Pat),
{TypedRecord, Prototype} =
@@ -1710,15 +1794,58 @@ bind_guard(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
'try' ->
Arg = cerl:try_arg(Guard),
[Var] = cerl:try_vars(Guard),
+ EVars = cerl:try_evars(Guard),
%%?debug("Storing: ~w\n", [Var]),
- NewEnv = dict:store(get_label(Var), Arg, Env),
- bind_guard(cerl:try_body(Guard), Map, NewEnv, Eval, State);
+ Map1 = join_maps_begin(Map),
+ Map2 = mark_as_fresh(EVars, Map1),
+ %% Visit handler first so we know if it should be ignored
+ {{HandlerMap, HandlerType}, HandlerE} =
+ try {bind_guard(cerl:try_handler(Guard), Map2, Env, Eval, State), none}
+ catch throw:HE ->
+ {{Map2, t_none()}, HE}
+ end,
+ BodyEnv = dict:store(get_label(Var), Arg, Env),
+ Wanted = case Eval of pos -> t_atom(true); neg -> t_atom(false);
+ dont_know -> t_any() end,
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(HandlerType, Wanted)) of
+ %% Handler won't save us; pretend it does not exist
+ true -> bind_guard(cerl:try_body(Guard), Map, BodyEnv, Eval, State);
+ false ->
+ {{BodyMap, BodyType}, BodyE} =
+ try {bind_guard(cerl:try_body(Guard), Map1, BodyEnv,
+ Eval, State), none}
+ catch throw:BE ->
+ {{Map1, t_none()}, BE}
+ end,
+ Map3 = join_maps_end([BodyMap, HandlerMap], Map1),
+ case t_is_none(Sup = t_sup(BodyType, HandlerType)) of
+ true ->
+ %% Pick a reason. N.B. We assume that the handler is always
+ %% compiler-generated if the body is; that way, we won't need to
+ %% check.
+ Fatality = case {BodyE, HandlerE} of
+ {{fatal_fail, _}, _} -> fatal_fail;
+ {_, {fatal_fail, _}} -> fatal_fail;
+ _ -> fail
+ end,
+ throw({Fatality,
+ case {BodyE, HandlerE} of
+ {{_, Rsn}, _} when Rsn =/= none -> Rsn;
+ {_, {_,Rsn}} -> Rsn;
+ _ -> none
+ end});
+ false -> {Map3, Sup}
+ end
+ end;
tuple ->
Es0 = cerl:tuple_es(Guard),
{Map1, Es} = bind_guard_list(Es0, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
{Map1, t_tuple(Es)};
map ->
- {Map, t_map([])};
+ case Eval of
+ dont_know -> handle_guard_map(Guard, Map, Env, State);
+ _PosOrNeg -> {Map, t_none()} %% Map exprs do not produce bools
+ end;
'let' ->
Arg = cerl:let_arg(Guard),
[Var] = cerl:let_vars(Guard),
@@ -1761,7 +1888,7 @@ handle_guard_call(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
{erlang, F, 1} when F =:= is_atom; F =:= is_boolean;
F =:= is_binary; F =:= is_bitstring;
F =:= is_float; F =:= is_function;
- F =:= is_integer; F =:= is_list;
+ F =:= is_integer; F =:= is_list; F =:= is_map;
F =:= is_number; F =:= is_pid; F =:= is_port;
F =:= is_reference; F =:= is_tuple ->
handle_guard_type_test(Guard, F, Map, Env, Eval, State);
@@ -1841,6 +1968,7 @@ bind_type_test(Eval, TypeTest, ArgType, State) ->
is_function -> t_fun();
is_integer -> t_integer();
is_list -> t_maybe_improper_list();
+ is_map -> t_map();
is_number -> t_number();
is_pid -> t_pid();
is_port -> t_port();
@@ -2349,6 +2477,30 @@ bind_guard_list([G|Gs], Map, Env, Eval, State, Acc) ->
bind_guard_list([], Map, _Env, _Eval, _State, Acc) ->
{Map, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
+handle_guard_map(Guard, Map, Env, State) ->
+ Pairs = cerl:map_es(Guard),
+ Arg = cerl:map_arg(Guard),
+ {Map1, ArgType0} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ ArgType1 = t_inf(t_map(), ArgType0),
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(ArgType1) of
+ true -> {Map1, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ {Map2, TypePairs} = bind_guard_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, Env, State, []),
+ {Map2, lists:foldl(fun({KV,assoc},Acc) -> erl_types:t_map_put(KV,Acc);
+ ({KV,exact},Acc) -> erl_types:t_map_update(KV,Acc)
+ end, ArgType1, TypePairs)}
+ end.
+bind_guard_map_pairs([], Map, _Env, _State, PairAcc) ->
+ {Map, lists:reverse(PairAcc)};
+bind_guard_map_pairs([Pair|Pairs], Map, Env, State, PairAcc) ->
+ Key = cerl:map_pair_key(Pair),
+ Val = cerl:map_pair_val(Pair),
+ Op = cerl:map_pair_op(Pair),
+ {Map1, [K,V]} = bind_guard_list([Key,Val],Map,Env,dont_know,State),
+ bind_guard_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, Env, State,
+ [{{K,V},cerl:concrete(Op)}|PairAcc]).
-type eval() :: 'pos' | 'neg' | 'dont_know'.
-spec signal_guard_fail(eval(), cerl:c_call(), [type()],
@@ -2421,7 +2573,9 @@ filter_fail_clauses([Clause|Left]) ->
case (cerl:clause_pats(Clause) =:= []) of
true ->
Body = cerl:clause_body(Clause),
- case cerl:is_literal(Body) andalso (cerl:concrete(Body) =:= fail) of
+ case cerl:is_literal(Body) andalso (cerl:concrete(Body) =:= fail) orelse
+ cerl:is_c_primop(Body) andalso
+ (cerl:atom_val(cerl:primop_name(Body)) =:= match_fail) of
true -> filter_fail_clauses(Left);
false -> [Clause|filter_fail_clauses(Left)]
@@ -2639,8 +2793,9 @@ store_map(Key, Val, #map{dict = Dict, ref = undefined} = Map) ->
store_map(Key, Val, #map{dict = Dict, modified = Mod} = Map) ->
Map#map{dict = dict:store(Key, Val, Dict), modified = [Key | Mod]}.
-enter_subst(Key, Val, #map{subst = Subst} = MS) ->
+enter_subst(Key, Val0, #map{subst = Subst} = MS) ->
KeyLabel = get_label(Key),
+ Val = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Val0),
case cerl:is_literal(Val) of
true ->
store_map(KeyLabel, literal_type(Val), MS);
@@ -2703,6 +2858,9 @@ mark_as_fresh([Tree|Left], Map) ->
bitstr ->
%% The Size field is not fresh.
{SubTrees1 -- [cerl:bitstr_size(Tree)], Map};
+ map_pair ->
+ %% The keys are not fresh
+ {SubTrees1 -- [cerl:map_pair_key(Tree)], Map};
var ->
{SubTrees1, enter_type(Tree, t_any(), Map)};
_ ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl
index dd81dd01ed..add660eae9 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ build(Opts) ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl
index 5f0881bbcd..50fcbc555b 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
t_is_float/1, t_is_fun/1,
t_is_integer/1, t_non_neg_integer/0,
t_is_list/1, t_is_nil/1, t_is_none/1, t_is_number/1,
+ t_is_singleton/1,
t_limit/2, t_list/0, t_list/1,
t_list_elements/1, t_nonempty_list/1, t_maybe_improper_list/0,
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@
t_timeout/0, t_tuple/0, t_tuple/1,
t_var/1, t_var_name/1,
t_none/0, t_unit/0,
- t_map/1
+ t_map/0, t_map/1, t_map_get/2, t_map_put/2
@@ -126,6 +127,8 @@
solvers = [] :: [solver()]
+-type state() :: #state{}.
-define(TYPE_LIMIT, 4).
@@ -311,7 +314,7 @@ traverse(Tree, DefinedVars, State) ->
Hd = cerl:cons_hd(Tree),
Tl = cerl:cons_tl(Tree),
{State1, [HdVar, TlVar]} = traverse_list([Hd, Tl], DefinedVars, State),
- case cerl:is_literal(cerl:fold_literal(Tree)) of
+ case cerl:is_literal(fold_literal_maybe_match(Tree, State)) of
true ->
%% We do not need to do anything more here.
{State, t_cons(HdVar, TlVar)};
@@ -392,8 +395,18 @@ traverse(Tree, DefinedVars, State) ->
{State2, _} = traverse_list(Funs, DefinedVars1, State1),
traverse(Body, DefinedVars1, State2);
literal ->
- Type = t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Tree)),
- {State, Type};
+ %% Maps are special; a literal pattern matches more than just the value
+ %% constructed by the literal. For example #{} constructs the empty map,
+ %% but matches every map.
+ case state__is_in_match(State) of
+ true ->
+ Tree1 = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Tree),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Tree1) of
+ false -> traverse(Tree1, DefinedVars, State);
+ true -> {State, t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Tree))}
+ end;
+ _ -> {State, t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Tree))}
+ end;
module ->
Defs = cerl:module_defs(Tree),
Funs = [Fun || {_Var, Fun} <- Defs],
@@ -437,7 +450,7 @@ traverse(Tree, DefinedVars, State) ->
Elements = cerl:tuple_es(Tree),
{State1, EVars} = traverse_list(Elements, DefinedVars, State),
{State2, TupleType} =
- case cerl:is_literal(cerl:fold_literal(Tree)) of
+ case cerl:is_literal(fold_literal_maybe_match(Tree, State1)) of
true ->
%% We do not need to do anything more here.
{State, t_tuple(EVars)};
@@ -476,7 +489,111 @@ traverse(Tree, DefinedVars, State) ->
[] -> {State2, TupleType}
map ->
- {State, t_map([])};
+ Entries = cerl:map_es(Tree),
+ MapFoldFun = fun(Entry, AccState) ->
+ AccState1 = state__set_in_match(AccState, false),
+ {AccState2, KeyVar} = traverse(cerl:map_pair_key(Entry),
+ DefinedVars, AccState1),
+ AccState3 = state__set_in_match(
+ AccState2, state__is_in_match(AccState)),
+ {AccState4, ValVar} = traverse(cerl:map_pair_val(Entry),
+ DefinedVars, AccState3),
+ {{KeyVar, ValVar}, AccState4}
+ end,
+ {Pairs, State1} = lists:mapfoldl(MapFoldFun, State, Entries),
+ %% We mustn't recurse into map arguments to matches. Not only are they
+ %% syntactically only allowed to be the literal #{}, but that would also
+ %% cause an infinite recursion, since traverse/3 unfolds literals with
+ %% maps in them using dialyzer_utils:reflow_pattern/1.
+ {State2, ArgVar} =
+ case state__is_in_match(State) of
+ false -> traverse(cerl:map_arg(Tree), DefinedVars, State1);
+ true -> {State1, t_map()}
+ end,
+ MapVar = mk_var(Tree),
+ MapType = ?mk_fun_var(
+ fun(Map) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({K,V}, TypeAcc) ->
+ t_map_put({lookup_type(K, Map),
+ lookup_type(V, Map)},
+ TypeAcc)
+ end, t_inf(t_map(), lookup_type(ArgVar, Map)),
+ Pairs)
+ end, [ArgVar | lists:append([[K,V] || {K,V} <- Pairs])]),
+ %% TODO: does the "same element appearing several times" problem apply
+ %% here too?
+ Fun =
+ fun({KeyVar, ValVar}, {AccState, ShadowKeys}) ->
+ %% If Val is known to be the last association of Key (i.e. Key
+ %% is not in ShadowKeys), Val must be a subtype of what is
+ %% associated to Key in Tree
+ TypeFun =
+ fun(Map) ->
+ KeyType = lookup_type(KeyVar, Map),
+ case t_is_singleton(KeyType) of
+ false -> t_any();
+ true ->
+ MT = t_inf(lookup_type(MapVar, Map), t_map()),
+ case t_is_none(MT) of
+ true -> t_none();
+ false ->
+ DisjointFromKeyType =
+ fun(ShadowKey) ->
+ t_is_none(t_inf(lookup_type(ShadowKey, Map),
+ KeyType))
+ end,
+ case lists:all(DisjointFromKeyType, ShadowKeys) of
+ true -> t_map_get(KeyType, MT);
+ %% A later association might shadow this one
+ false -> t_any()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ValType = ?mk_fun_var(TypeFun, [KeyVar, MapVar | ShadowKeys]),
+ {state__store_conj(ValVar, sub, ValType, AccState),
+ [KeyVar | ShadowKeys]}
+ end,
+ %% Accumulate shadowing keys right-to-left
+ {State3, _} = lists:foldr(Fun, {State2, []}, Pairs),
+ %% In a map expression, Arg must contain all keys that are inserted with
+ %% the exact (:=) operator, and are known (i.e. are not in ShadowedKeys)
+ %% to not have been introduced by a previous association
+ State4 =
+ case state__is_in_match(State) of
+ true -> State3;
+ false ->
+ ArgFun =
+ fun(Map) ->
+ FoldFun =
+ fun({{KeyVar, _}, Entry}, {AccType, ShadowedKeys}) ->
+ OpTree = cerl:map_pair_op(Entry),
+ KeyType = lookup_type(KeyVar, Map),
+ AccType1 =
+ case cerl:is_literal(OpTree) andalso
+ cerl:concrete(OpTree) =:= exact of
+ true ->
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(ShadowedKeys, KeyType)) of
+ true ->
+ t_map_put({KeyType, t_any()}, AccType);
+ false ->
+ AccType
+ end;
+ false ->
+ AccType
+ end,
+ {AccType1, t_sup(KeyType, ShadowedKeys)}
+ end,
+ %% Accumulate shadowed keys left-to-right
+ {ResType, _} = lists:foldl(FoldFun, {t_map(), t_none()},
+ lists:zip(Pairs, Entries)),
+ ResType
+ end,
+ ArgType = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun, [KeyVar || {KeyVar, _} <- Pairs]),
+ state__store_conj(ArgVar, sub, ArgType, State3)
+ end,
+ {state__store_conj(MapVar, sub, MapType, State4), MapVar};
values ->
%% We can get into trouble when unifying products that have the
%% same element appearing several times. Handle these cases by
@@ -948,6 +1065,7 @@ get_type_test({erlang, is_float, 1}) -> {ok, t_float()};
get_type_test({erlang, is_function, 1}) -> {ok, t_fun()};
get_type_test({erlang, is_integer, 1}) -> {ok, t_integer()};
get_type_test({erlang, is_list, 1}) -> {ok, t_list()};
+get_type_test({erlang, is_map, 1}) -> {ok, t_map()};
get_type_test({erlang, is_number, 1}) -> {ok, t_number()};
get_type_test({erlang, is_pid, 1}) -> {ok, t_pid()};
get_type_test({erlang, is_port, 1}) -> {ok, t_port()};
@@ -1004,7 +1122,9 @@ bitstr_val_constr(SizeType, UnitVal, Flags) ->
-get_safe_underapprox_1([Pat|Left], Acc, Map) ->
+get_safe_underapprox_1([Pat0|Left], Acc, Map) ->
+ %% Maps should be treated as patterns, not as literals
+ Pat = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Pat0),
case cerl:type(Pat) of
alias ->
APat = cerl:alias_pat(Pat),
@@ -1048,8 +1168,35 @@ get_safe_underapprox_1([Pat|Left], Acc, Map) ->
Type = t_tuple(Ts),
get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [Type|Acc], Map1);
map ->
- %% TODO: Can maybe do something here
- throw(dont_know);
+ %% Some assertions in case the syntax gets more premissive in the future
+ true = #{} =:= cerl:concrete(cerl:map_arg(Pat)),
+ true = lists:all(fun(P) ->
+ cerl:is_literal(Op = cerl:map_pair_op(P)) andalso
+ exact =:= cerl:concrete(Op)
+ end, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
+ KeyTrees = lists:map(fun cerl:map_pair_key/1, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
+ ValTrees = lists:map(fun cerl:map_pair_val/1, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
+ %% Keys must not be underapproximated. Overapproximations are safe.
+ Keys = get_safe_overapprox(KeyTrees),
+ {Vals, Map1} = get_safe_underapprox_1(ValTrees, [], Map),
+ case lists:all(fun erl_types:t_is_singleton/1, Keys) of
+ false -> throw(dont_know);
+ true -> ok
+ end,
+ SortedPairs = lists:sort(lists:zip(Keys, Vals)),
+ %% We need to deal with duplicates ourselves
+ SquashDuplicates =
+ fun SquashDuplicates([{K,First},{K,Second}|List]) ->
+ case t_is_none(Inf = t_inf(First, Second)) of
+ true -> throw(dont_know);
+ false -> [{K, Inf}|SquashDuplicates(List)]
+ end;
+ SquashDuplicates([Good|Rest]) ->
+ [Good|SquashDuplicates(Rest)];
+ SquashDuplicates([]) -> []
+ end,
+ Type = t_map(SquashDuplicates(SortedPairs)),
+ get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [Type|Acc], Map1);
values ->
Es = cerl:values_es(Pat),
{Ts, Map1} = get_safe_underapprox_1(Es, [], Map),
@@ -1064,6 +1211,15 @@ get_safe_underapprox_1([Pat|Left], Acc, Map) ->
get_safe_underapprox_1([], Acc, Map) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Map}.
+get_safe_overapprox(Pats) ->
+ lists:map(fun get_safe_overapprox_1/1, Pats).
+get_safe_overapprox_1(Pat) ->
+ case cerl:is_literal(Lit = cerl:fold_literal(Pat)) of
+ true -> t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit));
+ false -> t_any()
+ end.
%% Guards
@@ -1263,6 +1419,8 @@ get_bif_constr({erlang, is_integer, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_integer(), State);
get_bif_constr({erlang, is_list, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_maybe_improper_list(), State);
+get_bif_constr({erlang, is_map, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
+ get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_map(), State);
get_bif_constr({erlang, is_number, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_number(), State);
get_bif_constr({erlang, is_pid, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
@@ -1900,7 +2058,7 @@ sane_maps(Map1, Map2, Keys, _S1, _S2) ->
%% Solver v2
-record(v2_state, {constr_data = dict:new() :: dict:dict(),
- state :: #state{}}).
+ state :: state()}).
v2_solve_ref(Fun, Map, State) ->
V2State = #v2_state{state = State},
@@ -2975,13 +3133,24 @@ mk_constraint_ref(Id, Deps) ->
mk_constraint_list(Type, List) ->
List1 = ordsets:from_list(lift_lists(Type, List)),
- List2 = ordsets:filter(fun(X) -> get_deps(X) =/= [] end, List1),
- Deps = calculate_deps(List2),
+ case Type of
+ conj ->
+ List2 = ordsets:filter(fun(X) -> get_deps(X) =/= [] end, List1),
+ mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, List2);
+ disj ->
+ case lists:any(fun(X) -> get_deps(X) =:= [] end, List1) of
+ true -> mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, [mk_constraint_any(eq)]);
+ false -> mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, List1)
+ end
+ end.
+mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, List) ->
+ Deps = calculate_deps(List),
case Deps =:= [] of
true -> #constraint_list{type = conj,
list = [mk_constraint_any(eq)],
deps = []};
- false -> #constraint_list{type = Type, list = List2, deps = Deps}
+ false -> #constraint_list{type = Type, list = List, deps = Deps}
lift_lists(Type, List) ->
@@ -3263,6 +3432,15 @@ find_constraint(Tuple, [#constraint_list{list = List}|Cs]) ->
find_constraint(Tuple, [_|Cs]) ->
find_constraint(Tuple, Cs).
+-spec fold_literal_maybe_match(cerl:cerl(), state()) -> cerl:cerl().
+fold_literal_maybe_match(Tree0, State) ->
+ Tree1 = cerl:fold_literal(Tree0),
+ case state__is_in_match(State) of
+ false -> Tree1;
+ true -> dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Tree1)
+ end.
lookup_record(Records, Tag, Arity) ->
case erl_types:lookup_record(Tag, Arity, Records) of
{ok, Fields} ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
index 5fc1c0e691..d37701f03b 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
+ refold_pattern/1,
@@ -752,6 +753,13 @@ pp_hook(Node, Ctxt, Cont) ->
pp_binary(Node, Ctxt, Cont);
bitstr ->
pp_segment(Node, Ctxt, Cont);
+ map ->
+ pp_map(Node, Ctxt, Cont);
+ literal ->
+ case is_map(cerl:concrete(Node)) of
+ true -> pp_map(Node, Ctxt, Cont);
+ false -> Cont(Node, Ctxt)
+ end;
_ ->
Cont(Node, Ctxt)
@@ -832,6 +840,87 @@ pp_atom(Atom) ->
String = atom_to_list(cerl:atom_val(Atom)),
+pp_map(Node, Ctxt, Cont) ->
+ Arg = cerl:map_arg(Node),
+ Before = case cerl:is_c_map_empty(Arg) of
+ true -> prettypr:floating(prettypr:text("#{"));
+ false ->
+ prettypr:beside(Cont(Arg,Ctxt),
+ prettypr:floating(prettypr:text("#{")))
+ end,
+ prettypr:beside(
+ Before, prettypr:beside(
+ prettypr:par(seq(cerl:map_es(Node),
+ prettypr:floating(prettypr:text(",")),
+ Ctxt, Cont)),
+ prettypr:floating(prettypr:text("}")))).
+seq([H | T], Separator, Ctxt, Fun) ->
+ case T of
+ [] -> [Fun(H, Ctxt)];
+ _ -> [prettypr:beside(Fun(H, Ctxt), Separator)
+ | seq(T, Separator, Ctxt, Fun)]
+ end;
+seq([], _, _, _) ->
+ [prettypr:empty()].
+-spec refold_pattern(cerl:cerl()) -> cerl:cerl().
+refold_pattern(Pat) ->
+ %% Avoid the churn of unfolding and refolding
+ case cerl:is_literal(Pat) andalso find_map(cerl:concrete(Pat)) of
+ true ->
+ Tree = refold_concrete_pat(cerl:concrete(Pat)),
+ PatAnn = cerl:get_ann(Pat),
+ case proplists:is_defined(label, PatAnn) of
+ %% Literals are not normally annotated with a label, but can be if, for
+ %% example, they were created by cerl:fold_literal/1.
+ true -> cerl:set_ann(Tree, PatAnn);
+ false ->
+ [{label, Label}] = cerl:get_ann(Tree),
+ cerl:set_ann(Tree, [{label, Label}|PatAnn])
+ end;
+ false -> Pat
+ end.
+find_map(#{}) -> true;
+find_map(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) -> find_map(tuple_to_list(Tuple));
+find_map([H|T]) -> find_map(H) orelse find_map(T);
+find_map(_) -> false.
+refold_concrete_pat(Val) ->
+ case Val of
+ _ when is_tuple(Val) ->
+ Els = lists:map(fun refold_concrete_pat/1, tuple_to_list(Val)),
+ case lists:all(fun cerl:is_literal/1, Els) of
+ true -> cerl:abstract(Val);
+ false -> label(cerl:c_tuple_skel(Els))
+ end;
+ [H|T] ->
+ case cerl:is_literal(HP=refold_concrete_pat(H))
+ and cerl:is_literal(TP=refold_concrete_pat(T))
+ of
+ true -> cerl:abstract(Val);
+ false -> label(cerl:c_cons_skel(HP, TP))
+ end;
+ M when is_map(M) ->
+ %% Map patterns are not generated by the parser(!), but they have a
+ %% property we want, namely that they are never folded into literals.
+ %% N.B.: The key in a map pattern is an expression, *not* a pattern.
+ label(cerl:c_map_pattern([cerl:c_map_pair_exact(cerl:abstract(K),
+ refold_concrete_pat(V))
+ || {K, V} <- maps:to_list(M)]));
+ _ ->
+ cerl:abstract(Val)
+ end.
+label(Tree) ->
+ %% Sigh
+ Label = -erlang:unique_integer([positive]),
+ cerl:set_ann(Tree, [{label, Label}]).
-spec parallelism() -> integer().