path: root/lib/diameter/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/diameter/test')
6 files changed, 720 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_capx_SUITE.erl b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_capx_SUITE.erl
index a4e4195a19..9e6619ecdd 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_capx_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_capx_SUITE.erl
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
%% testcases
+ vendor_id/1,
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@
-define(HOST(Name), Name ++ "." ++ ?REALM).
%% Config for diameter:start_service/2.
[{'Origin-Realm', ?REALM},
{'Host-IP-Address', [?ADDR]},
{'Vendor-Id', 12345},
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ suite() ->
[{timetrap, {seconds, 60}}].
all() -> [start,
+ vendor_id,
++ [{group, D, P} || D <- ?DICTS, P <- [[], [parallel]]]
@@ -128,6 +130,7 @@ end_per_group(_, _) ->
end_per_testcase(N, _)
when N == start;
+ N == vendor_id;
N == start_services;
N == add_listeners;
N == remove_listeners;
@@ -156,9 +159,27 @@ tc() ->
start(_Config) ->
ok = diameter:start().
+%% Ensure that both integer and list-valued vendor id's can be
+%% configured in a 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id, the arity having
+%% changed between RFC 3588 and RFC 6733.
+vendor_id(_Config) ->
+ [] = ?util:run([[fun vid/1, V] || V <- [1, [1], [1,2], x]]).
+vid(V) ->
+ RC = diameter:start_service(make_ref(),
+ [{'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id',
+ [[{'Vendor-Id', V}]]}
+ | ?SERVICE]),
+ vid(V, RC).
+vid(x, {error, _}) ->
+ ok;
+vid(_, ok) ->
+ ok.
start_services(_Config) ->
- ok = diameter:start_service(?SERVER, ?SERVICE(?SERVER)),
- ok = diameter:start_service(?CLIENT, ?SERVICE(?CLIENT)).
+ ok = diameter:start_service(?SERVER, ?SERVICE),
+ ok = diameter:start_service(?CLIENT, ?SERVICE).
%% One server that responds only to base accounting, one that responds
%% to both this and the common application. Share a common service just
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_distribution_SUITE.erl b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_distribution_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01d3507b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_distribution_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Tests of traffic between two Diameter nodes, the client being
+%% spread across three Erlang nodes.
+ all/0]).
+%% testcases
+ ping/1,
+ start/1,
+ connect/1,
+ send_local/1,
+ send_remote/1,
+ send_timeout/1,
+ send_failover/1,
+ stop/1]).
+%% diameter callbacks
+ peer_down/3,
+ pick_peer/5,
+ prepare_request/4,
+ prepare_retransmit/4,
+ handle_answer/5,
+ handle_error/5,
+ handle_request/3]).
+%% ===========================================================================
+-define(util, diameter_util).
+-define(CLIENT, 'CLIENT').
+-define(SERVER, 'SERVER').
+-define(REALM, "erlang.org").
+-define(DICT, diameter_gen_base_rfc6733).
+-define(ADDR, {127,0,0,1}).
+%% Config for diameter:start_service/2.
+ [{'Origin-Host', Host ++ [$.|?REALM]},
+ {'Origin-Realm', ?REALM},
+ {'Host-IP-Address', [?ADDR]},
+ {'Vendor-Id', 12345},
+ {'Product-Name', "OTP/diameter"},
+ {'Auth-Application-Id', [?DICT:id()]},
+ {'Origin-State-Id', origin()},
+ {share_peers, peers()},
+ {use_shared_peers, peers()},
+ {restrict_connections, false},
+ {sequence, fun sequence/0},
+ {application, [{dictionary, ?DICT},
+ {module, ?MODULE},
+ {request_errors, callback},
+ {answer_errors, callback}]}]).
+-define(SUCCESS, 2001).
+-define(BUSY, 3004).
+-define(L, atom_to_list).
+-define(A, list_to_atom).
+%% The order here is significant and causes the server to listen
+%% before the clients connect.
+-define(NODES, [{server, ?SERVER},
+ {client0, ?CLIENT},
+ {client1, ?CLIENT},
+ {client2, ?CLIENT}]).
+%% Options to ct_slave:start/2.
+-define(TIMEOUTS, [{T, 15000} || T <- [boot_timeout,
+ init_timeout,
+ start_timeout]]).
+%% ===========================================================================
+suite() ->
+ [{timetrap, {seconds, 60}}].
+all() ->
+ [enslave,
+ ping,
+ start,
+ connect,
+ send_local,
+ send_remote,
+ send_timeout,
+ send_failover,
+ stop].
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% start/stop testcases
+%% enslave/1
+%% Start four slave nodes, one to implement a Diameter server,
+%% two three to implement a client.
+enslave(Config) ->
+ Here = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ Ebin = filename:join([Here, "..", "ebin"]),
+ Dirs = [Here, Ebin],
+ Nodes = [{N,S} || {M,S} <- ?NODES, N <- [slave(M, Dirs)]],
+ ?util:write_priv(Config, nodes, [{N,S} || {{N,ok},S} <- Nodes]),
+ [] = [{T,S} || {{_,E} = T, S} <- Nodes, E /= ok].
+slave(Name, Dirs) ->
+ add_pathsa(Dirs, ct_slave:start(Name, ?TIMEOUTS)).
+add_pathsa(Dirs, {ok, Node}) ->
+ {Node, rpc:call(Node, code, add_pathsa, [Dirs])};
+add_pathsa(_, No) ->
+ {No, error}.
+%% ping/1
+%% Ensure the client nodes are connected since the sharing of
+%% transports is only between connected nodes.
+ping({?SERVER, _Nodes}) ->
+ [];
+ping({?CLIENT, Nodes}) ->
+ [N || {N,_} <- Nodes,
+ node() /= N,
+ pang <- [net_adm:ping(N)]];
+ping(Config) ->
+ Nodes = ?util:read_priv(Config, nodes),
+ [] = [{N,RC} || {N,S} <- Nodes,
+ RC <- [rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, ping, [{S, Nodes}])],
+ RC /= []].
+%% start/1
+%% Start diameter services.
+ when is_atom(SvcName) ->
+ ok = diameter:start(),
+ ok = diameter:start_service(SvcName, ?SERVICE((?L(SvcName))));
+start(Config) ->
+ Nodes = ?util:read_priv(Config, nodes),
+ [] = [{N,RC} || {N,S} <- Nodes,
+ RC <- [rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start, [S])],
+ RC /= ok].
+sequence() ->
+ sequence(sname()).
+sequence(server) ->
+ {0,32};
+sequence(Client) ->
+ "client" ++ N = ?L(Client),
+ {list_to_integer(N), 30}.
+origin() ->
+ origin(sname()).
+origin(server) ->
+ 99;
+origin(Client) ->
+ "client" ++ N = ?L(Client),
+ list_to_integer(N).
+peers() ->
+ peers(sname()).
+peers(server) -> true;
+peers(client0) -> [node() | nodes()];
+peers(client1) -> fun erlang:nodes/0;
+peers(client2) -> nodes().
+%% connect/1
+%% Establish one connection to the server from each of the client
+%% nodes.
+connect({?SERVER, Config}) ->
+ ?util:write_priv(Config, lref, {node(), ?util:listen(?SERVER, tcp)}),
+ ok;
+connect({?CLIENT, Config}) ->
+ ?util:connect(?CLIENT, tcp, ?util:read_priv(Config, lref)),
+ ok;
+connect(Config) ->
+ Nodes = ?util:read_priv(Config, nodes),
+ [] = [{N,RC} || {N,S} <- Nodes,
+ RC <- [rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, connect, [{S,Config}])],
+ RC /= ok].
+%% stop/1
+%% Stop the slave nodes.
+stop(_Config) ->
+ [] = [{N,E} || {N,_} <- ?NODES,
+ {error, _, _} = E <- [ct_slave:stop(N)]].
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% traffic testcases
+%% send_local/1
+%% Send a request from the first client node, using a the local
+%% transport.
+send_local(Config) ->
+ #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS}
+ = send(Config, local, str(?LOGOUT)).
+%% send_remote/1
+%% Send a request from the first client node, using a transport on the
+%% another node.
+send_remote(Config) ->
+ #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS}
+ = send(Config, remote, str(?LOGOUT)).
+%% send_timeout/1
+%% Send a request that the server discards.
+send_timeout(Config) ->
+ {error, timeout} = send(Config, remote, str(?TIMEOUT)).
+%% send_failover/1
+%% Send a request that causes the server to remote transports down.
+send_failover(Config) ->
+ #'diameter_base_answer-message'{'Result-Code' = ?BUSY}
+ = send(Config, remote, str(?MOVED)).
+%% ===========================================================================
+str(Cause) ->
+ #diameter_base_STR{'Destination-Realm' = ?REALM,
+ 'Auth-Application-Id' = ?DICT:id(),
+ 'Termination-Cause' = Cause}.
+%% send/2
+send(Config, Where, Req) ->
+ [_, {Node, _} | _] = ?util:read_priv(Config, nodes) ,
+ rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, call, [{Where, Req}]).
+%% call/1
+call({Where, Req}) ->
+ diameter:call(?CLIENT, ?DICT, Req, [{extra, [{Where, sname()}]}]).
+%% sname/0
+sname() ->
+ ?A(hd(string:tokens(?L(node()), "@"))).
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% diameter callbacks
+%% peer_up/3
+peer_up(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
+ State.
+%% peer_down/3
+peer_down(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
+ State.
+%% pick_peer/4
+pick_peer([LP], [_, _], ?CLIENT, _State, {local, client0}) ->
+ {ok, LP};
+pick_peer([_], [RP | _], ?CLIENT, _State, {remote, client0}) ->
+ {ok, RP};
+pick_peer([LP], [], ?CLIENT, _State, {remote, client0}) ->
+ {ok, LP}.
+%% prepare_request/4
+prepare_request(Pkt, ?CLIENT, {_Ref, Caps}, {_, client0}) ->
+ #diameter_packet{msg = Req}
+ = Pkt,
+ #diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH, _},
+ origin_realm = {OR, _}}
+ = Caps,
+ {send, Req#diameter_base_STR{'Origin-Host' = OH,
+ 'Origin-Realm' = OR,
+ 'Session-Id' = diameter:session_id(OH)}}.
+prepare_retransmit(Pkt, ?CLIENT, _, {_, client0}) ->
+ #diameter_packet{msg = #diameter_base_STR{'Termination-Cause' = ?MOVED}}
+ = Pkt, %% assert
+ {send, Pkt}.
+%% handle_answer/5
+handle_answer(Pkt, _Req, ?CLIENT, _Peer, {_, client0}) ->
+ #diameter_packet{msg = Rec, errors = []} = Pkt,
+ Rec.
+%% handle_error/5
+handle_error(Reason, _Req, ?CLIENT, _Peer, {_, client0}) ->
+ {error, Reason}.
+%% handle_request/3
+handle_request(Pkt, ?SERVER, Peer) ->
+ server = sname(), %% assert
+ #diameter_packet{msg = Req}
+ = Pkt,
+ request(Req, Peer).
+request(#diameter_base_STR{'Termination-Cause' = ?TIMEOUT}, _) ->
+ discard;
+request(#diameter_base_STR{'Termination-Cause' = ?MOVED}, Peer) ->
+ {TPid, #diameter_caps{origin_state_id = {_, [N]}}} = Peer,
+ fail(N, TPid);
+request(#diameter_base_STR{'Session-Id' = SId}, {_, Caps}) ->
+ #diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH, _},
+ origin_realm = {OR, _}}
+ = Caps,
+ {reply, #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS,
+ 'Session-Id' = SId,
+ 'Origin-Host' = OH,
+ 'Origin-Realm' = OR}}.
+fail(0, _) -> %% sent from the originating node ...
+ {protocol_error, ?BUSY};
+fail(_, TPid) -> %% ... or through a remote node: force failover
+ exit(TPid, kill),
+ discard.
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_stats_SUITE.erl b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_stats_SUITE.erl
index af52afb59c..76ff764671 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_stats_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_stats_SUITE.erl
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ sum/1,
-define(stat, diameter_stats).
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ tc() ->
+ sum,
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -98,6 +100,23 @@ read(_) ->
[] = ?stat:read([make_ref()]),
?stat:flush([self(), Ref, make_ref()]).
+sum(_) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ C1 = {a,b},
+ C2 = {b,a},
+ true = ?stat:reg(Ref),
+ 1 = ?stat:incr(C1),
+ 1 = ?stat:incr(C2),
+ 2 = ?stat:incr(C2),
+ 7 = ?stat:incr(C1, Ref, 7),
+ [{Ref, [{C1,8}, {C2,2}]}]
+ = ?stat:sum([Ref, make_ref()]),
+ Self = self(),
+ [{Self, [{C1,1}, {C2,2}]}]
+ = ?stat:sum([self()]),
+ [{Ref, [{C1,7}]}, {Self, [{C1,1}, {C2,2}]}]
+ = lists:sort(?stat:flush([self(), Ref])).
flush(_) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
Ctr = '_',
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl
index 5af4ad9ba5..a9872f32e1 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_util.erl
@@ -258,6 +258,9 @@ path(Config, Name) ->
lport(M, Ref) ->
lport(M, Ref, 1).
+lport(M, {Node, Ref}, Tries) ->
+ rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, lport, [M, Ref, Tries]);
lport(M, Ref, Tries) ->
lp(tmod(M), Ref, Tries).
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_watchdog_SUITE.erl b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_watchdog_SUITE.erl
index e1e166b834..704bf110c7 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/test/diameter_watchdog_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/diameter_watchdog_SUITE.erl
@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@
%% testcases
--export([reopen/1, reopen/4, reopen/7]).
+-export([reopen/0, reopen/1, reopen/4, reopen/6,
+ suspect/1, suspect/4,
+ okay/1, okay/4]).
-export([id/1, %% jitter callback
- run1/1]).
+ run1/1,
+ abuse/1,
+ abuse/2]).
%% diameter_app callbacks
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@
{'Host-IP-Address', [?ADDR]},
{'Vendor-Id', 42},
{'Product-Name', "OTP/diameter"},
- {'Auth-Application-Id', [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_COMMON]},
+ {'Auth-Application-Id', [0 = ?BASE:id()]},
{application, [{alias, Name},
{dictionary, ?BASE},
{module, ?MODULE}]}]).
@@ -72,48 +76,51 @@
%% Watchdog timer as a callback.
-define(WD(T), {?MODULE, id, [T]}).
-%% Watchdog timers used by the testcases. Note that the short timeout
-%% with random jitter is excluded since the reopen/1 isn't smart
-%% enough to deal with it: see ONE_WD below.
--define(WD_TIMERS, [?WD(6000)
- | [F_(T_) || T_ <- [10000, 20000, 30000],
- F_ <- [fun(T__) -> T__ end,
- fun(T__) -> ?WD(T__) end]]]).
+%% Watchdog timers used by the testcases.
+-define(WD_TIMERS, [10000, ?WD(10000)]).
-%% Watchdog timer of the misbehaving peer.
+%% Watchdog timer of the misbehaving node.
-define(PEER_WD, 10000).
-%% Receive a watchdog event within a specified time.
--define(EVENT(T, Tmo),
- receive #diameter_event{info = T} -> now()
- after Tmo -> ?ERROR({timeout, Tmo})
- end).
-%% Receive an event in a given number of watchdogs, plus or minus
-%% half. Note that the call to now_diff assumes left to right
-%% evaluation order.
--define(EVENT(T, N, WdL, WdH),
- [?ERROR({received, _Elapsed_, _LowerBound_, N, WdL})
- || _UpperBound_ <- [(N)*(WdH) + (WdH) div 2],
- _Elapsed_ <- [now_diff(now(), ?EVENT(T, _UpperBound_))],
- _LowerBound_ <- [(N)*(WdL) - (WdL) div 2],
- _Elapsed_ =< _LowerBound_*1000]).
--define(EVENT(T, N, Wd),
- ?EVENT(T, N, Wd, Wd)).
-%% A timeout that ensures one watchdog. The ensure only one watchdog
+%% A timeout that ensures one watchdog. To ensure only one watchdog
%% requires (Wd + 2000) + 1000 < 2*(Wd - 2000) ==> 7000 < Wd for the
%% case with random jitter.
-define(ONE_WD(Wd), jitter(Wd,2000) + 1000).
+-define(INFO(T), #diameter_event{info = T}).
+%% Receive an event message from diameter.
+-define(EVENT(T), %% apply to not bind T_
+ apply(fun() ->
+ receive ?INFO(T = T_) -> log_event(T_) end
+ end,
+ [])).
+%% Receive a watchdog event.
+-define(WD_EVENT(Ref), log_wd(element(4, ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, _, _})))).
+-define(WD_EVENT(Ref, Ms),
+ apply(fun() ->
+ receive ?INFO({watchdog, Ref, _, T_, _}) ->
+ log_wd(T_)
+ after Ms ->
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ [])).
+%% Log to make failures identifiable.
+-define(LOG(T), ?LOG("~p", [T])).
+-define(LOG(F,A), ct:pal("~p: " ++ F, [self() | A])).
+-define(WARN(F,A), ct:pal(error, "~p: " ++ F, [self() | A])).
%% ===========================================================================
suite() ->
- [{timetrap, {minutes, 10}}].%% enough for 17 watchdogs @ 30 sec plus jitter
+ [{timetrap, {seconds, 90}}].
all() ->
- [reopen].
+ [reopen,
+ suspect,
+ okay].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
ok = diameter:start(),
@@ -129,83 +136,46 @@ end_per_suite(_Config) ->
%% Test the watchdog state machine for the required failover, failback
%% and reopen behaviour by examining watchdog events.
+reopen() ->
+ [{timetrap, {minutes, 5}}]. %% 20 watchdogs @ 15 sec
reopen(_) ->
- [] = run([[reopen, T, Wd, N, M]
- || Wd <- ?WD_TIMERS, %% watchdog_timer value
- T <- [listen, connect], %% watchdog to test
+ [] = run([[reopen, T, W, N, M]
+ || T <- [listen, connect], %% watchdog to test
+ W <- ?WD_TIMERS, %% watchdog_timer value
N <- [0,1,2], %% DWR's to answer before ignoring
M <- ['DWR', 'DWA', 'RAA']]). %% how to induce failback
-reopen(Type, Wd, N, M) ->
- Server = start_service(),
- Client = start_service(),
- %% The peer to the transport whose watchdog is tested is given a
- %% long watchdog timeout so that it doesn't send DWR of its own.
- {Node, Peer} = {{[], Wd}, {[{module, ?MODULE}], ?WD(?PEER_WD)}},
- {{LH,LW},{CH,CW}} = case Type of
- listen -> {Node, Peer};
- connect -> {Peer, Node}
- end,
- LO = [{transport_module, diameter_tcp},
- {transport_config, LH ++ [{ip, ?ADDR}, {port, 0}]},
- {watchdog_timer, LW}],
- {ok, LRef} = diameter:add_transport(Server, {listen, LO}),
- [LP] = ?util:lport(tcp, LRef, 20),
- CO = [{transport_module, diameter_tcp},
- {transport_config, CH ++ [{ip, ?ADDR}, {port, 0},
- {raddr, ?ADDR}, {rport, LP}]},
- {watchdog_timer, CW}],
- %% Use a temporary process to ensure the connecting transport is
- %% added only once events from the listening transport are
- %% subscribed to.
- Pid = spawn(fun() -> receive _ -> ok end end),
+reopen(Test, Wd, N, M) ->
+ %% Publish a ref ensure the connecting transport is added only
+ %% once events from the listening transport are subscribed to.
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ [] = run([[reopen, T, Test, Ref, Wd, N, M] || T <- [listen, connect]]).
- [] = run([[reopen, Type, T, LRef, Pid, Wd, N, M]
- || T <- [{listen, Server}, {connect, Client, CO}]]).
+%% reopen/6
-%% start_service/1
+reopen(Type, Test, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
+ {SvcName, TRef} = start(Type, Ref, cfg(Type, Test, Wd)),
+ reopen(Type, Test, SvcName, TRef, Wd, N, M).
-start_service() ->
- Name = hostname(),
- ok = diameter:start_service(Name, [{monitor, self()} | ?SERVICE(Name)]),
- Name.
+cfg(Type, Type, Wd) ->
+ {Wd, [], []};
+cfg(_Type, _Test, _Wd) ->
+ {?WD(?PEER_WD), [{okay, 0}], [{module, ?MODULE}]}.
%% reopen/7
-reopen(Type, {listen = T, SvcName}, Ref, Pid, Wd, N, M) ->
- diameter:subscribe(SvcName),
- Pid ! ok,
- recv(Type, T, SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M);
-reopen(Type, {connect = T, SvcName, Opts}, _, Pid, Wd, N, M) ->
- diameter:subscribe(SvcName),
- MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, _} -> ok end,
- {ok, Ref} = diameter:add_transport(SvcName, {T, Opts}),
- recv(Type, T, SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M).
-%% recv/7
%% The watchdog to be tested.
-recv(Type, Type, _SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
+reopen(Type, Type, SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
+ ?LOG("node ~p", [[Type, SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M]]),
%% Connection should come up immediately as a consequence of
%% starting the watchdog process. In the accepting case this
%% results in a new watchdog on a transport waiting for a new
%% connection.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {initial, okay}, _}, 2000),
- ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _, #diameter_packet{}}, 0),
- %% Low/high watchdog timeouts.
- WdL = jitter(Wd, -2000),
- WdH = jitter(Wd, 2000),
+ {initial, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _, #diameter_packet{}}),
%% OKAY Timer expires & Failover()
%% Pending SetWatchdog() SUSPECT
@@ -215,8 +185,13 @@ recv(Type, Type, _SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
%% the first unanswered DWR. Knowing the min/max watchdog timeout
%% values gives the time interval in which the event is expected.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {okay, suspect}, _}, N+2, WdL, WdH),
- ?EVENT({down, Ref, _, _}, 0),
+ [0,0,0,0] = wd_counts(SvcName),
+ {okay, suspect} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({down, Ref, _, _}),
+ %% N received DWA's
+ [_,_,_,N] = wd_counts(SvcName),
%% SUSPECT Receive DWA Pending = FALSE
%% Failback()
@@ -228,8 +203,13 @@ recv(Type, Type, _SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
%% The peer sends a message before the expiry of another watchdog
%% to induce failback.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {suspect, okay}, _}, WdH + 2000),
- ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _}, 0),
+ {suspect, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _}),
+ %% N+1 sent DWR's, N/N+1 received DWA's
+ R1 = N+1,
+ A1 = choose(M == 'DWA', R1, N),
+ [R1,_,_,A1] = wd_counts(SvcName),
%% OKAY Timer expires & SendWatchdog()
%% !Pending SetWatchdog()
@@ -242,16 +222,19 @@ recv(Type, Type, _SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
%% back down after either one or two watchdog expiries, depending
%% on whether or not DWA restored the connection.
- F = choose(M == 'DWA', 2, 1),
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {okay, suspect}, _}, F, WdL, WdH),
- ?EVENT({down, Ref, _, _}, 0),
+ {okay, suspect} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({down, Ref, _, _}),
%% SUSPECT Timer expires CloseConnection()
%% SetWatchdog() DOWN
%% Non-response brings the connection down after another timeout.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {suspect, down}, _}, 1, WdL, WdH),
+ {suspect, down} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ R2 = R1 + choose(M == 'DWA', 1, 0),
+ A2 = A1,
+ [R2,_,_,A2] = wd_counts(SvcName),
%% DOWN Timer expires AttemptOpen()
%% SetWatchdog() DOWN
@@ -263,7 +246,7 @@ recv(Type, Type, _SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
%% The connection is reestablished after another timeout.
- recv_reopen(Type, Ref, WdL, WdH),
+ recv_reopen(Type, Ref),
%% REOPEN Receive non-DWA Throwaway() REOPEN
@@ -281,18 +264,27 @@ recv(Type, Type, _SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
%% An exchange of 3 watchdogs (the first directly after
%% capabilities exchange) brings the connection back up.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {reopen, okay}, _}, 2, WdL, WdH),
- ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _, #diameter_packet{}}, 0),
+ {reopen, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _, #diameter_packet{}}),
+ %% Three DWR's have been answered.
+ R3 = R2 + 3,
+ A3 = A2 + 3,
+ [R3,_,_,A3] = wd_counts(SvcName),
%% Non-response brings it down again.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {okay, suspect}, _}, 2, WdL, WdH),
- ?EVENT({down, Ref, _, _}, 0),
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {suspect, down}, _}, 1, WdL, WdH),
+ {okay, suspect} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({down, Ref, _, _}),
+ {suspect, down} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ R4 = R3 + 1,
+ A4 = A3,
+ [R4,_,_,A4] = wd_counts(SvcName),
%% Reestablish after another watchdog.
- recv_reopen(Type, Ref, WdL, WdH),
+ recv_reopen(Type, Ref),
%% REOPEN Timer expires & NumDWA = -1
%% Pending & SetWatchdog()
@@ -305,63 +297,76 @@ recv(Type, Type, _SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
%% Peer is now ignoring all watchdogs go down again after 2
%% timeouts.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {reopen, down}, _}, 2, WdL, WdH);
+ {reopen, down} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref);
%% The misbehaving peer.
-recv(_, Type, SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
+reopen(Type, _, SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M) ->
+ ?LOG("peer ~p", [[Type, SvcName, Ref, Wd, N, M]]),
%% First transport process.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {initial, okay}, _}, 1000),
- ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _, #diameter_packet{}}, 0),
- reg(Type, Ref, SvcName, {SvcName, {Wd,N,M}}),
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {okay, down}, _}, infinity),
+ {initial, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({up, Ref, _, _, #diameter_packet{}}),
+ reg(Ref, SvcName, {SvcName, {Wd,N,M}}),
+ {okay, down} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
%% Second transport process.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, reopen}, _}, infinity),
- reg(Type, Ref, SvcName, 3),
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, down}, _}, infinity),
+ ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, okay}, _}),
+ reg(Ref, SvcName, 3), %% answer 3 watchdogs then fall silent
+ ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, down}, _}),
%% Third transport process.
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, reopen}, _}, infinity),
- reg(Type, Ref, SvcName, 0),
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, down}, _}, infinity),
+ ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, okay}, _}),
+ reg(Ref, SvcName, 0), %% disable outgoing DWA
+ ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, down}, _}),
-%% recv_reopen/4
+log_wd({From, To} = T) ->
+ ?LOG("~p -> ~p", [From, To]),
+ T.
+log_event(E) ->
+ T = element(1,E),
+ T == watchdog orelse ?LOG("~p", [T]),
+ E.
-recv_reopen(connect, Ref, WdL, WdH) ->
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, reopen}, _}, 1, WdL, WdH),
- ?EVENT({reconnect, Ref, _}, 0);
+%% recv_reopen/2
-recv_reopen(listen, Ref, _, _) ->
- ?EVENT({watchdog, Ref, _, {_, reopen}, _}, 1, ?PEER_WD).
+recv_reopen(connect, Ref) ->
+ {down, reopen} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref),
+ ?EVENT({reconnect, Ref, _});
-%% reg/4
+recv_reopen(listen, Ref) ->
+ {_, reopen} = ?WD_EVENT(Ref).
+%% reg/3
%% Lookup the pid of the transport process and publish a term for
%% send/2 to lookup.
-reg(Type, Ref, SvcName, T) ->
- TPid = tpid(Type, Ref, diameter:service_info(SvcName, transport)),
+reg(TRef, SvcName, T) ->
+ TPid = tpid(TRef, diameter:service_info(SvcName, transport)),
true = diameter_reg:add_new({?MODULE, TPid, T}).
-%% tpid/3
-tpid(connect, Ref, [[{ref, Ref},
- {type, connect},
- {options, _},
- {watchdog, _},
- {peer, _},
- {apps, _},
- {caps, _},
- {port, [{owner, TPid} | _]}
- | _]]) ->
+%% tpid/2
+tpid(Ref, [[{ref, Ref},
+ {type, connect},
+ {options, _},
+ {watchdog, _},
+ {peer, _},
+ {apps, _},
+ {caps, _},
+ {port, [{owner, TPid} | _]}
+ | _]]) ->
-tpid(listen, Ref, [[{ref, Ref},
- {type, listen},
- {options, _},
- {accept, As}
- | _]]) ->
+tpid(Ref, [[{ref, Ref},
+ {type, listen},
+ {options, _},
+ {accept, As}
+ | _]]) ->
[[{watchdog, _},
{peer, _},
{apps, _},
@@ -375,6 +380,154 @@ tpid(listen, Ref, [[{ref, Ref},
%% ===========================================================================
+%% # suspect/1
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% Configure transports to require a set number of watchdog timeouts
+%% before moving from OKAY to SUSPECT.
+suspect(_) ->
+ [] = run([[abuse, [suspect, N]] || N <- [0,1,3]]).
+suspect(Type, Fake, Ref, N)
+ when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ {SvcName, TRef}
+ = start(Type, Ref, {?WD(10000), [{suspect, N}], mod(Fake)}),
+ {initial, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ suspect(TRef, Fake, SvcName, N);
+suspect(TRef, true, SvcName, _) ->
+ reg(TRef, SvcName, 0), %% disable outgoing DWA
+ {okay, _} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef);
+suspect(TRef, false, SvcName, 0) -> %% SUSPECT disabled
+ %% Wait 2+ watchdogs and see that only one watchdog has been sent.
+ false = ?WD_EVENT(TRef, 28000),
+ [1,0,0,0] = wd_counts(SvcName);
+suspect(TRef, false, SvcName, N) ->
+ %% Check that no watchdog transition takes place within N+
+ %% watchdogs ...
+ false = ?WD_EVENT(TRef, N*10000+8000),
+ [1,0,0,0] = wd_counts(SvcName),
+ %% ... but that the connection then becomes suspect ...
+ {okay, suspect} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef, 10000),
+ [1,0,0,0] = wd_counts(SvcName),
+ %% ... and goes down.
+ {suspect, down} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef, 18000),
+ [1,0,0,0] = wd_counts(SvcName).
+%% abuse/1
+abuse(F) ->
+ [] = run([[abuse, F, T] || T <- [listen, connect]]).
+abuse(F, [_,_,_|_] = Args) ->
+ ?LOG("~p", [Args]),
+ apply(?MODULE, F, Args);
+abuse([F|A], Test) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ [] = run([[abuse, F, [T, T == Test, Ref] ++ A]
+ || T <- [listen, connect]]);
+abuse(F, Test) ->
+ abuse([F], Test).
+mod(true) ->
+ [{module, ?MODULE}];
+mod(false) ->
+ [].
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% # okay/1
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% Configure the number of watchdog exchanges before moving from
+okay(_) ->
+ [] = run([[abuse, [okay, N]] || N <- [0,2,3]]).
+okay(Type, Fake, Ref, N)
+ when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ {SvcName, TRef}
+ = start(Type, Ref, {?WD(10000),
+ [{okay, choose(Fake, 0, N)}],
+ mod(Fake)}),
+ {initial, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ okay(TRef,
+ Fake,
+ SvcName,
+ choose(Type == listen, initial, down),
+ N).
+okay(TRef, true, SvcName, Down, _) ->
+ reg(TRef, SvcName, 0), %% disable outgoing DWA
+ {okay, down} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ {Down, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ reg(TRef, SvcName, -1), %% enable outgoing DWA
+ {okay, down} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef);
+okay(TRef, false, SvcName, Down, N) ->
+ {okay, suspect} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ [1,0,0,0] = wd_counts(SvcName),
+ {suspect, down} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ ok(TRef, SvcName, Down, N).
+ok(TRef, SvcName, Down, 0) ->
+ %% Connection comes up without watchdog exchange.
+ {Down, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ [1,0,0,0] = wd_counts(SvcName),
+ %% Wait 2+ watchdog timeouts to see that the connection stays up
+ %% and two watchdogs are exchanged.
+ false = ?WD_EVENT(TRef, 28000),
+ [3,0,0,2] = wd_counts(SvcName);
+ok(TRef, SvcName, Down, N) ->
+ %% Connection required watchdog exchange before reaching OKAY.
+ {Down, reopen} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ {reopen, okay} = ?WD_EVENT(TRef),
+ %% One DWR was sent in moving to expect, plus N more to reopen the
+ %% connection.
+ N1 = N+1,
+ [N1,0,0,N] = wd_counts(SvcName).
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% wd_counts/1
+wd_counts(SvcName) ->
+ [Info] = diameter:service_info(SvcName, transport),
+ {_, Counters} = lists:keyfind(statistics, 1, Info),
+ [proplists:get_value({{0,280,R}, D}, Counters, 0) || D <- [send,recv],
+ R <- [1,0]].
+%% start/3
+start(Type, Ref, T) ->
+ Name = hostname(),
+ true = diameter:subscribe(Name),
+ ok = diameter:start_service(Name, [{monitor, self()} | ?SERVICE(Name)]),
+ {ok, TRef} = diameter:add_transport(Name, {Type, opts(Type, Ref, T)}),
+ true = diameter_reg:add_new({Type, Ref, Name}),
+ {Name, TRef}.
+opts(Type, Ref, {Timer, Config, Mod}) ->
+ [{transport_module, diameter_tcp},
+ {transport_config, Mod ++ [{ip, ?ADDR}, {port, 0}] ++ cfg(Type, Ref)},
+ {watchdog_timer, Timer},
+ {watchdog_config, Config}].
+cfg(listen, _) ->
+ [];
+cfg(connect, Ref) ->
+ [{{_, _, SvcName}, _Pid}] = diameter_reg:wait({listen, Ref, '_'}),
+ [[{ref, LRef} | _]] = diameter:service_info(SvcName, transport),
+ [LP] = ?util:lport(tcp, LRef, 20),
+ [{raddr, ?ADDR}, {rport, LP}].
+%% ===========================================================================
listen(PortNr, Opts) ->
gen_tcp:listen(PortNr, Opts).
@@ -396,6 +549,7 @@ send(Sock, Bin) ->
%% First outgoing message from a new transport process is CER/CEA.
%% Remaining outgoing messages are either DWR or DWA.
send(undefined, Sock, Bin) ->
+ <<_:32, _:8, 257:24, _/binary>> = Bin,
putr(config, init),
gen_tcp:send(Sock, Bin);
@@ -505,15 +659,10 @@ run1([F|A]) ->
E:R ->
S = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- io:format("~p~n", [{A, E, R, S}]),
+ ?WARN("~p", [{A, E, R, S}]),
-%% now_diff/2
-now_diff(T1, T2) ->
- timer:now_diff(T2, T1).
%% jitter/2
jitter(?WD(T), _) ->
diff --git a/lib/diameter/test/modules.mk b/lib/diameter/test/modules.mk
index c4a713fb10..beff588a02 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/test/modules.mk
+++ b/lib/diameter/test/modules.mk
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ MODULES = \
diameter_codec_test \
diameter_compiler_SUITE \
diameter_dict_SUITE \
+ diameter_distribution_SUITE \
diameter_dpr_SUITE \
diameter_event_SUITE \
diameter_failover_SUITE \