path: root/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src')
94 files changed, 31117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/array/array_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/array/array_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1702dc8f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/array/array_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+-export([ok1/0, wrong1/0, wrong2/0]).
+ok1() ->
+ array:set(17, gazonk, array:new()).
+wrong1() ->
+ {array, _, _, undefined, _} = array:new(42).
+wrong2() ->
+ case is_tuple(array:new(42)) of
+ true -> structure_is_exposed;
+ false -> cannot_possibly_be
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/big_external_type.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/big_external_type.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d286a378ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/big_external_type.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% A copy of small_SUITE_data/src/big_external_type.erl, where
+%%% abstract_expr() is opaque. The transformation of forms to types is
+%%% now much faster than it used to be, for this module.
+-export_type([abstract_clause/0, abstract_expr/0, abstract_form/0,
+ error_info/0]).
+%% Start of Abstract Format
+-type line() :: erl_anno:line().
+-export_type([af_record_index/0, af_record_field/1, af_record_name/0,
+ af_field_name/0, af_function_decl/0]).
+-export_type([af_module/0, af_export/0, af_import/0, af_fa_list/0,
+ af_compile/0, af_file/0, af_record_decl/0,
+ af_field_decl/0, af_wild_attribute/0,
+ af_record_update/1, af_catch/0, af_local_call/0,
+ af_remote_call/0, af_args/0, af_local_function/0,
+ af_remote_function/0, af_list_comprehension/0,
+ af_binary_comprehension/0, af_template/0,
+ af_qualifier_seq/0, af_qualifier/0, af_generator/0,
+ af_filter/0, af_block/0, af_if/0, af_case/0, af_try/0,
+ af_clause_seq/0, af_catch_clause_seq/0, af_receive/0,
+ af_local_fun/0, af_remote_fun/0, af_fun/0, af_query/0,
+ af_query_access/0, af_clause/0,
+ af_catch_clause/0, af_catch_pattern/0, af_catch_class/0,
+ af_body/0, af_guard_seq/0, af_guard/0, af_guard_test/0,
+ af_record_access/1, af_guard_call/0,
+ af_remote_guard_call/0, af_pattern/0, af_literal/0,
+ af_atom/0, af_lit_atom/1, af_integer/0, af_float/0,
+ af_string/0, af_match/1, af_variable/0,
+ af_anon_variable/0, af_tuple/1, af_nil/0, af_cons/1,
+ af_bin/1, af_binelement/1, af_binelement_size/0,
+ af_binary_op/1, af_binop/0, af_unary_op/1, af_unop/0]).
+-type abstract_form() :: ?MODULE:af_module()
+ | ?MODULE:af_export()
+ | ?MODULE:af_import()
+ | ?MODULE:af_compile()
+ | ?MODULE:af_file()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_decl()
+ | ?MODULE:af_wild_attribute()
+ | ?MODULE:af_function_decl().
+-type af_module() :: {attribute, line(), module, module()}.
+-type af_export() :: {attribute, line(), export, ?MODULE:af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_import() :: {attribute, line(), import, ?MODULE:af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_fa_list() :: [{function(), arity()}].
+-type af_compile() :: {attribute, line(), compile, any()}.
+-type af_file() :: {attribute, line(), file, {string(), line()}}.
+-type af_record_decl() ::
+ {attribute, line(), record, ?MODULE:af_record_name(), [?MODULE:af_field_decl()]}.
+-type af_field_decl() :: {record_field, line(), ?MODULE:af_atom()}
+ | {record_field, line(), ?MODULE:af_atom(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+%% Types and specs, among other things...
+-type af_wild_attribute() :: {attribute, line(), ?MODULE:af_atom(), any()}.
+-type af_function_decl() ::
+ {function, line(), function(), arity(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}.
+-opaque abstract_expr() :: ?MODULE:af_literal()
+ | ?MODULE:af_match(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_tuple(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_nil()
+ | ?MODULE:af_cons(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_bin(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_op(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_unary_op(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_access(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_update(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_index()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_field(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_catch()
+ | ?MODULE:af_local_call()
+ | ?MODULE:af_remote_call()
+ | ?MODULE:af_list_comprehension()
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_comprehension()
+ | ?MODULE:af_block()
+ | ?MODULE:af_if()
+ | ?MODULE:af_case()
+ | ?MODULE:af_try()
+ | ?MODULE:af_receive()
+ | ?MODULE:af_local_fun()
+ | ?MODULE:af_remote_fun()
+ | ?MODULE:af_fun()
+ | ?MODULE:af_query()
+ | ?MODULE:af_query_access().
+-type af_record_update(T) :: {record,
+ line(),
+ ?MODULE:abstract_expr(),
+ ?MODULE:af_record_name(),
+ [?MODULE:af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_catch() :: {'catch', line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_local_call() :: {call, line(), ?MODULE:af_local_function(), ?MODULE:af_args()}.
+-type af_remote_call() :: {call, line(), ?MODULE:af_remote_function(), ?MODULE:af_args()}.
+-type af_args() :: [?MODULE:abstract_expr()].
+-type af_local_function() :: ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_remote_function() ::
+ {remote, line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_list_comprehension() ::
+ {lc, line(), ?MODULE:af_template(), ?MODULE:af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_binary_comprehension() ::
+ {bc, line(), ?MODULE:af_template(), ?MODULE:af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_template() :: ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_qualifier_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_qualifier()].
+-type af_qualifier() :: ?MODULE:af_generator() | ?MODULE:af_filter().
+-type af_generator() :: {generate, line(), ?MODULE:af_pattern(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}
+ | {b_generate, line(), ?MODULE:af_pattern(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_filter() :: ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_block() :: {block, line(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_if() :: {'if', line(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_case() :: {'case', line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_try() :: {'try',
+ line(),
+ ?MODULE:af_body(),
+ ?MODULE:af_clause_seq(),
+ ?MODULE:af_catch_clause_seq(),
+ ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_clause_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_catch_clause_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_receive() ::
+ {'receive', line(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}
+ | {'receive', line(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_local_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {function, function(), arity()}}.
+-type af_remote_fun() ::
+ {'fun', line(), {function, module(), function(), arity()}}
+ | {'fun', line(), {function, ?MODULE:af_atom(), ?MODULE:af_atom(), ?MODULE:af_integer()}}.
+-type af_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {clauses, ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}}.
+-type af_query() :: {'query', line(), ?MODULE:af_list_comprehension()}.
+-type af_query_access() ::
+ {record_field, line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:af_field_name()}.
+-type abstract_clause() :: ?MODULE:af_clause() | ?MODULE:af_catch_clause().
+-type af_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [?MODULE:af_pattern()], ?MODULE:af_guard_seq(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [?MODULE:af_catch_pattern()], ?MODULE:af_guard_seq(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_pattern() ::
+ {?MODULE:af_catch_class(), ?MODULE:af_pattern(), ?MODULE:af_anon_variable()}.
+-type af_catch_class() ::
+ ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(throw) | ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(error) | ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(exit).
+-type af_body() :: [?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ...].
+-type af_guard_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_guard()].
+-type af_guard() :: [?MODULE:af_guard_test(), ...].
+-type af_guard_test() :: ?MODULE:af_literal()
+ | ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_tuple(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_nil()
+ | ?MODULE:af_cons(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_bin(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_op(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_unary_op(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_access(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_index()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_field(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_guard_call()
+ | ?MODULE:af_remote_guard_call().
+-type af_record_access(T) ::
+ {record, line(), ?MODULE:af_record_name(), [?MODULE:af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_guard_call() :: {call, line(), function(), [?MODULE:af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_remote_guard_call() ::
+ {call, line(), atom(), ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(erlang), [?MODULE:af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_pattern() :: ?MODULE:af_literal()
+ | ?MODULE:af_match(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_anon_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_tuple(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_nil()
+ | ?MODULE:af_cons(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_bin(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_op(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_unary_op(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_index()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_field(?MODULE:af_pattern()).
+-type af_literal() :: ?MODULE:af_atom() | ?MODULE:af_integer() | ?MODULE:af_float() | ?MODULE:af_string().
+-type af_atom() :: ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(atom()).
+-type af_lit_atom(A) :: {atom, line(), A}.
+-type af_integer() :: {integer, line(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type af_float() :: {float, line(), float()}.
+-type af_string() :: {string, line(), [byte()]}.
+-type af_match(T) :: {match, line(), T, T}.
+-type af_variable() :: {var, line(), atom()}.
+-type af_anon_variable() :: {var, line(), '_'}.
+-type af_tuple(T) :: {tuple, line(), [T]}.
+-type af_nil() :: {nil, line()}.
+-type af_cons(T) :: {cons, line, T, T}.
+-type af_bin(T) :: {bin, line(), [?MODULE:af_binelement(T)]}.
+-type af_binelement(T) :: {bin_element,
+ line(),
+ T,
+ ?MODULE:af_binelement_size(),
+ type_specifier_list()}.
+-type af_binelement_size() :: default | ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_binary_op(T) :: {op, line(), T, ?MODULE:af_binop(), T}.
+-type af_binop() :: '/' | '*' | 'div' | 'rem' | 'band' | 'and' | '+' | '-'
+ | 'bor' | 'bxor' | 'bsl' | 'bsr' | 'or' | 'xor' | '++'
+ | '--' | '==' | '/=' | '=<' | '<' | '>=' | '>' | '=:='
+ | '=/='.
+-type af_unary_op(T) :: {op, line(), ?MODULE:af_unop(), T}.
+-type af_unop() :: '+' | '*' | 'bnot' | 'not'.
+%% See also lib/stdlib/{src/erl_bits.erl,include/erl_bits.hrl}.
+-type type_specifier_list() :: default | [type_specifier(), ...].
+-type type_specifier() :: af_type()
+ | af_signedness()
+ | af_endianness()
+ | af_unit().
+-type af_type() :: integer
+ | float
+ | binary
+ | bytes
+ | bitstring
+ | bits
+ | utf8
+ | utf16
+ | utf32.
+-type af_signedness() :: signed | unsigned.
+-type af_endianness() :: big | little | native.
+-type af_unit() :: {unit, 1..256}.
+-type af_record_index() ::
+ {record_index, line(), af_record_name(), af_field_name()}.
+-type af_record_field(T) :: {record_field, line(), af_field_name(), T}.
+-type af_record_name() :: atom().
+-type af_field_name() :: atom().
+%% End of Abstract Format
+-type error_description() :: term().
+-type error_info() :: {erl_anno:line(), module(), error_description()}.
+-type token() :: {Tag :: atom(), Line :: erl_anno:line()}.
+%% mkop(Op, Arg) -> {op,Line,Op,Arg}.
+%% mkop(Left, Op, Right) -> {op,Line,Op,Left,Right}.
+-define(mkop2(L, OpPos, R),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,L,R}
+ end).
+-define(mkop1(OpPos, A),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,A}
+ end).
+%% keep track of line info in tokens
+-define(line(Tup), element(2, Tup)).
+%% Entry points compatible to old erl_parse.
+%% These really suck and are only here until Calle gets multiple
+%% entry points working.
+-spec parse_form(Tokens) -> {ok, AbsForm} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ AbsForm :: abstract_form(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,spec}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'spec',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,callback}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'callback',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form(Tokens) ->
+ parse(Tokens).
+-spec parse_exprs(Tokens) -> {ok, ExprList} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ ExprList :: [abstract_expr()],
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],Exprs}]}} ->
+ {ok,Exprs};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+-spec parse_term(Tokens) -> {ok, Term} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ Term :: term(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[Expr]}]}} ->
+ try normalise(Expr) of
+ Term -> {ok,Term}
+ catch
+ _:_R -> {error,{?line(Expr),?MODULE,"bad term"}}
+ end;
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[_E1,E2|_Es]}]}} ->
+ {error,{?line(E2),?MODULE,"bad term"}};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+%% Convert between the abstract form of a term and a term.
+-spec normalise(AbsTerm) -> Data when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Data :: term().
+normalise({char,_,C}) -> C;
+normalise({integer,_,I}) -> I;
+normalise({float,_,F}) -> F;
+normalise({atom,_,A}) -> A;
+normalise({string,_,S}) -> S;
+normalise({nil,_}) -> [];
+normalise({bin,_,Fs}) ->
+ {value, B, _} =
+ eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [],
+ fun(E, _) ->
+ {value, normalise(E), []}
+ end, [], true),
+ B;
+normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}) ->
+ [normalise(Head)|normalise(Tail)];
+normalise({tuple,_,Args}) ->
+ list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args));
+%% Atom dot-notation, as in 'foo.bar.baz'
+%% Special case for unary +/-.
+normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}) -> F;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible!
+normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}) -> -I;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}) -> -F;
+normalise(X) -> erlang:error({badarg, X}).
+normalise_list([H|T]) ->
+ [normalise(H)|normalise_list(T)];
+normalise_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% Generate a list of tokens representing the abstract term.
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens(Abs) ->
+ tokens(Abs, []).
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm, MoreTokens) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ MoreTokens :: [token()],
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens({char,L,C}, More) -> [{char,L,C}|More];
+tokens({integer,L,N}, More) -> [{integer,L,N}|More];
+tokens({float,L,F}, More) -> [{float,L,F}|More];
+tokens({atom,L,A}, More) -> [{atom,L,A}|More];
+tokens({var,L,V}, More) -> [{var,L,V}|More];
+tokens({string,L,S}, More) -> [{string,L,S}|More];
+tokens({nil,L}, More) -> [{'[',L},{']',L}|More];
+tokens({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{'[',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens({tuple,L,[]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L},{'}',L}|More];
+tokens({tuple,L,[E|Es]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))].
+tokens_tail({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{',',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens_tail({nil,L}, More) ->
+ [{']',L}|More];
+tokens_tail(Other, More) ->
+ L = ?line(Other),
+ [{'|',L}|tokens(Other, [{']',L}|More])].
+tokens_tuple([E|Es], Line, More) ->
+ [{',',Line}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))];
+tokens_tuple([], Line, More) ->
+ [{'}',Line}|More].
+%% Give the relative precedences of operators.
+inop_prec('=') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('!') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('orelse') -> {160,150,150};
+inop_prec('andalso') -> {200,160,160};
+inop_prec('==') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=:=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('++') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('--') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('+') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('-') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bxor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsl') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsr') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('or') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('xor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('*') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('/') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('div') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('rem') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('band') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('and') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('#') -> {800,700,800};
+inop_prec(':') -> {900,800,900};
+inop_prec('.') -> {900,900,1000}.
+-type pre_op() :: 'catch' | '+' | '-' | 'bnot' | 'not' | '#'.
+-spec preop_prec(pre_op()) -> {0 | 600 | 700, 100 | 700 | 800}.
+preop_prec('catch') -> {0,100};
+preop_prec('+') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('-') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('bnot') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('not') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('#') -> {700,800}.
+-spec func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+-spec max_prec() -> 1000.
+max_prec() -> 1000.
+parse(T) ->
+ bar:foo(T).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/big_local_type.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/big_local_type.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7daceb5260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/big_local_type.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% A copy of small_SUITE_data/src/big_local_type.erl, where
+%%% abstract_expr() is opaque. The transformation of forms to types is
+%%% now much faster than it used to be, for this module.
+-export_type([abstract_clause/0, abstract_expr/0, abstract_form/0,
+ error_info/0]).
+%% Start of Abstract Format
+-type line() :: erl_anno:line().
+-export_type([af_module/0, af_export/0, af_import/0, af_fa_list/0,
+ af_compile/0, af_file/0, af_record_decl/0,
+ af_field_decl/0, af_wild_attribute/0,
+ af_record_update/1, af_catch/0, af_local_call/0,
+ af_remote_call/0, af_args/0, af_local_function/0,
+ af_remote_function/0, af_list_comprehension/0,
+ af_binary_comprehension/0, af_template/0,
+ af_qualifier_seq/0, af_qualifier/0, af_generator/0,
+ af_filter/0, af_block/0, af_if/0, af_case/0, af_try/0,
+ af_clause_seq/0, af_catch_clause_seq/0, af_receive/0,
+ af_local_fun/0, af_remote_fun/0, af_fun/0, af_query/0,
+ af_query_access/0, af_clause/0,
+ af_catch_clause/0, af_catch_pattern/0, af_catch_class/0,
+ af_body/0, af_guard_seq/0, af_guard/0, af_guard_test/0,
+ af_record_access/1, af_guard_call/0,
+ af_remote_guard_call/0, af_pattern/0, af_literal/0,
+ af_atom/0, af_lit_atom/1, af_integer/0, af_float/0,
+ af_string/0, af_match/1, af_variable/0,
+ af_anon_variable/0, af_tuple/1, af_nil/0, af_cons/1,
+ af_bin/1, af_binelement/1, af_binelement_size/0,
+ af_binary_op/1, af_binop/0, af_unary_op/1, af_unop/0]).
+-type abstract_form() :: af_module()
+ | af_export()
+ | af_import()
+ | af_compile()
+ | af_file()
+ | af_record_decl()
+ | af_wild_attribute()
+ | af_function_decl().
+-type af_module() :: {attribute, line(), module, module()}.
+-type af_export() :: {attribute, line(), export, af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_import() :: {attribute, line(), import, af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_fa_list() :: [{function(), arity()}].
+-type af_compile() :: {attribute, line(), compile, any()}.
+-type af_file() :: {attribute, line(), file, {string(), line()}}.
+-type af_record_decl() ::
+ {attribute, line(), record, af_record_name(), [af_field_decl()]}.
+-type af_field_decl() :: {record_field, line(), af_atom()}
+ | {record_field, line(), af_atom(), abstract_expr()}.
+%% Types and specs, among other things...
+-type af_wild_attribute() :: {attribute, line(), af_atom(), any()}.
+-type af_function_decl() ::
+ {function, line(), function(), arity(), af_clause_seq()}.
+-opaque abstract_expr() :: af_literal()
+ | af_match(abstract_expr())
+ | af_variable()
+ | af_tuple(abstract_expr())
+ | af_nil()
+ | af_cons(abstract_expr())
+ | af_bin(abstract_expr())
+ | af_binary_op(abstract_expr())
+ | af_unary_op(abstract_expr())
+ | af_record_access(abstract_expr())
+ | af_record_update(abstract_expr())
+ | af_record_index()
+ | af_record_field(abstract_expr())
+ | af_catch()
+ | af_local_call()
+ | af_remote_call()
+ | af_list_comprehension()
+ | af_binary_comprehension()
+ | af_block()
+ | af_if()
+ | af_case()
+ | af_try()
+ | af_receive()
+ | af_local_fun()
+ | af_remote_fun()
+ | af_fun()
+ | af_query()
+ | af_query_access().
+-type af_record_update(T) :: {record,
+ line(),
+ abstract_expr(),
+ af_record_name(),
+ [af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_catch() :: {'catch', line(), abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_local_call() :: {call, line(), af_local_function(), af_args()}.
+-type af_remote_call() :: {call, line(), af_remote_function(), af_args()}.
+-type af_args() :: [abstract_expr()].
+-type af_local_function() :: abstract_expr().
+-type af_remote_function() ::
+ {remote, line(), abstract_expr(), abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_list_comprehension() ::
+ {lc, line(), af_template(), af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_binary_comprehension() ::
+ {bc, line(), af_template(), af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_template() :: abstract_expr().
+-type af_qualifier_seq() :: [af_qualifier()].
+-type af_qualifier() :: af_generator() | af_filter().
+-type af_generator() :: {generate, line(), af_pattern(), abstract_expr()}
+ | {b_generate, line(), af_pattern(), abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_filter() :: abstract_expr().
+-type af_block() :: {block, line(), af_body()}.
+-type af_if() :: {'if', line(), af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_case() :: {'case', line(), abstract_expr(), af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_try() :: {'try',
+ line(),
+ af_body(),
+ af_clause_seq(),
+ af_catch_clause_seq(),
+ af_body()}.
+-type af_clause_seq() :: [af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_catch_clause_seq() :: [af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_receive() ::
+ {'receive', line(), af_clause_seq()}
+ | {'receive', line(), af_clause_seq(), abstract_expr(), af_body()}.
+-type af_local_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {function, function(), arity()}}.
+-type af_remote_fun() ::
+ {'fun', line(), {function, module(), function(), arity()}}
+ | {'fun', line(), {function, af_atom(), af_atom(), af_integer()}}.
+-type af_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {clauses, af_clause_seq()}}.
+-type af_query() :: {'query', line(), af_list_comprehension()}.
+-type af_query_access() ::
+ {record_field, line(), abstract_expr(), af_field_name()}.
+-type abstract_clause() :: af_clause() | af_catch_clause().
+-type af_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [af_pattern()], af_guard_seq(), af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [af_catch_pattern()], af_guard_seq(), af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_pattern() ::
+ {af_catch_class(), af_pattern(), af_anon_variable()}.
+-type af_catch_class() ::
+ af_variable()
+ | af_lit_atom(throw) | af_lit_atom(error) | af_lit_atom(exit).
+-type af_body() :: [abstract_expr(), ...].
+-type af_guard_seq() :: [af_guard()].
+-type af_guard() :: [af_guard_test(), ...].
+-type af_guard_test() :: af_literal()
+ | af_variable()
+ | af_tuple(af_guard_test())
+ | af_nil()
+ | af_cons(af_guard_test())
+ | af_bin(af_guard_test())
+ | af_binary_op(af_guard_test())
+ | af_unary_op(af_guard_test())
+ | af_record_access(af_guard_test())
+ | af_record_index()
+ | af_record_field(af_guard_test())
+ | af_guard_call()
+ | af_remote_guard_call().
+-type af_record_access(T) ::
+ {record, line(), af_record_name(), [af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_guard_call() :: {call, line(), function(), [af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_remote_guard_call() ::
+ {call, line(), atom(), af_lit_atom(erlang), [af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_pattern() :: af_literal()
+ | af_match(af_pattern())
+ | af_variable()
+ | af_anon_variable()
+ | af_tuple(af_pattern())
+ | af_nil()
+ | af_cons(af_pattern())
+ | af_bin(af_pattern())
+ | af_binary_op(af_pattern())
+ | af_unary_op(af_pattern())
+ | af_record_index()
+ | af_record_field(af_pattern()).
+-type af_literal() :: af_atom() | af_integer() | af_float() | af_string().
+-type af_atom() :: af_lit_atom(atom()).
+-type af_lit_atom(A) :: {atom, line(), A}.
+-type af_integer() :: {integer, line(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type af_float() :: {float, line(), float()}.
+-type af_string() :: {string, line(), [byte()]}.
+-type af_match(T) :: {match, line(), T, T}.
+-type af_variable() :: {var, line(), atom()}.
+-type af_anon_variable() :: {var, line(), '_'}.
+-type af_tuple(T) :: {tuple, line(), [T]}.
+-type af_nil() :: {nil, line()}.
+-type af_cons(T) :: {cons, line, T, T}.
+-type af_bin(T) :: {bin, line(), [af_binelement(T)]}.
+-type af_binelement(T) :: {bin_element,
+ line(),
+ T,
+ af_binelement_size(),
+ type_specifier_list()}.
+-type af_binelement_size() :: default | abstract_expr().
+-type af_binary_op(T) :: {op, line(), T, af_binop(), T}.
+-type af_binop() :: '/' | '*' | 'div' | 'rem' | 'band' | 'and' | '+' | '-'
+ | 'bor' | 'bxor' | 'bsl' | 'bsr' | 'or' | 'xor' | '++'
+ | '--' | '==' | '/=' | '=<' | '<' | '>=' | '>' | '=:='
+ | '=/='.
+-type af_unary_op(T) :: {op, line(), af_unop(), T}.
+-type af_unop() :: '+' | '*' | 'bnot' | 'not'.
+%% See also lib/stdlib/{src/erl_bits.erl,include/erl_bits.hrl}.
+-type type_specifier_list() :: default | [type_specifier(), ...].
+-type type_specifier() :: af_type()
+ | af_signedness()
+ | af_endianness()
+ | af_unit().
+-type af_type() :: integer
+ | float
+ | binary
+ | bytes
+ | bitstring
+ | bits
+ | utf8
+ | utf16
+ | utf32.
+-type af_signedness() :: signed | unsigned.
+-type af_endianness() :: big | little | native.
+-type af_unit() :: {unit, 1..256}.
+-type af_record_index() ::
+ {record_index, line(), af_record_name(), af_field_name()}.
+-type af_record_field(T) :: {record_field, line(), af_field_name(), T}.
+-type af_record_name() :: atom().
+-type af_field_name() :: atom().
+%% End of Abstract Format
+-type error_description() :: term().
+-type error_info() :: {erl_anno:line(), module(), error_description()}.
+-type token() :: {Tag :: atom(), Line :: erl_anno:line()}.
+%% mkop(Op, Arg) -> {op,Line,Op,Arg}.
+%% mkop(Left, Op, Right) -> {op,Line,Op,Left,Right}.
+-define(mkop2(L, OpPos, R),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,L,R}
+ end).
+-define(mkop1(OpPos, A),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,A}
+ end).
+%% keep track of line info in tokens
+-define(line(Tup), element(2, Tup)).
+%% Entry points compatible to old erl_parse.
+%% These really suck and are only here until Calle gets multiple
+%% entry points working.
+-spec parse_form(Tokens) -> {ok, AbsForm} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ AbsForm :: abstract_form(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,spec}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'spec',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,callback}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'callback',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form(Tokens) ->
+ parse(Tokens).
+-spec parse_exprs(Tokens) -> {ok, ExprList} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ ExprList :: [abstract_expr()],
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],Exprs}]}} ->
+ {ok,Exprs};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+-spec parse_term(Tokens) -> {ok, Term} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ Term :: term(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[Expr]}]}} ->
+ try normalise(Expr) of
+ Term -> {ok,Term}
+ catch
+ _:_R -> {error,{?line(Expr),?MODULE,"bad term"}}
+ end;
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[_E1,E2|_Es]}]}} ->
+ {error,{?line(E2),?MODULE,"bad term"}};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+%% Convert between the abstract form of a term and a term.
+-spec normalise(AbsTerm) -> Data when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Data :: term().
+normalise({char,_,C}) -> C;
+normalise({integer,_,I}) -> I;
+normalise({float,_,F}) -> F;
+normalise({atom,_,A}) -> A;
+normalise({string,_,S}) -> S;
+normalise({nil,_}) -> [];
+normalise({bin,_,Fs}) ->
+ {value, B, _} =
+ eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [],
+ fun(E, _) ->
+ {value, normalise(E), []}
+ end, [], true),
+ B;
+normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}) ->
+ [normalise(Head)|normalise(Tail)];
+normalise({tuple,_,Args}) ->
+ list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args));
+%% Atom dot-notation, as in 'foo.bar.baz'
+%% Special case for unary +/-.
+normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}) -> F;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible!
+normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}) -> -I;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}) -> -F;
+normalise(X) -> erlang:error({badarg, X}).
+normalise_list([H|T]) ->
+ [normalise(H)|normalise_list(T)];
+normalise_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% Generate a list of tokens representing the abstract term.
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens(Abs) ->
+ tokens(Abs, []).
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm, MoreTokens) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ MoreTokens :: [token()],
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens({char,L,C}, More) -> [{char,L,C}|More];
+tokens({integer,L,N}, More) -> [{integer,L,N}|More];
+tokens({float,L,F}, More) -> [{float,L,F}|More];
+tokens({atom,L,A}, More) -> [{atom,L,A}|More];
+tokens({var,L,V}, More) -> [{var,L,V}|More];
+tokens({string,L,S}, More) -> [{string,L,S}|More];
+tokens({nil,L}, More) -> [{'[',L},{']',L}|More];
+tokens({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{'[',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens({tuple,L,[]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L},{'}',L}|More];
+tokens({tuple,L,[E|Es]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))].
+tokens_tail({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{',',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens_tail({nil,L}, More) ->
+ [{']',L}|More];
+tokens_tail(Other, More) ->
+ L = ?line(Other),
+ [{'|',L}|tokens(Other, [{']',L}|More])].
+tokens_tuple([E|Es], Line, More) ->
+ [{',',Line}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))];
+tokens_tuple([], Line, More) ->
+ [{'}',Line}|More].
+%% Give the relative precedences of operators.
+inop_prec('=') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('!') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('orelse') -> {160,150,150};
+inop_prec('andalso') -> {200,160,160};
+inop_prec('==') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=:=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('++') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('--') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('+') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('-') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bxor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsl') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsr') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('or') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('xor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('*') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('/') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('div') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('rem') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('band') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('and') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('#') -> {800,700,800};
+inop_prec(':') -> {900,800,900};
+inop_prec('.') -> {900,900,1000}.
+-type pre_op() :: 'catch' | '+' | '-' | 'bnot' | 'not' | '#'.
+-spec preop_prec(pre_op()) -> {0 | 600 | 700, 100 | 700 | 800}.
+preop_prec('catch') -> {0,100};
+preop_prec('+') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('-') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('bnot') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('not') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('#') -> {700,800}.
+-spec func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+-spec max_prec() -> 1000.
+max_prec() -> 1000.
+parse(T) ->
+ bar:foo(T).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/crash/crash_1.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/crash/crash_1.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eebeed15af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/crash/crash_1.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%%% From : Fredrik Thulin <[email protected]>
+%%% A module with an erroneous record field declaration which mixes up
+%%% structured and opaque terms and causes a crash in dialyzer.
+%%% In addition, it revealed that the compiler produced extraneous
+%%% warnings about unused record definitions when in fact they are
+%%% needed for type declarations. This is now fixed.
+-export([add/3, empty/0]).
+-record(sipurl, {proto = "sip" :: string(), host :: string()}).
+-record(keylist, {list = [] :: [_]}).
+-type sip_headers() :: #keylist{}.
+-record(request, {uri :: #sipurl{}, header :: sip_headers()}).
+-type sip_request() :: #request{}.
+-record(target, {branch :: string(), request :: sip_request()}).
+-opaque target() :: #target{}.
+-record(targetlist, {list :: target()}). % XXX: THIS ONE SHOULD READ [target()]
+-opaque targetlist() :: #targetlist{}.
+add(Branch, #request{} = Request, #targetlist{list = L} = TargetList) ->
+ case get_using_branch(Branch, TargetList) of
+ none ->
+ NewTarget = #target{branch = Branch, request = Request},
+ #targetlist{list = L ++ [NewTarget]};
+ #target{} ->
+ TargetList
+ end.
+-spec empty() -> targetlist().
+empty() ->
+ #targetlist{list = []}.
+get_using_branch(Branch, #targetlist{list = L}) when is_list(Branch) ->
+ get_using_branch2(Branch, L).
+get_using_branch2(_Branch, []) ->
+ none;
+get_using_branch2(Branch, [#target{branch=Branch}=H | _T]) ->
+ H;
+get_using_branch2(Branch, [#target{} | T]) ->
+ get_using_branch2(Branch, T).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_macros.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_macros.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07243f8d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_macros.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Types
+%% Code and Monitor servers' info.
+-record(svs, {
+ code :: pid(),
+ monitor :: pid()
+%% Tags of an AST's node.
+-record(tags, {
+ this = undefined :: cuter_cerl:tag() | undefined,
+ next = undefined :: cuter_cerl:tag() | undefined
+-type loaded_ret_atoms() :: cover_compiled | preloaded | non_existing.
+-type servers() :: #svs{}.
+-type ast_tags() :: #tags{}.
+%% Directories
+-define(RELATIVE_TMP_DIR, "temp").
+-define(PYTHON_CALL, ?PYTHON_PATH ++ " -u " ++ ?PRIV ++ "/cuter_interface.py").
+%% Prefixes
+-define(DEPTH_PREFIX, '__conc_depth').
+-define(EXECUTION_PREFIX, '__conc_prefix').
+-define(SYMBOLIC_PREFIX, '__s').
+-define(CONCOLIC_PREFIX_MSG, '__concm').
+-define(ZIPPED_VALUE_PREFIX, '__czip').
+-define(CONCOLIC_PREFIX_PDICT, '__concp').
+-define(FUNCTION_PREFIX, '__cfunc').
+-define(UNBOUND_VAR_PREFIX, '__uboundvar').
+-define(BRANCH_TAG_PREFIX, '__branch_tag').
+-define(VISITED_TAGS_PREFIX, '__visited_tags').
+-define(EXECUTION_COUNTER_PREFIX, '__exec_counter').
+%% Flags & Default Values
+-define(LOGGING_FLAG, ok).
+-define(DELETE_TRACE, ok).
+%%-define(VERBOSE_SCHEDULER, ok).
+%%-define(VERBOSE_FILE_DELETION, ok).
+%%-define(VERBOSE_SOLVING, ok).
+%%-define(VERBOSE_MERGING, ok).
+%%-define(VERBOSE_REPORTING, ok).
+-define(USE_SPECS, ok).
+%% Solver Responses
+-define(RSP_MODEL_DELIMITER_START, <<"model_start">>).
+-define(RSP_MODEL_DELIMITER_END, <<"model_end">>).
+%% OpCodes for types in JSON objects
+-define(JSON_TYPE_ANY, 0).
+-define(JSON_TYPE_INT, 1).
+-define(JSON_TYPE_FLOAT, 2).
+-define(JSON_TYPE_ATOM, 3).
+-define(JSON_TYPE_LIST, 4).
+-define(JSON_TYPE_TUPLE, 5).
+-define(JSON_TYPE_PID, 6).
+-define(JSON_TYPE_REF, 7).
+%% OpCodes for the commands to the solver
+-define(JSON_CMD_SOLVE, 2).
+-define(JSON_CMD_GET_MODEL, 3).
+-define(JSON_CMD_ADD_AXIOMS, 4).
+-define(JSON_CMD_STOP, 42).
+%% OpCodes for constraint types
+-define(CONSTRAINT_TRUE, 1).
+-define(CONSTRAINT_FALSE, 2).
+-define(NOT_CONSTRAINT, 3).
+-define(CONSTRAINT_TRUE_REPR, 84). %% $T
+-define(CONSTRAINT_FALSE_REPR, 70). %% $F
+%% OpCodes of constraints & built-in operations
+%% Empty tag ID
+-define(EMPTY_TAG_ID, 0).
+%% MFA's Parameters & Spec definitions.
+-define(OP_PARAMS, 1).
+-define(OP_SPEC, 2).
+%% Constraints.
+-define(OP_GUARD_TRUE, 3).
+-define(OP_GUARD_FALSE, 4).
+-define(OP_MATCH_EQUAL_TRUE, 5).
+-define(OP_MATCH_EQUAL_FALSE, 6).
+-define(OP_TUPLE_SZ, 7).
+-define(OP_TUPLE_NOT_SZ, 8).
+-define(OP_TUPLE_NOT_TPL, 9).
+-define(OP_LIST_NON_EMPTY, 10).
+-define(OP_LIST_EMPTY, 11).
+-define(OP_LIST_NOT_LST, 12).
+%% Information used for syncing & merging the traces of many processes.
+-define(OP_SPAWN, 13).
+-define(OP_SPAWNED, 14).
+-define(OP_MSG_SEND, 15).
+-define(OP_MSG_RECEIVE, 16).
+-define(OP_MSG_CONSUME, 17).
+%% Necessary operations for the evaluation of Core Erlang.
+-define(OP_UNFOLD_TUPLE, 18).
+-define(OP_UNFOLD_LIST, 19).
+%% Bogus operation (operations interpreted as the identity function).
+-define(OP_BOGUS, 48).
+%% Type conversions.
+-define(OP_FLOAT, 47).
+-define(OP_LIST_TO_TUPLE, 52).
+-define(OP_TUPLE_TO_LIST, 53).
+%% Query types.
+-define(OP_IS_INTEGER, 27).
+-define(OP_IS_ATOM, 28).
+-define(OP_IS_FLOAT, 29).
+-define(OP_IS_LIST, 30).
+-define(OP_IS_TUPLE, 31).
+-define(OP_IS_BOOLEAN, 32).
+-define(OP_IS_NUMBER, 33).
+%% Arithmetic operations.
+-define(OP_PLUS, 34).
+-define(OP_MINUS, 35).
+-define(OP_TIMES, 36).
+-define(OP_RDIV, 37).
+-define(OP_IDIV_NAT, 38).
+-define(OP_REM_NAT, 39).
+-define(OP_UNARY, 40).
+%% Operations on atoms.
+-define(OP_ATOM_NIL, 49).
+-define(OP_ATOM_HEAD, 50).
+-define(OP_ATOM_TAIL, 51).
+%% Operations on lists.
+-define(OP_HD, 25).
+-define(OP_TL, 26).
+-define(OP_CONS, 56).
+%% Operations on tuples.
+-define(OP_TCONS, 57).
+%% Comparisons.
+-define(OP_EQUAL, 41).
+-define(OP_UNEQUAL, 42).
+-define(OP_LT_INT, 54).
+-define(OP_LT_FLOAT, 55).
+%% Maps MFAs to their JSON Opcodes
+ dict:from_list([ %% Simulated built-in operations
+ { {cuter_erlang, atom_to_list_bogus, 1}, ?OP_BOGUS }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, is_atom_nil, 1}, ?OP_ATOM_NIL }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_atom_head, 1}, ?OP_ATOM_HEAD }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_atom_tail, 1}, ?OP_ATOM_TAIL }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_pos_div, 2}, ?OP_IDIV_NAT }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_pos_rem, 2}, ?OP_REM_NAT }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, lt_int, 2}, ?OP_LT_INT }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, lt_float, 2}, ?OP_LT_FLOAT }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_plus, 2}, ?OP_PLUS }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_minus, 2}, ?OP_MINUS }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_times, 2}, ?OP_TIMES }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_rdiv, 2}, ?OP_RDIV }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_float, 1}, ?OP_FLOAT }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_list_to_tuple, 1}, ?OP_LIST_TO_TUPLE }
+ , { {cuter_erlang, safe_tuple_to_list, 1}, ?OP_TUPLE_TO_LIST }
+ , { {bogus_erlang, cons, 2}, ?OP_CONS }
+ %% Actual erlang BIFs
+ , { {erlang, hd, 1}, ?OP_HD }
+ , { {erlang, tl, 1}, ?OP_TL }
+ , { {erlang, is_integer, 1}, ?OP_IS_INTEGER }
+ , { {erlang, is_atom, 1}, ?OP_IS_ATOM }
+ , { {erlang, is_boolean, 1}, ?OP_IS_BOOLEAN }
+ , { {erlang, is_float, 1}, ?OP_IS_FLOAT }
+ , { {erlang, is_list, 1}, ?OP_IS_LIST }
+ , { {erlang, is_tuple, 1}, ?OP_IS_TUPLE }
+ , { {erlang, is_number, 1}, ?OP_IS_NUMBER }
+ , { {erlang, '-', 1}, ?OP_UNARY }
+ , { {erlang, '=:=', 2}, ?OP_EQUAL }
+ , { {erlang, '=/=', 2}, ?OP_UNEQUAL }
+ ])).
+%% All the MFAs that are supported for symbolic evaluation.
+-define(SUPPORTED_MFAS, gb_sets:from_list(dict:fetch_keys(?OPCODE_MAPPING))).
+ gb_sets:from_list([ {cuter_erlang, unsupported_lt, 2} ])).
+%% The set of all the built-in operations that the solver can try to reverse.
+ gb_sets:from_list([ ?OP_HD, ?OP_TL
+ ])).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_types.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_types.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9561374cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_types.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+-export([parse_spec/3, retrieve_types/1, retrieve_specs/1, find_spec/2, get_kind/1]).
+-export([params_of_t_function_det/1, ret_of_t_function_det/1, atom_of_t_atom_lit/1, integer_of_t_integer_lit/1,
+ elements_type_of_t_list/1, elements_type_of_t_nonempty_list/1, elements_types_of_t_tuple/1,
+ elements_types_of_t_union/1, bounds_of_t_range/1, segment_size_of_bitstring/1]).
+-export_type([erl_type/0, erl_spec_clause/0, erl_spec/0, stored_specs/0, stored_types/0, stored_spec_value/0, t_range_limit/0]).
+%% Define tags
+-define(type_variable, vart).
+-define(type_var, tvar).
+-define(max_char, 16#10ffff).
+%% Pre-processed types.
+-type type_name() :: atom().
+-type type_arity() :: byte().
+-type type_var() :: {?type_var, atom()}.
+-type remote_type() :: {module(), type_name(), type_arity()}.
+-type record_name() :: atom().
+-type record_field_name() :: atom().
+-type record_field_type() :: {record_field_name(), raw_type()}.
+-type dep() :: remote_type().
+-type deps() :: ordsets:ordset(remote_type()).
+-record(t, {
+ kind,
+ rep,
+ deps = ordsets:new() :: deps()
+-type erl_type() :: t_any() % any()
+ | t_nil() % []
+ | t_atom() % atom()
+ | t_atom_lit() % Erlang_Atom
+ | t_integer() % integer(), +infinity, -inifinity
+ | t_integer_lit() % Erlang_Integer
+ | t_float() % float()
+ | t_tuple() % tuple(), {TList}
+ | t_list() % list(Type)
+ | t_nonempty_list() % nonempty_list(Type)
+ | t_union() % Type1 | ... | TypeN
+ | t_range() % Erlang_Integer..Erlang_Integer
+ | t_bitstring() % <<_:M>>
+ | t_function() % function() | Fun | BoundedFun
+ .
+-type raw_type() :: erl_type()
+ | t_local() % Local Type Usage
+ | t_remote() % Remote Type Usage
+ | t_record() % Record Usage
+ | t_type_var() % Type Variable
+ .
+-type t_any() :: #t{kind :: ?any_tag}.
+-type t_nil() :: #t{kind :: ?nil_tag}.
+-type t_atom() :: #t{kind :: ?atom_tag}.
+-type t_atom_lit() :: #t{kind :: ?atom_lit_tag, rep :: atom()}.
+-type t_integer() :: #t{kind :: ?integer_tag}.
+-type t_integer_lit() :: #t{kind :: ?integer_lit_tag, rep :: integer()}.
+-type t_float() :: #t{kind :: ?float_tag}.
+-type t_tuple() :: #t{kind :: ?tuple_tag, rep :: [raw_type()]}.
+-type t_list() :: #t{kind :: ?list_tag, rep :: raw_type()}.
+-type t_nonempty_list() :: #t{kind :: ?nonempty_list_tag, rep :: raw_type()}.
+-type t_union() :: #t{kind :: ?union_tag, rep :: [raw_type()]}.
+-type t_range() :: #t{kind :: ?range_tag, rep :: {t_range_limit(), t_range_limit()}}.
+-type t_range_limit() :: t_integer_lit() | t_integer_inf().
+-type t_integer_inf() :: t_integer_pos_inf() | t_integer_neg_inf().
+-type t_integer_pos_inf() :: #t{kind :: ?pos_inf}.
+-type t_integer_neg_inf() :: #t{kind :: ?neg_inf}.
+-type t_bitstring() :: #t{kind :: ?bitstring_tag, rep :: 1|8}.
+-type t_function() :: #t{kind :: ?function_tag} | t_function_det().
+-type t_function_det() :: #t{kind :: ?function_tag, rep :: {[raw_type()], raw_type(), [t_constraint()]}, deps :: deps()}.
+-type t_constraint() :: {t_type_var(), raw_type()}.
+-type t_local() :: #t{kind :: ?local_tag, rep :: {type_name(), [raw_type()]}}.
+-type t_remote() :: #t{kind :: ?remote_tag, rep :: {module(), type_name(), [raw_type()]}}.
+-type t_record() :: #t{kind :: ?record_tag, rep :: {record_name(), [record_field_type()]}}.
+-type t_type_var() :: #t{kind :: ?type_variable, rep :: type_var()}.
+%% How pre-processed types are stored.
+-type stored_type_key() :: {record, record_name()} | {type, type_name(), type_arity()}.
+-type stored_type_value() :: [record_field_type()] | {any(), [type_var()]}. % raw_type()
+-type stored_types() :: dict:dict(stored_type_key(), stored_type_value()).
+-type stored_spec_key() :: {type_name(), type_arity()}.
+-type stored_spec_value() :: [t_function_det()].
+-type stored_specs() :: dict:dict(stored_spec_key(), stored_spec_value()).
+-type type_var_env() :: dict:dict(type_var(), raw_type()).
+-type erl_spec_clause() :: t_function_det().
+-type erl_spec() :: [erl_spec_clause()].
+%% Pre-process the type & record declarations of a module.
+-spec retrieve_types([cuter_cerl:cerl_attr_type()]) -> stored_types().
+retrieve_types(TypeAttrs) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun process_type_attr/2, dict:new(), TypeAttrs).
+-spec process_type_attr(cuter_cerl:cerl_recdef() | cuter_cerl:cerl_typedef(), stored_types()) -> stored_types().
+%% Declaration of a record.
+process_type_attr({{record, Name}, Fields, []}, Processed) ->
+ Fs = [t_field_from_form(Field) || Field <- Fields],
+ Record = t_record(Name, Fs),
+ dict:store({record, Name}, Record, Processed);
+%% Declaration of a type.
+process_type_attr({Name, Repr, Vars}, Processed) ->
+ Type = safe_t_from_form(Repr),
+ Vs = [{?type_var, Var} || {var, _, Var} <- Vars],
+ dict:store({type, Name, length(Vs)}, {Type, Vs}, Processed).
+%% The fields of a declared record.
+-spec t_field_from_form(cuter_cerl:cerl_record_field()) -> record_field_type().
+t_field_from_form({record_field, _, {atom, _, Name}}) ->
+ {Name, t_any()};
+t_field_from_form({record_field, _, {atom, _, Name}, _Default}) ->
+ {Name, t_any()};
+t_field_from_form({typed_record_field, {record_field, _, {atom, _, Name}}, Type}) ->
+ {Name, safe_t_from_form(Type)};
+t_field_from_form({typed_record_field, {record_field, _, {atom, _, Name}, _Default}, Type}) ->
+ {Name, safe_t_from_form(Type)}.
+%% Provision for unsupported types.
+safe_t_from_form(Form) ->
+ try t_from_form(Form)
+ catch throw:{unsupported, Info} ->
+ cuter_pp:form_has_unsupported_type(Info),
+ t_any()
+ end.
+%% Parse a type.
+-spec t_from_form(cuter_cerl:cerl_type()) -> raw_type().
+%% Erlang_Atom
+t_from_form({atom, _, Atom}) ->
+ t_atom_lit(Atom);
+%% Erlang_Integer
+t_from_form({integer, _, Integer}) ->
+ t_integer_lit(Integer);
+%% integer()
+t_from_form({type, _, integer, []}) ->
+ t_integer();
+%% nil
+t_from_form({type, _, nil, []}) ->
+ t_nil();
+%% any()
+t_from_form({type, _, any, []}) ->
+ t_any();
+%% term()
+t_from_form({type, _, term, []}) ->
+ t_any();
+%% atom()
+t_from_form({type, _, atom, []}) ->
+ t_atom();
+%% module()
+t_from_form({type, _, module, []}) ->
+ t_module();
+%% float()
+t_from_form({type, _, float, []}) ->
+ t_float();
+%% tuple()
+t_from_form({type, _, tuple, any}) ->
+ t_tuple();
+%% {TList}
+t_from_form({type, _, tuple, Types}) ->
+ Ts = [t_from_form(T) || T <- Types],
+ t_tuple(Ts);
+%% list()
+t_from_form({type, _, list, []}) ->
+ t_list();
+%% list(Type)
+t_from_form({type, _, list, [Type]}) ->
+ T = t_from_form(Type),
+ t_list(T);
+%% Type1 | ... | TypeN
+t_from_form({type, _, union, Types}) ->
+ Ts = [t_from_form(T) || T <- Types],
+ t_union(Ts);
+%% boolean()
+t_from_form({type, _, boolean, []}) ->
+ t_union([t_atom_lit(true), t_atom_lit(false)]);
+%% number()
+t_from_form({type, _, number, []}) ->
+ t_union([t_integer(), t_float()]);
+%% Erlang_Integer..Erlang_Integer
+t_from_form({type, _, range, [{integer, _, I1}, {integer, _, I2}]}) ->
+ t_range(t_integer_lit(I1), t_integer_lit(I2));
+%% non_neg_integer()
+t_from_form({type, _, non_neg_integer, []}) ->
+ t_range(t_integer_lit(0), t_pos_inf());
+%% pos_integer()
+t_from_form({type, _, pos_integer, []}) ->
+ t_range(t_integer_lit(1), t_pos_inf());
+%% neg_integer()
+t_from_form({type, _, neg_integer, []}) ->
+ t_range(t_neg_inf(), t_integer_lit(-1));
+%% char()
+t_from_form({type, _, char, []}) ->
+ t_char();
+%% byte()
+t_from_form({type, _, byte, []}) ->
+ t_byte();
+%% mfa()
+t_from_form({type, _, mfa, []}) ->
+ t_tuple([t_module(), t_atom(), t_byte()]);
+%% string()
+t_from_form({type, _, string, []}) ->
+ t_list(t_char());
+%% nonempty_list()
+t_from_form({type, _, nonempty_list, []}) ->
+ t_nonempty_list();
+%% nonempty_list(Type)
+t_from_form({type, _, nonempty_list, [Type]}) ->
+ T = t_from_form(Type),
+ t_nonempty_list(T);
+%% binary()
+t_from_form({type, _, binary, []}) ->
+ t_bitstring(8);
+%% bitstring()
+t_from_form({type, _, bitstring, []}) ->
+ t_bitstring(1);
+%% function()
+t_from_form({type, _, function, []}) ->
+ t_function();
+%% fun((TList) -> Type)
+t_from_form({type, _, 'fun', [_Product, _RetType]}=Fun) ->
+ t_function_from_form(Fun);
+%% fun((TList) -> Type) (bounded_fun)
+t_from_form({type, _, 'bounded_fun', [_Fun, _Cs]}=BoundedFun) ->
+ t_bounded_function_from_form(BoundedFun);
+%% ann_type
+t_from_form({ann_type, _, [_Var, Type]}) ->
+ t_from_form(Type);
+%% paren_type
+t_from_form({paren_type, _, [Type]}) ->
+ t_from_form(Type);
+%% remote_type
+t_from_form({remote_type, _, [{atom, _, M}, {atom, _, Name}, Types]}) ->
+ Ts = [t_from_form(T) || T <- Types],
+ t_remote(M, Name, Ts);
+%% Record
+t_from_form({type, _, record, [{atom, _, Name} | FieldTypes]}) ->
+ Fields = [t_bound_field_from_form(F) || F <- FieldTypes],
+ t_record(Name, Fields);
+%% Map
+t_from_form({type, _, map, _}=X) ->
+ throw({unsupported, X});
+%% local type
+t_from_form({type, _, Name, Types}) ->
+ Ts = [t_from_form(T) || T <- Types],
+ t_local(Name, Ts);
+%% Type Variable
+t_from_form({var, _, Var}) ->
+ t_var(Var);
+%% Unsupported forms
+t_from_form(Type) ->
+ throw({unsupported, Type}).
+-spec t_bound_field_from_form(cuter_cerl:cerl_type_record_field()) -> record_field_type().
+%% Record Field.
+t_bound_field_from_form({type, _, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Type]}) ->
+ {Name, t_from_form(Type)}.
+-spec t_function_from_form(cuter_cerl:cerl_func()) -> t_function_det().
+t_function_from_form({type, _, 'fun', [{type, _, 'product', Types}, RetType]}) ->
+ Ret = t_from_form(RetType),
+ Ts = [t_from_form(T) || T <- Types],
+ t_function(Ts, Ret).
+-spec t_bounded_function_from_form(cuter_cerl:cerl_bounded_func()) -> t_function_det().
+t_bounded_function_from_form({type, _, 'bounded_fun', [Fun, Constraints]}) ->
+ {type, _, 'fun', [{type, _, 'product', Types}, RetType]} = Fun,
+ Ret = t_from_form(RetType),
+ Ts = [t_from_form(T) || T <- Types],
+ Cs = [t_constraint_from_form(C) || C <- Constraints],
+ t_function(Ts, Ret, Cs).
+-spec t_constraint_from_form(cuter_cerl:cerl_constraint()) -> t_constraint().
+t_constraint_from_form({type, _, constraint, [{atom, _, is_subtype}, [{var, _, Var}, Type]]}) ->
+ {t_var(Var), t_from_form(Type)}.
+%% Type constructors.
+-spec t_any() -> t_any().
+t_any() ->
+ #t{kind = ?any_tag}.
+-spec t_atom_lit(atom()) -> t_atom_lit().
+t_atom_lit(Atom) ->
+ #t{kind = ?atom_lit_tag, rep = Atom}.
+-spec t_atom() -> t_atom().
+t_atom() ->
+ #t{kind = ?atom_tag}.
+-spec t_module() -> t_atom().
+t_module() -> t_atom().
+-spec t_integer_lit(integer()) -> t_integer_lit().
+t_integer_lit(Integer) ->
+ #t{kind = ?integer_lit_tag, rep = Integer}.
+-spec t_integer() -> t_integer().
+t_integer() ->
+ #t{kind = ?integer_tag}.
+-spec t_range(t_range_limit(), t_range_limit()) -> t_range().
+t_range(Int1, Int2) ->
+ #t{kind = ?range_tag, rep = {Int1, Int2}}.
+-spec t_pos_inf() -> t_integer_pos_inf().
+t_pos_inf() ->
+ #t{kind = ?pos_inf}.
+-spec t_neg_inf() -> t_integer_neg_inf().
+t_neg_inf() ->
+ #t{kind = ?neg_inf}.
+-spec t_char() -> t_range().
+t_char() ->
+ t_range(t_integer_lit(0), t_integer_lit(?max_char)).
+-spec t_nil() -> t_nil().
+t_nil() ->
+ #t{kind = ?nil_tag}.
+-spec t_float() -> t_float().
+t_float() ->
+ #t{kind = ?float_tag}.
+-spec t_list() -> t_list().
+t_list() ->
+ #t{kind = ?list_tag, rep = t_any()}.
+-spec t_list(raw_type()) -> t_list().
+t_list(Type) ->
+ #t{kind = ?list_tag, rep = Type, deps = get_deps(Type)}.
+-spec t_nonempty_list() -> t_nonempty_list().
+t_nonempty_list() ->
+ #t{kind = ?nonempty_list_tag, rep = t_any()}.
+-spec t_nonempty_list(raw_type()) -> t_nonempty_list().
+t_nonempty_list(Type) ->
+ #t{kind = ?nonempty_list_tag, rep = Type, deps = get_deps(Type)}.
+-spec t_tuple() -> t_tuple().
+t_tuple() ->
+ #t{kind = ?tuple_tag, rep = []}.
+-spec t_tuple([raw_type()]) -> t_tuple().
+t_tuple(Types) ->
+ #t{kind = ?tuple_tag, rep = Types, deps = unify_deps(Types)}.
+-spec t_union([raw_type()]) -> t_union().
+t_union(Types) ->
+ #t{kind = ?union_tag, rep = Types, deps = unify_deps(Types)}.
+-spec t_byte() -> t_range().
+t_byte() ->
+ t_range(t_integer_lit(0), t_integer_lit(255)).
+-spec t_local(type_name(), [raw_type()]) -> t_local().
+t_local(Name, Types) ->
+ Rep = {Name, Types},
+ #t{kind = ?local_tag, rep = Rep, deps = unify_deps(Types)}.
+-spec t_remote(module(), type_name(), [raw_type()]) -> t_remote().
+t_remote(Mod, Name, Types) ->
+ Rep = {Mod, Name, Types},
+ Dep = {Mod, Name, length(Types)},
+ #t{kind = ?remote_tag, rep = Rep, deps = add_dep(Dep, unify_deps(Types))}.
+-spec t_var(atom()) -> t_type_var().
+t_var(Var) ->
+ #t{kind = ?type_variable, rep = {?type_var, Var}}.
+-spec t_record(record_name(), [record_field_type()]) -> t_record().
+t_record(Name, Fields) ->
+ Rep = {Name, Fields},
+ Ts = [T || {_, T} <- Fields],
+ #t{kind = ?record_tag, rep = Rep, deps = unify_deps(Ts)}.
+-spec fields_of_t_record(t_record()) -> [record_field_type()].
+fields_of_t_record(Record) ->
+ Rep = Record#t.rep,
+ element(2, Rep).
+-spec t_bitstring(1 | 8) -> t_bitstring().
+t_bitstring(N) ->
+ #t{kind = ?bitstring_tag, rep = N}.
+-spec t_function() -> t_function().
+t_function() ->
+ #t{kind = ?function_tag}.
+-spec t_function([raw_type()], raw_type()) -> t_function_det().
+t_function(Types, Ret) ->
+ Rep = {Types, Ret, []},
+ #t{kind = ?function_tag, rep = Rep, deps = unify_deps([Ret|Types])}.
+-spec t_function([raw_type()], raw_type(), [t_constraint()]) -> t_function_det().
+t_function(Types, Ret, Constraints) ->
+ Rep = {Types, Ret, Constraints},
+ Ts = [T || {_V, T} <- Constraints],
+ #t{kind = ?function_tag, rep = Rep, deps = unify_deps([Ret|Types] ++ Ts)}.
+%% Accessors of representations.
+-spec params_of_t_function_det(t_function_det()) -> [raw_type()].
+params_of_t_function_det(#t{kind = ?function_tag, rep = {Params, _Ret, _Constraints}}) ->
+ Params.
+-spec ret_of_t_function_det(t_function_det()) -> raw_type().
+ret_of_t_function_det(#t{kind = ?function_tag, rep = {_Params, Ret, _Constraints}}) ->
+ Ret.
+-spec atom_of_t_atom_lit(t_atom_lit()) -> atom().
+atom_of_t_atom_lit(#t{kind = ?atom_lit_tag, rep = Atom}) ->
+ Atom.
+-spec integer_of_t_integer_lit(t_integer_lit()) -> integer().
+integer_of_t_integer_lit(#t{kind = ?integer_lit_tag, rep = Integer}) ->
+ Integer.
+-spec elements_type_of_t_list(t_list()) -> raw_type().
+elements_type_of_t_list(#t{kind = ?list_tag, rep = Type}) ->
+ Type.
+-spec elements_type_of_t_nonempty_list(t_nonempty_list()) -> raw_type().
+elements_type_of_t_nonempty_list(#t{kind = ?nonempty_list_tag, rep = Type}) ->
+ Type.
+-spec elements_types_of_t_tuple(t_tuple()) -> [raw_type()].
+elements_types_of_t_tuple(#t{kind = ?tuple_tag, rep = Types}) ->
+ Types.
+-spec elements_types_of_t_union(t_union()) -> [raw_type()].
+elements_types_of_t_union(#t{kind = ?union_tag, rep = Types}) ->
+ Types.
+-spec bounds_of_t_range(t_range()) -> {t_range_limit(), t_range_limit()}.
+bounds_of_t_range(#t{kind = ?range_tag, rep = Limits}) ->
+ Limits.
+-spec segment_size_of_bitstring(t_bitstring()) -> integer().
+segment_size_of_bitstring(#t{kind = ?bitstring_tag, rep = Sz}) ->
+ Sz.
+-spec is_tvar_wild_card(t_type_var()) -> boolean().
+is_tvar_wild_card(#t{kind = ?type_variable, rep = {?type_var, Var}}) ->
+ Var =:= '_'.
+%% Helper functions for kinds.
+-spec get_kind(raw_type()) -> atom().
+get_kind(Type) ->
+ Type#t.kind.
+%% Helper functions for dependencies.
+-spec get_deps(raw_type()) -> deps().
+get_deps(Type) ->
+ Type#t.deps.
+-spec has_deps(raw_type()) -> boolean().
+has_deps(Type) ->
+ get_deps(Type) =/= ordsets:new().
+-spec add_dep(dep(), deps()) -> deps().
+add_dep(Dep, Deps) ->
+ ordsets:add_element(Dep, Deps).
+-spec unify_deps([raw_type()]) -> deps().
+unify_deps(Types) ->
+ ordsets:union([T#t.deps || T <- Types]).
+%% Deal with specs.
+-spec retrieve_specs([cuter_cerl:cerl_attr_spec()]) -> stored_specs().
+retrieve_specs(SpecAttrs) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun process_spec_attr/2, dict:new(), SpecAttrs).
+-spec process_spec_attr(cuter_cerl:cerl_attr_spec(), stored_specs()) -> stored_specs().
+process_spec_attr({FA, Specs}, Processed) ->
+ Xs = [t_spec_from_form(Spec) || Spec <- Specs],
+ dict:store(FA, Xs, Processed).
+-spec t_spec_from_form(cuter_cerl:cerl_spec_func()) -> t_function_det().
+t_spec_from_form({type, _, 'fun', _}=Fun) ->
+ t_function_from_form(Fun);
+t_spec_from_form({type, _, 'bounded_fun', _}=Fun) ->
+ t_bounded_function_from_form(Fun).
+-spec find_spec(stored_spec_key(), stored_specs()) -> {'ok', stored_spec_value()} | 'error'.
+find_spec(FA, Specs) ->
+ dict:find(FA, Specs).
+%% Parse the spec of an MFA.
+-type spec_parse_reply() :: {error, has_remote_types | recursive_type}
+ | {error, unsupported_type, type_name()}
+ | {ok, erl_spec()}.
+-spec parse_spec(stored_spec_key(), stored_spec_value(), stored_types()) -> spec_parse_reply().
+parse_spec(FA, Spec, Types) ->
+ try parse_spec_clauses(FA, Spec, Types, []) of
+ {error, has_remote_types}=E -> E;
+ Parsed -> {ok, Parsed}
+ catch
+ throw:remote_type -> {error, has_remote_types};
+ throw:recursive_type -> {error, recursive_type};
+ throw:{unsupported, Name} -> {error, unsupported_type, Name}
+ end.
+parse_spec_clauses(_FA, [], _Types, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+parse_spec_clauses(FA, [Clause|Clauses], Types, Acc) ->
+ case has_deps(Clause) of
+ true -> {error, has_remote_types};
+ false ->
+ Visited = ordsets:add_element(FA, ordsets:new()),
+ Simplified = simplify(Clause, Types, dict:new(), Visited),
+ parse_spec_clauses(FA, Clauses, Types, [Simplified|Acc])
+ end.
+add_constraints_to_env([], Env) ->
+ Env;
+add_constraints_to_env([{Var, Type}|Cs], Env) ->
+ F = fun(StoredTypes, E, Visited) -> simplify(Type, StoredTypes, E, Visited) end,
+ Env1 = dict:store(Var#t.rep, F, Env),
+ add_constraints_to_env(Cs, Env1).
+bind_parameters([], [], Env) ->
+ Env;
+bind_parameters([P|Ps], [A|As], Env) ->
+ F = fun(StoredTypes, E, Visited) -> simplify(A, StoredTypes, E, Visited) end,
+ Env1 = dict:store(P, F, Env),
+ bind_parameters(Ps, As, Env1).
+-spec simplify(raw_type(), stored_types(), type_var_env(), ordsets:ordset(stored_spec_key())) -> raw_type().
+%% fun
+simplify(#t{kind = ?function_tag, rep = {Params, Ret, Constraints}}=Raw, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) ->
+ Env1 = add_constraints_to_env(Constraints, Env),
+ ParamsSimplified = [simplify(P, StoredTypes, Env1, Visited) || P <- Params],
+ RetSimplified = simplify(Ret, StoredTypes, Env1, Visited),
+ Rep = {ParamsSimplified, RetSimplified, []},
+ Raw#t{rep = Rep};
+%% tuple
+simplify(#t{kind = ?tuple_tag, rep = Types}=Raw, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) ->
+ Rep = [simplify(T, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) || T <- Types],
+ Raw#t{rep = Rep};
+%% list / nonempty_list
+simplify(#t{kind = Tag, rep = Type}=Raw, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) when Tag =:= ?list_tag; Tag =:= ?nonempty_list_tag ->
+ Rep = simplify(Type, StoredTypes, Env, Visited),
+ Raw#t{rep = Rep};
+%% union
+simplify(#t{kind = ?union_tag, rep = Types}=Raw, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) ->
+ Rep = [simplify(T, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) || T <- Types],
+ Raw#t{rep = Rep};
+%% local type
+simplify(#t{kind = ?local_tag, rep = {Name, Args}}, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) ->
+ Arity = length(Args),
+ TA = {Name, Arity},
+ case ordsets:is_element(TA, Visited) of
+ true -> throw(recursive_type);
+ false ->
+ case dict:find({type, Name, Arity}, StoredTypes) of
+ error -> throw({unsupported, Name});
+ {ok, {Type, Params}} ->
+ Env1 = bind_parameters(Params, Args, Env),
+ simplify(Type, StoredTypes, Env1, [TA|Visited])
+ end
+ end;
+%% type variable
+simplify(#t{kind = ?type_variable, rep = TVar}=T, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) ->
+ case is_tvar_wild_card(T) of
+ true -> t_any();
+ false ->
+ V = dict:fetch(TVar, Env),
+ V(StoredTypes, Env, Visited)
+ end;
+simplify(#t{kind = ?remote_tag}, _StoredTypes, _Env, _Visited) ->
+ throw(remote_type);
+%% record
+simplify(#t{kind = ?record_tag, rep = {Name, OverridenFields}}, StoredTypes, Env, Visited) ->
+ RecordDecl = dict:fetch({record, Name}, StoredTypes),
+ Fields = fields_of_t_record(RecordDecl),
+ ActualFields = replace_record_fields(Fields, OverridenFields),
+ FinalFields = [{N, simplify(T, StoredTypes, Env, Visited)} || {N, T} <- ActualFields],
+ Simplified = [T || {_, T} <- FinalFields],
+ t_tuple([t_atom_lit(Name)|Simplified]);
+%% all others
+simplify(Raw, _StoredTypes, _Env, _Visited) ->
+ Raw.
+-spec replace_record_fields([record_field_type()], [record_field_type()]) -> [record_field_type()].
+replace_record_fields(Fields, []) ->
+ Fields;
+replace_record_fields(Fields, [{Name, Type}|Rest]) ->
+ Replaced = lists:keyreplace(Name, 1, Fields, {Name, Type}),
+ replace_record_fields(Replaced, Rest).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_types.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_types.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4172184709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/cuter/cuter_types.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Tags for the kind of encoded types.
+-define(atom_lit_tag, atom_lit).
+-define(integer_lit_tag, integer_lit).
+-define(integer_tag, integer).
+-define(nil_tag, nil).
+-define(any_tag, any).
+-define(atom_tag, atom).
+-define(float_tag, float).
+-define(tuple_tag, tuple).
+-define(list_tag, list).
+-define(nonempty_list_tag, nonempty_list).
+-define(union_tag, union).
+-define(range_tag, range).
+-define(bitstring_tag, bitstring).
+-define(neg_inf, neg_inf).
+-define(pos_inf, pos_inf).
+-define(remote_tag, remote).
+-define(local_tag, local).
+-define(record_tag, record).
+-define(function_tag, function).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/dict/dict_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/dict/dict_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2527f166f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/dict/dict_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+-export([ok1/0, ok2/0, ok3/0, ok4/0, ok5/0, ok6/0]).
+-export([w1/0, w2/0, w3/0, w4/1, w5/0, w6/0, w7/0, w8/1, w9/0]).
+-define(DICT, dict).
+%% Cases that are OK
+ok1() ->
+ dict:new().
+ok2() ->
+ case dict:new() of X -> X end.
+ok3() ->
+ Dict1 = dict:new(),
+ Dict2 = dict:new(),
+ Dict1 =:= Dict2.
+ok4() ->
+ dict:fetch(foo, dict:new()).
+ok5() -> % this is OK since some_mod:new/0 might be returning a dict:dict()
+ dict:fetch(foo, some_mod:new()).
+ok6() ->
+ dict:store(42, elli, dict:new()).
+middle() ->
+ {w1(), w2()}.
+%% Cases that are problematic w.r.t. opacity of types
+w1() ->
+ gazonk = dict:new().
+w2() ->
+ case dict:new() of
+ [] -> nil;
+ 42 -> weird
+ end.
+w3() ->
+ try dict:new() of
+ [] -> nil;
+ 42 -> weird
+ catch
+ _:_ -> exception
+ end.
+w4(Dict) when is_list(Dict) ->
+ Dict =:= dict:new();
+w4(Dict) when is_atom(Dict) ->
+ Dict =/= dict:new().
+w5() ->
+ case dict:new() of
+ D when length(D) =/= 42 -> weird;
+ D when is_atom(D) -> weirder;
+ D when is_list(D) -> gazonk
+ end.
+w6() ->
+ is_list(dict:new()).
+w7() ->
+ dict:fetch(foo, [1,2,3]).
+w8(Fun) ->
+ dict:merge(Fun, 42, [1,2]).
+w9() ->
+ dict:store(42, elli,
+ {dict,0,16,16,8,80,48,
+ {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},
+ {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]}}}).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ets/ets_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ets/ets_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..593d9a669d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ets/ets_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-export([t1/0, t2/0, t3/0, t4/0]).
+t1() ->
+ case n() of
+ T when is_atom(T) -> atm;
+ T when is_integer(T) -> int
+ end.
+t2() ->
+ case n() of
+ T when is_integer(T) -> int;
+ T when is_atom(T) -> atm
+ end.
+t3() ->
+ is_atom(n()). % no warning since atom() is possible
+t4() ->
+ is_integer(n()). % opaque warning since ets:tid() is opaque
+n() -> ets:new(n, [named_table]). % -> atom() | ets:tid()
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cbc79f948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+-define(_EWGI_HRL, 1).
+% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+% http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+% under the License.
+% The Original Code is the EWGI reference implementation.
+% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is S.G. Consulting
+% srl. Portions created by S.G. Consulting s.r.l. are Copyright (C)
+% 2007 S.G. Consulting srl. All Rights Reserved.
+% Contributor(s): Filippo Pacini <[email protected]>
+% Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+-define(DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE, 4096).
+-type ewgi_propval() :: atom() | integer() | string() | binary().
+-type ewgi_prop() :: {ewgi_propval(), ewgi_propval()}.
+-type ewgi_proplist() :: [ewgi_prop()].
+%% @type bag() = gb_tree()
+-type bag() :: gb_trees:tree().
+-type bag() :: {non_neg_integer(), {any(), any(), any(), any()} | 'nil'}.
+%%% Note: Dialyzer currently doesn't support recursive types. When it does, this should change:
+%%%-type ewgi_ri_callback() :: fun(('eof' | {data, binary()}) -> iolist() | ewgi_ri_callback()).
+%% @type ewgi_ri_callback() = function()
+-type ewgi_ri_callback() :: fun(('eof' | {data, binary()}) -> iolist() | function()) | iolist().
+%% @type ewgi_read_input() = function()
+-type ewgi_read_input() :: fun((ewgi_ri_callback(), integer()) -> ewgi_ri_callback()).
+%% @type ewgi_write_error() = function()
+-type ewgi_write_error() :: fun((any()) -> 'ok').
+%% @type ewgi_version() = {integer(), integer()}
+-type ewgi_version() :: {integer(), integer()}.
+%% @type ewgi_spec() = {'ewgi_spec', function(), function(), string(),
+%% ewgi_version(), bag()}
+-type ewgi_spec() :: {'ewgi_spec', ewgi_read_input(),
+ ewgi_write_error(), string(), ewgi_version(),
+ bag()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_SPEC(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_spec')
+ and (size(R) =:= 6))).
+-define(GET_EWGI_READ_INPUT(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_READ_INPUT(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_WRITE_ERROR(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_WRITE_ERROR(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_URL_SCHEME(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_URL_SCHEME(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_VERSION(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_VERSION(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_DATA(R), element(6, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_DATA(A, R), setelement(6, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_header_val() = string() | 'undefined'
+-type ewgi_header_val() :: string() | 'undefined'.
+%% @type ewgi_header_key() = string()
+-type ewgi_header_key() :: string().
+%% @type ewgi_http_headers() = {'ewgi_http_headers',
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% bag()}
+-type ewgi_http_headers() :: {'ewgi_http_headers', ewgi_header_val(),
+ ewgi_header_val(), ewgi_header_val(),
+ ewgi_header_val(), ewgi_header_val(),
+ ewgi_header_val(), bag()}.
+-define(IS_HTTP_HEADERS(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_http_headers')
+ and (size(R) =:= 8))).
+-define(GET_HTTP_ACCEPT(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_ACCEPT(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_COOKIE(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_COOKIE(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_HOST(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_HOST(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_USER_AGENT(R), element(6, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_USER_AGENT(A, R), setelement(6, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE(R), element(7, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE(A, R), setelement(7, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_OTHER(R), element(8, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_OTHER(A, R), setelement(8, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_request_method() = 'OPTIONS' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' |
+%% 'DELETE' | 'TRACE' | 'CONNECT' | string()
+-type ewgi_request_method() :: 'OPTIONS' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' |
+ 'DELETE' | 'TRACE' | 'CONNECT' | string().
+%% @type ewgi_val() = string() | 'undefined'
+-type ewgi_val() :: string() | 'undefined'.
+%% @type ewgi_request() :: {'ewgi_request', ewgi_val(), integer(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_spec(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_http_headers(),
+%% ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_request_method(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val()}
+-type ewgi_request() :: {'ewgi_request', ewgi_val(),
+ non_neg_integer(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_spec(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_http_headers(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_request_method(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_REQUEST(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_request')
+ and (size(R) =:= 21))).
+-define(GET_AUTH_TYPE(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_AUTH_TYPE(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_CONTENT_LENGTH(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_CONTENT_LENGTH(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_CONTENT_TYPE(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_CONTENT_TYPE(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+-define(GET_GATEWAY_INTERFACE(R), element(6, R)).
+-define(SET_GATEWAY_INTERFACE(A, R), setelement(6, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_HEADERS(R), element(7, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_HEADERS(A, R), setelement(7, R, A)).
+-define(GET_PATH_INFO(R), element(8, R)).
+-define(SET_PATH_INFO(A, R), setelement(8, R, A)).
+-define(GET_PATH_TRANSLATED(R), element(9, R)).
+-define(SET_PATH_TRANSLATED(A, R), setelement(9, R, A)).
+-define(GET_QUERY_STRING(R), element(10, R)).
+-define(SET_QUERY_STRING(A, R), setelement(10, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_ADDR(R), element(11, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_ADDR(A, R), setelement(11, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_HOST(R), element(12, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_HOST(A, R), setelement(12, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_IDENT(R), element(13, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_IDENT(A, R), setelement(13, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_USER(R), element(14, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_USER(A, R), setelement(14, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_USER_DATA(R), element(15, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_USER_DATA(A, R), setelement(15, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REQUEST_METHOD(R), element(16, R)).
+-define(SET_REQUEST_METHOD(A, R), setelement(16, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SCRIPT_NAME(R), element(17, R)).
+-define(SET_SCRIPT_NAME(A, R), setelement(17, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_NAME(R), element(18, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_NAME(A, R), setelement(18, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_PORT(R), element(19, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_PORT(A, R), setelement(19, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_PROTOCOL(R), element(20, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_PROTOCOL(A, R), setelement(20, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_SOFTWARE(R), element(21, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_SOFTWARE(A, R), setelement(21, R, A)).
+%%% Note: Dialyzer currently doesn't support recursive types. When it does, this should change:
+%%%-type stream() :: fun(() -> {} | {any(), stream()}).
+%% @type stream() = function()
+-type stream() :: fun(() -> {} | {any(), function()}).
+%% @type ewgi_status() = {integer(), string()}
+-type ewgi_status() :: {integer(), string()}.
+%% @type ewgi_message_body() = binary() | iolist() | stream()
+-type ewgi_message_body() :: binary() | iolist() | stream().
+%% @type ewgi_header_list() = [{ewgi_header_key(), ewgi_header_val()}]
+-type ewgi_header_list() :: [{ewgi_header_key(), ewgi_header_val()}].
+%% @type ewgi_response() = {'ewgi_response', ewgi_status(),
+%% [{ewgi_header_key(), ewgi_header_val()}],
+%% ewgi_message_body(), any()}
+-type ewgi_response() :: {'ewgi_response', ewgi_status(), ewgi_header_list(), ewgi_message_body(), any()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_RESPONSE(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_response')
+ and (size(R) =:= 5))).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_STATUS(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_STATUS(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_HEADERS(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_HEADERS(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_MESSAGE_BODY(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_MESSAGE_BODY(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_ERROR(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_ERROR(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_context() = {'ewgi_context', ewgi_request(), ewgi_response()}
+-type ewgi_context() :: {'ewgi_context', ewgi_request(), ewgi_response()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_context')
+ and ?IS_EWGI_REQUEST(element(2, R))
+ and ?IS_EWGI_RESPONSE(element(3, R))
+ and (size(R) =:= 3))).
+-define(GET_EWGI_REQUEST(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_REQUEST(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_RESPONSE(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_RESPONSE(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_app() = function()
+-type ewgi_app() :: fun((ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_context()).
+-define(INSPECT_EWGI_RESPONSE(Ctx), Ctx).
+ begin
+ error_logger:info_msg("Inpecting the final ewgi_response()...~n"
+ "Requested Url: ~p~n"
+ "Status: ~p~n"
+ "Headers: ~p~n"
+ "Body: ~p~n",
+ [ewgi_api:path_info(Ctx),
+ ewgi_api:response_status(Ctx),
+ ewgi_api:response_headers(Ctx),
+ ewgi_api:response_message_body(Ctx)]),
+ Ctx
+ end
+ ).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi_api.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi_api.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60da757d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi_api.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%%% File : ewgi_api.erl
+%%% Authors : Filippo Pacini <[email protected]>
+%%% Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+%%% License :
+%%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+%%% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+%%% the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+%%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%%% limitations under the License.
+%%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is S.G. Consulting
+%%% srl. Portions created by S.G. Consulting s.r.l. are Copyright (C)
+%%% 2007 S.G. Consulting srl. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% @doc
+%%% <p>ewgi API. Defines a low level CGI like API.</p>
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 10 Oct 2007 by Filippo Pacini <[email protected]>
+-export([get_all_headers/1, get_all_data/1]).
+-spec request(ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_request().
+request(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+-spec headers(ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_http_headers().
+headers(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_HTTP_HEADERS(request(Ctx)).
+get_header_value(Hdr0, Ctx) when is_list(Hdr0), ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ Hdr = string:to_lower(Hdr0),
+ get_header1(Hdr, Ctx).
+get_header1("accept", Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_HTTP_ACCEPT(headers(Ctx)).
+unzip_header_value([{_,_}|_]=V) ->
+ {_, V1} = lists:unzip(V),
+ string:join(V1, ", ");
+unzip_header_value(V) ->
+ V.
+get_all_headers(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ H = headers(Ctx),
+ Other = gb_trees:to_list(?GET_HTTP_OTHER(H)),
+ Acc = [{K, unzip_header_value(V)} || {K, V} <- Other],
+ L = [{"accept", get_header_value("accept", Ctx)}|Acc],
+ lists:filter(fun({_, undefined}) -> false; (_) -> true end, L).
+-spec ewgi_spec(ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_spec().
+ewgi_spec(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_EWGI(request(Ctx)).
+get_all_data(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_EWGI_DATA(ewgi_spec(Ctx)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi_testapp.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi_testapp.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59c1ae9206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi/ewgi_testapp.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%%% File : ewgi_testapp.erl
+%%% Authors : Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+%%% License :
+%%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+%%% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+%%% the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+%%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%%% limitations under the License.
+%%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is S.G. Consulting
+%%% srl. Portions created by S.G. Consulting s.r.l. are Copyright (C)
+%%% 2007 S.G. Consulting srl. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% @doc
+%%% <p>ewgi test applications</p>
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 05 July 2009 by Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+htmlise(C) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(
+ ["<dl class=\"request\">",
+ io_lib:format("<dt>other http headers</dt><dd>~s</dd>", [htmlise_data("http_headers", ewgi_api:get_all_headers(C))]),
+ io_lib:format("<dt>ewgi extra data</dt><dd>~s</dd>", [htmlise_data("request_data", ewgi_api:get_all_data(C))]),
+ "</dl>"]).
+htmlise_data(Name, L) when is_list(L) ->
+ ["<dl class=\"", Name, "\">",
+ [io_lib:format("<dt>~s</dt><dd><pre>~p</pre><dd>", [K, V]) || {K, V} <- L],
+ "</dl>"];
+htmlise_data(Name, T) ->
+ case gb_trees:to_list(T) of
+ [] -> [];
+ L -> htmlise_data(Name, L)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8e15cb081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+-define(_EWGI_HRL, 1).
+% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+% http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+% under the License.
+% The Original Code is the EWGI reference implementation.
+% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is S.G. Consulting
+% srl. Portions created by S.G. Consulting s.r.l. are Copyright (C)
+% 2007 S.G. Consulting srl. All Rights Reserved.
+% Contributor(s): Filippo Pacini <[email protected]>
+% Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+-define(DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE, 4096).
+-define(HAS_GB_TREE_SPEC, true).
+-type ewgi_propval() :: atom() | integer() | string() | binary().
+-type ewgi_prop() :: {ewgi_propval(), ewgi_propval()}.
+-type ewgi_proplist() :: [ewgi_prop()].
+%% @type bag() = gb_tree()
+-type bag() :: gb_trees:tree().
+-type bag() :: {non_neg_integer(), {any(), any(), any(), any()} | 'nil'}.
+%%% Note: Dialyzer currently doesn't support recursive types. When it does, this should change:
+%%%-type ewgi_ri_callback() :: fun(('eof' | {data, binary()}) -> iolist() | ewgi_ri_callback()).
+%% @type ewgi_ri_callback() = function()
+-type ewgi_ri_callback() :: fun(('eof' | {data, binary()}) -> iolist() | function()) | iolist().
+%% @type ewgi_read_input() = function()
+-type ewgi_read_input() :: fun((ewgi_ri_callback(), integer()) -> ewgi_ri_callback()).
+%% @type ewgi_write_error() = function()
+-type ewgi_write_error() :: fun((any()) -> 'ok').
+%% @type ewgi_version() = {integer(), integer()}
+-type ewgi_version() :: {integer(), integer()}.
+%% @type ewgi_spec() = {'ewgi_spec', function(), function(), string(),
+%% ewgi_version(), bag()}
+-type ewgi_spec() :: {'ewgi_spec', ewgi_read_input(),
+ ewgi_write_error(), string(), ewgi_version(),
+ bag()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_SPEC(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_spec')
+ and (size(R) =:= 6))).
+-define(GET_EWGI_READ_INPUT(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_READ_INPUT(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_WRITE_ERROR(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_WRITE_ERROR(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_URL_SCHEME(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_URL_SCHEME(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_VERSION(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_VERSION(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_DATA(R), element(6, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_DATA(A, R), setelement(6, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_header_val() = string() | 'undefined'
+-type ewgi_header_val() :: string() | 'undefined'.
+%% @type ewgi_header_key() = string()
+-type ewgi_header_key() :: string().
+%% @type ewgi_http_headers() = {'ewgi_http_headers',
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% ewgi_header_val(),
+%% bag()}
+-type ewgi_http_headers() :: {'ewgi_http_headers', ewgi_header_val(),
+ ewgi_header_val(), ewgi_header_val(),
+ ewgi_header_val(), ewgi_header_val(),
+ ewgi_header_val(), bag()}.
+-define(IS_HTTP_HEADERS(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_http_headers')
+ and (size(R) =:= 8))).
+-define(GET_HTTP_ACCEPT(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_ACCEPT(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_COOKIE(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_COOKIE(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_HOST(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_HOST(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_USER_AGENT(R), element(6, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_USER_AGENT(A, R), setelement(6, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE(R), element(7, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE(A, R), setelement(7, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_OTHER(R), element(8, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_OTHER(A, R), setelement(8, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_request_method() = 'OPTIONS' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' |
+%% 'DELETE' | 'TRACE' | 'CONNECT' | string()
+-type ewgi_request_method() :: 'OPTIONS' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' |
+ 'DELETE' | 'TRACE' | 'CONNECT' | string().
+%% @type ewgi_val() = string() | 'undefined'
+-type ewgi_val() :: string() | 'undefined'.
+%% @type ewgi_request() :: {'ewgi_request', ewgi_val(), integer(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_spec(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_http_headers(),
+%% ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_request_method(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+%% ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val()}
+-type ewgi_request() :: {'ewgi_request', ewgi_val(),
+ non_neg_integer(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_spec(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_http_headers(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_request_method(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(), ewgi_val(),
+ ewgi_val(), ewgi_val()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_REQUEST(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_request')
+ and (size(R) =:= 21))).
+-define(GET_AUTH_TYPE(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_AUTH_TYPE(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_CONTENT_LENGTH(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_CONTENT_LENGTH(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_CONTENT_TYPE(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_CONTENT_TYPE(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+-define(GET_GATEWAY_INTERFACE(R), element(6, R)).
+-define(SET_GATEWAY_INTERFACE(A, R), setelement(6, R, A)).
+-define(GET_HTTP_HEADERS(R), element(7, R)).
+-define(SET_HTTP_HEADERS(A, R), setelement(7, R, A)).
+-define(GET_PATH_INFO(R), element(8, R)).
+-define(SET_PATH_INFO(A, R), setelement(8, R, A)).
+-define(GET_PATH_TRANSLATED(R), element(9, R)).
+-define(SET_PATH_TRANSLATED(A, R), setelement(9, R, A)).
+-define(GET_QUERY_STRING(R), element(10, R)).
+-define(SET_QUERY_STRING(A, R), setelement(10, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_ADDR(R), element(11, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_ADDR(A, R), setelement(11, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_HOST(R), element(12, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_HOST(A, R), setelement(12, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_IDENT(R), element(13, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_IDENT(A, R), setelement(13, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_USER(R), element(14, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_USER(A, R), setelement(14, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REMOTE_USER_DATA(R), element(15, R)).
+-define(SET_REMOTE_USER_DATA(A, R), setelement(15, R, A)).
+-define(GET_REQUEST_METHOD(R), element(16, R)).
+-define(SET_REQUEST_METHOD(A, R), setelement(16, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SCRIPT_NAME(R), element(17, R)).
+-define(SET_SCRIPT_NAME(A, R), setelement(17, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_NAME(R), element(18, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_NAME(A, R), setelement(18, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_PORT(R), element(19, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_PORT(A, R), setelement(19, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_PROTOCOL(R), element(20, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_PROTOCOL(A, R), setelement(20, R, A)).
+-define(GET_SERVER_SOFTWARE(R), element(21, R)).
+-define(SET_SERVER_SOFTWARE(A, R), setelement(21, R, A)).
+%%% Note: Dialyzer currently doesn't support recursive types. When it does, this should change:
+%%%-type stream() :: fun(() -> {} | {any(), stream()}).
+%% @type stream() = function()
+-type stream() :: fun(() -> {} | {any(), function()}).
+%% @type ewgi_status() = {integer(), string()}
+-type ewgi_status() :: {integer(), string()}.
+%% @type ewgi_message_body() = binary() | iolist() | stream()
+-type ewgi_message_body() :: binary() | iolist() | stream().
+%% @type ewgi_header_list() = [{ewgi_header_key(), ewgi_header_val()}]
+-type ewgi_header_list() :: [{ewgi_header_key(), ewgi_header_val()}].
+%% @type ewgi_response() = {'ewgi_response', ewgi_status(),
+%% [{ewgi_header_key(), ewgi_header_val()}],
+%% ewgi_message_body(), any()}
+-type ewgi_response() :: {'ewgi_response', ewgi_status(), ewgi_header_list(), ewgi_message_body(), any()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_RESPONSE(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_response')
+ and (size(R) =:= 5))).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_STATUS(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_STATUS(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_HEADERS(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_HEADERS(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_MESSAGE_BODY(R), element(4, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_MESSAGE_BODY(A, R), setelement(4, R, A)).
+-define(GET_RESPONSE_ERROR(R), element(5, R)).
+-define(SET_RESPONSE_ERROR(A, R), setelement(5, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_context() = {'ewgi_context', ewgi_request(), ewgi_response()}
+-type ewgi_context() :: {'ewgi_context', ewgi_request(), ewgi_response()}.
+-define(IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(R), ((element(1, R) =:= 'ewgi_context')
+ and ?IS_EWGI_REQUEST(element(2, R))
+ and ?IS_EWGI_RESPONSE(element(3, R))
+ and (size(R) =:= 3))).
+-define(GET_EWGI_REQUEST(R), element(2, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_REQUEST(A, R), setelement(2, R, A)).
+-define(GET_EWGI_RESPONSE(R), element(3, R)).
+-define(SET_EWGI_RESPONSE(A, R), setelement(3, R, A)).
+%% @type ewgi_app() = function()
+-type ewgi_app() :: fun((ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_context()).
+-define(INSPECT_EWGI_RESPONSE(Ctx), Ctx).
+ begin
+ error_logger:info_msg("Inpecting the final ewgi_response()...~n"
+ "Requested Url: ~p~n"
+ "Status: ~p~n"
+ "Headers: ~p~n"
+ "Body: ~p~n",
+ [ewgi_api:path_info(Ctx),
+ ewgi_api:response_status(Ctx),
+ ewgi_api:response_headers(Ctx),
+ ewgi_api:response_message_body(Ctx)]),
+ Ctx
+ end
+ ).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi_api.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi_api.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60da757d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi_api.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%%% File : ewgi_api.erl
+%%% Authors : Filippo Pacini <[email protected]>
+%%% Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+%%% License :
+%%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+%%% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+%%% the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+%%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%%% limitations under the License.
+%%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is S.G. Consulting
+%%% srl. Portions created by S.G. Consulting s.r.l. are Copyright (C)
+%%% 2007 S.G. Consulting srl. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% @doc
+%%% <p>ewgi API. Defines a low level CGI like API.</p>
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 10 Oct 2007 by Filippo Pacini <[email protected]>
+-export([get_all_headers/1, get_all_data/1]).
+-spec request(ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_request().
+request(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+-spec headers(ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_http_headers().
+headers(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_HTTP_HEADERS(request(Ctx)).
+get_header_value(Hdr0, Ctx) when is_list(Hdr0), ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ Hdr = string:to_lower(Hdr0),
+ get_header1(Hdr, Ctx).
+get_header1("accept", Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_HTTP_ACCEPT(headers(Ctx)).
+unzip_header_value([{_,_}|_]=V) ->
+ {_, V1} = lists:unzip(V),
+ string:join(V1, ", ");
+unzip_header_value(V) ->
+ V.
+get_all_headers(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ H = headers(Ctx),
+ Other = gb_trees:to_list(?GET_HTTP_OTHER(H)),
+ Acc = [{K, unzip_header_value(V)} || {K, V} <- Other],
+ L = [{"accept", get_header_value("accept", Ctx)}|Acc],
+ lists:filter(fun({_, undefined}) -> false; (_) -> true end, L).
+-spec ewgi_spec(ewgi_context()) -> ewgi_spec().
+ewgi_spec(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_EWGI(request(Ctx)).
+get_all_data(Ctx) when ?IS_EWGI_CONTEXT(Ctx) ->
+ ?GET_EWGI_DATA(ewgi_spec(Ctx)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi_testapp.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi_testapp.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59c1ae9206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/ewgi2/ewgi_testapp.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%%% File : ewgi_testapp.erl
+%%% Authors : Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+%%% License :
+%%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+%%% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+%%% the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+%%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%%% limitations under the License.
+%%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is S.G. Consulting
+%%% srl. Portions created by S.G. Consulting s.r.l. are Copyright (C)
+%%% 2007 S.G. Consulting srl. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% @doc
+%%% <p>ewgi test applications</p>
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 05 July 2009 by Hunter Morris <[email protected]>
+htmlise(C) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(
+ ["<dl class=\"request\">",
+ io_lib:format("<dt>other http headers</dt><dd>~s</dd>", [htmlise_data("http_headers", ewgi_api:get_all_headers(C))]),
+ io_lib:format("<dt>ewgi extra data</dt><dd>~s</dd>", [htmlise_data("request_data", ewgi_api:get_all_data(C))]),
+ "</dl>"]).
+htmlise_data(Name, L) when is_list(L) ->
+ ["<dl class=\"", Name, "\">",
+ [io_lib:format("<dt>~s</dt><dd><pre>~p</pre><dd>", [K, V]) || {K, V} <- L],
+ "</dl>"];
+htmlise_data(Name, T) ->
+ case gb_trees:to_list(T) of
+ [] -> [];
+ L -> htmlise_data(Name, L)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/gb_sets/gb_sets_rec.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/gb_sets/gb_sets_rec.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c34b01c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/gb_sets/gb_sets_rec.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%% This module does not test gb_sets. Instead it tests that we can
+%% create records whose fields are declared with an opaque type and
+%% retrieve these fields without problems. Unitialized record fields
+%% used to cause trouble for the analysis due to the implicit
+%% 'undefined' value that record fields contain. The problem was the
+%% strange interaction of ?opaque() and ?union() in the definition of
+%% erl_types:t_inf/3. This was fixed 18/1/2009.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-export([new/0, get_g/1]).
+-record(rec, {g :: gb_sets:set()}).
+-spec new() -> #rec{}.
+new() ->
+ #rec{g = gb_sets:empty()}.
+-spec get_g(#rec{}) -> gb_sets:set().
+get_g(R) ->
+ R#rec.g.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/hipe_vectors/hipe_ig_moves.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/hipe_vectors/hipe_ig_moves.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a70606dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/hipe_vectors/hipe_ig_moves.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ new_move/3,
+ get_moves/1]).
+%% The main data structure; its fields are:
+%% - movelist : mapping from temp to set of associated move numbers
+%% - nrmoves : number of distinct move instructions seen so far
+%% - moveinsns : list of move instructions, in descending move number order
+%% - moveset : set of move instructions
+-record(ig_moves, {movelist :: movelist(),
+ nrmoves = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ moveinsns = [] :: [{_,_}],
+ moveset = gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set()}).
+-type movelist() :: hipe_vectors:vector(ordsets:ordset(non_neg_integer())).
+-spec new(non_neg_integer()) -> #ig_moves{}.
+new(NrTemps) ->
+ MoveList = hipe_vectors:new(NrTemps, ordsets:new()),
+ #ig_moves{movelist = MoveList}.
+-spec new_move(_, _, #ig_moves{}) -> #ig_moves{}.
+new_move(Dst, Src, IG_moves) ->
+ MoveSet = IG_moves#ig_moves.moveset,
+ MoveInsn = {Dst, Src},
+ case gb_sets:is_member(MoveInsn, MoveSet) of
+ true ->
+ IG_moves;
+ false ->
+ MoveNr = IG_moves#ig_moves.nrmoves,
+ Movelist0 = IG_moves#ig_moves.movelist,
+ Movelist1 = add_movelist(MoveNr, Dst,
+ add_movelist(MoveNr, Src, Movelist0)),
+ IG_moves#ig_moves{nrmoves = MoveNr+1,
+ movelist = Movelist1,
+ moveinsns = [MoveInsn|IG_moves#ig_moves.moveinsns],
+ moveset = gb_sets:insert(MoveInsn, MoveSet)}
+ end.
+-spec add_movelist(non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), movelist())
+ -> movelist().
+add_movelist(MoveNr, Temp, MoveList) ->
+ AssocMoves = hipe_vectors:get(MoveList, Temp),
+ %% XXX: MoveNr does not occur in moveList[Temp], but the new list must be an
+ %% ordset due to the ordsets:union in hipe_coalescing_regalloc:combine().
+ hipe_vectors:set(MoveList, Temp, ordsets:add_element(MoveNr, AssocMoves)).
+-spec get_moves(#ig_moves{}) -> {movelist(), non_neg_integer(), tuple()}.
+get_moves(IG_moves) -> % -> {MoveList, NrMoves, MoveInsns}
+ {IG_moves#ig_moves.movelist,
+ IG_moves#ig_moves.nrmoves,
+ list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(IG_moves#ig_moves.moveinsns))}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/hipe_vectors/hipe_vectors.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/hipe_vectors/hipe_vectors.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..279f244586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/hipe_vectors/hipe_vectors.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Abstract interface to vectors, indexed from 0 to size-1.
+ set/3,
+ get/2,
+ size/1,
+ vector_to_list/1,
+ %% list_to_vector/1,
+ list/1]).
+%%-define(USE_TUPLES, true).
+%%-define(USE_GBTREES, true).
+-define(USE_ARRAYS, true).
+-type vector() :: vector(_).
+-export_type([vector/0, vector/1]).
+-spec new(non_neg_integer(), V) -> vector(E) when V :: E.
+-spec set(vector(E), non_neg_integer(), V :: E) -> vector(E).
+-spec get(vector(E), non_neg_integer()) -> E.
+-spec size(vector(_)) -> non_neg_integer().
+-spec vector_to_list(vector(E)) -> [E].
+%% -spec list_to_vector([E]) -> vector(E).
+-spec list(vector(E)) -> [{non_neg_integer(), E}].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-opaque vector(_) :: tuple().
+new(N, V) ->
+ erlang:make_tuple(N, V).
+size(V) -> erlang:tuple_size(V).
+list(Vec) ->
+ index(tuple_to_list(Vec), 0).
+index([X|Xs],N) ->
+ [{N,X} | index(Xs,N+1)];
+index([],_) ->
+ [].
+%% list_to_vector(Xs) ->
+%% list_to_tuple(Xs).
+vector_to_list(V) ->
+ tuple_to_list(V).
+set(Vec, Ix, V) ->
+ setelement(Ix+1, Vec, V).
+get(Vec, Ix) -> element(Ix+1, Vec).
+-endif. %% ifdef USE_TUPLES
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-opaque vector(E) :: gb_trees:tree(non_neg_integer(), E).
+new(N, V) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
+ gb_trees:from_orddict(mklist(N, V)).
+mklist(N, V) ->
+ mklist(0, N, V).
+mklist(M, N, V) when M < N ->
+ [{M, V} | mklist(M+1, N, V)];
+mklist(_, _, _) ->
+ [].
+size(V) -> gb_trees:size(V).
+list(Vec) ->
+ gb_trees:to_list(Vec).
+%% list_to_vector(Xs) ->
+%% gb_trees:from_orddict(index(Xs, 0)).
+%% index([X|Xs], N) ->
+%% [{N, X} | index(Xs, N+1)];
+%% index([],_) ->
+%% [].
+vector_to_list(V) ->
+ gb_trees:values(V).
+set(Vec, Ix, V) ->
+ gb_trees:update(Ix, V, Vec).
+get(Vec, Ix) ->
+ gb_trees:get(Ix, Vec).
+-endif. %% ifdef USE_GBTREES
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-opaque vector(E) :: array:array(E).
+%%-type vector(E) :: array:array(E). % Work around dialyzer bug
+new(N, V) -> array:new(N, {default, V}).
+size(V) -> array:size(V).
+list(Vec) -> array:to_orddict(Vec).
+%% list_to_vector(Xs) -> array:from_list(Xs).
+vector_to_list(V) -> array:to_list(V).
+set(Vec, Ix, V) -> array:set(Ix, V, Vec).
+get(Vec, Ix) -> array:get(Ix, Vec).
+-endif. %% ifdef USE_ARRAYS
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/inf_loop1.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/inf_loop1.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3275736e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/inf_loop1.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Non-sensical (i.e., stripped-down) program that sends the analysis
+%% into an infinite loop. The #we.es field was originally a gb_trees:tree()
+%% but the programmer declared it as an array in order to change it to
+%% that data type instead. In the file, there are two calls to function
+%% gb_trees:get/2 which seem to be the ones responsible for sending the
+%% analysis into an infinite loop. Currently, these calls are marked and
+%% have been changed to gbee_trees:get/2 in order to be able to see that
+%% the analysis works if these two calls are taken out of the picture.
+-record(we, {id,
+ es = array:new() :: array:array(),
+ vp,
+ mirror = none}).
+-record(edge, {vs,ve,a = none,b = none,lf,rf,ltpr,ltsu,rtpr,rtsu}).
+command(St) ->
+ State = drag_mode(offset_region),
+ SetupSt = wings_sel_conv:more(St),
+ Tvs = wings_sel:fold(fun(Faces, #we{id = Id} = We, Acc) ->
+ FaceRegions = wings_sel:face_regions(Faces, We),
+ {AllVs0,VsData} =
+ collect_offset_regions_data(FaceRegions, We, [], []),
+ AllVs = ordsets:from_list(AllVs0),
+ [{Id,{AllVs,offset_regions_fun(VsData, State)}}|Acc]
+ end,
+ [],
+ SetupSt),
+ wings_drag:setup(Tvs, 42, [], St).
+drag_mode(Type) ->
+ {Mode,Norm} = wings_pref:get_value(Type, {average,loop}),
+ {Type,Mode,Norm}.
+collect_offset_regions_data([Faces|Regions], We, AllVs, VsData) ->
+ {FaceNormTab,OuterEdges,RegVs} =
+ some_fake_module:faces_data_0(Faces, We, [], [], []),
+ {LoopNorm,LoopVsData,LoopVs} =
+ offset_regions_loop_data(OuterEdges, Faces, We, FaceNormTab),
+ Vs = RegVs -- LoopVs,
+ RegVsData = vertex_normals(Vs, FaceNormTab, We, LoopVsData),
+ collect_offset_regions_data(Regions, We, RegVs ++ AllVs,
+ [{LoopNorm,RegVsData}|VsData]);
+collect_offset_regions_data([], _, AllVs, VsData) ->
+ {AllVs,VsData}.
+offset_regions_loop_data(Edges, Faces, We, FNtab) ->
+ EdgeSet = gb_sets:from_list(Edges),
+ offset_loop_data_0(EdgeSet, Faces, We, FNtab, [], [], []).
+offset_loop_data_0(EdgeSet0, Faces, We, FNtab, LNorms, VData0, Vs0) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(EdgeSet0) of
+ false ->
+ {Edge,EdgeSet1} = gb_sets:take_smallest(EdgeSet0),
+ {EdgeSet,VData,Links,LoopNorm,Vs} =
+ offset_loop_data_1(Edge, EdgeSet1, Faces, We, FNtab, VData0, Vs0),
+ offset_loop_data_0(EdgeSet, Faces, We, FNtab,
+ [{Links,LoopNorm}|LNorms], VData, Vs);
+ true ->
+ AvgLoopNorm = average_loop_norm(LNorms),
+ {AvgLoopNorm,VData0,Vs0}
+ end.
+offset_loop_data_1(Edge, EdgeSet, _Faces,
+ #we{es = Etab, vp = Vtab} = We, FNtab, VData, Vs) ->
+ #edge{vs = Va, ve = Vb, lf = Lf, ltsu = NextLeft} = gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab),
+ VposA = gb_trees:get(Va, Vtab),
+ VposB = gb_trees:get(Vb, Vtab),
+ VDir = e3d_vec:sub(VposB, VposA),
+ FNorm = wings_face:normal(Lf, We),
+ EdgeData = gb_trees:get(NextLeft, Etab),
+ offset_loop_data_2(NextLeft, EdgeData, Va, VposA, Lf, Edge, We, FNtab,
+ EdgeSet, VDir, [], [FNorm], VData, [], Vs, 0).
+offset_loop_data_2(CurE, #edge{vs = Va, ve = Vb, lf = PrevFace,
+ rtsu = NextEdge, ltsu = IfCurIsMember},
+ Vb, VposB, PrevFace, LastE,
+ #we{mirror = M} = We,
+ FNtab, EdgeSet0, VDir, EDir0, VNorms0, VData0, VPs0, Vs0,
+ Links) ->
+ Mirror = M == PrevFace,
+ offset_loop_is_member(Mirror, Vb, Va, VposB, CurE, IfCurIsMember, VNorms0,
+ NextEdge, EdgeSet0, VDir, EDir0, FNtab, PrevFace,
+ LastE, We, VData0, VPs0, Vs0, Links).
+offset_loop_is_member(Mirror, V1, V2, Vpos1, CurE, NextE, VNorms0, NEdge,
+ EdgeSet0, VDir, EDir0, FNtab, PFace, LastE, We,
+ VData0, VPs0, Vs0, Links) ->
+ #we{es = Etab, vp = Vtab} = We,
+ Vpos2 = gb_trees:get(V2, Vtab),
+ Dir = e3d_vec:sub(Vpos2, Vpos1),
+ NextVDir = e3d_vec:neg(Dir),
+ EdgeSet = gb_sets:delete(CurE, EdgeSet0),
+ EdgeData = gbee_trees:get(NextE, Etab), %% HERE
+ [FNorm|_] = VNorms0,
+ VData = offset_loop_data_3(Mirror, V1, Vpos1, VNorms0, NEdge, VDir,
+ Dir, EDir0, FNtab, We, VData0),
+ VPs = [Vpos1|VPs0],
+ Vs = [V1|Vs0],
+ offset_loop_data_2(NextE, EdgeData, V2, Vpos2, PFace, LastE, We, FNtab,
+ EdgeSet, NextVDir, [], [FNorm], VData, VPs, Vs, Links + 1).
+offset_loop_data_3(false, V, Vpos, VNorms0, NextEdge,
+ VDir, Dir, EDir0, FNtab, We, VData0) ->
+ #we{es = Etab} = We,
+ VNorm = e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(VNorms0)),
+ NV = wings_vertex:other(V, gbee_trees:get(NextEdge, Etab)), %% HERE
+ ANorm = vertex_normal(NV, FNtab, We),
+ EDir = some_fake_module:average_edge_dir(VNorm, VDir, Dir, EDir0),
+ AvgDir = some_fake_module:evaluate_vdata(VDir, Dir, VNorm),
+ ScaledDir = some_fake_module:along_edge_scale_factor(VDir, Dir, EDir, ANorm),
+ [{V,{Vpos,AvgDir,EDir,ScaledDir}}|VData0].
+average_loop_norm([{_,LNorms}]) ->
+ e3d_vec:norm(LNorms);
+average_loop_norm([{LinksA,LNormA},{LinksB,LNormB}]) ->
+ case LinksA < LinksB of
+ true ->
+ e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(e3d_vec:neg(LNormA), LNormB));
+ false ->
+ e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(e3d_vec:neg(LNormB), LNormA))
+ end;
+average_loop_norm(LNorms) ->
+ LoopNorms = [Norm || {_,Norm} <- LNorms],
+ e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:neg(e3d_vec:add(LoopNorms))).
+vertex_normals([V|Vs], FaceNormTab, #we{vp = Vtab, mirror = M} = We, Acc) ->
+ FaceNorms =
+ wings_vertex:fold(fun(_, Face, _, A) when Face == M ->
+ [e3d_vec:neg(wings_face:normal(M, We))|A];
+ (_, Face, _, A) ->
+ [gb_trees:get(Face, FaceNormTab)|A]
+ end, [], V, We),
+ VNorm = e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(FaceNorms)),
+ Vpos = gb_trees:get(V, Vtab),
+ vertex_normals(Vs, FaceNormTab, We, [{V,{Vpos,VNorm}}|Acc]);
+vertex_normals([], _, _, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+vertex_normal(V, FaceNormTab, #we{mirror = M} = We) ->
+ wings_vertex:fold(fun(_, Face, _, A) when Face == M ->
+ [e3d_vec:neg(wings_face:normal(Face, We))|A];
+ (_, Face, _, A) ->
+ N = gb_trees:get(Face, FaceNormTab),
+ case e3d_vec:is_zero(N) of
+ true -> A;
+ false -> [N|A]
+ end
+ end, [], V, We).
+offset_regions_fun(OffsetData, {_,Solution,_} = State) ->
+ fun(new_mode_data, {NewState,_}) ->
+ offset_regions_fun(OffsetData, NewState);
+ ([Dist,_,_,Bump|_], A) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({LoopNormal,VsData}, VsAcc0) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({V,{Vpos0,VNorm}}, VsAcc) ->
+ [{V,Vpos0}|VsAcc];
+ ({V,{Vpos0,Dir,EDir,ScaledEDir}}, VsAcc) ->
+ Vec = case Solution of
+ average -> Dir;
+ along_edges -> EDir;
+ scaled -> ScaledEDir
+ end,
+ [{V,Vpos0}|VsAcc]
+ end, VsAcc0, VsData)
+ end, A, OffsetData)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/inf_loop2.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/inf_loop2.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3787fc6750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/inf_loop2.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Copy of inf_loop1.erl, where the calls mentioned below have been
+%% restored.
+%% Non-sensical (i.e., stripped-down) program that sends the analysis
+%% into an infinite loop. The #we.es field was originally a gb_trees:tree()
+%% but the programmer declared it as an array in order to change it to
+%% that data type instead. In the file, there are two calls to function
+%% gb_trees:get/2 which seem to be the ones responsible for sending the
+%% analysis into an infinite loop. Currently, these calls are marked and
+%% have been changed to gbee_trees:get/2 in order to be able to see that
+%% the analysis works if these two calls are taken out of the picture.
+-record(we, {id,
+ es = array:new() :: array:array(),
+ vp,
+ mirror = none}).
+-record(edge, {vs,ve,a = none,b = none,lf,rf,ltpr,ltsu,rtpr,rtsu}).
+command(St) ->
+ State = drag_mode(offset_region),
+ SetupSt = wings_sel_conv:more(St),
+ Tvs = wings_sel:fold(fun(Faces, #we{id = Id} = We, Acc) ->
+ FaceRegions = wings_sel:face_regions(Faces, We),
+ {AllVs0,VsData} =
+ collect_offset_regions_data(FaceRegions, We, [], []),
+ AllVs = ordsets:from_list(AllVs0),
+ [{Id,{AllVs,offset_regions_fun(VsData, State)}}|Acc]
+ end,
+ [],
+ SetupSt),
+ wings_drag:setup(Tvs, 42, [], St).
+drag_mode(Type) ->
+ {Mode,Norm} = wings_pref:get_value(Type, {average,loop}),
+ {Type,Mode,Norm}.
+collect_offset_regions_data([Faces|Regions], We, AllVs, VsData) ->
+ {FaceNormTab,OuterEdges,RegVs} =
+ some_fake_module:faces_data_0(Faces, We, [], [], []),
+ {LoopNorm,LoopVsData,LoopVs} =
+ offset_regions_loop_data(OuterEdges, Faces, We, FaceNormTab),
+ Vs = RegVs -- LoopVs,
+ RegVsData = vertex_normals(Vs, FaceNormTab, We, LoopVsData),
+ collect_offset_regions_data(Regions, We, RegVs ++ AllVs,
+ [{LoopNorm,RegVsData}|VsData]);
+collect_offset_regions_data([], _, AllVs, VsData) ->
+ {AllVs,VsData}.
+offset_regions_loop_data(Edges, Faces, We, FNtab) ->
+ EdgeSet = gb_sets:from_list(Edges),
+ offset_loop_data_0(EdgeSet, Faces, We, FNtab, [], [], []).
+offset_loop_data_0(EdgeSet0, Faces, We, FNtab, LNorms, VData0, Vs0) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(EdgeSet0) of
+ false ->
+ {Edge,EdgeSet1} = gb_sets:take_smallest(EdgeSet0),
+ {EdgeSet,VData,Links,LoopNorm,Vs} =
+ offset_loop_data_1(Edge, EdgeSet1, Faces, We, FNtab, VData0, Vs0),
+ offset_loop_data_0(EdgeSet, Faces, We, FNtab,
+ [{Links,LoopNorm}|LNorms], VData, Vs);
+ true ->
+ AvgLoopNorm = average_loop_norm(LNorms),
+ {AvgLoopNorm,VData0,Vs0}
+ end.
+offset_loop_data_1(Edge, EdgeSet, _Faces,
+ #we{es = Etab, vp = Vtab} = We, FNtab, VData, Vs) ->
+ #edge{vs = Va, ve = Vb, lf = Lf, ltsu = NextLeft} = gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab),
+ VposA = gb_trees:get(Va, Vtab),
+ VposB = gb_trees:get(Vb, Vtab),
+ VDir = e3d_vec:sub(VposB, VposA),
+ FNorm = wings_face:normal(Lf, We),
+ EdgeData = gb_trees:get(NextLeft, Etab),
+ offset_loop_data_2(NextLeft, EdgeData, Va, VposA, Lf, Edge, We, FNtab,
+ EdgeSet, VDir, [], [FNorm], VData, [], Vs, 0).
+offset_loop_data_2(CurE, #edge{vs = Va, ve = Vb, lf = PrevFace,
+ rtsu = NextEdge, ltsu = IfCurIsMember},
+ Vb, VposB, PrevFace, LastE,
+ #we{mirror = M} = We,
+ FNtab, EdgeSet0, VDir, EDir0, VNorms0, VData0, VPs0, Vs0,
+ Links) ->
+ Mirror = M == PrevFace,
+ offset_loop_is_member(Mirror, Vb, Va, VposB, CurE, IfCurIsMember, VNorms0,
+ NextEdge, EdgeSet0, VDir, EDir0, FNtab, PrevFace,
+ LastE, We, VData0, VPs0, Vs0, Links).
+offset_loop_is_member(Mirror, V1, V2, Vpos1, CurE, NextE, VNorms0, NEdge,
+ EdgeSet0, VDir, EDir0, FNtab, PFace, LastE, We,
+ VData0, VPs0, Vs0, Links) ->
+ #we{es = Etab, vp = Vtab} = We,
+ Vpos2 = gb_trees:get(V2, Vtab),
+ Dir = e3d_vec:sub(Vpos2, Vpos1),
+ NextVDir = e3d_vec:neg(Dir),
+ EdgeSet = gb_sets:delete(CurE, EdgeSet0),
+ EdgeData = gb_trees:get(NextE, Etab), %% HERE
+ [FNorm|_] = VNorms0,
+ VData = offset_loop_data_3(Mirror, V1, Vpos1, VNorms0, NEdge, VDir,
+ Dir, EDir0, FNtab, We, VData0),
+ VPs = [Vpos1|VPs0],
+ Vs = [V1|Vs0],
+ offset_loop_data_2(NextE, EdgeData, V2, Vpos2, PFace, LastE, We, FNtab,
+ EdgeSet, NextVDir, [], [FNorm], VData, VPs, Vs, Links + 1).
+offset_loop_data_3(false, V, Vpos, VNorms0, NextEdge,
+ VDir, Dir, EDir0, FNtab, We, VData0) ->
+ #we{es = Etab} = We,
+ VNorm = e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(VNorms0)),
+ NV = wings_vertex:other(V, gb_trees:get(NextEdge, Etab)), %% HERE
+ ANorm = vertex_normal(NV, FNtab, We),
+ EDir = some_fake_module:average_edge_dir(VNorm, VDir, Dir, EDir0),
+ AvgDir = some_fake_module:evaluate_vdata(VDir, Dir, VNorm),
+ ScaledDir = some_fake_module:along_edge_scale_factor(VDir, Dir, EDir, ANorm),
+ [{V,{Vpos,AvgDir,EDir,ScaledDir}}|VData0].
+average_loop_norm([{_,LNorms}]) ->
+ e3d_vec:norm(LNorms);
+average_loop_norm([{LinksA,LNormA},{LinksB,LNormB}]) ->
+ case LinksA < LinksB of
+ true ->
+ e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(e3d_vec:neg(LNormA), LNormB));
+ false ->
+ e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(e3d_vec:neg(LNormB), LNormA))
+ end;
+average_loop_norm(LNorms) ->
+ LoopNorms = [Norm || {_,Norm} <- LNorms],
+ e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:neg(e3d_vec:add(LoopNorms))).
+vertex_normals([V|Vs], FaceNormTab, #we{vp = Vtab, mirror = M} = We, Acc) ->
+ FaceNorms =
+ wings_vertex:fold(fun(_, Face, _, A) when Face == M ->
+ [e3d_vec:neg(wings_face:normal(M, We))|A];
+ (_, Face, _, A) ->
+ [gb_trees:get(Face, FaceNormTab)|A]
+ end, [], V, We),
+ VNorm = e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(FaceNorms)),
+ Vpos = gb_trees:get(V, Vtab),
+ vertex_normals(Vs, FaceNormTab, We, [{V,{Vpos,VNorm}}|Acc]);
+vertex_normals([], _, _, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+vertex_normal(V, FaceNormTab, #we{mirror = M} = We) ->
+ wings_vertex:fold(fun(_, Face, _, A) when Face == M ->
+ [e3d_vec:neg(wings_face:normal(Face, We))|A];
+ (_, Face, _, A) ->
+ N = gb_trees:get(Face, FaceNormTab),
+ case e3d_vec:is_zero(N) of
+ true -> A;
+ false -> [N|A]
+ end
+ end, [], V, We).
+offset_regions_fun(OffsetData, {_,Solution,_} = State) ->
+ fun(new_mode_data, {NewState,_}) ->
+ offset_regions_fun(OffsetData, NewState);
+ ([Dist,_,_,Bump|_], A) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({LoopNormal,VsData}, VsAcc0) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({V,{Vpos0,VNorm}}, VsAcc) ->
+ [{V,Vpos0}|VsAcc];
+ ({V,{Vpos0,Dir,EDir,ScaledEDir}}, VsAcc) ->
+ Vec = case Solution of
+ average -> Dir;
+ along_edges -> EDir;
+ scaled -> ScaledEDir
+ end,
+ [{V,Vpos0}|VsAcc]
+ end, VsAcc0, VsData)
+ end, A, OffsetData)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/int/int_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/int/int_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99f8cbdc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/int/int_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+%% Module that tests consistency of spec declarations in the presence of
+%% opaque types. Contains both valid and invalid contracts with opaque types.
+-export([new_i/0, add_i/2, div_i/2, add_f/2, div_f/2]).
+-opaque int() :: integer().
+%% the user has declared the return to be an opaque type, but the success
+%% typing inference is too strong and finds a subtype as a return: this is OK
+-spec new_i() -> int().
+new_i() -> 42.
+%% the success typing is more general than the contract: this is OK
+-spec add_i(int(), int()) -> int().
+add_i(X, Y) -> X + Y.
+%% the success typing coincides with the contract: this is OK, of course
+-spec div_i(int(), int()) -> int().
+div_i(X, Y) -> X div Y.
+%% the success typing has an incompatible domain element: this is invalid
+-spec add_f(int(), int()) -> int().
+add_f(X, Y) when is_float(Y) -> X + trunc(Y).
+%% the success typing has an incompatible range: this is invalid
+-spec div_f(int(), int()) -> int().
+div_f(X, Y) -> X / Y.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/int/int_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/int/int_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4471e1cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/int/int_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+%% Module that uses the opaque types of int_adt.
+%% TODO: Should be extended with invalid contracts.
+-spec test() -> int_adt:int().
+test() ->
+ int_adt:new_i().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_queue_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_queue_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac59f19cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_queue_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%% A clone of 'queue_adt' so as to test its combination with 'rec_adt'
+-export([new/0, add/2, dequeue/1, is_empty/1]).
+-opaque my_queue() :: list().
+-spec new() -> my_queue().
+new() ->
+ [].
+-spec add(term(), my_queue()) -> my_queue().
+add(E, Q) ->
+ Q ++ [E].
+-spec dequeue(my_queue()) -> {term(), my_queue()}.
+dequeue([H|T]) ->
+ {H, T}.
+-spec is_empty(my_queue()) -> boolean().
+is_empty([]) ->
+ true;
+is_empty([_|_]) ->
+ false.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_rec_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_rec_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61bae5110d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_rec_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%% A clone of 'rec_adt' so as to test its combination with 'queue_adt'
+-export([new/0, get_a/1, get_b/1, set_a/2, set_b/2]).
+-record(rec, {a :: atom(), b = 0 :: integer()}).
+-opaque rec() :: #rec{}.
+-spec new() -> rec().
+new() -> #rec{a = gazonk, b = 42}.
+-spec get_a(rec()) -> atom().
+get_a(#rec{a = A}) -> A.
+-spec get_b(rec()) -> integer().
+get_b(#rec{b = B}) -> B.
+-spec set_a(rec(), atom()) -> rec().
+set_a(R, A) -> R#rec{a = A}.
+-spec set_b(rec(), integer()) -> rec().
+set_b(R, B) -> R#rec{b = B}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e82dcd5f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/mixed_opaque/mixed_opaque_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+%% Test that tries some combinations of using more than one opaque data type
+%% in the same function(s).
+-export([ok1/1, ok2/0, wrong1/0]).
+-define(REC, mixed_opaque_rec_adt).
+-define(QUEUE, mixed_opaque_queue_adt).
+%% Currently returning unions of opaque types is considered OK
+ok1(Type) ->
+ case Type of
+ queue -> ?QUEUE:new();
+ rec -> ?REC:new()
+ end.
+%% Constructing a queue of records is OK
+ok2() ->
+ Q0 = ?QUEUE:new(),
+ R0 = ?REC:new(),
+ Q1 = ?QUEUE:add(R0, Q0),
+ {R1,_Q2} = ?QUEUE:dequeue(Q1),
+ ?REC:get_a(R1).
+%% But of course calling a function expecting some opaque type
+%% with some other opaque typs is not OK
+wrong1() ->
+ Q = ?QUEUE:new(),
+ ?REC:get_a(Q).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/modules/opaque_digraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/modules/opaque_digraph.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27d937277e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/modules/opaque_digraph.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% The Erlang scanner. All types are opaque, which puts some stress
+%%% on Dialyzer.
+-export([new/0, new/1, delete/1, info/1]).
+-export([add_vertex/1, add_vertex/2, add_vertex/3]).
+-export([del_vertex/2, del_vertices/2]).
+-export([vertex/2, no_vertices/1, vertices/1]).
+-export([source_vertices/1, sink_vertices/1]).
+-export([add_edge/3, add_edge/4, add_edge/5]).
+-export([del_edge/2, del_edges/2, del_path/3]).
+-export([edge/2, no_edges/1, edges/1]).
+-export([out_neighbours/2, in_neighbours/2]).
+-export([out_edges/2, in_edges/2, edges/2]).
+-export([out_degree/2, in_degree/2]).
+-export([get_path/3, get_cycle/2]).
+-export([get_short_path/3, get_short_cycle/2]).
+-export_type([local_digraph/0, d_type/0, vertex/0]).
+-record(digraph, {vtab = notable :: ets:tab(),
+ etab = notable :: ets:tab(),
+ ntab = notable :: ets:tab(),
+ cyclic = true :: boolean()}).
+-opaque local_digraph() :: #digraph{}.
+-export_type([edge/0, label/0, add_edge_err_rsn/0,
+ d_protection/0, d_cyclicity/0]).
+-opaque edge() :: term().
+-opaque label() :: term().
+-opaque vertex() :: term().
+-opaque add_edge_err_rsn() :: {'bad_edge', Path :: [vertex()]}
+ | {'bad_vertex', V :: vertex()}.
+%% Type is a list of
+%% protected | private
+%% acyclic | cyclic
+%% default is [cyclic,protected]
+-opaque d_protection() :: 'private' | 'protected'.
+-opaque d_cyclicity() :: 'acyclic' | 'cyclic'.
+-opaque d_type() :: d_cyclicity() | d_protection().
+-spec new() -> local_digraph().
+new() -> new([]).
+-spec new(Type) -> local_digraph() when
+ Type :: [d_type()].
+new(Type) ->
+ case check_type(Type, protected, []) of
+ {Access, Ts} ->
+ V = ets:new(vertices, [set, Access]),
+ E = ets:new(edges, [set, Access]),
+ N = ets:new(neighbours, [bag, Access]),
+ ets:insert(N, [{'$vid', 0}, {'$eid', 0}]),
+ set_type(Ts, #digraph{vtab=V, etab=E, ntab=N});
+ error ->
+ erlang:error(badarg)
+ end.
+%% Check type of graph
+%-spec check_type([d_type()], d_protection(), [{'cyclic', boolean()}]) ->
+% {d_protection(), [{'cyclic', boolean()}]}.
+check_type([acyclic|Ts], A, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, A,[{cyclic,false} | L]);
+check_type([cyclic | Ts], A, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, A, [{cyclic,true} | L]);
+check_type([protected | Ts], _, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, protected, L);
+check_type([private | Ts], _, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, private, L);
+check_type([], A, L) -> {A, L};
+check_type(_, _, _) -> error.
+%% Set graph type
+-spec set_type([{'cyclic', boolean()}], local_digraph()) -> local_digraph().
+set_type([{cyclic,V} | Ks], G) ->
+ set_type(Ks, G#digraph{cyclic = V});
+set_type([], G) -> G.
+%% Data access functions
+-spec delete(G) -> 'true' when
+ G :: local_digraph().
+delete(G) ->
+ ets:delete(G#digraph.vtab),
+ ets:delete(G#digraph.etab),
+ ets:delete(G#digraph.ntab).
+-spec info(G) -> InfoList when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ InfoList :: [{'cyclicity', Cyclicity :: d_cyclicity()} |
+ {'memory', NoWords :: non_neg_integer()} |
+ {'protection', Protection :: d_protection()}].
+info(G) ->
+ VT = G#digraph.vtab,
+ ET = G#digraph.etab,
+ NT = G#digraph.ntab,
+ Cyclicity = case G#digraph.cyclic of
+ true -> cyclic;
+ false -> acyclic
+ end,
+ Protection = ets:info(VT, protection),
+ Memory = ets:info(VT, memory) + ets:info(ET, memory) + ets:info(NT, memory),
+ [{cyclicity, Cyclicity}, {memory, Memory}, {protection, Protection}].
+-spec add_vertex(G) -> vertex() when
+ G :: local_digraph().
+add_vertex(G) ->
+ do_add_vertex({new_vertex_id(G), []}, G).
+-spec add_vertex(G, V) -> vertex() when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex().
+add_vertex(G, V) ->
+ do_add_vertex({V, []}, G).
+-spec add_vertex(G, V, Label) -> vertex() when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Label :: label().
+add_vertex(G, V, D) ->
+ do_add_vertex({V, D}, G).
+-spec del_vertex(G, V) -> 'true' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex().
+del_vertex(G, V) ->
+ do_del_vertex(V, G).
+-spec del_vertices(G, Vertices) -> 'true' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ Vertices :: [vertex()].
+del_vertices(G, Vs) ->
+ do_del_vertices(Vs, G).
+-spec vertex(G, V) -> {V, Label} | 'false' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Label :: label().
+vertex(G, V) ->
+ case ets:lookup(G#digraph.vtab, V) of
+ [] -> false;
+ [Vertex] -> Vertex
+ end.
+-spec no_vertices(G) -> non_neg_integer() when
+ G :: local_digraph().
+no_vertices(G) ->
+ ets:info(G#digraph.vtab, size).
+-spec vertices(G) -> Vertices when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ Vertices :: [vertex()].
+vertices(G) ->
+ ets:select(G#digraph.vtab, [{{'$1', '_'}, [], ['$1']}]).
+-spec source_vertices(local_digraph()) -> [vertex()].
+source_vertices(G) ->
+ collect_vertices(G, in).
+-spec sink_vertices(local_digraph()) -> [vertex()].
+sink_vertices(G) ->
+ collect_vertices(G, out).
+-spec in_degree(G, V) -> non_neg_integer() when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex().
+in_degree(G, V) ->
+ length(ets:lookup(G#digraph.ntab, {in, V})).
+-spec in_neighbours(G, V) -> Vertex when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Vertex :: [vertex()].
+in_neighbours(G, V) ->
+ ET = G#digraph.etab,
+ NT = G#digraph.ntab,
+ collect_elems(ets:lookup(NT, {in, V}), ET, 2).
+-spec in_edges(G, V) -> Edges when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Edges :: [edge()].
+in_edges(G, V) ->
+ ets:select(G#digraph.ntab, [{{{in, V}, '$1'}, [], ['$1']}]).
+-spec out_degree(G, V) -> non_neg_integer() when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex().
+out_degree(G, V) ->
+ length(ets:lookup(G#digraph.ntab, {out, V})).
+-spec out_neighbours(G, V) -> Vertices when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Vertices :: [vertex()].
+out_neighbours(G, V) ->
+ ET = G#digraph.etab,
+ NT = G#digraph.ntab,
+ collect_elems(ets:lookup(NT, {out, V}), ET, 3).
+-spec out_edges(G, V) -> Edges when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Edges :: [edge()].
+out_edges(G, V) ->
+ ets:select(G#digraph.ntab, [{{{out, V}, '$1'}, [], ['$1']}]).
+-spec add_edge(G, V1, V2) -> edge() | {'error', add_edge_err_rsn()} when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V1 :: vertex(),
+ V2 :: vertex().
+add_edge(G, V1, V2) ->
+ do_add_edge({new_edge_id(G), V1, V2, []}, G).
+-spec add_edge(G, V1, V2, Label) -> edge() | {'error', add_edge_err_rsn()} when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V1 :: vertex(),
+ V2 :: vertex(),
+ Label :: label().
+add_edge(G, V1, V2, D) ->
+ do_add_edge({new_edge_id(G), V1, V2, D}, G).
+-spec add_edge(G, E, V1, V2, Label) -> edge() | {'error', add_edge_err_rsn()} when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ E :: edge(),
+ V1 :: vertex(),
+ V2 :: vertex(),
+ Label :: label().
+add_edge(G, E, V1, V2, D) ->
+ do_add_edge({E, V1, V2, D}, G).
+-spec del_edge(G, E) -> 'true' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ E :: edge().
+del_edge(G, E) ->
+ do_del_edges([E], G).
+-spec del_edges(G, Edges) -> 'true' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ Edges :: [edge()].
+del_edges(G, Es) ->
+ do_del_edges(Es, G).
+-spec no_edges(G) -> non_neg_integer() when
+ G :: local_digraph().
+no_edges(G) ->
+ ets:info(G#digraph.etab, size).
+-spec edges(G) -> Edges when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ Edges :: [edge()].
+edges(G) ->
+ ets:select(G#digraph.etab, [{{'$1', '_', '_', '_'}, [], ['$1']}]).
+-spec edges(G, V) -> Edges when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Edges :: [edge()].
+edges(G, V) ->
+ ets:select(G#digraph.ntab, [{{{out, V},'$1'}, [], ['$1']},
+ {{{in, V}, '$1'}, [], ['$1']}]).
+-spec edge(G, E) -> {E, V1, V2, Label} | 'false' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ E :: edge(),
+ V1 :: vertex(),
+ V2 :: vertex(),
+ Label :: label().
+edge(G, E) ->
+ case ets:lookup(G#digraph.etab,E) of
+ [] -> false;
+ [Edge] -> Edge
+ end.
+%% Generate a "unique" edge identifier (relative to this graph)
+-spec new_edge_id(local_digraph()) -> edge().
+new_edge_id(G) ->
+ NT = G#digraph.ntab,
+ [{'$eid', K}] = ets:lookup(NT, '$eid'),
+ true = ets:delete(NT, '$eid'),
+ true = ets:insert(NT, {'$eid', K+1}),
+ ['$e' | K].
+%% Generate a "unique" vertex identifier (relative to this graph)
+-spec new_vertex_id(local_digraph()) -> vertex().
+new_vertex_id(G) ->
+ NT = G#digraph.ntab,
+ [{'$vid', K}] = ets:lookup(NT, '$vid'),
+ true = ets:delete(NT, '$vid'),
+ true = ets:insert(NT, {'$vid', K+1}),
+ ['$v' | K].
+%% Collect elements for a index in a tuple
+collect_elems(Keys, Table, Index) ->
+ collect_elems(Keys, Table, Index, []).
+collect_elems([{_,Key}|Keys], Table, Index, Acc) ->
+ collect_elems(Keys, Table, Index,
+ [ets:lookup_element(Table, Key, Index)|Acc]);
+collect_elems([], _, _, Acc) -> Acc.
+-spec do_add_vertex({vertex(), label()}, local_digraph()) -> vertex().
+do_add_vertex({V, _Label} = VL, G) ->
+ ets:insert(G#digraph.vtab, VL),
+ V.
+%% Collect either source or sink vertices.
+collect_vertices(G, Type) ->
+ Vs = vertices(G),
+ lists:foldl(fun(V, A) ->
+ case ets:member(G#digraph.ntab, {Type, V}) of
+ true -> A;
+ false -> [V|A]
+ end
+ end, [], Vs).
+%% Delete vertices
+do_del_vertices([V | Vs], G) ->
+ do_del_vertex(V, G),
+ do_del_vertices(Vs, G);
+do_del_vertices([], #digraph{}) -> true.
+do_del_vertex(V, G) ->
+ do_del_nedges(ets:lookup(G#digraph.ntab, {in, V}), G),
+ do_del_nedges(ets:lookup(G#digraph.ntab, {out, V}), G),
+ ets:delete(G#digraph.vtab, V).
+do_del_nedges([{_, E}|Ns], G) ->
+ case ets:lookup(G#digraph.etab, E) of
+ [{E, V1, V2, _}] ->
+ do_del_edge(E, V1, V2, G),
+ do_del_nedges(Ns, G);
+ [] -> % cannot happen
+ do_del_nedges(Ns, G)
+ end;
+do_del_nedges([], #digraph{}) -> true.
+%% Delete edges
+do_del_edges([E|Es], G) ->
+ case ets:lookup(G#digraph.etab, E) of
+ [{E,V1,V2,_}] ->
+ do_del_edge(E,V1,V2,G),
+ do_del_edges(Es, G);
+ [] ->
+ do_del_edges(Es, G)
+ end;
+do_del_edges([], #digraph{}) -> true.
+do_del_edge(E, V1, V2, G) ->
+ ets:select_delete(G#digraph.ntab, [{{{in, V2}, E}, [], [true]},
+ {{{out,V1}, E}, [], [true]}]),
+ ets:delete(G#digraph.etab, E).
+-spec rm_edges([vertex(),...], local_digraph()) -> 'true'.
+rm_edges([V1, V2|Vs], G) ->
+ rm_edge(V1, V2, G),
+ rm_edges([V2|Vs], G);
+rm_edges(_, _) -> true.
+-spec rm_edge(vertex(), vertex(), local_digraph()) -> 'ok'.
+rm_edge(V1, V2, G) ->
+ Es = out_edges(G, V1),
+ rm_edge_0(Es, V1, V2, G).
+rm_edge_0([E|Es], V1, V2, G) ->
+ case ets:lookup(G#digraph.etab, E) of
+ [{E, V1, V2, _}] ->
+ do_del_edge(E, V1, V2, G),
+ rm_edge_0(Es, V1, V2, G);
+ _ ->
+ rm_edge_0(Es, V1, V2, G)
+ end;
+rm_edge_0([], _, _, #digraph{}) -> ok.
+%% Check that endpoints exist
+-spec do_add_edge({edge(), vertex(), vertex(), label()}, local_digraph()) ->
+ edge() | {'error', add_edge_err_rsn()}.
+do_add_edge({E, V1, V2, Label}, G) ->
+ case ets:member(G#digraph.vtab, V1) of
+ false -> {error, {bad_vertex, V1}};
+ true ->
+ case ets:member(G#digraph.vtab, V2) of
+ false -> {error, {bad_vertex, V2}};
+ true ->
+ case other_edge_exists(G, E, V1, V2) of
+ true -> {error, {bad_edge, [V1, V2]}};
+ false when G#digraph.cyclic =:= false ->
+ acyclic_add_edge(E, V1, V2, Label, G);
+ false ->
+ do_insert_edge(E, V1, V2, Label, G)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+other_edge_exists(#digraph{etab = ET}, E, V1, V2) ->
+ case ets:lookup(ET, E) of
+ [{E, Vert1, Vert2, _}] when Vert1 =/= V1; Vert2 =/= V2 ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+-spec do_insert_edge(edge(), vertex(), vertex(), label(), local_digraph()) -> edge().
+do_insert_edge(E, V1, V2, Label, #digraph{ntab=NT, etab=ET}) ->
+ ets:insert(NT, [{{out, V1}, E}, {{in, V2}, E}]),
+ ets:insert(ET, {E, V1, V2, Label}),
+ E.
+-spec acyclic_add_edge(edge(), vertex(), vertex(), label(), local_digraph()) ->
+ edge() | {'error', {'bad_edge', [vertex()]}}.
+acyclic_add_edge(_E, V1, V2, _L, _G) when V1 =:= V2 ->
+ {error, {bad_edge, [V1, V2]}};
+acyclic_add_edge(E, V1, V2, Label, G) ->
+ case get_path(G, V2, V1) of
+ false -> do_insert_edge(E, V1, V2, Label, G);
+ Path -> {error, {bad_edge, Path}}
+ end.
+%% Delete all paths from vertex V1 to vertex V2
+-spec del_path(G, V1, V2) -> 'true' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V1 :: vertex(),
+ V2 :: vertex().
+del_path(G, V1, V2) ->
+ case get_path(G, V1, V2) of
+ false -> true;
+ Path ->
+ rm_edges(Path, G),
+ del_path(G, V1, V2)
+ end.
+%% Find a cycle through V
+%% return the cycle as list of vertices [V ... V]
+%% if no cycle exists false is returned
+%% if only a cycle of length one exists it will be
+%% returned as [V] but only after longer cycles have
+%% been searched.
+-spec get_cycle(G, V) -> Vertices | 'false' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Vertices :: [vertex(),...].
+get_cycle(G, V) ->
+ case one_path(out_neighbours(G, V), V, [], [V], [V], 2, G, 1) of
+ false ->
+ case lists:member(V, out_neighbours(G, V)) of
+ true -> [V];
+ false -> false
+ end;
+ Vs -> Vs
+ end.
+%% Find a path from V1 to V2
+%% return the path as list of vertices [V1 ... V2]
+%% if no path exists false is returned
+-spec get_path(G, V1, V2) -> Vertices | 'false' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V1 :: vertex(),
+ V2 :: vertex(),
+ Vertices :: [vertex(),...].
+get_path(G, V1, V2) ->
+ one_path(out_neighbours(G, V1), V2, [], [V1], [V1], 1, G, 1).
+%% prune_short_path (evaluate conditions on path)
+%% short : if path is too short
+%% ok : if path is ok
+prune_short_path(Counter, Min) when Counter < Min ->
+ short;
+prune_short_path(_Counter, _Min) ->
+ ok.
+one_path([W|Ws], W, Cont, Xs, Ps, Prune, G, Counter) ->
+ case prune_short_path(Counter, Prune) of
+ short -> one_path(Ws, W, Cont, Xs, Ps, Prune, G, Counter);
+ ok -> lists:reverse([W|Ps])
+ end;
+one_path([V|Vs], W, Cont, Xs, Ps, Prune, G, Counter) ->
+ case lists:member(V, Xs) of
+ true -> one_path(Vs, W, Cont, Xs, Ps, Prune, G, Counter);
+ false -> one_path(out_neighbours(G, V), W,
+ [{Vs,Ps} | Cont], [V|Xs], [V|Ps],
+ Prune, G, Counter+1)
+ end;
+one_path([], W, [{Vs,Ps}|Cont], Xs, _, Prune, G, Counter) ->
+ one_path(Vs, W, Cont, Xs, Ps, Prune, G, Counter-1);
+one_path([], _, [], _, _, _, _, _Counter) -> false.
+%% Like get_cycle/2, but a cycle of length one is preferred.
+-spec get_short_cycle(G, V) -> Vertices | 'false' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V :: vertex(),
+ Vertices :: [vertex(),...].
+get_short_cycle(G, V) ->
+ get_short_path(G, V, V).
+%% Like get_path/3, but using a breadth-first search makes it possible
+%% to find a short path.
+-spec get_short_path(G, V1, V2) -> Vertices | 'false' when
+ G :: local_digraph(),
+ V1 :: vertex(),
+ V2 :: vertex(),
+ Vertices :: [vertex(),...].
+get_short_path(G, V1, V2) ->
+ T = new(),
+ add_vertex(T, V1),
+ Q = queue:new(),
+ Q1 = queue_out_neighbours(V1, G, Q),
+ L = spath(Q1, G, V2, T),
+ delete(T),
+ L.
+spath(Q, G, Sink, T) ->
+ case queue:out(Q) of
+ {{value, E}, Q1} ->
+ {_E, V1, V2, _Label} = edge(G, E),
+ if
+ Sink =:= V2 ->
+ follow_path(V1, T, [V2]);
+ true ->
+ case vertex(T, V2) of
+ false ->
+ add_vertex(T, V2),
+ add_edge(T, V2, V1),
+ NQ = queue_out_neighbours(V2, G, Q1),
+ spath(NQ, G, Sink, T);
+ _V ->
+ spath(Q1, G, Sink, T)
+ end
+ end;
+ {empty, _Q1} ->
+ false
+ end.
+follow_path(V, T, P) ->
+ P1 = [V | P],
+ case out_neighbours(T, V) of
+ [N] ->
+ follow_path(N, T, P1);
+ [] ->
+ P1
+ end.
+queue_out_neighbours(V, G, Q0) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(E, Q) -> queue:in(E, Q) end, Q0, out_edges(G, V)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/modules/opaque_erl_scan.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/modules/opaque_erl_scan.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12506f5b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/modules/opaque_erl_scan.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1301 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% The Erlang scanner. All types are opaque, which puts some stress
+%%% on Dialyzer.
+%%% External exports
+ format_error/1,reserved_word/1,
+ token_info/1,token_info/2,
+ attributes_info/1,attributes_info/2,set_attribute/3]).
+%%% Private
+ line/0,
+ location/0,
+ options/0,
+ return_cont/0,
+ token/0,
+ tokens_result/0]).
+%%% Defines and type definitions
+-define(COLUMN(C), (is_integer(C) andalso C >= 1)).
+%% Line numbers less than zero have always been allowed:
+-define(ALINE(L), is_integer(L)).
+-define(STRING(S), is_list(S)).
+-define(RESWORDFUN(F), is_function(F, 1)).
+-define(SETATTRFUN(F), is_function(F, 1)).
+-export_type([category/0, column/0, resword_fun/0, option/0, symbol/0,
+ info_line/0, attributes_data/0, attributes/0, tokens/0,
+ error_description/0, char_spec/0, cont_fun/0,
+ attribute_item/0, info_location/0, attribute_info/0,
+ token_item/0, token_info/0]).
+-opaque category() :: atom().
+-opaque column() :: pos_integer().
+-opaque line() :: integer().
+-opaque location() :: line() | {line(),column()}.
+-opaque resword_fun() :: fun((atom()) -> boolean()).
+-opaque option() :: 'return' | 'return_white_spaces' | 'return_comments'
+ | 'text' | {'reserved_word_fun', resword_fun()}.
+-opaque options() :: option() | [option()].
+-opaque symbol() :: atom() | float() | integer() | string().
+-opaque info_line() :: integer() | term().
+-opaque attributes_data()
+ :: [{'column', column()} | {'line', info_line()} | {'text', string()}]
+ | {line(), column()}.
+%% The fact that {line(),column()} is a possible attributes() type
+%% is hidden.
+-opaque attributes() :: line() | attributes_data().
+-opaque token() :: {category(), attributes(), symbol()}
+ | {category(), attributes()}.
+-opaque tokens() :: [token()].
+-opaque error_description() :: term().
+-opaque error_info() :: {location(), module(), error_description()}.
+%%% Local record.
+ {resword_fun = fun reserved_word/1 :: resword_fun(),
+ ws = false :: boolean(),
+ comment = false :: boolean(),
+ text = false :: boolean()}).
+-spec format_error(ErrorDescriptor) -> string() when
+ ErrorDescriptor :: error_description().
+format_error({string,Quote,Head}) ->
+ lists:flatten(["unterminated " ++ string_thing(Quote) ++
+ " starting with " ++
+ io_lib:write_string(Head, Quote)]);
+format_error({illegal,Type}) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("illegal ~w", [Type]));
+format_error(char) -> "unterminated character";
+format_error({base,Base}) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("illegal base '~w'", [Base]));
+format_error(Other) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:write(Other)).
+-spec string(String) -> Return when
+ String :: string(),
+ Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
+ | {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
+ EndLocation :: location(),
+ ErrorLocation :: location().
+string(String) ->
+ string(String, 1, []).
+-spec string(String, StartLocation) -> Return when
+ String :: string(),
+ Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
+ | {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
+ StartLocation :: location(),
+ EndLocation :: location(),
+ ErrorLocation :: location().
+string(String, StartLocation) ->
+ string(String, StartLocation, []).
+-spec string(String, StartLocation, Options) -> Return when
+ String :: string(),
+ Options :: options(),
+ Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
+ | {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
+ StartLocation :: location(),
+ EndLocation :: location(),
+ ErrorLocation :: location().
+string(String, Line, Options) when ?STRING(String), ?ALINE(Line) ->
+ string1(String, options(Options), Line, no_col, []);
+string(String, {Line,Column}, Options) when ?STRING(String),
+ ?ALINE(Line),
+ ?COLUMN(Column) ->
+ string1(String, options(Options), Line, Column, []).
+-opaque char_spec() :: string() | 'eof'.
+-opaque cont_fun() :: fun((char_spec(), #erl_scan{}, line(), column(),
+ tokens(), any()) -> any()).
+-opaque return_cont() :: {erl_scan_continuation,
+ string(), column(), tokens(), line(),
+ #erl_scan{}, any(), cont_fun()}.
+-opaque tokens_result() :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation :: location()}
+ | {'eof', EndLocation :: location()}
+ | {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(),
+ EndLocation :: location()}.
+-spec tokens(Continuation, CharSpec, StartLocation) -> Return when
+ Continuation :: return_cont() | [],
+ CharSpec :: char_spec(),
+ StartLocation :: location(),
+ Return :: {'done',Result :: tokens_result(),LeftOverChars :: char_spec()}
+ | {'more', Continuation1 :: return_cont()}.
+tokens(Cont, CharSpec, StartLocation) ->
+ tokens(Cont, CharSpec, StartLocation, []).
+-spec tokens(Continuation, CharSpec, StartLocation, Options) -> Return when
+ Continuation :: return_cont() | [],
+ CharSpec :: char_spec(),
+ StartLocation :: location(),
+ Options :: options(),
+ Return :: {'done',Result :: tokens_result(),LeftOverChars :: char_spec()}
+ | {'more', Continuation1 :: return_cont()}.
+tokens([], CharSpec, Line, Options) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
+ tokens1(CharSpec, options(Options), Line, no_col, [], fun scan/6, []);
+tokens([], CharSpec, {Line,Column}, Options) when ?ALINE(Line),
+ ?COLUMN(Column) ->
+ tokens1(CharSpec, options(Options), Line, Column, [], fun scan/6, []);
+ CharSpec, _Loc, _Opts) ->
+ tokens1(Cs++CharSpec, St, Line, Col, Toks, Fun, Any).
+continuation_location({erl_scan_continuation,_,no_col,_,Line,_,_,_}) ->
+ Line;
+continuation_location({erl_scan_continuation,_,Col,_,Line,_,_,_}) ->
+ {Line,Col}.
+-opaque attribute_item() :: 'column' | 'length' | 'line'
+ | 'location' | 'text'.
+-opaque info_location() :: location() | term().
+-opaque attribute_info() :: {'column', column()}| {'length', pos_integer()}
+ | {'line', info_line()}
+ | {'location', info_location()}
+ | {'text', string()}.
+-opaque token_item() :: 'category' | 'symbol' | attribute_item().
+-opaque token_info() :: {'category', category()} | {'symbol', symbol()}
+ | attribute_info().
+-spec token_info(Token) -> TokenInfo when
+ Token :: token(),
+ TokenInfo :: [TokenInfoTuple :: token_info()].
+token_info(Token) ->
+ Items = [category,column,length,line,symbol,text], % undefined order
+ token_info(Token, Items).
+-spec token_info(Token, TokenItem) -> TokenInfoTuple | 'undefined' when
+ Token :: token(),
+ TokenItem :: token_item(),
+ TokenInfoTuple :: token_info();
+ (Token, TokenItems) -> TokenInfo when
+ Token :: token(),
+ TokenItems :: [TokenItem :: token_item()],
+ TokenInfo :: [TokenInfoTuple :: token_info()].
+token_info(_Token, []) ->
+ [];
+token_info(Token, [Item|Items]) when is_atom(Item) ->
+ case token_info(Token, Item) of
+ undefined ->
+ token_info(Token, Items);
+ TokenInfo when is_tuple(TokenInfo) ->
+ [TokenInfo|token_info(Token, Items)]
+ end;
+token_info({Category,_Attrs}, category=Item) ->
+ {Item,Category};
+token_info({Category,_Attrs,_Symbol}, category=Item) ->
+ {Item,Category};
+token_info({Category,_Attrs}, symbol=Item) ->
+ {Item,Category};
+token_info({_Category,_Attrs,Symbol}, symbol=Item) ->
+ {Item,Symbol};
+token_info({_Category,Attrs}, Item) ->
+ attributes_info(Attrs, Item);
+token_info({_Category,Attrs,_Symbol}, Item) ->
+ attributes_info(Attrs, Item).
+-spec attributes_info(Attributes) -> AttributesInfo when
+ Attributes :: attributes(),
+ AttributesInfo :: [AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info()].
+attributes_info(Attributes) ->
+ Items = [column,length,line,text], % undefined order
+ attributes_info(Attributes, Items).
+-spec attributes_info
+ (Attributes, AttributeItem) -> AttributeInfoTuple | 'undefined' when
+ Attributes :: attributes(),
+ AttributeItem :: attribute_item(),
+ AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info();
+ (Attributes, AttributeItems) -> AttributeInfo when
+ Attributes :: attributes(),
+ AttributeItems :: [AttributeItem :: attribute_item()],
+ AttributeInfo :: [AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info()].
+attributes_info(_Attrs, []) ->
+ [];
+attributes_info(Attrs, [A|As]) when is_atom(A) ->
+ case attributes_info(Attrs, A) of
+ undefined ->
+ attributes_info(Attrs, As);
+ AttributeInfo when is_tuple(AttributeInfo) ->
+ [AttributeInfo|attributes_info(Attrs, As)]
+ end;
+attributes_info({Line,Column}, column=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
+ ?COLUMN(Column) ->
+ {Item,Column};
+attributes_info(Line, column) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
+ undefined;
+attributes_info(Attrs, column=Item) ->
+ attr_info(Attrs, Item);
+attributes_info(Attrs, length=Item) ->
+ case attributes_info(Attrs, text) of
+ undefined ->
+ undefined;
+ {text,Text} ->
+ {Item,length(Text)}
+ end;
+attributes_info(Line, line=Item) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
+ {Item,Line};
+attributes_info({Line,Column}, line=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
+ ?COLUMN(Column) ->
+ {Item,Line};
+attributes_info(Attrs, line=Item) ->
+ attr_info(Attrs, Item);
+attributes_info({Line,Column}=Location, location=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
+ ?COLUMN(Column) ->
+ {Item,Location};
+attributes_info(Line, location=Item) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
+ {Item,Line};
+attributes_info(Attrs, location=Item) ->
+ {line,Line} = attributes_info(Attrs, line), % assume line is present
+ case attributes_info(Attrs, column) of
+ undefined ->
+ %% If set_attribute() has assigned a term such as {17,42}
+ %% to 'line', then Line will look like {Line,Column}. One
+ %% should not use 'location' but 'line' and 'column' in
+ %% such special cases.
+ {Item,Line};
+ {column,Column} ->
+ {Item,{Line,Column}}
+ end;
+attributes_info({Line,Column}, text) when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
+ undefined;
+attributes_info(Line, text) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
+ undefined;
+attributes_info(Attrs, text=Item) ->
+ attr_info(Attrs, Item);
+attributes_info(T1, T2) ->
+ erlang:error(badarg, [T1,T2]).
+-spec set_attribute(AttributeItem, Attributes, SetAttributeFun) -> Attributes when
+ AttributeItem :: 'line',
+ Attributes :: attributes(),
+ SetAttributeFun :: fun((info_line()) -> info_line()).
+set_attribute(Tag, Attributes, Fun) when ?SETATTRFUN(Fun) ->
+ set_attr(Tag, Attributes, Fun).
+%%% Local functions
+string_thing($') -> "atom"; %' Stupid Emacs
+string_thing(_) -> "string".
+ is_integer(C) andalso
+ (C >= $\000 andalso C =< $\s orelse C >= $\200 andalso C =< $\240)).
+-define(DIGIT(C), C >= $0, C =< $9).
+-define(CHAR(C), is_integer(C), C >= 0).
+ is_integer(C) andalso
+ (C >= 0 andalso C < 16#D800 orelse
+ C > 16#DFFF andalso C < 16#FFFE orelse
+ C > 16#FFFF andalso C =< 16#10FFFF)).
+-define(UNI255(C), C >= 0, C =< 16#ff).
+options(Opts0) when is_list(Opts0) ->
+ Opts = lists:foldr(fun expand_opt/2, [], Opts0),
+ [RW_fun] =
+ case opts(Opts, [reserved_word_fun], []) of
+ badarg ->
+ erlang:error(badarg, [Opts0]);
+ R ->
+ R
+ end,
+ Comment = proplists:get_bool(return_comments, Opts),
+ WS = proplists:get_bool(return_white_spaces, Opts),
+ Txt = proplists:get_bool(text, Opts),
+ #erl_scan{resword_fun = RW_fun,
+ comment = Comment,
+ ws = WS,
+ text = Txt};
+options(Opt) ->
+ options([Opt]).
+opts(Options, [Key|Keys], L) ->
+ V = case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Options) of
+ {reserved_word_fun,F} when ?RESWORDFUN(F) ->
+ {ok,F};
+ {Key,_} ->
+ badarg;
+ false ->
+ {ok,default_option(Key)}
+ end,
+ case V of
+ badarg ->
+ badarg;
+ {ok,Value} ->
+ opts(Options, Keys, [Value|L])
+ end;
+opts(_Options, [], L) ->
+ lists:reverse(L).
+default_option(reserved_word_fun) ->
+ fun reserved_word/1.
+expand_opt(return, Os) ->
+ [return_comments,return_white_spaces|Os];
+expand_opt(O, Os) ->
+ [O|Os].
+attr_info(Attrs, Item) ->
+ try lists:keyfind(Item, 1, Attrs) of
+ {_Item, _Value} = T ->
+ T;
+ false ->
+ undefined
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error(badarg, [Attrs, Item])
+ end.
+-spec set_attr('line', attributes(), fun((line()) -> line())) -> attributes().
+set_attr(line, Line, Fun) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
+ Ln = Fun(Line),
+ if
+ ?ALINE(Ln) ->
+ Ln;
+ true ->
+ [{line,Ln}]
+ end;
+set_attr(line, {Line,Column}, Fun) when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
+ Ln = Fun(Line),
+ if
+ ?ALINE(Ln) ->
+ {Ln,Column};
+ true ->
+ [{line,Ln},{column,Column}]
+ end;
+set_attr(line=Tag, Attrs, Fun) when is_list(Attrs) ->
+ {line,Line} = lists:keyfind(Tag, 1, Attrs),
+ case lists:keyreplace(Tag, 1, Attrs, {line,Fun(Line)}) of
+ [{line,Ln}] when ?ALINE(Ln) ->
+ Ln;
+ As ->
+ As
+ end;
+set_attr(T1, T2, T3) ->
+ erlang:error(badarg, [T1,T2,T3]).
+tokens1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Fun, Any) when ?STRING(Cs); Cs =:= eof ->
+ case Fun(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Any) of
+ {more,{Cs0,Ncol,Ntoks,Nline,Nany,Nfun}} ->
+ {more,{erl_scan_continuation,Cs0,Ncol,Ntoks,Nline,St,Nany,Nfun}};
+ {ok,Toks0,eof,Nline,Ncol} ->
+ Res = case Toks0 of
+ [] ->
+ {eof,location(Nline, Ncol)};
+ _ ->
+ {ok,lists:reverse(Toks0),location(Nline,Ncol)}
+ end,
+ {done,Res,eof};
+ {ok,Toks0,Rest,Nline,Ncol} ->
+ {done,{ok,lists:reverse(Toks0),location(Nline, Ncol)},Rest};
+ {{error,_,_}=Error,Rest} ->
+ {done,Error,Rest}
+ end.
+string1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ case scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) of
+ {more,{Cs0,Ncol,Ntoks,Nline,Any,Fun}} ->
+ case Fun(Cs0++eof, St, Nline, Ncol, Ntoks, Any) of
+ {ok,Toks1,_Rest,Line2,Col2} ->
+ {ok,lists:reverse(Toks1),location(Line2, Col2)};
+ {{error,_,_}=Error,_Rest} ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {ok,Ntoks,[_|_]=Rest,Nline,Ncol} ->
+ string1(Rest, St, Nline, Ncol, Ntoks);
+ {ok,Ntoks,_,Nline,Ncol} ->
+ {ok,lists:reverse(Ntoks),location(Nline, Ncol)};
+ {{error,_,_}=Error,_Rest} ->
+ Error
+ end.
+scan(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, _) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks).
+scan1([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
+ scan_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
+scan1([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
+scan1([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
+ scan_newline(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks);
+scan1([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, 1), Toks, 0);
+scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
+ scan_variable(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
+ scan_atom(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+%% Optimization: some very common punctuation characters:
+scan1([$,|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ",", ',', 1);
+scan1([$(|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "(", '(', 1);
+scan1([$)|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ")", ')', 1);
+scan1([${|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "{", '{', 1);
+scan1([$}|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "}", '}', 1);
+scan1([$[|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "[", '[', 1);
+scan1([$]|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "]", ']', 1);
+scan1([$;|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ";", ';', 1);
+scan1([$_=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ scan_variable(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+%% More punctuation characters below.
+scan1([$\%|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when not St#erl_scan.comment ->
+ skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
+scan1([$\%=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
+ scan_number(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+scan1("..."++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "...", '...', 3);
+scan1(".."=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+scan1(".."++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "..", '..', 2);
+scan1("."=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+scan1([$.=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ scan_dot(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+scan1([$"|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) -> %" Emacs
+ State0 = {[],[],Line,Col},
+ scan_string(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), Toks, State0);
+scan1([$'|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) -> %' Emacs
+ State0 = {[],[],Line,Col},
+ scan_qatom(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), Toks, State0);
+scan1([$$|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ scan_char(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks);
+scan1([$\r|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
+ white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1, "\r");
+scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $ß, C =< $ÿ, C =/= $÷ ->
+ scan_atom(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $À, C =< $Þ, C /= $× ->
+ scan_variable(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+scan1([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
+ scan_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
+scan1([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
+scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
+ case St#erl_scan.ws of
+ true ->
+ scan_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
+ false ->
+ skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1)
+ end;
+%% Punctuation characters and operators, first recognise multiples.
+%% << <- <=
+scan1("<<"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<<", '<<', 2);
+scan1("<-"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<-", '<-', 2);
+scan1("<="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<=", '<=', 2);
+scan1("<"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% >> >=
+scan1(">>"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ">>", '>>', 2);
+scan1(">="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ">=", '>=', 2);
+scan1(">"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% -> --
+scan1("->"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "->", '->', 2);
+scan1("--"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "--", '--', 2);
+scan1("-"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% ++
+scan1("++"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "++", '++', 2);
+scan1("+"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% =:= =/= =< ==
+scan1("=:="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=:=", '=:=', 3);
+scan1("=:"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+scan1("=/="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=/=", '=/=', 3);
+scan1("=/"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+scan1("=<"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=<", '=<', 2);
+scan1("=="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "==", '==', 2);
+scan1("="=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% /=
+scan1("/="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "/=", '/=', 2);
+scan1("/"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% ||
+scan1("||"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "||", '||', 2);
+scan1("|"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% :-
+scan1(":-"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ":-", ':-', 2);
+%% :: for typed records
+scan1("::"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "::", '::', 2);
+scan1(":"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+%% Optimization: punctuation characters less than 127:
+scan1([$=|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=", '=', 1);
+scan1([$:|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ":", ':', 1);
+scan1([$||Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "|", '|', 1);
+scan1([$#|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "#", '#', 1);
+scan1([$/|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "/", '/', 1);
+scan1([$?|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "?", '?', 1);
+scan1([$-|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "-", '-', 1);
+scan1([$+|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "+", '+', 1);
+scan1([$*|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "*", '*', 1);
+scan1([$<|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<", '<', 1);
+scan1([$>|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ">", '>', 1);
+scan1([$!|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "!", '!', 1);
+scan1([$@|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "@", '@', 1);
+scan1([$\\|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "\\", '\\', 1);
+scan1([$^|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "^", '^', 1);
+scan1([$`|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "`", '`', 1);
+scan1([$~|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "~", '~', 1);
+scan1([$&|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "&", '&', 1);
+%% End of optimization.
+scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?UNI255(C) ->
+ Str = [C],
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Str, list_to_atom(Str), 1);
+scan1([C|Cs], _St, Line, Col, _Toks) when ?CHAR(C) ->
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, 1),
+ scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs);
+scan1([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+scan1(eof=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {ok,Toks,Cs,Line,Col}.
+scan_atom(Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ case scan_name(Cs0, Ncs0) of
+ {more,Ncs} ->
+ {more,{[],Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_atom/6}};
+ {Wcs,Cs} ->
+ case catch list_to_atom(Wcs) of
+ Name when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case (St#erl_scan.resword_fun)(Name) of
+ true ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Wcs, Name);
+ false ->
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, atom, Wcs, Name)
+ end;
+ _Error ->
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Wcs)),
+ scan_error({illegal,atom}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
+ end
+ end.
+scan_variable(Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ case scan_name(Cs0, Ncs0) of
+ {more,Ncs} ->
+ {more,{[],Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_variable/6}};
+ {Wcs,Cs} ->
+ case catch list_to_atom(Wcs) of
+ Name when is_atom(Name) ->
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, var, Wcs, Name);
+ _Error ->
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Wcs)),
+ scan_error({illegal,var}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
+ end
+ end.
+scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
+ scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
+ scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_name([$_=C|Cs], Ncs) ->
+ scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
+ scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_name([$@=C|Cs], Ncs) ->
+ scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $ß, C =< $ÿ, C =/= $÷ ->
+ scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $À, C =< $Þ, C =/= $× ->
+ scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_name([], Ncs) ->
+ {more,Ncs};
+scan_name(Cs, Ncs) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Ncs),Cs}.
+-define(STR(St, S), if St#erl_scan.text -> S; true -> [] end).
+scan_dot([$%|_]=Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
+ {ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_dot([$\n=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, ?STR(St, Ncs++[C])),
+ {ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line+1,new_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_dot([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, ?STR(St, Ncs++[C])),
+ {ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 2)};
+scan_dot(eof=Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
+ {ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_dot(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs, '.', 1).
+%%% White space characters are very common, so it is worthwhile to
+%%% scan them fast and store them compactly. (The words "whitespace"
+%%% and "white space" usually mean the same thing. The Erlang
+%%% specification denotes the characters with ASCII code in the
+%%% interval 0 to 32 as "white space".)
+%%% Convention: if there is a white newline ($\n) it will always be
+%%% the first character in the text string. As a consequence, there
+%%% cannot be more than one newline in a white_space token string.
+%%% Some common combinations are recognized, some are not. Examples
+%%% of the latter are tab(s) followed by space(s), like "\t ".
+%%% (They will be represented by two (or more) tokens.)
+%%% Note: the character sequence "\r\n" is *not* recognized since it
+%%% would violate the property that $\n will always be the first
+%%% character. (But since "\r\n\r\n" is common, it pays off to
+%%% recognize "\n\r".)
+scan_newline([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ scan_nl_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2);
+scan_newline([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ scan_nl_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2);
+scan_newline([$\r|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2, "\n\r");
+scan_newline([$\f|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2, "\n\f");
+scan_newline([], _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{[$\n],Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+scan_newline(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ scan_nl_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "\n").
+scan_nl_spcs([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 17 ->
+ scan_nl_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
+scan_nl_spcs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_nl_spcs/6}};
+scan_nl_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, nl_spcs(N)).
+scan_nl_tabs([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 11 ->
+ scan_nl_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
+scan_nl_tabs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_nl_tabs/6}};
+scan_nl_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, nl_tabs(N)).
+%% Note: returning {more,Cont} is meaningless here; one could just as
+%% well return several tokens. But since tokens() scans up to a full
+%% stop anyway, nothing is gained by not collecting all white spaces.
+scan_nl_white_space([$\n|Cs], #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col,
+ Toks0, Ncs) ->
+ Toks = [{white_space,Line,lists:reverse(Ncs)}|Toks0],
+ scan_newline(Cs, St, Line+1, Col, Toks);
+scan_nl_white_space([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
+ Token = {white_space,Attrs,Ncs},
+ scan_newline(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, length(Ncs)), [Token|Toks]);
+scan_nl_white_space([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
+ scan_nl_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_nl_white_space([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_nl_white_space/6}};
+scan_nl_white_space(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col,
+ Toks, Ncs) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, Col, [{white_space,Line,lists:reverse(Ncs)}|Toks]);
+scan_nl_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
+ Token = {white_space,Attrs,Ncs},
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, length(Ncs)), [Token|Toks]).
+newline_end(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col,
+ Toks, _N, Ncs) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, Col, [{white_space,Line,Ncs}|Toks]);
+newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, Ncs) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, N), [{white_space,Attrs,Ncs}|Toks]).
+scan_spcs([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 16 ->
+ scan_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
+scan_spcs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_spcs/6}};
+scan_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, spcs(N)).
+scan_tabs([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 10 ->
+ scan_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
+scan_tabs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_tabs/6}};
+scan_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, tabs(N)).
+skip_white_space([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, _N) ->
+ skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, 1), Toks, 0);
+skip_white_space([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
+ skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
+skip_white_space([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun skip_white_space/6}};
+skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, N), Toks).
+%% Maybe \t and \s should break the loop.
+scan_white_space([$\n|_]=Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, length(Ncs), lists:reverse(Ncs));
+scan_white_space([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
+ scan_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_white_space([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_white_space/6}};
+scan_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, length(Ncs), lists:reverse(Ncs)).
+white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, Ncs) ->
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, white_space, Ncs, Ncs, N).
+scan_char([$\\|Cs]=Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ case scan_escape(Cs, incr_column(Col, 2)) of
+ more ->
+ {more,{[$$|Cs0],Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+ {error,Ncs,Error,Ncol} ->
+ scan_error(Error, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Ncs);
+ {eof,Ncol} ->
+ scan_error(char, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, eof);
+ {nl,Val,Str,Ncs,Ncol} ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, ?STR(St, "$\\"++Str)), %"
+ Ntoks = [{char,Attrs,Val}|Toks],
+ scan1(Ncs, St, Line+1, Ncol, Ntoks);
+ {Val,Str,Ncs,Ncol} ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, ?STR(St, "$\\"++Str)), %"
+ Ntoks = [{char,Attrs,Val}|Toks],
+ scan1(Ncs, St, Line, Ncol, Ntoks)
+ end;
+scan_char([$\n=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, ?STR(St, [$$,C])),
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, 1), [{char,Attrs,C}|Toks]);
+scan_char([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, ?STR(St, [$$,C])),
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, 2), [{char,Attrs,C}|Toks]);
+scan_char([C|_Cs], _St, Line, Col, _Toks) when ?CHAR(C) ->
+ scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), eof);
+scan_char([], _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
+ {more,{[$$],Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
+scan_char(eof, _St, Line, Col, _Toks) ->
+ scan_error(char, Line, Col, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), eof).
+scan_string(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {Wcs,Str,Line0,Col0}) ->
+ case scan_string0(Cs, St, Line, Col, $\", Str, Wcs) of %"
+ {more,Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs} ->
+ State = {Nwcs,Nstr,Line0,Col0},
+ {more,{Ncs,Ncol,Toks,Nline,State,fun scan_string/6}};
+ {char_error,Ncs,Error,Nline,Ncol,EndCol} ->
+ scan_error(Error, Nline, Ncol, Nline, EndCol, Ncs);
+ {error,Nline,Ncol,Nwcs,Ncs} ->
+ Estr = string:substr(Nwcs, 1, 16), % Expanded escape chars.
+ scan_error({string,$\",Estr}, Line0, Col0, Nline, Ncol, Ncs); %"
+ {Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs} ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line0, Col0, St, Nstr),
+ scan1(Ncs, St, Nline, Ncol, [{string,Attrs,Nwcs}|Toks])
+ end.
+scan_qatom(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {Wcs,Str,Line0,Col0}) ->
+ case scan_string0(Cs, St, Line, Col, $\', Str, Wcs) of %'
+ {more,Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs} ->
+ State = {Nwcs,Nstr,Line0,Col0},
+ {more,{Ncs,Ncol,Toks,Nline,State,fun scan_qatom/6}};
+ {char_error,Ncs,Error,Nline,Ncol,EndCol} ->
+ scan_error(Error, Nline, Ncol, Nline, EndCol, Ncs);
+ {error,Nline,Ncol,Nwcs,Ncs} ->
+ Estr = string:substr(Nwcs, 1, 16), % Expanded escape chars.
+ scan_error({string,$\',Estr}, Line0, Col0, Nline, Ncol, Ncs); %'
+ {Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs} ->
+ case catch list_to_atom(Nwcs) of
+ A when is_atom(A) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line0, Col0, St, Nstr),
+ scan1(Ncs, St, Nline, Ncol, [{atom,Attrs,A}|Toks]);
+ _ ->
+ scan_error({illegal,atom}, Line0, Col0, Nline, Ncol, Ncs)
+ end
+ end.
+scan_string0(Cs, #erl_scan{text=false}, Line, no_col=Col, Q, [], Wcs) ->
+ scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, Wcs);
+scan_string0(Cs, #erl_scan{text=true}, Line, no_col=Col, Q, Str, Wcs) ->
+ scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, Str, Wcs);
+scan_string0(Cs, St, Line, Col, Q, [], Wcs) ->
+ scan_string_col(Cs, St, Line, Col, Q, Wcs);
+scan_string0(Cs, _St, Line, Col, Q, Str, Wcs) ->
+ scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, Str, Wcs).
+%% Optimization. Col =:= no_col.
+scan_string_no_col([Q|Cs], Line, Col, Q, Wcs) ->
+ {Cs,Line,Col,_DontCare=[],lists:reverse(Wcs)};
+scan_string_no_col([$\n=C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, Wcs) ->
+ scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line+1, Col, Q, [C|Wcs]);
+scan_string_no_col([C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, Wcs) when C =/= $\\, ?UNICODE(C) ->
+ scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, [C|Wcs]);
+scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, Wcs) ->
+ scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, Wcs, Wcs).
+%% Optimization. Col =/= no_col.
+scan_string_col([Q|Cs], St, Line, Col, Q, Wcs0) ->
+ Wcs = lists:reverse(Wcs0),
+ Str = ?STR(St, [Q|Wcs++[Q]]),
+ {Cs,Line,Col+1,Str,Wcs};
+scan_string_col([$\n=C|Cs], St, Line, _xCol, Q, Wcs) ->
+ scan_string_col(Cs, St, Line+1, 1, Q, [C|Wcs]);
+scan_string_col([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Q, Wcs) when C =/= $\\, ?UNICODE(C) ->
+ scan_string_col(Cs, St, Line, Col+1, Q, [C|Wcs]);
+scan_string_col(Cs, _St, Line, Col, Q, Wcs) ->
+ scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, Wcs, Wcs).
+%% Note: in those cases when a 'char_error' tuple is returned below it
+%% is tempting to skip over characters up to the first Q character,
+%% but then the end location of the error tuple would not correspond
+%% to the start location of the returned Rest string. (Maybe the end
+%% location could be modified, but that too is ugly.)
+scan_string1([Q|Cs], Line, Col, Q, Str0, Wcs0) ->
+ Wcs = lists:reverse(Wcs0),
+ Str = [Q|lists:reverse(Str0, [Q])],
+ {Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 1),Str,Wcs};
+scan_string1([$\n=C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, Str, Wcs) ->
+ Ncol = new_column(Col, 1),
+ scan_string1(Cs, Line+1, Ncol, Q, [C|Str], [C|Wcs]);
+scan_string1([$\\|Cs]=Cs0, Line, Col, Q, Str, Wcs) ->
+ case scan_escape(Cs, Col) of
+ more ->
+ {more,Cs0,Line,Col,Str,Wcs};
+ {error,Ncs,Error,Ncol} ->
+ {char_error,Ncs,Error,Line,Col,incr_column(Ncol, 1)};
+ {eof,Ncol} ->
+ {error,Line,incr_column(Ncol, 1),lists:reverse(Wcs),eof};
+ {nl,Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} ->
+ Nstr = lists:reverse(ValStr, [$\\|Str]),
+ Nwcs = [Val|Wcs],
+ scan_string1(Ncs, Line+1, Ncol, Q, Nstr, Nwcs);
+ {Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} ->
+ Nstr = lists:reverse(ValStr, [$\\|Str]),
+ Nwcs = [Val|Wcs],
+ scan_string1(Ncs, Line, incr_column(Ncol, 1), Q, Nstr, Nwcs)
+ end;
+scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, no_col=Col, Q, Str, Wcs) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
+ scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, [C|Str], [C|Wcs]);
+scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, Str, Wcs) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
+ scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col+1, Q, [C|Str], [C|Wcs]);
+scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, Col, _Q, _Str, _Wcs) when ?CHAR(C) ->
+ {char_error,Cs,{illegal,character},Line,Col,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_string1([]=Cs, Line, Col, _Q, Str, Wcs) ->
+ {more,Cs,Line,Col,Str,Wcs};
+scan_string1(eof, Line, Col, _Q, _Str, Wcs) ->
+ {error,Line,Col,lists:reverse(Wcs),eof}.
+-define(OCT(C), C >= $0, C =< $7).
+-define(HEX(C), C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 orelse
+ C >= $A andalso C =< $F orelse
+ C >= $a andalso C =< $f).
+%% \<1-3> octal digits
+scan_escape([O1,O2,O3|Cs], Col) when ?OCT(O1), ?OCT(O2), ?OCT(O3) ->
+ Val = (O1*8 + O2)*8 + O3 - 73*$0,
+ {Val,[O1,O2,O3],Cs,incr_column(Col, 3)};
+scan_escape([O1,O2], _Col) when ?OCT(O1), ?OCT(O2) ->
+ more;
+scan_escape([O1,O2|Cs], Col) when ?OCT(O1), ?OCT(O2) ->
+ Val = (O1*8 + O2) - 9*$0,
+ {Val,[O1,O2],Cs,incr_column(Col, 2)};
+scan_escape([O1], _Col) when ?OCT(O1) ->
+ more;
+scan_escape([O1|Cs], Col) when ?OCT(O1) ->
+ {O1 - $0,[O1],Cs,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+%% \x{<hex digits>}
+scan_escape([$x,${|Cs], Col) ->
+ scan_hex(Cs, incr_column(Col, 2), []);
+scan_escape([$x], _Col) ->
+ more;
+scan_escape([$x|eof], Col) ->
+ {eof,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+%% \x<2> hexadecimal digits
+scan_escape([$x,H1,H2|Cs], Col) when ?HEX(H1), ?HEX(H2) ->
+ Val = erlang:list_to_integer([H1,H2], 16),
+ {Val,[$x,H1,H2],Cs,incr_column(Col, 3)};
+scan_escape([$x,H1], _Col) when ?HEX(H1) ->
+ more;
+scan_escape([$x|Cs], Col) ->
+ {error,Cs,{illegal,character},incr_column(Col, 1)};
+%% \^X -> CTL-X
+scan_escape([$^=C0,$\n=C|Cs], Col) ->
+ {nl,C,[C0,C],Cs,new_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_escape([$^=C0,C|Cs], Col) when ?CHAR(C) ->
+ Val = C band 31,
+ {Val,[C0,C],Cs,incr_column(Col, 2)};
+scan_escape([$^], _Col) ->
+ more;
+scan_escape([$^|eof], Col) ->
+ {eof,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_escape([$\n=C|Cs], Col) ->
+ {nl,C,[C],Cs,new_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_escape([C0|Cs], Col) when ?UNICODE(C0) ->
+ C = escape_char(C0),
+ {C,[C0],Cs,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_escape([C|Cs], Col) when ?CHAR(C) ->
+ {error,Cs,{illegal,character},incr_column(Col, 1)};
+scan_escape([], _Col) ->
+ more;
+scan_escape(eof, Col) ->
+ {eof,Col}.
+scan_hex([C|Cs], no_col=Col, Wcs) when ?HEX(C) ->
+ scan_hex(Cs, Col, [C|Wcs]);
+scan_hex([C|Cs], Col, Wcs) when ?HEX(C) ->
+ scan_hex(Cs, Col+1, [C|Wcs]);
+scan_hex(Cs, Col, Wcs) ->
+ scan_esc_end(Cs, Col, Wcs, 16, "x{").
+scan_esc_end([$}|Cs], Col, Wcs0, B, Str0) ->
+ Wcs = lists:reverse(Wcs0),
+ case catch erlang:list_to_integer(Wcs, B) of
+ Val when ?UNICODE(Val) ->
+ {Val,Str0++Wcs++[$}],Cs,incr_column(Col, 1)};
+ _ ->
+ {error,Cs,{illegal,character},incr_column(Col, 1)}
+ end;
+scan_esc_end([], _Col, _Wcs, _B, _Str0) ->
+ more;
+scan_esc_end(eof, Col, _Wcs, _B, _Str0) ->
+ {eof,Col};
+scan_esc_end(Cs, Col, _Wcs, _B, _Str0) ->
+ {error,Cs,{illegal,character},Col}.
+escape_char($n) -> $\n; % \n = LF
+escape_char($r) -> $\r; % \r = CR
+escape_char($t) -> $\t; % \t = TAB
+escape_char($v) -> $\v; % \v = VT
+escape_char($b) -> $\b; % \b = BS
+escape_char($f) -> $\f; % \f = FF
+escape_char($e) -> $\e; % \e = ESC
+escape_char($s) -> $\s; % \s = SPC
+escape_char($d) -> $\d; % \d = DEL
+escape_char(C) -> C.
+scan_number([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
+ scan_number(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_number([$.,C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
+ scan_fraction(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C,$.|Ncs]);
+scan_number([$.]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_number/6}};
+scan_number([$#|Cs]=Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
+ case catch list_to_integer(Ncs) of
+ B when B >= 2, B =< 1+$Z-$A+10 ->
+ Bcs = ?STR(St, Ncs++[$#]),
+ scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[],Bcs});
+ B ->
+ Len = length(Ncs),
+ scan_error({base,B}, Line, Col, Line, incr_column(Col, Len), Cs0)
+ end;
+scan_number([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_number/6}};
+scan_number(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
+ case catch list_to_integer(Ncs) of
+ N when is_integer(N) ->
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, integer, Ncs, N);
+ _ ->
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Ncs)),
+ scan_error({illegal,integer}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
+ end.
+scan_based_int([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs,Bcs})
+ when ?DIGIT(C), C < $0+B ->
+ scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[C|Ncs],Bcs});
+scan_based_int([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs,Bcs})
+ when C >= $A, B > 10, C < $A+B-10 ->
+ scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[C|Ncs],Bcs});
+scan_based_int([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs,Bcs})
+ when C >= $a, B > 10, C < $a+B-10 ->
+ scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[C|Ncs],Bcs});
+scan_based_int([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, State) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,State,fun scan_based_int/6}};
+scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs0,Bcs}) ->
+ Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
+ case catch erlang:list_to_integer(Ncs, B) of
+ N when is_integer(N) ->
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, integer, ?STR(St, Bcs++Ncs), N);
+ _ ->
+ Len = length(Bcs)+length(Ncs),
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, Len),
+ scan_error({illegal,integer}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
+ end.
+scan_fraction([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
+ scan_fraction(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_fraction([E|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when E =:= $e; E =:= $E ->
+ scan_exponent_sign(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [E|Ncs]);
+scan_fraction([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_fraction/6}};
+scan_fraction(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ float_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs).
+scan_exponent_sign([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when C =:= $+; C =:= $- ->
+ scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_exponent_sign([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_exponent_sign/6}};
+scan_exponent_sign(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs).
+scan_exponent([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
+ scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
+scan_exponent([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_exponent/6}};
+scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ float_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs).
+float_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
+ case catch list_to_float(Ncs) of
+ F when is_float(F) ->
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, float, Ncs, F);
+ _ ->
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Ncs)),
+ scan_error({illegal,float}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
+ end.
+skip_comment([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when C =/= $\n, ?CHAR(C) ->
+ case ?UNICODE(C) of
+ true ->
+ skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
+ false ->
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, N+1),
+ scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
+ end;
+skip_comment([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun skip_comment/6}};
+skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, N), Toks).
+scan_comment([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when C =/= $\n, ?CHAR(C) ->
+ case ?UNICODE(C) of
+ true ->
+ scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
+ false ->
+ Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Ncs)+1),
+ scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
+ end;
+scan_comment([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
+ {more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_comment/6}};
+scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
+ Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, comment, Ncs, Ncs).
+tok2(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, _Wcs, P) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{P,Line}|Toks]);
+tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Wcs, P) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Wcs),
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, length(Wcs)), [{P,Attrs}|Toks]).
+tok2(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, _Wcs, P, _N) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{P,Line}|Toks]);
+tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Wcs, P, N) ->
+ Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Wcs),
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, N), [{P,Attrs}|Toks]).
+tok3(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, Item, _S, Sym) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{Item,Line,Sym}|Toks]);
+tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Item, String, Sym) ->
+ Token = {Item,attributes(Line, Col, St, String),Sym},
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, length(String)), [Token|Toks]).
+tok3(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, Item,
+ _String, Sym, _Length) ->
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{Item,Line,Sym}|Toks]);
+tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Item, String, Sym, Length) ->
+ Token = {Item,attributes(Line, Col, St, String),Sym},
+ scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, Length), [Token|Toks]).
+scan_error(Error, Line, Col, EndLine, EndCol, Rest) ->
+ Loc = location(Line, Col),
+ EndLoc = location(EndLine, EndCol),
+ scan_error(Error, Loc, EndLoc, Rest).
+scan_error(Error, ErrorLoc, EndLoc, Rest) ->
+ {{error,{ErrorLoc,?MODULE,Error},EndLoc},Rest}.
+attributes(Line, no_col, #erl_scan{text = false}, _String) ->
+ Line;
+attributes(Line, no_col, #erl_scan{text = true}, String) ->
+ [{line,Line},{text,String}];
+attributes(Line, Col, #erl_scan{text = false}, _String) ->
+ {Line,Col};
+attributes(Line, Col, #erl_scan{text = true}, String) ->
+ [{line,Line},{column,Col},{text,String}].
+location(Line, no_col) ->
+ Line;
+location(Line, Col) when is_integer(Col) ->
+ {Line,Col}.
+incr_column(no_col=Col, _N) ->
+ Col;
+incr_column(Col, N) when is_integer(Col) ->
+ Col + N.
+new_column(no_col=Col, _Ncol) ->
+ Col;
+new_column(Col, Ncol) when is_integer(Col) ->
+ Ncol.
+nl_spcs(2) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(3) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(4) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(5) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(6) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(7) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(8) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(9) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(10) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(11) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(12) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(13) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(14) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(15) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(16) -> "\n ";
+nl_spcs(17) -> "\n ".
+spcs(1) -> " ";
+spcs(2) -> " ";
+spcs(3) -> " ";
+spcs(4) -> " ";
+spcs(5) -> " ";
+spcs(6) -> " ";
+spcs(7) -> " ";
+spcs(8) -> " ";
+spcs(9) -> " ";
+spcs(10) -> " ";
+spcs(11) -> " ";
+spcs(12) -> " ";
+spcs(13) -> " ";
+spcs(14) -> " ";
+spcs(15) -> " ";
+spcs(16) -> " ".
+nl_tabs(2) -> "\n\t";
+nl_tabs(3) -> "\n\t\t";
+nl_tabs(4) -> "\n\t\t\t";
+nl_tabs(5) -> "\n\t\t\t\t";
+nl_tabs(6) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t";
+nl_tabs(7) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+nl_tabs(8) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+nl_tabs(9) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+nl_tabs(10) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+nl_tabs(11) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".
+tabs(1) -> "\t";
+tabs(2) -> "\t\t";
+tabs(3) -> "\t\t\t";
+tabs(4) -> "\t\t\t\t";
+tabs(5) -> "\t\t\t\t\t";
+tabs(6) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+tabs(7) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+tabs(8) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+tabs(9) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
+tabs(10) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".
+-spec reserved_word(Atom :: atom()) -> boolean().
+reserved_word('after') -> true;
+reserved_word('begin') -> true;
+reserved_word('case') -> true;
+reserved_word('try') -> true;
+reserved_word('cond') -> true;
+reserved_word('catch') -> true;
+reserved_word('andalso') -> true;
+reserved_word('orelse') -> true;
+reserved_word('end') -> true;
+reserved_word('fun') -> true;
+reserved_word('if') -> true;
+reserved_word('let') -> true;
+reserved_word('of') -> true;
+reserved_word('receive') -> true;
+reserved_word('when') -> true;
+reserved_word('bnot') -> true;
+reserved_word('not') -> true;
+reserved_word('div') -> true;
+reserved_word('rem') -> true;
+reserved_word('band') -> true;
+reserved_word('and') -> true;
+reserved_word('bor') -> true;
+reserved_word('bxor') -> true;
+reserved_word('bsl') -> true;
+reserved_word('bsr') -> true;
+reserved_word('or') -> true;
+reserved_word('xor') -> true;
+reserved_word(_) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/multiple_wrong_opaques.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/multiple_wrong_opaques.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9f7ad825b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/multiple_wrong_opaques.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+-spec weird(dict:dict() | gb_trees:tree()) -> 42.
+weird(gazonk) -> 42.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_digraph/my_digraph_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_digraph/my_digraph_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82159d6a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_digraph/my_digraph_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-export([new/0, new/1]).
+-record(my_digraph, {vtab = notable,
+ etab = notable,
+ ntab = notable,
+ cyclic = true :: boolean()}).
+-opaque my_digraph() :: #my_digraph{}.
+-type d_protection() :: 'private' | 'protected'.
+-type d_cyclicity() :: 'acyclic' | 'cyclic'.
+-type d_type() :: d_cyclicity() | d_protection().
+-spec new() -> my_digraph().
+new() -> new([]).
+-spec new([atom()]) -> my_digraph().
+new(Type) ->
+ try check_type(Type, protected, []) of
+ {Access, Ts} ->
+ V = ets:new(vertices, [set, Access]),
+ E = ets:new(edges, [set, Access]),
+ N = ets:new(neighbours, [bag, Access]),
+ ets:insert(N, [{'$vid', 0}, {'$eid', 0}]),
+ set_type(Ts, #my_digraph{vtab=V, etab=E, ntab=N})
+ catch
+ throw:Error -> throw(Error)
+ end.
+-spec check_type([atom()], d_protection(), [{'cyclic', boolean()}]) ->
+ {d_protection(), [{'cyclic', boolean()}]}.
+check_type([acyclic|Ts], A, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, A,[{cyclic,false} | L]);
+check_type([cyclic | Ts], A, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, A, [{cyclic,true} | L]);
+check_type([protected | Ts], _, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, protected, L);
+check_type([private | Ts], _, L) ->
+ check_type(Ts, private, L);
+check_type([T | _], _, _) ->
+ throw({error, {unknown_type, T}});
+check_type([], A, L) -> {A, L}.
+-spec set_type([{'cyclic', boolean()}], my_digraph()) -> my_digraph().
+set_type([{cyclic,V} | Ks], G) ->
+ set_type(Ks, G#my_digraph{cyclic = V});
+set_type([], G) -> G.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_queue/my_queue_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_queue/my_queue_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52688062ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_queue/my_queue_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+-export([new/0, add/2, dequeue/1, is_empty/1]).
+-opaque my_queue() :: list().
+-spec new() -> my_queue().
+new() ->
+ [].
+-spec add(term(), my_queue()) -> my_queue().
+add(E, Q) ->
+ Q ++ [E].
+-spec dequeue(my_queue()) -> {term(), my_queue()}.
+dequeue([H|T]) ->
+ {H, T}.
+-spec is_empty(my_queue()) -> boolean().
+is_empty([]) ->
+ true;
+is_empty([_|_]) ->
+ false.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_queue/my_queue_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_queue/my_queue_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98f9972c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/my_queue/my_queue_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+-export([ok1/0, ok2/0, wrong1/0, wrong2/0, wrong3/0, wrong4/0, wrong5/0]).
+ok1() ->
+ my_queue_adt:is_empty(my_queue_adt:new()).
+ok2() ->
+ Q0 = my_queue_adt:new(),
+ Q1 = my_queue_adt:add(42, Q0),
+ {42, Q2} = my_queue_adt:dequeue(Q1),
+ my_queue_adt:is_empty(Q2).
+wrong1() ->
+ my_queue_adt:is_empty([]).
+wrong2() ->
+ Q0 = [],
+ my_queue_adt:add(42, Q0).
+wrong3() ->
+ Q0 = my_queue_adt:new(),
+ Q1 = my_queue_adt:add(42, Q0),
+ [42|Q2] = Q1,
+ Q2.
+wrong4() ->
+ Q0 = my_queue_adt:new(),
+ Q1 = my_queue_adt:add(42, Q0),
+ Q1 =:= [].
+wrong5() ->
+ Q0 = my_queue_adt:new(),
+ {42, Q2} = my_queue_adt:dequeue([42|Q0]),
+ Q2.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdcaa5f9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-opaque abc() :: 'a' | 'b' | 'c'.
+-spec atom_or_list(_) -> abc() | list().
+atom_or_list(1) -> a;
+atom_or_list(2) -> b;
+atom_or_list(3) -> c;
+atom_or_list(N) -> lists:duplicate(N, a).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug1.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug1.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a03989853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug1.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+%% A test for which the analysis went into an infinite loop due to
+%% specialization using structured type instead of the opaque one.
+-record(c, {a::atom()}).
+-opaque erl_type() :: 'any' | #c{}.
+test(#c{a=foo} = T) -> local(T).
+local(#c{a=foo}) -> any.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug2.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug2.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f193a58f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug2.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%% A test for which the analysis gave a bogus warning due to
+%% considering the function call name to be of opaque type...
+-opaque o() :: 'map'.
+test() ->
+ lists:map(fun(X) -> X+1 end, [1,2]).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug3.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug3.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71da82a1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug3.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%% A test for which the analysis gave wrong results because it did not
+%% handle the is_tuple/1 guard properly.
+-record(c, {}).
+-opaque o() :: 'a' | #c{}.
+-spec test(o()) -> 42.
+test(#c{} = O) -> t(O).
+t(T) when is_tuple(T) -> 42;
+t(a) -> gazonk.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug4.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug4.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7ddc80fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug4.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%% A test for which the analysis gave wrong results due to erroneous
+%% specialization and incorrect handling of unions.
+-export([ok/0, wrong/0]).
+%-spec ok() -> 'ok'.
+ok() ->
+ L = opaque_adt:atom_or_list(42),
+ foo(L).
+%-spec wrong() -> 'not_ok'.
+wrong() ->
+ A = opaque_adt:atom_or_list(1),
+ foo(A).
+foo(a) -> not_ok;
+foo([_|_]) -> ok.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug5.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug5.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28d739de8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/opaque/opaque_bug5.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+%% Second arg of is_record call wasn't checked properly
+b() ->
+ is_record(id({a}), id(a)).
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/myqueue.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/myqueue.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f76680464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/myqueue.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+-export([new/0, in/2]).
+-record(myqueue, {queue = queue:new() :: queue:queue({integer(), _})}).
+-opaque myqueue(Item) :: #myqueue{queue :: queue:queue({integer(), Item})}.
+-spec new() -> myqueue(_).
+new() ->
+ #myqueue{queue=queue:new()}.
+-spec in(Item, myqueue(Item)) -> myqueue(Item).
+in(Item, #myqueue{queue=Q}) ->
+ #myqueue{queue=queue:in({1, Item}, Q)}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/myqueue_params.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/myqueue_params.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d766b7804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/myqueue_params.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+-export([new/0, in/2]).
+-record(myqueue_params, {myqueue = myqueue:new() :: myqueue:myqueue(integer())}).
+-type myqueue_params() :: #myqueue_params{myqueue ::
+ myqueue:myqueue(integer())}.
+-spec new() -> myqueue_params().
+new() ->
+ #myqueue_params{myqueue=myqueue:new()}.
+-spec in(integer(), myqueue_params()) -> myqueue_params().
+in(Item, #myqueue_params{myqueue=Q} = P) when is_integer(Item) ->
+ P#myqueue_params{myqueue=myqueue:in(Item, Q)}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para1.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para1.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68e2c60368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para1.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+%% Parameterized opaque types
+-export_type([t/0, t/1]).
+-opaque t() :: {integer(), integer()}.
+-opaque t(A) :: {A, A}.
+-type y(A) :: {A, A}.
+tt1() ->
+ I = t1(),
+ A = t2(),
+ A =:= I. % never 'true'
+tt2() ->
+ I = t0(),
+ A = t2(),
+ A =:= I. % never 'true'
+tt3() ->
+ I1 = t0(),
+ I2 = t1(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % never true
+tt4() ->
+ I1 = y1(),
+ I2 = y2(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % cannot evaluate to true
+adt_tt1() ->
+ I = adt_t1(),
+ A = adt_t2(),
+ A =:= I. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt2() ->
+ I = adt_t0(),
+ A = adt_t2(),
+ A =:= I. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt3() ->
+ I1 = adt_t0(),
+ I2 = adt_t1(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt4() ->
+ I1 = adt_y1(),
+ I2 = adt_y2(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % cannot evaluate to true
+-spec t0() -> t().
+t0() ->
+ {3, 2}.
+-spec t1() -> t(integer()).
+t1() ->
+ {3, 3}.
+-spec t2() -> t(atom()).
+t2() ->
+ {a, b}.
+-spec y1() -> y(integer()).
+y1() ->
+ {3, 2}.
+-spec y2() -> y(atom()).
+y2() ->
+ {a, b}.
+adt_t0() ->
+ para1_adt:t0().
+adt_t1() ->
+ para1_adt:t1().
+adt_t2() ->
+ para1_adt:t2().
+adt_y1() ->
+ para1_adt:y1().
+adt_y2() ->
+ para1_adt:y2().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para1_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para1_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95ac6b7982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para1_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-export([t0/0, t1/0, t2/0, y1/0, y2/0]).
+-export_type([t/0, t/1, y/1]).
+-opaque t() :: {integer(), integer()}.
+-opaque t(A) :: {A, A}.
+-type y(A) :: {A, A}.
+-spec t0() -> t().
+t0() ->
+ {3, 2}.
+-spec t1() -> t(integer()).
+t1() ->
+ {3, 3}.
+-spec t2() -> t(atom()).
+t2() ->
+ {a, b}.
+-spec y1() -> y(integer()).
+y1() ->
+ {3, 2}.
+-spec y2() -> y(atom()).
+y2() ->
+ {a, b}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para2.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para2.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4461ff291c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para2.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+%% More parameterized opaque types
+-export_type([c1/0, c2/0]).
+-export_type([circ/1, circ/2]).
+-opaque strange(A) :: {B, B, A}.
+-spec t(strange(integer())) -> strange(atom()).
+t({3, 4, 5}) ->
+ {a, b, c}.
+-opaque c1() :: c2().
+-opaque c2() :: c1().
+c() ->
+ A = c1(),
+ B = c2(),
+ A =:= B.
+t() ->
+ A = ct1(),
+ B = ct2(),
+ A =:= B. % can never evaluate to 'true'
+-spec c1() -> c1().
+c1() ->
+ a.
+-spec c2() -> c2().
+c2() ->
+ a.
+-type ct1() :: ct2().
+-type ct2() :: ct1().
+-spec ct1() -> ct1().
+ct1() ->
+ a.
+-spec ct2() -> ct2().
+ct2() ->
+ b.
+c_adt() ->
+ A = c1_adt(),
+ B = c2_adt(),
+ A =:= B. % opaque attempt
+t_adt() ->
+ A = ct1_adt(),
+ B = ct2_adt(),
+ A =:= B. % can never evaluate to true
+c1_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:c1().
+c2_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:c2().
+ct1_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:ct1().
+ct2_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:ct2().
+-opaque circ(A) :: circ(A, A).
+-opaque circ(A, B) :: circ({A, B}).
+tcirc() ->
+ A = circ1(),
+ B = circ2(),
+ A =:= B. % can never evaluate to 'true'
+-spec circ1() -> circ(integer()).
+circ1() ->
+ 3.
+-spec circ2() -> circ(integer(), integer()).
+circ2() ->
+ {3, 3}.
+tcirc_adt() ->
+ A = circ1_adt(),
+ B = circ2_adt(),
+ A =:= B. % opaque attempt (number of parameters differs)
+circ1_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:circ1().
+circ2_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:circ2().
+u_adt() ->
+ A = u1_adt(),
+ B = u2_adt(),
+ %% The resulting types are equal, but not the parameters:
+ A =:= B. % opaque attempt
+u1_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:u1().
+u2_adt() ->
+ para2_adt:u2().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para2_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para2_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96df437c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para2_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%% More parameterized opaque types
+-export_type([c1/0, c2/0]).
+-export_type([ct1/0, ct2/0]).
+-export_type([circ/1, circ/2]).
+-export([c1/0, c2/0, ct1/0, ct2/0, circ1/0, circ2/0, u1/0, u2/0]).
+-opaque c1() :: c2().
+-opaque c2() :: c1().
+-spec c1() -> c1().
+c1() ->
+ a.
+-spec c2() -> c2().
+c2() ->
+ a.
+-type ct1() :: ct2().
+-type ct2() :: ct1().
+-spec ct1() -> ct1().
+ct1() ->
+ a.
+-spec ct2() -> ct2().
+ct2() ->
+ b.
+-opaque circ(A) :: circ(A, A).
+-opaque circ(A, B) :: circ({A, B}).
+-spec circ1() -> circ(integer()).
+circ1() ->
+ 3.
+-spec circ2() -> circ(integer(), integer()).
+circ2() ->
+ {3, 3}.
+-opaque un(A, B) :: A | B.
+-spec u1() -> un(integer(), atom()).
+u1() ->
+ 3.
+-spec u2() -> un(atom(), integer()).
+u2() ->
+ 3.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para3.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para3.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8c1f561f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para3.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+-export([t/0, t1/1, t2/0, ot1/1, ot2/0, t1_adt/0, t2_adt/0]).
+%% More opaque tests.
+-export_type([ot1/0, ot1/1, ot1/2, ot1/3, ot1/4, ot1/5]).
+-opaque ot1() :: {ot1(_)}.
+-opaque ot1(A) :: {ot1(A, A)}.
+-opaque ot1(A, B) :: {ot1(A, B, A)}.
+-opaque ot1(A, B, C) :: {ot1(A, B, C, A)}.
+-opaque ot1(A, B, C, D) :: {ot1(A, B, C, D, A)}.
+-opaque ot1(A, B, C, D, E) :: {A, B, C, D, E}.
+-spec ot1(_) -> ot1().
+ot1(A) ->
+ {{{{{A, A, A, A, A}}}}}.
+-spec ot2() -> ot1(). % invalid type spec
+ot2() ->
+ foo.
+t() ->
+ {{{17}}} = t1(3). %% pattern can never match
+-type t1() :: {t1(_)}.
+-type t1(A) :: {t1(A, A)}.
+-type t1(A, B) :: {t1(A, B, A)}.
+-type t1(A, B, C) :: {t1(A, B, C, A)}.
+-type t1(A, B, C, D) :: {t1(A, B, C, D, A)}.
+-type t1(A, B, C, D, E) :: {A, B, C, D, E}.
+-spec t1(_) -> t1().
+t1(A) ->
+ {{{{{A, A, A, A, A}}}}}.
+-spec t2() -> t1(). % invalid type spec
+t2() ->
+ foo.
+%% Shows that the list TypeNames in t_from_form must include ArgsLen.
+t1_adt() ->
+ {{{{{17}}}}} = para3_adt:t1(3). % breaks the opacity
+t2_adt() ->
+ {{{{17}}}} = para3_adt:t1(3). % can never match
+-type exp() :: para3_adt:exp1(para3_adt:exp2()).
+-spec exp_adt() -> exp(). % invalid type spec
+exp_adt() ->
+ 3.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para3_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para3_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3919b846e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para3_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-export_type([t1/0, t1/1, t1/2, t1/3, t1/4, ot1/5]).
+-export_type([exp1/1, exp2/0]).
+-type t1() :: {t1(_)}.
+-type t1(A) :: {t1(A, A)}.
+-type t1(A, B) :: {t1(A, B, A)}.
+-type t1(A, B, C) :: {t1(A, B, C, A)}.
+-type t1(A, B, C, D) :: {ot1(A, B, C, D, A)}.
+-opaque ot1(A, B, C, D, E) :: {A, B, C, D, E}.
+-spec t1(_) -> t1().
+t1(A) ->
+ {{{{{A, A, A, A, A}}}}}.
+-opaque exp1(T) :: T.
+-opaque exp2() :: integer().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para4.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para4.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9794672a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para4.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+-export_type([d_atom/0, d_integer/0, d_tuple/0, d_all/0]).
+-type ai() :: atom() | integer().
+-type d(T) :: dict:dict(T, T).
+-opaque d_atom() :: d(atom()).
+-opaque d_integer() :: d(integer()).
+-opaque d_tuple() :: d(tuple()).
+-opaque d_all() :: d(ai()).
+b(D) ->
+ a(D) ++ i(D).
+-spec a(d_atom()) -> [{atom(), atom()}]. % Invalid type spec
+a(D) ->
+ c(D).
+-spec i(d_integer()) -> [{integer(), integer()}]. % Invalid type spec
+i(D) ->
+ c(D).
+-spec t(d_tuple()) -> [{tuple(), tuple()}]. % Invalid type spec.
+t(D) ->
+ c(D).
+-spec c(d_all()) -> [{ai(), ai()}].
+c(D) ->
+ dict:to_list(D).
+-opaque t(A) :: {A, A}.
+adt_tt5() ->
+ I1 = adt_y1(),
+ I2 = adt_y3(),
+ I1 =:= I2.
+adt_tt6() ->
+ I1 = adt_y2(),
+ I2 = adt_y3(),
+ I1 =:= I2.
+adt_tt7() ->
+ I1 = adt_t1(),
+ I2 = adt_t3(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt8() ->
+ I1 = adt_t2(),
+ I2 = adt_t3(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt9() ->
+ I1 = adt_int2(),
+ I2 = adt_int4(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt10() ->
+ I1 = adt_int2(),
+ I2 = adt_int2_4(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt11() ->
+ I1 = adt_int5_7(),
+ I2 = adt_int2_4(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt12() ->
+ I1 = adt_un1_2(),
+ I2 = adt_un3_4(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+adt_tt13() ->
+ I1 = adt_tup(),
+ I2 = adt_tup2(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % opaque attempt
+y3() ->
+ {a, 3}.
+adt_t1() ->
+ para4_adt:t1().
+adt_t2() ->
+ para4_adt:t2().
+adt_t3() ->
+ para4_adt:t3().
+adt_y1() ->
+ para4_adt:y1().
+adt_y2() ->
+ para4_adt:y2().
+adt_y3() ->
+ para4_adt:y3().
+adt_int2() ->
+ para4_adt:int2().
+adt_int4() ->
+ para4_adt:int4().
+adt_int2_4() ->
+ para4_adt:int2_4().
+adt_int5_7() ->
+ para4_adt:int5_7().
+adt_un1_2() ->
+ para4_adt:un1_2().
+adt_un3_4() ->
+ para4_adt:un3_4().
+adt_tup() ->
+ para4_adt:tup().
+adt_tup2() ->
+ para4_adt:tup2().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para4_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para4_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..407dd198a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para4_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+-export([t1/0, t2/0, t3/0, y1/0, y2/0, y3/0]).
+-export([int2/0, int4/0, int2_4/0, int5_7/0]).
+-export([un1_2/0, un3_4/0]).
+-export([tup/0, tup2/0]).
+-export_type([t/1, y/1, int/1, tup/1, un/1]).
+-type ai() :: atom() | integer().
+-opaque t(A) :: {A, A}.
+-type y(A) :: {A, A}.
+-opaque int(I) :: I.
+-opaque un(I) :: atom() | I.
+-opaque tup(T) :: T.
+-spec t1() -> t(integer()).
+t1() ->
+ {i(), i()}.
+-spec t2() -> t(atom()).
+t2() ->
+ {a(), a()}.
+-spec t3() -> t(ai()).
+t3() ->
+ {ai(), ai()}.
+-spec y1() -> y(integer()).
+y1() ->
+ {i(), i()}.
+-spec y2() -> y(atom()).
+y2() ->
+ {a(), a()}.
+-spec y3() -> y(ai()).
+y3() ->
+ {ai(), ai()}.
+-spec a() -> atom().
+a() ->
+ foo:a().
+-spec i() -> integer().
+i() ->
+ foo:i().
+-spec ai() -> ai().
+ai() ->
+ foo:ai().
+-spec int2() -> int(1..2).
+int2() ->
+ foo:int2().
+-spec int4() -> int(1..4).
+int4() ->
+ foo:int4().
+-spec int2_4() -> int(2..4).
+int2_4() ->
+ foo:int2_4().
+-spec int5_7() -> int(5..7).
+int5_7() ->
+ foo:int5_7().
+-spec un1_2() -> un(1..2).
+un1_2() ->
+ foo:un1_2().
+-spec un3_4() -> un(3..4).
+un3_4() ->
+ foo:un3_4().
+-spec tup() -> tup(tuple()).
+tup() ->
+ foo:tup().
+-spec tup2() -> tup({_, _}).
+tup2() ->
+ foo:tup2().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para5.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para5.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76ea3e76b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para5.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-export([d/0, dd/0, da1/0]).
+d() ->
+ I1 = adt_d1(),
+ I2 = adt_d2(),
+ I1 =:= I2. % can never evaluate to true
+dd() ->
+ I1 = adt_d1(),
+ I2 = adt_dd(),
+ I1 =/= I2. % incompatible opaque types
+da1() ->
+ I1 = adt_da1(),
+ I2 = adt_da2(),
+ I1 =:= I2.
+adt_d1() ->
+ para5_adt:d1().
+adt_d2() ->
+ para5_adt:d2().
+adt_dd() ->
+ para5_adt:dd().
+adt_da1() ->
+ para5_adt:da1().
+adt_da2() ->
+ para5_adt:da2().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para5_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para5_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a62e0488e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/para/para5_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-export([d1/0, d2/0, dd/0, da1/0, da2/0]).
+-export_type([d/0, dd/1, da/2]).
+-opaque d() :: 1 | 2.
+-spec d1() -> d().
+d1() ->
+ 1.
+-spec d2() -> d().
+d2() ->
+ 2.
+-opaque dd(A) :: A.
+-spec dd() -> dd(atom()).
+dd() ->
+ foo:atom().
+-opaque da(A, B) :: {A, B}.
+-spec da1() -> da(any(), atom()).
+da1() ->
+ {3, a}.
+-spec da2() -> da(integer(), any()).
+da2() ->
+ {3, a}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_common.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_common.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c10626c5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_common.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%%% Copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis <[email protected]>,
+%%% Eirini Arvaniti <[email protected]>
+%%% and Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+%%% This file is part of PropEr.
+%%% PropEr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+%%% (at your option) any later version.
+%%% PropEr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with PropEr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%%% @copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis, Eirini Arvaniti and Kostis Sagonas
+%%% @version {@version}
+%%% @author Manolis Papadakis
+%%% @doc Common parts of user and internal header files
+%% Test generation macros
+-define(FORALL(X,RawType,Prop), proper:forall(RawType,fun(X) -> Prop end)).
+-define(IMPLIES(Pre,Prop), proper:implies(Pre,?DELAY(Prop))).
+-define(WHENFAIL(Action,Prop), proper:whenfail(?DELAY(Action),?DELAY(Prop))).
+-define(TRAPEXIT(Prop), proper:trapexit(?DELAY(Prop))).
+-define(TIMEOUT(Limit,Prop), proper:timeout(Limit,?DELAY(Prop))).
+%% TODO: -define(ALWAYS(Tests,Prop), proper:always(Tests,?DELAY(Prop))).
+%% TODO: -define(SOMETIMES(Tests,Prop), proper:sometimes(Tests,?DELAY(Prop))).
+%% Generator macros
+-define(FORCE(X), (X)()).
+-define(DELAY(X), fun() -> X end).
+-define(LAZY(X), proper_types:lazy(?DELAY(X))).
+-define(SIZED(SizeArg,Gen), proper_types:sized(fun(SizeArg) -> Gen end)).
+-define(LET(X,RawType,Gen), proper_types:bind(RawType,fun(X) -> Gen end,false)).
+ proper_types:shrinkwith(?DELAY(Gen),?DELAY(AltGens))).
+ proper_types:bind(RawType,fun(Xs) -> Gen end,true)).
+ proper_types:add_constraint(RawType,fun(X) -> Condition end,true)).
+ proper_types:add_constraint(RawType,fun(X) -> Condition end,false)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_gen.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_gen.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf627d1373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_gen.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+%%% Copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis <[email protected]>,
+%%% Eirini Arvaniti <[email protected]>
+%%% and Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+%%% This file is part of PropEr.
+%%% PropEr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+%%% (at your option) any later version.
+%%% PropEr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with PropEr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%%% @copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis, Eirini Arvaniti and Kostis Sagonas
+%%% @version {@version}
+%%% @author Manolis Papadakis
+%%% @doc Generator subsystem and generators for basic types.
+%%% You can use <a href="#index">these</a> functions to try out the random
+%%% instance generation and shrinking subsystems.
+%%% CAUTION: These functions should never be used inside properties. They are
+%%% meant for demonstration purposes only.
+-export([pick/1, pick/2, pick/3, sample/1, sample/3, sampleshrink/1, sampleshrink/2]).
+-export([generate/1, normal_gen/1, alt_gens/1, clean_instance/1,
+ get_ret_type/1]).
+-export([integer_gen/3, float_gen/3, atom_gen/1, atom_rev/1, binary_gen/1,
+ binary_rev/1, binary_len_gen/1, bitstring_gen/1, bitstring_rev/1,
+ bitstring_len_gen/1, list_gen/2, distlist_gen/3, vector_gen/2,
+ union_gen/1, weighted_union_gen/1, tuple_gen/1, loose_tuple_gen/2,
+ loose_tuple_rev/2, exactly_gen/1, fixed_list_gen/1, function_gen/2,
+ any_gen/1, native_type_gen/2, safe_weighted_union_gen/1,
+ safe_union_gen/1]).
+-export_type([instance/0, imm_instance/0, sized_generator/0, nosize_generator/0,
+ generator/0, reverse_gen/0, combine_fun/0, alt_gens/0]).
+%% Types
+%% TODO: update imm_instance() when adding more types: be careful when reading
+%% anything that returns it
+%% @private_type
+-type imm_instance() :: proper_types:raw_type()
+ | instance()
+ | {'$used', imm_instance(), imm_instance()}
+ | {'$to_part', imm_instance()}.
+-type instance() :: term().
+%% A value produced by the random instance generator.
+-type error_reason() :: 'arity_limit' | 'cant_generate' | {'typeserver',term()}.
+%% @private_type
+-type sized_generator() :: fun((size()) -> imm_instance()).
+%% @private_type
+-type typed_sized_generator() :: {'typed',
+ fun((proper_types:type(),size()) ->
+ imm_instance())}.
+%% @private_type
+-type nosize_generator() :: fun(() -> imm_instance()).
+%% @private_type
+-type typed_nosize_generator() :: {'typed',
+ fun((proper_types:type()) ->
+ imm_instance())}.
+%% @private_type
+-type generator() :: sized_generator()
+ | typed_sized_generator()
+ | nosize_generator()
+ | typed_nosize_generator().
+%% @private_type
+-type plain_reverse_gen() :: fun((instance()) -> imm_instance()).
+%% @private_type
+-type typed_reverse_gen() :: {'typed',
+ fun((proper_types:type(),instance()) ->
+ imm_instance())}.
+%% @private_type
+-type reverse_gen() :: plain_reverse_gen() | typed_reverse_gen().
+%% @private_type
+-type combine_fun() :: fun((instance()) -> imm_instance()).
+%% @private_type
+-type alt_gens() :: fun(() -> [imm_instance()]).
+%% @private_type
+-type fun_seed() :: {non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}.
+%% Instance generation functions
+%% @private
+-spec safe_generate(proper_types:raw_type()) ->
+ {'ok',imm_instance()} | {'error',error_reason()}.
+safe_generate(RawType) ->
+ try generate(RawType) of
+ ImmInstance -> {ok, ImmInstance}
+ catch
+ throw:'$arity_limit' -> {error, arity_limit};
+ throw:'$cant_generate' -> {error, cant_generate};
+ throw:{'$typeserver',SubReason} -> {error, {typeserver,SubReason}}
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec generate(proper_types:raw_type()) -> imm_instance().
+generate(RawType) ->
+ Type = proper_types:cook_outer(RawType),
+ ok = add_parameters(Type),
+ Instance = generate(Type, get('$constraint_tries'), none),
+ ok = remove_parameters(Type),
+ Instance.
+-spec add_parameters(proper_types:type()) -> 'ok'.
+add_parameters(Type) ->
+ case proper_types:find_prop(parameters, Type) of
+ {ok, Params} ->
+ OldParams = erlang:get('$parameters'),
+ case OldParams of
+ undefined ->
+ erlang:put('$parameters', Params);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:put('$parameters', Params ++ OldParams)
+ end,
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+-spec remove_parameters(proper_types:type()) -> 'ok'.
+remove_parameters(Type) ->
+ case proper_types:find_prop(parameters, Type) of
+ {ok, Params} ->
+ AllParams = erlang:get('$parameters'),
+ case AllParams of
+ Params->
+ erlang:erase('$parameters');
+ _ ->
+ erlang:put('$parameters', AllParams -- Params)
+ end,
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+-spec generate(proper_types:type(), non_neg_integer(),
+ 'none' | {'ok',imm_instance()}) -> imm_instance().
+generate(_Type, 0, none) ->
+ throw('$cant_generate');
+generate(_Type, 0, {ok,Fallback}) ->
+ Fallback;
+generate(Type, TriesLeft, Fallback) ->
+ ImmInstance =
+ case proper_types:get_prop(kind, Type) of
+ constructed ->
+ PartsType = proper_types:get_prop(parts_type, Type),
+ Combine = proper_types:get_prop(combine, Type),
+ ImmParts = generate(PartsType),
+ Parts = clean_instance(ImmParts),
+ ImmInstance1 = Combine(Parts),
+ %% TODO: We can just generate the internal type: if it's not
+ %% a type, it will turn into an exactly.
+ ImmInstance2 =
+ case proper_types:is_raw_type(ImmInstance1) of
+ true -> generate(ImmInstance1);
+ false -> ImmInstance1
+ end,
+ {'$used',ImmParts,ImmInstance2};
+ _ ->
+ ImmInstance1 = normal_gen(Type),
+ case proper_types:is_raw_type(ImmInstance1) of
+ true -> generate(ImmInstance1);
+ false -> ImmInstance1
+ end
+ end,
+ case proper_types:satisfies_all(clean_instance(ImmInstance), Type) of
+ {_,true} -> ImmInstance;
+ {true,false} -> generate(Type, TriesLeft - 1, {ok,ImmInstance});
+ {false,false} -> generate(Type, TriesLeft - 1, Fallback)
+ end.
+%% @equiv pick(Type, 10)
+-spec pick(Type::proper_types:raw_type()) -> {'ok',instance()} | 'error'.
+pick(RawType) ->
+ pick(RawType, 10).
+%% @equiv pick(Type, Size, now())
+-spec pick(Type::proper_types:raw_type(), size()) -> {'ok', instance()} | 'error'.
+pick(RawType, Size) ->
+ pick(RawType, Size, now()).
+%% @doc Generates a random instance of `Type', of size `Size' with seed `Seed'.
+-spec pick(Type::proper_types:raw_type(), size(), seed()) ->
+ {'ok',instance()} | 'error'.
+pick(RawType, Size, Seed) ->
+ proper:global_state_init_size_seed(Size, Seed),
+ case clean_instance(safe_generate(RawType)) of
+ {ok,Instance} = Result ->
+ Msg = "WARNING: Some garbage has been left in the process registry "
+ "and the code server~n"
+ "to allow for the returned function(s) to run normally.~n"
+ "Please run proper:global_state_erase() when done.~n",
+ case contains_fun(Instance) of
+ true -> io:format(Msg, []);
+ false -> proper:global_state_erase()
+ end,
+ Result;
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ proper:report_error(Reason, fun io:format/2),
+ proper:global_state_erase(),
+ error
+ end.
+%% @equiv sample(Type, 10, 20)
+-spec sample(Type::proper_types:raw_type()) -> 'ok'.
+sample(RawType) ->
+ sample(RawType, 10, 20).
+%% @doc Generates and prints one random instance of `Type' for each size from
+%% `StartSize' up to `EndSize'.
+-spec sample(Type::proper_types:raw_type(), size(), size()) -> 'ok'.
+sample(RawType, StartSize, EndSize) when StartSize =< EndSize ->
+ Tests = EndSize - StartSize + 1,
+ Prop = ?FORALL(X, RawType, begin io:format("~p~n",[X]), true end),
+ Opts = [quiet,{start_size,StartSize},{max_size,EndSize},{numtests,Tests}],
+ _ = proper:quickcheck(Prop, Opts),
+ ok.
+%% @equiv sampleshrink(Type, 10)
+-spec sampleshrink(Type::proper_types:raw_type()) -> 'ok'.
+sampleshrink(RawType) ->
+ sampleshrink(RawType, 10).
+%% @doc Generates a random instance of `Type', of size `Size', then shrinks it
+%% as far as it goes. The value produced on each step of the shrinking process
+%% is printed on the screen.
+-spec sampleshrink(Type::proper_types:raw_type(), size()) -> 'ok'.
+sampleshrink(RawType, Size) ->
+ proper:global_state_init_size(Size),
+ Type = proper_types:cook_outer(RawType),
+ case safe_generate(Type) of
+ {ok,ImmInstance} ->
+ Shrunk = keep_shrinking(ImmInstance, [], Type),
+ PrintInst = fun(I) -> io:format("~p~n",[clean_instance(I)]) end,
+ lists:foreach(PrintInst, Shrunk);
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ proper:report_error(Reason, fun io:format/2)
+ end,
+ proper:global_state_erase(),
+ ok.
+-spec keep_shrinking(imm_instance(), [imm_instance()], proper_types:type()) ->
+ [imm_instance(),...].
+keep_shrinking(ImmInstance, Acc, Type) ->
+ case proper_shrink:shrink(ImmInstance, Type, init) of
+ {[], _NewState} ->
+ lists:reverse([ImmInstance|Acc]);
+ {[Shrunk|_Rest], _NewState} ->
+ keep_shrinking(Shrunk, [ImmInstance|Acc], Type)
+ end.
+-spec contains_fun(term()) -> boolean().
+contains_fun(List) when is_list(List) ->
+ proper_arith:safe_any(fun contains_fun/1, List);
+contains_fun(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ contains_fun(tuple_to_list(Tuple));
+contains_fun(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
+ true;
+contains_fun(_Term) ->
+ false.
+%% Utility functions
+%% @private
+-spec normal_gen(proper_types:type()) -> imm_instance().
+normal_gen(Type) ->
+ case proper_types:get_prop(generator, Type) of
+ {typed, Gen} ->
+ if
+ is_function(Gen, 1) -> Gen(Type);
+ is_function(Gen, 2) -> Gen(Type, proper:get_size(Type))
+ end;
+ Gen ->
+ if
+ is_function(Gen, 0) -> Gen();
+ is_function(Gen, 1) -> Gen(proper:get_size(Type))
+ end
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec alt_gens(proper_types:type()) -> [imm_instance()].
+alt_gens(Type) ->
+ case proper_types:find_prop(alt_gens, Type) of
+ {ok, AltGens} -> ?FORCE(AltGens);
+ error -> []
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec clean_instance(imm_instance()) -> instance().
+clean_instance({'$used',_ImmParts,ImmInstance}) ->
+ clean_instance(ImmInstance);
+clean_instance({'$to_part',ImmInstance}) ->
+ clean_instance(ImmInstance);
+clean_instance(ImmInstance) ->
+ if
+ is_list(ImmInstance) ->
+ %% CAUTION: this must handle improper lists
+ proper_arith:safe_map(fun clean_instance/1, ImmInstance);
+ is_tuple(ImmInstance) ->
+ proper_arith:tuple_map(fun clean_instance/1, ImmInstance);
+ true ->
+ ImmInstance
+ end.
+%% Basic type generators
+%% @private
+-spec integer_gen(size(), proper_types:extint(), proper_types:extint()) ->
+ integer().
+integer_gen(Size, inf, inf) ->
+ proper_arith:rand_int(Size);
+integer_gen(Size, inf, High) ->
+ High - proper_arith:rand_non_neg_int(Size);
+integer_gen(Size, Low, inf) ->
+ Low + proper_arith:rand_non_neg_int(Size);
+integer_gen(Size, Low, High) ->
+ proper_arith:smart_rand_int(Size, Low, High).
+%% @private
+-spec float_gen(size(), proper_types:extnum(), proper_types:extnum()) ->
+ float().
+float_gen(Size, inf, inf) ->
+ proper_arith:rand_float(Size);
+float_gen(Size, inf, High) ->
+ High - proper_arith:rand_non_neg_float(Size);
+float_gen(Size, Low, inf) ->
+ Low + proper_arith:rand_non_neg_float(Size);
+float_gen(_Size, Low, High) ->
+ proper_arith:rand_float(Low, High).
+%% @private
+-spec atom_gen(size()) -> proper_types:type().
+%% We make sure we never clash with internal atoms by checking that the first
+%% character is not '$'.
+atom_gen(Size) ->
+ ?LET(Str,
+ proper_types:resize(Size,
+ proper_types:list(proper_types:byte())),
+ X =:= [] orelse hd(X) =/= $$),
+ list_to_atom(Str)).
+%% @private
+-spec atom_rev(atom()) -> imm_instance().
+atom_rev(Atom) ->
+ {'$used', atom_to_list(Atom), Atom}.
+%% @private
+-spec binary_gen(size()) -> proper_types:type().
+binary_gen(Size) ->
+ ?LET(Bytes,
+ proper_types:resize(Size,
+ proper_types:list(proper_types:byte())),
+ list_to_binary(Bytes)).
+%% @private
+-spec binary_rev(binary()) -> imm_instance().
+binary_rev(Binary) ->
+ {'$used', binary_to_list(Binary), Binary}.
+%% @private
+-spec binary_len_gen(length()) -> proper_types:type().
+binary_len_gen(Len) ->
+ ?LET(Bytes,
+ proper_types:vector(Len, proper_types:byte()),
+ list_to_binary(Bytes)).
+%% @private
+-spec bitstring_gen(size()) -> proper_types:type().
+bitstring_gen(Size) ->
+ ?LET({BytesHead, NumBits, TailByte},
+ {proper_types:resize(Size,proper_types:binary()),
+ proper_types:range(0,7), proper_types:range(0,127)},
+ <<BytesHead/binary, TailByte:NumBits>>).
+%% @private
+-spec bitstring_rev(bitstring()) -> imm_instance().
+bitstring_rev(BitString) ->
+ List = bitstring_to_list(BitString),
+ {BytesList, BitsTail} = lists:splitwith(fun erlang:is_integer/1, List),
+ {NumBits, TailByte} = case BitsTail of
+ [] -> {0, 0};
+ [Bits] -> N = bit_size(Bits),
+ <<Byte:N>> = Bits,
+ {N, Byte}
+ end,
+ {'$used',
+ {{'$used',BytesList,list_to_binary(BytesList)}, NumBits, TailByte},
+ BitString}.
+%% @private
+-spec bitstring_len_gen(length()) -> proper_types:type().
+bitstring_len_gen(Len) ->
+ BytesLen = Len div 8,
+ BitsLen = Len rem 8,
+ ?LET({BytesHead, NumBits, TailByte},
+ {proper_types:binary(BytesLen), BitsLen,
+ proper_types:range(0, 1 bsl BitsLen - 1)},
+ <<BytesHead/binary, TailByte:NumBits>>).
+%% @private
+-spec list_gen(size(), proper_types:type()) -> [imm_instance()].
+list_gen(Size, ElemType) ->
+ Len = proper_arith:rand_int(0, Size),
+ vector_gen(Len, ElemType).
+%% @private
+-spec distlist_gen(size(), sized_generator(), boolean()) -> [imm_instance()].
+distlist_gen(RawSize, Gen, NonEmpty) ->
+ Len = case NonEmpty of
+ true -> proper_arith:rand_int(1, erlang:max(1,RawSize));
+ false -> proper_arith:rand_int(0, RawSize)
+ end,
+ Size = case Len of
+ 1 -> RawSize - 1;
+ _ -> RawSize
+ end,
+ %% TODO: this produces a lot of types: maybe a simple 'div' is sufficient?
+ Sizes = proper_arith:distribute(Size, Len),
+ InnerTypes = [Gen(S) || S <- Sizes],
+ fixed_list_gen(InnerTypes).
+%% @private
+-spec vector_gen(length(), proper_types:type()) -> [imm_instance()].
+vector_gen(Len, ElemType) ->
+ vector_gen_tr(Len, ElemType, []).
+-spec vector_gen_tr(length(), proper_types:type(), [imm_instance()]) ->
+ [imm_instance()].
+vector_gen_tr(0, _ElemType, AccList) ->
+ AccList;
+vector_gen_tr(Left, ElemType, AccList) ->
+ vector_gen_tr(Left - 1, ElemType, [generate(ElemType) | AccList]).
+%% @private
+-spec union_gen([proper_types:type(),...]) -> imm_instance().
+union_gen(Choices) ->
+ {_Choice,Type} = proper_arith:rand_choose(Choices),
+ generate(Type).
+%% @private
+-spec weighted_union_gen([{frequency(),proper_types:type()},...]) ->
+ imm_instance().
+weighted_union_gen(FreqChoices) ->
+ {_Choice,Type} = proper_arith:freq_choose(FreqChoices),
+ generate(Type).
+%% @private
+-spec safe_union_gen([proper_types:type(),...]) -> imm_instance().
+safe_union_gen(Choices) ->
+ {Choice,Type} = proper_arith:rand_choose(Choices),
+ try generate(Type)
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ safe_union_gen(proper_arith:list_remove(Choice, Choices))
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec safe_weighted_union_gen([{frequency(),proper_types:type()},...]) ->
+ imm_instance().
+safe_weighted_union_gen(FreqChoices) ->
+ {Choice,Type} = proper_arith:freq_choose(FreqChoices),
+ try generate(Type)
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ safe_weighted_union_gen(proper_arith:list_remove(Choice,
+ FreqChoices))
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec tuple_gen([proper_types:type()]) -> tuple().
+tuple_gen(Fields) ->
+ list_to_tuple(fixed_list_gen(Fields)).
+%% @private
+-spec loose_tuple_gen(size(), proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+loose_tuple_gen(Size, ElemType) ->
+ ?LET(L,
+ proper_types:resize(Size, proper_types:list(ElemType)),
+ list_to_tuple(L)).
+%% @private
+-spec loose_tuple_rev(tuple(), proper_types:type()) -> imm_instance().
+loose_tuple_rev(Tuple, ElemType) ->
+ CleanList = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
+ List = case proper_types:find_prop(reverse_gen, ElemType) of
+ {ok,{typed, ReverseGen}} ->
+ [ReverseGen(ElemType,X) || X <- CleanList];
+ {ok,ReverseGen} -> [ReverseGen(X) || X <- CleanList];
+ error -> CleanList
+ end,
+ {'$used', List, Tuple}.
+%% @private
+-spec exactly_gen(T) -> T.
+exactly_gen(X) ->
+ X.
+%% @private
+-spec fixed_list_gen([proper_types:type()]) -> imm_instance()
+ ; ({[proper_types:type()],proper_types:type()}) ->
+ maybe_improper_list(imm_instance(), imm_instance() | []).
+fixed_list_gen({ProperHead,ImproperTail}) ->
+ [generate(F) || F <- ProperHead] ++ generate(ImproperTail);
+fixed_list_gen(ProperFields) ->
+ [generate(F) || F <- ProperFields].
+%% @private
+-spec function_gen(arity(), proper_types:type()) -> function().
+function_gen(Arity, RetType) ->
+ FunSeed = {proper_arith:rand_int(0, ?SEED_RANGE - 1),
+ proper_arith:rand_int(0, ?SEED_RANGE - 1)},
+ create_fun(Arity, RetType, FunSeed).
+%% @private
+-spec any_gen(size()) -> imm_instance().
+any_gen(Size) ->
+ case get('$any_type') of
+ undefined -> real_any_gen(Size);
+ {type,AnyType} -> generate(proper_types:resize(Size, AnyType))
+ end.
+-spec real_any_gen(size()) -> imm_instance().
+real_any_gen(0) ->
+ SimpleTypes = [proper_types:integer(), proper_types:float(),
+ proper_types:atom()],
+ union_gen(SimpleTypes);
+real_any_gen(Size) ->
+ FreqChoices = [{?ANY_SIMPLE_PROB,simple}, {?ANY_BINARY_PROB,binary},
+ {?ANY_EXPAND_PROB,expand}],
+ case proper_arith:freq_choose(FreqChoices) of
+ {_,simple} ->
+ real_any_gen(0);
+ {_,binary} ->
+ generate(proper_types:resize(Size, proper_types:bitstring()));
+ {_,expand} ->
+ %% TODO: statistics of produced terms?
+ NumElems = proper_arith:rand_int(0, Size - 1),
+ ElemSizes = proper_arith:distribute(Size - 1, NumElems),
+ ElemTypes = [?LAZY(real_any_gen(S)) || S <- ElemSizes],
+ case proper_arith:rand_int(1,2) of
+ 1 -> fixed_list_gen(ElemTypes);
+ 2 -> tuple_gen(ElemTypes)
+ end
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec native_type_gen(mod_name(), string()) -> proper_types:type().
+native_type_gen(Mod, TypeStr) ->
+ case proper_typeserver:translate_type({Mod,TypeStr}) of
+ {ok,Type} -> Type;
+ {error,Reason} -> throw({'$typeserver',Reason})
+ end.
+%% Function-generation functions
+-spec create_fun(arity(), proper_types:type(), fun_seed()) -> function().
+create_fun(Arity, RetType, FunSeed) ->
+ Handler = fun(Args) -> function_body(Args, RetType, FunSeed) end,
+ Err = fun() -> throw('$arity_limit') end,
+ case Arity of
+ 0 -> fun() -> Handler([]) end;
+ _ -> Err()
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec get_ret_type(function()) -> proper_types:type().
+get_ret_type(Fun) ->
+ {arity,Arity} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity),
+ put('$get_ret_type', true),
+ RetType = apply(Fun, lists:duplicate(Arity,dummy)),
+ erase('$get_ret_type'),
+ RetType.
+-spec function_body([term()], proper_types:type(), fun_seed()) ->
+ proper_types:type() | instance().
+function_body(Args, RetType, {Seed1,Seed2}) ->
+ case get('$get_ret_type') of
+ true ->
+ RetType;
+ _ ->
+ SavedSeed = get(?SEED_NAME),
+ update_seed({Seed1,Seed2,erlang:phash2(Args,?SEED_RANGE)}),
+ Ret = clean_instance(generate(RetType)),
+ put(?SEED_NAME, SavedSeed),
+ proper_symb:internal_eval(Ret)
+ end.
+update_seed(Seed) ->
+ sfmt:seed(Seed).
+update_seed(Seed) ->
+ put(random_seed, Seed).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_internal.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_internal.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c790d7d4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_internal.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+%%% Copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis <[email protected]>,
+%%% Eirini Arvaniti <[email protected]>
+%%% and Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+%%% This file is part of PropEr.
+%%% PropEr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+%%% (at your option) any later version.
+%%% PropEr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with PropEr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%%% @copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis, Eirini Arvaniti and Kostis Sagonas
+%%% @version {@version}
+%%% @author Manolis Papadakis
+%%% @doc Internal header file: This header is included in all PropEr source
+%%% files.
+%% Activate strip_types parse transform
+-compile({parse_transform, strip_types}).
+%% Random generator selection
+-define(RANDOM_MOD, sfmt).
+-define(SEED_NAME, sfmt_seed).
+-define(RANDOM_MOD, random).
+-define(SEED_NAME, random_seed).
+%% Macros
+-define(PROPERTY_PREFIX, "prop_").
+%% Constants
+-define(SEED_RANGE, 4294967296).
+-define(MAX_ARITY, 20).
+-define(MAX_TRIES_FACTOR, 5).
+-define(ANY_SIMPLE_PROB, 3).
+-define(ANY_BINARY_PROB, 1).
+-define(ANY_EXPAND_PROB, 8).
+%% Common type aliases
+%% TODO: Perhaps these should be moved inside modules.
+-type mod_name() :: atom().
+-type fun_name() :: atom().
+-type size() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type length() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type position() :: pos_integer().
+-type frequency() :: pos_integer().
+-type seed() :: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type abs_form() :: erl_parse:abstract_form().
+-type abs_expr() :: erl_parse:abstract_expr().
+-type abs_clause() :: erl_parse:abstract_clause().
+%% TODO: Replace these with the appropriate types from stdlib.
+-type abs_type() :: term().
+-type abs_rec_field() :: term().
+-type loose_tuple(T) :: {} | {T} | {T,T} | {T,T,T} | {T,T,T,T} | {T,T,T,T,T}
+ | {T,T,T,T,T,T} | {T,T,T,T,T,T,T} | {T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T}
+ | {T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T} | {T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T} | tuple().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_types.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_types.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe83a0ba11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_types.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1349 @@
+%%% Copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis <[email protected]>,
+%%% Eirini Arvaniti <[email protected]>
+%%% and Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+%%% This file is part of PropEr.
+%%% PropEr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+%%% (at your option) any later version.
+%%% PropEr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with PropEr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%%% @copyright 2010-2013 Manolis Papadakis, Eirini Arvaniti and Kostis Sagonas
+%%% @version {@version}
+%%% @author Manolis Papadakis
+%%% @doc Type manipulation functions and predefined types.
+%%% == Basic types ==
+%%% This module defines all the basic types of the PropEr type system as
+%%% functions. See the <a href="#index">function index</a> for an overview.
+%%% Types can be combined in tuples or lists to produce other types. Exact
+%%% values (such as exact numbers, atoms, binaries and strings) can be combined
+%%% with types inside such structures, like in this example of the type of a
+%%% tagged tuple: ``{'result', integer()}''.
+%%% When including the PropEr header file, all
+%%% <a href="#index">API functions</a> of this module are automatically
+%%% imported, unless `PROPER_NO_IMPORTS' is defined.
+%%% == Customized types ==
+%%% The following operators can be applied to basic types in order to produce
+%%% new ones:
+%%% <dl>
+%%% <dt>`?LET(<Xs>, <Xs_type>, <In>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>To produce an instance of this type, all appearances of the variables
+%%% in `<Xs>' are replaced inside `<In>' by their corresponding values in a
+%%% randomly generated instance of `<Xs_type>'. It's OK for the `<In>' part to
+%%% evaluate to a type - in that case, an instance of the inner type is
+%%% generated recursively.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`?SUCHTHAT(<X>, <Type>, <Condition>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>This produces a specialization of `<Type>', which only includes those
+%%% members of `<Type>' that satisfy the constraint `<Condition>' - that is,
+%%% those members for which the function `fun(<X>) -> <Condition> end' returns
+%%% `true'. If the constraint is very strict - that is, only a small
+%%% percentage of instances of `<Type>' pass the test - it will take a lot of
+%%% tries for the instance generation subsystem to randomly produce a valid
+%%% instance. This will result in slower testing, and testing may even be
+%%% stopped short, in case the `constraint_tries' limit is reached (see the
+%%% "Options" section in the documentation of the {@link proper} module). If
+%%% this is the case, it would be more appropriate to generate valid instances
+%%% of the specialized type using the `?LET' macro. Also make sure that even
+%%% small instances can satisfy the constraint, since PropEr will only try
+%%% small instances at the start of testing. If this is not possible, you can
+%%% instruct PropEr to start at a larger size, by supplying a suitable value
+%%% for the `start_size' option (see the "Options" section in the
+%%% documentation of the {@link proper} module).</dd>
+%%% <dt>`?SUCHTHATMAYBE(<X>, <Type>, <Condition>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>Equivalent to the `?SUCHTHAT' macro, but the constraint `<Condition>'
+%%% is considered non-strict: if the `constraint_tries' limit is reached, the
+%%% generator will just return an instance of `<Type>' instead of failing,
+%%% even if that instance doesn't satisfy the constraint.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`?SHRINK(<Generator>, <List_of_alt_gens>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>This creates a type whose instances are generated by evaluating the
+%%% statement block `<Generator>' (this may evaluate to a type, which will
+%%% then be generated recursively). If an instance of such a type is to be
+%%% shrunk, the generators in `<List_of_alt_gens>' are first run to produce
+%%% hopefully simpler instances of the type. Thus, the generators in the
+%%% second argument should be simpler than the default. The simplest ones
+%%% should be at the front of the list, since those are the generators
+%%% preferred by the shrinking subsystem. Like the main `<Generator>', the
+%%% alternatives may also evaluate to a type, which is generated recursively.
+%%% </dd>
+%%% <dt>`?LETSHRINK(<List_of_variables>, <List_of_types>, <Generator>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>This is created by combining a `?LET' and a `?SHRINK' macro. Instances
+%%% are generated by applying a randomly generated list of values inside
+%%% `<Generator>' (just like a `?LET', with the added constraint that the
+%%% variables and types must be provided in a list - alternatively,
+%%% `<List_of_types>' may be a list or vector type). When shrinking instances
+%%% of such a type, the sub-instances that were combined to produce it are
+%%% first tried in place of the failing instance.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`?LAZY(<Generator>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>This construct returns a type whose only purpose is to delay the
+%%% evaluation of `<Generator>' (`<Generator>' can return a type, which will
+%%% be generated recursively). Using this, you can simulate the lazy
+%%% generation of instances:
+%%% ``` stream() -> ?LAZY(frequency([ {1,[]}, {3,[0|stream()]} ])). '''
+%%% The above type produces lists of zeroes with an average length of 3. Note
+%%% that, had we not enclosed the generator with a `?LAZY' macro, the
+%%% evaluation would continue indefinitely, due to the eager evaluation of
+%%% the Erlang language.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`non_empty(<List_or_binary_type>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>See the documentation for {@link non_empty/1}.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`noshrink(<Type>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>See the documentation for {@link noshrink/1}.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`default(<Default_value>, <Type>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>See the documentation for {@link default/2}.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`with_parameter(<Parameter>, <Value>, <Type>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>See the documentation for {@link with_parameter/3}.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`with_parameters(<Param_value_pairs>, <Type>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>See the documentation for {@link with_parameters/2}.</dd>
+%%% </dl>
+%%% == Size manipulation ==
+%%% The following operators are related to the `size' parameter, which controls
+%%% the maximum size of produced instances. The actual size of a produced
+%%% instance is chosen randomly, but can never exceed the value of the `size'
+%%% parameter at the moment of generation. A more accurate definition is the
+%%% following: the maximum instance of `size S' can never be smaller than the
+%%% maximum instance of `size S-1'. The actual size of an instance is measured
+%%% differently for each type: the actual size of a list is its length, while
+%%% the actual size of a tree may be the number of its internal nodes. Some
+%%% types, e.g. unions, have no notion of size, thus their generation is not
+%%% influenced by the value of `size'. The `size' parameter starts at 1 and
+%%% grows automatically during testing.
+%%% <dl>
+%%% <dt>`?SIZED(<S>, <Generator>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>Creates a new type, whose instances are produced by replacing all
+%%% appearances of the `<S>' parameter inside the statement block
+%%% `<Generator>' with the value of the `size' parameter. It's OK for the
+%%% `<Generator>' to return a type - in that case, an instance of the inner
+%%% type is generated recursively.</dd>
+%%% <dt>`resize(<New_size>, <Type>)'</dt>
+%%% <dd>See the documentation for {@link resize/2}.</dd>
+%%% </dl>
+-export([is_inst/2, is_inst/3]).
+-export([integer/2, float/2, atom/0, binary/0, binary/1, bitstring/0,
+ bitstring/1, list/1, vector/2, union/1, weighted_union/1, tuple/1,
+ loose_tuple/1, exactly/1, fixed_list/1, function/2, any/0,
+ shrink_list/1, safe_union/1, safe_weighted_union/1]).
+-export([integer/0, non_neg_integer/0, pos_integer/0, neg_integer/0, range/2,
+ float/0, non_neg_float/0, number/0, boolean/0, byte/0, char/0,
+ list/0, tuple/0, string/0, wunion/1, term/0, timeout/0, arity/0]).
+-export([int/0, nat/0, largeint/0, real/0, bool/0, choose/2, elements/1,
+ oneof/1, frequency/1, return/1, default/2, orderedlist/1, function0/1,
+ function1/1, function2/1, function3/1, function4/1,
+ weighted_default/2]).
+-export([resize/2, non_empty/1, noshrink/1]).
+-export([cook_outer/1, is_type/1, equal_types/2, is_raw_type/1, to_binary/1,
+ from_binary/1, get_prop/2, find_prop/2, safe_is_instance/2,
+ is_instance/2, unwrap/1, weakly/1, strongly/1, satisfies_all/2,
+ new_type/2, subtype/2]).
+-export([lazy/1, sized/1, bind/3, shrinkwith/2, add_constraint/3,
+ native_type/2, distlist/3, with_parameter/3, with_parameters/2,
+ parameter/1, parameter/2]).
+-export_type([type/0, raw_type/0, extint/0, extnum/0]).
+%% Comparison with erl_types
+%% Missing types
+%% -------------------
+%% will do:
+%% records, maybe_improper_list(T,S), nonempty_improper_list(T,S)
+%% maybe_improper_list(), maybe_improper_list(T), iolist, iodata
+%% don't need:
+%% nonempty_{list,string,maybe_improper_list}
+%% won't do:
+%% pid, port, ref, identifier, none, no_return, module, mfa, node
+%% array, dict, digraph, set, gb_tree, gb_set, queue, tid
+%% Missing type information
+%% ------------------------
+%% bin types:
+%% other unit sizes? what about size info?
+%% functions:
+%% generally some fun, unspecified number of arguments but specified
+%% return type
+%% any:
+%% doesn't cover functions and improper lists
+%% Type declaration macros
+-define(BASIC(PropList), new_type(PropList,basic)).
+-define(WRAPPER(PropList), new_type(PropList,wrapper)).
+-define(CONSTRUCTED(PropList), new_type(PropList,constructed)).
+-define(CONTAINER(PropList), new_type(PropList,container)).
+-define(SUBTYPE(Type,PropList), subtype(PropList,Type)).
+%% Types
+-type type_kind() :: 'basic' | 'wrapper' | 'constructed' | 'container' | atom().
+-type instance_test() :: fun((proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> boolean())
+ | {'typed',
+ fun((proper_types:type(),
+ proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> boolean())}.
+-type index() :: pos_integer().
+%% @alias
+-type value() :: term().
+%% @private_type
+%% @alias
+-type extint() :: integer() | 'inf'.
+%% @private_type
+%% @alias
+-type extnum() :: number() | 'inf'.
+-type constraint_fun() :: fun((proper_gen:instance()) -> boolean()).
+-opaque type() :: {'$type', [type_prop()]}.
+%% A type of the PropEr type system
+%% @type raw_type(). You can consider this as an equivalent of {@type type()}.
+-type raw_type() :: type() | [raw_type()] | loose_tuple(raw_type()) | term().
+-type type_prop_name() :: 'kind' | 'generator' | 'reverse_gen' | 'parts_type'
+ | 'combine' | 'alt_gens' | 'shrink_to_parts'
+ | 'size_transform' | 'is_instance' | 'shrinkers'
+ | 'noshrink' | 'internal_type' | 'internal_types'
+ | 'get_length' | 'split' | 'join' | 'get_indices'
+ | 'remove' | 'retrieve' | 'update' | 'constraints'
+ | 'parameters' | 'env' | 'subenv'.
+-type type_prop_value() :: term().
+-type type_prop() ::
+ {'kind', type_kind()}
+ | {'generator', proper_gen:generator()}
+ | {'reverse_gen', proper_gen:reverse_gen()}
+ | {'parts_type', type()}
+ | {'combine', proper_gen:combine_fun()}
+ | {'alt_gens', proper_gen:alt_gens()}
+ | {'shrink_to_parts', boolean()}
+ | {'size_transform', fun((size()) -> size())}
+ | {'is_instance', instance_test()}
+ | {'shrinkers', [proper_shrink:shrinker()]}
+ | {'noshrink', boolean()}
+ | {'internal_type', raw_type()}
+ | {'internal_types', tuple() | maybe_improper_list(type(),type() | [])}
+ %% The items returned by 'remove' must be of this type.
+ | {'get_length', fun((proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> length())}
+ %% If this is a container type, this should return the number of elements
+ %% it contains.
+ | {'split', fun((proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> [proper_gen:imm_instance()])
+ | fun((length(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ {proper_gen:imm_instance(),proper_gen:imm_instance()})}
+ %% If present, the appropriate form depends on whether get_length is
+ %% defined: if get_length is undefined, this must be in the one-argument
+ %% form (e.g. a tree should be split into its subtrees), else it must be
+ %% in the two-argument form (e.g. a list should be split in two at the
+ %% index provided).
+ | {'join', fun((proper_gen:imm_instance(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ proper_gen:imm_instance())}
+ | {'get_indices', fun((proper_types:type(),
+ proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> [index()])}
+ %% If this is a container type, this should return a list of indices we
+ %% can use to remove or insert elements from the given instance.
+ | {'remove', fun((index(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ proper_gen:imm_instance())}
+ | {'retrieve', fun((index(), proper_gen:imm_instance() | tuple()
+ | maybe_improper_list(type(),type() | [])) ->
+ value() | type())}
+ | {'update', fun((index(),value(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ proper_gen:imm_instance())}
+ | {'constraints', [{constraint_fun(), boolean()}]}
+ %% A list of constraints on instances of this type: each constraint is a
+ %% tuple of a fun that must return 'true' for each valid instance and a
+ %% boolean field that specifies whether the condition is strict.
+ | {'parameters', [{atom(),value()}]}
+ | {'env', term()}
+ | {'subenv', term()}.
+%% Type manipulation functions
+%% TODO: We shouldn't need the fully qualified type name in the range of these
+%% functions.
+%% @private
+%% TODO: just cook/1 ?
+-spec cook_outer(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+cook_outer(Type = {'$type',_Props}) ->
+ Type;
+cook_outer(RawType) ->
+ if
+ is_tuple(RawType) -> tuple(tuple_to_list(RawType));
+ %% CAUTION: this must handle improper lists
+ is_list(RawType) -> fixed_list(RawType);
+ %% default case (covers integers, floats, atoms, binaries, ...):
+ true -> exactly(RawType)
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec is_type(term()) -> boolean().
+is_type({'$type',_Props}) ->
+ true;
+is_type(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @private
+-spec equal_types(proper_types:type(), proper_types:type()) -> boolean().
+equal_types(SameType, SameType) ->
+ true;
+equal_types(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% @private
+-spec is_raw_type(term()) -> boolean().
+is_raw_type({'$type',_TypeProps}) ->
+ true;
+is_raw_type(X) ->
+ if
+ is_tuple(X) -> is_raw_type_list(tuple_to_list(X));
+ is_list(X) -> is_raw_type_list(X);
+ true -> false
+ end.
+-spec is_raw_type_list(maybe_improper_list()) -> boolean().
+%% CAUTION: this must handle improper lists
+is_raw_type_list(List) ->
+ proper_arith:safe_any(fun is_raw_type/1, List).
+%% @private
+-spec to_binary(proper_types:type()) -> binary().
+to_binary(Type) ->
+ term_to_binary(Type).
+%% @private
+%% TODO: restore: -spec from_binary(binary()) -> proper_types:type().
+from_binary(Binary) ->
+ binary_to_term(Binary).
+-spec type_from_list([type_prop()]) -> proper_types:type().
+type_from_list(KeyValueList) ->
+ {'$type',KeyValueList}.
+-spec add_prop(type_prop_name(), type_prop_value(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+add_prop(PropName, Value, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ {'$type',lists:keystore(PropName, 1, Props, {PropName, Value})}.
+-spec add_props([type_prop()], proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+add_props(PropList, {'$type',OldProps}) ->
+ {'$type', lists:foldl(fun({N,_}=NV,Acc) ->
+ lists:keystore(N, 1, Acc, NV)
+ end, OldProps, PropList)}.
+-spec append_to_prop(type_prop_name(), type_prop_value(),
+ proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+append_to_prop(PropName, Value, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ Val = case lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props) of
+ {PropName, V} ->
+ V;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ {'$type', lists:keystore(PropName, 1, Props,
+ {PropName, lists:reverse([Value|Val])})}.
+-spec append_list_to_prop(type_prop_name(), [type_prop_value()],
+ proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+append_list_to_prop(PropName, List, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ {PropName, Val} = lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props),
+ {'$type', lists:keystore(PropName, 1, Props, {PropName, Val++List})}.
+%% @private
+-spec get_prop(type_prop_name(), proper_types:type()) -> type_prop_value().
+get_prop(PropName, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ {_PropName, Val} = lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props),
+ Val.
+%% @private
+-spec find_prop(type_prop_name(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ {'ok',type_prop_value()} | 'error'.
+find_prop(PropName, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props) of
+ {PropName, Value} ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec new_type([type_prop()], type_kind()) -> proper_types:type().
+new_type(PropList, Kind) ->
+ Type = type_from_list(PropList),
+ add_prop(kind, Kind, Type).
+%% @private
+-spec subtype([type_prop()], proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+%% TODO: should the 'is_instance' function etc. be reset for subtypes?
+subtype(PropList, Type) ->
+ add_props(PropList, Type).
+%% @private
+-spec is_inst(proper_gen:instance(), raw_type()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',{'typeserver',term()}}.
+is_inst(Instance, RawType) ->
+ is_inst(Instance, RawType, 10).
+%% @private
+-spec is_inst(proper_gen:instance(), raw_type(), size()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',{'typeserver',term()}}.
+is_inst(Instance, RawType, Size) ->
+ proper:global_state_init_size(Size),
+ Result = safe_is_instance(Instance, RawType),
+ proper:global_state_erase(),
+ Result.
+%% @private
+-spec safe_is_instance(proper_gen:imm_instance(), raw_type()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',{'typeserver',term()}}.
+safe_is_instance(ImmInstance, RawType) ->
+ try is_instance(ImmInstance, RawType) catch
+ throw:{'$typeserver',SubReason} -> {error, {typeserver,SubReason}}
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec is_instance(proper_gen:imm_instance(), raw_type()) -> boolean().
+%% TODO: If the second argument is not a type, let it pass (don't even check for
+%% term equality?) - if it's a raw type, don't cook it, instead recurse
+%% into it.
+is_instance(ImmInstance, RawType) ->
+ CleanInstance = proper_gen:clean_instance(ImmInstance),
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ (case get_prop(kind, Type) of
+ wrapper -> wrapper_test(ImmInstance, Type);
+ constructed -> constructed_test(ImmInstance, Type);
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ orelse
+ case find_prop(is_instance, Type) of
+ {ok,{typed, IsInstance}} -> IsInstance(Type, ImmInstance);
+ {ok,IsInstance} -> IsInstance(ImmInstance);
+ error -> false
+ end)
+ andalso weakly(satisfies_all(CleanInstance, Type)).
+-spec wrapper_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(), proper_types:type()) -> boolean().
+wrapper_test(ImmInstance, Type) ->
+ %% TODO: check if it's actually a raw type that's returned?
+ lists:any(fun(T) -> is_instance(ImmInstance, T) end, unwrap(Type)).
+%% @private
+%% TODO: restore:-spec unwrap(proper_types:type()) -> [proper_types:type(),...].
+%% TODO: check if it's actually a raw type that's returned?
+unwrap(Type) ->
+ RawInnerTypes = proper_gen:alt_gens(Type) ++ [proper_gen:normal_gen(Type)],
+ [cook_outer(T) || T <- RawInnerTypes].
+-spec constructed_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ boolean().
+constructed_test({'$used',ImmParts,ImmInstance}, Type) ->
+ PartsType = get_prop(parts_type, Type),
+ Combine = get_prop(combine, Type),
+ is_instance(ImmParts, PartsType) andalso
+ begin
+ %% TODO: check if it's actually a raw type that's returned?
+ %% TODO: move construction code to proper_gen
+ %% TODO: non-type => should we check for strict term equality?
+ RawInnerType = Combine(proper_gen:clean_instance(ImmParts)),
+ is_instance(ImmInstance, RawInnerType)
+ end;
+constructed_test({'$to_part',ImmInstance}, Type) ->
+ PartsType = get_prop(parts_type, Type),
+ get_prop(shrink_to_parts, Type) =:= true andalso
+ %% TODO: we reject non-container types
+ get_prop(kind, PartsType) =:= container andalso
+ case {find_prop(internal_type,PartsType),
+ find_prop(internal_types,PartsType)} of
+ {{ok,EachPartType},error} ->
+ %% The parts are in a list or a vector.
+ is_instance(ImmInstance, EachPartType);
+ {error,{ok,PartTypesList}} ->
+ %% The parts are in a fixed list.
+ %% TODO: It should always be a proper list.
+ lists:any(fun(T) -> is_instance(ImmInstance,T) end, PartTypesList)
+ end;
+constructed_test(_CleanInstance, _Type) ->
+ %% TODO: can we do anything better?
+ false.
+%% @private
+-spec weakly({boolean(),boolean()}) -> boolean().
+weakly({B1,_B2}) -> B1.
+%% @private
+-spec strongly({boolean(),boolean()}) -> boolean().
+strongly({_B1,B2}) -> B2.
+-spec satisfies(proper_gen:instance(), {constraint_fun(),boolean()})
+ -> {boolean(),boolean()}.
+satisfies(Instance, {Test,false}) ->
+ {true,Test(Instance)};
+satisfies(Instance, {Test,true}) ->
+ Result = Test(Instance),
+ {Result,Result}.
+%% @private
+-spec satisfies_all(proper_gen:instance(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ {boolean(),boolean()}.
+satisfies_all(Instance, Type) ->
+ case find_prop(constraints, Type) of
+ {ok, Constraints} ->
+ L = [satisfies(Instance, C) || C <- Constraints],
+ {L1,L2} = lists:unzip(L),
+ {lists:all(fun(B) -> B end, L1), lists:all(fun(B) -> B end, L2)};
+ error ->
+ {true,true}
+ end.
+%% Type definition functions
+%% @private
+-spec lazy(proper_gen:nosize_generator()) -> proper_types:type().
+lazy(Gen) ->
+ {generator, Gen}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec sized(proper_gen:sized_generator()) -> proper_types:type().
+sized(Gen) ->
+ {generator, Gen}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec bind(raw_type(), proper_gen:combine_fun(), boolean()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+bind(RawPartsType, Combine, ShrinkToParts) ->
+ PartsType = cook_outer(RawPartsType),
+ {parts_type, PartsType},
+ {combine, Combine},
+ {shrink_to_parts, ShrinkToParts}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec shrinkwith(proper_gen:nosize_generator(), proper_gen:alt_gens()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+shrinkwith(Gen, DelaydAltGens) ->
+ {generator, Gen},
+ {alt_gens, DelaydAltGens}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec add_constraint(raw_type(), constraint_fun(), boolean()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+add_constraint(RawType, Condition, IsStrict) ->
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ append_to_prop(constraints, {Condition,IsStrict}, Type).
+%% @private
+-spec native_type(mod_name(), string()) -> proper_types:type().
+native_type(Mod, TypeStr) ->
+ {generator, fun() -> proper_gen:native_type_gen(Mod,TypeStr) end}
+ ]).
+%% Basic types
+%% @doc All integers between `Low' and `High', bounds included.
+%% `Low' and `High' must be Erlang expressions that evaluate to integers, with
+%% `Low =< High'. Additionally, `Low' and `High' may have the value `inf', in
+%% which case they represent minus infinity and plus infinity respectively.
+%% Instances shrink towards 0 if `Low =< 0 =< High', or towards the bound with
+%% the smallest absolute value otherwise.
+-spec integer(extint(), extint()) -> proper_types:type().
+integer(Low, High) ->
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, {Low, High}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun integer_gen/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun integer_is_instance/2}},
+ {shrinkers, [fun number_shrinker/3]}
+ ]).
+integer_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:integer_gen(Size, Low, High).
+integer_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_integer(X) andalso le(Low, X) andalso le(X, High).
+number_shrinker(X, Type, S) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_shrink:number_shrinker(X, Low, High, S).
+%% @doc All floats between `Low' and `High', bounds included.
+%% `Low' and `High' must be Erlang expressions that evaluate to floats, with
+%% `Low =< High'. Additionally, `Low' and `High' may have the value `inf', in
+%% which case they represent minus infinity and plus infinity respectively.
+%% Instances shrink towards 0.0 if `Low =< 0.0 =< High', or towards the bound
+%% with the smallest absolute value otherwise.
+-spec float(extnum(), extnum()) -> proper_types:type().
+float(Low, High) ->
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, {Low, High}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun float_gen/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun float_is_instance/2}},
+ {shrinkers, [fun number_shrinker/3]}
+ ]).
+float_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:float_gen(Size, Low, High).
+float_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_float(X) andalso le(Low, X) andalso le(X, High).
+%% @private
+-spec le(extnum(), extnum()) -> boolean().
+le(inf, _B) -> true;
+le(_A, inf) -> true;
+le(A, B) -> A =< B.
+%% @doc All atoms. All atoms used internally by PropEr start with a '`$'', so
+%% such atoms will never be produced as instances of this type. You should also
+%% refrain from using such atoms in your code, to avoid a potential clash.
+%% Instances shrink towards the empty atom, ''.
+-spec atom() -> proper_types:type().
+atom() ->
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:atom_gen/1},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:atom_rev/1},
+ {size_transform, fun(Size) -> erlang:min(Size,255) end},
+ {is_instance, fun atom_is_instance/1}
+ ]).
+atom_is_instance(X) ->
+ is_atom(X)
+ %% We return false for atoms starting with '$', since these are
+ %% atoms used internally and never produced by the atom generator.
+ andalso (X =:= '' orelse hd(atom_to_list(X)) =/= $$).
+%% @doc All binaries. Instances shrink towards the empty binary, `<<>>'.
+-spec binary() -> proper_types:type().
+binary() ->
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:binary_gen/1},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:binary_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, fun erlang:is_binary/1}
+ ]).
+%% @doc All binaries with a byte size of `Len'.
+%% `Len' must be an Erlang expression that evaluates to a non-negative integer.
+%% Instances shrink towards binaries of zeroes.
+-spec binary(length()) -> proper_types:type().
+binary(Len) ->
+ {env, Len},
+ {generator, {typed, fun binary_len_gen/1}},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:binary_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun binary_len_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+binary_len_gen(Type) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:binary_len_gen(Len).
+binary_len_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_binary(X) andalso byte_size(X) =:= Len.
+%% @doc All bitstrings. Instances shrink towards the empty bitstring, `<<>>'.
+-spec bitstring() -> proper_types:type().
+bitstring() ->
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:bitstring_gen/1},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:bitstring_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, fun erlang:is_bitstring/1}
+ ]).
+%% @doc All bitstrings with a bit size of `Len'.
+%% `Len' must be an Erlang expression that evaluates to a non-negative integer.
+%% Instances shrink towards bitstrings of zeroes
+-spec bitstring(length()) -> proper_types:type().
+bitstring(Len) ->
+ {env, Len},
+ {generator, {typed, fun bitstring_len_gen/1}},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:bitstring_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun bitstring_len_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+bitstring_len_gen(Type) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:bitstring_len_gen(Len).
+bitstring_len_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_bitstring(X) andalso bit_size(X) =:= Len.
+%% @doc All lists containing elements of type `ElemType'.
+%% Instances shrink towards the empty list, `[]'.
+-spec list(ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+% TODO: subtyping would be useful here (list, vector, fixed_list)
+list(RawElemType) ->
+ ElemType = cook_outer(RawElemType),
+ {generator, {typed, fun list_gen/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun list_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_type, ElemType},
+ {get_length, fun erlang:length/1},
+ {split, fun lists:split/2},
+ {join, fun lists:append/2},
+ {get_indices, fun list_get_indices/2},
+ {remove, fun proper_arith:list_remove/2},
+ {retrieve, fun lists:nth/2},
+ {update, fun proper_arith:list_update/3}
+ ]).
+list_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ proper_gen:list_gen(Size, ElemType).
+list_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ list_test(X, ElemType).
+%% @doc A type that generates exactly the list `List'. Instances shrink towards
+%% shorter sublists of the original list.
+-spec shrink_list([term()]) -> proper_types:type().
+shrink_list(List) ->
+ {env, List},
+ {generator, {typed, fun shrink_list_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun shrink_list_is_instance/2}},
+ {get_length, fun erlang:length/1},
+ {split, fun lists:split/2},
+ {join, fun lists:append/2},
+ {get_indices, fun list_get_indices/2},
+ {remove, fun proper_arith:list_remove/2}
+ ]).
+shrink_list_gen(Type) ->
+ get_prop(env, Type).
+shrink_list_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ List = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_sublist(X, List).
+-spec is_sublist([term()], [term()]) -> boolean().
+is_sublist([], _) -> true;
+is_sublist(_, []) -> false;
+is_sublist([H|T1], [H|T2]) -> is_sublist(T1, T2);
+is_sublist(Slice, [_|T2]) -> is_sublist(Slice, T2).
+-spec list_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(), proper_types:type()) -> boolean().
+list_test(X, ElemType) ->
+ is_list(X) andalso lists:all(fun(E) -> is_instance(E, ElemType) end, X).
+%% @private
+-spec list_get_indices(proper_gen:generator(), list()) -> [position()].
+list_get_indices(_, List) ->
+ lists:seq(1, length(List)).
+%% @private
+%% This assumes that:
+%% - instances of size S are always valid instances of size >S
+%% - any recursive calls inside Gen are lazy
+-spec distlist(size(), proper_gen:sized_generator(), boolean()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+distlist(Size, Gen, NonEmpty) ->
+ ParentType = case NonEmpty of
+ true -> non_empty(list(Gen(Size)));
+ false -> list(Gen(Size))
+ end,
+ ?SUBTYPE(ParentType, [
+ {subenv, {Size, Gen, NonEmpty}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun distlist_gen/1}}
+ ]).
+distlist_gen(Type) ->
+ {Size, Gen, NonEmpty} = get_prop(subenv, Type),
+ proper_gen:distlist_gen(Size, Gen, NonEmpty).
+%% @doc All lists of length `Len' containing elements of type `ElemType'.
+%% `Len' must be an Erlang expression that evaluates to a non-negative integer.
+-spec vector(length(), ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+vector(Len, RawElemType) ->
+ ElemType = cook_outer(RawElemType),
+ {env, Len},
+ {generator, {typed, fun vector_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun vector_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_type, ElemType},
+ {get_indices, fun vector_get_indices/2},
+ {retrieve, fun lists:nth/2},
+ {update, fun proper_arith:list_update/3}
+ ]).
+vector_gen(Type) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ proper_gen:vector_gen(Len, ElemType).
+vector_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ is_list(X)
+ andalso length(X) =:= Len
+ andalso lists:all(fun(E) -> is_instance(E, ElemType) end, X).
+vector_get_indices(Type, _X) ->
+ lists:seq(1, get_prop(env, Type)).
+%% @doc The union of all types in `ListOfTypes'. `ListOfTypes' can't be empty.
+%% The random instance generator is equally likely to choose any one of the
+%% types in `ListOfTypes'. The shrinking subsystem will always try to shrink an
+%% instance of a type union to an instance of the first type in `ListOfTypes',
+%% thus you should write the simplest case first.
+-spec union(ListOfTypes::[raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+union(RawChoices) ->
+ Choices = [cook_outer(C) || C <- RawChoices],
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, Choices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun union_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun union_is_instance/2}},
+ {shrinkers, [fun union_shrinker_1/3, fun union_shrinker_2/3]}
+ ]).
+union_gen(Type) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env,Type),
+ proper_gen:union_gen(Choices).
+union_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env, Type),
+ lists:any(fun(C) -> is_instance(X, C) end, Choices).
+union_shrinker_1(X, Type, S) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_shrink:union_first_choice_shrinker(X, Choices, S).
+union_shrinker_2(X, Type, S) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_shrink:union_recursive_shrinker(X, Choices, S).
+%% @doc A specialization of {@link union/1}, where each type in `ListOfTypes' is
+%% assigned a frequency. Frequencies must be Erlang expressions that evaluate to
+%% positive integers. Types with larger frequencies are more likely to be chosen
+%% by the random instance generator. The shrinking subsystem will ignore the
+%% frequencies and try to shrink towards the first type in the list.
+-spec weighted_union(ListOfTypes::[{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+weighted_union(RawFreqChoices) ->
+ CookFreqType = fun({Freq,RawType}) -> {Freq,cook_outer(RawType)} end,
+ FreqChoices = lists:map(CookFreqType, RawFreqChoices),
+ Choices = [T || {_F,T} <- FreqChoices],
+ ?SUBTYPE(union(Choices), [
+ {subenv, FreqChoices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun weighted_union_gen/1}}
+ ]).
+weighted_union_gen(Gen) ->
+ FreqChoices = get_prop(subenv, Gen),
+ proper_gen:weighted_union_gen(FreqChoices).
+%% @private
+-spec safe_union([raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+safe_union(RawChoices) ->
+ Choices = [cook_outer(C) || C <- RawChoices],
+ subtype(
+ [{subenv, Choices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun safe_union_gen/1}}],
+ union(Choices)).
+safe_union_gen(Type) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(subenv, Type),
+ proper_gen:safe_union_gen(Choices).
+%% @private
+-spec safe_weighted_union([{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+safe_weighted_union(RawFreqChoices) ->
+ CookFreqType = fun({Freq,RawType}) ->
+ {Freq,cook_outer(RawType)} end,
+ FreqChoices = lists:map(CookFreqType, RawFreqChoices),
+ Choices = [T || {_F,T} <- FreqChoices],
+ subtype([{subenv, FreqChoices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun safe_weighted_union_gen/1}}],
+ union(Choices)).
+safe_weighted_union_gen(Type) ->
+ FreqChoices = get_prop(subenv, Type),
+ proper_gen:safe_weighted_union_gen(FreqChoices).
+%% @doc All tuples whose i-th element is an instance of the type at index i of
+%% `ListOfTypes'. Also written simply as a tuple of types.
+-spec tuple(ListOfTypes::[raw_type()]) -> proper_types:type().
+tuple(RawFields) ->
+ Fields = [cook_outer(F) || F <- RawFields],
+ {env, Fields},
+ {generator, {typed, fun tuple_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun tuple_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_types, list_to_tuple(Fields)},
+ {get_indices, fun tuple_get_indices/2},
+ {retrieve, fun erlang:element/2},
+ {update, fun tuple_update/3}
+ ]).
+tuple_gen(Type) ->
+ Fields = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:tuple_gen(Fields).
+tuple_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Fields = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_tuple(X) andalso fixed_list_test(tuple_to_list(X), Fields).
+tuple_get_indices(Type, _X) ->
+ lists:seq(1, length(get_prop(env, Type))).
+-spec tuple_update(index(), value(), tuple()) -> tuple().
+tuple_update(Index, NewElem, Tuple) ->
+ setelement(Index, Tuple, NewElem).
+%% @doc Tuples whose elements are all of type `ElemType'.
+%% Instances shrink towards the 0-size tuple, `{}'.
+-spec loose_tuple(ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+loose_tuple(RawElemType) ->
+ ElemType = cook_outer(RawElemType),
+ {env, ElemType},
+ {generator, {typed, fun loose_tuple_gen/2}},
+ {reverse_gen, {typed, fun loose_tuple_rev/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun loose_tuple_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+loose_tuple_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:loose_tuple_gen(Size, ElemType).
+loose_tuple_rev(Type, X) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:loose_tuple_rev(X, ElemType).
+loose_tuple_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_tuple(X) andalso list_test(tuple_to_list(X), ElemType).
+%% @doc Singleton type consisting only of `E'. `E' must be an evaluated term.
+%% Also written simply as `E'.
+-spec exactly(term()) -> proper_types:type().
+exactly(E) ->
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, E},
+ {generator, {typed, fun exactly_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun exactly_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+exactly_gen(Type) ->
+ E = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:exactly_gen(E).
+exactly_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ E = get_prop(env, Type),
+ X =:= E.
+%% @doc All lists whose i-th element is an instance of the type at index i of
+%% `ListOfTypes'. Also written simply as a list of types.
+-spec fixed_list(ListOfTypes::maybe_improper_list(raw_type(),raw_type()|[])) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+fixed_list(MaybeImproperRawFields) ->
+ %% CAUTION: must handle improper lists
+ {Fields, Internal, Len, Retrieve, Update} =
+ case proper_arith:cut_improper_tail(MaybeImproperRawFields) of
+ % TODO: have cut_improper_tail return the length and use it in test?
+ {ProperRawHead, ImproperRawTail} ->
+ HeadLen = length(ProperRawHead),
+ CookedHead = [cook_outer(F) || F <- ProperRawHead],
+ CookedTail = cook_outer(ImproperRawTail),
+ {{CookedHead,CookedTail},
+ CookedHead ++ CookedTail,
+ HeadLen + 1,
+ fun(I,L) -> improper_list_retrieve(I, L, HeadLen) end,
+ fun(I,V,L) -> improper_list_update(I, V, L, HeadLen) end};
+ ProperRawFields ->
+ LocalFields = [cook_outer(F) || F <- ProperRawFields],
+ {LocalFields,
+ LocalFields,
+ length(ProperRawFields),
+ fun lists:nth/2,
+ fun proper_arith:list_update/3}
+ end,
+ {env, {Fields, Len}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun fixed_list_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun fixed_list_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_types, Internal},
+ {get_indices, fun fixed_list_get_indices/2},
+ {retrieve, Retrieve},
+ {update, Update}
+ ]).
+fixed_list_gen(Type) ->
+ {Fields, _} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:fixed_list_gen(Fields).
+fixed_list_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Fields, _} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ fixed_list_test(X, Fields).
+fixed_list_get_indices(Type, _X) ->
+ {_, Len} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ lists:seq(1, Len).
+-spec fixed_list_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(),
+ [proper_types:type()] | {[proper_types:type()],
+ proper_types:type()}) ->
+ boolean().
+fixed_list_test(X, {ProperHead,ImproperTail}) ->
+ is_list(X) andalso
+ begin
+ ProperHeadLen = length(ProperHead),
+ proper_arith:head_length(X) >= ProperHeadLen andalso
+ begin
+ {XHead,XTail} = lists:split(ProperHeadLen, X),
+ fixed_list_test(XHead, ProperHead)
+ andalso is_instance(XTail, ImproperTail)
+ end
+ end;
+fixed_list_test(X, ProperFields) ->
+ is_list(X)
+ andalso length(X) =:= length(ProperFields)
+ andalso lists:all(fun({E,T}) -> is_instance(E, T) end,
+ lists:zip(X, ProperFields)).
+%% TODO: Move these 2 functions to proper_arith?
+-spec improper_list_retrieve(index(), nonempty_improper_list(value(),value()),
+ pos_integer()) -> value().
+improper_list_retrieve(Index, List, HeadLen) ->
+ case Index =< HeadLen of
+ true -> lists:nth(Index, List);
+ false -> lists:nthtail(HeadLen, List)
+ end.
+-spec improper_list_update(index(), value(),
+ nonempty_improper_list(value(),value()),
+ pos_integer()) ->
+ nonempty_improper_list(value(),value()).
+improper_list_update(Index, Value, List, HeadLen) ->
+ case Index =< HeadLen of
+ %% TODO: This happens to work, but is not implied by list_update's spec.
+ true -> proper_arith:list_update(Index, Value, List);
+ false -> lists:sublist(List, HeadLen) ++ Value
+ end.
+%% @doc All pure functions that map instances of `ArgTypes' to instances of
+%% `RetType'. The syntax `function(Arity, RetType)' is also acceptable.
+-spec function(ArgTypes::[raw_type()] | arity(), RetType::raw_type()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+function(Arity, RawRetType) when is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0, Arity =< 255 ->
+ RetType = cook_outer(RawRetType),
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, {Arity, RetType}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun function_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun function_is_instance/2}}
+ ]);
+function(RawArgTypes, RawRetType) ->
+ function(length(RawArgTypes), RawRetType).
+function_gen(Type) ->
+ {Arity, RetType} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:function_gen(Arity, RetType).
+function_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Arity, RetType} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_function(X, Arity)
+ %% TODO: what if it's not a function we produced?
+ andalso equal_types(RetType, proper_gen:get_ret_type(X)).
+%% @doc All Erlang terms (that PropEr can produce). For reasons of efficiency,
+%% functions are never produced as instances of this type.<br />
+%% CAUTION: Instances of this type are expensive to produce, shrink and instance-
+%% check, both in terms of processing time and consumed memory. Only use this
+%% type if you are certain that you need it.
+-spec any() -> proper_types:type().
+any() ->
+ AllTypes = [integer(),float(),atom(),bitstring(),?LAZY(loose_tuple(any())),
+ ?LAZY(list(any()))],
+ ?SUBTYPE(union(AllTypes), [
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:any_gen/1}
+ ]).
+%% Type aliases
+%% @equiv integer(inf, inf)
+-spec integer() -> proper_types:type().
+integer() -> integer(inf, inf).
+%% @equiv integer(0, inf)
+-spec non_neg_integer() -> proper_types:type().
+non_neg_integer() -> integer(0, inf).
+%% @equiv integer(1, inf)
+-spec pos_integer() -> proper_types:type().
+pos_integer() -> integer(1, inf).
+%% @equiv integer(inf, -1)
+-spec neg_integer() -> proper_types:type().
+neg_integer() -> integer(inf, -1).
+%% @equiv integer(Low, High)
+-spec range(extint(), extint()) -> proper_types:type().
+range(Low, High) -> integer(Low, High).
+%% @equiv float(inf, inf)
+-spec float() -> proper_types:type().
+float() -> float(inf, inf).
+%% @equiv float(0.0, inf)
+-spec non_neg_float() -> proper_types:type().
+non_neg_float() -> float(0.0, inf).
+%% @equiv union([integer(), float()])
+-spec number() -> proper_types:type().
+number() -> union([integer(), float()]).
+%% @doc The atoms `true' and `false'. Instances shrink towards `false'.
+-spec boolean() -> proper_types:type().
+boolean() -> union(['false', 'true']).
+%% @equiv integer(0, 255)
+-spec byte() -> proper_types:type().
+byte() -> integer(0, 255).
+%% @equiv integer(0, 16#10ffff)
+-spec char() -> proper_types:type().
+char() -> integer(0, 16#10ffff).
+%% @equiv list(any())
+-spec list() -> proper_types:type().
+list() -> list(any()).
+%% @equiv loose_tuple(any())
+-spec tuple() -> proper_types:type().
+tuple() -> loose_tuple(any()).
+%% @equiv list(char())
+-spec string() -> proper_types:type().
+string() -> list(char()).
+%% @equiv weighted_union(FreqChoices)
+-spec wunion([{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) -> proper_types:type().
+wunion(FreqChoices) -> weighted_union(FreqChoices).
+%% @equiv any()
+-spec term() -> proper_types:type().
+term() -> any().
+%% @equiv union([non_neg_integer() | infinity])
+-spec timeout() -> proper_types:type().
+timeout() -> union([non_neg_integer(), 'infinity']).
+%% @equiv integer(0, 255)
+-spec arity() -> proper_types:type().
+arity() -> integer(0, 255).
+%% QuickCheck compatibility types
+%% @doc Small integers (bound by the current value of the `size' parameter).
+%% Instances shrink towards `0'.
+-spec int() -> proper_types:type().
+int() -> ?SIZED(Size, integer(-Size,Size)).
+%% @doc Small non-negative integers (bound by the current value of the `size'
+%% parameter). Instances shrink towards `0'.
+-spec nat() -> proper_types:type().
+nat() -> ?SIZED(Size, integer(0,Size)).
+%% @equiv integer()
+-spec largeint() -> proper_types:type().
+largeint() -> integer().
+%% @equiv float()
+-spec real() -> proper_types:type().
+real() -> float().
+%% @equiv boolean()
+-spec bool() -> proper_types:type().
+bool() -> boolean().
+%% @equiv integer(Low, High)
+-spec choose(extint(), extint()) -> proper_types:type().
+choose(Low, High) -> integer(Low, High).
+%% @equiv union(Choices)
+-spec elements([raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+elements(Choices) -> union(Choices).
+%% @equiv union(Choices)
+-spec oneof([raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+oneof(Choices) -> union(Choices).
+%% @equiv weighted_union(Choices)
+-spec frequency([{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) -> proper_types:type().
+frequency(FreqChoices) -> weighted_union(FreqChoices).
+%% @equiv exactly(E)
+-spec return(term()) -> proper_types:type().
+return(E) -> exactly(E).
+%% @doc Adds a default value, `Default', to `Type'.
+%% The default serves as a primary shrinking target for instances, while it
+%% is also chosen by the random instance generation subsystem half the time.
+-spec default(raw_type(), raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+default(Default, Type) ->
+ union([Default, Type]).
+%% @doc All sorted lists containing elements of type `ElemType'.
+%% Instances shrink towards the empty list, `[]'.
+-spec orderedlist(ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+orderedlist(RawElemType) ->
+ ?LET(L, list(RawElemType), lists:sort(L)).
+%% @equiv function(0, RetType)
+-spec function0(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function0(RetType) ->
+ function(0, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(1, RetType)
+-spec function1(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function1(RetType) ->
+ function(1, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(2, RetType)
+-spec function2(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function2(RetType) ->
+ function(2, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(3, RetType)
+-spec function3(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function3(RetType) ->
+ function(3, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(4, RetType)
+-spec function4(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function4(RetType) ->
+ function(4, RetType).
+%% @doc A specialization of {@link default/2}, where `Default' and `Type' are
+%% assigned weights to be considered by the random instance generator. The
+%% shrinking subsystem will ignore the weights and try to shrink using the
+%% default value.
+-spec weighted_default({frequency(),raw_type()}, {frequency(),raw_type()}) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+weighted_default(Default, Type) ->
+ weighted_union([Default, Type]).
+%% Additional type specification functions
+%% @doc Overrides the `size' parameter used when generating instances of
+%% `Type' with `NewSize'. Has no effect on size-less types, such as unions.
+%% Also, this will not affect the generation of any internal types contained in
+%% `Type', such as the elements of a list - those will still be generated
+%% using the test-wide value of `size'. One use of this function is to modify
+%% types to produce instances that grow faster or slower, like so:
+%% ```?SIZED(Size, resize(Size * 2, list(integer()))'''
+%% The above specifies a list type that grows twice as fast as normal lists.
+-spec resize(size(), Type::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+resize(NewSize, RawType) ->
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ case find_prop(size_transform, Type) of
+ {ok,Transform} ->
+ add_prop(size_transform, fun(_S) -> Transform(NewSize) end, Type);
+ error ->
+ add_prop(size_transform, fun(_S) -> NewSize end, Type)
+ end.
+%% @doc This is a predefined constraint that can be applied to random-length
+%% list and binary types to ensure that the produced values are never empty.
+%% e.g. {@link list/0}, {@link string/0}, {@link binary/0})
+-spec non_empty(ListType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+non_empty(RawListType) ->
+ ?SUCHTHAT(L, RawListType, L =/= [] andalso L =/= <<>>).
+%% @doc Creates a new type which is equivalent to `Type', but whose instances
+%% are never shrunk by the shrinking subsystem.
+-spec noshrink(Type::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+noshrink(RawType) ->
+ add_prop(noshrink, true, cook_outer(RawType)).
+%% @doc Associates the atom key `Parameter' with the value `Value' while
+%% generating instances of `Type'.
+-spec with_parameter(atom(), value(), Type::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+with_parameter(Parameter, Value, RawType) ->
+ with_parameters([{Parameter,Value}], RawType).
+%% @doc Similar to {@link with_parameter/3}, but accepts a list of
+%% `{Parameter, Value}' pairs.
+-spec with_parameters([{atom(),value()}], Type::raw_type()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+with_parameters(PVlist, RawType) ->
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ case find_prop(parameters, Type) of
+ {ok,Params} when is_list(Params) ->
+ append_list_to_prop(parameters, PVlist, Type);
+ error ->
+ add_prop(parameters, PVlist, Type)
+ end.
+%% @doc Returns the value associated with `Parameter', or `Default' in case
+%% `Parameter' is not associated with any value.
+-spec parameter(atom(), value()) -> value().
+parameter(Parameter, Default) ->
+ Parameters =
+ case erlang:get('$parameters') of
+ undefined -> [];
+ List -> List
+ end,
+ proplists:get_value(Parameter, Parameters, Default).
+%% @equiv parameter(Parameter, undefined)
+-spec parameter(atom()) -> value().
+parameter(Parameter) ->
+ parameter(Parameter, undefined).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_typeserver.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_typeserver.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1677b4efb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_typeserver.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,2402 @@
+%%% Copyright 2010-2015 Manolis Papadakis <[email protected]>,
+%%% Eirini Arvaniti <[email protected]>
+%%% and Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+%%% This file is part of PropEr.
+%%% PropEr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+%%% (at your option) any later version.
+%%% PropEr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with PropEr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%%% @copyright 2010-2015 Manolis Papadakis, Eirini Arvaniti and Kostis Sagonas
+%%% @version {@version}
+%%% @author Manolis Papadakis
+%%% @doc Erlang type system - PropEr type system integration module.
+%%% PropEr can parse types expressed in Erlang's type language and convert them
+%%% to its own type format. Such expressions can be used instead of regular type
+%%% constructors in the second argument of `?FORALL's. No extra notation is
+%%% required; PropEr will detect which calls correspond to native types by
+%%% applying a parse transform during compilation. This parse transform is
+%%% automatically applied to any module that includes the `proper.hrl' header
+%%% file. You can disable this feature by compiling your modules with
+%%% `-DPROPER_NO_TRANS'. Note that this will currently also disable the
+%%% automatic exporting of properties.
+%%% The use of native types in properties is subject to the following usage
+%%% rules:
+%%% <ul>
+%%% <li>Native types cannot be used outside of `?FORALL's.</li>
+%%% <li>Inside `?FORALL's, native types can be combined with other native
+%%% types, and even with PropEr types, inside tuples and lists (the constructs
+%%% `[...]', `{...}' and `++' are all allowed).</li>
+%%% <li>All other constructs of Erlang's built-in type system (e.g. `|' for
+%%% union, `_' as an alias of `any()', `<<_:_>>' binary type syntax and
+%%% `fun((...) -> ...)' function type syntax) are not allowed in `?FORALL's,
+%%% because they are rejected by the Erlang parser.</li>
+%%% <li>Anything other than a tuple constructor, list constructor, `++'
+%%% application, local or remote call will automatically be considered a
+%%% PropEr type constructor and not be processed further by the parse
+%%% transform.</li>
+%%% <li>Parametric native types are fully supported; of course, they can only
+%%% appear instantiated in a `?FORALL'. The arguments of parametric native
+%%% types are always interpreted as native types.</li>
+%%% <li>Parametric PropEr types, on the other hand, can take any kind of
+%%% argument. You can even mix native and PropEr types in the arguments of a
+%%% PropEr type. For example, assuming that the following declarations are
+%%% present:
+%%% ``` my_proper_type() -> ?LET(...).
+%%% -type my_native_type() :: ... .'''
+%%% Then the following expressions are all legal:
+%%% ``` vector(2, my_native_type())
+%%% function(0, my_native_type())
+%%% union([my_proper_type(), my_native_type()])''' </li>
+%%% <li>Some type constructors can take native types as arguments (but only
+%%% inside `?FORALL's):
+%%% <ul>
+%%% <li>`?SUCHTHAT', `?SUCHTHATMAYBE', `non_empty', `noshrink': these work
+%%% with native types too</li>
+%%% <li>`?LAZY', `?SHRINK', `resize', `?SIZED': these don't work with native
+%%% types</li>
+%%% <li>`?LET', `?LETSHRINK': only the top-level base type can be a native
+%%% type</li>
+%%% </ul></li>
+%%% <li>Native type declarations in the `?FORALL's of a module can reference any
+%%% custom type declared in a `-type' or `-opaque' attribute of the same
+%%% module, as long as no module identifier is used.</li>
+%%% <li>Typed records cannot be referenced inside `?FORALL's using the
+%%% `#rec_name{}' syntax. To use a typed record in a `?FORALL', enclose the
+%%% record in a custom type like so:
+%%% ``` -type rec_name() :: #rec_name{}. '''
+%%% and use the custom type instead.</li>
+%%% <li>`?FORALL's may contain references to self-recursive or mutually
+%%% recursive native types, so long as each type in the hierarchy has a clear
+%%% base case.
+%%% Currently, PropEr requires that the toplevel of any recursive type
+%%% declaration is either a (maybe empty) list or a union containing at least
+%%% one choice that doesn't reference the type directly (it may, however,
+%%% reference any of the types that are mutually recursive with it). This
+%%% means, for example, that some valid recursive type declarations, such as
+%%% this one:
+%%% ``` ?FORALL(..., a(), ...) '''
+%%% where:
+%%% ``` -type a() :: {'a','none' | a()}. '''
+%%% are not accepted by PropEr. However, such types can be rewritten in a way
+%%% that allows PropEr to parse them:
+%%% ``` ?FORALL(..., a(), ...) '''
+%%% where:
+%%% ``` -type a() :: {'a','none'} | {'a',a()}. '''
+%%% This also means that recursive record declarations are not allowed:
+%%% ``` ?FORALL(..., rec(), ...) '''
+%%% where:
+%%% ``` -type rec() :: #rec{}.
+%%% -record(rec, {a = 0 :: integer(), b = 'nil' :: 'nil' | #rec{}}). '''
+%%% A little rewritting can usually remedy this problem as well:
+%%% ``` ?FORALL(..., rec(), ...) '''
+%%% where:
+%%% ``` -type rec() :: #rec{b :: 'nil'} | #rec{b :: rec()}.
+%%% -record(rec, {a = 0 :: integer(), b = 'nil' :: 'nil' | #rec{}}). '''
+%%% </li>
+%%% <li>Remote types may be referenced in a `?FORALL', so long as they are
+%%% exported from the remote module. Currently, PropEr requires that any
+%%% remote modules whose types are directly referenced from within properties
+%%% are present in the code path at compile time, either compiled with
+%%% `debug_info' enabled or in source form. If PropEr cannot find a remote
+%%% module at all, finds only a compiled object file with no debug
+%%% information or fails to compile the source file, all calls to that module
+%%% will automatically be considered calls to PropEr type constructors.</li>
+%%% <li>For native types to be translated correctly, both the module that
+%%% contains the `?FORALL' declaration as well as any module that contains
+%%% the declaration of a type referenced (directly or indirectly) from inside
+%%% a `?FORALL' must be present in the code path at runtime, either compiled
+%%% with `debug_info' enabled or in source form.</li>
+%%% <li>Local types with the same name as an auto-imported BIF are not accepted
+%%% by PropEr, unless the BIF in question has been declared in a
+%%% `no_auto_import' option.</li>
+%%% <li>When an expression can be interpreted both as a PropEr type and as a
+%%% native type, the former takes precedence. This means that a function
+%%% `foo()' will shadow a type `foo()' if they are both present in the module.
+%%% The same rule applies to remote functions and types as well.</li>
+%%% <li>The above may cause some confusion when list syntax is used:
+%%% <ul>
+%%% <li>The expression `[integer()]' can be interpreted both ways, so the
+%%% PropEr way applies. Therefore, instances of this type will always be
+%%% lists of length 1, not arbitrary integer lists, as would be expected
+%%% when interpreting the expression as a native type.</li>
+%%% <li>Assuming that a custom type foo/1 has been declared, the expression
+%%% `foo([integer()])' can only be interpreted as a native type declaration,
+%%% which means that the generic type of integer lists will be passed to
+%%% `foo/1'.</li>
+%%% </ul></li>
+%%% <li>Currently, PropEr does not detect the following mistakes:
+%%% <ul>
+%%% <li>inline record-field specializations that reference non-existent
+%%% fields</li>
+%%% <li>type parameters that are not present in the RHS of a `-type'
+%%% declaration</li>
+%%% <li>using `_' as a type variable in the LHS of a `-type' declaration</li>
+%%% <li>using the same variable in more than one position in the LHS of a
+%%% `-type' declaration</li>
+%%% </ul>
+%%% </li>
+%%% </ul>
+%%% You can use <a href="#index">these</a> functions to try out the type
+%%% translation subsystem.
+%%% CAUTION: These functions should never be used inside properties. They are
+%%% meant for demonstration purposes only.
+-export([demo_translate_type/2, demo_is_instance/3]).
+-export([start/0, restart/0, stop/0, create_spec_test/3, get_exp_specced/1,
+ is_instance/3, translate_type/1]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-export([get_exp_info/1, match/2]).
+-export_type([imm_type/0, mod_exp_types/0, mod_exp_funs/0]).
+%% Macros
+-define(SRC_FILE_EXT, ".erl").
+%% CAUTION: all these must be sorted
+ [any,arity,atom,binary,bitstring,bool,boolean,byte,char,float,integer,
+ list,neg_integer,non_neg_integer,number,pos_integer,string,term,
+ timeout]).
+ %% gb_trees:iterator and gb_sets:iterator are NOT hardcoded
+ [{{array,0},array}, {{array,1},proper_array},
+ {{dict,0},dict}, {{dict,2},proper_dict},
+ {{gb_set,0},gb_sets}, {{gb_set,1},proper_gb_sets},
+ {{gb_tree,0},gb_trees}, {{gb_tree,2},proper_gb_trees},
+ {{orddict,2},proper_orddict},
+ {{ordset,1},proper_ordsets},
+ {{queue,0},queue}, {{queue,1},proper_queue},
+ {{set,0},sets}, {{set,1},proper_sets}]).
+ [{array, [{{array,0},
+ {{type,0,record,[{atom,0,array}]},[]}}]},
+ {dict, [{{dict,0},
+ {{type,0,record,[{atom,0,dict}]},[]}}]},
+ {gb_sets, [{{gb_set,0},
+ {{type,0,tuple,[{type,0,non_neg_integer,[]},
+ {type,0,gb_set_node,[]}]},[]}}]},
+ {gb_trees, [{{gb_tree,0},
+ {{type,0,tuple,[{type,0,non_neg_integer,[]},
+ {type,0,gb_tree_node,[]}]},[]}}]},
+ %% Our parametric ADTs are already declared as normal types, we just
+ %% need to change them to opaques.
+ {proper_array, [{{array,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_dict, [{{dict,2},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_gb_sets, [{{gb_set,1},already_declared},
+ {{iterator,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_gb_trees, [{{gb_tree,2},already_declared},
+ {{iterator,2},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_orddict, [{{orddict,2},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_ordsets, [{{ordset,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_queue, [{{queue,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_sets, [{{set,1},already_declared}]},
+ {queue, [{{queue,0},
+ {{type,0,tuple,[{type,0,list,[]},{type,0,list,[]}]},[]}}]},
+ {sets, [{{set,0},
+ {{type,0,record,[{atom,0,set}]},[]}}]}]).
+%% Types
+-type type_name() :: atom().
+-type var_name() :: atom(). %% TODO: also integers?
+-type field_name() :: atom().
+-type type_kind() :: 'type' | 'record'.
+-type type_ref() :: {type_kind(),type_name(),arity()}.
+-type substs_dict() :: dict(). %% dict(field_name(),ret_type())
+-type substs_dict() :: dict:dict(field_name(),ret_type()).
+-type full_type_ref() :: {mod_name(),type_kind(),type_name(),
+ [ret_type()] | substs_dict()}.
+-type symb_info() :: 'not_symb' | {'orig_abs',abs_type()}.
+-type type_repr() :: {'abs_type',abs_type(),[var_name()],symb_info()}
+ | {'cached',fin_type(),abs_type(),symb_info()}
+ | {'abs_record',[{field_name(),abs_type()}]}.
+-type gen_fun() :: fun((size()) -> fin_type()).
+-type rec_fun() :: fun(([gen_fun()],size()) -> fin_type()).
+-type rec_arg() :: {boolean() | {'list',boolean(),rec_fun()},full_type_ref()}.
+-type rec_args() :: [rec_arg()].
+-type ret_type() :: {'simple',fin_type()} | {'rec',rec_fun(),rec_args()}.
+-type rec_fun_info() :: {pos_integer(),pos_integer(),[arity(),...],
+ [rec_fun(),...]}.
+-type imm_type_ref() :: {type_name(),arity()}.
+-type hard_adt_repr() :: {abs_type(),[var_name()]} | 'already_declared'.
+-type fun_ref() :: {fun_name(),arity()}.
+-type fun_repr() :: fun_clause_repr().
+-type fun_clause_repr() :: {[abs_type()],abs_type()}.
+-type proc_fun_ref() :: {fun_name(),[abs_type()],abs_type()}.
+-type full_imm_type_ref() :: {mod_name(),type_name(),arity()}.
+-type imm_stack() :: [full_imm_type_ref()].
+-type pat_field() :: 0 | 1 | atom().
+-type pattern() :: loose_tuple(pat_field()).
+-type next_step() :: 'none' | 'take_head' | {'match_with',pattern()}.
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_types() :: set(). %% set(imm_type_ref())
+-type mod_types() :: dict(). %% dict(type_ref(),type_repr())
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_funs() :: set(). %% set(fun_ref())
+-type mod_specs() :: dict(). %% dict(fun_ref(),fun_repr())
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_types() :: sets:set(imm_type_ref()).
+-type mod_types() :: dict:dict(type_ref(),type_repr()).
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_funs() :: sets:set(fun_ref()).
+-type mod_specs() :: dict:dict(fun_ref(),fun_repr()).
+ {cached = dict:new() :: dict(), %% dict(imm_type(),fin_type())
+ exp_types = dict:new() :: dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_exp_types())
+ types = dict:new() :: dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_types())
+ exp_specs = dict:new() :: dict()}). %% dict(mod_name(),mod_specs())
+ {cached = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %% dict(imm_type(),fin_type())
+ exp_types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_exp_types())
+ types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_types())
+ exp_specs = dict:new() :: dict:dict()}). %% dict(mod_name(),mod_specs())
+%% {cached = dict:new() :: dict:dict(imm_type(),fin_type()),
+%% exp_types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(mod_name(),mod_exp_types()),
+%% types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(mod_name(),mod_types()),
+%% exp_specs = dict:new() :: dict:dict(mod_name(),mod_specs())}).
+-type state() :: #state{}.
+ {mod_exp_types = sets:new() :: mod_exp_types(),
+ mod_types = dict:new() :: mod_types(),
+ mod_opaques = sets:new() :: mod_exp_types(),
+ mod_exp_funs = sets:new() :: mod_exp_funs(),
+ mod_specs = dict:new() :: mod_specs()}).
+-type mod_info() :: #mod_info{}.
+-type stack() :: [full_type_ref() | 'tuple' | 'list' | 'union' | 'fun'].
+-type var_dict() :: dict(). %% dict(var_name(),ret_type())
+-type var_dict() :: dict:dict(var_name(),ret_type()).
+%% @private_type
+-type imm_type() :: {mod_name(),string()}.
+%% @alias
+-type fin_type() :: proper_types:type().
+-type tagged_result(T) :: {'ok',T} | 'error'.
+-type tagged_result2(T,S) :: {'ok',T,S} | 'error'.
+%% @alias
+-type rich_result(T) :: {'ok',T} | {'error',term()}.
+-type rich_result2(T,S) :: {'ok',T,S} | {'error',term()}.
+-type false_positive_mfas() :: proper:false_positive_mfas().
+-type server_call() :: {'create_spec_test',mfa(),timeout(),false_positive_mfas()}
+ | {'get_exp_specced',mod_name()}
+ | {'get_type_repr',mod_name(),type_ref(),boolean()}
+ | {'translate_type',imm_type()}.
+-type server_response() :: rich_result(proper:test())
+ | rich_result([mfa()])
+ | rich_result(type_repr())
+ | rich_result(fin_type()).
+%% Server interface functions
+%% @private
+-spec start() -> 'ok'.
+start() ->
+ {ok,TypeserverPid} = gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, dummy, []),
+ put('$typeserver_pid', TypeserverPid),
+ ok.
+%% @private
+-spec restart() -> 'ok'.
+restart() ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ case (TypeserverPid =:= undefined orelse not is_process_alive(TypeserverPid)) of
+ true -> start();
+ false -> ok
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec stop() -> 'ok'.
+stop() ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ erase('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:cast(TypeserverPid, stop).
+%% @private
+-spec create_spec_test(mfa(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas()) -> rich_result(proper:test()).
+create_spec_test(MFA, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {create_spec_test,MFA,SpecTimeout,FalsePositiveMFAs}).
+%% @private
+-spec get_exp_specced(mod_name()) -> rich_result([mfa()]).
+get_exp_specced(Mod) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {get_exp_specced,Mod}).
+-spec get_type_repr(mod_name(), type_ref(), boolean()) ->
+ rich_result(type_repr()).
+get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, IsRemote) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {get_type_repr,Mod,TypeRef,IsRemote}).
+%% @private
+-spec translate_type(imm_type()) -> rich_result(fin_type()).
+translate_type(ImmType) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {translate_type,ImmType}).
+%% @doc Translates the native type expression `TypeExpr' (which should be
+%% provided inside a string) into a PropEr type, which can then be passed to any
+%% of the demo functions defined in the {@link proper_gen} module. PropEr acts
+%% as if it found this type expression inside the code of module `Mod'.
+-spec demo_translate_type(mod_name(), string()) -> rich_result(fin_type()).
+demo_translate_type(Mod, TypeExpr) ->
+ start(),
+ Result = translate_type({Mod,TypeExpr}),
+ stop(),
+ Result.
+%% @doc Checks if `Term' is a valid instance of native type `TypeExpr' (which
+%% should be provided inside a string). PropEr acts as if it found this type
+%% expression inside the code of module `Mod'.
+-spec demo_is_instance(term(), mod_name(), string()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',term()}.
+demo_is_instance(Term, Mod, TypeExpr) ->
+ case parse_type(TypeExpr) of
+ {ok,TypeForm} ->
+ start(),
+ Result =
+ %% Force the typeserver to load the module.
+ case translate_type({Mod,"integer()"}) of
+ {ok,_FinType} ->
+ try is_instance(Term, Mod, TypeForm)
+ catch
+ throw:{'$typeserver',Reason} -> {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end,
+ stop(),
+ Result;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%% Implementation of gen_server interface
+%% @private
+-spec init(_) -> {'ok',state()}.
+init(_) ->
+ {ok, #state{}}.
+%% @private
+-spec handle_call(server_call(), _, state()) ->
+ {'reply',server_response(),state()}.
+handle_call({create_spec_test,MFA,SpecTimeout,FalsePositiveMFAs}, _From, State) ->
+ case create_spec_test(MFA, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, State) of
+ {ok,Test,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,Test}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({get_exp_specced,Mod}, _From, State) ->
+ case get_exp_specced(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,MFAs,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,MFAs}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({get_type_repr,Mod,TypeRef,IsRemote}, _From, State) ->
+ case get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, IsRemote, State) of
+ {ok,TypeRepr,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,TypeRepr}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({translate_type,ImmType}, _From, State) ->
+ case translate_type(ImmType, State) of
+ {ok,FinType,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,FinType}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec handle_cast('stop', state()) -> {'stop','normal',state()}.
+handle_cast(stop, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State}.
+%% @private
+-spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> {'stop',{'received_info',term()},state()}.
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ {stop, {received_info,Info}, State}.
+%% @private
+-spec terminate(term(), state()) -> 'ok'.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+%% @private
+-spec code_change(term(), state(), _) -> {'ok',state()}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%% Top-level interface
+-spec create_spec_test(mfa(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(proper:test(),state()).
+create_spec_test(MFA, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, State) ->
+ case get_exp_spec(MFA, State) of
+ {ok,FunRepr,NewState} ->
+ make_spec_test(MFA, FunRepr, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, NewState);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec get_exp_spec(mfa(), state()) -> rich_result2(fun_repr(),state()).
+get_exp_spec({Mod,Fun,Arity} = MFA, State) ->
+ case add_module(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,#state{exp_specs = ExpSpecs} = NewState} ->
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:fetch(Mod, ExpSpecs),
+ case dict:find({Fun,Arity}, ModExpSpecs) of
+ {ok,FunRepr} ->
+ {ok, FunRepr, NewState};
+ error ->
+ {error, {function_not_exported_or_specced,MFA}}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec make_spec_test(mfa(), fun_repr(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(proper:test(),state()).
+make_spec_test({Mod,_Fun,_Arity}=MFA, {Domain,_Range}=FunRepr, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, State) ->
+ case convert(Mod, {type,0,'$fixed_list',Domain}, State) of
+ {ok,FinType,NewState} ->
+ Test = ?FORALL(Args, FinType, apply_spec_test(MFA, FunRepr, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, Args)),
+ {ok, Test, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec apply_spec_test(mfa(), fun_repr(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas(), term()) -> proper:test().
+apply_spec_test({Mod,Fun,_Arity}=MFA, {_Domain,Range}, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, Args) ->
+ ?TIMEOUT(SpecTimeout,
+ begin
+ %% NOTE: only call apply/3 inside try/catch (do not trust ?MODULE:is_instance/3)
+ Result =
+ try apply(Mod,Fun,Args) of
+ X -> {ok, X}
+ catch
+ X:Y -> {X, Y}
+ end,
+ case Result of
+ {ok, Z} ->
+ case ?MODULE:is_instance(Z,Mod,Range) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false when is_function(FalsePositiveMFAs) ->
+ FalsePositiveMFAs(MFA, Args, {fail, Z});
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+ Exception when is_function(FalsePositiveMFAs) ->
+ case FalsePositiveMFAs(MFA, Args, Exception) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false ->
+ error(Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end;
+ Exception ->
+ error(Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end
+ end).
+-spec get_exp_specced(mod_name(), state()) -> rich_result2([mfa()],state()).
+get_exp_specced(Mod, State) ->
+ case add_module(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,#state{exp_specs = ExpSpecs} = NewState} ->
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:fetch(Mod, ExpSpecs),
+ ExpSpecced = [{Mod,F,A} || {F,A} <- dict:fetch_keys(ModExpSpecs)],
+ {ok, ExpSpecced, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec get_type_repr(mod_name(), type_ref(), boolean(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(type_repr(),state()).
+get_type_repr(Mod, {type,Name,Arity} = TypeRef, true, State) ->
+ case prepare_for_remote(Mod, Name, Arity, State) of
+ {ok,NewState} ->
+ get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, false, NewState);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, false, #state{types = Types} = State) ->
+ ModTypes = dict:fetch(Mod, Types),
+ case dict:find(TypeRef, ModTypes) of
+ {ok,TypeRepr} ->
+ {ok, TypeRepr, State};
+ error ->
+ {error, {missing_type,Mod,TypeRef}}
+ end.
+-spec prepare_for_remote(mod_name(), type_name(), arity(), state()) ->
+ rich_result(state()).
+prepare_for_remote(RemMod, Name, Arity, State) ->
+ case add_module(RemMod, State) of
+ {ok,#state{exp_types = ExpTypes} = NewState} ->
+ RemModExpTypes = dict:fetch(RemMod, ExpTypes),
+ case sets:is_element({Name,Arity}, RemModExpTypes) of
+ true -> {ok, NewState};
+ false -> {error, {type_not_exported,{RemMod,Name,Arity}}}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec translate_type(imm_type(), state()) -> rich_result2(fin_type(),state()).
+translate_type({Mod,Str} = ImmType, #state{cached = Cached} = State) ->
+ case dict:find(ImmType, Cached) of
+ {ok,Type} ->
+ {ok, Type, State};
+ error ->
+ case parse_type(Str) of
+ {ok,TypeForm} ->
+ case add_module(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,NewState} ->
+ case convert(Mod, TypeForm, NewState) of
+ {ok,FinType,
+ #state{cached = Cached} = FinalState} ->
+ NewCached = dict:store(ImmType, FinType,
+ Cached),
+ {ok, FinType,
+ FinalState#state{cached = NewCached}};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error, {parse_error,Str,Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec parse_type(string()) -> rich_result(abs_type()).
+parse_type(Str) ->
+ TypeStr = "-type mytype() :: " ++ Str ++ ".",
+ case erl_scan:string(TypeStr) of
+ {ok,Tokens,_EndLocation} ->
+ case erl_parse:parse_form(Tokens) of
+ {ok,{attribute,_Line,type,{mytype,TypeExpr,[]}}} ->
+ {ok, TypeExpr};
+ {error,_ErrorInfo} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error,ErrorInfo,_EndLocation} ->
+ {error, ErrorInfo}
+ end.
+-spec add_module(mod_name(), state()) -> rich_result(state()).
+add_module(Mod, #state{exp_types = ExpTypes} = State) ->
+ case dict:is_key(Mod, ExpTypes) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, State};
+ false ->
+ case get_code_and_exports(Mod) of
+ {ok,AbsCode,ModExpFuns} ->
+ RawModInfo = get_mod_info(Mod, AbsCode, ModExpFuns),
+ ModInfo = process_adts(Mod, RawModInfo),
+ {ok, store_mod_info(Mod,ModInfo,State)};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error, {cant_load_code,Mod,Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec get_exp_info(mod_name()) -> rich_result2(mod_exp_types(),mod_exp_funs()).
+get_exp_info(Mod) ->
+ case get_code_and_exports(Mod) of
+ {ok,AbsCode,ModExpFuns} ->
+ RawModInfo = get_mod_info(Mod, AbsCode, ModExpFuns),
+ {ok, RawModInfo#mod_info.mod_exp_types, ModExpFuns};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec get_code_and_exports(mod_name()) ->
+ rich_result2([abs_form()],mod_exp_funs()).
+get_code_and_exports(Mod) ->
+ case code:get_object_code(Mod) of
+ {Mod, ObjBin, _ObjFileName} ->
+ case get_chunks(ObjBin) of
+ {ok,_AbsCode,_ModExpFuns} = Result ->
+ Result;
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ get_code_and_exports_from_source(Mod, Reason)
+ end;
+ error ->
+ get_code_and_exports_from_source(Mod, cant_find_object_file)
+ end.
+-spec get_code_and_exports_from_source(mod_name(), term()) ->
+ rich_result2([abs_form()],mod_exp_funs()).
+get_code_and_exports_from_source(Mod, ObjError) ->
+ SrcFileName = atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ?SRC_FILE_EXT,
+ case code:where_is_file(SrcFileName) of
+ FullSrcFileName when is_list(FullSrcFileName) ->
+ Opts = [binary,debug_info,return_errors,{d,'PROPER_REMOVE_PROPS'}],
+ case compile:file(FullSrcFileName, Opts) of
+ {ok,Mod,Binary} ->
+ get_chunks(Binary);
+ {error,Errors,_Warnings} ->
+ {error, {ObjError,{cant_compile_source_file,Errors}}}
+ end;
+ non_existing ->
+ {error, {ObjError,cant_find_source_file}}
+ end.
+-spec get_chunks(string() | binary()) ->
+ rich_result2([abs_form()],mod_exp_funs()).
+get_chunks(ObjFile) ->
+ case beam_lib:chunks(ObjFile, [abstract_code,exports]) of
+ {ok,{_Mod,[{abstract_code,AbsCodeChunk},{exports,ExpFunsList}]}} ->
+ case AbsCodeChunk of
+ {raw_abstract_v1,AbsCode} ->
+ %% HACK: Add a declaration for iolist() to every module
+ {ok, add_iolist(AbsCode), sets:from_list(ExpFunsList)};
+ no_abstract_code ->
+ {error, no_abstract_code};
+ _ ->
+ {error, unsupported_abstract_code_format}
+ end;
+ {error,beam_lib,Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec add_iolist([abs_form()]) -> [abs_form()].
+add_iolist(Forms) ->
+ IOListDef =
+ {type,0,maybe_improper_list,
+ [{type,0,union,[{type,0,byte,[]},{type,0,binary,[]},
+ {type,0,iolist,[]}]},
+ {type,0,binary,[]}]},
+ IOListDecl = {attribute,0,type,{iolist,IOListDef,[]}},
+ [IOListDecl | Forms].
+-spec get_mod_info(mod_name(), [abs_form()], mod_exp_funs()) -> mod_info().
+get_mod_info(Mod, AbsCode, ModExpFuns) ->
+ StartModInfo = #mod_info{mod_exp_funs = ModExpFuns},
+ ImmModInfo = lists:foldl(fun add_mod_info/2, StartModInfo, AbsCode),
+ #mod_info{mod_specs = AllModSpecs} = ImmModInfo,
+ IsExported = fun(FunRef,_FunRepr) -> sets:is_element(FunRef,ModExpFuns) end,
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:filter(IsExported, AllModSpecs),
+ ModInfo = ImmModInfo#mod_info{mod_specs = ModExpSpecs},
+ case orddict:find(Mod, ?HARD_ADT_MODS) of
+ {ok,ModADTs} ->
+ #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes, mod_types = ModTypes,
+ mod_opaques = ModOpaques} = ModInfo,
+ ModADTsSet =
+ sets:from_list([ImmTypeRef
+ || {ImmTypeRef,_HardADTRepr} <- ModADTs]),
+ NewModExpTypes = sets:union(ModExpTypes, ModADTsSet),
+ NewModTypes = lists:foldl(fun store_hard_adt/2, ModTypes, ModADTs),
+ NewModOpaques = sets:union(ModOpaques, ModADTsSet),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_exp_types = NewModExpTypes,
+ mod_types = NewModTypes,
+ mod_opaques = NewModOpaques};
+ error ->
+ ModInfo
+ end.
+-spec store_hard_adt({imm_type_ref(),hard_adt_repr()}, mod_types()) ->
+ mod_types().
+store_hard_adt({_ImmTypeRef,already_declared}, ModTypes) ->
+ ModTypes;
+store_hard_adt({{Name,Arity},{TypeForm,VarNames}}, ModTypes) ->
+ TypeRef = {type,Name,Arity},
+ TypeRepr = {abs_type,TypeForm,VarNames,not_symb},
+ dict:store(TypeRef, TypeRepr, ModTypes).
+-spec add_mod_info(abs_form(), mod_info()) -> mod_info().
+ #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes} = ModInfo) ->
+ NewModExpTypes = sets:union(sets:from_list(TypesList), ModExpTypes),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_exp_types = NewModExpTypes};
+ #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes} = ModInfo) ->
+ FieldInfo = [process_rec_field(F) || F <- Fields],
+ NewModTypes = dict:store({record,RecName,0}, {abs_record,FieldInfo},
+ ModTypes),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_types = NewModTypes};
+ #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes} = ModInfo) ->
+ case dict:is_key(RecName, ModTypes) of
+ true ->
+ ModInfo;
+ false ->
+ A = erl_anno:new(0),
+ TypedRecord = {attribute,A,type,{{record,RecName},Fields,[]}},
+ add_mod_info(TypedRecord, ModInfo)
+ end;
+ #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes,
+ mod_opaques = ModOpaques} = ModInfo)
+ when Kind =:= type; Kind =:= opaque ->
+ Arity = length(VarForms),
+ VarNames = [V || {var,_,V} <- VarForms],
+ %% TODO: No check whether variables are different, or non-'_'.
+ NewModTypes = dict:store({type,Name,Arity},
+ {abs_type,TypeForm,VarNames,not_symb}, ModTypes),
+ NewModOpaques =
+ case Kind of
+ type -> ModOpaques;
+ opaque -> sets:add_element({Name,Arity}, ModOpaques)
+ end,
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_types = NewModTypes, mod_opaques = NewModOpaques};
+add_mod_info({attribute,_Line,spec,{RawFunRef,[RawFirstClause | _Rest]}},
+ #mod_info{mod_specs = ModSpecs} = ModInfo) ->
+ FunRef = case RawFunRef of
+ {_Mod,Name,Arity} -> {Name,Arity};
+ {_Name,_Arity} = F -> F
+ end,
+ %% TODO: We just take the first function clause.
+ FirstClause = process_fun_clause(RawFirstClause),
+ NewModSpecs = dict:store(FunRef, FirstClause, ModSpecs),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_specs = NewModSpecs};
+add_mod_info(_Form, ModInfo) ->
+ ModInfo.
+-spec process_rec_field(abs_rec_field()) -> {field_name(),abs_type()}.
+process_rec_field({record_field,_,{atom,_,FieldName}}) ->
+ {FieldName, {type,0,any,[]}};
+process_rec_field({record_field,_,{atom,_,FieldName},_Initialization}) ->
+ {FieldName, {type,0,any,[]}};
+process_rec_field({typed_record_field,RecField,FieldType}) ->
+ {FieldName,_} = process_rec_field(RecField),
+ {FieldName, FieldType}.
+-spec process_fun_clause(abs_type()) -> fun_clause_repr().
+process_fun_clause({type,_,'fun',[{type,_,product,Domain},Range]}) ->
+ {Domain, Range};
+process_fun_clause({type,_,bounded_fun,[MainClause,Constraints]}) ->
+ {RawDomain,RawRange} = process_fun_clause(MainClause),
+ VarSubsts = [{V,T} || {type,_,constraint,
+ [{atom,_,is_subtype},[{var,_,V},T]]} <- Constraints,
+ V =/= '_'],
+ VarSubstsDict = dict:from_list(VarSubsts),
+ Domain = [update_vars(A, VarSubstsDict, false) || A <- RawDomain],
+ Range = update_vars(RawRange, VarSubstsDict, false),
+ {Domain, Range}.
+-spec store_mod_info(mod_name(), mod_info(), state()) -> state().
+store_mod_info(Mod, #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes, mod_types = ModTypes,
+ mod_specs = ImmModExpSpecs},
+ #state{exp_types = ExpTypes, types = Types,
+ exp_specs = ExpSpecs} = State) ->
+ NewExpTypes = dict:store(Mod, ModExpTypes, ExpTypes),
+ NewTypes = dict:store(Mod, ModTypes, Types),
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:map(fun unbound_to_any/2, ImmModExpSpecs),
+ NewExpSpecs = dict:store(Mod, ModExpSpecs, ExpSpecs),
+ State#state{exp_types = NewExpTypes, types = NewTypes,
+ exp_specs = NewExpSpecs}.
+-spec unbound_to_any(fun_ref(), fun_repr()) -> fun_repr().
+unbound_to_any(_FunRef, {Domain,Range}) ->
+ EmptySubstsDict = dict:new(),
+ NewDomain = [update_vars(A,EmptySubstsDict,true) || A <- Domain],
+ NewRange = update_vars(Range, EmptySubstsDict, true),
+ {NewDomain, NewRange}.
+%% ADT translation functions
+-spec process_adts(mod_name(), mod_info()) -> mod_info().
+ #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes, mod_opaques = ModOpaques,
+ mod_specs = ModExpSpecs} = ModInfo) ->
+ %% TODO: No warning on unexported opaques.
+ case sets:to_list(sets:intersection(ModExpTypes,ModOpaques)) of
+ [] ->
+ ModInfo;
+ ModADTs ->
+ %% TODO: No warning on unexported API functions.
+ ModExpSpecsList = [{Name,Domain,Range}
+ || {{Name,_Arity},{Domain,Range}}
+ <- dict:to_list(ModExpSpecs)],
+ AddADT = fun(ADT,Acc) -> add_adt(Mod,ADT,Acc,ModExpSpecsList) end,
+ lists:foldl(AddADT, ModInfo, ModADTs)
+ end.
+-spec add_adt(mod_name(), imm_type_ref(), mod_info(), [proc_fun_ref()]) ->
+ mod_info().
+add_adt(Mod, {Name,Arity}, #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes} = ModInfo,
+ ModExpFunSpecs) ->
+ ADTRef = {type,Name,Arity},
+ {abs_type,InternalRepr,VarNames,not_symb} = dict:fetch(ADTRef, ModTypes),
+ FullADTRef = {Mod,Name,Arity},
+ %% TODO: No warning on unsuitable range.
+ SymbCalls1 = [get_symb_call(FullADTRef,Spec) || Spec <- ModExpFunSpecs],
+ %% TODO: No warning on bad use of variables.
+ SymbCalls2 = [fix_vars(FullADTRef,Call,RangeVars,VarNames)
+ || {ok,Call,RangeVars} <- SymbCalls1],
+ case [Call || {ok,Call} <- SymbCalls2] of
+ [] ->
+ %% TODO: No warning on no acceptable spec.
+ ModInfo;
+ SymbCalls3 ->
+ NewADTRepr = {abs_type,{type,0,union,SymbCalls3},VarNames,
+ {orig_abs,InternalRepr}},
+ NewModTypes = dict:store(ADTRef, NewADTRepr, ModTypes),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_types = NewModTypes}
+ end.
+-spec get_symb_call(full_imm_type_ref(), proc_fun_ref()) ->
+ tagged_result2(abs_type(),[var_name()]).
+get_symb_call({Mod,_TypeName,_Arity} = FullADTRef, {FunName,Domain,Range}) ->
+ BaseCall = {type,0,tuple,[{atom,0,'$call'},{atom,0,Mod},{atom,0,FunName},
+ {type,0,'$fixed_list',Domain}]},
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, BaseCall, Range, false).
+-spec unwrap_range(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type() | next_step(), abs_type(),
+ boolean()) ->
+ tagged_result2(abs_type() | next_step(),[var_name()]).
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, Type, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, Type, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,list,[ElemType]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, ElemType, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]},
+ TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, Cont, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,nonempty_list,[ElemType]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, ElemType, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,nonempty_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]},
+ TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, Cont, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call,
+ {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, Cont, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(_FullADTRef, _Call, {type,_,tuple,any}, _TestRun) ->
+ error;
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,tuple,FieldForms}, TestRun) ->
+ Translates = fun(T) -> unwrap_range(FullADTRef,none,T,true) =/= error end,
+ case proper_arith:find_first(Translates, FieldForms) of
+ none ->
+ error;
+ {TargetPos,TargetElem} ->
+ Pattern = get_pattern(TargetPos, FieldForms),
+ case TestRun of
+ true ->
+ NewCall =
+ case Call of
+ none -> {match_with,Pattern};
+ _ -> Call
+ end,
+ {ok, NewCall, []};
+ false ->
+ AbsPattern = term_to_singleton_type(Pattern),
+ NewCall =
+ {type,0,tuple,
+ [{atom,0,'$call'},{atom,0,?MODULE},{atom,0,match},
+ {type,0,'$fixed_list',[AbsPattern,Call]}]},
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, NewCall, TargetElem, TestRun)
+ end
+ end;
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,union,Choices}, TestRun) ->
+ TestedChoices = [unwrap_range(FullADTRef,none,C,true) || C <- Choices],
+ NotError = fun(error) -> false; (_) -> true end,
+ case proper_arith:find_first(NotError, TestedChoices) of
+ none ->
+ error;
+ {_ChoicePos,{ok,none,_RangeVars}} ->
+ error;
+ {ChoicePos,{ok,NextStep,_RangeVars}} ->
+ {A, [ChoiceElem|B]} = lists:split(ChoicePos-1, Choices),
+ OtherChoices = A ++ B,
+ DistinctChoice =
+ case NextStep of
+ take_head ->
+ fun cant_have_head/1;
+ {match_with,Pattern} ->
+ fun(C) -> cant_match(Pattern, C) end
+ end,
+ case {lists:all(DistinctChoice,OtherChoices), TestRun} of
+ {true,true} ->
+ {ok, NextStep, []};
+ {true,false} ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, ChoiceElem, TestRun);
+ {false,_} ->
+ error
+ end
+ end;
+unwrap_range({_Mod,SameName,Arity}, Call, {type,_,SameName,ArgForms},
+ _TestRun) ->
+ RangeVars = [V || {var,_,V} <- ArgForms, V =/= '_'],
+ case length(ArgForms) =:= Arity andalso length(RangeVars) =:= Arity of
+ true -> {ok, Call, RangeVars};
+ false -> error
+ end;
+unwrap_range({SameMod,SameName,_Arity} = FullADTRef, Call,
+ {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,SameMod},{atom,_,SameName},ArgForms]},
+ TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,0,SameName,ArgForms}, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(_FullADTRef, _Call, _Range, _TestRun) ->
+ error.
+-spec unwrap_list(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type() | next_step(), abs_type(),
+ boolean()) ->
+ tagged_result2(abs_type() | next_step(),[var_name()]).
+unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, HeadType, TestRun) ->
+ NewCall =
+ case TestRun of
+ true ->
+ case Call of
+ none -> take_head;
+ _ -> Call
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {type,0,tuple,[{atom,0,'$call'},{atom,0,erlang},{atom,0,hd},
+ {type,0,'$fixed_list',[Call]}]}
+ end,
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, NewCall, HeadType, TestRun).
+-spec fix_vars(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type(), [var_name()], [var_name()]) ->
+ tagged_result(abs_type()).
+fix_vars(FullADTRef, Call, RangeVars, VarNames) ->
+ NotAnyVar = fun(V) -> V =/= '_' end,
+ case no_duplicates(VarNames) andalso lists:all(NotAnyVar,VarNames) of
+ true ->
+ RawUsedVars =
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, Call, [[V] || V <- RangeVars]),
+ UsedVars = [lists:usort(L) || L <- RawUsedVars],
+ case correct_var_use(UsedVars) of
+ true ->
+ PairAll = fun(L,Y) -> [{X,{var,0,Y}} || X <- L] end,
+ VarSubsts =
+ lists:flatten(lists:zipwith(PairAll,UsedVars,VarNames)),
+ VarSubstsDict = dict:from_list(VarSubsts),
+ {ok, update_vars(Call,VarSubstsDict,true)};
+ false ->
+ error
+ end;
+ false ->
+ error
+ end.
+-spec no_duplicates(list()) -> boolean().
+no_duplicates(L) ->
+ length(lists:usort(L)) =:= length(L).
+-spec correct_var_use([[var_name() | 0]]) -> boolean().
+correct_var_use(UsedVars) ->
+ NoNonVarArgs = fun([0|_]) -> false; (_) -> true end,
+ lists:all(NoNonVarArgs, UsedVars)
+ andalso no_duplicates(lists:flatten(UsedVars)).
+-spec collect_vars(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type(), [[var_name() | 0]]) ->
+ [[var_name() | 0]].
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, UsedVars) ->
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, Type, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, UsedVars) ->
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, Type, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(_FullADTRef, {type,_,tuple,any}, UsedVars) ->
+ UsedVars;
+collect_vars({_Mod,SameName,Arity} = FullADTRef, {type,_,SameName,ArgForms},
+ UsedVars) ->
+ case length(ArgForms) =:= Arity of
+ true ->
+ VarArgs = [V || {var,_,V} <- ArgForms, V =/= '_'],
+ case length(VarArgs) =:= Arity of
+ true ->
+ AddToList = fun(X,L) -> [X | L] end,
+ lists:zipwith(AddToList, VarArgs, UsedVars);
+ false ->
+ [[0|L] || L <- UsedVars]
+ end;
+ false ->
+ multi_collect_vars(FullADTRef, ArgForms, UsedVars)
+ end;
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {type,_,_Name,ArgForms}, UsedVars) ->
+ multi_collect_vars(FullADTRef, ArgForms, UsedVars);
+collect_vars({SameMod,SameName,_Arity} = FullADTRef,
+ {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,SameMod},{atom,_,SameName},ArgForms]},
+ UsedVars) ->
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, {type,0,SameName,ArgForms}, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {remote_type,_,[_RemModForm,_NameForm,ArgForms]},
+ UsedVars) ->
+ multi_collect_vars(FullADTRef, ArgForms, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(_FullADTRef, _Call, UsedVars) ->
+ UsedVars.
+-spec multi_collect_vars(full_imm_type_ref(), [abs_type()],
+ [[var_name() | 0]]) -> [[var_name() | 0]].
+multi_collect_vars({_Mod,_Name,Arity} = FullADTRef, Forms, UsedVars) ->
+ NoUsedVars = lists:duplicate(Arity, []),
+ MoreUsedVars = [collect_vars(FullADTRef,T,NoUsedVars) || T <- Forms],
+ CombineVars = fun(L1,L2) -> lists:zipwith(fun erlang:'++'/2, L1, L2) end,
+ lists:foldl(CombineVars, UsedVars, MoreUsedVars).
+-type var_substs_dict() :: dict().
+-type var_substs_dict() :: dict:dict(var_name(),abs_type()).
+-spec update_vars(abs_type(), var_substs_dict(), boolean()) -> abs_type().
+update_vars({paren_type,Line,[Type]}, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ {paren_type, Line, [update_vars(Type,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny)]};
+update_vars({ann_type,Line,[Var,Type]}, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ {ann_type, Line, [Var,update_vars(Type,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny)]};
+update_vars({var,Line,VarName} = Call, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ case dict:find(VarName, VarSubstsDict) of
+ {ok,SubstType} ->
+ SubstType;
+ error when UnboundToAny =:= false ->
+ Call;
+ error when UnboundToAny =:= true ->
+ {type,Line,any,[]}
+ end;
+update_vars({remote_type,Line,[RemModForm,NameForm,ArgForms]}, VarSubstsDict,
+ UnboundToAny) ->
+ NewArgForms = [update_vars(A,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny) || A <- ArgForms],
+ {remote_type, Line, [RemModForm,NameForm,NewArgForms]};
+update_vars({type,_,tuple,any} = Call, _VarSubstsDict, _UnboundToAny) ->
+ Call;
+update_vars({type,Line,Name,ArgForms}, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ {type, Line, Name, [update_vars(A,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny)
+ || A <- ArgForms]};
+update_vars(Call, _VarSubstsDict, _UnboundToAny) ->
+ Call.
+%% Match-related functions
+-spec get_pattern(position(), [abs_type()]) -> pattern().
+get_pattern(TargetPos, FieldForms) ->
+ {0,RevPattern} = lists:foldl(fun add_field/2, {TargetPos,[]}, FieldForms),
+ list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(RevPattern)).
+-spec add_field(abs_type(), {non_neg_integer(),[pat_field()]}) ->
+ {non_neg_integer(),[pat_field(),...]}.
+add_field(_Type, {1,Acc}) ->
+ {0, [1|Acc]};
+add_field({atom,_,Tag}, {Left,Acc}) ->
+ {erlang:max(0,Left-1), [Tag|Acc]};
+add_field(_Type, {Left,Acc}) ->
+ {erlang:max(0,Left-1), [0|Acc]}.
+%% @private
+-spec match(pattern(), tuple()) -> term().
+match(Pattern, Term) when tuple_size(Pattern) =:= tuple_size(Term) ->
+ match(tuple_to_list(Pattern), tuple_to_list(Term), none, false);
+match(_Pattern, _Term) ->
+ throw(no_match).
+-spec match([pat_field()], [term()], 'none' | {'ok',T}, boolean()) -> T.
+match([], [], {ok,Target}, _TypeMode) ->
+ Target;
+match([0|PatRest], [_|ToMatchRest], Acc, TypeMode) ->
+ match(PatRest, ToMatchRest, Acc, TypeMode);
+match([1|PatRest], [Target|ToMatchRest], none, TypeMode) ->
+ match(PatRest, ToMatchRest, {ok,Target}, TypeMode);
+match([Tag|PatRest], [X|ToMatchRest], Acc, TypeMode) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ MatchesTag =
+ case TypeMode of
+ true -> can_be_tag(Tag, X);
+ false -> Tag =:= X
+ end,
+ case MatchesTag of
+ true -> match(PatRest, ToMatchRest, Acc, TypeMode);
+ false -> throw(no_match)
+ end.
+%% CAUTION: these must be sorted
+ [arity,binary,bitstring,byte,char,float,'fun',function,integer,iodata,
+ iolist,list,maybe_improper_list,mfa,neg_integer,nil,no_return,
+ non_neg_integer,none,nonempty_improper_list,nonempty_list,
+ nonempty_maybe_improper_list,nonempty_string,number,pid,port,
+ pos_integer,range,record,reference,string,tuple]).
+ [arity,atom,binary,bitstring,bool,boolean,byte,char,float,'fun',
+ function,identifier,integer,iodata,iolist,list,maybe_improper_list,
+ neg_integer,nil,no_return,node,non_neg_integer,none,
+ nonempty_improper_list,nonempty_list,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,
+ nonempty_string,number,pid,port,pos_integer,range,reference,string,
+ timeout]).
+ [arity,atom,binary,bitstring,bool,boolean,byte,char,float,'fun',
+ function,identifier,integer,mfa,module,neg_integer,nil,no_return,node,
+ non_neg_integer,none,number,pid,port,pos_integer,range,record,
+ reference,timeout,tuple]).
+-spec can_be_tag(atom(), abs_type()) -> boolean().
+can_be_tag(Tag, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}) ->
+ can_be_tag(Tag, Type);
+can_be_tag(Tag, {paren_type,_,[Type]}) ->
+ can_be_tag(Tag, Type);
+can_be_tag(Tag, {atom,_,Atom}) ->
+ Tag =:= Atom;
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {integer,_,_Int}) ->
+ false;
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {op,_,_Op,_Arg}) ->
+ false;
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2}) ->
+ false;
+can_be_tag(Tag, {type,_,BName,[]}) when BName =:= bool; BName =:= boolean ->
+ is_boolean(Tag);
+can_be_tag(Tag, {type,_,timeout,[]}) ->
+ Tag =:= infinity;
+can_be_tag(Tag, {type,_,union,Choices}) ->
+ lists:any(fun(C) -> can_be_tag(Tag,C) end, Choices);
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {type,_,Name,_Args}) ->
+ not ordsets:is_element(Name, ?NON_ATOM_TYPES);
+can_be_tag(_Tag, _Type) ->
+ true.
+-spec cant_match(pattern(), abs_type()) -> boolean().
+cant_match(Pattern, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}) ->
+ cant_match(Pattern, Type);
+cant_match(Pattern, {paren_type,_,[Type]}) ->
+ cant_match(Pattern, Type);
+cant_match(_Pattern, {atom,_,_Atom}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {integer,_,_Int}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {op,_,_Op,_Arg}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(Pattern, {type,_,mfa,[]}) ->
+ cant_match(Pattern, {type,0,tuple,[{type,0,atom,[]},{type,0,atom,[]},
+ {type,0,arity,[]}]});
+cant_match(Pattern, {type,_,union,Choices}) ->
+ lists:all(fun(C) -> cant_match(Pattern,C) end, Choices);
+cant_match(_Pattern, {type,_,tuple,any}) ->
+ false;
+cant_match(Pattern, {type,_,tuple,Fields}) ->
+ tuple_size(Pattern) =/= length(Fields) orelse
+ try match(tuple_to_list(Pattern), Fields, none, true) of
+ _ -> false
+ catch
+ throw:no_match -> true
+ end;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {type,_,Name,_Args}) ->
+ ordsets:is_element(Name, ?NON_TUPLE_TYPES);
+cant_match(_Pattern, _Type) ->
+ false.
+-spec cant_have_head(abs_type()) -> boolean().
+cant_have_head({ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}) ->
+ cant_have_head(Type);
+cant_have_head({paren_type,_,[Type]}) ->
+ cant_have_head(Type);
+cant_have_head({atom,_,_Atom}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({integer,_,_Int}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({op,_,_Op,_Arg}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({type,_,union,Choices}) ->
+ lists:all(fun cant_have_head/1, Choices);
+cant_have_head({type,_,Name,_Args}) ->
+ ordsets:is_element(Name, ?NO_HEAD_TYPES);
+cant_have_head(_Type) ->
+ false.
+%% Only covers atoms, integers and tuples, i.e. those that can be specified
+%% through singleton types.
+-spec term_to_singleton_type(atom() | integer()
+ | loose_tuple(atom() | integer())) -> abs_type().
+term_to_singleton_type(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ {atom,0,Atom};
+term_to_singleton_type(Int) when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0 ->
+ {integer,0,Int};
+term_to_singleton_type(Int) when is_integer(Int), Int < 0 ->
+ {op,0,'-',{integer,0,-Int}};
+term_to_singleton_type(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ Fields = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
+ {type,0,tuple,[term_to_singleton_type(F) || F <- Fields]}.
+%% Instance testing functions
+%% CAUTION: this must be sorted
+ [{arity, {type,0,range,[{integer,0,0},{integer,0,255}]}},
+ {bool, {type,0,boolean,[]}},
+ {byte, {type,0,range,[{integer,0,0},{integer,0,255}]}},
+ {char, {type,0,range,[{integer,0,0},{integer,0,16#10ffff}]}},
+ {function, {type,0,'fun',[]}},
+ {identifier, {type,0,union,[{type,0,pid,[]},{type,0,port,[]},
+ {type,0,reference,[]}]}},
+ {iodata, {type,0,union,[{type,0,binary,[]},{type,0,iolist,[]}]}},
+ {iolist, {type,0,maybe_improper_list,
+ [{type,0,union,[{type,0,byte,[]},{type,0,binary,[]},
+ {type,0,iolist,[]}]},
+ {type,0,binary,[]}]}},
+ {list, {type,0,list,[{type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {maybe_improper_list, {type,0,maybe_improper_list,[{type,0,any,[]},
+ {type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {mfa, {type,0,tuple,[{type,0,atom,[]},{type,0,atom,[]},
+ {type,0,arity,[]}]}},
+ {node, {type,0,atom,[]}},
+ {nonempty_list, {type,0,nonempty_list,[{type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {nonempty_maybe_improper_list, {type,0,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,
+ [{type,0,any,[]},{type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {nonempty_string, {type,0,nonempty_list,[{type,0,char,[]}]}},
+ {string, {type,0,list,[{type,0,char,[]}]}},
+ {term, {type,0,any,[]}},
+ {timeout, {type,0,union,[{atom,0,infinity},
+ {type,0,non_neg_integer,[]}]}}]).
+%% @private
+%% TODO: Most of these functions accept an extended form of abs_type(), namely
+%% the addition of a custom wrapper: {'from_mod',mod_name(),...}
+-spec is_instance(term(), mod_name(), abs_type()) -> boolean().
+is_instance(X, Mod, TypeForm) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, TypeForm, []).
+-spec is_instance(term(), mod_name(), abs_type(), imm_stack()) -> boolean().
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {from_mod,OrigMod,Type}, Stack) ->
+ is_instance(X, OrigMod, Type, Stack);
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {var,_,'_'}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {var,_,Name}, _Stack) ->
+ %% All unconstrained spec vars have been replaced by 'any()' and we always
+ %% replace the variables on the RHS of types before recursing into them.
+ %% Provided that '-type' declarations contain no unbound variables, we
+ %% don't expect to find any non-'_' variables while recursing.
+ throw({'$typeserver',{unbound_var_in_type_declaration,Name}});
+is_instance(X, Mod, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, Stack) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, Type, Stack);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, Stack) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, Type, Stack);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,RemMod},{atom,_,Name},ArgForms]},
+ Stack) ->
+ is_custom_instance(X, Mod, RemMod, Name, ArgForms, true, Stack);
+is_instance(SameAtom, _Mod, {atom,_,SameAtom}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(SameInt, _Mod, {integer,_,SameInt}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg} = Expr, _Stack) ->
+ is_int_const(X, Expr);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2} = Expr, _Stack) ->
+ is_int_const(X, Expr);
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {type,_,any,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,atom,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_atom(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,binary,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_binary(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,binary,[BaseExpr,UnitExpr]}, _Stack) ->
+ %% <<_:X,_:_*Y>> means "bitstrings of X + k*Y bits, k >= 0"
+ case eval_int(BaseExpr) of
+ {ok,Base} when Base >= 0 ->
+ case eval_int(UnitExpr) of
+ {ok,Unit} when Unit >= 0 ->
+ case is_bitstring(X) of
+ true ->
+ BitSizeX = bit_size(X),
+ case Unit =:= 0 of
+ true ->
+ BitSizeX =:= Base;
+ false ->
+ BitSizeX >= Base
+ andalso
+ (BitSizeX - Base) rem Unit =:= 0
+ end;
+ false -> false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_unit, UnitExpr)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_base, BaseExpr)
+ end;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,bitstring,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_bitstring(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,boolean,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_boolean(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,float,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_float(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,'fun',[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_function(X);
+%% TODO: how to check range type? random inputs? special case for 0-arity?
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,'fun',[{type,_,any,[]},_Range]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_function(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,'fun',[{type,_,product,Domain},_Range]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_function(X, length(Domain));
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,list,[Type]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Type, dummy, true, true, false);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[Cont,Term]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Cont, Term, true, true, true);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,module,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_atom(X) orelse
+ is_tuple(X) andalso X =/= {} andalso is_atom(element(1,X));
+is_instance([], _Mod, {type,_,nil,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,neg_integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X) andalso X < 0;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,non_neg_integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X) andalso X >= 0;
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,nonempty_list,[Type]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Type, dummy, false, true, false);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,nonempty_improper_list,[Cont,Term]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Cont, Term, false, false, true);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[Cont,Term]},
+ _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Cont, Term, false, true, true);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,number,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_number(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,pid,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_pid(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,port,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_port(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,pos_integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X) andalso X > 0;
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {type,_,product,_Elements}, _Stack) ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',{internal,product_in_is_instance}});
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,range,[LowExpr,HighExpr]}, _Stack) ->
+ case {eval_int(LowExpr),eval_int(HighExpr)} of
+ {{ok,Low},{ok,High}} when Low =< High ->
+ X >= Low andalso X =< High;
+ _ ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_range, LowExpr, HighExpr)
+ end;
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,record,[{atom,_,Name} = NameForm | RawSubsts]},
+ Stack) ->
+ Substs = [{N,T} || {type,_,field_type,[{atom,_,N},T]} <- RawSubsts],
+ SubstsDict = dict:from_list(Substs),
+ case get_type_repr(Mod, {record,Name,0}, false) of
+ {ok,{abs_record,OrigFields}} ->
+ Fields = [case dict:find(FieldName, SubstsDict) of
+ {ok,NewFieldType} -> NewFieldType;
+ error -> OrigFieldType
+ end
+ || {FieldName,OrigFieldType} <- OrigFields],
+ is_instance(X, Mod, {type,0,tuple,[NameForm|Fields]}, Stack);
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason})
+ end;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,reference,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_reference(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,tuple,any}, _Stack) ->
+ is_tuple(X);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,tuple,Fields}, _Stack) ->
+ is_tuple(X) andalso tuple_test(tuple_to_list(X), Mod, Fields);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,union,Choices}, Stack) ->
+ IsInstance = fun(Choice) -> is_instance(X,Mod,Choice,Stack) end,
+ lists:any(IsInstance, Choices);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,Name,[]}, Stack) ->
+ case orddict:find(Name, ?EQUIV_TYPES) of
+ {ok,EquivType} ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, EquivType, Stack);
+ error ->
+ is_maybe_hard_adt(X, Mod, Name, [], Stack)
+ end;
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,Name,ArgForms}, Stack) ->
+ is_maybe_hard_adt(X, Mod, Name, ArgForms, Stack);
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, _Type, _Stack) ->
+ false.
+-spec is_int_const(term(), abs_expr()) -> boolean().
+is_int_const(X, Expr) ->
+ case eval_int(Expr) of
+ {ok,Int} ->
+ X =:= Int;
+ error ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_int_const, Expr)
+ end.
+%% TODO: We implicitly add the '| []' at the termination of maybe_improper_list.
+%% TODO: We ignore a '[]' termination in improper_list.
+-spec list_test(term(), mod_name(), abs_type(), 'dummy' | abs_type(), boolean(),
+ boolean(), boolean()) -> boolean().
+list_test(X, Mod, Content, Termination, CanEmpty, CanProper, CanImproper) ->
+ is_list(X) andalso
+ list_rec(X, Mod, Content, Termination, CanEmpty, CanProper, CanImproper).
+-spec list_rec(term(), mod_name(), abs_type(), 'dummy' | abs_type(), boolean(),
+ boolean(), boolean()) -> boolean().
+list_rec([], _Mod, _Content, _Termination, CanEmpty, CanProper, _CanImproper) ->
+ CanEmpty andalso CanProper;
+list_rec([X | Rest], Mod, Content, Termination, _CanEmpty, CanProper,
+ CanImproper) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, Content, []) andalso
+ list_rec(Rest, Mod, Content, Termination, true, CanProper, CanImproper);
+list_rec(X, Mod, _Content, Termination, _CanEmpty, _CanProper, CanImproper) ->
+ CanImproper andalso is_instance(X, Mod, Termination, []).
+-spec tuple_test([term()], mod_name(), [abs_type()]) -> boolean().
+tuple_test([], _Mod, []) ->
+ true;
+tuple_test([X | XTail], Mod, [T | TTail]) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, T, []) andalso tuple_test(XTail, Mod, TTail);
+tuple_test(_, _Mod, _) ->
+ false.
+-spec is_maybe_hard_adt(term(), mod_name(), type_name(), [abs_type()],
+ imm_stack()) -> boolean().
+is_maybe_hard_adt(X, Mod, Name, ArgForms, Stack) ->
+ case orddict:find({Name,length(ArgForms)}, ?HARD_ADTS) of
+ {ok,ADTMod} ->
+ is_custom_instance(X, Mod, ADTMod, Name, ArgForms, true, Stack);
+ error ->
+ is_custom_instance(X, Mod, Mod, Name, ArgForms, false, Stack)
+ end.
+-spec is_custom_instance(term(), mod_name(), mod_name(), type_name(),
+ [abs_type()], boolean(), imm_stack()) -> boolean().
+is_custom_instance(X, Mod, RemMod, Name, RawArgForms, IsRemote, Stack) ->
+ ArgForms = case Mod =/= RemMod of
+ true -> [{from_mod,Mod,A} || A <- RawArgForms];
+ false -> RawArgForms
+ end,
+ Arity = length(ArgForms),
+ FullTypeRef = {RemMod,Name,Arity},
+ case lists:member(FullTypeRef, Stack) of
+ true ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',{self_reference,FullTypeRef}});
+ false ->
+ TypeRef = {type,Name,Arity},
+ AbsType = get_abs_type(RemMod, TypeRef, ArgForms, IsRemote),
+ is_instance(X, RemMod, AbsType, [FullTypeRef|Stack])
+ end.
+-spec get_abs_type(mod_name(), type_ref(), [abs_type()], boolean()) ->
+ abs_type().
+get_abs_type(RemMod, TypeRef, ArgForms, IsRemote) ->
+ case get_type_repr(RemMod, TypeRef, IsRemote) of
+ {ok,TypeRepr} ->
+ {FinalAbsType,SymbInfo,VarNames} =
+ case TypeRepr of
+ {cached,_FinType,FAT,SI} -> {FAT,SI,[]};
+ {abs_type,FAT,VN,SI} -> {FAT,SI,VN}
+ end,
+ AbsType =
+ case SymbInfo of
+ not_symb -> FinalAbsType;
+ {orig_abs,OrigAbsType} -> OrigAbsType
+ end,
+ VarSubstsDict = dict:from_list(lists:zip(VarNames,ArgForms)),
+ update_vars(AbsType, VarSubstsDict, false);
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason})
+ end.
+-spec abs_expr_error(atom(), abs_expr()) -> no_return().
+abs_expr_error(ImmReason, Expr) ->
+ {error,Reason} = expr_error(ImmReason, Expr),
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason}).
+-spec abs_expr_error(atom(), abs_expr(), abs_expr()) -> no_return().
+abs_expr_error(ImmReason, Expr1, Expr2) ->
+ {error,Reason} = expr_error(ImmReason, Expr1, Expr2),
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason}).
+%% Type translation functions
+-spec convert(mod_name(), abs_type(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(fin_type(),state()).
+convert(Mod, TypeForm, State) ->
+ case convert(Mod, TypeForm, State, [], dict:new()) of
+ {ok,{simple,Type},NewState} ->
+ {ok, Type, NewState};
+ {ok,{rec,_RecFun,_RecArgs},_NewState} ->
+ {error, {internal,rec_returned_to_toplevel}};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert(mod_name(), abs_type(), state(), stack(), var_dict()) ->
+ rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert(Mod, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, Type, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, Type, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(_Mod, {var,_,'_'}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:any()}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {var,_,VarName}, State, _Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case dict:find(VarName, VarDict) of
+ %% TODO: do we need to check if we are at toplevel of a recursive?
+ {ok,RetType} -> {ok, RetType, State};
+ error -> {error, {unbound_var,VarName}}
+ end;
+convert(Mod, {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,RemMod},{atom,_,Name},ArgForms]}, State,
+ Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case prepare_for_remote(RemMod, Name, length(ArgForms), State) of
+ {ok,NewState} ->
+ convert_custom(Mod,RemMod,Name,ArgForms,NewState,Stack,VarDict);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+convert(_Mod, {atom,_,Atom}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:exactly(Atom)}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {integer,_,_Int} = IntExpr, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ convert_integer(IntExpr, State);
+convert(_Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg} = OpExpr, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ convert_integer(OpExpr, State);
+convert(_Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2} = OpExpr, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ convert_integer(OpExpr, State);
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,binary,[BaseExpr,UnitExpr]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ %% <<_:X,_:_*Y>> means "bitstrings of X + k*Y bits, k >= 0"
+ case eval_int(BaseExpr) of
+ {ok,0} ->
+ case eval_int(UnitExpr) of
+ {ok,0} -> {ok, {simple,proper_types:exactly(<<>>)}, State};
+ {ok,1} -> {ok, {simple,proper_types:bitstring()}, State};
+ {ok,8} -> {ok, {simple,proper_types:binary()}, State};
+ {ok,N} when N > 0 ->
+ Gen = ?LET(L, proper_types:list(proper_types:bitstring(N)),
+ concat_bitstrings(L)),
+ {ok, {simple,Gen}, State};
+ _ -> expr_error(invalid_unit, UnitExpr)
+ end;
+ {ok,Base} when Base > 0 ->
+ Head = proper_types:bitstring(Base),
+ case eval_int(UnitExpr) of
+ {ok,0} -> {ok, {simple,Head}, State};
+ {ok,1} ->
+ Tail = proper_types:bitstring(),
+ {ok, {simple,concat_binary_gens(Head, Tail)}, State};
+ {ok,8} ->
+ Tail = proper_types:binary(),
+ {ok, {simple,concat_binary_gens(Head, Tail)}, State};
+ {ok,N} when N > 0 ->
+ Tail =
+ ?LET(L, proper_types:list(proper_types:bitstring(N)),
+ concat_bitstrings(L)),
+ {ok, {simple,concat_binary_gens(Head, Tail)}, State};
+ _ -> expr_error(invalid_unit, UnitExpr)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ expr_error(invalid_base, BaseExpr)
+ end;
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,range,[LowExpr,HighExpr]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ case {eval_int(LowExpr),eval_int(HighExpr)} of
+ {{ok,Low},{ok,High}} when Low =< High ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:integer(Low,High)}, State};
+ _ ->
+ expr_error(invalid_range, LowExpr, HighExpr)
+ end;
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,nil,[]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:exactly([])}, State};
+convert(Mod, {type,_,list,[ElemForm]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_list(Mod, false, ElemForm, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,nonempty_list,[ElemForm]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_list(Mod, true, ElemForm, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,nonempty_list,[]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:non_empty(proper_types:list())}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,nonempty_string,[]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:non_empty(proper_types:string())}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,tuple,any}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:tuple()}, State};
+convert(Mod, {type,_,tuple,ElemForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_tuple(Mod, ElemForms, false, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,'$fixed_list',ElemForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_tuple(Mod, ElemForms, true, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,record,[{atom,_,Name}|FieldForms]}, State, Stack,
+ VarDict) ->
+ convert_record(Mod, Name, FieldForms, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,union,ChoiceForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_union(Mod, ChoiceForms, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,'fun',[{type,_,product,Domain},Range]}, State, Stack,
+ VarDict) ->
+ convert_fun(Mod, length(Domain), Range, State, Stack, VarDict);
+%% TODO: These types should be replaced with accurate types.
+%% TODO: Add support for nonempty_improper_list/2.
+convert(Mod, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Ter]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,list,[Cont]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,nonempty_list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]}, State, Stack,
+ VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,nonempty_list,[Cont]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,iodata,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ RealType = {type,0,union,[{type,0,binary,[]},{type,0,iolist,[]}]},
+ convert(Mod, RealType, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,Name,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case ordsets:is_element(Name, ?STD_TYPES_0) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:Name()}, State};
+ false ->
+ convert_maybe_hard_adt(Mod, Name, [], State, Stack, VarDict)
+ end;
+convert(Mod, {type,_,Name,ArgForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_maybe_hard_adt(Mod, Name, ArgForms, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(_Mod, TypeForm, _State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {error, {unsupported_type,TypeForm}}.
+-spec concat_bitstrings([bitstring()]) -> bitstring().
+concat_bitstrings(BitStrings) ->
+ concat_bitstrings_tr(BitStrings, <<>>).
+-spec concat_bitstrings_tr([bitstring()], bitstring()) -> bitstring().
+concat_bitstrings_tr([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+concat_bitstrings_tr([BitString | Rest], Acc) ->
+ concat_bitstrings_tr(Rest, <<Acc/bits,BitString/bits>>).
+-spec concat_binary_gens(fin_type(), fin_type()) -> fin_type().
+concat_binary_gens(HeadType, TailType) ->
+ ?LET({H,T}, {HeadType,TailType}, <<H/bits,T/bits>>).
+-spec convert_fun(mod_name(), arity(), abs_type(), state(), stack(),
+ var_dict()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_fun(Mod, Arity, Range, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case convert(Mod, Range, State, ['fun' | Stack], VarDict) of
+ {ok,{simple,RangeType},NewState} ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:function(Arity,RangeType)}, NewState};
+ {ok,{rec,RecFun,RecArgs},NewState} ->
+ case at_toplevel(RecArgs, Stack) of
+ true -> base_case_error(Stack);
+ false -> convert_rec_fun(Arity, RecFun, RecArgs, NewState)
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert_rec_fun(arity(), rec_fun(), rec_args(), state()) ->
+ {'ok',ret_type(),state()}.
+convert_rec_fun(Arity, RecFun, RecArgs, State) ->
+ %% We bind the generated value by size.
+ NewRecFun =
+ fun(GenFuns,Size) ->
+ proper_types:function(Arity, RecFun(GenFuns,Size))
+ end,
+ NewRecArgs = clean_rec_args(RecArgs),
+ {ok, {rec,NewRecFun,NewRecArgs}, State}.
+-spec convert_list(mod_name(), boolean(), abs_type(), state(), stack(),
+ var_dict()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_list(Mod, NonEmpty, ElemForm, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case convert(Mod, ElemForm, State, [list | Stack], VarDict) of
+ {ok,{simple,ElemType},NewState} ->
+ InnerType = proper_types:list(ElemType),
+ FinType = case NonEmpty of
+ true -> proper_types:non_empty(InnerType);
+ false -> InnerType
+ end,
+ {ok, {simple,FinType}, NewState};
+ {ok,{rec,RecFun,RecArgs},NewState} ->
+ case {at_toplevel(RecArgs,Stack), NonEmpty} of
+ {true,true} ->
+ base_case_error(Stack);
+ {true,false} ->
+ NewRecFun =
+ fun(GenFuns,Size) ->
+ ElemGen = fun(S) -> ?LAZY(RecFun(GenFuns,S)) end,
+ proper_types:distlist(Size, ElemGen, false)
+ end,
+ NewRecArgs = clean_rec_args(RecArgs),
+ {ok, {rec,NewRecFun,NewRecArgs}, NewState};
+ {false,_} ->
+ {NewRecFun,NewRecArgs} =
+ convert_rec_list(RecFun, RecArgs, NonEmpty),
+ {ok, {rec,NewRecFun,NewRecArgs}, NewState}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert_rec_list(rec_fun(), rec_args(), boolean()) ->
+ {rec_fun(),rec_args()}.
+convert_rec_list(RecFun, [{true,FullTypeRef}] = RecArgs, NonEmpty) ->
+ {NewRecFun,_NormalRecArgs} =
+ convert_normal_rec_list(RecFun, RecArgs, NonEmpty),
+ AltRecFun =
+ fun([InstListGen],Size) ->
+ InstTypesList =
+ proper_types:get_prop(internal_types, InstListGen(Size)),
+ proper_types:fixed_list([RecFun([fun(_Size) -> I end],0)
+ || I <- InstTypesList])
+ end,
+ NewRecArgs = [{{list,NonEmpty,AltRecFun},FullTypeRef}],
+ {NewRecFun, NewRecArgs};
+convert_rec_list(RecFun, RecArgs, NonEmpty) ->
+ convert_normal_rec_list(RecFun, RecArgs, NonEmpty).
+-spec convert_normal_rec_list(rec_fun(), rec_args(), boolean()) ->
+ {rec_fun(),rec_args()}.
+convert_normal_rec_list(RecFun, RecArgs, NonEmpty) ->
+ NewRecFun = fun(GenFuns,Size) ->
+ ElemGen = fun(S) -> RecFun(GenFuns, S) end,
+ proper_types:distlist(Size, ElemGen, NonEmpty)
+ end,
+ NewRecArgs = clean_rec_args(RecArgs),
+ {NewRecFun, NewRecArgs}.
+-spec convert_tuple(mod_name(), [abs_type()], boolean(), state(), stack(),
+ var_dict()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_tuple(Mod, ElemForms, ToList, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case process_list(Mod, ElemForms, State, [tuple | Stack], VarDict) of
+ {ok,RetTypes,NewState} ->
+ case combine_ret_types(RetTypes, {tuple,ToList}) of
+ {simple,_FinType} = RetType ->
+ {ok, RetType, NewState};
+ {rec,_RecFun,RecArgs} = RetType ->
+ case at_toplevel(RecArgs, Stack) of
+ true -> base_case_error(Stack);
+ false -> {ok, RetType, NewState}
+ end
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert_union(mod_name(), [abs_type()], state(), stack(), var_dict()) ->
+ rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_union(Mod, ChoiceForms, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case process_list(Mod, ChoiceForms, State, [union | Stack], VarDict) of
+ {ok,RawChoices,NewState} ->
+ ProcessChoice = fun(T,A) -> process_choice(T,A,Stack) end,
+ {RevSelfRecs,RevNonSelfRecs,RevNonRecs} =
+ lists:foldl(ProcessChoice, {[],[],[]}, RawChoices),
+ case {lists:reverse(RevSelfRecs),lists:reverse(RevNonSelfRecs),
+ lists:reverse(RevNonRecs)} of
+ {_SelfRecs,[],[]} ->
+ base_case_error(Stack);
+ {[],NonSelfRecs,NonRecs} ->
+ {ok, combine_ret_types(NonRecs ++ NonSelfRecs, union),
+ NewState};
+ {SelfRecs,NonSelfRecs,NonRecs} ->
+ {BCaseRecFun,BCaseRecArgs} =
+ case combine_ret_types(NonRecs ++ NonSelfRecs, union) of
+ {simple,BCaseType} ->
+ {fun([],_Size) -> BCaseType end,[]};
+ {rec,BCRecFun,BCRecArgs} ->
+ {BCRecFun,BCRecArgs}
+ end,
+ NumBCaseGens = length(BCaseRecArgs),
+ [ParentRef | _Upper] = Stack,
+ FallbackRecFun = fun([SelfGen],_Size) -> SelfGen(0) end,
+ FallbackRecArgs = [{false,ParentRef}],
+ FallbackRetType = {rec,FallbackRecFun,FallbackRecArgs},
+ {rec,RCaseRecFun,RCaseRecArgs} =
+ combine_ret_types([FallbackRetType] ++ SelfRecs
+ ++ NonSelfRecs, wunion),
+ NewRecFun =
+ fun(AllGens,Size) ->
+ {BCaseGens,RCaseGens} =
+ lists:split(NumBCaseGens, AllGens),
+ case Size of
+ 0 -> BCaseRecFun(BCaseGens,0);
+ _ -> RCaseRecFun(RCaseGens,Size)
+ end
+ end,
+ NewRecArgs = BCaseRecArgs ++ RCaseRecArgs,
+ {ok, {rec,NewRecFun,NewRecArgs}, NewState}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec process_choice(ret_type(), {[ret_type()],[ret_type()],[ret_type()]},
+ stack()) -> {[ret_type()],[ret_type()],[ret_type()]}.
+process_choice({simple,_} = RetType, {SelfRecs,NonSelfRecs,NonRecs}, _Stack) ->
+ {SelfRecs, NonSelfRecs, [RetType | NonRecs]};
+process_choice({rec,RecFun,RecArgs}, {SelfRecs,NonSelfRecs,NonRecs}, Stack) ->
+ case at_toplevel(RecArgs, Stack) of
+ true ->
+ case partition_by_toplevel(RecArgs, Stack, true) of
+ {[],[],_,_} ->
+ NewRecArgs = clean_rec_args(RecArgs),
+ {[{rec,RecFun,NewRecArgs} | SelfRecs], NonSelfRecs,
+ NonRecs};
+ {SelfRecArgs,SelfPos,OtherRecArgs,_OtherPos} ->
+ NumInstances = length(SelfRecArgs),
+ IsListInst = fun({true,_FTRef}) -> false
+ ; ({{list,_NE,_AltRecFun},_FTRef}) -> true
+ end,
+ NewRecFun =
+ case proper_arith:filter(IsListInst,SelfRecArgs) of
+ {[],[]} ->
+ no_list_inst_rec_fun(RecFun,NumInstances,
+ SelfPos);
+ {[{{list,NonEmpty,AltRecFun},_}],[ListInstPos]} ->
+ list_inst_rec_fun(AltRecFun,NumInstances,
+ SelfPos,NonEmpty,ListInstPos)
+ end,
+ [{_B,SelfRef} | _] = SelfRecArgs,
+ NewRecArgs =
+ [{false,SelfRef} | clean_rec_args(OtherRecArgs)],
+ {[{rec,NewRecFun,NewRecArgs} | SelfRecs], NonSelfRecs,
+ NonRecs}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ NewRecArgs = clean_rec_args(RecArgs),
+ {SelfRecs, [{rec,RecFun,NewRecArgs} | NonSelfRecs], NonRecs}
+ end.
+-spec no_list_inst_rec_fun(rec_fun(), pos_integer(), [position()]) -> rec_fun().
+no_list_inst_rec_fun(RecFun, NumInstances, SelfPos) ->
+ fun([SelfGen|OtherGens], Size) ->
+ Instances,
+ %% Size distribution will be a little off if both normal and
+ %% instance-accepting generators are present.
+ lists:duplicate(NumInstances, SelfGen(Size div NumInstances)),
+ begin
+ InstGens = [fun(_Size) -> proper_types:exactly(I) end
+ || I <- Instances],
+ AllGens = proper_arith:insert(InstGens, SelfPos, OtherGens),
+ RecFun(AllGens, Size)
+ end)
+ end.
+-spec list_inst_rec_fun(rec_fun(), pos_integer(), [position()], boolean(),
+ position()) -> rec_fun().
+list_inst_rec_fun(AltRecFun, NumInstances, SelfPos, NonEmpty, ListInstPos) ->
+ fun([SelfGen|OtherGens], Size) ->
+ AllInsts,
+ lists:duplicate(NumInstances - 1, SelfGen(Size div NumInstances))
+ ++ proper_types:distlist(Size div NumInstances, SelfGen, NonEmpty),
+ begin
+ {Instances,InstList} = lists:split(NumInstances - 1, AllInsts),
+ InstGens = [fun(_Size) -> proper_types:exactly(I) end
+ || I <- Instances],
+ InstTypesList = [proper_types:exactly(I) || I <- InstList],
+ InstListGen =
+ fun(_Size) -> proper_types:fixed_list(InstTypesList) end,
+ AllInstGens = proper_arith:list_insert(ListInstPos, InstListGen,
+ InstGens),
+ AllGens = proper_arith:insert(AllInstGens, SelfPos, OtherGens),
+ AltRecFun(AllGens, Size)
+ end)
+ end.
+-spec convert_maybe_hard_adt(mod_name(), type_name(), [abs_type()], state(),
+ stack(), var_dict()) ->
+ rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_maybe_hard_adt(Mod, Name, ArgForms, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ Arity = length(ArgForms),
+ case orddict:find({Name,Arity}, ?HARD_ADTS) of
+ {ok,Mod} ->
+ convert_custom(Mod, Mod, Name, ArgForms, State, Stack, VarDict);
+ {ok,ADTMod} ->
+ ADT = {remote_type,0,[{atom,0,ADTMod},{atom,0,Name},ArgForms]},
+ convert(Mod, ADT, State, Stack, VarDict);
+ error ->
+ convert_custom(Mod, Mod, Name, ArgForms, State, Stack, VarDict)
+ end.
+-spec convert_custom(mod_name(), mod_name(), type_name(), [abs_type()], state(),
+ stack(), var_dict()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_custom(Mod, RemMod, Name, ArgForms, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case process_list(Mod, ArgForms, State, Stack, VarDict) of
+ {ok,Args,NewState} ->
+ Arity = length(Args),
+ TypeRef = {type,Name,Arity},
+ FullTypeRef = {RemMod,type,Name,Args},
+ convert_type(TypeRef, FullTypeRef, NewState, Stack);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert_record(mod_name(), type_name(), [abs_type()], state(), stack(),
+ var_dict()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_record(Mod, Name, RawSubsts, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ Substs = [{N,T} || {type,_,field_type,[{atom,_,N},T]} <- RawSubsts],
+ {SubstFields,SubstTypeForms} = lists:unzip(Substs),
+ case process_list(Mod, SubstTypeForms, State, Stack, VarDict) of
+ {ok,SubstTypes,NewState} ->
+ SubstsDict = dict:from_list(lists:zip(SubstFields, SubstTypes)),
+ TypeRef = {record,Name,0},
+ FullTypeRef = {Mod,record,Name,SubstsDict},
+ convert_type(TypeRef, FullTypeRef, NewState, Stack);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert_type(type_ref(), full_type_ref(), state(), stack()) ->
+ rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_type(TypeRef, {Mod,_Kind,_Name,_Spec} = FullTypeRef, State, Stack) ->
+ case stack_position(FullTypeRef, Stack) of
+ none ->
+ case get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, false, State) of
+ {ok,TypeRepr,NewState} ->
+ convert_new_type(TypeRef, FullTypeRef, TypeRepr, NewState,
+ Stack);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ 1 ->
+ base_case_error(Stack);
+ _Pos ->
+ {ok, {rec,fun([Gen],Size) -> Gen(Size) end,[{true,FullTypeRef}]},
+ State}
+ end.
+-spec convert_new_type(type_ref(), full_type_ref(), type_repr(), state(),
+ stack()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_new_type(_TypeRef, {_Mod,type,_Name,[]},
+ {cached,FinType,_TypeForm,_SymbInfo}, State, _Stack) ->
+ {ok, {simple,FinType}, State};
+convert_new_type(TypeRef, {Mod,type,_Name,Args} = FullTypeRef,
+ {abs_type,TypeForm,Vars,SymbInfo}, State, Stack) ->
+ VarDict = dict:from_list(lists:zip(Vars, Args)),
+ case convert(Mod, TypeForm, State, [FullTypeRef | Stack], VarDict) of
+ {ok, {simple,ImmFinType}, NewState} ->
+ FinType = case SymbInfo of
+ not_symb ->
+ ImmFinType;
+ {orig_abs,_OrigAbsType} ->
+ proper_symb:internal_well_defined(ImmFinType)
+ end,
+ FinalState = case Vars of
+ [] -> cache_type(Mod, TypeRef, FinType, TypeForm,
+ SymbInfo, NewState);
+ _ -> NewState
+ end,
+ {ok, {simple,FinType}, FinalState};
+ {ok, {rec,RecFun,RecArgs}, NewState} ->
+ convert_maybe_rec(FullTypeRef, SymbInfo, RecFun, RecArgs, NewState,
+ Stack);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+convert_new_type(_TypeRef, {Mod,record,Name,SubstsDict} = FullTypeRef,
+ {abs_record,OrigFields}, State, Stack) ->
+ Fields = [case dict:find(FieldName, SubstsDict) of
+ {ok,NewFieldType} -> NewFieldType;
+ error -> OrigFieldType
+ end
+ || {FieldName,OrigFieldType} <- OrigFields],
+ case convert_tuple(Mod, [{atom,0,Name} | Fields], false, State,
+ [FullTypeRef | Stack], dict:new()) of
+ {ok, {simple,_FinType}, _NewState} = Result ->
+ Result;
+ {ok, {rec,RecFun,RecArgs}, NewState} ->
+ convert_maybe_rec(FullTypeRef, not_symb, RecFun, RecArgs, NewState,
+ Stack);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec cache_type(mod_name(), type_ref(), fin_type(), abs_type(), symb_info(),
+ state()) -> state().
+cache_type(Mod, TypeRef, FinType, TypeForm, SymbInfo,
+ #state{types = Types} = State) ->
+ TypeRepr = {cached,FinType,TypeForm,SymbInfo},
+ ModTypes = dict:fetch(Mod, Types),
+ NewModTypes = dict:store(TypeRef, TypeRepr, ModTypes),
+ NewTypes = dict:store(Mod, NewModTypes, Types),
+ State#state{types = NewTypes}.
+-spec convert_maybe_rec(full_type_ref(), symb_info(), rec_fun(), rec_args(),
+ state(), stack()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_maybe_rec(FullTypeRef, SymbInfo, RecFun, RecArgs, State, Stack) ->
+ case at_toplevel(RecArgs, Stack) of
+ true -> base_case_error(Stack);
+ false -> safe_convert_maybe_rec(FullTypeRef, SymbInfo, RecFun, RecArgs,
+ State)
+ end.
+-spec safe_convert_maybe_rec(full_type_ref(),symb_info(),rec_fun(),rec_args(),
+ state()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+safe_convert_maybe_rec(FullTypeRef, SymbInfo, RecFun, RecArgs, State) ->
+ case partition_rec_args(FullTypeRef, RecArgs, false) of
+ {[],[],_,_} ->
+ {ok, {rec,RecFun,RecArgs}, State};
+ {MyRecArgs,MyPos,OtherRecArgs,_OtherPos} ->
+ case lists:all(fun({B,_T}) -> B =:= false end, MyRecArgs) of
+ true -> convert_rec_type(SymbInfo, RecFun, MyPos, OtherRecArgs,
+ State);
+ false -> {error, {internal,true_rec_arg_reached_type}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec convert_rec_type(symb_info(), rec_fun(), [position()], rec_args(),
+ state()) -> {ok, ret_type(), state()}.
+convert_rec_type(SymbInfo, RecFun, MyPos, [], State) ->
+ NumRecArgs = length(MyPos),
+ M = fun(GenFun) ->
+ fun(Size) ->
+ GenFuns = lists:duplicate(NumRecArgs, GenFun),
+ RecFun(GenFuns, erlang:max(0,Size - 1))
+ end
+ end,
+ SizedGen = y(M),
+ ImmFinType = ?SIZED(Size,SizedGen(Size + 1)),
+ FinType = case SymbInfo of
+ not_symb ->
+ ImmFinType;
+ {orig_abs,_OrigAbsType} ->
+ proper_symb:internal_well_defined(ImmFinType)
+ end,
+ {ok, {simple,FinType}, State};
+convert_rec_type(_SymbInfo, RecFun, MyPos, OtherRecArgs, State) ->
+ NumRecArgs = length(MyPos),
+ NewRecFun =
+ fun(OtherGens,TopSize) ->
+ M = fun(GenFun) ->
+ fun(Size) ->
+ GenFuns = lists:duplicate(NumRecArgs, GenFun),
+ AllGens =
+ proper_arith:insert(GenFuns, MyPos, OtherGens),
+ RecFun(AllGens, erlang:max(0,Size - 1))
+ end
+ end,
+ (y(M))(TopSize)
+ end,
+ NewRecArgs = clean_rec_args(OtherRecArgs),
+ {ok, {rec,NewRecFun,NewRecArgs}, State}.
+%% Y Combinator: Read more at http://bc.tech.coop/blog/070611.html.
+-spec y(fun((fun((T) -> S)) -> fun((T) -> S))) -> fun((T) -> S).
+y(M) ->
+ G = fun(F) ->
+ M(fun(A) -> (F(F))(A) end)
+ end,
+ G(G).
+-spec process_list(mod_name(), [abs_type() | ret_type()], state(), stack(),
+ var_dict()) -> rich_result2([ret_type()],state()).
+process_list(Mod, RawTypes, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ Process = fun({simple,_FinType} = Type, {ok,Types,State1}) ->
+ {ok, [Type|Types], State1};
+ ({rec,_RecFun,_RecArgs} = Type, {ok,Types,State1}) ->
+ {ok, [Type|Types], State1};
+ (TypeForm, {ok,Types,State1}) ->
+ case convert(Mod, TypeForm, State1, Stack, VarDict) of
+ {ok,Type,State2} -> {ok,[Type|Types],State2};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end;
+ (_RawType, {error,_} = Err) ->
+ Err
+ end,
+ case lists:foldl(Process, {ok,[],State}, RawTypes) of
+ {ok,RevTypes,NewState} ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(RevTypes), NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert_integer(abs_expr(), state()) -> rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert_integer(Expr, State) ->
+ case eval_int(Expr) of
+ {ok,Int} -> {ok, {simple,proper_types:exactly(Int)}, State};
+ error -> expr_error(invalid_int_const, Expr)
+ end.
+-spec eval_int(abs_expr()) -> tagged_result(integer()).
+eval_int(Expr) ->
+ NoBindings = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
+ try erl_eval:expr(Expr, NoBindings) of
+ {value,Value,_NewBindings} when is_integer(Value) ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ _ ->
+ error
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ error
+ end.
+-spec expr_error(atom(), abs_expr()) -> {'error',term()}.
+expr_error(Reason, Expr) ->
+ {error, {Reason,lists:flatten(erl_pp:expr(Expr))}}.
+-spec expr_error(atom(), abs_expr(), abs_expr()) -> {'error',term()}.
+expr_error(Reason, Expr1, Expr2) ->
+ Str1 = lists:flatten(erl_pp:expr(Expr1)),
+ Str2 = lists:flatten(erl_pp:expr(Expr2)),
+ {error, {Reason,Str1,Str2}}.
+-spec base_case_error(stack()) -> {'error',term()}.
+%% TODO: This might confuse, since it doesn't record the arguments to parametric
+%% types or the type subsitutions of a record.
+base_case_error([{Mod,type,Name,Args} | _Upper]) ->
+ Arity = length(Args),
+ {error, {no_base_case,{Mod,type,Name,Arity}}};
+base_case_error([{Mod,record,Name,_SubstsDict} | _Upper]) ->
+ {error, {no_base_case,{Mod,record,Name}}}.
+%% Helper datatypes handling functions
+-spec stack_position(full_type_ref(), stack()) -> 'none' | pos_integer().
+stack_position(FullTypeRef, Stack) ->
+ SameType = fun(A) -> same_full_type_ref(A,FullTypeRef) end,
+ case proper_arith:find_first(SameType, Stack) of
+ {Pos,_} -> Pos;
+ none -> none
+ end.
+-spec partition_by_toplevel(rec_args(), stack(), boolean()) ->
+ {rec_args(),[position()],rec_args(),[position()]}.
+partition_by_toplevel(RecArgs, [], _OnlyInstanceAccepting) ->
+ {[],[],RecArgs,lists:seq(1,length(RecArgs))};
+partition_by_toplevel(RecArgs, [_Parent | _Upper], _OnlyInstanceAccepting)
+ when is_atom(_Parent) ->
+ {[],[],RecArgs,lists:seq(1,length(RecArgs))};
+partition_by_toplevel(RecArgs, [Parent | _Upper], OnlyInstanceAccepting) ->
+ partition_rec_args(Parent, RecArgs, OnlyInstanceAccepting).
+-spec at_toplevel(rec_args(), stack()) -> boolean().
+at_toplevel(RecArgs, Stack) ->
+ case partition_by_toplevel(RecArgs, Stack, false) of
+ {[],[],_,_} -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end.
+-spec partition_rec_args(full_type_ref(), rec_args(), boolean()) ->
+ {rec_args(),[position()],rec_args(),[position()]}.
+partition_rec_args(FullTypeRef, RecArgs, OnlyInstanceAccepting) ->
+ SameType =
+ case OnlyInstanceAccepting of
+ true -> fun({false,_T}) -> false
+ ; ({_B,T}) -> same_full_type_ref(T,FullTypeRef) end;
+ false -> fun({_B,T}) -> same_full_type_ref(T,FullTypeRef) end
+ end,
+ proper_arith:partition(SameType, RecArgs).
+%% Tuples can be of 0 arity, unions of 1 and wunions at least of 2.
+-spec combine_ret_types([ret_type()], {'tuple',boolean()} | 'union'
+ | 'wunion') -> ret_type().
+combine_ret_types(RetTypes, EnclosingType) ->
+ case lists:all(fun is_simple_ret_type/1, RetTypes) of
+ true ->
+ %% This should never happen for wunion.
+ Combine = case EnclosingType of
+ {tuple,false} -> fun proper_types:tuple/1;
+ {tuple,true} -> fun proper_types:fixed_list/1;
+ union -> fun proper_types:union/1
+ end,
+ FinTypes = [T || {simple,T} <- RetTypes],
+ {simple, Combine(FinTypes)};
+ false ->
+ NumTypes = length(RetTypes),
+ {RevRecFuns,RevRecArgsList,NumRecs} =
+ lists:foldl(fun add_ret_type/2, {[],[],0}, RetTypes),
+ RecFuns = lists:reverse(RevRecFuns),
+ RecArgsList = lists:reverse(RevRecArgsList),
+ RecArgLens = [length(RecArgs) || RecArgs <- RecArgsList],
+ RecFunInfo = {NumTypes,NumRecs,RecArgLens,RecFuns},
+ FlatRecArgs = lists:flatten(RecArgsList),
+ {NewRecFun,NewRecArgs} =
+ case EnclosingType of
+ {tuple,ToList} ->
+ {tuple_rec_fun(RecFunInfo,ToList),
+ soft_clean_rec_args(FlatRecArgs,RecFunInfo,ToList)};
+ union ->
+ {union_rec_fun(RecFunInfo),clean_rec_args(FlatRecArgs)};
+ wunion ->
+ {wunion_rec_fun(RecFunInfo),
+ clean_rec_args(FlatRecArgs)}
+ end,
+ {rec, NewRecFun, NewRecArgs}
+ end.
+-spec tuple_rec_fun(rec_fun_info(), boolean()) -> rec_fun().
+tuple_rec_fun({_NumTypes,NumRecs,RecArgLens,RecFuns}, ToList) ->
+ Combine = case ToList of
+ true -> fun proper_types:fixed_list/1;
+ false -> fun proper_types:tuple/1
+ end,
+ fun(AllGFs,TopSize) ->
+ Size = TopSize div NumRecs,
+ GFsList = proper_arith:unflatten(AllGFs, RecArgLens),
+ ArgsList = [[GenFuns,Size] || GenFuns <- GFsList],
+ ZipFun = fun erlang:apply/2,
+ Combine(lists:zipwith(ZipFun, RecFuns, ArgsList))
+ end.
+-spec union_rec_fun(rec_fun_info()) -> rec_fun().
+union_rec_fun({_NumTypes,_NumRecs,RecArgLens,RecFuns}) ->
+ fun(AllGFs,Size) ->
+ GFsList = proper_arith:unflatten(AllGFs, RecArgLens),
+ ArgsList = [[GenFuns,Size] || GenFuns <- GFsList],
+ ZipFun = fun(F,A) -> ?LAZY(apply(F,A)) end,
+ proper_types:union(lists:zipwith(ZipFun, RecFuns, ArgsList))
+ end.
+-spec wunion_rec_fun(rec_fun_info()) -> rec_fun().
+wunion_rec_fun({NumTypes,_NumRecs,RecArgLens,RecFuns}) ->
+ fun(AllGFs,Size) ->
+ GFsList = proper_arith:unflatten(AllGFs, RecArgLens),
+ ArgsList = [[GenFuns,Size] || GenFuns <- GFsList],
+ ZipFun = fun(W,F,A) -> {W,?LAZY(apply(F,A))} end,
+ RecWeight = erlang:max(1, Size div (NumTypes - 1)),
+ Weights = [1 | lists:duplicate(NumTypes - 1, RecWeight)],
+ WeightedChoices = lists:zipwith3(ZipFun, Weights, RecFuns, ArgsList),
+ proper_types:wunion(WeightedChoices)
+ end.
+-spec add_ret_type(ret_type(), {[rec_fun()],[rec_args()],non_neg_integer()}) ->
+ {[rec_fun()],[rec_args()],non_neg_integer()}.
+add_ret_type({simple,FinType}, {RecFuns,RecArgsList,NumRecs}) ->
+ {[fun([],_) -> FinType end | RecFuns], [[] | RecArgsList], NumRecs};
+add_ret_type({rec,RecFun,RecArgs}, {RecFuns,RecArgsList,NumRecs}) ->
+ {[RecFun | RecFuns], [RecArgs | RecArgsList], NumRecs + 1}.
+-spec is_simple_ret_type(ret_type()) -> boolean().
+is_simple_ret_type({simple,_FinType}) ->
+ true;
+is_simple_ret_type({rec,_RecFun,_RecArgs}) ->
+ false.
+-spec clean_rec_args(rec_args()) -> rec_args().
+clean_rec_args(RecArgs) ->
+ [{false,F} || {_B,F} <- RecArgs].
+-spec soft_clean_rec_args(rec_args(), rec_fun_info(), boolean()) -> rec_args().
+soft_clean_rec_args(RecArgs, RecFunInfo, ToList) ->
+ soft_clean_rec_args_tr(RecArgs, [], RecFunInfo, ToList, false, 1).
+-spec soft_clean_rec_args_tr(rec_args(), rec_args(), rec_fun_info(), boolean(),
+ boolean(), position()) -> rec_args().
+soft_clean_rec_args_tr([], Acc, _RecFunInfo, _ToList, _FoundListInst, _Pos) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+soft_clean_rec_args_tr([{{list,_NonEmpty,_AltRecFun},FTRef} | Rest], Acc,
+ RecFunInfo, ToList, true, Pos) ->
+ NewArg = {false,FTRef},
+ soft_clean_rec_args_tr(Rest, [NewArg|Acc], RecFunInfo, ToList, true, Pos+1);
+soft_clean_rec_args_tr([{{list,NonEmpty,AltRecFun},FTRef} | Rest], Acc,
+ RecFunInfo, ToList, false, Pos) ->
+ {NumTypes,NumRecs,RecArgLens,RecFuns} = RecFunInfo,
+ AltRecFunPos = get_group(Pos, RecArgLens),
+ AltRecFuns = proper_arith:list_update(AltRecFunPos, AltRecFun, RecFuns),
+ AltRecFunInfo = {NumTypes,NumRecs,RecArgLens,AltRecFuns},
+ NewArg = {{list,NonEmpty,tuple_rec_fun(AltRecFunInfo,ToList)},FTRef},
+ soft_clean_rec_args_tr(Rest, [NewArg|Acc], RecFunInfo, ToList, true, Pos+1);
+soft_clean_rec_args_tr([Arg | Rest], Acc, RecFunInfo, ToList, FoundListInst,
+ Pos) ->
+ soft_clean_rec_args_tr(Rest, [Arg | Acc], RecFunInfo, ToList, FoundListInst,
+ Pos+1).
+-spec get_group(pos_integer(), [non_neg_integer()]) -> pos_integer().
+get_group(Pos, AllMembers) ->
+ get_group_tr(Pos, AllMembers, 1).
+-spec get_group_tr(pos_integer(), [non_neg_integer()], pos_integer()) ->
+ pos_integer().
+get_group_tr(Pos, [Members | Rest], GroupNum) ->
+ case Pos =< Members of
+ true -> GroupNum;
+ false -> get_group_tr(Pos - Members, Rest, GroupNum + 1)
+ end.
+-spec same_full_type_ref(full_type_ref(), term()) -> boolean().
+ {SameMod,type,SameName,Args2}) ->
+ length(Args1) =:= length(Args2)
+ andalso lists:all(fun({A,B}) -> same_ret_type(A,B) end,
+ lists:zip(Args1, Args2));
+ {SameMod,record,SameName,SubstsDict2}) ->
+ same_substs_dict(SubstsDict1, SubstsDict2);
+same_full_type_ref(_, _) ->
+ false.
+-spec same_ret_type(ret_type(), ret_type()) -> boolean().
+same_ret_type({simple,FinType1}, {simple,FinType2}) ->
+ same_fin_type(FinType1, FinType2);
+same_ret_type({rec,RecFun1,RecArgs1}, {rec,RecFun2,RecArgs2}) ->
+ NumRecArgs = length(RecArgs1),
+ length(RecArgs2) =:= NumRecArgs
+ andalso lists:all(fun({A1,A2}) -> same_rec_arg(A1,A2,NumRecArgs) end,
+ lists:zip(RecArgs1,RecArgs2))
+ andalso same_rec_fun(RecFun1, RecFun2, NumRecArgs);
+same_ret_type(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% TODO: Is this too strict?
+-spec same_rec_arg(rec_arg(), rec_arg(), arity()) -> boolean().
+ {{list,SameBool,AltRecFun2},FTRef2}, NumRecArgs) ->
+ same_rec_fun(AltRecFun1, AltRecFun2, NumRecArgs)
+ andalso same_full_type_ref(FTRef1, FTRef2);
+same_rec_arg({true,FTRef1}, {true,FTRef2}, _NumRecArgs) ->
+ same_full_type_ref(FTRef1, FTRef2);
+same_rec_arg({false,FTRef1}, {false,FTRef2}, _NumRecArgs) ->
+ same_full_type_ref(FTRef1, FTRef2);
+same_rec_arg(_, _, _NumRecArgs) ->
+ false.
+-spec same_substs_dict(substs_dict(), substs_dict()) -> boolean().
+same_substs_dict(SubstsDict1, SubstsDict2) ->
+ SameKVPair = fun({{_K,V1},{_K,V2}}) -> same_ret_type(V1,V2);
+ (_) -> false
+ end,
+ SubstsKVList1 = lists:sort(dict:to_list(SubstsDict1)),
+ SubstsKVList2 = lists:sort(dict:to_list(SubstsDict2)),
+ length(SubstsKVList1) =:= length(SubstsKVList2)
+ andalso lists:all(SameKVPair, lists:zip(SubstsKVList1,SubstsKVList2)).
+-spec same_fin_type(fin_type(), fin_type()) -> boolean().
+same_fin_type(Type1, Type2) ->
+ proper_types:equal_types(Type1, Type2).
+-spec same_rec_fun(rec_fun(), rec_fun(), arity()) -> boolean().
+same_rec_fun(RecFun1, RecFun2, NumRecArgs) ->
+ %% It's ok that we return a type, even if there's a 'true' for use of
+ %% an instance.
+ GenFun = fun(_Size) -> proper_types:exactly('$dummy') end,
+ GenFuns = lists:duplicate(NumRecArgs,GenFun),
+ same_fin_type(RecFun1(GenFuns,0), RecFun2(GenFuns,0)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/queue/queue_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/queue/queue_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d46bdb989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/queue/queue_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+-export([ok1/0, ok2/0]).
+-export([wrong1/0, wrong2/0, wrong3/0, wrong4/0, wrong5/0, wrong6/0, wrong7/0, wrong8/0]).
+ok1() ->
+ queue:is_empty(queue:new()).
+ok2() ->
+ Q0 = queue:new(),
+ Q1 = queue:in(42, Q0),
+ {{value, 42}, Q2} = queue:out(Q1),
+ queue:is_empty(Q2).
+wrong1() ->
+ queue:is_empty({[],[]}).
+wrong2() ->
+ Q0 = {[],[]},
+ queue:in(42, Q0).
+wrong3() ->
+ Q0 = queue:new(),
+ Q1 = queue:in(42, Q0),
+ {[42],Q2} = Q1,
+ Q2.
+wrong4() ->
+ Q0 = queue:new(),
+ Q1 = queue:in(42, Q0),
+ Q1 =:= {[42],[]}.
+wrong5() ->
+ {F, _R} = queue:new(),
+ F.
+wrong6() ->
+ {{value, 42}, Q2} = queue:out({[42],[]}),
+ Q2.
+-record(db, {p, q}).
+wrong7() ->
+ add_unique(42, #db{p = [], q = queue:new()}).
+add_unique(E, DB) ->
+ case is_in_queue(E, DB) of
+ true -> DB;
+ false -> DB#db{q = queue:in(E, DB#db.q)}
+ end.
+is_in_queue(P, #db{q = {L1,L2}}) ->
+ lists:member(P, L1) orelse lists:member(P, L2).
+wrong8() ->
+ tuple_queue({42, gazonk}).
+tuple_queue({F, Q}) ->
+ queue:in(F, Q).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/rec/rec_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/rec/rec_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f01cc5e519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/rec/rec_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-export([new/0, get_a/1, get_b/1, set_a/2, set_b/2]).
+-record(rec, {a :: atom(), b = 0 :: integer()}).
+-opaque rec() :: #rec{}.
+-spec new() -> rec().
+new() -> #rec{a = gazonk, b = 42}.
+-spec get_a(rec()) -> atom().
+get_a(#rec{a = A}) -> A.
+-spec get_b(rec()) -> integer().
+get_b(#rec{b = B}) -> B.
+-spec set_a(rec(), atom()) -> rec().
+set_a(R, A) -> R#rec{a = A}.
+-spec set_b(rec(), integer()) -> rec().
+set_b(R, B) -> R#rec{b = B}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/rec/rec_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/rec/rec_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..358e9f918c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/rec/rec_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-export([ok1/0, ok2/0, wrong1/0, wrong2/0, wrong3/0, wrong4/0]).
+ok1() ->
+ rec_adt:set_a(rec_adt:new(), foo).
+ok2() ->
+ R1 = rec_adt:new(),
+ B1 = rec_adt:get_b(R1),
+ R2 = rec_adt:set_b(R1, 42),
+ B2 = rec_adt:get_b(R2),
+ B1 =:= B2.
+wrong1() ->
+ case rec_adt:new() of
+ {rec, _, 42} -> weird1;
+ R when tuple_size(R) =:= 3 -> weird2
+ end.
+wrong2() ->
+ R = list_to_tuple([rec, a, 42]),
+ rec_adt:get_a(R).
+wrong3() ->
+ R = rec_adt:new(),
+ R =:= {rec, gazonk, 42}.
+wrong4() ->
+ tuple_size(rec_adt:new()).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/cerl.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/cerl.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4fdbfd5f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/cerl.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,4602 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% =====================================================================
+%% @doc Core Erlang abstract syntax trees.
+%% <p> This module defines an abstract data type for representing Core
+%% Erlang source code as syntax trees.</p>
+%% <p>A recommended starting point for the first-time user is the
+%% documentation of the function <a
+%% href="#type-1"><code>type/1</code></a>.</p>
+%% <h3><b>NOTES:</b></h3>
+%% <p>This module deals with the composition and decomposition of
+%% <em>syntactic</em> entities (as opposed to semantic ones); its
+%% purpose is to hide all direct references to the data structures
+%% used to represent these entities. With few exceptions, the
+%% functions in this module perform no semantic interpretation of
+%% their inputs, and in general, the user is assumed to pass
+%% type-correct arguments - if this is not done, the effects are not
+%% defined.</p>
+%% <p>Currently, the internal data structure used is the same as
+%% the record-based data structures used traditionally in the Beam
+%% compiler.</p>
+%% <p>The internal representations of abstract syntax trees are
+%% subject to change without notice, and should not be documented
+%% outside this module. Furthermore, we do not give any guarantees on
+%% how an abstract syntax tree may or may not be represented, <em>with
+%% the following exceptions</em>: no syntax tree is represented by a
+%% single atom, such as <code>none</code>, by a list constructor
+%% <code>[X | Y]</code>, or by the empty list <code>[]</code>. This
+%% can be relied on when writing functions that operate on syntax
+%% trees.</p>
+%% @type cerl(). An abstract Core Erlang syntax tree.
+%% <p>Every abstract syntax tree has a <em>type</em>, given by the
+%% function <a href="#type-1"><code>type/1</code></a>. In addition,
+%% each syntax tree has a list of <em>user annotations</em> (cf. <a
+%% href="#get_ann-1"><code>get_ann/1</code></a>), which are included
+%% in the Core Erlang syntax.</p>
+-export([abstract/1, add_ann/2, alias_pat/1, alias_var/1,
+ ann_abstract/2, ann_c_alias/3, ann_c_apply/3, ann_c_atom/2,
+ ann_c_call/4, ann_c_case/3, ann_c_catch/2, ann_c_char/2,
+ ann_c_clause/3, ann_c_clause/4, ann_c_cons/3, ann_c_float/2,
+ ann_c_fname/3, ann_c_fun/3, ann_c_int/2, ann_c_let/4,
+ ann_c_letrec/3, ann_c_module/4, ann_c_module/5, ann_c_nil/1,
+ ann_c_cons_skel/3, ann_c_tuple_skel/2, ann_c_primop/3,
+ ann_c_receive/2, ann_c_receive/4, ann_c_seq/3, ann_c_string/2,
+ ann_c_try/6, ann_c_tuple/2, ann_c_values/2, ann_c_var/2,
+ ann_make_data/3, ann_make_list/2, ann_make_list/3,
+ ann_make_data_skel/3, ann_make_tree/3, apply_args/1,
+ apply_arity/1, apply_op/1, atom_lit/1, atom_name/1, atom_val/1,
+ c_alias/2, c_apply/2, c_atom/1, c_call/3, c_case/2, c_catch/1,
+ c_char/1, c_clause/2, c_clause/3, c_cons/2, c_float/1,
+ c_fname/2, c_fun/2, c_int/1, c_let/3, c_letrec/2, c_module/3,
+ c_module/4, c_nil/0, c_cons_skel/2, c_tuple_skel/1, c_primop/2,
+ c_receive/1, c_receive/3, c_seq/2, c_string/1, c_try/5,
+ c_tuple/1, c_values/1, c_var/1, call_args/1, call_arity/1,
+ call_module/1, call_name/1, case_arg/1, case_arity/1,
+ case_clauses/1, catch_body/1, char_lit/1, char_val/1,
+ clause_arity/1, clause_body/1, clause_guard/1, clause_pats/1,
+ clause_vars/1, concrete/1, cons_hd/1, cons_tl/1, copy_ann/2,
+ data_arity/1, data_es/1, data_type/1, float_lit/1, float_val/1,
+ fname_arity/1, fname_id/1, fold_literal/1, from_records/1,
+ fun_arity/1, fun_body/1, fun_vars/1, get_ann/1, int_lit/1,
+ int_val/1, is_c_alias/1, is_c_apply/1, is_c_atom/1,
+ is_c_call/1, is_c_case/1, is_c_catch/1, is_c_char/1,
+ is_c_clause/1, is_c_cons/1, is_c_float/1, is_c_fname/1,
+ is_c_fun/1, is_c_int/1, is_c_let/1, is_c_letrec/1, is_c_list/1,
+ is_c_module/1, is_c_nil/1, is_c_primop/1, is_c_receive/1,
+ is_c_seq/1, is_c_string/1, is_c_try/1, is_c_tuple/1,
+ is_c_values/1, is_c_var/1, is_data/1, is_leaf/1, is_literal/1,
+ is_literal_term/1, is_print_char/1, is_print_string/1,
+ let_arg/1, let_arity/1, let_body/1, let_vars/1, letrec_body/1,
+ letrec_defs/1, letrec_vars/1, list_elements/1, list_length/1,
+ make_data/2, make_list/1, make_list/2, make_data_skel/2,
+ make_tree/2, meta/1, module_attrs/1, module_defs/1,
+ module_exports/1, module_name/1, module_vars/1,
+ pat_list_vars/1, pat_vars/1, primop_args/1, primop_arity/1,
+ primop_name/1, receive_action/1, receive_clauses/1,
+ receive_timeout/1, seq_arg/1, seq_body/1, set_ann/2,
+ string_lit/1, string_val/1, subtrees/1, to_records/1,
+ try_arg/1, try_body/1, try_vars/1, try_evars/1, try_handler/1,
+ tuple_arity/1, tuple_es/1, type/1, unfold_literal/1,
+ update_c_alias/3, update_c_apply/3, update_c_call/4,
+ update_c_case/3, update_c_catch/2, update_c_clause/4,
+ update_c_cons/3, update_c_cons_skel/3, update_c_fname/2,
+ update_c_fname/3, update_c_fun/3, update_c_let/4,
+ update_c_letrec/3, update_c_module/5, update_c_primop/3,
+ update_c_receive/4, update_c_seq/3, update_c_try/6,
+ update_c_tuple/2, update_c_tuple_skel/2, update_c_values/2,
+ update_c_var/2, update_data/3, update_list/2, update_list/3,
+ update_data_skel/3, update_tree/2, update_tree/3,
+ values_arity/1, values_es/1, var_name/1, c_binary/1,
+ update_c_binary/2, ann_c_binary/2, is_c_binary/1,
+ binary_segments/1, c_bitstr/3, c_bitstr/4, c_bitstr/5,
+ update_c_bitstr/5, update_c_bitstr/6, ann_c_bitstr/5,
+ ann_c_bitstr/6, is_c_bitstr/1, bitstr_val/1, bitstr_size/1,
+ bitstr_bitsize/1, bitstr_unit/1, bitstr_type/1, bitstr_flags/1,
+ %% keep map exports here for now
+ c_map_pattern/1,
+ is_c_map/1,
+ is_c_map_pattern/1,
+ map_es/1,
+ map_arg/1,
+ update_c_map/3,
+ c_map/1, is_c_map_empty/1,
+ ann_c_map/2, ann_c_map/3,
+ ann_c_map_pattern/2,
+ map_pair_op/1,map_pair_key/1,map_pair_val/1,
+ update_c_map_pair/4,
+ c_map_pair/2, c_map_pair_exact/2,
+ ann_c_map_pair/4
+ ]).
+-export_type([c_binary/0, c_bitstr/0, c_call/0, c_clause/0, c_cons/0, c_fun/0,
+ c_let/0, c_literal/0, c_map/0, c_map_pair/0,
+ c_module/0, c_tuple/0,
+ c_values/0, c_var/0, cerl/0,
+ anns/0, attrs/0, defs/0, litval/0, var_name/0]).
+-type c_alias() :: #c_alias{}.
+-type c_apply() :: #c_apply{}.
+-type c_binary() :: #c_binary{}.
+-type c_bitstr() :: #c_bitstr{}.
+-type c_call() :: #c_call{}.
+-type c_case() :: #c_case{}.
+-type c_catch() :: #c_catch{}.
+-type c_clause() :: #c_clause{}.
+-type c_cons() :: #c_cons{}.
+-type c_fun() :: #c_fun{}.
+-type c_let() :: #c_let{}.
+-type c_letrec() :: #c_letrec{}.
+-type c_literal() :: #c_literal{}.
+-type c_map() :: #c_map{}.
+-type c_map_pair() :: #c_map_pair{}.
+-type c_module() :: #c_module{}.
+-type c_primop() :: #c_primop{}.
+-type c_receive() :: #c_receive{}.
+-type c_seq() :: #c_seq{}.
+-type c_try() :: #c_try{}.
+-type c_tuple() :: #c_tuple{}.
+-type c_values() :: #c_values{}.
+-type c_var() :: #c_var{}.
+-type cerl() :: c_alias() | c_apply() | c_binary() | c_bitstr()
+ | c_call() | c_case() | c_catch() | c_clause() | c_cons()
+ | c_fun() | c_let() | c_letrec() | c_literal()
+ | c_map() | c_map_pair()
+ | c_module() | c_primop() | c_receive() | c_seq()
+ | c_try() | c_tuple() | c_values() | c_var().
+-type anns() :: [term()].
+-type attr() :: {c_literal(), c_literal()}.
+-type attrs() :: [attr()].
+-type def() :: {c_var(), c_fun()}.
+-type defs() :: [def()].
+-type litval() :: atom() | bitstring() | map() | number()
+ | string() | tuple() | [litval()].
+-type var_name() :: integer() | atom() | {atom(), arity()}.
+%% =====================================================================
+%% Representation (general)
+%% All nodes are represented by tuples of arity 2 or (generally)
+%% greater, whose first element is an atom which uniquely identifies the
+%% type of the node, and whose second element is a (proper) list of
+%% annotation terms associated with the node - this is by default empty.
+%% For most node constructor functions, there are analogous functions
+%% named 'ann_...', taking one extra argument 'As' (always the first
+%% argument), specifying an annotation list at node creation time.
+%% Similarly, there are also functions named 'update_...', taking one
+%% extra argument 'Old', specifying a node from which all fields not
+%% explicitly given as arguments should be copied (generally, this is
+%% the annotation field only).
+%% =====================================================================
+%% @spec type(Node::cerl()) -> atom()
+%% @doc Returns the type tag of <code>Node</code>. Current node types
+%% are:
+%% <p><center><table border="1">
+%% <tr>
+%% <td>alias</td>
+%% <td>apply</td>
+%% <td>binary</td>
+%% <td>bitstr</td>
+%% <td>call</td>
+%% <td>case</td>
+%% <td>catch</td>
+%% <td>clause</td>
+%% </tr><tr>
+%% <td>cons</td>
+%% <td>fun</td>
+%% <td>let</td>
+%% <td>letrec</td>
+%% <td>literal</td>
+%% <td>map</td>
+%% <td>map_pair</td>
+%% <td>module</td>
+%% </tr><tr>
+%% <td>primop</td>
+%% <td>receive</td>
+%% <td>seq</td>
+%% <td>try</td>
+%% <td>tuple</td>
+%% <td>values</td>
+%% <td>var</td>
+%% </tr>
+%% </table></center></p>
+%% <p>Note: The name of the primary constructor function for a node
+%% type is always the name of the type itself, prefixed by
+%% "<code>c_</code>"; recognizer predicates are correspondingly
+%% prefixed by "<code>is_c_</code>". Furthermore, to simplify
+%% preservation of annotations (cf. <code>get_ann/1</code>), there are
+%% analogous constructor functions prefixed by "<code>ann_c_</code>"
+%% and "<code>update_c_</code>", for setting the annotation list of
+%% the new node to either a specific value or to the annotations of an
+%% existing node, respectively.</p>
+%% @see abstract/1
+%% @see c_alias/2
+%% @see c_apply/2
+%% @see c_binary/1
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+%% @see c_call/3
+%% @see c_case/2
+%% @see c_catch/1
+%% @see c_clause/3
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see c_fun/2
+%% @see c_let/3
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+%% @see c_module/3
+%% @see c_primop/2
+%% @see c_receive/1
+%% @see c_seq/2
+%% @see c_try/5
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+%% @see c_values/1
+%% @see c_var/1
+%% @see get_ann/1
+%% @see to_records/1
+%% @see from_records/1
+%% @see data_type/1
+%% @see subtrees/1
+%% @see meta/1
+-type ctype() :: 'alias' | 'apply' | 'binary' | 'bitrst' | 'call' | 'case'
+ | 'catch' | 'clause' | 'cons' | 'fun' | 'let' | 'letrec'
+ | 'literal' | 'map' | 'map_pair' | 'module' | 'primop'
+ | 'receive' | 'seq' | 'try' | 'tuple' | 'values' | 'var'.
+-spec type(cerl()) -> ctype().
+type(#c_alias{}) -> alias;
+type(#c_apply{}) -> apply;
+type(#c_binary{}) -> binary;
+type(#c_bitstr{}) -> bitstr;
+type(#c_call{}) -> call;
+type(#c_case{}) -> 'case';
+type(#c_catch{}) -> 'catch';
+type(#c_clause{}) -> clause;
+type(#c_cons{}) -> cons;
+type(#c_fun{}) -> 'fun';
+type(#c_let{}) -> 'let';
+type(#c_letrec{}) -> letrec;
+type(#c_literal{}) -> literal;
+type(#c_map{}) -> map;
+type(#c_map_pair{}) -> map_pair;
+type(#c_module{}) -> module;
+type(#c_primop{}) -> primop;
+type(#c_receive{}) -> 'receive';
+type(#c_seq{}) -> seq;
+type(#c_try{}) -> 'try';
+type(#c_tuple{}) -> tuple;
+type(#c_values{}) -> values;
+type(#c_var{}) -> var.
+%% @spec is_leaf(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is a leaf node,
+%% otherwise <code>false</code>. The current leaf node types are
+%% <code>literal</code> and <code>var</code>.
+%% <p>Note: all literals (cf. <code>is_literal/1</code>) are leaf
+%% nodes, even if they represent structured (constant) values such as
+%% <code>{foo, [bar, baz]}</code>. Also note that variables are leaf
+%% nodes but not literals.</p>
+%% @see type/1
+%% @see is_literal/1
+-spec is_leaf(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_leaf(Node) ->
+ case type(Node) of
+ literal -> true;
+ var -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
+%% @spec get_ann(cerl()) -> anns()
+%% @doc Returns the list of user annotations associated with a syntax
+%% tree node. For a newly created node, this is the empty list. The
+%% annotations may be any terms.
+%% @see set_ann/2
+-spec get_ann(cerl()) -> anns().
+get_ann(Node) ->
+ element(2, Node).
+%% @spec set_ann(Node::cerl(), Annotations::anns()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Sets the list of user annotations of <code>Node</code> to
+%% <code>Annotations</code>.
+%% @see get_ann/1
+%% @see add_ann/2
+%% @see copy_ann/2
+-spec set_ann(cerl(), anns()) -> cerl().
+set_ann(Node, List) ->
+ setelement(2, Node, List).
+%% @spec add_ann(Annotations::anns(), Node::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Appends <code>Annotations</code> to the list of user
+%% annotations of <code>Node</code>.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to <code>set_ann(Node, Annotations ++
+%% get_ann(Node))</code>, but potentially more efficient.</p>
+%% @see get_ann/1
+%% @see set_ann/2
+-spec add_ann(anns(), cerl()) -> cerl().
+add_ann(Terms, Node) ->
+ set_ann(Node, Terms ++ get_ann(Node)).
+%% @spec copy_ann(Source::cerl(), Target::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Copies the list of user annotations from <code>Source</code>
+%% to <code>Target</code>.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to <code>set_ann(Target,
+%% get_ann(Source))</code>, but potentially more efficient.</p>
+%% @see get_ann/1
+%% @see set_ann/2
+-spec copy_ann(cerl(), cerl()) -> cerl().
+copy_ann(Source, Target) ->
+ set_ann(Target, get_ann(Source)).
+%% @spec abstract(Term::litval()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates a syntax tree corresponding to an Erlang term.
+%% <code>Term</code> must be a literal term, i.e., one that can be
+%% represented as a source code literal. Thus, it may not contain a
+%% process identifier, port, reference or function value as a subterm.
+%% <p>Note: This is a constant time operation.</p>
+%% @see ann_abstract/2
+%% @see concrete/1
+%% @see is_literal/1
+%% @see is_literal_term/1
+-spec abstract(litval()) -> c_literal().
+abstract(T) ->
+ #c_literal{val = T}.
+%% @spec ann_abstract(Annotations::anns(), Term::litval()) -> cerl()
+%% @see abstract/1
+-spec ann_abstract(anns(), litval()) -> c_literal().
+ann_abstract(As, T) ->
+ #c_literal{val = T, anno = As}.
+%% @spec is_literal_term(Term::term()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Term</code> can be
+%% represented as a literal, otherwise <code>false</code>. This
+%% function takes time proportional to the size of <code>Term</code>.
+%% @see abstract/1
+-spec is_literal_term(term()) -> boolean().
+is_literal_term(T) when is_integer(T) -> true;
+is_literal_term(T) when is_float(T) -> true;
+is_literal_term(T) when is_atom(T) -> true;
+is_literal_term([]) -> true;
+is_literal_term([H | T]) ->
+ is_literal_term(H) andalso is_literal_term(T);
+is_literal_term(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
+ is_literal_term_list(tuple_to_list(T));
+is_literal_term(B) when is_bitstring(B) -> true;
+is_literal_term(M) when is_map(M) ->
+ is_literal_term_list(maps:to_list(M));
+is_literal_term(_) ->
+ false.
+-spec is_literal_term_list([term()]) -> boolean().
+is_literal_term_list([T | Ts]) ->
+ case is_literal_term(T) of
+ true ->
+ is_literal_term_list(Ts);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+is_literal_term_list([]) ->
+ true.
+%% @spec concrete(Node::c_literal()) -> litval()
+%% @doc Returns the Erlang term represented by a syntax tree. An
+%% exception is thrown if <code>Node</code> does not represent a
+%% literal term.
+%% <p>Note: This is a constant time operation.</p>
+%% @see abstract/1
+%% @see is_literal/1
+%% Because the normal tuple and list constructor operations always
+%% return a literal if the arguments are literals, 'concrete' and
+%% 'is_literal' never need to traverse the structure.
+-spec concrete(c_literal()) -> litval().
+concrete(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ V.
+%% @spec is_literal(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> represents a
+%% literal term, otherwise <code>false</code>. This function returns
+%% <code>true</code> if and only if the value of
+%% <code>concrete(Node)</code> is defined.
+%% <p>Note: This is a constant time operation.</p>
+%% @see abstract/1
+%% @see concrete/1
+%% @see fold_literal/1
+-spec is_literal(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_literal(#c_literal{}) ->
+ true;
+is_literal(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec fold_literal(Node::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Assures that literals have a compact representation. This is
+%% occasionally useful if <code>c_cons_skel/2</code>,
+%% <code>c_tuple_skel/1</code> or <code>unfold_literal/1</code> were
+%% used in the construction of <code>Node</code>, and you want to revert
+%% to the normal "folded" representation of literals. If
+%% <code>Node</code> represents a tuple or list constructor, its
+%% elements are rewritten recursively, and the node is reconstructed
+%% using <code>c_cons/2</code> or <code>c_tuple/1</code>, respectively;
+%% otherwise, <code>Node</code> is not changed.
+%% @see is_literal/1
+%% @see c_cons_skel/2
+%% @see c_tuple_skel/1
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+%% @see unfold_literal/1
+-spec fold_literal(cerl()) -> cerl().
+fold_literal(Node) ->
+ case type(Node) of
+ tuple ->
+ update_c_tuple(Node, fold_literal_list(tuple_es(Node)));
+ cons ->
+ update_c_cons(Node, fold_literal(cons_hd(Node)),
+ fold_literal(cons_tl(Node)));
+ _ ->
+ Node
+ end.
+fold_literal_list([E | Es]) ->
+ [fold_literal(E) | fold_literal_list(Es)];
+fold_literal_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% @spec unfold_literal(Node::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Assures that literals have a fully expanded representation. If
+%% <code>Node</code> represents a literal tuple or list constructor, its
+%% elements are rewritten recursively, and the node is reconstructed
+%% using <code>c_cons_skel/2</code> or <code>c_tuple_skel/1</code>,
+%% respectively; otherwise, <code>Node</code> is not changed. The {@link
+%% fold_literal/1} can be used to revert to the normal compact
+%% representation.
+%% @see is_literal/1
+%% @see c_cons_skel/2
+%% @see c_tuple_skel/1
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+%% @see fold_literal/1
+-spec unfold_literal(cerl()) -> cerl().
+unfold_literal(Node) ->
+ case type(Node) of
+ literal ->
+ copy_ann(Node, unfold_concrete(concrete(Node)));
+ _ ->
+ Node
+ end.
+unfold_concrete(Val) ->
+ case Val of
+ _ when is_tuple(Val) ->
+ c_tuple_skel(unfold_concrete_list(tuple_to_list(Val)));
+ [H|T] ->
+ c_cons_skel(unfold_concrete(H), unfold_concrete(T));
+ _ ->
+ abstract(Val)
+ end.
+unfold_concrete_list([E | Es]) ->
+ [unfold_concrete(E) | unfold_concrete_list(Es)];
+unfold_concrete_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_module(Name::c_literal(), Exports, Definitions) -> c_module()
+%% Exports = [c_var()]
+%% Definitions = defs()
+%% @equiv c_module(Name, Exports, [], Definitions)
+-spec c_module(c_literal(), [c_var()], defs()) -> c_module().
+c_module(Name, Exports, Defs) ->
+ #c_module{name = Name, exports = Exports, attrs = [], defs = Defs}.
+%% @spec c_module(Name::c_literal(), Exports, Attributes, Definitions) ->
+%% c_module()
+%% Exports = [c_var()]
+%% Attributes = attrs()
+%% Definitions = defs()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract module definition. The result represents
+%% <pre>
+%% module <em>Name</em> [<em>E1</em>, ..., <em>Ek</em>]
+%% attributes [<em>K1</em> = <em>T1</em>, ...,
+%% <em>Km</em> = <em>Tm</em>]
+%% <em>V1</em> = <em>F1</em>
+%% ...
+%% <em>Vn</em> = <em>Fn</em>
+%% end</pre>
+%% if <code>Exports</code> = <code>[E1, ..., Ek]</code>,
+%% <code>Attributes</code> = <code>[{K1, T1}, ..., {Km, Tm}]</code>,
+%% and <code>Definitions</code> = <code>[{V1, F1}, ..., {Vn,
+%% Fn}]</code>.
+%% <p><code>Name</code> and all the <code>Ki</code> must be atom
+%% literals, and all the <code>Ti</code> must be constant literals. All
+%% the <code>Vi</code> and <code>Ei</code> must have type
+%% <code>var</code> and represent function names. All the
+%% <code>Fi</code> must have type <code>'fun'</code>.</p>
+%% @see c_module/3
+%% @see module_name/1
+%% @see module_exports/1
+%% @see module_attrs/1
+%% @see module_defs/1
+%% @see module_vars/1
+%% @see ann_c_module/4
+%% @see ann_c_module/5
+%% @see update_c_module/5
+%% @see c_atom/1
+%% @see c_var/1
+%% @see c_fun/2
+%% @see is_literal/1
+-spec c_module(c_literal(), [c_var()], attrs(), defs()) -> c_module().
+c_module(Name, Exports, Attrs, Defs) ->
+ #c_module{name = Name, exports = Exports, attrs = Attrs, defs = Defs}.
+%% @spec ann_c_module(As::anns(), Name::c_literal(), Exports,
+%% Definitions) -> c_module()
+%% Exports = [c_var()]
+%% Definitions = defs()
+%% @see c_module/3
+%% @see ann_c_module/5
+-spec ann_c_module(anns(), c_literal(), [c_var()], defs()) -> c_module().
+ann_c_module(As, Name, Exports, Defs) ->
+ #c_module{name = Name, exports = Exports, attrs = [], defs = Defs,
+ anno = As}.
+%% @spec ann_c_module(As::anns(), Name::c_literal(), Exports,
+%% Attributes, Definitions) -> c_module()
+%% Exports = [c_var()]
+%% Attributes = attrs()
+%% Definitions = defs()
+%% @see c_module/4
+%% @see ann_c_module/4
+-spec ann_c_module(anns(), c_literal(), [c_var()], attrs(), defs()) ->
+ c_module().
+ann_c_module(As, Name, Exports, Attrs, Defs) ->
+ #c_module{name = Name, exports = Exports, attrs = Attrs, defs = Defs,
+ anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_module(Old::cerl(), Name::c_literal(), Exports,
+%% Attributes, Definitions) -> c_module()
+%% Exports = [c_var()]
+%% Attributes = attrs()
+%% Definitions = defs()
+%% @see c_module/4
+-spec update_c_module(c_module(), c_literal(), [c_var()], attrs(), defs()) ->
+ c_module().
+update_c_module(Node, Name, Exports, Attrs, Defs) ->
+ #c_module{name = Name, exports = Exports, attrs = Attrs, defs = Defs,
+ anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_module(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% module definition, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see type/1
+-spec is_c_module(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_module(#c_module{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_module(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec module_name(Node::c_module()) -> c_literal()
+%% @doc Returns the name subtree of an abstract module definition.
+%% @see c_module/4
+-spec module_name(c_module()) -> c_literal().
+module_name(Node) ->
+ Node#c_module.name.
+%% @spec module_exports(Node::c_module()) -> [c_var()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of exports subtrees of an abstract module
+%% definition.
+%% @see c_module/4
+-spec module_exports(c_module()) -> [c_var()].
+module_exports(Node) ->
+ Node#c_module.exports.
+%% @spec module_attrs(Node::c_module()) -> [{cerl(), cerl()}]
+%% @doc Returns the list of pairs of attribute key/value subtrees of
+%% an abstract module definition.
+%% @see c_module/4
+-spec module_attrs(c_module()) -> attrs().
+module_attrs(Node) ->
+ Node#c_module.attrs.
+%% @spec module_defs(Node::c_module()) -> defs()
+%% @doc Returns the list of function definitions of an abstract module
+%% definition.
+%% @see c_module/4
+-spec module_defs(c_module()) -> defs().
+module_defs(Node) ->
+ Node#c_module.defs.
+%% @spec module_vars(Node::c_module()) -> [c_var()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of left-hand side function variable subtrees
+%% of an abstract module definition.
+%% @see c_module/4
+-spec module_vars(c_module()) -> [c_var()].
+module_vars(Node) ->
+ [F || {F, _} <- module_defs(Node)].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_int(Value::integer()) -> c_literal()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract integer literal. The lexical
+%% representation is the canonical decimal numeral of
+%% <code>Value</code>.
+%% @see ann_c_int/2
+%% @see is_c_int/1
+%% @see int_val/1
+%% @see int_lit/1
+%% @see c_char/1
+-spec c_int(integer()) -> c_literal().
+c_int(Value) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value}.
+%% @spec ann_c_int(As::anns(), Value::integer()) -> c_literal()
+%% @see c_int/1
+-spec ann_c_int(anns(), integer()) -> c_literal().
+ann_c_int(As, Value) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value, anno = As}.
+%% @spec is_c_int(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> represents an
+%% integer literal, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_int/1
+-spec is_c_int(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_int(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_integer(V) ->
+ true;
+is_c_int(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec int_val(c_literal()) -> integer()
+%% @doc Returns the value represented by an integer literal node.
+%% @see c_int/1
+-spec int_val(c_literal()) -> integer().
+int_val(Node) ->
+ Node#c_literal.val.
+%% @spec int_lit(c_literal()) -> string()
+%% @doc Returns the numeral string represented by an integer literal
+%% node.
+%% @see c_int/1
+-spec int_lit(c_literal()) -> string().
+int_lit(Node) ->
+ integer_to_list(int_val(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_float(Value::float()) -> c_literal()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract floating-point literal. The lexical
+%% representation is the decimal floating-point numeral of
+%% <code>Value</code>.
+%% @see ann_c_float/2
+%% @see is_c_float/1
+%% @see float_val/1
+%% @see float_lit/1
+%% Note that not all floating-point numerals can be represented with
+%% full precision.
+-spec c_float(float()) -> c_literal().
+c_float(Value) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value}.
+%% @spec ann_c_float(As::anns(), Value::float()) -> c_literal()
+%% @see c_float/1
+-spec ann_c_float(anns(), float()) -> c_literal().
+ann_c_float(As, Value) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value, anno = As}.
+%% @spec is_c_float(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> represents a
+%% floating-point literal, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_float/1
+-spec is_c_float(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_float(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_float(V) ->
+ true;
+is_c_float(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec float_val(c_literal()) -> float()
+%% @doc Returns the value represented by a floating-point literal
+%% node.
+%% @see c_float/1
+-spec float_val(c_literal()) -> float().
+float_val(Node) ->
+ Node#c_literal.val.
+%% @spec float_lit(c_literal()) -> string()
+%% @doc Returns the numeral string represented by a floating-point
+%% literal node.
+%% @see c_float/1
+-spec float_lit(c_literal()) -> string().
+float_lit(Node) ->
+ float_to_list(float_val(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_atom(Name) -> c_literal()
+%% Name = atom() | string()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract atom literal. The print name of the atom
+%% is the character sequence represented by <code>Name</code>.
+%% <p>Note: passing a string as argument to this function causes a
+%% corresponding atom to be created for the internal representation.</p>
+%% @see ann_c_atom/2
+%% @see is_c_atom/1
+%% @see atom_val/1
+%% @see atom_name/1
+%% @see atom_lit/1
+-spec c_atom(atom() | string()) -> c_literal().
+c_atom(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Name};
+c_atom(Name) ->
+ #c_literal{val = list_to_atom(Name)}.
+%% @spec ann_c_atom(As::anns(), Name) -> cerl()
+%% Name = atom() | string()
+%% @see c_atom/1
+-spec ann_c_atom(anns(), atom() | string()) -> c_literal().
+ann_c_atom(As, Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Name, anno = As};
+ann_c_atom(As, Name) ->
+ #c_literal{val = list_to_atom(Name), anno = As}.
+%% @spec is_c_atom(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> represents an
+%% atom literal, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_atom/1
+-spec is_c_atom(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_atom(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_atom(V) ->
+ true;
+is_c_atom(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec atom_val(c_literal()) -> atom()
+%% @doc Returns the value represented by an abstract atom.
+%% @see c_atom/1
+-spec atom_val(c_literal()) -> atom().
+atom_val(Node) ->
+ Node#c_literal.val.
+%% @spec atom_name(c_literal()) -> string()
+%% @doc Returns the printname of an abstract atom.
+%% @see c_atom/1
+-spec atom_name(c_literal()) -> string().
+atom_name(Node) ->
+ atom_to_list(atom_val(Node)).
+%% @spec atom_lit(cerl()) -> string()
+%% @doc Returns the literal string represented by an abstract
+%% atom. This always includes surrounding single-quote characters.
+%% <p>Note that an abstract atom may have several literal
+%% representations, and that the representation yielded by this
+%% function is not fixed; e.g.,
+%% <code>atom_lit(c_atom("a\012b"))</code> could yield the string
+%% <code>"\'a\\nb\'"</code>.</p>
+%% @see c_atom/1
+%% TODO: replace the use of the unofficial 'write_string/2'.
+-spec atom_lit(cerl()) -> nonempty_string().
+atom_lit(Node) ->
+ io_lib:write_string(atom_name(Node), $'). %' stupid Emacs.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_char(Value) -> c_literal()
+%% Value = char() | integer()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract character literal. If the local
+%% implementation of Erlang defines <code>char()</code> as a subset of
+%% <code>integer()</code>, this function is equivalent to
+%% <code>c_int/1</code>. Otherwise, if the given value is an integer,
+%% it will be converted to the character with the corresponding
+%% code. The lexical representation of a character is
+%% "<code>$<em>Char</em></code>", where <code>Char</code> is a single
+%% printing character or an escape sequence.
+%% @see c_int/1
+%% @see c_string/1
+%% @see ann_c_char/2
+%% @see is_c_char/1
+%% @see char_val/1
+%% @see char_lit/1
+%% @see is_print_char/1
+-spec c_char(non_neg_integer()) -> c_literal().
+c_char(Value) when is_integer(Value), Value >= 0 ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value}.
+%% @spec ann_c_char(As::anns(), Value::char()) -> c_literal()
+%% @see c_char/1
+-spec ann_c_char(anns(), char()) -> c_literal().
+ann_c_char(As, Value) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value, anno = As}.
+%% @spec is_c_char(Node::c_literal()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> may represent a
+%% character literal, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% <p>If the local implementation of Erlang defines
+%% <code>char()</code> as a subset of <code>integer()</code>, then
+%% <code>is_c_int(<em>Node</em>)</code> will also yield
+%% <code>true</code>.</p>
+%% @see c_char/1
+%% @see is_print_char/1
+-spec is_c_char(c_literal()) -> boolean().
+is_c_char(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_integer(V), V >= 0 ->
+ is_char_value(V);
+is_c_char(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec is_print_char(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> may represent a
+%% "printing" character, otherwise <code>false</code>. (Cf.
+%% <code>is_c_char/1</code>.) A "printing" character has either a
+%% given graphical representation, or a "named" escape sequence such
+%% as "<code>\n</code>". Currently, only ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)
+%% character values are recognized.
+%% @see c_char/1
+%% @see is_c_char/1
+-spec is_print_char(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_print_char(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_integer(V), V >= 0 ->
+ is_print_char_value(V);
+is_print_char(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec char_val(c_literal()) -> char()
+%% @doc Returns the value represented by an abstract character literal.
+%% @see c_char/1
+-spec char_val(c_literal()) -> char().
+char_val(Node) ->
+ Node#c_literal.val.
+%% @spec char_lit(c_literal()) -> string()
+%% @doc Returns the literal string represented by an abstract
+%% character. This includes a leading <code>$</code>
+%% character. Currently, all characters that are not in the set of ISO
+%% 8859-1 (Latin-1) "printing" characters will be escaped.
+%% @see c_char/1
+-spec char_lit(c_literal()) -> nonempty_string().
+char_lit(Node) ->
+ io_lib:write_char(char_val(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_string(Value::string()) -> c_literal()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract string literal. Equivalent to creating an
+%% abstract list of the corresponding character literals
+%% (cf. <code>is_c_string/1</code>), but is typically more
+%% efficient. The lexical representation of a string is
+%% "<code>"<em>Chars</em>"</code>", where <code>Chars</code> is a
+%% sequence of printing characters or spaces.
+%% @see c_char/1
+%% @see ann_c_string/2
+%% @see is_c_string/1
+%% @see string_val/1
+%% @see string_lit/1
+%% @see is_print_string/1
+-spec c_string(string()) -> c_literal().
+c_string(Value) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value}.
+%% @spec ann_c_string(As::anns(), Value::string()) -> c_literal()
+%% @see c_string/1
+-spec ann_c_string(anns(), string()) -> c_literal().
+ann_c_string(As, Value) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Value, anno = As}.
+%% @spec is_c_string(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> may represent a
+%% string literal, otherwise <code>false</code>. Strings are defined
+%% as lists of characters; see <code>is_c_char/1</code> for details.
+%% @see c_string/1
+%% @see is_c_char/1
+%% @see is_print_string/1
+-spec is_c_string(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_string(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ is_char_list(V);
+is_c_string(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec is_print_string(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> may represent a
+%% string literal containing only "printing" characters, otherwise
+%% <code>false</code>. See <code>is_c_string/1</code> and
+%% <code>is_print_char/1</code> for details. Currently, only ISO
+%% 8859-1 (Latin-1) character values are recognized.
+%% @see c_string/1
+%% @see is_c_string/1
+%% @see is_print_char/1
+-spec is_print_string(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_print_string(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ is_print_char_list(V);
+is_print_string(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec string_val(cerl()) -> string()
+%% @doc Returns the value represented by an abstract string literal.
+%% @see c_string/1
+-spec string_val(c_literal()) -> string().
+string_val(Node) ->
+ Node#c_literal.val.
+%% @spec string_lit(cerl()) -> string()
+%% @doc Returns the literal string represented by an abstract string.
+%% This includes surrounding double-quote characters
+%% <code>"..."</code>. Currently, characters that are not in the set
+%% of ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) "printing" characters will be escaped,
+%% except for spaces.
+%% @see c_string/1
+-spec string_lit(c_literal()) -> nonempty_string().
+string_lit(Node) ->
+ io_lib:write_string(string_val(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_nil() -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract empty list. The result represents
+%% "<code>[]</code>". The empty list is traditionally called "nil".
+%% @see ann_c_nil/1
+%% @see is_c_list/1
+%% @see c_cons/2
+-spec c_nil() -> c_literal().
+c_nil() ->
+ #c_literal{val = []}.
+%% @spec ann_c_nil(As::anns()) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_nil/0
+-spec ann_c_nil(anns()) -> c_literal().
+ann_c_nil(As) ->
+ #c_literal{val = [], anno = As}.
+%% @spec is_c_nil(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% empty list, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+-spec is_c_nil(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_nil(#c_literal{val = []}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_nil(_) ->
+ false.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_cons(Head::cerl(), Tail::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract list constructor. The result represents
+%% "<code>[<em>Head</em> | <em>Tail</em>]</code>". Note that if both
+%% <code>Head</code> and <code>Tail</code> have type
+%% <code>literal</code>, then the result will also have type
+%% <code>literal</code>, and annotations on <code>Head</code> and
+%% <code>Tail</code> are lost.
+%% <p>Recall that in Erlang, the tail element of a list constructor is
+%% not necessarily a list.</p>
+%% @see ann_c_cons/3
+%% @see update_c_cons/3
+%% @see c_cons_skel/2
+%% @see is_c_cons/1
+%% @see cons_hd/1
+%% @see cons_tl/1
+%% @see is_c_list/1
+%% @see c_nil/0
+%% @see list_elements/1
+%% @see list_length/1
+%% @see make_list/2
+%% *Always* collapse literals.
+-spec c_cons(cerl(), cerl()) -> c_literal() | c_cons().
+c_cons(#c_literal{val = Head}, #c_literal{val = Tail}) ->
+ #c_literal{val = [Head | Tail]};
+c_cons(Head, Tail) ->
+ #c_cons{hd = Head, tl = Tail}.
+%% @spec ann_c_cons(As::anns(), Head::cerl(), Tail::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_cons/2
+-spec ann_c_cons(anns(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_literal() | c_cons().
+ann_c_cons(As, #c_literal{val = Head}, #c_literal{val = Tail}) ->
+ #c_literal{val = [Head | Tail], anno = As};
+ann_c_cons(As, Head, Tail) ->
+ #c_cons{hd = Head, tl = Tail, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_cons(Old::cerl(), Head::cerl(), Tail::cerl()) ->
+%% cerl()
+%% @see c_cons/2
+-spec update_c_cons(c_literal() | c_cons(), cerl(), cerl()) ->
+ c_literal() | c_cons().
+update_c_cons(Node, #c_literal{val = Head}, #c_literal{val = Tail}) ->
+ #c_literal{val = [Head | Tail], anno = get_ann(Node)};
+update_c_cons(Node, Head, Tail) ->
+ #c_cons{hd = Head, tl = Tail, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec c_cons_skel(Head::cerl(), Tail::cerl()) -> c_cons()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract list constructor skeleton. Does not fold
+%% constant literals, i.e., the result always has type
+%% <code>cons</code>, representing "<code>[<em>Head</em> |
+%% <em>Tail</em>]</code>".
+%% <p>This function is occasionally useful when it is necessary to have
+%% annotations on the subnodes of a list constructor node, even when the
+%% subnodes are constant literals. Note however that
+%% <code>is_literal/1</code> will yield <code>false</code> and
+%% <code>concrete/1</code> will fail if passed the result from this
+%% function.</p>
+%% <p><code>fold_literal/1</code> can be used to revert a node to the
+%% normal-form representation.</p>
+%% @see ann_c_cons_skel/3
+%% @see update_c_cons_skel/3
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see is_c_cons/1
+%% @see is_c_list/1
+%% @see c_nil/0
+%% @see is_literal/1
+%% @see fold_literal/1
+%% @see concrete/1
+%% *Never* collapse literals.
+-spec c_cons_skel(cerl(), cerl()) -> c_cons().
+c_cons_skel(Head, Tail) ->
+ #c_cons{hd = Head, tl = Tail}.
+%% @spec ann_c_cons_skel(As::anns(), Head::cerl(), Tail::cerl()) ->
+%% c_cons()
+%% @see c_cons_skel/2
+-spec ann_c_cons_skel(anns(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_cons().
+ann_c_cons_skel(As, Head, Tail) ->
+ #c_cons{hd = Head, tl = Tail, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_cons_skel(Old::cerl(), Head::cerl(), Tail::cerl()) ->
+%% c_cons()
+%% @see c_cons_skel/2
+-spec update_c_cons_skel(c_cons() | c_literal(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_cons().
+update_c_cons_skel(Node, Head, Tail) ->
+ #c_cons{hd = Head, tl = Tail, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_cons(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% list constructor, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+-spec is_c_cons(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_cons(#c_cons{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_cons(#c_literal{val = [_ | _]}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_cons(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec cons_hd(cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the head subtree of an abstract list constructor.
+%% @see c_cons/2
+-spec cons_hd(c_cons() | c_literal()) -> cerl().
+cons_hd(#c_cons{hd = Head}) ->
+ Head;
+cons_hd(#c_literal{val = [Head | _]}) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Head}.
+%% @spec cons_tl(c_cons() | c_literal()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the tail subtree of an abstract list constructor.
+%% <p>Recall that the tail does not necessarily represent a proper
+%% list.</p>
+%% @see c_cons/2
+-spec cons_tl(c_cons() | c_literal()) -> cerl().
+cons_tl(#c_cons{tl = Tail}) ->
+ Tail;
+cons_tl(#c_literal{val = [_ | Tail]}) ->
+ #c_literal{val = Tail}.
+%% @spec is_c_list(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> represents a
+%% proper list, otherwise <code>false</code>. A proper list is either
+%% the empty list <code>[]</code>, or a cons cell <code>[<em>Head</em> |
+%% <em>Tail</em>]</code>, where recursively <code>Tail</code> is a
+%% proper list.
+%% <p>Note: Because <code>Node</code> is a syntax tree, the actual
+%% run-time values corresponding to its subtrees may often be partially
+%% or completely unknown. Thus, if <code>Node</code> represents e.g.
+%% "<code>[... | Ns]</code>" (where <code>Ns</code> is a variable), then
+%% the function will return <code>false</code>, because it is not known
+%% whether <code>Ns</code> will be bound to a list at run-time. If
+%% <code>Node</code> instead represents e.g. "<code>[1, 2, 3]</code>" or
+%% "<code>[A | []]</code>", then the function will return
+%% <code>true</code>.</p>
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see c_nil/0
+%% @see list_elements/1
+%% @see list_length/1
+-spec is_c_list(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_list(#c_cons{tl = Tail}) ->
+ is_c_list(Tail);
+is_c_list(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ is_proper_list(V);
+is_c_list(_) ->
+ false.
+is_proper_list([_ | Tail]) ->
+ is_proper_list(Tail);
+is_proper_list([]) ->
+ true;
+is_proper_list(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec list_elements(c_cons() | c_literal()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of element subtrees of an abstract list.
+%% <code>Node</code> must represent a proper list. E.g., if
+%% <code>Node</code> represents "<code>[<em>X1</em>, <em>X2</em> |
+%% [<em>X3</em>, <em>X4</em> | []]</code>", then
+%% <code>list_elements(Node)</code> yields the list <code>[X1, X2, X3,
+%% X4]</code>.
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see c_nil/0
+%% @see is_c_list/1
+%% @see list_length/1
+%% @see make_list/2
+-spec list_elements(c_cons() | c_literal()) -> [cerl()].
+list_elements(#c_cons{hd = Head, tl = Tail}) ->
+ [Head | list_elements(Tail)];
+list_elements(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ abstract_list(V).
+abstract_list([X | Xs]) ->
+ [abstract(X) | abstract_list(Xs)];
+abstract_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% @spec list_length(Node::c_cons() | c_literal()) -> integer()
+%% @doc Returns the number of element subtrees of an abstract list.
+%% <code>Node</code> must represent a proper list. E.g., if
+%% <code>Node</code> represents "<code>[X1 | [X2, X3 | [X4, X5,
+%% X6]]]</code>", then <code>list_length(Node)</code> returns the
+%% integer 6.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to
+%% <code>length(list_elements(Node))</code>, but potentially more
+%% efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see c_nil/0
+%% @see is_c_list/1
+%% @see list_elements/1
+-spec list_length(c_cons() | c_literal()) -> non_neg_integer().
+list_length(L) ->
+ list_length(L, 0).
+list_length(#c_cons{tl = Tail}, A) ->
+ list_length(Tail, A + 1);
+list_length(#c_literal{val = V}, A) ->
+ A + length(V).
+%% @spec make_list(List) -> Node
+%% @equiv make_list(List, none)
+-spec make_list([cerl()]) -> cerl().
+make_list(List) ->
+ ann_make_list([], List).
+%% @spec make_list(List::[cerl()], Tail) -> cerl()
+%% Tail = cerl() | none
+%% @doc Creates an abstract list from the elements in <code>List</code>
+%% and the optional <code>Tail</code>. If <code>Tail</code> is
+%% <code>none</code>, the result will represent a nil-terminated list,
+%% otherwise it represents "<code>[... | <em>Tail</em>]</code>".
+%% @see c_cons/2
+%% @see c_nil/0
+%% @see ann_make_list/3
+%% @see update_list/3
+%% @see list_elements/1
+-spec make_list([cerl()], cerl() | 'none') -> cerl().
+make_list(List, Tail) ->
+ ann_make_list([], List, Tail).
+%% @spec update_list(Old::cerl(), List::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @equiv update_list(Old, List, none)
+-spec update_list(cerl(), [cerl()]) -> cerl().
+update_list(Node, List) ->
+ ann_make_list(get_ann(Node), List).
+%% @spec update_list(Old::cerl(), List::[cerl()], Tail) -> cerl()
+%% Tail = cerl() | none
+%% @see make_list/2
+%% @see update_list/2
+-spec update_list(cerl(), [cerl()], cerl() | 'none') -> cerl().
+update_list(Node, List, Tail) ->
+ ann_make_list(get_ann(Node), List, Tail).
+%% @spec ann_make_list(As::anns(), List::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @equiv ann_make_list(As, List, none)
+-spec ann_make_list(anns(), [cerl()]) -> cerl().
+ann_make_list(As, List) ->
+ ann_make_list(As, List, none).
+%% @spec ann_make_list(As::anns(), List::[cerl()], Tail) -> cerl()
+%% Tail = cerl() | none
+%% @see make_list/2
+%% @see ann_make_list/2
+-spec ann_make_list(anns(), [cerl()], cerl() | 'none') -> cerl().
+ann_make_list(As, [H | T], Tail) ->
+ ann_c_cons(As, H, make_list(T, Tail)); % `c_cons' folds literals
+ann_make_list(As, [], none) ->
+ ann_c_nil(As);
+ann_make_list(_, [], Node) ->
+ Node.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% maps
+%% @spec is_c_map(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% map constructor, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+-spec is_c_map(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_map(#c_map{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_map(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_map(V) ->
+ true;
+is_c_map(_) ->
+ false.
+-spec map_es(c_map() | c_literal()) -> [c_map_pair()].
+map_es(#c_literal{anno=As,val=M}) when is_map(M) ->
+ [ann_c_map_pair(As,
+ #c_literal{anno=As,val='assoc'},
+ #c_literal{anno=As,val=K},
+ #c_literal{anno=As,val=V}) || {K,V} <- maps:to_list(M)];
+map_es(#c_map{es = Es}) ->
+ Es.
+-spec map_arg(c_map() | c_literal()) -> c_map() | c_literal().
+map_arg(#c_literal{anno=As,val=M}) when is_map(M) ->
+ #c_literal{anno=As,val=#{}};
+map_arg(#c_map{arg=M}) ->
+ M.
+-spec c_map([c_map_pair()]) -> c_map().
+c_map(Pairs) ->
+ ann_c_map([], Pairs).
+-spec c_map_pattern([c_map_pair()]) -> c_map().
+c_map_pattern(Pairs) ->
+ #c_map{es=Pairs, is_pat=true}.
+-spec ann_c_map_pattern([term()], [c_map_pair()]) -> c_map().
+ann_c_map_pattern(As, Pairs) ->
+ #c_map{anno=As, es=Pairs, is_pat=true}.
+-spec is_c_map_empty(c_map() | c_literal()) -> boolean().
+is_c_map_empty(#c_map{ es=[] }) -> true;
+is_c_map_empty(#c_literal{val=M}) when is_map(M),map_size(M) =:= 0 -> true;
+is_c_map_empty(_) -> false.
+-spec is_c_map_pattern(c_map()) -> boolean().
+is_c_map_pattern(#c_map{is_pat=IsPat}) ->
+ IsPat.
+-spec ann_c_map([term()], [c_map_pair()]) -> c_map() | c_literal().
+ann_c_map(As, Es) ->
+ ann_c_map(As, #c_literal{val=#{}}, Es).
+-spec ann_c_map(anns(), c_map() | c_literal(), [c_map_pair()]) -> c_map() | c_literal().
+ann_c_map(As, #c_literal{val=M}, Es) when is_map(M) ->
+ fold_map_pairs(As,Es,M);
+ann_c_map(As, M, Es) ->
+ #c_map{arg=M, es=Es, anno=As}.
+fold_map_pairs(As,[],M) -> #c_literal{anno=As,val=M};
+%% M#{ K => V}
+fold_map_pairs(As,[#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=assoc},key=Ck,val=Cv}=E|Es],M) ->
+ case is_lit_list([Ck,Cv]) of
+ true ->
+ [K,V] = lit_list_vals([Ck,Cv]),
+ fold_map_pairs(As,Es,maps:put(K,V,M));
+ false ->
+ #c_map{arg=#c_literal{val=M,anno=As}, es=[E|Es], anno=As}
+ end;
+%% M#{ K := V}
+fold_map_pairs(As,[#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},key=Ck,val=Cv}=E|Es],M) ->
+ case is_lit_list([Ck,Cv]) of
+ true ->
+ [K,V] = lit_list_vals([Ck,Cv]),
+ case maps:is_key(K,M) of
+ true -> fold_map_pairs(As,Es,maps:put(K,V,M));
+ false ->
+ #c_map{arg=#c_literal{val=M,anno=As}, es=[E|Es], anno=As }
+ end;
+ false ->
+ #c_map{arg=#c_literal{val=M,anno=As}, es=[E|Es], anno=As }
+ end.
+-spec update_c_map(c_map(), cerl(), [cerl()]) -> c_map() | c_literal().
+update_c_map(#c_map{is_pat=true}=Old, M, Es) ->
+ Old#c_map{arg=M, es=Es};
+update_c_map(#c_map{is_pat=false}=Old, M, Es) ->
+ ann_c_map(get_ann(Old), M, Es).
+map_pair_key(#c_map_pair{key=K}) -> K.
+map_pair_val(#c_map_pair{val=V}) -> V.
+map_pair_op(#c_map_pair{op=Op}) -> Op.
+-spec c_map_pair(cerl(), cerl()) -> c_map_pair().
+c_map_pair(Key,Val) ->
+ #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=assoc},key=Key,val=Val}.
+-spec c_map_pair_exact(cerl(), cerl()) -> c_map_pair().
+c_map_pair_exact(Key,Val) ->
+ #c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=exact},key=Key,val=Val}.
+-spec ann_c_map_pair(anns(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) ->
+ c_map_pair().
+ann_c_map_pair(As,Op,K,V) ->
+ #c_map_pair{op = Op, key = K, val = V, anno = As}.
+update_c_map_pair(Old,Op,K,V) ->
+ #c_map_pair{op = Op, key = K, val = V, anno = get_ann(Old)}.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_tuple(Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract tuple. If <code>Elements</code> is
+%% <code>[E1, ..., En]</code>, the result represents
+%% "<code>{<em>E1</em>, ..., <em>En</em>}</code>". Note that if all
+%% nodes in <code>Elements</code> have type <code>literal</code>, or if
+%% <code>Elements</code> is empty, then the result will also have type
+%% <code>literal</code> and annotations on nodes in
+%% <code>Elements</code> are lost.
+%% <p>Recall that Erlang has distinct 1-tuples, i.e., <code>{X}</code>
+%% is always distinct from <code>X</code> itself.</p>
+%% @see ann_c_tuple/2
+%% @see update_c_tuple/2
+%% @see is_c_tuple/1
+%% @see tuple_es/1
+%% @see tuple_arity/1
+%% @see c_tuple_skel/1
+%% *Always* collapse literals.
+-spec c_tuple([cerl()]) -> c_tuple() | c_literal().
+c_tuple(Es) ->
+ case is_lit_list(Es) of
+ false ->
+ #c_tuple{es = Es};
+ true ->
+ #c_literal{val = list_to_tuple(lit_list_vals(Es))}
+ end.
+%% @spec ann_c_tuple(As::anns(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+-spec ann_c_tuple(anns(), [cerl()]) -> c_tuple() | c_literal().
+ann_c_tuple(As, Es) ->
+ case is_lit_list(Es) of
+ false ->
+ #c_tuple{es = Es, anno = As};
+ true ->
+ #c_literal{val = list_to_tuple(lit_list_vals(Es)), anno = As}
+ end.
+%% @spec update_c_tuple(Old::cerl(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+-spec update_c_tuple(c_tuple() | c_literal(), [cerl()]) -> c_tuple() | c_literal().
+update_c_tuple(Node, Es) ->
+ case is_lit_list(Es) of
+ false ->
+ #c_tuple{es = Es, anno = get_ann(Node)};
+ true ->
+ #c_literal{val = list_to_tuple(lit_list_vals(Es)),
+ anno = get_ann(Node)}
+ end.
+%% @spec c_tuple_skel(Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract tuple skeleton. Does not fold constant
+%% literals, i.e., the result always has type <code>tuple</code>,
+%% representing "<code>{<em>E1</em>, ..., <em>En</em>}</code>", if
+%% <code>Elements</code> is <code>[E1, ..., En]</code>.
+%% <p>This function is occasionally useful when it is necessary to have
+%% annotations on the subnodes of a tuple node, even when all the
+%% subnodes are constant literals. Note however that
+%% <code>is_literal/1</code> will yield <code>false</code> and
+%% <code>concrete/1</code> will fail if passed the result from this
+%% function.</p>
+%% <p><code>fold_literal/1</code> can be used to revert a node to the
+%% normal-form representation.</p>
+%% @see ann_c_tuple_skel/2
+%% @see update_c_tuple_skel/2
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+%% @see tuple_es/1
+%% @see is_c_tuple/1
+%% @see is_literal/1
+%% @see fold_literal/1
+%% @see concrete/1
+%% *Never* collapse literals.
+-spec c_tuple_skel([cerl()]) -> c_tuple().
+c_tuple_skel(Es) ->
+ #c_tuple{es = Es}.
+%% @spec ann_c_tuple_skel(As::anns(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_tuple_skel/1
+-spec ann_c_tuple_skel(anns(), [cerl()]) -> c_tuple().
+ann_c_tuple_skel(As, Es) ->
+ #c_tuple{es = Es, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_tuple_skel(Old::cerl(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_tuple_skel/1
+-spec update_c_tuple_skel(c_tuple(), [cerl()]) -> c_tuple().
+update_c_tuple_skel(Old, Es) ->
+ #c_tuple{es = Es, anno = get_ann(Old)}.
+%% @spec is_c_tuple(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% tuple, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+-spec is_c_tuple(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_tuple(#c_tuple{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_tuple(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_tuple(V) ->
+ true;
+is_c_tuple(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec tuple_es(cerl()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of element subtrees of an abstract tuple.
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+-spec tuple_es(c_tuple() | c_literal()) -> [cerl()].
+tuple_es(#c_tuple{es = Es}) ->
+ Es;
+tuple_es(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ make_lit_list(tuple_to_list(V)).
+%% @spec tuple_arity(Node::cerl()) -> integer()
+%% @doc Returns the number of element subtrees of an abstract tuple.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to <code>length(tuple_es(Node))</code>,
+%% but potentially more efficient.</p>
+%% @see tuple_es/1
+%% @see c_tuple/1
+-spec tuple_arity(c_tuple() | c_literal()) -> non_neg_integer().
+tuple_arity(#c_tuple{es = Es}) ->
+ length(Es);
+tuple_arity(#c_literal{val = V}) when is_tuple(V) ->
+ tuple_size(V).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_var(Name::var_name()) -> cerl()
+%% var_name() = integer() | atom() | {atom(), arity()}
+%% @doc Creates an abstract variable. A variable is identified by its
+%% name, given by the <code>Name</code> parameter.
+%% <p>If a name is given by a single atom, it should either be a
+%% "simple" atom which does not need to be single-quoted in Erlang, or
+%% otherwise its print name should correspond to a proper Erlang
+%% variable, i.e., begin with an uppercase character or an
+%% underscore. Names on the form <code>{A, N}</code> represent
+%% function name variables "<code><em>A</em>/<em>N</em></code>"; these
+%% are special variables which may be bound only in the function
+%% definitions of a module or a <code>letrec</code>. They may not be
+%% bound in <code>let</code> expressions and cannot occur in clause
+%% patterns. The atom <code>A</code> in a function name may be any
+%% atom; the integer <code>N</code> must be nonnegative. The functions
+%% <code>c_fname/2</code> etc. are utilities for handling function
+%% name variables.</p>
+%% <p>When printing variable names, they must have the form of proper
+%% Core Erlang variables and function names. E.g., a name represented
+%% by an integer such as <code>42</code> could be formatted as
+%% "<code>_42</code>", an atom <code>'Xxx'</code> simply as
+%% "<code>Xxx</code>", and an atom <code>foo</code> as
+%% "<code>_foo</code>". However, one must assure that any two valid
+%% distinct names are never mapped to the same strings. Tuples such
+%% as <code>{foo, 2}</code> representing function names can simply by
+%% formatted as "<code>'foo'/2</code>", with no risk of conflicts.</p>
+%% @see ann_c_var/2
+%% @see update_c_var/2
+%% @see is_c_var/1
+%% @see var_name/1
+%% @see c_fname/2
+%% @see c_module/4
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+-spec c_var(var_name()) -> c_var().
+c_var(Name) ->
+ #c_var{name = Name}.
+%% @spec ann_c_var(As::anns(), Name::var_name()) -> c_var()
+%% @see c_var/1
+-spec ann_c_var(anns(), var_name()) -> c_var().
+ann_c_var(As, Name) ->
+ #c_var{name = Name, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_var(Old::cerl(), Name::var_name()) -> c_var()
+%% @see c_var/1
+-spec update_c_var(c_var(), var_name()) -> c_var().
+update_c_var(Node, Name) ->
+ #c_var{name = Name, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_var(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% variable, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_var/1
+-spec is_c_var(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_var(#c_var{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_var(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec c_fname(Name::atom(), Arity::arity()) -> c_var()
+%% @equiv c_var({Name, Arity})
+%% @see fname_id/1
+%% @see fname_arity/1
+%% @see is_c_fname/1
+%% @see ann_c_fname/3
+%% @see update_c_fname/3
+-spec c_fname(atom(), arity()) -> c_var().
+c_fname(Atom, Arity) ->
+ c_var({Atom, Arity}).
+%% @spec ann_c_fname(As::anns(), Name::atom(), Arity::arity()) -> c_var()
+%% @equiv ann_c_var(As, {Atom, Arity})
+%% @see c_fname/2
+-spec ann_c_fname(anns(), atom(), arity()) -> c_var().
+ann_c_fname(As, Atom, Arity) ->
+ ann_c_var(As, {Atom, Arity}).
+%% @spec update_c_fname(Old::c_var(), Name::atom()) -> c_var()
+%% @doc Like <code>update_c_fname/3</code>, but takes the arity from
+%% <code>Node</code>.
+%% @see update_c_fname/3
+%% @see c_fname/2
+-spec update_c_fname(c_var(), atom()) -> c_var().
+update_c_fname(#c_var{name = {_, Arity}, anno = As}, Atom) ->
+ #c_var{name = {Atom, Arity}, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_fname(Old::var(), Name::atom(), Arity::arity()) -> c_var()
+%% @equiv update_c_var(Old, {Atom, Arity})
+%% @see update_c_fname/2
+%% @see c_fname/2
+-spec update_c_fname(c_var(), atom(), arity()) -> c_var().
+update_c_fname(Node, Atom, Arity) ->
+ update_c_var(Node, {Atom, Arity}).
+%% @spec is_c_fname(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% function name variable, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_fname/2
+%% @see c_var/1
+%% @see var_name/1
+-spec is_c_fname(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_fname(#c_var{name = {A, N}}) when is_atom(A), is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
+ true;
+is_c_fname(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec var_name(c_var()) -> var_name()
+%% @doc Returns the name of an abstract variable.
+%% @see c_var/1
+-spec var_name(c_var()) -> var_name().
+var_name(Node) ->
+ Node#c_var.name.
+%% @spec fname_id(c_var()) -> atom()
+%% @doc Returns the identifier part of an abstract function name
+%% variable.
+%% @see fname_arity/1
+%% @see c_fname/2
+-spec fname_id(c_var()) -> atom().
+fname_id(#c_var{name={A,_}}) ->
+ A.
+%% @spec fname_arity(c_var()) -> arity()
+%% @doc Returns the arity part of an abstract function name variable.
+%% @see fname_id/1
+%% @see c_fname/2
+-spec fname_arity(c_var()) -> arity().
+fname_arity(#c_var{name={_,N}}) ->
+ N.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_values(Elements::[cerl()]) -> c_values()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract value list. If <code>Elements</code> is
+%% <code>[E1, ..., En]</code>, the result represents
+%% "<code>&lt;<em>E1</em>, ..., <em>En</em>&gt;</code>".
+%% @see ann_c_values/2
+%% @see update_c_values/2
+%% @see is_c_values/1
+%% @see values_es/1
+%% @see values_arity/1
+-spec c_values([cerl()]) -> c_values().
+c_values(Es) ->
+ #c_values{es = Es}.
+%% @spec ann_c_values(As::anns(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> c_values()
+%% @see c_values/1
+-spec ann_c_values(anns(), [cerl()]) -> c_values().
+ann_c_values(As, Es) ->
+ #c_values{es = Es, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_values(Old::cerl(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> c_values()
+%% @see c_values/1
+-spec update_c_values(c_values(), [cerl()]) -> c_values().
+update_c_values(Node, Es) ->
+ #c_values{es = Es, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_values(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% value list; otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_values/1
+-spec is_c_values(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_values(#c_values{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_values(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec values_es(c_values()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of element subtrees of an abstract value
+%% list.
+%% @see c_values/1
+%% @see values_arity/1
+-spec values_es(c_values()) -> [cerl()].
+values_es(Node) ->
+ Node#c_values.es.
+%% @spec values_arity(Node::c_values()) -> non_neg_integer()
+%% @doc Returns the number of element subtrees of an abstract value
+%% list.
+%% <p>Note: This is equivalent to
+%% <code>length(values_es(Node))</code>, but potentially more
+%% efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_values/1
+%% @see values_es/1
+-spec values_arity(c_values()) -> non_neg_integer().
+values_arity(Node) ->
+ length(values_es(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_binary(Segments::[c_bitstr()]) -> c_binary()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract binary-template. A binary object is a
+%% sequence of 8-bit bytes. It is specified by zero or more bit-string
+%% template <em>segments</em> of arbitrary lengths (in number of bits),
+%% such that the sum of the lengths is evenly divisible by 8. If
+%% <code>Segments</code> is <code>[S1, ..., Sn]</code>, the result
+%% represents "<code>#{<em>S1</em>, ..., <em>Sn</em>}#</code>". All the
+%% <code>Si</code> must have type <code>bitstr</code>.
+%% @see ann_c_binary/2
+%% @see update_c_binary/2
+%% @see is_c_binary/1
+%% @see binary_segments/1
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec c_binary([c_bitstr()]) -> c_binary().
+c_binary(Segments) ->
+ #c_binary{segments = Segments}.
+%% @spec ann_c_binary(As::anns(), Segments::[c_bitstr()]) -> c_binary()
+%% @see c_binary/1
+-spec ann_c_binary(anns(), [c_bitstr()]) -> c_binary().
+ann_c_binary(As, Segments) ->
+ #c_binary{segments = Segments, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_binary(Old::cerl(), Segments::[c_bitstr()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_binary/1
+-spec update_c_binary(c_binary(), [c_bitstr()]) -> c_binary().
+update_c_binary(Node, Segments) ->
+ #c_binary{segments = Segments, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_binary(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% binary-template; otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_binary/1
+-spec is_c_binary(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_binary(#c_binary{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_binary(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec binary_segments(cerl()) -> [c_bitstr()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of segment subtrees of an abstract
+%% binary-template.
+%% @see c_binary/1
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec binary_segments(c_binary()) -> [c_bitstr()].
+binary_segments(Node) ->
+ Node#c_binary.segments.
+%% @spec c_bitstr(Value::cerl(), Size::cerl(), Unit::cerl(),
+%% Type::cerl(), Flags::cerl()) -> c_bitstr()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract bit-string template. These can only occur as
+%% components of an abstract binary-template (see {@link c_binary/1}).
+%% The result represents "<code>#&lt;<em>Value</em>&gt;(<em>Size</em>,
+%% <em>Unit</em>, <em>Type</em>, <em>Flags</em>)</code>", where
+%% <code>Unit</code> must represent a positive integer constant,
+%% <code>Type</code> must represent a constant atom (one of
+%% <code>'integer'</code>, <code>'float'</code>, or
+%% <code>'binary'</code>), and <code>Flags</code> must represent a
+%% constant list <code>"[<em>F1</em>, ..., <em>Fn</em>]"</code> where
+%% all the <code>Fi</code> are atoms.
+%% @see c_binary/1
+%% @see ann_c_bitstr/6
+%% @see update_c_bitstr/6
+%% @see is_c_bitstr/1
+%% @see bitstr_val/1
+%% @see bitstr_size/1
+%% @see bitstr_unit/1
+%% @see bitstr_type/1
+%% @see bitstr_flags/1
+-spec c_bitstr(cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_bitstr().
+c_bitstr(Val, Size, Unit, Type, Flags) ->
+ #c_bitstr{val = Val, size = Size, unit = Unit, type = Type,
+ flags = Flags}.
+%% @spec c_bitstr(Value::cerl(), Size::cerl(), Type::cerl(),
+%% Flags::cerl()) -> c_bitstr()
+%% @equiv c_bitstr(Value, Size, abstract(1), Type, Flags)
+-spec c_bitstr(cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_bitstr().
+c_bitstr(Val, Size, Type, Flags) ->
+ c_bitstr(Val, Size, abstract(1), Type, Flags).
+%% @spec c_bitstr(Value::cerl(), Type::cerl(),
+%% Flags::cerl()) -> c_bitstr()
+%% @equiv c_bitstr(Value, abstract(all), abstract(1), Type, Flags)
+-spec c_bitstr(cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_bitstr().
+c_bitstr(Val, Type, Flags) ->
+ c_bitstr(Val, abstract(all), abstract(1), Type, Flags).
+%% @spec ann_c_bitstr(As::anns(), Value::cerl(), Size::cerl(),
+%% Unit::cerl(), Type::cerl(), Flags::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+%% @see ann_c_bitstr/5
+-spec ann_c_bitstr(anns(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) ->
+ c_bitstr().
+ann_c_bitstr(As, Val, Size, Unit, Type, Flags) ->
+ #c_bitstr{val = Val, size = Size, unit = Unit, type = Type,
+ flags = Flags, anno = As}.
+%% @spec ann_c_bitstr(As::anns(), Value::cerl(), Size::cerl(),
+%% Type::cerl(), Flags::cerl()) -> c_bitstr()
+%% @equiv ann_c_bitstr(As, Value, Size, abstract(1), Type, Flags)
+-spec ann_c_bitstr(anns(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_bitstr().
+ann_c_bitstr(As, Value, Size, Type, Flags) ->
+ ann_c_bitstr(As, Value, Size, abstract(1), Type, Flags).
+%% @spec update_c_bitstr(Old::c_bitstr(), Value::cerl(), Size::cerl(),
+%% Unit::cerl(), Type::cerl(), Flags::cerl()) -> c_bitstr()
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+%% @see update_c_bitstr/5
+-spec update_c_bitstr(c_bitstr(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) ->
+ c_bitstr().
+update_c_bitstr(Node, Val, Size, Unit, Type, Flags) ->
+ #c_bitstr{val = Val, size = Size, unit = Unit, type = Type,
+ flags = Flags, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec update_c_bitstr(Old::c_bitstr(), Value::cerl(), Size::cerl(),
+%% Type::cerl(), Flags::cerl()) -> c_bitstr()
+%% @equiv update_c_bitstr(Node, Value, Size, abstract(1), Type, Flags)
+-spec update_c_bitstr(c_bitstr(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_bitstr().
+update_c_bitstr(Node, Value, Size, Type, Flags) ->
+ update_c_bitstr(Node, Value, Size, abstract(1), Type, Flags).
+%% @spec is_c_bitstr(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% bit-string template; otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec is_c_bitstr(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_bitstr(#c_bitstr{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_bitstr(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec bitstr_val(c_bitstr()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the value subtree of an abstract bit-string template.
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec bitstr_val(c_bitstr()) -> cerl().
+bitstr_val(Node) ->
+ Node#c_bitstr.val.
+%% @spec bitstr_size(c_bitstr()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the size subtree of an abstract bit-string template.
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec bitstr_size(c_bitstr()) -> cerl().
+bitstr_size(Node) ->
+ Node#c_bitstr.size.
+%% @spec bitstr_bitsize(c_bitstr()) -> any | all | utf | integer()
+%% @doc Returns the total size in bits of an abstract bit-string
+%% template. If the size field is an integer literal, the result is the
+%% product of the size and unit values; if the size field is the atom
+%% literal <code>all</code>, the atom <code>all</code> is returned.
+%% If the size is not a literal, the atom <code>any</code> is returned.
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec bitstr_bitsize(c_bitstr()) -> 'all' | 'any' | 'utf' | non_neg_integer().
+bitstr_bitsize(Node) ->
+ Size = Node#c_bitstr.size,
+ case is_literal(Size) of
+ true ->
+ case concrete(Size) of
+ all ->
+ all;
+ undefined ->
+ %% just an assertion below
+ "utf" ++ _ = atom_to_list(concrete(Node#c_bitstr.type)),
+ utf;
+ S when is_integer(S) ->
+ S * concrete(Node#c_bitstr.unit)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ any
+ end.
+%% @spec bitstr_unit(c_bitstr()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the unit subtree of an abstract bit-string template.
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec bitstr_unit(c_bitstr()) -> cerl().
+bitstr_unit(Node) ->
+ Node#c_bitstr.unit.
+%% @spec bitstr_type(c_bitstr()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the type subtree of an abstract bit-string template.
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec bitstr_type(c_bitstr()) -> cerl().
+bitstr_type(Node) ->
+ Node#c_bitstr.type.
+%% @spec bitstr_flags(c_bitstr()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the flags subtree of an abstract bit-string template.
+%% @see c_bitstr/5
+-spec bitstr_flags(c_bitstr()) -> cerl().
+bitstr_flags(Node) ->
+ Node#c_bitstr.flags.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_fun(Variables::[c_var()], Body::cerl()) -> c_fun()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract fun-expression. If <code>Variables</code>
+%% is <code>[V1, ..., Vn]</code>, the result represents "<code>fun
+%% (<em>V1</em>, ..., <em>Vn</em>) -> <em>Body</em></code>". All the
+%% <code>Vi</code> must have type <code>var</code>.
+%% @see ann_c_fun/3
+%% @see update_c_fun/3
+%% @see is_c_fun/1
+%% @see fun_vars/1
+%% @see fun_body/1
+%% @see fun_arity/1
+-spec c_fun([c_var()], cerl()) -> c_fun().
+c_fun(Variables, Body) ->
+ #c_fun{vars = Variables, body = Body}.
+%% @spec ann_c_fun(As::anns(), Variables::[c_var()], Body::cerl()) ->
+%% c_fun()
+%% @see c_fun/2
+-spec ann_c_fun(anns(), [c_var()], cerl()) -> c_fun().
+ann_c_fun(As, Variables, Body) ->
+ #c_fun{vars = Variables, body = Body, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_fun(Old::c_fun(), Variables::[c_var()],
+%% Body::cerl()) -> c_fun()
+%% @see c_fun/2
+-spec update_c_fun(c_fun(), [c_var()], cerl()) -> c_fun().
+update_c_fun(Node, Variables, Body) ->
+ #c_fun{vars = Variables, body = Body, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_fun(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% fun-expression, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_fun/2
+-spec is_c_fun(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_fun(#c_fun{}) ->
+ true; % Now this is fun!
+is_c_fun(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec fun_vars(c_fun()) -> [c_var()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of parameter subtrees of an abstract
+%% fun-expression.
+%% @see c_fun/2
+%% @see fun_arity/1
+-spec fun_vars(c_fun()) -> [c_var()].
+fun_vars(Node) ->
+ Node#c_fun.vars.
+%% @spec fun_body(c_fun()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the body subtree of an abstract fun-expression.
+%% @see c_fun/2
+-spec fun_body(c_fun()) -> cerl().
+fun_body(Node) ->
+ Node#c_fun.body.
+%% @spec fun_arity(Node::c_fun()) -> arity()
+%% @doc Returns the number of parameter subtrees of an abstract
+%% fun-expression.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to <code>length(fun_vars(Node))</code>,
+%% but potentially more efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_fun/2
+%% @see fun_vars/1
+-spec fun_arity(c_fun()) -> arity().
+fun_arity(Node) ->
+ length(fun_vars(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_seq(Argument::cerl(), Body::cerl()) -> c_seq()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract sequencing expression. The result
+%% represents "<code>do <em>Argument</em> <em>Body</em></code>".
+%% @see ann_c_seq/3
+%% @see update_c_seq/3
+%% @see is_c_seq/1
+%% @see seq_arg/1
+%% @see seq_body/1
+-spec c_seq(cerl(), cerl()) -> c_seq().
+c_seq(Argument, Body) ->
+ #c_seq{arg = Argument, body = Body}.
+%% @spec ann_c_seq(As::anns(), Argument::cerl(), Body::cerl()) -> c_seq()
+%% @see c_seq/2
+-spec ann_c_seq(anns(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_seq().
+ann_c_seq(As, Argument, Body) ->
+ #c_seq{arg = Argument, body = Body, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_seq(Old::c_seq(), Argument::cerl(), Body::cerl()) ->
+%% c_seq()
+%% @see c_seq/2
+-spec update_c_seq(c_seq(), cerl(), cerl()) -> c_seq().
+update_c_seq(Node, Argument, Body) ->
+ #c_seq{arg = Argument, body = Body, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_seq(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% sequencing expression, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_seq/2
+-spec is_c_seq(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_seq(#c_seq{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_seq(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec seq_arg(c_seq()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the argument subtree of an abstract sequencing
+%% expression.
+%% @see c_seq/2
+-spec seq_arg(c_seq()) -> cerl().
+seq_arg(Node) ->
+ Node#c_seq.arg.
+%% @spec seq_body(c_seq()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the body subtree of an abstract sequencing expression.
+%% @see c_seq/2
+-spec seq_body(c_seq()) -> cerl().
+seq_body(Node) ->
+ Node#c_seq.body.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_let(Variables::[c_var()], Argument::cerl(), Body::cerl()) ->
+%% c_let()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract let-expression. If <code>Variables</code>
+%% is <code>[V1, ..., Vn]</code>, the result represents "<code>let
+%% &lt;<em>V1</em>, ..., <em>Vn</em>&gt; = <em>Argument</em> in
+%% <em>Body</em></code>". All the <code>Vi</code> must have type
+%% <code>var</code>.
+%% @see ann_c_let/4
+%% @see update_c_let/4
+%% @see is_c_let/1
+%% @see let_vars/1
+%% @see let_arg/1
+%% @see let_body/1
+%% @see let_arity/1
+-spec c_let([c_var()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_let().
+c_let(Variables, Argument, Body) ->
+ #c_let{vars = Variables, arg = Argument, body = Body}.
+%% ann_c_let(As, Variables, Argument, Body) -> c_let()
+%% @see c_let/3
+-spec ann_c_let(anns(), [c_var()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_let().
+ann_c_let(As, Variables, Argument, Body) ->
+ #c_let{vars = Variables, arg = Argument, body = Body, anno = As}.
+%% update_c_let(Old, Variables, Argument, Body) -> c_let()
+%% @see c_let/3
+-spec update_c_let(c_let(), [c_var()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_let().
+update_c_let(Node, Variables, Argument, Body) ->
+ #c_let{vars = Variables, arg = Argument, body = Body,
+ anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_let(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% let-expression, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_let/3
+-spec is_c_let(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_let(#c_let{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_let(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec let_vars(c_let()) -> [c_var()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of left-hand side variables of an abstract
+%% let-expression.
+%% @see c_let/3
+%% @see let_arity/1
+-spec let_vars(c_let()) -> [c_var()].
+let_vars(Node) ->
+ Node#c_let.vars.
+%% @spec let_arg(c_let()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the argument subtree of an abstract let-expression.
+%% @see c_let/3
+-spec let_arg(c_let()) -> cerl().
+let_arg(Node) ->
+ Node#c_let.arg.
+%% @spec let_body(c_let()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the body subtree of an abstract let-expression.
+%% @see c_let/3
+-spec let_body(c_let()) -> cerl().
+let_body(Node) ->
+ Node#c_let.body.
+%% @spec let_arity(Node::c_let()) -> non_neg_integer()
+%% @doc Returns the number of left-hand side variables of an abstract
+%% let-expression.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to <code>length(let_vars(Node))</code>,
+%% but potentially more efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_let/3
+%% @see let_vars/1
+-spec let_arity(c_let()) -> non_neg_integer().
+let_arity(Node) ->
+ length(let_vars(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_letrec(Definitions::defs(), Body::cerl()) -> c_letrec()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract letrec-expression. If
+%% <code>Definitions</code> is <code>[{V1, F1}, ..., {Vn, Fn}]</code>,
+%% the result represents "<code>letrec <em>V1</em> = <em>F1</em>
+%% ... <em>Vn</em> = <em>Fn</em> in <em>Body</em></code>. All the
+%% <code>Vi</code> must have type <code>var</code> and represent
+%% function names. All the <code>Fi</code> must have type
+%% <code>'fun'</code>.
+%% @see ann_c_letrec/3
+%% @see update_c_letrec/3
+%% @see is_c_letrec/1
+%% @see letrec_defs/1
+%% @see letrec_body/1
+%% @see letrec_vars/1
+-spec c_letrec(defs(), cerl()) -> c_letrec().
+c_letrec(Defs, Body) ->
+ #c_letrec{defs = Defs, body = Body}.
+%% @spec ann_c_letrec(As::anns(), Definitions::defs(),
+%% Body::cerl()) -> c_letrec()
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+-spec ann_c_letrec(anns(), defs(), cerl()) -> c_letrec().
+ann_c_letrec(As, Defs, Body) ->
+ #c_letrec{defs = Defs, body = Body, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_letrec(Old::c_letrec(), Definitions::defs(),
+%% Body::cerl()) -> c_letrec()
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+-spec update_c_letrec(c_letrec(), defs(), cerl()) -> c_letrec().
+update_c_letrec(Node, Defs, Body) ->
+ #c_letrec{defs = Defs, body = Body, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_letrec(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% letrec-expression, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+-spec is_c_letrec(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_letrec(#c_letrec{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_letrec(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec letrec_defs(Node::c_letrec()) -> defs()
+%% @doc Returns the list of definitions of an abstract
+%% letrec-expression. If <code>Node</code> represents "<code>letrec
+%% <em>V1</em> = <em>F1</em> ... <em>Vn</em> = <em>Fn</em> in
+%% <em>Body</em></code>", the returned value is <code>[{V1, F1}, ...,
+%% {Vn, Fn}]</code>.
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+-spec letrec_defs(c_letrec()) -> defs().
+letrec_defs(Node) ->
+ Node#c_letrec.defs.
+%% @spec letrec_body(c_letrec()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the body subtree of an abstract letrec-expression.
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+-spec letrec_body(c_letrec()) -> cerl().
+letrec_body(Node) ->
+ Node#c_letrec.body.
+%% @spec letrec_vars(c_letrec()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of left-hand side function variable subtrees
+%% of a letrec-expression. If <code>Node</code> represents
+%% "<code>letrec <em>V1</em> = <em>F1</em> ... <em>Vn</em> =
+%% <em>Fn</em> in <em>Body</em></code>", the returned value is
+%% <code>[V1, ..., Vn]</code>.
+%% @see c_letrec/2
+-spec letrec_vars(c_letrec()) -> [cerl()].
+letrec_vars(Node) ->
+ [F || {F, _} <- letrec_defs(Node)].
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_case(Argument::cerl(), Clauses::[cerl()]) -> c_case()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract case-expression. If <code>Clauses</code>
+%% is <code>[C1, ..., Cn]</code>, the result represents "<code>case
+%% <em>Argument</em> of <em>C1</em> ... <em>Cn</em>
+%% end</code>". <code>Clauses</code> must not be empty.
+%% @see ann_c_case/3
+%% @see update_c_case/3
+%% @see is_c_case/1
+%% @see c_clause/3
+%% @see case_arg/1
+%% @see case_clauses/1
+%% @see case_arity/1
+-spec c_case(cerl(), [cerl()]) -> c_case().
+c_case(Expr, Clauses) ->
+ #c_case{arg = Expr, clauses = Clauses}.
+%% @spec ann_c_case(As::anns(), Argument::cerl(),
+%% Clauses::[cerl()]) -> c_case()
+%% @see c_case/2
+-spec ann_c_case(anns(), cerl(), [cerl()]) -> c_case().
+ann_c_case(As, Expr, Clauses) ->
+ #c_case{arg = Expr, clauses = Clauses, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_case(Old::cerl(), Argument::cerl(),
+%% Clauses::[cerl()]) -> c_case()
+%% @see c_case/2
+-spec update_c_case(c_case(), cerl(), [cerl()]) -> c_case().
+update_c_case(Node, Expr, Clauses) ->
+ #c_case{arg = Expr, clauses = Clauses, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% is_c_case(Node) -> boolean()
+%% Node = cerl()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% case-expression; otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_case/2
+-spec is_c_case(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_case(#c_case{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_case(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec case_arg(c_case()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the argument subtree of an abstract case-expression.
+%% @see c_case/2
+-spec case_arg(c_case()) -> cerl().
+case_arg(Node) ->
+ Node#c_case.arg.
+%% @spec case_clauses(c_case()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of clause subtrees of an abstract
+%% case-expression.
+%% @see c_case/2
+%% @see case_arity/1
+-spec case_clauses(c_case()) -> [cerl()].
+case_clauses(Node) ->
+ Node#c_case.clauses.
+%% @spec case_arity(Node::c_case()) -> non_neg_integer()
+%% @doc Equivalent to
+%% <code>clause_arity(hd(case_clauses(Node)))</code>, but potentially
+%% more efficient.
+%% @see c_case/2
+%% @see case_clauses/1
+%% @see clause_arity/1
+-spec case_arity(c_case()) -> non_neg_integer().
+case_arity(Node) ->
+ clause_arity(hd(case_clauses(Node))).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_clause(Patterns::[cerl()], Body::cerl()) -> c_clause()
+%% @equiv c_clause(Patterns, c_atom(true), Body)
+%% @see c_atom/1
+-spec c_clause([cerl()], cerl()) -> c_clause().
+c_clause(Patterns, Body) ->
+ c_clause(Patterns, c_atom(true), Body).
+%% @spec c_clause(Patterns::[cerl()], Guard::cerl(), Body::cerl()) ->
+%% c_clause()
+%% @doc Creates an an abstract clause. If <code>Patterns</code> is
+%% <code>[P1, ..., Pn]</code>, the result represents
+%% "<code>&lt;<em>P1</em>, ..., <em>Pn</em>&gt; when <em>Guard</em> ->
+%% <em>Body</em></code>".
+%% @see c_clause/2
+%% @see ann_c_clause/4
+%% @see update_c_clause/4
+%% @see is_c_clause/1
+%% @see c_case/2
+%% @see c_receive/3
+%% @see clause_pats/1
+%% @see clause_guard/1
+%% @see clause_body/1
+%% @see clause_arity/1
+%% @see clause_vars/1
+-spec c_clause([cerl()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_clause().
+c_clause(Patterns, Guard, Body) ->
+ #c_clause{pats = Patterns, guard = Guard, body = Body}.
+%% @spec ann_c_clause(As::anns(), Patterns::[cerl()],
+%% Body::cerl()) -> c_clause()
+%% @equiv ann_c_clause(As, Patterns, c_atom(true), Body)
+%% @see c_clause/3
+-spec ann_c_clause(anns(), [cerl()], cerl()) -> c_clause().
+ann_c_clause(As, Patterns, Body) ->
+ ann_c_clause(As, Patterns, c_atom(true), Body).
+%% @spec ann_c_clause(As::anns(), Patterns::[cerl()], Guard::cerl(),
+%% Body::cerl()) -> c_clause()
+%% @see ann_c_clause/3
+%% @see c_clause/3
+-spec ann_c_clause(anns(), [cerl()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_clause().
+ann_c_clause(As, Patterns, Guard, Body) ->
+ #c_clause{pats = Patterns, guard = Guard, body = Body, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_clause(Old::c_clause(), Patterns::[cerl()],
+%% Guard::cerl(), Body::cerl()) -> c_clause()
+%% @see c_clause/3
+-spec update_c_clause(c_clause(), [cerl()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_clause().
+update_c_clause(Node, Patterns, Guard, Body) ->
+ #c_clause{pats = Patterns, guard = Guard, body = Body,
+ anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_clause(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% clause, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_clause/3
+-spec is_c_clause(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_clause(#c_clause{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_clause(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec clause_pats(c_clause()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of pattern subtrees of an abstract clause.
+%% @see c_clause/3
+%% @see clause_arity/1
+-spec clause_pats(c_clause()) -> [cerl()].
+clause_pats(Node) ->
+ Node#c_clause.pats.
+%% @spec clause_guard(c_clause()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the guard subtree of an abstract clause.
+%% @see c_clause/3
+-spec clause_guard(c_clause()) -> cerl().
+clause_guard(Node) ->
+ Node#c_clause.guard.
+%% @spec clause_body(c_clause()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the body subtree of an abstract clause.
+%% @see c_clause/3
+-spec clause_body(c_clause()) -> cerl().
+clause_body(Node) ->
+ Node#c_clause.body.
+%% @spec clause_arity(Node::c_clause()) -> non_neg_integer()
+%% @doc Returns the number of pattern subtrees of an abstract clause.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to
+%% <code>length(clause_pats(Node))</code>, but potentially more
+%% efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_clause/3
+%% @see clause_pats/1
+-spec clause_arity(c_clause()) -> non_neg_integer().
+clause_arity(Node) ->
+ length(clause_pats(Node)).
+%% @spec clause_vars(c_clause()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of all abstract variables in the patterns of
+%% an abstract clause. The order of listing is not defined.
+%% @see c_clause/3
+%% @see pat_list_vars/1
+-spec clause_vars(c_clause()) -> [cerl()].
+clause_vars(Clause) ->
+ pat_list_vars(clause_pats(Clause)).
+%% @spec pat_vars(Pattern::cerl()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of all abstract variables in a pattern. An
+%% exception is thrown if <code>Node</code> does not represent a
+%% well-formed Core Erlang clause pattern. The order of listing is not
+%% defined.
+%% @see pat_list_vars/1
+%% @see clause_vars/1
+-spec pat_vars(cerl()) -> [cerl()].
+pat_vars(Node) ->
+ pat_vars(Node, []).
+pat_vars(Node, Vs) ->
+ case type(Node) of
+ var ->
+ [Node | Vs];
+ literal ->
+ Vs;
+ cons ->
+ pat_vars(cons_hd(Node), pat_vars(cons_tl(Node), Vs));
+ tuple ->
+ pat_list_vars(tuple_es(Node), Vs);
+ map ->
+ pat_list_vars(map_es(Node), Vs);
+ map_pair ->
+ %% map_pair_key is not a pattern var, excluded
+ pat_list_vars([map_pair_op(Node),map_pair_val(Node)],Vs);
+ binary ->
+ pat_list_vars(binary_segments(Node), Vs);
+ bitstr ->
+ %% bitstr_size is not a pattern var, excluded
+ pat_vars(bitstr_val(Node), Vs);
+ alias ->
+ pat_vars(alias_pat(Node), [alias_var(Node) | Vs])
+ end.
+%% @spec pat_list_vars(Patterns::[cerl()]) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of all abstract variables in the given
+%% patterns. An exception is thrown if some element in
+%% <code>Patterns</code> does not represent a well-formed Core Erlang
+%% clause pattern. The order of listing is not defined.
+%% @see pat_vars/1
+%% @see clause_vars/1
+-spec pat_list_vars([cerl()]) -> [cerl()].
+pat_list_vars(Ps) ->
+ pat_list_vars(Ps, []).
+pat_list_vars([P | Ps], Vs) ->
+ pat_list_vars(Ps, pat_vars(P, Vs));
+pat_list_vars([], Vs) ->
+ Vs.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_alias(Variable::c_var(), Pattern::cerl()) -> c_alias()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract pattern alias. The result represents
+%% "<code><em>Variable</em> = <em>Pattern</em></code>".
+%% @see ann_c_alias/3
+%% @see update_c_alias/3
+%% @see is_c_alias/1
+%% @see alias_var/1
+%% @see alias_pat/1
+%% @see c_clause/3
+-spec c_alias(c_var(), cerl()) -> c_alias().
+c_alias(Var, Pattern) ->
+ #c_alias{var = Var, pat = Pattern}.
+%% @spec ann_c_alias(As::anns(), Variable::c_var(),
+%% Pattern::cerl()) -> c_alias()
+%% @see c_alias/2
+-spec ann_c_alias(anns(), c_var(), cerl()) -> c_alias().
+ann_c_alias(As, Var, Pattern) ->
+ #c_alias{var = Var, pat = Pattern, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_alias(Old::cerl(), Variable::c_var(),
+%% Pattern::cerl()) -> c_alias()
+%% @see c_alias/2
+-spec update_c_alias(c_alias(), c_var(), cerl()) -> c_alias().
+update_c_alias(Node, Var, Pattern) ->
+ #c_alias{var = Var, pat = Pattern, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_alias(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% pattern alias, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_alias/2
+-spec is_c_alias(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_alias(#c_alias{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_alias(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec alias_var(c_alias()) -> c_var()
+%% @doc Returns the variable subtree of an abstract pattern alias.
+%% @see c_alias/2
+-spec alias_var(c_alias()) -> c_var().
+alias_var(Node) ->
+ Node#c_alias.var.
+%% @spec alias_pat(c_alias()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the pattern subtree of an abstract pattern alias.
+%% @see c_alias/2
+-spec alias_pat(c_alias()) -> cerl().
+alias_pat(Node) ->
+ Node#c_alias.pat.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_receive(Clauses::[cerl()]) -> c_receive()
+%% @equiv c_receive(Clauses, c_atom(infinity), c_atom(true))
+%% @see c_atom/1
+-spec c_receive([cerl()]) -> c_receive().
+c_receive(Clauses) ->
+ c_receive(Clauses, c_atom(infinity), c_atom(true)).
+%% @spec c_receive(Clauses::[cerl()], Timeout::cerl(),
+%% Action::cerl()) -> c_receive()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract receive-expression. If
+%% <code>Clauses</code> is <code>[C1, ..., Cn]</code>, the result
+%% represents "<code>receive <em>C1</em> ... <em>Cn</em> after
+%% <em>Timeout</em> -> <em>Action</em> end</code>".
+%% @see c_receive/1
+%% @see ann_c_receive/4
+%% @see update_c_receive/4
+%% @see is_c_receive/1
+%% @see receive_clauses/1
+%% @see receive_timeout/1
+%% @see receive_action/1
+-spec c_receive([cerl()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_receive().
+c_receive(Clauses, Timeout, Action) ->
+ #c_receive{clauses = Clauses, timeout = Timeout, action = Action}.
+%% @spec ann_c_receive(As::anns(), Clauses::[cerl()]) -> c_receive()
+%% @equiv ann_c_receive(As, Clauses, c_atom(infinity), c_atom(true))
+%% @see c_receive/3
+%% @see c_atom/1
+-spec ann_c_receive(anns(), [cerl()]) -> c_receive().
+ann_c_receive(As, Clauses) ->
+ ann_c_receive(As, Clauses, c_atom(infinity), c_atom(true)).
+%% @spec ann_c_receive(As::anns(), Clauses::[cerl()],
+%% Timeout::cerl(), Action::cerl()) -> c_receive()
+%% @see ann_c_receive/2
+%% @see c_receive/3
+-spec ann_c_receive(anns(), [cerl()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_receive().
+ann_c_receive(As, Clauses, Timeout, Action) ->
+ #c_receive{clauses = Clauses, timeout = Timeout, action = Action,
+ anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_receive(Old::cerl(), Clauses::[cerl()],
+%% Timeout::cerl(), Action::cerl()) -> c_receive()
+%% @see c_receive/3
+-spec update_c_receive(c_receive(), [cerl()], cerl(), cerl()) -> c_receive().
+update_c_receive(Node, Clauses, Timeout, Action) ->
+ #c_receive{clauses = Clauses, timeout = Timeout, action = Action,
+ anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_receive(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% receive-expression, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_receive/3
+-spec is_c_receive(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_receive(#c_receive{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_receive(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec receive_clauses(c_receive()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of clause subtrees of an abstract
+%% receive-expression.
+%% @see c_receive/3
+-spec receive_clauses(c_receive()) -> [cerl()].
+receive_clauses(Node) ->
+ Node#c_receive.clauses.
+%% @spec receive_timeout(c_receive()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the timeout subtree of an abstract receive-expression.
+%% @see c_receive/3
+-spec receive_timeout(c_receive()) -> cerl().
+receive_timeout(Node) ->
+ Node#c_receive.timeout.
+%% @spec receive_action(c_receive()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the action subtree of an abstract receive-expression.
+%% @see c_receive/3
+-spec receive_action(c_receive()) -> cerl().
+receive_action(Node) ->
+ Node#c_receive.action.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_apply(Operator::c_var(), Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_apply()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract function application. If
+%% <code>Arguments</code> is <code>[A1, ..., An]</code>, the result
+%% represents "<code>apply <em>Operator</em>(<em>A1</em>, ...,
+%% <em>An</em>)</code>".
+%% @see ann_c_apply/3
+%% @see update_c_apply/3
+%% @see is_c_apply/1
+%% @see apply_op/1
+%% @see apply_args/1
+%% @see apply_arity/1
+%% @see c_call/3
+%% @see c_primop/2
+-spec c_apply(c_var(), [cerl()]) -> c_apply().
+c_apply(Operator, Arguments) ->
+ #c_apply{op = Operator, args = Arguments}.
+%% @spec ann_c_apply(As::anns(), Operator::c_var(),
+%% Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_apply()
+%% @see c_apply/2
+-spec ann_c_apply(anns(), c_var(), [cerl()]) -> c_apply().
+ann_c_apply(As, Operator, Arguments) ->
+ #c_apply{op = Operator, args = Arguments, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_apply(Old::c_apply(), Operator::cerl(),
+%% Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_apply()
+%% @see c_apply/2
+-spec update_c_apply(c_apply(), c_var(), [cerl()]) -> c_apply().
+update_c_apply(Node, Operator, Arguments) ->
+ #c_apply{op = Operator, args = Arguments, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_apply(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% function application, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_apply/2
+-spec is_c_apply(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_apply(#c_apply{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_apply(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec apply_op(c_apply()) -> c_var()
+%% @doc Returns the operator subtree of an abstract function
+%% application.
+%% @see c_apply/2
+-spec apply_op(c_apply()) -> c_var().
+apply_op(Node) ->
+ Node#c_apply.op.
+%% @spec apply_args(c_apply()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of argument subtrees of an abstract function
+%% application.
+%% @see c_apply/2
+%% @see apply_arity/1
+-spec apply_args(c_apply()) -> [cerl()].
+apply_args(Node) ->
+ Node#c_apply.args.
+%% @spec apply_arity(Node::c_apply()) -> arity()
+%% @doc Returns the number of argument subtrees of an abstract
+%% function application.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to
+%% <code>length(apply_args(Node))</code>, but potentially more
+%% efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_apply/2
+%% @see apply_args/1
+-spec apply_arity(c_apply()) -> arity().
+apply_arity(Node) ->
+ length(apply_args(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_call(Module::cerl(), Name::cerl(), Arguments::[cerl()]) ->
+%% c_call()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract inter-module call. If
+%% <code>Arguments</code> is <code>[A1, ..., An]</code>, the result
+%% represents "<code>call <em>Module</em>:<em>Name</em>(<em>A1</em>,
+%% ..., <em>An</em>)</code>".
+%% @see ann_c_call/4
+%% @see update_c_call/4
+%% @see is_c_call/1
+%% @see call_module/1
+%% @see call_name/1
+%% @see call_args/1
+%% @see call_arity/1
+%% @see c_apply/2
+%% @see c_primop/2
+-spec c_call(cerl(), cerl(), [cerl()]) -> c_call().
+c_call(Module, Name, Arguments) ->
+ #c_call{module = Module, name = Name, args = Arguments}.
+%% @spec ann_c_call(As::anns(), Module::cerl(), Name::cerl(),
+%% Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_call()
+%% @see c_call/3
+-spec ann_c_call(anns(), cerl(), cerl(), [cerl()]) -> c_call().
+ann_c_call(As, Module, Name, Arguments) ->
+ #c_call{module = Module, name = Name, args = Arguments, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_call(Old::cerl(), Module::cerl(), Name::cerl(),
+%% Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_call()
+%% @see c_call/3
+-spec update_c_call(cerl(), cerl(), cerl(), [cerl()]) -> c_call().
+update_c_call(Node, Module, Name, Arguments) ->
+ #c_call{module = Module, name = Name, args = Arguments,
+ anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_call(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% inter-module call expression; otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_call/3
+-spec is_c_call(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_call(#c_call{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_call(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec call_module(c_call()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the module subtree of an abstract inter-module call.
+%% @see c_call/3
+-spec call_module(c_call()) -> cerl().
+call_module(Node) ->
+ Node#c_call.module.
+%% @spec call_name(c_call()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the name subtree of an abstract inter-module call.
+%% @see c_call/3
+-spec call_name(c_call()) -> cerl().
+call_name(Node) ->
+ Node#c_call.name.
+%% @spec call_args(c_call()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of argument subtrees of an abstract
+%% inter-module call.
+%% @see c_call/3
+%% @see call_arity/1
+-spec call_args(c_call()) -> [cerl()].
+call_args(Node) ->
+ Node#c_call.args.
+%% @spec call_arity(Node::c_call()) -> arity()
+%% @doc Returns the number of argument subtrees of an abstract
+%% inter-module call.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to
+%% <code>length(call_args(Node))</code>, but potentially more
+%% efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_call/3
+%% @see call_args/1
+-spec call_arity(c_call()) -> arity().
+call_arity(Node) ->
+ length(call_args(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_primop(Name::c_literal(), Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_primop()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract primitive operation call. If
+%% <code>Arguments</code> is <code>[A1, ..., An]</code>, the result
+%% represents "<code>primop <em>Name</em>(<em>A1</em>, ...,
+%% <em>An</em>)</code>". <code>Name</code> must be an atom literal.
+%% @see ann_c_primop/3
+%% @see update_c_primop/3
+%% @see is_c_primop/1
+%% @see primop_name/1
+%% @see primop_args/1
+%% @see primop_arity/1
+%% @see c_apply/2
+%% @see c_call/3
+-spec c_primop(c_literal(), [cerl()]) -> c_primop().
+c_primop(Name, Arguments) ->
+ #c_primop{name = Name, args = Arguments}.
+%% @spec ann_c_primop(As::anns(), Name::c_literal(),
+%% Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_primop()
+%% @see c_primop/2
+-spec ann_c_primop(anns(), c_literal(), [cerl()]) -> c_primop().
+ann_c_primop(As, Name, Arguments) ->
+ #c_primop{name = Name, args = Arguments, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_primop(Old::cerl(), Name::c_literal(),
+%% Arguments::[cerl()]) -> c_primop()
+%% @see c_primop/2
+-spec update_c_primop(cerl(), c_literal(), [cerl()]) -> c_primop().
+update_c_primop(Node, Name, Arguments) ->
+ #c_primop{name = Name, args = Arguments, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_primop(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% primitive operation call, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_primop/2
+-spec is_c_primop(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_primop(#c_primop{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_primop(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec primop_name(c_primop()) -> c_literal()
+%% @doc Returns the name subtree of an abstract primitive operation
+%% call.
+%% @see c_primop/2
+-spec primop_name(c_primop()) -> c_literal().
+primop_name(Node) ->
+ Node#c_primop.name.
+%% @spec primop_args(c_primop()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of argument subtrees of an abstract primitive
+%% operation call.
+%% @see c_primop/2
+%% @see primop_arity/1
+-spec primop_args(c_primop()) -> [cerl()].
+primop_args(Node) ->
+ Node#c_primop.args.
+%% @spec primop_arity(Node::c_primop()) -> arity()
+%% @doc Returns the number of argument subtrees of an abstract
+%% primitive operation call.
+%% <p>Note: this is equivalent to
+%% <code>length(primop_args(Node))</code>, but potentially more
+%% efficient.</p>
+%% @see c_primop/2
+%% @see primop_args/1
+-spec primop_arity(c_primop()) -> arity().
+primop_arity(Node) ->
+ length(primop_args(Node)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_try(Argument::cerl(), Variables::[c_var()], Body::cerl(),
+%% ExceptionVars::[c_var()], Handler::cerl()) -> c_try()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract try-expression. If <code>Variables</code> is
+%% <code>[V1, ..., Vn]</code> and <code>ExceptionVars</code> is
+%% <code>[X1, ..., Xm]</code>, the result represents "<code>try
+%% <em>Argument</em> of &lt;<em>V1</em>, ..., <em>Vn</em>&gt; ->
+%% <em>Body</em> catch &lt;<em>X1</em>, ..., <em>Xm</em>&gt; ->
+%% <em>Handler</em></code>". All the <code>Vi</code> and <code>Xi</code>
+%% must have type <code>var</code>.
+%% @see ann_c_try/6
+%% @see update_c_try/6
+%% @see is_c_try/1
+%% @see try_arg/1
+%% @see try_vars/1
+%% @see try_body/1
+%% @see c_catch/1
+-spec c_try(cerl(), [c_var()], cerl(), [c_var()], cerl()) -> c_try().
+c_try(Expr, Vs, Body, Evs, Handler) ->
+ #c_try{arg = Expr, vars = Vs, body = Body,
+ evars = Evs, handler = Handler}.
+%% @spec ann_c_try(As::[term()], Expression::cerl(),
+%% Variables::[c_var()], Body::cerl(),
+%% EVars::[c_var()], Handler::cerl()) -> c_try()
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec ann_c_try(anns(), cerl(), [c_var()], cerl(), [c_var()], cerl()) ->
+ c_try().
+ann_c_try(As, Expr, Vs, Body, Evs, Handler) ->
+ #c_try{arg = Expr, vars = Vs, body = Body,
+ evars = Evs, handler = Handler, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_try(Old::c_try(), Expression::cerl(),
+%% Variables::[c_var()], Body::cerl(),
+%% EVars::[c_var()], Handler::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec update_c_try(c_try(), cerl(), [c_var()], cerl(), [c_var()], cerl()) ->
+ c_try().
+update_c_try(Node, Expr, Vs, Body, Evs, Handler) ->
+ #c_try{arg = Expr, vars = Vs, body = Body,
+ evars = Evs, handler = Handler, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_try(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% try-expression, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec is_c_try(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_try(#c_try{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_try(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec try_arg(c_try()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the expression subtree of an abstract try-expression.
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec try_arg(c_try()) -> cerl().
+try_arg(Node) ->
+ Node#c_try.arg.
+%% @spec try_vars(c_try()) -> [c_var()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of success variable subtrees of an abstract
+%% try-expression.
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec try_vars(c_try()) -> [c_var()].
+try_vars(Node) ->
+ Node#c_try.vars.
+%% @spec try_body(c_try()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the success body subtree of an abstract try-expression.
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec try_body(c_try()) -> cerl().
+try_body(Node) ->
+ Node#c_try.body.
+%% @spec try_evars(c_try()) -> [c_var()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of exception variable subtrees of an abstract
+%% try-expression.
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec try_evars(c_try()) -> [c_var()].
+try_evars(Node) ->
+ Node#c_try.evars.
+%% @spec try_handler(c_try()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the exception body subtree of an abstract
+%% try-expression.
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec try_handler(c_try()) -> cerl().
+try_handler(Node) ->
+ Node#c_try.handler.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec c_catch(Body::cerl()) -> c_catch()
+%% @doc Creates an abstract catch-expression. The result represents
+%% "<code>catch <em>Body</em></code>".
+%% <p>Note: catch-expressions can be rewritten as try-expressions, and
+%% will eventually be removed from Core Erlang.</p>
+%% @see ann_c_catch/2
+%% @see update_c_catch/2
+%% @see is_c_catch/1
+%% @see catch_body/1
+%% @see c_try/5
+-spec c_catch(cerl()) -> c_catch().
+c_catch(Body) ->
+ #c_catch{body = Body}.
+%% @spec ann_c_catch(As::anns(), Body::cerl()) -> c_catch()
+%% @see c_catch/1
+-spec ann_c_catch(anns(), cerl()) -> c_catch().
+ann_c_catch(As, Body) ->
+ #c_catch{body = Body, anno = As}.
+%% @spec update_c_catch(Old::c_catch(), Body::cerl()) -> c_catch()
+%% @see c_catch/1
+-spec update_c_catch(c_catch(), cerl()) -> c_catch().
+update_c_catch(Node, Body) ->
+ #c_catch{body = Body, anno = get_ann(Node)}.
+%% @spec is_c_catch(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> is an abstract
+%% catch-expression, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+%% @see c_catch/1
+-spec is_c_catch(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_c_catch(#c_catch{}) ->
+ true;
+is_c_catch(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec catch_body(Node::c_catch()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Returns the body subtree of an abstract catch-expression.
+%% @see c_catch/1
+-spec catch_body(c_catch()) -> cerl().
+catch_body(Node) ->
+ Node#c_catch.body.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec to_records(Tree::cerl()) -> record(record_types())
+%% @doc Translates an abstract syntax tree to a corresponding explicit
+%% record representation. The records are defined in the file
+%% "<code>cerl.hrl</code>".
+%% @see type/1
+%% @see from_records/1
+-spec to_records(cerl()) -> cerl().
+to_records(Node) ->
+ Node.
+%% @spec from_records(Tree::record(record_types())) -> cerl()
+%% record_types() = c_alias | c_apply | c_binary | c_bitstr | c_call |
+%% c_case | c_catch | c_clause | c_cons | c_fun |
+%% c_let | c_letrec | c_literal | c_map | c_map_pair |
+%% c_module | c_primop | c_receive | c_seq |
+%% c_try | c_tuple | c_values | c_var
+%% @doc Translates an explicit record representation to a
+%% corresponding abstract syntax tree. The records are defined in the
+%% file "<code>core_parse.hrl</code>".
+%% @see type/1
+%% @see to_records/1
+-spec from_records(cerl()) -> cerl().
+from_records(Node) ->
+ Node.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec is_data(Node::cerl()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if <code>Node</code> represents a
+%% data constructor, otherwise <code>false</code>. Data constructors
+%% are cons cells, tuples, and atomic literals.
+%% @see data_type/1
+%% @see data_es/1
+%% @see data_arity/1
+-spec is_data(cerl()) -> boolean().
+is_data(#c_literal{}) ->
+ true;
+is_data(#c_cons{}) ->
+ true;
+is_data(#c_tuple{}) ->
+ true;
+is_data(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @spec data_type(Node::cerl()) -> dtype()
+%% dtype() = cons | tuple | {atomic, Value}
+%% Value = integer() | float() | atom() | []
+%% @doc Returns a type descriptor for a data constructor
+%% node. (Cf. <code>is_data/1</code>.) This is mainly useful for
+%% comparing types and for constructing new nodes of the same type
+%% (cf. <code>make_data/2</code>). If <code>Node</code> represents an
+%% integer, floating-point number, atom or empty list, the result is
+%% <code>{atomic, Value}</code>, where <code>Value</code> is the value
+%% of <code>concrete(Node)</code>, otherwise the result is either
+%% <code>cons</code> or <code>tuple</code>.
+%% <p>Type descriptors can be compared for equality or order (in the
+%% Erlang term order), but remember that floating-point values should
+%% in general never be tested for equality.</p>
+%% @see is_data/1
+%% @see make_data/2
+%% @see type/1
+%% @see concrete/1
+-type value() :: integer() | float() | atom() | [].
+-type dtype() :: 'cons' | 'tuple' | {'atomic', value()}.
+-type c_lct() :: c_literal() | c_cons() | c_tuple().
+-spec data_type(c_lct()) -> dtype().
+data_type(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ case V of
+ [_ | _] ->
+ cons;
+ _ when is_tuple(V) ->
+ tuple;
+ _ ->
+ {atomic, V}
+ end;
+data_type(#c_cons{}) ->
+ cons;
+data_type(#c_tuple{}) ->
+ tuple.
+%% @spec data_es(Node::cerl()) -> [cerl()]
+%% @doc Returns the list of subtrees of a data constructor node. If
+%% the arity of the constructor is zero, the result is the empty list.
+%% <p>Note: if <code>data_type(Node)</code> is <code>cons</code>, the
+%% number of subtrees is exactly two. If <code>data_type(Node)</code>
+%% is <code>{atomic, Value}</code>, the number of subtrees is
+%% zero.</p>
+%% @see is_data/1
+%% @see data_type/1
+%% @see data_arity/1
+%% @see make_data/2
+-spec data_es(c_lct()) -> [cerl()].
+data_es(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ case V of
+ [Head | Tail] ->
+ [#c_literal{val = Head}, #c_literal{val = Tail}];
+ _ when is_tuple(V) ->
+ make_lit_list(tuple_to_list(V));
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end;
+data_es(#c_cons{hd = H, tl = T}) ->
+ [H, T];
+data_es(#c_tuple{es = Es}) ->
+ Es.
+%% @spec data_arity(Node::cerl()) -> non_neg_integer()
+%% @doc Returns the number of subtrees of a data constructor
+%% node. This is equivalent to <code>length(data_es(Node))</code>, but
+%% potentially more efficient.
+%% @see is_data/1
+%% @see data_es/1
+-spec data_arity(c_lct()) -> non_neg_integer().
+data_arity(#c_literal{val = V}) ->
+ case V of
+ [_ | _] ->
+ 2;
+ _ when is_tuple(V) ->
+ tuple_size(V);
+ _ ->
+ 0
+ end;
+data_arity(#c_cons{}) ->
+ 2;
+data_arity(#c_tuple{es = Es}) ->
+ length(Es).
+%% @spec make_data(Type::dtype(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates a data constructor node with the specified type and
+%% subtrees. (Cf. <code>data_type/1</code>.) An exception is thrown
+%% if the length of <code>Elements</code> is invalid for the given
+%% <code>Type</code>; see <code>data_es/1</code> for arity constraints
+%% on constructor types.
+%% @see data_type/1
+%% @see data_es/1
+%% @see ann_make_data/3
+%% @see update_data/3
+%% @see make_data_skel/2
+-spec make_data(dtype(), [cerl()]) -> c_lct().
+make_data(CType, Es) ->
+ ann_make_data([], CType, Es).
+%% @spec ann_make_data(As::anns(), Type::dtype(),
+%% Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see make_data/2
+-spec ann_make_data(anns(), dtype(), [cerl()]) -> c_lct().
+ann_make_data(As, {atomic, V}, []) -> #c_literal{val = V, anno = As};
+ann_make_data(As, cons, [H, T]) -> ann_c_cons(As, H, T);
+ann_make_data(As, tuple, Es) -> ann_c_tuple(As, Es).
+%% @spec update_data(Old::cerl(), Type::dtype(),
+%% Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see make_data/2
+-spec update_data(cerl(), dtype(), [cerl()]) -> c_lct().
+update_data(Node, CType, Es) ->
+ ann_make_data(get_ann(Node), CType, Es).
+%% @spec make_data_skel(Type::dtype(), Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Like <code>make_data/2</code>, but analogous to
+%% <code>c_tuple_skel/1</code> and <code>c_cons_skel/2</code>.
+%% @see ann_make_data_skel/3
+%% @see update_data_skel/3
+%% @see make_data/2
+%% @see c_tuple_skel/1
+%% @see c_cons_skel/2
+-spec make_data_skel(dtype(), [cerl()]) -> c_lct().
+make_data_skel(CType, Es) ->
+ ann_make_data_skel([], CType, Es).
+%% @spec ann_make_data_skel(As::anns(), Type::dtype(),
+%% Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see make_data_skel/2
+-spec ann_make_data_skel(anns(), dtype(), [cerl()]) -> c_lct().
+ann_make_data_skel(As, {atomic, V}, []) -> #c_literal{val = V, anno = As};
+ann_make_data_skel(As, cons, [H, T]) -> ann_c_cons_skel(As, H, T);
+ann_make_data_skel(As, tuple, Es) -> ann_c_tuple_skel(As, Es).
+%% @spec update_data_skel(Old::cerl(), Type::dtype(),
+%% Elements::[cerl()]) -> cerl()
+%% @see make_data_skel/2
+-spec update_data_skel(cerl(), dtype(), [cerl()]) -> c_lct().
+update_data_skel(Node, CType, Es) ->
+ ann_make_data_skel(get_ann(Node), CType, Es).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec subtrees(Node::cerl()) -> [[cerl()]]
+%% @doc Returns the grouped list of all subtrees of a node. If
+%% <code>Node</code> is a leaf node (cf. <code>is_leaf/1</code>), this
+%% is the empty list, otherwise the result is always a nonempty list,
+%% containing the lists of subtrees of <code>Node</code>, in
+%% left-to-right order as they occur in the printed program text, and
+%% grouped by category. Often, each group contains only a single
+%% subtree.
+%% <p>Depending on the type of <code>Node</code>, the size of some
+%% groups may be variable (e.g., the group consisting of all the
+%% elements of a tuple), while others always contain the same number
+%% of elements - usually exactly one (e.g., the group containing the
+%% argument expression of a case-expression). Note, however, that the
+%% exact structure of the returned list (for a given node type) should
+%% in general not be depended upon, since it might be subject to
+%% change without notice.</p>
+%% <p>The function <code>subtrees/1</code> and the constructor functions
+%% <code>make_tree/2</code> and <code>update_tree/2</code> can be a
+%% great help if one wants to traverse a syntax tree, visiting all its
+%% subtrees, but treat nodes of the tree in a uniform way in most or all
+%% cases. Using these functions makes this simple, and also assures that
+%% your code is not overly sensitive to extensions of the syntax tree
+%% data type, because any node types not explicitly handled by your code
+%% can be left to a default case.</p>
+%% <p>For example:
+%% <pre>
+%% postorder(F, Tree) ->
+%% F(case subtrees(Tree) of
+%% [] -> Tree;
+%% List -> update_tree(Tree,
+%% [[postorder(F, Subtree)
+%% || Subtree &lt;- Group]
+%% || Group &lt;- List])
+%% end).
+%% </pre>
+%% maps the function <code>F</code> on <code>Tree</code> and all its
+%% subtrees, doing a post-order traversal of the syntax tree. (Note
+%% the use of <code>update_tree/2</code> to preserve annotations.) For
+%% a simple function like:
+%% <pre>
+%% f(Node) ->
+%% case type(Node) of
+%% atom -> atom("a_" ++ atom_name(Node));
+%% _ -> Node
+%% end.
+%% </pre>
+%% the call <code>postorder(fun f/1, Tree)</code> will yield a new
+%% representation of <code>Tree</code> in which all atom names have
+%% been extended with the prefix "a_", but nothing else (including
+%% annotations) has been changed.</p>
+%% @see is_leaf/1
+%% @see make_tree/2
+%% @see update_tree/2
+-spec subtrees(cerl()) -> [[cerl()]].
+subtrees(T) ->
+ case is_leaf(T) of
+ true ->
+ [];
+ false ->
+ case type(T) of
+ values ->
+ [values_es(T)];
+ binary ->
+ [binary_segments(T)];
+ bitstr ->
+ [[bitstr_val(T)], [bitstr_size(T)],
+ [bitstr_unit(T)], [bitstr_type(T)],
+ [bitstr_flags(T)]];
+ cons ->
+ [[cons_hd(T)], [cons_tl(T)]];
+ tuple ->
+ [tuple_es(T)];
+ map ->
+ [map_es(T)];
+ map_pair ->
+ [[map_pair_op(T)],[map_pair_key(T)],[map_pair_val(T)]];
+ 'let' ->
+ [let_vars(T), [let_arg(T)], [let_body(T)]];
+ seq ->
+ [[seq_arg(T)], [seq_body(T)]];
+ apply ->
+ [[apply_op(T)], apply_args(T)];
+ call ->
+ [[call_module(T)], [call_name(T)],
+ call_args(T)];
+ primop ->
+ [[primop_name(T)], primop_args(T)];
+ 'case' ->
+ [[case_arg(T)], case_clauses(T)];
+ clause ->
+ [clause_pats(T), [clause_guard(T)],
+ [clause_body(T)]];
+ alias ->
+ [[alias_var(T)], [alias_pat(T)]];
+ 'fun' ->
+ [fun_vars(T), [fun_body(T)]];
+ 'receive' ->
+ [receive_clauses(T), [receive_timeout(T)],
+ [receive_action(T)]];
+ 'try' ->
+ [[try_arg(T)], try_vars(T), [try_body(T)],
+ try_evars(T), [try_handler(T)]];
+ 'catch' ->
+ [[catch_body(T)]];
+ letrec ->
+ Es = unfold_tuples(letrec_defs(T)),
+ [Es, [letrec_body(T)]];
+ module ->
+ As = unfold_tuples(module_attrs(T)),
+ Es = unfold_tuples(module_defs(T)),
+ [[module_name(T)], module_exports(T), As, Es]
+ end
+ end.
+%% @spec update_tree(Old::cerl(), Groups::[[cerl()]]) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates a syntax tree with the given subtrees, and the same
+%% type and annotations as the <code>Old</code> node. This is
+%% equivalent to <code>ann_make_tree(get_ann(Node), type(Node),
+%% Groups)</code>, but potentially more efficient.
+%% @see update_tree/3
+%% @see ann_make_tree/3
+%% @see get_ann/1
+%% @see type/1
+-spec update_tree(cerl(), [[cerl()],...]) -> cerl().
+update_tree(Node, Gs) ->
+ ann_make_tree(get_ann(Node), type(Node), Gs).
+%% @spec update_tree(Old::cerl(), Type::ctype(), Groups::[[cerl()]]) ->
+%% cerl()
+%% @doc Creates a syntax tree with the given type and subtrees, and
+%% the same annotations as the <code>Old</code> node. This is
+%% equivalent to <code>ann_make_tree(get_ann(Node), Type,
+%% Groups)</code>, but potentially more efficient.
+%% @see update_tree/2
+%% @see ann_make_tree/3
+%% @see get_ann/1
+-spec update_tree(cerl(), ctype(), [[cerl()],...]) -> cerl().
+update_tree(Node, Type, Gs) ->
+ ann_make_tree(get_ann(Node), Type, Gs).
+%% @spec make_tree(Type::ctype(), Groups::[[cerl()]]) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates a syntax tree with the given type and subtrees.
+%% <code>Type</code> must be a node type name
+%% (cf. <code>type/1</code>) that does not denote a leaf node type
+%% (cf. <code>is_leaf/1</code>). <code>Groups</code> must be a
+%% <em>nonempty</em> list of groups of syntax trees, representing the
+%% subtrees of a node of the given type, in left-to-right order as
+%% they would occur in the printed program text, grouped by category
+%% as done by <code>subtrees/1</code>.
+%% <p>The result of <code>ann_make_tree(get_ann(Node), type(Node),
+%% subtrees(Node))</code> (cf. <code>update_tree/2</code>) represents
+%% the same source code text as the original <code>Node</code>,
+%% assuming that <code>subtrees(Node)</code> yields a nonempty
+%% list. However, it does not necessarily have the exact same data
+%% representation as <code>Node</code>.</p>
+%% @see ann_make_tree/3
+%% @see type/1
+%% @see is_leaf/1
+%% @see subtrees/1
+%% @see update_tree/2
+-spec make_tree(ctype(), [[cerl()],...]) -> cerl().
+make_tree(Type, Gs) ->
+ ann_make_tree([], Type, Gs).
+%% @spec ann_make_tree(As::anns(), Type::ctype(),
+%% Groups::[[cerl()]]) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates a syntax tree with the given annotations, type and
+%% subtrees. See <code>make_tree/2</code> for details.
+%% @see make_tree/2
+-spec ann_make_tree(anns(), ctype(), [[cerl()],...]) -> cerl().
+ann_make_tree(As, values, [Es]) -> ann_c_values(As, Es);
+ann_make_tree(As, binary, [Ss]) -> ann_c_binary(As, Ss);
+ann_make_tree(As, bitstr, [[V],[S],[U],[T],[Fs]]) ->
+ ann_c_bitstr(As, V, S, U, T, Fs);
+ann_make_tree(As, cons, [[H], [T]]) -> ann_c_cons(As, H, T);
+ann_make_tree(As, tuple, [Es]) -> ann_c_tuple(As, Es);
+ann_make_tree(As, map, [Es]) -> ann_c_map(As, Es);
+ann_make_tree(As, map, [[A], Es]) -> ann_c_map(As, A, Es);
+ann_make_tree(As, map_pair, [[Op], [K], [V]]) -> ann_c_map_pair(As, Op, K, V);
+ann_make_tree(As, 'let', [Vs, [A], [B]]) -> ann_c_let(As, Vs, A, B);
+ann_make_tree(As, seq, [[A], [B]]) -> ann_c_seq(As, A, B);
+ann_make_tree(As, apply, [[Op], Es]) -> ann_c_apply(As, Op, Es);
+ann_make_tree(As, call, [[M], [N], Es]) -> ann_c_call(As, M, N, Es);
+ann_make_tree(As, primop, [[N], Es]) -> ann_c_primop(As, N, Es);
+ann_make_tree(As, 'case', [[A], Cs]) -> ann_c_case(As, A, Cs);
+ann_make_tree(As, clause, [Ps, [G], [B]]) -> ann_c_clause(As, Ps, G, B);
+ann_make_tree(As, alias, [[V], [P]]) -> ann_c_alias(As, V, P);
+ann_make_tree(As, 'fun', [Vs, [B]]) -> ann_c_fun(As, Vs, B);
+ann_make_tree(As, 'receive', [Cs, [T], [A]]) ->
+ ann_c_receive(As, Cs, T, A);
+ann_make_tree(As, 'try', [[E], Vs, [B], Evs, [H]]) ->
+ ann_c_try(As, E, Vs, B, Evs, H);
+ann_make_tree(As, 'catch', [[B]]) -> ann_c_catch(As, B);
+ann_make_tree(As, letrec, [Es, [B]]) ->
+ ann_c_letrec(As, fold_tuples(Es), B);
+ann_make_tree(As, module, [[N], Xs, Es, Ds]) ->
+ ann_c_module(As, N, Xs, fold_tuples(Es), fold_tuples(Ds)).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @spec meta(Tree::cerl()) -> cerl()
+%% @doc Creates a meta-representation of a syntax tree. The result
+%% represents an Erlang expression "<code><em>MetaTree</em></code>"
+%% which, if evaluated, will yield a new syntax tree representing the
+%% same source code text as <code>Tree</code> (although the actual
+%% data representation may be different). The expression represented
+%% by <code>MetaTree</code> is <em>implementation independent</em>
+%% with regard to the data structures used by the abstract syntax tree
+%% implementation.
+%% <p>Any node in <code>Tree</code> whose node type is
+%% <code>var</code> (cf. <code>type/1</code>), and whose list of
+%% annotations (cf. <code>get_ann/1</code>) contains the atom
+%% <code>meta_var</code>, will remain unchanged in the resulting tree,
+%% except that exactly one occurrence of <code>meta_var</code> is
+%% removed from its annotation list.</p>
+%% <p>The main use of the function <code>meta/1</code> is to transform
+%% a data structure <code>Tree</code>, which represents a piece of
+%% program code, into a form that is <em>representation independent
+%% when printed</em>. E.g., suppose <code>Tree</code> represents a
+%% variable named "V". Then (assuming a function <code>print/1</code>
+%% for printing syntax trees), evaluating
+%% <code>print(abstract(Tree))</code> - simply using
+%% <code>abstract/1</code> to map the actual data structure onto a
+%% syntax tree representation - would output a string that might look
+%% something like "<code>{var, ..., 'V'}</code>", which is obviously
+%% dependent on the implementation of the abstract syntax trees. This
+%% could e.g. be useful for caching a syntax tree in a file. However,
+%% in some situations like in a program generator generator (with two
+%% "generator"), it may be unacceptable. Using
+%% <code>print(meta(Tree))</code> instead would output a
+%% <em>representation independent</em> syntax tree generating
+%% expression; in the above case, something like
+%% "<code>cerl:c_var('V')</code>".</p>
+%% <p>The implementation tries to generate compact code with respect
+%% to literals and lists.</p>
+%% @see abstract/1
+%% @see type/1
+%% @see get_ann/1
+-spec meta(cerl()) -> cerl().
+meta(Node) ->
+ %% First of all we check for metavariables:
+ case type(Node) of
+ var ->
+ case lists:member(meta_var, get_ann(Node)) of
+ false ->
+ meta_0(var, Node);
+ true ->
+ %% A meta-variable: remove the first found
+ %% 'meta_var' annotation, but otherwise leave
+ %% the node unchanged.
+ set_ann(Node, lists:delete(meta_var, get_ann(Node)))
+ end;
+ Type ->
+ meta_0(Type, Node)
+ end.
+meta_0(Type, Node) ->
+ case get_ann(Node) of
+ [] ->
+ meta_1(Type, Node);
+ As ->
+ meta_call(set_ann, [meta_1(Type, Node), abstract(As)])
+ end.
+meta_1(literal, Node) ->
+ %% We handle atomic literals separately, to get a bit
+ %% more compact code. For the rest, we use 'abstract'.
+ case concrete(Node) of
+ V when is_atom(V) ->
+ meta_call(c_atom, [Node]);
+ V when is_integer(V) ->
+ meta_call(c_int, [Node]);
+ V when is_float(V) ->
+ meta_call(c_float, [Node]);
+ [] ->
+ meta_call(c_nil, []);
+ _ ->
+ meta_call(abstract, [Node])
+ end;
+meta_1(var, Node) ->
+ %% A normal variable or function name.
+ meta_call(c_var, [abstract(var_name(Node))]);
+meta_1(values, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_values,
+ [make_list(meta_list(values_es(Node)))]);
+meta_1(binary, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_binary,
+ [make_list(meta_list(binary_segments(Node)))]);
+meta_1(bitstr, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_bitstr,
+ [meta(bitstr_val(Node)),
+ meta(bitstr_size(Node)),
+ meta(bitstr_unit(Node)),
+ meta(bitstr_type(Node)),
+ meta(bitstr_flags(Node))]);
+meta_1(cons, Node) ->
+ %% The list is split up if some sublist has annotatations. If
+ %% we get exactly one element, we generate a 'c_cons' call
+ %% instead of 'make_list' to reconstruct the node.
+ case split_list(Node) of
+ {[H], Node1} ->
+ meta_call(c_cons, [meta(H), meta(Node1)]);
+ {L, Node1} ->
+ meta_call(make_list,
+ [make_list(meta_list(L)), meta(Node1)])
+ end;
+meta_1(tuple, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_tuple,
+ [make_list(meta_list(tuple_es(Node)))]);
+meta_1('let', Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_let,
+ [make_list(meta_list(let_vars(Node))),
+ meta(let_arg(Node)), meta(let_body(Node))]);
+meta_1(seq, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_seq,
+ [meta(seq_arg(Node)), meta(seq_body(Node))]);
+meta_1(apply, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_apply,
+ [meta(apply_op(Node)),
+ make_list(meta_list(apply_args(Node)))]);
+meta_1(call, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_call,
+ [meta(call_module(Node)), meta(call_name(Node)),
+ make_list(meta_list(call_args(Node)))]);
+meta_1(primop, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_primop,
+ [meta(primop_name(Node)),
+ make_list(meta_list(primop_args(Node)))]);
+meta_1('case', Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_case,
+ [meta(case_arg(Node)),
+ make_list(meta_list(case_clauses(Node)))]);
+meta_1(clause, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_clause,
+ [make_list(meta_list(clause_pats(Node))),
+ meta(clause_guard(Node)),
+ meta(clause_body(Node))]);
+meta_1(alias, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_alias,
+ [meta(alias_var(Node)), meta(alias_pat(Node))]);
+meta_1('fun', Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_fun,
+ [make_list(meta_list(fun_vars(Node))),
+ meta(fun_body(Node))]);
+meta_1('receive', Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_receive,
+ [make_list(meta_list(receive_clauses(Node))),
+ meta(receive_timeout(Node)),
+ meta(receive_action(Node))]);
+meta_1('try', Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_try,
+ [meta(try_arg(Node)),
+ make_list(meta_list(try_vars(Node))),
+ meta(try_body(Node)),
+ make_list(meta_list(try_evars(Node))),
+ meta(try_handler(Node))]);
+meta_1('catch', Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_catch, [meta(catch_body(Node))]);
+meta_1(letrec, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_letrec,
+ [make_list([c_tuple([meta(N), meta(F)])
+ || {N, F} <- letrec_defs(Node)]),
+ meta(letrec_body(Node))]);
+meta_1(module, Node) ->
+ meta_call(c_module,
+ [meta(module_name(Node)),
+ make_list(meta_list(module_exports(Node))),
+ make_list([c_tuple([meta(A), meta(V)])
+ || {A, V} <- module_attrs(Node)]),
+ make_list([c_tuple([meta(N), meta(F)])
+ || {N, F} <- module_defs(Node)])]).
+meta_call(F, As) ->
+ c_call(c_atom(?MODULE), c_atom(F), As).
+meta_list([T | Ts]) ->
+ [meta(T) | meta_list(Ts)];
+meta_list([]) ->
+ [].
+split_list(Node) ->
+ split_list(set_ann(Node, []), []).
+split_list(Node, L) ->
+ A = get_ann(Node),
+ case type(Node) of
+ cons when A =:= [] ->
+ split_list(cons_tl(Node), [cons_hd(Node) | L]);
+ _ ->
+ {lists:reverse(L), Node}
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% General utilities
+is_lit_list([#c_literal{} | Es]) ->
+ is_lit_list(Es);
+is_lit_list([_ | _]) ->
+ false;
+is_lit_list([]) ->
+ true.
+lit_list_vals([#c_literal{val = V} | Es]) ->
+ [V | lit_list_vals(Es)];
+lit_list_vals([]) ->
+ [].
+-spec make_lit_list([litval()]) -> [c_literal()].
+make_lit_list([V | Vs]) ->
+ [#c_literal{val = V} | make_lit_list(Vs)];
+make_lit_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% The following tests are the same as done by 'io_lib:char_list' and
+%% 'io_lib:printable_list', respectively, but for a single character.
+is_char_value(V) when V >= $\000, V =< $\377 -> true;
+is_char_value(_) -> false.
+is_print_char_value(V) when V >= $\040, V =< $\176 -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V >= $\240, V =< $\377 -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\b -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\d -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\e -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\f -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\n -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\r -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\s -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\t -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\v -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\" -> true;
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\' -> true; %' stupid Emacs.
+is_print_char_value(V) when V =:= $\\ -> true;
+is_print_char_value(_) -> false.
+is_char_list([V | Vs]) when is_integer(V) ->
+ is_char_value(V) andalso is_char_list(Vs);
+is_char_list([]) ->
+ true;
+is_char_list(_) ->
+ false.
+is_print_char_list([V | Vs]) when is_integer(V) ->
+ is_print_char_value(V) andalso is_print_char_list(Vs);
+is_print_char_list([]) ->
+ true;
+is_print_char_list(_) ->
+ false.
+unfold_tuples([{X, Y} | Ps]) ->
+ [X, Y | unfold_tuples(Ps)];
+unfold_tuples([]) ->
+ [].
+fold_tuples([X, Y | Es]) ->
+ [{X, Y} | fold_tuples(Es)];
+fold_tuples([]) ->
+ [].
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/core_parse.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/core_parse.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5823622f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/core_parse.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose : Core Erlang syntax trees as records.
+%% It would be nice to incorporate some generic functions as well but
+%% this could make including this file difficult.
+%% Note: the annotation list is *always* the first record field.
+%% Thus it is possible to define the macros:
+%% -define(get_ann(X), element(2, X)).
+%% -define(set_ann(X, Y), setelement(2, X, Y)).
+%% The record definitions appear alphabetically
+-record(c_alias, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ var :: cerl:c_var(),
+ pat :: cerl:cerl()}).
+-record(c_apply, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ op :: cerl:c_var(),
+ args :: [cerl:cerl()]}).
+-record(c_binary, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ segments :: [cerl:c_bitstr()]}).
+-record(c_bitstr, {anno=[], val, % val :: Tree,
+ size, % size :: Tree,
+ unit, % unit :: Tree,
+ type, % type :: Tree,
+ flags}). % flags :: Tree
+-record(c_call, {anno=[], module, % module :: cerl:cerl(),
+ name, % name :: cerl:cerl(),
+ args}). % args :: [cerl:cerl()]
+-record(c_case, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ arg :: cerl:cerl(),
+ clauses :: [cerl:cerl()]}).
+-record(c_catch, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(), body :: cerl:cerl()}).
+-record(c_clause, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ pats, % :: [cerl:cerl()], % pats :: [Tree],
+ guard, % :: cerl:cerl(), % guard :: Tree,
+ body}). % :: cerl:cerl()}). % body :: Tree
+-record(c_cons, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ hd :: cerl:cerl(),
+ tl :: cerl:cerl()}).
+-record(c_fun, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ vars :: [cerl:c_var()],
+ body :: cerl:cerl()}).
+-record(c_let, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ vars :: [cerl:c_var()],
+ arg :: cerl:cerl(),
+ body :: cerl:cerl()}).
+-record(c_letrec, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ defs :: cerl:defs(),
+ body :: cerl:cerl()}).
+-record(c_literal, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(), val :: cerl:litval()}).
+-record(c_map, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ arg=#c_literal{val=#{}} :: cerl:c_var() | cerl:c_literal(),
+ es :: [cerl:c_map_pair()],
+ is_pat=false :: boolean()}).
+-record(c_map_pair, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ op, %:: #c_literal{val::'assoc'} | #c_literal{val::'exact'},
+ key,
+ val}).
+-record(c_module, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ name :: cerl:c_literal(),
+ exports :: [cerl:c_var()],
+ attrs :: cerl:attrs(),
+ defs :: cerl:defs()}).
+-record(c_primop, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ name :: cerl:c_literal(),
+ args :: [cerl:cerl()]}).
+-record(c_receive, {anno=[]:: cerl:anns(),
+ clauses, % clauses :: [Tree],
+ timeout, % timeout :: Tree,
+ action}). % action :: Tree
+-record(c_seq, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(),
+ arg, % arg :: cerl:cerl(),
+ body}). % body :: cerl:cerl()
+-record(c_try, {anno=[], arg, % arg :: cerl:cerl(),
+ vars, % vars :: [cerl:c_var()],
+ body, % body :: cerl:cerl(),
+ evars, % evars :: [cerl:c_var()],
+ handler}). % handler :: cerl:cerl()
+-record(c_tuple, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(), es :: [cerl:cerl()]}).
+-record(c_values, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(), es :: [cerl:cerl()]}).
+-record(c_var, {anno=[] :: cerl:anns(), name :: cerl:var_name()}).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1139044ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+%%% This is an -*- Erlang -*- file.
+%%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%%% limitations under the License.
+%%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File : dialyzer.hrl
+%%% Author : Tobias Lindahl <[email protected]>
+%%% Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+%%% Description : Header file for Dialyzer.
+%%% Created : 1 Oct 2004 by Kostis Sagonas <[email protected]>
+-define(RET_INTERNAL_ERROR, 1).
+-type dial_ret() :: ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS
+%% Warning classification
+-define(WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN, warn_return_no_exit).
+-define(WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT, warn_return_only_exit).
+-define(WARN_NOT_CALLED, warn_not_called).
+-define(WARN_NON_PROPER_LIST, warn_non_proper_list).
+-define(WARN_FUN_APP, warn_fun_app).
+-define(WARN_MATCHING, warn_matching).
+-define(WARN_OPAQUE, warn_opaque).
+-define(WARN_FAILING_CALL, warn_failing_call).
+-define(WARN_BIN_CONSTRUCTION, warn_bin_construction).
+-define(WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, warn_contract_types).
+-define(WARN_CONTRACT_SYNTAX, warn_contract_syntax).
+-define(WARN_CONTRACT_NOT_EQUAL, warn_contract_not_equal).
+-define(WARN_CONTRACT_SUBTYPE, warn_contract_subtype).
+-define(WARN_CONTRACT_SUPERTYPE, warn_contract_supertype).
+-define(WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE, warn_contract_range).
+-define(WARN_CALLGRAPH, warn_callgraph).
+-define(WARN_UNMATCHED_RETURN, warn_umatched_return).
+-define(WARN_RACE_CONDITION, warn_race_condition).
+-define(WARN_BEHAVIOUR, warn_behaviour).
+-define(WARN_UNDEFINED_CALLBACK, warn_undefined_callbacks).
+-define(WARN_UNKNOWN, warn_unknown).
+-define(WARN_MAP_CONSTRUCTION, warn_map_construction).
+%% The following type has double role:
+%% 1. It is the set of warnings that will be collected.
+%% 2. It is also the set of tags for warnings that will be returned.
+-type dial_warn_tag() :: ?WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN | ?WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT
+%% This is the representation of each warning as they will be returned
+%% to dialyzer's callers
+-type file_line() :: {file:filename(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type dial_warning() :: {dial_warn_tag(), file_line(), {atom(), [term()]}}.
+%% This is the representation of each warning before suppressions have
+%% been applied
+-type m_or_mfa() :: module() % warnings not associated with any function
+ | mfa().
+-type warning_info() :: {file:filename(), non_neg_integer(), m_or_mfa()}.
+-type raw_warning() :: {dial_warn_tag(), warning_info(), {atom(), [term()]}}.
+%% This is the representation of dialyzer's internal errors
+-type dial_error() :: any(). %% XXX: underspecified
+%% Basic types used either in the record definitions below or in other
+%% parts of the application
+-type anal_type() :: 'succ_typings' | 'plt_build'.
+-type anal_type1() :: anal_type() | 'plt_add' | 'plt_check' | 'plt_remove'.
+-type contr_constr() :: {'subtype', erl_types:erl_type(), erl_types:erl_type()}.
+-type contract_pair() :: {erl_types:erl_type(), [contr_constr()]}.
+-type dial_define() :: {atom(), term()}.
+-type dial_option() :: {atom(), term()}.
+-type dial_options() :: [dial_option()].
+-type fopt() :: 'basename' | 'fullpath'.
+-type format() :: 'formatted' | 'raw'.
+-type label() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type dial_warn_tags():: ordsets:ordset(dial_warn_tag()).
+-type rep_mode() :: 'quiet' | 'normal' | 'verbose'.
+-type start_from() :: 'byte_code' | 'src_code'.
+-type mfa_or_funlbl() :: label() | mfa().
+-type solver() :: 'v1' | 'v2'.
+%% Record declarations used by various files
+-type doc_plt() :: 'undefined' | dialyzer_plt:plt().
+-record(analysis, {analysis_pid :: pid() | 'undefined',
+ type = succ_typings :: anal_type(),
+ defines = [] :: [dial_define()],
+ doc_plt :: doc_plt(),
+ files = [] :: [file:filename()],
+ include_dirs = [] :: [file:filename()],
+ start_from = byte_code :: start_from(),
+ plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt(),
+ use_contracts = true :: boolean(),
+ race_detection = false :: boolean(),
+ behaviours_chk = false :: boolean(),
+ timing = false :: boolean() | 'debug',
+ timing_server = none :: dialyzer_timing:timing_server(),
+ callgraph_file = "" :: file:filename(),
+ solvers :: [solver()]}).
+-record(options, {files = [] :: [file:filename()],
+ files_rec = [] :: [file:filename()],
+ analysis_type = succ_typings :: anal_type1(),
+ timing = false :: boolean() | 'debug',
+ defines = [] :: [dial_define()],
+ from = byte_code :: start_from(),
+ get_warnings = maybe :: boolean() | 'maybe',
+ init_plts = [] :: [file:filename()],
+ include_dirs = [] :: [file:filename()],
+ output_plt = none :: 'none' | file:filename(),
+ legal_warnings = ordsets:new() :: dial_warn_tags(),
+ report_mode = normal :: rep_mode(),
+ erlang_mode = false :: boolean(),
+ use_contracts = true :: boolean(),
+ output_file = none :: 'none' | file:filename(),
+ output_format = formatted :: format(),
+ filename_opt = basename :: fopt(),
+ callgraph_file = "" :: file:filename(),
+ check_plt = true :: boolean(),
+ solvers = [] :: [solver()]}).
+-record(contract, {contracts = [] :: [contract_pair()],
+ args = [] :: [erl_types:erl_type()],
+ forms = [] :: [{_, _}]}).
+-define(timing(Server, Msg, Var, Expr),
+ begin
+ dialyzer_timing:start_stamp(Server, Msg),
+ Var = Expr,
+ dialyzer_timing:end_stamp(Server),
+ Var
+ end).
+-define(timing(Server, Msg, Expr), ?timing(Server, Msg, _T, Expr)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer_dataflow.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9399789464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,3802 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File : dialyzer_dataflow.erl
+%%% Author : Tobias Lindahl <[email protected]>
+%%% Description :
+%%% Created : 19 Apr 2005 by Tobias Lindahl <[email protected]>
+-export([get_fun_types/5, get_warnings/5, format_args/3]).
+%% Data structure interfaces.
+-export([state__add_warning/2, state__cleanup/1,
+ state__duplicate/1, dispose_state/1,
+ state__get_callgraph/1, state__get_races/1,
+ state__get_records/1, state__put_callgraph/2,
+ state__put_races/2, state__records_only/1,
+ state__find_function/2]).
+ [t_inf/2, t_inf/3, t_inf_lists/2, t_inf_lists/3,
+ t_inf_lists/3, t_is_equal/2, t_is_subtype/2, t_subtract/2,
+ t_sup/1, t_sup/2]).
+ [any_none/1, t_any/0, t_atom/0, t_atom/1, t_atom_vals/1, t_atom_vals/2,
+ t_binary/0, t_boolean/0,
+ t_bitstr/0, t_bitstr/2, t_bitstr_concat/1, t_bitstr_match/2,
+ t_cons/0, t_cons/2, t_cons_hd/2, t_cons_tl/2,
+ t_contains_opaque/2,
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch/3, t_float/0, t_from_range/2, t_from_term/1,
+ t_fun/0, t_fun/2, t_fun_args/1, t_fun_args/2, t_fun_range/1,
+ t_fun_range/2, t_integer/0, t_integers/1,
+ t_is_any/1, t_is_atom/1, t_is_atom/2, t_is_any_atom/3,
+ t_is_boolean/2,
+ t_is_integer/2, t_is_list/1,
+ t_is_nil/2, t_is_none/1, t_is_none_or_unit/1,
+ t_is_number/2, t_is_reference/2, t_is_pid/2, t_is_port/2,
+ t_is_unit/1,
+ t_limit/2, t_list/0, t_list_elements/2,
+ t_maybe_improper_list/0, t_module/0,
+ t_none/0, t_non_neg_integer/0, t_number/0, t_number_vals/2,
+ t_pid/0, t_port/0, t_product/1, t_reference/0,
+ t_to_string/2, t_to_tlist/1,
+ t_tuple/0, t_tuple/1, t_tuple_args/1, t_tuple_args/2,
+ t_tuple_subtypes/2,
+ t_unit/0, t_unopaque/2,
+ t_map/0, t_map/1, t_is_singleton/2
+ ]).
+%%-define(DEBUG, true).
+%%-define(DEBUG_PP, true).
+%%-define(DEBUG_TIME, true).
+-import(erl_types, [t_to_string/1]).
+-define(debug(S_, L_), io:format(S_, L_)).
+-define(debug(S_, L_), ok).
+-type type() :: erl_types:erl_type().
+-type types() :: erl_types:type_table().
+-type curr_fun() :: 'undefined' | 'top' | mfa_or_funlbl().
+-define(no_arg, no_arg).
+-define(TYPE_LIMIT, 3).
+-define(BITS, 128).
+%% Types with comment 'race' are due to dialyzer_races.erl.
+-record(state, {callgraph :: dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph()
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ codeserver :: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver()
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ envs :: env_tab()
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ fun_tab :: fun_tab()
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ fun_homes :: dict:dict(label(), mfa())
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt()
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ opaques :: [type()]
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ races = dialyzer_races:new() :: dialyzer_races:races(),
+ records = dict:new() :: types(),
+ tree_map :: dict:dict(label(), cerl:cerl())
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ warning_mode = false :: boolean(),
+ warnings = [] :: [raw_warning()],
+ work :: {[_], [_], sets:set()}
+ | 'undefined', % race
+ module :: module(),
+ curr_fun :: curr_fun()
+ }).
+-record(map, {map = maps:new() :: type_tab(),
+ subst = maps:new() :: subst_tab(),
+ modified = [] :: [Key :: term()],
+ modified_stack = [] :: [{[Key :: term()],reference()}],
+ ref = undefined :: reference() | undefined}).
+-type env_tab() :: dict:dict(label(), #map{}).
+-type fun_entry() :: {Args :: [type()], RetType :: type()}.
+-type fun_tab() :: dict:dict('top' | label(),
+ {'not_handled', fun_entry()} | fun_entry()).
+-type key() :: label() | cerl:cerl().
+-type type_tab() :: #{key() => type()}.
+-type subst_tab() :: #{key() => cerl:cerl()}.
+%% Exported Types
+-opaque state() :: #state{}.
+-type fun_types() :: dict:dict(label(), type()).
+-spec get_warnings(cerl:c_module(), dialyzer_plt:plt(),
+ dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(),
+ dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
+ types()) ->
+ {[raw_warning()], fun_types()}.
+get_warnings(Tree, Plt, Callgraph, Codeserver, Records) ->
+ State1 = analyze_module(Tree, Plt, Callgraph, Codeserver, Records, true),
+ State2 = state__renew_warnings(state__get_warnings(State1), State1),
+ State3 = state__get_race_warnings(State2),
+ {State3#state.warnings, state__all_fun_types(State3)}.
+-spec get_fun_types(cerl:c_module(), dialyzer_plt:plt(),
+ dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(),
+ dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
+ types()) -> fun_types().
+get_fun_types(Tree, Plt, Callgraph, Codeserver, Records) ->
+ State = analyze_module(Tree, Plt, Callgraph, Codeserver, Records, false),
+ state__all_fun_types(State).
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% The analysis.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+analyze_module(Tree, Plt, Callgraph, Codeserver, Records, GetWarnings) ->
+ debug_pp(Tree, false),
+ Module = cerl:atom_val(cerl:module_name(Tree)),
+ TopFun = cerl:ann_c_fun([{label, top}], [], Tree),
+ State = state__new(Callgraph, Codeserver, TopFun, Plt, Module, Records),
+ State1 = state__race_analysis(not GetWarnings, State),
+ State2 = analyze_loop(State1),
+ case GetWarnings of
+ true ->
+ State3 = state__set_warning_mode(State2),
+ State4 = analyze_loop(State3),
+ dialyzer_races:race(State4);
+ false ->
+ State2
+ end.
+analyze_loop(State) ->
+ case state__get_work(State) of
+ none -> state__set_curr_fun(undefined, State);
+ {Fun, NewState0} ->
+ NewState1 = state__set_curr_fun(get_label(Fun), NewState0),
+ {ArgTypes, IsCalled} = state__get_args_and_status(Fun, NewState1),
+ case not IsCalled of
+ true ->
+ ?debug("Not handling (not called) ~w: ~s\n",
+ [NewState1#state.curr_fun,
+ t_to_string(t_product(ArgTypes))]),
+ analyze_loop(NewState1);
+ false ->
+ case state__fun_env(Fun, NewState1) of
+ none ->
+ ?debug("Not handling (no env) ~w: ~s\n",
+ [NewState1#state.curr_fun,
+ t_to_string(t_product(ArgTypes))]),
+ analyze_loop(NewState1);
+ Map ->
+ ?debug("Handling fun ~p: ~s\n",
+ [NewState1#state.curr_fun,
+ t_to_string(state__fun_type(Fun, NewState1))]),
+ Vars = cerl:fun_vars(Fun),
+ Map1 = enter_type_lists(Vars, ArgTypes, Map),
+ Body = cerl:fun_body(Fun),
+ FunLabel = get_label(Fun),
+ IsRaceAnalysisEnabled = is_race_analysis_enabled(State),
+ NewState3 =
+ case IsRaceAnalysisEnabled of
+ true ->
+ NewState2 = state__renew_curr_fun(
+ state__lookup_name(FunLabel, NewState1), FunLabel,
+ NewState1),
+ state__renew_race_list([], 0, NewState2);
+ false -> NewState1
+ end,
+ {NewState4, _Map2, BodyType} =
+ traverse(Body, Map1, NewState3),
+ ?debug("Done analyzing: ~w:~s\n",
+ [NewState1#state.curr_fun,
+ t_to_string(t_fun(ArgTypes, BodyType))]),
+ NewState5 =
+ case IsRaceAnalysisEnabled of
+ true -> renew_race_code(NewState4);
+ false -> NewState4
+ end,
+ NewState6 =
+ state__update_fun_entry(Fun, ArgTypes, BodyType, NewState5),
+ ?debug("done adding stuff for ~w\n",
+ [state__lookup_name(get_label(Fun), State)]),
+ analyze_loop(NewState6)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+traverse(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ ?debug("Handling ~p\n", [cerl:type(Tree)]),
+ %% debug_pp_map(Map),
+ case cerl:type(Tree) of
+ alias ->
+ %% This only happens when checking for illegal record patterns
+ %% so the handling is a bit rudimentary.
+ traverse(cerl:alias_pat(Tree), Map, State);
+ apply ->
+ handle_apply(Tree, Map, State);
+ binary ->
+ Segs = cerl:binary_segments(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, SegTypes} = traverse_list(Segs, Map, State),
+ {State1, Map1, t_bitstr_concat(SegTypes)};
+ bitstr ->
+ handle_bitstr(Tree, Map, State);
+ call ->
+ handle_call(Tree, Map, State);
+ 'case' ->
+ handle_case(Tree, Map, State);
+ 'catch' ->
+ {State1, _Map1, _} = traverse(cerl:catch_body(Tree), Map, State),
+ {State1, Map, t_any()};
+ cons ->
+ handle_cons(Tree, Map, State);
+ 'fun' ->
+ Type = state__fun_type(Tree, State),
+ case state__warning_mode(State) of
+ true -> {State, Map, Type};
+ false ->
+ State2 = state__add_work(get_label(Tree), State),
+ State3 = state__update_fun_env(Tree, Map, State2),
+ {State3, Map, Type}
+ end;
+ 'let' ->
+ handle_let(Tree, Map, State);
+ letrec ->
+ Defs = cerl:letrec_defs(Tree),
+ Body = cerl:letrec_body(Tree),
+ %% By not including the variables in scope we can assure that we
+ %% will get the current function type when using the variables.
+ FoldFun = fun({Var, Fun}, {AccState, AccMap}) ->
+ {NewAccState, NewAccMap0, FunType} =
+ traverse(Fun, AccMap, AccState),
+ NewAccMap = enter_type(Var, FunType, NewAccMap0),
+ {NewAccState, NewAccMap}
+ end,
+ {State1, Map1} = lists:foldl(FoldFun, {State, Map}, Defs),
+ traverse(Body, Map1, State1);
+ literal ->
+ Type = literal_type(Tree),
+ {State, Map, Type};
+ module ->
+ handle_module(Tree, Map, State);
+ primop ->
+ Type =
+ case cerl:atom_val(cerl:primop_name(Tree)) of
+ match_fail -> t_none();
+ raise -> t_none();
+ bs_init_writable -> t_from_term(<<>>);
+ Other -> erlang:error({'Unsupported primop', Other})
+ end,
+ {State, Map, Type};
+ 'receive' ->
+ handle_receive(Tree, Map, State);
+ seq ->
+ Arg = cerl:seq_arg(Tree),
+ Body = cerl:seq_body(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, ArgType} = SMA = traverse(Arg, Map, State),
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(ArgType) of
+ true ->
+ SMA;
+ false ->
+ State2 =
+ case
+ t_is_any(ArgType)
+ orelse t_is_simple(ArgType, State)
+ orelse is_call_to_send(Arg)
+ orelse is_lc_simple_list(Arg, ArgType, State)
+ of
+ true -> % do not warn in these cases
+ State1;
+ false ->
+ state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_UNMATCHED_RETURN, Arg,
+ {unmatched_return,
+ [format_type(ArgType, State1)]})
+ end,
+ traverse(Body, Map1, State2)
+ end;
+ 'try' ->
+ handle_try(Tree, Map, State);
+ tuple ->
+ handle_tuple(Tree, Map, State);
+ map ->
+ handle_map(Tree, Map, State);
+ values ->
+ Elements = cerl:values_es(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, EsType} = traverse_list(Elements, Map, State),
+ Type = t_product(EsType),
+ {State1, Map1, Type};
+ var ->
+ ?debug("Looking up unknown variable: ~p\n", [Tree]),
+ case state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Tree, State) of
+ error ->
+ LType = lookup_type(Tree, Map),
+ {State, Map, LType};
+ {ok, Type} -> {State, Map, Type}
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ erlang:error({'Unsupported type', Other})
+ end.
+traverse_list(Trees, Map, State) ->
+ traverse_list(Trees, Map, State, []).
+traverse_list([Tree|Tail], Map, State, Acc) ->
+ {State1, Map1, Type} = traverse(Tree, Map, State),
+ traverse_list(Tail, Map1, State1, [Type|Acc]);
+traverse_list([], Map, State, Acc) ->
+ {State, Map, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
+%% Special instructions
+handle_apply(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ Args = cerl:apply_args(Tree),
+ Op = cerl:apply_op(Tree),
+ {State0, Map1, ArgTypes} = traverse_list(Args, Map, State),
+ {State1, Map2, OpType} = traverse(Op, Map1, State0),
+ case any_none(ArgTypes) of
+ true ->
+ {State1, Map2, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ FunList =
+ case state__lookup_call_site(Tree, State) of
+ error -> [external]; %% so that we go directly in the fallback
+ {ok, List} -> List
+ end,
+ FunInfoList = [{local, state__fun_info(Fun, State)} || Fun <- FunList],
+ case
+ handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map2, Tree, State1)
+ of
+ {had_external, State2} ->
+ %% Fallback: use whatever info we collected from traversing the op
+ %% instead of the result that has been generalized to t_any().
+ Arity = length(Args),
+ OpType1 = t_inf(OpType, t_fun(Arity, t_any())),
+ case t_is_none(OpType1) of
+ true ->
+ Msg = {fun_app_no_fun,
+ [format_cerl(Op), format_type(OpType, State2), Arity]},
+ State3 = state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_FAILING_CALL,
+ Tree, Msg),
+ {State3, Map2, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ NewArgs = t_inf_lists(ArgTypes,
+ t_fun_args(OpType1, 'universe')),
+ case any_none(NewArgs) of
+ true ->
+ Msg = {fun_app_args,
+ [format_args(Args, ArgTypes, State),
+ format_type(OpType, State)]},
+ State3 = state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_FAILING_CALL,
+ Tree, Msg),
+ {State3, enter_type(Op, OpType1, Map2), t_none()};
+ false ->
+ Map3 = enter_type_lists(Args, NewArgs, Map2),
+ Range0 = t_fun_range(OpType1, 'universe'),
+ Range =
+ case t_is_unit(Range0) of
+ true -> t_none();
+ false -> Range0
+ end,
+ {State2, enter_type(Op, OpType1, Map3), Range}
+ end
+ end;
+ Normal -> Normal
+ end
+ end.
+handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State) ->
+ None = t_none(),
+ %% Call-site analysis may be inaccurate and consider more funs than those that
+ %% are actually possible. If all of them are incorrect, then warnings can be
+ %% emitted. If at least one fun is ok, however, then no warning is emitted,
+ %% just in case the bad ones are not really possible. The last argument is
+ %% used for this, with the following encoding:
+ %% Initial value: {none, []}
+ %% First fun checked: {one, <List of warns>}
+ %% More funs checked: {many, <List of warns>}
+ %% A '{one, []}' can only become '{many, []}'.
+ %% If at any point an fun does not add warnings, then the list is also
+ %% replaced with an empty list.
+ handle_apply_or_call(FunInfoList, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
+ [None || _ <- ArgTypes], None, false, {none, []}).
+handle_apply_or_call([{local, external}|Left], Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
+ _AccArgTypes, _AccRet, _HadExternal, Warns) ->
+ {HowMany, _} = Warns,
+ NewHowMany =
+ case HowMany of
+ none -> one;
+ _ -> many
+ end,
+ NewWarns = {NewHowMany, []},
+ handle_apply_or_call(Left, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree, State,
+ ArgTypes, t_any(), true, NewWarns);
+handle_apply_or_call([{TypeOfApply, {Fun, Sig, Contr, LocalRet}}|Left],
+ Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree,
+ #state{opaques = Opaques} = State,
+ AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal, Warns) ->
+ Any = t_any(),
+ AnyArgs = [Any || _ <- Args],
+ GenSig = {AnyArgs, fun(_) -> t_any() end},
+ {CArgs, CRange} =
+ case Contr of
+ {value, #contract{args = As} = C} ->
+ {As, fun(FunArgs) ->
+ dialyzer_contracts:get_contract_return(C, FunArgs)
+ end};
+ none -> GenSig
+ end,
+ {BifArgs, BifRange} =
+ case TypeOfApply of
+ remote ->
+ {M, F, A} = Fun,
+ case erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A) of
+ true ->
+ BArgs = erl_bif_types:arg_types(M, F, A),
+ BRange =
+ fun(FunArgs) ->
+ erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A, FunArgs, Opaques)
+ end,
+ {BArgs, BRange};
+ false ->
+ GenSig
+ end;
+ local -> GenSig
+ end,
+ {SigArgs, SigRange} =
+ case Sig of
+ {value, {SR, SA}} -> {SA, SR};
+ none -> {AnyArgs, t_any()}
+ end,
+ ?debug("--------------------------------------------------------\n", []),
+ ?debug("Fun: ~p\n", [state__lookup_name(Fun, State)]),
+ ?debug("Module ~p\n", [State#state.module]),
+ ?debug("CArgs ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(CArgs))]),
+ ?debug("ArgTypes ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(ArgTypes))]),
+ ?debug("BifArgs ~p\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(BifArgs))]),
+ NewArgsSig = t_inf_lists(SigArgs, ArgTypes, Opaques),
+ ?debug("SigArgs ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(SigArgs))]),
+ ?debug("NewArgsSig: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(NewArgsSig))]),
+ NewArgsContract = t_inf_lists(CArgs, ArgTypes, Opaques),
+ ?debug("NewArgsContract: ~s\n",
+ [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(NewArgsContract))]),
+ NewArgsBif = t_inf_lists(BifArgs, ArgTypes, Opaques),
+ ?debug("NewArgsBif: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(NewArgsBif))]),
+ NewArgTypes0 = t_inf_lists(NewArgsSig, NewArgsContract),
+ NewArgTypes = t_inf_lists(NewArgTypes0, NewArgsBif, Opaques),
+ ?debug("NewArgTypes ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(t_product(NewArgTypes))]),
+ ?debug("\n", []),
+ BifRet = BifRange(NewArgTypes),
+ ContrRet = CRange(NewArgTypes),
+ RetWithoutContr = t_inf(SigRange, BifRet),
+ RetWithoutLocal = t_inf(ContrRet, RetWithoutContr),
+ ?debug("RetWithoutContr: ~s\n",[erl_types:t_to_string(RetWithoutContr)]),
+ ?debug("RetWithoutLocal: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(RetWithoutLocal)]),
+ ?debug("BifRet: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(BifRange(NewArgTypes))]),
+ ?debug("SigRange: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(SigRange)]),
+ ?debug("ContrRet: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(ContrRet)]),
+ ?debug("LocalRet: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(LocalRet)]),
+ State1 =
+ case is_race_analysis_enabled(State) of
+ true ->
+ Ann = cerl:get_ann(Tree),
+ File = get_file(Ann),
+ Line = abs(get_line(Ann)),
+ dialyzer_races:store_race_call(Fun, ArgTypes, Args,
+ {File, Line}, State);
+ false -> State
+ end,
+ FailedConj = any_none([RetWithoutLocal|NewArgTypes]),
+ IsFailBif = t_is_none(BifRange(BifArgs)),
+ IsFailSig = t_is_none(SigRange),
+ ?debug("FailedConj: ~p~n", [FailedConj]),
+ ?debug("IsFailBif: ~p~n", [IsFailBif]),
+ ?debug("IsFailSig: ~p~n", [IsFailSig]),
+ State2 =
+ case FailedConj andalso not (IsFailBif orelse IsFailSig) of
+ true ->
+ case t_is_none(RetWithoutLocal) andalso
+ not t_is_none(RetWithoutContr) andalso
+ not any_none(NewArgTypes) of
+ true ->
+ {value, C1} = Contr,
+ Contract = dialyzer_contracts:contract_to_string(C1),
+ {M1, F1, A1} = state__lookup_name(Fun, State),
+ ArgStrings = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, State),
+ CRet = erl_types:t_to_string(RetWithoutContr),
+ %% This Msg will be post_processed by dialyzer_succ_typings
+ Msg =
+ {contract_range, [Contract, M1, F1, A1, ArgStrings, CRet]},
+ state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE, Tree, Msg);
+ false ->
+ FailedSig = any_none(NewArgsSig),
+ FailedContract =
+ any_none([CRange(NewArgsContract)|NewArgsContract]),
+ FailedBif = any_none([BifRange(NewArgsBif)|NewArgsBif]),
+ InfSig = t_inf(t_fun(SigArgs, SigRange),
+ t_fun(BifArgs, BifRange(BifArgs))),
+ FailReason =
+ apply_fail_reason(FailedSig, FailedBif, FailedContract),
+ Msg = get_apply_fail_msg(Fun, Args, ArgTypes, NewArgTypes, InfSig,
+ Contr, CArgs, State1, FailReason, Opaques),
+ WarnType = case Msg of
+ {call, _} -> ?WARN_FAILING_CALL;
+ {apply, _} -> ?WARN_FAILING_CALL;
+ {call_with_opaque, _} -> ?WARN_OPAQUE;
+ {call_without_opaque, _} -> ?WARN_OPAQUE;
+ {opaque_type_test, _} -> ?WARN_OPAQUE
+ end,
+ Frc = {erlang, is_record, 3} =:= state__lookup_name(Fun, State),
+ state__add_warning(State1, WarnType, Tree, Msg, Frc)
+ end;
+ false -> State1
+ end,
+ State3 =
+ case TypeOfApply of
+ local ->
+ case state__is_escaping(Fun, State2) of
+ true -> State2;
+ false ->
+ ForwardArgs = [t_limit(X, ?TYPE_LIMIT) || X <- ArgTypes],
+ forward_args(Fun, ForwardArgs, State2)
+ end;
+ remote ->
+ add_bif_warnings(Fun, NewArgTypes, Tree, State2)
+ end,
+ NewAccArgTypes =
+ case FailedConj of
+ true -> AccArgTypes;
+ false -> [t_sup(X, Y) || {X, Y} <- lists:zip(NewArgTypes, AccArgTypes)]
+ end,
+ TotalRet =
+ case t_is_none(LocalRet) andalso t_is_unit(RetWithoutLocal) of
+ true -> RetWithoutLocal;
+ false -> t_inf(RetWithoutLocal, LocalRet)
+ end,
+ NewAccRet = t_sup(AccRet, TotalRet),
+ ?debug("NewAccRet: ~s\n", [t_to_string(NewAccRet)]),
+ {NewWarnings, State4} = state__remove_added_warnings(State, State3),
+ {HowMany, OldWarnings} = Warns,
+ NewWarns =
+ case HowMany of
+ none -> {one, NewWarnings};
+ _ ->
+ case OldWarnings =:= [] of
+ true -> {many, []};
+ false ->
+ case NewWarnings =:= [] of
+ true -> {many, []};
+ false -> {many, NewWarnings ++ OldWarnings}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ handle_apply_or_call(Left, Args, ArgTypes, Map, Tree,
+ State4, NewAccArgTypes, NewAccRet, HadExternal, NewWarns);
+handle_apply_or_call([], Args, _ArgTypes, Map, _Tree, State,
+ AccArgTypes, AccRet, HadExternal, {_, Warnings}) ->
+ State1 = state__add_warnings(Warnings, State),
+ case HadExternal of
+ false ->
+ NewMap = enter_type_lists(Args, AccArgTypes, Map),
+ {State1, NewMap, AccRet};
+ true ->
+ {had_external, State1}
+ end.
+apply_fail_reason(FailedSig, FailedBif, FailedContract) ->
+ if
+ (FailedSig orelse FailedBif) andalso (not FailedContract) -> only_sig;
+ FailedContract andalso (not (FailedSig orelse FailedBif)) -> only_contract;
+ true -> both
+ end.
+get_apply_fail_msg(Fun, Args, ArgTypes, NewArgTypes,
+ Sig, Contract, ContrArgs, State, FailReason, Opaques) ->
+ ArgStrings = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, State),
+ ContractInfo =
+ case Contract of
+ {value, #contract{} = C} ->
+ {dialyzer_contracts:is_overloaded(C),
+ dialyzer_contracts:contract_to_string(C)};
+ none -> {false, none}
+ end,
+ EnumArgTypes = lists:zip(lists:seq(1, length(NewArgTypes)), NewArgTypes),
+ ArgNs = [Arg || {Arg, Type} <- EnumArgTypes, t_is_none(Type)],
+ case state__lookup_name(Fun, State) of
+ {M, F, A} ->
+ case is_opaque_type_test_problem(Fun, Args, NewArgTypes, State) of
+ {yes, Arg, ArgType} ->
+ {opaque_type_test, [atom_to_list(F), ArgStrings,
+ format_arg(Arg), format_type(ArgType, State)]};
+ no ->
+ SigArgs = t_fun_args(Sig),
+ BadOpaque =
+ opaque_problems([SigArgs, ContrArgs], ArgTypes, Opaques, ArgNs),
+ %% In fact *both* 'call_with_opaque' and
+ %% 'call_without_opaque' are possible.
+ case lists:keyfind(decl, 1, BadOpaque) of
+ {decl, BadArgs} ->
+ %% a structured term is used where an opaque is expected
+ ExpectedTriples =
+ case FailReason of
+ only_sig -> expected_arg_triples(BadArgs, SigArgs, State);
+ _ -> expected_arg_triples(BadArgs, ContrArgs, State)
+ end,
+ {call_without_opaque, [M, F, ArgStrings, ExpectedTriples]};
+ false ->
+ case lists:keyfind(use, 1, BadOpaque) of
+ {use, BadArgs} ->
+ %% an opaque term is used where a structured term is expected
+ ExpectedArgs =
+ case FailReason of
+ only_sig -> SigArgs;
+ _ -> ContrArgs
+ end,
+ {call_with_opaque, [M, F, ArgStrings, BadArgs, ExpectedArgs]};
+ false ->
+ case
+ erl_bif_types:opaque_args(M, F, A, ArgTypes, Opaques)
+ of
+ [] -> %% there is a structured term clash in some argument
+ {call, [M, F, ArgStrings,
+ ArgNs, FailReason,
+ format_sig_args(Sig, State),
+ format_type(t_fun_range(Sig), State),
+ ContractInfo]};
+ Ns ->
+ {call_with_opaque, [M, F, ArgStrings, Ns, ContrArgs]}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ Label when is_integer(Label) ->
+ {apply, [ArgStrings,
+ ArgNs, FailReason,
+ format_sig_args(Sig, State),
+ format_type(t_fun_range(Sig), State),
+ ContractInfo]}
+ end.
+%% -> [{ElementI, [ArgN]}] where [ArgN] is a non-empty list of
+%% arguments containing unknown opaque types and Element is 1 or 2.
+opaque_problems(ContractOrSigList, ArgTypes, Opaques, ArgNs) ->
+ ArgElementList = find_unknown(ContractOrSigList, ArgTypes, Opaques, ArgNs),
+ F = fun(1) -> decl; (2) -> use end,
+ [{F(ElementI), lists:usort([ArgN || {ArgN, EI} <- ArgElementList,
+ EI =:= ElementI])} ||
+ ElementI <- lists:usort([EI || {_, EI} <- ArgElementList])].
+%% -> [{ArgN, ElementI}] where ElementI = 1 means there is an unknown
+%% opaque type in argument ArgN of the the contract/signature,
+%% and ElementI = 2 means that there is an unknown opaque type in
+%% argument ArgN of the the (current) argument types.
+find_unknown(ContractOrSigList, ArgTypes, Opaques, NoneArgNs) ->
+ ArgNs = lists:seq(1, length(ArgTypes)),
+ [{ArgN, ElementI} ||
+ ContractOrSig <- ContractOrSigList,
+ {E1, E2, ArgN} <- lists:zip3(ContractOrSig, ArgTypes, ArgNs),
+ lists:member(ArgN, NoneArgNs),
+ ElementI <- erl_types:t_find_unknown_opaque(E1, E2, Opaques)].
+is_opaque_type_test_problem(Fun, Args, ArgTypes, State) ->
+ case Fun of
+ {erlang, FN, 1} when FN =:= is_atom; FN =:= is_boolean;
+ FN =:= is_binary; FN =:= is_bitstring;
+ FN =:= is_float; FN =:= is_function;
+ FN =:= is_integer; FN =:= is_list;
+ FN =:= is_number; FN =:= is_pid; FN =:= is_port;
+ FN =:= is_reference; FN =:= is_tuple;
+ FN =:= is_map ->
+ type_test_opaque_arg(Args, ArgTypes, State#state.opaques);
+ {erlang, FN, 2} when FN =:= is_function ->
+ type_test_opaque_arg(Args, ArgTypes, State#state.opaques);
+ _ -> no
+ end.
+type_test_opaque_arg([], [], _Opaques) ->
+ no;
+type_test_opaque_arg([Arg|Args], [ArgType|ArgTypes], Opaques) ->
+ case erl_types:t_has_opaque_subtype(ArgType, Opaques) of
+ true -> {yes, Arg, ArgType};
+ false -> type_test_opaque_arg(Args, ArgTypes, Opaques)
+ end.
+expected_arg_triples(ArgNs, ArgTypes, State) ->
+ [begin
+ Arg = lists:nth(N, ArgTypes),
+ {N, Arg, format_type(Arg, State)}
+ end || N <- ArgNs].
+add_bif_warnings({erlang, Op, 2}, [T1, T2] = Ts, Tree, State)
+ when Op =:= '=:='; Op =:= '==' ->
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ Inf = t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques),
+ case
+ t_is_none(Inf) andalso (not any_none(Ts))
+ andalso (not is_int_float_eq_comp(T1, Op, T2, Opaques))
+ of
+ true ->
+ %% Give priority to opaque warning (as usual).
+ case erl_types:t_find_unknown_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) of
+ [] ->
+ Args = comp_format_args([], T1, Op, T2, State),
+ state__add_warning(State, ?WARN_MATCHING, Tree, {exact_eq, Args});
+ Ns ->
+ Args = comp_format_args(Ns, T1, Op, T2, State),
+ state__add_warning(State, ?WARN_OPAQUE, Tree, {opaque_eq, Args})
+ end;
+ false ->
+ State
+ end;
+add_bif_warnings({erlang, Op, 2}, [T1, T2] = Ts, Tree, State)
+ when Op =:= '=/='; Op =:= '/=' ->
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ case
+ (not any_none(Ts))
+ andalso (not is_int_float_eq_comp(T1, Op, T2, Opaques))
+ of
+ true ->
+ case erl_types:t_find_unknown_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) of
+ [] -> State;
+ Ns ->
+ Args = comp_format_args(Ns, T1, Op, T2, State),
+ state__add_warning(State, ?WARN_OPAQUE, Tree, {opaque_neq, Args})
+ end;
+ false ->
+ State
+ end;
+add_bif_warnings(_, _, _, State) ->
+ State.
+is_int_float_eq_comp(T1, Op, T2, Opaques) ->
+ (Op =:= '==' orelse Op =:= '/=') andalso
+ ((erl_types:t_is_float(T1, Opaques)
+ andalso t_is_integer(T2, Opaques)) orelse
+ (t_is_integer(T1, Opaques)
+ andalso erl_types:t_is_float(T2, Opaques))).
+comp_format_args([1|_], T1, Op, T2, State) ->
+ [format_type(T2, State), Op, format_type(T1, State)];
+comp_format_args(_, T1, Op, T2, State) ->
+ [format_type(T1, State), Op, format_type(T2, State)].
+handle_bitstr(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ %% Construction of binaries.
+ Size = cerl:bitstr_size(Tree),
+ Val = cerl:bitstr_val(Tree),
+ BitstrType = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_type(Tree)),
+ {State1, Map1, SizeType0} = traverse(Size, Map, State),
+ {State2, Map2, ValType0} = traverse(Val, Map1, State1),
+ case cerl:bitstr_bitsize(Tree) of
+ BitSz when BitSz =:= all orelse BitSz =:= utf ->
+ ValType =
+ case BitSz of
+ all ->
+ true = (BitstrType =:= binary),
+ t_inf(ValType0, t_bitstr());
+ utf ->
+ true = lists:member(BitstrType, [utf8, utf16, utf32]),
+ t_inf(ValType0, t_integer())
+ end,
+ Map3 = enter_type(Val, ValType, Map2),
+ case t_is_none(ValType) of
+ true ->
+ Msg = {bin_construction, ["value",
+ format_cerl(Val), format_cerl(Tree),
+ format_type(ValType0, State2)]},
+ State3 = state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_BIN_CONSTRUCTION, Val, Msg),
+ {State3, Map3, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ {State2, Map3, t_bitstr()}
+ end;
+ BitSz when is_integer(BitSz) orelse BitSz =:= any ->
+ SizeType = t_inf(SizeType0, t_non_neg_integer()),
+ ValType =
+ case BitstrType of
+ binary -> t_inf(ValType0, t_bitstr());
+ float -> t_inf(ValType0, t_number());
+ integer -> t_inf(ValType0, t_integer())
+ end,
+ case any_none([SizeType, ValType]) of
+ true ->
+ {Msg, Offending} =
+ case t_is_none(SizeType) of
+ true ->
+ {{bin_construction,
+ ["size", format_cerl(Size), format_cerl(Tree),
+ format_type(SizeType0, State2)]},
+ Size};
+ false ->
+ {{bin_construction,
+ ["value", format_cerl(Val), format_cerl(Tree),
+ format_type(ValType0, State2)]},
+ Val}
+ end,
+ State3 = state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_BIN_CONSTRUCTION,
+ Offending, Msg),
+ {State3, Map2, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ UnitVal = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_unit(Tree)),
+ Opaques = State2#state.opaques,
+ NumberVals = t_number_vals(SizeType, Opaques),
+ {State3, Type} =
+ case t_contains_opaque(SizeType, Opaques) of
+ true ->
+ Msg = {opaque_size, [format_type(SizeType, State2),
+ format_cerl(Size)]},
+ {state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_OPAQUE, Size, Msg),
+ t_none()};
+ false ->
+ case NumberVals of
+ [OneSize] -> {State2, t_bitstr(0, OneSize * UnitVal)};
+ unknown -> {State2, t_bitstr()};
+ _ ->
+ MinSize = erl_types:number_min(SizeType, Opaques),
+ {State2, t_bitstr(UnitVal, UnitVal * MinSize)}
+ end
+ end,
+ Map3 = enter_type_lists([Val, Size, Tree],
+ [ValType, SizeType, Type], Map2),
+ {State3, Map3, Type}
+ end
+ end.
+handle_call(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ M = cerl:call_module(Tree),
+ F = cerl:call_name(Tree),
+ Args = cerl:call_args(Tree),
+ MFAList = [M, F|Args],
+ {State1, Map1, [MType0, FType0|As]} = traverse_list(MFAList, Map, State),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ MType = t_inf(t_module(), MType0, Opaques),
+ FType = t_inf(t_atom(), FType0, Opaques),
+ Map2 = enter_type_lists([M, F], [MType, FType], Map1),
+ MOpaque = t_is_none(MType) andalso (not t_is_none(MType0)),
+ FOpaque = t_is_none(FType) andalso (not t_is_none(FType0)),
+ case any_none([MType, FType|As]) of
+ true ->
+ State2 =
+ if
+ MOpaque -> % This is a problem we just detected; not a known one
+ MS = format_cerl(M),
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(t_module(), MType0)) of
+ true ->
+ Msg = {app_call, [MS, format_cerl(F),
+ format_args(Args, As, State1),
+ MS, format_type(t_module(), State1),
+ format_type(MType0, State1)]},
+ state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_FAILING_CALL, Tree, Msg);
+ false ->
+ Msg = {opaque_call, [MS, format_cerl(F),
+ format_args(Args, As, State1),
+ MS, format_type(MType0, State1)]},
+ state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_FAILING_CALL, Tree, Msg)
+ end;
+ FOpaque ->
+ FS = format_cerl(F),
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(t_atom(), FType0)) of
+ true ->
+ Msg = {app_call, [format_cerl(M), FS,
+ format_args(Args, As, State1),
+ FS, format_type(t_atom(), State1),
+ format_type(FType0, State1)]},
+ state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_FAILING_CALL, Tree, Msg);
+ false ->
+ Msg = {opaque_call, [format_cerl(M), FS,
+ format_args(Args, As, State1),
+ FS, format_type(FType0, State1)]},
+ state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_FAILING_CALL, Tree, Msg)
+ end;
+ true -> State1
+ end,
+ {State2, Map2, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ case t_is_atom(MType) of
+ true ->
+ %% XXX: Consider doing this for all combinations of MF
+ case {t_atom_vals(MType), t_atom_vals(FType)} of
+ {[MAtom], [FAtom]} ->
+ FunInfo = [{remote, state__fun_info({MAtom, FAtom, length(Args)},
+ State1)}],
+ handle_apply_or_call(FunInfo, Args, As, Map2, Tree, State1);
+ {_MAtoms, _FAtoms} ->
+ {State1, Map2, t_any()}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {State1, Map2, t_any()}
+ end
+ end.
+handle_case(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ Arg = cerl:case_arg(Tree),
+ Clauses = filter_match_fail(cerl:case_clauses(Tree)),
+ {State1, Map1, ArgType} = SMA = traverse(Arg, Map, State),
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(ArgType) of
+ true -> SMA;
+ false ->
+ State2 =
+ case is_race_analysis_enabled(State) of
+ true ->
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize} = get_race_list_and_size(State1),
+ state__renew_race_list([beg_case|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, State1);
+ false -> State1
+ end,
+ Map2 = join_maps_begin(Map1),
+ {MapList, State3, Type} =
+ handle_clauses(Clauses, Arg, ArgType, ArgType, State2,
+ [], Map2, [], []),
+ Map3 = join_maps_end(MapList, Map2),
+ debug_pp_map(Map3),
+ {State3, Map3, Type}
+ end.
+handle_cons(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ Hd = cerl:cons_hd(Tree),
+ Tl = cerl:cons_tl(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, HdType} = traverse(Hd, Map, State),
+ {State2, Map2, TlType} = traverse(Tl, Map1, State1),
+ State3 =
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(TlType, t_list(), State2#state.opaques)) of
+ true ->
+ Msg = {improper_list_constr, [format_type(TlType, State2)]},
+ state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_NON_PROPER_LIST, Tree, Msg);
+ false ->
+ State2
+ end,
+ Type = t_cons(HdType, TlType),
+ {State3, Map2, Type}.
+handle_let(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ IsRaceAnalysisEnabled = is_race_analysis_enabled(State),
+ Arg = cerl:let_arg(Tree),
+ Vars = cerl:let_vars(Tree),
+ {Map0, State0} =
+ case cerl:is_c_var(Arg) of
+ true ->
+ [Var] = Vars,
+ {enter_subst(Var, Arg, Map),
+ case IsRaceAnalysisEnabled of
+ true ->
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize} = get_race_list_and_size(State),
+ state__renew_race_list(
+ [dialyzer_races:let_tag_new(Var, Arg)|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, State);
+ false -> State
+ end};
+ false -> {Map, State}
+ end,
+ Body = cerl:let_body(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, ArgTypes} = SMA = traverse(Arg, Map0, State0),
+ State2 =
+ case IsRaceAnalysisEnabled andalso cerl:is_c_call(Arg) of
+ true ->
+ Mod = cerl:call_module(Arg),
+ Name = cerl:call_name(Arg),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Mod) andalso
+ cerl:concrete(Mod) =:= ets andalso
+ cerl:is_literal(Name) andalso
+ cerl:concrete(Name) =:= new of
+ true -> renew_race_public_tables(Vars, State1);
+ false -> State1
+ end;
+ false -> State1
+ end,
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(ArgTypes) of
+ true -> SMA;
+ false ->
+ Map2 = enter_type_lists(Vars, t_to_tlist(ArgTypes), Map1),
+ traverse(Body, Map2, State2)
+ end.
+handle_module(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ %% By not including the variables in scope we can assure that we
+ %% will get the current function type when using the variables.
+ Defs = cerl:module_defs(Tree),
+ PartFun = fun({_Var, Fun}) ->
+ state__is_escaping(get_label(Fun), State)
+ end,
+ {Defs1, Defs2} = lists:partition(PartFun, Defs),
+ Letrec = cerl:c_letrec(Defs1, cerl:c_int(42)),
+ {State1, Map1, _FunTypes} = traverse(Letrec, Map, State),
+ %% Also add environments for the other top-level functions.
+ VarTypes = [{Var, state__fun_type(Fun, State1)} || {Var, Fun} <- Defs],
+ EnvMap = enter_type_list(VarTypes, Map),
+ FoldFun = fun({_Var, Fun}, AccState) ->
+ state__update_fun_env(Fun, EnvMap, AccState)
+ end,
+ State2 = lists:foldl(FoldFun, State1, Defs2),
+ {State2, Map1, t_any()}.
+handle_receive(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ Clauses = filter_match_fail(cerl:receive_clauses(Tree)),
+ Timeout = cerl:receive_timeout(Tree),
+ State1 =
+ case is_race_analysis_enabled(State) of
+ true ->
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize} = get_race_list_and_size(State),
+ state__renew_race_list([beg_case|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, State);
+ false -> State
+ end,
+ {MapList, State2, ReceiveType} =
+ handle_clauses(Clauses, ?no_arg, t_any(), t_any(), State1, [], Map,
+ [], []),
+ Map1 = join_maps(MapList, Map),
+ {State3, Map2, TimeoutType} = traverse(Timeout, Map1, State2),
+ Opaques = State3#state.opaques,
+ case (t_is_atom(TimeoutType, Opaques) andalso
+ (t_atom_vals(TimeoutType, Opaques) =:= ['infinity'])) of
+ true ->
+ {State3, Map2, ReceiveType};
+ false ->
+ Action = cerl:receive_action(Tree),
+ {State4, Map3, ActionType} = traverse(Action, Map, State3),
+ Map4 = join_maps([Map3, Map1], Map),
+ Type = t_sup(ReceiveType, ActionType),
+ {State4, Map4, Type}
+ end.
+handle_try(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ Arg = cerl:try_arg(Tree),
+ EVars = cerl:try_evars(Tree),
+ Vars = cerl:try_vars(Tree),
+ Body = cerl:try_body(Tree),
+ Handler = cerl:try_handler(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, ArgType} = traverse(Arg, Map, State),
+ Map2 = mark_as_fresh(Vars, Map1),
+ {SuccState, SuccMap, SuccType} =
+ case bind_pat_vars(Vars, t_to_tlist(ArgType), [], Map2, State1) of
+ {error, _, _, _, _} ->
+ {State1, map__new(), t_none()};
+ {SuccMap1, VarTypes} ->
+ %% Try to bind the argument. Will only succeed if
+ %% it is a simple structured term.
+ SuccMap2 =
+ case bind_pat_vars_reverse([Arg], [t_product(VarTypes)], [],
+ SuccMap1, State1) of
+ {error, _, _, _, _} -> SuccMap1;
+ {SM, _} -> SM
+ end,
+ traverse(Body, SuccMap2, State1)
+ end,
+ ExcMap1 = mark_as_fresh(EVars, Map),
+ {State2, ExcMap2, HandlerType} = traverse(Handler, ExcMap1, SuccState),
+ TryType = t_sup(SuccType, HandlerType),
+ {State2, join_maps([ExcMap2, SuccMap], Map1), TryType}.
+handle_map(Tree,Map,State) ->
+ Pairs = cerl:map_es(Tree),
+ Arg = cerl:map_arg(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, ArgType} = traverse(Arg, Map, State),
+ ArgType1 = t_inf(t_map(), ArgType),
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(ArgType1) of
+ true ->
+ {State1, Map1, ArgType1};
+ false ->
+ {State2, Map2, TypePairs, ExactKeys} =
+ traverse_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, State1, t_none(), [], []),
+ InsertPair = fun({KV,assoc,_},Acc) -> erl_types:t_map_put(KV,Acc);
+ ({KV,exact,KVTree},Acc) ->
+ case t_is_none(T=erl_types:t_map_update(KV,Acc)) of
+ true -> throw({none, Acc, KV, KVTree});
+ false -> T
+ end
+ end,
+ try lists:foldl(InsertPair, ArgType1, TypePairs)
+ of ResT ->
+ BindT = t_map([{K, t_any()} || K <- ExactKeys]),
+ case bind_pat_vars_reverse([Arg], [BindT], [], Map2, State2) of
+ {error, _, _, _, _} -> {State2, Map2, ResT};
+ {Map3, _} -> {State2, Map3, ResT}
+ end
+ catch {none, MapType, {K,_}, KVTree} ->
+ Msg2 = {map_update, [format_type(MapType, State2),
+ format_type(K, State2)]},
+ {state__add_warning(State2, ?WARN_MAP_CONSTRUCTION, KVTree, Msg2),
+ Map2, t_none()}
+ end
+ end.
+traverse_map_pairs([], Map, State, _ShadowKeys, PairAcc, KeyAcc) ->
+ {State, Map, lists:reverse(PairAcc), KeyAcc};
+traverse_map_pairs([Pair|Pairs], Map, State, ShadowKeys, PairAcc, KeyAcc) ->
+ Key = cerl:map_pair_key(Pair),
+ Val = cerl:map_pair_val(Pair),
+ Op = cerl:map_pair_op(Pair),
+ {State1, Map1, [K,V]} = traverse_list([Key,Val],Map,State),
+ KeyAcc1 =
+ case cerl:is_literal(Op) andalso cerl:concrete(Op) =:= exact andalso
+ t_is_singleton(K, State#state.opaques) andalso
+ t_is_none(t_inf(ShadowKeys, K)) of
+ true -> [K|KeyAcc];
+ false -> KeyAcc
+ end,
+ traverse_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, State1, t_sup(K, ShadowKeys),
+ [{{K,V},cerl:concrete(Op),Pair}|PairAcc], KeyAcc1).
+handle_tuple(Tree, Map, State) ->
+ Elements = cerl:tuple_es(Tree),
+ {State1, Map1, EsType} = traverse_list(Elements, Map, State),
+ TupleType = t_tuple(EsType),
+ case t_is_none(TupleType) of
+ true ->
+ {State1, Map1, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ %% Let's find out if this is a record
+ case Elements of
+ [Tag|Left] ->
+ case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) andalso is_literal_record(Tree) of
+ true ->
+ TagVal = cerl:atom_val(Tag),
+ case state__lookup_record(TagVal, length(Left), State1) of
+ error -> {State1, Map1, TupleType};
+ {ok, RecType} ->
+ InfTupleType = t_inf(RecType, TupleType),
+ case t_is_none(InfTupleType) of
+ true ->
+ RecC = format_type(TupleType, State1),
+ FieldDiffs = format_field_diffs(TupleType, State1),
+ Msg = {record_constr, [RecC, FieldDiffs]},
+ State2 = state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_MATCHING,
+ Tree, Msg),
+ {State2, Map1, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ case bind_pat_vars(Elements, t_tuple_args(RecType),
+ [], Map1, State1) of
+ {error, bind, ErrorPat, ErrorType, _} ->
+ Msg = {record_constr,
+ [TagVal, format_patterns(ErrorPat),
+ format_type(ErrorType, State1)]},
+ State2 = state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_MATCHING,
+ Tree, Msg),
+ {State2, Map1, t_none()};
+ {error, opaque, ErrorPat, ErrorType, OpaqueType} ->
+ Msg = {opaque_match,
+ [format_patterns(ErrorPat),
+ format_type(ErrorType, State1),
+ format_type(OpaqueType, State1)]},
+ State2 = state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_OPAQUE,
+ Tree, Msg),
+ {State2, Map1, t_none()};
+ {Map2, ETypes} ->
+ {State1, Map2, t_tuple(ETypes)}
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {State1, Map1, t_tuple(EsType)}
+ end;
+ [] ->
+ {State1, Map1, t_tuple([])}
+ end
+ end.
+%% Clauses
+handle_clauses([C|Left], Arg, ArgType, OrigArgType, State, CaseTypes, MapIn,
+ Acc, ClauseAcc) ->
+ IsRaceAnalysisEnabled = is_race_analysis_enabled(State),
+ State1 =
+ case IsRaceAnalysisEnabled of
+ true ->
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize} = get_race_list_and_size(State),
+ state__renew_race_list(
+ [dialyzer_races:beg_clause_new(Arg, cerl:clause_pats(C),
+ cerl:clause_guard(C))|
+ RaceList], RaceListSize + 1,
+ State);
+ false -> State
+ end,
+ {State2, ClauseMap, BodyType, NewArgType} =
+ do_clause(C, Arg, ArgType, OrigArgType, MapIn, State1),
+ {NewClauseAcc, State3} =
+ case IsRaceAnalysisEnabled of
+ true ->
+ {RaceList1, RaceListSize1} = get_race_list_and_size(State2),
+ EndClause = dialyzer_races:end_clause_new(Arg, cerl:clause_pats(C),
+ cerl:clause_guard(C)),
+ {[EndClause|ClauseAcc],
+ state__renew_race_list([EndClause|RaceList1],
+ RaceListSize1 + 1, State2)};
+ false -> {ClauseAcc, State2}
+ end,
+ {NewCaseTypes, NewAcc} =
+ case t_is_none(BodyType) of
+ true -> {CaseTypes, Acc};
+ false -> {[BodyType|CaseTypes], [ClauseMap|Acc]}
+ end,
+ handle_clauses(Left, Arg, NewArgType, OrigArgType, State3,
+ NewCaseTypes, MapIn, NewAcc, NewClauseAcc);
+handle_clauses([], _Arg, _ArgType, _OrigArgType, State, CaseTypes, _MapIn, Acc,
+ ClauseAcc) ->
+ State1 =
+ case is_race_analysis_enabled(State) of
+ true ->
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize} = get_race_list_and_size(State),
+ state__renew_race_list(
+ [dialyzer_races:end_case_new(ClauseAcc)|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, State);
+ false -> State
+ end,
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), State1, t_sup(CaseTypes)}.
+do_clause(C, Arg, ArgType0, OrigArgType, Map, State) ->
+ Pats = cerl:clause_pats(C),
+ Guard = cerl:clause_guard(C),
+ Body = cerl:clause_body(C),
+ State1 =
+ case is_race_analysis_enabled(State) of
+ true ->
+ state__renew_fun_args(Pats, State);
+ false -> State
+ end,
+ Map0 = mark_as_fresh(Pats, Map),
+ Map1 = if Arg =:= ?no_arg -> Map0;
+ true -> bind_subst(Arg, Pats, Map0)
+ end,
+ BindRes =
+ case t_is_none(ArgType0) of
+ true ->
+ {error, bind, Pats, ArgType0, ArgType0};
+ false ->
+ ArgTypes =
+ case t_is_any(ArgType0) of
+ true -> [ArgType0 || _ <- Pats];
+ false -> t_to_tlist(ArgType0)
+ end,
+ bind_pat_vars(Pats, ArgTypes, [], Map1, State1)
+ end,
+ case BindRes of
+ {error, ErrorType, NewPats, Type, OpaqueTerm} ->
+ ?debug("Failed binding pattern: ~s\nto ~s\n",
+ [cerl_prettypr:format(C), format_type(ArgType0, State1)]),
+ case state__warning_mode(State1) of
+ false ->
+ {State1, Map, t_none(), ArgType0};
+ true ->
+ {Msg, Force} =
+ case t_is_none(ArgType0) of
+ true ->
+ PatString = format_patterns(Pats),
+ PatTypes = [PatString, format_type(OrigArgType, State1)],
+ %% See if this is covered by an earlier clause or if it
+ %% simply cannot match
+ OrigArgTypes =
+ case t_is_any(OrigArgType) of
+ true -> Any = t_any(), [Any || _ <- Pats];
+ false -> t_to_tlist(OrigArgType)
+ end,
+ Tag =
+ case bind_pat_vars(Pats, OrigArgTypes, [], Map1, State1) of
+ {error, bind, _, _, _} -> pattern_match;
+ {error, record, _, _, _} -> record_match;
+ {error, opaque, _, _, _} -> opaque_match;
+ {_, _} -> pattern_match_cov
+ end,
+ {{Tag, PatTypes}, false};
+ false ->
+ %% Try to find out if this is a default clause in a list
+ %% comprehension and supress this. A real Hack(tm)
+ Force0 =
+ case is_compiler_generated(cerl:get_ann(C)) of
+ true ->
+ case Pats of
+ [Pat] ->
+ case cerl:is_c_cons(Pat) of
+ true ->
+ not (cerl:is_c_var(cerl:cons_hd(Pat)) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_var(cerl:cons_tl(Pat)) andalso
+ cerl:is_literal(Guard) andalso
+ (cerl:concrete(Guard) =:= true));
+ false ->
+ true
+ end;
+ [Pat0, Pat1] -> % binary comprehension
+ case cerl:is_c_cons(Pat0) of
+ true ->
+ not (cerl:is_c_var(cerl:cons_hd(Pat0)) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_var(cerl:cons_tl(Pat0)) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_var(Pat1) andalso
+ cerl:is_literal(Guard) andalso
+ (cerl:concrete(Guard) =:= true));
+ false ->
+ true
+ end;
+ _ -> true
+ end;
+ false ->
+ true
+ end,
+ PatString =
+ case ErrorType of
+ bind -> format_patterns(Pats);
+ record -> format_patterns(NewPats);
+ opaque -> format_patterns(NewPats)
+ end,
+ PatTypes = case ErrorType of
+ bind -> [PatString, format_type(ArgType0, State1)];
+ record -> [PatString, format_type(Type, State1)];
+ opaque -> [PatString, format_type(Type, State1),
+ format_type(OpaqueTerm, State1)]
+ end,
+ FailedTag = case ErrorType of
+ bind -> pattern_match;
+ record -> record_match;
+ opaque -> opaque_match
+ end,
+ {{FailedTag, PatTypes}, Force0}
+ end,
+ WarnType = case Msg of
+ {opaque_match, _} -> ?WARN_OPAQUE;
+ {pattern_match, _} -> ?WARN_MATCHING;
+ {record_match, _} -> ?WARN_MATCHING;
+ {pattern_match_cov, _} -> ?WARN_MATCHING
+ end,
+ {state__add_warning(State1, WarnType, C, Msg, Force),
+ Map, t_none(), ArgType0}
+ end;
+ {Map2, PatTypes} ->
+ Map3 =
+ case Arg =:= ?no_arg of
+ true -> Map2;
+ false ->
+ %% Try to bind the argument. Will only succeed if
+ %% it is a simple structured term.
+ case bind_pat_vars_reverse([Arg], [t_product(PatTypes)],
+ [], Map2, State1) of
+ {error, _, _, _, _} -> Map2;
+ {NewMap, _} -> NewMap
+ end
+ end,
+ NewArgType =
+ case Arg =:= ?no_arg of
+ true -> ArgType0;
+ false ->
+ GenType = dialyzer_typesig:get_safe_underapprox(Pats, Guard),
+ t_subtract(t_product(t_to_tlist(ArgType0)), GenType)
+ end,
+ case bind_guard(Guard, Map3, State1) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?debug("Failed guard: ~s\n",
+ [cerl_prettypr:format(C, [{hook, cerl_typean:pp_hook()}])]),
+ PatString = format_patterns(Pats),
+ DefaultMsg =
+ case Pats =:= [] of
+ true -> {guard_fail, []};
+ false ->
+ {guard_fail_pat, [PatString, format_type(ArgType0, State1)]}
+ end,
+ State2 =
+ case Reason of
+ none -> state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_MATCHING, C, DefaultMsg);
+ {FailGuard, Msg} ->
+ case is_compiler_generated(cerl:get_ann(FailGuard)) of
+ false ->
+ WarnType = case Msg of
+ {guard_fail, _} -> ?WARN_MATCHING;
+ {neg_guard_fail, _} -> ?WARN_MATCHING;
+ {opaque_guard, _} -> ?WARN_OPAQUE
+ end,
+ state__add_warning(State1, WarnType, FailGuard, Msg);
+ true ->
+ state__add_warning(State1, ?WARN_MATCHING, C, Msg)
+ end
+ end,
+ {State2, Map, t_none(), NewArgType};
+ Map4 ->
+ {RetState, RetMap, BodyType} = traverse(Body, Map4, State1),
+ {RetState, RetMap, BodyType, NewArgType}
+ end
+ end.
+bind_subst(Arg, Pats, Map) ->
+ case cerl:type(Arg) of
+ values ->
+ bind_subst_list(cerl:values_es(Arg), Pats, Map);
+ var ->
+ [Pat] = Pats,
+ enter_subst(Arg, Pat, Map);
+ _ ->
+ Map
+ end.
+bind_subst_list([Arg|ArgLeft], [Pat|PatLeft], Map) ->
+ NewMap =
+ case {cerl:type(Arg), cerl:type(Pat)} of
+ {var, var} -> enter_subst(Arg, Pat, Map);
+ {var, alias} -> enter_subst(Arg, cerl:alias_pat(Pat), Map);
+ {literal, literal} -> Map;
+ {T, T} -> bind_subst_list(lists:flatten(cerl:subtrees(Arg)),
+ lists:flatten(cerl:subtrees(Pat)),
+ Map);
+ _ -> Map
+ end,
+ bind_subst_list(ArgLeft, PatLeft, NewMap);
+bind_subst_list([], [], Map) ->
+ Map.
+%% Patterns
+bind_pat_vars(Pats, Types, Acc, Map, State) ->
+ try
+ bind_pat_vars(Pats, Types, Acc, Map, State, false)
+ catch
+ throw:Error ->
+ %% Error = {error, bind | opaque | record, ErrorPats, ErrorType}
+ Error
+ end.
+bind_pat_vars_reverse(Pats, Types, Acc, Map, State) ->
+ try
+ bind_pat_vars(Pats, Types, Acc, Map, State, true)
+ catch
+ throw:Error ->
+ %% Error = {error, bind | opaque | record, ErrorPats, ErrorType}
+ Error
+ end.
+bind_pat_vars([Pat|PatLeft], [Type|TypeLeft], Acc, Map, State, Rev) ->
+ ?debug("Binding pat: ~w to ~s\n", [cerl:type(Pat), format_type(Type, State)]
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ {NewMap, TypeOut} =
+ case cerl:type(Pat) of
+ alias ->
+ %% Map patterns are more allowing than the type of their literal. We
+ %% must unfold AliasPat if it is a literal.
+ AliasPat = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(cerl:alias_pat(Pat)),
+ Var = cerl:alias_var(Pat),
+ Map1 = enter_subst(Var, AliasPat, Map),
+ {Map2, [PatType]} = bind_pat_vars([AliasPat], [Type], [],
+ Map1, State, Rev),
+ {enter_type(Var, PatType, Map2), PatType};
+ binary ->
+ %% Cannot bind the binary if we are in reverse match since
+ %% binary patterns and binary construction are not symmetric.
+ case Rev of
+ true -> {Map, t_bitstr()};
+ false ->
+ BinType = t_inf(t_bitstr(), Type, Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(BinType) of
+ true ->
+ case t_find_opaque_mismatch(t_bitstr(), Type, Opaques) of
+ {ok, T1, T2} ->
+ bind_error([Pat], T1, T2, opaque);
+ error ->
+ bind_error([Pat], Type, t_none(), bind)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Segs = cerl:binary_segments(Pat),
+ {Map1, SegTypes} = bind_bin_segs(Segs, BinType, Map, State),
+ {Map1, t_bitstr_concat(SegTypes)}
+ end
+ end;
+ cons ->
+ Cons = t_inf(Type, t_cons(), Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(Cons) of
+ true ->
+ bind_opaque_pats(t_cons(), Type, Pat, State);
+ false ->
+ {Map1, [HdType, TlType]} =
+ bind_pat_vars([cerl:cons_hd(Pat), cerl:cons_tl(Pat)],
+ [t_cons_hd(Cons, Opaques),
+ t_cons_tl(Cons, Opaques)],
+ [], Map, State, Rev),
+ {Map1, t_cons(HdType, TlType)}
+ end;
+ literal ->
+ Pat0 = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Pat),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Pat0) of
+ true ->
+ Literal = literal_type(Pat),
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(Literal, Type, Opaques)) of
+ true ->
+ bind_opaque_pats(Literal, Type, Pat, State);
+ false -> {Map, Literal}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ %% Retry with the unfolded pattern
+ {Map1, [PatType]}
+ = bind_pat_vars([Pat0], [Type], [], Map, State, Rev),
+ {Map1, PatType}
+ end;
+ map ->
+ MapT = t_inf(Type, t_map(), Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(MapT) of
+ true ->
+ bind_opaque_pats(t_map(), Type, Pat, State);
+ false ->
+ case Rev of
+ %% TODO: Reverse matching (propagating a matched subset back to a value)
+ true -> {Map, MapT};
+ false ->
+ FoldFun =
+ fun(Pair, {MapAcc, ListAcc}) ->
+ %% Only exact (:=) can appear in patterns
+ exact = cerl:concrete(cerl:map_pair_op(Pair)),
+ Key = cerl:map_pair_key(Pair),
+ KeyType =
+ case cerl:type(Key) of
+ var ->
+ case state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Key, State) of
+ error -> lookup_type(Key, MapAcc);
+ {ok, RecType} -> RecType
+ end;
+ literal ->
+ literal_type(Key)
+ end,
+ Bind = erl_types:t_map_get(KeyType, MapT),
+ {MapAcc1, [ValType]} =
+ bind_pat_vars([cerl:map_pair_val(Pair)],
+ [Bind], [], MapAcc, State, Rev),
+ case t_is_singleton(KeyType, Opaques) of
+ true -> {MapAcc1, [{KeyType, ValType}|ListAcc]};
+ false -> {MapAcc1, ListAcc}
+ end
+ end,
+ {Map1, Pairs} = lists:foldl(FoldFun, {Map, []}, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
+ {Map1, t_inf(MapT, t_map(Pairs))}
+ end
+ end;
+ tuple ->
+ Es = cerl:tuple_es(Pat),
+ {TypedRecord, Prototype} =
+ case Es of
+ [] -> {false, t_tuple([])};
+ [Tag|Left] ->
+ case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) andalso is_literal_record(Pat) of
+ true ->
+ TagAtom = cerl:atom_val(Tag),
+ case state__lookup_record(TagAtom, length(Left), State) of
+ error -> {false, t_tuple(length(Es))};
+ {ok, Record} ->
+ [_Head|AnyTail] = [t_any() || _ <- Es],
+ UntypedRecord = t_tuple([t_atom(TagAtom)|AnyTail]),
+ {not t_is_equal(Record, UntypedRecord), Record}
+ end;
+ false -> {false, t_tuple(length(Es))}
+ end
+ end,
+ Tuple = t_inf(Prototype, Type, Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(Tuple) of
+ true ->
+ bind_opaque_pats(Prototype, Type, Pat, State);
+ false ->
+ SubTuples = t_tuple_subtypes(Tuple, Opaques),
+ %% Need to call the top function to get the try-catch wrapper
+ MapJ = join_maps_begin(Map),
+ Results =
+ case Rev of
+ true ->
+ [bind_pat_vars_reverse(Es, t_tuple_args(SubTuple, Opaques),
+ [], MapJ, State)
+ || SubTuple <- SubTuples];
+ false ->
+ [bind_pat_vars(Es, t_tuple_args(SubTuple, Opaques), [],
+ MapJ, State)
+ || SubTuple <- SubTuples]
+ end,
+ case lists:keyfind(opaque, 2, Results) of
+ {error, opaque, _PatList, _Type, Opaque} ->
+ bind_error([Pat], Tuple, Opaque, opaque);
+ false ->
+ case [M || {M, _} <- Results, M =/= error] of
+ [] ->
+ case TypedRecord of
+ true -> bind_error([Pat], Tuple, Prototype, record);
+ false -> bind_error([Pat], Tuple, t_none(), bind)
+ end;
+ Maps ->
+ Map1 = join_maps_end(Maps, MapJ),
+ TupleType = t_sup([t_tuple(EsTypes)
+ || {M, EsTypes} <- Results, M =/= error]),
+ {Map1, TupleType}
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ values ->
+ Es = cerl:values_es(Pat),
+ {Map1, EsTypes} =
+ bind_pat_vars(Es, t_to_tlist(Type), [], Map, State, Rev),
+ {Map1, t_product(EsTypes)};
+ var ->
+ VarType1 =
+ case state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Pat, State) of
+ error -> lookup_type(Pat, Map);
+ {ok, RecType} -> RecType
+ end,
+ %% Must do inf when binding args to pats. Vars in pats are fresh.
+ VarType2 = t_inf(VarType1, Type, Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(VarType2) of
+ true ->
+ case t_find_opaque_mismatch(VarType1, Type, Opaques) of
+ {ok, T1, T2} ->
+ bind_error([Pat], T1, T2, opaque);
+ error ->
+ bind_error([Pat], Type, t_none(), bind)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Map1 = enter_type(Pat, VarType2, Map),
+ {Map1, VarType2}
+ end;
+ _Other ->
+ %% Catch all is needed when binding args to pats
+ ?debug("Failed match for ~p\n", [_Other]),
+ bind_error([Pat], Type, t_none(), bind)
+ end,
+ bind_pat_vars(PatLeft, TypeLeft, [TypeOut|Acc], NewMap, State, Rev);
+bind_pat_vars([], [], Acc, Map, _State, _Rev) ->
+ {Map, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
+bind_bin_segs(BinSegs, BinType, Map, State) ->
+ bind_bin_segs(BinSegs, BinType, [], Map, State).
+bind_bin_segs([Seg|Segs], BinType, Acc, Map, State) ->
+ Val = cerl:bitstr_val(Seg),
+ SegType = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_type(Seg)),
+ UnitVal = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_unit(Seg)),
+ case cerl:bitstr_bitsize(Seg) of
+ all ->
+ binary = SegType, [] = Segs, %% just an assert
+ T = t_inf(t_bitstr(UnitVal, 0), BinType),
+ {Map1, [Type]} = bind_pat_vars([Val], [T], [], Map, State, false),
+ Type1 = remove_local_opaque_types(Type, State#state.opaques),
+ bind_bin_segs(Segs, t_bitstr(0, 0), [Type1|Acc], Map1, State);
+ utf -> % XXX: possibly can be strengthened
+ true = lists:member(SegType, [utf8, utf16, utf32]),
+ {Map1, [_]} = bind_pat_vars([Val], [t_integer()], [], Map, State, false),
+ Type = t_binary(),
+ bind_bin_segs(Segs, BinType, [Type|Acc], Map1, State);
+ BitSz when is_integer(BitSz) orelse BitSz =:= any ->
+ Size = cerl:bitstr_size(Seg),
+ {Map1, [SizeType]} =
+ bind_pat_vars([Size], [t_non_neg_integer()], [], Map, State, false),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ NumberVals = t_number_vals(SizeType, Opaques),
+ case t_contains_opaque(SizeType, Opaques) of
+ true -> bind_error([Seg], SizeType, t_none(), opaque);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ Type =
+ case NumberVals of
+ [OneSize] -> t_bitstr(0, UnitVal * OneSize);
+ _ -> % 'unknown' too
+ MinSize = erl_types:number_min(SizeType, Opaques),
+ t_bitstr(UnitVal, UnitVal * MinSize)
+ end,
+ ValConstr =
+ case SegType of
+ binary -> Type; %% The same constraints as for the whole bitstr
+ float -> t_float();
+ integer ->
+ case NumberVals of
+ unknown -> t_integer();
+ List ->
+ SizeVal = lists:max(List),
+ Flags = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_flags(Seg)),
+ N = SizeVal * UnitVal,
+ case N >= ?BITS of
+ true ->
+ case lists:member(signed, Flags) of
+ true -> t_from_range(neg_inf, pos_inf);
+ false -> t_from_range(0, pos_inf)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case lists:member(signed, Flags) of
+ true -> t_from_range(-(1 bsl (N - 1)), 1 bsl (N - 1) - 1);
+ false -> t_from_range(0, 1 bsl N - 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ {Map2, [_]} = bind_pat_vars([Val], [ValConstr], [], Map1, State, false),
+ NewBinType = t_bitstr_match(Type, BinType),
+ case t_is_none(NewBinType) of
+ true -> bind_error([Seg], BinType, t_none(), bind);
+ false -> bind_bin_segs(Segs, NewBinType, [Type|Acc], Map2, State)
+ end
+ end;
+bind_bin_segs([], _BinType, Acc, Map, _State) ->
+ {Map, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
+bind_error(Pats, Type, OpaqueType, Error0) ->
+ Error = case {Error0, Pats} of
+ {bind, [Pat]} ->
+ case is_literal_record(Pat) of
+ true -> record;
+ false -> Error0
+ end;
+ _ -> Error0
+ end,
+ throw({error, Error, Pats, Type, OpaqueType}).
+-spec bind_opaque_pats(type(), type(), cerl:c_literal(), state()) ->
+ no_return().
+bind_opaque_pats(GenType, Type, Pat, State) ->
+ case t_find_opaque_mismatch(GenType, Type, State#state.opaques) of
+ {ok, T1, T2} ->
+ bind_error([Pat], T1, T2, opaque);
+ error ->
+ bind_error([Pat], Type, t_none(), bind)
+ end.
+%% Guards
+bind_guard(Guard, Map, State) ->
+ try bind_guard(Guard, Map, maps:new(), pos, State) of
+ {Map1, _Type} -> Map1
+ catch
+ throw:{fail, Warning} -> {error, Warning};
+ throw:{fatal_fail, Warning} -> {error, Warning}
+ end.
+bind_guard(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ ?debug("Handling ~w guard: ~s\n",
+ [Eval, cerl_prettypr:format(Guard, [{noann, true}])]),
+ case cerl:type(Guard) of
+ binary ->
+ {Map, t_binary()};
+ 'case' ->
+ Arg = cerl:case_arg(Guard),
+ Clauses = cerl:case_clauses(Guard),
+ bind_guard_case_clauses(Arg, Clauses, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ cons ->
+ Hd = cerl:cons_hd(Guard),
+ Tl = cerl:cons_tl(Guard),
+ {Map1, HdType} = bind_guard(Hd, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ {Map2, TlType} = bind_guard(Tl, Map1, Env, dont_know, State),
+ {Map2, t_cons(HdType, TlType)};
+ literal ->
+ {Map, literal_type(Guard)};
+ 'try' ->
+ Arg = cerl:try_arg(Guard),
+ [Var] = cerl:try_vars(Guard),
+ EVars = cerl:try_evars(Guard),
+ %%?debug("Storing: ~w\n", [Var]),
+ Map1 = join_maps_begin(Map),
+ Map2 = mark_as_fresh(EVars, Map1),
+ %% Visit handler first so we know if it should be ignored
+ {{HandlerMap, HandlerType}, HandlerE} =
+ try {bind_guard(cerl:try_handler(Guard), Map2, Env, Eval, State), none}
+ catch throw:HE ->
+ {{Map2, t_none()}, HE}
+ end,
+ BodyEnv = maps:put(get_label(Var), Arg, Env),
+ Wanted = case Eval of pos -> t_atom(true); neg -> t_atom(false);
+ dont_know -> t_any() end,
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(HandlerType, Wanted)) of
+ %% Handler won't save us; pretend it does not exist
+ true -> bind_guard(cerl:try_body(Guard), Map, BodyEnv, Eval, State);
+ false ->
+ {{BodyMap, BodyType}, BodyE} =
+ try {bind_guard(cerl:try_body(Guard), Map1, BodyEnv,
+ Eval, State), none}
+ catch throw:BE ->
+ {{Map1, t_none()}, BE}
+ end,
+ Map3 = join_maps_end([BodyMap, HandlerMap], Map1),
+ case t_is_none(Sup = t_sup(BodyType, HandlerType)) of
+ true ->
+ %% Pick a reason. N.B. We assume that the handler is always
+ %% compiler-generated if the body is; that way, we won't need to
+ %% check.
+ Fatality = case {BodyE, HandlerE} of
+ {{fatal_fail, _}, _} -> fatal_fail;
+ {_, {fatal_fail, _}} -> fatal_fail;
+ _ -> fail
+ end,
+ throw({Fatality,
+ case {BodyE, HandlerE} of
+ {{_, Rsn}, _} when Rsn =/= none -> Rsn;
+ {_, {_,Rsn}} -> Rsn;
+ _ -> none
+ end});
+ false -> {Map3, Sup}
+ end
+ end;
+ tuple ->
+ Es0 = cerl:tuple_es(Guard),
+ {Map1, Es} = bind_guard_list(Es0, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ {Map1, t_tuple(Es)};
+ map ->
+ case Eval of
+ dont_know -> handle_guard_map(Guard, Map, Env, State);
+ _PosOrNeg -> {Map, t_none()} %% Map exprs do not produce bools
+ end;
+ 'let' ->
+ Arg = cerl:let_arg(Guard),
+ [Var] = cerl:let_vars(Guard),
+ %%?debug("Storing: ~w\n", [Var]),
+ NewEnv = maps:put(get_label(Var), Arg, Env),
+ bind_guard(cerl:let_body(Guard), Map, NewEnv, Eval, State);
+ values ->
+ Es = cerl:values_es(Guard),
+ List = [bind_guard(V, Map, Env, dont_know, State) || V <- Es],
+ Type = t_product([T || {_, T} <- List]),
+ {Map, Type};
+ var ->
+ ?debug("Looking for var(~w)...", [cerl_trees:get_label(Guard)]),
+ case maps:find(get_label(Guard), Env) of
+ error ->
+ ?debug("Did not find it\n", []),
+ Type = lookup_type(Guard, Map),
+ Constr =
+ case Eval of
+ pos -> t_atom(true);
+ neg -> t_atom(false);
+ dont_know -> Type
+ end,
+ Inf = t_inf(Constr, Type),
+ {enter_type(Guard, Inf, Map), Inf};
+ {ok, Tree} ->
+ ?debug("Found it\n", []),
+ {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Tree, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ {enter_type(Guard, Type, Map1), Type}
+ end;
+ call ->
+ handle_guard_call(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ end.
+handle_guard_call(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ MFA = {cerl:atom_val(cerl:call_module(Guard)),
+ cerl:atom_val(cerl:call_name(Guard)),
+ cerl:call_arity(Guard)},
+ case MFA of
+ {erlang, F, 1} when F =:= is_atom; F =:= is_boolean;
+ F =:= is_binary; F =:= is_bitstring;
+ F =:= is_float; F =:= is_function;
+ F =:= is_integer; F =:= is_list; F =:= is_map;
+ F =:= is_number; F =:= is_pid; F =:= is_port;
+ F =:= is_reference; F =:= is_tuple ->
+ handle_guard_type_test(Guard, F, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ {erlang, is_function, 2} ->
+ handle_guard_is_function(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ MFA when (MFA =:= {erlang, internal_is_record, 3}) or
+ (MFA =:= {erlang, is_record, 3}) ->
+ handle_guard_is_record(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ {erlang, '=:=', 2} ->
+ handle_guard_eqeq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ {erlang, '==', 2} ->
+ handle_guard_eq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ {erlang, 'and', 2} ->
+ handle_guard_and(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ {erlang, 'or', 2} ->
+ handle_guard_or(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ {erlang, 'not', 1} ->
+ handle_guard_not(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ {erlang, Comp, 2} when Comp =:= '<'; Comp =:= '=<';
+ Comp =:= '>'; Comp =:= '>=' ->
+ handle_guard_comp(Guard, Comp, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ _ ->
+ handle_guard_gen_fun(MFA, Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ end.
+handle_guard_gen_fun({M, F, A}, Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ Args = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ {Map1, As} = bind_guard_list(Args, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ BifRet = erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A, As, Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(BifRet) of
+ true ->
+ %% Is this an error-bif?
+ case t_is_none(erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A)) of
+ true -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, As, State);
+ false -> signal_guard_fatal_fail(Eval, Guard, As, State)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ BifArgs = bif_args(M, F, A),
+ Map2 = enter_type_lists(Args, t_inf_lists(BifArgs, As, Opaques), Map1),
+ Ret =
+ case Eval of
+ pos -> t_inf(t_atom(true), BifRet);
+ neg -> t_inf(t_atom(false), BifRet);
+ dont_know -> BifRet
+ end,
+ case t_is_none(Ret) of
+ true ->
+ case Eval =:= pos of
+ true -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, As, State);
+ false -> throw({fail, none})
+ end;
+ false -> {Map2, Ret}
+ end
+ end.
+handle_guard_type_test(Guard, F, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ [Arg] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ {Map1, ArgType} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ case bind_type_test(Eval, F, ArgType, State) of
+ error ->
+ ?debug("Type test: ~w failed\n", [F]),
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [ArgType], State);
+ {ok, NewArgType, Ret} ->
+ ?debug("Type test: ~w succeeded, NewType: ~s, Ret: ~s\n",
+ [F, t_to_string(NewArgType), t_to_string(Ret)]),
+ {enter_type(Arg, NewArgType, Map1), Ret}
+ end.
+bind_type_test(Eval, TypeTest, ArgType, State) ->
+ Type = case TypeTest of
+ is_atom -> t_atom();
+ is_boolean -> t_boolean();
+ is_binary -> t_binary();
+ is_bitstring -> t_bitstr();
+ is_float -> t_float();
+ is_function -> t_fun();
+ is_integer -> t_integer();
+ is_list -> t_maybe_improper_list();
+ is_map -> t_map();
+ is_number -> t_number();
+ is_pid -> t_pid();
+ is_port -> t_port();
+ is_reference -> t_reference();
+ is_tuple -> t_tuple()
+ end,
+ case Eval of
+ pos ->
+ Inf = t_inf(Type, ArgType, State#state.opaques),
+ case t_is_none(Inf) of
+ true -> error;
+ false -> {ok, Inf, t_atom(true)}
+ end;
+ neg ->
+ Sub = t_subtract(ArgType, Type),
+ case t_is_none(Sub) of
+ true -> error;
+ false -> {ok, Sub, t_atom(false)}
+ end;
+ dont_know ->
+ {ok, ArgType, t_boolean()}
+ end.
+handle_guard_comp(Guard, Comp, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ Args = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = Args,
+ {Map1, ArgTypes} = bind_guard_list(Args, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ [Type1, Type2] = ArgTypes,
+ IsInt1 = t_is_integer(Type1, Opaques),
+ IsInt2 = t_is_integer(Type2, Opaques),
+ case {type(Arg1), type(Arg2)} of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, {literal, Lit2}} ->
+ case erlang:Comp(cerl:concrete(Lit1), cerl:concrete(Lit2)) of
+ true when Eval =:= pos -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
+ true when Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
+ true when Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
+ false when Eval =:= pos ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
+ false when Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
+ false when Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(false)}
+ end;
+ {{literal, Lit1}, var} when IsInt1 andalso IsInt2 andalso (Eval =:= pos) ->
+ case bind_comp_literal_var(Lit1, Arg2, Type2, Comp, Map1, Opaques) of
+ error -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
+ {ok, NewMap} -> {NewMap, t_atom(true)}
+ end;
+ {var, {literal, Lit2}} when IsInt1 andalso IsInt2 andalso (Eval =:= pos) ->
+ case bind_comp_literal_var(Lit2, Arg1, Type1, invert_comp(Comp),
+ Map1, Opaques) of
+ error -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
+ {ok, NewMap} -> {NewMap, t_atom(true)}
+ end;
+ {_, _} ->
+ handle_guard_gen_fun({erlang, Comp, 2}, Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ end.
+invert_comp('=<') -> '>=';
+invert_comp('<') -> '>';
+invert_comp('>=') -> '=<';
+invert_comp('>') -> '<'.
+bind_comp_literal_var(Lit, Var, VarType, CompOp, Map, Opaques) ->
+ LitVal = cerl:concrete(Lit),
+ NewVarType =
+ case t_number_vals(VarType, Opaques) of
+ unknown ->
+ Range =
+ case CompOp of
+ '=<' -> t_from_range(LitVal, pos_inf);
+ '<' -> t_from_range(LitVal + 1, pos_inf);
+ '>=' -> t_from_range(neg_inf, LitVal);
+ '>' -> t_from_range(neg_inf, LitVal - 1)
+ end,
+ t_inf(Range, VarType, Opaques);
+ NumberVals ->
+ NewNumberVals = [X || X <- NumberVals, erlang:CompOp(LitVal, X)],
+ t_integers(NewNumberVals)
+ end,
+ case t_is_none(NewVarType) of
+ true -> error;
+ false -> {ok, enter_type(Var, NewVarType, Map)}
+ end.
+handle_guard_is_function(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ Args = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ {Map1, ArgTypes0} = bind_guard_list(Args, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ [FunType0, ArityType0] = ArgTypes0,
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ ArityType = t_inf(ArityType0, t_integer(), Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(ArityType) of
+ true -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes0, State);
+ false ->
+ FunTypeConstr =
+ case t_number_vals(ArityType, State#state.opaques) of
+ unknown -> t_fun();
+ Vals ->
+ t_sup([t_fun(lists:duplicate(X, t_any()), t_any()) || X <- Vals])
+ end,
+ FunType = t_inf(FunType0, FunTypeConstr, Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(FunType) of
+ true ->
+ case Eval of
+ pos -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes0, State);
+ neg -> {Map1, t_atom(false)};
+ dont_know -> {Map1, t_atom(false)}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case Eval of
+ pos -> {enter_type_lists(Args, [FunType, ArityType], Map1),
+ t_atom(true)};
+ neg -> {Map1, t_atom(false)};
+ dont_know -> {Map1, t_boolean()}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+handle_guard_is_record(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ Args = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ [Rec, Tag0, Arity0] = Args,
+ Tag = cerl:atom_val(Tag0),
+ Arity = cerl:int_val(Arity0),
+ {Map1, RecType} = bind_guard(Rec, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ ArityMin1 = Arity - 1,
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ Tuple = t_tuple([t_atom(Tag)|lists:duplicate(ArityMin1, t_any())]),
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(Tuple, RecType, Opaques)) of
+ true ->
+ case erl_types:t_has_opaque_subtype(RecType, Opaques) of
+ true ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard,
+ [RecType, t_from_term(Tag),
+ t_from_term(Arity)],
+ State);
+ false ->
+ case Eval of
+ pos -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard,
+ [RecType, t_from_term(Tag),
+ t_from_term(Arity)],
+ State);
+ neg -> {Map1, t_atom(false)};
+ dont_know -> {Map1, t_atom(false)}
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ TupleType =
+ case state__lookup_record(Tag, ArityMin1, State) of
+ error -> Tuple;
+ {ok, Prototype} -> Prototype
+ end,
+ Type = t_inf(TupleType, RecType, State#state.opaques),
+ case t_is_none(Type) of
+ true ->
+ %% No special handling of opaque errors.
+ FArgs = "record " ++ format_type(RecType, State),
+ Msg = {record_matching, [FArgs, Tag]},
+ throw({fail, {Guard, Msg}});
+ false ->
+ case Eval of
+ pos -> {enter_type(Rec, Type, Map1), t_atom(true)};
+ neg -> {Map1, t_atom(false)};
+ dont_know -> {Map1, t_boolean()}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+handle_guard_eq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ case {type(Arg1), type(Arg2)} of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, {literal, Lit2}} ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit1) =:= cerl:concrete(Lit2) of
+ true ->
+ if
+ Eval =:= pos -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
+ Eval =:= neg ->
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
+ Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(true)}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ if
+ Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
+ Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
+ Eval =:= pos ->
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State)
+ end
+ end;
+ {{literal, Lit1}, _} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit1) of
+ Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
+ [] ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
+ _ ->
+ bind_eq_guard(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ end;
+ {_, {literal, Lit2}} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit2) of
+ Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
+ [] ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
+ _ ->
+ bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Lit2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ end;
+ {_, _} ->
+ bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ end.
+bind_eq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ {Map1, Type1} = bind_guard(Arg1, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ {Map2, Type2} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map1, Env, dont_know, State),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ case
+ t_is_nil(Type1, Opaques) orelse t_is_nil(Type2, Opaques)
+ orelse t_is_atom(Type1, Opaques) orelse t_is_atom(Type2, Opaques)
+ of
+ true -> bind_eqeq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State);
+ false ->
+ %% XXX. Is this test OK?
+ OpArgs = erl_types:t_find_unknown_opaque(Type1, Type2, Opaques),
+ case OpArgs =:= [] of
+ true ->
+ case Eval of
+ pos -> {Map2, t_atom(true)};
+ neg -> {Map2, t_atom(false)};
+ dont_know -> {Map2, t_boolean()}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State)
+ end
+ end.
+handle_guard_eqeq(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ case {type(Arg1), type(Arg2)} of
+ {{literal, Lit1}, {literal, Lit2}} ->
+ case cerl:concrete(Lit1) =:= cerl:concrete(Lit2) of
+ true ->
+ if Eval =:= neg ->
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State);
+ Eval =:= pos -> {Map, t_atom(true)};
+ Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(true)}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ if Eval =:= neg -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
+ Eval =:= dont_know -> {Map, t_atom(false)};
+ Eval =:= pos ->
+ ArgTypes = [t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit1)),
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit2))],
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State)
+ end
+ end;
+ {{literal, Lit1}, _} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit1, Arg2, Map, Env, State);
+ {_, {literal, Lit2}} when Eval =:= pos ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Lit2, Arg1, Map, Env, State);
+ {_, _} ->
+ bind_eqeq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State)
+ end.
+bind_eqeq_guard(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ {Map1, Type1} = bind_guard(Arg1, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ {Map2, Type2} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map1, Env, dont_know, State),
+ ?debug("Types are:~s =:= ~s\n", [t_to_string(Type1),
+ t_to_string(Type2)]),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ Inf = t_inf(Type1, Type2, Opaques),
+ case t_is_none(Inf) of
+ true ->
+ OpArgs = erl_types:t_find_unknown_opaque(Type1, Type2, Opaques),
+ case OpArgs =:= [] of
+ true ->
+ case Eval of
+ neg -> {Map2, t_atom(false)};
+ dont_know -> {Map2, t_atom(false)};
+ pos -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case Eval of
+ pos ->
+ case {cerl:type(Arg1), cerl:type(Arg2)} of
+ {var, var} ->
+ Map3 = enter_subst(Arg1, Arg2, Map2),
+ Map4 = enter_type(Arg2, Inf, Map3),
+ {Map4, t_atom(true)};
+ {var, _} ->
+ Map3 = enter_type(Arg1, Inf, Map2),
+ {Map3, t_atom(true)};
+ {_, var} ->
+ Map3 = enter_type(Arg2, Inf, Map2),
+ {Map3, t_atom(true)};
+ {_, _} ->
+ {Map2, t_atom(true)}
+ end;
+ neg ->
+ {Map2, t_atom(false)};
+ dont_know ->
+ {Map2, t_boolean()}
+ end
+ end.
+bind_eqeq_guard_lit_other(Guard, Arg1, Arg2, Map, Env, State) ->
+ Eval = dont_know,
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ case cerl:concrete(Arg1) of
+ true ->
+ {_, Type} = MT = bind_guard(Arg2, Map, Env, pos, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(true, Type, Opaques) of
+ true -> MT;
+ false ->
+ {_, Type0} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type0, t_atom(true)], State)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map, Env, neg, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(false, Type, Opaques) of
+ true -> {Map1, t_atom(true)};
+ false ->
+ {_, Type0} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type0, t_atom(false)], State)
+ end;
+ Term ->
+ LitType = t_from_term(Term),
+ {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ case t_is_subtype(LitType, Type) of
+ false -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type, LitType], State);
+ true ->
+ case cerl:is_c_var(Arg2) of
+ true -> {enter_type(Arg2, LitType, Map1), t_atom(true)};
+ false -> {Map1, t_atom(true)}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+handle_guard_and(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ case Eval of
+ pos ->
+ {Map1, Type1} = bind_guard(Arg1, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(true, Type1, Opaques) of
+ false -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, t_any()], State);
+ true ->
+ {Map2, Type2} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map1, Env, Eval, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(true, Type2, Opaques) of
+ false -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State);
+ true -> {Map2, t_atom(true)}
+ end
+ end;
+ neg ->
+ MapJ = join_maps_begin(Map),
+ {Map1, Type1} =
+ try bind_guard(Arg1, MapJ, Env, neg, State)
+ catch throw:{fail, _} -> bind_guard(Arg2, MapJ, Env, pos, State)
+ end,
+ {Map2, Type2} =
+ try bind_guard(Arg2, MapJ, Env, neg, State)
+ catch throw:{fail, _} -> bind_guard(Arg1, MapJ, Env, pos, State)
+ end,
+ case
+ t_is_any_atom(false, Type1, Opaques)
+ orelse t_is_any_atom(false, Type2, Opaques)
+ of
+ true -> {join_maps_end([Map1, Map2], MapJ), t_atom(false)};
+ false -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State)
+ end;
+ dont_know ->
+ MapJ = join_maps_begin(Map),
+ {Map1, Type1} = bind_guard(Arg1, MapJ, Env, dont_know, State),
+ {Map2, Type2} = bind_guard(Arg2, MapJ, Env, dont_know, State),
+ Bool1 = t_inf(Type1, t_boolean()),
+ Bool2 = t_inf(Type2, t_boolean()),
+ case t_is_none(Bool1) orelse t_is_none(Bool2) of
+ true -> throw({fatal_fail, none});
+ false ->
+ NewMap = join_maps_end([Map1, Map2], MapJ),
+ NewType =
+ case {t_atom_vals(Bool1, Opaques), t_atom_vals(Bool2, Opaques)} of
+ {['true'] , ['true'] } -> t_atom(true);
+ {['false'], _ } -> t_atom(false);
+ {_ , ['false']} -> t_atom(false);
+ {unknown , _ } ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State);
+ {_ , unknown } ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State);
+ {_ , _ } -> t_boolean()
+ end,
+ {NewMap, NewType}
+ end
+ end.
+handle_guard_or(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ case Eval of
+ pos ->
+ MapJ = join_maps_begin(Map),
+ {Map1, Bool1} =
+ try bind_guard(Arg1, MapJ, Env, pos, State)
+ catch
+ throw:{fail,_} -> bind_guard(Arg1, MapJ, Env, dont_know, State)
+ end,
+ {Map2, Bool2} =
+ try bind_guard(Arg2, MapJ, Env, pos, State)
+ catch
+ throw:{fail,_} -> bind_guard(Arg2, MapJ, Env, dont_know, State)
+ end,
+ case
+ ((t_is_any_atom(true, Bool1, Opaques)
+ andalso t_is_boolean(Bool2, Opaques))
+ orelse
+ (t_is_any_atom(true, Bool2, Opaques)
+ andalso t_is_boolean(Bool1, Opaques)))
+ of
+ true -> {join_maps_end([Map1, Map2], MapJ), t_atom(true)};
+ false -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Bool1, Bool2], State)
+ end;
+ neg ->
+ {Map1, Type1} = bind_guard(Arg1, Map, Env, neg, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(false, Type1, Opaques) of
+ false -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, t_any()], State);
+ true ->
+ {Map2, Type2} = bind_guard(Arg2, Map1, Env, neg, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(false, Type2, Opaques) of
+ false -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State);
+ true -> {Map2, t_atom(false)}
+ end
+ end;
+ dont_know ->
+ MapJ = join_maps_begin(Map),
+ {Map1, Type1} = bind_guard(Arg1, MapJ, Env, dont_know, State),
+ {Map2, Type2} = bind_guard(Arg2, MapJ, Env, dont_know, State),
+ Bool1 = t_inf(Type1, t_boolean()),
+ Bool2 = t_inf(Type2, t_boolean()),
+ case t_is_none(Bool1) orelse t_is_none(Bool2) of
+ true -> throw({fatal_fail, none});
+ false ->
+ NewMap = join_maps_end([Map1, Map2], MapJ),
+ NewType =
+ case {t_atom_vals(Bool1, Opaques), t_atom_vals(Bool2, Opaques)} of
+ {['false'], ['false']} -> t_atom(false);
+ {['true'] , _ } -> t_atom(true);
+ {_ , ['true'] } -> t_atom(true);
+ {unknown , _ } ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State);
+ {_ , unknown } ->
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type1, Type2], State);
+ {_ , _ } -> t_boolean()
+ end,
+ {NewMap, NewType}
+ end
+ end.
+handle_guard_not(Guard, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ [Arg] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ case Eval of
+ neg ->
+ {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, pos, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(true, Type, Opaques) of
+ true -> {Map1, t_atom(false)};
+ false ->
+ {_, Type0} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type0], State)
+ end;
+ pos ->
+ {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, neg, State),
+ case t_is_any_atom(false, Type, Opaques) of
+ true -> {Map1, t_atom(true)};
+ false ->
+ {_, Type0} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type0], State)
+ end;
+ dont_know ->
+ {Map1, Type} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ Bool = t_inf(Type, t_boolean()),
+ case t_is_none(Bool) of
+ true -> throw({fatal_fail, none});
+ false ->
+ case t_atom_vals(Bool, Opaques) of
+ ['true'] -> {Map1, t_atom(false)};
+ ['false'] -> {Map1, t_atom(true)};
+ [_, _] -> {Map1, Bool};
+ unknown -> signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, [Type], State)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+bind_guard_list(Guards, Map, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ bind_guard_list(Guards, Map, Env, Eval, State, []).
+bind_guard_list([G|Gs], Map, Env, Eval, State, Acc) ->
+ {Map1, T} = bind_guard(G, Map, Env, Eval, State),
+ bind_guard_list(Gs, Map1, Env, Eval, State, [T|Acc]);
+bind_guard_list([], Map, _Env, _Eval, _State, Acc) ->
+ {Map, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
+handle_guard_map(Guard, Map, Env, State) ->
+ Pairs = cerl:map_es(Guard),
+ Arg = cerl:map_arg(Guard),
+ {Map1, ArgType0} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ ArgType1 = t_inf(t_map(), ArgType0),
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(ArgType1) of
+ true -> {Map1, t_none()};
+ false ->
+ {Map2, TypePairs} = bind_guard_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, Env, State, []),
+ {Map2, lists:foldl(fun({KV,assoc},Acc) -> erl_types:t_map_put(KV,Acc);
+ ({KV,exact},Acc) -> erl_types:t_map_update(KV,Acc)
+ end, ArgType1, TypePairs)}
+ end.
+bind_guard_map_pairs([], Map, _Env, _State, PairAcc) ->
+ {Map, lists:reverse(PairAcc)};
+bind_guard_map_pairs([Pair|Pairs], Map, Env, State, PairAcc) ->
+ Key = cerl:map_pair_key(Pair),
+ Val = cerl:map_pair_val(Pair),
+ Op = cerl:map_pair_op(Pair),
+ {Map1, [K,V]} = bind_guard_list([Key,Val],Map,Env,dont_know,State),
+ bind_guard_map_pairs(Pairs, Map1, Env, State,
+ [{{K,V},cerl:concrete(Op)}|PairAcc]).
+-type eval() :: 'pos' | 'neg' | 'dont_know'.
+-spec signal_guard_fail(eval(), cerl:c_call(), [type()],
+ state()) -> no_return().
+signal_guard_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State) ->
+ signal_guard_failure(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, fail, State).
+-spec signal_guard_fatal_fail(eval(), cerl:c_call(), [erl_types:erl_type()],
+ state()) -> no_return().
+signal_guard_fatal_fail(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, State) ->
+ signal_guard_failure(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, fatal_fail, State).
+signal_guard_failure(Eval, Guard, ArgTypes, Tag, State) ->
+ Args = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ F = cerl:atom_val(cerl:call_name(Guard)),
+ {M, F, A} = MFA = {cerl:atom_val(cerl:call_module(Guard)), F, length(Args)},
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ {Kind, XInfo} =
+ case erl_bif_types:opaque_args(M, F, A, ArgTypes, Opaques) of
+ [] ->
+ {case Eval of
+ neg -> neg_guard_fail;
+ pos -> guard_fail;
+ dont_know -> guard_fail
+ end,
+ []};
+ Ns -> {opaque_guard, [Ns]}
+ end,
+ FArgs =
+ case is_infix_op(MFA) of
+ true ->
+ [ArgType1, ArgType2] = ArgTypes,
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = Args,
+ [format_args_1([Arg1], [ArgType1], State),
+ atom_to_list(F),
+ format_args_1([Arg2], [ArgType2], State)] ++ XInfo;
+ false ->
+ [F, format_args(Args, ArgTypes, State)]
+ end,
+ Msg = {Kind, FArgs},
+ throw({Tag, {Guard, Msg}}).
+is_infix_op({erlang, '=:=', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({erlang, '==', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({erlang, '=/=', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({erlang, '=/', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({erlang, '<', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({erlang, '=<', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({erlang, '>', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({erlang, '>=', 2}) -> true;
+is_infix_op({M, F, A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F),
+ is_integer(A), 0 =< A, A =< 255 -> false.
+bif_args(M, F, A) ->
+ case erl_bif_types:arg_types(M, F, A) of
+ unknown -> lists:duplicate(A, t_any());
+ List -> List
+ end.
+bind_guard_case_clauses(Arg, Clauses, Map0, Env, Eval, State) ->
+ Clauses1 = filter_fail_clauses(Clauses),
+ Map = join_maps_begin(Map0),
+ {GenMap, GenArgType} = bind_guard(Arg, Map, Env, dont_know, State),
+ bind_guard_case_clauses(GenArgType, GenMap, Arg, Clauses1, Map, Env, Eval,
+ t_none(), [], State).
+filter_fail_clauses([Clause|Left]) ->
+ case (cerl:clause_pats(Clause) =:= []) of
+ true ->
+ Body = cerl:clause_body(Clause),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Body) andalso (cerl:concrete(Body) =:= fail) orelse
+ cerl:is_c_primop(Body) andalso
+ (cerl:atom_val(cerl:primop_name(Body)) =:= match_fail) of
+ true -> filter_fail_clauses(Left);
+ false -> [Clause|filter_fail_clauses(Left)]
+ end;
+ false ->
+ [Clause|filter_fail_clauses(Left)]
+ end;
+filter_fail_clauses([]) ->
+ [].
+bind_guard_case_clauses(GenArgType, GenMap, ArgExpr, [Clause|Left],
+ Map, Env, Eval, AccType, AccMaps, State) ->
+ Pats = cerl:clause_pats(Clause),
+ {NewMap0, ArgType} =
+ case Pats of
+ [Pat] ->
+ case cerl:is_literal(Pat) of
+ true ->
+ try
+ case cerl:concrete(Pat) of
+ true -> bind_guard(ArgExpr, Map, Env, pos, State);
+ false -> bind_guard(ArgExpr, Map, Env, neg, State);
+ _ -> {GenMap, GenArgType}
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:{fail, _} -> {none, GenArgType}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {GenMap, GenArgType}
+ end;
+ _ -> {GenMap, GenArgType}
+ end,
+ NewMap1 =
+ case Pats =:= [] of
+ true -> NewMap0;
+ false ->
+ case t_is_none(ArgType) of
+ true -> none;
+ false ->
+ ArgTypes = case t_is_any(ArgType) of
+ true -> Any = t_any(), [Any || _ <- Pats];
+ false -> t_to_tlist(ArgType)
+ end,
+ case bind_pat_vars(Pats, ArgTypes, [], NewMap0, State) of
+ {error, _, _, _, _} -> none;
+ {PatMap, _PatTypes} -> PatMap
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ Guard = cerl:clause_guard(Clause),
+ GenPatType = dialyzer_typesig:get_safe_underapprox(Pats, Guard),
+ NewGenArgType = t_subtract(GenArgType, GenPatType),
+ case (NewMap1 =:= none) orelse t_is_none(GenArgType) of
+ true ->
+ bind_guard_case_clauses(NewGenArgType, GenMap, ArgExpr, Left, Map, Env,
+ Eval, AccType, AccMaps, State);
+ false ->
+ {NewAccType, NewAccMaps} =
+ try
+ {NewMap2, GuardType} = bind_guard(Guard, NewMap1, Env, pos, State),
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(t_atom(true), GuardType)) of
+ true -> throw({fail, none});
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ {NewMap3, CType} = bind_guard(cerl:clause_body(Clause), NewMap2,
+ Env, Eval, State),
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ case Eval of
+ pos ->
+ case t_is_any_atom(true, CType, Opaques) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw({fail, none})
+ end;
+ neg ->
+ case t_is_any_atom(false, CType, Opaques) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw({fail, none})
+ end;
+ dont_know ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {t_sup(AccType, CType), [NewMap3|AccMaps]}
+ catch
+ throw:{fail, _What} -> {AccType, AccMaps}
+ end,
+ bind_guard_case_clauses(NewGenArgType, GenMap, ArgExpr, Left, Map, Env,
+ Eval, NewAccType, NewAccMaps, State)
+ end;
+bind_guard_case_clauses(_GenArgType, _GenMap, _ArgExpr, [], Map, _Env, _Eval,
+ AccType, AccMaps, _State) ->
+ case t_is_none(AccType) of
+ true -> throw({fail, none});
+ false -> {join_maps_end(AccMaps, Map), AccType}
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Maps and types.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+map__new() ->
+ #map{}.
+%% join_maps_begin pushes 'modified' to the stack; join_maps pops
+%% 'modified' from the stack.
+join_maps_begin(#map{modified = M, modified_stack = S, ref = Ref} = Map) ->
+ Map#map{ref = make_ref(), modified = [], modified_stack = [{M,Ref} | S]}.
+join_maps_end(Maps, MapOut) ->
+ #map{ref = Ref, modified_stack = [{M1,R1} | S]} = MapOut,
+ true = lists:all(fun(M) -> M#map.ref =:= Ref end, Maps), % sanity
+ Keys0 = lists:usort(lists:append([M#map.modified || M <- Maps])),
+ #map{map = Map, subst = Subst} = MapOut,
+ Keys = [Key ||
+ Key <- Keys0,
+ maps:is_key(Key, Map) orelse maps:is_key(Key, Subst)],
+ Out = case Maps of
+ [] -> join_maps(Maps, MapOut);
+ _ -> join_maps(Keys, Maps, MapOut)
+ end,
+ debug_join_check(Maps, MapOut, Out),
+ Out#map{ref = R1,
+ modified = Out#map.modified ++ M1, % duplicates possible
+ modified_stack = S}.
+join_maps(Maps, MapOut) ->
+ #map{map = Map, subst = Subst} = MapOut,
+ Keys = ordsets:from_list(maps:keys(Map) ++ maps:keys(Subst)),
+ join_maps(Keys, Maps, MapOut).
+join_maps(Keys, Maps, MapOut) ->
+ KTs = join_maps_collect(Keys, Maps, MapOut),
+ lists:foldl(fun({K, T}, M) -> enter_type(K, T, M) end, MapOut, KTs).
+join_maps_collect([Key|Left], Maps, MapOut) ->
+ Type = join_maps_one_key(Maps, Key, t_none()),
+ case t_is_equal(lookup_type(Key, MapOut), Type) of
+ true -> join_maps_collect(Left, Maps, MapOut);
+ false -> [{Key, Type} | join_maps_collect(Left, Maps, MapOut)]
+ end;
+join_maps_collect([], _Maps, _MapOut) ->
+ [].
+join_maps_one_key([Map|Left], Key, AccType) ->
+ case t_is_any(AccType) of
+ true ->
+ %% We can stop here
+ AccType;
+ false ->
+ join_maps_one_key(Left, Key, t_sup(lookup_type(Key, Map), AccType))
+ end;
+join_maps_one_key([], _Key, AccType) ->
+ AccType.
+debug_join_check(Maps, MapOut, Out) ->
+ #map{map = Map, subst = Subst} = Out,
+ #map{map = Map2, subst = Subst2} = join_maps(Maps, MapOut),
+ F = fun(D) -> lists:keysort(1, maps:to_list(D)) end,
+ [throw({bug, join_maps}) ||
+ F(Map) =/= F(Map2) orelse F(Subst) =/= F(Subst2)].
+debug_join_check(_Maps, _MapOut, _Out) -> ok.
+enter_type_lists([Key|KeyTail], [Val|ValTail], Map) ->
+ Map1 = enter_type(Key, Val, Map),
+ enter_type_lists(KeyTail, ValTail, Map1);
+enter_type_lists([], [], Map) ->
+ Map.
+enter_type_list([{Key, Val}|Left], Map) ->
+ Map1 = enter_type(Key, Val, Map),
+ enter_type_list(Left, Map1);
+enter_type_list([], Map) ->
+ Map.
+enter_type(Key, Val, MS) ->
+ case cerl:is_literal(Key) of
+ true -> MS;
+ false ->
+ case cerl:is_c_values(Key) of
+ true ->
+ Keys = cerl:values_es(Key),
+ case t_is_any(Val) orelse t_is_none(Val) of
+ true ->
+ enter_type_lists(Keys, [Val || _ <- Keys], MS);
+ false ->
+ enter_type_lists(Keys, t_to_tlist(Val), MS)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ #map{map = Map, subst = Subst} = MS,
+ KeyLabel = get_label(Key),
+ case maps:find(KeyLabel, Subst) of
+ {ok, NewKey} ->
+ ?debug("Binding ~p to ~p\n", [KeyLabel, NewKey]),
+ enter_type(NewKey, Val, MS);
+ error ->
+ ?debug("Entering ~p :: ~s\n", [KeyLabel, t_to_string(Val)]),
+ case maps:find(KeyLabel, Map) of
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ case erl_types:t_is_equal(Val, Value) of
+ true -> MS;
+ false -> store_map(KeyLabel, Val, MS)
+ end;
+ error -> store_map(KeyLabel, Val, MS)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+store_map(Key, Val, #map{map = Map, ref = undefined} = MapRec) ->
+ MapRec#map{map = maps:put(Key, Val, Map)};
+store_map(Key, Val, #map{map = Map, modified = Mod} = MapRec) ->
+ MapRec#map{map = maps:put(Key, Val, Map), modified = [Key | Mod]}.
+enter_subst(Key, Val0, #map{subst = Subst} = MS) ->
+ KeyLabel = get_label(Key),
+ Val = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Val0),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Val) of
+ true ->
+ store_map(KeyLabel, literal_type(Val), MS);
+ false ->
+ case cerl:is_c_var(Val) of
+ false -> MS;
+ true ->
+ ValLabel = get_label(Val),
+ case maps:find(ValLabel, Subst) of
+ {ok, NewVal} ->
+ enter_subst(Key, NewVal, MS);
+ error ->
+ if KeyLabel =:= ValLabel -> MS;
+ true ->
+ ?debug("Subst: storing ~p = ~p\n", [KeyLabel, ValLabel]),
+ store_subst(KeyLabel, ValLabel, MS)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+store_subst(Key, Val, #map{subst = S, ref = undefined} = Map) ->
+ Map#map{subst = maps:put(Key, Val, S)};
+store_subst(Key, Val, #map{subst = S, modified = Mod} = Map) ->
+ Map#map{subst = maps:put(Key, Val, S), modified = [Key | Mod]}.
+lookup_type(Key, #map{map = Map, subst = Subst}) ->
+ lookup(Key, Map, Subst, t_none()).
+lookup(Key, Map, Subst, AnyNone) ->
+ case cerl:is_literal(Key) of
+ true -> literal_type(Key);
+ false ->
+ Label = get_label(Key),
+ case maps:find(Label, Subst) of
+ {ok, NewKey} -> lookup(NewKey, Map, Subst, AnyNone);
+ error ->
+ case maps:find(Label, Map) of
+ {ok, Val} -> Val;
+ error -> AnyNone
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+lookup_fun_sig(Fun, Callgraph, Plt) ->
+ MFAorLabel =
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Fun, Callgraph) of
+ error -> Fun;
+ {ok, MFA} -> MFA
+ end,
+ dialyzer_plt:lookup(Plt, MFAorLabel).
+literal_type(Lit) ->
+ t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit)).
+mark_as_fresh([Tree|Left], Map) ->
+ SubTrees1 = lists:append(cerl:subtrees(Tree)),
+ {SubTrees2, Map1} =
+ case cerl:type(Tree) of
+ bitstr ->
+ %% The Size field is not fresh.
+ {SubTrees1 -- [cerl:bitstr_size(Tree)], Map};
+ map_pair ->
+ %% The keys are not fresh
+ {SubTrees1 -- [cerl:map_pair_key(Tree)], Map};
+ var ->
+ {SubTrees1, enter_type(Tree, t_any(), Map)};
+ _ ->
+ {SubTrees1, Map}
+ end,
+ mark_as_fresh(SubTrees2 ++ Left, Map1);
+mark_as_fresh([], Map) ->
+ Map.
+debug_pp_map(#map{map = Map}=MapRec) ->
+ Keys = maps:keys(Map),
+ io:format("Map:\n", []),
+ lists:foreach(fun (Key) ->
+ io:format("\t~w :: ~s\n",
+ [Key, t_to_string(lookup_type(Key, MapRec))])
+ end, Keys),
+ ok.
+debug_pp_map(_Map) -> ok.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Utilities
+%%% ===========================================================================
+get_label(L) when is_integer(L) ->
+ L;
+get_label(T) ->
+ cerl_trees:get_label(T).
+t_is_simple(ArgType, State) ->
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ t_is_atom(ArgType, Opaques) orelse t_is_number(ArgType, Opaques)
+ orelse t_is_port(ArgType, Opaques)
+ orelse t_is_pid(ArgType, Opaques) orelse t_is_reference(ArgType, Opaques)
+ orelse t_is_nil(ArgType, Opaques).
+remove_local_opaque_types(Type, Opaques) ->
+ t_unopaque(Type, Opaques).
+%% t_is_structured(ArgType) ->
+%% case t_is_nil(ArgType) of
+%% true -> false;
+%% false ->
+%% SType = t_inf(t_sup([t_list(), t_tuple(), t_binary()]), ArgType),
+%% t_is_equal(ArgType, SType)
+%% end.
+is_call_to_send(Tree) ->
+ case cerl:is_c_call(Tree) of
+ false -> false;
+ true ->
+ Mod = cerl:call_module(Tree),
+ Name = cerl:call_name(Tree),
+ Arity = cerl:call_arity(Tree),
+ cerl:is_c_atom(Mod)
+ andalso cerl:is_c_atom(Name)
+ andalso is_send(cerl:atom_val(Name))
+ andalso (cerl:atom_val(Mod) =:= erlang)
+ andalso (Arity =:= 2)
+ end.
+is_send('!') -> true;
+is_send(send) -> true;
+is_send(_) -> false.
+is_lc_simple_list(Tree, TreeType, State) ->
+ Opaques = State#state.opaques,
+ Ann = cerl:get_ann(Tree),
+ lists:member(list_comprehension, Ann)
+ andalso t_is_list(TreeType)
+ andalso t_is_simple(t_list_elements(TreeType, Opaques), State).
+filter_match_fail([Clause] = Cls) ->
+ Body = cerl:clause_body(Clause),
+ case cerl:type(Body) of
+ primop ->
+ case cerl:atom_val(cerl:primop_name(Body)) of
+ match_fail -> [];
+ raise -> [];
+ _ -> Cls
+ end;
+ _ -> Cls
+ end;
+filter_match_fail([H|T]) ->
+ [H|filter_match_fail(T)];
+filter_match_fail([]) ->
+ %% This can actually happen, for example in
+ %% receive after 1 -> ok end
+ [].
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% The State.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+state__new(Callgraph, Codeserver, Tree, Plt, Module, Records) ->
+ Opaques = erl_types:t_opaque_from_records(Records),
+ {TreeMap, FunHomes} = build_tree_map(Tree, Callgraph),
+ Funs = dict:fetch_keys(TreeMap),
+ FunTab = init_fun_tab(Funs, dict:new(), TreeMap, Callgraph, Plt),
+ ExportedFuns =
+ [Fun || Fun <- Funs--[top], dialyzer_callgraph:is_escaping(Fun, Callgraph)],
+ Work = init_work(ExportedFuns),
+ Env = lists:foldl(fun(Fun, Env) -> dict:store(Fun, map__new(), Env) end,
+ dict:new(), Funs),
+ #state{callgraph = Callgraph, codeserver = Codeserver,
+ envs = Env, fun_tab = FunTab, fun_homes = FunHomes, opaques = Opaques,
+ plt = Plt, races = dialyzer_races:new(), records = Records,
+ warning_mode = false, warnings = [], work = Work, tree_map = TreeMap,
+ module = Module}.
+state__warning_mode(#state{warning_mode = WM}) ->
+ WM.
+state__set_warning_mode(#state{tree_map = TreeMap, fun_tab = FunTab,
+ races = Races} = State) ->
+ ?debug("==========\nStarting warning pass\n==========\n", []),
+ Funs = dict:fetch_keys(TreeMap),
+ State#state{work = init_work([top|Funs--[top]]),
+ fun_tab = FunTab, warning_mode = true,
+ races = dialyzer_races:put_race_analysis(true, Races)}.
+state__race_analysis(Analysis, #state{races = Races} = State) ->
+ State#state{races = dialyzer_races:put_race_analysis(Analysis, Races)}.
+state__renew_curr_fun(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel,
+ #state{races = Races} = State) ->
+ State#state{races = dialyzer_races:put_curr_fun(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel,
+ Races)}.
+state__renew_fun_args(Args, #state{races = Races} = State) ->
+ case state__warning_mode(State) of
+ true -> State;
+ false ->
+ State#state{races = dialyzer_races:put_fun_args(Args, Races)}
+ end.
+state__renew_race_list(RaceList, RaceListSize,
+ #state{races = Races} = State) ->
+ State#state{races = dialyzer_races:put_race_list(RaceList, RaceListSize,
+ Races)}.
+state__renew_warnings(Warnings, State) ->
+ State#state{warnings = Warnings}.
+-spec state__add_warning(raw_warning(), state()) -> state().
+state__add_warning(Warn, #state{warnings = Warnings} = State) ->
+ State#state{warnings = [Warn|Warnings]}.
+state__add_warning(State, Tag, Tree, Msg) ->
+ state__add_warning(State, Tag, Tree, Msg, false).
+state__add_warning(#state{warning_mode = false} = State, _, _, _, _) ->
+ State;
+state__add_warning(#state{warnings = Warnings, warning_mode = true} = State,
+ Tag, Tree, Msg, Force) ->
+ Ann = cerl:get_ann(Tree),
+ case Force of
+ true ->
+ WarningInfo = {get_file(Ann),
+ abs(get_line(Ann)),
+ State#state.curr_fun},
+ Warn = {Tag, WarningInfo, Msg},
+ ?debug("MSG ~s\n", [dialyzer:format_warning(Warn)]),
+ State#state{warnings = [Warn|Warnings]};
+ false ->
+ case is_compiler_generated(Ann) of
+ true -> State;
+ false ->
+ WarningInfo = {get_file(Ann), get_line(Ann), State#state.curr_fun},
+ Warn = {Tag, WarningInfo, Msg},
+ case Tag of
+ _ -> ?debug("MSG ~s\n", [dialyzer:format_warning(Warn)])
+ end,
+ State#state{warnings = [Warn|Warnings]}
+ end
+ end.
+state__remove_added_warnings(OldState, NewState) ->
+ #state{warnings = OldWarnings} = OldState,
+ #state{warnings = NewWarnings} = NewState,
+ {NewWarnings -- OldWarnings, NewState#state{warnings = OldWarnings}}.
+state__add_warnings(Warns, #state{warnings = Warnings} = State) ->
+ State#state{warnings = Warns ++ Warnings}.
+-spec state__set_curr_fun(curr_fun(), state()) -> state().
+state__set_curr_fun(undefined, State) ->
+ State#state{curr_fun = undefined};
+state__set_curr_fun(FunLbl, State) ->
+ State#state{curr_fun = find_function(FunLbl, State)}.
+-spec state__find_function(mfa_or_funlbl(), state()) -> mfa_or_funlbl().
+state__find_function(FunLbl, State) ->
+ find_function(FunLbl, State).
+state__get_race_warnings(#state{races = Races} = State) ->
+ {Races1, State1} = dialyzer_races:get_race_warnings(Races, State),
+ State1#state{races = Races1}.
+state__get_warnings(#state{tree_map = TreeMap, fun_tab = FunTab,
+ callgraph = Callgraph, plt = Plt} = State) ->
+ FoldFun =
+ fun({top, _}, AccState) -> AccState;
+ ({FunLbl, Fun}, AccState) ->
+ AccState1 = state__set_curr_fun(FunLbl, AccState),
+ {NotCalled, Ret} =
+ case dict:fetch(get_label(Fun), FunTab) of
+ {not_handled, {_Args0, Ret0}} -> {true, Ret0};
+ {_Args0, Ret0} -> {false, Ret0}
+ end,
+ case NotCalled of
+ true ->
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(FunLbl, Callgraph) of
+ error -> AccState1;
+ {ok, {_M, F, A}} ->
+ Msg = {unused_fun, [F, A]},
+ state__add_warning(AccState1, ?WARN_NOT_CALLED, Fun, Msg)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {Name, Contract} =
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(FunLbl, Callgraph) of
+ error -> {[], none};
+ {ok, {_M, F, A} = MFA} ->
+ {[F, A], dialyzer_plt:lookup_contract(Plt, MFA)}
+ end,
+ case t_is_none(Ret) of
+ true ->
+ %% Check if the function has a contract that allows this.
+ Warn =
+ case Contract of
+ none -> not parent_allows_this(FunLbl, AccState1);
+ {value, C} ->
+ GenRet = dialyzer_contracts:get_contract_return(C),
+ not t_is_unit(GenRet)
+ end,
+ case Warn of
+ true ->
+ case classify_returns(Fun) of
+ no_match ->
+ Msg = {no_return, [no_match|Name]},
+ state__add_warning(AccState1, ?WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN,
+ Fun, Msg);
+ only_explicit ->
+ Msg = {no_return, [only_explicit|Name]},
+ state__add_warning(AccState1, ?WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT,
+ Fun, Msg);
+ only_normal ->
+ Msg = {no_return, [only_normal|Name]},
+ state__add_warning(AccState1, ?WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN,
+ Fun, Msg);
+ both ->
+ Msg = {no_return, [both|Name]},
+ state__add_warning(AccState1, ?WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN,
+ Fun, Msg)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ AccState
+ end;
+ false ->
+ AccState
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ #state{warnings = Warn} = lists:foldl(FoldFun, State, dict:to_list(TreeMap)),
+ Warn.
+state__is_escaping(Fun, #state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
+ dialyzer_callgraph:is_escaping(Fun, Callgraph).
+state__lookup_type_for_letrec(Var, #state{callgraph = Callgraph} = State) ->
+ Label = get_label(Var),
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_letrec(Label, Callgraph) of
+ error -> error;
+ {ok, FunLabel} ->
+ {ok, state__fun_type(FunLabel, State)}
+ end.
+state__lookup_name({_, _, _} = MFA, #state{}) ->
+ MFA;
+state__lookup_name(top, #state{}) ->
+ top;
+state__lookup_name(Fun, #state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Fun, Callgraph) of
+ {ok, MFA} -> MFA;
+ error -> Fun
+ end.
+state__lookup_record(Tag, Arity, #state{records = Records}) ->
+ case erl_types:lookup_record(Tag, Arity, Records) of
+ {ok, Fields} ->
+ RecType =
+ t_tuple([t_atom(Tag)|
+ [FieldType || {_FieldName, _Abstr, FieldType} <- Fields]]),
+ {ok, RecType};
+ error ->
+ error
+ end.
+state__get_args_and_status(Tree, #state{fun_tab = FunTab}) ->
+ Fun = get_label(Tree),
+ case dict:find(Fun, FunTab) of
+ {ok, {not_handled, {ArgTypes, _}}} -> {ArgTypes, false};
+ {ok, {ArgTypes, _}} -> {ArgTypes, true}
+ end.
+build_tree_map(Tree, Callgraph) ->
+ Fun =
+ fun(T, {Dict, Homes, FunLbls} = Acc) ->
+ case cerl:is_c_fun(T) of
+ true ->
+ FunLbl = get_label(T),
+ Dict1 = dict:store(FunLbl, T, Dict),
+ case catch dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(FunLbl, Callgraph) of
+ {ok, MFA} ->
+ F2 =
+ fun(Lbl, Dict0) ->
+ dict:store(Lbl, MFA, Dict0)
+ end,
+ Homes1 = lists:foldl(F2, Homes, [FunLbl|FunLbls]),
+ {Dict1, Homes1, []};
+ _ ->
+ {Dict1, Homes, [FunLbl|FunLbls]}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end,
+ Dict0 = dict:new(),
+ {Dict, Homes, _} = cerl_trees:fold(Fun, {Dict0, Dict0, []}, Tree),
+ {Dict, Homes}.
+init_fun_tab([top|Left], Dict, TreeMap, Callgraph, Plt) ->
+ NewDict = dict:store(top, {[], t_none()}, Dict),
+ init_fun_tab(Left, NewDict, TreeMap, Callgraph, Plt);
+init_fun_tab([Fun|Left], Dict, TreeMap, Callgraph, Plt) ->
+ Arity = cerl:fun_arity(dict:fetch(Fun, TreeMap)),
+ FunEntry =
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:is_escaping(Fun, Callgraph) of
+ true ->
+ Args = lists:duplicate(Arity, t_any()),
+ case lookup_fun_sig(Fun, Callgraph, Plt) of
+ none -> {Args, t_unit()};
+ {value, {RetType, _}} ->
+ case t_is_none(RetType) of
+ true -> {Args, t_none()};
+ false -> {Args, t_unit()}
+ end
+ end;
+ false -> {not_handled, {lists:duplicate(Arity, t_none()), t_unit()}}
+ end,
+ NewDict = dict:store(Fun, FunEntry, Dict),
+ init_fun_tab(Left, NewDict, TreeMap, Callgraph, Plt);
+init_fun_tab([], Dict, _TreeMap, _Callgraph, _Plt) ->
+ ?debug("DICT:~p\n",[dict:to_list(Dict)]),
+ Dict.
+state__update_fun_env(Tree, Map, #state{envs = Envs} = State) ->
+ NewEnvs = dict:store(get_label(Tree), Map, Envs),
+ State#state{envs = NewEnvs}.
+state__fun_env(Tree, #state{envs = Envs}) ->
+ Fun = get_label(Tree),
+ case dict:find(Fun, Envs) of
+ error -> none;
+ {ok, Map} -> Map
+ end.
+state__clean_not_called(#state{fun_tab = FunTab} = State) ->
+ NewFunTab =
+ dict:map(fun(top, Entry) -> Entry;
+ (_Fun, {not_handled, {Args, _}}) -> {Args, t_none()};
+ (_Fun, Entry) -> Entry
+ end, FunTab),
+ State#state{fun_tab = NewFunTab}.
+state__all_fun_types(State) ->
+ #state{fun_tab = FunTab} = state__clean_not_called(State),
+ Tab1 = dict:erase(top, FunTab),
+ dict:map(fun(_Fun, {Args, Ret}) -> t_fun(Args, Ret)end, Tab1).
+state__fun_type(Fun, #state{fun_tab = FunTab}) ->
+ Label =
+ if is_integer(Fun) -> Fun;
+ true -> get_label(Fun)
+ end,
+ Entry = dict:find(Label, FunTab),
+ ?debug("FunType ~p:~p\n",[Label, Entry]),
+ case Entry of
+ {ok, {not_handled, {A, R}}} ->
+ t_fun(A, R);
+ {ok, {A, R}} ->
+ t_fun(A, R)
+ end.
+state__update_fun_entry(Tree, ArgTypes, Out0,
+ #state{fun_tab=FunTab, callgraph=CG, plt=Plt} = State)->
+ Fun = get_label(Tree),
+ Out1 =
+ if Fun =:= top -> Out0;
+ true ->
+ case lookup_fun_sig(Fun, CG, Plt) of
+ {value, {SigRet, _}} -> t_inf(SigRet, Out0);
+ none -> Out0
+ end
+ end,
+ Out = t_limit(Out1, ?TYPE_LIMIT),
+ {ok, {OldArgTypes, OldOut}} = dict:find(Fun, FunTab),
+ SameArgs = lists:all(fun({A, B}) -> erl_types:t_is_equal(A, B)
+ end, lists:zip(OldArgTypes, ArgTypes)),
+ SameOut = t_is_equal(OldOut, Out),
+ if
+ SameArgs, SameOut ->
+ ?debug("Fixpoint for ~w: ~s\n",
+ [state__lookup_name(Fun, State),
+ t_to_string(t_fun(ArgTypes, Out))]),
+ State;
+ true ->
+ %% Can only happen in self-recursive functions.
+ NewEntry = {OldArgTypes, Out},
+ ?debug("New Entry for ~w: ~s\n",
+ [state__lookup_name(Fun, State),
+ t_to_string(t_fun(OldArgTypes, Out))]),
+ NewFunTab = dict:store(Fun, NewEntry, FunTab),
+ State1 = State#state{fun_tab = NewFunTab},
+ state__add_work_from_fun(Tree, State1)
+ end.
+state__add_work_from_fun(_Tree, #state{warning_mode = true} = State) ->
+ State;
+state__add_work_from_fun(Tree, #state{callgraph = Callgraph,
+ tree_map = TreeMap} = State) ->
+ case get_label(Tree) of
+ top -> State;
+ Label when is_integer(Label) ->
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:in_neighbours(Label, Callgraph) of
+ none -> State;
+ MFAList ->
+ LabelList = [dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_label(MFA, Callgraph)
+ || MFA <- MFAList],
+ %% Must filter the result for results in this module.
+ FilteredList = [L || {ok, L} <- LabelList, dict:is_key(L, TreeMap)],
+ ?debug("~w: Will try to add:~w\n",
+ [state__lookup_name(Label, State), MFAList]),
+ lists:foldl(fun(L, AccState) ->
+ state__add_work(L, AccState)
+ end, State, FilteredList)
+ end
+ end.
+state__add_work(external, State) ->
+ State;
+state__add_work(top, State) ->
+ State;
+state__add_work(Fun, #state{work = Work} = State) ->
+ NewWork = add_work(Fun, Work),
+ State#state{work = NewWork}.
+state__get_work(#state{work = Work, tree_map = TreeMap} = State) ->
+ case get_work(Work) of
+ none -> none;
+ {Fun, NewWork} ->
+ {dict:fetch(Fun, TreeMap), State#state{work = NewWork}}
+ end.
+state__lookup_call_site(Tree, #state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
+ Label = get_label(Tree),
+ dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_call_site(Label, Callgraph).
+state__fun_info(external, #state{}) ->
+ external;
+state__fun_info({_, _, _} = MFA, #state{plt = PLT}) ->
+ {MFA,
+ dialyzer_plt:lookup(PLT, MFA),
+ dialyzer_plt:lookup_contract(PLT, MFA),
+ t_any()};
+state__fun_info(Fun, #state{callgraph = CG, fun_tab = FunTab, plt = PLT}) ->
+ {Sig, Contract} =
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Fun, CG) of
+ error ->
+ {dialyzer_plt:lookup(PLT, Fun), none};
+ {ok, MFA} ->
+ {dialyzer_plt:lookup(PLT, MFA), dialyzer_plt:lookup_contract(PLT, MFA)}
+ end,
+ LocalRet =
+ case dict:fetch(Fun, FunTab) of
+ {not_handled, {_Args, Ret}} -> Ret;
+ {_Args, Ret} -> Ret
+ end,
+ ?debug("LocalRet: ~s\n", [t_to_string(LocalRet)]),
+ {Fun, Sig, Contract, LocalRet}.
+forward_args(Fun, ArgTypes, #state{work = Work, fun_tab = FunTab} = State) ->
+ {OldArgTypes, OldOut, Fixpoint} =
+ case dict:find(Fun, FunTab) of
+ {ok, {not_handled, {OldArgTypes0, OldOut0}}} ->
+ {OldArgTypes0, OldOut0, false};
+ {ok, {OldArgTypes0, OldOut0}} ->
+ {OldArgTypes0, OldOut0,
+ t_is_subtype(t_product(ArgTypes), t_product(OldArgTypes0))}
+ end,
+ case Fixpoint of
+ true -> State;
+ false ->
+ NewArgTypes = [t_sup(X, Y) ||
+ {X, Y} <- lists:zip(ArgTypes, OldArgTypes)],
+ NewWork = add_work(Fun, Work),
+ ?debug("~w: forwarding args ~s\n",
+ [state__lookup_name(Fun, State),
+ t_to_string(t_product(NewArgTypes))]),
+ NewFunTab = dict:store(Fun, {NewArgTypes, OldOut}, FunTab),
+ State#state{work = NewWork, fun_tab = NewFunTab}
+ end.
+-spec state__cleanup(state()) -> state().
+state__cleanup(#state{callgraph = Callgraph,
+ races = Races,
+ records = Records}) ->
+ #state{callgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:cleanup(Callgraph),
+ races = dialyzer_races:cleanup(Races),
+ records = Records}.
+-spec state__duplicate(state()) -> state().
+state__duplicate(#state{callgraph = Callgraph} = State) ->
+ State#state{callgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:duplicate(Callgraph)}.
+-spec dispose_state(state()) -> ok.
+dispose_state(#state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
+ dialyzer_callgraph:dispose_race_server(Callgraph).
+-spec state__get_callgraph(state()) -> dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph().
+state__get_callgraph(#state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
+ Callgraph.
+-spec state__get_races(state()) -> dialyzer_races:races().
+state__get_races(#state{races = Races}) ->
+ Races.
+-spec state__get_records(state()) -> types().
+state__get_records(#state{records = Records}) ->
+ Records.
+-spec state__put_callgraph(dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), state()) ->
+ state().
+state__put_callgraph(Callgraph, State) ->
+ State#state{callgraph = Callgraph}.
+-spec state__put_races(dialyzer_races:races(), state()) -> state().
+state__put_races(Races, State) ->
+ State#state{races = Races}.
+-spec state__records_only(state()) -> state().
+state__records_only(#state{records = Records}) ->
+ #state{records = Records}.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Races
+%%% ===========================================================================
+is_race_analysis_enabled(#state{races = Races, callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
+ RaceDetection = dialyzer_callgraph:get_race_detection(Callgraph),
+ RaceAnalysis = dialyzer_races:get_race_analysis(Races),
+ RaceDetection andalso RaceAnalysis.
+get_race_list_and_size(#state{races = Races}) ->
+ dialyzer_races:get_race_list_and_size(Races).
+renew_race_code(#state{races = Races, callgraph = Callgraph,
+ warning_mode = WarningMode} = State) ->
+ case WarningMode of
+ true -> State;
+ false ->
+ NewCallgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:renew_race_code(Races, Callgraph),
+ State#state{callgraph = NewCallgraph}
+ end.
+renew_race_public_tables([Var], #state{races = Races, callgraph = Callgraph,
+ warning_mode = WarningMode} = State) ->
+ case WarningMode of
+ true -> State;
+ false ->
+ Table = dialyzer_races:get_new_table(Races),
+ case Table of
+ no_t -> State;
+ _Other ->
+ VarLabel = get_label(Var),
+ NewCallgraph =
+ dialyzer_callgraph:renew_race_public_tables(VarLabel, Callgraph),
+ State#state{callgraph = NewCallgraph}
+ end
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Worklist
+%%% ===========================================================================
+init_work(List) ->
+ {List, [], sets:from_list(List)}.
+get_work({[], [], _Set}) ->
+ none;
+get_work({[H|T], Rev, Set}) ->
+ {H, {T, Rev, sets:del_element(H, Set)}};
+get_work({[], Rev, Set}) ->
+ get_work({lists:reverse(Rev), [], Set}).
+add_work(New, {List, Rev, Set} = Work) ->
+ case sets:is_element(New, Set) of
+ true -> Work;
+ false -> {List, [New|Rev], sets:add_element(New, Set)}
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Utilities.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+get_line([Line|_]) when is_integer(Line) -> Line;
+get_line([_|Tail]) -> get_line(Tail);
+get_line([]) -> -1.
+get_file([]) -> [];
+get_file([{file, File}|_]) -> File;
+get_file([_|Tail]) -> get_file(Tail).
+is_compiler_generated(Ann) ->
+ lists:member(compiler_generated, Ann) orelse (get_line(Ann) < 1).
+is_literal_record(Tree) ->
+ Ann = cerl:get_ann(Tree),
+ lists:member(record, Ann).
+-spec format_args([cerl:cerl()], [type()], state()) ->
+ nonempty_string().
+format_args([], [], _State) ->
+ "()";
+format_args(ArgList0, TypeList, State) ->
+ ArgList = fold_literals(ArgList0),
+ "(" ++ format_args_1(ArgList, TypeList, State) ++ ")".
+format_args_1([Arg], [Type], State) ->
+ format_arg(Arg) ++ format_type(Type, State);
+format_args_1([Arg|Args], [Type|Types], State) ->
+ String =
+ case cerl:is_literal(Arg) of
+ true -> format_cerl(Arg);
+ false -> format_arg(Arg) ++ format_type(Type, State)
+ end,
+ String ++ "," ++ format_args_1(Args, Types, State).
+format_arg(Arg) ->
+ Default = "",
+ case cerl:is_c_var(Arg) of
+ true ->
+ case cerl:var_name(Arg) of
+ Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ case atom_to_list(Atom) of
+ "cor"++_ -> Default;
+ "rec"++_ -> Default;
+ Name -> Name ++ "::"
+ end;
+ _What -> Default
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Default
+ end.
+-spec format_type(type(), state()) -> string().
+format_type(Type, #state{records = R}) ->
+ t_to_string(Type, R).
+-spec format_field_diffs(type(), state()) -> string().
+format_field_diffs(RecConstruction, #state{records = R}) ->
+ erl_types:record_field_diffs_to_string(RecConstruction, R).
+-spec format_sig_args(type(), state()) -> string().
+format_sig_args(Type, #state{opaques = Opaques} = State) ->
+ SigArgs = t_fun_args(Type, Opaques),
+ case SigArgs of
+ [] -> "()";
+ [SArg|SArgs] ->
+ lists:flatten("(" ++ format_type(SArg, State)
+ ++ ["," ++ format_type(T, State) || T <- SArgs] ++ ")")
+ end.
+format_cerl(Tree) ->
+ cerl_prettypr:format(cerl:set_ann(Tree, []),
+ [{hook, dialyzer_utils:pp_hook()},
+ {noann, true},
+ {paper, 100000}, %% These guys strip
+ {ribbon, 100000} %% newlines.
+ ]).
+format_patterns(Pats0) ->
+ Pats = fold_literals(Pats0),
+ NewPats = map_pats(cerl:c_values(Pats)),
+ String = format_cerl(NewPats),
+ case Pats of
+ [PosVar] ->
+ case cerl:is_c_var(PosVar) andalso (cerl:var_name(PosVar) =/= '') of
+ true -> "variable "++String;
+ false -> "pattern "++String
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ "pattern "++String
+ end.
+map_pats(Pats) ->
+ Fun = fun(Tree) ->
+ case cerl:is_c_var(Tree) of
+ true ->
+ case cerl:var_name(Tree) of
+ Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ case atom_to_list(Atom) of
+ "cor"++_ -> cerl:c_var('');
+ "rec"++_ -> cerl:c_var('');
+ _ -> cerl:set_ann(Tree, [])
+ end;
+ _What -> cerl:c_var('')
+ end;
+ false ->
+ cerl:set_ann(Tree, [])
+ end
+ end,
+ cerl_trees:map(Fun, Pats).
+fold_literals(TreeList) ->
+ [cerl:fold_literal(Tree) || Tree <- TreeList].
+type(Tree) ->
+ Folded = cerl:fold_literal(Tree),
+ case cerl:type(Folded) of
+ literal -> {literal, Folded};
+ Type -> Type
+ end.
+is_literal(Tree) ->
+ Folded = cerl:fold_literal(Tree),
+ case cerl:is_literal(Folded) of
+ true -> {yes, Folded};
+ false -> no
+ end.
+parent_allows_this(FunLbl, #state{callgraph = Callgraph, plt = Plt} =State) ->
+ case state__is_escaping(FunLbl, State) of
+ false -> false; % if it isn't escaping it can't be a return value
+ true ->
+ case state__lookup_name(FunLbl, State) of
+ {_M, _F, _A} -> false; % if it has a name it is not a fun
+ _ ->
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:in_neighbours(FunLbl, Callgraph) of
+ [Parent] ->
+ case state__lookup_name(Parent, State) of
+ {_M, _F, _A} = PMFA ->
+ case dialyzer_plt:lookup_contract(Plt, PMFA) of
+ none -> false;
+ {value, C} ->
+ GenRet = dialyzer_contracts:get_contract_return(C),
+ case erl_types:t_is_fun(GenRet) of
+ false -> false; % element of structure? far-fetched...
+ true -> t_is_unit(t_fun_range(GenRet))
+ end
+ end;
+ _ -> false % parent should have a name to have a contract
+ end;
+ _ -> false % called in other funs? far-fetched...
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+find_function({_, _, _} = MFA, _State) ->
+ MFA;
+find_function(top, _State) ->
+ top;
+find_function(FunLbl, #state{fun_homes = Homes}) ->
+ dict:fetch(FunLbl, Homes).
+classify_returns(Tree) ->
+ case find_terminals(cerl:fun_body(Tree)) of
+ {false, false} -> no_match;
+ {true, false} -> only_explicit;
+ {false, true} -> only_normal;
+ {true, true} -> both
+ end.
+find_terminals(Tree) ->
+ case cerl:type(Tree) of
+ apply -> {false, true};
+ binary -> {false, true};
+ bitstr -> {false, true};
+ call ->
+ M0 = cerl:call_module(Tree),
+ F0 = cerl:call_name(Tree),
+ A = length(cerl:call_args(Tree)),
+ case {is_literal(M0), is_literal(F0)} of
+ {{yes, LitM}, {yes, LitF}} ->
+ M = cerl:concrete(LitM),
+ F = cerl:concrete(LitF),
+ case (erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A)
+ andalso t_is_none(erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A))) of
+ true -> {true, false};
+ false -> {false, true}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% We cannot make assumptions. Say that both are true.
+ {true, true}
+ end;
+ 'case' -> find_terminals_list(cerl:case_clauses(Tree));
+ 'catch' -> find_terminals(cerl:catch_body(Tree));
+ clause -> find_terminals(cerl:clause_body(Tree));
+ cons -> {false, true};
+ 'fun' -> {false, true};
+ 'let' -> find_terminals(cerl:let_body(Tree));
+ letrec -> find_terminals(cerl:letrec_body(Tree));
+ literal -> {false, true};
+ map -> {false, true};
+ primop -> {false, false}; %% match_fail, etc. are not explicit exits.
+ 'receive' ->
+ Timeout = cerl:receive_timeout(Tree),
+ Clauses = cerl:receive_clauses(Tree),
+ case (cerl:is_literal(Timeout) andalso
+ (cerl:concrete(Timeout) =:= infinity)) of
+ true ->
+ if Clauses =:= [] -> {false, true}; %% A never ending receive.
+ true -> find_terminals_list(Clauses)
+ end;
+ false -> find_terminals_list([cerl:receive_action(Tree)|Clauses])
+ end;
+ seq -> find_terminals(cerl:seq_body(Tree));
+ 'try' ->
+ find_terminals_list([cerl:try_handler(Tree), cerl:try_body(Tree)]);
+ tuple -> {false, true};
+ values -> {false, true};
+ var -> {false, true}
+ end.
+find_terminals_list(List) ->
+ find_terminals_list(List, false, false).
+find_terminals_list([Tree|Left], Explicit1, Normal1) ->
+ {Explicit2, Normal2} = find_terminals(Tree),
+ case {Explicit1 or Explicit2, Normal1 or Normal2} of
+ {true, true} = Ans -> Ans;
+ {NewExplicit, NewNormal} ->
+ find_terminals_list(Left, NewExplicit, NewNormal)
+ end;
+find_terminals_list([], Explicit, Normal) ->
+ {Explicit, Normal}.
+debug_pp(Tree, true) ->
+ io:put_chars(cerl_prettypr:format(Tree, [{hook, cerl_typean:pp_hook()}])),
+ io:nl(),
+ ok;
+debug_pp(Tree, false) ->
+ io:put_chars(cerl_prettypr:format(strip_annotations(Tree))),
+ io:nl(),
+ ok.
+strip_annotations(Tree) ->
+ Fun = fun(T) ->
+ case cerl:type(T) of
+ var ->
+ cerl:set_ann(T, [{label, cerl_trees:get_label(T)}]);
+ 'fun' ->
+ cerl:set_ann(T, [{label, cerl_trees:get_label(T)}]);
+ _ ->
+ cerl:set_ann(T, [])
+ end
+ end,
+ cerl_trees:map(Fun, Tree).
+debug_pp(_Tree, _UseHook) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer_races.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer_races.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..637927c932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/dialyzer_races.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,2494 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File : dialyzer_races.erl
+%%% Author : Maria Christakis <[email protected]>
+%%% Description : Utility functions for race condition detection
+%%% Created : 21 Nov 2008 by Maria Christakis <[email protected]>
+%% Race Analysis
+-export([store_race_call/5, race/1, get_race_warnings/2, format_args/4]).
+%% Record Interfaces
+-export([beg_clause_new/3, cleanup/1, end_case_new/1, end_clause_new/3,
+ get_curr_fun/1, get_curr_fun_args/1, get_new_table/1,
+ get_race_analysis/1, get_race_list/1, get_race_list_size/1,
+ get_race_list_and_size/1,
+ let_tag_new/2, new/0, put_curr_fun/3, put_fun_args/2,
+ put_race_analysis/2, put_race_list/3]).
+-export_type([races/0, core_vars/0]).
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Definitions
+%%% ===========================================================================
+-define(local, 5).
+-define(no_arg, no_arg).
+-define(no_label, no_label).
+-define(bypassed, bypassed).
+-define(WARN_WHEREIS_REGISTER, warn_whereis_register).
+-define(WARN_WHEREIS_UNREGISTER, warn_whereis_unregister).
+-define(WARN_ETS_LOOKUP_INSERT, warn_ets_lookup_insert).
+-define(WARN_MNESIA_DIRTY_READ_WRITE, warn_mnesia_dirty_read_write).
+-define(WARN_NO_WARN, warn_no_warn).
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Local Types
+%%% ===========================================================================
+-type label_type() :: label() | [label()] | {label()} | ?no_label.
+-type args() :: [label_type() | [string()]].
+-type core_vars() :: cerl:cerl() | ?no_arg | ?bypassed.
+-type var_to_map1() :: core_vars() | [cerl:cerl()].
+-type var_to_map2() :: cerl:cerl() | [cerl:cerl()] | ?bypassed.
+-type core_args() :: [core_vars()] | 'empty'.
+-type op() :: 'bind' | 'unbind'.
+-type dep_calls() :: 'whereis' | 'ets_lookup' | 'mnesia_dirty_read'.
+-type warn_calls() :: 'register' | 'unregister' | 'ets_insert'
+ | 'mnesia_dirty_write'.
+-type call() :: 'whereis' | 'register' | 'unregister' | 'ets_new'
+ | 'ets_lookup' | 'ets_insert' | 'mnesia_dirty_read1'
+ | 'mnesia_dirty_read2' | 'mnesia_dirty_write1'
+ | 'mnesia_dirty_write2' | 'function_call'.
+-type race_tag() :: 'whereis_register' | 'whereis_unregister'
+ | 'ets_lookup_insert' | 'mnesia_dirty_read_write'.
+%% The following type is similar to the raw_warning() type but has a
+%% tag which is local to this module and is not propagated to outside
+-type dial_race_warning() :: {race_warn_tag(), warning_info(), {atom(), [term()]}}.
+-record(beg_clause, {arg :: var_to_map1() | 'undefined',
+ pats :: var_to_map1() | 'undefined',
+ guard :: cerl:cerl() | 'undefined'}).
+-record(end_clause, {arg :: var_to_map1() | 'undefined',
+ pats :: var_to_map1() | 'undefined',
+ guard :: cerl:cerl() | 'undefined'}).
+-record(end_case, {clauses :: [#end_clause{}]}).
+-record(curr_fun, {status :: 'in' | 'out' | 'undefined',
+ mfa :: dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl()
+ | 'undefined',
+ label :: label() | 'undefined',
+ def_vars :: [core_vars()] | 'undefined',
+ arg_types :: [erl_types:erl_type()] | 'undefined',
+ call_vars :: [core_vars()] | 'undefined',
+ var_map :: dict:dict() | 'undefined'}).
+-record(dep_call, {call_name :: dep_calls(),
+ args :: args() | 'undefined',
+ arg_types :: [erl_types:erl_type()],
+ vars :: [core_vars()],
+ state :: dialyzer_dataflow:state(),
+ file_line :: file_line(),
+ var_map :: dict:dict() | 'undefined'}).
+-record(fun_call, {caller :: dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl(),
+ callee :: dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl(),
+ arg_types :: [erl_types:erl_type()],
+ vars :: [core_vars()]}).
+-record(let_tag, {var :: var_to_map1(),
+ arg :: var_to_map1()}).
+-record(warn_call, {call_name :: warn_calls(),
+ args :: args(),
+ var_map :: dict:dict() | 'undefined'}).
+-type case_tags() :: 'beg_case' | #beg_clause{} | #end_clause{} | #end_case{}.
+-type code() :: [#dep_call{} | #fun_call{} | #warn_call{} |
+ #curr_fun{} | #let_tag{} | case_tags() | race_tag()].
+-type table_var() :: label() | ?no_label.
+-type table() :: {'named', table_var(), [string()]} | 'other' | 'no_t'.
+-record(race_fun, {mfa :: mfa(),
+ args :: args(),
+ arg_types :: [erl_types:erl_type()],
+ vars :: [core_vars()],
+ file_line :: file_line(),
+ index :: non_neg_integer(),
+ fun_mfa :: dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl(),
+ fun_label :: label()}).
+-record(races, {curr_fun :: dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl()
+ | 'undefined',
+ curr_fun_label :: label() | 'undefined',
+ curr_fun_args = 'empty' :: core_args(),
+ new_table = 'no_t' :: table(),
+ race_list = [] :: code(),
+ race_list_size = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ race_tags = [] :: [#race_fun{}],
+ %% true for fun types and warning mode
+ race_analysis = false :: boolean(),
+ race_warnings = [] :: [dial_race_warning()]}).
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Exported Types
+%%% ===========================================================================
+-opaque races() :: #races{}.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Race Analysis
+%%% ===========================================================================
+-spec store_race_call(dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl(),
+ [erl_types:erl_type()], [core_vars()],
+ file_line(), dialyzer_dataflow:state()) ->
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state().
+store_race_call(Fun, ArgTypes, Args, FileLine, State) ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ CurrFun = Races#races.curr_fun,
+ CurrFunLabel = Races#races.curr_fun_label,
+ RaceTags = Races#races.race_tags,
+ CleanState = dialyzer_dataflow:state__records_only(State),
+ {NewRaceList, NewRaceListSize, NewRaceTags, NewTable} =
+ case CurrFun of
+ {_Module, module_info, A} when A =:= 0 orelse A =:= 1 ->
+ {[], 0, RaceTags, no_t};
+ _Thing ->
+ RaceList = Races#races.race_list,
+ RaceListSize = Races#races.race_list_size,
+ case Fun of
+ {erlang, get_module_info, A} when A =:= 1 orelse A =:= 2 ->
+ {[], 0, RaceTags, no_t};
+ {erlang, register, 2} ->
+ VarArgs = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, register),
+ RaceFun = #race_fun{mfa = Fun, args = VarArgs,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ file_line = FileLine, index = RaceListSize,
+ fun_mfa = CurrFun, fun_label = CurrFunLabel},
+ {[#warn_call{call_name = register, args = VarArgs}|
+ RaceList], RaceListSize + 1, [RaceFun|RaceTags], no_t};
+ {erlang, unregister, 1} ->
+ VarArgs = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, unregister),
+ RaceFun = #race_fun{mfa = Fun, args = VarArgs,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ file_line = FileLine, index = RaceListSize,
+ fun_mfa = CurrFun, fun_label = CurrFunLabel},
+ {[#warn_call{call_name = unregister, args = VarArgs}|
+ RaceList], RaceListSize + 1, [RaceFun|RaceTags], no_t};
+ {erlang, whereis, 1} ->
+ VarArgs = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, whereis),
+ {[#dep_call{call_name = whereis, args = VarArgs,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ state = CleanState, file_line = FileLine}|
+ RaceList], RaceListSize + 1, RaceTags, no_t};
+ {ets, insert, 2} ->
+ VarArgs = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, ets_insert),
+ RaceFun = #race_fun{mfa = Fun, args = VarArgs,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ file_line = FileLine, index = RaceListSize,
+ fun_mfa = CurrFun, fun_label = CurrFunLabel},
+ {[#warn_call{call_name = ets_insert, args = VarArgs}|
+ RaceList], RaceListSize + 1, [RaceFun|RaceTags], no_t};
+ {ets, lookup, 2} ->
+ VarArgs = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, ets_lookup),
+ {[#dep_call{call_name = ets_lookup, args = VarArgs,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ state = CleanState, file_line = FileLine}|
+ RaceList], RaceListSize + 1, RaceTags, no_t};
+ {ets, new, 2} ->
+ VarArgs = format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, ets_new),
+ [VarArgs1, VarArgs2, _, Options] = VarArgs,
+ NewTable1 =
+ case lists:member("'public'", Options) of
+ true ->
+ case lists:member("'named_table'", Options) of
+ true ->
+ {named, VarArgs1, VarArgs2};
+ false -> other
+ end;
+ false -> no_t
+ end,
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize, RaceTags, NewTable1};
+ {mnesia, dirty_read, A} when A =:= 1 orelse A =:= 2 ->
+ VarArgs =
+ case A of
+ 1 ->
+ format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, mnesia_dirty_read1);
+ 2 ->
+ format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, mnesia_dirty_read2)
+ end,
+ {[#dep_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_read, args = VarArgs,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ state = CleanState, file_line = FileLine}|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, RaceTags, no_t};
+ {mnesia, dirty_write, A} when A =:= 1 orelse A =:= 2 ->
+ VarArgs =
+ case A of
+ 1 ->
+ format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, mnesia_dirty_write1);
+ 2 ->
+ format_args(Args, ArgTypes, CleanState, mnesia_dirty_write2)
+ end,
+ RaceFun = #race_fun{mfa = Fun, args = VarArgs,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ file_line = FileLine, index = RaceListSize,
+ fun_mfa = CurrFun, fun_label = CurrFunLabel},
+ {[#warn_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_write,
+ args = VarArgs}|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, [RaceFun|RaceTags], no_t};
+ Int when is_integer(Int) ->
+ {[#fun_call{caller = CurrFun, callee = Int, arg_types = ArgTypes,
+ vars = Args}|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, RaceTags, no_t};
+ _Other ->
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ case digraph:vertex(dialyzer_callgraph:get_digraph(Callgraph),
+ Fun) of
+ {Fun, confirmed} ->
+ {[#fun_call{caller = CurrFun, callee = Fun,
+ arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args}|RaceList],
+ RaceListSize + 1, RaceTags, no_t};
+ false ->
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize, RaceTags, no_t}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ state__renew_info(NewRaceList, NewRaceListSize, NewRaceTags, NewTable, State).
+-spec race(dialyzer_dataflow:state()) -> dialyzer_dataflow:state().
+race(State) ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ RaceTags = Races#races.race_tags,
+ RetState =
+ case RaceTags of
+ [] -> State;
+ [#race_fun{mfa = Fun,
+ args = VarArgs, arg_types = ArgTypes,
+ vars = Args, file_line = FileLine,
+ index = Index, fun_mfa = CurrFun,
+ fun_label = CurrFunLabel}|T] ->
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ {ok, [_Args, Code]} =
+ dict:find(CurrFun, dialyzer_callgraph:get_race_code(Callgraph)),
+ RaceList = lists:reverse(Code),
+ RaceWarnTag =
+ case Fun of
+ {erlang, register, 2} -> ?WARN_WHEREIS_REGISTER;
+ {erlang, unregister, 1} -> ?WARN_WHEREIS_UNREGISTER;
+ {ets, insert, 2} -> ?WARN_ETS_LOOKUP_INSERT;
+ {mnesia, dirty_write, _A} -> ?WARN_MNESIA_DIRTY_READ_WRITE
+ end,
+ State1 =
+ state__renew_curr_fun(CurrFun,
+ state__renew_curr_fun_label(CurrFunLabel,
+ state__renew_race_list(lists:nthtail(length(RaceList) - Index,
+ RaceList), State))),
+ DepList = fixup_race_list(RaceWarnTag, VarArgs, State1),
+ {State2, RaceWarn} =
+ get_race_warn(Fun, Args, ArgTypes, DepList, State),
+ {File, Line} = FileLine,
+ CurrMFA = dialyzer_dataflow:state__find_function(CurrFun, State),
+ WarningInfo = {File, Line, CurrMFA},
+ race(
+ state__add_race_warning(
+ state__renew_race_tags(T, State2), RaceWarn, RaceWarnTag,
+ WarningInfo))
+ end,
+ state__renew_race_tags([], RetState).
+fixup_race_list(RaceWarnTag, WarnVarArgs, State) ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ CurrFun = Races#races.curr_fun,
+ CurrFunLabel = Races#races.curr_fun_label,
+ RaceList = Races#races.race_list,
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ Digraph = dialyzer_callgraph:get_digraph(Callgraph),
+ Calls = digraph:edges(Digraph),
+ RaceTag =
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ ?WARN_WHEREIS_REGISTER -> whereis_register;
+ ?WARN_WHEREIS_UNREGISTER -> whereis_unregister;
+ ?WARN_ETS_LOOKUP_INSERT -> ets_lookup_insert;
+ ?WARN_MNESIA_DIRTY_READ_WRITE -> mnesia_dirty_read_write
+ end,
+ NewRaceList = [RaceTag|RaceList],
+ CleanState = dialyzer_dataflow:state__cleanup(State),
+ NewState = state__renew_race_list(NewRaceList, CleanState),
+ DepList1 =
+ fixup_race_forward_pullout(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Calls,
+ lists:reverse(NewRaceList), [], CurrFun,
+ WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, dict:new(),
+ [], [], [], 2 * ?local, NewState),
+ Parents = fixup_race_backward(CurrFun, Calls, Calls, [], ?local),
+ UParents = lists:usort(Parents),
+ Filtered = filter_parents(UParents, UParents, Digraph),
+ NewParents =
+ case lists:member(CurrFun, Filtered) of
+ true -> Filtered;
+ false -> [CurrFun|Filtered]
+ end,
+ DepList2 =
+ fixup_race_list_helper(NewParents, Calls, CurrFun, WarnVarArgs,
+ RaceWarnTag, NewState),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:dispose_state(CleanState),
+ lists:usort(cleanup_dep_calls(DepList1 ++ DepList2)).
+fixup_race_list_helper(Parents, Calls, CurrFun, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag,
+ State) ->
+ case Parents of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ Code =
+ case dict:find(Head, dialyzer_callgraph:get_race_code(Callgraph)) of
+ error -> [];
+ {ok, [_A, C]} -> C
+ end,
+ {ok, FunLabel} = dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_label(Head, Callgraph),
+ DepList1 =
+ fixup_race_forward_pullout(Head, FunLabel, Calls, Code, [], CurrFun,
+ WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, dict:new(),
+ [], [], [], 2 * ?local, State),
+ DepList2 =
+ fixup_race_list_helper(Tail, Calls, CurrFun, WarnVarArgs,
+ RaceWarnTag, State),
+ DepList1 ++ DepList2
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Forward Analysis
+%%% ===========================================================================
+fixup_race_forward_pullout(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Calls, Code, RaceList,
+ InitFun, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NestingLevel,
+ State) ->
+ TState = dialyzer_dataflow:state__duplicate(State),
+ {DepList, NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, NewCalls,
+ NewCode, NewRaceList, NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars,
+ NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes, NewNestingLevel} =
+ fixup_race_forward(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Calls, Code, RaceList,
+ InitFun, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NestingLevel,
+ cleanup_race_code(TState)),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:dispose_state(TState),
+ case NewCode of
+ [] -> DepList;
+ [#fun_call{caller = NewCurrFun, callee = Call, arg_types = FunTypes,
+ vars = FunArgs}|Tail] ->
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ OkCall = {ok, Call},
+ {Name, Label} =
+ case is_integer(Call) of
+ true ->
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Call, Callgraph) of
+ error -> {OkCall, OkCall};
+ N -> {N, OkCall}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {OkCall, dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_label(Call, Callgraph)}
+ end,
+ {NewCurrFun1, NewCurrFunLabel1, NewCalls1, NewCode1, NewRaceList1,
+ NewRaceVarMap1, NewFunDefVars1, NewFunCallVars1, NewFunArgTypes1,
+ NewNestingLevel1} =
+ case Label =:= error of
+ true ->
+ {NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, NewCalls, Tail, NewRaceList,
+ NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars, NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes,
+ NewNestingLevel};
+ false ->
+ {ok, Fun} = Name,
+ {ok, Int} = Label,
+ case dict:find(Fun, dialyzer_callgraph:get_race_code(Callgraph)) of
+ error ->
+ {NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, NewCalls, Tail, NewRaceList,
+ NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars, NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes,
+ NewNestingLevel};
+ {ok, [Args, CodeB]} ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ {RetCurrFun, RetCurrFunLabel, RetCalls, RetCode,
+ RetRaceList, RetRaceVarMap, RetFunDefVars, RetFunCallVars,
+ RetFunArgTypes, RetNestingLevel} =
+ fixup_race_forward_helper(NewCurrFun,
+ NewCurrFunLabel, Fun, Int, NewCalls, NewCalls,
+ [#curr_fun{status = out, mfa = NewCurrFun,
+ label = NewCurrFunLabel,
+ var_map = NewRaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = NewFunDefVars,
+ call_vars = NewFunCallVars,
+ arg_types = NewFunArgTypes}|
+ Tail],
+ NewRaceList, InitFun, FunArgs, FunTypes, RaceWarnTag,
+ NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars, NewFunCallVars,
+ NewFunArgTypes, NewNestingLevel, Args, CodeB,
+ Races#races.race_list),
+ case RetCode of
+ [#curr_fun{}|_CodeTail] ->
+ {NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, RetCalls, RetCode,
+ RetRaceList, NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars,
+ NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes, RetNestingLevel};
+ _Else ->
+ {RetCurrFun, RetCurrFunLabel, RetCalls, RetCode,
+ RetRaceList, RetRaceVarMap, RetFunDefVars,
+ RetFunCallVars, RetFunArgTypes, RetNestingLevel}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ DepList ++
+ fixup_race_forward_pullout(NewCurrFun1, NewCurrFunLabel1, NewCalls1,
+ NewCode1, NewRaceList1, InitFun, WarnVarArgs,
+ RaceWarnTag, NewRaceVarMap1, NewFunDefVars1,
+ NewFunCallVars1, NewFunArgTypes1,
+ NewNestingLevel1, State)
+ end.
+fixup_race_forward(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Calls, Code, RaceList,
+ InitFun, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NestingLevel,
+ State) ->
+ case Code of
+ [] ->
+ {[], CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Calls, Code, RaceList, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NestingLevel};
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ {NewRL, DepList, NewNL, Return} =
+ case Head of
+ #dep_call{call_name = whereis} ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ WarnWhereis when WarnWhereis =:= ?WARN_WHEREIS_REGISTER orelse
+ {[Head#dep_call{var_map = RaceVarMap}|RaceList],
+ [], NestingLevel, false};
+ _Other ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ #dep_call{call_name = ets_lookup} ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ {[Head#dep_call{var_map = RaceVarMap}|RaceList],
+ [], NestingLevel, false};
+ _Other ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ #dep_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_read} ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ {[Head#dep_call{var_map = RaceVarMap}|RaceList],
+ [], NestingLevel, false};
+ _Other ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ #warn_call{call_name = RegCall} when RegCall =:= register orelse
+ RegCall =:= unregister ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ WarnWhereis when WarnWhereis =:= ?WARN_WHEREIS_REGISTER orelse
+ {[Head#warn_call{var_map = RaceVarMap}|RaceList],
+ [], NestingLevel, false};
+ _Other ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ #warn_call{call_name = ets_insert} ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ {[Head#warn_call{var_map = RaceVarMap}|RaceList],
+ [], NestingLevel, false};
+ _Other ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ #warn_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_write} ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ {[Head#warn_call{var_map = RaceVarMap}|RaceList],
+ [], NestingLevel, false};
+ _Other ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ #fun_call{caller = CurrFun, callee = InitFun} ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false};
+ #fun_call{caller = CurrFun} ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ beg_case ->
+ {[Head|RaceList], [], NestingLevel, false};
+ #beg_clause{} ->
+ {[#beg_clause{}|RaceList], [], NestingLevel, false};
+ #end_clause{} ->
+ {[#end_clause{}|RaceList], [], NestingLevel, false};
+ #end_case{} ->
+ {[Head|RaceList], [], NestingLevel, false};
+ #let_tag{} ->
+ {RaceList, [], NestingLevel, false};
+ #curr_fun{status = in, mfa = InitFun,
+ label = _InitFunLabel, var_map = _NewRVM,
+ def_vars = NewFDV, call_vars = NewFCV,
+ arg_types = _NewFAT} ->
+ {[#curr_fun{status = out, var_map = RaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = NewFDV, call_vars = NewFCV}|
+ RaceList], [], NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ #curr_fun{status = in, def_vars = NewFDV,
+ call_vars = NewFCV} ->
+ {[#curr_fun{status = out, var_map = RaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = NewFDV, call_vars = NewFCV}|
+ RaceList],
+ [], NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ #curr_fun{status = out} ->
+ {[#curr_fun{status = in, var_map = RaceVarMap}|RaceList], [],
+ NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ RaceTag ->
+ PublicTables = dialyzer_callgraph:get_public_tables(Callgraph),
+ NamedTables = dialyzer_callgraph:get_named_tables(Callgraph),
+ WarnVarArgs1 =
+ var_type_analysis(FunDefVars, FunArgTypes, WarnVarArgs,
+ RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__records_only(State)),
+ {NewDepList, IsPublic, _Return} =
+ get_deplist_paths(RaceList, WarnVarArgs1, RaceWarnTag,
+ RaceVarMap, 0, PublicTables, NamedTables),
+ {NewHead, NewDepList1} =
+ case RaceTag of
+ whereis_register ->
+ {[#warn_call{call_name = register, args = WarnVarArgs,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap}],
+ NewDepList};
+ whereis_unregister ->
+ {[#warn_call{call_name = unregister, args = WarnVarArgs,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap}],
+ NewDepList};
+ ets_lookup_insert ->
+ NewWarnCall =
+ [#warn_call{call_name = ets_insert, args = WarnVarArgs,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap}],
+ [Tab, Names, _, _] = WarnVarArgs,
+ case IsPublic orelse
+ compare_var_list(Tab, PublicTables, RaceVarMap)
+ orelse
+ length(Names -- NamedTables) < length(Names) of
+ true ->
+ {NewWarnCall, NewDepList};
+ false -> {NewWarnCall, []}
+ end;
+ mnesia_dirty_read_write ->
+ {[#warn_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_write,
+ args = WarnVarArgs, var_map = RaceVarMap}],
+ NewDepList}
+ end,
+ {NewHead ++ RaceList, NewDepList1, NestingLevel,
+ is_last_race(RaceTag, InitFun, Tail, Callgraph)}
+ end,
+ {NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, NewCode, NewRaceList, NewRaceVarMap,
+ NewFunDefVars, NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes, NewNestingLevel,
+ PullOut} =
+ case Head of
+ #fun_call{caller = CurrFun} ->
+ case NewNL =:= 0 of
+ true ->
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Tail, NewRL, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL, false};
+ false ->
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Code, NewRL, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL, true}
+ end;
+ #beg_clause{arg = Arg, pats = Pats, guard = Guard} ->
+ {RaceVarMap1, RemoveClause} =
+ race_var_map_guard(Arg, Pats, Guard, RaceVarMap, bind),
+ case RemoveClause of
+ true ->
+ {RaceList2,
+ #curr_fun{mfa = CurrFun2, label = CurrFunLabel2,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap2, def_vars = FunDefVars2,
+ call_vars = FunCallVars2, arg_types = FunArgTypes2},
+ Code2, NestingLevel2} =
+ remove_clause(NewRL,
+ #curr_fun{mfa = CurrFun, label = CurrFunLabel,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap1,
+ def_vars = FunDefVars,
+ call_vars = FunCallVars,
+ arg_types = FunArgTypes},
+ Tail, NewNL),
+ {CurrFun2, CurrFunLabel2, Code2, RaceList2,
+ RaceVarMap2, FunDefVars2, FunCallVars2, FunArgTypes2,
+ NestingLevel2, false};
+ false ->
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Tail, NewRL, RaceVarMap1,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL, false}
+ end;
+ #end_clause{arg = Arg, pats = Pats, guard = Guard} ->
+ {RaceVarMap1, _RemoveClause} =
+ race_var_map_guard(Arg, Pats, Guard, RaceVarMap, unbind),
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Tail, NewRL, RaceVarMap1,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL,
+ false};
+ #end_case{clauses = Clauses} ->
+ RaceVarMap1 =
+ race_var_map_clauses(Clauses, RaceVarMap),
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Tail, NewRL, RaceVarMap1,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL,
+ false};
+ #let_tag{var = Var, arg = Arg} ->
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Tail, NewRL,
+ race_var_map(Var, Arg, RaceVarMap, bind), FunDefVars,
+ FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL, false};
+ #curr_fun{mfa = CurrFun1, label = CurrFunLabel1,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap1, def_vars = FunDefVars1,
+ call_vars = FunCallVars1, arg_types = FunArgTypes1} ->
+ case NewNL =:= 0 of
+ true ->
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel,
+ remove_nonlocal_functions(Tail, 1), NewRL, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL, false};
+ false ->
+ {CurrFun1, CurrFunLabel1, Tail, NewRL, RaceVarMap1,
+ FunDefVars1, FunCallVars1, FunArgTypes1, NewNL, false}
+ end;
+ _Thing ->
+ {CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Tail, NewRL, RaceVarMap,
+ FunDefVars, FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NewNL, false}
+ end,
+ case Return of
+ true ->
+ {DepList, NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, Calls,
+ [], NewRaceList, NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars,
+ NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes, NewNestingLevel};
+ false ->
+ NewNestingLevel1 =
+ case NewNestingLevel =:= 0 of
+ true -> NewNestingLevel + 1;
+ false -> NewNestingLevel
+ end,
+ case PullOut of
+ true ->
+ {DepList, NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, Calls,
+ NewCode, NewRaceList, NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars,
+ NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes, NewNestingLevel1};
+ false ->
+ {RetDepList, NewCurrFun1, NewCurrFunLabel1, NewCalls1,
+ NewCode1, NewRaceList1, NewRaceVarMap1, NewFunDefVars1,
+ NewFunCallVars1, NewFunArgTypes1, NewNestingLevel2} =
+ fixup_race_forward(NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, Calls,
+ NewCode, NewRaceList, InitFun, WarnVarArgs,
+ RaceWarnTag, NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars,
+ NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes,
+ NewNestingLevel1, State),
+ {DepList ++ RetDepList, NewCurrFun1, NewCurrFunLabel1,
+ NewCalls1, NewCode1, NewRaceList1, NewRaceVarMap1,
+ NewFunDefVars1, NewFunCallVars1, NewFunArgTypes1,
+ NewNestingLevel2}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+get_deplist_paths(RaceList, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, CurrLevel,
+ PublicTables, NamedTables) ->
+ case RaceList of
+ [] -> {[], false, true};
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ case Head of
+ #end_case{} ->
+ {RaceList1, DepList1, IsPublic1, Continue1} =
+ handle_case(Tail, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, CurrLevel,
+ PublicTables, NamedTables),
+ case Continue1 of
+ true ->
+ {DepList2, IsPublic2, Continue2} =
+ get_deplist_paths(RaceList1, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag,
+ RaceVarMap, CurrLevel, PublicTables,
+ NamedTables),
+ {DepList1 ++ DepList2, IsPublic1 orelse IsPublic2, Continue2};
+ false -> {DepList1, IsPublic1, false}
+ end;
+ #beg_clause{} ->
+ get_deplist_paths(fixup_before_case_path(Tail), WarnVarArgs,
+ RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, CurrLevel, PublicTables,
+ NamedTables);
+ #curr_fun{status = in, var_map = RaceVarMap1} ->
+ {DepList, IsPublic, Continue} =
+ get_deplist_paths(Tail, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ CurrLevel + 1, PublicTables, NamedTables),
+ IsPublic1 =
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ [Tabs, Names, _, _] = WarnVarArgs,
+ IsPublic orelse
+ lists:any(
+ fun (T) ->
+ compare_var_list(T, PublicTables, RaceVarMap1)
+ end, Tabs)
+ orelse
+ length(Names -- NamedTables) < length(Names);
+ _ -> true
+ end,
+ {DepList, IsPublic1, Continue};
+ #curr_fun{status = out, var_map = RaceVarMap1, def_vars = FunDefVars,
+ call_vars = FunCallVars} ->
+ WarnVarArgs1 =
+ var_analysis([format_arg(DefVar) || DefVar <- FunDefVars],
+ [format_arg(CallVar) || CallVar <- FunCallVars],
+ WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag),
+ {WarnVarArgs2, Stop} =
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ [WVA1, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4] = WarnVarArgs1,
+ Vars =
+ lists:flatten(
+ [find_all_bound_vars(V, RaceVarMap1) || V <- WVA1]),
+ case {Vars, CurrLevel} of
+ {[], 0} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, true};
+ {[], _} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, false};
+ _ ->
+ {[Vars, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4], false}
+ end;
+ [WVA1, WVA2] = WarnVarArgs1,
+ Vars =
+ lists:flatten(
+ [find_all_bound_vars(V, RaceVarMap1) || V <- WVA1]),
+ case {Vars, CurrLevel} of
+ {[], 0} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, true};
+ {[], _} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, false};
+ _ ->
+ {[Vars, WVA2], false}
+ end;
+ [WVA1, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4] = WarnVarArgs1,
+ Vars1 =
+ lists:flatten(
+ [find_all_bound_vars(V1, RaceVarMap1) || V1 <- WVA1]),
+ Vars2 =
+ lists:flatten(
+ [find_all_bound_vars(V2, RaceVarMap1) || V2 <- WVA3]),
+ case {Vars1, Vars2, CurrLevel} of
+ {[], _, 0} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, true};
+ {[], _, _} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, false};
+ {_, [], 0} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, true};
+ {_, [], _} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, false};
+ _ ->
+ {[Vars1, WVA2, Vars2, WVA4], false}
+ end;
+ [WVA1, WVA2|T] = WarnVarArgs1,
+ Vars =
+ lists:flatten(
+ [find_all_bound_vars(V, RaceVarMap1) || V <- WVA1]),
+ case {Vars, CurrLevel} of
+ {[], 0} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, true};
+ {[], _} ->
+ {WarnVarArgs, false};
+ _ ->
+ {[Vars, WVA2|T], false}
+ end
+ end,
+ case Stop of
+ true -> {[], false, false};
+ false ->
+ CurrLevel1 =
+ case CurrLevel of
+ 0 -> CurrLevel;
+ _ -> CurrLevel - 1
+ end,
+ get_deplist_paths(Tail, WarnVarArgs2, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap1,
+ CurrLevel1, PublicTables, NamedTables)
+ end;
+ #warn_call{call_name = RegCall, args = WarnVarArgs1,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap1} when RegCall =:= register orelse
+ RegCall =:= unregister ->
+ case compare_first_arg(WarnVarArgs, WarnVarArgs1, RaceVarMap1) of
+ true -> {[], false, false};
+ NewWarnVarArgs ->
+ get_deplist_paths(Tail, NewWarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ CurrLevel, PublicTables, NamedTables)
+ end;
+ #warn_call{call_name = ets_insert, args = WarnVarArgs1,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap1} ->
+ case compare_ets_insert(WarnVarArgs, WarnVarArgs1, RaceVarMap1) of
+ true -> {[], false, false};
+ NewWarnVarArgs ->
+ get_deplist_paths(Tail, NewWarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ CurrLevel, PublicTables, NamedTables)
+ end;
+ #warn_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_write, args = WarnVarArgs1,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap1} ->
+ case compare_first_arg(WarnVarArgs, WarnVarArgs1, RaceVarMap1) of
+ true -> {[], false, false};
+ NewWarnVarArgs ->
+ get_deplist_paths(Tail, NewWarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ CurrLevel, PublicTables, NamedTables)
+ end;
+ #dep_call{var_map = RaceVarMap1} ->
+ {DepList, IsPublic, Continue} =
+ get_deplist_paths(Tail, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ CurrLevel, PublicTables, NamedTables),
+ {refine_race(Head, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, DepList, RaceVarMap1),
+ IsPublic, Continue}
+ end
+ end.
+handle_case(RaceList, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, CurrLevel,
+ PublicTables, NamedTables) ->
+ case RaceList of
+ [] -> {[], [], false, true};
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ case Head of
+ #end_clause{} ->
+ {RestRaceList, DepList1, IsPublic1, Continue1} =
+ do_clause(Tail, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, CurrLevel,
+ PublicTables, NamedTables),
+ {RetRaceList, DepList2, IsPublic2, Continue2} =
+ handle_case(RestRaceList, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap,
+ CurrLevel, PublicTables, NamedTables),
+ {RetRaceList, DepList1 ++ DepList2, IsPublic1 orelse IsPublic2,
+ Continue1 orelse Continue2};
+ beg_case -> {Tail, [], false, false}
+ end
+ end.
+do_clause(RaceList, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, CurrLevel,
+ PublicTables, NamedTables) ->
+ {DepList, IsPublic, Continue} =
+ get_deplist_paths(fixup_case_path(RaceList, 0), WarnVarArgs,
+ RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, CurrLevel,
+ PublicTables, NamedTables),
+ {fixup_case_rest_paths(RaceList, 0), DepList, IsPublic, Continue}.
+fixup_case_path(RaceList, NestingLevel) ->
+ case RaceList of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ {NewNestingLevel, Return} =
+ case Head of
+ beg_case -> {NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ #end_case{} -> {NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ #beg_clause{} ->
+ case NestingLevel =:= 0 of
+ true -> {NestingLevel, true};
+ false -> {NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ _Other -> {NestingLevel, false}
+ end,
+ case Return of
+ true -> [];
+ false -> [Head|fixup_case_path(Tail, NewNestingLevel)]
+ end
+ end.
+%% Gets the race list before a case clause.
+fixup_before_case_path(RaceList) ->
+ case RaceList of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ case Head of
+ #end_clause{} ->
+ fixup_before_case_path(fixup_case_rest_paths(Tail, 0));
+ beg_case -> Tail
+ end
+ end.
+fixup_case_rest_paths(RaceList, NestingLevel) ->
+ case RaceList of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ {NewNestingLevel, Return} =
+ case Head of
+ beg_case -> {NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ #end_case{} -> {NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ #beg_clause{} ->
+ case NestingLevel =:= 0 of
+ true -> {NestingLevel, true};
+ false -> {NestingLevel, false}
+ end;
+ _Other -> {NestingLevel, false}
+ end,
+ case Return of
+ true -> Tail;
+ false -> fixup_case_rest_paths(Tail, NewNestingLevel)
+ end
+ end.
+fixup_race_forward_helper(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Fun, FunLabel,
+ Calls, CallsToAnalyze, Code, RaceList,
+ InitFun, NewFunArgs, NewFunTypes,
+ RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, FunDefVars,
+ FunCallVars, FunArgTypes, NestingLevel,
+ Args, CodeB, StateRaceList) ->
+ case Calls of
+ [] ->
+ {NewRaceList,
+ #curr_fun{mfa = NewCurrFun, label = NewCurrFunLabel,
+ var_map = NewRaceVarMap, def_vars = NewFunDefVars,
+ call_vars = NewFunCallVars, arg_types = NewFunArgTypes},
+ NewCode, NewNestingLevel} =
+ remove_clause(RaceList,
+ #curr_fun{mfa = CurrFun, label = CurrFunLabel, var_map = RaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = FunDefVars, call_vars = FunCallVars,
+ arg_types = FunArgTypes},
+ Code, NestingLevel),
+ {NewCurrFun, NewCurrFunLabel, CallsToAnalyze, NewCode, NewRaceList,
+ NewRaceVarMap, NewFunDefVars, NewFunCallVars, NewFunArgTypes,
+ NewNestingLevel};
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ case Head of
+ {InitFun, InitFun} when CurrFun =:= InitFun, Fun =:= InitFun ->
+ NewCallsToAnalyze = lists:delete(Head, CallsToAnalyze),
+ NewRaceVarMap =
+ race_var_map(Args, NewFunArgs, RaceVarMap, bind),
+ RetC =
+ fixup_all_calls(InitFun, InitFun, FunLabel, Args,
+ CodeB ++
+ [#curr_fun{status = out, mfa = InitFun,
+ label = CurrFunLabel, var_map = RaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = FunDefVars, call_vars = FunCallVars,
+ arg_types = FunArgTypes}],
+ Code, RaceVarMap),
+ NewCode =
+ fixup_all_calls(InitFun, InitFun, FunLabel, Args,
+ CodeB ++
+ [#curr_fun{status = out, mfa = InitFun,
+ label = CurrFunLabel, var_map = NewRaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = Args, call_vars = NewFunArgs,
+ arg_types = NewFunTypes}],
+ [#curr_fun{status = in, mfa = Fun,
+ label = FunLabel, var_map = NewRaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = Args, call_vars = NewFunArgs,
+ arg_types = NewFunTypes}|
+ lists:reverse(StateRaceList)] ++
+ RetC, NewRaceVarMap),
+ {InitFun, FunLabel, NewCallsToAnalyze, NewCode, RaceList,
+ NewRaceVarMap, Args, NewFunArgs, NewFunTypes, NestingLevel};
+ {CurrFun, Fun} ->
+ NewCallsToAnalyze = lists:delete(Head, CallsToAnalyze),
+ NewRaceVarMap = race_var_map(Args, NewFunArgs, RaceVarMap, bind),
+ RetC =
+ case Fun of
+ InitFun ->
+ fixup_all_calls(CurrFun, Fun, FunLabel, Args,
+ lists:reverse(StateRaceList) ++
+ [#curr_fun{status = out, mfa = CurrFun,
+ label = CurrFunLabel, var_map = RaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = FunDefVars, call_vars = FunCallVars,
+ arg_types = FunArgTypes}],
+ Code, RaceVarMap);
+ _Other1 ->
+ fixup_all_calls(CurrFun, Fun, FunLabel, Args,
+ CodeB ++
+ [#curr_fun{status = out, mfa = CurrFun,
+ label = CurrFunLabel, var_map = RaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = FunDefVars, call_vars = FunCallVars,
+ arg_types = FunArgTypes}],
+ Code, RaceVarMap)
+ end,
+ NewCode =
+ case Fun of
+ InitFun ->
+ [#curr_fun{status = in, mfa = Fun,
+ label = FunLabel, var_map = NewRaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = Args, call_vars = NewFunArgs,
+ arg_types = NewFunTypes}|
+ lists:reverse(StateRaceList)] ++ RetC;
+ _ ->
+ [#curr_fun{status = in, mfa = Fun,
+ label = FunLabel, var_map = NewRaceVarMap,
+ def_vars = Args, call_vars = NewFunArgs,
+ arg_types = NewFunTypes}|CodeB] ++
+ RetC
+ end,
+ {Fun, FunLabel, NewCallsToAnalyze, NewCode, RaceList, NewRaceVarMap,
+ Args, NewFunArgs, NewFunTypes, NestingLevel};
+ {_TupleA, _TupleB} ->
+ fixup_race_forward_helper(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Fun, FunLabel,
+ Tail, CallsToAnalyze, Code, RaceList, InitFun, NewFunArgs,
+ NewFunTypes, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap, FunDefVars, FunCallVars,
+ FunArgTypes, NestingLevel, Args, CodeB, StateRaceList)
+ end
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Backward Analysis
+%%% ===========================================================================
+fixup_race_backward(CurrFun, Calls, CallsToAnalyze, Parents, Height) ->
+ case Height =:= 0 of
+ true -> Parents;
+ false ->
+ case Calls of
+ [] ->
+ case is_integer(CurrFun) orelse lists:member(CurrFun, Parents) of
+ true -> Parents;
+ false -> [CurrFun|Parents]
+ end;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ {Parent, TupleB} = Head,
+ case TupleB =:= CurrFun of
+ true -> % more paths are needed
+ NewCallsToAnalyze = lists:delete(Head, CallsToAnalyze),
+ NewParents =
+ fixup_race_backward(Parent, NewCallsToAnalyze,
+ NewCallsToAnalyze, Parents, Height - 1),
+ fixup_race_backward(CurrFun, Tail, NewCallsToAnalyze, NewParents,
+ Height);
+ false ->
+ fixup_race_backward(CurrFun, Tail, CallsToAnalyze, Parents,
+ Height)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Utilities
+%%% ===========================================================================
+are_bound_labels(Label1, Label2, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case dict:find(Label1, RaceVarMap) of
+ error -> false;
+ {ok, Labels} ->
+ lists:member(Label2, Labels) orelse
+ are_bound_labels_helper(Labels, Label1, Label2, RaceVarMap)
+ end.
+are_bound_labels_helper(Labels, OldLabel, CompLabel, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case dict:size(RaceVarMap) of
+ 0 -> false;
+ _ ->
+ case Labels of
+ [] -> false;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewRaceVarMap = dict:erase(OldLabel, RaceVarMap),
+ are_bound_labels(Head, CompLabel, NewRaceVarMap) orelse
+ are_bound_labels_helper(Tail, Head, CompLabel, NewRaceVarMap)
+ end
+ end.
+are_bound_vars(Vars1, Vars2, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case is_list(Vars1) andalso is_list(Vars2) of
+ true ->
+ case Vars1 of
+ [] -> false;
+ [AHead|ATail] ->
+ case Vars2 of
+ [] -> false;
+ [PHead|PTail] ->
+ are_bound_vars(AHead, PHead, RaceVarMap) andalso
+ are_bound_vars(ATail, PTail, RaceVarMap)
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {NewVars1, NewVars2, IsList} =
+ case is_list(Vars1) of
+ true ->
+ case Vars1 of
+ [Var1] -> {Var1, Vars2, true};
+ _Thing -> {Vars1, Vars2, false}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case is_list(Vars2) of
+ true ->
+ case Vars2 of
+ [Var2] -> {Vars1, Var2, true};
+ _Thing -> {Vars1, Vars2, false}
+ end;
+ false -> {Vars1, Vars2, true}
+ end
+ end,
+ case IsList of
+ true ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars1) of
+ var ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ var ->
+ ALabel = cerl_trees:get_label(NewVars1),
+ PLabel = cerl_trees:get_label(NewVars2),
+ are_bound_labels(ALabel, PLabel, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ are_bound_labels(PLabel, ALabel, RaceVarMap);
+ alias ->
+ are_bound_vars(NewVars1, cerl:alias_var(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap);
+ values ->
+ are_bound_vars(NewVars1, cerl:values_es(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap);
+ _Other -> false
+ end;
+ tuple ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ tuple ->
+ are_bound_vars(cerl:tuple_es(NewVars1),
+ cerl:tuple_es(NewVars2), RaceVarMap);
+ alias ->
+ are_bound_vars(NewVars1, cerl:alias_var(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap);
+ values ->
+ are_bound_vars(NewVars1, cerl:values_es(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap);
+ _Other -> false
+ end;
+ cons ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ cons ->
+ are_bound_vars(cerl:cons_hd(NewVars1),
+ cerl:cons_hd(NewVars2), RaceVarMap)
+ andalso
+ are_bound_vars(cerl:cons_tl(NewVars1),
+ cerl:cons_tl(NewVars2), RaceVarMap);
+ alias ->
+ are_bound_vars(NewVars1, cerl:alias_var(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap);
+ values ->
+ are_bound_vars(NewVars1, cerl:values_es(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap);
+ _Other -> false
+ end;
+ alias ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ alias ->
+ are_bound_vars(cerl:alias_var(NewVars1),
+ cerl:alias_var(NewVars2), RaceVarMap);
+ _Other ->
+ are_bound_vars(cerl:alias_var(NewVars1),
+ NewVars2, RaceVarMap)
+ end;
+ values ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ values ->
+ are_bound_vars(cerl:values_es(NewVars1),
+ cerl:values_es(NewVars2), RaceVarMap);
+ _Other ->
+ are_bound_vars(cerl:values_es(NewVars1),
+ NewVars2, RaceVarMap)
+ end;
+ _Other -> false
+ end;
+ false -> false
+ end
+ end.
+callgraph__renew_tables(Table, Callgraph) ->
+ case Table of
+ {named, NameLabel, Names} ->
+ PTablesToAdd =
+ case NameLabel of
+ ?no_label -> [];
+ _Other -> [NameLabel]
+ end,
+ NamesToAdd = filter_named_tables(Names),
+ PTables = dialyzer_callgraph:get_public_tables(Callgraph),
+ NTables = dialyzer_callgraph:get_named_tables(Callgraph),
+ dialyzer_callgraph:put_public_tables(
+ lists:usort(PTablesToAdd ++ PTables),
+ dialyzer_callgraph:put_named_tables(
+ NamesToAdd ++ NTables, Callgraph));
+ _Other ->
+ Callgraph
+ end.
+cleanup_clause_code(#curr_fun{mfa = CurrFun} = CurrTuple, Code,
+ NestingLevel, LocalNestingLevel) ->
+ case Code of
+ [] -> {CurrTuple, []};
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ {NewLocalNestingLevel, NewNestingLevel, NewCurrTuple, Return} =
+ case Head of
+ beg_case ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel, NestingLevel + 1, CurrTuple, false};
+ #end_case{} ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel, NestingLevel - 1, CurrTuple, false};
+ #end_clause{} ->
+ case NestingLevel =:= 0 of
+ true ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel, NestingLevel, CurrTuple, true};
+ false ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel, NestingLevel, CurrTuple, false}
+ end;
+ #fun_call{caller = CurrFun} ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel - 1, NestingLevel, CurrTuple, false};
+ #curr_fun{status = in} ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel - 1, NestingLevel, Head, false};
+ #curr_fun{status = out} ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel + 1, NestingLevel, Head, false};
+ Other when Other =/= #fun_call{} ->
+ {LocalNestingLevel, NestingLevel, CurrTuple, false}
+ end,
+ case Return of
+ true -> {NewCurrTuple, Tail};
+ false ->
+ cleanup_clause_code(NewCurrTuple, Tail, NewNestingLevel,
+ NewLocalNestingLevel)
+ end
+ end.
+cleanup_dep_calls(DepList) ->
+ case DepList of
+ [] -> [];
+ [#dep_call{call_name = CallName, arg_types = ArgTypes,
+ vars = Vars, state = State, file_line = FileLine}|T] ->
+ [#dep_call{call_name = CallName, arg_types = ArgTypes,
+ vars = Vars, state = State, file_line = FileLine}|
+ cleanup_dep_calls(T)]
+ end.
+cleanup_race_code(State) ->
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_callgraph(
+ dialyzer_callgraph:race_code_new(Callgraph), State).
+filter_named_tables(NamesList) ->
+ case NamesList of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewHead =
+ case string:rstr(Head, "()") of
+ 0 -> [Head];
+ _Other -> []
+ end,
+ NewHead ++ filter_named_tables(Tail)
+ end.
+filter_parents(Parents, NewParents, Digraph) ->
+ case Parents of
+ [] -> NewParents;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewParents1 = filter_parents_helper1(Head, Tail, NewParents, Digraph),
+ filter_parents(Tail, NewParents1, Digraph)
+ end.
+filter_parents_helper1(First, Rest, NewParents, Digraph) ->
+ case Rest of
+ [] -> NewParents;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewParents1 = filter_parents_helper2(First, Head, NewParents, Digraph),
+ filter_parents_helper1(First, Tail, NewParents1, Digraph)
+ end.
+filter_parents_helper2(Parent1, Parent2, NewParents, Digraph) ->
+ case digraph:get_path(Digraph, Parent1, Parent2) of
+ false ->
+ case digraph:get_path(Digraph, Parent2, Parent1) of
+ false -> NewParents;
+ _Vertices -> NewParents -- [Parent1]
+ end;
+ _Vertices -> NewParents -- [Parent2]
+ end.
+find_all_bound_vars(Label, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case dict:find(Label, RaceVarMap) of
+ error -> [Label];
+ {ok, Labels} ->
+ lists:usort(Labels ++
+ find_all_bound_vars_helper(Labels, Label, RaceVarMap))
+ end.
+find_all_bound_vars_helper(Labels, Label, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case dict:size(RaceVarMap) of
+ 0 -> [];
+ _ ->
+ case Labels of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewRaceVarMap = dict:erase(Label, RaceVarMap),
+ find_all_bound_vars(Head, NewRaceVarMap) ++
+ find_all_bound_vars_helper(Tail, Head, NewRaceVarMap)
+ end
+ end.
+fixup_all_calls(CurrFun, NextFun, NextFunLabel, Args, CodeToReplace,
+ Code, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case Code of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewCode =
+ case Head of
+ #fun_call{caller = CurrFun, callee = Callee,
+ arg_types = FunArgTypes, vars = FunArgs}
+ when Callee =:= NextFun orelse Callee =:= NextFunLabel ->
+ RaceVarMap1 = race_var_map(Args, FunArgs, RaceVarMap, bind),
+ [#curr_fun{status = in, mfa = NextFun, label = NextFunLabel,
+ var_map = RaceVarMap1, def_vars = Args,
+ call_vars = FunArgs, arg_types = FunArgTypes}|
+ CodeToReplace];
+ _Other -> [Head]
+ end,
+ RetCode =
+ fixup_all_calls(CurrFun, NextFun, NextFunLabel, Args, CodeToReplace,
+ Tail, RaceVarMap),
+ NewCode ++ RetCode
+ end.
+is_last_race(RaceTag, InitFun, Code, Callgraph) ->
+ case Code of
+ [] -> true;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ case Head of
+ RaceTag -> false;
+ #fun_call{callee = Fun} ->
+ FunName =
+ case is_integer(Fun) of
+ true ->
+ case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Fun, Callgraph) of
+ error -> Fun;
+ {ok, Name} -> Name
+ end;
+ false -> Fun
+ end,
+ Digraph = dialyzer_callgraph:get_digraph(Callgraph),
+ case FunName =:= InitFun orelse
+ digraph:get_path(Digraph, FunName, InitFun) of
+ false -> is_last_race(RaceTag, InitFun, Tail, Callgraph);
+ _Vertices -> false
+ end;
+ _Other -> is_last_race(RaceTag, InitFun, Tail, Callgraph)
+ end
+ end.
+lists_key_member(Member, List, N) when is_integer(Member) ->
+ case List of
+ [] -> 0;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewN = N + 1,
+ case Head of
+ Member -> NewN;
+ _Other -> lists_key_member(Member, Tail, NewN)
+ end
+ end;
+lists_key_member(_M, _L, _N) ->
+ 0.
+lists_key_member_lists(MemberList, List) ->
+ case MemberList of
+ [] -> 0;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ case lists_key_member(Head, List, 0) of
+ 0 -> lists_key_member_lists(Tail, List);
+ Other -> Other
+ end
+ end.
+lists_key_members_lists(MemberList, List) ->
+ case MemberList of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ lists:usort(
+ lists_key_members_lists_helper(Head, List, 1) ++
+ lists_key_members_lists(Tail, List))
+ end.
+lists_key_members_lists_helper(Elem, List, N) when is_integer(Elem) ->
+ case List of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewHead =
+ case Head =:= Elem of
+ true -> [N];
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ NewHead ++ lists_key_members_lists_helper(Elem, Tail, N + 1)
+ end;
+lists_key_members_lists_helper(_Elem, _List, _N) ->
+ [0].
+lists_key_replace(N, List, NewMember) ->
+ {Before, [_|After]} = lists:split(N - 1, List),
+ Before ++ [NewMember|After].
+lists_get(0, _List) -> ?no_label;
+lists_get(N, List) -> lists:nth(N, List).
+refine_race(RaceCall, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, DependencyList, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ WarnWhereis when WarnWhereis =:= ?WARN_WHEREIS_REGISTER orelse
+ case RaceCall of
+ #dep_call{call_name = ets_lookup} ->
+ DependencyList;
+ #dep_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_read} ->
+ DependencyList;
+ #dep_call{call_name = whereis, args = VarArgs} ->
+ refine_race_helper(RaceCall, VarArgs, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag,
+ DependencyList, RaceVarMap)
+ end;
+ case RaceCall of
+ #dep_call{call_name = whereis} ->
+ DependencyList;
+ #dep_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_read} ->
+ DependencyList;
+ #dep_call{call_name = ets_lookup, args = VarArgs} ->
+ refine_race_helper(RaceCall, VarArgs, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag,
+ DependencyList, RaceVarMap)
+ end;
+ case RaceCall of
+ #dep_call{call_name = whereis} ->
+ DependencyList;
+ #dep_call{call_name = ets_lookup} ->
+ DependencyList;
+ #dep_call{call_name = mnesia_dirty_read, args = VarArgs} ->
+ refine_race_helper(RaceCall, VarArgs, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag,
+ DependencyList, RaceVarMap)
+ end
+ end.
+refine_race_helper(RaceCall, VarArgs, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, DependencyList,
+ RaceVarMap) ->
+ case compare_types(VarArgs, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> [RaceCall|DependencyList];
+ false -> DependencyList
+ end.
+remove_clause(RaceList, CurrTuple, Code, NestingLevel) ->
+ NewRaceList = fixup_case_rest_paths(RaceList, 0),
+ {NewCurrTuple, NewCode} =
+ cleanup_clause_code(CurrTuple, Code, 0, NestingLevel),
+ ReturnTuple = {NewRaceList, NewCurrTuple, NewCode, NestingLevel},
+ case NewRaceList of
+ [beg_case|RTail] ->
+ case NewCode of
+ [#end_case{}|CTail] ->
+ remove_clause(RTail, NewCurrTuple, CTail, NestingLevel);
+ _Other -> ReturnTuple
+ end;
+ _Else -> ReturnTuple
+ end.
+remove_nonlocal_functions(Code, NestingLevel) ->
+ case Code of
+ [] -> [];
+ [H|T] ->
+ NewNL =
+ case H of
+ #curr_fun{status = in} ->
+ NestingLevel + 1;
+ #curr_fun{status = out} ->
+ NestingLevel - 1;
+ _Other ->
+ NestingLevel
+ end,
+ case NewNL =:= 0 of
+ true -> T;
+ false -> remove_nonlocal_functions(T, NewNL)
+ end
+ end.
+renew_curr_fun(CurrFun, Races) ->
+ Races#races{curr_fun = CurrFun}.
+renew_curr_fun_label(CurrFunLabel, Races) ->
+ Races#races{curr_fun_label = CurrFunLabel}.
+renew_race_list(RaceList, Races) ->
+ Races#races{race_list = RaceList}.
+renew_race_list_size(RaceListSize, Races) ->
+ Races#races{race_list_size = RaceListSize}.
+renew_race_tags(RaceTags, Races) ->
+ Races#races{race_tags = RaceTags}.
+renew_table(Table, Races) ->
+ Races#races{new_table = Table}.
+state__renew_curr_fun(CurrFun, State) ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_races(renew_curr_fun(CurrFun, Races), State).
+state__renew_curr_fun_label(CurrFunLabel, State) ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_races(
+ renew_curr_fun_label(CurrFunLabel, Races), State).
+state__renew_race_list(RaceList, State) ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_races(renew_race_list(RaceList, Races), State).
+state__renew_race_tags(RaceTags, State) ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_races(renew_race_tags(RaceTags, Races), State).
+state__renew_info(RaceList, RaceListSize, RaceTags, Table, State) ->
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_callgraph(State),
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_callgraph(
+ callgraph__renew_tables(Table, Callgraph),
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_races(
+ renew_table(Table,
+ renew_race_list(RaceList,
+ renew_race_list_size(RaceListSize,
+ renew_race_tags(RaceTags, Races)))), State)).
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Variable and Type Utilities
+%%% ===========================================================================
+any_args(StrList) ->
+ case StrList of
+ [] -> false;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ case string:rstr(Head, "()") of
+ 0 -> any_args(Tail);
+ _Other -> true
+ end
+ end.
+-spec bind_dict_vars(label(), label(), dict:dict()) -> dict:dict().
+bind_dict_vars(Key, Label, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case Key =:= Label of
+ true -> RaceVarMap;
+ false ->
+ case dict:find(Key, RaceVarMap) of
+ error -> dict:store(Key, [Label], RaceVarMap);
+ {ok, Labels} ->
+ case lists:member(Label, Labels) of
+ true -> RaceVarMap;
+ false -> dict:store(Key, [Label|Labels], RaceVarMap)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+bind_dict_vars_list(Key, Labels, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case Labels of
+ [] -> RaceVarMap;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ bind_dict_vars_list(Key, Tail, bind_dict_vars(Key, Head, RaceVarMap))
+ end.
+compare_ets_insert(OldWarnVarArgs, NewWarnVarArgs, RaceVarMap) ->
+ [Old1, Old2, Old3, Old4] = OldWarnVarArgs,
+ [New1, New2, New3, New4] = NewWarnVarArgs,
+ Bool =
+ case any_args(Old2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(New1, Old1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ case any_args(New2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(New1, Old1, RaceVarMap);
+ false -> compare_var_list(New1, Old1, RaceVarMap)
+ orelse (Old2 =:= New2)
+ end
+ end,
+ case Bool of
+ true ->
+ case any_args(Old4) of
+ true ->
+ case compare_list_vars(Old3, ets_list_args(New3), [], RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> true;
+ Args3 -> lists_key_replace(3, OldWarnVarArgs, Args3)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case any_args(New4) of
+ true ->
+ case compare_list_vars(Old3, ets_list_args(New3), [],
+ RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> true;
+ Args3 -> lists_key_replace(3, OldWarnVarArgs, Args3)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case compare_list_vars(Old3, ets_list_args(New3), [],
+ RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> true;
+ Args3 ->
+ lists_key_replace(4,
+ lists_key_replace(3, OldWarnVarArgs, Args3), Old4 -- New4)
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ false -> OldWarnVarArgs
+ end.
+compare_first_arg(OldWarnVarArgs, NewWarnVarArgs, RaceVarMap) ->
+ [Old1, Old2|_OldT] = OldWarnVarArgs,
+ [New1, New2|_NewT] = NewWarnVarArgs,
+ case any_args(Old2) of
+ true ->
+ case compare_var_list(New1, Old1, RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> true;
+ false -> OldWarnVarArgs
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case any_args(New2) of
+ true ->
+ case compare_var_list(New1, Old1, RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> true;
+ false -> OldWarnVarArgs
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case compare_var_list(New1, Old1, RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> true;
+ false -> lists_key_replace(2, OldWarnVarArgs, Old2 -- New2)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+compare_argtypes(ArgTypes, WarnArgTypes) ->
+ lists:any(fun (X) -> lists:member(X, WarnArgTypes) end, ArgTypes).
+%% Compares the argument types of the two suspicious calls.
+compare_types(VarArgs, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ [VA1, VA2] = VarArgs,
+ [WVA1, WVA2, _, _] = WarnVarArgs,
+ case any_args(VA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ case any_args(WVA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ compare_argtypes(VA2, WVA2)
+ end
+ end;
+ [VA1, VA2] = VarArgs,
+ [WVA1, WVA2] = WarnVarArgs,
+ case any_args(VA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ case any_args(WVA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ compare_argtypes(VA2, WVA2)
+ end
+ end;
+ [VA1, VA2, VA3, VA4] = VarArgs,
+ [WVA1, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4] = WarnVarArgs,
+ Bool =
+ case any_args(VA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ case any_args(WVA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ compare_argtypes(VA2, WVA2)
+ end
+ end,
+ Bool andalso
+ (case any_args(VA4) of
+ true ->
+ compare_var_list(VA3, WVA3, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ case any_args(WVA4) of
+ true ->
+ compare_var_list(VA3, WVA3, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ compare_var_list(VA3, WVA3, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ compare_argtypes(VA4, WVA4)
+ end
+ end);
+ [VA1, VA2|_] = VarArgs, %% Two or four elements
+ [WVA1, WVA2|_] = WarnVarArgs,
+ case any_args(VA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ case any_args(WVA2) of
+ true -> compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap);
+ false ->
+ compare_var_list(VA1, WVA1, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ compare_argtypes(VA2, WVA2)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+compare_list_vars(VarList1, VarList2, NewVarList1, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case VarList1 of
+ [] ->
+ case NewVarList1 of
+ [] -> true;
+ _Other -> NewVarList1
+ end;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewHead =
+ case compare_var_list(Head, VarList2, RaceVarMap) of
+ true -> [];
+ false -> [Head]
+ end,
+ compare_list_vars(Tail, VarList2, NewHead ++ NewVarList1, RaceVarMap)
+ end.
+compare_vars(Var1, Var2, RaceVarMap) when is_integer(Var1), is_integer(Var2) ->
+ Var1 =:= Var2 orelse
+ are_bound_labels(Var1, Var2, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ are_bound_labels(Var2, Var1, RaceVarMap);
+compare_vars(_Var1, _Var2, _RaceVarMap) ->
+ false.
+-spec compare_var_list(label_type(), [label_type()], dict:dict()) -> boolean().
+compare_var_list(Var, VarList, RaceVarMap) ->
+ lists:any(fun (V) -> compare_vars(Var, V, RaceVarMap) end, VarList).
+ets_list_args(MaybeList) ->
+ case is_list(MaybeList) of
+ true ->
+ try [ets_tuple_args(T) || T <- MaybeList]
+ catch _:_ -> [?no_label]
+ end;
+ false -> [ets_tuple_args(MaybeList)]
+ end.
+ets_list_argtypes(ListStr) ->
+ ListStr1 = string:strip(ListStr, left, $[),
+ ListStr2 = string:strip(ListStr1, right, $]),
+ ListStr3 = string:strip(ListStr2, right, $.),
+ string:strip(ListStr3, right, $,).
+ets_tuple_args(MaybeTuple) ->
+ case is_tuple(MaybeTuple) of
+ true -> element(1, MaybeTuple);
+ false -> ?no_label
+ end.
+ets_tuple_argtypes2(TupleList, ElemList) ->
+ case TupleList of
+ [] -> ElemList;
+ [H|T] ->
+ ets_tuple_argtypes2(T,
+ ets_tuple_argtypes2_helper(H, [], 0) ++ ElemList)
+ end.
+ets_tuple_argtypes2_helper(TupleStr, ElemStr, NestingLevel) ->
+ case TupleStr of
+ [] -> [];
+ [H|T] ->
+ {NewElemStr, NewNestingLevel, Return} =
+ case H of
+ ${ when NestingLevel =:= 0 ->
+ {ElemStr, NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ ${ ->
+ {[H|ElemStr], NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ $[ ->
+ {[H|ElemStr], NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ $( ->
+ {[H|ElemStr], NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ $} ->
+ {[H|ElemStr], NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ $] ->
+ {[H|ElemStr], NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ $) ->
+ {[H|ElemStr], NestingLevel - 1, false};
+ $, when NestingLevel =:= 1 ->
+ {lists:reverse(ElemStr), NestingLevel, true};
+ _Other ->
+ {[H|ElemStr], NestingLevel, false}
+ end,
+ case Return of
+ true -> string:tokens(NewElemStr, " |");
+ false ->
+ ets_tuple_argtypes2_helper(T, NewElemStr, NewNestingLevel)
+ end
+ end.
+ets_tuple_argtypes1(Str, Tuple, TupleList, NestingLevel) ->
+ case Str of
+ [] -> TupleList;
+ [H|T] ->
+ {NewTuple, NewNestingLevel, Add} =
+ case H of
+ ${ ->
+ {[H|Tuple], NestingLevel + 1, false};
+ $} ->
+ case NestingLevel of
+ 1 ->
+ {[H|Tuple], NestingLevel - 1, true};
+ _Else ->
+ {[H|Tuple], NestingLevel - 1, false}
+ end;
+ _Other1 when NestingLevel =:= 0 ->
+ {Tuple, NestingLevel, false};
+ _Other2 ->
+ {[H|Tuple], NestingLevel, false}
+ end,
+ case Add of
+ true ->
+ ets_tuple_argtypes1(T, [],
+ [lists:reverse(NewTuple)|TupleList],
+ NewNestingLevel);
+ false ->
+ ets_tuple_argtypes1(T, NewTuple, TupleList, NewNestingLevel)
+ end
+ end.
+format_arg(?bypassed) -> ?no_label;
+format_arg(Arg0) ->
+ Arg = cerl:fold_literal(Arg0),
+ case cerl:type(Arg) of
+ var -> cerl_trees:get_label(Arg);
+ tuple -> list_to_tuple([format_arg(A) || A <- cerl:tuple_es(Arg)]);
+ cons -> [format_arg(cerl:cons_hd(Arg))|format_arg(cerl:cons_tl(Arg))];
+ alias -> format_arg(cerl:alias_var(Arg));
+ literal ->
+ case cerl:is_c_nil(Arg) of
+ true -> [];
+ false -> ?no_label
+ end;
+ _Other -> ?no_label
+ end.
+-spec format_args([core_vars()], [erl_types:erl_type()],
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state(), call()) ->
+ args().
+format_args([], [], _State, _Call) ->
+ [];
+format_args(ArgList, TypeList, CleanState, Call) ->
+ format_args_2(format_args_1(ArgList, TypeList, CleanState), Call).
+format_args_1([Arg], [Type], CleanState) ->
+ [format_arg(Arg), format_type(Type, CleanState)];
+format_args_1([Arg|Args], [Type|Types], CleanState) ->
+ List =
+ case Arg =:= ?bypassed of
+ true -> [?no_label, format_type(Type, CleanState)];
+ false ->
+ case cerl:is_literal(cerl:fold_literal(Arg)) of
+ true -> [?no_label, format_cerl(Arg)];
+ false -> [format_arg(Arg), format_type(Type, CleanState)]
+ end
+ end,
+ List ++ format_args_1(Args, Types, CleanState).
+format_args_2(StrArgList, Call) ->
+ case Call of
+ whereis ->
+ lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |"));
+ register ->
+ lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |"));
+ unregister ->
+ lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |"));
+ ets_new ->
+ StrArgList1 = lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |")),
+ lists_key_replace(4, StrArgList1,
+ string:tokens(ets_list_argtypes(lists:nth(4, StrArgList1)), " |"));
+ ets_lookup ->
+ StrArgList1 = lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |")),
+ lists_key_replace(4, StrArgList1,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(4, StrArgList1), " |"));
+ ets_insert ->
+ StrArgList1 = lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |")),
+ lists_key_replace(4, StrArgList1,
+ ets_tuple_argtypes2(
+ ets_tuple_argtypes1(lists:nth(4, StrArgList1), [], [], 0),
+ []));
+ mnesia_dirty_read1 ->
+ lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ [mnesia_tuple_argtypes(T) || T <- string:tokens(
+ lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |")]);
+ mnesia_dirty_read2 ->
+ lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |"));
+ mnesia_dirty_write1 ->
+ lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ [mnesia_record_tab(R) || R <- string:tokens(
+ lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |")]);
+ mnesia_dirty_write2 ->
+ lists_key_replace(2, StrArgList,
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(2, StrArgList), " |"));
+ function_call -> StrArgList
+ end.
+format_cerl(Tree) ->
+ cerl_prettypr:format(cerl:set_ann(Tree, []),
+ [{hook, dialyzer_utils:pp_hook()},
+ {noann, true},
+ {paper, 100000},
+ {ribbon, 100000}
+ ]).
+format_type(Type, State) ->
+ R = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_records(State),
+ erl_types:t_to_string(Type, R).
+mnesia_record_tab(RecordStr) ->
+ case string:str(RecordStr, "#") =:= 1 of
+ true ->
+ "'" ++
+ string:sub_string(RecordStr, 2, string:str(RecordStr, "{") - 1) ++
+ "'";
+ false -> RecordStr
+ end.
+mnesia_tuple_argtypes(TupleStr) ->
+ TupleStr1 = string:strip(TupleStr, left, ${),
+ [TupleStr2|_T] = string:tokens(TupleStr1, " ,"),
+ lists:flatten(string:tokens(TupleStr2, " |")).
+-spec race_var_map(var_to_map1(), var_to_map2(), dict:dict(), op()) ->
+ dict:dict().
+race_var_map(Vars1, Vars2, RaceVarMap, Op) ->
+ case Vars1 =:= ?no_arg orelse Vars1 =:= ?bypassed
+ orelse Vars2 =:= ?bypassed of
+ true -> RaceVarMap;
+ false ->
+ case is_list(Vars1) andalso is_list(Vars2) of
+ true ->
+ case Vars1 of
+ [] -> RaceVarMap;
+ [AHead|ATail] ->
+ case Vars2 of
+ [] -> RaceVarMap;
+ [PHead|PTail] ->
+ NewRaceVarMap = race_var_map(AHead, PHead, RaceVarMap, Op),
+ race_var_map(ATail, PTail, NewRaceVarMap, Op)
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {NewVars1, NewVars2, Bool} =
+ case is_list(Vars1) of
+ true ->
+ case Vars1 of
+ [Var1] -> {Var1, Vars2, true};
+ _Thing -> {Vars1, Vars2, false}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case is_list(Vars2) of
+ true ->
+ case Vars2 of
+ [Var2] -> {Vars1, Var2, true};
+ _Thing -> {Vars1, Vars2, false}
+ end;
+ false -> {Vars1, Vars2, true}
+ end
+ end,
+ case Bool of
+ true ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars1) of
+ var ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ var ->
+ ALabel = cerl_trees:get_label(NewVars1),
+ PLabel = cerl_trees:get_label(NewVars2),
+ case Op of
+ bind ->
+ TempRaceVarMap =
+ bind_dict_vars(ALabel, PLabel, RaceVarMap),
+ bind_dict_vars(PLabel, ALabel, TempRaceVarMap);
+ unbind ->
+ TempRaceVarMap =
+ unbind_dict_vars(ALabel, PLabel, RaceVarMap),
+ unbind_dict_vars(PLabel, ALabel, TempRaceVarMap)
+ end;
+ alias ->
+ race_var_map(NewVars1, cerl:alias_var(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ values ->
+ race_var_map(NewVars1, cerl:values_es(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ _Other -> RaceVarMap
+ end;
+ tuple ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ tuple ->
+ race_var_map(cerl:tuple_es(NewVars1),
+ cerl:tuple_es(NewVars2), RaceVarMap, Op);
+ alias ->
+ race_var_map(NewVars1, cerl:alias_var(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ values ->
+ race_var_map(NewVars1, cerl:values_es(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ _Other -> RaceVarMap
+ end;
+ cons ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ cons ->
+ NewRaceVarMap = race_var_map(cerl:cons_hd(NewVars1),
+ cerl:cons_hd(NewVars2), RaceVarMap, Op),
+ race_var_map(cerl:cons_tl(NewVars1),
+ cerl:cons_tl(NewVars2), NewRaceVarMap, Op);
+ alias ->
+ race_var_map(NewVars1, cerl:alias_var(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ values ->
+ race_var_map(NewVars1, cerl:values_es(NewVars2),
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ _Other -> RaceVarMap
+ end;
+ alias ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ alias ->
+ race_var_map(cerl:alias_var(NewVars1),
+ cerl:alias_var(NewVars2), RaceVarMap, Op);
+ _Other ->
+ race_var_map(cerl:alias_var(NewVars1),
+ NewVars2, RaceVarMap, Op)
+ end;
+ values ->
+ case cerl:type(NewVars2) of
+ values ->
+ race_var_map(cerl:values_es(NewVars1),
+ cerl:values_es(NewVars2), RaceVarMap, Op);
+ _Other ->
+ race_var_map(cerl:values_es(NewVars1),
+ NewVars2, RaceVarMap, Op)
+ end;
+ _Other -> RaceVarMap
+ end;
+ false -> RaceVarMap
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+race_var_map_clauses(Clauses, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case Clauses of
+ [] -> RaceVarMap;
+ [#end_clause{arg = Arg, pats = Pats, guard = Guard}|T] ->
+ {RaceVarMap1, _RemoveClause} =
+ race_var_map_guard(Arg, Pats, Guard, RaceVarMap, bind),
+ race_var_map_clauses(T, RaceVarMap1)
+ end.
+race_var_map_guard(Arg, Pats, Guard, RaceVarMap, Op) ->
+ {NewRaceVarMap, RemoveClause} =
+ case cerl:type(Guard) of
+ call ->
+ CallName = cerl:call_name(Guard),
+ case cerl:is_literal(CallName) of
+ true ->
+ case cerl:concrete(CallName) of
+ '=:=' ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ {race_var_map(Arg1, Arg2, RaceVarMap, Op), false};
+ '==' ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ {race_var_map(Arg1, Arg2, RaceVarMap, Op), false};
+ '=/=' ->
+ case Op of
+ bind ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Guard),
+ {RaceVarMap, are_bound_vars(Arg1, Arg2, RaceVarMap)};
+ unbind -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end;
+ _Other -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end;
+ false -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end;
+ _Other -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end,
+ {RaceVarMap1, RemoveClause1} =
+ race_var_map_guard_helper1(Arg, Pats,
+ race_var_map(Arg, Pats, NewRaceVarMap, Op), Op),
+ {RaceVarMap1, RemoveClause orelse RemoveClause1}.
+race_var_map_guard_helper1(Arg, Pats, RaceVarMap, Op) ->
+ case Arg =:= ?no_arg orelse Arg =:= ?bypassed of
+ true -> {RaceVarMap, false};
+ false ->
+ case cerl:type(Arg) of
+ call ->
+ case Pats of
+ [NewPat] ->
+ ModName = cerl:call_module(Arg),
+ CallName = cerl:call_name(Arg),
+ case cerl:is_literal(ModName) andalso
+ cerl:is_literal(CallName) of
+ true ->
+ case {cerl:concrete(ModName),
+ cerl:concrete(CallName)} of
+ {erlang, '=:='} ->
+ race_var_map_guard_helper2(Arg, NewPat, true,
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ {erlang, '=='} ->
+ race_var_map_guard_helper2(Arg, NewPat, true,
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ {erlang, '=/='} ->
+ race_var_map_guard_helper2(Arg, NewPat, false,
+ RaceVarMap, Op);
+ _Else -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end;
+ false -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end;
+ _Other -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end;
+ _Other -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end
+ end.
+race_var_map_guard_helper2(Arg, Pat0, Bool, RaceVarMap, Op) ->
+ Pat = cerl:fold_literal(Pat0),
+ case cerl:type(Pat) of
+ literal ->
+ [Arg1, Arg2] = cerl:call_args(Arg),
+ case cerl:concrete(Pat) of
+ Bool ->
+ {race_var_map(Arg1, Arg2, RaceVarMap, Op), false};
+ _Else ->
+ case Op of
+ bind ->
+ {RaceVarMap, are_bound_vars(Arg1, Arg2, RaceVarMap)};
+ unbind -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end
+ end;
+ _Else -> {RaceVarMap, false}
+ end.
+unbind_dict_vars(Var, Var, RaceVarMap) ->
+ RaceVarMap;
+unbind_dict_vars(Var1, Var2, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case dict:find(Var1, RaceVarMap) of
+ error -> RaceVarMap;
+ {ok, Labels} ->
+ case Labels of
+ [] -> dict:erase(Var1, RaceVarMap);
+ _Else ->
+ case lists:member(Var2, Labels) of
+ true ->
+ unbind_dict_vars(Var1, Var2,
+ bind_dict_vars_list(Var1, Labels -- [Var2],
+ dict:erase(Var1, RaceVarMap)));
+ false ->
+ unbind_dict_vars_helper(Labels, Var1, Var2, RaceVarMap)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+unbind_dict_vars_helper(Labels, Key, CompLabel, RaceVarMap) ->
+ case dict:size(RaceVarMap) of
+ 0 -> RaceVarMap;
+ _ ->
+ case Labels of
+ [] -> RaceVarMap;
+ [Head|Tail] ->
+ NewRaceVarMap =
+ case are_bound_labels(Head, CompLabel, RaceVarMap) orelse
+ are_bound_labels(CompLabel, Head, RaceVarMap) of
+ true ->
+ bind_dict_vars_list(Key, Labels -- [Head],
+ dict:erase(Key, RaceVarMap));
+ false -> RaceVarMap
+ end,
+ unbind_dict_vars_helper(Tail, Key, CompLabel, NewRaceVarMap)
+ end
+ end.
+var_analysis(FunDefArgs, FunCallArgs, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag) ->
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ [WVA1, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4] = WarnVarArgs,
+ ArgNos = lists_key_members_lists(WVA1, FunDefArgs),
+ [[lists_get(N, FunCallArgs) || N <- ArgNos], WVA2, WVA3, WVA4];
+ [WVA1, WVA2] = WarnVarArgs,
+ ArgNos = lists_key_members_lists(WVA1, FunDefArgs),
+ [[lists_get(N, FunCallArgs) || N <- ArgNos], WVA2];
+ [WVA1, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4] = WarnVarArgs,
+ ArgNos1 = lists_key_members_lists(WVA1, FunDefArgs),
+ ArgNos2 = lists_key_members_lists(WVA3, FunDefArgs),
+ [[lists_get(N1, FunCallArgs) || N1 <- ArgNos1], WVA2,
+ [lists_get(N2, FunCallArgs) || N2 <- ArgNos2], WVA4];
+ [WVA1, WVA2|T] = WarnVarArgs,
+ ArgNos = lists_key_members_lists(WVA1, FunDefArgs),
+ [[lists_get(N, FunCallArgs) || N <- ArgNos], WVA2|T]
+ end.
+var_type_analysis(FunDefArgs, FunCallTypes, WarnVarArgs, RaceWarnTag,
+ RaceVarMap, CleanState) ->
+ FunVarArgs = format_args(FunDefArgs, FunCallTypes, CleanState, function_call),
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ [WVA1, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4] = WarnVarArgs,
+ Vars = find_all_bound_vars(WVA1, RaceVarMap),
+ case lists_key_member_lists(Vars, FunVarArgs) of
+ 0 -> [Vars, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4];
+ N when is_integer(N) ->
+ NewWVA2 = string:tokens(lists:nth(N + 1, FunVarArgs), " |"),
+ [Vars, NewWVA2, WVA3, WVA4]
+ end;
+ [WVA1, WVA2] = WarnVarArgs,
+ Vars = find_all_bound_vars(WVA1, RaceVarMap),
+ case lists_key_member_lists(Vars, FunVarArgs) of
+ 0 -> [Vars, WVA2];
+ N when is_integer(N) ->
+ NewWVA2 = string:tokens(lists:nth(N + 1, FunVarArgs), " |"),
+ [Vars, NewWVA2]
+ end;
+ [WVA1, WVA2, WVA3, WVA4] = WarnVarArgs,
+ Vars1 = find_all_bound_vars(WVA1, RaceVarMap),
+ FirstVarArg =
+ case lists_key_member_lists(Vars1, FunVarArgs) of
+ 0 -> [Vars1, WVA2];
+ N1 when is_integer(N1) ->
+ NewWVA2 = string:tokens(lists:nth(N1 + 1, FunVarArgs), " |"),
+ [Vars1, NewWVA2]
+ end,
+ Vars2 =
+ lists:flatten(
+ [find_all_bound_vars(A, RaceVarMap) || A <- ets_list_args(WVA3)]),
+ case lists_key_member_lists(Vars2, FunVarArgs) of
+ 0 -> FirstVarArg ++ [Vars2, WVA4];
+ N2 when is_integer(N2) ->
+ NewWVA4 =
+ ets_tuple_argtypes2(
+ ets_tuple_argtypes1(lists:nth(N2 + 1, FunVarArgs), [], [], 0),
+ []),
+ FirstVarArg ++ [Vars2, NewWVA4]
+ end;
+ [WVA1, WVA2|T] = WarnVarArgs,
+ Arity =
+ case T of
+ [] -> 1;
+ _Else -> 2
+ end,
+ Vars = find_all_bound_vars(WVA1, RaceVarMap),
+ case lists_key_member_lists(Vars, FunVarArgs) of
+ 0 -> [Vars, WVA2|T];
+ N when is_integer(N) ->
+ NewWVA2 =
+ case Arity of
+ 1 ->
+ [mnesia_record_tab(R) || R <- string:tokens(
+ lists:nth(2, FunVarArgs), " |")];
+ 2 ->
+ string:tokens(lists:nth(N + 1, FunVarArgs), " |")
+ end,
+ [Vars, NewWVA2|T]
+ end
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Warning Format Utilities
+%%% ===========================================================================
+add_race_warning(Warn, #races{race_warnings = Warns} = Races) ->
+ Races#races{race_warnings = [Warn|Warns]}.
+get_race_warn(Fun, Args, ArgTypes, DepList, State) ->
+ {M, F, _A} = Fun,
+ case DepList of
+ [] -> {State, no_race};
+ _Other ->
+ {State, {race_condition, [M, F, Args, ArgTypes, State, DepList]}}
+ end.
+-spec get_race_warnings(races(), dialyzer_dataflow:state()) ->
+ {races(), dialyzer_dataflow:state()}.
+get_race_warnings(#races{race_warnings = RaceWarnings}, State) ->
+ get_race_warnings_helper(RaceWarnings, State).
+get_race_warnings_helper(Warnings, State) ->
+ case Warnings of
+ [] ->
+ {dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State), State};
+ [H|T] ->
+ {RaceWarnTag, WarningInfo, {race_condition, [M, F, A, AT, S, DepList]}} = H,
+ Reason =
+ case RaceWarnTag of
+ get_reason(lists:keysort(7, DepList),
+ "might fail due to a possible race condition "
+ "caused by its combination with ");
+ get_reason(lists:keysort(7, DepList),
+ "might fail due to a possible race condition "
+ "caused by its combination with ");
+ get_reason(lists:keysort(7, DepList),
+ "might have an unintended effect due to " ++
+ "a possible race condition " ++
+ "caused by its combination with ");
+ get_reason(lists:keysort(7, DepList),
+ "might have an unintended effect due to " ++
+ "a possible race condition " ++
+ "caused by its combination with ")
+ end,
+ W =
+ {race_condition,
+ [M, F, dialyzer_dataflow:format_args(A, AT, S), Reason]}},
+ get_race_warnings_helper(T,
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__add_warning(W, State))
+ end.
+get_reason(DependencyList, Reason) ->
+ case DependencyList of
+ [] -> "";
+ [#dep_call{call_name = Call, arg_types = ArgTypes, vars = Args,
+ state = State, file_line = {File, Line}}|T] ->
+ R =
+ Reason ++
+ case Call of
+ whereis -> "the erlang:whereis";
+ ets_lookup -> "the ets:lookup";
+ mnesia_dirty_read -> "the mnesia:dirty_read"
+ end ++
+ dialyzer_dataflow:format_args(Args, ArgTypes, State) ++
+ " call in " ++
+ filename:basename(File) ++
+ " on line " ++
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:write(Line)),
+ case T of
+ [] -> R;
+ _ -> get_reason(T, R ++ ", ")
+ end
+ end.
+state__add_race_warning(State, RaceWarn, RaceWarnTag, WarningInfo) ->
+ case RaceWarn of
+ no_race -> State;
+ _Else ->
+ Races = dialyzer_dataflow:state__get_races(State),
+ Warn = {RaceWarnTag, WarningInfo, RaceWarn},
+ dialyzer_dataflow:state__put_races(add_race_warning(Warn, Races), State)
+ end.
+%%% ===========================================================================
+%%% Record Interfaces
+%%% ===========================================================================
+-spec beg_clause_new(var_to_map1(), var_to_map1(), cerl:cerl()) ->
+ #beg_clause{}.
+beg_clause_new(Arg, Pats, Guard) ->
+ #beg_clause{arg = Arg, pats = Pats, guard = Guard}.
+-spec cleanup(races()) -> races().
+cleanup(#races{race_list = RaceList}) ->
+ #races{race_list = RaceList}.
+-spec end_case_new([#end_clause{}]) -> #end_case{}.
+end_case_new(Clauses) ->
+ #end_case{clauses = Clauses}.
+-spec end_clause_new(var_to_map1(), var_to_map1(), cerl:cerl()) ->
+ #end_clause{}.
+end_clause_new(Arg, Pats, Guard) ->
+ #end_clause{arg = Arg, pats = Pats, guard = Guard}.
+-spec get_curr_fun(races()) -> dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl().
+get_curr_fun(#races{curr_fun = CurrFun}) ->
+ CurrFun.
+-spec get_curr_fun_args(races()) -> core_args().
+get_curr_fun_args(#races{curr_fun_args = CurrFunArgs}) ->
+ CurrFunArgs.
+-spec get_new_table(races()) -> table().
+get_new_table(#races{new_table = Table}) ->
+ Table.
+-spec get_race_analysis(races()) -> boolean().
+get_race_analysis(#races{race_analysis = RaceAnalysis}) ->
+ RaceAnalysis.
+-spec get_race_list(races()) -> code().
+get_race_list(#races{race_list = RaceList}) ->
+ RaceList.
+-spec get_race_list_size(races()) -> non_neg_integer().
+get_race_list_size(#races{race_list_size = RaceListSize}) ->
+ RaceListSize.
+-spec get_race_list_and_size(races()) -> {code(), non_neg_integer()}.
+get_race_list_and_size(#races{race_list = RaceList,
+ race_list_size = RaceListSize}) ->
+ {RaceList, RaceListSize}.
+-spec let_tag_new(var_to_map1(), var_to_map1()) -> #let_tag{}.
+let_tag_new(Var, Arg) ->
+ #let_tag{var = Var, arg = Arg}.
+-spec new() -> races().
+new() -> #races{}.
+-spec put_curr_fun(dialyzer_callgraph:mfa_or_funlbl(), label(), races()) ->
+ races().
+put_curr_fun(CurrFun, CurrFunLabel, Races) ->
+ Races#races{curr_fun = CurrFun,
+ curr_fun_label = CurrFunLabel,
+ curr_fun_args = empty}.
+-spec put_fun_args(core_args(), races()) -> races().
+put_fun_args(Args, #races{curr_fun_args = CurrFunArgs} = Races) ->
+ case CurrFunArgs of
+ empty -> Races#races{curr_fun_args = Args};
+ _Other -> Races
+ end.
+-spec put_race_analysis(boolean(), races()) ->
+ races().
+put_race_analysis(Analysis, Races) ->
+ Races#races{race_analysis = Analysis}.
+-spec put_race_list(code(), non_neg_integer(), races()) ->
+ races().
+put_race_list(RaceList, RaceListSize, Races) ->
+ Races#races{race_list = RaceList, race_list_size = RaceListSize}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/erl_types.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/erl_types.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..449bf4cbb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/recrec/erl_types.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,5741 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% ======================================================================
+%% Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Richard Carlsson
+%% ======================================================================
+%% Provides a representation of Erlang types.
+%% The initial author of this file is Richard Carlsson (2000-2004).
+%% In July 2006, the type representation was totally re-designed by
+%% Tobias Lindahl. This is the representation which is used currently.
+%% In late 2008, Manouk Manoukian and Kostis Sagonas added support for
+%% opaque types to the structure-based representation of types.
+%% During February and March 2009, Kostis Sagonas significantly
+%% cleaned up the type representation and added spec declarations.
+%% ======================================================================
+ any_none_or_unit/1,
+ lookup_record/3,
+ max/2,
+ min/2,
+ number_max/1, number_max/2,
+ number_min/1, number_min/2,
+ t_abstract_records/2,
+ t_any/0,
+ t_arity/0,
+ t_atom/0,
+ t_atom/1,
+ t_atoms/1,
+ t_atom_vals/1, t_atom_vals/2,
+ t_binary/0,
+ t_bitstr/0,
+ t_bitstr/2,
+ t_bitstr_base/1,
+ t_bitstr_concat/1,
+ t_bitstr_concat/2,
+ t_bitstr_match/2,
+ t_bitstr_unit/1,
+ t_bitstrlist/0,
+ t_boolean/0,
+ t_byte/0,
+ t_char/0,
+ t_collect_vars/1,
+ t_cons/0,
+ t_cons/2,
+ t_cons_hd/1, t_cons_hd/2,
+ t_cons_tl/1, t_cons_tl/2,
+ t_contains_opaque/1, t_contains_opaque/2,
+ t_decorate_with_opaque/3,
+ t_elements/1,
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch/3,
+ t_find_unknown_opaque/3,
+ t_fixnum/0,
+ t_map/2,
+ t_non_neg_fixnum/0,
+ t_pos_fixnum/0,
+ t_float/0,
+ t_var_names/1,
+ t_form_to_string/1,
+ t_from_form/6,
+ t_from_form_without_remote/3,
+ t_check_record_fields/6,
+ t_from_range/2,
+ t_from_range_unsafe/2,
+ t_from_term/1,
+ t_fun/0,
+ t_fun/1,
+ t_fun/2,
+ t_fun_args/1, t_fun_args/2,
+ t_fun_arity/1, t_fun_arity/2,
+ t_fun_range/1, t_fun_range/2,
+ t_has_opaque_subtype/2,
+ t_has_var/1,
+ t_identifier/0,
+ %% t_improper_list/2,
+ t_inf/1,
+ t_inf/2,
+ t_inf/3,
+ t_inf_lists/2,
+ t_inf_lists/3,
+ t_integer/0,
+ t_integer/1,
+ t_non_neg_integer/0,
+ t_pos_integer/0,
+ t_integers/1,
+ t_iodata/0,
+ t_iolist/0,
+ t_is_any/1,
+ t_is_atom/1, t_is_atom/2,
+ t_is_any_atom/2, t_is_any_atom/3,
+ t_is_binary/1, t_is_binary/2,
+ t_is_bitstr/1, t_is_bitstr/2,
+ t_is_bitwidth/1,
+ t_is_boolean/1, t_is_boolean/2,
+ %% t_is_byte/1,
+ %% t_is_char/1,
+ t_is_cons/1, t_is_cons/2,
+ t_is_equal/2,
+ t_is_fixnum/1,
+ t_is_float/1, t_is_float/2,
+ t_is_fun/1, t_is_fun/2,
+ t_is_instance/2,
+ t_is_integer/1, t_is_integer/2,
+ t_is_list/1,
+ t_is_map/1,
+ t_is_map/2,
+ t_is_matchstate/1,
+ t_is_nil/1, t_is_nil/2,
+ t_is_non_neg_integer/1,
+ t_is_none/1,
+ t_is_none_or_unit/1,
+ t_is_number/1, t_is_number/2,
+ t_is_opaque/1, t_is_opaque/2,
+ t_is_pid/1, t_is_pid/2,
+ t_is_port/1, t_is_port/2,
+ t_is_maybe_improper_list/1, t_is_maybe_improper_list/2,
+ t_is_reference/1, t_is_reference/2,
+ t_is_singleton/1,
+ t_is_singleton/2,
+ t_is_string/1,
+ t_is_subtype/2,
+ t_is_tuple/1, t_is_tuple/2,
+ t_is_unit/1,
+ t_is_var/1,
+ t_limit/2,
+ t_list/0,
+ t_list/1,
+ t_list_elements/1, t_list_elements/2,
+ t_list_termination/1, t_list_termination/2,
+ t_map/0,
+ t_map/1,
+ t_map/3,
+ t_map_entries/2, t_map_entries/1,
+ t_map_def_key/2, t_map_def_key/1,
+ t_map_def_val/2, t_map_def_val/1,
+ t_map_get/2, t_map_get/3,
+ t_map_is_key/2, t_map_is_key/3,
+ t_map_update/2, t_map_update/3,
+ t_map_put/2, t_map_put/3,
+ t_matchstate/0,
+ t_matchstate/2,
+ t_matchstate_present/1,
+ t_matchstate_slot/2,
+ t_matchstate_slots/1,
+ t_matchstate_update_present/2,
+ t_matchstate_update_slot/3,
+ t_mfa/0,
+ t_module/0,
+ t_nil/0,
+ t_node/0,
+ t_none/0,
+ t_nonempty_list/0,
+ t_nonempty_list/1,
+ t_nonempty_string/0,
+ t_number/0,
+ t_number/1,
+ t_number_vals/1, t_number_vals/2,
+ t_opaque_from_records/1,
+ t_opaque_structure/1,
+ t_pid/0,
+ t_port/0,
+ t_maybe_improper_list/0,
+ %% t_maybe_improper_list/2,
+ t_product/1,
+ t_reference/0,
+ t_singleton_to_term/2,
+ t_string/0,
+ t_struct_from_opaque/2,
+ t_subst/2,
+ t_subtract/2,
+ t_subtract_list/2,
+ t_sup/1,
+ t_sup/2,
+ t_timeout/0,
+ t_to_string/1,
+ t_to_string/2,
+ t_to_tlist/1,
+ t_tuple/0,
+ t_tuple/1,
+ t_tuple_args/1, t_tuple_args/2,
+ t_tuple_size/1, t_tuple_size/2,
+ t_tuple_sizes/1,
+ t_tuple_subtypes/1,
+ t_tuple_subtypes/2,
+ t_unify/2,
+ t_unit/0,
+ t_unopaque/1, t_unopaque/2,
+ t_var/1,
+ t_var_name/1,
+ %% t_assign_variables_to_subtype/2,
+ type_is_defined/4,
+ record_field_diffs_to_string/2,
+ subst_all_vars_to_any/1,
+ lift_list_to_pos_empty/1, lift_list_to_pos_empty/2,
+ is_opaque_type/2,
+ is_erl_type/1,
+ atom_to_string/1,
+ var_table__new/0,
+ cache__new/0,
+ map_pairwise_merge/3
+ ]).
+%%-define(DO_ERL_TYPES_TEST, true).
+-define(NO_UNUSED, true).
+-export_type([erl_type/0, opaques/0, type_table/0, var_table/0, cache/0]).
+%%-define(DEBUG, true).
+-define(debug(__A), __A).
+-define(debug(__A), ok).
+%% Definition of the type structure
+%% Limits
+-define(REC_TYPE_LIMIT, 2).
+-define(EXPAND_DEPTH, 16).
+-define(EXPAND_LIMIT, 10000).
+-define(TUPLE_TAG_LIMIT, 5).
+-define(TUPLE_ARITY_LIMIT, 8).
+-define(SET_LIMIT, 13).
+-define(MAX_BYTE, 255).
+-define(MAX_CHAR, 16#10ffff).
+-define(UNIT_MULTIPLIER, 8).
+-define(TAG_IMMED1_SIZE, 4).
+-define(BITS, (erlang:system_info(wordsize) * 8) - ?TAG_IMMED1_SIZE).
+-define(MAX_TUPLE_SIZE, (1 bsl 10)).
+%% Type tags and qualifiers
+-define(atom_tag, atom).
+-define(binary_tag, binary).
+-define(function_tag, function).
+-define(identifier_tag, identifier).
+-define(list_tag, list).
+-define(map_tag, map).
+-define(matchstate_tag, matchstate).
+-define(nil_tag, nil).
+-define(number_tag, number).
+-define(opaque_tag, opaque).
+-define(product_tag, product).
+-define(tuple_set_tag, tuple_set).
+-define(tuple_tag, tuple).
+-define(union_tag, union).
+-define(var_tag, var).
+-type tag() :: ?atom_tag | ?binary_tag | ?function_tag | ?identifier_tag
+ | ?list_tag | ?map_tag | ?matchstate_tag | ?nil_tag | ?number_tag
+ | ?opaque_tag | ?product_tag
+ | ?tuple_tag | ?tuple_set_tag | ?union_tag | ?var_tag.
+-define(float_qual, float).
+-define(integer_qual, integer).
+-define(nonempty_qual, nonempty).
+-define(pid_qual, pid).
+-define(port_qual, port).
+-define(reference_qual, reference).
+-define(unknown_qual, unknown).
+-type qual() :: ?float_qual | ?integer_qual | ?nonempty_qual | ?pid_qual
+ | ?port_qual | ?reference_qual | ?unknown_qual | {_, _}.
+%% The type representation
+-define(any, any).
+-define(none, none).
+-define(unit, unit).
+%% Generic constructor - elements can be many things depending on the tag.
+-record(c, {tag :: tag(),
+ elements = [] :: term(),
+ qualifier = ?unknown_qual :: qual()}).
+-opaque erl_type() :: ?any | ?none | ?unit | #c{}.
+%% Auxiliary types and convenient macros
+-type parse_form() :: erl_parse:abstract_type().
+-type rng_elem() :: 'pos_inf' | 'neg_inf' | integer().
+-record(int_set, {set :: [integer()]}).
+-record(int_rng, {from :: rng_elem(), to :: rng_elem()}).
+%% Note: the definition of #opaque{} was changed to 'mod' and 'name';
+%% it used to be an ordsets of {Mod, Name} pairs. The Dialyzer version
+%% was updated to 2.7 due to this change.
+-record(opaque, {mod :: module(), name :: atom(),
+ args = [] :: [erl_type()], struct :: erl_type()}).
+-define(atom(Set), #c{tag=?atom_tag, elements=Set}).
+-define(bitstr(Unit, Base), #c{tag=?binary_tag, elements=[Unit,Base]}).
+-define(float, ?number(?any, ?float_qual)).
+-define(function(Domain, Range), #c{tag=?function_tag,
+ elements=[Domain, Range]}).
+-define(identifier(Types), #c{tag=?identifier_tag, elements=Types}).
+-define(integer(Types), ?number(Types, ?integer_qual)).
+-define(int_range(From, To), ?integer(#int_rng{from=From, to=To})).
+-define(int_set(Set), ?integer(#int_set{set=Set})).
+-define(list(Types, Term, Size), #c{tag=?list_tag, elements=[Types,Term],
+ qualifier=Size}).
+-define(nil, #c{tag=?nil_tag}).
+-define(nonempty_list(Types, Term),?list(Types, Term, ?nonempty_qual)).
+-define(number(Set, Qualifier), #c{tag=?number_tag, elements=Set,
+ qualifier=Qualifier}).
+ #c{tag=?map_tag, elements={Pairs,DefKey,DefVal}}).
+-define(opaque(Optypes), #c{tag=?opaque_tag, elements=Optypes}).
+-define(product(Types), #c{tag=?product_tag, elements=Types}).
+-define(tuple(Types, Arity, Qual), #c{tag=?tuple_tag, elements=Types,
+ qualifier={Arity, Qual}}).
+-define(tuple_set(Tuples), #c{tag=?tuple_set_tag, elements=Tuples}).
+-define(var(Id), #c{tag=?var_tag, elements=Id}).
+-define(matchstate(P, Slots), #c{tag=?matchstate_tag, elements=[P,Slots]}).
+-define(any_matchstate, ?matchstate(t_bitstr(), ?any)).
+-define(byte, ?int_range(0, ?MAX_BYTE)).
+-define(char, ?int_range(0, ?MAX_CHAR)).
+-define(integer_pos, ?int_range(1, pos_inf)).
+-define(integer_non_neg, ?int_range(0, pos_inf)).
+-define(integer_neg, ?int_range(neg_inf, -1)).
+-type opaques() :: [erl_type()] | 'universe'.
+-type record_key() :: {'record', atom()}.
+-type type_key() :: {'type' | 'opaque', mfa()}.
+-type record_value() :: [{atom(), erl_parse:abstract_expr(), erl_type()}].
+-type type_value() :: {{module(), {file:name(), erl_anno:line()},
+ erl_parse:abstract_type(), ArgNames :: [atom()]},
+ erl_type()}.
+-type type_table() :: dict:dict(record_key() | type_key(),
+ record_value() | type_value()).
+-opaque var_table() :: #{atom() => erl_type()}.
+%% Unions
+-define(union(List), #c{tag=?union_tag, elements=[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]=List}).
+-define(atom_union(T), ?union([T,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none])).
+-define(bitstr_union(T), ?union([?none,T,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none])).
+-define(function_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,T,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none])).
+-define(identifier_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,?none,T,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none])).
+-define(list_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,?none,?none,T,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none])).
+-define(number_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,T,?none,?none,?none,?none])).
+-define(tuple_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,T,?none,?none,?none])).
+-define(matchstate_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,T,?none,?none])).
+-define(opaque_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,T,?none])).
+-define(map_union(T), ?union([?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,?none,T])).
+-define(integer_union(T), ?number_union(T)).
+-define(float_union(T), ?number_union(T)).
+-define(nil_union(T), ?list_union(T)).
+%% Primitive operations such as type construction and type tests
+%% Top and bottom
+-spec t_any() -> erl_type().
+t_any() ->
+ ?any.
+-spec t_is_any(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_any(Type) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, 'universe', fun is_any/1).
+is_any(?any) -> true;
+is_any(_) -> false.
+-spec t_none() -> erl_type().
+t_none() ->
+ ?none.
+-spec t_is_none(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_none(?none) -> true;
+t_is_none(_) -> false.
+%% Opaque types
+-spec t_opaque(module(), atom(), [_], erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_opaque(Mod, Name, Args, Struct) ->
+ O = #opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name, args = Args, struct = Struct},
+ ?opaque(set_singleton(O)).
+-spec t_is_opaque(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> boolean().
+t_is_opaque(?opaque(_) = Type, Opaques) ->
+ not is_opaque_type(Type, Opaques);
+t_is_opaque(_Type, _Opaques) -> false.
+-spec t_is_opaque(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_opaque(?opaque(_)) -> true;
+t_is_opaque(_) -> false.
+-spec t_has_opaque_subtype(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_has_opaque_subtype(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun has_opaque_subtype/1).
+has_opaque_subtype(?union(Ts)) ->
+ lists:any(fun t_is_opaque/1, Ts);
+has_opaque_subtype(T) ->
+ t_is_opaque(T).
+-spec t_opaque_structure(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_opaque_structure(?opaque(Elements)) ->
+ t_sup([Struct || #opaque{struct = Struct} <- ordsets:to_list(Elements)]).
+-spec t_contains_opaque(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_contains_opaque(Type) ->
+ t_contains_opaque(Type, []).
+%% Returns 'true' iff there is an opaque type that is *not* one of
+%% the types of the second argument.
+-spec t_contains_opaque(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> boolean().
+t_contains_opaque(?any, _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?none, _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?unit, _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?atom(_Set), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?bitstr(_Unit, _Base), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?float, _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?function(Domain, Range), Opaques) ->
+ t_contains_opaque(Domain, Opaques)
+ orelse t_contains_opaque(Range, Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?identifier(_Types), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?integer(_Types), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?int_range(_From, _To), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?int_set(_Set), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?list(Type, Tail, _), Opaques) ->
+ t_contains_opaque(Type, Opaques) orelse t_contains_opaque(Tail, Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?map(_, _, _) = Map, Opaques) ->
+ list_contains_opaque(map_all_types(Map), Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?matchstate(_P, _Slots), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?nil, _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?number(_Set, _Tag), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?opaque(_)=T, Opaques) ->
+ not is_opaque_type(T, Opaques)
+ orelse t_contains_opaque(t_opaque_structure(T));
+t_contains_opaque(?product(Types), Opaques) ->
+ list_contains_opaque(Types, Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?tuple(?any, _, _), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?tuple(Types, _, _), Opaques) ->
+ list_contains_opaque(Types, Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?tuple_set(_Set) = T, Opaques) ->
+ list_contains_opaque(t_tuple_subtypes(T), Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?union(List), Opaques) ->
+ list_contains_opaque(List, Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?var(_Id), _Opaques) -> false.
+-spec list_contains_opaque([erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> boolean().
+list_contains_opaque(List, Opaques) ->
+ lists:any(fun(E) -> t_contains_opaque(E, Opaques) end, List).
+%% t_find_opaque_mismatch/2 of two types should only be used if their
+%% t_inf is t_none() due to some opaque type violation.
+%% The first argument of the function is the pattern and its second
+%% argument the type we are matching against the pattern.
+-spec t_find_opaque_mismatch(erl_type(), erl_type(), [erl_type()]) ->
+ 'error' | {'ok', erl_type(), erl_type()}.
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques).
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?any, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?none, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?list(T1, Tl1, _), ?list(T2, Tl2, _), TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists([T1, Tl1], [T2, Tl2], TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
+ case is_opaque_type(T2, Opaques) of
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T2};
+ true ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2), TopType, Opaques)
+ end;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?opaque(_) = T1, T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
+ %% The generated message is somewhat misleading:
+ case is_opaque_type(T1, Opaques) of
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T1};
+ true ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2, TopType, Opaques)
+ end;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?product(T1), ?product(T2), TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(T1, T2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(T1, Arity, _), ?tuple(T2, Arity, _),
+ TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(T1, T2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(_, _, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(_) = T2,
+ TopType, Opaques) ->
+ Tuples1 = t_tuple_subtypes(T1),
+ Tuples2 = t_tuple_subtypes(T2),
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(Tuples1, Tuples2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?union(U2), TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists([T1], U2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(_T1, _T2, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error.
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(L1, L2, TopType, Opaques) ->
+ List = lists:zipwith(fun(T1, T2) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, TopType, Opaques)
+ end, L1, L2),
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_list(List).
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(L1, L2, _TopType, Opaques) ->
+ List = [t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques) || T1 <- L1, T2 <- L2],
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_list(List).
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([]) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([H|T]) ->
+ case H of
+ {ok, _T1, _T2} -> H;
+ error -> t_find_opaque_mismatch_list(T)
+ end.
+-spec t_find_unknown_opaque(erl_type(), erl_type(), opaques()) ->
+ [pos_integer()].
+%% The nice thing about using two types and t_inf() as compared to
+%% calling t_contains_opaque/2 is that the traversal stops when
+%% there is a mismatch which means that unknown opaque types "below"
+%% the mismatch are not found.
+t_find_unknown_opaque(_T1, _T2, 'universe') -> [];
+t_find_unknown_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
+ try t_inf(T1, T2, {match, Opaques}) of
+ _ -> []
+ catch throw:{pos, Ns} -> Ns
+ end.
+-spec t_decorate_with_opaque(erl_type(), erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+%% The first argument can contain opaque types. The second argument
+%% is assumed to be taken from the contract.
+t_decorate_with_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
+ case t_is_equal(T1, T2) orelse not t_contains_opaque(T2) of
+ true -> T1;
+ false ->
+ T = t_inf(T1, T2),
+ case t_contains_opaque(T) of
+ false -> T1;
+ true ->
+ R = decorate(T1, T, Opaques),
+ ?debug(case catch t_is_equal(t_unopaque(R), t_unopaque(T1)) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ io:format("T1 = ~p,\n", [T1]),
+ io:format("T2 = ~p,\n", [T2]),
+ io:format("O = ~p,\n", [Opaques]),
+ io:format("erl_types:t_decorate_with_opaque(T1,T2,O).\n"),
+ throw({error, "Failed to handle opaque types"})
+ end),
+ R
+ end
+ end.
+decorate(Type, ?none, _Opaques) -> Type;
+decorate(?function(Domain, Range), ?function(D, R), Opaques) ->
+ ?function(decorate(Domain, D, Opaques), decorate(Range, R, Opaques));
+decorate(?list(Types, Tail, Size), ?list(Ts, Tl, _Sz), Opaques) ->
+ ?list(decorate(Types, Ts, Opaques), decorate(Tail, Tl, Opaques), Size);
+decorate(?product(Types), ?product(Ts), Opaques) ->
+ ?product(list_decorate(Types, Ts, Opaques));
+decorate(?tuple(_, _, _)=T, ?tuple(?any, _, _), _Opaques) -> T;
+decorate(?tuple(?any, _, _)=T, ?tuple(_, _, _), _Opaques) -> T;
+decorate(?tuple(Types, Arity, Tag), ?tuple(Ts, Arity, _), Opaques) ->
+ ?tuple(list_decorate(Types, Ts, Opaques), Arity, Tag);
+decorate(?tuple_set(List), ?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T, Opaques) ->
+ decorate_tuple_sets(List, [{Arity, [T]}], Opaques);
+decorate(?tuple_set(List), ?tuple_set(L), Opaques) ->
+ decorate_tuple_sets(List, L, Opaques);
+decorate(?union(List), T, Opaques) when T =/= ?any ->
+ ?union(L) = force_union(T),
+ union_decorate(List, L, Opaques);
+decorate(?opaque(_)=T, _, _Opaques) -> T;
+decorate(T, ?union(L), Opaques) when T =/= ?any ->
+ ?union(List) = force_union(T),
+ union_decorate(List, L, Opaques);
+decorate(Type, ?opaque(_)=T, Opaques) ->
+ decorate_with_opaque(Type, T, Opaques);
+decorate(Type, _T, _Opaques) -> Type.
+%% Note: it is important that #opaque.struct is a subtype of the
+%% opaque type.
+decorate_with_opaque(Type, ?opaque(Set2), Opaques) ->
+ case decoration(set_to_list(Set2), Type, Opaques, [], false) of
+ {[], false} -> Type;
+ {List, All} when List =/= [] ->
+ NewType = ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(List)),
+ case All of
+ true -> NewType;
+ false -> t_sup(NewType, Type)
+ end
+ end.
+decoration([#opaque{struct = S} = Opaque|OpaqueTypes], Type, Opaques,
+ NewOpaqueTypes0, All) ->
+ IsOpaque = is_opaque_type2(Opaque, Opaques),
+ I = t_inf(Type, S),
+ case not IsOpaque orelse t_is_none(I) of
+ true -> decoration(OpaqueTypes, Type, Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes0, All);
+ false ->
+ NewOpaque = Opaque#opaque{struct = decorate(I, S, Opaques)},
+ NewAll = All orelse t_is_equal(I, Type),
+ NewOpaqueTypes = [NewOpaque|NewOpaqueTypes0],
+ decoration(OpaqueTypes, Type, Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes, NewAll)
+ end;
+decoration([], _Type, _Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes, All) ->
+ {NewOpaqueTypes, All}.
+-spec list_decorate([erl_type()], [erl_type()], opaques()) -> [erl_type()].
+list_decorate(List, L, Opaques) ->
+ [decorate(Elem, E, Opaques) || {Elem, E} <- lists:zip(List, L)].
+union_decorate(U1, U2, Opaques) ->
+ Union = union_decorate(U1, U2, Opaques, 0, []),
+ [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,_,Map] = U1,
+ [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Opaque,_] = U2,
+ List = [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,Map],
+ DecList = [Dec ||
+ E <- List,
+ not t_is_none(E),
+ not t_is_none(Dec = decorate(E, Opaque, Opaques))],
+ t_sup([Union|DecList]).
+union_decorate([?none|Left1], [_|Left2], Opaques, N, Acc) ->
+ union_decorate(Left1, Left2, Opaques, N, [?none|Acc]);
+union_decorate([T1|Left1], [?none|Left2], Opaques, N, Acc) ->
+ union_decorate(Left1, Left2, Opaques, N+1, [T1|Acc]);
+union_decorate([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], Opaques, N, Acc) ->
+ union_decorate(Left1, Left2, Opaques, N+1, [decorate(T1, T2, Opaques)|Acc]);
+union_decorate([], [], _Opaques, N, Acc) ->
+ if N =:= 0 -> ?none;
+ N =:= 1 ->
+ [Type] = [T || T <- Acc, T =/= ?none],
+ Type;
+ N >= 2 -> ?union(lists:reverse(Acc))
+ end.
+decorate_tuple_sets(List, L, Opaques) ->
+ decorate_tuple_sets(List, L, Opaques, []).
+decorate_tuple_sets([{Arity, Tuples}|List], [{Arity, Ts}|L], Opaques, Acc) ->
+ DecTs = decorate_tuples_in_sets(Tuples, Ts, Opaques),
+ decorate_tuple_sets(List, L, Opaques, [{Arity, DecTs}|Acc]);
+decorate_tuple_sets([ArTup|List], L, Opaques, Acc) ->
+ decorate_tuple_sets(List, L, Opaques, [ArTup|Acc]);
+decorate_tuple_sets([], _L, _Opaques, Acc) ->
+ ?tuple_set(lists:reverse(Acc)).
+decorate_tuples_in_sets([?tuple(Elements, _, ?any)], Ts, Opaques) ->
+ NewList = [list_decorate(Elements, Es, Opaques) || ?tuple(Es, _, _) <- Ts],
+ case t_sup([t_tuple(Es) || Es <- NewList]) of
+ ?tuple_set([{_Arity, Tuples}]) -> Tuples;
+ ?tuple(_, _, _)=Tuple -> [Tuple]
+ end;
+decorate_tuples_in_sets(Tuples, Ts, Opaques) ->
+ decorate_tuples_in_sets(Tuples, Ts, Opaques, []).
+decorate_tuples_in_sets([?tuple(Elements, Arity, Tag1) = T1|Tuples] = L1,
+ [?tuple(Es, Arity, Tag2)|Ts] = L2, Opaques, Acc) ->
+ if
+ Tag1 < Tag2 -> decorate_tuples_in_sets(Tuples, L2, Opaques, [T1|Acc]);
+ Tag1 > Tag2 -> decorate_tuples_in_sets(L1, Ts, Opaques, Acc);
+ Tag1 =:= Tag2 ->
+ NewElements = list_decorate(Elements, Es, Opaques),
+ NewAcc = [?tuple(NewElements, Arity, Tag1)|Acc],
+ decorate_tuples_in_sets(Tuples, Ts, Opaques, NewAcc)
+ end;
+decorate_tuples_in_sets([T1|Tuples], L2, Opaques, Acc) ->
+ decorate_tuples_in_sets(Tuples, L2, Opaques, [T1|Acc]);
+decorate_tuples_in_sets([], _L, _Opaques, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+-spec t_opaque_from_records(type_table()) -> [erl_type()].
+t_opaque_from_records(RecDict) ->
+ OpaqueRecDict =
+ dict:filter(fun(Key, _Value) ->
+ case Key of
+ {opaque, _Name, _Arity} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end, RecDict),
+ OpaqueTypeDict =
+ dict:map(fun({opaque, Name, _Arity},
+ {{Module, _FileLine, _Form, ArgNames}, _Type}) ->
+ %% Args = args_to_types(ArgNames),
+ %% List = lists:zip(ArgNames, Args),
+ %% TmpVarTab = maps:to_list(List),
+ %% Rep = t_from_form(Type, RecDict, TmpVarTab),
+ Rep = t_any(), % not used for anything right now
+ Args = [t_any() || _ <- ArgNames],
+ t_opaque(Module, Name, Args, Rep)
+ end, OpaqueRecDict),
+ [OpaqueType || {_Key, OpaqueType} <- dict:to_list(OpaqueTypeDict)].
+%% Decompose opaque instances of type arg2 to structured types, in arg1
+%% XXX: Same as t_unopaque
+-spec t_struct_from_opaque(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_struct_from_opaque(?function(Domain, Range), Opaques) ->
+ ?function(t_struct_from_opaque(Domain, Opaques),
+ t_struct_from_opaque(Range, Opaques));
+t_struct_from_opaque(?list(Types, Term, Size), Opaques) ->
+ ?list(t_struct_from_opaque(Types, Opaques),
+ t_struct_from_opaque(Term, Opaques), Size);
+t_struct_from_opaque(?opaque(_) = T, Opaques) ->
+ case is_opaque_type(T, Opaques) of
+ true -> t_opaque_structure(T);
+ false -> T
+ end;
+t_struct_from_opaque(?product(Types), Opaques) ->
+ ?product(list_struct_from_opaque(Types, Opaques));
+t_struct_from_opaque(?tuple(?any, _, _) = T, _Opaques) -> T;
+t_struct_from_opaque(?tuple(Types, Arity, Tag), Opaques) ->
+ ?tuple(list_struct_from_opaque(Types, Opaques), Arity, Tag);
+t_struct_from_opaque(?tuple_set(Set), Opaques) ->
+ NewSet = [{Sz, [t_struct_from_opaque(T, Opaques) || T <- Tuples]}
+ || {Sz, Tuples} <- Set],
+ ?tuple_set(NewSet);
+t_struct_from_opaque(?union(List), Opaques) ->
+ t_sup(list_struct_from_opaque(List, Opaques));
+t_struct_from_opaque(Type, _Opaques) -> Type.
+list_struct_from_opaque(Types, Opaques) ->
+ [t_struct_from_opaque(Type, Opaques) || Type <- Types].
+-type mod_records() :: dict:dict(module(), type_table()).
+%% Unit type. Signals non termination.
+-spec t_unit() -> erl_type().
+t_unit() ->
+ ?unit.
+-spec t_is_unit(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_unit(?unit) -> true;
+t_is_unit(_) -> false.
+-spec t_is_none_or_unit(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_none_or_unit(?none) -> true;
+t_is_none_or_unit(?unit) -> true;
+t_is_none_or_unit(_) -> false.
+%% Atoms and the derived type boolean
+-spec t_atom() -> erl_type().
+t_atom() ->
+ ?atom(?any).
+-spec t_atom(atom()) -> erl_type().
+t_atom(A) when is_atom(A) ->
+ ?atom(set_singleton(A)).
+-spec t_atoms([atom()]) -> erl_type().
+t_atoms(List) when is_list(List) ->
+ t_sup([t_atom(A) || A <- List]).
+-spec t_atom_vals(erl_type()) -> 'unknown' | [atom(),...].
+t_atom_vals(Type) ->
+ t_atom_vals(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_atom_vals(erl_type(), opaques()) -> 'unknown' | [atom(),...].
+t_atom_vals(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun atom_vals/1).
+atom_vals(?atom(?any)) -> unknown;
+atom_vals(?atom(Set)) -> set_to_list(Set);
+atom_vals(?opaque(_)) -> unknown;
+atom_vals(Other) ->
+ ?atom(_) = Atm = t_inf(t_atom(), Other),
+ atom_vals(Atm).
+-spec t_is_atom(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_atom(Type) ->
+ t_is_atom(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_atom(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_atom(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_atom1/1).
+is_atom1(?atom(_)) -> true;
+is_atom1(_) -> false.
+-spec t_is_any_atom(atom(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_any_atom(Atom, SomeAtomsType) ->
+ t_is_any_atom(Atom, SomeAtomsType, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_any_atom(atom(), erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_any_atom(Atom, SomeAtomsType, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(SomeAtomsType, Opaques,
+ fun(AtomsType) -> is_any_atom(Atom, AtomsType) end).
+is_any_atom(Atom, ?atom(?any)) when is_atom(Atom) -> false;
+is_any_atom(Atom, ?atom(Set)) when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ set_is_singleton(Atom, Set);
+is_any_atom(Atom, _) when is_atom(Atom) -> false.
+-spec t_is_boolean(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_boolean(Type) ->
+ t_is_boolean(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_boolean(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_boolean(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_boolean/1).
+-spec t_boolean() -> erl_type().
+t_boolean() ->
+ ?atom(set_from_list([false, true])).
+is_boolean(?atom(?any)) -> false;
+is_boolean(?atom(Set)) ->
+ case set_size(Set) of
+ 1 -> set_is_element(true, Set) orelse set_is_element(false, Set);
+ 2 -> set_is_element(true, Set) andalso set_is_element(false, Set);
+ N when is_integer(N), N > 2 -> false
+ end;
+is_boolean(_) -> false.
+%% Binaries
+-spec t_binary() -> erl_type().
+t_binary() ->
+ ?bitstr(8, 0).
+-spec t_is_binary(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_binary(Type) ->
+ t_is_binary(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_binary(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_binary(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_binary/1).
+is_binary(?bitstr(U, B)) ->
+ ((U rem 8) =:= 0) andalso ((B rem 8) =:= 0);
+is_binary(_) -> false.
+%% Bitstrings
+-spec t_bitstr() -> erl_type().
+t_bitstr() ->
+ ?bitstr(1, 0).
+-spec t_bitstr(non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_bitstr(U, B) ->
+ NewB =
+ if
+ U =:= 0 -> B;
+ B >= (U * (?UNIT_MULTIPLIER + 1)) ->
+ (B rem U) + U * ?UNIT_MULTIPLIER;
+ true ->
+ B
+ end,
+ ?bitstr(U, NewB).
+-spec t_bitstr_unit(erl_type()) -> non_neg_integer().
+t_bitstr_unit(?bitstr(U, _)) -> U.
+-spec t_bitstr_base(erl_type()) -> non_neg_integer().
+t_bitstr_base(?bitstr(_, B)) -> B.
+-spec t_bitstr_concat([erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_bitstr_concat(List) ->
+ t_bitstr_concat_1(List, t_bitstr(0, 0)).
+t_bitstr_concat_1([T|Left], Acc) ->
+ t_bitstr_concat_1(Left, t_bitstr_concat(Acc, T));
+t_bitstr_concat_1([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+-spec t_bitstr_concat(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_bitstr_concat(T1, T2) ->
+ T1p = t_inf(t_bitstr(), T1),
+ T2p = t_inf(t_bitstr(), T2),
+ bitstr_concat(t_unopaque(T1p), t_unopaque(T2p)).
+-spec t_bitstr_match(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_bitstr_match(T1, T2) ->
+ T1p = t_inf(t_bitstr(), T1),
+ T2p = t_inf(t_bitstr(), T2),
+ bitstr_match(t_unopaque(T1p), t_unopaque(T2p)).
+-spec t_is_bitstr(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_bitstr(Type) ->
+ t_is_bitstr(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_bitstr(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_bitstr(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_bitstr/1).
+is_bitstr(?bitstr(_, _)) -> true;
+is_bitstr(_) -> false.
+%% Matchstates
+-spec t_matchstate() -> erl_type().
+t_matchstate() ->
+ ?any_matchstate.
+-spec t_matchstate(erl_type(), non_neg_integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_matchstate(Init, 0) ->
+ ?matchstate(Init, Init);
+t_matchstate(Init, Max) when is_integer(Max) ->
+ Slots = [Init|[?none || _ <- lists:seq(1, Max)]],
+ ?matchstate(Init, t_product(Slots)).
+-spec t_is_matchstate(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_matchstate(?matchstate(_, _)) -> true;
+t_is_matchstate(_) -> false.
+-spec t_matchstate_present(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_matchstate_present(Type) ->
+ case t_inf(t_matchstate(), Type) of
+ ?matchstate(P, _) -> P;
+ _ -> ?none
+ end.
+-spec t_matchstate_slot(erl_type(), non_neg_integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_matchstate_slot(Type, Slot) ->
+ RealSlot = Slot + 1,
+ case t_inf(t_matchstate(), Type) of
+ ?matchstate(_, ?any) -> ?any;
+ ?matchstate(_, ?product(Vals)) when length(Vals) >= RealSlot ->
+ lists:nth(RealSlot, Vals);
+ ?matchstate(_, ?product(_)) ->
+ ?none;
+ ?matchstate(_, SlotType) when RealSlot =:= 1 ->
+ SlotType;
+ _ ->
+ ?none
+ end.
+-spec t_matchstate_slots(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_matchstate_slots(?matchstate(_, Slots)) ->
+ Slots.
+-spec t_matchstate_update_present(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_matchstate_update_present(New, Type) ->
+ case t_inf(t_matchstate(), Type) of
+ ?matchstate(_, Slots) ->
+ ?matchstate(New, Slots);
+ _ -> ?none
+ end.
+-spec t_matchstate_update_slot(erl_type(), erl_type(), non_neg_integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_matchstate_update_slot(New, Type, Slot) ->
+ RealSlot = Slot + 1,
+ case t_inf(t_matchstate(), Type) of
+ ?matchstate(Pres, Slots) ->
+ NewSlots =
+ case Slots of
+ ?any ->
+ ?any;
+ ?product(Vals) when length(Vals) >= RealSlot ->
+ NewTuple = setelement(RealSlot, list_to_tuple(Vals), New),
+ NewVals = tuple_to_list(NewTuple),
+ ?product(NewVals);
+ ?product(_) ->
+ ?none;
+ _ when RealSlot =:= 1 ->
+ New;
+ _ ->
+ ?none
+ end,
+ ?matchstate(Pres, NewSlots);
+ _ ->
+ ?none
+ end.
+%% Functions
+-spec t_fun() -> erl_type().
+t_fun() ->
+ ?function(?any, ?any).
+-spec t_fun(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_fun(Range) ->
+ ?function(?any, Range).
+-spec t_fun([erl_type()] | arity(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_fun(Domain, Range) when is_list(Domain) ->
+ ?function(?product(Domain), Range);
+t_fun(Arity, Range) when is_integer(Arity), 0 =< Arity, Arity =< 255 ->
+ ?function(?product(lists:duplicate(Arity, ?any)), Range).
+-spec t_fun_args(erl_type()) -> 'unknown' | [erl_type()].
+t_fun_args(Type) ->
+ t_fun_args(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_fun_args(erl_type(), opaques()) -> 'unknown' | [erl_type()].
+t_fun_args(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun fun_args/1).
+fun_args(?function(?any, _)) ->
+ unknown;
+fun_args(?function(?product(Domain), _)) when is_list(Domain) ->
+ Domain.
+-spec t_fun_arity(erl_type()) -> 'unknown' | non_neg_integer().
+t_fun_arity(Type) ->
+ t_fun_arity(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_fun_arity(erl_type(), opaques()) -> 'unknown' | non_neg_integer().
+t_fun_arity(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun fun_arity/1).
+fun_arity(?function(?any, _)) ->
+ unknown;
+fun_arity(?function(?product(Domain), _)) ->
+ length(Domain).
+-spec t_fun_range(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_fun_range(Type) ->
+ t_fun_range(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_fun_range(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_fun_range(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun fun_range/1).
+fun_range(?function(_, Range)) ->
+ Range.
+-spec t_is_fun(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_fun(Type) ->
+ t_is_fun(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_fun(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_fun(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_fun/1).
+is_fun(?function(_, _)) -> true;
+is_fun(_) -> false.
+%% Identifiers. Includes ports, pids and refs.
+-spec t_identifier() -> erl_type().
+t_identifier() ->
+ ?identifier(?any).
+-spec t_is_identifier(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_is_identifier(?identifier(_)) -> true;
+t_is_identifier(_) -> false.
+-spec t_port() -> erl_type().
+t_port() ->
+ ?identifier(set_singleton(?port_qual)).
+-spec t_is_port(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_port(Type) ->
+ t_is_port(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_port(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_port(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_port1/1).
+is_port1(?identifier(?any)) -> false;
+is_port1(?identifier(Set)) -> set_is_singleton(?port_qual, Set);
+is_port1(_) -> false.
+-spec t_pid() -> erl_type().
+t_pid() ->
+ ?identifier(set_singleton(?pid_qual)).
+-spec t_is_pid(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_pid(Type) ->
+ t_is_pid(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_pid(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_pid(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_pid1/1).
+is_pid1(?identifier(?any)) -> false;
+is_pid1(?identifier(Set)) -> set_is_singleton(?pid_qual, Set);
+is_pid1(_) -> false.
+-spec t_reference() -> erl_type().
+t_reference() ->
+ ?identifier(set_singleton(?reference_qual)).
+-spec t_is_reference(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_reference(Type) ->
+ t_is_reference(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_reference(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_reference(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_reference1/1).
+is_reference1(?identifier(?any)) -> false;
+is_reference1(?identifier(Set)) -> set_is_singleton(?reference_qual, Set);
+is_reference1(_) -> false.
+%% Numbers are divided into floats, integers, chars and bytes.
+-spec t_number() -> erl_type().
+t_number() ->
+ ?number(?any, ?unknown_qual).
+-spec t_number(integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_number(X) when is_integer(X) ->
+ t_integer(X).
+-spec t_is_number(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_number(Type) ->
+ t_is_number(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_number(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_number(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_number/1).
+is_number(?number(_, _)) -> true;
+is_number(_) -> false.
+%% Currently, the type system collapses all floats to ?float and does
+%% not keep any information about their values. As a result, the list
+%% that this function returns contains only integers.
+-spec t_number_vals(erl_type()) -> 'unknown' | [integer(),...].
+t_number_vals(Type) ->
+ t_number_vals(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_number_vals(erl_type(), opaques()) -> 'unknown' | [integer(),...].
+t_number_vals(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun number_vals/1).
+number_vals(?int_set(Set)) -> set_to_list(Set);
+number_vals(?number(_, _)) -> unknown;
+number_vals(?opaque(_)) -> unknown;
+number_vals(Other) ->
+ Inf = t_inf(Other, t_number()),
+ false = t_is_none(Inf), % sanity check
+ number_vals(Inf).
+-spec t_float() -> erl_type().
+t_float() ->
+ ?float.
+-spec t_is_float(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_float(Type) ->
+ t_is_float(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_float(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_float(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_float1/1).
+is_float1(?float) -> true;
+is_float1(_) -> false.
+-spec t_integer() -> erl_type().
+t_integer() ->
+ ?integer(?any).
+-spec t_integer(integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_integer(I) when is_integer(I) ->
+ ?int_set(set_singleton(I)).
+-spec t_integers([integer()]) -> erl_type().
+t_integers(List) when is_list(List) ->
+ t_sup([t_integer(I) || I <- List]).
+-spec t_is_integer(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_integer(Type) ->
+ t_is_integer(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_integer(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_integer(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_integer1/1).
+is_integer1(?integer(_)) -> true;
+is_integer1(_) -> false.
+-spec t_byte() -> erl_type().
+t_byte() ->
+ ?byte.
+-spec t_is_byte(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_byte(?int_range(neg_inf, _)) -> false;
+t_is_byte(?int_range(_, pos_inf)) -> false;
+t_is_byte(?int_range(From, To))
+ when is_integer(From), From >= 0, is_integer(To), To =< ?MAX_BYTE -> true;
+t_is_byte(?int_set(Set)) ->
+ (set_min(Set) >= 0) andalso (set_max(Set) =< ?MAX_BYTE);
+t_is_byte(_) -> false.
+-spec t_char() -> erl_type().
+t_char() ->
+ ?char.
+-spec t_is_char(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_char(?int_range(neg_inf, _)) -> false;
+t_is_char(?int_range(_, pos_inf)) -> false;
+t_is_char(?int_range(From, To))
+ when is_integer(From), From >= 0, is_integer(To), To =< ?MAX_CHAR -> true;
+t_is_char(?int_set(Set)) ->
+ (set_min(Set) >= 0) andalso (set_max(Set) =< ?MAX_CHAR);
+t_is_char(_) -> false.
+%% Lists
+-spec t_cons() -> erl_type().
+t_cons() ->
+ ?nonempty_list(?any, ?any).
+%% Note that if the tail argument can be a list, we must collapse the
+%% content of the list to include both the content of the tail list
+%% and the head of the cons. If for example the tail argument is any()
+%% then there can be any list in the tail and the content of the
+%% returned list must be any().
+-spec t_cons(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_cons(?none, _) -> ?none;
+t_cons(_, ?none) -> ?none;
+t_cons(?unit, _) -> ?none;
+t_cons(_, ?unit) -> ?none;
+t_cons(Hd, ?nil) ->
+ ?nonempty_list(Hd, ?nil);
+t_cons(Hd, ?list(Contents, Termination, _)) ->
+ ?nonempty_list(t_sup(Contents, Hd), Termination);
+t_cons(Hd, Tail) ->
+ case cons_tail(t_inf(Tail, t_maybe_improper_list())) of
+ ?list(Contents, Termination, _Size) ->
+ %% Collapse the list part of the termination but keep the
+ %% non-list part intact.
+ NewTermination = t_sup(t_subtract(Tail, t_maybe_improper_list()),
+ Termination),
+ ?nonempty_list(t_sup(Hd, Contents), NewTermination);
+ ?nil -> ?nonempty_list(Hd, Tail);
+ ?none -> ?nonempty_list(Hd, Tail);
+ ?unit -> ?none
+ end.
+cons_tail(Type) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, 'universe', fun(T) -> T end).
+-spec t_is_cons(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_cons(Type) ->
+ t_is_cons(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_cons(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_cons(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_cons/1).
+is_cons(?nonempty_list(_, _)) -> true;
+is_cons(_) -> false.
+-spec t_cons_hd(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_cons_hd(Type) ->
+ t_cons_hd(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_cons_hd(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_cons_hd(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun cons_hd/1).
+cons_hd(?nonempty_list(Contents, _Termination)) -> Contents.
+-spec t_cons_tl(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_cons_tl(Type) ->
+ t_cons_tl(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_cons_tl(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_cons_tl(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun cons_tl/1).
+cons_tl(?nonempty_list(_Contents, Termination) = T) ->
+ t_sup(Termination, T).
+-spec t_nil() -> erl_type().
+t_nil() ->
+ ?nil.
+-spec t_is_nil(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_nil(Type) ->
+ t_is_nil(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_nil(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_nil(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_nil/1).
+is_nil(?nil) -> true;
+is_nil(_) -> false.
+-spec t_list() -> erl_type().
+t_list() ->
+ ?list(?any, ?nil, ?unknown_qual).
+-spec t_list(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_list(?none) -> ?none;
+t_list(?unit) -> ?none;
+t_list(Contents) ->
+ ?list(Contents, ?nil, ?unknown_qual).
+-spec t_list_elements(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_list_elements(Type) ->
+ t_list_elements(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_list_elements(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_list_elements(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun list_elements/1).
+list_elements(?list(Contents, _, _)) -> Contents;
+list_elements(?nil) -> ?none.
+-spec t_list_termination(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_list_termination(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun t_list_termination/1).
+-spec t_list_termination(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_list_termination(?nil) -> ?nil;
+t_list_termination(?list(_, Term, _)) -> Term.
+-spec t_is_list(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_list(?list(_Contents, ?nil, _)) -> true;
+t_is_list(?nil) -> true;
+t_is_list(_) -> false.
+-spec t_nonempty_list() -> erl_type().
+t_nonempty_list() ->
+ t_cons(?any, ?nil).
+-spec t_nonempty_list(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_nonempty_list(Type) ->
+ t_cons(Type, ?nil).
+-spec t_nonempty_string() -> erl_type().
+t_nonempty_string() ->
+ t_nonempty_list(t_char()).
+-spec t_string() -> erl_type().
+t_string() ->
+ t_list(t_char()).
+-spec t_is_string(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_string(X) ->
+ t_is_list(X) andalso t_is_char(t_list_elements(X)).
+-spec t_maybe_improper_list() -> erl_type().
+t_maybe_improper_list() ->
+ ?list(?any, ?any, ?unknown_qual).
+%% Should only be used if you know what you are doing. See t_cons/2
+-spec t_maybe_improper_list(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_maybe_improper_list(_Content, ?unit) -> ?none;
+t_maybe_improper_list(?unit, _Termination) -> ?none;
+t_maybe_improper_list(Content, Termination) ->
+ %% Safety check: would be nice to have but does not work with remote types
+ %% true = t_is_subtype(t_nil(), Termination),
+ ?list(Content, Termination, ?unknown_qual).
+-spec t_is_maybe_improper_list(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_maybe_improper_list(Type) ->
+ t_is_maybe_improper_list(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_maybe_improper_list(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_maybe_improper_list(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_maybe_improper_list/1).
+is_maybe_improper_list(?list(_, _, _)) -> true;
+is_maybe_improper_list(?nil) -> true;
+is_maybe_improper_list(_) -> false.
+%% %% Should only be used if you know what you are doing. See t_cons/2
+%% -spec t_improper_list(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+%% t_improper_list(?unit, _Termination) -> ?none;
+%% t_improper_list(_Content, ?unit) -> ?none;
+%% t_improper_list(Content, Termination) ->
+%% %% Safety check: would be nice to have but does not work with remote types
+%% %% false = t_is_subtype(t_nil(), Termination),
+%% ?list(Content, Termination, ?any).
+-spec lift_list_to_pos_empty(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+lift_list_to_pos_empty(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun lift_list_to_pos_empty/1).
+-spec lift_list_to_pos_empty(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+lift_list_to_pos_empty(?nil) -> ?nil;
+lift_list_to_pos_empty(?list(Content, Termination, _)) ->
+ ?list(Content, Termination, ?unknown_qual).
+%% Maps
+%% Representation:
+%% ?map(Pairs, DefaultKey, DefaultValue)
+%% Pairs is a sorted dictionary of types with a mandatoriness tag on each pair
+%% (t_map_dict()). DefaultKey and DefaultValue are plain types.
+%% A map M belongs to this type iff
+%% For each pair {KT, mandatory, VT} in Pairs, there exists a pair {K, V} in M
+%% such that K \in KT and V \in VT.
+%% For each pair {KT, optional, VT} in Pairs, either there exists no key K in
+%% M s.t. K in KT, or there exists a pair {K, V} in M such that K \in KT and
+%% V \in VT.
+%% For each remaining pair {K, V} in M (where remaining means that there is no
+%% key KT in Pairs s.t. K \in KT), K \in DefaultKey and V \in DefaultValue.
+%% Invariants:
+%% * The keys in Pairs are singleton types.
+%% * The values of Pairs must not be unit, and may only be none if the
+%% mandatoriness tag is 'optional'.
+%% * Optional must contain no pair {K,V} s.t. K is a subtype of DefaultKey and
+%% V is equal to DefaultKey.
+%% * DefaultKey must be the empty type iff DefaultValue is the empty type.
+%% * DefaultKey must not be a singleton type.
+%% * For every key K in Pairs, DefaultKey - K must not be representable; i.e.
+%% t_subtract(DefaultKey, K) must return DefaultKey.
+%% * For every pair {K, 'optional', ?none} in Pairs, K must be a subtype of
+%% DefaultKey.
+%% * Pairs must be sorted and not contain any duplicate keys.
+%% These invariants ensure that equal map types are represented by equal terms.
+-define(mand, mandatory).
+-define(opt, optional).
+-type t_map_mandatoriness() :: ?mand | ?opt.
+-type t_map_pair() :: {erl_type(), t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type()}.
+-type t_map_dict() :: [t_map_pair()].
+-spec t_map() -> erl_type().
+t_map() ->
+ t_map([], t_any(), t_any()).
+-spec t_map([{erl_type(), erl_type()}]) -> erl_type().
+t_map(L) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun t_map_put/2, t_map(), L).
+-spec t_map(t_map_dict(), erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map(Pairs0, DefK0, DefV0) ->
+ DefK1 = lists:foldl(fun({K,_,_},Acc)->t_subtract(Acc,K)end, DefK0, Pairs0),
+ {DefK2, DefV1} =
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(DefK1) orelse t_is_none_or_unit(DefV0) of
+ true -> {?none, ?none};
+ false -> {DefK1, DefV0}
+ end,
+ {Pairs1, DefK, DefV}
+ = case is_singleton_type(DefK2) of
+ true -> {mapdict_insert({DefK2, ?opt, DefV1}, Pairs0), ?none, ?none};
+ false -> {Pairs0, DefK2, DefV1}
+ end,
+ Pairs = normalise_map_optionals(Pairs1, DefK, DefV),
+ %% Validate invariants of the map representation.
+ %% Since we needed to iterate over the arguments in order to normalise anyway,
+ %% we might as well save us some future pain and do this even without
+ %% define(DEBUG, true).
+ try
+ validate_map_elements(Pairs)
+ catch error:badarg -> error(badarg, [Pairs0,DefK0,DefV0]);
+ error:{badarg, E} -> error({badarg, E}, [Pairs0,DefK0,DefV0])
+ end,
+ ?map(Pairs, DefK, DefV).
+normalise_map_optionals([], _, _) -> [];
+normalise_map_optionals([E={K,?opt,?none}|T], DefK, DefV) ->
+ Diff = t_subtract(DefK, K),
+ case t_is_subtype(K, DefK) andalso DefK =:= Diff of
+ true -> [E|normalise_map_optionals(T, DefK, DefV)];
+ false -> normalise_map_optionals(T, Diff, DefV)
+ end;
+normalise_map_optionals([E={K,?opt,V}|T], DefK, DefV) ->
+ case t_is_equal(V, DefV) andalso t_is_subtype(K, DefK) of
+ true -> normalise_map_optionals(T, DefK, DefV);
+ false -> [E|normalise_map_optionals(T, DefK, DefV)]
+ end;
+normalise_map_optionals([E|T], DefK, DefV) ->
+ [E|normalise_map_optionals(T, DefK, DefV)].
+validate_map_elements([{_,?mand,?none}|_]) -> error({badarg, none_in_mand});
+validate_map_elements([{K1,_,_}|Rest=[{K2,_,_}|_]]) ->
+ case is_singleton_type(K1) andalso K1 < K2 of
+ false -> error(badarg);
+ true -> validate_map_elements(Rest)
+ end;
+validate_map_elements([{K,_,_}]) ->
+ case is_singleton_type(K) of
+ false -> error(badarg);
+ true -> true
+ end;
+validate_map_elements([]) -> true.
+-spec t_is_map(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_map(Type) ->
+ t_is_map(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_map(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_map(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_map1/1).
+is_map1(?map(_, _, _)) -> true;
+is_map1(_) -> false.
+-spec t_map_entries(erl_type()) -> t_map_dict().
+t_map_entries(M) ->
+ t_map_entries(M, 'universe').
+-spec t_map_entries(erl_type(), opaques()) -> t_map_dict().
+t_map_entries(M, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(M, Opaques, fun map_entries/1).
+map_entries(?map(Pairs,_,_)) ->
+ Pairs.
+-spec t_map_def_key(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_def_key(M) ->
+ t_map_def_key(M, 'universe').
+-spec t_map_def_key(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_def_key(M, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(M, Opaques, fun map_def_key/1).
+map_def_key(?map(_,DefK,_)) ->
+ DefK.
+-spec t_map_def_val(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_def_val(M) ->
+ t_map_def_val(M, 'universe').
+-spec t_map_def_val(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_def_val(M, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(M, Opaques, fun map_def_val/1).
+map_def_val(?map(_,_,DefV)) ->
+ DefV.
+-spec mapdict_store(t_map_pair(), t_map_dict()) -> t_map_dict().
+mapdict_store(E={K,_,_}, [{K,_,_}|T]) -> [E|T];
+mapdict_store(E1={K1,_,_}, [E2={K2,_,_}|T]) when K1 > K2 ->
+ [E2|mapdict_store(E1, T)];
+mapdict_store(E={_,_,_}, T) -> [E|T].
+-spec mapdict_insert(t_map_pair(), t_map_dict()) -> t_map_dict().
+mapdict_insert(E={K,_,_}, D=[{K,_,_}|_]) -> error(badarg, [E, D]);
+mapdict_insert(E1={K1,_,_}, [E2={K2,_,_}|T]) when K1 > K2 ->
+ [E2|mapdict_insert(E1, T)];
+mapdict_insert(E={_,_,_}, T) -> [E|T].
+%% Merges the pairs of two maps together. Missing pairs become (?opt, DefV) or
+%% (?opt, ?none), depending on whether K \in DefK.
+-spec map_pairwise_merge(fun((erl_type(),
+ t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type(),
+ t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type())
+ -> t_map_pair() | false),
+ erl_type(), erl_type()) -> t_map_dict().
+map_pairwise_merge(F, ?map(APairs, ADefK, ADefV),
+ ?map(BPairs, BDefK, BDefV)) ->
+ map_pairwise_merge(F, APairs, ADefK, ADefV, BPairs, BDefK, BDefV).
+map_pairwise_merge(_, [], _, _, [], _, _) -> [];
+map_pairwise_merge(F, As0, ADefK, ADefV, Bs0, BDefK, BDefV) ->
+ {K1, AMNess1, AV1, As1, BMNess1, BV1, Bs1} =
+ case {As0, Bs0} of
+ {[{K,AMNess,AV}|As], [{K, BMNess,BV}|Bs]} ->
+ {K, AMNess, AV, As, BMNess, BV, Bs};
+ {[{K,AMNess,AV}|As], [{BK,_, _ }|_]=Bs} when K < BK ->
+ {K, AMNess, AV, As, ?opt, mapmerge_otherv(K, BDefK, BDefV), Bs};
+ {As, [{K, BMNess,BV}|Bs]} ->
+ {K, ?opt, mapmerge_otherv(K, ADefK, ADefV), As, BMNess, BV, Bs};
+ {[{K,AMNess,AV}|As], []=Bs} ->
+ {K, AMNess, AV, As, ?opt, mapmerge_otherv(K, BDefK, BDefV), Bs}
+ end,
+ MK = K1, %% Rename to make clear that we are matching below
+ case F(K1, AMNess1, AV1, BMNess1, BV1) of
+ false -> map_pairwise_merge(F,As1,ADefK,ADefV,Bs1,BDefK,BDefV);
+ {MK,_,_}=M -> [M|map_pairwise_merge(F,As1,ADefK,ADefV,Bs1,BDefK,BDefV)]
+ end.
+%% Folds over the pairs in two maps simultaneously in reverse key order. Missing
+%% pairs become (?opt, DefV) or (?opt, ?none), depending on whether K \in DefK.
+-spec map_pairwise_merge_foldr(fun((erl_type(),
+ t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type(),
+ t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type(),
+ Acc) -> Acc),
+ Acc, erl_type(), erl_type()) -> Acc.
+map_pairwise_merge_foldr(F, AccIn, ?map(APairs, ADefK, ADefV),
+ ?map(BPairs, BDefK, BDefV)) ->
+ map_pairwise_merge_foldr(F, AccIn, APairs, ADefK, ADefV, BPairs, BDefK, BDefV).
+map_pairwise_merge_foldr(_, Acc, [], _, _, [], _, _) -> Acc;
+map_pairwise_merge_foldr(F, AccIn, As0, ADefK, ADefV, Bs0, BDefK, BDefV) ->
+ {K1, AMNess1, AV1, As1, BMNess1, BV1, Bs1} =
+ case {As0, Bs0} of
+ {[{K,AMNess,AV}|As], [{K,BMNess,BV}|Bs]} ->
+ {K, AMNess, AV, As, BMNess, BV, Bs};
+ {[{K,AMNess,AV}|As], [{BK,_, _ }|_]=Bs} when K < BK ->
+ {K, AMNess, AV, As, ?opt, mapmerge_otherv(K, BDefK, BDefV), Bs};
+ {As, [{K,BMNess,BV}|Bs]} ->
+ {K, ?opt, mapmerge_otherv(K, ADefK, ADefV), As, BMNess, BV, Bs};
+ {[{K,AMNess,AV}|As], []=Bs} ->
+ {K, AMNess, AV, As, ?opt, mapmerge_otherv(K, BDefK, BDefV), Bs}
+ end,
+ F(K1, AMNess1, AV1, BMNess1, BV1,
+ map_pairwise_merge_foldr(F,AccIn,As1,ADefK,ADefV,Bs1,BDefK,BDefV)).
+%% By observing that a missing pair in a map is equivalent to an optional pair,
+%% with ?none or DefV value, depending on whether K \in DefK, we can simplify
+%% merging by denormalising the map pairs temporarily, removing all 'false'
+%% cases, at the cost of the creation of more tuples:
+mapmerge_otherv(K, ODefK, ODefV) ->
+ case t_inf(K, ODefK) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ _KOrOpaque -> ODefV
+ end.
+-spec t_map_put({erl_type(), erl_type()}, erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_put(KV, Map) ->
+ t_map_put(KV, Map, 'universe').
+-spec t_map_put({erl_type(), erl_type()}, erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_put(KV, Map, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Map, Opaques, fun(UM) -> map_put(KV, UM, Opaques) end).
+%% Key and Value are *not* unopaqued, but the map is
+map_put(_, ?none, _) -> ?none;
+map_put({Key, Value}, ?map(Pairs,DefK,DefV), Opaques) ->
+ case t_is_none_or_unit(Key) orelse t_is_none_or_unit(Value) of
+ true -> ?none;
+ false ->
+ case is_singleton_type(Key) of
+ true ->
+ t_map(mapdict_store({Key, ?mand, Value}, Pairs), DefK, DefV);
+ false ->
+ t_map([{K, MNess, case t_is_none(t_inf(K, Key, Opaques)) of
+ true -> V;
+ false -> t_sup(V, Value)
+ end} || {K, MNess, V} <- Pairs],
+ t_sup(DefK, Key),
+ t_sup(DefV, Value))
+ end
+ end.
+-spec t_map_update({erl_type(), erl_type()}, erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_update(KV, Map) ->
+ t_map_update(KV, Map, 'universe').
+-spec t_map_update({erl_type(), erl_type()}, erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_update(_, ?none, _) -> ?none;
+t_map_update(KV={Key, _}, M, Opaques) ->
+ case t_is_subtype(t_atom('true'), t_map_is_key(Key, M, Opaques)) of
+ false -> ?none;
+ true -> t_map_put(KV, M, Opaques)
+ end.
+-spec t_map_get(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_get(Key, Map) ->
+ t_map_get(Key, Map, 'universe').
+-spec t_map_get(erl_type(), erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_get(Key, Map, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Map, Opaques,
+ fun(UM) ->
+ do_opaque(Key, Opaques, fun(UK) -> map_get(UK, UM) end)
+ end).
+map_get(_, ?none) -> ?none;
+map_get(Key, ?map(Pairs, DefK, DefV)) ->
+ DefRes =
+ case t_do_overlap(DefK, Key) of
+ false -> t_none();
+ true -> DefV
+ end,
+ case is_singleton_type(Key) of
+ false ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({K, _, V}, Res) ->
+ case t_do_overlap(K, Key) of
+ false -> Res;
+ true -> t_sup(Res, V)
+ end
+ end, DefRes, Pairs);
+ true ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Pairs) of
+ false -> DefRes;
+ {_, _, ValType} -> ValType
+ end
+ end.
+-spec t_map_is_key(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_is_key(Key, Map) ->
+ t_map_is_key(Key, Map, 'universe').
+-spec t_map_is_key(erl_type(), erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_map_is_key(Key, Map, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Map, Opaques,
+ fun(UM) ->
+ do_opaque(Key, Opaques, fun(UK) -> map_is_key(UK, UM) end)
+ end).
+map_is_key(_, ?none) -> ?none;
+map_is_key(Key, ?map(Pairs, DefK, _DefV)) ->
+ case is_singleton_type(Key) of
+ true ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Pairs) of
+ {Key, ?mand, _} -> t_atom(true);
+ {Key, ?opt, ?none} -> t_atom(false);
+ {Key, ?opt, _} -> t_boolean();
+ false ->
+ case t_do_overlap(DefK, Key) of
+ false -> t_atom(false);
+ true -> t_boolean()
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case t_do_overlap(DefK, Key)
+ orelse lists:any(fun({_,_,?none}) -> false;
+ ({K,_,_}) -> t_do_overlap(K, Key)
+ end, Pairs)
+ of
+ true -> t_boolean();
+ false -> t_atom(false)
+ end
+ end.
+%% Tuples
+-spec t_tuple() -> erl_type().
+t_tuple() ->
+ ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any).
+-spec t_tuple(non_neg_integer() | [erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_tuple(N) when is_integer(N), N > ?MAX_TUPLE_SIZE ->
+ t_tuple();
+t_tuple(N) when is_integer(N) ->
+ ?tuple(lists:duplicate(N, ?any), N, ?any);
+t_tuple(List) ->
+ case any_none_or_unit(List) of
+ true -> t_none();
+ false ->
+ Arity = length(List),
+ case get_tuple_tags(List) of
+ [Tag] -> ?tuple(List, Arity, Tag); %% Tag can also be ?any here
+ TagList ->
+ SortedTagList = lists:sort(TagList),
+ Tuples = [?tuple([T|tl(List)], Arity, T) || T <- SortedTagList],
+ ?tuple_set([{Arity, Tuples}])
+ end
+ end.
+-spec get_tuple_tags([erl_type()]) -> [erl_type(),...].
+get_tuple_tags([Tag|_]) ->
+ do_opaque(Tag, 'universe', fun tuple_tags/1);
+get_tuple_tags(_) -> [?any].
+tuple_tags(?atom(?any)) -> [?any];
+tuple_tags(?atom(Set)) ->
+ case set_size(Set) > ?TUPLE_TAG_LIMIT of
+ true -> [?any];
+ false -> [t_atom(A) || A <- set_to_list(Set)]
+ end;
+tuple_tags(_) -> [?any].
+%% to be used for a tuple with known types for its arguments (not ?any)
+-spec t_tuple_args(erl_type()) -> [erl_type()].
+t_tuple_args(Type) ->
+ t_tuple_args(Type, 'universe').
+%% to be used for a tuple with known types for its arguments (not ?any)
+-spec t_tuple_args(erl_type(), opaques()) -> [erl_type()].
+t_tuple_args(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun tuple_args/1).
+tuple_args(?tuple(Args, _, _)) when is_list(Args) -> Args.
+%% to be used for a tuple with a known size (not ?any)
+-spec t_tuple_size(erl_type()) -> non_neg_integer().
+t_tuple_size(Type) ->
+ t_tuple_size(Type, 'universe').
+%% to be used for a tuple with a known size (not ?any)
+-spec t_tuple_size(erl_type(), opaques()) -> non_neg_integer().
+t_tuple_size(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun tuple_size1/1).
+tuple_size1(?tuple(_, Size, _)) when is_integer(Size) -> Size.
+-spec t_tuple_sizes(erl_type()) -> 'unknown' | [non_neg_integer(),...].
+t_tuple_sizes(Type) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, 'universe', fun tuple_sizes/1).
+tuple_sizes(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> unknown;
+tuple_sizes(?tuple(_, Size, _)) when is_integer(Size) -> [Size];
+tuple_sizes(?tuple_set(List)) -> [Size || {Size, _} <- List].
+-spec t_tuple_subtypes(erl_type(), opaques()) ->
+ 'unknown' | [erl_type(),...].
+t_tuple_subtypes(Type, Opaques) ->
+ Fun = fun(?tuple_set(List)) ->
+ t_tuple_subtypes_tuple_list(List, Opaques);
+ (?opaque(_)) -> unknown;
+ (T) -> t_tuple_subtypes(T)
+ end,
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, Fun).
+t_tuple_subtypes_tuple_list(List, Opaques) ->
+ lists:append([t_tuple_subtypes_list(Tuples, Opaques) ||
+ {_Size, Tuples} <- List]).
+t_tuple_subtypes_list(List, Opaques) ->
+ ListOfLists = [t_tuple_subtypes(E, Opaques) || E <- List, E =/= ?none],
+ lists:append([L || L <- ListOfLists, L =/= 'unknown']).
+-spec t_tuple_subtypes(erl_type()) -> 'unknown' | [erl_type(),...].
+%% XXX. Not the same as t_tuple_subtypes(T, 'universe')...
+t_tuple_subtypes(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> unknown;
+t_tuple_subtypes(?tuple(_, _, _) = T) -> [T];
+t_tuple_subtypes(?tuple_set(List)) ->
+ lists:append([Tuples || {_Size, Tuples} <- List]).
+-spec t_is_tuple(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_tuple(Type) ->
+ t_is_tuple(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_tuple(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_tuple(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_tuple1/1).
+is_tuple1(?tuple(_, _, _)) -> true;
+is_tuple1(?tuple_set(_)) -> true;
+is_tuple1(_) -> false.
+%% Non-primitive types, including some handy syntactic sugar types
+-spec t_bitstrlist() -> erl_type().
+t_bitstrlist() ->
+ t_iolist(1, t_bitstr()).
+-spec t_arity() -> erl_type().
+t_arity() ->
+ t_from_range(0, 255). % was t_byte().
+-spec t_pos_integer() -> erl_type().
+t_pos_integer() ->
+ t_from_range(1, pos_inf).
+-spec t_non_neg_integer() -> erl_type().
+t_non_neg_integer() ->
+ t_from_range(0, pos_inf).
+-spec t_is_non_neg_integer(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_non_neg_integer(?integer(_) = T) ->
+ t_is_subtype(T, t_non_neg_integer());
+t_is_non_neg_integer(_) -> false.
+-spec t_neg_integer() -> erl_type().
+t_neg_integer() ->
+ t_from_range(neg_inf, -1).
+-spec t_fixnum() -> erl_type().
+t_fixnum() ->
+ t_integer(). % Gross over-approximation
+-spec t_pos_fixnum() -> erl_type().
+t_pos_fixnum() ->
+ t_pos_integer(). % Gross over-approximation
+-spec t_non_neg_fixnum() -> erl_type().
+t_non_neg_fixnum() ->
+ t_non_neg_integer(). % Gross over-approximation
+-spec t_mfa() -> erl_type().
+t_mfa() ->
+ t_tuple([t_atom(), t_atom(), t_arity()]).
+-spec t_module() -> erl_type().
+t_module() ->
+ t_atom().
+-spec t_node() -> erl_type().
+t_node() ->
+ t_atom().
+-spec t_iodata() -> erl_type().
+t_iodata() ->
+ t_sup(t_iolist(), t_binary()).
+-spec t_iolist() -> erl_type().
+t_iolist() ->
+ t_iolist(1, t_binary()).
+%% Added a second argument which currently is t_binary() | t_bitstr()
+-spec t_iolist(non_neg_integer(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_iolist(N, T) when N > 0 ->
+ t_maybe_improper_list(t_sup([t_iolist(N-1, T), T, t_byte()]),
+ t_sup(T, t_nil()));
+t_iolist(0, T) ->
+ t_maybe_improper_list(t_any(), t_sup(T, t_nil())).
+-spec t_timeout() -> erl_type().
+t_timeout() ->
+ t_sup(t_non_neg_integer(), t_atom('infinity')).
+%% ?none is allowed in products. A product of size 1 is not a product.
+-spec t_product([erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_product([T]) -> T;
+t_product(Types) when is_list(Types) ->
+ ?product(Types).
+%% This function is intended to be the inverse of the one above.
+%% It should NOT be used with ?any, ?none or ?unit as input argument.
+-spec t_to_tlist(erl_type()) -> [erl_type()].
+t_to_tlist(?product(Types)) -> Types;
+t_to_tlist(T) when T =/= ?any orelse T =/= ?none orelse T =/= ?unit -> [T].
+-spec t_var(atom() | integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_var(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> ?var(Atom);
+t_var(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> ?var(Int).
+-spec t_is_var(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_var(?var(_)) -> true;
+t_is_var(_) -> false.
+-spec t_var_name(erl_type()) -> atom() | integer().
+t_var_name(?var(Id)) -> Id.
+-spec t_has_var(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_has_var(?var(_)) -> true;
+t_has_var(?function(Domain, Range)) ->
+ t_has_var(Domain) orelse t_has_var(Range);
+t_has_var(?list(Contents, Termination, _)) ->
+ t_has_var(Contents) orelse t_has_var(Termination);
+t_has_var(?product(Types)) -> t_has_var_list(Types);
+t_has_var(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> false;
+t_has_var(?tuple(Elements, _, _)) ->
+ t_has_var_list(Elements);
+t_has_var(?tuple_set(_) = T) ->
+ t_has_var_list(t_tuple_subtypes(T));
+t_has_var(?map(_, DefK, _)= Map) ->
+ t_has_var_list(map_all_values(Map)) orelse
+ t_has_var(DefK);
+t_has_var(?opaque(Set)) ->
+ %% Assume variables in 'args' are also present i 'struct'
+ t_has_var_list([O#opaque.struct || O <- set_to_list(Set)]);
+t_has_var(?union(List)) ->
+ t_has_var_list(List);
+t_has_var(_) -> false.
+-spec t_has_var_list([erl_type()]) -> boolean().
+t_has_var_list([T|Ts]) ->
+ t_has_var(T) orelse t_has_var_list(Ts);
+t_has_var_list([]) -> false.
+-spec t_collect_vars(erl_type()) -> [erl_type()].
+t_collect_vars(T) ->
+ t_collect_vars(T, []).
+-spec t_collect_vars(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+t_collect_vars(?var(_) = Var, Acc) ->
+ ordsets:add_element(Var, Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?function(Domain, Range), Acc) ->
+ ordsets:union(t_collect_vars(Domain, Acc), t_collect_vars(Range, []));
+t_collect_vars(?list(Contents, Termination, _), Acc) ->
+ ordsets:union(t_collect_vars(Contents, Acc), t_collect_vars(Termination, []));
+t_collect_vars(?product(Types), Acc) ->
+ t_collect_vars_list(Types, Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+t_collect_vars(?tuple(Types, _, _), Acc) ->
+ t_collect_vars_list(Types, Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?tuple_set(_) = TS, Acc) ->
+ t_collect_vars_list(t_tuple_subtypes(TS), Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?map(_, DefK, _) = Map, Acc0) ->
+ Acc = t_collect_vars_list(map_all_values(Map), Acc0),
+ t_collect_vars(DefK, Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?opaque(Set), Acc) ->
+ %% Assume variables in 'args' are also present i 'struct'
+ t_collect_vars_list([O#opaque.struct || O <- set_to_list(Set)], Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?union(List), Acc) ->
+ t_collect_vars_list(List, Acc);
+t_collect_vars(_, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+t_collect_vars_list([T|Ts], Acc0) ->
+ Acc = t_collect_vars(T, Acc0),
+ t_collect_vars_list(Ts, Acc);
+t_collect_vars_list([], Acc) -> Acc.
+%% Type construction from Erlang terms.
+%% Make a type from a term. No type depth is enforced.
+-spec t_from_term(term()) -> erl_type().
+t_from_term([H|T]) -> t_cons(t_from_term(H), t_from_term(T));
+t_from_term([]) -> t_nil();
+t_from_term(T) when is_atom(T) -> t_atom(T);
+t_from_term(T) when is_bitstring(T) -> t_bitstr(0, erlang:bit_size(T));
+t_from_term(T) when is_float(T) -> t_float();
+t_from_term(T) when is_function(T) ->
+ {arity, Arity} = erlang:fun_info(T, arity),
+ t_fun(Arity, t_any());
+t_from_term(T) when is_integer(T) -> t_integer(T);
+t_from_term(T) when is_map(T) ->
+ Pairs = [{t_from_term(K), ?mand, t_from_term(V)}
+ || {K, V} <- maps:to_list(T)],
+ {Stons, Rest} = lists:partition(fun({K,_,_}) -> is_singleton_type(K) end,
+ Pairs),
+ {DefK, DefV}
+ = lists:foldl(fun({K,_,V},{AK,AV}) -> {t_sup(K,AK), t_sup(V,AV)} end,
+ {t_none(), t_none()}, Rest),
+ t_map(lists:keysort(1, Stons), DefK, DefV);
+t_from_term(T) when is_pid(T) -> t_pid();
+t_from_term(T) when is_port(T) -> t_port();
+t_from_term(T) when is_reference(T) -> t_reference();
+t_from_term(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
+ t_tuple([t_from_term(E) || E <- tuple_to_list(T)]).
+%% Integer types from a range.
+%%-define(USE_UNSAFE_RANGES, true).
+-spec t_from_range(rng_elem(), rng_elem()) -> erl_type().
+t_from_range(X, Y) ->
+ t_from_range_unsafe(X, Y).
+t_from_range(neg_inf, pos_inf) -> t_integer();
+t_from_range(neg_inf, Y) when is_integer(Y), Y < 0 -> ?integer_neg;
+t_from_range(neg_inf, Y) when is_integer(Y), Y >= 0 -> t_integer();
+t_from_range(X, pos_inf) when is_integer(X), X >= 1 -> ?integer_pos;
+t_from_range(X, pos_inf) when is_integer(X), X >= 0 -> ?integer_non_neg;
+t_from_range(X, pos_inf) when is_integer(X), X < 0 -> t_integer();
+t_from_range(X, Y) when is_integer(X), is_integer(Y), X > Y -> t_none();
+t_from_range(X, Y) when is_integer(X), is_integer(Y) ->
+ case ((Y - X) < ?SET_LIMIT) of
+ true -> t_integers(lists:seq(X, Y));
+ false ->
+ case X >= 0 of
+ false ->
+ if Y < 0 -> ?integer_neg;
+ true -> t_integer()
+ end;
+ true ->
+ if Y =< ?MAX_BYTE, X >= 1 -> ?int_range(1, ?MAX_BYTE);
+ Y =< ?MAX_BYTE -> t_byte();
+ Y =< ?MAX_CHAR, X >= 1 -> ?int_range(1, ?MAX_CHAR);
+ Y =< ?MAX_CHAR -> t_char();
+ X >= 1 -> ?integer_pos;
+ X >= 0 -> ?integer_non_neg
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+t_from_range(pos_inf, neg_inf) -> t_none().
+-spec t_from_range_unsafe(rng_elem(), rng_elem()) -> erl_type().
+t_from_range_unsafe(neg_inf, pos_inf) -> t_integer();
+t_from_range_unsafe(neg_inf, Y) -> ?int_range(neg_inf, Y);
+t_from_range_unsafe(X, pos_inf) -> ?int_range(X, pos_inf);
+t_from_range_unsafe(X, Y) when is_integer(X), is_integer(Y), X =< Y ->
+ if (Y - X) < ?SET_LIMIT -> t_integers(lists:seq(X, Y));
+ true -> ?int_range(X, Y)
+ end;
+t_from_range_unsafe(X, Y) when is_integer(X), is_integer(Y) -> t_none();
+t_from_range_unsafe(pos_inf, neg_inf) -> t_none().
+-spec t_is_fixnum(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_fixnum(?int_range(neg_inf, _)) -> false;
+t_is_fixnum(?int_range(_, pos_inf)) -> false;
+t_is_fixnum(?int_range(From, To)) ->
+ is_fixnum(From) andalso is_fixnum(To);
+t_is_fixnum(?int_set(Set)) ->
+ is_fixnum(set_min(Set)) andalso is_fixnum(set_max(Set));
+t_is_fixnum(_) -> false.
+-spec is_fixnum(integer()) -> boolean().
+is_fixnum(N) when is_integer(N) ->
+ Bits = ?BITS,
+ (N =< ((1 bsl (Bits - 1)) - 1)) andalso (N >= -(1 bsl (Bits - 1))).
+infinity_geq(pos_inf, _) -> true;
+infinity_geq(_, pos_inf) -> false;
+infinity_geq(_, neg_inf) -> true;
+infinity_geq(neg_inf, _) -> false;
+infinity_geq(A, B) -> A >= B.
+-spec t_is_bitwidth(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_bitwidth(?int_range(neg_inf, _)) -> false;
+t_is_bitwidth(?int_range(_, pos_inf)) -> false;
+t_is_bitwidth(?int_range(From, To)) ->
+ infinity_geq(From, 0) andalso infinity_geq(?BITS, To);
+t_is_bitwidth(?int_set(Set)) ->
+ infinity_geq(set_min(Set), 0) andalso infinity_geq(?BITS, set_max(Set));
+t_is_bitwidth(_) -> false.
+-spec number_min(erl_type()) -> rng_elem().
+number_min(Type) ->
+ number_min(Type, 'universe').
+-spec number_min(erl_type(), opaques()) -> rng_elem().
+number_min(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun number_min2/1).
+number_min2(?int_range(From, _)) -> From;
+number_min2(?int_set(Set)) -> set_min(Set);
+number_min2(?number(?any, _Tag)) -> neg_inf.
+-spec number_max(erl_type()) -> rng_elem().
+number_max(Type) ->
+ number_max(Type, 'universe').
+-spec number_max(erl_type(), opaques()) -> rng_elem().
+number_max(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun number_max2/1).
+number_max2(?int_range(_, To)) -> To;
+number_max2(?int_set(Set)) -> set_max(Set);
+number_max2(?number(?any, _Tag)) -> pos_inf.
+%% -spec int_range(rgn_elem(), rng_elem()) -> erl_type().
+%% int_range(neg_inf, pos_inf) -> t_integer();
+%% int_range(neg_inf, To) -> ?int_range(neg_inf, To);
+%% int_range(From, pos_inf) -> ?int_range(From, pos_inf);
+%% int_range(From, To) when From =< To -> t_from_range(From, To);
+%% int_range(From, To) when To < From -> ?none.
+in_range(_, ?int_range(neg_inf, pos_inf)) -> true;
+in_range(X, ?int_range(From, pos_inf)) -> X >= From;
+in_range(X, ?int_range(neg_inf, To)) -> X =< To;
+in_range(X, ?int_range(From, To)) -> (X >= From) andalso (X =< To).
+-spec min(rng_elem(), rng_elem()) -> rng_elem().
+min(neg_inf, _) -> neg_inf;
+min(_, neg_inf) -> neg_inf;
+min(pos_inf, Y) -> Y;
+min(X, pos_inf) -> X;
+min(X, Y) when X =< Y -> X;
+min(_, Y) -> Y.
+-spec max(rng_elem(), rng_elem()) -> rng_elem().
+max(neg_inf, Y) -> Y;
+max(X, neg_inf) -> X;
+max(pos_inf, _) -> pos_inf;
+max(_, pos_inf) -> pos_inf;
+max(X, Y) when X =< Y -> Y;
+max(X, _) -> X.
+expand_range_from_set(Range = ?int_range(From, To), Set) ->
+ Min = min(set_min(Set), From),
+ Max = max(set_max(Set), To),
+ if From =:= Min, To =:= Max -> Range;
+ true -> t_from_range(Min, Max)
+ end.
+%% Lattice operations
+%% Supremum
+-spec t_sup([erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_sup([]) -> ?none;
+t_sup(Ts) ->
+ case lists:any(fun is_any/1, Ts) of
+ true -> ?any;
+ false ->
+ t_sup1(Ts, [])
+ end.
+t_sup1([H1, H2|T], L) ->
+ t_sup1(T, [t_sup(H1, H2)|L]);
+t_sup1([T], []) -> subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_sup1(Ts, L) ->
+ t_sup1(Ts++L, []).
+-spec t_sup(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_sup(?any, _) -> ?any;
+t_sup(_, ?any) -> ?any;
+t_sup(?none, T) -> T;
+t_sup(T, ?none) -> T;
+t_sup(?unit, T) -> T;
+t_sup(T, ?unit) -> T;
+t_sup(T, T) -> subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_sup(?var(_), _) -> ?any;
+t_sup(_, ?var(_)) -> ?any;
+t_sup(?atom(Set1), ?atom(Set2)) ->
+ ?atom(set_union(Set1, Set2));
+t_sup(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2)) ->
+ t_bitstr(gcd(gcd(U1, U2), abs(B1-B2)), lists:min([B1, B2]));
+t_sup(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2)) ->
+ %% The domain is either a product or any.
+ ?function(t_sup(Domain1, Domain2), t_sup(Range1, Range2));
+t_sup(?identifier(Set1), ?identifier(Set2)) ->
+ ?identifier(set_union(Set1, Set2));
+t_sup(?opaque(Set1), ?opaque(Set2)) ->
+ sup_opaque(set_to_list(ordsets:union(Set1, Set2)));
+%%Disallow unions with opaque types
+%%t_sup(T1=?opaque(_,_,_), T2) ->
+%% io:format("Debug: t_sup executed with args ~w and ~w~n",[T1, T2]), ?none;
+%%t_sup(T1, T2=?opaque(_,_,_)) ->
+%% io:format("Debug: t_sup executed with args ~w and ~w~n",[T1, T2]), ?none;
+t_sup(?matchstate(Pres1, Slots1), ?matchstate(Pres2, Slots2)) ->
+ ?matchstate(t_sup(Pres1, Pres2), t_sup(Slots1, Slots2));
+t_sup(?nil, ?nil) -> ?nil;
+t_sup(?nil, ?list(Contents, Termination, _)) ->
+ ?list(Contents, t_sup(?nil, Termination), ?unknown_qual);
+t_sup(?list(Contents, Termination, _), ?nil) ->
+ ?list(Contents, t_sup(?nil, Termination), ?unknown_qual);
+t_sup(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
+ ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2)) ->
+ NewSize =
+ case {Size1, Size2} of
+ {?unknown_qual, ?unknown_qual} -> ?unknown_qual;
+ {?unknown_qual, ?nonempty_qual} -> ?unknown_qual;
+ {?nonempty_qual, ?unknown_qual} -> ?unknown_qual;
+ {?nonempty_qual, ?nonempty_qual} -> ?nonempty_qual
+ end,
+ NewContents = t_sup(Contents1, Contents2),
+ NewTermination = t_sup(Termination1, Termination2),
+ TmpList = t_cons(NewContents, NewTermination),
+ case NewSize of
+ ?nonempty_qual -> TmpList;
+ ?unknown_qual ->
+ ?list(FinalContents, FinalTermination, _) = TmpList,
+ ?list(FinalContents, FinalTermination, ?unknown_qual)
+ end;
+t_sup(?number(_, _), ?number(?any, ?unknown_qual) = T) -> T;
+t_sup(?number(?any, ?unknown_qual) = T, ?number(_, _)) -> T;
+t_sup(?float, ?float) -> ?float;
+t_sup(?float, ?integer(_)) -> t_number();
+t_sup(?integer(_), ?float) -> t_number();
+t_sup(?integer(?any) = T, ?integer(_)) -> T;
+t_sup(?integer(_), ?integer(?any) = T) -> T;
+t_sup(?int_set(Set1), ?int_set(Set2)) ->
+ case set_union(Set1, Set2) of
+ ?any ->
+ t_from_range(min(set_min(Set1), set_min(Set2)),
+ max(set_max(Set1), set_max(Set2)));
+ Set -> ?int_set(Set)
+ end;
+t_sup(?int_range(From1, To1), ?int_range(From2, To2)) ->
+ t_from_range(min(From1, From2), max(To1, To2));
+t_sup(Range = ?int_range(_, _), ?int_set(Set)) ->
+ expand_range_from_set(Range, Set);
+t_sup(?int_set(Set), Range = ?int_range(_, _)) ->
+ expand_range_from_set(Range, Set);
+t_sup(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2)) ->
+ L1 = length(Types1),
+ L2 = length(Types2),
+ if L1 =:= L2 -> ?product(t_sup_lists(Types1, Types2));
+ true -> ?any
+ end;
+t_sup(?product(_), _) ->
+ ?any;
+t_sup(_, ?product(_)) ->
+ ?any;
+t_sup(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T, ?tuple(_, _, _)) -> T;
+t_sup(?tuple(_, _, _), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T) -> T;
+t_sup(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T, ?tuple_set(_)) -> T;
+t_sup(?tuple_set(_), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T) -> T;
+t_sup(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, Tag1) = T1,
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, Tag2) = T2) ->
+ if Tag1 =:= Tag2 -> t_tuple(t_sup_lists(Elements1, Elements2));
+ Tag1 =:= ?any -> t_tuple(t_sup_lists(Elements1, Elements2));
+ Tag2 =:= ?any -> t_tuple(t_sup_lists(Elements1, Elements2));
+ Tag1 < Tag2 -> ?tuple_set([{Arity, [T1, T2]}]);
+ Tag1 > Tag2 -> ?tuple_set([{Arity, [T2, T1]}])
+ end;
+t_sup(?tuple(_, Arity1, _) = T1, ?tuple(_, Arity2, _) = T2) ->
+ sup_tuple_sets([{Arity1, [T1]}], [{Arity2, [T2]}]);
+t_sup(?tuple_set(List1), ?tuple_set(List2)) ->
+ sup_tuple_sets(List1, List2);
+t_sup(?tuple_set(List1), T2 = ?tuple(_, Arity, _)) ->
+ sup_tuple_sets(List1, [{Arity, [T2]}]);
+t_sup(?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(List2)) ->
+ sup_tuple_sets([{Arity, [T1]}], List2);
+t_sup(?map(_, ADefK, ADefV) = A, ?map(_, BDefK, BDefV) = B) ->
+ Pairs =
+ map_pairwise_merge(
+ fun(K, MNess, V1, MNess, V2) -> {K, MNess, t_sup(V1, V2)};
+ (K, _, V1, _, V2) -> {K, ?opt, t_sup(V1, V2)}
+ end, A, B),
+ t_map(Pairs, t_sup(ADefK, BDefK), t_sup(ADefV, BDefV));
+t_sup(T1, T2) ->
+ ?union(U1) = force_union(T1),
+ ?union(U2) = force_union(T2),
+ sup_union(U1, U2).
+sup_opaque([]) -> ?none;
+sup_opaque(List) ->
+ L = sup_opaq(List),
+ ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(L)).
+sup_opaq(L0) ->
+ L1 = [{{Mod,Name,Args}, T} ||
+ #opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name, args = Args}=T <- L0],
+ F = family(L1),
+ [supl(Ts) || {_, Ts} <- F].
+supl([O]) -> O;
+supl(Ts) -> supl(Ts, t_none()).
+supl([#opaque{struct = S}=O|L], S0) ->
+ S1 = t_sup(S, S0),
+ case L =:= [] of
+ true -> O#opaque{struct = S1};
+ false -> supl(L, S1)
+ end.
+-spec t_sup_lists([erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+t_sup_lists([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2]) ->
+ [t_sup(T1, T2)|t_sup_lists(Left1, Left2)];
+t_sup_lists([], []) ->
+ [].
+sup_tuple_sets(L1, L2) ->
+ TotalArities = ordsets:union([Arity || {Arity, _} <- L1],
+ [Arity || {Arity, _} <- L2]),
+ if length(TotalArities) > ?TUPLE_ARITY_LIMIT -> t_tuple();
+ true ->
+ case sup_tuple_sets(L1, L2, []) of
+ [{_Arity, [OneTuple = ?tuple(_, _, _)]}] -> OneTuple;
+ List -> ?tuple_set(List)
+ end
+ end.
+sup_tuple_sets([{Arity, Tuples1}|Left1], [{Arity, Tuples2}|Left2], Acc) ->
+ NewAcc = [{Arity, sup_tuples_in_set(Tuples1, Tuples2)}|Acc],
+ sup_tuple_sets(Left1, Left2, NewAcc);
+sup_tuple_sets([{Arity1, _} = T1|Left1] = L1,
+ [{Arity2, _} = T2|Left2] = L2, Acc) ->
+ if Arity1 < Arity2 -> sup_tuple_sets(Left1, L2, [T1|Acc]);
+ Arity1 > Arity2 -> sup_tuple_sets(L1, Left2, [T2|Acc])
+ end;
+sup_tuple_sets([], L2, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc, L2);
+sup_tuple_sets(L1, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc, L1).
+sup_tuples_in_set([?tuple(_, _, ?any) = T], L) ->
+ [t_tuple(sup_tuple_elements([T|L]))];
+sup_tuples_in_set(L, [?tuple(_, _, ?any) = T]) ->
+ [t_tuple(sup_tuple_elements([T|L]))];
+sup_tuples_in_set(L1, L2) ->
+ FoldFun = fun(?tuple(_, _, Tag), AccTag) -> t_sup(Tag, AccTag) end,
+ TotalTag0 = lists:foldl(FoldFun, ?none, L1),
+ TotalTag = lists:foldl(FoldFun, TotalTag0, L2),
+ case TotalTag of
+ ?atom(?any) ->
+ %% We will reach the set limit. Widen now.
+ [t_tuple(sup_tuple_elements(L1 ++ L2))];
+ ?atom(Set) ->
+ case set_size(Set) > ?TUPLE_TAG_LIMIT of
+ true ->
+ %% We will reach the set limit. Widen now.
+ [t_tuple(sup_tuple_elements(L1 ++ L2))];
+ false ->
+ %% We can go on and build the tuple set.
+ sup_tuples_in_set(L1, L2, [])
+ end
+ end.
+sup_tuple_elements([?tuple(Elements, _, _)|L]) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (?tuple(Es, _, _), Acc) -> t_sup_lists(Es, Acc) end,
+ Elements, L).
+sup_tuples_in_set([?tuple(Elements1, Arity, Tag1) = T1|Left1] = L1,
+ [?tuple(Elements2, Arity, Tag2) = T2|Left2] = L2, Acc) ->
+ if
+ Tag1 < Tag2 -> sup_tuples_in_set(Left1, L2, [T1|Acc]);
+ Tag1 > Tag2 -> sup_tuples_in_set(L1, Left2, [T2|Acc]);
+ Tag2 =:= Tag2 -> NewElements = t_sup_lists(Elements1, Elements2),
+ NewAcc = [?tuple(NewElements, Arity, Tag1)|Acc],
+ sup_tuples_in_set(Left1, Left2, NewAcc)
+ end;
+sup_tuples_in_set([], L2, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc, L2);
+sup_tuples_in_set(L1, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc, L1).
+sup_union(U1, U2) ->
+ sup_union(U1, U2, 0, []).
+sup_union([?none|Left1], [?none|Left2], N, Acc) ->
+ sup_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc]);
+sup_union([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], N, Acc) ->
+ sup_union(Left1, Left2, N+1, [t_sup(T1, T2)|Acc]);
+sup_union([], [], N, Acc) ->
+ if N =:= 0 -> ?none;
+ N =:= 1 ->
+ [Type] = [T || T <- Acc, T =/= ?none],
+ Type;
+ N =:= length(Acc) -> ?any;
+ true -> ?union(lists:reverse(Acc))
+ end.
+force_union(T = ?atom(_)) -> ?atom_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?bitstr(_, _)) -> ?bitstr_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?function(_, _)) -> ?function_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?identifier(_)) -> ?identifier_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?list(_, _, _)) -> ?list_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?nil) -> ?list_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?number(_, _)) -> ?number_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?opaque(_)) -> ?opaque_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?map(_,_,_)) -> ?map_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?tuple(_, _, _)) -> ?tuple_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?tuple_set(_)) -> ?tuple_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?matchstate(_, _)) -> ?matchstate_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?union(_)) -> T.
+%% An attempt to write the inverse operation of t_sup/1 -- XXX: INCOMPLETE !!
+-spec t_elements(erl_type()) -> [erl_type()].
+t_elements(?none) -> [];
+t_elements(?unit) -> [];
+t_elements(?any = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?nil = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?atom(?any) = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?atom(Atoms)) ->
+ [t_atom(A) || A <- Atoms];
+t_elements(?bitstr(_, _) = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?function(_, _) = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?identifier(?any) = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?identifier(IDs)) ->
+ [?identifier([T]) || T <- IDs];
+t_elements(?list(_, _, _) = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?number(_, _) = T) ->
+ case T of
+ ?number(?any, ?unknown_qual) ->
+ [?float, ?integer(?any)];
+ ?float -> [T];
+ ?integer(?any) -> [T];
+ ?int_range(_, _) -> [T];
+ ?int_set(Set) ->
+ [t_integer(I) || I <- Set]
+ end;
+t_elements(?opaque(_) = T) ->
+ do_elements(T);
+t_elements(?map(_,_,_) = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?tuple(_, _, _) = T) -> [T];
+t_elements(?tuple_set(_) = TS) ->
+ case t_tuple_subtypes(TS) of
+ unknown -> [];
+ Elems -> Elems
+ end;
+t_elements(?union(_) = T) ->
+ do_elements(T);
+t_elements(?var(_)) -> [?any]. %% yes, vars exist -- what else to do here?
+%% t_elements(T) ->
+%% io:format("T_ELEMENTS => ~p\n", [T]).
+do_elements(Type0) ->
+ case do_opaque(Type0, 'universe', fun(T) -> T end) of
+ ?union(List) -> lists:append([t_elements(T) || T <- List]);
+ Type -> t_elements(Type)
+ end.
+%% Infimum
+-spec t_inf([erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_inf([H1, H2|T]) ->
+ case t_inf(H1, H2) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ NewH -> t_inf([NewH|T])
+ end;
+t_inf([H]) -> H;
+t_inf([]) -> ?none.
+-spec t_inf(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_inf(T1, T2) ->
+ t_inf(T1, T2, 'universe').
+%% 'match' should be used from t_find_unknown_opaque() only
+-type t_inf_opaques() :: opaques() | {'match', [erl_type() | 'universe']}.
+-spec t_inf(erl_type(), erl_type(), t_inf_opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_inf(?var(_), ?var(_), _Opaques) -> ?any;
+t_inf(?var(_), T, _Opaques) -> subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(T, ?var(_), _Opaques) -> subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(?any, T, _Opaques) -> subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(T, ?any, _Opaques) -> subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(?none, _, _Opaques) -> ?none;
+t_inf(_, ?none, _Opaques) -> ?none;
+t_inf(?unit, _, _Opaques) -> ?unit; % ?unit cases should appear below ?none
+t_inf(_, ?unit, _Opaques) -> ?unit;
+t_inf(T, T, _Opaques) -> subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(?atom(Set1), ?atom(Set2), _) ->
+ case set_intersection(Set1, Set2) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ NewSet -> ?atom(NewSet)
+ end;
+t_inf(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(0, B2), _Opaques) ->
+ if B2 >= B1 andalso (B2-B1) rem U1 =:= 0 -> t_bitstr(0, B2);
+ true -> ?none
+ end;
+t_inf(?bitstr(0, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2), _Opaques) ->
+ if B1 >= B2 andalso (B1-B2) rem U2 =:= 0 -> t_bitstr(0, B1);
+ true -> ?none
+ end;
+t_inf(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U1, B1), _Opaques) ->
+ t_bitstr(U1, B1);
+t_inf(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2), _Opaques) when U2 > U1 ->
+ inf_bitstr(U2, B2, U1, B1);
+t_inf(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2), _Opaques) ->
+ inf_bitstr(U1, B1, U2, B2);
+t_inf(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2), Opaques) ->
+ case t_inf(Domain1, Domain2, Opaques) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ Domain -> ?function(Domain, t_inf(Range1, Range2, Opaques))
+ end;
+t_inf(?identifier(Set1), ?identifier(Set2), _Opaques) ->
+ case set_intersection(Set1, Set2) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ Set -> ?identifier(Set)
+ end;
+t_inf(?map(_, ADefK, ADefV) = A, ?map(_, BDefK, BDefV) = B, _Opaques) ->
+ %% Because it simplifies the anonymous function, we allow Pairs to temporarily
+ %% contain mandatory pairs with none values, since all such cases should
+ %% result in a none result.
+ Pairs =
+ map_pairwise_merge(
+ %% For optional keys in both maps, when the infinimum is none, we have
+ %% essentially concluded that K must not be a key in the map.
+ fun(K, ?opt, V1, ?opt, V2) -> {K, ?opt, t_inf(V1, V2)};
+ %% When a key is optional in one map, but mandatory in another, it
+ %% becomes mandatory in the infinumum
+ (K, _, V1, _, V2) -> {K, ?mand, t_inf(V1, V2)}
+ end, A, B),
+ %% If the infinimum of any mandatory values is ?none, the entire map infinimum
+ %% is ?none.
+ case lists:any(fun({_,?mand,?none})->true; ({_,_,_}) -> false end, Pairs) of
+ true -> t_none();
+ false -> t_map(Pairs, t_inf(ADefK, BDefK), t_inf(ADefV, BDefV))
+ end;
+t_inf(?matchstate(Pres1, Slots1), ?matchstate(Pres2, Slots2), _Opaques) ->
+ ?matchstate(t_inf(Pres1, Pres2), t_inf(Slots1, Slots2));
+t_inf(?nil, ?nil, _Opaques) -> ?nil;
+t_inf(?nil, ?nonempty_list(_, _), _Opaques) ->
+ ?none;
+t_inf(?nonempty_list(_, _), ?nil, _Opaques) ->
+ ?none;
+t_inf(?nil, ?list(_Contents, Termination, _), Opaques) ->
+ t_inf(?nil, t_unopaque(Termination), Opaques);
+t_inf(?list(_Contents, Termination, _), ?nil, Opaques) ->
+ t_inf(?nil, t_unopaque(Termination), Opaques);
+t_inf(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
+ ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2), Opaques) ->
+ case t_inf(Termination1, Termination2, Opaques) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ Termination ->
+ case t_inf(Contents1, Contents2, Opaques) of
+ ?none ->
+ %% If none of the lists are nonempty, then the infimum is nil.
+ case (Size1 =:= ?unknown_qual) andalso (Size2 =:= ?unknown_qual) of
+ true -> t_nil();
+ false -> ?none
+ end;
+ Contents ->
+ Size =
+ case {Size1, Size2} of
+ {?unknown_qual, ?unknown_qual} -> ?unknown_qual;
+ {?unknown_qual, ?nonempty_qual} -> ?nonempty_qual;
+ {?nonempty_qual, ?unknown_qual} -> ?nonempty_qual;
+ {?nonempty_qual, ?nonempty_qual} -> ?nonempty_qual
+ end,
+ ?list(Contents, Termination, Size)
+ end
+ end;
+t_inf(?number(_, _) = T1, ?number(_, _) = T2, _Opaques) ->
+ case {T1, T2} of
+ {T, T} -> T;
+ {_, ?number(?any, ?unknown_qual)} -> T1;
+ {?number(?any, ?unknown_qual), _} -> T2;
+ {?float, ?integer(_)} -> ?none;
+ {?integer(_), ?float} -> ?none;
+ {?integer(?any), ?integer(_)} -> T2;
+ {?integer(_), ?integer(?any)} -> T1;
+ {?int_set(Set1), ?int_set(Set2)} ->
+ case set_intersection(Set1, Set2) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ Set -> ?int_set(Set)
+ end;
+ {?int_range(From1, To1), ?int_range(From2, To2)} ->
+ t_from_range(max(From1, From2), min(To1, To2));
+ {Range = ?int_range(_, _), ?int_set(Set)} ->
+ %% io:format("t_inf range, set args ~p ~p ~n", [T1, T2]),
+ Ans2 =
+ case set_filter(fun(X) -> in_range(X, Range) end, Set) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ NewSet -> ?int_set(NewSet)
+ end,
+ %% io:format("Ans2 ~p ~n", [Ans2]),
+ Ans2;
+ {?int_set(Set), ?int_range(_, _) = Range} ->
+ case set_filter(fun(X) -> in_range(X, Range) end, Set) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ NewSet -> ?int_set(NewSet)
+ end
+ end;
+t_inf(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2), Opaques) ->
+ L1 = length(Types1),
+ L2 = length(Types2),
+ if L1 =:= L2 -> ?product(t_inf_lists(Types1, Types2, Opaques));
+ true -> ?none
+ end;
+t_inf(?product(_), _, _Opaques) ->
+ ?none;
+t_inf(_, ?product(_), _Opaques) ->
+ ?none;
+t_inf(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(_, _, _) = T, _Opaques) ->
+ subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(?tuple(_, _, _) = T, ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), _Opaques) ->
+ subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple_set(_) = T, _Opaques) ->
+ subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(?tuple_set(_) = T, ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), _Opaques) ->
+ subst_all_vars_to_any(T);
+t_inf(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _Tag1), ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _Tag2), Opaques) ->
+ case t_inf_lists_strict(Elements1, Elements2, Opaques) of
+ bottom -> ?none;
+ NewElements -> t_tuple(NewElements)
+ end;
+t_inf(?tuple_set(List1), ?tuple_set(List2), Opaques) ->
+ inf_tuple_sets(List1, List2, Opaques);
+t_inf(?tuple_set(List), ?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T, Opaques) ->
+ inf_tuple_sets(List, [{Arity, [T]}], Opaques);
+t_inf(?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T, ?tuple_set(List), Opaques) ->
+ inf_tuple_sets(List, [{Arity, [T]}], Opaques);
+%% be careful: here and in the next clause T can be ?opaque
+t_inf(?union(U1), T, Opaques) ->
+ ?union(U2) = force_union(T),
+ inf_union(U1, U2, Opaques);
+t_inf(T, ?union(U2), Opaques) ->
+ ?union(U1) = force_union(T),
+ inf_union(U1, U2, Opaques);
+t_inf(?opaque(Set1), ?opaque(Set2), Opaques) ->
+ inf_opaque(Set1, Set2, Opaques);
+t_inf(?opaque(_) = T1, T2, Opaques) ->
+ inf_opaque1(T2, T1, 1, Opaques);
+t_inf(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, Opaques) ->
+ inf_opaque1(T1, T2, 2, Opaques);
+%% and as a result, the cases for ?opaque should appear *after* ?union
+t_inf(#c{}, #c{}, _) ->
+ ?none.
+inf_opaque1(T1, ?opaque(Set2)=T2, Pos, Opaques) ->
+ case Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse inf_is_opaque_type(T2, Pos, Opaques) of
+ false -> ?none;
+ true ->
+ List2 = set_to_list(Set2),
+ case inf_collect(T1, List2, Opaques, []) of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ OpL -> ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(OpL))
+ end
+ end.
+inf_is_opaque_type(T, Pos, {match, Opaques}) ->
+ is_opaque_type(T, Opaques) orelse throw({pos, [Pos]});
+inf_is_opaque_type(T, _Pos, Opaques) ->
+ is_opaque_type(T, Opaques).
+inf_collect(T1, [T2|List2], Opaques, OpL) ->
+ #opaque{struct = S2} = T2,
+ case t_inf(T1, S2, Opaques) of
+ ?none -> inf_collect(T1, List2, Opaques, OpL);
+ Inf ->
+ Op = T2#opaque{struct = Inf},
+ inf_collect(T1, List2, Opaques, [Op|OpL])
+ end;
+inf_collect(_T1, [], _Opaques, OpL) ->
+ OpL.
+combine(S, T1, T2) ->
+ #opaque{mod = Mod1, name = Name1, args = Args1} = T1,
+ #opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2} = T2,
+ Comb1 = comb(Mod1, Name1, Args1, S, T1),
+ case is_compat_opaque_names({Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2}) of
+ true -> Comb1;
+ false -> Comb1 ++ comb(Mod2, Name2, Args2, S, T2)
+ end.
+comb(Mod, Name, Args, S, T) ->
+ case can_combine_opaque_names(Mod, Name, Args, S) of
+ true ->
+ ?opaque(Set) = S,
+ Set;
+ false ->
+ [T#opaque{struct = S}]
+ end.
+can_combine_opaque_names(Mod1, Name1, Args1,
+ ?opaque([#opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2}])) ->
+ is_compat_opaque_names({Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2});
+can_combine_opaque_names(_, _, _, _) -> false.
+%% Combining two lists this way can be very time consuming...
+%% Note: two parameterized opaque types are not the same if their
+%% actual parameters differ
+inf_opaque(Set1, Set2, Opaques) ->
+ List1 = inf_look_up(Set1, Opaques),
+ List2 = inf_look_up(Set2, Opaques),
+ List0 = [combine(Inf, T1, T2) ||
+ {Is1, ModNameArgs1, T1} <- List1,
+ {Is2, ModNameArgs2, T2} <- List2,
+ not t_is_none(Inf = inf_opaque_types(Is1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
+ Is2, ModNameArgs2, T2,
+ Opaques))],
+ List = lists:sort(lists:append(List0)),
+ sup_opaque(List).
+%% Optimization: do just one lookup.
+inf_look_up(Set, Opaques) ->
+ [{Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques),
+ {M, N, Args}, T} ||
+ #opaque{mod = M, name = N, args = Args} = T <- set_to_list(Set)].
+inf_is_opaque_type2(T, {match, Opaques}) ->
+ is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques);
+inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques) ->
+ is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques).
+inf_opaque_types(IsOpaque1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
+ IsOpaque2, ModNameArgs2, T2, Opaques) ->
+ #opaque{struct = S1}=T1,
+ #opaque{struct = S2}=T2,
+ case
+ Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse
+ is_compat_opaque_names(ModNameArgs1, ModNameArgs2)
+ of
+ true -> t_inf(S1, S2, Opaques);
+ false ->
+ case {IsOpaque1, IsOpaque2} of
+ {true, true} -> t_inf(S1, S2, Opaques);
+ {true, false} -> t_inf(S1, ?opaque(set_singleton(T2)), Opaques);
+ {false, true} -> t_inf(?opaque(set_singleton(T1)), S2, Opaques);
+ {false, false} when element(1, Opaques) =:= match ->
+ throw({pos, [1, 2]});
+ {false, false} -> t_none()
+ end
+ end.
+is_compat_opaque_names(ModNameArgs, ModNameArgs) -> true;
+is_compat_opaque_names({Mod,Name,Args1}, {Mod,Name,Args2}) ->
+ is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
+is_compat_opaque_names(_, _) -> false.
+is_compat_args([A1|Args1], [A2|Args2]) ->
+ is_compat_arg(A1, A2) andalso is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
+is_compat_args([], []) -> true;
+is_compat_args(_, _) -> false.
+is_compat_arg(A1, A2) ->
+ is_specialization(A1, A2) orelse is_specialization(A2, A1).
+-spec is_specialization(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+%% Returns true if the first argument is a specialization of the
+%% second argument in the sense that every type is a specialization of
+%% any(). For example, {_,_} is a specialization of any(), but not of
+%% tuple(). Does not handle variables, but any() and unions (sort of).
+is_specialization(T, T) -> true;
+is_specialization(_, ?any) -> true;
+is_specialization(?any, _) -> false;
+is_specialization(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2)) ->
+ (is_specialization(Domain1, Domain2) andalso
+ is_specialization(Range1, Range2));
+is_specialization(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
+ ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2)) ->
+ (Size1 =:= Size2 andalso
+ is_specialization(Contents1, Contents2) andalso
+ is_specialization(Termination1, Termination2));
+is_specialization(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2)) ->
+ specialization_list(Types1, Types2);
+is_specialization(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(_, _, _)) -> false;
+is_specialization(?tuple(_, _, _), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> false;
+is_specialization(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ specialization_list(Elements1, Elements2);
+is_specialization(?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ specialization_list(sup_tuple_elements(List), Elements2);
+is_specialization(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple_set([{Arity, List}])) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ specialization_list(Elements1, sup_tuple_elements(List));
+is_specialization(?tuple_set(List1), ?tuple_set(List2)) ->
+ try
+ specialization_list_list([sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List1],
+ [sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List2])
+ catch _:_ -> false
+ end;
+is_specialization(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
+ case specialization_union2(T1, T2) of
+ {yes, Type1, Type2} -> is_specialization(Type1, Type2);
+ no -> specialization_list(List1, List2)
+ end;
+is_specialization(?union(List), T2) ->
+ case unify_union(List) of
+ {yes, Type} -> is_specialization(Type, T2);
+ no -> false
+ end;
+is_specialization(T1, ?union(List)) ->
+ case unify_union(List) of
+ {yes, Type} -> is_specialization(T1, Type);
+ no -> false
+ end;
+is_specialization(?opaque(_) = T1, T2) ->
+ is_specialization(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2);
+is_specialization(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2) ->
+ is_specialization(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2));
+is_specialization(?var(_), _) -> exit(error);
+is_specialization(_, ?var(_)) -> exit(error);
+is_specialization(?none, _) -> false;
+is_specialization(_, ?none) -> false;
+is_specialization(?unit, _) -> false;
+is_specialization(_, ?unit) -> false;
+is_specialization(#c{}, #c{}) -> false.
+specialization_list_list(LL1, LL2) ->
+ length(LL1) =:= length(LL2) andalso specialization_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
+specialization_list_list1([], []) -> true;
+specialization_list_list1([L1|LL1], [L2|LL2]) ->
+ specialization_list(L1, L2) andalso specialization_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
+specialization_list(L1, L2) ->
+ length(L1) =:= length(L2) andalso specialization_list1(L1, L2).
+specialization_list1([], []) -> true;
+specialization_list1([T1|L1], [T2|L2]) ->
+ is_specialization(T1, T2) andalso specialization_list1(L1, L2).
+specialization_union2(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
+ case {unify_union(List1), unify_union(List2)} of
+ {{yes, Type1}, {yes, Type2}} -> {yes, Type1, Type2};
+ {{yes, Type1}, no} -> {yes, Type1, T2};
+ {no, {yes, Type2}} -> {yes, T1, Type2};
+ {no, no} -> no
+ end.
+-spec t_inf_lists([erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+t_inf_lists(L1, L2) ->
+ t_inf_lists(L1, L2, 'universe').
+-spec t_inf_lists([erl_type()], [erl_type()], t_inf_opaques()) -> [erl_type()].
+t_inf_lists(L1, L2, Opaques) ->
+ t_inf_lists(L1, L2, [], Opaques).
+-spec t_inf_lists([erl_type()], [erl_type()], [erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+t_inf_lists([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], Acc, Opaques) ->
+ t_inf_lists(Left1, Left2, [t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques)|Acc], Opaques);
+t_inf_lists([], [], Acc, _Opaques) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+%% Infimum of lists with strictness.
+%% If any element is the ?none type, the value 'bottom' is returned.
+-spec t_inf_lists_strict([erl_type()], [erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> 'bottom' | [erl_type()].
+t_inf_lists_strict(L1, L2, Opaques) ->
+ t_inf_lists_strict(L1, L2, [], Opaques).
+-spec t_inf_lists_strict([erl_type()], [erl_type()], [erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> 'bottom' | [erl_type()].
+t_inf_lists_strict([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], Acc, Opaques) ->
+ case t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques) of
+ ?none -> bottom;
+ T -> t_inf_lists_strict(Left1, Left2, [T|Acc], Opaques)
+ end;
+t_inf_lists_strict([], [], Acc, _Opaques) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+inf_tuple_sets(L1, L2, Opaques) ->
+ case inf_tuple_sets(L1, L2, [], Opaques) of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ [{_Arity, [?tuple(_, _, _) = OneTuple]}] -> OneTuple;
+ List -> ?tuple_set(List)
+ end.
+inf_tuple_sets([{Arity, Tuples1}|Ts1], [{Arity, Tuples2}|Ts2], Acc, Opaques) ->
+ case inf_tuples_in_sets(Tuples1, Tuples2, Opaques) of
+ [] -> inf_tuple_sets(Ts1, Ts2, Acc, Opaques);
+ [?tuple_set([{Arity, NewTuples}])] ->
+ inf_tuple_sets(Ts1, Ts2, [{Arity, NewTuples}|Acc], Opaques);
+ NewTuples -> inf_tuple_sets(Ts1, Ts2, [{Arity, NewTuples}|Acc], Opaques)
+ end;
+inf_tuple_sets([{Arity1, _}|Ts1] = L1, [{Arity2, _}|Ts2] = L2, Acc, Opaques) ->
+ if Arity1 < Arity2 -> inf_tuple_sets(Ts1, L2, Acc, Opaques);
+ Arity1 > Arity2 -> inf_tuple_sets(L1, Ts2, Acc, Opaques)
+ end;
+inf_tuple_sets([], _, Acc, _Opaques) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+inf_tuple_sets(_, [], Acc, _Opaques) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
+inf_tuples_in_sets([?tuple(Elements1, _, ?any)], L2, Opaques) ->
+ NewList = [t_inf_lists_strict(Elements1, Elements2, Opaques)
+ || ?tuple(Elements2, _, _) <- L2],
+ [t_tuple(Es) || Es <- NewList, Es =/= bottom];
+inf_tuples_in_sets(L1, [?tuple(Elements2, _, ?any)], Opaques) ->
+ NewList = [t_inf_lists_strict(Elements1, Elements2, Opaques)
+ || ?tuple(Elements1, _, _) <- L1],
+ [t_tuple(Es) || Es <- NewList, Es =/= bottom];
+inf_tuples_in_sets(L1, L2, Opaques) ->
+ inf_tuples_in_sets2(L1, L2, [], Opaques).
+inf_tuples_in_sets2([?tuple(Elements1, Arity, Tag)|Ts1],
+ [?tuple(Elements2, Arity, Tag)|Ts2], Acc, Opaques) ->
+ case t_inf_lists_strict(Elements1, Elements2, Opaques) of
+ bottom -> inf_tuples_in_sets2(Ts1, Ts2, Acc, Opaques);
+ NewElements ->
+ inf_tuples_in_sets2(Ts1, Ts2, [?tuple(NewElements, Arity, Tag)|Acc],
+ Opaques)
+ end;
+inf_tuples_in_sets2([?tuple(_, _, Tag1)|Ts1] = L1,
+ [?tuple(_, _, Tag2)|Ts2] = L2, Acc, Opaques) ->
+ if Tag1 < Tag2 -> inf_tuples_in_sets2(Ts1, L2, Acc, Opaques);
+ Tag1 > Tag2 -> inf_tuples_in_sets2(L1, Ts2, Acc, Opaques)
+ end;
+inf_tuples_in_sets2([], _, Acc, _Opaques) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
+inf_tuples_in_sets2(_, [], Acc, _Opaques) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
+inf_union(U1, U2, Opaques) ->
+ OpaqueFun =
+ fun(Union1, Union2, InfFun) ->
+ [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Opaque,_] = Union1,
+ [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,_,Map] = Union2,
+ List = [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,Map],
+ inf_union_collect(List, Opaque, InfFun, [], [])
+ end,
+ {O1, ThrowList1} =
+ OpaqueFun(U1, U2, fun(E, Opaque) -> t_inf(Opaque, E, Opaques) end),
+ {O2, ThrowList2}
+ = OpaqueFun(U2, U1, fun(E, Opaque) -> t_inf(E, Opaque, Opaques) end),
+ {Union, ThrowList3} = inf_union(U1, U2, 0, [], [], Opaques),
+ ThrowList = lists:merge3(ThrowList1, ThrowList2, ThrowList3),
+ case t_sup([O1, O2, Union]) of
+ ?none when ThrowList =/= [] -> throw({pos, lists:usort(ThrowList)});
+ Sup -> Sup
+ end.
+inf_union_collect([], _Opaque, _InfFun, InfList, ThrowList) ->
+ {t_sup(InfList), lists:usort(ThrowList)};
+inf_union_collect([?none|L], Opaque, InfFun, InfList, ThrowList) ->
+ inf_union_collect(L, Opaque, InfFun, [?none|InfList], ThrowList);
+inf_union_collect([E|L], Opaque, InfFun, InfList, ThrowList) ->
+ try InfFun(E, Opaque)of
+ Inf ->
+ inf_union_collect(L, Opaque, InfFun, [Inf|InfList], ThrowList)
+ catch throw:{pos, Ns} ->
+ inf_union_collect(L, Opaque, InfFun, InfList, Ns ++ ThrowList)
+ end.
+inf_union([?none|Left1], [?none|Left2], N, Acc, ThrowList, Opaques) ->
+ inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], ThrowList, Opaques);
+inf_union([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], N, Acc, ThrowList, Opaques) ->
+ try t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques) of
+ ?none -> inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], ThrowList, Opaques);
+ T -> inf_union(Left1, Left2, N+1, [T|Acc], ThrowList, Opaques)
+ catch throw:{pos, Ns} ->
+ inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], Ns ++ ThrowList, Opaques)
+ end;
+inf_union([], [], N, Acc, ThrowList, _Opaques) ->
+ if N =:= 0 -> {?none, ThrowList};
+ N =:= 1 ->
+ [Type] = [T || T <- Acc, T =/= ?none],
+ {Type, ThrowList};
+ N >= 2 -> {?union(lists:reverse(Acc)), ThrowList}
+ end.
+inf_bitstr(U1, B1, U2, B2) ->
+ GCD = gcd(U1, U2),
+ case (B2-B1) rem GCD of
+ 0 ->
+ U = (U1*U2) div GCD,
+ B = findfirst(0, 0, U1, B1, U2, B2),
+ t_bitstr(U, B);
+ _ ->
+ ?none
+ end.
+findfirst(N1, N2, U1, B1, U2, B2) ->
+ Val1 = U1*N1+B1,
+ Val2 = U2*N2+B2,
+ if Val1 =:= Val2 ->
+ Val1;
+ Val1 > Val2 ->
+ findfirst(N1, N2+1, U1, B1, U2, B2);
+ Val1 < Val2 ->
+ findfirst(N1+1, N2, U1, B1, U2, B2)
+ end.
+%% Substitution of variables
+-type subst_table() :: #{any() => erl_type()}.
+-spec t_subst(erl_type(), subst_table()) -> erl_type().
+t_subst(T, Map) ->
+ case t_has_var(T) of
+ true -> t_subst_aux(T, Map);
+ false -> T
+ end.
+-spec subst_all_vars_to_any(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+subst_all_vars_to_any(T) ->
+ t_subst(T, #{}).
+t_subst_aux(?var(Id), Map) ->
+ case maps:find(Id, Map) of
+ error -> ?any;
+ {ok, Type} -> Type
+ end;
+t_subst_aux(?list(Contents, Termination, Size), Map) ->
+ case t_subst_aux(Contents, Map) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ NewContents ->
+ %% Be careful here to make the termination collapse if necessary.
+ case t_subst_aux(Termination, Map) of
+ ?nil -> ?list(NewContents, ?nil, Size);
+ ?any -> ?list(NewContents, ?any, Size);
+ Other ->
+ ?list(NewContents2, NewTermination, _) = t_cons(NewContents, Other),
+ ?list(NewContents2, NewTermination, Size)
+ end
+ end;
+t_subst_aux(?function(Domain, Range), Map) ->
+ ?function(t_subst_aux(Domain, Map), t_subst_aux(Range, Map));
+t_subst_aux(?product(Types), Map) ->
+ ?product([t_subst_aux(T, Map) || T <- Types]);
+t_subst_aux(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T, _Map) ->
+ T;
+t_subst_aux(?tuple(Elements, _Arity, _Tag), Map) ->
+ t_tuple([t_subst_aux(E, Map) || E <- Elements]);
+t_subst_aux(?tuple_set(_) = TS, Map) ->
+ t_sup([t_subst_aux(T, Map) || T <- t_tuple_subtypes(TS)]);
+t_subst_aux(?map(Pairs, DefK, DefV), Map) ->
+ t_map([{K, MNess, t_subst_aux(V, Map)} || {K, MNess, V} <- Pairs],
+ t_subst_aux(DefK, Map), t_subst_aux(DefV, Map));
+t_subst_aux(?opaque(Es), Map) ->
+ List = [Opaque#opaque{args = [t_subst_aux(Arg, Map) || Arg <- Args],
+ struct = t_subst_aux(S, Map)} ||
+ Opaque = #opaque{args = Args, struct = S} <- set_to_list(Es)],
+ ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(List));
+t_subst_aux(?union(List), Map) ->
+ ?union([t_subst_aux(E, Map) || E <- List]);
+t_subst_aux(T, _Map) ->
+ T.
+%% Unification
+-type t_unify_ret() :: {erl_type(), [{_, erl_type()}]}.
+-spec t_unify(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> t_unify_ret().
+t_unify(T1, T2) ->
+ {T, VarMap} = t_unify(T1, T2, #{}),
+ {t_subst(T, VarMap), lists:keysort(1, maps:to_list(VarMap))}.
+t_unify(?var(Id) = T, ?var(Id), VarMap) ->
+ {T, VarMap};
+t_unify(?var(Id1) = T, ?var(Id2), VarMap) ->
+ case maps:find(Id1, VarMap) of
+ error ->
+ case maps:find(Id2, VarMap) of
+ error -> {T, VarMap#{Id2 => T}};
+ {ok, Type} -> t_unify(T, Type, VarMap)
+ end;
+ {ok, Type1} ->
+ case maps:find(Id2, VarMap) of
+ error -> {Type1, VarMap#{Id2 => T}};
+ {ok, Type2} -> t_unify(Type1, Type2, VarMap)
+ end
+ end;
+t_unify(?var(Id), Type, VarMap) ->
+ case maps:find(Id, VarMap) of
+ error -> {Type, VarMap#{Id => Type}};
+ {ok, VarType} -> t_unify(VarType, Type, VarMap)
+ end;
+t_unify(Type, ?var(Id), VarMap) ->
+ case maps:find(Id, VarMap) of
+ error -> {Type, VarMap#{Id => Type}};
+ {ok, VarType} -> t_unify(VarType, Type, VarMap)
+ end;
+t_unify(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2), VarMap) ->
+ {Domain, VarMap1} = t_unify(Domain1, Domain2, VarMap),
+ {Range, VarMap2} = t_unify(Range1, Range2, VarMap1),
+ {?function(Domain, Range), VarMap2};
+t_unify(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size),
+ ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size), VarMap) ->
+ {Contents, VarMap1} = t_unify(Contents1, Contents2, VarMap),
+ {Termination, VarMap2} = t_unify(Termination1, Termination2, VarMap1),
+ {?list(Contents, Termination, Size), VarMap2};
+t_unify(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2), VarMap) ->
+ {Types, VarMap1} = unify_lists(Types1, Types2, VarMap),
+ {?product(Types), VarMap1};
+t_unify(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T, ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), VarMap) ->
+ {T, VarMap};
+t_unify(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _), VarMap) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ {NewElements, VarMap1} = unify_lists(Elements1, Elements2, VarMap),
+ {t_tuple(NewElements), VarMap1};
+t_unify(?tuple_set([{Arity, _}]) = T1,
+ ?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T2, VarMap) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ unify_tuple_set_and_tuple1(T1, T2, VarMap);
+t_unify(?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T1,
+ ?tuple_set([{Arity, _}]) = T2, VarMap) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ unify_tuple_set_and_tuple2(T1, T2, VarMap);
+t_unify(?tuple_set(List1) = T1, ?tuple_set(List2) = T2, VarMap) ->
+ try
+ unify_lists(lists:append([T || {_Arity, T} <- List1]),
+ lists:append([T || {_Arity, T} <- List2]), VarMap)
+ of
+ {Tuples, NewVarMap} -> {t_sup(Tuples), NewVarMap}
+ catch _:_ -> throw({mismatch, T1, T2})
+ end;
+t_unify(?map(_, ADefK, ADefV) = A, ?map(_, BDefK, BDefV) = B, VarMap0) ->
+ {DefK, VarMap1} = t_unify(ADefK, BDefK, VarMap0),
+ {DefV, VarMap2} = t_unify(ADefV, BDefV, VarMap1),
+ {Pairs, VarMap} =
+ map_pairwise_merge_foldr(
+ fun(K, MNess, V1, MNess, V2, {Pairs0, VarMap3}) ->
+ %% We know that the keys unify and do not contain variables, or they
+ %% would not be singletons
+ %% TODO: Should V=?none (known missing keys) be handled special?
+ {V, VarMap4} = t_unify(V1, V2, VarMap3),
+ {[{K,MNess,V}|Pairs0], VarMap4};
+ (K, _, V1, _, V2, {Pairs0, VarMap3}) ->
+ %% One mandatory and one optional; what should be done in this case?
+ {V, VarMap4} = t_unify(V1, V2, VarMap3),
+ {[{K,?mand,V}|Pairs0], VarMap4}
+ end, {[], VarMap2}, A, B),
+ {t_map(Pairs, DefK, DefV), VarMap};
+t_unify(?opaque(_) = T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, VarMap) ->
+ t_unify(t_opaque_structure(T1), t_opaque_structure(T2), VarMap);
+t_unify(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, VarMap) ->
+ t_unify(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2), VarMap);
+t_unify(?opaque(_) = T1, T2, VarMap) ->
+ t_unify(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2, VarMap);
+t_unify(T, T, VarMap) ->
+ {T, VarMap};
+t_unify(?union(_)=T1, ?union(_)=T2, VarMap) ->
+ {Type1, Type2} = unify_union2(T1, T2),
+ t_unify(Type1, Type2, VarMap);
+t_unify(?union(_)=T1, T2, VarMap) ->
+ t_unify(unify_union1(T1, T1, T2), T2, VarMap);
+t_unify(T1, ?union(_)=T2, VarMap) ->
+ t_unify(T1, unify_union1(T2, T1, T2), VarMap);
+t_unify(T1, T2, _) ->
+ throw({mismatch, T1, T2}).
+unify_union2(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
+ case {unify_union(List1), unify_union(List2)} of
+ {{yes, Type1}, {yes, Type2}} -> {Type1, Type2};
+ {{yes, Type1}, no} -> {Type1, T2};
+ {no, {yes, Type2}} -> {T1, Type2};
+ {no, no} -> throw({mismatch, T1, T2})
+ end.
+unify_union1(?union(List), T1, T2) ->
+ case unify_union(List) of
+ {yes, Type} -> Type;
+ no -> throw({mismatch, T1, T2})
+ end.
+unify_union(List) ->
+ [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,O,Map] = List,
+ if O =:= ?none -> no;
+ true ->
+ S = t_opaque_structure(O),
+ {yes, t_sup([A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,S,Map])}
+ end.
+-spec is_opaque_type(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> boolean().
+%% An opaque type is a union of types. Returns true iff any of the type
+%% names (Module and Name) of the first argument (the opaque type to
+%% check) occurs in any of the opaque types of the second argument.
+is_opaque_type(?opaque(Elements), Opaques) ->
+ lists:any(fun(Opaque) -> is_opaque_type2(Opaque, Opaques) end, Elements).
+is_opaque_type2(#opaque{mod = Mod1, name = Name1, args = Args1}, Opaques) ->
+ F1 = fun(?opaque(Es)) ->
+ F2 = fun(#opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name, args = Args}) ->
+ is_type_name(Mod1, Name1, Args1, Mod, Name, Args)
+ end,
+ lists:any(F2, Es)
+ end,
+ lists:any(F1, Opaques).
+is_type_name(Mod, Name, Args1, Mod, Name, Args2) ->
+ length(Args1) =:= length(Args2);
+is_type_name(_Mod1, _Name1, _Args1, _Mod2, _Name2, _Args2) ->
+ false.
+%% Two functions since t_unify is not symmetric.
+unify_tuple_set_and_tuple1(?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _), VarMap) ->
+ %% Can only work if the single tuple has variables at correct places.
+ %% Collapse the tuple set.
+ {NewElements, VarMap1} =
+ unify_lists(sup_tuple_elements(List), Elements2, VarMap),
+ {t_tuple(NewElements), VarMap1}.
+unify_tuple_set_and_tuple2(?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]), VarMap) ->
+ %% Can only work if the single tuple has variables at correct places.
+ %% Collapse the tuple set.
+ {NewElements, VarMap1} =
+ unify_lists(Elements2, sup_tuple_elements(List), VarMap),
+ {t_tuple(NewElements), VarMap1}.
+unify_lists(L1, L2, VarMap) ->
+ unify_lists(L1, L2, VarMap, []).
+unify_lists([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], VarMap, Acc) ->
+ {NewT, NewVarMap} = t_unify(T1, T2, VarMap),
+ unify_lists(Left1, Left2, NewVarMap, [NewT|Acc]);
+unify_lists([], [], VarMap, Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), VarMap}.
+%%t_assign_variables_to_subtype(T1, T2) ->
+%% try
+%% Dict = assign_vars(T1, T2, dict:new()),
+%% {ok, dict:map(fun(_Param, List) -> t_sup(List) end, Dict)}
+%% catch
+%% throw:error -> error
+%% end.
+%%assign_vars(_, ?var(_), _Dict) ->
+%% erlang:error("Variable in right hand side of assignment");
+%%assign_vars(?any, _, Dict) ->
+%% Dict;
+%%assign_vars(?var(_) = Var, Type, Dict) ->
+%% store_var(Var, Type, Dict);
+%%assign_vars(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2), Dict) ->
+%% DomainList =
+%% case Domain2 of
+%% ?any -> [];
+%% ?product(List) -> List
+%% end,
+%% case any_none([Range2|DomainList]) of
+%% true -> throw(error);
+%% false ->
+%% Dict1 = assign_vars(Domain1, Domain2, Dict),
+%% assign_vars(Range1, Range2, Dict1)
+%% end;
+%%assign_vars(?list(_Contents, _Termination, ?any), ?nil, Dict) ->
+%% Dict;
+%%assign_vars(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
+%% ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2), Dict) ->
+%% Dict1 = assign_vars(Contents1, Contents2, Dict),
+%% Dict2 = assign_vars(Termination1, Termination2, Dict1),
+%% case {Size1, Size2} of
+%% {S, S} -> Dict2;
+%% {?any, ?nonempty_qual} -> Dict2;
+%% {_, _} -> throw(error)
+%% end;
+%%assign_vars(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2), Dict) ->
+%% case length(Types1) =:= length(Types2) of
+%% true -> assign_vars_lists(Types1, Types2, Dict);
+%% false -> throw(error)
+%% end;
+%%assign_vars(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), Dict) ->
+%% Dict;
+%%assign_vars(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(_, _, _), Dict) ->
+%% Dict;
+%%assign_vars(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+%% ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _), Dict) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+%% assign_vars_lists(Elements1, Elements2, Dict);
+%%assign_vars(?tuple_set(_) = T, ?tuple_set(List2), Dict) ->
+%% %% All Rhs tuples must already be subtypes of Lhs, so we can take
+%% %% each one separatly.
+%% assign_vars_lists([T || _ <- List2], List2, Dict);
+%%assign_vars(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple_set(_), Dict) ->
+%% Dict;
+%%assign_vars(?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(List), Dict) ->
+%% case reduce_tuple_tags(List) of
+%% [Tuple = ?tuple(_, Arity, _)] -> assign_vars(T1, Tuple, Dict);
+%% _ -> throw(error)
+%% end;
+%%assign_vars(?tuple_set(List), ?tuple(_, Arity, Tag) = T2, Dict) ->
+%% case [T || ?tuple(_, Arity1, Tag1) = T <- List,
+%% Arity1 =:= Arity, Tag1 =:= Tag] of
+%% [] -> throw(error);
+%% [T1] -> assign_vars(T1, T2, Dict)
+%% end;
+%%assign_vars(?union(U1), T2, Dict) ->
+%% ?union(U2) = force_union(T2),
+%% assign_vars_lists(U1, U2, Dict);
+%%assign_vars(T, T, Dict) ->
+%% Dict;
+%%assign_vars(T1, T2, Dict) ->
+%% case t_is_subtype(T2, T1) of
+%% false -> throw(error);
+%% true -> Dict
+%% end.
+%%assign_vars_lists([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], Dict) ->
+%% assign_vars_lists(Left1, Left2, assign_vars(T1, T2, Dict));
+%%assign_vars_lists([], [], Dict) ->
+%% Dict.
+%%store_var(?var(Id), Type, Dict) ->
+%% case dict:find(Id, Dict) of
+%% error -> dict:store(Id, [Type], Dict);
+%% {ok, _VarType0} -> dict:update(Id, fun(X) -> [Type|X] end, Dict)
+%% end.
+%% Subtraction.
+%% Note that the subtraction is an approximation since we do not have
+%% negative types. Also, tuples and products should be handled using
+%% the cartesian product of the elements, but this is not feasible to
+%% do.
+%% Example: {a|b,c|d}\{a,d} = {a,c}|{a,d}|{b,c}|{b,d} \ {a,d} =
+%% = {a,c}|{b,c}|{b,d} = {a|b,c|d}
+%% Instead, we can subtract if all elements but one becomes none after
+%% subtracting element-wise.
+%% Example: {a|b,c|d}\{a|b,d} = {a,c}|{a,d}|{b,c}|{b,d} \ {a,d}|{b,d} =
+%% = {a,c}|{b,c} = {a|b,c}
+-spec t_subtract_list(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_subtract_list(T1, [T2|Left]) ->
+ t_subtract_list(t_subtract(T1, T2), Left);
+t_subtract_list(T, []) ->
+ T.
+-spec t_subtract(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_subtract(_, ?any) -> ?none;
+t_subtract(T, ?var(_)) -> T;
+t_subtract(?any, _) -> ?any;
+t_subtract(?var(_) = T, _) -> T;
+t_subtract(T, ?unit) -> T;
+t_subtract(?unit, _) -> ?unit;
+t_subtract(?none, _) -> ?none;
+t_subtract(T, ?none) -> T;
+t_subtract(?atom(Set1), ?atom(Set2)) ->
+ case set_subtract(Set1, Set2) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ Set -> ?atom(Set)
+ end;
+t_subtract(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2)) ->
+ subtract_bin(t_bitstr(U1, B1), t_inf(t_bitstr(U1, B1), t_bitstr(U2, B2)));
+t_subtract(?function(_, _) = T1, ?function(_, _) = T2) ->
+ case t_is_subtype(T1, T2) of
+ true -> ?none;
+ false -> T1
+ end;
+t_subtract(?identifier(Set1), ?identifier(Set2)) ->
+ case set_subtract(Set1, Set2) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ Set -> ?identifier(Set)
+ end;
+t_subtract(?opaque(_)=T1, ?opaque(_)=T2) ->
+ opaque_subtract(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2));
+t_subtract(?opaque(_)=T1, T2) ->
+ opaque_subtract(T1, T2);
+t_subtract(T1, ?opaque(_)=T2) ->
+ t_subtract(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2));
+t_subtract(?matchstate(Pres1, Slots1), ?matchstate(Pres2, _Slots2)) ->
+ Pres = t_subtract(Pres1, Pres2),
+ case t_is_none(Pres) of
+ true -> ?none;
+ false -> ?matchstate(Pres, Slots1)
+ end;
+t_subtract(?matchstate(Present, Slots), _) ->
+ ?matchstate(Present, Slots);
+t_subtract(?nil, ?nil) ->
+ ?none;
+t_subtract(?nil, ?nonempty_list(_, _)) ->
+ ?nil;
+t_subtract(?nil, ?list(_, _, _)) ->
+ ?none;
+t_subtract(?list(Contents, Termination, _Size) = T, ?nil) ->
+ case Termination =:= ?nil of
+ true -> ?nonempty_list(Contents, Termination);
+ false -> T
+ end;
+t_subtract(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1) = T,
+ ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2)) ->
+ case t_is_subtype(Contents1, Contents2) of
+ true ->
+ case t_is_subtype(Termination1, Termination2) of
+ true ->
+ case {Size1, Size2} of
+ {?nonempty_qual, ?unknown_qual} -> ?none;
+ {?unknown_qual, ?nonempty_qual} -> ?nil;
+ {S, S} -> ?none
+ end;
+ false ->
+ %% If the termination is not covered by the subtracted type
+ %% we cannot really say anything about the result.
+ T
+ end;
+ false ->
+ %% All contents must be covered if there is going to be any
+ %% change to the list.
+ T
+ end;
+t_subtract(?float, ?float) -> ?none;
+t_subtract(?number(_, _) = T1, ?float) -> t_inf(T1, t_integer());
+t_subtract(?float, ?number(_Set, Tag)) ->
+ case Tag of
+ ?unknown_qual -> ?none;
+ _ -> ?float
+ end;
+t_subtract(?number(_, _), ?number(?any, ?unknown_qual)) -> ?none;
+t_subtract(?number(_, _) = T1, ?integer(?any)) -> t_inf(?float, T1);
+t_subtract(?int_set(Set1), ?int_set(Set2)) ->
+ case set_subtract(Set1, Set2) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ Set -> ?int_set(Set)
+ end;
+t_subtract(?int_range(From1, To1) = T1, ?int_range(_, _) = T2) ->
+ case t_inf(T1, T2) of
+ ?none -> T1;
+ ?int_range(From1, To1) -> ?none;
+ ?int_range(neg_inf, To) -> t_from_range(To + 1, To1);
+ ?int_range(From, pos_inf) -> t_from_range(From1, From - 1);
+ ?int_range(From, To) -> t_sup(t_from_range(From1, From - 1),
+ t_from_range(To + 1, To))
+ end;
+t_subtract(?int_range(From, To) = T1, ?int_set(Set)) ->
+ NewFrom = case set_is_element(From, Set) of
+ true -> From + 1;
+ false -> From
+ end,
+ NewTo = case set_is_element(To, Set) of
+ true -> To - 1;
+ false -> To
+ end,
+ if (NewFrom =:= From) and (NewTo =:= To) -> T1;
+ true -> t_from_range(NewFrom, NewTo)
+ end;
+t_subtract(?int_set(Set), ?int_range(From, To)) ->
+ case set_filter(fun(X) -> not ((X =< From) orelse (X >= To)) end, Set) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ NewSet -> ?int_set(NewSet)
+ end;
+t_subtract(?integer(?any) = T1, ?integer(_)) -> T1;
+t_subtract(?number(_, _) = T1, ?number(_, _)) -> T1;
+t_subtract(?tuple(_, _, _), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> ?none;
+t_subtract(?tuple_set(_), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> ?none;
+t_subtract(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T1, ?tuple_set(_)) -> T1;
+t_subtract(?tuple(Elements1, Arity1, _Tag1) = T1,
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity2, _Tag2)) ->
+ if Arity1 =/= Arity2 -> T1;
+ Arity1 =:= Arity2 ->
+ NewElements = t_subtract_lists(Elements1, Elements2),
+ case [E || E <- NewElements, E =/= ?none] of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ [_] -> t_tuple(replace_nontrivial_element(Elements1, NewElements));
+ _ -> T1
+ end
+ end;
+t_subtract(?tuple_set(List1) = T1, ?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T2) ->
+ case orddict:find(Arity, List1) of
+ error -> T1;
+ {ok, List2} ->
+ TuplesLeft0 = [Tuple || {_Arity, Tuple} <- orddict:erase(Arity, List1)],
+ TuplesLeft1 = lists:append(TuplesLeft0),
+ t_sup([t_subtract(L, T2) || L <- List2] ++ TuplesLeft1)
+ end;
+t_subtract(?tuple(_, Arity, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(List1)) ->
+ case orddict:find(Arity, List1) of
+ error -> T1;
+ {ok, List2} -> t_inf([t_subtract(T1, L) || L <- List2])
+ end;
+t_subtract(?tuple_set(_) = T1, ?tuple_set(_) = T2) ->
+ t_sup([t_subtract(T, T2) || T <- t_tuple_subtypes(T1)]);
+t_subtract(?product(Elements1) = T1, ?product(Elements2)) ->
+ Arity1 = length(Elements1),
+ Arity2 = length(Elements2),
+ if Arity1 =/= Arity2 -> T1;
+ Arity1 =:= Arity2 ->
+ NewElements = t_subtract_lists(Elements1, Elements2),
+ case [E || E <- NewElements, E =/= ?none] of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ [_] -> t_product(replace_nontrivial_element(Elements1, NewElements));
+ _ -> T1
+ end
+ end;
+t_subtract(?map(APairs, ADefK, ADefV) = A, ?map(_, BDefK, BDefV) = B) ->
+ case t_is_subtype(ADefK, BDefK) andalso t_is_subtype(ADefV, BDefV) of
+ false -> A;
+ true ->
+ %% We fold over the maps to produce a list of constraints, where
+ %% constraints are additional key-value pairs to put in Pairs. Only one
+ %% constraint need to be applied to produce a type that excludes the
+ %% right-hand-side type, so if more than one constraint is produced, we
+ %% just return the left-hand-side argument.
+ %%
+ %% Each case of the fold may either conclude that
+ %% * The arguments constrain A at least as much as B, i.e. that A so far
+ %% is a subtype of B. In that case they return false
+ %% * That for the particular arguments, A being a subtype of B does not
+ %% hold, but the infinimum of A and B is nonempty, and by narrowing a
+ %% pair in A, we can create a type that excludes some elements in the
+ %% infinumum. In that case, they will return that pair.
+ %% * That for the particular arguments, A being a subtype of B does not
+ %% hold, and either the infinumum of A and B is empty, or it is not
+ %% possible with the current representation to create a type that
+ %% excludes elements from B without also excluding elements that are
+ %% only in A. In that case, it will return the pair from A unchanged.
+ case
+ map_pairwise_merge(
+ %% If V1 is a subtype of V2, the case that K does not exist in A
+ %% remain.
+ fun(K, ?opt, V1, ?mand, V2) -> {K, ?opt, t_subtract(V1, V2)};
+ (K, _, V1, _, V2) ->
+ %% If we subtract an optional key, that leaves a mandatory key
+ case t_subtract(V1, V2) of
+ ?none -> false;
+ Partial -> {K, ?mand, Partial}
+ end
+ end, A, B)
+ of
+ %% We produce a list of keys that are constrained. As only one of
+ %% these should apply at a time, we can't represent the difference if
+ %% more than one constraint is produced. If we applied all of them,
+ %% that would make an underapproximation, which we must not do.
+ [] -> ?none; %% A is a subtype of B
+ [E] -> t_map(mapdict_store(E, APairs), ADefK, ADefV);
+ _ -> A
+ end
+ end;
+t_subtract(?product(P1), _) ->
+ ?product(P1);
+t_subtract(T, ?product(_)) ->
+ T;
+t_subtract(?union(U1), ?union(U2)) ->
+ subtract_union(U1, U2);
+t_subtract(T1, T2) ->
+ ?union(U1) = force_union(T1),
+ ?union(U2) = force_union(T2),
+ subtract_union(U1, U2).
+-spec opaque_subtract(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+opaque_subtract(?opaque(Set1), T2) ->
+ List = [T1#opaque{struct = Sub} ||
+ #opaque{struct = S1}=T1 <- set_to_list(Set1),
+ not t_is_none(Sub = t_subtract(S1, T2))],
+ case List of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ _ -> ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(List))
+ end.
+-spec t_subtract_lists([erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+t_subtract_lists(L1, L2) ->
+ t_subtract_lists(L1, L2, []).
+-spec t_subtract_lists([erl_type()], [erl_type()], [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+t_subtract_lists([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], Acc) ->
+ t_subtract_lists(Left1, Left2, [t_subtract(T1, T2)|Acc]);
+t_subtract_lists([], [], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+-spec subtract_union([erl_type(),...], [erl_type(),...]) -> erl_type().
+subtract_union(U1, U2) ->
+ [A1,B1,F1,I1,L1,N1,T1,M1,O1,Map1] = U1,
+ [A2,B2,F2,I2,L2,N2,T2,M2,O2,Map2] = U2,
+ List1 = [A1,B1,F1,I1,L1,N1,T1,M1,?none,Map1],
+ List2 = [A2,B2,F2,I2,L2,N2,T2,M2,?none,Map2],
+ Sub1 = subtract_union(List1, List2, 0, []),
+ O = if O1 =:= ?none -> O1;
+ true -> t_subtract(O1, ?union(U2))
+ end,
+ Sub2 = if O2 =:= ?none -> Sub1;
+ true -> t_subtract(Sub1, t_opaque_structure(O2))
+ end,
+ t_sup(O, Sub2).
+-spec subtract_union([erl_type()], [erl_type()], non_neg_integer(), [erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+subtract_union([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], N, Acc) ->
+ case t_subtract(T1, T2) of
+ ?none -> subtract_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc]);
+ T -> subtract_union(Left1, Left2, N+1, [T|Acc])
+ end;
+subtract_union([], [], 0, _Acc) ->
+ ?none;
+subtract_union([], [], 1, Acc) ->
+ [T] = [X || X <- Acc, X =/= ?none],
+ T;
+subtract_union([], [], N, Acc) when is_integer(N), N > 1 ->
+ ?union(lists:reverse(Acc)).
+replace_nontrivial_element(El1, El2) ->
+ replace_nontrivial_element(El1, El2, []).
+replace_nontrivial_element([T1|Left1], [?none|Left2], Acc) ->
+ replace_nontrivial_element(Left1, Left2, [T1|Acc]);
+replace_nontrivial_element([_|Left1], [T2|_], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc) ++ [T2|Left1].
+subtract_bin(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U1, B1)) ->
+ ?none;
+subtract_bin(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?none) ->
+ t_bitstr(U1, B1);
+subtract_bin(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(0, B1)) ->
+ t_bitstr(U1, B1+U1);
+subtract_bin(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U1, B2)) ->
+ if (B1+U1) =/= B2 -> t_bitstr(0, B1);
+ true -> t_bitstr(U1, B1)
+ end;
+subtract_bin(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2)) ->
+ if (2 * U1) =:= U2 ->
+ if B1 =:= B2 ->
+ t_bitstr(U2, B1+U1);
+ (B1 + U1) =:= B2 ->
+ t_bitstr(U2, B1);
+ true ->
+ t_bitstr(U1, B1)
+ end;
+ true ->
+ t_bitstr(U1, B1)
+ end.
+%% Relations
+-spec t_is_equal(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_equal(T, T) -> true;
+t_is_equal(_, _) -> false.
+-spec t_is_subtype(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_subtype(T1, T2) ->
+ Inf = t_inf(T1, T2),
+ subtype_is_equal(T1, Inf).
+%% The subtype relation has to behave correctly irrespective of opaque
+%% types.
+subtype_is_equal(T, T) -> true;
+subtype_is_equal(T1, T2) ->
+ t_is_equal(case t_contains_opaque(T1) of
+ true -> t_unopaque(T1);
+ false -> T1
+ end,
+ case t_contains_opaque(T2) of
+ true -> t_unopaque(T2);
+ false -> T2
+ end).
+-spec t_is_instance(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+%% XXX. To be removed.
+t_is_instance(ConcreteType, Type) ->
+ t_is_subtype(ConcreteType, t_unopaque(Type)).
+-spec t_do_overlap(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_do_overlap(TypeA, TypeB) ->
+ not (t_is_none_or_unit(t_inf(TypeA, TypeB))).
+-spec t_unopaque(erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_unopaque(T) ->
+ t_unopaque(T, 'universe').
+-spec t_unopaque(erl_type(), opaques()) -> erl_type().
+t_unopaque(?opaque(_) = T, Opaques) ->
+ case Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse is_opaque_type(T, Opaques) of
+ true -> t_unopaque(t_opaque_structure(T), Opaques);
+ false -> T
+ end;
+t_unopaque(?list(ElemT, Termination, Sz), Opaques) ->
+ ?list(t_unopaque(ElemT, Opaques), t_unopaque(Termination, Opaques), Sz);
+t_unopaque(?tuple(?any, _, _) = T, _) -> T;
+t_unopaque(?tuple(ArgTs, Sz, Tag), Opaques) when is_list(ArgTs) ->
+ NewArgTs = [t_unopaque(A, Opaques) || A <- ArgTs],
+ ?tuple(NewArgTs, Sz, Tag);
+t_unopaque(?tuple_set(Set), Opaques) ->
+ NewSet = [{Sz, [t_unopaque(T, Opaques) || T <- Tuples]}
+ || {Sz, Tuples} <- Set],
+ ?tuple_set(NewSet);
+t_unopaque(?product(Types), Opaques) ->
+ ?product([t_unopaque(T, Opaques) || T <- Types]);
+t_unopaque(?function(Domain, Range), Opaques) ->
+ ?function(t_unopaque(Domain, Opaques), t_unopaque(Range, Opaques));
+t_unopaque(?union([A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,O,Map]), Opaques) ->
+ UL = t_unopaque(L, Opaques),
+ UT = t_unopaque(T, Opaques),
+ UF = t_unopaque(F, Opaques),
+ UM = t_unopaque(M, Opaques),
+ UMap = t_unopaque(Map, Opaques),
+ {OF,UO} = case t_unopaque(O, Opaques) of
+ ?opaque(_) = O1 -> {O1, []};
+ Type -> {?none, [Type]}
+ end,
+ t_sup([?union([A,B,UF,I,UL,N,UT,UM,OF,UMap])|UO]);
+t_unopaque(?map(Pairs,DefK,DefV), Opaques) ->
+ t_map([{K, MNess, t_unopaque(V, Opaques)} || {K, MNess, V} <- Pairs],
+ t_unopaque(DefK, Opaques),
+ t_unopaque(DefV, Opaques));
+t_unopaque(T, _) ->
+ T.
+%% K-depth abstraction.
+%% t_limit/2 is the exported function, which checks the type of the
+%% second argument and calls the module local t_limit_k/2 function.
+-spec t_limit(erl_type(), integer()) -> erl_type().
+t_limit(Term, K) when is_integer(K) ->
+ t_limit_k(Term, K).
+t_limit_k(_, K) when K =< 0 -> ?any;
+t_limit_k(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T, _K) -> T;
+t_limit_k(?tuple(Elements, Arity, _), K) ->
+ if K =:= 1 -> t_tuple(Arity);
+ true -> t_tuple([t_limit_k(E, K-1) || E <- Elements])
+ end;
+t_limit_k(?tuple_set(_) = T, K) ->
+ t_sup([t_limit_k(Tuple, K) || Tuple <- t_tuple_subtypes(T)]);
+t_limit_k(?list(Elements, Termination, Size), K) ->
+ NewTermination =
+ if K =:= 1 ->
+ %% We do not want to lose the termination information.
+ t_limit_k(Termination, K);
+ true -> t_limit_k(Termination, K - 1)
+ end,
+ NewElements = t_limit_k(Elements, K - 1),
+ TmpList = t_cons(NewElements, NewTermination),
+ case Size of
+ ?nonempty_qual -> TmpList;
+ ?unknown_qual ->
+ ?list(NewElements1, NewTermination1, _) = TmpList,
+ ?list(NewElements1, NewTermination1, ?unknown_qual)
+ end;
+t_limit_k(?function(Domain, Range), K) ->
+ %% The domain is either a product or any() so we do not decrease the K.
+ ?function(t_limit_k(Domain, K), t_limit_k(Range, K-1));
+t_limit_k(?product(Elements), K) ->
+ ?product([t_limit_k(X, K - 1) || X <- Elements]);
+t_limit_k(?union(Elements), K) ->
+ ?union([t_limit_k(X, K) || X <- Elements]);
+t_limit_k(?opaque(Es), K) ->
+ List = [begin
+ NewS = t_limit_k(S, K),
+ Opaque#opaque{struct = NewS}
+ end || #opaque{struct = S} = Opaque <- set_to_list(Es)],
+ ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(List));
+t_limit_k(?map(Pairs0, DefK0, DefV0), K) ->
+ Fun = fun({EK, MNess, EV}, {Exact, DefK1, DefV1}) ->
+ LV = t_limit_k(EV, K - 1),
+ case t_limit_k(EK, K - 1) of
+ EK -> {[{EK,MNess,LV}|Exact], DefK1, DefV1};
+ LK -> {Exact, t_sup(LK, DefK1), t_sup(LV, DefV1)}
+ end
+ end,
+ {Pairs, DefK2, DefV2} = lists:foldr(Fun, {[], DefK0, DefV0}, Pairs0),
+ t_map(Pairs, t_limit_k(DefK2, K - 1), t_limit_k(DefV2, K - 1));
+t_limit_k(T, _K) -> T.
+%% Abstract records. Used for comparing contracts.
+-spec t_abstract_records(erl_type(), type_table()) -> erl_type().
+t_abstract_records(?list(Contents, Termination, Size), RecDict) ->
+ case t_abstract_records(Contents, RecDict) of
+ ?none -> ?none;
+ NewContents ->
+ %% Be careful here to make the termination collapse if necessary.
+ case t_abstract_records(Termination, RecDict) of
+ ?nil -> ?list(NewContents, ?nil, Size);
+ ?any -> ?list(NewContents, ?any, Size);
+ Other ->
+ ?list(NewContents2, NewTermination, _) = t_cons(NewContents, Other),
+ ?list(NewContents2, NewTermination, Size)
+ end
+ end;
+t_abstract_records(?function(Domain, Range), RecDict) ->
+ ?function(t_abstract_records(Domain, RecDict),
+ t_abstract_records(Range, RecDict));
+t_abstract_records(?product(Types), RecDict) ->
+ ?product([t_abstract_records(T, RecDict) || T <- Types]);
+t_abstract_records(?union(Types), RecDict) ->
+ t_sup([t_abstract_records(T, RecDict) || T <- Types]);
+t_abstract_records(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T, _RecDict) ->
+ T;
+t_abstract_records(?tuple(Elements, Arity, ?atom(_) = Tag), RecDict) ->
+ [TagAtom] = atom_vals(Tag),
+ case lookup_record(TagAtom, Arity - 1, RecDict) of
+ error -> t_tuple([t_abstract_records(E, RecDict) || E <- Elements]);
+ {ok, Fields} -> t_tuple([Tag|[T || {_Name, _Abstr, T} <- Fields]])
+ end;
+t_abstract_records(?tuple(Elements, _Arity, _Tag), RecDict) ->
+ t_tuple([t_abstract_records(E, RecDict) || E <- Elements]);
+t_abstract_records(?tuple_set(_) = Tuples, RecDict) ->
+ t_sup([t_abstract_records(T, RecDict) || T <- t_tuple_subtypes(Tuples)]);
+t_abstract_records(?opaque(_)=Type, RecDict) ->
+ t_abstract_records(t_opaque_structure(Type), RecDict);
+t_abstract_records(T, _RecDict) ->
+ T.
+%% Map over types. Depth first. Used by the contract checker. ?list is
+%% not fully implemented so take care when changing the type in Termination.
+-spec t_map(fun((erl_type()) -> erl_type()), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+t_map(Fun, ?list(Contents, Termination, Size)) ->
+ Fun(?list(t_map(Fun, Contents), t_map(Fun, Termination), Size));
+t_map(Fun, ?function(Domain, Range)) ->
+ Fun(?function(t_map(Fun, Domain), t_map(Fun, Range)));
+t_map(Fun, ?product(Types)) ->
+ Fun(?product([t_map(Fun, T) || T <- Types]));
+t_map(Fun, ?union(Types)) ->
+ Fun(t_sup([t_map(Fun, T) || T <- Types]));
+t_map(Fun, ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any) = T) ->
+ Fun(T);
+t_map(Fun, ?tuple(Elements, _Arity, _Tag)) ->
+ Fun(t_tuple([t_map(Fun, E) || E <- Elements]));
+t_map(Fun, ?tuple_set(_) = Tuples) ->
+ Fun(t_sup([t_map(Fun, T) || T <- t_tuple_subtypes(Tuples)]));
+t_map(Fun, ?opaque(Set)) ->
+ L = [Opaque#opaque{struct = NewS} ||
+ #opaque{struct = S} = Opaque <- set_to_list(Set),
+ not t_is_none(NewS = t_map(Fun, S))],
+ Fun(case L of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ _ -> ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(L))
+ end);
+t_map(Fun, ?map(Pairs,DefK,DefV)) ->
+ %% TODO:
+ Fun(t_map(Pairs, Fun(DefK), Fun(DefV)));
+t_map(Fun, T) ->
+ Fun(T).
+%% Prettyprinter
+-spec t_to_string(erl_type()) -> string().
+t_to_string(T) ->
+ t_to_string(T, dict:new()).
+-spec t_to_string(erl_type(), type_table()) -> string().
+t_to_string(?any, _RecDict) ->
+ "any()";
+t_to_string(?none, _RecDict) ->
+ "none()";
+t_to_string(?unit, _RecDict) ->
+ "no_return()";
+t_to_string(?atom(?any), _RecDict) ->
+ "atom()";
+t_to_string(?atom(Set), _RecDict) ->
+ case set_size(Set) of
+ 2 ->
+ case set_is_element(true, Set) andalso set_is_element(false, Set) of
+ true -> "boolean()";
+ false -> set_to_string(Set)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ set_to_string(Set)
+ end;
+t_to_string(?bitstr(0, 0), _RecDict) ->
+ "<<>>";
+t_to_string(?bitstr(8, 0), _RecDict) ->
+ "binary()";
+t_to_string(?bitstr(1, 0), _RecDict) ->
+ "bitstring()";
+t_to_string(?bitstr(0, B), _RecDict) ->
+ flat_format("<<_:~w>>", [B]);
+t_to_string(?bitstr(U, 0), _RecDict) ->
+ flat_format("<<_:_*~w>>", [U]);
+t_to_string(?bitstr(U, B), _RecDict) ->
+ flat_format("<<_:~w,_:_*~w>>", [B, U]);
+t_to_string(?function(?any, ?any), _RecDict) ->
+ "fun()";
+t_to_string(?function(?any, Range), RecDict) ->
+ "fun((...) -> " ++ t_to_string(Range, RecDict) ++ ")";
+t_to_string(?function(?product(ArgList), Range), RecDict) ->
+ "fun((" ++ comma_sequence(ArgList, RecDict) ++ ") -> "
+ ++ t_to_string(Range, RecDict) ++ ")";
+t_to_string(?identifier(Set), _RecDict) ->
+ case Set of
+ ?any -> "identifier()";
+ _ ->
+ string:join([flat_format("~w()", [T]) || T <- set_to_list(Set)], " | ")
+ end;
+t_to_string(?opaque(Set), RecDict) ->
+ string:join([opaque_type(Mod, Name, Args, S, RecDict) ||
+ #opaque{mod = Mod, name = Name, struct = S, args = Args}
+ <- set_to_list(Set)],
+ " | ");
+t_to_string(?matchstate(Pres, Slots), RecDict) ->
+ flat_format("ms(~s,~s)", [t_to_string(Pres, RecDict),
+ t_to_string(Slots,RecDict)]);
+t_to_string(?nil, _RecDict) ->
+ "[]";
+t_to_string(?nonempty_list(Contents, Termination), RecDict) ->
+ ContentString = t_to_string(Contents, RecDict),
+ case Termination of
+ ?nil ->
+ case Contents of
+ ?char -> "nonempty_string()";
+ _ -> "["++ContentString++",...]"
+ end;
+ ?any ->
+ %% Just a safety check.
+ case Contents =:= ?any of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ %% XXX. See comment below.
+ %% erlang:error({illegal_list, ?nonempty_list(Contents, Termination)})
+ ok
+ end,
+ "nonempty_maybe_improper_list()";
+ _ ->
+ case t_is_subtype(t_nil(), Termination) of
+ true ->
+ "nonempty_maybe_improper_list("++ContentString++","
+ ++t_to_string(Termination, RecDict)++")";
+ false ->
+ "nonempty_improper_list("++ContentString++","
+ ++t_to_string(Termination, RecDict)++")"
+ end
+ end;
+t_to_string(?list(Contents, Termination, ?unknown_qual), RecDict) ->
+ ContentString = t_to_string(Contents, RecDict),
+ case Termination of
+ ?nil ->
+ case Contents of
+ ?char -> "string()";
+ _ -> "["++ContentString++"]"
+ end;
+ ?any ->
+ %% Just a safety check.
+ %% XXX. Types such as "maybe_improper_list(integer(), any())"
+ %% are OK, but cannot be printed!?
+ case Contents =:= ?any of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ ok
+ %% L = ?list(Contents, Termination, ?unknown_qual),
+ %% erlang:error({illegal_list, L})
+ end,
+ "maybe_improper_list()";
+ _ ->
+ case t_is_subtype(t_nil(), Termination) of
+ true ->
+ "maybe_improper_list("++ContentString++","
+ ++t_to_string(Termination, RecDict)++")";
+ false ->
+ "improper_list("++ContentString++","
+ ++t_to_string(Termination, RecDict)++")"
+ end
+ end;
+t_to_string(?int_set(Set), _RecDict) ->
+ set_to_string(Set);
+t_to_string(?byte, _RecDict) -> "byte()";
+t_to_string(?char, _RecDict) -> "char()";
+t_to_string(?integer_pos, _RecDict) -> "pos_integer()";
+t_to_string(?integer_non_neg, _RecDict) -> "non_neg_integer()";
+t_to_string(?integer_neg, _RecDict) -> "neg_integer()";
+t_to_string(?int_range(From, To), _RecDict) ->
+ flat_format("~w..~w", [From, To]);
+t_to_string(?integer(?any), _RecDict) -> "integer()";
+t_to_string(?float, _RecDict) -> "float()";
+t_to_string(?number(?any, ?unknown_qual), _RecDict) -> "number()";
+t_to_string(?product(List), RecDict) ->
+ "<" ++ comma_sequence(List, RecDict) ++ ">";
+t_to_string(?map([],?any,?any), _RecDict) -> "map()";
+t_to_string(?map(Pairs0,DefK,DefV), RecDict) ->
+ {Pairs, ExtraEl} =
+ case {DefK, DefV} of
+ {?none, ?none} -> {Pairs0, []};
+ _ -> {Pairs0 ++ [{DefK,?opt,DefV}], []}
+ end,
+ Tos = fun(T) -> case T of
+ ?any -> "_";
+ _ -> t_to_string(T, RecDict)
+ end end,
+ StrMand = [{Tos(K),Tos(V)}||{K,?mand,V}<-Pairs],
+ StrOpt = [{Tos(K),Tos(V)}||{K,?opt,V}<-Pairs],
+ "#{" ++ string:join([K ++ ":=" ++ V||{K,V}<-StrMand]
+ ++ [K ++ "=>" ++ V||{K,V}<-StrOpt]
+ ++ ExtraEl, ", ") ++ "}";
+t_to_string(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), _RecDict) -> "tuple()";
+t_to_string(?tuple(Elements, _Arity, ?any), RecDict) ->
+ "{" ++ comma_sequence(Elements, RecDict) ++ "}";
+t_to_string(?tuple(Elements, Arity, Tag), RecDict) ->
+ [TagAtom] = atom_vals(Tag),
+ case lookup_record(TagAtom, Arity-1, RecDict) of
+ error -> "{" ++ comma_sequence(Elements, RecDict) ++ "}";
+ {ok, FieldNames} ->
+ record_to_string(TagAtom, Elements, FieldNames, RecDict)
+ end;
+t_to_string(?tuple_set(_) = T, RecDict) ->
+ union_sequence(t_tuple_subtypes(T), RecDict);
+t_to_string(?union(Types), RecDict) ->
+ union_sequence([T || T <- Types, T =/= ?none], RecDict);
+t_to_string(?var(Id), _RecDict) when is_atom(Id) ->
+ flat_format("~s", [atom_to_list(Id)]);
+t_to_string(?var(Id), _RecDict) when is_integer(Id) ->
+ flat_format("var(~w)", [Id]).
+record_to_string(Tag, [_|Fields], FieldNames, RecDict) ->
+ FieldStrings = record_fields_to_string(Fields, FieldNames, RecDict, []),
+ "#" ++ atom_to_string(Tag) ++ "{" ++ string:join(FieldStrings, ",") ++ "}".
+record_fields_to_string([F|Fs], [{FName, _Abstr, DefType}|FDefs],
+ RecDict, Acc) ->
+ NewAcc =
+ case
+ t_is_equal(F, t_any()) orelse
+ (t_is_any_atom('undefined', F) andalso
+ not t_is_none(t_inf(F, DefType)))
+ of
+ true -> Acc;
+ false ->
+ StrFV = atom_to_string(FName) ++ "::" ++ t_to_string(F, RecDict),
+ [StrFV|Acc]
+ end,
+ record_fields_to_string(Fs, FDefs, RecDict, NewAcc);
+record_fields_to_string([], [], _RecDict, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+-spec record_field_diffs_to_string(erl_type(), type_table()) -> string().
+record_field_diffs_to_string(?tuple([_|Fs], Arity, Tag), RecDict) ->
+ [TagAtom] = atom_vals(Tag),
+ {ok, FieldNames} = lookup_record(TagAtom, Arity-1, RecDict),
+ %% io:format("RecCElems = ~p\nRecTypes = ~p\n", [Fs, FieldNames]),
+ FieldDiffs = field_diffs(Fs, FieldNames, RecDict, []),
+ string:join(FieldDiffs, " and ").
+field_diffs([F|Fs], [{FName, _Abstr, DefType}|FDefs], RecDict, Acc) ->
+ %% Don't care about opacity for now.
+ NewAcc =
+ case not t_is_none(t_inf(F, DefType)) of
+ true -> Acc;
+ false ->
+ Str = atom_to_string(FName) ++ "::" ++ t_to_string(DefType, RecDict),
+ [Str|Acc]
+ end,
+ field_diffs(Fs, FDefs, RecDict, NewAcc);
+field_diffs([], [], _, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+comma_sequence(Types, RecDict) ->
+ List = [case T =:= ?any of
+ true -> "_";
+ false -> t_to_string(T, RecDict)
+ end || T <- Types],
+ string:join(List, ",").
+union_sequence(Types, RecDict) ->
+ List = [t_to_string(T, RecDict) || T <- Types],
+ string:join(List, " | ").
+opaque_type(Mod, Name, _Args, S, RecDict) ->
+ ArgsString = comma_sequence(_Args, RecDict),
+ String = t_to_string(S, RecDict),
+ opaque_name(Mod, Name, ArgsString) ++ "[" ++ String ++ "]".
+opaque_type(Mod, Name, Args, _S, RecDict) ->
+ ArgsString = comma_sequence(Args, RecDict),
+ opaque_name(Mod, Name, ArgsString).
+opaque_name(Mod, Name, Extra) ->
+ S = mod_name(Mod, Name),
+ flat_format("~s(~s)", [S, Extra]).
+mod_name(Mod, Name) ->
+ flat_format("~w:~w", [Mod, Name]).
+%% Build a type from parse forms.
+-type type_names() :: [type_key() | record_key()].
+-type mta() :: {module(), atom(), arity()}.
+-type mra() :: {module(), atom(), arity()}.
+-type site() :: {'type', mta()} | {'spec', mfa()} | {'record', mra()}.
+-type cache_key() :: {module(), atom(), expand_depth(),
+ [erl_type()], type_names()}.
+-opaque cache() :: #{cache_key() => {erl_type(), expand_limit()}}.
+-spec t_from_form(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), site(), mod_records(),
+ var_table(), cache()) -> {erl_type(), cache()}.
+t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTab, Cache) ->
+ t_from_form1(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTab, Cache).
+%% Replace external types with with none().
+-spec t_from_form_without_remote(parse_form(), site(), type_table()) ->
+ {erl_type(), cache()}.
+t_from_form_without_remote(Form, Site, TypeTable) ->
+ Module = site_module(Site),
+ RecDict = dict:from_list([{Module, TypeTable}]),
+ ExpTypes = replace_by_none,
+ VarTab = var_table__new(),
+ Cache = cache__new(),
+ t_from_form1(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTab, Cache).
+%% REC_TYPE_LIMIT is used for limiting the depth of recursive types.
+%% EXPAND_LIMIT is used for limiting the size of types by
+%% limiting the number of elements of lists within one type form.
+%% EXPAND_DEPTH is used in conjunction with EXPAND_LIMIT to make the
+%% types balanced (unions will otherwise collapse to any()) by limiting
+%% the depth the same way as t_limit/2 does.
+-type expand_limit() :: integer().
+-type expand_depth() :: integer().
+-record(from_form, {site :: site(),
+ xtypes :: sets:set(mfa()) | 'replace_by_none',
+ mrecs :: mod_records(),
+ vtab :: var_table(),
+ tnames :: type_names()}).
+-spec t_from_form1(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()) | 'replace_by_none',
+ site(), mod_records(), var_table(), cache()) ->
+ {erl_type(), cache()}.
+t_from_form1(Form, ET, Site, MR, V, C) ->
+ TypeNames = initial_typenames(Site),
+ State = #from_form{site = Site,
+ xtypes = ET,
+ mrecs = MR,
+ vtab = V,
+ tnames = TypeNames},
+ {T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Form, State, ?EXPAND_DEPTH, L, C),
+ if
+ L1 =< 0 ->
+ from_form_loop(Form, State, 1, L, C1);
+ true ->
+ {T1, C1}
+ end.
+initial_typenames({type, _MTA}=Site) -> [Site];
+initial_typenames({spec, _MFA}) -> [];
+initial_typenames({record, _MRA}) -> [].
+from_form_loop(Form, State, D, Limit, C) ->
+ {T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Form, State, D, Limit, C),
+ Delta = Limit - L1,
+ if
+ %% Save some time by assuming next depth will exceed the limit.
+ Delta * 8 > Limit ->
+ {T1, C1};
+ true ->
+ D1 = D + 1,
+ from_form_loop(Form, State, D1, Limit, C1)
+ end.
+-spec from_form(parse_form(),
+ #from_form{},
+ expand_depth(),
+ expand_limit(),
+ cache()) -> {erl_type(), expand_limit(), cache()}.
+%% If there is something wrong with parse_form()
+%% throw({error, io_lib:chars()} is called;
+%% for unknown remote types
+%% self() ! {self(), ext_types, {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen}}
+%% is called, unless 'replace_by_none' is given.
+%% It is assumed that site_module(S) can be found in MR.
+from_form(_, _S, D, L, C) when D =< 0 ; L =< 0 ->
+ {t_any(), L, C};
+from_form({var, _L, '_'}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_any(), L, C};
+from_form({var, _L, Name}, S, _D, L, C) ->
+ V = S#from_form.vtab,
+ case maps:find(Name, V) of
+ error -> {t_var(Name), L, C};
+ {ok, Val} -> {Val, L, C}
+ end;
+from_form({ann_type, _L, [_Var, Type]}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ from_form(Type, S, D, L, C);
+from_form({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ from_form(Type, S, D, L, C);
+from_form({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, Module}, {atom, _, Type}, Args]},
+ S, D, L, C) ->
+ remote_from_form(Module, Type, Args, S, D, L, C);
+from_form({atom, _L, Atom}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_atom(Atom), L, C};
+from_form({integer, _L, Int}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_integer(Int), L, C};
+from_form({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
+ {integer, _, Val} ->
+ {t_integer(Val), L, C};
+ _ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Op])})
+ end;
+from_form({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2} = Op, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
+ {integer, _, Val} ->
+ {t_integer(Val), L, C};
+ _ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Op])})
+ end;
+from_form({type, _L, any, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_any(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, arity, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_arity(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, atom, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_atom(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, binary, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_binary(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, binary, [Base, Unit]} = Type, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ case {erl_eval:partial_eval(Base), erl_eval:partial_eval(Unit)} of
+ {{integer, _, B}, {integer, _, U}} when B >= 0, U >= 0 ->
+ {t_bitstr(U, B), L, C};
+ _ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Type])})
+ end;
+from_form({type, _L, bitstring, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_bitstr(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, bool, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_boolean(), L, C}; % XXX: Temporarily
+from_form({type, _L, boolean, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_boolean(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, byte, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_byte(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, char, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_char(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, float, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_float(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, function, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_fun(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, 'fun', []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_fun(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, any}, Range]}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ {T, L1, C1} = from_form(Range, S, D - 1, L - 1, C),
+ {t_fun(T), L1, C1};
+from_form({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, product, Domain}, Range]},
+ S, D, L, C) ->
+ {Dom1, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Domain, S, D, L, C),
+ {Ran1, L2, C2} = from_form(Range, S, D, L1, C1),
+ {t_fun(Dom1, Ran1), L2, C2};
+from_form({type, _L, identifier, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_identifier(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, integer, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_integer(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, iodata, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_iodata(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, iolist, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_iolist(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, list, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_list(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, list, [Type]}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ {T, L1, C1} = from_form(Type, S, D - 1, L - 1, C),
+ {t_list(T), L1, C1};
+from_form({type, _L, map, any}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ builtin_type(map, t_map(), S, D, L, C);
+from_form({type, _L, map, List}, S, D0, L, C) ->
+ {Pairs1, L5, C5} =
+ fun PairsFromForm(_, L1, C1) when L1 =< 0 -> {[{?any,?opt,?any}], L1, C1};
+ PairsFromForm([], L1, C1) -> {[], L1, C1};
+ PairsFromForm([{type, _, Oper, [KF, VF]}|T], L1, C1) ->
+ D = D0 - 1,
+ {Key, L2, C2} = from_form(KF, S, D, L1, C1),
+ {Val, L3, C3} = from_form(VF, S, D, L2, C2),
+ {Pairs0, L4, C4} = PairsFromForm(T, L3 - 1, C3),
+ case Oper of
+ map_field_assoc -> {[{Key,?opt, Val}|Pairs0], L4, C4};
+ map_field_exact -> {[{Key,?mand,Val}|Pairs0], L4, C4}
+ end
+ end(List, L, C),
+ try
+ {Pairs, DefK, DefV} = map_from_form(Pairs1, [], [], [], ?none, ?none),
+ {t_map(Pairs, DefK, DefV), L5, C5}
+ catch none -> {t_none(), L5, C5}
+ end;
+from_form({type, _L, mfa, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_mfa(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, module, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_module(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, nil, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_nil(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, neg_integer, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_neg_integer(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, non_neg_integer, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_non_neg_integer(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, no_return, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_unit(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, node, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_node(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, none, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_none(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, nonempty_list, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_nonempty_list(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, nonempty_list, [Type]}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ {T, L1, C1} = from_form(Type, S, D, L - 1, C),
+ {t_nonempty_list(T), L1, C1};
+from_form({type, _L, nonempty_improper_list, [Cont, Term]}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ {T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Cont, S, D, L - 1, C),
+ {T2, L2, C2} = from_form(Term, S, D, L1, C1),
+ {t_cons(T1, T2), L2, C2};
+from_form({type, _L, nonempty_maybe_improper_list, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_cons(?any, ?any), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, nonempty_maybe_improper_list, [Cont, Term]},
+ S, D, L, C) ->
+ {T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Cont, S, D, L - 1, C),
+ {T2, L2, C2} = from_form(Term, S, D, L1, C1),
+ {t_cons(T1, T2), L2, C2};
+from_form({type, _L, nonempty_string, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_nonempty_string(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, number, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_number(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, pid, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_pid(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, port, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_port(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, pos_integer, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_pos_integer(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, maybe_improper_list, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_maybe_improper_list(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, maybe_improper_list, [Content, Termination]},
+ S, D, L, C) ->
+ {T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Content, S, D, L - 1, C),
+ {T2, L2, C2} = from_form(Termination, S, D, L1, C1),
+ {t_maybe_improper_list(T1, T2), L2, C2};
+from_form({type, _L, product, Elements}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ {Lst, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Elements, S, D - 1, L, C),
+ {t_product(Lst), L1, C1};
+from_form({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ case {erl_eval:partial_eval(From), erl_eval:partial_eval(To)} of
+ {{integer, _, FromVal}, {integer, _, ToVal}} ->
+ {t_from_range(FromVal, ToVal), L, C};
+ _ -> throw({error, io_lib:format("Unable to evaluate type ~w\n", [Type])})
+ end;
+from_form({type, _L, record, [Name|Fields]}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ record_from_form(Name, Fields, S, D, L, C);
+from_form({type, _L, reference, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_reference(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, string, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_string(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, term, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_any(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, timeout, []}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_timeout(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, tuple, any}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_tuple(), L, C};
+from_form({type, _L, tuple, Args}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ {Lst, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Args, S, D - 1, L, C),
+ {t_tuple(Lst), L1, C1};
+from_form({type, _L, union, Args}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ {Lst, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Args, S, D, L, C),
+ {t_sup(Lst), L1, C1};
+from_form({user_type, _L, Name, Args}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ type_from_form(Name, Args, S, D, L, C);
+from_form({type, _L, Name, Args}, S, D, L, C) ->
+ %% Compatibility: modules compiled before Erlang/OTP 18.0.
+ type_from_form(Name, Args, S, D, L, C);
+from_form({opaque, _L, Name, {Mod, Args, Rep}}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ %% XXX. To be removed.
+ {t_opaque(Mod, Name, Args, Rep), L, C}.
+builtin_type(Name, Type, S, D, L, C) ->
+ #from_form{site = Site, mrecs = MR} = S,
+ M = site_module(Site),
+ case dict:find(M, MR) of
+ {ok, R} ->
+ case lookup_type(Name, 0, R) of
+ {_, {{_M, _FL, _F, _A}, _T}} ->
+ type_from_form(Name, [], S, D, L, C);
+ error ->
+ {Type, L, C}
+ end;
+ error ->
+ {Type, L, C}
+ end.
+type_from_form(Name, Args, S, D, L, C) ->
+ #from_form{site = Site, mrecs = MR, tnames = TypeNames} = S,
+ ArgsLen = length(Args),
+ Module = site_module(Site),
+ TypeName = {type, {Module, Name, ArgsLen}},
+ case can_unfold_more(TypeName, TypeNames) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, R} = dict:find(Module, MR),
+ type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames,
+ S, D, L, C);
+ false ->
+ {t_any(), L, C}
+ end.
+type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames, S, D, L, C) ->
+ case lookup_type(Name, ArgsLen, R) of
+ {Tag, {{Module, _FileName, Form, ArgNames}, Type}} ->
+ NewTypeNames = [TypeName|TypeNames],
+ S1 = S#from_form{tnames = NewTypeNames},
+ {ArgTypes, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Args, S1, D, L, C),
+ CKey = cache_key(Module, Name, ArgTypes, TypeNames, D),
+ case cache_find(CKey, C) of
+ {CachedType, DeltaL} ->
+ {CachedType, L1 - DeltaL, C};
+ error ->
+ List = lists:zip(ArgNames, ArgTypes),
+ TmpV = maps:from_list(List),
+ S2 = S1#from_form{site = TypeName, vtab = TmpV},
+ Fun = fun(DD, LL) -> from_form(Form, S2, DD, LL, C1) end,
+ {NewType, L3, C3} =
+ case Tag of
+ type ->
+ recur_limit(Fun, D, L1, TypeName, TypeNames);
+ opaque ->
+ {Rep, L2, C2} = recur_limit(Fun, D, L1, TypeName, TypeNames),
+ Rep1 = choose_opaque_type(Rep, Type),
+ Rep2 = case cannot_have_opaque(Rep1, TypeName, TypeNames) of
+ true -> Rep1;
+ false ->
+ ArgTypes2 = subst_all_vars_to_any_list(ArgTypes),
+ t_opaque(Module, Name, ArgTypes2, Rep1)
+ end,
+ {Rep2, L2, C2}
+ end,
+ C4 = cache_put(CKey, NewType, L1 - L3, C3),
+ {NewType, L3, C4}
+ end;
+ error ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Unable to find type ~w/~w\n",
+ [Name, ArgsLen]),
+ throw({error, Msg})
+ end.
+remote_from_form(RemMod, Name, Args, S, D, L, C) ->
+ #from_form{xtypes = ET, mrecs = MR, tnames = TypeNames} = S,
+ if
+ ET =:= replace_by_none ->
+ {t_none(), L, C};
+ true ->
+ ArgsLen = length(Args),
+ MFA = {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen},
+ case dict:find(RemMod, MR) of
+ error ->
+ self() ! {self(), ext_types, MFA},
+ {t_any(), L, C};
+ {ok, RemDict} ->
+ case sets:is_element(MFA, ET) of
+ true ->
+ RemType = {type, MFA},
+ case can_unfold_more(RemType, TypeNames) of
+ true ->
+ remote_from_form1(RemMod, Name, Args, ArgsLen, RemDict,
+ RemType, TypeNames, S, D, L, C);
+ false ->
+ {t_any(), L, C}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ self() ! {self(), ext_types, {RemMod, Name, ArgsLen}},
+ {t_any(), L, C}
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+remote_from_form1(RemMod, Name, Args, ArgsLen, RemDict, RemType, TypeNames,
+ S, D, L, C) ->
+ case lookup_type(Name, ArgsLen, RemDict) of
+ {Tag, {{Mod, _FileLine, Form, ArgNames}, Type}} ->
+ NewTypeNames = [RemType|TypeNames],
+ S1 = S#from_form{tnames = NewTypeNames},
+ {ArgTypes, L1, C1} = list_from_form(Args, S1, D, L, C),
+ CKey = cache_key(RemMod, Name, ArgTypes, TypeNames, D),
+ %% case error of
+ case cache_find(CKey, C) of
+ {CachedType, DeltaL} ->
+ {CachedType, L - DeltaL, C};
+ error ->
+ List = lists:zip(ArgNames, ArgTypes),
+ TmpVarTab = maps:from_list(List),
+ S2 = S1#from_form{site = RemType, vtab = TmpVarTab},
+ Fun = fun(DD, LL) -> from_form(Form, S2, DD, LL, C1) end,
+ {NewType, L3, C3} =
+ case Tag of
+ type ->
+ recur_limit(Fun, D, L1, RemType, TypeNames);
+ opaque ->
+ {NewRep, L2, C2} = recur_limit(Fun, D, L1, RemType, TypeNames),
+ NewRep1 = choose_opaque_type(NewRep, Type),
+ NewRep2 =
+ case cannot_have_opaque(NewRep1, RemType, TypeNames) of
+ true -> NewRep1;
+ false ->
+ ArgTypes2 = subst_all_vars_to_any_list(ArgTypes),
+ t_opaque(Mod, Name, ArgTypes2, NewRep1)
+ end,
+ {NewRep2, L2, C2}
+ end,
+ C4 = cache_put(CKey, NewType, L1 - L3, C3),
+ {NewType, L3, C4}
+ end;
+ error ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Unable to find remote type ~w:~w()\n",
+ [RemMod, Name]),
+ throw({error, Msg})
+ end.
+subst_all_vars_to_any_list(Types) ->
+ [subst_all_vars_to_any(Type) || Type <- Types].
+%% Opaque types (both local and remote) are problematic when it comes
+%% to the limits (TypeNames, D, and L). The reason is that if any() is
+%% substituted for a more specialized subtype of an opaque type, the
+%% property stated along with decorate_with_opaque() (the type has to
+%% be a subtype of the declared type) no longer holds.
+%% The less than perfect remedy: if the opaque type created from a
+%% form is not a subset of the declared type, the declared type is
+%% used instead, effectively bypassing the limits, and potentially
+%% resulting in huge types.
+choose_opaque_type(Type, DeclType) ->
+ case
+ t_is_subtype(subst_all_vars_to_any(Type),
+ subst_all_vars_to_any(DeclType))
+ of
+ true -> Type;
+ false -> DeclType
+ end.
+record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, S, D0, L0, C) ->
+ #from_form{site = Site, mrecs = MR, tnames = TypeNames} = S,
+ RecordType = {record, Name},
+ case can_unfold_more(RecordType, TypeNames) of
+ true ->
+ M = site_module(Site),
+ {ok, R} = dict:find(M, MR),
+ case lookup_record(Name, R) of
+ {ok, DeclFields} ->
+ NewTypeNames = [RecordType|TypeNames],
+ Site1 = {record, {M, Name, length(DeclFields)}},
+ S1 = S#from_form{site = Site1, tnames = NewTypeNames},
+ Fun = fun(D, L) ->
+ {GetModRec, L1, C1} =
+ get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields, S1, D, L, C),
+ case GetModRec of
+ {error, FieldName} ->
+ throw({error,
+ io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~w{~w}\n",
+ [Name, FieldName])});
+ {ok, NewFields} ->
+ S2 = S1#from_form{vtab = var_table__new()},
+ {NewFields1, L2, C2} =
+ fields_from_form(NewFields, S2, D, L1, C1),
+ Rec = t_tuple(
+ [t_atom(Name)|[Type
+ || {_FieldName, Type} <- NewFields1]]),
+ {Rec, L2, C2}
+ end
+ end,
+ recur_limit(Fun, D0, L0, RecordType, TypeNames);
+ error ->
+ throw({error, io_lib:format("Unknown record #~w{}\n", [Name])})
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {t_any(), L0, C}
+ end.
+get_mod_record([], DeclFields, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {{ok, DeclFields}, L, C};
+get_mod_record(ModFields, DeclFields, S, D, L, C) ->
+ DeclFieldsDict = lists:keysort(1, DeclFields),
+ {ModFieldsDict, L1, C1} = build_field_dict(ModFields, S, D, L, C),
+ case get_mod_record_types(DeclFieldsDict, ModFieldsDict, []) of
+ {error, _FieldName} = Error -> {Error, L1, C1};
+ {ok, FinalKeyDict} ->
+ Fields = [lists:keyfind(FieldName, 1, FinalKeyDict)
+ || {FieldName, _, _} <- DeclFields],
+ {{ok, Fields}, L1, C1}
+ end.
+build_field_dict(FieldTypes, S, D, L, C) ->
+ build_field_dict(FieldTypes, S, D, L, C, []).
+build_field_dict([{type, _, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Type]}|Left],
+ S, D, L, C, Acc) ->
+ {T, L1, C1} = from_form(Type, S, D, L - 1, C),
+ NewAcc = [{Name, Type, T}|Acc],
+ build_field_dict(Left, S, D, L1, C1, NewAcc);
+build_field_dict([], _S, _D, L, C, Acc) ->
+ {lists:keysort(1, Acc), L, C}.
+get_mod_record_types([{FieldName, _Abstr, _DeclType}|Left1],
+ [{FieldName, TypeForm, ModType}|Left2],
+ Acc) ->
+ get_mod_record_types(Left1, Left2, [{FieldName, TypeForm, ModType}|Acc]);
+get_mod_record_types([{FieldName1, _Abstr, _DeclType} = DT|Left1],
+ [{FieldName2, _FormType, _ModType}|_] = List2,
+ Acc) when FieldName1 < FieldName2 ->
+ get_mod_record_types(Left1, List2, [DT|Acc]);
+get_mod_record_types(Left1, [], Acc) ->
+ {ok, lists:keysort(1, Left1++Acc)};
+get_mod_record_types(_, [{FieldName2, _FormType, _ModType}|_], _Acc) ->
+ {error, FieldName2}.
+%% It is important to create a limited version of the record type
+%% since nested record types can otherwise easily result in huge
+%% terms.
+fields_from_form([], _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {[], L, C};
+fields_from_form([{Name, Abstr, _Type}|Tail], S, D, L, C) ->
+ {T, L1, C1} = from_form(Abstr, S, D, L, C),
+ {F, L2, C2} = fields_from_form(Tail, S, D, L1, C1),
+ {[{Name, T}|F], L2, C2}.
+list_from_form([], _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {[], L, C};
+list_from_form([H|Tail], S, D, L, C) ->
+ {H1, L1, C1} = from_form(H, S, D, L - 1, C),
+ {T1, L2, C2} = list_from_form(Tail, S, D, L1, C1),
+ {[H1|T1], L2, C2}.
+%% Sorts, combines non-singleton pairs, and applies precendence and
+%% mandatoriness rules.
+map_from_form([], ShdwPs, MKs, Pairs, DefK, DefV) ->
+ verify_possible(MKs, ShdwPs),
+ {promote_to_mand(MKs, Pairs), DefK, DefV};
+map_from_form([{SKey,MNess,Val}|SPairs], ShdwPs0, MKs0, Pairs0, DefK0, DefV0) ->
+ Key = lists:foldl(fun({K,_},S)->t_subtract(S,K)end, SKey, ShdwPs0),
+ ShdwPs = case Key of ?none -> ShdwPs0; _ -> [{Key,Val}|ShdwPs0] end,
+ MKs = case MNess of ?mand -> [SKey|MKs0]; ?opt -> MKs0 end,
+ if MNess =:= ?mand, SKey =:= ?none -> throw(none);
+ true -> ok
+ end,
+ {Pairs, DefK, DefV} =
+ case is_singleton_type(Key) of
+ true ->
+ MNess1 = case Val =:= ?none of true -> ?opt; false -> MNess end,
+ {mapdict_insert({Key,MNess1,Val}, Pairs0), DefK0, DefV0};
+ false ->
+ case Key =:= ?none orelse Val =:= ?none of
+ true -> {Pairs0, DefK0, DefV0};
+ false -> {Pairs0, t_sup(DefK0, Key), t_sup(DefV0, Val)}
+ end
+ end,
+ map_from_form(SPairs, ShdwPs, MKs, Pairs, DefK, DefV).
+%% Verifies that all mandatory keys are possible, throws 'none' otherwise
+verify_possible(MKs, ShdwPs) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(M) -> verify_possible_1(M, ShdwPs) end, MKs).
+verify_possible_1(M, ShdwPs) ->
+ case lists:any(fun({K,_}) -> t_inf(M, K) =/= ?none end, ShdwPs) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw(none)
+ end.
+-spec promote_to_mand([erl_type()], t_map_dict()) -> t_map_dict().
+promote_to_mand(_, []) -> [];
+promote_to_mand(MKs, [E={K,_,V}|T]) ->
+ [case lists:any(fun(M) -> t_is_equal(K,M) end, MKs) of
+ true -> {K, ?mand, V};
+ false -> E
+ end|promote_to_mand(MKs, T)].
+-define(RECUR_EXPAND_LIMIT, 10).
+-define(RECUR_EXPAND_DEPTH, 2).
+%% If more of the limited resources is spent on the non-recursive
+%% forms, more warnings are found. And the analysis is also a bit
+%% faster.
+%% Setting REC_TYPE_LIMIT to 1 would work also work well.
+recur_limit(Fun, D, L, _, _) when L =< ?RECUR_EXPAND_DEPTH,
+ Fun(D, L);
+recur_limit(Fun, D, L, TypeName, TypeNames) ->
+ case is_recursive(TypeName, TypeNames) of
+ true ->
+ {T, L - L1, C1};
+ false ->
+ Fun(D, L)
+ end.
+-spec t_check_record_fields(parse_form(), sets:set(mfa()), site(),
+ mod_records(), var_table(), cache()) -> cache().
+t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, RecDict, VarTable, Cache) ->
+ State = #from_form{site = Site,
+ xtypes = ExpTypes,
+ mrecs = RecDict,
+ vtab = VarTable,
+ tnames = []},
+ check_record_fields(Form, State, Cache).
+-spec check_record_fields(parse_form(), #from_form{}, cache()) -> cache().
+%% If there is something wrong with parse_form()
+%% throw({error, io_lib:chars()} is called.
+check_record_fields({var, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({ann_type, _L, [_Var, Type]}, S, C) ->
+ check_record_fields(Type, S, C);
+check_record_fields({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, S, C) ->
+ check_record_fields(Type, S, C);
+check_record_fields({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, _}, {atom, _, _}, Args]},
+ S, C) ->
+ list_check_record_fields(Args, S, C);
+check_record_fields({atom, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({integer, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({type, _L, tuple, any}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({type, _L, map, any}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({type, _L, binary, [_Base, _Unit]}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, any}, Range]}, S, C) ->
+ check_record_fields(Range, S, C);
+check_record_fields({type, _L, range, [_From, _To]}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({type, _L, record, [Name|Fields]}, S, C) ->
+ check_record(Name, Fields, S, C);
+check_record_fields({type, _L, _, Args}, S, C) ->
+ list_check_record_fields(Args, S, C);
+check_record_fields({user_type, _L, _Name, Args}, S, C) ->
+ list_check_record_fields(Args, S, C).
+check_record({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, S, C) ->
+ #from_form{site = Site, mrecs = MR} = S,
+ M = site_module(Site),
+ {ok, R} = dict:find(M, MR),
+ {ok, DeclFields} = lookup_record(Name, R),
+ case check_fields(Name, ModFields, DeclFields, S, C) of
+ {error, FieldName} ->
+ throw({error, io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~w{~w}\n",
+ [Name, FieldName])});
+ C1 -> C1
+ end.
+check_fields(RecName, [{type, _, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Abstr]}|Left],
+ DeclFields, S, C) ->
+ #from_form{site = Site0, xtypes = ET, mrecs = MR, vtab = V} = S,
+ M = site_module(Site0),
+ Site = {record, {M, RecName, length(DeclFields)}},
+ {Type, C1} = t_from_form(Abstr, ET, Site, MR, V, C),
+ {Name, _, DeclType} = lists:keyfind(Name, 1, DeclFields),
+ TypeNoVars = subst_all_vars_to_any(Type),
+ case t_is_subtype(TypeNoVars, DeclType) of
+ false -> {error, Name};
+ true -> check_fields(RecName, Left, DeclFields, S, C1)
+ end;
+check_fields(_RecName, [], _Decl, _S, C) ->
+ C.
+list_check_record_fields([], _S, C) ->
+ C;
+list_check_record_fields([H|Tail], S, C) ->
+ C1 = check_record_fields(H, S, C),
+ list_check_record_fields(Tail, S, C1).
+site_module({_, {Module, _, _}}) ->
+ Module.
+-spec cache__new() -> cache().
+cache__new() ->
+ maps:new().
+-spec cache_key(module(), atom(), [erl_type()],
+ type_names(), expand_depth()) -> cache_key().
+%% If TypeNames is left out from the key, the cache is smaller, and
+%% the form-to-type translation is faster. But it would be a shame if,
+%% for example, any() is used, where a more complex type should be
+%% used. There is also a slight risk of creating unnecessarily big
+%% types.
+cache_key(Module, Name, ArgTypes, TypeNames, D) ->
+ {Module, Name, D, ArgTypes, TypeNames}.
+-spec cache_find(cache_key(), cache()) ->
+ {erl_type(), expand_limit()} | 'error'.
+cache_find(Key, Cache) ->
+ case maps:find(Key, Cache) of
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ Value;
+ error ->
+ error
+ end.
+-spec cache_put(cache_key(), erl_type(), expand_limit(), cache()) -> cache().
+cache_put(_Key, _Type, DeltaL, Cache) when DeltaL < 0 ->
+ %% The type is truncated; do not reuse it.
+ Cache;
+cache_put(Key, Type, DeltaL, Cache) ->
+ maps:put(Key, {Type, DeltaL}, Cache).
+-spec t_var_names([erl_type()]) -> [atom()].
+t_var_names([{var, _, Name}|L]) when L =/= '_' ->
+ [Name|t_var_names(L)];
+t_var_names([]) ->
+ [].
+-spec t_form_to_string(parse_form()) -> string().
+t_form_to_string({var, _L, '_'}) -> "_";
+t_form_to_string({var, _L, Name}) -> atom_to_list(Name);
+t_form_to_string({atom, _L, Atom}) ->
+ io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(Atom), $'); % To quote or not to quote... '
+t_form_to_string({integer, _L, Int}) -> integer_to_list(Int);
+t_form_to_string({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op) ->
+ case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
+ {integer, _, _} = Int -> t_form_to_string(Int);
+ _ -> io_lib:format("Badly formed type ~w", [Op])
+ end;
+t_form_to_string({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2} = Op) ->
+ case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
+ {integer, _, _} = Int -> t_form_to_string(Int);
+ _ -> io_lib:format("Badly formed type ~w", [Op])
+ end;
+t_form_to_string({ann_type, _L, [Var, Type]}) ->
+ t_form_to_string(Var) ++ "::" ++ t_form_to_string(Type);
+t_form_to_string({paren_type, _L, [Type]}) ->
+ flat_format("(~s)", [t_form_to_string(Type)]);
+t_form_to_string({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, Mod}, {atom, _, Name}, Args]}) ->
+ ArgString = "(" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ ")",
+ flat_format("~w:~w", [Mod, Name]) ++ ArgString;
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, arity, []}) -> "arity()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, binary, []}) -> "binary()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, binary, [Base, Unit]} = Type) ->
+ case {erl_eval:partial_eval(Base), erl_eval:partial_eval(Unit)} of
+ {{integer, _, B}, {integer, _, U}} ->
+ %% the following mirrors the clauses of t_to_string/2
+ case {U, B} of
+ {0, 0} -> "<<>>";
+ {8, 0} -> "binary()";
+ {1, 0} -> "bitstring()";
+ {0, B} -> flat_format("<<_:~w>>", [B]);
+ {U, 0} -> flat_format("<<_:_*~w>>", [U]);
+ {U, B} -> flat_format("<<_:~w,_:_*~w>>", [B, U])
+ end;
+ _ -> io_lib:format("Badly formed bitstr type ~w", [Type])
+ end;
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, bitstring, []}) -> "bitstring()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', []}) -> "fun()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, any}, Range]}) ->
+ "fun(...) -> " ++ t_form_to_string(Range);
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, product, Domain}, Range]}) ->
+ "fun((" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Domain), ",") ++ ") -> "
+ ++ t_form_to_string(Range) ++ ")";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, iodata, []}) -> "iodata()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, iolist, []}) -> "iolist()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, list, [Type]}) ->
+ "[" ++ t_form_to_string(Type) ++ "]";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, map, any}) -> "map()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, map, Args}) ->
+ "#{" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, map_field_assoc, [Key, Val]}) ->
+ t_form_to_string(Key) ++ "=>" ++ t_form_to_string(Val);
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, map_field_exact, [Key, Val]}) ->
+ t_form_to_string(Key) ++ ":=" ++ t_form_to_string(Val);
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, mfa, []}) -> "mfa()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, module, []}) -> "module()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, node, []}) -> "node()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, nonempty_list, [Type]}) ->
+ "[" ++ t_form_to_string(Type) ++ ",...]";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, nonempty_string, []}) -> "nonempty_string()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, product, Elements}) ->
+ "<" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Elements), ",") ++ ">";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type) ->
+ case {erl_eval:partial_eval(From), erl_eval:partial_eval(To)} of
+ {{integer, _, FromVal}, {integer, _, ToVal}} ->
+ flat_format("~w..~w", [FromVal, ToVal]);
+ _ -> flat_format("Badly formed type ~w",[Type])
+ end;
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, record, [{atom, _, Name}]}) ->
+ flat_format("#~w{}", [Name]);
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, record, [{atom, _, Name}|Fields]}) ->
+ FieldString = string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Fields), ","),
+ flat_format("#~w{~s}", [Name, FieldString]);
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, field_type, [{atom, _, Name}, Type]}) ->
+ flat_format("~w::~s", [Name, t_form_to_string(Type)]);
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, term, []}) -> "term()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, timeout, []}) -> "timeout()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, tuple, any}) -> "tuple()";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, tuple, Args}) ->
+ "{" ++ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), ",") ++ "}";
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, union, Args}) ->
+ string:join(t_form_to_string_list(Args), " | ");
+t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, []} = T) ->
+ try
+ M = mod,
+ D0 = dict:new(),
+ MR = dict:from_list([{M, D0}]),
+ Site = {type, {M,Name,0}},
+ V = var_table__new(),
+ C = cache__new(),
+ State = #from_form{site = Site,
+ xtypes = sets:new(),
+ mrecs = MR,
+ vtab = V,
+ tnames = []},
+ {T1, _, _} = from_form(T, State, _Deep=1000, _ALot=1000000, C),
+ t_to_string(T1)
+ catch throw:{error, _} -> atom_to_string(Name) ++ "()"
+ end;
+t_form_to_string({user_type, _L, Name, List}) ->
+ flat_format("~w(~s)",
+ [Name, string:join(t_form_to_string_list(List), ",")]);
+t_form_to_string({type, L, Name, List}) ->
+ %% Compatibility: modules compiled before Erlang/OTP 18.0.
+ t_form_to_string({user_type, L, Name, List}).
+t_form_to_string_list(List) ->
+ t_form_to_string_list(List, []).
+t_form_to_string_list([H|T], Acc) ->
+ t_form_to_string_list(T, [t_form_to_string(H)|Acc]);
+t_form_to_string_list([], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+-spec atom_to_string(atom()) -> string().
+atom_to_string(Atom) ->
+ flat_format("~w", [Atom]).
+%% Utilities
+-spec any_none([erl_type()]) -> boolean().
+any_none([?none|_Left]) -> true;
+any_none([_|Left]) -> any_none(Left);
+any_none([]) -> false.
+-spec any_none_or_unit([erl_type()]) -> boolean().
+any_none_or_unit([?none|_]) -> true;
+any_none_or_unit([?unit|_]) -> true;
+any_none_or_unit([_|Left]) -> any_none_or_unit(Left);
+any_none_or_unit([]) -> false.
+-spec is_erl_type(any()) -> boolean().
+is_erl_type(?any) -> true;
+is_erl_type(?none) -> true;
+is_erl_type(?unit) -> true;
+is_erl_type(#c{}) -> true;
+is_erl_type(_) -> false.
+-spec lookup_record(atom(), type_table()) ->
+ 'error' | {'ok', [{atom(), parse_form(), erl_type()}]}.
+lookup_record(Tag, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ case dict:find({record, Tag}, RecDict) of
+ {ok, {_FileLine, [{_Arity, Fields}]}} ->
+ {ok, Fields};
+ {ok, {_FileLine, List}} when is_list(List) ->
+ %% This will have to do, since we do not know which record we
+ %% are looking for.
+ error;
+ error ->
+ error
+ end.
+-spec lookup_record(atom(), arity(), type_table()) ->
+ 'error' | {'ok', [{atom(), parse_form(), erl_type()}]}.
+lookup_record(Tag, Arity, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ case dict:find({record, Tag}, RecDict) of
+ {ok, {_FileLine, [{Arity, Fields}]}} -> {ok, Fields};
+ {ok, {_FileLine, OrdDict}} -> orddict:find(Arity, OrdDict);
+ error -> error
+ end.
+-spec lookup_type(_, _, _) -> {'type' | 'opaque', type_value()} | 'error'.
+lookup_type(Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
+ case dict:find({type, Name, Arity}, RecDict) of
+ error ->
+ case dict:find({opaque, Name, Arity}, RecDict) of
+ error -> error;
+ {ok, Found} -> {opaque, Found}
+ end;
+ {ok, Found} -> {type, Found}
+ end.
+-spec type_is_defined('type' | 'opaque', atom(), arity(), type_table()) ->
+ boolean().
+type_is_defined(TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
+ dict:is_key({TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity}, RecDict).
+cannot_have_opaque(Type, TypeName, TypeNames) ->
+ t_is_none(Type) orelse is_recursive(TypeName, TypeNames).
+is_recursive(TypeName, TypeNames) ->
+ lists:member(TypeName, TypeNames).
+can_unfold_more(TypeName, TypeNames) ->
+ Fun = fun(E, Acc) -> case E of TypeName -> Acc + 1; _ -> Acc end end,
+ lists:foldl(Fun, 0, TypeNames) < ?REC_TYPE_LIMIT.
+-spec do_opaque(erl_type(), opaques(), fun((_) -> T)) -> T.
+%% Probably a little faster than calling t_unopaque/2.
+%% Unions that are due to opaque types are unopaqued.
+do_opaque(?opaque(_) = Type, Opaques, Pred) ->
+ case Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse is_opaque_type(Type, Opaques) of
+ true -> do_opaque(t_opaque_structure(Type), Opaques, Pred);
+ false -> Pred(Type)
+ end;
+do_opaque(?union(List) = Type, Opaques, Pred) ->
+ [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,O,Map] = List,
+ if O =:= ?none -> Pred(Type);
+ true ->
+ case Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse is_opaque_type(O, Opaques) of
+ true ->
+ S = t_opaque_structure(O),
+ do_opaque(t_sup([A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,S,Map]), Opaques, Pred);
+ false -> Pred(Type)
+ end
+ end;
+do_opaque(Type, _Opaques, Pred) ->
+ Pred(Type).
+map_all_values(?map(Pairs,_,DefV)) ->
+ [DefV|[V || {V, _, _} <- Pairs]].
+map_all_keys(?map(Pairs,DefK,_)) ->
+ [DefK|[K || {_, _, K} <- Pairs]].
+map_all_types(M) ->
+ map_all_keys(M) ++ map_all_values(M).
+%% Tests if a type has exactly one possible value.
+-spec t_is_singleton(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_singleton(Type) ->
+ t_is_singleton(Type, 'universe').
+-spec t_is_singleton(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
+t_is_singleton(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun is_singleton_type/1).
+%% Incomplete; not all representable singleton types are included.
+is_singleton_type(?nil) -> true;
+is_singleton_type(?atom(?any)) -> false;
+is_singleton_type(?atom(Set)) ->
+ ordsets:size(Set) =:= 1;
+is_singleton_type(?int_range(V, V)) -> true;
+is_singleton_type(?int_set(Set)) ->
+ ordsets:size(Set) =:= 1;
+is_singleton_type(?tuple(Types, Arity, _)) when is_integer(Arity) ->
+ lists:all(fun is_singleton_type/1, Types);
+is_singleton_type(?tuple_set([{Arity, [OnlyTuple]}])) when is_integer(Arity) ->
+ is_singleton_type(OnlyTuple);
+is_singleton_type(?map(Pairs, ?none, ?none)) ->
+ lists:all(fun({_,MNess,V}) -> MNess =:= ?mand andalso is_singleton_type(V)
+ end, Pairs);
+is_singleton_type(_) ->
+ false.
+%% Returns the only possible value of a singleton type.
+-spec t_singleton_to_term(erl_type(), opaques()) -> term().
+t_singleton_to_term(Type, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun singleton_type_to_term/1).
+singleton_type_to_term(?nil) -> [];
+singleton_type_to_term(?atom(Set)) when Set =/= ?any ->
+ case ordsets:size(Set) of
+ 1 -> hd(ordsets:to_list(Set));
+ _ -> error(badarg)
+ end;
+singleton_type_to_term(?int_range(V, V)) -> V;
+singleton_type_to_term(?int_set(Set)) ->
+ case ordsets:size(Set) of
+ 1 -> hd(ordsets:to_list(Set));
+ _ -> error(badarg)
+ end;
+singleton_type_to_term(?tuple(Types, Arity, _)) when is_integer(Arity) ->
+ lists:map(fun singleton_type_to_term/1, Types);
+singleton_type_to_term(?tuple_set([{Arity, [OnlyTuple]}]))
+ when is_integer(Arity) ->
+ singleton_type_to_term(OnlyTuple);
+singleton_type_to_term(?map(Pairs, ?none, ?none)) ->
+ maps:from_list([{singleton_type_to_term(K), singleton_type_to_term(V)}
+ || {K,?mand,V} <- Pairs]).
+%% -----------------------------------
+%% Set
+set_singleton(Element) ->
+ ordsets:from_list([Element]).
+set_is_singleton(Element, Set) ->
+ set_singleton(Element) =:= Set.
+set_is_element(Element, Set) ->
+ ordsets:is_element(Element, Set).
+set_union(?any, _) -> ?any;
+set_union(_, ?any) -> ?any;
+set_union(S1, S2) ->
+ case ordsets:union(S1, S2) of
+ S when length(S) =< ?SET_LIMIT -> S;
+ _ -> ?any
+ end.
+%% The intersection and subtraction can return ?none.
+%% This should always be handled right away since ?none is not a valid set.
+%% However, ?any is considered a valid set.
+set_intersection(?any, S) -> S;
+set_intersection(S, ?any) -> S;
+set_intersection(S1, S2) ->
+ case ordsets:intersection(S1, S2) of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ S -> S
+ end.
+set_subtract(_, ?any) -> ?none;
+set_subtract(?any, _) -> ?any;
+set_subtract(S1, S2) ->
+ case ordsets:subtract(S1, S2) of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ S -> S
+ end.
+set_from_list(List) ->
+ case length(List) of
+ L when L =< ?SET_LIMIT -> ordsets:from_list(List);
+ L when L > ?SET_LIMIT -> ?any
+ end.
+set_to_list(Set) ->
+ ordsets:to_list(Set).
+set_filter(Fun, Set) ->
+ case ordsets:filter(Fun, Set) of
+ [] -> ?none;
+ NewSet -> NewSet
+ end.
+set_size(Set) ->
+ ordsets:size(Set).
+set_to_string(Set) ->
+ L = [case is_atom(X) of
+ true -> io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(X), $'); % stupid emacs '
+ false -> flat_format("~w", [X])
+ end || X <- set_to_list(Set)],
+ string:join(L, " | ").
+set_min([H|_]) -> H.
+set_max(Set) ->
+ hd(lists:reverse(Set)).
+flat_format(F, S) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, S)).
+%% Utilities for the binary type
+-spec gcd(integer(), integer()) -> integer().
+gcd(A, B) when B > A ->
+ gcd1(B, A);
+gcd(A, B) ->
+ gcd1(A, B).
+-spec gcd1(integer(), integer()) -> integer().
+gcd1(A, 0) -> A;
+gcd1(A, B) ->
+ case A rem B of
+ 0 -> B;
+ X -> gcd1(B, X)
+ end.
+-spec bitstr_concat(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+bitstr_concat(?none, _) -> ?none;
+bitstr_concat(_, ?none) -> ?none;
+bitstr_concat(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2)) ->
+ t_bitstr(gcd(U1, U2), B1+B2).
+-spec bitstr_match(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+bitstr_match(?none, _) -> ?none;
+bitstr_match(_, ?none) -> ?none;
+bitstr_match(?bitstr(0, B1), ?bitstr(0, B2)) when B1 =< B2 ->
+ t_bitstr(0, B2-B1);
+bitstr_match(?bitstr(0, _B1), ?bitstr(0, _B2)) ->
+ ?none;
+bitstr_match(?bitstr(0, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2)) when B1 =< B2 ->
+ t_bitstr(U2, B2-B1);
+bitstr_match(?bitstr(0, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2)) ->
+ t_bitstr(U2, handle_base(U2, B2-B1));
+bitstr_match(?bitstr(_, B1), ?bitstr(0, B2)) when B1 > B2 ->
+ ?none;
+bitstr_match(?bitstr(U1, B1), ?bitstr(U2, B2)) ->
+ GCD = gcd(U1, U2),
+ t_bitstr(GCD, handle_base(GCD, B2-B1)).
+-spec handle_base(integer(), integer()) -> integer().
+handle_base(Unit, Pos) when Pos >= 0 ->
+ Pos rem Unit;
+handle_base(Unit, Neg) ->
+ (Unit+(Neg rem Unit)) rem Unit.
+family(L) ->
+ R = sofs:relation(L),
+ F = sofs:relation_to_family(R),
+ sofs:to_external(F).
+%% Interface functions for abstract data types defined in this module
+-spec var_table__new() -> var_table().
+var_table__new() ->
+ maps:new().
+%% Consistency-testing function(s) below
+test() ->
+ Atom1 = t_atom(),
+ Atom2 = t_atom(foo),
+ Atom3 = t_atom(bar),
+ true = t_is_atom(Atom2),
+ True = t_atom(true),
+ False = t_atom(false),
+ Bool = t_boolean(),
+ true = t_is_boolean(True),
+ true = t_is_boolean(Bool),
+ false = t_is_boolean(Atom1),
+ Binary = t_binary(),
+ true = t_is_binary(Binary),
+ Bitstr = t_bitstr(),
+ true = t_is_bitstr(Bitstr),
+ Bitstr1 = t_bitstr(7, 3),
+ true = t_is_bitstr(Bitstr1),
+ false = t_is_binary(Bitstr1),
+ Bitstr2 = t_bitstr(16, 8),
+ true = t_is_bitstr(Bitstr2),
+ true = t_is_binary(Bitstr2),
+ ?bitstr(8, 16) = t_subtract(t_bitstr(4, 12), t_bitstr(8, 12)),
+ ?bitstr(8, 16) = t_subtract(t_bitstr(4, 12), t_bitstr(8, 12)),
+ Int1 = t_integer(),
+ Int2 = t_integer(1),
+ Int3 = t_integer(16#ffffffff),
+ true = t_is_integer(Int2),
+ true = t_is_byte(Int2),
+ false = t_is_byte(Int3),
+ false = t_is_byte(t_from_range(-1, 1)),
+ true = t_is_byte(t_from_range(1, ?MAX_BYTE)),
+ Tuple1 = t_tuple(),
+ Tuple2 = t_tuple(3),
+ Tuple3 = t_tuple([Atom1, Int1]),
+ Tuple4 = t_tuple([Tuple1, Tuple2]),
+ Tuple5 = t_tuple([Tuple3, Tuple4]),
+ Tuple6 = t_limit(Tuple5, 2),
+ Tuple7 = t_limit(Tuple5, 3),
+ true = t_is_tuple(Tuple1),
+ Port = t_port(),
+ Pid = t_pid(),
+ Ref = t_reference(),
+ Identifier = t_identifier(),
+ false = t_is_reference(Port),
+ true = t_is_identifier(Port),
+ Function1 = t_fun(),
+ Function2 = t_fun(Pid),
+ Function3 = t_fun([], Pid),
+ Function4 = t_fun([Port, Pid], Pid),
+ Function5 = t_fun([Pid, Atom1], Int2),
+ true = t_is_fun(Function3),
+ List1 = t_list(),
+ List2 = t_list(t_boolean()),
+ List3 = t_cons(t_boolean(), List2),
+ List4 = t_cons(t_boolean(), t_atom()),
+ List5 = t_cons(t_boolean(), t_nil()),
+ List6 = t_cons_tl(List5),
+ List7 = t_sup(List4, List5),
+ List8 = t_inf(List7, t_list()),
+ List9 = t_cons(),
+ List10 = t_cons_tl(List9),
+ true = t_is_boolean(t_cons_hd(List5)),
+ true = t_is_list(List5),
+ false = t_is_list(List4),
+ Product1 = t_product([Atom1, Atom2]),
+ Product2 = t_product([Atom3, Atom1]),
+ Product3 = t_product([Atom3, Atom2]),
+ Union1 = t_sup(Atom2, Atom3),
+ Union2 = t_sup(Tuple2, Tuple3),
+ Union3 = t_sup(Int2, Atom3),
+ Union4 = t_sup(Port, Pid),
+ Union5 = t_sup(Union4, Int1),
+ Union6 = t_sup(Function1, Function2),
+ Union7 = t_sup(Function4, Function5),
+ Union8 = t_sup(True, False),
+ true = t_is_boolean(Union8),
+ Union9 = t_sup(Int2, t_integer(2)),
+ true = t_is_byte(Union9),
+ Union10 = t_sup(t_tuple([t_atom(true), ?any]),
+ t_tuple([t_atom(false), ?any])),
+ ?any = t_sup(Product3, Function5),
+ Atom3 = t_inf(Union3, Atom1),
+ Union2 = t_inf(Union2, Tuple1),
+ Int2 = t_inf(Int1, Union3),
+ Union4 = t_inf(Union4, Identifier),
+ Port = t_inf(Union5, Port),
+ Function4 = t_inf(Union7, Function4),
+ ?none = t_inf(Product2, Atom1),
+ Product3 = t_inf(Product1, Product2),
+ Function5 = t_inf(Union7, Function5),
+ true = t_is_byte(t_inf(Union9, t_number())),
+ true = t_is_char(t_inf(Union9, t_number())),
+ io:format("3? ~p ~n", [?int_set([3])]),
+ RecDict = dict:store({foo, 2}, [bar, baz], dict:new()),
+ Record1 = t_from_term({foo, [1,2], {1,2,3}}),
+ Types = [
+ Atom1,
+ Atom2,
+ Atom3,
+ Binary,
+ Int1,
+ Int2,
+ Tuple1,
+ Tuple2,
+ Tuple3,
+ Tuple4,
+ Tuple5,
+ Tuple6,
+ Tuple7,
+ Ref,
+ Port,
+ Pid,
+ Identifier,
+ List1,
+ List2,
+ List3,
+ List4,
+ List5,
+ List6,
+ List7,
+ List8,
+ List9,
+ List10,
+ Function1,
+ Function2,
+ Function3,
+ Function4,
+ Function5,
+ Product1,
+ Product2,
+ Record1,
+ Union1,
+ Union2,
+ Union3,
+ Union4,
+ Union5,
+ Union6,
+ Union7,
+ Union8,
+ Union10,
+ t_inf(Union10, t_tuple([t_atom(true), t_integer()]))
+ ],
+ io:format("~p\n", [[t_to_string(X, RecDict) || X <- Types]]).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/schuett_bug.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/schuett_bug.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00c1aa57bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/schuett_bug.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%% From: Thorsten Schuett <[email protected]>
+%% Date: 7 July 2010
+%% When I run dialyzer of R14A on the attached code, it complains about
+%% the new_neighborhood/1 function:
+%% nodelist.erl:12: Invalid type specification for function
+%% nodelist:new_neighborhood/1. The success typing is (_) -> {[any(),...]}
+%% However, when I change the type nodelist() from opaque to non-opaque
+%% (see comment), dialyzer accepts the code. The types seem to be correct.
+%% The problem seems to be with nested opaque types.
+-export_type([nodelist/0, neighborhood/0]).
+-type node_type() :: 'node_type'.
+-opaque nodelist() :: [node_type(),...]. % change to -type
+-opaque neighborhood() :: {nodelist()}.
+-spec new_neighborhood(Node::node_type()) -> neighborhood().
+new_neighborhood(Node) ->
+ {[Node]}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/exact_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/exact_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7103847ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/exact_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+-export([exact_adt_set_type/1, exact_adt_set_type2/1]).
+-record(exact_adt, {}).
+-opaque exact_adt() :: #exact_adt{}.
+-spec exact_adt_set_type(_) -> exact_adt().
+exact_adt_set_type(G) -> G.
+-spec exact_adt_set_type2(exact_adt()) -> exact_adt().
+exact_adt_set_type2(G) -> G.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/exact_api.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/exact_api.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..597460ce77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/exact_api.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+-export([new/0, exact_api_test/1, exact_api_new/1,
+ exact_adt_test/1, exact_adt_new/1]).
+-record(digraph, {vtab = notable :: ets:tab(),
+ etab = notable :: ets:tab(),
+ ntab = notable :: ets:tab(),
+ cyclic = true :: boolean()}).
+-spec new() -> digraph:graph().
+new() ->
+ A = #digraph{},
+ set_type(A), % does not have an opaque term as 1st argument
+ A.
+-spec set_type(digraph:graph()) -> true.
+set_type(G) ->
+ digraph:delete(G).
+%%% The derived spec of exact_api_new() is
+%%% -spec exact_api_new(exact_api:exact_api()) -> exact_api:exact_api().
+%%% This won't happen unless dialyzer_typesig uses
+%%% t_is_exactly_equal() rather than t_is_equal().
+%%% [As of R17B the latter considers two types equal if nothing but
+%%% their ?opaque tags differ.]
+-record(exact_api, {}).
+-opaque exact_api() :: #exact_api{}.
+exact_api_test(X) ->
+ #exact_api{} = exact_api_set_type(X). % OK
+exact_api_new(A) ->
+ A = #exact_api{},
+ _ = exact_api_set_type(A), % OK (the opaque type is local)
+ A.
+-spec exact_api_set_type(exact_api()) -> exact_api().
+exact_api_set_type(#exact_api{}=E) -> E.
+-record(exact_adt, {}).
+exact_adt_test(X) ->
+ #exact_adt{} = exact_adt:exact_adt_set_type(X). % breaks the opacity
+exact_adt_new(A) ->
+ A = #exact_adt{},
+ _ = exact_adt:exact_adt_set_type2(A), % does not have an opaque term as 1st argument
+ A.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/is_rec.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/is_rec.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b906431b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/is_rec.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+-export([ri1/0, ri11/0, ri13/0, ri14/0, ri2/0, ri3/0, ri4/0, ri5/0,
+ ri6/0, ri7/0, ri8/0]).
+-record(r, {f1 :: integer()}).
+ri1() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ is_record(A, r). % opaque term 1
+ri11() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ I = '1-3'(),
+ is_record(A, r, I). % opaque term 1
+ri13() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ if is_record(A, r) -> true end. % breaks the opacity
+ri14() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ if is_record({A, 1}, r) -> true end. % breaks the opacity
+-type '1-3-t'() :: 1..3.
+-spec '1-3'() -> '1-3-t'().
+'1-3'() ->
+ random:uniform(3).
+-spec 'Atom'() -> atom().
+'Atom'() ->
+ a.
+ri2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ R = 'Atom'(),
+ is_record(A, R). % opaque term 1
+ri3() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ is_record(A, A, 1). % opaque term 2
+ri4() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ is_record(A, hipp:hopp(), 1). % opaque term 1
+ri5() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ is_record(A, A, hipp:hopp()). % opaque term 2
+ri6() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ if is_record(A, r) -> true end. % breaks opacity
+ri7() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ if is_record({r, A}, r) -> true end. % A violates #r{}
+ri8() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ is_record({A, 1}, r). % opaque term 1
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/rec_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/rec_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff80d6e99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/rec_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-export([f/0, r1/0]).
+-export_type([f/0, op_t/0, a/0]).
+-opaque a() :: a | b.
+ {f1 :: a()}).
+-opaque r1() :: #r1{}.
+-opaque f() :: fun((_) -> _).
+-opaque op_t() :: integer().
+-spec f() -> f().
+f() ->
+ fun(_) -> 3 end.
+-spec r1() -> r1().
+r1() ->
+ #r1{f1 = a}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/rec_api.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/rec_api.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59b9e0fec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/rec_api.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+-export([t1/0, t2/0, t3/0, adt_t1/0, adt_t1/1, adt_r1/0,
+ t/1, t_adt/0, r/0, r_adt/0, u1/0, u2/0, u3/0, v1/0, v2/0, v3/0]).
+-export_type([{a,0},{r1,0}, r2/0, r3/0]).
+-export_type([f/0, op_t/0, r/0, tup/0]).
+-opaque a() :: a | b.
+ {f1 :: a()}).
+-opaque r1() :: #r1{}.
+t1() ->
+ A = #r1{f1 = a},
+ {r1, a} = A.
+t2() ->
+ A = {r1, 10},
+ {r1, 10} = A,
+ A = #r1{f1 = 10}, % violates the type of field f1
+ #r1{f1 = 10} = A.
+t3() ->
+ A = {r1, 10},
+ #r1{f1 = 10} = A. % violates the type of #r1{}
+adt_t1() ->
+ R = rec_adt:r1(),
+ {r1, a} = R. % breaks the opacity
+-spec adt_t1(rec_adt:r1()) -> rec_adt:r1(). % invalid type spec
+adt_t1(R) ->
+ {r1, a} = R.
+-spec adt_r1() -> rec_adt:r1(). % invalid type spec
+adt_r1() ->
+ #r1{f1 = a}.
+-opaque f() :: fun((_) -> _).
+-opaque op_t() :: integer().
+-spec t(f()) -> _.
+t(A) ->
+ T = term(),
+ %% 3(T), % cannot test this: dialyzer_dep deliberately crashes
+ A(T).
+-spec term() -> op_t().
+term() ->
+ 3.
+t_adt() ->
+ A = rec_adt:f(),
+ T = term(),
+ A(T).
+-record(r, {f = fun(_) -> 3 end :: f(), o = 1 :: op_t()}).
+-opaque r() :: #r{}.
+-opaque tup() :: {'r', f(), op_t()}.
+-spec r() -> _.
+r() ->
+ {{r, f(), 2},
+ #r{f = f(), o = 2}}. % OK, f() is a local opaque type
+-spec f() -> f().
+f() ->
+ fun(_) -> 3 end.
+r_adt() ->
+ {{r, rec_adt:f(), 2},
+ #r{f = rec_adt:f(), o = 2}}. % breaks the opacity
+-record(r2, % like #r1{}, but with initial value
+ {f1 = a :: a()}).
+-opaque r2() :: #r2{}.
+u1() ->
+ A = #r2{f1 = a},
+ {r2, a} = A.
+u2() ->
+ A = {r2, 10},
+ {r2, 10} = A,
+ A = #r2{f1 = 10}, % violates the type of field f1
+ #r2{f1 = 10} = A.
+u3() ->
+ A = {r2, 10},
+ #r2{f1 = 10} = A. % violates the type of #r2{}
+-record(r3, % like #r1{}, but an opaque type
+ {f1 = queue:new():: queue:queue()}).
+-opaque r3() :: #r3{}.
+v1() ->
+ A = #r3{f1 = queue:new()},
+ {r3, a} = A. % breaks the opacity
+v2() ->
+ A = {r3, 10},
+ {r3, 10} = A,
+ A = #r3{f1 = 10}, % violates the type of field f1
+ #r3{f1 = 10} = A.
+v3() ->
+ A = {r3, 10},
+ #r3{f1 = 10} = A. % breaks the opacity
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple1_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple1_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21a277c1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple1_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+-export([d1/0, d2/0, i/0, n1/0, n2/0, o1/0, o2/0,
+ c1/0, c2/0, bit1/0, a/0, i1/0, tuple/0,
+ b1/0, b2/0, ty_i1/0]).
+-export_type([o1/0, o2/0, d1/0, d2/0]).
+-export_type([i1/0, i2/0, di1/0, di2/0]).
+-export_type([ty_i1/0, c1/0, c2/0]).
+-export_type([b1/0, b2/0]).
+-export_type([tuple1/0, a/0, i/0]).
+%% Equal:
+-opaque o1() :: a | b | c.
+-opaque o2() :: a | b | c.
+%% Disjoint:
+-opaque d1() :: a | b | c.
+-opaque d2() :: d | e | f.
+%% One common element:
+-opaque c1() :: a | b | c.
+-opaque c2() :: c | e | f.
+%% Equal integer range:
+-opaque i1() :: 1 | 2.
+-opaque i2() :: 1 | 2.
+%% Disjoint integer range:
+-opaque di1() :: 1 | 2.
+-opaque di2() :: 3 | 4.
+-type ty_i1() :: 1 | 2.
+%% Boolean types
+-opaque b1() :: boolean().
+-opaque b2() :: boolean().
+%% Binary types
+-opaque bit1() :: binary().
+%% Tuple types
+-opaque tuple1() :: tuple().
+%% Atom type
+-opaque a() :: atom().
+-opaque i() :: integer().
+-spec d1() -> d1().
+d1() -> a.
+-spec d2() -> d2().
+d2() -> d.
+-spec i() -> i().
+i() ->
+ 1.
+-spec n1() -> o1().
+n1() -> a.
+-spec n2() -> o2().
+n2() -> a.
+-spec o1() -> o1().
+o1() -> a.
+-spec o2() -> o2().
+o2() -> a.
+-spec c1() -> c1().
+c1() -> a.
+-spec c2() -> c2().
+c2() -> e.
+-spec bit1() -> bit1().
+bit1() ->
+ <<"hej">>.
+-spec a() -> a().
+a() ->
+ e.
+-spec i1() -> i1().
+i1() -> 1.
+-spec tuple() -> tuple1().
+tuple() -> {1,2}.
+-spec b1() -> b1().
+b1() -> true.
+-spec b2() -> b2().
+b2() -> false.
+-spec ty_i1() -> ty_i1().
+ty_i1() ->
+ 1.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple1_api.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple1_api.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d67aa913d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple1_api.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+-export([t1/1, adt_t1/1, t2/1, adt_t2/1, tup/0, t3/0, t4/0, t5/0, t6/0, t7/0,
+ t8/0, adt_t3/0, adt_t4/0, adt_t7/0, adt_t8/0, adt_t5/0,
+ c1/2, c2/2, c2/0, c3/0, c4/0, tt1/0, tt2/0,
+ cmp1/0, cmp2/0, cmp3/0, cmp4/0,
+ ty_cmp1/0, ty_cmp2/0, ty_cmp3/0, ty_cmp4/0,
+ f1/0, f2/0, adt_f1/0, adt_f2/0, f3/0, f4/0, adt_f3/0, adt_f4/0,
+ adt_f4_a/0, adt_f4_b/0,
+ bool_t1/0, bool_t2/0, bool_t3/0, bool_t4/0, bool_t5/1, bool_t6/1,
+ bool_t7/0, bool_adt_t1/0, bool_adt_t2/0, bool_adt_t5/1,
+ bool_adt_t6/1, bool_t8/0, bool_adt_t8/2, bool_t9/0, bool_adt_t9/2,
+ bit_t1/0, bit_adt_t1/0, bit_t3/1, bit_adt_t2/0, bit_adt_t3/1,
+ bit_t5/1, bit_t4/1, bit_adt_t4/1, bit_t5/0, bit_adt_t5/0,
+ call_f/1, call_f_adt/1, call_m_adt/1, call_m/1, call_f_i/1,
+ call_m_i/1, call_m_adt_i/1, call_f_adt_i/1,
+ eq1/0, eq2/0, c5/0, c6/2, c7/2, c8/0]).
+%%% Equal opaque types
+-export_type([o1/0, o2/0]).
+-export_type([d1/0, d2/0]).
+-opaque o1() :: a | b | c.
+-opaque o2() :: a | b | c.
+-export_type([i1/0, i2/0, di1/0, di2/0]).
+-export_type([b1/0, b2/0]).
+-export_type([a/0, i/0]).
+%% The derived spec is
+%% -spec t1('a' | 'b') -> simple1_api:o1('a') | simple1_api:o2('a').
+%% but that is not tested...
+t1(a) ->
+ o1();
+t1(b) ->
+ o2().
+-spec o1() -> o1().
+o1() -> a.
+-spec o2() -> o2().
+o2() -> a.
+%% The derived spec is
+%% -spec adt_t1('a' | 'b') -> simple1_adt:o1('a') | simple1_adt:o2('a').
+%% but that is not tested...
+adt_t1(a) ->
+ simple1_adt:o1();
+adt_t1(b) ->
+ simple1_adt:o2().
+%%% Disjunct opaque types
+-opaque d1() :: a | b | c.
+-opaque d2() :: d | e | f.
+%% -spec t2('a' | 'b') -> simple1_api:d1('a') | simple1_api:d2('d').
+t2(a) ->
+ d1();
+t2(b) ->
+ d2().
+-spec d1() -> d1().
+d1() -> a.
+-spec d2() -> d2().
+d2() -> d.
+%% -spec adt_t2('a' | 'b') -> simple1_adt:d1('a') | simple1_adt:d2('d').
+adt_t2(a) ->
+ simple1_adt:d1();
+adt_t2(b) ->
+ simple1_adt:d2().
+-spec tup() -> simple1_adt:tuple1(). % invalid type spec
+tup() ->
+ {a, b}.
+%%% Matching equal opaque types with different names
+t3() ->
+ A = n1(),
+ B = n2(),
+ A = A, % OK, of course
+ A = B. % OK since o1() and o2() are local opaque types
+t4() ->
+ A = n1(),
+ B = n2(),
+ true = A =:= A, % OK, of course
+ A =:= B. % OK since o1() and o2() are local opaque types
+t5() ->
+ A = d1(),
+ B = d2(),
+ A =:= B. % can never evaluate to true
+t6() ->
+ A = d1(),
+ B = d2(),
+ A = B. % can never succeed
+t7() ->
+ A = d1(),
+ B = d2(),
+ A =/= B. % OK (always true?)
+t8() ->
+ A = d1(),
+ B = d2(),
+ A /= B. % OK (always true?)
+-spec n1() -> o1().
+n1() -> a.
+-spec n2() -> o2().
+n2() -> a.
+adt_t3() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:n2(),
+ true = A =:= A, % OK.
+ A =:= B. % opaque test, not OK
+adt_t4() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:n2(),
+ A = A, % OK
+ A = B. % opaque terms
+adt_t7() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:n2(),
+ false = A =/= A, % OK
+ A =/= B. % opaque test, not OK
+adt_t8() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:n2(),
+ false = A /= A, % OK
+ A /= B. % opaque test, not OK
+adt_t5() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:c1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:c2(),
+ A =:= B. % opaque test, not OK
+%% Comparison in guard
+-spec c1(simple1_adt:d1(), simple1_adt:d2()) -> boolean().
+c1(A, B) when A =< B -> true. % succ type of A and B is any() (type spec is OK)
+-spec c2(simple1_adt:d1(), simple1_adt:d2()) -> boolean().
+c2(A, B) ->
+ if A =< B -> true end. % succ type of A and B is any() (type spec is OK)
+c2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:d2(),
+ if A =< B -> ok end. % opaque terms
+c3() ->
+ B = simple1_adt:d2(),
+ if a =< B -> ok end. % opaque term
+c4() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ if A =< d -> ok end. % opaque term
+tt1() ->
+ A = o1(),
+ is_integer(A). % OK
+tt2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ is_integer(A). % breaks the opacity
+%% Comparison with integers
+-opaque i1() :: 1 | 2.
+-opaque i2() :: 1 | 2.
+-opaque di1() :: 1 | 2.
+-opaque di2() :: 3 | 4.
+-spec i1() -> i1().
+i1() -> 1.
+-type ty_i1() :: 1 | 2.
+-spec ty_i1() -> ty_i1().
+ty_i1() -> 1.
+cmp1() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ if A > 3 -> ok end. % can never succeed
+cmp2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ if A > 3 -> ok end. % opaque term
+cmp3() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ if A < 3 -> ok end.
+cmp4() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ if A < 3 -> ok end. % opaque term
+%% -type
+ty_cmp1() ->
+ A = ty_i1(),
+ if A > 3 -> ok end. % can never succeed
+ty_cmp2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:ty_i1(),
+ if A > 3 -> ok end. % can never succeed
+ty_cmp3() ->
+ A = ty_i1(),
+ if A < 3 -> ok end.
+ty_cmp4() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:ty_i1(),
+ if A < 3 -> ok end.
+%% is_function
+f1() ->
+ T = n1(),
+ if is_function(T) -> ok end. % can never succeed
+f2() ->
+ T = n1(),
+ is_function(T). % ok
+adt_f1() ->
+ T = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ if is_function(T) -> ok end. % breaks the opacity
+adt_f2() ->
+ T = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ is_function(T). % breaks the opacity
+f3() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ T = n1(),
+ if is_function(T, A) -> ok end. % can never succeed
+f4() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ T = n1(),
+ is_function(T, A). % ok
+adt_f3() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ T = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ if is_function(T, A) -> ok end. % breaks the opacity
+adt_f4() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ T = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ is_function(T, A). % breaks the opacity
+adt_f4_a() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ T = n1(),
+ is_function(T, A). % opaque term
+adt_f4_b() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ T = simple1_adt:n1(),
+ is_function(T, A). % breaks the opacity
+%% A few Boolean examples
+bool_t1() ->
+ B = b2(),
+ if B -> ok end. % B =:= true can never succeed
+bool_t2() ->
+ A = b1(),
+ B = b2(),
+ if A and not B -> ok end.
+bool_t3() ->
+ A = b1(),
+ if not A -> ok end. % can never succeed
+bool_t4() ->
+ A = n1(),
+ if not ((A >= 1) and not (A < 1)) -> ok end. % can never succeed
+-spec bool_t5(i1()) -> integer().
+bool_t5(A) ->
+ if [not (A > 1)] =:=
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-spec bool_t6(b1()) -> integer().
+bool_t6(A) ->
+ if [not A] =:=
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-spec bool_t7() -> integer().
+bool_t7() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ if [not A] =:= % cannot succeed
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+bool_adt_t1() ->
+ B = simple1_adt:b2(),
+ if B -> ok end. % opaque term
+bool_adt_t2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:b1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:b2(),
+ if A and not B -> ok end. % opaque term
+-spec bool_adt_t5(simple1_adt:i1()) -> integer().
+bool_adt_t5(A) ->
+ if [not (A > 1)] =:= % succ type of A is any() (type spec is OK)
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-spec bool_adt_t6(simple1_adt:b1()) -> integer(). % invalid type spec
+bool_adt_t6(A) ->
+ if [not A] =:= % succ type of A is 'true'
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-spec bool_t8() -> integer().
+bool_t8() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ if [A and A] =:= % cannot succeed
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-spec bool_adt_t8(simple1_adt:b1(), simple1_adt:b2()) -> integer(). % invalid
+bool_adt_t8(A, B) ->
+ if [A and B] =:=
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-spec bool_t9() -> integer().
+bool_t9() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ if [A or A] =:= % cannot succeed
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-spec bool_adt_t9(simple1_adt:b1(), simple1_adt:b2()) -> integer(). % invalid
+bool_adt_t9(A, B) ->
+ if [A or B] =:=
+ [false]-> 1 end.
+-opaque b1() :: boolean().
+-opaque b2() :: boolean().
+-spec b1() -> b1().
+b1() -> true.
+-spec b2() -> b2().
+b2() -> false.
+%% Few (very few...) examples with bit syntax
+bit_t1() ->
+ A = i1(),
+ <<100:(A)>>.
+bit_adt_t1() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ <<100:(A)>>. % breaks the opacity
+bit_t3(A) ->
+ B = i1(),
+ case none:none() of
+ <<A:B>> -> 1
+ end.
+bit_adt_t2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ case <<"hej">> of
+ <<_:A>> -> ok % breaks the opacity (but the message is strange)
+ end.
+bit_adt_t3(A) ->
+ B = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ case none:none() of
+ <<A: % breaks the opacity (the message is less than perfect)
+ B>> -> 1
+ end.
+bit_t5(A) ->
+ B = o1(),
+ case none:none() of % the type is any(); should fix that XXX
+ <<A:B>> -> 1 % can never match (local opaque type is OK)
+ end.
+-spec bit_t4(<<_:1>>) -> integer().
+bit_t4(A) ->
+ Sz = i1(),
+ case A of
+ <<_:Sz>> -> 1
+ end.
+-spec bit_adt_t4(<<_:1>>) -> integer().
+bit_adt_t4(A) ->
+ Sz = simple1_adt:i1(),
+ case A of
+ <<_:Sz>> -> 1 % breaks the opacity
+ end.
+bit_t5() ->
+ A = bit1(),
+ case A of
+ <<_/binary>> -> 1
+ end.
+bit_adt_t5() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:bit1(),
+ case A of
+ <<_/binary>> -> 1 % breaks the opacity
+ end.
+-opaque bit1() :: binary().
+-spec bit1() -> bit1().
+bit1() ->
+ <<"hej">>.
+%% Calls with variable module or function
+call_f(A) ->
+ A = a(),
+ foo:A(A).
+call_f_adt(A) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:a(),
+ foo:A(A). % breaks the opacity
+call_m(A) ->
+ A = a(),
+ A:foo(A).
+call_m_adt(A) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:a(),
+ A:foo(A). % breaks the opacity
+-opaque a() :: atom().
+-opaque i() :: integer().
+-spec a() -> a().
+a() ->
+ e.
+call_f_i(A) ->
+ A = i(),
+ foo:A(A). % A is not atom() but i()
+call_f_adt_i(A) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i(),
+ foo:A(A). % A is not atom() but simple1_adt:i()
+call_m_i(A) ->
+ A = i(),
+ A:foo(A). % A is not atom() but i()
+call_m_adt_i(A) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:i(),
+ A:foo(A). % A is not atom() but simple1_adt:i()
+-spec eq1() -> integer().
+eq1() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d2(),
+ B = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ if
+ A == B -> % opaque terms
+ 0;
+ A == A ->
+ 1;
+ A =:= A -> % compiler finds this one cannot match
+ 2;
+ true -> % compiler finds this one cannot match
+ 3
+ end.
+eq2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ if
+ {A} >= {A} ->
+ 1;
+ A >= 3 -> % opaque term
+ 2;
+ A == 3 -> % opaque term
+ 3;
+ A =:= 3 -> % opaque term
+ 4;
+ A == A ->
+ 5;
+ A =:= A -> % compiler finds this one cannot match
+ 6
+ end.
+c5() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ A < 3. % opaque term
+c6(A, B) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ A =< B. % same type - no warning
+c7(A, B) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:d2(),
+ A =< B. % opaque terms
+c8() ->
+ D = digraph:new(),
+ E = ets:new(foo, []),
+ if {D, a} > {D, E} -> true; % OK
+ {1.0, 2} > {{D}, {E}} -> true; % OK
+ {D, 3} > {D, E} -> true % opaque term 2
+ end.
+-spec i() -> i().
+i() ->
+ 1.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple2_api.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple2_api.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c86f6fd0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/simple/simple2_api.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+-export([c1/2, c2/0, c3/0, c4/1, c5/1, c6/0, c6_b/0, c7/0, c7_b/0,
+ c7_c/0, c8/0, c9/0, c10/0, c11/0, c12/0, c13/0, c14/0, c15/0,
+ c16/0, c17/0, c18/0, c19/0, c20/0, c21/0, c22/0, c23/0,
+ c24/0, c25/0, c26/0]).
+-spec c1(simple1_adt:d1(), simple1_adt:d2()) -> boolean().
+c1(A, B) ->
+ {A} =< {B}. % succ type of A and B is any()
+c2() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ erlang:make_tuple(1, A). % ok
+c3() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ setelement(1, {A}, A). % ok
+c4(_) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ halt(A). % ok (BIF fails...)
+c5(_) ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ [A] -- [A]. % ok
+c6() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ A ! foo. % opaque term
+c6_b() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ erlang:send(A, foo). % opaque term
+c7() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ foo ! A. % ok
+c7_b() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ erlang:send(foo, A). % ok
+c7_c() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ erlang:send(foo, A, []). % ok
+c8() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ A < 3. % opaque term
+c9() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ lists:keysearch(A, 1, []). % ok
+c10() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ lists:keysearch(1, A, []). % opaque term 2
+c11() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:keysearch(key, 1, [A]). % ok
+c12() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:keysearch(key, 1, A). % opaque term 3
+c13() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:keysearch(key, 1, [{A,2}]). % ok
+c14() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:keysearch(key, 1, [{2,A}]). % ok
+c15() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ lists:keysearch(key, 1, [A]). % ok
+c16() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ erlang:send(foo, A). % ok
+c17() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:reverse([A]). % ok
+c18() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:keyreplace(a, 1, [A], {1,2}). % ok
+c19() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ %% Problem. The spec says argument 4 is a tuple(). Fix that!
+ lists:keyreplace(a, 1, [{1,2}], A). % opaque term 4
+c20() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:flatten(A). % opaque term 1
+c21() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:flatten([[{A}]]). % ok
+c22() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:flatten([[A]]). % ok
+c23() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:flatten([A]). % ok
+c24() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ lists:flatten({A}). % will never return
+c25() ->
+ A = simple1_adt:d1(),
+ B = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ if {A,3} > {A,B} -> true end. % opaque 2nd argument
+c26() ->
+ B = simple1_adt:tuple(),
+ tuple_to_list(B). % opaque term 1
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/timer/timer_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/timer/timer_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed6810634f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/timer/timer_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%% A test case with:
+%% - a genuine matching error -- 1st branch
+%% - a violation of the opacity of timer:tref() -- 2nd branch
+%% - a subtle violation of the opacity of timer:tref() -- 3rd branch
+%% The test is supposed to check that these cases are treated properly.
+-spec wrong() -> error.
+wrong() ->
+ case timer:kill_after(42, self()) of
+ gazonk -> weird;
+ {ok, 42} -> weirder;
+ {Tag, gazonk} when Tag =/= error -> weirdest;
+ {error, _} -> error
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/union/union_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/union/union_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d88f238190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/union/union_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-export([new/1, new_a/1, new_rec/1]).
+%% Now (R17) that opaque types are no longer recognized by their shape
+%% this test case is rather meaningless.
+-record(rec, {x = 42 :: integer()}).
+-opaque u() :: 'aaa' | 'bbb' | #rec{}.
+-spec new(_) -> u().
+new(a) -> aaa;
+new(b) -> bbb;
+new(X) when is_integer(X) ->
+ #rec{x = X}.
+%% the following two functions (and their uses in union_use.erl) test
+%% that the return type is the opaque one and not just a subtype of it
+-spec new_a(_) -> u().
+new_a(a) -> aaa.
+-spec new_rec(_) -> u().
+new_rec(X) when is_integer(X) ->
+ #rec{x = X}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/union/union_use.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/union/union_use.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a103279cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/union/union_use.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-export([test/1, wrong_a/0, wrong_rec/0]).
+test(X) ->
+ case union_adt:new(X) of
+ A when is_atom(A) -> atom;
+ T when is_tuple(T) -> tuple
+ end.
+wrong_a() ->
+ aaa = union_adt:new_a(a),
+ ok.
+wrong_rec() ->
+ is_tuple(union_adt:new_rec(42)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b815be5e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+%% wings.hrl --
+%% Global record definition and defines.
+%% Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Bjorn Gustavsson
+%% See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+%% of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+%% $Id: wings.hrl,v 1.1 2009/01/25 18:55:33 kostis Exp $
+-define(CTRL_BITS, ?KMOD_CTRL).
+-define(ALT_BITS, ?KMOD_ALT).
+-define(META_BITS, ?KMOD_META).
+-define(WINGS_VERSION, ?wings_version).
+-define(CHAR_HEIGHT, wings_text:height()).
+-define(CHAR_WIDTH, wings_text:width()).
+-define(LINE_HEIGHT, (?CHAR_HEIGHT+2)).
+-define(GROUND_GRID_SIZE, 1).
+-define(NORMAL_LINEWIDTH, 1.0).
+-define(DEGREE, 176). %Degree character.
+-define(HIT_BUF_SIZE, (1024*1024)).
+-define(PANE_COLOR, {0.52,0.52,0.52}).
+-define(BEVEL_HIGHLIGHT, {0.9,0.9,0.9}).
+-define(BEVEL_LOWLIGHT, {0.3,0.3,0.3}).
+-define(BEVEL_HIGHLIGHT_MIX, 0.5).
+-define(BEVEL_LOWLIGHT_MIX, 0.5).
+-define(SLOW(Cmd), begin wings_io:hourglass(), Cmd end).
+-define(TC(Cmd), wings_util:tc(fun() -> Cmd end, ?MODULE, ?LINE)).
+-define(ASSERT(E), case E of
+ true -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({assertion_failed,?MODULE,?LINE})
+ end).
+-define(CHECK_ERROR(), wings_gl:check_error(?MODULE, ?LINE)).
+-define(CHECK_ERROR(), ok).
+%% Display lists per object.
+%% Important: Plain integers and integers in lists will be assumed to
+%% be display lists. Arbitrary integers must be stored inside a tuple
+%% or record to not be interpreted as a display list.
+ {work=none, %Workmode faces.
+ smooth=none, %Smooth-shaded faces.
+ edges=none, %Edges and wire-frame.
+ vs=none, %Unselected vertices.
+ hard=none, %Hard edges.
+ sel=none, %Selected items.
+ orig_sel=none, %Original selection.
+ normals=none, %Normals.
+ pick=none, %For picking.
+ proxy_faces=none, %Smooth proxy faces.
+ proxy_edges=none, %Smooth proxy edges.
+ %% Miscellanous.
+ hilite=none, %Hilite display list.
+ mirror=none, %Virtual mirror data.
+ ns=none, %Normals/positions per face.
+ %% Source for display lists.
+ src_we=none, %Source object.
+ src_sel=none, %Source selection.
+ orig_mode=none, %Original selection mode.
+ split=none, %Split data.
+ drag=none, %For dragging.
+ transparent=false, %Object includes transparancy.
+ proxy_data=none, %Data for smooth proxy.
+ open=false, %Open (has hole).
+ %% List of display lists known to be needed only based
+ %% on display modes, not whether the lists themselves exist.
+ %% Example: [work,edges]
+ needed=[]
+ }).
+%% Main state record containing all objects and other important state.
+ {shapes, %All visible shapes
+ selmode, %Selection mode:
+ % vertex, edge, face, body
+ sh=false, %Smart highlight active: true|false
+ sel=[], %Current sel: [{Id,GbSet}]
+ ssels=[], %Saved selections:
+ % [{Name,Mode,GbSet}]
+ temp_sel=none, %Selection only temporary?
+ mat, %Defined materials (GbTree).
+ pal=[], %Palette
+ file, %Current filename.
+ saved, %True if model has been saved.
+ onext, %Next object id to use.
+ bb=none, %Saved bounding box.
+ edge_loop=none, %Previous edge loop.
+ views={0,{}}, %{Current,TupleOfViews}
+ pst=gb_trees:empty(), %Plugin State Info
+ % gb_tree where key is plugin module
+ %% Previous commands.
+ repeatable, %Last repeatable command.
+ ask_args, %Ask arguments.
+ drag_args, %Drag arguments for command.
+ def, %Default operations.
+ %% Undo information.
+ top, %Top of stack.
+ bottom, %Bottom of stack.
+ next_is_undo, %State of undo/redo toggle.
+ undone %States that were undone.
+ }).
+%% The Winged-Edge data structure.
+%% See http://www.cs.mtu.edu/~shene/COURSES/cs3621/NOTES/model/winged-e.html
+ {id, %Shape id.
+ perm=0, %Permissions:
+ % 0 - Everything allowed.
+ % 1 - Visible, can't select.
+ % [] or {Mode,GbSet} -
+ % Invisible, can't select.
+ % The GbSet contains the
+ % object's selection.
+ name, %Name.
+ es, %gb_tree containing edges
+ fs, %gb_tree containing faces
+ he, %gb_sets containing hard edges
+ vc, %Connection info (=incident edge)
+ % for vertices.
+ vp, %Vertex positions.
+ pst=gb_trees:empty(), %Plugin State Info,
+ % gb_tree where key is plugin module
+ mat=default, %Materials.
+ next_id, %Next free ID for vertices,
+ % edges, and faces.
+ % (Needed because we never re-use
+ % IDs.)
+ mode, %'vertex'/'material'/'uv'
+ mirror=none, %Mirror: none|Face
+ light=none, %Light data: none|Light
+ has_shape=true %true|false
+ }).
+-define(IS_VISIBLE(Perm), (Perm =< 1)).
+-define(IS_NOT_VISIBLE(Perm), (Perm > 1)).
+-define(IS_SELECTABLE(Perm), (Perm == 0)).
+-define(IS_NOT_SELECTABLE(Perm), (Perm =/= 0)).
+-define(IS_LIGHT(We), ((We#we.light =/= none) and (not We#we.has_shape))).
+-define(IS_ANY_LIGHT(We), (We#we.light =/= none)).
+-define(HAS_SHAPE(We), (We#we.has_shape)).
+%-define(IS_LIGHT(We), (We#we.light =/= none)).
+%-define(IS_NOT_LIGHT(We), (We#we.light =:= none)).
+%% Edge in a winged-edge shape.
+ {vs, %Start vertex for edge
+ ve, %End vertex for edge
+ a=none, %Color or UV coordinate.
+ b=none, %Color or UV coordinate.
+ lf, %Left face
+ rf, %Right face
+ ltpr, %Left traversal predecessor
+ ltsu, %Left traversal successor
+ rtpr, %Right traversal predecessor
+ rtsu %Right traversal successor
+ }).
+%% The current view/camera.
+ {origin,
+ distance, % From origo.
+ azimuth,
+ elevation,
+ pan_x, %Panning in X direction.
+ pan_y, %Panning in Y direction.
+ along_axis=none, %Which axis viewed along.
+ fov, %Field of view.
+ hither, %Near clipping plane.
+ yon %Far clipping plane.
+ }).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_dissolve.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_dissolve.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c469f0a45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_dissolve.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+%% wings_dissolve.erl --
+%% This module implements dissolve of faces.
+-export([faces/2, complement/2]).
+%% faces([Face], We) -> We'
+%% Dissolve the given faces.
+faces([], We) -> We;
+faces(Faces, #we{fs=Ftab0}=We) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Faces) of
+ true -> We;
+ false when is_list(Faces) ->
+ Complement = ordsets:subtract(gb_trees:keys(Ftab0),
+ ordsets:from_list(Faces)),
+ dissolve_1(Faces, Complement, We);
+ false ->
+ Complement = ordsets:subtract(gb_trees:keys(Ftab0),
+ gb_sets:to_list(Faces)),
+ dissolve_1(Faces, Complement, We)
+ end.
+faces([], _, We) -> We;
+faces(Faces,Complement,We) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Faces) of
+ true -> We;
+ false -> dissolve_1(Faces, Complement,We)
+ end.
+dissolve_1(Faces, Complement, We0) ->
+ We1 = optimistic_dissolve(Faces,Complement,We0#we{vc=undefined}),
+ NewFaces = wings_we:new_items_as_ordset(face, We0, We1),
+ We2 = wings_face:delete_bad_faces(NewFaces, We1),
+ We = wings_we:rebuild(We2),
+ case wings_we:is_consistent(We) of
+ true ->
+ We;
+ false ->
+ io:format("Dissolving would cause an inconsistent object structure.")
+ end.
+%% complement([Face], We) -> We'
+%% Dissolve all faces BUT the given faces. Also invalidate the
+%% mirror face if it existed and was dissolved.
+complement(Fs0, #we{fs=Ftab0}=We0) when is_list(Fs0) ->
+ Fs = ordsets:subtract(gb_trees:keys(Ftab0), ordsets:from_list(Fs0)),
+ case faces(Fs, Fs0, We0) of
+ #we{mirror=none}=We -> We;
+ #we{mirror=Face,fs=Ftab}=We ->
+ case gb_trees:is_defined(Face, Ftab) of
+ false -> We;
+ true -> We#we{mirror=none}
+ end
+ end;
+complement(Fs, We) -> complement(gb_sets:to_list(Fs), We).
+optimistic_dissolve(Faces0, Compl, We0) ->
+ %% Optimistically assume that we have a simple region without
+ %% any holes.
+ case outer_edge_loop(Faces0, We0) of
+ error ->
+ %% Assumption was wrong. We need to partition the selection
+ %% and dissolve each partition in turn.
+ Parts = wings_sel:face_regions(Faces0, We0),
+ complex_dissolve(Parts, We0);
+ [_|_]=Loop ->
+ %% Assumption was correct.
+ simple_dissolve(Faces0, Compl, Loop, We0)
+ end.
+%% simple_dissolve(Faces, Loop, We0) -> We
+%% Dissolve a region of faces with no holes and no
+%% repeated vertices in the outer edge loop.
+simple_dissolve(Faces0, Compl, Loop, We0) ->
+ Faces = to_gb_set(Faces0),
+ OldFace = gb_sets:smallest(Faces),
+ Mat = wings_facemat:face(OldFace, We0),
+ We1 = fix_materials(Faces, Compl, We0),
+ #we{es=Etab0,fs=Ftab0,he=Htab0} = We1,
+ {Ftab1,Etab1,Htab} = simple_del(Faces, Ftab0, Etab0, Htab0, We1),
+ {NewFace,We2} = wings_we:new_id(We1),
+ Ftab = gb_trees:insert(NewFace, hd(Loop), Ftab1),
+ Last = lists:last(Loop),
+ Etab = update_outer([Last|Loop], Loop, NewFace, Ftab, Etab1),
+ We = We2#we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab,he=Htab},
+ wings_facemat:assign(Mat, [NewFace], We).
+fix_materials(Del,Keep,We) ->
+ case gb_sets:size(Del) < length(Keep) of
+ true ->
+ wings_facemat:delete_faces(Del,We);
+ false ->
+ wings_facemat:keep_faces(Keep,We)
+ end.
+to_gb_set(List) when is_list(List) ->
+ gb_sets:from_list(List);
+to_gb_set(S) -> S.
+%% Delete faces and inner edges for a simple region.
+simple_del(Faces, Ftab0, Etab0, Htab0, We) ->
+ case {gb_trees:size(Ftab0),gb_sets:size(Faces)} of
+ {AllSz,FaceSz} when AllSz < 2*FaceSz ->
+ %% At least half of the faces are selected.
+ %% It is faster to find the edges for the
+ %% unselected faces.
+ UnselFaces = ordsets:subtract(gb_trees:keys(Ftab0),
+ gb_sets:to_list(Faces)),
+ UnselSet = sofs:from_external(UnselFaces, [face]),
+ Ftab1 = sofs:from_external(gb_trees:to_list(Ftab0),
+ [{face,edge}]),
+ Ftab2 = sofs:restriction(Ftab1, UnselSet),
+ Ftab = gb_trees:from_orddict(sofs:to_external(Ftab2)),
+ Keep0 = wings_face:to_edges(UnselFaces, We),
+ Keep = sofs:set(Keep0, [edge]),
+ Etab1 = sofs:from_external(gb_trees:to_list(Etab0),
+ [{edge,info}]),
+ Etab2 = sofs:restriction(Etab1, Keep),
+ Etab = gb_trees:from_orddict(sofs:to_external(Etab2)),
+ Htab = simple_del_hard(Htab0, sofs:to_external(Keep), undefined),
+ {Ftab,Etab,Htab};
+ {_,_} ->
+ Ftab = lists:foldl(fun(Face, Ft) ->
+ gb_trees:delete(Face, Ft)
+ end, Ftab0, gb_sets:to_list(Faces)),
+ Inner = wings_face:inner_edges(Faces, We),
+ Etab = lists:foldl(fun(Edge, Et) ->
+ gb_trees:delete(Edge, Et)
+ end, Etab0, Inner),
+ Htab = simple_del_hard(Htab0, undefined, Inner),
+ {Ftab,Etab,Htab}
+ end.
+simple_del_hard(Htab, Keep, Remove) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Htab) of
+ true -> Htab;
+ false -> simple_del_hard_1(Htab, Keep, Remove)
+ end.
+simple_del_hard_1(Htab, Keep, undefined) ->
+ gb_sets:intersection(Htab, gb_sets:from_ordset(Keep));
+simple_del_hard_1(Htab, undefined, Remove) ->
+ gb_sets:difference(Htab, gb_sets:from_ordset(Remove)).
+%% complex([Partition], We0) -> We0
+%% The general dissolve.
+complex_dissolve([Faces|T], We0) ->
+ Face = gb_sets:smallest(Faces),
+ Mat = wings_facemat:face(Face, We0),
+ We1 = wings_facemat:delete_faces(Faces, We0),
+ Parts = outer_edge_partition(Faces, We1),
+ We = do_dissolve(Faces, Parts, Mat, We0, We1),
+ complex_dissolve(T, We);
+complex_dissolve([], We) -> We.
+do_dissolve(Faces, Ess, Mat, WeOrig, We0) ->
+ We1 = do_dissolve_faces(Faces, We0),
+ Inner = wings_face:inner_edges(Faces, WeOrig),
+ We2 = delete_inner(Inner, We1),
+ #we{he=Htab0} = We = do_dissolve_1(Ess, Mat, We2),
+ Htab = gb_sets:difference(Htab0, gb_sets:from_list(Inner)),
+ We#we{he=Htab}.
+do_dissolve_1([EdgeList|Ess], Mat, #we{es=Etab0,fs=Ftab0}=We0) ->
+ {Face,We1} = wings_we:new_id(We0),
+ Ftab = gb_trees:insert(Face, hd(EdgeList), Ftab0),
+ Last = lists:last(EdgeList),
+ Etab = update_outer([Last|EdgeList], EdgeList, Face, Ftab, Etab0),
+ We2 = We1#we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab},
+ We = wings_facemat:assign(Mat, [Face], We2),
+ do_dissolve_1(Ess, Mat, We);
+do_dissolve_1([], _Mat, We) -> We.
+do_dissolve_faces(Faces, #we{fs=Ftab0}=We) ->
+ Ftab = lists:foldl(fun(Face, Ft) ->
+ gb_trees:delete(Face, Ft)
+ end, Ftab0, gb_sets:to_list(Faces)),
+ We#we{fs=Ftab}.
+delete_inner(Inner, #we{es=Etab0}=We) ->
+ Etab = lists:foldl(fun(Edge, Et) ->
+ gb_trees:delete(Edge, Et)
+ end, Etab0, Inner),
+ We#we{es=Etab}.
+update_outer([Pred|[Edge|Succ]=T], More, Face, Ftab, Etab0) ->
+ #edge{rf=Rf} = R0 = gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab0),
+ Rec = case gb_trees:is_defined(Rf, Ftab) of
+ true ->
+ ?ASSERT(false == gb_trees:is_defined(R0#edge.lf, Ftab)),
+ LS = succ(Succ, More),
+ R0#edge{lf=Face,ltpr=Pred,ltsu=LS};
+ false ->
+ ?ASSERT(true == gb_trees:is_defined(R0#edge.lf, Ftab)),
+ RS = succ(Succ, More),
+ R0#edge{rf=Face,rtpr=Pred,rtsu=RS}
+ end,
+ Etab = gb_trees:update(Edge, Rec, Etab0),
+ update_outer(T, More, Face, Ftab, Etab);
+update_outer([_], _More, _Face, _Ftab, Etab) -> Etab.
+succ([Succ|_], _More) -> Succ;
+succ([], [Succ|_]) -> Succ.
+%% outer_edge_loop(FaceSet,WingedEdge) -> [Edge] | error.
+%% Partition the outer edges of the FaceSet into a single closed loop.
+%% Return 'error' if the faces in FaceSet does not form a
+%% simple region without holes.
+%% Equvivalent to
+%% case outer_edge_partition(FaceSet,WingedEdge) of
+%% [Loop] -> Loop;
+%% [_|_] -> error
+%% end.
+%% but faster.
+outer_edge_loop(Faces, We) ->
+ case lists:sort(collect_outer_edges(Faces, We)) of
+ [] -> error;
+ [{Key,Val}|Es0] ->
+ case any_duplicates(Es0, Key) of
+ false ->
+ Es = gb_trees:from_orddict(Es0),
+ N = gb_trees:size(Es),
+ outer_edge_loop_1(Val, Es, Key, N, []);
+ true -> error
+ end
+ end.
+outer_edge_loop_1({Edge,V}, _, V, 0, Acc) ->
+ %% This edge completes the loop, and we have used all possible edges.
+ [Edge|Acc];
+outer_edge_loop_1({_,V}, _, V, _N, _) ->
+ %% Loop is complete, but we haven't used all edges.
+ error;
+outer_edge_loop_1({_,_}, _, _, 0, _) ->
+ %% We have used all possible edges, but somehow the loop
+ %% is not complete. I can't see how this is possible.
+ erlang:error(internal_error);
+outer_edge_loop_1({Edge,Vb}, Es, EndV, N, Acc0) ->
+ Acc = [Edge|Acc0],
+ outer_edge_loop_1(gb_trees:get(Vb, Es), Es, EndV, N-1, Acc).
+any_duplicates([{V,_}|_], V) -> true;
+any_duplicates([_], _) -> false;
+any_duplicates([{V,_}|Es], _) -> any_duplicates(Es, V).
+%% outer_edge_partition(FaceSet, WingedEdge) -> [[Edge]].
+%% Partition the outer edges of the FaceSet. Each partion
+%% of edges form a closed loop with no repeated vertices.
+%% Outer edges are edges that have one face in FaceSet
+%% and one outside.
+%% It is assumed that FaceSet consists of one region returned by
+%% wings_sel:face_regions/2.
+outer_edge_partition(Faces, We) ->
+ F0 = collect_outer_edges(Faces, We),
+ F = gb_trees:from_orddict(wings_util:rel2fam(F0)),
+ partition_edges(F, []).
+collect_outer_edges(Faces, We) when is_list(Faces) ->
+ collect_outer_edges_1(Faces, gb_sets:from_list(Faces), We);
+collect_outer_edges(Faces, We) ->
+ collect_outer_edges_1(gb_sets:to_list(Faces), Faces, We).
+collect_outer_edges_1(Fs0, Faces0, #we{fs=Ftab}=We) ->
+ case {gb_trees:size(Ftab),gb_sets:size(Faces0)} of
+ {AllSz,FaceSz} when AllSz < 2*FaceSz ->
+ Fs = ordsets:subtract(gb_trees:keys(Ftab), Fs0),
+ Faces = gb_sets:from_ordset(Fs),
+ Coll = collect_outer_edges_a(Faces),
+ wings_face:fold_faces(Coll, [], Fs, We);
+ {_,_} ->
+ Coll = collect_outer_edges_b(Faces0),
+ wings_face:fold_faces(Coll, [], Fs0, We)
+ end.
+collect_outer_edges_a(Faces) ->
+ fun(Face, _, Edge, #edge{ve=V,vs=OtherV,lf=Face,rf=Other}, Acc) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Other, Faces) of
+ false -> [{V,{Edge,OtherV}}|Acc];
+ true -> Acc
+ end;
+ (Face, _, Edge, #edge{ve=OtherV,vs=V,rf=Face,lf=Other}, Acc) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Other, Faces) of
+ false -> [{V,{Edge,OtherV}}|Acc];
+ true -> Acc
+ end
+ end.
+collect_outer_edges_b(Faces) ->
+ fun(Face, _, Edge, #edge{vs=V,ve=OtherV,lf=Face,rf=Other}, Acc) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Other, Faces) of
+ false -> [{V,{Edge,OtherV}}|Acc];
+ true -> Acc
+ end;
+ (Face, _, Edge, #edge{vs=OtherV,ve=V,rf=Face,lf=Other}, Acc) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Other, Faces) of
+ false -> [{V,{Edge,OtherV}}|Acc];
+ true -> Acc
+ end
+ end.
+partition_edges(Es0, Acc) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_empty(Es0) of
+ true -> Acc;
+ false ->
+ {Key,Val,Es1} = gb_trees:take_smallest(Es0),
+ {Cycle,Es} = part_collect_cycle(Key, Val, Es1, []),
+ partition_edges(Es, [Cycle|Acc])
+ end.
+%% part_collect_cycle(Vertex, VertexInfo, EdgeInfo, Acc0) ->
+%% none | {[Edge],EdgeInfo}
+%% Collect the cycle starting with Vertex.
+%% Note: This function can only return 'none' when called
+%% recursively.
+part_collect_cycle(_, repeated, _, _) ->
+ %% Repeated vertex - we are not allowed to go this way.
+ %% Can only happen if we were called recursively because
+ %% a fork was encountered.
+ none;
+part_collect_cycle(_Va, [{Edge,Vb}], Es0, Acc0) ->
+ %% Basic case. Only one way to go.
+ Acc = [Edge|Acc0],
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Vb, Es0) of
+ none ->
+ {Acc,Es0};
+ {value,Val} ->
+ Es = gb_trees:delete(Vb, Es0),
+ part_collect_cycle(Vb, Val, Es, Acc)
+ end;
+part_collect_cycle(Va, [Val|More], Es0, []) ->
+ %% No cycle started yet and we have multiple choice of
+ %% edges out from this vertex. It doesn't matter which
+ %% edge we follow, so we'll follow the first one.
+ {Cycle,Es} = part_collect_cycle(Va, [Val], Es0, []),
+ {Cycle,gb_trees:insert(Va, More, Es)};
+part_collect_cycle(Va, Edges, Es0, Acc) ->
+ %% We have a partially collected cycle and we have a
+ %% fork (multiple choice of edges). Here we must choose
+ %% an edge that closes the cycle without passing Va
+ %% again (because repeated vertices are not allowed).
+ Es = gb_trees:insert(Va, repeated, Es0),
+ part_fork(Va, Edges, Es, Acc, []).
+part_fork(Va, [Val|More], Es0, Acc, Tried) ->
+ %% Try to complete the cycle by following this edge.
+ case part_collect_cycle(Va, [Val], Es0, Acc) of
+ none ->
+ %% Failure - try the next edge.
+ part_fork(Va, More, Es0, Acc, [Val|Tried]);
+ {Cycle,Es} ->
+ %% Found a cycle. Update the vertex information
+ %% with all edges remaining.
+ {Cycle,gb_trees:update(Va, lists:reverse(Tried, More), Es)}
+ end;
+part_fork(_, [], _, _, _) ->
+ %% None of edges were possible. Can only happen if this function
+ %% was called recursively (i.e. if we hit another fork while
+ %% processing a fork).
+ none.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_edge.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_edge.erl
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index 0000000000..3483acb711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_edge.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+%% wings_edge.erl --
+%% This module contains most edge command and edge utility functions.
+%% Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Bjorn Gustavsson.
+%% See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+%% of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+%% $Id: wings_edge.erl,v 1.1 2009/01/25 18:55:33 kostis Exp $
+%%% Dissolve.
+dissolve_edges(Edges0, We0) when is_list(Edges0) ->
+ #we{es=Etab} = We1 = lists:foldl(fun internal_dissolve_edge/2, We0, Edges0),
+ case [E || E <- Edges0, gb_trees:is_defined(E, Etab)] of
+ Edges0 ->
+ %% No edge was deleted in the last pass. We are done.
+ We = wings_we:rebuild(We0#we{vc=undefined}),
+ wings_we:validate_mirror(We);
+ Edges ->
+ dissolve_edges(Edges, We1)
+ end;
+dissolve_edges(Edges, We) ->
+ dissolve_edges(gb_sets:to_list(Edges), We).
+internal_dissolve_edge(Edge, #we{es=Etab}=We0) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, Etab) of
+ none -> We0;
+ {value,#edge{ltpr=Same,ltsu=Same,rtpr=Same,rtsu=Same}} ->
+ Empty = gb_trees:empty(),
+ We0#we{vc=Empty,vp=Empty,es=Empty,fs=Empty,he=gb_sets:empty()};
+ {value,#edge{rtpr=Back,ltsu=Back}=Rec} ->
+ merge_edges(backward, Edge, Rec, We0);
+ {value,#edge{rtsu=Forward,ltpr=Forward}=Rec} ->
+ merge_edges(forward, Edge, Rec, We0);
+ {value,Rec} ->
+ try dissolve_edge_1(Edge, Rec, We0) of
+ We -> We
+ catch
+ throw:hole -> We0
+ end
+ end.
+%% dissolve_edge_1(Edge, EdgeRecord, We) -> We
+%% Remove an edge and a face. If one of the faces is degenerated
+%% (only consists of two edges), remove that one. Otherwise, it
+%% doesn't matter which face we remove.
+dissolve_edge_1(Edge, #edge{lf=Remove,rf=Keep,ltpr=Same,ltsu=Same}=Rec, We) ->
+ dissolve_edge_2(Edge, Remove, Keep, Rec, We);
+dissolve_edge_1(Edge, #edge{lf=Keep,rf=Remove}=Rec, We) ->
+ dissolve_edge_2(Edge, Remove, Keep, Rec, We).
+dissolve_edge_2(Edge, FaceRemove, FaceKeep,
+ #edge{ltpr=LP,ltsu=LS,rtpr=RP,rtsu=RS},
+ #we{fs=Ftab0,es=Etab0,he=Htab0}=We0) ->
+ %% First change face for all edges surrounding the face we will remove.
+ Etab1 = wings_face:fold(
+ fun (_, E, _, IntEtab) when E =:= Edge -> IntEtab;
+ (_, E, R, IntEtab) ->
+ case R of
+ #edge{lf=FaceRemove,rf=FaceKeep} ->
+ throw(hole);
+ #edge{rf=FaceRemove,lf=FaceKeep} ->
+ throw(hole);
+ #edge{lf=FaceRemove} ->
+ gb_trees:update(E, R#edge{lf=FaceKeep}, IntEtab);
+ #edge{rf=FaceRemove} ->
+ gb_trees:update(E, R#edge{rf=FaceKeep}, IntEtab)
+ end
+ end, Etab0, FaceRemove, We0),
+ %% Patch all predecessors and successor of the edge we will remove.
+ Etab2 = patch_edge(LP, RS, Edge, Etab1),
+ Etab3 = patch_edge(LS, RP, Edge, Etab2),
+ Etab4 = patch_edge(RP, LS, Edge, Etab3),
+ Etab5 = patch_edge(RS, LP, Edge, Etab4),
+ %% Remove the edge.
+ Etab = gb_trees:delete(Edge, Etab5),
+ Htab = hardness(Edge, soft, Htab0),
+ %% Remove the face. Patch the face entry for the remaining face.
+ Ftab1 = gb_trees:delete(FaceRemove, Ftab0),
+ We1 = wings_facemat:delete_face(FaceRemove, We0),
+ Ftab = gb_trees:update(FaceKeep, LP, Ftab1),
+ %% Return result.
+ We = We1#we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab,vc=undefined,he=Htab},
+ AnEdge = gb_trees:get(FaceKeep, Ftab),
+ case gb_trees:get(AnEdge, Etab) of
+ #edge{lf=FaceKeep,ltpr=Same,ltsu=Same} ->
+ internal_dissolve_edge(AnEdge, We);
+ #edge{rf=FaceKeep,rtpr=Same,rtsu=Same} ->
+ internal_dissolve_edge(AnEdge, We);
+ _Other ->
+ case wings_we:is_face_consistent(FaceKeep, We) of
+ true ->
+ We;
+ false ->
+ io:format("Dissolving would cause a badly formed face.")
+ end
+ end.
+%% We like winged edges, but not winged vertices (a vertex with
+%% only two edges connected to it). We will remove the winged vertex
+%% by joining the two edges connected to it.
+merge_edges(Dir, Edge, Rec, #we{es=Etab}=We) ->
+ {Va,Vb,_,_,_,_,To,To} = half_edge(Dir, Rec),
+ case gb_trees:get(To, Etab) of
+ #edge{vs=Va,ve=Vb} ->
+ del_2edge_face(Dir, Edge, Rec, To, We);
+ #edge{vs=Vb,ve=Va} ->
+ del_2edge_face(Dir, Edge, Rec, To, We);
+ _Other ->
+ merge_1(Dir, Edge, Rec, To, We)
+ end.
+merge_1(Dir, Edge, Rec, To, #we{es=Etab0,fs=Ftab0,he=Htab0}=We) ->
+ OtherDir = reverse_dir(Dir),
+ {Vkeep,Vdelete,Lf,Rf,A,B,L,R} = half_edge(OtherDir, Rec),
+ Etab1 = patch_edge(L, To, Edge, Etab0),
+ Etab2 = patch_edge(R, To, Edge, Etab1),
+ Etab3 = patch_half_edge(To, Vkeep, Lf, A, L, Rf, B, R, Vdelete, Etab2),
+ Htab = hardness(Edge, soft, Htab0),
+ Etab = gb_trees:delete(Edge, Etab3),
+ #edge{lf=Lf,rf=Rf} = Rec,
+ Ftab1 = update_face(Lf, To, Edge, Ftab0),
+ Ftab = update_face(Rf, To, Edge, Ftab1),
+ merge_2(To, We#we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab,he=Htab,vc=undefined}).
+merge_2(Edge, #we{es=Etab}=We) ->
+ %% If the merged edge is part of a two-edge face, we must
+ %% remove that edge too.
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{ltpr=Same,ltsu=Same} ->
+ internal_dissolve_edge(Edge, We);
+ #edge{rtpr=Same,rtsu=Same} ->
+ internal_dissolve_edge(Edge, We);
+ _Other -> We
+ end.
+update_face(Face, Edge, OldEdge, Ftab) ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Face, Ftab) of
+ OldEdge -> gb_trees:update(Face, Edge, Ftab);
+ _Other -> Ftab
+ end.
+del_2edge_face(Dir, EdgeA, RecA, EdgeB,
+ #we{es=Etab0,fs=Ftab0,he=Htab0}=We) ->
+ {_,_,Lf,Rf,_,_,_,_} = half_edge(reverse_dir(Dir), RecA),
+ RecB = gb_trees:get(EdgeB, Etab0),
+ Del = gb_sets:from_list([EdgeA,EdgeB]),
+ EdgeANear = stabile_neighbor(RecA, Del),
+ EdgeBNear = stabile_neighbor(RecB, Del),
+ Etab1 = patch_edge(EdgeANear, EdgeBNear, EdgeA, Etab0),
+ Etab2 = patch_edge(EdgeBNear, EdgeANear, EdgeB, Etab1),
+ Etab3 = gb_trees:delete(EdgeA, Etab2),
+ Etab = gb_trees:delete(EdgeB, Etab3),
+ %% Patch hardness table.
+ Htab1 = hardness(EdgeA, soft, Htab0),
+ Htab = hardness(EdgeB, soft, Htab1),
+ %% Patch the face table.
+ #edge{lf=Klf,rf=Krf} = gb_trees:get(EdgeANear, Etab),
+ KeepFaces = ordsets:from_list([Klf,Krf]),
+ EdgeAFaces = ordsets:from_list([Lf,Rf]),
+ [DelFace] = ordsets:subtract(EdgeAFaces, KeepFaces),
+ Ftab1 = gb_trees:delete(DelFace, Ftab0),
+ [KeepFace] = ordsets:intersection(KeepFaces, EdgeAFaces),
+ Ftab2 = update_face(KeepFace, EdgeANear, EdgeA, Ftab1),
+ Ftab = update_face(KeepFace, EdgeBNear, EdgeB, Ftab2),
+ %% Return result.
+ We#we{vc=undefined,es=Etab,fs=Ftab,he=Htab}.
+stabile_neighbor(#edge{ltpr=Ea,ltsu=Eb,rtpr=Ec,rtsu=Ed}, Del) ->
+ [Edge] = lists:foldl(fun(E, A) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(E, Del) of
+ true -> A;
+ false -> [E|A]
+ end
+ end, [], [Ea,Eb,Ec,Ed]),
+ Edge.
+%%% Setting hard/soft edges.
+hardness(Edge, soft, Htab) -> gb_sets:delete_any(Edge, Htab);
+hardness(Edge, hard, Htab) -> gb_sets:add(Edge, Htab).
+%%% Utilities.
+reverse_dir(forward) -> backward;
+reverse_dir(backward) -> forward.
+half_edge(backward, #edge{vs=Va,ve=Vb,lf=Lf,rf=Rf,a=A,b=B,ltsu=L,rtpr=R}) ->
+ {Va,Vb,Lf,Rf,A,B,L,R};
+half_edge(forward, #edge{ve=Va,vs=Vb,lf=Lf,rf=Rf,a=A,b=B,ltpr=L,rtsu=R}) ->
+ {Va,Vb,Lf,Rf,A,B,L,R}.
+patch_half_edge(Edge, V, FaceA, A, Ea, FaceB, B, Eb, OrigV, Etab) ->
+ New = case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{vs=OrigV,lf=FaceA,rf=FaceB}=Rec ->
+ Rec#edge{a=A,vs=V,ltsu=Ea,rtpr=Eb};
+ #edge{vs=OrigV,lf=FaceB,rf=FaceA}=Rec ->
+ Rec#edge{a=B,vs=V,ltsu=Eb,rtpr=Ea};
+ #edge{ve=OrigV,lf=FaceA,rf=FaceB}=Rec ->
+ Rec#edge{b=B,ve=V,ltpr=Ea,rtsu=Eb};
+ #edge{ve=OrigV,lf=FaceB,rf=FaceA}=Rec ->
+ Rec#edge{b=A,ve=V,ltpr=Eb,rtsu=Ea}
+ end,
+ gb_trees:update(Edge, New, Etab).
+patch_edge(Edge, ToEdge, OrigEdge, Etab) ->
+ New = case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{ltsu=OrigEdge}=R ->
+ R#edge{ltsu=ToEdge};
+ #edge{ltpr=OrigEdge}=R ->
+ R#edge{ltpr=ToEdge};
+ #edge{rtsu=OrigEdge}=R ->
+ R#edge{rtsu=ToEdge};
+ #edge{rtpr=OrigEdge}=R ->
+ R#edge{rtpr=ToEdge}
+ end,
+ gb_trees:update(Edge, New, Etab).
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+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_edge_cmd.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%% wings_edge.erl --
+%% This module contains most edge command and edge utility functions.
+%%% The Loop Cut command.
+loop_cut(St0) ->
+ {Sel,St} = wings_sel:fold(fun loop_cut/3, {[],St0}, St0),
+ wings_sel:set(body, Sel, St).
+loop_cut(Edges, #we{name=Name,id=Id,fs=Ftab}=We0, {Sel,St0}) ->
+ AdjFaces = wings_face:from_edges(Edges, We0),
+ case loop_cut_partition(AdjFaces, Edges, We0, []) of
+ [_] ->
+ io:format("Edge loop doesn't divide ~p into two parts.", [Name]);
+ Parts0 ->
+ %% We arbitrarily decide that the largest part of the object
+ %% will be left unselected and will keep the name of the object.
+ Parts1 = [{gb_trees:size(P),P} || P <- Parts0],
+ Parts2 = lists:reverse(lists:sort(Parts1)),
+ [_|Parts] = [gb_sets:to_list(P) || {_,P} <- Parts2],
+ %% Also, this first part will also contain any sub-object
+ %% that was not reachable from any of the edges. Therefore,
+ %% we calculate the first part as the complement of the union
+ %% of all other parts.
+ FirstComplement = ordsets:union(Parts),
+ First = ordsets:subtract(gb_trees:keys(Ftab), FirstComplement),
+ We = wings_dissolve:complement(First, We0),
+ Shs = St0#st.shapes,
+ St = St0#st{shapes=gb_trees:update(Id, We, Shs)},
+ loop_cut_make_copies(Parts, We0, Sel, St)
+ end.
+loop_cut_make_copies([P|Parts], We0, Sel0, #st{onext=Id}=St0) ->
+ Sel = [{Id,gb_sets:singleton(0)}|Sel0],
+ We = wings_dissolve:complement(P, We0),
+ St = wings_shape:insert(We, cut, St0),
+ loop_cut_make_copies(Parts, We0, Sel, St);
+loop_cut_make_copies([], _, Sel, St) -> {Sel,St}.
+loop_cut_partition(Faces0, Edges, We, Acc) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Faces0) of
+ true -> Acc;
+ false ->
+ {AFace,Faces1} = gb_sets:take_smallest(Faces0),
+ Reachable = collect_faces(AFace, Edges, We),
+ Faces = gb_sets:difference(Faces1, Reachable),
+ loop_cut_partition(Faces, Edges, We, [Reachable|Acc])
+ end.
+collect_faces(Face, Edges, We) ->
+ collect_faces(gb_sets:singleton(Face), We, Edges, gb_sets:empty()).
+collect_faces(Work0, We, Edges, Acc0) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Work0) of
+ true -> Acc0;
+ false ->
+ {Face,Work1} = gb_sets:take_smallest(Work0),
+ Acc = gb_sets:insert(Face, Acc0),
+ Work = collect_maybe_add(Work1, Face, Edges, We, Acc),
+ collect_faces(Work, We, Edges, Acc)
+ end.
+collect_maybe_add(Work, Face, Edges, We, Res) ->
+ wings_face:fold(
+ fun(_, Edge, Rec, A) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Edge, Edges) of
+ true -> A;
+ false ->
+ Of = wings_face:other(Face, Rec),
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Of, Res) of
+ true -> A;
+ false -> gb_sets:add(Of, A)
+ end
+ end
+ end, Work, Face, We).
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+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_face.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+%% wings_face.erl --
+%% This module contains help routines for faces, such as fold functions
+%% face iterators.
+-export([delete_bad_faces/2, fold/4, fold_faces/4, from_edges/2,
+ inner_edges/2, to_edges/2, other/2]).
+from_edges(Es, #we{es=Etab}) when is_list(Es) ->
+ from_edges_1(Es, Etab, []);
+from_edges(Es, We) ->
+ from_edges(gb_sets:to_list(Es), We).
+from_edges_1([E|Es], Etab, Acc) ->
+ #edge{lf=Lf,rf=Rf} = gb_trees:get(E, Etab),
+ from_edges_1(Es, Etab, [Lf,Rf|Acc]);
+from_edges_1([], _, Acc) -> gb_sets:from_list(Acc).
+%% other(Face, EdgeRecord) -> OtherFace
+%% Pick up the "other face" from an edge record.
+other(Face, #edge{lf=Face,rf=Other}) -> Other;
+other(Face, #edge{rf=Face,lf=Other}) -> Other.
+%% to_edges(Faces, We) -> [Edge]
+%% Convert a set or list of faces to a list of edges.
+to_edges(Fs, We) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(to_edges_raw(Fs, We)).
+%% inner_edges(Faces, We) -> [Edge]
+%% Given a set of faces, return all inner edges.
+inner_edges(Faces, We) ->
+ S = to_edges_raw(Faces, We),
+ inner_edges_1(lists:sort(S), []).
+inner_edges_1([E,E|T], In) ->
+ inner_edges_1(T, [E|In]);
+inner_edges_1([_|T], In) ->
+ inner_edges_1(T, In);
+inner_edges_1([], In) -> lists:reverse(In).
+%% Fold over all edges surrounding a face.
+fold(F, Acc, Face, #we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab}) ->
+ Edge = gb_trees:get(Face, Ftab),
+ fold(Edge, Etab, F, Acc, Face, Edge, not_done).
+fold(LastEdge, _, _, Acc, _, LastEdge, done) -> Acc;
+fold(Edge, Etab, F, Acc0, Face, LastEdge, _) ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{ve=V,lf=Face,ltsu=NextEdge}=E ->
+ Acc = F(V, Edge, E, Acc0),
+ fold(NextEdge, Etab, F, Acc, Face, LastEdge, done);
+ #edge{vs=V,rf=Face,rtsu=NextEdge}=E ->
+ Acc = F(V, Edge, E, Acc0),
+ fold(NextEdge, Etab, F, Acc, Face, LastEdge, done)
+ end.
+%% Fold over a set of faces.
+fold_faces(F, Acc0, [Face|Faces], #we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab}=We) ->
+ Edge = gb_trees:get(Face, Ftab),
+ Acc = fold_faces_1(Edge, Etab, F, Acc0, Face, Edge, not_done),
+ fold_faces(F, Acc, Faces, We);
+fold_faces(_F, Acc, [], _We) -> Acc;
+fold_faces(F, Acc, Faces, We) ->
+ fold_faces(F, Acc, gb_sets:to_list(Faces), We).
+fold_faces_1(LastEdge, _, _, Acc, _, LastEdge, done) -> Acc;
+fold_faces_1(Edge, Etab, F, Acc0, Face, LastEdge, _) ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{ve=V,lf=Face,ltsu=NextEdge}=E ->
+ Acc = F(Face, V, Edge, E, Acc0),
+ fold_faces_1(NextEdge, Etab, F, Acc, Face, LastEdge, done);
+ #edge{vs=V,rf=Face,rtsu=NextEdge}=E ->
+ Acc = F(Face, V, Edge, E, Acc0),
+ fold_faces_1(NextEdge, Etab, F, Acc, Face, LastEdge, done)
+ end.
+%% Return an unsorted list of edges for the faces (with duplicates).
+to_edges_raw(Faces, #we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab}) when is_list(Faces) ->
+ to_edges_raw(Faces, Ftab, Etab, []);
+to_edges_raw(Faces, We) ->
+ to_edges_raw(gb_sets:to_list(Faces), We).
+to_edges_raw([Face|Faces], Ftab, Etab, Acc0) ->
+ Edge = gb_trees:get(Face, Ftab),
+ Acc = to_edges_raw_1(Edge, Etab, Acc0, Face, Edge, not_done),
+ to_edges_raw(Faces, Ftab, Etab, Acc);
+to_edges_raw([], _, _, Acc) -> Acc.
+to_edges_raw_1(LastEdge, _, Acc, _, LastEdge, done) -> Acc;
+to_edges_raw_1(Edge, Etab, Acc, Face, LastEdge, _) ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{lf=Face,ltsu=NextEdge} ->
+ to_edges_raw_1(NextEdge, Etab, [Edge|Acc], Face, LastEdge, done);
+ #edge{rf=Face,rtsu=NextEdge} ->
+ to_edges_raw_1(NextEdge, Etab, [Edge|Acc], Face, LastEdge, done)
+ end.
+delete_bad_faces(Fs, #we{fs=Ftab,es=Etab}=We) when is_list(Fs) ->
+ Es = bad_edges(Fs, Ftab, Etab, []),
+ wings_edge:dissolve_edges(Es, We);
+delete_bad_faces(Fs, We) ->
+ delete_bad_faces(gb_sets:to_list(Fs), We).
+bad_edges([F|Fs], Ftab, Etab, Acc) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(F, Ftab) of
+ {value,Edge} ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{ltpr=Same,ltsu=Same,rtpr=Same,rtsu=Same} ->
+ erlang:error({internal_error,one_edged_face,F});
+ #edge{ltpr=Same,ltsu=Same} ->
+ bad_edges(Fs, Ftab, Etab, [Edge|Acc]);
+ #edge{rtpr=Same,rtsu=Same} ->
+ bad_edges(Fs, Ftab, Etab, [Edge|Acc]);
+ _ -> bad_edges(Fs, Ftab, Etab, Acc)
+ end;
+ none -> bad_edges(Fs, Ftab, Etab, Acc)
+ end;
+bad_edges([], _, _, Acc) -> Acc.
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+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_facemat.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+%% wings_facemat.erl --
+%% This module keeps tracks of the mapping from a face number
+%% to its material name.
+%% Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Bjorn Gustavsson
+%% See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+%% of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+%% $Id: wings_facemat.erl,v 1.1 2009/01/25 18:55:33 kostis Exp $
+ assign/2,assign/3,
+ delete_face/2,delete_faces/2,keep_faces/2,
+ hide_faces/1,show_faces/1,
+ renumber/2,gc/1,merge/1]).
+-import(lists, [keysearch/3,reverse/1,reverse/2,sort/1]).
+%%% API functions for retrieving information.
+%% all(We) -> [{Face,MaterialName}]
+%% Return materials for all faces as an ordered list.
+all(#we{mat=M}=We) when is_atom(M) ->
+ Vis = visible_faces(We),
+ make_tab(Vis, M);
+all(#we{mat=L}) when is_list(L) ->
+ remove_invisible(L).
+%% face(Face, We) -> MaterialName
+%% Return the material for the face Face.
+face(_, #we{mat=M}) when is_atom(M) -> M;
+face(Face, #we{mat=Tab}) ->
+ {value,{_,Mat}} = keysearch(Face, 1, Tab),
+ Mat.
+%% used_materials(We) -> [MaterialName]
+%% Return an ordered list of all materials used in the We.
+used_materials(#we{mat=M}) when is_atom(M) -> [M];
+used_materials(#we{mat=L}) when is_list(L) ->
+ used_materials_1(L, []).
+%% mat_faces([{Face,Info}], We) -> [{Mat,[{Face,Info}]}]
+%% Group face tab into groups based on material.
+%% Used for displaying objects.
+mat_faces(Ftab, #we{mat=AtomMat}) when is_atom(AtomMat) ->
+ [{AtomMat,Ftab}];
+mat_faces(Ftab, #we{mat=MatTab}) ->
+ mat_faces_1(Ftab, remove_invisible(MatTab), []).
+%%% API functions for updating material name mapping.
+%% assign([{Face,MaterialName}], We) -> We'
+%% Assign materials.
+assign([], We) -> We;
+assign([{F,M}|_]=FaceMs, We) when is_atom(M), is_integer(F) ->
+ Tab = ordsets:from_list(FaceMs),
+ assign_face_ms(Tab, We).
+%% assign(MaterialName, Faces, We) -> We'
+%% Assign MaterialName to all faces Faces.
+assign(Mat, _, #we{mat=Mat}=We) when is_atom(Mat) -> We;
+assign(Mat, Fs, We) when is_atom(Mat), is_list(Fs) ->
+ assign_1(Mat, Fs, We);
+assign(Mat, Fs, We) when is_atom(Mat) ->
+ assign_1(Mat, gb_sets:to_list(Fs), We).
+%% delete_face(Face, We) -> We'
+%% Delete the material name mapping for the face Face.
+delete_face(_, #we{mat=AtomMat}=We) when is_atom(AtomMat) -> We;
+delete_face(Face, #we{mat=MatTab0}=We) ->
+ MatTab = orddict:erase(Face, MatTab0),
+ We#we{mat=MatTab}.
+%% delete_face(Faces, We) -> We'
+%% Delete the material name mapping for all faces Faces.
+delete_faces(_, #we{mat=AtomMat}=We) when is_atom(AtomMat) -> We;
+delete_faces(Faces0, #we{mat=MatTab0}=We) when is_list(Faces0) ->
+ Faces = sofs:from_external(Faces0, [face]),
+ MatTab1 = sofs:from_external(MatTab0, [{face,mat}]),
+ MatTab2 = sofs:drestriction(MatTab1, Faces),
+ MatTab = sofs:to_external(MatTab2),
+ We#we{mat=MatTab};
+delete_faces(Faces, We) ->
+ delete_faces(gb_sets:to_list(Faces), We).
+%% keep_faces(Faces, We) -> We'
+%% Delete all the other material names mapping for all faces other Faces.
+keep_faces(_, #we{mat=AtomMat}=We) when is_atom(AtomMat) -> We;
+keep_faces([Face], We) ->
+ Mat = face(Face,We),
+ We#we{mat=[{Face,Mat}]};
+keep_faces(Faces0, #we{mat=MatTab0}=We) when is_list(Faces0) ->
+ Faces = sofs:from_external(Faces0, [face]),
+ MatTab1 = sofs:from_external(MatTab0, [{face,mat}]),
+ MatTab2 = sofs:restriction(MatTab1, Faces),
+ MatTab = sofs:to_external(MatTab2),
+ We#we{mat=MatTab};
+keep_faces(Faces, We) ->
+ keep_faces(gb_sets:to_list(Faces), We).
+%% hide_faces(We) -> We'
+%% Update the material name mapping in the We to reflect
+%% the newly hidden faces in the face tab.
+hide_faces(#we{mat=M}=We) when is_atom(M) -> We;
+hide_faces(#we{mat=L0,fs=Ftab}=We) ->
+ L = hide_faces_1(L0, Ftab, []),
+ We#we{mat=L}.
+%% show_faces(We) -> We'
+%% Update the material name mapping in the We to reflect
+%% that all faces are again visible.
+show_faces(#we{mat=M}=We) when is_atom(M) -> We;
+show_faces(#we{mat=L0}=We) ->
+ L = show_faces_1(L0, []),
+ We#we{mat=L}.
+%% renumber(MaterialMapping, FaceOldToNew) -> MaterialMapping.
+%% Renumber face number in material name mapping.
+renumber(Mat, _) when is_atom(Mat) -> Mat;
+renumber(L, Fmap) when is_list(L) -> renumber_1(L, Fmap, []).
+%% gc(We) -> We'
+%% Garbage collect the material mapping information, removing
+%% the mapping for any face no longer present in the face table.
+gc(#we{mat=Mat}=We) when is_atom(Mat) -> We;
+gc(#we{mat=Tab0,fs=Ftab}=We) ->
+ Fs = sofs:from_external(gb_trees:keys(Ftab), [face]),
+ Tab1 = sofs:from_external(Tab0, [{face,material}]),
+ Tab2 = sofs:restriction(Tab1, Fs),
+ Tab = sofs:to_external(Tab2),
+ We#we{mat=compress(Tab)}.
+%% merge([We]) -> [{Face,MaterialName}] | MaterialName.
+%% Merge materials for several objects.
+merge([#we{mat=M}|Wes]=L) when is_atom(M) ->
+ case merge_all_same(Wes, M) of
+ true -> M;
+ false -> merge_1(L, [])
+ end;
+merge(L) -> merge_1(L, []).
+merge_1([#we{mat=M,es=Etab}|T], Acc) when is_atom(M) ->
+ FsM = merge_2(gb_trees:values(Etab), M, []),
+ merge_1(T, [FsM|Acc]);
+merge_1([#we{mat=FsMs}|T], Acc) ->
+ merge_1(T, [FsMs|Acc]);
+merge_1([], Acc) -> lists:merge(Acc).
+merge_2([#edge{lf=Lf,rf=Rf}|T], M, Acc) ->
+ merge_2(T, M, [{Lf,M},{Rf,M}|Acc]);
+merge_2([], _, Acc) -> ordsets:from_list(Acc).
+merge_all_same([#we{mat=M}|Wes], M) -> merge_all_same(Wes, M);
+merge_all_same([_|_], _) -> false;
+merge_all_same([], _) -> true.
+%%% Local functions.
+assign_1(Mat, Fs, #we{fs=Ftab}=We) ->
+ case length(Fs) =:= gb_trees:size(Ftab) of
+ true -> We#we{mat=Mat};
+ false -> assign_2(Mat, Fs, We)
+ end.
+assign_2(Mat, Fs0, #we{fs=Ftab,mat=Mat0}=We) when is_atom(Mat0) ->
+ Fs = ordsets:from_list(Fs0),
+ OtherFaces = ordsets:subtract(gb_trees:keys(Ftab), Fs),
+ Tab0 = make_tab(OtherFaces, Mat0),
+ Tab1 = make_tab(Fs, Mat),
+ Tab = lists:merge(Tab0, Tab1),
+ We#we{mat=Tab};
+assign_2(Mat, Fs0, #we{mat=Tab0}=We) when is_list(Tab0) ->
+ Fs = ordsets:from_list(Fs0),
+ Tab1 = make_tab(Fs, Mat),
+ Tab = mat_merge(Tab1, Tab0, []),
+ We#we{mat=Tab}.
+assign_face_ms(Tab, #we{fs=Ftab}=We) ->
+ case length(Tab) =:= gb_trees:size(Ftab) of
+ true -> We#we{mat=compress(Tab)};
+ false -> assign_face_ms_1(Tab, We)
+ end.
+assign_face_ms_1(Tab1, #we{fs=Ftab,mat=Mat0}=We) when is_atom(Mat0) ->
+ Tab0 = make_tab(gb_trees:keys(Ftab), Mat0),
+ Tab = mat_merge(Tab1, Tab0, []),
+ We#we{mat=Tab};
+assign_face_ms_1(Tab1, #we{mat=Tab0}=We) when is_list(Tab0) ->
+ Tab = mat_merge(Tab1, Tab0, []),
+ We#we{mat=Tab}.
+mat_merge([{Fn,_}|_]=Fns, [{Fo,_}=Fold|Fos], Acc) when Fo < Fn ->
+ mat_merge(Fns, Fos, [Fold|Acc]);
+mat_merge([{Fn,_}=Fnew|Fns], [{Fo,_}|_]=Fos, Acc) when Fo > Fn ->
+ mat_merge(Fns, Fos, [Fnew|Acc]);
+mat_merge([Fnew|Fns], [_|Fos], Acc) -> % Equality
+ mat_merge(Fns, Fos, [Fnew|Acc]);
+mat_merge([], Fos, Acc) ->
+ rev_compress(Acc, Fos);
+mat_merge(Fns, [], Acc) ->
+ rev_compress(Acc, Fns).
+make_tab(Fs, M) ->
+ make_tab_1(Fs, M, []).
+make_tab_1([F|Fs], M, Acc) ->
+ make_tab_1(Fs, M, [{F,M}|Acc]);
+make_tab_1([], _, Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
+visible_faces(#we{fs=Ftab}) ->
+ visible_faces_1(gb_trees:keys(Ftab)).
+visible_faces_1([F|Fs]) when F < 0 ->
+ visible_faces_1(Fs);
+visible_faces_1(Fs) -> Fs.
+remove_invisible([{F,_}|Fs]) when F < 0 ->
+ remove_invisible(Fs);
+remove_invisible(Fs) -> Fs.
+hide_faces_1([{F,_}=P|Fms], Ftab, Acc) when F < 0 ->
+ hide_faces_1(Fms, Ftab, [P|Acc]);
+hide_faces_1([{F,M}=P|Fms], Ftab, Acc) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_defined(F, Ftab) of
+ false -> hide_faces_1(Fms, Ftab, [{-F-1,M}|Acc]);
+ true -> hide_faces_1(Fms, Ftab, [P|Acc])
+ end;
+hide_faces_1([], _, Acc) -> sort(Acc).
+show_faces_1([{F,M}|Fms], Acc) when F < 0 ->
+ show_faces_1(Fms, [{-F-1,M}|Acc]);
+show_faces_1(Fs, Acc) -> sort(Acc++Fs).
+renumber_1([{F,M}|T], Fmap, Acc) ->
+ renumber_1(T, Fmap, [{gb_trees:get(F, Fmap),M}|Acc]);
+renumber_1([], _, Acc) -> sort(Acc).
+%% rev_compress([{Face,Mat}], [{Face,Mat}]) -> [{Face,Mat}] | Mat.
+%% Reverse just like lists:reverse/2, but if all materials
+%% turns out to be just the same, return that material.
+rev_compress(L, Acc) ->
+ case same_mat(Acc) of
+ [] -> reverse(L, Acc);
+ M -> rev_compress_1(L, M, Acc)
+ end.
+rev_compress_1([{_,M}=E|T], M, Acc) ->
+ %% Same material.
+ rev_compress_1(T, M, [E|Acc]);
+rev_compress_1([_|_]=L, _, Acc) ->
+ %% Another material. Finish by using reverse/2.
+ reverse(L, Acc);
+rev_compress_1([], M, _) ->
+ %% All materials turned out to be the same.
+ M.
+%% compress(MaterialTab) -> [{Face,Mat}] | Mat.
+%% Compress a face mapping if possible.
+compress(M) when is_atom(M) -> M;
+compress(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ case same_mat(L) of
+ [] -> L;
+ M -> M
+ end.
+same_mat([]) -> [];
+same_mat([{_,M}|T]) -> same_mat_1(T, M).
+same_mat_1([{_,M}|T], M) -> same_mat_1(T, M);
+same_mat_1([], M) -> M;
+same_mat_1(_, _) -> [].
+used_materials_1([{_,M}|T], [M|_]=Acc) ->
+ used_materials_1(T, Acc);
+used_materials_1([{_,M}|T], Acc) ->
+ used_materials_1(T, [M|Acc]);
+used_materials_1([], Acc) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(Acc).
+mat_faces_1([{F1,_}|_]=Fs, [{F2,_}|Ms], Acc) when F2 < F1 ->
+ mat_faces_1(Fs, Ms, Acc);
+mat_faces_1([{F,Info}|Fs], [{F,Mat}|Ms], Acc) ->
+ mat_faces_1(Fs, Ms, [{Mat,{F,Info}}|Acc]);
+mat_faces_1([], _, Acc) -> wings_util:rel2fam(Acc).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_intl.hrl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_intl.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebcb560f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_intl.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+%% wings_intl.hrl --
+%% Defines for translations
+%% Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Bjorn Gustavsson
+%% See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+%% of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+%% $Id: wings_intl.hrl,v 1.1 2009/01/25 18:55:33 kostis Exp $
+-define(STR(A,B,Str), wings_lang:str({?MODULE,A,B},Str)).
+-define(__(Key,Str), wings_lang:str({?MODULE,Key},Str)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_io.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_io.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39002c675d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_io.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+%% wings_io.erl --
+%% This module contains most of the low-level GUI for Wings.
+-define(EVENT_QUEUE, wings_io_event_queue).
+%%% Input.
+get_matching_events(Filter) ->
+ Eq = get(?EVENT_QUEUE),
+ get_matching_events_1(Filter, Eq, [], []).
+get_matching_events_1(Filter, Eq0, Match, NoMatch) ->
+ case queue:out(Eq0) of
+ {{value,Ev},Eq} ->
+ case Filter(Ev) of
+ false ->
+ get_matching_events_1(Filter, Eq, Match, [Ev|NoMatch]);
+ true ->
+ get_matching_events_1(Filter, Eq, [Ev|Match], NoMatch)
+ end;
+ {empty,{In,Out}} ->
+ case Match of
+ [] -> [];
+ _ ->
+ put(?EVENT_QUEUE, {In, lists:reverse(NoMatch, Out)}),
+ Match
+ end
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_sel.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_sel.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eef797027e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_sel.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%% wings_sel.erl --
+%% This module implements selection utilities.
+-export([face_regions/2, fold/3, set/3]).
+set(Mode, Sel, St) ->
+ St#st{selmode=Mode, sel=lists:sort(Sel), sh=false}.
+%%% Fold over the selection.
+fold(F, Acc, #st{sel=Sel,shapes=Shapes}) ->
+ fold_1(F, Acc, Shapes, Sel).
+fold_1(F, Acc0, Shapes, [{Id,Items}|T]) ->
+ We = gb_trees:get(Id, Shapes),
+ ?ASSERT(We#we.id =:= Id),
+ fold_1(F, F(Items, We, Acc0), Shapes, T);
+fold_1(_F, Acc, _Shapes, []) -> Acc.
+%%% Divide the face selection into regions where each face shares at least
+%%% one edge with another face in the same region. Two faces can share a
+%%% vertex without necessarily being in the same region.
+face_regions(Faces, We) when is_list(Faces) ->
+ face_regions_1(gb_sets:from_list(Faces), We);
+face_regions(Faces, We) ->
+ face_regions_1(Faces, We).
+face_regions_1(Faces, We) ->
+ find_face_regions(Faces, We, fun collect_face_fun/5, []).
+find_face_regions(Faces0, We, Coll, Acc) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(Faces0) of
+ true -> Acc;
+ false ->
+ {Face,Faces1} = gb_sets:take_smallest(Faces0),
+ Ws = [Face],
+ {Reg,Faces} = collect_face_region(Ws, We, Coll, [], Faces1),
+ find_face_regions(Faces, We, Coll, [Reg|Acc])
+ end.
+collect_face_region([_|_]=Ws0, We, Coll, Reg0, Faces0) ->
+ Reg = Ws0++Reg0,
+ {Ws,Faces} = wings_face:fold_faces(Coll, {[],Faces0}, Ws0, We),
+ collect_face_region(Ws, We, Coll, Reg, Faces);
+collect_face_region([], _, _, Reg, Faces) ->
+ {gb_sets:from_list(Reg),Faces}.
+collect_face_fun(Face, _, _, Rec, {Ws,Faces}=A) ->
+ Of = case Rec of
+ #edge{lf=Face,rf=Of0} -> Of0;
+ #edge{rf=Face,lf=Of0} -> Of0
+ end,
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Of, Faces) of
+ true -> {[Of|Ws],gb_sets:delete(Of, Faces)};
+ false -> A
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_shape.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_shape.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0df8ca68eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_shape.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+%% wings_shape.erl --
+%% Utilities for shape records.
+%%% Exported functions.
+%% new(We, Suffix, St0) -> St.
+%% Suffix = cut | clone | copy | extract | sep
+%% Create a new object based on an old object. The name
+%% will be created from the old name (with digits and known
+%% suffixes stripped) with the given Suffix and a number
+%% appended.
+insert(#we{name=OldName}=We0, Suffix, #st{shapes=Shapes0,onext=Oid}=St) ->
+ Name = new_name(OldName, Suffix, Oid),
+ We = We0#we{id=Oid,name=Name},
+ Shapes = gb_trees:insert(Oid, We, Shapes0),
+ St#st{shapes=Shapes,onext=Oid+1}.
+%%% Local functions follow.
+new_name(OldName, Suffix0, Id) ->
+ Suffix = suffix(Suffix0),
+ Base = base(lists:reverse(OldName)),
+ lists:reverse(Base, "_" ++ Suffix ++ integer_to_list(Id)).
+%% Note: Filename suffixes are intentionally not translated.
+%% If we are to translate them in the future, base/1 below
+%% must be updated to strip suffixes (both for the current language
+%% and for English).
+suffix(cut) -> "cut";
+suffix(clone) -> "clone";
+suffix(copy) -> "copy";
+suffix(extract) -> "extract";
+suffix(mirror) -> "mirror";
+suffix(sep) -> "sep".
+%% base_1(ReversedName) -> ReversedBaseName
+%% Given an object name, strip digits and known suffixes to
+%% create a base name. Returns the unchanged name if
+%% no known suffix could be stripped.
+base(OldName) ->
+ case base_1(OldName) of
+ error -> OldName;
+ Base -> Base
+ end.
+base_1([H|T]) when $0 =< H, H =< $9 -> base_1(T);
+base_1("tuc_"++Base) -> Base; %"_cut"
+base_1("enolc_"++Base) -> Base; %"_clone"
+base_1("ypoc_"++Base) -> Base; %"_copy"
+base_1("tcartxe_"++Base) -> Base; %"_extract"
+base_1("rorrim_"++Base) -> Base; %"_mirror"
+base_1("pes_"++Base) -> Base; %"_sep"
+base_1(_Base) -> error.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_util.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b825d85fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+%% wings_util.erl --
+%% Various utility functions that not obviously fit somewhere else.
+-export([gb_trees_smallest_key/1, gb_trees_largest_key/1,
+ gb_trees_map/2, rel2fam/1]).
+rel2fam(Rel) ->
+ sofs:to_external(sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(Rel))).
+%% a definition that does not violate the opacity of gb_trees:tree()
+gb_trees_smallest_key(Tree) ->
+ {Key, _V} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree),
+ Key.
+%% a definition that violates the opacity of gb_trees:tree()
+gb_trees_largest_key({_, Tree}) ->
+ largest_key1(Tree).
+largest_key1({Key, _Value, _Smaller, nil}) ->
+ Key;
+largest_key1({_Key, _Value, _Smaller, Larger}) ->
+ largest_key1(Larger).
+gb_trees_map(F, {Size,Tree}) ->
+ {Size,gb_trees_map_1(F, Tree)}.
+gb_trees_map_1(_, nil) -> nil;
+gb_trees_map_1(F, {K,V,Smaller,Larger}) ->
+ {K,F(K, V),
+ gb_trees_map_1(F, Smaller),
+ gb_trees_map_1(F, Larger)}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_we.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_we.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a93363445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/wings/wings_we.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+%% wings_we.erl --
+%% This module contains functions to build and manipulate
+%% we records (winged-edged records, the central data structure
+%% in Wings 3D).
+-export([rebuild/1, is_consistent/1, is_face_consistent/2, new_id/1,
+ new_items_as_ordset/3, validate_mirror/1, visible/1, visible_edges/1]).
+%%% API.
+validate_mirror(#we{mirror=none}=We) -> We;
+validate_mirror(#we{fs=Ftab,mirror=Face}=We) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_defined(Face, Ftab) of
+ false -> We#we{mirror=none};
+ true -> We
+ end.
+%% rebuild(We) -> We'
+%% Rebuild any missing 'vc' and 'fs' tables. If there are
+%% fewer elements in the 'vc' table than in the 'vp' table,
+%% remove redundant entries in the 'vp' table. Updated id
+%% bounds.
+rebuild(#we{vc=undefined,fs=undefined,es=Etab0}=We0) ->
+ Etab = gb_trees:to_list(Etab0),
+ Ftab = rebuild_ftab(Etab),
+ VctList = rebuild_vct(Etab),
+ We = We0#we{vc=gb_trees:from_orddict(VctList),fs=Ftab},
+ rebuild_1(VctList, We);
+rebuild(#we{vc=undefined,es=Etab}=We) ->
+ VctList = rebuild_vct(gb_trees:to_list(Etab), []),
+ rebuild_1(VctList, We#we{vc=gb_trees:from_orddict(VctList)});
+rebuild(#we{fs=undefined,es=Etab}=We) ->
+ Ftab = rebuild_ftab(gb_trees:to_list(Etab)),
+ rebuild(We#we{fs=Ftab});
+rebuild(We) -> update_id_bounds(We).
+%%% Utilities for allocating IDs.
+new_id(#we{next_id=Id}=We) ->
+ {Id,We#we{next_id=Id+1}}.
+%%% Returns sets of newly created items.
+new_items_as_ordset(vertex, #we{next_id=Wid}, #we{next_id=NewWid,vp=Tab}) ->
+ new_items_as_ordset_1(Tab, Wid, NewWid);
+new_items_as_ordset(edge, #we{next_id=Wid}, #we{next_id=NewWid,es=Tab}) ->
+ new_items_as_ordset_1(Tab, Wid, NewWid);
+new_items_as_ordset(face, #we{next_id=Wid}, #we{next_id=NewWid,fs=Tab}) ->
+ new_items_as_ordset_1(Tab, Wid, NewWid).
+any_hidden(#we{fs=Ftab}) ->
+ not gb_trees:is_empty(Ftab) andalso
+ wings_util:gb_trees_smallest_key(Ftab) < 0.
+%%% Local functions.
+rebuild_1(VctList, #we{vc=Vct,vp=Vtab0}=We) ->
+ case {gb_trees:size(Vct),gb_trees:size(Vtab0)} of
+ {Same,Same} -> rebuild(We);
+ {Sz1,Sz2} when Sz1 < Sz2 ->
+ Vtab = vertex_gc_1(VctList, gb_trees:to_list(Vtab0), []),
+ rebuild(We#we{vp=Vtab})
+ end.
+rebuild_vct(Es) ->
+ rebuild_vct(Es, []).
+rebuild_vct([{Edge,#edge{vs=Va,ve=Vb}}|Es], Acc0) ->
+ Acc = rebuild_maybe_add(Va, Vb, Edge, Acc0),
+ rebuild_vct(Es, Acc);
+rebuild_vct([], VtoE) ->
+ build_incident_tab(VtoE).
+rebuild_ftab(Es) ->
+ rebuild_ftab_1(Es, []).
+rebuild_ftab_1([{Edge,#edge{lf=Lf,rf=Rf}}|Es], Acc0) ->
+ Acc = rebuild_maybe_add(Lf, Rf, Edge, Acc0),
+ rebuild_ftab_1(Es, Acc);
+rebuild_ftab_1([], FtoE) ->
+ gb_trees:from_orddict(build_incident_tab(FtoE)).
+rebuild_maybe_add(Ka, Kb, E, [_,{Ka,_}|_]=Acc) ->
+ [{Kb,E}|Acc];
+rebuild_maybe_add(Ka, Kb, E, [_,{Kb,_}|_]=Acc) ->
+ [{Ka,E}|Acc];
+rebuild_maybe_add(Ka, Kb, E, [{Ka,_}|_]=Acc) ->
+ [{Kb,E}|Acc];
+rebuild_maybe_add(Ka, Kb, E, [{Kb,_}|_]=Acc) ->
+ [{Ka,E}|Acc];
+rebuild_maybe_add(Ka, Kb, E, Acc) ->
+ [{Ka,E},{Kb,E}|Acc].
+vertex_gc_1([{V,_}|Vct], [{V,_}=Vtx|Vpos], Acc) ->
+ vertex_gc_1(Vct, Vpos, [Vtx|Acc]);
+vertex_gc_1([_|_]=Vct, [_|Vpos], Acc) ->
+ vertex_gc_1(Vct, Vpos, Acc);
+vertex_gc_1([], _, Acc) ->
+ gb_trees:from_orddict(lists:reverse(Acc)).
+%%% Handling of hidden faces.
+visible(#we{mirror=none,fs=Ftab}) ->
+ visible_2(gb_trees:keys(Ftab));
+visible(#we{mirror=Face,fs=Ftab}) ->
+ visible_2(gb_trees:keys(gb_trees:delete(Face, Ftab))).
+visible_2([F|Fs]) when F < 0 -> visible_2(Fs);
+visible_2(Fs) -> Fs.
+visible_edges(#we{es=Etab,mirror=Face}=We) ->
+ case any_hidden(We) of
+ false -> gb_trees:keys(Etab);
+ true -> visible_es_1(gb_trees:to_list(Etab), Face, [])
+ end.
+visible_es_1([{E,#edge{lf=Lf,rf=Rf}}|Es], Face, Acc) ->
+ if
+ Lf < 0 ->
+ %% Left face hidden.
+ if
+ Rf < 0; Rf =:= Face ->
+ %% Both faces invisible (in some way).
+ visible_es_1(Es, Face, Acc);
+ true ->
+ %% Right face is visible.
+ visible_es_1(Es, Face, [E|Acc])
+ end;
+ Lf =:= Face, Rf < 0 ->
+ %% Left face mirror, right face hidden.
+ visible_es_1(Es, Face, Acc);
+ true ->
+ %% At least one face visible.
+ visible_es_1(Es, Face, [E|Acc])
+ end;
+visible_es_1([], _, Acc) -> ordsets:from_list(Acc).
+update_id_bounds(#we{vp=Vtab,es=Etab,fs=Ftab}=We) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_empty(Etab) of
+ true -> We#we{next_id=0};
+ false ->
+ LastId = lists:max([wings_util:gb_trees_largest_key(Vtab),
+ wings_util:gb_trees_largest_key(Etab),
+ wings_util:gb_trees_largest_key(Ftab)]),
+ We#we{next_id=LastId+1}
+ end.
+%% build_incident_tab([{Elem,Edge}]) -> [{Elem,Edge}]
+%% Elem = Face or Vertex
+%% Build the table of incident edges for either faces or vertices.
+%% Returns an ordered list where each Elem is unique.
+build_incident_tab(ElemToEdgeRel) ->
+ T = ets:new(?MODULE, [ordered_set]),
+ ets:insert(T, ElemToEdgeRel),
+ R = ets:tab2list(T),
+ ets:delete(T),
+ R.
+%%% Calculate normals.
+new_items_as_ordset_1(Tab, Wid, NewWid) when NewWid-Wid < 32 ->
+ new_items_as_ordset_2(Wid, NewWid, Tab, []);
+new_items_as_ordset_1(Tab, Wid, _NewWid) ->
+ [Item || Item <- gb_trees:keys(Tab), Item >= Wid].
+new_items_as_ordset_2(Wid, NewWid, Tab, Acc) when Wid < NewWid ->
+ case gb_trees:is_defined(Wid, Tab) of
+ true -> new_items_as_ordset_2(Wid+1, NewWid, Tab, [Wid|Acc]);
+ false -> new_items_as_ordset_2(Wid+1, NewWid, Tab, Acc)
+ end;
+new_items_as_ordset_2(_Wid, _NewWid, _Tab, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
+%%% Test the consistency of a #we{}.
+is_consistent(#we{}=We) ->
+ try
+ validate_vertex_tab(We),
+ validate_faces(We)
+ catch error:_ -> false
+ end.
+is_face_consistent(Face, #we{fs=Ftab,es=Etab}) ->
+ Edge = gb_trees:get(Face, Ftab),
+ try validate_face(Face, Edge, Etab)
+ catch error:_ -> false
+ end.
+validate_faces(#we{fs=Ftab,es=Etab}) ->
+ validate_faces_1(gb_trees:to_list(Ftab), Etab).
+validate_faces_1([{Face,Edge}|Fs], Etab) ->
+ validate_face(Face, Edge, Etab),
+ validate_faces_1(Fs, Etab);
+validate_faces_1([], _) -> true.
+validate_face(Face, Edge, Etab) ->
+ Ccw = walk_face_ccw(Edge, Etab, Face, Edge, []),
+ Edge = walk_face_cw(Edge, Etab, Face, Ccw),
+ [V|Vs] = lists:sort(Ccw),
+ validate_face_vertices(Vs, V).
+validate_face_vertices([V|_], V) ->
+ erlang:error(repeated_vertex);
+validate_face_vertices([_], _) ->
+ true;
+validate_face_vertices([V|Vs], _) ->
+ validate_face_vertices(Vs, V).
+walk_face_ccw(LastEdge, _, _, LastEdge, [_|_]=Acc) -> Acc;
+walk_face_ccw(Edge, Etab, Face, LastEdge, Acc) ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{ve=V,lf=Face,ltpr=Next} ->
+ walk_face_ccw(Next, Etab, Face, LastEdge, [V|Acc]);
+ #edge{vs=V,rf=Face,rtpr=Next} ->
+ walk_face_ccw(Next, Etab, Face, LastEdge, [V|Acc])
+ end.
+walk_face_cw(Edge, _, _, []) -> Edge;
+walk_face_cw(Edge, Etab, Face, [V|Vs]) ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{vs=V,lf=Face,ltsu=Next} ->
+ walk_face_cw(Next, Etab, Face, Vs);
+ #edge{ve=V,rf=Face,rtsu=Next} ->
+ walk_face_cw(Next, Etab, Face, Vs)
+ end.
+validate_vertex_tab(#we{es=Etab,vc=Vct}) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun({V,Edge}) ->
+ case gb_trees:get(Edge, Etab) of
+ #edge{vs=V} -> ok;
+ #edge{ve=V} -> ok
+ end
+ end, gb_trees:to_list(Vct)).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_adt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_adt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c742990c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_adt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-opaque id() :: string().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis1.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis1.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e09ccb80df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis1.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+-export([f/0, gen/0]).
+-opaque id() :: string().
+-spec f() -> integer().
+%% BIF and Unification(t_unify) issue
+f() -> erlang:length(gen()).
+-spec gen() -> id().
+gen() -> "Dummy".
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis2.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis2.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e094d1982b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis2.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+-opaque data() :: gb_trees:tree().
+-spec get(term(), data()) -> term().
+get(Key, Data) ->
+ %% Should unopaque data for remote calls
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Data) of
+ 'none' -> 'undefined';
+ {'value', Val} -> Val
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis3.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis3.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07c9f0a270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis3.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+-export([f/0, gen/0]).
+%-opaque id() :: string().
+-spec f() -> char().
+%% List pattern matching issue
+f() -> [H|_T] = gen(), H.
+-spec gen() -> zoltan_adt:id().
+gen() -> "Dummy".
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis4.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis4.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..026d6f0c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis4.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+-export([f/0, gen/0]).
+-opaque id() :: string().
+-spec f() -> id().
+f() -> "Dummy" = gen(). %% Matching issue
+-spec gen() -> id().
+gen() -> "Dummy".
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis5.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis5.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecf14c91c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis5.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+-export([f/0, gen/0]).
+-opaque id() :: string().
+-spec f() -> boolean().
+%% Equality test issue
+f() -> "Dummy" == gen().
+-spec gen() -> id().
+gen() -> "Dummy".
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis6.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis6.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f0779d7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/zoltan_kis6.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+-export([f/0, gen/0]).
+-opaque id() :: {integer(),atom()}.
+%%-spec f() -> id().
+%% Tuple Unification (t_unify) issue
+f() -> {X,Y} = gen().
+-spec gen() -> id().
+gen() -> {34, leprecon}.