path: root/lib/dialyzer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dialyzer')
29 files changed, 1458 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/dialyzer.xml b/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/dialyzer.xml
index b52c1edebf..2a8bf6edcc 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/dialyzer.xml
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/dialyzer.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- <year>2006</year><year>2014</year>
+ <year>2006</year><year>2015</year>
<holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
@@ -231,6 +231,8 @@
<item>Suppress warnings about behaviour callbacks which drift from the
published recommended interfaces.</item>
+ <tag><c><![CDATA[-Wno_missing_calls]]></c></tag>
+ <item>Suppress warnings about calls to missing functions.</item>
<item>Suppress warnings about behaviours that have no
<c>-callback</c> attributes for their callbacks.</item>
@@ -246,9 +248,16 @@
analysis that finds data races performs intra-procedural data flow analysis
and can sometimes explode in time. Enable it at your own risk.
- <tag><c><![CDATA[-Wunderspecs]]></c>***</tag>
+i <tag><c><![CDATA[-Wunderspecs]]></c>***</tag>
<item>Warn about underspecified functions
(the -spec is strictly more allowing than the success typing).</item>
+ <tag><c><![CDATA[-Wunknown]]></c>***</tag>
+ <item>Let warnings about unknown functions and types affect the
+ exit status of the command line version. The default is to ignore
+ warnings about unknown functions and types when setting the exit
+ status. When using the Dialyzer from Erlang, warnings about unknown
+ functions and types are returned; the default is not to return
+ these warnings.</item>
<p>The following options are also available but their use is not
recommended: (they are mostly for Dialyzer developers and internal
@@ -382,7 +391,8 @@ WarnOpts :: no_return
| race_conditions
| overspecs
| underspecs
- | specdiffs</code>
+ | specdiffs
+ | unknown</code>
@@ -416,6 +426,7 @@ Tag :: 'warn_behaviour'
| 'warn_return_only_exit'
| 'warn_umatched_return'
| 'warn_undefined_callbacks'
+ | 'warn_unknown'
Id = {File :: string(), Line :: integer()}
Msg = msg() -- Undefined</code>
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml
index 4020165697..8976679c1d 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -31,6 +31,21 @@
<p>This document describes the changes made to the Dialyzer
+<section><title>Dialyzer 2.7.4</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p> A bug concerning <c>map()</c> types has been fixed.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-12472</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
<section><title>Dialyzer 2.7.3</title>
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.app.src b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.app.src
index 1756800c4f..7b2e1d4a9d 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.app.src
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer.app.src
@@ -46,5 +46,5 @@
{applications, [compiler, gs, hipe, kernel, stdlib, wx]},
{env, []},
{runtime_dependencies, ["wx-1.2","syntax_tools-1.6.14","stdlib-2.0",
- "kernel-3.0","hipe-3.10.3","erts-6.0",
+ "kernel-3.0","hipe-3.10.3","erts-7.0",
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
index 5ff7ad9c6f..dbfe680345 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -586,7 +586,8 @@ send_codeserver_plt(Parent, CServer, Plt ) ->
send_bad_calls(Parent, BadCalls, CodeServer) ->
FormatedBadCalls = format_bad_calls(BadCalls, CodeServer, []),
- send_warnings(Parent, FormatedBadCalls).
+ Warnings = filter_warnings(FormatedBadCalls, CodeServer),
+ send_warnings(Parent, Warnings).
send_mod_deps(Parent, ModuleDeps) ->
Parent ! {self(), mod_deps, ModuleDeps},
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl
index debb78bd0b..4386a8d52a 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ expand_dependent_modules(Md5, DiffMd5, ModDeps) ->
Mod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(File, ".beam")),
sets:is_element(Mod, AnalyzeMods)
- {[F || {F, _} <- Md5, FilterFun(F)], RemovedMods, NewModDeps}.
+ {[F || {F, _} <- Md5, FilterFun(F)], BigSet, NewModDeps}.
expand_dependent_modules_1([Mod|Mods], Included, ModDeps) ->
case dict:find(Mod, ModDeps) of
@@ -656,15 +656,15 @@ return_value(State = #cl_state{erlang_mode = ErlangMode,
mod_deps = ModDeps,
output_plt = OutputPlt,
plt_info = PltInfo,
- stored_warnings = StoredWarnings,
- legal_warnings = LegalWarnings},
+ stored_warnings = StoredWarnings},
Plt) ->
case OutputPlt =:= none of
true -> ok;
false -> dialyzer_plt:to_file(OutputPlt, Plt, ModDeps, PltInfo)
+ UnknownWarnings = unknown_warnings(State),
RetValue =
- case StoredWarnings =:= [] of
+ case StoredWarnings =:= [] andalso UnknownWarnings =:= [] of
@@ -677,22 +677,22 @@ return_value(State = #cl_state{erlang_mode = ErlangMode,
{RetValue, []};
true ->
- Unknown =
- case ordsets:is_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, LegalWarnings) of
- true ->
- unknown_functions(State) ++
- unknown_types(State) ++
- unknown_behaviours(State);
- false -> []
- end,
- WarningInfo = {_Filename = "", _Line = 0, _MorMFA = ''},
- UnknownWarnings =
- [{?WARN_UNKNOWN, WarningInfo, W} || W <- Unknown],
AllWarnings =
UnknownWarnings ++ process_warnings(StoredWarnings),
{RetValue, set_warning_id(AllWarnings)}
+unknown_warnings(State = #cl_state{legal_warnings = LegalWarnings}) ->
+ Unknown = case ordsets:is_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, LegalWarnings) of
+ true ->
+ unknown_functions(State) ++
+ unknown_types(State) ++
+ unknown_behaviours(State);
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ WarningInfo = {_Filename = "", _Line = 0, _MorMFA = ''},
+ [{?WARN_UNKNOWN, WarningInfo, W} || W <- Unknown].
unknown_functions(#cl_state{external_calls = Calls}) ->
[{unknown_function, MFA} || MFA <- Calls].
@@ -706,10 +706,8 @@ print_ext_calls(#cl_state{report_mode = quiet}) ->
print_ext_calls(#cl_state{output = Output,
external_calls = Calls,
stored_warnings = Warnings,
- output_format = Format,
- legal_warnings = LegalWarnings}) ->
- case not ordsets:is_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, LegalWarnings)
- orelse Calls =:= [] of
+ output_format = Format}) ->
+ case Calls =:= [] of
true -> ok;
false ->
case Warnings =:= [] of
@@ -741,10 +739,8 @@ print_ext_types(#cl_state{output = Output,
external_calls = Calls,
external_types = Types,
stored_warnings = Warnings,
- output_format = Format,
- legal_warnings = LegalWarnings}) ->
- case not ordsets:is_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, LegalWarnings)
- orelse Types =:= [] of
+ output_format = Format}) ->
+ case Types =:= [] of
true -> ok;
false ->
case Warnings =:= [] andalso Calls =:= [] of
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl_parse.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl_parse.erl
index 04ce0e8bc3..21fc424a1b 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl_parse.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_cl_parse.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -509,6 +509,8 @@ warning_options_msg() ->
Suppress warnings about behaviour callbacks which drift from the published
recommended interfaces.
+ -Wno_missing_calls
+ Suppress warnings about calls to missing functions.
Suppress warnings about behaviours that have no -callback attributes for
their callbacks.
@@ -522,6 +524,13 @@ warning_options_msg() ->
-Wunderspecs ***
Warn about underspecified functions
(those whose -spec is strictly more allowing than the success typing).
+ -Wunknown ***
+ Let warnings about unknown functions and types affect the
+ exit status of the command line version. The default is to ignore
+ warnings about unknown functions and types when setting the exit
+ status. When using the Dialyzer from Erlang, warnings about unknown
+ functions and types are returned; the default is not to return
+ such warnings.
The following options are also available but their use is not recommended:
(they are mostly for Dialyzer developers and internal debugging)
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
index 39a178cb7d..4a1ba9c539 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -394,21 +394,22 @@ insert_constraints([], Dict) -> Dict.
store_tmp_contract(MFA, FileLine, {TypeSpec, Xtra}, SpecDict, RecordsDict) ->
%% io:format("contract from form: ~p\n", [TypeSpec]),
- TmpContract = contract_from_form(TypeSpec, RecordsDict, FileLine),
+ {Module, _, _} = MFA,
+ TmpContract = contract_from_form(TypeSpec, Module, RecordsDict, FileLine),
%% io:format("contract: ~p\n", [TmpContract]),
dict:store(MFA, {FileLine, TmpContract, Xtra}, SpecDict).
-contract_from_form(Forms, RecDict, FileLine) ->
- {CFuns, Forms1} = contract_from_form(Forms, RecDict, FileLine, [], []),
+contract_from_form(Forms, Module, RecDict, FileLine) ->
+ {CFuns, Forms1} = contract_from_form(Forms, Module, RecDict, FileLine, [], []),
#tmp_contract{contract_funs = CFuns, forms = Forms1}.
-contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], RecDict,
+contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], Module, RecDict,
FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
TypeFun =
fun(ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
- Type =
+ NewType =
- erl_types:t_from_form(Form, RecDict)
+ erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords)
throw:{error, Msg} ->
{File, Line} = FileLine,
@@ -416,61 +417,60 @@ contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], RecDict,
Line, Msg]),
throw({error, NewMsg})
- NewType = erl_types:t_solve_remote(Type, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
NewTypeNoVars = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(NewType),
{NewTypeNoVars, []}
NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc],
NewFormAcc = [{Form, []} | FormAcc],
- contract_from_form(Left, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
+ contract_from_form(Left, Module, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
contract_from_form([{type, _L1, bounded_fun,
[{type, _L2, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form, Constr]}| Left],
- RecDict, FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
+ Module, RecDict, FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
TypeFun =
fun(ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
{Constr1, VarDict} =
- process_constraints(Constr, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
- Type = erl_types:t_from_form(Form, RecDict, VarDict),
- NewType = erl_types:t_solve_remote(Type, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
+ process_constraints(Constr, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
+ NewType = erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords,
+ VarDict),
NewTypeNoVars = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(NewType),
{NewTypeNoVars, Constr1}
NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc],
NewFormAcc = [{Form, Constr} | FormAcc],
- contract_from_form(Left, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
-contract_from_form([], _RecDict, _FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
+ contract_from_form(Left, Module, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc);
+contract_from_form([], _Module, _RecDict, _FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) ->
{lists:reverse(TypeAcc), lists:reverse(FormAcc)}.
-process_constraints(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
- Init0 = initialize_constraints(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
+process_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+ Init0 = initialize_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords),
Init = remove_cycles(Init0),
- constraints_fixpoint(Init, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
+ constraints_fixpoint(Init, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
-initialize_constraints(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
- initialize_constraints(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, []).
+initialize_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+ initialize_constraints(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, []).
-initialize_constraints([], _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, Acc) ->
+initialize_constraints([], _Module, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, Acc) ->
-initialize_constraints([Constr|Rest], RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Acc) ->
+initialize_constraints([Constr|Rest], Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Acc) ->
case Constr of
{type, _, constraint, [{atom, _, is_subtype}, [Type1, Type2]]} ->
- T1 = final_form(Type1, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, dict:new()),
+ T1 = final_form(Type1, Module, ExpTypes, AllRecords, dict:new()),
Entry = {T1, Type2},
- initialize_constraints(Rest, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, [Entry|Acc]);
+ initialize_constraints(Rest, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, [Entry|Acc]);
{type, _, constraint, [{atom,_,Name}, List]} ->
N = length(List),
io_lib:format("Unsupported type guard ~w/~w\n", [Name, N])})
-constraints_fixpoint(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+constraints_fixpoint(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
VarDict =
- constraints_to_dict(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, dict:new()),
- constraints_fixpoint(VarDict, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
+ constraints_to_dict(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, dict:new()),
+ constraints_fixpoint(VarDict, Module, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
-constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, Module, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
NewVarDict =
- constraints_to_dict(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, OldVarDict),
+ constraints_to_dict(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, OldVarDict),
case NewVarDict of
OldVarDict ->
DictFold =
@@ -480,25 +480,24 @@ constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
FinalConstrs = dict:fold(DictFold, [], NewVarDict),
{FinalConstrs, NewVarDict};
_Other ->
- constraints_fixpoint(NewVarDict, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords)
+ constraints_fixpoint(NewVarDict, Module, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords)
-final_form(Form, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
- T1 = erl_types:t_from_form(Form, RecDict, VarDict),
- erl_types:t_solve_remote(T1, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
+final_form(Form, Module, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
+ erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Module, AllRecords, VarDict).
-constraints_to_dict(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
+constraints_to_dict(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
Subtypes =
- constraints_to_subs(Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, []),
+ constraints_to_subs(Constrs, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, []),
insert_constraints(Subtypes, dict:new()).
-constraints_to_subs([], _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, _VarDict, Acc) ->
+constraints_to_subs([], _Module, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, _VarDict, Acc) ->
-constraints_to_subs([C|Rest], RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, Acc) ->
+constraints_to_subs([C|Rest], Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, Acc) ->
{T1, Form2} = C,
- T2 = final_form(Form2, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict),
+ T2 = final_form(Form2, Module, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict),
NewAcc = [{subtype, T1, T2}|Acc],
- constraints_to_subs(Rest, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, NewAcc).
+ constraints_to_subs(Rest, Module, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict, NewAcc).
%% Replaces variables with '_' when necessary to break up cycles among
%% the constraints.
@@ -754,8 +753,7 @@ is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) ->
t_from_forms_without_remote([{FType, []}], RecDict) ->
- Type0 = erl_types:t_from_form(FType, RecDict),
- Type1 = erl_types:subst_all_remote(Type0, erl_types:t_none()),
+ Type1 = erl_types:t_from_form_without_remote(FType, RecDict),
{ok, erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(Type1)};
t_from_forms_without_remote([{_FType, _Constrs}], _RecDict) ->
%% 'When' constraints
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
index ea1b09fcdd..48d1ab9ebc 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dataflow.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -2977,8 +2977,10 @@ state__lookup_name(Fun, #state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
state__lookup_record(Tag, Arity, #state{records = Records}) ->
case erl_types:lookup_record(Tag, Arity, Records) of
{ok, Fields} ->
- {ok, t_tuple([t_atom(Tag)|
- [FieldType || {_FieldName, FieldType} <- Fields]])};
+ RecType =
+ t_tuple([t_atom(Tag)|
+ [FieldType || {_FieldName, _Abstr, FieldType} <- Fields]]),
+ {ok, RecType};
error ->
@@ -3517,6 +3519,7 @@ find_terminals(Tree) ->
'let' -> find_terminals(cerl:let_body(Tree));
letrec -> find_terminals(cerl:letrec_body(Tree));
literal -> {false, true};
+ map -> {false, true};
primop -> {false, false}; %% match_fail, etc. are not explicit exits.
'receive' ->
Timeout = cerl:receive_timeout(Tree),
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl
index 20971f1407..81907f7995 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_options.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -46,13 +46,11 @@ build(Opts) ->
DefaultWarns1 = ordsets:from_list(DefaultWarns),
InitPlt = dialyzer_plt:get_default_plt(),
DefaultOpts = #options{},
@@ -302,6 +300,8 @@ build_warnings([Opt|Opts], Warnings) ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT, Warnings);
race_conditions ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_RACE_CONDITION, Warnings);
+ no_missing_calls ->
+ ordsets:del_element(?WARN_CALLGRAPH, Warnings);
specdiffs ->
S = ordsets:from_list([?WARN_CONTRACT_SUBTYPE,
@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ build_warnings([Opt|Opts], Warnings) ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_CONTRACT_SUBTYPE, Warnings);
underspecs ->
ordsets:add_element(?WARN_CONTRACT_SUPERTYPE, Warnings);
- no_unknown ->
- ordsets:del_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, Warnings);
+ unknown ->
+ ordsets:add_element(?WARN_UNKNOWN, Warnings);
OtherAtom ->
bad_option("Unknown dialyzer warning option", OtherAtom)
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_timing.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_timing.erl
index b1a4bdc07c..759d49abc8 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_timing.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_timing.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ init(Active) ->
case Active of
true ->
- spawn_link(fun() -> loop(now(), 0, "") end);
+ spawn_link(fun() -> loop(erlang:monotonic_time(), 0, "") end);
debug ->
spawn_link(fun() -> debug_loop("") end);
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ debug_loop(Phase) ->
start_stamp(none, _) -> ok;
start_stamp(Pid, Msg) ->
- Pid ! {stamp, Msg, now()},
+ Pid ! {stamp, Msg, erlang:monotonic_time()},
-spec end_stamp(timing_server()) -> ok.
end_stamp(none) -> ok;
end_stamp(Pid) ->
- Pid ! {stamp, now()},
+ Pid ! {stamp, erlang:monotonic_time()},
-spec send_size_info(timing_server(), integer(), string()) -> ok.
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ send_size_info(Pid, Size, Unit) ->
stop(none) -> ok;
stop(Pid) ->
- Pid ! {self(), stop, now()},
+ Pid ! {self(), stop, erlang:monotonic_time()},
receive ok -> ok end.
diff(T2, T1) ->
- timer:now_diff(T2,T1) / 1000000.
+ (T2-T1) / erlang:convert_time_unit(1, seconds, native).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl
index 217d238712..1737bfd3a9 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -3264,7 +3264,7 @@ lookup_record(Records, Tag, Arity) ->
{ok, Fields} ->
RecType =
- [FieldType || {_FieldName, FieldType} <- Fields]]),
+ [FieldType || {_FieldName, _Abstr, FieldType} <- Fields]]),
{ok, RecType};
error ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
index 01ade00664..1cc9528fed 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_utils.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ print_types(RecDict) ->
print_types1([], _) ->
-print_types1([{type, _Name} = Key|T], RecDict) ->
- {ok, {_Mod, Form, _Args}} = dict:find(Key, RecDict),
- io:format("\n~w: ~w\n", [Key, erl_types:t_from_form(Form, RecDict)]),
+print_types1([{type, _Name, _NArgs} = Key|T], RecDict) ->
+ {ok, {{_Mod, _Form, _Args}, Type}} = dict:find(Key, RecDict),
+ io:format("\n~w: ~w\n", [Key, Type]),
print_types1(T, RecDict);
-print_types1([{opaque, _Name} = Key|T], RecDict) ->
- {ok, {_Mod, Form, _Args}} = dict:find(Key, RecDict),
- io:format("\n~w: ~w\n", [Key, erl_types:t_from_form(Form, RecDict)]),
+print_types1([{opaque, _Name, _NArgs} = Key|T], RecDict) ->
+ {ok, {{_Mod, _Form, _Args}, Type}} = dict:find(Key, RecDict),
+ io:format("\n~w: ~w\n", [Key, Type]),
print_types1(T, RecDict);
print_types1([{record, _Name} = Key|T], RecDict) ->
{ok, [{_Arity, _Fields} = AF]} = dict:find(Key, RecDict),
@@ -221,28 +221,29 @@ get_record_and_type_info([{attribute, _, type, {{record, Name}, Fields0, []}}
get_record_and_type_info([{attribute, _, Attr, {Name, TypeForm}}|Left],
Module, Records, RecDict) when Attr =:= 'type';
Attr =:= 'opaque' ->
- try
- NewRecDict = add_new_type(Attr, Name, TypeForm, [], Module, RecDict),
- get_record_and_type_info(Left, Module, Records, NewRecDict)
+ try add_new_type(Attr, Name, TypeForm, [], Module, RecDict) of
+ NewRecDict ->
+ get_record_and_type_info(Left, Module, Records, NewRecDict)
throw:{error, _} = Error -> Error
get_record_and_type_info([{attribute, _, Attr, {Name, TypeForm, Args}}|Left],
Module, Records, RecDict) when Attr =:= 'type';
Attr =:= 'opaque' ->
- try
- NewRecDict = add_new_type(Attr, Name, TypeForm, Args, Module, RecDict),
- get_record_and_type_info(Left, Module, Records, NewRecDict)
+ try add_new_type(Attr, Name, TypeForm, Args, Module, RecDict) of
+ NewRecDict ->
+ get_record_and_type_info(Left, Module, Records, NewRecDict)
throw:{error, _} = Error -> Error
get_record_and_type_info([_Other|Left], Module, Records, RecDict) ->
get_record_and_type_info(Left, Module, Records, RecDict);
get_record_and_type_info([], _Module, Records, RecDict) ->
- case type_record_fields(lists:reverse(Records), RecDict) of
- {ok, _NewRecDict} = Ok ->
- ?debug(_NewRecDict),
- Ok;
+ case
+ check_type_of_record_fields(lists:reverse(Records), RecDict)
+ of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, RecDict};
{error, Name, Error} ->
{error, flat_format(" Error while parsing #~w{}: ~s\n", [Name, Error])}
@@ -254,20 +255,21 @@ add_new_type(TypeOrOpaque, Name, TypeForm, ArgForms, Module, RecDict) ->
Msg = flat_format("Type ~s/~w already defined\n", [Name, Arity]),
throw({error, Msg});
false ->
- ArgTypes = [erl_types:t_from_form(X) || X <- ArgForms],
- case lists:all(fun erl_types:t_is_var/1, ArgTypes) of
- true ->
- ArgNames = [erl_types:t_var_name(X) || X <- ArgTypes],
+ try erl_types:t_var_names(ArgForms) of
+ ArgNames ->
dict:store({TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity},
- {Module, TypeForm, ArgNames}, RecDict);
- false ->
+ {{Module, TypeForm, ArgNames},
+ erl_types:t_any()}, RecDict)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
throw({error, flat_format("Type declaration for ~w does not "
"have variables as parameters", [Name])})
get_record_fields(Fields, RecDict) ->
- get_record_fields(Fields, RecDict, []).
+ Fs = get_record_fields(Fields, RecDict, []),
+ {ok, [{Name, Form, erl_types:t_any()} || {Name, Form} <- Fs]}.
get_record_fields([{typed_record_field, OrdRecField, TypeForm}|Left],
RecDict, Acc) ->
@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ get_record_fields([{typed_record_field, OrdRecField, TypeForm}|Left],
{record_field, _Line, Name0} -> erl_parse:normalise(Name0);
{record_field, _Line, Name0, _Init} -> erl_parse:normalise(Name0)
- get_record_fields(Left, RecDict, [{Name, TypeForm}|Acc]);
+ get_record_fields(Left, RecDict, [{Name, TypeForm}|Acc]);
get_record_fields([{record_field, _Line, Name}|Left], RecDict, Acc) ->
NewAcc = [{erl_parse:normalise(Name), {var, -1, '_'}}|Acc],
get_record_fields(Left, RecDict, NewAcc);
@@ -284,22 +286,20 @@ get_record_fields([{record_field, _Line, Name, _Init}|Left], RecDict, Acc) ->
NewAcc = [{erl_parse:normalise(Name), {var, -1, '_'}}|Acc],
get_record_fields(Left, RecDict, NewAcc);
get_record_fields([], _RecDict, Acc) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
-type_record_fields([], RecDict) ->
- {ok, RecDict};
-type_record_fields([RecKey|Recs], RecDict) ->
- {ok, [{Arity, Fields}]} = dict:find(RecKey, RecDict),
+%% Just check the local types. process_record_remote_types will add
+%% the types later.
+check_type_of_record_fields([], _RecDict) ->
+ ok;
+check_type_of_record_fields([RecKey|Recs], RecDict) ->
+ {ok, [{_Arity, Fields}]} = dict:find(RecKey, RecDict),
- TypedFields =
- [{FieldName, erl_types:t_from_form(FieldTypeForm, RecDict)}
- || {FieldName, FieldTypeForm} <- Fields],
- RecDict1 = dict:store(RecKey, [{Arity, TypedFields}], RecDict),
- Fun = fun(OldOrdDict) ->
- orddict:store(Arity, TypedFields, OldOrdDict)
- end,
- RecDict2 = dict:update(RecKey, Fun, RecDict1),
- type_record_fields(Recs, RecDict2)
+ [erl_types:t_from_form_without_remote(FieldTypeForm, RecDict)
+ || {_FieldName, FieldTypeForm, _} <- Fields]
+ of
+ L when is_list(L) ->
+ check_type_of_record_fields(Recs, RecDict)
throw:{error, Error} ->
{record, Name} = RecKey,
@@ -308,30 +308,44 @@ type_record_fields([RecKey|Recs], RecDict) ->
-spec process_record_remote_types(codeserver()) -> codeserver().
+%% The field types are cached. Used during analysis when handling records.
process_record_remote_types(CServer) ->
TempRecords = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_records(CServer),
TempExpTypes = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_exported_types(CServer),
- RecordFun =
- fun(Key, Value) ->
- case Key of
- {record, _Name} ->
- FieldFun =
- fun(_Arity, Fields) ->
- [{Name, erl_types:t_solve_remote(Field, TempExpTypes,
- TempRecords)}
- || {Name, Field} <- Fields]
- end,
- orddict:map(FieldFun, Value);
- _Other -> Value
- end
- end,
ModuleFun =
- fun(_Module, Record) ->
+ fun(Module, Record) ->
+ RecordFun =
+ fun(Key, Value) ->
+ case Key of
+ {record, _Name} ->
+ FieldFun =
+ fun(_Arity, Fields) ->
+ [{Name, Field,
+ erl_types:t_from_form(Field,
+ TempExpTypes,
+ Module,
+ TempRecords)}
+ || {Name, Field, _} <- Fields]
+ end,
+ orddict:map(FieldFun, Value);
+ {opaque, _, _} ->
+ {{_Module, Form, _ArgNames}=F, _Type} = Value,
+ Type = erl_types:t_from_form(Form, TempExpTypes, Module,
+ TempRecords),
+ {F, Type};
+ _Other -> Value
+ end
+ end,
dict:map(RecordFun, Record)
- NewRecords = dict:map(ModuleFun, TempRecords),
- CServer1 = dialyzer_codeserver:finalize_records(NewRecords, CServer),
- dialyzer_codeserver:finalize_exported_types(TempExpTypes, CServer1).
+ try dict:map(ModuleFun, TempRecords) of
+ NewRecords ->
+ CServer1 = dialyzer_codeserver:finalize_records(NewRecords, CServer),
+ dialyzer_codeserver:finalize_exported_types(TempExpTypes, CServer1)
+ catch
+ throw:{error, _RecName, _Error} = Error->
+ Error
+ end.
-spec merge_records(dict:dict(), dict:dict()) -> dict:dict().
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_SUITE.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_SUITE.erl
index 8507525597..f625d12b45 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/dialyzer_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2014. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
-export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
%% Test cases must be exported.
--export([app_test/1, appup_test/1, beam_tests/1]).
+-export([app_test/1, appup_test/1]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
- [app_test, appup_test, beam_tests].
+ [app_test, appup_test].
groups() ->
@@ -75,38 +75,3 @@ app_test(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Test that the .appup file does not contain any `basic' errors
appup_test(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = ?t:appup_test(dialyzer).
-beam_tests(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Prog = <<"
- -module(no_auto_import).
- %% Copied from erl_lint_SUITE.erl, clash6
- -export([size/1]).
- size([]) ->
- 0;
- size({N,_}) ->
- N;
- size([_|T]) ->
- 1+size(T).
- ">>,
- Opts = [no_auto_import],
- {ok, BeamFile} = compile(Config, Prog, no_auto_import, Opts),
- [] = run_dialyzer([BeamFile]),
- ok.
-compile(Config, Prog, Module, CompileOpts) ->
- Source = lists:concat([Module, ".erl"]),
- PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
- Filename = filename:join([PrivDir, Source]),
- ok = file:write_file(Filename, Prog),
- Opts = [{outdir, PrivDir}, debug_info | CompileOpts],
- {ok, Module} = compile:file(Filename, Opts),
- {ok, filename:join([PrivDir, lists:concat([Module, ".beam"])])}.
-run_dialyzer(Files) ->
- dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_build},
- {files, Files},
- {from, byte_code},
- {check_plt, false}]).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
index 44a65f6e90..3ff26b87db 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [no_unused, no_return, no_unknown]}]}.
+{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [no_unused, no_return]}]}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/options1_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options b/lib/dialyzer/test/options1_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
index 65d233ac0d..c612e77d3e 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/options1_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/options1_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-{dialyzer_options, [{include_dirs, ["my_include"]}, {defines, [{'COMPILER_VSN', 42}]}, {warnings, [no_improper_lists, no_unknown]}]}.
+{dialyzer_options, [{include_dirs, ["my_include"]}, {defines, [{'COMPILER_VSN', 42}]}, {warnings, [no_improper_lists]}]}.
{time_limit, 30}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl
index aee9f449a6..ef4cdc57f0 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/plt_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
%% This suite is the only hand made and simply
-%% checks if we can build a plt.
+%% checks if we can build and update a plt.
--export([suite/0, all/0, build_plt/1]).
+-export([suite/0, all/0, build_plt/1, beam_tests/1, update_plt/1]).
suite() ->
[{timetrap, ?plt_timeout}].
-all() -> [build_plt].
+all() -> [build_plt, beam_tests, update_plt].
build_plt(Config) ->
OutDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
@@ -19,3 +19,87 @@ build_plt(Config) ->
ok -> ok;
fail -> ct:fail(plt_build_fail)
+beam_tests(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = <<"
+ -module(no_auto_import).
+ %% Copied from erl_lint_SUITE.erl, clash6
+ -export([size/1]).
+ size([]) ->
+ 0;
+ size({N,_}) ->
+ N;
+ size([_|T]) ->
+ 1+size(T).
+ ">>,
+ Opts = [no_auto_import],
+ {ok, BeamFile} = compile(Config, Prog, no_auto_import, Opts),
+ [] = run_dialyzer([BeamFile]),
+ ok.
+run_dialyzer(Files) ->
+ dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_build},
+ {files, Files},
+ {from, byte_code},
+ {check_plt, false}]).
+%%% [James Fish:]
+%%% If a function is removed from a module and the module has previously
+%%% been added to a PLT, the function will not be removed from PLT when
+%%% the PLT is checked. This results in dialyzer failing to produce a
+%%% callgraph warning when doing success typings analysis if the remove
+%%% function is still called in another module
+%%% As the function is not removed from the PLT a prior warning, such as a
+%%% contract types warning, might be emitted when the removed function
+%%% nolonger exists.
+update_plt(Config) ->
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Prog1 = <<"-module(plt_gc).
+ -export([one/0]).
+ one() ->
+ one.">>,
+ {ok, Beam} = compile(Config, Prog1, plt_gc, []),
+ ErlangBeam = case code:where_is_file("erlang.beam") of
+ non_existing ->
+ filename:join([code:root_dir(),
+ "erts", "preloaded", "ebin",
+ "erlang.beam"]);
+ EBeam ->
+ EBeam
+ end,
+ Plt = filename:join(PrivDir, "plt_gc.plt"),
+ Opts = [{check_plt, true}, {from, byte_code}],
+ [] = dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_build},
+ {files, [Beam, ErlangBeam]},
+ {output_plt, Plt}] ++ Opts),
+ Prog2 = <<"-module(plt_gc).
+ -export([two/0]).
+ two() ->
+ two.">>,
+ {ok, Beam} = compile(Config, Prog2, plt_gc, []),
+ Test = <<"-module(test).
+ -export([test/0]).
+ -spec test() -> test.
+ test() ->
+ plt_gc:one().">>,
+ {ok, TestBeam} = compile(Config, Test, test, []),
+ [{warn_callgraph, _, {call_to_missing, [plt_gc, one, 0]}}] =
+ dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, succ_typings},
+ {files, [TestBeam]},
+ {init_plt, Plt}] ++ Opts),
+ ok.
+compile(Config, Prog, Module, CompileOpts) ->
+ Source = lists:concat([Module, ".erl"]),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
+ Filename = filename:join([PrivDir, Source]),
+ ok = file:write_file(Filename, Prog),
+ Opts = [{outdir, PrivDir}, debug_info | CompileOpts],
+ {ok, Module} = compile:file(Filename, Opts),
+ {ok, filename:join([PrivDir, lists:concat([Module, ".beam"])])}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
index ba0e6b1ad7..e00e23bb66 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/r9c_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-{dialyzer_options, [{defines, [{vsn, 42}]}, {warnings, [no_unknown]}]}.
+{dialyzer_options, [{defines, [{vsn, 42}]}]}.
{time_limit, 20}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/race_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options b/lib/dialyzer/test/race_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
index 6992fc6c40..44e1720715 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/race_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/race_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [race_conditions, no_unknown]}]}.
+{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [race_conditions]}]}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
index 0d91699e4d..50991c9bc5 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [no_unknown]}]}.
+{dialyzer_options, []}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/contracts_with_subtypes b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/contracts_with_subtypes
index fbdd182358..a9fbfb6068 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/contracts_with_subtypes
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/results/contracts_with_subtypes
@@ -6,23 +6,27 @@ contracts_with_subtypes.erl:135: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'a','b'}
contracts_with_subtypes.erl:136: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'b','a'}) breaks the contract (Arg) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Arg,ab())
contracts_with_subtypes.erl:137: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'a',{'b','a'}}) breaks the contract (Arg) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Arg,ab())
contracts_with_subtypes.erl:138: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'b',{'a','b'}}) breaks the contract (Arg) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Arg,ab())
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:171: The pattern 1 can never match the type string()
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:174: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_} | {'ok',_,string()}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:176: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_} | {'ok',_,string()}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:192: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:194: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:212: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:214: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:231: The pattern 1 can never match the type string()
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:234: The pattern {'ok', _} can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:235: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:236: The pattern {'ok', 42} can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:237: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:139: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'a',{'b',{'a','b'}}}) breaks the contract (Arg) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Arg,ab())
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:140: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'b',{'a',{'b','a'}}}) breaks the contract (Arg) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Arg,ab())
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:141: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'a',{'b',{'a',{'b','a'}}}}) breaks the contract (Arg) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Arg,ab())
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:142: The call contracts_with_subtypes:rec2({'b',{'a',{'b',{'a','b'}}}}) breaks the contract (Arg) -> 'ok' when is_subtype(Arg,ab())
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:175: The pattern 1 can never match the type string()
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:178: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_} | {'ok',_,string()}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:180: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_} | {'ok',_,string()}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:196: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:198: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:216: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:218: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:235: The pattern 1 can never match the type string()
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:238: The pattern {'ok', _} can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:239: The pattern 'alpha' can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
contracts_with_subtypes.erl:23: Invalid type specification for function contracts_with_subtypes:extract2/0. The success typing is () -> 'something'
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:263: Function flat_ets_new_t/0 has no local return
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:264: The call contracts_with_subtypes:flat_ets_new(12,[]) breaks the contract (Name,Options) -> atom() when is_subtype(Name,atom()), is_subtype(Options,[Option]), is_subtype(Option,'set' | 'ordered_set' | 'bag' | 'duplicate_bag' | 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' | 'named_table' | {'keypos',integer()} | {'heir',pid(),term()} | {'heir','none'} | {'write_concurrency',boolean()} | {'read_concurrency',boolean()} | 'compressed')
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:290: Function factored_ets_new_t/0 has no local return
-contracts_with_subtypes.erl:291: The call contracts_with_subtypes:factored_ets_new(12,[]) breaks the contract (Name,Options) -> atom() when is_subtype(Name,atom()), is_subtype(Options,[Option]), is_subtype(Option,Type | Access | 'named_table' | {'keypos',Pos} | {'heir',Pid::pid(),HeirData} | {'heir','none'} | Tweaks), is_subtype(Type,type()), is_subtype(Access,access()), is_subtype(Tweaks,{'write_concurrency',boolean()} | {'read_concurrency',boolean()} | 'compressed'), is_subtype(Pos,pos_integer()), is_subtype(HeirData,term())
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:240: The pattern {'ok', 42} can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:241: The pattern 42 can never match the type {'ok',_,string()}
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:267: Function flat_ets_new_t/0 has no local return
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:268: The call contracts_with_subtypes:flat_ets_new(12,[]) breaks the contract (Name,Options) -> atom() when is_subtype(Name,atom()), is_subtype(Options,[Option]), is_subtype(Option,'set' | 'ordered_set' | 'bag' | 'duplicate_bag' | 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' | 'named_table' | {'keypos',integer()} | {'heir',pid(),term()} | {'heir','none'} | {'write_concurrency',boolean()} | {'read_concurrency',boolean()} | 'compressed')
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:294: Function factored_ets_new_t/0 has no local return
+contracts_with_subtypes.erl:295: The call contracts_with_subtypes:factored_ets_new(12,[]) breaks the contract (Name,Options) -> atom() when is_subtype(Name,atom()), is_subtype(Options,[Option]), is_subtype(Option,Type | Access | 'named_table' | {'keypos',Pos} | {'heir',Pid::pid(),HeirData} | {'heir','none'} | Tweaks), is_subtype(Type,type()), is_subtype(Access,access()), is_subtype(Tweaks,{'write_concurrency',boolean()} | {'read_concurrency',boolean()} | 'compressed'), is_subtype(Pos,pos_integer()), is_subtype(HeirData,term())
contracts_with_subtypes.erl:77: The call contracts_with_subtypes:foo1(5) breaks the contract (Arg1) -> Res when is_subtype(Arg1,atom()), is_subtype(Res,atom())
contracts_with_subtypes.erl:78: The call contracts_with_subtypes:foo2(5) breaks the contract (Arg1) -> Res when is_subtype(Arg1,Arg2), is_subtype(Arg2,atom()), is_subtype(Res,atom())
contracts_with_subtypes.erl:79: The call contracts_with_subtypes:foo3(5) breaks the contract (Arg1) -> Res when is_subtype(Arg2,atom()), is_subtype(Arg1,Arg2), is_subtype(Res,atom())
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/big_external_type.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/big_external_type.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91a157b17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/big_external_type.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% A stripped version of erl_parse.yrl.
+%%% A type for the abstract format with *external* types has been added.
+%%% The type of the abstract format is not up-to-date, but it does not
+%%% matter since the purpose of the type is to stress the conversion
+%%% of type forms to erl_type().
+-export_type([abstract_clause/0, abstract_expr/0, abstract_form/0,
+ error_info/0]).
+%% Start of Abstract Format
+-type line() :: erl_scan:line().
+-export_type([af_record_index/0, af_record_field/1, af_record_name/0,
+ af_field_name/0, af_function_decl/0]).
+-export_type([af_module/0, af_export/0, af_import/0, af_fa_list/0,
+ af_compile/0, af_file/0, af_record_decl/0,
+ af_field_decl/0, af_wild_attribute/0,
+ af_record_update/1, af_catch/0, af_local_call/0,
+ af_remote_call/0, af_args/0, af_local_function/0,
+ af_remote_function/0, af_list_comprehension/0,
+ af_binary_comprehension/0, af_template/0,
+ af_qualifier_seq/0, af_qualifier/0, af_generator/0,
+ af_filter/0, af_block/0, af_if/0, af_case/0, af_try/0,
+ af_clause_seq/0, af_catch_clause_seq/0, af_receive/0,
+ af_local_fun/0, af_remote_fun/0, af_fun/0, af_query/0,
+ af_query_access/0, af_clause/0,
+ af_catch_clause/0, af_catch_pattern/0, af_catch_class/0,
+ af_body/0, af_guard_seq/0, af_guard/0, af_guard_test/0,
+ af_record_access/1, af_guard_call/0,
+ af_remote_guard_call/0, af_pattern/0, af_literal/0,
+ af_atom/0, af_lit_atom/1, af_integer/0, af_float/0,
+ af_string/0, af_match/1, af_variable/0,
+ af_anon_variable/0, af_tuple/1, af_nil/0, af_cons/1,
+ af_bin/1, af_binelement/1, af_binelement_size/0,
+ af_binary_op/1, af_binop/0, af_unary_op/1, af_unop/0]).
+-type abstract_form() :: ?MODULE:af_module()
+ | ?MODULE:af_export()
+ | ?MODULE:af_import()
+ | ?MODULE:af_compile()
+ | ?MODULE:af_file()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_decl()
+ | ?MODULE:af_wild_attribute()
+ | ?MODULE:af_function_decl().
+-type af_module() :: {attribute, line(), module, module()}.
+-type af_export() :: {attribute, line(), export, ?MODULE:af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_import() :: {attribute, line(), import, ?MODULE:af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_fa_list() :: [{function(), arity()}].
+-type af_compile() :: {attribute, line(), compile, any()}.
+-type af_file() :: {attribute, line(), file, {string(), line()}}.
+-type af_record_decl() ::
+ {attribute, line(), record, ?MODULE:af_record_name(), [?MODULE:af_field_decl()]}.
+-type af_field_decl() :: {record_field, line(), ?MODULE:af_atom()}
+ | {record_field, line(), ?MODULE:af_atom(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+%% Types and specs, among other things...
+-type af_wild_attribute() :: {attribute, line(), ?MODULE:af_atom(), any()}.
+-type af_function_decl() ::
+ {function, line(), function(), arity(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}.
+-type abstract_expr() :: ?MODULE:af_literal()
+ | ?MODULE:af_match(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_tuple(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_nil()
+ | ?MODULE:af_cons(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_bin(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_op(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_unary_op(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_access(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_update(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_index()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_field(?MODULE:abstract_expr())
+ | ?MODULE:af_catch()
+ | ?MODULE:af_local_call()
+ | ?MODULE:af_remote_call()
+ | ?MODULE:af_list_comprehension()
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_comprehension()
+ | ?MODULE:af_block()
+ | ?MODULE:af_if()
+ | ?MODULE:af_case()
+ | ?MODULE:af_try()
+ | ?MODULE:af_receive()
+ | ?MODULE:af_local_fun()
+ | ?MODULE:af_remote_fun()
+ | ?MODULE:af_fun()
+ | ?MODULE:af_query()
+ | ?MODULE:af_query_access().
+-type af_record_update(T) :: {record,
+ line(),
+ ?MODULE:abstract_expr(),
+ ?MODULE:af_record_name(),
+ [?MODULE:af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_catch() :: {'catch', line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_local_call() :: {call, line(), ?MODULE:af_local_function(), ?MODULE:af_args()}.
+-type af_remote_call() :: {call, line(), ?MODULE:af_remote_function(), ?MODULE:af_args()}.
+-type af_args() :: [?MODULE:abstract_expr()].
+-type af_local_function() :: ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_remote_function() ::
+ {remote, line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_list_comprehension() ::
+ {lc, line(), ?MODULE:af_template(), ?MODULE:af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_binary_comprehension() ::
+ {bc, line(), ?MODULE:af_template(), ?MODULE:af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_template() :: ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_qualifier_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_qualifier()].
+-type af_qualifier() :: ?MODULE:af_generator() | ?MODULE:af_filter().
+-type af_generator() :: {generate, line(), ?MODULE:af_pattern(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}
+ | {b_generate, line(), ?MODULE:af_pattern(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_filter() :: ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_block() :: {block, line(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_if() :: {'if', line(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_case() :: {'case', line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_try() :: {'try',
+ line(),
+ ?MODULE:af_body(),
+ ?MODULE:af_clause_seq(),
+ ?MODULE:af_catch_clause_seq(),
+ ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_clause_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_catch_clause_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_receive() ::
+ {'receive', line(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}
+ | {'receive', line(), ?MODULE:af_clause_seq(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_local_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {function, function(), arity()}}.
+-type af_remote_fun() ::
+ {'fun', line(), {function, module(), function(), arity()}}
+ | {'fun', line(), {function, ?MODULE:af_atom(), ?MODULE:af_atom(), ?MODULE:af_integer()}}.
+-type af_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {clauses, ?MODULE:af_clause_seq()}}.
+-type af_query() :: {'query', line(), ?MODULE:af_list_comprehension()}.
+-type af_query_access() ::
+ {record_field, line(), ?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ?MODULE:af_field_name()}.
+-type abstract_clause() :: ?MODULE:af_clause() | ?MODULE:af_catch_clause().
+-type af_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [?MODULE:af_pattern()], ?MODULE:af_guard_seq(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [?MODULE:af_catch_pattern()], ?MODULE:af_guard_seq(), ?MODULE:af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_pattern() ::
+ {?MODULE:af_catch_class(), ?MODULE:af_pattern(), ?MODULE:af_anon_variable()}.
+-type af_catch_class() ::
+ ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(throw) | ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(error) | ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(exit).
+-type af_body() :: [?MODULE:abstract_expr(), ...].
+-type af_guard_seq() :: [?MODULE:af_guard()].
+-type af_guard() :: [?MODULE:af_guard_test(), ...].
+-type af_guard_test() :: ?MODULE:af_literal()
+ | ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_tuple(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_nil()
+ | ?MODULE:af_cons(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_bin(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_op(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_unary_op(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_access(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_index()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_field(?MODULE:af_guard_test())
+ | ?MODULE:af_guard_call()
+ | ?MODULE:af_remote_guard_call().
+-type af_record_access(T) ::
+ {record, line(), ?MODULE:af_record_name(), [?MODULE:af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_guard_call() :: {call, line(), function(), [?MODULE:af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_remote_guard_call() ::
+ {call, line(), atom(), ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(erlang), [?MODULE:af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_pattern() :: ?MODULE:af_literal()
+ | ?MODULE:af_match(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_anon_variable()
+ | ?MODULE:af_tuple(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_nil()
+ | ?MODULE:af_cons(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_bin(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_binary_op(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_unary_op(?MODULE:af_pattern())
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_index()
+ | ?MODULE:af_record_field(?MODULE:af_pattern()).
+-type af_literal() :: ?MODULE:af_atom() | ?MODULE:af_integer() | ?MODULE:af_float() | ?MODULE:af_string().
+-type af_atom() :: ?MODULE:af_lit_atom(atom()).
+-type af_lit_atom(A) :: {atom, line(), A}.
+-type af_integer() :: {integer, line(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type af_float() :: {float, line(), float()}.
+-type af_string() :: {string, line(), [byte()]}.
+-type af_match(T) :: {match, line(), T, T}.
+-type af_variable() :: {var, line(), atom()}.
+-type af_anon_variable() :: {var, line(), '_'}.
+-type af_tuple(T) :: {tuple, line(), [T]}.
+-type af_nil() :: {nil, line()}.
+-type af_cons(T) :: {cons, line, T, T}.
+-type af_bin(T) :: {bin, line(), [?MODULE:af_binelement(T)]}.
+-type af_binelement(T) :: {bin_element,
+ line(),
+ T,
+ ?MODULE:af_binelement_size(),
+ type_specifier_list()}.
+-type af_binelement_size() :: default | ?MODULE:abstract_expr().
+-type af_binary_op(T) :: {op, line(), T, ?MODULE:af_binop(), T}.
+-type af_binop() :: '/' | '*' | 'div' | 'rem' | 'band' | 'and' | '+' | '-'
+ | 'bor' | 'bxor' | 'bsl' | 'bsr' | 'or' | 'xor' | '++'
+ | '--' | '==' | '/=' | '=<' | '<' | '>=' | '>' | '=:='
+ | '=/='.
+-type af_unary_op(T) :: {op, line(), ?MODULE:af_unop(), T}.
+-type af_unop() :: '+' | '*' | 'bnot' | 'not'.
+%% See also lib/stdlib/{src/erl_bits.erl,include/erl_bits.hrl}.
+-type type_specifier_list() :: default | [type_specifier(), ...].
+-type type_specifier() :: af_type()
+ | af_signedness()
+ | af_endianness()
+ | af_unit().
+-type af_type() :: integer
+ | float
+ | binary
+ | bytes
+ | bitstring
+ | bits
+ | utf8
+ | utf16
+ | utf32.
+-type af_signedness() :: signed | unsigned.
+-type af_endianness() :: big | little | native.
+-type af_unit() :: {unit, 1..256}.
+-type af_record_index() ::
+ {record_index, line(), af_record_name(), af_field_name()}.
+-type af_record_field(T) :: {record_field, line(), af_field_name(), T}.
+-type af_record_name() :: atom().
+-type af_field_name() :: atom().
+%% End of Abstract Format
+-type error_description() :: term().
+-type error_info() :: {erl_scan:line(), module(), error_description()}.
+-type token() :: {Tag :: atom(), Line :: erl_scan:line()}.
+%% mkop(Op, Arg) -> {op,Line,Op,Arg}.
+%% mkop(Left, Op, Right) -> {op,Line,Op,Left,Right}.
+-define(mkop2(L, OpPos, R),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,L,R}
+ end).
+-define(mkop1(OpPos, A),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,A}
+ end).
+%% keep track of line info in tokens
+-define(line(Tup), element(2, Tup)).
+%% Entry points compatible to old erl_parse.
+%% These really suck and are only here until Calle gets multiple
+%% entry points working.
+-spec parse_form(Tokens) -> {ok, AbsForm} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ AbsForm :: abstract_form(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,spec}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'spec',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,callback}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'callback',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form(Tokens) ->
+ parse(Tokens).
+-spec parse_exprs(Tokens) -> {ok, ExprList} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ ExprList :: [abstract_expr()],
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],Exprs}]}} ->
+ {ok,Exprs};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+-spec parse_term(Tokens) -> {ok, Term} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ Term :: term(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[Expr]}]}} ->
+ try normalise(Expr) of
+ Term -> {ok,Term}
+ catch
+ _:_R -> {error,{?line(Expr),?MODULE,"bad term"}}
+ end;
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[_E1,E2|_Es]}]}} ->
+ {error,{?line(E2),?MODULE,"bad term"}};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+%% Convert between the abstract form of a term and a term.
+-spec normalise(AbsTerm) -> Data when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Data :: term().
+normalise({char,_,C}) -> C;
+normalise({integer,_,I}) -> I;
+normalise({float,_,F}) -> F;
+normalise({atom,_,A}) -> A;
+normalise({string,_,S}) -> S;
+normalise({nil,_}) -> [];
+normalise({bin,_,Fs}) ->
+ {value, B, _} =
+ eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [],
+ fun(E, _) ->
+ {value, normalise(E), []}
+ end, [], true),
+ B;
+normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}) ->
+ [normalise(Head)|normalise(Tail)];
+normalise({tuple,_,Args}) ->
+ list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args));
+%% Atom dot-notation, as in 'foo.bar.baz'
+%% Special case for unary +/-.
+normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}) -> F;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible!
+normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}) -> -I;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}) -> -F;
+normalise(X) -> erlang:error({badarg, X}).
+normalise_list([H|T]) ->
+ [normalise(H)|normalise_list(T)];
+normalise_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% Generate a list of tokens representing the abstract term.
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens(Abs) ->
+ tokens(Abs, []).
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm, MoreTokens) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ MoreTokens :: [token()],
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens({char,L,C}, More) -> [{char,L,C}|More];
+tokens({integer,L,N}, More) -> [{integer,L,N}|More];
+tokens({float,L,F}, More) -> [{float,L,F}|More];
+tokens({atom,L,A}, More) -> [{atom,L,A}|More];
+tokens({var,L,V}, More) -> [{var,L,V}|More];
+tokens({string,L,S}, More) -> [{string,L,S}|More];
+tokens({nil,L}, More) -> [{'[',L},{']',L}|More];
+tokens({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{'[',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens({tuple,L,[]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L},{'}',L}|More];
+tokens({tuple,L,[E|Es]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))].
+tokens_tail({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{',',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens_tail({nil,L}, More) ->
+ [{']',L}|More];
+tokens_tail(Other, More) ->
+ L = ?line(Other),
+ [{'|',L}|tokens(Other, [{']',L}|More])].
+tokens_tuple([E|Es], Line, More) ->
+ [{',',Line}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))];
+tokens_tuple([], Line, More) ->
+ [{'}',Line}|More].
+%% Give the relative precedences of operators.
+inop_prec('=') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('!') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('orelse') -> {160,150,150};
+inop_prec('andalso') -> {200,160,160};
+inop_prec('==') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=:=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('++') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('--') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('+') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('-') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bxor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsl') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsr') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('or') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('xor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('*') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('/') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('div') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('rem') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('band') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('and') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('#') -> {800,700,800};
+inop_prec(':') -> {900,800,900};
+inop_prec('.') -> {900,900,1000}.
+-type pre_op() :: 'catch' | '+' | '-' | 'bnot' | 'not' | '#'.
+-spec preop_prec(pre_op()) -> {0 | 600 | 700, 100 | 700 | 800}.
+preop_prec('catch') -> {0,100};
+preop_prec('+') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('-') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('bnot') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('not') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('#') -> {700,800}.
+-spec func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+-spec max_prec() -> 1000.
+max_prec() -> 1000.
+parse(T) ->
+ bar:foo(T).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/big_local_type.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/big_local_type.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6de263eda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/big_local_type.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% A stripped version of erl_parse.yrl.
+%%% A type for the abstract format with *local* types has been added.
+%%% The type of the abstract format is not up-to-date, but it does not
+%%% matter since the purpose of the type is to stress the conversion
+%%% of type forms to erl_type().
+-export_type([abstract_clause/0, abstract_expr/0, abstract_form/0,
+ error_info/0]).
+%% Start of Abstract Format
+-type line() :: erl_scan:line().
+-export_type([af_module/0, af_export/0, af_import/0, af_fa_list/0,
+ af_compile/0, af_file/0, af_record_decl/0,
+ af_field_decl/0, af_wild_attribute/0,
+ af_record_update/1, af_catch/0, af_local_call/0,
+ af_remote_call/0, af_args/0, af_local_function/0,
+ af_remote_function/0, af_list_comprehension/0,
+ af_binary_comprehension/0, af_template/0,
+ af_qualifier_seq/0, af_qualifier/0, af_generator/0,
+ af_filter/0, af_block/0, af_if/0, af_case/0, af_try/0,
+ af_clause_seq/0, af_catch_clause_seq/0, af_receive/0,
+ af_local_fun/0, af_remote_fun/0, af_fun/0, af_query/0,
+ af_query_access/0, af_clause/0,
+ af_catch_clause/0, af_catch_pattern/0, af_catch_class/0,
+ af_body/0, af_guard_seq/0, af_guard/0, af_guard_test/0,
+ af_record_access/1, af_guard_call/0,
+ af_remote_guard_call/0, af_pattern/0, af_literal/0,
+ af_atom/0, af_lit_atom/1, af_integer/0, af_float/0,
+ af_string/0, af_match/1, af_variable/0,
+ af_anon_variable/0, af_tuple/1, af_nil/0, af_cons/1,
+ af_bin/1, af_binelement/1, af_binelement_size/0,
+ af_binary_op/1, af_binop/0, af_unary_op/1, af_unop/0]).
+-type abstract_form() :: af_module()
+ | af_export()
+ | af_import()
+ | af_compile()
+ | af_file()
+ | af_record_decl()
+ | af_wild_attribute()
+ | af_function_decl().
+-type af_module() :: {attribute, line(), module, module()}.
+-type af_export() :: {attribute, line(), export, af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_import() :: {attribute, line(), import, af_fa_list()}.
+-type af_fa_list() :: [{function(), arity()}].
+-type af_compile() :: {attribute, line(), compile, any()}.
+-type af_file() :: {attribute, line(), file, {string(), line()}}.
+-type af_record_decl() ::
+ {attribute, line(), record, af_record_name(), [af_field_decl()]}.
+-type af_field_decl() :: {record_field, line(), af_atom()}
+ | {record_field, line(), af_atom(), abstract_expr()}.
+%% Types and specs, among other things...
+-type af_wild_attribute() :: {attribute, line(), af_atom(), any()}.
+-type af_function_decl() ::
+ {function, line(), function(), arity(), af_clause_seq()}.
+-type abstract_expr() :: af_literal()
+ | af_match(abstract_expr())
+ | af_variable()
+ | af_tuple(abstract_expr())
+ | af_nil()
+ | af_cons(abstract_expr())
+ | af_bin(abstract_expr())
+ | af_binary_op(abstract_expr())
+ | af_unary_op(abstract_expr())
+ | af_record_access(abstract_expr())
+ | af_record_update(abstract_expr())
+ | af_record_index()
+ | af_record_field(abstract_expr())
+ | af_catch()
+ | af_local_call()
+ | af_remote_call()
+ | af_list_comprehension()
+ | af_binary_comprehension()
+ | af_block()
+ | af_if()
+ | af_case()
+ | af_try()
+ | af_receive()
+ | af_local_fun()
+ | af_remote_fun()
+ | af_fun()
+ | af_query()
+ | af_query_access().
+-type af_record_update(T) :: {record,
+ line(),
+ abstract_expr(),
+ af_record_name(),
+ [af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_catch() :: {'catch', line(), abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_local_call() :: {call, line(), af_local_function(), af_args()}.
+-type af_remote_call() :: {call, line(), af_remote_function(), af_args()}.
+-type af_args() :: [abstract_expr()].
+-type af_local_function() :: abstract_expr().
+-type af_remote_function() ::
+ {remote, line(), abstract_expr(), abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_list_comprehension() ::
+ {lc, line(), af_template(), af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_binary_comprehension() ::
+ {bc, line(), af_template(), af_qualifier_seq()}.
+-type af_template() :: abstract_expr().
+-type af_qualifier_seq() :: [af_qualifier()].
+-type af_qualifier() :: af_generator() | af_filter().
+-type af_generator() :: {generate, line(), af_pattern(), abstract_expr()}
+ | {b_generate, line(), af_pattern(), abstract_expr()}.
+-type af_filter() :: abstract_expr().
+-type af_block() :: {block, line(), af_body()}.
+-type af_if() :: {'if', line(), af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_case() :: {'case', line(), abstract_expr(), af_clause_seq()}.
+-type af_try() :: {'try',
+ line(),
+ af_body(),
+ af_clause_seq(),
+ af_catch_clause_seq(),
+ af_body()}.
+-type af_clause_seq() :: [af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_catch_clause_seq() :: [af_clause(), ...].
+-type af_receive() ::
+ {'receive', line(), af_clause_seq()}
+ | {'receive', line(), af_clause_seq(), abstract_expr(), af_body()}.
+-type af_local_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {function, function(), arity()}}.
+-type af_remote_fun() ::
+ {'fun', line(), {function, module(), function(), arity()}}
+ | {'fun', line(), {function, af_atom(), af_atom(), af_integer()}}.
+-type af_fun() :: {'fun', line(), {clauses, af_clause_seq()}}.
+-type af_query() :: {'query', line(), af_list_comprehension()}.
+-type af_query_access() ::
+ {record_field, line(), abstract_expr(), af_field_name()}.
+-type abstract_clause() :: af_clause() | af_catch_clause().
+-type af_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [af_pattern()], af_guard_seq(), af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_clause() ::
+ {clause, line(), [af_catch_pattern()], af_guard_seq(), af_body()}.
+-type af_catch_pattern() ::
+ {af_catch_class(), af_pattern(), af_anon_variable()}.
+-type af_catch_class() ::
+ af_variable()
+ | af_lit_atom(throw) | af_lit_atom(error) | af_lit_atom(exit).
+-type af_body() :: [abstract_expr(), ...].
+-type af_guard_seq() :: [af_guard()].
+-type af_guard() :: [af_guard_test(), ...].
+-type af_guard_test() :: af_literal()
+ | af_variable()
+ | af_tuple(af_guard_test())
+ | af_nil()
+ | af_cons(af_guard_test())
+ | af_bin(af_guard_test())
+ | af_binary_op(af_guard_test())
+ | af_unary_op(af_guard_test())
+ | af_record_access(af_guard_test())
+ | af_record_index()
+ | af_record_field(af_guard_test())
+ | af_guard_call()
+ | af_remote_guard_call().
+-type af_record_access(T) ::
+ {record, line(), af_record_name(), [af_record_field(T)]}.
+-type af_guard_call() :: {call, line(), function(), [af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_remote_guard_call() ::
+ {call, line(), atom(), af_lit_atom(erlang), [af_guard_test()]}.
+-type af_pattern() :: af_literal()
+ | af_match(af_pattern())
+ | af_variable()
+ | af_anon_variable()
+ | af_tuple(af_pattern())
+ | af_nil()
+ | af_cons(af_pattern())
+ | af_bin(af_pattern())
+ | af_binary_op(af_pattern())
+ | af_unary_op(af_pattern())
+ | af_record_index()
+ | af_record_field(af_pattern()).
+-type af_literal() :: af_atom() | af_integer() | af_float() | af_string().
+-type af_atom() :: af_lit_atom(atom()).
+-type af_lit_atom(A) :: {atom, line(), A}.
+-type af_integer() :: {integer, line(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type af_float() :: {float, line(), float()}.
+-type af_string() :: {string, line(), [byte()]}.
+-type af_match(T) :: {match, line(), T, T}.
+-type af_variable() :: {var, line(), atom()}.
+-type af_anon_variable() :: {var, line(), '_'}.
+-type af_tuple(T) :: {tuple, line(), [T]}.
+-type af_nil() :: {nil, line()}.
+-type af_cons(T) :: {cons, line, T, T}.
+-type af_bin(T) :: {bin, line(), [af_binelement(T)]}.
+-type af_binelement(T) :: {bin_element,
+ line(),
+ T,
+ af_binelement_size(),
+ type_specifier_list()}.
+-type af_binelement_size() :: default | abstract_expr().
+-type af_binary_op(T) :: {op, line(), T, af_binop(), T}.
+-type af_binop() :: '/' | '*' | 'div' | 'rem' | 'band' | 'and' | '+' | '-'
+ | 'bor' | 'bxor' | 'bsl' | 'bsr' | 'or' | 'xor' | '++'
+ | '--' | '==' | '/=' | '=<' | '<' | '>=' | '>' | '=:='
+ | '=/='.
+-type af_unary_op(T) :: {op, line(), af_unop(), T}.
+-type af_unop() :: '+' | '*' | 'bnot' | 'not'.
+%% See also lib/stdlib/{src/erl_bits.erl,include/erl_bits.hrl}.
+-type type_specifier_list() :: default | [type_specifier(), ...].
+-type type_specifier() :: af_type()
+ | af_signedness()
+ | af_endianness()
+ | af_unit().
+-type af_type() :: integer
+ | float
+ | binary
+ | bytes
+ | bitstring
+ | bits
+ | utf8
+ | utf16
+ | utf32.
+-type af_signedness() :: signed | unsigned.
+-type af_endianness() :: big | little | native.
+-type af_unit() :: {unit, 1..256}.
+-type af_record_index() ::
+ {record_index, line(), af_record_name(), af_field_name()}.
+-type af_record_field(T) :: {record_field, line(), af_field_name(), T}.
+-type af_record_name() :: atom().
+-type af_field_name() :: atom().
+%% End of Abstract Format
+-type error_description() :: term().
+-type error_info() :: {erl_scan:line(), module(), error_description()}.
+-type token() :: {Tag :: atom(), Line :: erl_scan:line()}.
+%% mkop(Op, Arg) -> {op,Line,Op,Arg}.
+%% mkop(Left, Op, Right) -> {op,Line,Op,Left,Right}.
+-define(mkop2(L, OpPos, R),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,L,R}
+ end).
+-define(mkop1(OpPos, A),
+ begin
+ {Op,Pos} = OpPos,
+ {op,Pos,Op,A}
+ end).
+%% keep track of line info in tokens
+-define(line(Tup), element(2, Tup)).
+%% Entry points compatible to old erl_parse.
+%% These really suck and are only here until Calle gets multiple
+%% entry points working.
+-spec parse_form(Tokens) -> {ok, AbsForm} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ AbsForm :: abstract_form(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,spec}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'spec',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form([{'-',L1},{atom,L2,callback}|Tokens]) ->
+ parse([{'-',L1},{'callback',L2}|Tokens]);
+parse_form(Tokens) ->
+ parse(Tokens).
+-spec parse_exprs(Tokens) -> {ok, ExprList} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ ExprList :: [abstract_expr()],
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_exprs(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],Exprs}]}} ->
+ {ok,Exprs};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+-spec parse_term(Tokens) -> {ok, Term} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ Tokens :: [token()],
+ Term :: term(),
+ ErrorInfo :: error_info().
+parse_term(Tokens) ->
+ case parse([{atom,0,f},{'(',0},{')',0},{'->',0}|Tokens]) of
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[Expr]}]}} ->
+ try normalise(Expr) of
+ Term -> {ok,Term}
+ catch
+ _:_R -> {error,{?line(Expr),?MODULE,"bad term"}}
+ end;
+ {ok,{function,_Lf,f,0,[{clause,_Lc,[],[],[_E1,E2|_Es]}]}} ->
+ {error,{?line(E2),?MODULE,"bad term"}};
+ {error,_} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+%% Convert between the abstract form of a term and a term.
+-spec normalise(AbsTerm) -> Data when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Data :: term().
+normalise({char,_,C}) -> C;
+normalise({integer,_,I}) -> I;
+normalise({float,_,F}) -> F;
+normalise({atom,_,A}) -> A;
+normalise({string,_,S}) -> S;
+normalise({nil,_}) -> [];
+normalise({bin,_,Fs}) ->
+ {value, B, _} =
+ eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [],
+ fun(E, _) ->
+ {value, normalise(E), []}
+ end, [], true),
+ B;
+normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}) ->
+ [normalise(Head)|normalise(Tail)];
+normalise({tuple,_,Args}) ->
+ list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args));
+%% Atom dot-notation, as in 'foo.bar.baz'
+%% Special case for unary +/-.
+normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}) -> I;
+normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}) -> F;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible!
+normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}) -> -I;
+normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}) -> -F;
+normalise(X) -> erlang:error({badarg, X}).
+normalise_list([H|T]) ->
+ [normalise(H)|normalise_list(T)];
+normalise_list([]) ->
+ [].
+%% Generate a list of tokens representing the abstract term.
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens(Abs) ->
+ tokens(Abs, []).
+-spec tokens(AbsTerm, MoreTokens) -> Tokens when
+ AbsTerm :: abstract_expr(),
+ MoreTokens :: [token()],
+ Tokens :: [token()].
+tokens({char,L,C}, More) -> [{char,L,C}|More];
+tokens({integer,L,N}, More) -> [{integer,L,N}|More];
+tokens({float,L,F}, More) -> [{float,L,F}|More];
+tokens({atom,L,A}, More) -> [{atom,L,A}|More];
+tokens({var,L,V}, More) -> [{var,L,V}|More];
+tokens({string,L,S}, More) -> [{string,L,S}|More];
+tokens({nil,L}, More) -> [{'[',L},{']',L}|More];
+tokens({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{'[',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens({tuple,L,[]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L},{'}',L}|More];
+tokens({tuple,L,[E|Es]}, More) ->
+ [{'{',L}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))].
+tokens_tail({cons,L,Head,Tail}, More) ->
+ [{',',L}|tokens(Head, tokens_tail(Tail, More))];
+tokens_tail({nil,L}, More) ->
+ [{']',L}|More];
+tokens_tail(Other, More) ->
+ L = ?line(Other),
+ [{'|',L}|tokens(Other, [{']',L}|More])].
+tokens_tuple([E|Es], Line, More) ->
+ [{',',Line}|tokens(E, tokens_tuple(Es, ?line(E), More))];
+tokens_tuple([], Line, More) ->
+ [{'}',Line}|More].
+%% Give the relative precedences of operators.
+inop_prec('=') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('!') -> {150,100,100};
+inop_prec('orelse') -> {160,150,150};
+inop_prec('andalso') -> {200,160,160};
+inop_prec('==') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('<') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('>') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=:=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('=/=') -> {300,200,300};
+inop_prec('++') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('--') -> {400,300,300};
+inop_prec('+') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('-') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bxor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsl') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('bsr') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('or') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('xor') -> {400,400,500};
+inop_prec('*') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('/') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('div') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('rem') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('band') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('and') -> {500,500,600};
+inop_prec('#') -> {800,700,800};
+inop_prec(':') -> {900,800,900};
+inop_prec('.') -> {900,900,1000}.
+-type pre_op() :: 'catch' | '+' | '-' | 'bnot' | 'not' | '#'.
+-spec preop_prec(pre_op()) -> {0 | 600 | 700, 100 | 700 | 800}.
+preop_prec('catch') -> {0,100};
+preop_prec('+') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('-') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('bnot') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('not') -> {600,700};
+preop_prec('#') -> {700,800}.
+-spec func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+func_prec() -> {800,700}.
+-spec max_prec() -> 1000.
+max_prec() -> 1000.
+parse(T) ->
+ bar:foo(T).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/contracts_with_subtypes.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/contracts_with_subtypes.erl
index d7dfd9752e..dbabd904c2 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/contracts_with_subtypes.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/contracts_with_subtypes.erl
@@ -136,10 +136,14 @@ q(ab) -> rec2({a, b}); % breaks the contract
q(ba) -> rec2({b, a}); % breaks the contract
q(aba) -> rec2({a, {b, a}}); % breaks the contract
q(bab) -> rec2({b, {a, b}}); % breaks the contract
-q(abab) -> rec2({a, {b, {a, b}}});
-q(baba) -> rec2({b, {a, {b, a}}});
-q(ababa) -> rec2({a, {b, {a, {b, a}}}});
-q(babab) -> rec2({b, {a, {b, {a, b}}}}).
+q(abab) -> rec2({a, {b, {a, b}}}); % breaks the contract
+q(baba) -> rec2({b, {a, {b, a}}}); % breaks the contract
+q(ababa) -> rec2({a, {b, {a, {b, a}}}}); % breaks the contract
+q(babab) -> rec2({b, {a, {b, {a, b}}}}); % breaks the contract
+q(ababab) -> rec2({a, {b, {a, {b, {a, b}}}}});
+q(bababa) -> rec2({b, {a, {b, {a, {b, a}}}}});
+q(abababa) -> rec2({a, {b, {a, {b, {a, {b, a}}}}}});
+q(bababab) -> rec2({b, {a, {b, {a, {b, {a, b}}}}}}).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/ditrap.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/ditrap.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d75f25bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/ditrap.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+%% A bug reported by Tail-f Systems. The problem is that record types
+%% are included without properly limiting their depth.
+-define(tref(T), ?MODULE:T).
+-define(fref(T), ?MODULE:T).
+-export_type([ module_rec/0
+ , typedef_rec/0
+ , type_spec_fun/0
+ ]).
+-record(type, {
+ base :: 'builtin' | external:random_type() | ?tref(typedef_rec()),
+ type_spec_fun :: ?fref(type_spec_fun())
+ }).
+-record(typedef, {type :: #type{}}).
+-record(typedefs, {
+ map :: ?tref(typedef_rec()),
+ parent :: 'undefined' | #typedefs{}
+ }).
+-record(sn, {
+ module :: ?tref(module_rec()),
+ typedefs :: #typedefs{},
+ type :: 'undefined' | #type{},
+ keys :: 'undefined' | [#sn{}],
+ children = [] :: [#sn{}]
+ }).
+-record(augment, {children = [] :: [#sn{}]}).
+-record(module, {
+ submodules = [] :: [{#module{}, external:pos()}],
+ typedefs = #typedefs{} :: #typedefs{},
+ children = [] :: [#sn{}],
+ remote_augments = [] :: [{ModuleName :: atom(), [#augment{}]}],
+ local_augments = [] :: [#augment{}]
+ }).
+-type typedef_rec() :: #typedef{}.
+-type module_rec() :: #module{}.
+-type type_spec_fun() :: undefined | fun((#type{}, #module{}) -> any()).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/maps_redef2.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/maps_redef2.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..945b2a9144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/maps_redef2.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%% In 17, the linter says that map(A) redefines 'type map', which is
+%% allowed until next release. However, Dialyzer used to replace
+%% map(A) with #{}, which resulted in warnings.
+-type map(_A) :: integer().
+t() ->
+ M = new(),
+ t1(M).
+-spec t1(map(_)) -> map(_).
+t1(A) ->
+ A + A.
+-spec new() -> map(_).
+new() ->
+ 3.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/suppression3.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/suppression3.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a745cffc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/suppression3.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+-export([a/1, b/1]).
+-dialyzer({nowarn_function, a/1}).
+-spec a(_) -> integer().
+a(A) ->
+ ?MODULE:missing(A).
+-dialyzer({no_missing_calls, b/1}).
+-spec b(_) -> integer().
+b(A) ->
+ ?MODULE:missing(A).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/underspecs_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options b/lib/dialyzer/test/underspecs_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
index 6843119b9d..f7197ac30f 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/underspecs_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/underspecs_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [underspecs, no_unknown]}]}.
+{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [underspecs]}]}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/user_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options b/lib/dialyzer/test/user_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
index d20ecd389f..513ed7752b 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/test/user_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/user_SUITE_data/dialyzer_options
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-{dialyzer_options, [{warnings, [no_unknown]}]}.
+{dialyzer_options, []}.
{time_limit, 3}. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk b/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
index e7c13f04ad..527afaf4ef 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@