path: root/lib/dialyzer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer')
11 files changed, 148 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml
index aa29684697..27364ae06a 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -32,6 +32,22 @@
<p>This document describes the changes made to the Dialyzer
+<section><title>Dialyzer 2.8.2</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Reintroduce the <c>erlang:make_fun/3</c> BIF in
+ erl_bif_types.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-13068</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
<section><title>Dialyzer 2.8.1</title>
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
index c57a22129c..8537878dfc 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
@@ -93,31 +93,19 @@ loop(#server_state{parent = Parent} = State,
send_log(Parent, LogMsg),
loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls);
{AnalPid, warnings, Warnings} ->
- case Warnings of
- [] -> ok;
- SendWarnings ->
- send_warnings(Parent, SendWarnings)
- end,
+ send_warnings(Parent, Warnings),
loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls);
{AnalPid, cserver, CServer, Plt} ->
send_codeserver_plt(Parent, CServer, Plt),
loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls);
{AnalPid, done, Plt, DocPlt} ->
- case ExtCalls =:= none of
- true ->
- send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt, DocPlt);
- false ->
- send_ext_calls(Parent, ExtCalls),
- send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt, DocPlt)
- end;
+ send_ext_calls(Parent, ExtCalls),
+ send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt, DocPlt);
{AnalPid, ext_calls, NewExtCalls} ->
loop(State, Analysis, NewExtCalls);
{AnalPid, ext_types, ExtTypes} ->
send_ext_types(Parent, ExtTypes),
loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls);
- {AnalPid, unknown_behaviours, UnknownBehaviour} ->
- send_unknown_behaviours(Parent, UnknownBehaviour),
- loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls);
{AnalPid, mod_deps, ModDeps} ->
send_mod_deps(Parent, ModDeps),
loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls);
@@ -572,6 +560,8 @@ send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt, DocPlt) ->
Parent ! {self(), done, Plt, DocPlt},
+send_ext_calls(_Parent, none) ->
+ ok;
send_ext_calls(Parent, ExtCalls) ->
Parent ! {self(), ext_calls, ExtCalls},
@@ -580,10 +570,6 @@ send_ext_types(Parent, ExtTypes) ->
Parent ! {self(), ext_types, ExtTypes},
-send_unknown_behaviours(Parent, UnknownBehaviours) ->
- Parent ! {self(), unknown_behaviours, UnknownBehaviours},
- ok.
send_codeserver_plt(Parent, CServer, Plt ) ->
Parent ! {self(), cserver, CServer, Plt},
@@ -624,6 +610,28 @@ find_call_file_and_line(Tree, MFA) ->
MFA ->
Ann = cerl:get_ann(SubTree),
[{get_file(Ann), get_line(Ann)}|Acc];
+ {erlang, make_fun, 3} ->
+ [CA1, CA2, CA3] = cerl:call_args(SubTree),
+ case
+ cerl:is_c_atom(CA1) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_atom(CA2) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_int(CA3)
+ of
+ true ->
+ case
+ {cerl:concrete(CA1),
+ cerl:concrete(CA2),
+ cerl:concrete(CA3)}
+ of
+ MFA ->
+ Ann = cerl:get_ann(SubTree),
+ [{get_file(Ann), get_line(Ann)}|Acc];
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Acc
+ end;
_ -> Acc
false -> Acc
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
index a1cd2015ca..9e53e171c0 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
@@ -478,14 +478,37 @@ scan_one_core_fun(TopTree, FunName) ->
call ->
CalleeM = cerl:call_module(Tree),
CalleeF = cerl:call_name(Tree),
- A = length(cerl:call_args(Tree)),
+ CalleeArgs = cerl:call_args(Tree),
+ A = length(CalleeArgs),
case (cerl:is_c_atom(CalleeM) andalso
cerl:is_c_atom(CalleeF)) of
true ->
M = cerl:atom_val(CalleeM),
F = cerl:atom_val(CalleeF),
case erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A) of
- true -> Acc;
+ true ->
+ case {M, F, A} of
+ {erlang, make_fun, 3} ->
+ [CA1, CA2, CA3] = CalleeArgs,
+ case
+ cerl:is_c_atom(CA1) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_atom(CA2) andalso
+ cerl:is_c_int(CA3)
+ of
+ true ->
+ MM = cerl:atom_val(CA1),
+ FF = cerl:atom_val(CA2),
+ AA = cerl:int_val(CA3),
+ case erl_bif_types:is_known(MM, FF, AA) of
+ true -> Acc;
+ false -> [{FunName, {MM, FF, AA}}|Acc]
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Acc
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end;
false -> [{FunName, {M, F, A}}|Acc]
false ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl
index 4116866916..9354b8007e 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@
plt_info = none :: 'none' | dialyzer_plt:plt_info(),
report_mode = normal :: rep_mode(),
return_status= ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS :: dial_ret(),
- stored_warnings = [] :: [raw_warning()],
- unknown_behaviours = [] :: [dialyzer_behaviours:behaviour()]
+ stored_warnings = [] :: [raw_warning()]
@@ -638,9 +637,6 @@ cl_loop(State, LogCache) ->
{BackendPid, warnings, Warnings} ->
NewState = store_warnings(State, Warnings),
cl_loop(NewState, LogCache);
- {BackendPid, unknown_behaviours, Behaviours} ->
- NewState = store_unknown_behaviours(State, Behaviours),
- cl_loop(NewState, LogCache);
{BackendPid, done, NewPlt, _NewDocPlt} ->
return_value(State, NewPlt);
{BackendPid, ext_calls, ExtCalls} ->
@@ -683,11 +679,6 @@ format_log_cache(LogCache) ->
store_warnings(#cl_state{stored_warnings = StoredWarnings} = St, Warnings) ->
St#cl_state{stored_warnings = StoredWarnings ++ Warnings}.
--spec store_unknown_behaviours(#cl_state{}, [dialyzer_behaviours:behaviour()]) -> #cl_state{}.
-store_unknown_behaviours(#cl_state{unknown_behaviours = Behs} = St, Beh) ->
- St#cl_state{unknown_behaviours = Beh ++ Behs}.
-spec cl_error(string()) -> no_return().
cl_error(Msg) ->
@@ -724,7 +715,6 @@ return_value(State = #cl_state{erlang_mode = ErlangMode,
- print_unknown_behaviours(State),
{RetValue, []};
true ->
@@ -737,8 +727,7 @@ unknown_warnings(State = #cl_state{legal_warnings = LegalWarnings}) ->
Unknown = case ordsets:is_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, LegalWarnings) of
true ->
unknown_functions(State) ++
- unknown_types(State) ++
- unknown_behaviours(State);
+ unknown_types(State);
false -> []
WarningInfo = {_Filename = "", _Line = 0, _MorMFA = ''},
@@ -814,48 +803,6 @@ do_print_ext_types(Output, [{M,F,A}|T], Before) ->
do_print_ext_types(_, [], _) ->
-unknown_behaviours(#cl_state{unknown_behaviours = DupBehaviours,
- legal_warnings = LegalWarnings}) ->
- case ordsets:is_element(?WARN_BEHAVIOUR, LegalWarnings) of
- false -> [];
- true ->
- Behaviours = lists:usort(DupBehaviours),
- [{unknown_behaviour, B} || B <- Behaviours]
- end.
-%%print_unknown_behaviours(#cl_state{report_mode = quiet}) ->
-%% ok;
-print_unknown_behaviours(#cl_state{output = Output,
- external_calls = Calls,
- external_types = Types,
- stored_warnings = Warnings,
- unknown_behaviours = DupBehaviours,
- legal_warnings = LegalWarnings,
- output_format = Format}) ->
- case ordsets:is_element(?WARN_BEHAVIOUR, LegalWarnings)
- andalso DupBehaviours =/= [] of
- false -> ok;
- true ->
- Behaviours = lists:usort(DupBehaviours),
- case Warnings =:= [] andalso Calls =:= [] andalso Types =:= [] of
- true -> io:nl(Output); %% Need to do a newline first
- false -> ok
- end,
- {Prompt, Prefix} =
- case Format of
- formatted -> {"Unknown behaviours:\n"," "};
- raw -> {"%% Unknown behaviours:\n","%% "}
- end,
- io:put_chars(Output, Prompt),
- do_print_unknown_behaviours(Output, Behaviours, Prefix)
- end.
-do_print_unknown_behaviours(Output, [B|T], Before) ->
- io:format(Output, "~s~p\n", [Before,B]),
- do_print_unknown_behaviours(Output, T, Before);
-do_print_unknown_behaviours(_, [], _) ->
- ok.
print_warnings(#cl_state{stored_warnings = []}) ->
print_warnings(#cl_state{output = Output,
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
index 634871b2eb..769f26a3df 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_plt.erl
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ delete_list(#plt{info = Info, types = Types,
#plt{info = table_delete_list(Info, List),
types = Types,
contracts = table_delete_list(Contracts, List),
- callbacks = table_delete_list(Callbacks, List),
+ callbacks = Callbacks,
exported_types = ExpTypes}.
-spec insert_contract_list(plt(), dialyzer_contracts:plt_contracts()) -> plt().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl
index ecbac14e5d..16180a7435 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl
@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@
-export([suite/0, all/0, build_plt/1, beam_tests/1, update_plt/1,
+ local_fun_same_as_callback/1,
run_plt_check/1, run_succ_typings/1]).
suite() ->
[{timetrap, ?plt_timeout}].
-all() -> [build_plt, beam_tests, update_plt, run_plt_check, run_succ_typings].
+all() ->
+ [build_plt, beam_tests, update_plt, run_plt_check, run_succ_typings,
+ local_fun_same_as_callback].
build_plt(Config) ->
OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
@@ -158,6 +161,59 @@ update_plt(Config) ->
{init_plt, Plt}] ++ Opts),
+%%% If a behaviour module contains an non-exported function with the same name
+%%% as one of the behaviour's callbacks, the callback info was inadvertently
+%%% deleted from the PLT as the dialyzer_plt:delete_list/2 function was cleaning
+%%% up the callback table. This bug was reported by Brujo Benavides.
+local_fun_same_as_callback(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Prog1 =
+ <<"-module(bad_behaviour).
+ -callback bad() -> bad.
+ -export([publicly_bad/0]).
+ %% @doc This function is here just to avoid the 'unused' warning for bad/0
+ publicly_bad() -> bad().
+ %% @doc This function overlaps with the callback with the same name, and
+ %% that was an issue for dialyzer since it's a private function.
+ bad() -> bad.">>,
+ {ok, Beam} = compile(Config, Prog1, bad_behaviour, []),
+ ErlangBeam = case code:where_is_file("erlang.beam") of
+ non_existing ->
+ filename:join([code:root_dir(),
+ "erts", "preloaded", "ebin",
+ "erlang.beam"]);
+ EBeam ->
+ EBeam
+ end,
+ Plt = filename:join(PrivDir, "plt_bad_behaviour.plt"),
+ Opts = [{check_plt, true}, {from, byte_code}],
+ [] = dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_build},
+ {files, [Beam, ErlangBeam]},
+ {output_plt, Plt}] ++ Opts),
+ Prog2 =
+ <<"-module(bad_child).
+ -behaviour(bad_behaviour).
+ -export([bad/0]).
+ %% @doc This function incorreclty implements bad_behaviour.
+ bad() -> not_bad.">>,
+ {ok, TestBeam} = compile(Config, Prog2, bad_child, []),
+ [{warn_behaviour, _,
+ {callback_type_mismatch,
+ [bad_behaviour,bad,0,"'not_bad'","'bad'"]}}] =
+ dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, succ_typings},
+ {files, [TestBeam]},
+ {init_plt, Plt}] ++ Opts),
+ ok.
compile(Config, Prog, Module, CompileOpts) ->
Source = lists:concat([Module, ".erl"]),
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/fun_arity b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/fun_arity
index 280f5490d0..cc9db65152 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/fun_arity
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/fun_arity
@@ -31,5 +31,7 @@ fun_arity.erl:81: Function mfa_ne_1_ko/0 has no local return
fun_arity.erl:83: Function mf_ne/1 will never be called
fun_arity.erl:89: Fun application will fail since _cor0 :: fun(() -> any()) is not a function of arity 1
fun_arity.erl:89: Function mfa_nd_0_ko/0 has no local return
+fun_arity.erl:90: Call to missing or unexported function fun_arity:mf_nd/0
fun_arity.erl:93: Fun application will fail since _cor0 :: fun((_) -> any()) is not a function of arity 0
fun_arity.erl:93: Function mfa_nd_1_ko/0 has no local return
+fun_arity.erl:94: Call to missing or unexported function fun_arity:mf_nd/1
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/maps1 b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/maps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a78d66a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/maps1
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+maps1.erl:43: Function t3/0 has no local return
+maps1.erl:44: The call maps1:foo(~{'greger'=>3, ~{'arne'=>'anka'}~=>45}~,1) will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: (#{},'b')
+maps1.erl:52: The call Mod:'function'(~{'literal'=>'map'}~,'another_arg') requires that Mod is of type atom() | tuple() not #{}
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/non_existing b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/non_existing
index 58da2bfc8b..b0da5998c7 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/non_existing
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/non_existing
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+non_existing.erl:12: Call to missing or unexported function lists:non_existing_fun/1
non_existing.erl:9: Call to missing or unexported function lists:non_existing_call/1
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/maps1.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/maps1.erl
index 06ced5b69e..bb2f66a498 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/maps1.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/maps1.erl
@@ -39,3 +39,15 @@ t2() -> ok.
update(#{ id := Id, val := Val } = M, X) when is_integer(Id) ->
M#{ val := [Val,X] }.
+t3() ->
+ foo(#{greger => 3, #{arne=>anka} => 45}, 1).
+foo(#{} = M, b) -> %% Error
+ M#{alfa => 42, beta := 1337}.
+t4() ->
+ case #{} of
+ #{} -> ok;
+ Mod -> Mod:function(#{literal => map}, another_arg) %% Error
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk b/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
index e57caa9ad3..9480f17f51 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@