path: root/lib/dialyzer/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/src')
2 files changed, 57 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
index d1ffa07706..272ad10e90 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
@@ -591,10 +591,13 @@ remove_uses([{Var, Use}|ToRemove], Constrs0) ->
remove_uses(_Var, _Use, []) -> [];
remove_uses(Var, Use, [Constr|Constrs]) ->
{V, Form} = Constr,
- case erl_types:t_var_name(V) =:= Var of
- true -> [{V, remove_use(Form, Use)}|Constrs];
- false -> [Constr|remove_uses(Var, Use, Constrs)]
- end.
+ NewConstr = case erl_types:t_var_name(V) =:= Var of
+ true ->
+ {V, remove_use(Form, Use)};
+ false ->
+ Constr
+ end,
+ [NewConstr|remove_uses(Var, Use, Constrs)].
remove_use({var, L, V}, V) -> {var, L, '_'};
remove_use(T, V) when is_tuple(T) ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
index 5ab0c39c04..3349b12932 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
@@ -430,17 +430,35 @@ handle_apply(Tree, Map, State) ->
handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State) ->
None = t_none(),
+ %% Call-site analysis may be inaccurate and consider more funs than those that
+ %% are actually possible. If all of them are incorrect, then warnings can be
+ %% emitted. If at least one fun is ok, however, then no warning is emitted,
+ %% just in case the bad ones are not really possible. The last argument is
+ %% used for this, with the following encoding:
+ %% Initial value: {none, []}
+ %% First fun checked: {one, <List of warns>}
+ %% More funs checked: {many, <List of warns>}
+ %% A '{one, []}' can only become '{many, []}'.
+ %% If at any point an fun does not add warnings, then the list is also
+ %% replaced with an empty list.
handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
- [None || _ <- ArgTypes], None, false).
+ [None || _ <- ArgTypes], None, false, {none, []}).
handle_apply_or_call([{local, external}|Left], Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
- _AccArgTypes, _AccRet, _HadExternal) ->
+ _AccArgTypes, _AccRet, _HadExternal, Warns) ->
+ {HowMany, _} = Warns,
+ NewHowMany =
+ case HowMany of
+ none -> one;
+ _ -> many
+ end,
+ NewWarns = {NewHowMany, []},
handle_apply_or_call(Left, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
- ArgTypes, t_any(), true);
+ ArgTypes, t_any(), true, NewWarns);
handle_apply_or_call([{TypeOfApply, {Fun, Sig, Contr, LocalRet}}|Left],
Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree,
#state{opaques = Opaques} = State,
- AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal) ->
+ AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal, Warns) ->
Any = t_any(),
AnyArgs = [Any || _ <- Args],
GenSig = {AnyArgs, fun(_) -> t_any() end},
@@ -586,16 +604,32 @@ handle_apply_or_call([{TypeOfApply, {Fun, Sig, Contr, LocalRet}}|Left],
NewAccRet = t_sup(AccRet, TotalRet),
?debug("NewAccRet: ~s\n", [t_to_string(NewAccRet)]),
+ {NewWarnings, State4} = state__remove_added_warnings(State, State3),
+ {HowMany, OldWarnings} = Warns,
+ NewWarns =
+ case HowMany of
+ none -> {one, NewWarnings};
+ _ ->
+ case OldWarnings =:= [] of
+ true -> {many, []};
+ false ->
+ case NewWarnings =:= [] of
+ true -> {many, []};
+ false -> {many, NewWarnings ++ OldWarnings}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
handle_apply_or_call(Left, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree,
- State3, NewAccArgTypes, NewAccRet, HadExternal);
+ State4, NewAccArgTypes, NewAccRet, HadExternal, NewWarns);
handle_apply_or_call([], Args, _ArgTypes, Map, _Tree, State,
- AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal) ->
+ AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal, {_, Warnings}) ->
+ State1 = state__add_warnings(Warnings, State),
case HadExternal of
false ->
NewMap = enter_type_lists(Args, AccArgTypes, Map),
- {State, NewMap, AccRet};
+ {State1, NewMap, AccRet};
true ->
- {had_external, State}
+ {had_external, State1}
apply_fail_reason(FailedSig, FailedBif, FailedContract) ->
@@ -3038,6 +3072,14 @@ state__add_warning(#state{warnings = Warnings, warning_mode = true} = State,
+state__remove_added_warnings(OldState, NewState) ->
+ #state{warnings = OldWarnings} = OldState,
+ #state{warnings = NewWarnings} = NewState,
+ {NewWarnings -- OldWarnings, NewState#state{warnings = OldWarnings}}.
+state__add_warnings(Warns, #state{warnings = Warnings} = State) ->
+ State#state{warnings = Warns ++ Warnings}.
-spec state__set_curr_fun(curr_fun(), state()) -> state().
state__set_curr_fun(undefined, State) ->