path: root/lib/diameter/src/app/diameter_lib.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/diameter/src/app/diameter_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/app/diameter_lib.erl b/lib/diameter/src/app/diameter_lib.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 362d593b24..0000000000
--- a/lib/diameter/src/app/diameter_lib.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--export([report/2, info_report/2,
- error_report/2,
- warning_report/2,
- now_diff/1,
- time/1,
- eval/1,
- ip4address/1,
- ip6address/1,
- ipaddr/1,
- spawn_opts/2,
- wait/1,
- fold_tuple/3,
- log/4]).
-%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% # info_report(Reason, MFA)
-%% Input: Reason = Arbitrary term indicating the reason for the report.
-%% MFA = {Module, Function, Args} to report.
-%% Output: true
-%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-report(Reason, MFA) ->
- info_report(Reason, MFA).
-info_report(Reason, MFA) ->
- report(fun error_logger:info_report/1, Reason, MFA),
- true.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # error_report(Reason, MFA)
-%%% # warning_report(Reason, MFA)
-%%% Output: false
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-error_report(Reason, MFA) ->
- report(fun error_logger:error_report/1, Reason, MFA).
-warning_report(Reason, MFA) ->
- report(fun error_logger:warning_report/1, Reason, MFA).
-report(Fun, Reason, MFA) ->
- Fun([{why, Reason}, {who, self()}, {what, MFA}]),
- false.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # now_diff(Time)
-%%% Description: Return timer:now_diff(now(), Time) as an {H, M, S, MicroS}
-%%% tuple instead of as integer microseconds.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-now_diff({_,_,_} = Time) ->
- time(timer:now_diff(erlang:now(), Time)).
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # time(Time)
-%%% Input: Time = {MegaSec, Sec, MicroSec}
-%%% | MicroSec
-%%% Output: {H, M, S, MicroS}
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-time({_,_,_} = Time) -> %% time of day
- %% 24 hours = 24*60*60*1000000 = 86400000000 microsec
- time(timer:now_diff(Time, {0,0,0}) rem 86400000000);
-time(Micro) -> %% elapsed time
- Seconds = Micro div 1000000,
- H = Seconds div 3600,
- M = (Seconds rem 3600) div 60,
- S = Seconds rem 60,
- {H, M, S, Micro rem 1000000}.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # eval(Func)
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-eval({M,F,A}) ->
- apply(M,F,A);
-eval([{M,F,A} | X]) ->
- apply(M, F, X ++ A);
-eval([[F|A] | X]) ->
- eval([F | X ++ A]);
-eval([F|A]) ->
- apply(F,A);
-eval({F}) ->
- eval(F);
-eval(F) ->
- F().
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # ip4address(Addr)
-%%% Input: string() (eg. "")
-%%% | list of integer()
-%%% | tuple of integer()
-%%% Output: {_,_,_,_} of integer
-%%% Exceptions: error: {invalid_address, Addr, erlang:get_stacktrace()}
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ip4address([_,_,_,_] = Addr) -> %% Length 4 string can't be an address.
- ipaddr(list_to_tuple(Addr));
-%% Be brutal.
-ip4address(Addr) ->
- try
- {_,_,_,_} = ipaddr(Addr)
- catch
- error: _ ->
- erlang:error({invalid_address, Addr, ?STACK})
- end.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # ip6address(Addr)
-%%% Input: string() (eg. "1080::8:800:200C:417A")
-%%% | list of integer()
-%%% | tuple of integer()
-%%% Output: {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_} of integer
-%%% Exceptions: error: {invalid_address, Addr, erlang:get_stacktrace()}
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ip6address([_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_] = Addr) -> %% Length 8 string can't be an address.
- ipaddr(list_to_tuple(Addr));
-%% Be brutal.
-ip6address(Addr) ->
- try
- {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_} = ipaddr(Addr)
- catch
- error: _ ->
- erlang:error({invalid_address, Addr, ?STACK})
- end.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # ipaddr(Addr)
-%%% Input: string() | tuple of integer()
-%%% Output: {_,_,_,_} | {_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}
-%%% Exceptions: error: {invalid_address, erlang:get_stacktrace()}
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--spec ipaddr(string() | tuple())
- -> inet:ip_address().
-%% Don't convert lists of integers since a length 8 list like
-%% [$1,$0,$.,$0,$.,$0,$.,$1] is ambiguous: is it "" or
-%% "49:48:46:48:46:48:46:49"?
-%% RFC 2373 defines the format parsed for v6 addresses.
-%% Be brutal.
-ipaddr(Addr) ->
- try
- ip(Addr)
- catch
- error: _ ->
- erlang:error({invalid_address, ?STACK})
- end.
-%% Already a tuple: ensure non-negative integers of the right size.
- when size(T) == 4;
- size(T) == 8 ->
- Bs = 2*size(T),
- [] = lists:filter(fun(N) when 0 =< N -> 0 < N bsr Bs end,
- tuple_to_list(T)),
- T;
-%% Or not: convert from '.'/':'-separated decimal/hex.
-ip(Addr) ->
- {ok, A} = inet_parse:address(Addr), %% documented in inet(3)
- A.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # spawn_opts(Type, Opts)
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% TODO: config variables.
-spawn_opts(server, Opts) ->
- opts(75000, Opts);
-spawn_opts(worker, Opts) ->
- opts(5000, Opts).
-opts(HeapSize, Opts) ->
- [{min_heap_size, HeapSize} | lists:keydelete(min_heap_size, 1, Opts)].
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # wait(MRefs)
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-wait(L) ->
- w([erlang:monitor(process, P) || P <- L]).
-w([]) ->
- ok;
-w(L) ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, _} ->
- w(lists:delete(MRef, L))
- end.
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # fold_tuple(N, T0, T)
-%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Replace fields in T0 by those of T starting at index N, unless the
-%% new value is 'undefined'.
-%% eg. fold_tuple(2, Hdr, #diameter_header{end_to_end_id = 42})
-fold_tuple(_, T, undefined) ->
- T;
-fold_tuple(N, T0, T1) ->
- {_, T} = lists:foldl(fun(V, {I,_} = IT) -> {I+1, ft(V, IT)} end,
- {N, T0},
- lists:nthtail(N-1, tuple_to_list(T1))),
- T.
-ft(undefined, {_, T}) ->
- T;
-ft(Value, {Idx, T}) ->
- setelement(Idx, T, Value).
-%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
-%%% # log(Slogan, Mod, Line, Details)
-%%% Called to have something to trace on for happenings of interest.
-%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
-log(_, _, _, _) ->
- ok.