path: root/lib/docbuilder/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/docbuilder/src')
32 files changed, 0 insertions, 6351 deletions
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/Makefile b/lib/docbuilder/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a07a54e8..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-# retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-# under the License.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-# Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-# Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-# $Id$
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Application version
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-include ../vsn.mk
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Release directory specification
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/docbuilder-$(VSN)
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Common Macros
-# ----------------------------------------------------
- docb_edoc_xml_cb \
- docb_gen \
- docb_html \
- docb_html_layout \
- docb_html_ref \
- docb_html_util \
- docb_html_util_iso \
- docb_main \
- docb_pretty_format \
- docb_tr_application2html \
- docb_tr_appref2html \
- docb_tr_chapter2html \
- docb_tr_cite2html \
- docb_tr_comref2html \
- docb_tr_cref2html \
- docb_tr_erlref2html \
- docb_tr_fileref2html \
- docb_tr_first2html \
- docb_tr_index2html \
- docb_tr_part2html \
- docb_tr_refs2kwic \
- docb_tr_report2html \
- docb_tr_term2html \
- docb_transform \
- docb_util \
- docb_xmerl_tree_cb \
- docb_xmerl_xml_cb \
- docb_xml_check
- docb_util.hrl
-ERL_FILES= $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
-APP_FILE= docbuilder.app
-APPUP_FILE= docbuilder.appup
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-XMERL = ../../xmerl
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Targets
-# ----------------------------------------------------
- rm -f errs core *~
-$(APP_TARGET): $(APP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
- sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
-$(APPUP_TARGET): $(APPUP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
- sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Release Target
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk
-release_spec: opt
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_edoc_xml_cb.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_edoc_xml_cb.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 90491bc007..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_edoc_xml_cb.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1154 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the Licence for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2006, Ericsson AB.
-%% All Rights Reserved.��
-%% $Id$
-%% This is the EDoc callback module for creating DocBuilder erlref
-%% documents (man pages) in XML format, and also a DocBuilder chapter
-%% document based on "overview.edoc".
-%% Usage examples:
-%% docb_gen File
-%% docb_gen -chapter overview.edoc
-%% or (from an Erlang shell)
-%% edoc:file(File, [{layout,docb_edoc_xml_cb},{file_suffix,".xml"},
-%% {preprocess,true}]).
-%% The origin of this file is the edoc module otpsgml_layout.erl
-%% written by Richard Carlsson.
--export([module/2, overview/2]).
--define(NL, "\n").
-%%-User interface-------------------------------------------------------
-module(Element, Opts) ->
- SortP = proplists:get_value(sort_functions, Opts, true),
- XML = layout_module(Element, SortP),
- xmerl:export_simple([XML], docb_xmerl_xml_cb, []).
-overview(Element, _Opts) ->
- XML = layout_chapter(Element),
- xmerl:export_simple([XML], docb_xmerl_xml_cb, []).
-%%--Internal functions--------------------------------------------------
-layout_module(#xmlElement{name = module, content = Es}=E, SortP) ->
- Name = get_attrval(name, E),
- Desc = get_content(description, Es),
- ShortDesc = text_only(get_content(briefDescription, Desc)),
- FullDesc = otp_xmlify(get_content(fullDescription, Desc)),
- Types0 = get_content(typedecls, Es),
- Types1 = lists:sort([{type_name(Et), Et} || Et <- Types0]),
- Functions =
- case SortP of
- true ->
- lists:sort([{function_name(Ef), Ef} ||
- Ef <- get_content(functions, Es)]);
- false ->
- [{function_name(Ef), Ef} ||
- Ef <- get_content(functions, Es)]
- end,
- Header = {header, [
- ?NL,{title, [Name]},
- ?NL,{prepared, [""]},
- ?NL,{responsible, [""]},
- ?NL,{docno, ["1"]},
- ?NL,{approved, [""]},
- ?NL,{checked, [""]},
- ?NL,{date, [""]},
- ?NL,{rev, ["A"]},
- ?NL,{file, [Name++".xml"]}
- ]},
- Module = {module, [Name]},
- ModuleSummary = {modulesummary, ShortDesc},
- Description = {description, [?NL|FullDesc]},
- Types = case Types1 of
- [] -> [];
- _ ->
- [?NL, {section,[{title,["DATA TYPES"]},
- {marker,[{id,"types"}],[]},
- ?NL|types(Types1)]}]
- end,
- Funcs = functions(Functions),
- See = seealso_module(Es),
- Authors = {authors, authors(Es)},
- {erlref,
- [?NL,Header,
- ?NL,Module,
- ?NL,ModuleSummary,
- ?NL,Description]
- ++ Types ++
- [?NL,Funcs,
- ?NL,See,
- ?NL,Authors]
- }.
-layout_chapter(#xmlElement{name=overview, content=Es}) ->
- Title = get_text(title, Es),
- Header = {header, [
- ?NL,{title,[Title]},
- ?NL,{prepared,[""]},
- ?NL,{docno,[""]},
- ?NL,{date,[""]},
- ?NL,{rev,[""]},
- ?NL,{file, ["chapter.xml"]}
- ]},
- DescEs = get_content(description, Es),
- FullDescEs = get_content(fullDescription, DescEs),
- Sections = chapter_ify(FullDescEs, first),
- {chapter, [?NL, Header, ?NL | Sections]}.
-chapter_ify([], _) ->
- [];
-chapter_ify(Es, first) ->
- %% Everything up to the first section should be made into
- %% plain paragraphs -- or if no first section is found, everything
- %% should be made into one
- case find_next(h3, Es) of
- {Es, []} ->
- SubSections = subchapter_ify(Es, first),
- [{section, [?NL,{title,["Overview"]},
- ?NL | SubSections]}];
- {FirstEs, RestEs} ->
- otp_xmlify(FirstEs) ++ chapter_ify(RestEs, next)
- end;
-chapter_ify([#xmlElement{name=h3} = E | Es], next) ->
- {SectionEs, RestEs} = find_next(h3, Es),
- SubSections = subchapter_ify(SectionEs, first),
- {Marker, Title} = chapter_title(E),
- [{section, [?NL,{marker,[{id,Marker}],[]},
- ?NL,{title,[Title]},
- ?NL | SubSections]} | chapter_ify(RestEs, next)].
-subchapter_ify([], _) ->
- [];
-subchapter_ify(Es, first) ->
- %% Everything up to the (possible) first subsection should be
- %% made into plain paragraphs
- {FirstEs, RestEs} = find_next(h4, Es),
- otp_xmlify(FirstEs) ++ subchapter_ify(RestEs, next);
-subchapter_ify([#xmlElement{name=h4} = E | Es], next) ->
- {SectionEs, RestEs} = find_next(h4, Es),
- Elements = otp_xmlify(SectionEs),
- {Marker, Title} = chapter_title(E),
- [{section, [?NL,{marker,[{id,Marker}],[]},
- ?NL,{title,[Title]},
- ?NL | Elements]} | subchapter_ify(RestEs, next)].
-chapter_title(#xmlElement{content=Es}) -> % name = h3 | h4
- case Es of
- [#xmlElement{name=a} = E] ->
- {get_attrval(name, E), get_text(E)}
- end.
-%%--XHTML->XML transformation-------------------------------------------
-%% otp_xmlify(Es1) -> Es2
-%% Es1 = Es2 = [#xmlElement{} | #xmlText{}]
-%% Fix things that are allowed in XHTML but not in chapter/erlref DTDs.
-%% 1) lists (<ul>, <ol>, <dl>) and code snippets (<pre>) can not occur
-%% within a <p>, such a <p> must be splitted into a sequence of <p>,
-%% <ul>, <ol>, <dl> and <pre>.
-%% 2) <a> must only have either a href attribute (corresponds to a
-%% <seealso> or <url> in the XML code) in which case its content
-%% must be plain text; or a name attribute (<marker>).
-%% 3a) <b> content must be plain text.
-%% b) <em> content must be plain text (or actually a <code> element
-%% as well, but a simplification is used here).
-%% c) <pre> content must be plain text (or could actually contain
-%% <input> as well, but a simplification is used here).
-%% 4) <code> content must be plain text, or the element must be split
-%% into a list of elements.
-%% 5a) <h1>, <h2> etc is not allowed - replaced by its content within
-%% a <b> tag.
-%% b) <center> is not allowed - replaced by its content.
-%% c) <font> -"-
-%% 6) <table> is not allowed in erlref, translated to text instead.
-%% Also a <table> in chapter without a border is translated to text.
-%% A <table> in chapter with a border must contain a <tcaption>.
-%% 7) <sup> is not allowed - is replaced with its text content
-%% within parenthesis.
-%% 8) <blockquote> contents may need to be made into paragraphs
-%% 9) <th> (table header) is not allowed - is replaced by
-%% <td><em>...</em></td>.
-otp_xmlify([]) ->
- [];
-otp_xmlify(Es0) ->
- Es = case is_paragraph(hd(Es0)) of
- %% If the first element is a <p> xmlElement, then
- %% the entire element list is ready to be otp_xmlified.
- true ->
- Es0;
- %% If the first element is not a <p> xmlElement, then all
- %% elements up to the first <p> (or end of list) must be
- %% made into a paragraph (using the {p, Es} construction)
- %% before the list is otp_xmlified.
- false ->
- case find_next(p, Es0, []) of
- {[#xmlText{value=Str}] = First, Rest} ->
- %% Special case: Making a paragraph out of a
- %% blank line isn't a great idea.
- case is_empty(Str) of
- true ->
- Rest;
- false ->
- [{p,First}|Rest]
- end;
- {First, Rest} ->
- [{p,First}|Rest]
- end
- end,
- %% Fix paragraph breaks not needed in XHTML but in XML
- EsFixed = otp_xmlify_fix(Es),
- otp_xmlify_es(EsFixed).
-%% EDoc does not always translate empty lines (with leading "%%")
-%% as paragraph break, this is the fix
-otp_xmlify_fix(Es) ->
- otp_xmlify_fix(Es, []).
-otp_xmlify_fix([#xmlText{value="\n \n"++_} = E1, E2 | Es], Res) ->
- %% This is how it looks when generating an erlref from a .erl file
- case is_paragraph(E2) of
- false ->
- {P, After} = find_p_ending(Es, []),
- otp_xmlify_fix(After, [{p, [E2|P]}, E1 | Res]);
- true ->
- otp_xmlify_fix([E2|Es], [E1|Res])
- end;
-otp_xmlify_fix([#xmlText{value="\n\n"} = E1, E2 | Es], Res) ->
- %% This is how it looks when generating a chapter from overview.edoc
- case is_paragraph(E2) of
- false ->
- {P, After} = find_p_ending(Es, []),
- otp_xmlify_fix(After, [{p, [E2|P]}, E1 | Res]);
- true ->
- otp_xmlify_fix([E2|Es], [E1|Res])
- end;
-otp_xmlify_fix([E|Es], Res) ->
- otp_xmlify_fix(Es, [E|Res]);
-otp_xmlify_fix([], Res) ->
- lists:reverse(Res).
-otp_xmlify_es([E | Es]) ->
- case is_paragraph(E) of
- true ->
- case otp_xmlify_psplit(E) of
- %% paragraph contained inline tags and text only
- nosplit ->
- otp_xmlify_e(E) ++ otp_xmlify_es(Es);
- %% paragraph contained dl, ul and/or pre and has been
- %% splitted
- SubEs ->
- lists:flatmap(fun otp_xmlify_e/1, SubEs) ++
- otp_xmlify_es(Es)
- end;
- false ->
- otp_xmlify_e(E) ++ otp_xmlify_es(Es)
- end;
-otp_xmlify_es([]) ->
- [].
-%% otp_xmlify_psplit(P) -> nosplit | [E]
-%% Handles case 1) above.
-%% Uses the {p, Es} construct, thus replaces an p xmlElement with one
-%% or more {p, Es} tuples if splitting the paraghrap is necessary.
-otp_xmlify_psplit(P) ->
- otp_xmlify_psplit(p_content(P), [], []).
-otp_xmlify_psplit([#xmlElement{name=Name}=E | Es], Content, Res) ->
- if
- Name==blockquote; Name==ul; Name==ol; Name==dl; Name==pre;
- Name==table ->
- case Content of
- [] ->
- otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E|Res]);
- [#xmlText{value=Str}] ->
- %% Special case: Making a paragraph out of a blank
- %% line isn't a great idea. Instead, this can be
- %% viewed as the case above, where there is no
- %% content to make a paragraph out of
- case is_empty(Str) of
- true ->
- otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E|Res]);
- false ->
- Pnew = {p, lists:reverse(Content)},
- otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E,Pnew|Res])
- end;
- _ ->
- Pnew = {p, lists:reverse(Content)},
- otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E,Pnew|Res])
- end;
- true ->
- otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [E|Content], Res)
- end;
-otp_xmlify_psplit([E | Es], Content, Res) ->
- otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [E|Content], Res);
-otp_xmlify_psplit([], _Content, []) ->
- nosplit;
-otp_xmlify_psplit([], [], Res) ->
- lists:reverse(Res);
-otp_xmlify_psplit([], [#xmlText{value="\n\n"}], Res) ->
- lists:reverse(Res);
-otp_xmlify_psplit([], Content, Res) ->
- Pnew = {p, lists:reverse(Content)},
- lists:reverse([Pnew|Res]).
-%% otp_xmlify_e(E) -> [E]
-%% This is the function which does the actual transformation of
-%% single elements, normally by making sure the content corresponds
-%% to what is allowed by the OTP DTDs.
-%% Returns a list of elements as the xmlification in some cases
-%% returns no element or more than one element (although in most cases
-%% exactly one element).
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=a} = E) -> % 2) above
- otp_xmlify_a(E);
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E) % 3a-c)
- when Tag==b; Tag==em; Tag==pre ->
- Content = text_only(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=code} = E) -> % 4)
- case catch text_only(E#xmlElement.content) of
- {'EXIT', _Error} ->
- otp_xmlify_code(E);
- Content ->
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]
- end;
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E) % 5a
- when Tag==h1; Tag==h2; Tag==h3; Tag==h4; Tag==h5 ->
- Content = text_only(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{name=b, content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E) % 5b-c)
- when Tag==center;
- Tag==font ->
- otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content);
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=table} = E) -> % 6)
- case parent(E) of
- module ->
- otp_xmlify_table(E#xmlElement.content);
- overview ->
- Content0 = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content),
- Summary = #xmlText{value=get_attrval(summary, E)},
- TCaption = E#xmlElement{name=tcaption,
- attributes=[],
- content=[Summary]},
- Content = Content0 ++ [TCaption],
- [E#xmlElement{attributes=[], content=Content}]
- end;
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=tbody} = E) ->
- otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content);
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=sup} = E) -> % 7)
- Text = get_text(E),
- [#xmlText{parents = E#xmlElement.parents,
- pos = E#xmlElement.pos,
- language = E#xmlElement.language,
- value = "(" ++ Text ++ ")"}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=blockquote} = E) -> % 8)
- Content = otp_xmlify_blockquote(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=th} = E) -> % 9)
- Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content),
- EmE = E#xmlElement{name=em, content=Content},
- [E#xmlElement{name=td, content=[EmE]}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=p} = E) -> % recurse
- Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e({p, Content1}) ->
- Content2 = otp_xmlify_e(Content1),
- [{p, Content2}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=ul} = E) ->
- Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=li} = E) ->
- %% Content may need to be made into <p>s etc.
- Content = otp_xmlify(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=dl} = E) ->
- Content0 = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content),
- Content = otp_xmlify_dl(Content0),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=dt} = E) ->
- %% Special fix: Markers in <taglist> <tag>s are not allowed,
- %% save it using 'put' and place the marker first in the <item>
- %% instead
- Content = case E#xmlElement.content of
- [#xmlElement{name=a} = A] ->
- put(dt_marker, otp_xmlify_e(A)),
- otp_xmlify_e(A#xmlElement.content);
- _ ->
- otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content)
- end,
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=dd} = E) ->
- %% Content may need to be made into <p>s etc.
- Content0 = otp_xmlify(E#xmlElement.content),
- Content = case get(dt_marker) of
- undefined -> Content0;
- [Marker] ->
- put(dt_marker, undefined),
- [Marker#xmlElement{content=[]}|Content0]
- end,
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=tr} = E) ->
- Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=td} = E) ->
- Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content),
- [E#xmlElement{content=Content}];
-otp_xmlify_e([E | Es]) ->
- otp_xmlify_e(E) ++ otp_xmlify_e(Es);
-otp_xmlify_e([]) ->
- [];
-otp_xmlify_e(E) ->
- [E].
-%%--Tags with special handling------------------------------------------
-%% otp_xmlify_a(A1) -> [A2]
-%% Takes an <a> element and filters the attributes to decide wheather
-%% its a seealso/url or a marker.
-%% In the case of a seealso/url, the href part is checked, making
-%% sure a .xml/.html file extension is removed (as DocBuilder inserts
-%% .html extension when resolving cross references).
-%% Also, references to other applications //App has a href attribute
-%% value "OTPROOT/..." (due to app_default being set to "OTPROOT" in
-%% docb_gen.erl), in this case both href attribute and content must be
-%% formatted correctly according to DocBuilder requirements.
-otp_xmlify_a(A) ->
- [Attr0] = filter_a_attrs(A#xmlElement.attributes),
- case Attr0 of
- #xmlAttribute{name=href, value=Href0} -> % seealso | url
- Content0 = text_only(A#xmlElement.content),
- {Href, Content} = otp_xmlify_a_href(Href0, Content0),
- [A#xmlElement{attributes=[Attr0#xmlAttribute{value=Href}],
- content=Content}];
- #xmlAttribute{name=name} -> % marker
- Content = otp_xmlify_e(A#xmlElement.content),
- [A#xmlElement{attributes=[Attr0], content=Content}]
- end.
-%% filter_a_attrs(Attrs) -> [Attr]
-%% Removes all attributes from a <a> element except the href or
-%% name attribute.
-filter_a_attrs([#xmlAttribute{name=href} = Attr | _Attrs]) ->
- [Attr];
-filter_a_attrs([#xmlAttribute{name=name} = Attr | _Attrs]) ->
- [Attr];
-filter_a_attrs([_Attr|Attrs]) ->
- filter_a_attrs(Attrs);
-filter_a_attrs([]) ->
- [].
-%% otp_xmlify_a_href(Href0, Es0) -> {Href1, Es1}
-%% Href = string()
-otp_xmlify_a_href("#"++_ = Marker, Es0) -> % <seealso marker="#what">
- {Marker, Es0};
-otp_xmlify_a_href("http:"++_ = URL, Es0) -> % external URL
- {URL, Es0};
-otp_xmlify_a_href("OTPROOT"++AppRef, Es0) -> % <.. marker="App:FileRef
- [AppS, "doc", FileRef1] = split(AppRef, "/"),
- FileRef = AppS++":"++otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, AppS),
- [#xmlText{value=Str0} = T] = Es0,
- Str = case split(Str0, "/") of
- %% //Application
- [AppS2] ->
- %% AppS2 can differ from AppS
- %% Example: xmerl/XMerL
- AppS2;
- [_AppS,ModRef] ->
- case split(ModRef, ":") of
- %% //Application/Module
- [Module] ->
- Module++"(3)";
- %% //Application/Module:Type()
- [_Module,_Type] ->
- ModRef
- end;
- %% //Application/Module:Function/Arity
- [_AppS,ModFunc,Arity] ->
- ModFunc++"/"++Arity
- end,
- {FileRef, [T#xmlText{value=Str}]};
-otp_xmlify_a_href("../"++File, Es0) ->
- %% Special case: This kind of relative path is used on some
- %% places within i.e. EDoc and refers to a file within the same
- %% application tree.
- %% Correct the path according to the OTP directory structure
- {"../../"++File, Es0};
-otp_xmlify_a_href(FileRef1, Es0) -> % File within the same application
- FileRef2 = otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, this),
- {FileRef2, Es0}.
-%% otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, AppS|this) -> FileRef2
-%% AppS = FileRef = string()
-otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, AppS) ->
- case split(FileRef1, ".#") of
- %% EDoc default name is "overview-summary.html,
- %% name of OTP User's Guide chapter is "chapter.xml"
- ["overview-summary", _Ext] ->
- "chapter";
- ["overview-summary", _Ext, Marker] ->
- "chapter#"++Marker;
- [File, Ext] when Ext=="xml";
- Ext=="html", AppS/=this ->
- File;
- [File, Ext, Marker0] ->
- %% Here is an awkward solution to an awkward problem
- %% The marker automatically inserted by DocBuilder at
- %% each function does not seem to work for EDoc generated
- %% ERLREFs.
- %% So if the referenced marker is in an ERLREF generated
- %% by EDoc, keep it "as is", ie "function-arity".
- %% If the referenced marker is NOT in an ERLREF generated
- %% by EDoc, the marker should be on the format
- %% "function/arity".
- %% The awkward part of the solution is to decide wheather
- %% the ERLREF is generated by EDoc or not: Here we make
- %% the decision based on which application the module
- %% belongs to -- which is ok when the module was written
- %% but probably not in the future...
- EDocApps = ["edoc","hipe","syntax_tools","xmerl"],
- IsEDocGenerated = lists:member(AppS, EDocApps),
- Marker = if
- %% The marker is in a file in *this*
- %% application (which documentation obviously
- %% is generated by EDoc), or it is in a file
- %% in an application which documentation
- %% is assumed to be generated by EDoc
- AppS==this; IsEDocGenerated ->
- Marker0;
- %% The marker is in a file in an application
- %% which documentation is assumed NOT to be
- %% generated by EDoc
- true ->
- case split(Marker0, "-") of
- [Func,Arity] ->
- Func++"/"++Arity;
- _ ->
- Marker0
- end
- end,
- if
- %% Ignore file extension in file reference if it either
- %% is ".xml" or if it is ".html" but AppS/=this, that
- %% is, we're resolving an OTPROOT file reference
- Ext=="xml";
- Ext=="html", AppS/=this ->
- File++"#"++Marker;
- true ->
- File++"."++Ext++"#"++Marker
- end;
- %% References to other files than XML files are kept as-is
- _ ->
- FileRef1
- end.
-%% otp_xmlify_blockquote(Es1) -> Es2
-%% Ensures that the content of a <blockquote> is divided into
-%% <p>s using the {p, Es} construct.
-otp_xmlify_blockquote([#xmlElement{name=p} = E|Es]) ->
- [E | otp_xmlify_blockquote(Es)];
-otp_xmlify_blockquote([#xmlText{} = E|Es]) ->
- {P, After} = find_p_ending(Es, []),
- [{p, [E|P]} | otp_xmlify_blockquote(After)];
-otp_xmlify_blockquote([]) ->
- [].
-%% otp_xmlify_code(E) -> Es
-%% Takes a <code> xmlElement and split it into a list of <code> and
-%% other xmlElements. Necessary when it contains more than a single
-%% xmlText element.
-%% Example:
-%% #xmlElement{name=code,
-%% content=[#xmlText{}, #xmlElement{name=br}, #xmlText{}]}
-%% =>
-%% [#xmlElement{name=code, content=[#xmlText{}]},
-%% #xmlElement{name=br},
-%% #xmlElement{name=code, content=[#xmlText{}]}]
-otp_xmlify_code(E) ->
- otp_xmlify_code(E, E#xmlElement.content, []).
-otp_xmlify_code(Code, [#xmlText{} = E|Es], Acc) ->
- otp_xmlify_code(Code, Es, [Code#xmlElement{content=[E]}|Acc]);
-otp_xmlify_code(Code, [#xmlElement{} = E|Es], Acc) ->
- otp_xmlify_code(Code, Es, [E|Acc]);
-otp_xmlify_code(_Code, [], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-%% otp_xmlify_dl(Es1) -> Es2
-%% Insert empty <dd> elements if necessary.
-%% OTP DTDs does not allow <taglist>s with <tag>s but no <item>s.
-otp_xmlify_dl([#xmlElement{name=dt} = E|Es]) ->
- [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es, E)];
-otp_xmlify_dl([E|Es]) ->
- [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es)];
-otp_xmlify_dl([]) ->
- [].
-otp_xmlify_dl([#xmlElement{name=dd} = E|Es], _DT) ->
- [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es)];
-otp_xmlify_dl([#xmlElement{name=dt} = E|Es], DT) ->
- DD = DT#xmlElement{name=dd, attributes=[], content=[]},
- [DD,E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es, E)];
-otp_xmlify_dl([E|Es], DT) ->
- [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es, DT)];
-otp_xmlify_dl([], DT) ->
- DD = DT#xmlElement{name=dd, attributes=[], content=[]},
- [DD].
-%% otp_xmlify_table(Es1) -> Es2
-%% Transform <table> contents into "text", that is, inline elements.
-otp_xmlify_table([#xmlText{} = E|Es]) ->
- [E | otp_xmlify_table(Es)];
-otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=tbody} = E|Es]) ->
- otp_xmlify_table(E#xmlElement.content)++otp_xmlify_table(Es);
-otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=tr, content=Content}|Es]) ->
- %% Insert newlines between table rows
- otp_xmlify_table(Content)++[{br,[]}]++otp_xmlify_table(Es);
-otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=th, content=Content}|Es]) ->
- [{em, Content} | otp_xmlify_table(Es)];
-otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=td, content=Content}|Es]) ->
- otp_xmlify_e(Content) ++ otp_xmlify_table(Es);
-otp_xmlify_table([]) ->
- [].
-%%--Misc help functions used by otp_xmlify/1 et al---------------------
-%% find_next(Tag, Es) -> {Es1, Es2}
-%% Returns {Es1, Es2} where Es1 is the list of all elements up to (but
-%% not including) the first element with tag Tag in Es, and Es2
-%% is the remaining elements of Es.
-find_next(Tag, Es) ->
- find_next(Tag, Es, []).
-find_next(Tag, [#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E | Es], AccEs) ->
- {lists:reverse(AccEs), [E|Es]};
-find_next(Tag, [E|Es], AccEs) ->
- find_next(Tag, Es, [E|AccEs]);
-find_next(_Tag, [], AccEs) ->
- {lists:reverse(AccEs), []}.
-%% find_p_ending(Es, []) -> {Es1, Es2}
-%% Returns {Es1, Es2} where Es1 is the list of all elements up to (but
-%% not including) the first paragraph break in Es, and Es2 is
-%% the remaining elements of Es2.
-%% Paragraph break = <p> tag or empty line
-%% the next blank line, <p> or end-of-list as P, and the remaining
-%% elements of Es as After.
-find_p_ending([#xmlText{value="\n \n"++_} = E|Es], P) ->
- {lists:reverse(P), [E|Es]};
-find_p_ending([#xmlElement{name=p} = E|Es], P) ->
- {lists:reverse(P), [E|Es]};
-find_p_ending([E|Es], P) ->
- find_p_ending(Es, [E|P]);
-find_p_ending([], P) ->
- {lists:reverse(P), []}.
-%% is_paragraph(E | P) -> bool()
-%% P = {p, Es}
-is_paragraph(#xmlElement{name=p}) -> true;
-is_paragraph({p, _Es}) -> true;
-is_paragraph(_E) -> false.
-%% p_content(E | P) -> Es
-p_content(#xmlElement{content=Content}) -> Content;
-p_content({p, Content}) -> Content.
-%% is_empty(Str) -> bool()
-%% Str = string()
-%% Returns true if Str is empty in the sense that it contains nothing
-%% but spaces, tabs or newlines.
-is_empty("\n"++Str) ->
- is_empty(Str);
-is_empty(" "++Str) ->
- is_empty(Str);
-is_empty("\t"++Str) ->
- is_empty(Str);
-is_empty("") ->
- true;
-is_empty(_) ->
- false.
-%% split(Str, Seps) -> [Str]
-split(Str, Seps) ->
- split(Str, Seps, []).
-split([Ch|Str], Seps, Acc) ->
- case lists:member(Ch, Seps) of
- true -> split(Str, Seps, Acc);
- false -> split(Str, Seps, Acc, [Ch])
- end;
-split([], _Seps, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-split([Ch|Str], Seps, Acc, Chs) ->
- case lists:member(Ch, Seps) of
- true -> split(Str, Seps, [lists:reverse(Chs)|Acc]);
- false -> split(Str, Seps, Acc, [Ch|Chs])
- end;
-split([], _Seps, Acc, Chs) ->
- lists:reverse([lists:reverse(Chs)|Acc]).
-%%--Functions for creating an erlref document---------------------------
-%% function_name(F) -> string()
-%% F = #xmlElement{name=function}
-%% Returns the name of a function as "name/arity".
-function_name(E) ->
- get_attrval(name, E) ++ "/" ++ get_attrval(arity, E).
-%% functions(Fs) -> Es
-%% Fs = [{Name, F}]
-%% Name = string() "name/arity"
-%% F = #xmlElement{name=function}
-functions(Fs) ->
- Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> function(Name, E) end, Fs),
- if
- Es==[] ->
- [];
- true ->
- {funcs, Es}
- end.
-function(_Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- TypeSpec = get_content(typespec, Es),
- [?NL,{func, [ ?NL,
- {name,
- case funcheader(TypeSpec) of
- [] ->
- signature(get_content(args, Es),
- get_attrval(name, E));
- Spec -> Spec
- end
- },
- ?NL,{fsummary, fsummary(Es)},
- ?NL,local_types(TypeSpec),
- ?NL,{desc,
- label_anchor(E)++
- deprecated(Es)++
- fulldesc(Es)++
- seealso_function(Es)}
- ]}].
-fsummary([]) -> ["\s"];
-fsummary(Es) ->
- Desc = get_content(description, Es),
- case get_content(briefDescription, Desc) of
- [] ->
- fsummary_equiv(Es); % no description at all if no equiv
- ShortDesc ->
- text_only(ShortDesc)
- end.
-fsummary_equiv(Es) ->
- case get_content(equiv, Es) of
- [] -> ["\s"];
- Es1 ->
- case get_content(expr, Es1) of
- [] -> ["\s"];
- [Expr] ->
- ["Equivalent to ", Expr, ".",?NL]
- end
- end.
-label_anchor(E) ->
- case get_attrval(label, E) of
- "" -> [];
- Ref -> [{marker, [{id, Ref}],[]},?NL]
- end.
-label_anchor(Content, E) ->
- case get_attrval(label, E) of
- "" -> Content;
- Ref -> {p,[{marker, [{id, Ref}],[]},
- {em, Content}]}
- end.
-signature(Es, Name) ->
- [Name, "("] ++ seq(fun arg/1, Es) ++ [") -> term()", ?NL].
-arg(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- [get_text(argName, Es)].
-funcheader([]) -> [];
-funcheader(Es) ->
- [t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es))] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)).
-local_types([]) -> [];
-local_types(Es) ->
- local_defs2(get_elem(localdef, Es)).
-local_defs2([]) -> [];
-local_defs2(Es) ->
- {type,[?NL | [{v, localdef2(E)} || E <- Es]]}.
-%% Like localdef/1, but does not use label_anchor/2 -- we don't want any
-%% markers or em tags in <v> tag, plain text only!
-localdef2(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- case get_elem(typevar, Es) of
- [] ->
- t_utype(get_elem(type, Es));
- [V] ->
- t_var(V) ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es))
- end.
-type_name(#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- t_name(get_elem(erlangName, get_content(typedef, Es))).
-types(Ts) ->
- Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> typedecl(Name, E) end, Ts),
- [?NL, {taglist,[?NL|Es]}].
-typedecl(Name, #xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- TypedefEs = get_content(typedef, Es),
- Id = "type-"++Name,
- [{tag, typedef(TypedefEs)},
- ?NL,
- {item, [{marker,[{id,Id}],[]} |
- local_defs(get_elem(localdef, TypedefEs)) ++ fulldesc(Es)]},
- ?NL].
-typedef(Es) ->
- Name = ([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)), "("]
- ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es), [")"])),
- case get_elem(type, Es) of
- [] ->
- [{tt, Name}];
- Type ->
- [{tt, Name ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(Type)}]
- end.
-local_defs([]) -> [];
-local_defs(Es) ->
- [?NL, {ul, [{li, [{tt, localdef(E)}]} || E <- Es]}].
-localdef(E = #xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- Var = case get_elem(typevar, Es) of
- [] ->
- [label_anchor(t_abstype(get_content(abstype, Es)), E)];
- [V] ->
- t_var(V)
- end,
- Var ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)).
-deprecated(Es) ->
- case get_content(deprecated, Es) of
- [] -> [];
- DeprEs ->
- Es2 = get_content(fullDescription,
- get_content(description, DeprEs)),
- Es3 = otp_xmlify_e(Es2),
- [{p, [{em, ["This function is deprecated: "]} |Es3]}, ?NL]
- end.
-fulldesc(Es) ->
- case get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, Es)) of
- [] ->
- index_desc(Es);
- Desc ->
- [?NL|otp_xmlify(Desc)] ++ [?NL]
- end.
-index_desc(Es) ->
- Desc = get_content(description, Es),
- case get_content(briefDescription, Desc) of
- [] ->
- equiv(Es); % no description at all if no equiv
- ShortDesc ->
- ShortDesc
- end.
-seealso_module(Es) ->
- case get_elem(see, Es) of
- [] -> [];
- Es1 ->
- {section,[{title,["See also"]},{p,seq(fun see/1, Es1, [])}]}
- end.
-seealso_function(Es) ->
- case get_elem(see, Es) of
- [] -> [];
- Es1 ->
- [{p, [{em, ["See also:"]}, " "] ++ seq(fun see/1, Es1, ["."])},
- ?NL]
- end.
-%% href PCDATA
-see(#xmlElement{content=Es0} = E) ->
- Href0 = get_attrval(href, E),
- {Href, Es} = otp_xmlify_a_href(Href0, Es0),
- [{seealso, [{marker, Href}], Es}].
-equiv(Es) ->
- case get_content(equiv, Es) of
- [] -> ["\s"];
- Es1 ->
- case get_content(expr, Es1) of
- [] -> [];
- [Expr] ->
- Expr1 = [Expr],
- Expr2 = case get_elem(see, Es1) of
- [] ->
- {c,Expr1};
- [E=#xmlElement{}] ->
- case get_attrval(href, E) of
- "" ->
- {c,Expr1};
- Ref ->
- {seealso, [{marker, Ref}], Expr1}
- end
- end,
- [{p, ["Equivalent to ", Expr2, "."]}, ?NL]
- end
- end.
-authors(Es) ->
- case get_elem(author, Es) of
- [] ->
- [?NL,{aname,["\s"]},?NL,{email,["\s"]}];
- Es1 ->
- [?NL|seq(fun author/1, Es1, "", [])]
- end.
-author(E=#xmlElement{}) ->
- Name = case get_attrval(name, E) of
- [] -> "\s";
- N -> N
- end,
- Mail = case get_attrval(email, E) of
- [] -> "\s";
- M -> M
- end,
- [?NL,{aname,[Name]},?NL,{email,[Mail]}].
-t_name([E]) ->
- N = get_attrval(name, E),
- case get_attrval(module, E) of
- "" -> N;
- M ->
- S = M ++ ":" ++ N,
- case get_attrval(app, E) of
- "" -> S;
- A -> "//" ++ A ++ "/" ++ S
- end
- end.
-t_utype([E]) ->
- t_utype_elem(E).
-t_utype_elem(E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) ->
- case get_attrval(name, E) of
- "" -> t_type(Es);
- Name ->
- T = t_type(Es),
- case T of
- [Name] -> T; % avoid generating "Foo::Foo"
- T -> [Name] ++ ["::"] ++ T
- end
- end.
-t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = typevar}]) ->
- t_var(E);
-t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = atom}]) ->
- t_atom(E);
-t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = integer}]) ->
- t_integer(E);
-t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = float}]) ->
- t_float(E);
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = nil}]) ->
- t_nil();
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = list, content = Es}]) ->
- t_list(Es);
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = tuple, content = Es}]) ->
- t_tuple(Es);
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = 'fun', content = Es}]) ->
- t_fun(Es);
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = abstype, content = Es}]) ->
- t_abstype(Es);
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = union, content = Es}]) ->
- t_union(Es);
-t_type([#xmlElement{name = record, content = Es}]) ->
- t_record(Es).
-t_var(E) ->
- [get_attrval(name, E)].
-t_atom(E) ->
- [get_attrval(value, E)].
-t_integer(E) ->
- [get_attrval(value, E)].
-t_float(E) ->
- [get_attrval(value, E)].
-t_nil() ->
- ["[]"].
-t_list(Es) ->
- ["["] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)) ++ ["]"].
-t_tuple(Es) ->
- ["{"] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Es, ["}"]).
-t_fun(Es) ->
- ["("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es),
- [") -> "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es))).
-t_record([E|Es]) ->
- ["#", get_attrval(value, E), "{"++ seq(fun t_field/1, Es) ++"}"].
-t_field(#xmlElement{name=field, content=[Atom,Type]}) ->
- [get_attrval(value, Atom), "="] ++ t_utype_elem(Type).
-t_abstype(Es) ->
- case split_at_colon(t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)),[]) of
- {Mod,Type} ->
- [Type, "("] ++
- seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_elem(type, Es), [")"]) ++
- [" (see module ", Mod, ")"];
- Type ->
- [Type, "("] ++
- seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_elem(type, Es), [")"])
- end.
-%% Split at one colon, but not at two (or more)
-split_at_colon([$:,$:|_]=Rest,Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc)++Rest;
-split_at_colon([$:|Type],Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Type};
-split_at_colon([Char|Rest],Acc) ->
- split_at_colon(Rest,[Char|Acc]);
-split_at_colon([],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-t_union(Es) ->
- seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Es, " | ", []).
-%% seq(Fun, Es)
-%% seq(Fun, Es, Tail)
-%% seq(Fun, Es, Sep, Tail) -> [string()]
-%% Fun = function(E) -> [string()]
-%% Sep = string()
-%% Tail = [string()]
-%% Applies Fun to each element E in Es and return the appended list of
-%% strings, separated by Sep which defaults to ", " and ended by Tail
-%% which defaults to [].
-seq(Fun, Es) ->
- seq(Fun, Es, []).
-seq(Fun, Es, Tail) ->
- seq(Fun, Es, ", ", Tail).
-seq(Fun, [E], _Sep, Tail) ->
- Fun(E) ++ Tail;
-seq(Fun, [E | Es], Sep, Tail) ->
- Fun(E) ++ [Sep] ++ seq(Fun, Es, Sep, Tail);
-seq(_Fun, [], _Sep, Tail) ->
- Tail.
-%%--Misc functions for accessing fields etc-----------------------------
-%% Type definitions used below:
-%% E = #xmlElement{} | #xmlText{}
-%% Es = [E]
-%% Tag = atom(), XHTML tag
-%% Name = atom(), XHTML attribute name
-%% Attrs = [#xmlAttribute{}]
-%% Ts = [#xmlText{}]
-%% parent(E) -> module | overview
-parent(E) ->
- Parents = E#xmlElement.parents,
- {Parent,_} = lists:last(Parents),
- Parent.
-%% get_elem(Tag, Es1) -> Es2
-%% Returns a list of all elements in Es which have the name Tag.
-get_elem(Name, [#xmlElement{name = Name} = E | Es]) ->
- [E | get_elem(Name, Es)];
-get_elem(Name, [_ | Es]) ->
- get_elem(Name, Es);
-get_elem(_, []) ->
- [].
-%% get_attr(Name, Attrs1) -> Attrs2
-%% Returns a list of all attributes in Attrs1 which have the name Name.
-get_attr(Name, [#xmlAttribute{name = Name} = A | As]) ->
- [A | get_attr(Name, As)];
-get_attr(Name, [_ | As]) ->
- get_attr(Name, As);
-get_attr(_, []) ->
- [].
-%% get_attrval(Name, E) -> string()
-%% If E has one attribute with name Name, return its value, otherwise ""
-get_attrval(Name, #xmlElement{attributes = As}) ->
- case get_attr(Name, As) of
- [#xmlAttribute{value = V}] ->
- V;
- [] -> ""
- end.
-%% get_content(Tag, Es1) -> Es2
-%% If there is one element in Es1 with name Tag, returns its contents,
-%% otherwise []
-get_content(Name, Es) ->
- case get_elem(Name, Es) of
- [#xmlElement{content = Es1}] ->
- Es1;
- [] -> []
- end.
-%% get_text(Tag, Es) -> string()
-%% If there is one element in Es with name Tag, and its content is
-%% a single xmlText, return the value of this xmlText.
-%% Otherwise return "".
-get_text(Name, Es) ->
- case get_content(Name, Es) of
- [#xmlText{value = Text}] ->
- Text;
- [] -> ""
- end.
-%% get_text(E) -> string()
-%% Return the value of an single xmlText which is the content of E,
-%% possibly recursively.
-get_text(#xmlElement{content=[#xmlText{value=Text}]}) ->
- Text;
-get_text(#xmlElement{content=[E]}) ->
- get_text(E).
-%% text_only(Es) -> Ts
-%% Takes a list of xmlElement and xmlText and return a lists of xmlText.
-text_only([#xmlElement{content = Content}|Es]) ->
- text_only(Content) ++ text_only(Es);
-text_only([#xmlText{} = E |Es]) ->
- [E | text_only(Es)];
-text_only([]) ->
- [].
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_gen.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_gen.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 75494314f1..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_gen.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([module/1, module/2, users_guide/1, users_guide/2]).
- {module,2,next_major_release},
- {users_guide,1,next_major_release},
- {users_guide,2,next_major_release}]).
--record(args, {suffix=".xml",
- layout=docb_edoc_xml_cb,
- def=[],
- includes=[],
- preprocess=false,
- sort_functions=true}).
-%% module(File) -> ok | {error, Reason}
-%% module(File, Opts) -> ok | {error, Reason}
-%% File = string(), file name with or without ".erl" extension
-%% Opts -- see code
-%% Reason = badfile | {badopt, Term}
-module(File0) ->
- module(File0, []).
-module(File0, RawOpts) ->
- File = case filename:extension(File0) of
- ".erl" -> File0;
- _ -> File0++".erl"
- end,
- case filelib:is_regular(File) of
- true ->
- case parse(RawOpts, #args{}) of
- {ok, Args} ->
- Opts = [{def, Args#args.def},
- {includes, Args#args.includes},
- {preprocess, Args#args.preprocess},
- {sort_functions, Args#args.sort_functions},
- {app_default, "OTPROOT"},
- {file_suffix, Args#args.suffix},
- {dir, "."},
- {layout, Args#args.layout}],
- edoc:file(File, Opts);
- Error ->
- Error
- end;
- false ->
- {error, badfile}
- end.
-%% users_guide(File) -> ok | {error, Reason}
-%% users_guide(File, Opts) -> ok | {error, Reason}
-%% File = string()
-%% Opts -- see code
-%% Reason = badfile | {badopt, Opt}
-users_guide(File) ->
- users_guide(File, []).
-users_guide(File, RawOpts) ->
- case filelib:is_regular(File) of
- true ->
- case parse(RawOpts, #args{}) of
- {ok, Args} ->
- Opts = [{def, Args#args.def},
- {app_default, "OTPROOT"},
- {file_suffix, Args#args.suffix},
- {layout, Args#args.layout}],
- Env = edoc_lib:get_doc_env(Opts),
- {ok, Tags} =
- edoc_extract:file(File, overview, Env, Opts),
- Data =
- edoc_data:overview("Overview", Tags, Env, Opts),
- F = fun(M) -> M:overview(Data, Opts) end,
- Text = edoc_lib:run_layout(F, Opts),
- OutFile = "chapter" ++ Args#args.suffix,
- edoc_lib:write_file(Text, ".", OutFile);
- Error ->
- Error
- end;
- false ->
- {error, badfile}
- end.
-parse([{output,xml} | RawOpts], Args) ->
- parse(RawOpts, Args); % default, no update of record necessary
-parse([{output,sgml} | RawOpts], Args) ->
- parse(RawOpts, Args#args{suffix=".sgml", layout=docb_edoc_sgml_cb});
-parse([{def,Defs} | RawOpts], Args) ->
- case parse_defs(Defs) of
- true ->
- Args2 = Args#args{def=Args#args.def++Defs},
- parse(RawOpts, Args2);
- false ->
- {error, {badopt, {def,Defs}}}
- end;
-parse([{includes,Dirs} | RawOpts], Args) ->
- case parse_includes(Dirs) of
- true ->
- Args2 = Args#args{includes=Args#args.includes++Dirs},
- parse(RawOpts, Args2);
- false ->
- {error, {badopt, {includes,Dirs}}}
- end;
-parse([{preprocess,Bool} | RawOpts], Args) when Bool==true;
- Bool==false ->
- parse(RawOpts, Args#args{preprocess=Bool});
-parse([{sort_functions,Bool} | RawOpts], Args) when Bool==true;
- Bool==false ->
- parse(RawOpts, Args#args{sort_functions=Bool});
-parse([], Args) ->
- {ok, Args};
-parse([Opt | _RawOpts], _Args) ->
- {error, {badopt, Opt}}.
-parse_defs(Defs) ->
- lists:all(fun({Key,Val}) when is_atom(Key), is_list(Val) -> true;
- (_) -> false
- end,
- Defs).
-parse_includes(Dirs) ->
- lists:all(fun(Dir) when is_list(Dir) -> true;
- (_) -> false
- end,
- Dirs).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index bdfc5ea876..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([rule/2, rule/3]).
-rule([p, item, list|_], {_, _, _}) ->
- {"", "<br />\n"};
-rule([p, item, taglist|_], {_, _, _}) ->
- {"", "<br />\n"};
-rule([p|_], _) ->
- {"\n<p>", "\n</p>"};
-rule([pre|_], _) ->
- {"\n<div class=\"example\"><pre>\n", "\n</pre></div>\n"};
-rule([input|_], _) ->
- {"<strong>", "</strong>"};
-rule([quote|_], _) ->
- {"\n<blockquote>\n", "\n</blockquote>\n"};
-rule([i|_], _) ->
- {"<em>", "</em>"};
-rule([b|_], _) ->
- {"<strong>", "</strong>"};
-rule([c|_], _) ->
- {"<span class=\"code\">", "</span>"};
-rule([em|_], _) ->
- {"<strong>", "</strong>"};
-rule([sub|_], _) ->
- {"<sub>", "</sub>"};
-rule([sup|_], _) ->
- {"<sup>", "</sup>"};
-rule([termdef|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([citedef|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([br|_], _) ->
- {"<br />\n", ""};
-rule([digression|_], _) ->
- {"<table>\n"
- " <tr>\n"
- " <td width=\"23\"></td>\n"
- " <td>\n"
- " <font size=\"-1\">\n",
- " </font>\n"
- " </td>\n"
- " </tr>\n"
- "</table>\n"};
-rule([list, item, list|_], {_, ["ORDERED"], _}) ->
- {"\n<ol>\n", "\n</ol>\n"};
-rule([list, item, taglist|_], {_, ["ORDERED"], _}) ->
- {"\n<ol>\n", "\n</ol>\n"};
-rule([list|_], {_, ["ORDERED"], _}) ->
- {"\n<ol>\n", "\n</ol>\n"};
-rule([list, item, list|_], {_, ["BULLETED"], _}) ->
- {"\n<ul>\n", "\n</ul>\n"};
-rule([list, item, taglist|_], {_, ["BULLETED"], _}) ->
- {"\n<ul>\n", "\n</ul>\n"};
-rule([list|_], {_, ["BULLETED"], _}) ->
- {"\n<ul>\n", "\n</ul>\n"};
-rule([taglist, item, taglist|_], _) ->
- {"\n<dl>\n", "\n</dl>\n"};
-rule([taglist, item, list|_], _) ->
- {"\n<dl>\n", "\n</dl>\n"};
-rule([taglist|_], _) ->
- {"\n<dl>\n", "\n</dl>\n"};
-rule([tag|_], _) ->
- {"\n<dt>\n", "\n</dt>\n"};
-rule([item, list|_], _) ->
- {"\n<li>\n", "\n</li>\n\n"};
-rule([item, taglist|_], _) ->
- {"\n<dd>\n", "\n</dd>\n"};
-rule([image|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- File2 =
- case filename:extension(File) of
- [] -> File ++ ".gif";
- _ -> File
- end,
- {["\n<center>\n", "<img alt=\"", File2, "\" src=\"", File2,
- "\"/><br/>\n"],
- "\n</center>\n"};
-rule([icaption|_], _) ->
- {"<em>", "</em>\n"};
-rule([url|_], {_, [HREF], _}) ->
- URI = docb_html_util:make_uri(HREF),
- {io_lib:format("<a target=\"_top\" href=\"~s\">", [URI]), "</a>"};
-rule([marker|_], {_, [ID], _}) ->
- %% remove all chars before first # including the #
- {ok, NewID, _} = regexp:sub(ID, "^[^#]*#", ""),
- %% replace "/" with "-" because "/" xhtml does not
- %% allow "/" in the name attribute of element <a>
- %% so we have to do the same as for marker i.e
- %% Function/Arity is translated to an anchor in xhtml
- %% like this : <a name="Function-Arity"/>
- NewID2 = [case X of $/ -> $-;_->X end||X <- NewID],
- {drop, ["<a name=\"", NewID2, "\"><!-- Empty --></a>"]};
-rule([table|_], {_, ["", ""], Ts}) ->
- {newargs,
- "\n<center>\n"
- "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"1\">\n",
- reorder_table(Ts),
- "\n</table>\n"
- "</center>\n"};
-rule([table|_], {_, [Width, ""], Ts}) ->
- {newargs,
- ["\n<center>\n"
- "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"1\" ",
- "width=\"", Width, "%\">\n"],
- reorder_table(Ts),
- "\n</table>\n"
- "</center>\n"};
-%% The clauses above are for the report DTD. This one is for the other
-%% DTDs.
-rule([table|_], {_, ["LEFT"], Ts}) ->
- {newargs,
- "\n"
- "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"1\">\n",
- reorder_table(Ts),
- "\n</table>\n"};
-rule([table|_], {_, _, Ts}) ->
- {newargs,
- "\n<center>\n"
- "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"1\">\n",
- reorder_table(Ts),
- "\n</table>\n"
- "</center>\n"};
-rule([row|_], _) ->
- {" <tr>\n", "\n </tr>\n"};
-rule([cell|_], {_, ["", ""], _}) ->
- {" <td>\n", "\n </td>\n"};
-rule([cell|_], {_, [Align, ""], _}) ->
- {[" <td align=\"", string:to_lower(Align), "\">\n"], "\n </td>\n"};
-rule([cell|_], {_, ["", VAlign], _}) ->
- {[" <td valign=\"", string:to_lower(VAlign), "\">\n"], "\n </td>\n"};
-rule([cell|_], {_, [Align, VAlign], _}) ->
- {[" <td align=\"", string:to_lower(Align), "\" valign=\"", string:to_lower(VAlign), "\">\n"],
- "\n </td>\n"};
-rule([tcaption|_], _) ->
- {" <caption align=\"bottom\"><em>", "</em></caption>\n"};
-rule([codeinclude|_], {_, [File, Tag, _Type], _}) ->
-%% Type can be "ERL", "C" or "NONE"
- {ok,Data} = docb_html_util:code_include(File, Tag),
- {drop, ["\n<div class=\"example\"><pre>\n", Data,
- "\n</pre></div>\n"]};
-rule([erleval|_], {_, [Expr], _}) ->
- docb_html_util:erl_eval(Expr);
-rule([pcdata, pre|_], {_, _, Data}) ->
- %% Do not remove leading spaces.
- {drop, docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Data, false)};
-rule([pcdata|_], {_, _, Data}) ->
- {drop, docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Data)}.
-rule([seealso|_], {_, [Marker], _}, Opts) ->
- Href =
- case docb_util:html_snippet(seealso, Marker, Opts) of
- "" ->
- %% DocBuilder default behavior:
- %% Marker is of format "Path#Fragment", both optional.
- %% Translated to <A HREF="Path.html#Fragment">
- case string:chr(Marker, $#) of
- 0 -> % No Fragment
- Marker++".html";
- 1 -> % No Path
- %% replace "/" with "-" because "/" xhtml does not
- %% allow "/" in the name attribute of element <a>
- %% so we have to do the same as for marker i.e
- %% Function/Arity is translated to an anchor in xhtml
- %% like this : <a name="Function-Arity"/>
- [case X of $/ -> $-;_->X end||X <- Marker];
- _ ->
- Marker1 = [case X of $/ -> $-;_->X end||X <- Marker],
- case string:tokens(Marker1, "#") of
- [Path] -> % # at end, remove it
- Path++".html";
- [Path | Frag0] ->
- Path++".html#"++
- docb_util:join(Frag0, "#")
- end
- end;
- Href0 ->
- %% User defined behavior, use result as-is
- Href0
- end,
- {{["<a href=\"", Href, "\">"], "</a>"}, Opts};
-rule([warning|_], _, Opts) ->
- docb_html_util:copy_pics("warning.gif", "warning.gif", Opts),
- {{"\n<div class=\"warning\">\n"
- "<div class=\"label\">Warning</div>\n"
- "<div class=\"content\">\n",
- "\n</div>"
- "\n</div>\n"}, Opts};
-rule([note|_], _, Opts) ->
- docb_html_util:copy_pics("note.gif", "note.gif", Opts),
- {{"\n<div class=\"note\">\n"
- "<div class=\"label\">Note</div>\n"
- "<div class=\"content\">",
- "\n</div>"
- "\n</div>\n"}, Opts};
-rule([path|_], {_, [UNIX, Windows], [{pcdata, _, Text}]}, Opts) ->
- UnixPart =
- docb_util:an_option({ptype,"unix"}, Opts) and (UNIX/=""),
- WinPart =
- docb_util:an_option({ptype,"windows"}, Opts) and (Windows/=""),
- if
- UnixPart, WinPart ->
- {{drop, [docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Text),
- " <font size=\"-2\">(<code>UNIX: ",
- docb_html_util:attribute_cdata_to_html(UNIX),
- ", ",
- "Windows: ",
- docb_html_util:attribute_cdata_to_html(Windows),
- "</code>)</font>"]},
- Opts};
- UnixPart ->
- {{drop, [docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Text),
- " <font size=\"-1\">(<code>UNIX: ",
- docb_html_util:attribute_cdata_to_html(UNIX),
- "</code>)</font>"]},
- Opts};
- WinPart ->
- {{drop, [docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Text),
- " <font size=\"-1\">(<code>Windows: ",
- docb_html_util:attribute_cdata_to_html(Windows),
- "</code>)</font>"]},
- Opts};
- true ->
- {{drop, docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Text)}, Opts}
- end;
-rule([term|_], {_, [ID], _}, Opts) ->
- case docb_util:an_option(dict, Opts) of
- false ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option({defs, term}, Opts) of
- false ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>",
- ID,
- "</strong></em> "]}, Opts};
- TermList ->
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, TermList) of
- false ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>", ID,
- "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description, _Resp} ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>", Name,
- "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description} ->
- {{drop, [ "<em><strong>", Name,
- "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts}
- end
- end;
- true ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option({defs, term}, Opts) of
- false ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>", ID,
- "</strong></em> "]}, Opts};
- TermList ->
- PartApplication =
- docb_util:lookup_option(part_application, Opts),
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, TermList) of
- false ->
- {{drop, ["<a href=\"", PartApplication,
- "_term.html#", ID, "\">", ID,
- "</a> "]}, Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description, _Resp} ->
- {{drop, ["<a href=\"", PartApplication,
- "_term.html#", ID, "\">", Name,
- "</a> "]}, Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description} ->
- {{drop, ["<a href=\"", PartApplication,
- "_term.html#", ID, "\">", Name,
- "</a> "]}, Opts}
- end
- end
- end;
-rule([cite|_], {_, [ID], _}, Opts) ->
- case docb_util:an_option(dict, Opts) of
- false ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option({defs, cite}, Opts) of
- false ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>", ID, "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts};
- CiteList ->
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, CiteList) of
- false ->
- {{drop,
- ["<em><strong>", ID, "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description, _Resp} ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>", Name,
- "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description} ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>", Name,
- "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts}
- end
- end;
- true ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option({defs, cite}, Opts) of
- false ->
- {{drop, ["<em><strong>", ID, "</strong></em> "]},
- Opts};
- CiteList ->
- PartApp =
- docb_util:lookup_option(part_application, Opts),
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, CiteList) of
- false ->
- {{drop, ["<a href=\"", PartApp,
- "_cite.html#", ID, "\">", ID,
- "</a> "]},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description, _Resp} ->
- {{drop, ["<a href=\"", PartApp,
- "_cite.html#", ID, "\">", Name,
- "</a> "]},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, _Description} ->
- {{drop, ["<a href=\"", PartApp,
- "_cite.html#", ID, "\">", Name,
- "</a> "]},
- Opts}
- end
- end
- end;
-rule([code|_], {_, [Type], [{pcdata, _, Code}]}, Opts) ->
- case lists:member(Type, ["ERL","C","NONE"]) of
- true ->
- {{drop, ["\n<div class=\"example\"><pre>\n", docb_html_util:element_cdata_to_html(Code),
- "\n</pre></div>\n"]}, Opts};
- false ->
- exit({error,"unknown type of <code>"})
- end.
-reorder_table(TableContent) ->
- reorder_table(TableContent, [], []).
-reorder_table([], Caption, NewTableContent) ->
- Caption ++ lists:reverse(NewTableContent);
-reorder_table([{tcaption,_,_} = Caption | TableContent], _, NewTableContent) ->
- reorder_table(TableContent, [Caption], NewTableContent);
-reorder_table([Row | TableContent], Caption, NewTableContent) ->
- reorder_table(TableContent, Caption, [Row | NewTableContent]).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_layout.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_layout.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index dca80ac58e..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_layout.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([report_top/2, report_bot/1,
- first_top/2, first_bot/1,
- ref_top/2, ref_bot/1,
- chapter_top/2, chapter_bot/1,
- application_toc_top/3, application_toc_top/4,
- part_toc_top/3, part_toc_top/4, part_toc_bot/0,
- index_top/1, index_bot/0]).
-%% Report
-report_top(Data, Opts) ->
- [Title, Prepared, _Responsible, DocNo, _Approved, _Checked, _Date,
- Vsn0, _File] = Data,
- html_header(Title, Opts) ++
- docb_util:html_snippet(top, Opts) ++
-<h1>" ++ Title ++ "</h1>
- " ++ DocNo ++ version(Opts, Vsn0) ++ "<br />
- " ++ Prepared ++ "<br />
-report_bot(Opts) ->
- docb_util:html_snippet(bottom, Opts) ++
-%% First
-first_top(Data, Opts) ->
- [Title, _Prepared, _Responsible, DocNo, _Approved, _Checked, _Date,
- Vsn0, _File] = Data,
- html_header(Title, Opts) ++
- docb_util:html_snippet(top, Opts) ++
-<h1>" ++ Title ++ "</h1>
-<big>" ++ DocNo ++ version(Opts, Vsn0) ++ "<br />
-first_bot(Opts) ->
- report_bot(Opts).
-%% Reference
-ref_top(Data, Opts) ->
- [Title, _Prepared, _Responsible, _DocNo, _Approved, _Checked,
- _Date, _Rev, _File] = Data,
- ref_html_header(Title, Opts) ++
-"<!-- refpage -->\n" ++
- docb_util:html_snippet(top, Opts) ++
-<h1>" ++ Title ++ "</h1>
-ref_bot(Opts) ->
- docb_util:html_snippet(bottom, Opts) ++
-%% Chapter
-chapter_top(Data, Opts) ->
- [Title, _Prepared, _Responsible, _DocNo, _Approved, _Checked,
- _Date, _Rev, _File] = Data,
- html_header(Title, Opts) ++
- docb_util:html_snippet(top, Opts).
-chapter_bot(Opts) ->
- report_bot(Opts).
-%% Application ToC
-application_toc_top(Data, DocName, Opts) ->
- [Title, _Prepared, _Responsible, DocNo, _Approved, _Checked,
- _Date, Vsn0, _File] = Data,
- html_header(Title, []) ++
-<strong>" ++ Title ++ "</strong>
- " ++ DocNo ++ version(Opts, Vsn0) ++ "
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_cite.html\">Bibliography</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_term.html\">Glossary</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_index.html\">Index</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_first.html\">Cover</a>" ++ top_index(Opts) ++
-<strong>Table of Contents</strong>
-application_toc_top(Data, DocName, Opts, HRefTexts) ->
- [Title, _Prepared, _Responsible, DocNo, _Approved, _Checked,
- _Date, Vsn0, _File] = Data,
- html_header(Title, []) ++
-" ++
- docb_util:join(
- lists:map(
- fun({HRef, Text}) ->
- "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"" ++ HRef ++ "\">" ++
- Text ++ "</a>"
- end,
- HRefTexts), " | ") ++ top_index(Opts) ++
-<strong>" ++ Title ++ "</strong>
-<small>" ++ DocNo ++ version(Opts, Vsn0) ++ "<br />
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_cite.html\">Bibliography</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_term.html\">Glossary</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_index.html\">Index</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_first.html\">Cover</a>
-<strong>Table of Contents</strong>
-%% Part ToC
-part_toc_top(Data, DocName, Opts) ->
- [Title, _Prepared, _Responsible, DocNo, _Approved, _Checked,
- _Date, Vsn0, _File] = Data,
- html_header(Title, []) ++
-<strong>" ++ Title ++ "</strong>
-<small>" ++ DocNo ++ version(Opts, Vsn0) ++ "<br />
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_cite.html\">Bibliography</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_term.html\">Glossary</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_first.html\">Cover</a>" ++
- top_index(Opts) ++
-<strong>Table of Contents</strong>
-part_toc_top(Data, DocName, Opts, HRefTexts) ->
- [Title, _Prepared, _Responsible, DocNo, _Approved, _Checked,
- _Date, Vsn0, _File] = Data,
- html_header(Title, []) ++
-" ++
- docb_util:join(
- lists:map(
- fun({HRef, Text}) ->
- "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"" ++ HRef ++ "\">" ++
- Text ++ "</a>"
- end,
- HRefTexts), " | ") ++ top_index(Opts) ++
-<strong>" ++ Title ++ "</strong>
- " ++ DocNo ++ version(Opts, Vsn0) ++ "<br />
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_cite.html\">Bibliography</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_term.html\">Glossary</a> |
- <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ DocName ++ "_first.html\">Cover</a>
-<strong>Table of Contents</strong>
-part_toc_bot() ->
-"</body >
-%% Index
-index_top(_Data) ->
- ref_html_header("INDEX", []) ++
-<p><em>Emphasized</em> index entries refer to <em>modules</em>
-and <code>Courier</code> ditos to <code>functions</code>.\n</p>\n".
-index_bot() ->
- part_toc_bot().
-%% Internal functions
-html_header(Title, Opts) ->
- Vsn = docb_util:version(),
-%%"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">
-"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"
- \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">
-<!-- This document was generated using DocBuilder-" ++ Vsn ++ " -->
-<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">
- <title>" ++ Title ++ "</title>
- <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"/>
- " ++ docb_util:html_snippet(head, Opts) ++ "
- <style type=\"text/css\">
- body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif }
- span.bold_code { font-family: courier;font-weight: bold}
- span.code { font-family: courier;font-weight: normal}
-.note, .warning {
- border: solid black 1px;
- margin: 1em 3em;
-.note .label {
- background: #30d42a;
- color: white;
- font-weight: bold;
- padding: 5px 10px;
-.note .content {
- background: #eafeea;
- color: black;
- line-height: 120%;
- font-size: 90%;
- padding: 5px 10px;
-.warning .label {
- background: #C00;
- color: white;
- font-weight: bold;
- padding: 5px 10px;
-.warning .content {
- background: #FFF0F0;
- color: black;
- line-height: 120%;
- font-size: 90%;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- .example { background-color:#eeeeff }
- pre { font-family: courier; font-weight: normal }
- .REFBODY { margin-left: 13mm }
- .REFTYPES { margin-left: 8mm }
- </style>
-<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#0000FF\" vlink=\"#FF00FF\" alink=\"#FF0000\">
-ref_html_header(Title, Opts) ->
- Vsn = docb_util:version(),
-%%"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">
-"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"
- \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">
-<!-- This document was generated using DocBuilder-" ++ Vsn ++ " -->
-<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">
- <title>" ++ Title ++ "</title>
- <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"/>
- " ++ docb_util:html_snippet(head, Opts) ++ "
- <style type=\"text/css\">
- body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif }
- span.bold_code { font-family: courier;font-weight: bold}
- span.code { font-family: courier;font-weight: normal}
-.note, .warning {
- border: solid black 1px;
- margin: 1em 3em;
-.note .label {
- background: #30d42a;
- color: white;
- font-weight: bold;
- padding: 5px 10px;
-.note .content {
- background: #eafeea;
- color: black;
- line-height: 120%;
- font-size: 90%;
- padding: 5px 10px;
-.warning .label {
- background: #C00;
- color: white;
- font-weight: bold;
- padding: 5px 10px;
-.warning .content {
- background: #FFF0F0;
- color: black;
- line-height: 120%;
- font-size: 90%;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- .example { background-color:#eeeeff }
- pre { font-family: courier; font-weight: normal }
- .REFBODY { margin-left: 13mm }
- .REFTYPES { margin-left: 8mm }
- </style>
-<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#0000FF\" vlink=\"#FF00FF\" alink=\"#FF0000\">
-version(Opts, Vsn0) ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option(vsn, Opts, Vsn0) of
- "" -> "";
- Vsn -> " Version " ++ Vsn
- end.
-top_index(Opts) ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option(top, Opts) of
- false -> "";
- TIFile ->
- " | <a target=\"_top\" href=\"" ++ TIFile ++ "\">Top</a>"
- end.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_ref.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_ref.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index c5c166f1ae..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_ref.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([rule/2, rule/3]).
-rule([description|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>DESCRIPTION</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([funcs|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>EXPORTS</h3>\n",""};
-rule([func|_],_) ->
- {"\n<p>",""};
-rule([name, func, funcs, RefType|_], {_,_,[{pcdata,[],Name0}]}) ->
- Name1 = docb_html_util:make_anchor_name_short(Name0, RefType),
- {"<a name=\"" ++ Name1 ++ "\"><span class=\"bold_code\">",
- "</span></a><br/>\n"};
-rule([fsummary|_],_) ->
- {drop, "\n</p>\n"};
-rule([type|_], _) ->
- {"\n<div class=\"REFBODY\"><p>Types:</p>\n <div class=\"REFTYPES\">\n<p>\n",
- "\n </p> </div>\n</div>\n"};
-rule([v|_], _) ->
- {"<span class=\"bold_code\">","</span><br/>\n"};
-rule([d|_], _) ->
- {"\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([desc|_], _) ->
- {"\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([authors|_], _) ->
- {"\n<h3>AUTHORS</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([aname|_], _) ->
- {"", " - "};
-rule([section|_], {1,_,_}) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([section|_], {_N,_,_}) ->
- {"", "\n</div>\n"};
-rule([title|_], _) ->
- {"\n<h3>", "</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n"};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([email|_], _, Opts) ->
- case docb_util:html_snippet(email, Opts) of
- "" ->
- {{"","<br/>\n"}, Opts};
- Email ->
- {{drop, Email++"<br/>\n"}, Opts}
- end;
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_util.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ce8b52a7..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
- element_cdata_to_html/1,
- pcdata_to_html/1, pcdata_to_html/2]).
--export([extract_header_data/2, all_header_data/1]).
- make_anchor_href/1, make_anchor_href_short/3,
- make_anchor_name_short/2,
- make_funcdef_short/2]).
--export([erl_include/2, code_include/2, erl_eval/1]).
--export([number/3, count_sections/1]).
-%%--Handle CDATA and PCDATA---------------------------------------------
-%% NB: Functions for transforming sgmls/XMerL data output to html.
-%% Do not use these for included text files (cf code_include and
-%% erl_include).
-attribute_cdata_to_html(Data) ->
- data2html(Data, false).
-element_cdata_to_html(Data) ->
- data2html(Data, false).
-pcdata_to_html(Data) ->
- data2html(Data, true).
-pcdata_to_html(Data, RmSp) ->
- data2html(Data, RmSp).
-%% PCDATA, CDATA: Replace entities, and optionally delete
-%% leading and multiple spaces. CDATA never contains entities to
-%% replace.
-%% data2html(Cs, RmSpace)
-data2html([246| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [$&, $#, $2, $4, $6, $;| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([$>| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [$&, $#, $6, $2, $;| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([$<| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [$&, $#, $6, $0, $;| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([$&| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [$&, $#, $3, $8, $;| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([$\"| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [$&, $#, $3, $4, $;| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([$\n| Cs], RmSp) ->
- data2html(Cs, RmSp);
-data2html([$\\, $n| Cs], false) ->
- [$\n| data2html(Cs, false)];
-data2html([$\\, $n| Cs], true) ->
- [$\n| data2html(delete_leading_space(Cs), true)];
-data2html([$ , $ | Cs], true) -> % delete multiple space
- [$ | data2html(delete_leading_space(Cs), true)];
-data2html([$\\, $|| Cs0], RmSp) ->
- {Ent, Cs1} = collect_entity(Cs0),
- [entity_to_html(Ent)| data2html(Cs1, RmSp)];
-data2html([$\\, $0, $1, $2| Cs], RmSp) ->
- data2html(Cs, RmSp);
-data2html([$\\, $\\, $n| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [$\\, $n| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([$\\, O1, O2, O3| Cs], RmSp)
- when O1 >= $0, O1 =< $7, O2 >= $0, O2 =< $7, O3 >= $0, O3 =< $7 ->
- case octal2dec(O1, O2, O3) of
- 173 -> % soft hyphen
- data2html(Cs, RmSp);
- C when C > 31, C < 256 ->
- Ent = io_lib:format("&#~w;", [C]),
- [Ent| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
- C ->
- [C| data2html(Cs, RmSp)]
- end;
-data2html([$\\, $\\| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [$\\| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([C| Cs], RmSp) ->
- [C| data2html(Cs, RmSp)];
-data2html([], _) ->
- [].
-delete_leading_space([$ | Cs]) ->
- delete_leading_space(Cs);
-delete_leading_space(Cs) ->
- Cs.
-collect_entity(Data) ->
- collect_entity(Data, []).
-collect_entity([$\\, $|| Cs], Rs) ->
- {lists:reverse(Rs), Cs};
-collect_entity([C| Cs], Rs) ->
- collect_entity(Cs, [C| Rs]);
-collect_entity([], Rs) ->
- {[], lists:reverse(Rs)}.
-entity_to_html("&") -> "&#38;";
-entity_to_html("\"") -> "&#34;";
-entity_to_html("<") -> "&#60;";
-entity_to_html(">") -> "&#62;";
-entity_to_html([$\\, O1, O2, O3])
- when O1 >= $0, O1 =< $7, O2 >= $0, O2 =< $7, O3 >= $0, O3 =< $7 ->
- case octal2dec(O1, O2, O3) of
- 173 -> % soft hyphen
- "";
- Value ->
- io_lib:format("&#~w;", [Value])
- end;
-entity_to_html(Other) ->
- docb_html_util_iso:entity_to_html(Other).
-octal2dec(O1, O2, O3) ->
- (O1*8+O2)*8+O3-73*$0.
-%%--Copy images---------------------------------------------------------
-copy_pics(Src, Dest, Opts) ->
- Dir = code:lib_dir(docbuilder),
- InFile = filename:join([Dir, "etc", Src]),
- OutFile = docb_util:outfile(Dest, "", Opts),
- case filelib:last_modified(OutFile) of
- 0 -> % File doesn't exist
- file:copy(InFile, OutFile);
- OutMod2 ->
- InMod1s = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
- filelib:last_modified(InFile)),
- OutMod2s = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(OutMod2),
- if
- InMod1s > OutMod2s -> % InFile is newer than OutFile
- file:copy(InFile, OutFile);
- true ->
- ok
- end
- end.
-%%--Resolve header data-------------------------------------------------
-extract_header_data(Key, {header, [], List}) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List) of
- {Key, [], []} ->
- "";
- {Key, [], [{pcdata, [], Value}]} ->
- pcdata_to_html(Value);
- false ->
- ""
- end.
-all_header_data(Header) ->
- all_header_data(Header,
- [title, prepared, responsible, docno, approved,
- checked, date, rev, file]).
-all_header_data(_Header, []) ->
- [];
-all_header_data(Header, [Key| Rest]) ->
- [extract_header_data(Key, Header) | all_header_data(Header, Rest)].
-%%--Resolve hypertext references----------------------------------------
-%% URI regular expression (RFC 2396):
-%% "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"
-%% We split it in five parts:
-%% scheme: "^(([^:/?#]+):)?" (includes trailing `:')
-%% authority: "^(//([^/?#]*))?" (includes leading `//')
-%% path: "^([^?#]*)"
-%% query: "^(\\?([^#]*))?" (includes leading `?')
-%% fragment: "^(#(.*))?" (includes leading `#')
-make_uri(Cs) ->
- lists:flatmap(
- fun({path, S}) ->
- case regexp:match(S, "\.xml?\$") of
- {match, _, _} ->
- {ok, NS, _} = regexp:sub(S, "\.xml?\$", ".html"),
- NS;
- _ ->
- S
- end;
- ({_, S}) ->
- S
- end,
- split_uri(Cs)).
-split_uri(URI) ->
- split_uri(URI, [{scheme, "^(([^:/?#]+):)?"},
- {authority, "^(//([^/?#]*))?"},
- {path, "^([^?#]*)"},
- {'query', "^(\\?([^#]*))?"},
- {fragment, "^(#(.*))?"}]).
-split_uri("", [{Tag, _R}| T]) ->
- [{Tag, ""}| split_uri("", T)];
-split_uri(Cs0, [{Tag, R}| T]) ->
- {match, 1, N} = regexp:match(Cs0, R),
- Cs1 = string:substr(Cs0, 1, N),
- Cs2 = strip_and_escape_uri_component(Tag, Cs1),
- [{Tag, Cs2}| split_uri(string:substr(Cs0, N+1), T)];
-split_uri(_, []) ->
- [].
-strip_and_escape_uri_component(authority, "//" ++ Cs) ->
- "//" ++ escape_uri(string:strip(Cs));
-strip_and_escape_uri_component(path, Cs) ->
- escape_uri(string:strip(Cs));
-strip_and_escape_uri_component('query', "?" ++ Cs) ->
- "?" ++ escape_uri(string:strip(Cs));
-strip_and_escape_uri_component(fragment, "#" ++ Cs) ->
- "#" ++ escape_uri(string:strip(Cs));
-strip_and_escape_uri_component(_, "") ->
- "";
-strip_and_escape_uri_component(_, Cs) ->
- escape_uri(string:strip(Cs)).
-escape_uri([C|Cs]) when C =< 32;
- C == $<; C == $<; C == $#; C == $%; C == $";
- C == $?;
- C == ${; C == $}; C ==$|; C == $\\; C == $^;
- C == $[; C == $]; C ==$';
- C >= 127 ->
- [$%, mk_hex(C div 16), mk_hex(C rem 16)| escape_uri(Cs)];
-escape_uri([C|Cs]) ->
- [C|escape_uri(Cs)];
-escape_uri([]) ->
- [].
-mk_hex(C) when C<10 ->
- C + $0;
-mk_hex(C) ->
- C - 10 + $a.
-make_anchor_href(HRef) ->
- case regexp:split(HRef, "#") of
- {ok, [HRef]} ->
- %% No `#' in HRef, i.e. only path
- make_anchor_href(HRef, "");
- {ok, [Path, Fragment]} ->
- make_anchor_href(Path, Fragment)
- end.
-make_anchor_href(Path0, Frag0) ->
- Frag1 = string:strip(Frag0),
- Path1 = case Path0 of
- "" ->
- "";
- _ ->
- case regexp:match(Path0, "\.xml?\$") of
- nomatch ->
- Path0 ++ ".html";
- _ ->
- {ok, NewPath, _} = regexp:sub(Path0,
- "\.xml?\$",
- ".html"),
- NewPath
- end
- end,
- case Frag1 of
- "" ->
- attribute_cdata_to_html(Path1);
- _ ->
- attribute_cdata_to_html(Path1) ++
- "#" ++
- attribute_cdata_to_html([case Ch of $/ -> $-; _ -> Ch end||
- Ch <-Frag1])
- end.
-make_anchor_href_short(Path, Frag, RefType) ->
- ShortFrag = make_funcdef_short(Frag, RefType,"-"),
- make_anchor_href(Path, ShortFrag).
-make_anchor_name_short(FuncName0, RefType) ->
- FuncName1 = make_funcdef_short(FuncName0, RefType,"-"),
- attribute_cdata_to_html(FuncName1).
-make_funcdef_short(FuncDef0, RefType) ->
- make_funcdef_short(FuncDef0, RefType, "/").
-make_funcdef_short(FuncDef0, RefType,Delimiter) ->
- FuncDef1 = docb_util:trim(FuncDef0),
- Any0 = case lists:member(RefType, [cref, erlref]) of
- true ->
- case catch docb_util:fknidx(FuncDef1, Delimiter) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- false;
- Any1 ->
- Any1
- end;
- false ->
- false
- end,
- case Any0 of
- false ->
- case string:tokens(FuncDef1, " ") of
- [Any2| _] ->
- Any2;
- _ ->
- FuncDef1
- end;
- _ ->
- Any0
- end.
-%%--Include tags--------------------------------------------------------
-%% Only used in report DTD
-erl_include(File, Tag) ->
- case docb_main:include_file(File, Tag) of
- {ok, Cs} ->
- {drop, "\n<pre>\n" ++ text_to_html(Cs) ++ "\n</pre>\n"};
- error ->
- {drop, ""}
- end.
-code_include(File, Tag) ->
- case docb_main:include(File, Tag, Tag) of
- {ok, Cs} ->
- {ok,text_to_html(Cs)};
- error ->
- {error, {codeinclude,File}}
- end.
-erl_eval(Expr) ->
- Cs = docb_main:eval_str(Expr),
- {drop, "\n<pre>\n" ++ text_to_html(Cs) ++ "\n</pre>\n"}.
-%% Only replaces certain characters. Spaces and new lines etc are kept.
-%% Used for plain text (e.g. inclusions of code).
-text_to_html([$>| Cs]) ->
- [$&, $#, $6, $2, $;| text_to_html(Cs)];
-text_to_html([$<| Cs]) ->
- [$&, $#, $6, $0, $;| text_to_html(Cs)];
-text_to_html([$&| Cs]) ->
- [$&, $#, $3, $8, $;| text_to_html(Cs)];
-text_to_html([$\"| Cs]) ->
- [$&, $#, $3, $4, $;| text_to_html(Cs)];
-text_to_html([C| Cs]) ->
- [C| text_to_html(Cs)];
-text_to_html([]) ->
- [].
-%%--Number sections-----------------------------------------------------
-number({Tag, Attrs, More}, none, File) ->
- {Tag, Attrs, do_number(More, [1], File)};
-number({Tag, Attrs, More}, Prefix, File) ->
- {Tag, Attrs, do_number(More, [list_to_integer(Prefix)], File)}.
-do_number([], _, _) ->
- [];
-do_number([{header, Attrs, More}| Rest], NN, File) ->
- [{header, Attrs, More}| do_number(Rest, NN, File)];
-do_number([{section, Attrs, More}| Rest], [N| NN], File) ->
- [{section, Attrs, do_number(More, [1, N| NN], File)}|
- do_number(Rest, [N+1| NN], File)];
-do_number([{title, _, [{pcdata, _, Title}]}| More], [N| NN], File) ->
- Format = make_format(length(NN)),
- Number = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, lists:reverse(NN))),
- [{marker, [{"ID", "CDATA", Number}], []},
- {title, [{"NUMBER", "CDATA", Number},
- {"FILE", "CDATA", File}],
- [{pcdata, [], Title}]}| do_number(More, [N| NN], File)];
-do_number([{pcdata, Attrs, More}| Rest], NN, File) ->
- [{pcdata, Attrs, More}| do_number(Rest, NN, File)];
-do_number([{Tag, Attrs, More}| Rest], NN, File) ->
- [{Tag, Attrs, do_number(More, NN, File)}|do_number(Rest, NN, File)].
-make_format(1) ->
- "~w";
-make_format(N) ->
- "~w." ++ make_format(N-1).
-count_sections([section| Rest]) ->
- 1 + count_sections(Rest);
-count_sections([_| Rest]) ->
- count_sections(Rest);
-count_sections([]) ->
- 0.
-%%--Make a ToC----------------------------------------------------------
-format_toc(Toc) ->
- [format_toc1(T) || T <- Toc].
-format_toc1({Number, Title}) ->
- [Number, " <a href = \"#", Number, "\">", Title, "</a><br/>\n"].
-%%--Convert HTML ISO Latin 1 characters to ordinary characters----------
-%% To be used for sorting. Cs must be flat.
-html_latin1_sort_order(Cs) ->
- hlso(Cs).
-hlso([]) ->
- [];
-hlso([$&, $#, C2, C1, C0, $;| Cs])
- when $0 =< C2, C2 =< $9, $0 =< C1, C1 =< $9, $0 =< C0, C0 =< $9 ->
- C = ((C2-$0)*10 + (C1-$0))*10 + C0-$0,
- hlso0(C, Cs);
-hlso([$&, $#, C1, C0, $;| Cs])
- when $0 =< C1, C1 =< $9, $0 =< C0, C0 =< $9 ->
- C = (C1-$0)*10 + C0-$0,
- hlso0(C, Cs);
-hlso([C| Cs]) ->
- [C| hlso(Cs)].
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 0 =< C, C =< 159 ->
- [C| hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(160, Cs) -> %% no-break space
- hlso(Cs); % Remove it.
-hlso0(161, Cs) -> %% inverted exclamation mark
- [$? |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(162, Cs) -> %% cent sign
- [$$|hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(163, Cs) -> %% pound sterling sign
- [$$|hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(164, Cs) -> %% general currency sign
- [$$|hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(165, Cs) -> %% yen sign
- [$$|hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(166, Cs) -> %% broken (vertical) bar
- [$| |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(167, Cs) -> %% section sign
- [$$|hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(168, Cs) -> %% umlaut (dieresis)
- [$: |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(169, Cs) -> %% copyright sign
- [$c |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(170, Cs) -> %% ordinal indicator, feminine
- [$f |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(171, Cs) -> %% angle quotation mark, left
- [$" |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(172, Cs) -> %% not sign
- [$- |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(173, Cs) -> %% soft hyphen
- [$- |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(174, Cs) -> %% registered sign
- [$r |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(175, Cs) -> %% macron
- [$- |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(176, Cs) -> %% degree sign
- [$d |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(177, Cs) -> %% plus-or-minus sign
- [$+ |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(178, Cs) -> %% superscript two
- [$2 |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(179, Cs) -> %% superscript three
- [$3 |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(180, Cs) -> %% acute accent
- [$' |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(181, Cs) -> %% micro sign
- [$' |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(182, Cs) -> %% pilcrow (paragraph sign)
- [$$|hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(183, Cs) -> %% middle dot
- [$. |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(184, Cs) -> %% cedilla
- [$c |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(185, Cs) -> %% superscript one
- [$1 |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(186, Cs) -> %% ordinal indicator, masculine
- [$m |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(187, Cs) -> %% angle quotation mark, right
- [$" |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(188, Cs) -> %% fraction one-quarter
- [$4 |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(189, Cs) -> %% fraction one-half
- [$2 |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(190, Cs) -> %% fraction three-quarters
- [$3 |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(191, Cs) -> %% inverted question mark
- [$? |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 192 =< C, C =< 198 -> %% capital A
- [$A |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(199, Cs) -> %% capital C, cedilla
- [$C |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 200 =< C, C =< 203 -> %% capital E
- [$E |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 204 =< C, C =< 207 -> %% capital I
- [$I |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(208, Cs) -> %% capital Eth, Icelandic
- [$D |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(209, Cs) -> %% capital N, tilde
- [$N |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 210 =< C, C =< 214 -> %% capital O
- [$O |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(215, Cs) -> %% multiply sign
- [$x |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(216, Cs) -> %% capital O, slash
- [$O |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 217 =< C, C =< 220 -> %% capital U
- [$U |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(221, Cs) -> %% capital Y, acute accent
- [$Y |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(222, Cs) -> %% capital THORN, Icelandic
- [$T |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(223, Cs) -> %% small sharp s, German (sz
- [$s |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 224 =< C, C =< 230-> %% small a
- [$a |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(231, Cs) -> %% small c, cedilla
- [$c |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 232 =< C, C =< 235 -> %% small e
- [$e |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 236 =< C, C =< 239 -> %% small i
- [$i |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(240, Cs) -> %% small eth, Icelandic
- [$d |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(241, Cs) -> %% small n, tilde
- [$n |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 242 =< C, C =< 246 -> %% small o
- [$o |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(247, Cs) -> %% divide sign
- [$/ |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(248, Cs) -> %% small o, slash
- [$o |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(C, Cs) when 249 =< C, C =< 252 -> %% small u
- [$u |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(253, Cs) -> %% small y, acute accent
- [$y |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(254, Cs) -> %% small thorn, Icelandic
- [$t |hlso(Cs)];
-hlso0(255, Cs) -> %% small y, dieresis or umlaut
- [$y |hlso(Cs)].
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_util_iso.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_util_iso.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index c836805cd2..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_html_util_iso.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% Encodes ISOtech, ISOnum and ISOgrk3.
-%% All entities are of the form "[abcdef]".
-entity_to_html(Entity) when is_list(Entity), hd(Entity) =/= $[ ->
- Entity;
-entity_to_html(Entity) ->
- case (catch enc(Entity)) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- Entity;
- Enc ->
- "<font face=symbol>" ++ Enc ++ "</font>"
- end.
-enc("[Delta ]") -> "&#68;";
-%% enc("[Dot ]") -> "&#0;";
-%% enc("[DotDot]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[Gamma ]") -> "&#71;";
-enc("[Lambda]") -> "&#76;";
-enc("[Omega ]") -> "&#87;";
-enc("[Phi ]") -> "&#70;";
-enc("[Pi ]") -> "&#80;";
-enc("[Prime ]") -> "&#178;";
-enc("[Psi ]") -> "&#89;";
-enc("[Sigma ]") -> "&#83;";
-enc("[Theta ]") -> "&#81;";
-enc("[Upsi ]") -> "&#161;";
-%% enc("[Verbar]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[Xi ]") -> "&#88;";
-enc("[aleph ]") -> "&#192;";
-enc("[alpha ]") -> "&#97;";
-enc("[amp ]") -> "&#38;";
-enc("[and ]") -> "&#217;";
-enc("[ang ]") -> "&#208;";
-%% enc("[ang90 ]") -> "&#0;";
-%% enc("[angsph]") -> "&#0;";
-%% enc("[angst ]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[ap ]") -> "&#187;";
-%% enc("[becaus]") -> "&#0;";
-%% enc("[bernou]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[bepsi ]") -> "&#39;";
-enc("[beta ]") -> "&#98;";
-enc("[bottom]") -> "&#94;";
-enc("[bull ]") -> "&#183;";
-enc("[cap ]") -> "&#199;";
-enc("[chi ]") -> "&#99;";
-enc("[clubs ]") -> "&#167;";
-%% enc("[compfn]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[cong ]") -> "&#64;";
-enc("[copy ]") -> "&#211;";
-%% enc("[conint]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[cup ]") -> "&#200;";
-enc("[dArr ]") -> "&#223;";
-enc("[darr ]") -> "&#175;";
-enc("[deg ]") -> "&#176;";
-enc("[delta ]") -> "&#100;";
-enc("[diam ]") -> "&#224;";
-enc("[diams ]") -> "&#168;";
-enc("[divide]") -> "&#184;";
-enc("[empty ]") -> "&#198;";
-%% enc("[epsi ]") -> "&#0;";
-%% enc("[epsis ]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[epsiv ]") -> "&#101;";
-enc("[equiv ]") -> "&#186;";
-enc("[eta ]") -> "&#104;";
-enc("[exist ]") -> "&#36;";
-enc("[fnof ]") -> "&#166;";
-enc("[forall]") -> "&#34;";
-enc("[gamma ]") -> "&#103;";
-%% enc("[gammad]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[ge ]") -> "&#179;";
-enc("[gt ]") -> "&#62;";
-%% enc("[hamilt]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[hArr ]") -> "&#219;";
-enc("[harr ]") -> "&#171;";
-enc("[hearts]") -> "&#169;";
-enc("[horbar]") -> "&#190;";
-enc("[iff ]") -> "&#219;";
-enc("[image ]") -> "&#193;";
-enc("[infin ]") -> "&#165;";
-enc("[int ]") -> "&#242;";
-enc("[iota ]") -> "&#105;";
-enc("[isin ]") -> "&#206;";
-enc("[kappa ]") -> "&#107;";
-%%enc("[kappav]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[lArr ]") -> "&#220;";
-%% enc("[lagran]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[lambda]") -> "&#108;";
-enc("[lang ]") -> "&#225;";
-enc("[larr ]") -> "&#172;";
-enc("[le ]") -> "&#163;";
-%% enc("[lowast]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[lowbar]") -> "&#95;";
-enc("[lt ]") -> "&#60;";
-enc("[middot]") -> "&#215;";
-enc("[minus ]") -> "&#45;";
-%% enc("[mnplus]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[mu ]") -> "&#109;";
-enc("[nabla ]") -> "&#209;";
-enc("[ne ]") -> "&#185;";
-enc("[ni ]") -> "&#39;";
-enc("[nsub ]") -> "&#203;";
-enc("[not ]") -> "&#216;";
-enc("[notin ]") -> "&#207;";
-enc("[nu ]") -> "&#110;";
-enc("[omega ]") -> "&#119;";
-enc("[or ]") -> "&#218;";
-%% enc("[order ]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[oplus ]") -> "&#197;";
-enc("[otimes]") -> "&#196;";
-%% enc("[par ]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[part ]") -> "&#182;";
-%% enc("[permil]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[perp ]") -> "&#94;"; % bottom
-enc("[phis ]") -> "&#102;";
-enc("[phiv ]") -> "&#106;";
-%% enc("[phmmat]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[pi ]") -> "&#112;";
-enc("[piv ]") -> "&#118;";
-enc("[plus ]") -> "&#43;";
-enc("[plusmn]") -> "&#177;";
-enc("[prime ]") -> "&#162;";
-enc("[prod ]") -> "&#213;";
-enc("[prop ]") -> "&#181;";
-enc("[psi ]") -> "&#121;";
-enc("[radic ]") -> "&#214;";
-enc("[rang ]") -> "&#241;";
-enc("[rArr ]") -> "&#222;";
-enc("[rarr ]") -> "&#174;";
-enc("[real ]") -> "&#194;";
-enc("[reg ]") -> "&#210;";
-enc("[rho ]") -> "&#114;";
-%% enc("[rhov ]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[sigma ]") -> "&#115;";
-enc("[sigmav]") -> "&#86;";
-enc("[sim ]") -> "&#126;";
-%% enc("[sime ]") -> "&#0;";
-%% enc("[square]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[sol ]") -> "&#164;";
-enc("[spades]") -> "&#170;";
-enc("[sub ]") -> "&#204;";
-enc("[sube ]") -> "&#205;";
-enc("[sup ]") -> "&#201;";
-enc("[supe ]") -> "&#202;";
-enc("[sum ]") -> "&#229;";
-enc("[tau ]") -> "&#116;";
-enc("[tdot ]") -> "&#188;";
-enc("[there4]") -> "&#92;";
-enc("[thetas]") -> "&#113;";
-enc("[thetav]") -> "&#74;";
-enc("[times ]") -> "&#180;";
-%% enc("[tprime]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[trade ]") -> "&#212;";
-enc("[uArr ]") -> "&#221;";
-enc("[uarr ]") -> "&#173;";
-enc("[upsi ]") -> "&#117;";
-enc("[verbar]") -> "&#189;";
-%% enc("[wedgeq]") -> "&#0;";
-enc("[weierp]") -> "&#195;";
-enc("[xi ]") -> "&#120;";
-enc("[zeta ]") -> "&#122;".
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_main.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_main.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f5f035a65..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_main.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
- parse/2, parse1/2,
- pp/2,
- insert_after/3,
- transform/5, pp/5,
- include_file/2, include/3,
- eval_str/1,
- validate_html/1
- ]).
-%% process(File, Opts) -> errors | ok
-%% Parses the source file File and transforms the result to html,
-%% latex and/or man page format.
-process(File, Opts) ->
- SrcType = docb_util:lookup_option(src_type, Opts),
- File1 =
- case SrcType of
- ".xml" ->
- FileTmp = File ++ ".tmpconv",
- os:cmd("sed -e 's/xi:include[ \t]*href/include file/g' -e 's/xmlns:xi=\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XInclude\"//g' < " ++
- File ++ ".xml > " ++ FileTmp ++ ".xml"),
- FileTmp;
- ".sgml" ->
- File
- end,
- case parse1(File1, Opts) of
- errors ->
- delete_tmp_file(SrcType, File1),
- errors;
- {ok, Tree} ->
- From = element(1, Tree),
- Tos0 =
- lists:foldl(
- fun(latex, Acc) -> [latex|Acc];
- (html, Acc) -> [html|Acc];
- ({man, _Section}, Acc) -> [man|Acc];
- (_, Acc) -> Acc
- end, [], Opts),
- %% If no target format is specified, assume HTML:
- Tos = if
- Tos0 =:= [] -> [html];
- true -> Tos0
- end,
- Result = [transform(From, To, Opts, File, Tree)||To <- Tos],
- case lists:member(transformation_error,Result) of
- true ->
- delete_tmp_file(SrcType, File1),
- errors;
- _ ->
- delete_tmp_file(SrcType, File1),
- ok
- end
- end.
-delete_tmp_file(".xml", File) ->
- file:delete(File ++ ".xml");
-delete_tmp_file(_, _) ->
- ok.
-%% parse(File, Opts) -> {ok, Tree} | errors
-%% Parses the source file File, resulting in a tree structure.
-parse(File, Opts) ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option(src_type, Opts) of
- ".xml" ->
- parse_xml(File++".xml", Opts);
- ".sgml" ->
- parse_sgml(File, Opts)
- end.
-%% parse1(File, Opts) -> {ok, Tree} | errors
-%% Like parse/2, but in the SGML case also prints the parse errors
-%% (in File.html.sgmls_errs) information to stdout.
-parse1(File, Opts) ->
- parse(File, [{print_parse_errs, true}|Opts]).
-validate_html(InFile) ->
- ScanOpts = [{validation,true}, {fetch_fun, fun fetch_dtd/2}],
- case xmerl_scan:file(InFile, ScanOpts) of
- {_XMLTuple,[]} -> % ok
- {InFile,ok};
- {'EXIT',Reason} ->
- {InFile,Reason}
- end.
-fetch_dtd({public,_,"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/"++ Rest},GlobalState) ->
- Filename = filename:join(docb_util:dtd_dir(),Rest),
- {ok,{file,Filename},GlobalState};
-fetch_dtd({public,_,Str},GlobalState) ->
- {ok,{file,filename:join(docb_util:dtd_dir(),Str)},GlobalState}.
-parse_xml(InFile, Opts) ->
- DtdDir = docb_util:dtd_dir(),
- ScanOpts = [{validation,true}, {fetch_path, [DtdDir]}],
- PrintP = docb_util:lookup_option(print_parse_errs, Opts),
- case catch xmerl_scan:file(InFile, ScanOpts) of
- {'EXIT', Error} when PrintP ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "XML validation error:~n~p", [Error]),
- errors;
- {'EXIT', _Error} ->
- errors;
- {error, Reason} -> % probably file error
- docb_util:message(error, "XML scan error: ~p", [Reason]),
- errors;
- {Doc, []} ->
- case catch xmerl:export([Doc], docb_xmerl_tree_cb) of
- [Tree] ->
- verify(Tree),
- {ok, Tree};
- {'EXIT', Error} ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "XML export error:~n~p", [Error]),
- errors
- end
- end.
-parse_sgml(InFile, Opts) ->
- Pfx = tmp_file_prefix(InFile, Opts),
- OutFile = Pfx ++ "sgmls_output",
- ErrFile = Pfx ++ "sgmls_errs",
- EntVals = lists:usort(docb_util:lookup_options(ent, Opts)),
- Ents = lists:flatten([" -ent " ++ Val || Val <- EntVals]),
- Cmd = docb_util:old_docb_dir() ++ "/bin/docb_sgmls_run " ++
- Ents ++ " " ++ InFile ++ ".sgml " ++ OutFile ++ " " ++ ErrFile,
- case os:cmd(Cmd) of
- [] ->
- PrintP = docb_util:lookup_option(print_parse_errs, Opts),
- case filelib:file_size(ErrFile) of
- 0 -> % implies no errors
- parse_sgmls(InFile, OutFile);
- _ when PrintP ->
- cat(ErrFile),
- errors;
- _ ->
- errors
- end;
- Msg ->
- docb_util:message(error, "~p", [Msg]),
- errors
- end.
-tmp_file_prefix(File, Opts) ->
- lists:concat(
- [File, "." | lists:foldl(
- fun(latex, Acc) -> ["latex."|Acc];
- (html, Acc) -> ["html."|Acc];
- ({man, Section}, Acc) -> ["man", Section, "."|Acc];
- (_, Acc) -> Acc
- end, [], Opts)]).
-parse_sgmls(InFile, SgmlsFile) ->
- case file:open(SgmlsFile, [read]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- Res = case (catch do_parse_sgmls(Fd)) of
- {ok, Tree} ->
- {ok, Tree};
- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
- docb_util:message(
- error,
- "Cannot parse sgmls output file "
- "~s, obtained from parsing ~s, "
- "reason: ~w",
- [SgmlsFile, InFile, Reason]),
- errors;
- {error, Reason} ->
- docb_util:message(
- error,
- "Cannot parse sgmls output file "
- "~s, obtained from parsing ~s, "
- "reason: ~w",
- [SgmlsFile, InFile, Reason]),
- errors
- end,
- file:close(Fd),
- case Res of
- {ok, Tree0} ->
- verify(Tree0),
- {ok, Tree0};
- _Other ->
- errors
- end;
- {error, Reason} ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Cannot open sgmls output file ~s, "
- "obtained from parsing ~s, reason: ~w",
- [SgmlsFile, InFile, Reason]),
- errors
- end.
-do_parse_sgmls(Fd) ->
- do_parse_sgmls(Fd, []).
-do_parse_sgmls(Fd, Attrs) ->
- case get_line(Fd) of
- {attrs, A} ->
- do_parse_sgmls(Fd, [A|Attrs]);
- {startTag, Tag} ->
- {ok, {Tag, Attrs, get_args(Fd)}};
- Other ->
- {error, Other}
- end.
-get_args(Fd) ->
- case get_line(Fd) of
- {startTag, Tag} ->
- H = {Tag, [], get_args(Fd)},
- [H|get_args(Fd)];
- {dataTag, Str} ->
- [{pcdata, [], Str}|get_args(Fd)];
- {attrs, A} ->
- get_args_attr(Fd, [A]);
- close ->
- [];
- ok ->
- []
- end.
-get_args_attr(Fd, Attrs) ->
- case get_line(Fd) of
- {startTag, Tag} ->
- H = {Tag, lists:reverse(Attrs), get_args(Fd)},
- [H|get_args(Fd)];
- {dataTag, Str} ->
- [{pcdata, lists:reverse(Attrs), Str}|get_args(Fd)];
- {attrs, A} ->
- get_args_attr(Fd, [A|Attrs]);
- close ->
- [];
- ok ->
- []
- end.
-get_line(Fd) ->
- Str = io:get_line(Fd, ''),
- case Str of
- [$(|T] ->
- {startTag, tag_name(T)};
- [$-|T] ->
- {dataTag, T};
- [$)|_T] ->
- close;
- [$A|T] ->
- {attrs, attrs(remove_nl(T))};
- [$?|_T] ->
- get_line(Fd);
- [$C|_] ->
- ok
- end.
-remove_nl([$\n|_]) -> [];
-remove_nl([H|T]) -> [H|remove_nl(T)];
-remove_nl([]) -> [].
-%% attrs
-%% splits a string like
-%% AAAAA BBBBB ......
-%% into {"AAA", "BBB", Rest}
-attrs(T) ->
- {X, T1} = get_item(T),
- {Y, T2} = get_item(T1),
- T3 = skip_blanks(T2),
- {X, Y, T3}.
-get_item(T) -> get_item(skip_blanks(T), []).
-get_item([$ |T], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), [$ |T]};
-get_item([H|T], L) -> get_item(T, [H|L]);
-get_item([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}.
-skip_blanks([$ |T]) -> skip_blanks(T);
-skip_blanks(T) -> T.
-tag_name(Str) -> tag_name(Str, []).
-tag_name([H|T], L) when $A =< H, H =< $Z ->
- tag_name(T, [H-$A+$a|L]);
-tag_name([$\n], L) ->
- list_to_atom(lists:reverse(L));
-tag_name([H|T], L) ->
- tag_name(T, [H|L]).
-cat(File) ->
- case file:open(File, [read]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- cat1(Fd),
- file:close(Fd);
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
-cat1(Fd) ->
- case io:get_line(Fd, '') of
- eof ->
- eof;
- Str ->
- io:format("~s", [Str]),
- cat1(Fd)
- end.
-verify(Tree) -> verify(Tree, [], 1).
-verify({pcdata, Optional, _}, Path, Level) ->
- verify_optional(Optional, Path, Level);
-verify({Tag, Optional, Args}, Path, Level) when is_list(Args) ->
- verify_optional(Optional, Path, Level)
- andalso verify_list(Args, [Tag|Path], Level);
-verify(Other, Path, Level) ->
- verify_error(Other, Path, Level).
-verify_error(X, Path, Level) ->
- docb_util:message(error, "Invalid object found at: ~p level:~w~n~s",
- [Path, Level, docb_pretty_format:term(X)]),
- false.
-verify_list([H|T], Path, Level) ->
- verify(H, Path, Level) andalso verify_list(T, Path, Level + 1);
-verify_list([], _, _) ->
- true.
-verify_optional([{_, _, _}|T], Path, Level) ->
- verify_optional(T, Path, Level);
-verify_optional([], _Path, _Level) ->
- true;
-verify_optional(X, Path, Level) ->
- verify_error(X, Path, Level).
-%% pp(File, Opts) -> {ok, OutFile} | errors
-%% Parses the source file and, if successful, prints the resulting tree
-%% structure to a file with the extension ".pp".
-pp(File, Opts) ->
- case parse(File, Opts) of
- {ok, Tree} ->
- OutFile = File ++ ".pp",
- dump(OutFile, Tree),
- {ok, OutFile};
- errors ->
- errors
- end.
-dump(File, Struct) ->
- {ok, Stream} = file:open(File, [write]),
- io:format("Info: Dump on ~p ...", [File]),
- io:format(Stream, "~n~s~n", [docb_pretty_format:term(Struct)]),
- io:format(" done.\n"),
- file:close(Stream).
-%% insert_after(Tag, Tree, Obj) -> Tree | {'EXIT', Reason}
-%% Insert an element in a tree structure
-insert_after(Tag, Tree, Obj) ->
- edit(Tag, Tree, {insert_after, Obj}).
-%% edit Op = delete, insert_before, insert_after
-edit(Tag, Tree, Op) ->
- case catch edit1(Tag, Tree, Op) of
- error ->
- docb_util:message(error, "Cannot do ~p to ~w", [Op, Tag]),
- Tree;
- Other ->
- Other
- end.
-edit1(Tag, {Tag, _O, _A}, _Op) ->
- throw(error);
-edit1(Tag, {Tag1, O, A}, Op) ->
- {Tag1, O, edit1_list(Tag, A, Op)};
-edit1(_, _, _) ->
- throw(error).
-edit1_list(Tag, [{pcdata, Str}|T], Op) ->
- [{pcdata, Str}|edit1_list(Tag, T, Op)];
-edit1_list(Tag, [{Tag, O, A}|T], {insert_after, Obj}) ->
- [{Tag, O, A}, Obj|T];
-edit1_list(Tag, [H|T], Op) ->
- [H|edit1_list(Tag, T, Op)];
-edit1_list(_Tag, [], _Op) ->
- [].
-%% transform(From, To, Opts, File, Tree) -> void()
-%% Actual transformation of tree structure to desired format.
-transform(From, To, Opts, File, Tree) ->
- Filter = if
- To =:= html; To =:= kwic ->
- list_to_atom("docb_tr_" ++ atom_to_list(From) ++
- [$2|atom_to_list(To)]);
- true ->
- list_to_atom("sgml_tr_" ++ atom_to_list(From) ++
- [$2|atom_to_list(To)])
- end,
- case catch Filter:transform(File, Tree, Opts) of
- %% R5C
- {'EXIT', {undef, [{Filter, transform, [File, Tree, Opts]}|_]}}->
- %% No transformation defined
- finish_transform(Tree, File, Opts, Filter);
- {'EXIT', {undef, {Filter, transform, [File, Tree, Opts]}}} ->
- %% No transformation defined
- finish_transform(Tree, File, Opts, Filter);
- {'EXIT', What} ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Transformation trouble in ~P", [What, 9]),
- transformation_error;
- {error, Reason} ->
- docb_util:message(error, Reason),
- transformation_error;
- {Tree1, Opts1} ->
- %% transformation returning both new parse and new options
- finish_transform(Tree1, File, Opts1, Filter);
- Tree1 ->
- %% transformation returning only new parse
- finish_transform(Tree1, File, Opts, Filter)
- end.
-finish_transform(Tree, File, Opts, Filter) ->
- {Str, NewOpts} = pp(Tree, [], 1, Filter, Opts),
- Extension =
- case catch Filter:extension(NewOpts) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- Filter:extension();
- Others ->
- Others
- end,
- {ok, Out} =
- file:open(docb_util:outfile(File, Extension, NewOpts), [write]),
- put_chars(Out, Str),
- file:close(Out).
-put_chars(Out, Str) -> put_chars(Out, Str, 0).
-put_chars(Out, [$\n|Cs], _Pos) ->
- io:put_chars(Out, [$\n]),
- put_chars(Out, Cs, 0);
-put_chars(Out, [$\011|Cs], Pos) -> % tab
- TabbedPos = 8*((Pos div 8)+1),
- Nblanks = TabbedPos - Pos,
- io:put_chars(Out, lists:duplicate(Nblanks, $ )),
- put_chars(Out, Cs, Pos+Nblanks);
-put_chars(Out, [C|Cs], Pos) when is_integer(C) ->
- io:put_chars(Out, [C]),
- put_chars(Out, Cs, Pos+1);
-put_chars(Out, [L|Cs], Pos) when is_list(L) ->
- put_chars(Out, Cs, put_chars(Out, L, Pos));
-put_chars(_Out, [], Pos) ->
- Pos.
-pp({Tag, Optional, Args}, TagPath, Level, Filter, Opts) ->
- TagPath1 = [Tag|TagPath],
- Optional1 = reduce_optional(Optional),
- %% First try Filter:rule/3. It returns {Return, NewOpts}
- %% where Return is as from rule/2:
- Rule_3_result =
- case catch Filter:rule(TagPath1, {Level,Optional1,Args},Opts) of
- %% R5C
- {'EXIT', {undef, [{_, rule, _}|_]}} -> % No rule/3 defined
- failed;
- {'EXIT', {undef, {_, rule, _}}} -> % No rule/3 defined
- failed;
- %% R5C
- {'EXIT', {function_clause, [{_, rule, _}|_]}} -> % No MATCHING rule/3
- failed;
- {'EXIT', {function_clause, {_, rule, _}}} -> % No MATCHING rule/3
- failed;
- {'EXIT', What} ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Serious Error: ~P", [What, 9]);
- Others ->
- Others
- end,
- handle_rule_call_result({r3, Rule_3_result}, Filter, TagPath1, Tag,
- Level, Optional1, Args, Opts).
-handle_rule_call_result({r3, failed}, Filter, TagPath1, Tag, Level, Optional1,
- Args, Opts) ->
- %% Hmmm, try Filter:rule/2
- Rule_2_result = (catch Filter:rule(TagPath1, {Level, Optional1, Args})),
- handle_rule_call_result({r2, Rule_2_result}, Filter, TagPath1, Tag,
- Level, Optional1, Args, Opts);
-handle_rule_call_result({r3, {Result, NewOpts}}, Filter, TagPath1, Tag, Level,
- Optional1, Args, _Opts) ->
- handle_rule_call_result({r2, Result}, Filter, TagPath1, Tag, Level,
- Optional1, Args, NewOpts);
-handle_rule_call_result({_, {func, F}}, _Filter, _TagPath1, _Tag, _Level,
- _Optional1, Args, Opts) ->
- {F(Args), Opts};
-handle_rule_call_result({_, {'EXIT', Why}}, _Filter, TagPath1, _Tag, Level,
- Optional1, Args, Opts) ->
- report_error(TagPath1, Why, {Level, Optional1, Args}),
- {[], Opts};
-handle_rule_call_result({_, {drop, Str}}, _Filter, _TagPath1, _Tag, _Level,
- _Optional1, _Args, Opts) ->
- {[Str], Opts};
-handle_rule_call_result({_, {newargs, NewArgs}}, Filter, TagPath1, _Tag, _Level,
- _Optional1, _Args, Opts) ->
- {List, NewOpts} = pp_list(NewArgs, TagPath1, 1, Filter, Opts),
- {[List], NewOpts};
-handle_rule_call_result({_, {newargs, Before, NewArgs, After}}, Filter, TagPath1, _Tag, _Level,
- _Optional1, _Args, Opts) ->
- {List, NewOpts} = pp_list(NewArgs, TagPath1, 1, Filter, Opts),
- {[Before, List, After], NewOpts};
-handle_rule_call_result({_, {Before, After}}, Filter, TagPath1, _Tag, _Level,
- _Optional1, Args, Opts) when is_list(Before) ->
- {List, NewOpts} = pp_list(Args, TagPath1, 1, Filter, Opts),
- {[Before, List, After], NewOpts}.
-pp_list([H|T], TagPath, Level, Rules, Opts) ->
- {Hpp, Hopts} = pp(H, TagPath, Level, Rules, Opts),
- {Tpp, Tops} = pp_list(T, TagPath, Level + 1, Rules, Hopts),
- {[Hpp|Tpp], Tops};
-pp_list([], _, _, _, Opts) ->
- {[], Opts}.
-reduce_optional([{_, _, H}|T]) -> [H|reduce_optional(T)];
-reduce_optional([]) -> [].
-report_error(Arg1, Cause, Arg2) ->
- [Tag|_] = Arg1,
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Formatting trouble in ~p: ~p", [Tag, Cause]),
- docb_util:message(error, "Failure in rule(~p, ~p)", [Arg1, Arg2]).
-%% include_file(File, Tag) -> {ok, String} | error
-include_file(File, Tag) ->
- include(File, "%S" ++ Tag, "%E" ++ Tag).
-%% include(File, StartTag, StopTag) -> {ok, String} | error
-include(File, "", "") ->
- case file:open(File, [read]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- String = include_all(Fd),
- file:close(Fd),
- {ok, String};
- _ ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Include file ~s not found", [File]),
- error
- end;
-include(File, StartTag, StopTag) ->
- case file:open(File, [read]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- String = extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, searching),
- file:close(Fd),
- {ok, lists:flatten(String)};
- _ ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Include file ~s not found", [File]),
- error
- end.
-include_all(Fd) ->
- case io:get_line(Fd, '') of
- eof ->
- [];
- ListOfChars ->
- ListOfChars ++ include_all(Fd)
- end.
-extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, State) ->
- Line=io:get_line(Fd, ''),
- extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, State, Line).
-extract(File, _, _, _, _, eof) ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Premature end of file in include file ~p",
- [File]),
- [];
-extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, searching, Line) ->
- case regexp:match(Line, "^" ++ StartTag) of
- {match, _Start, _Length} ->
- extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, copying);
- nomatch ->
- extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, searching);
- {error, _Error} ->
- docb_util:message(error, "Bad syntax in ~s", [File]),
- []
- end;
-extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, copying, Line) ->
- case regexp:match(Line, "^" ++ StopTag) of
- {match, _Start, _Length} ->
- [];
- nomatch ->
- [Line|extract(File, Fd, StartTag, StopTag, copying)];
- {error, _Error} ->
- docb_util:message(error, "Bad syntax in ~s", [File]),
- []
- end.
-eval_str(Str) ->
- case lib:eval_str(Str) of
- {error, Report} ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "ErlEval failed: ~s (~s)", [Str, Report]);
- {ok, S} ->
- io_lib:format("~p~n", [S])
- end.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_pretty_format.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_pretty_format.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 25dcd8987b..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_pretty_format.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% pretty_format:term(Term) -> PNF list of characters
-%% Note: this is usually used in expressions like:
-%% io:format('~s\n', [pretty_format:term(Term)]).
-%% Uses the following simple heuristics:
-%% 1) Simple tuples are printed across the page.
-%% (Simple means *all* the elements are "flat")
-%% 2) The complex tuple {Arg1, Arg2, Arg3,....} is printed thus:
-%% {Arg1,
-%% Arg2,
-%% Arg3,
-%% ...}
-%% 3) Lists are treated as for tuples.
-%% 4) Lists of printable characters are treated as strings.
-%% This method seems to work reasonable well for {Tag, ...} type
-%% data structures.
-term(Term) ->
- element(2, term(Term, 0)).
-%% pretty_format:term(Term, Indent} -> {Indent', Chars}
-%% Format <Term> -- use <Indent> to indent the *next* line.
-%% Note: Indent' is a new indentaion level (sometimes printing <Term>
-%% the next line to need an "extra" indent!).
-term([], Indent) ->
- {Indent, [$[,$]]};
-term(L, Indent) when is_list(L) ->
- case is_string(L) of
- true ->
- {Indent, io_lib:write_string(L)};
- false ->
- case complex_list(L) of
- true ->
- write_complex_list(L, Indent);
- false ->
- write_simple_list(L, Indent)
- end
- end;
-term(T, Indent) when is_tuple(T) ->
- case complex_tuple(T) of
- true ->
- write_complex_tuple(T, Indent);
- false ->
- write_simple_tuple(T, Indent)
- end;
-term(A, Indent) ->
- {Indent, io_lib:write(A)}.
-%% write_simple_list([H|T], Indent) -> {Indent', Chars}
-write_simple_list([H|T], Indent) ->
- {_, S1} = term(H, Indent),
- {_, S2} = write_simple_list_tail(T, Indent),
- {Indent, [$[,S1|S2]}.
-write_simple_list_tail([H|T], Indent) ->
- {_, S1} = term(H, Indent),
- {_, S2} = write_simple_list_tail(T, Indent),
- {Indent, [$,,S1| S2]};
-write_simple_list_tail([], Indent) ->
- {Indent, "]"};
-write_simple_list_tail(Other, Indent) ->
- {_, S} = term(Other, Indent),
- {Indent, [$|,S,$]]}.
-%% write_complex_list([H|T], Indent) -> {Indent', Chars}
-write_complex_list([H|T], Indent) ->
- {I1, S1} = term(H, Indent+1),
- {_, S2} = write_complex_list_tail(T, I1),
- {Indent, [$[,S1|S2]}.
-write_complex_list_tail([H|T], Indent) ->
- {I1, S1} = term(H, Indent),
- {_, S2} = write_complex_list_tail(T, I1),
- {Indent, [$,,nl_indent(Indent),S1,S2]};
-write_complex_list_tail([], Indent) ->
- {Indent, "]"};
-write_complex_list_tail(Other, Indent) ->
- {_, S} = term(Other, Indent),
- {Indent, [$|,S,$]]}.
-%% complex_list(List) -> true | false
-%% Returns true if the list is complex otherwise false.
-complex_list([]) ->
- false;
-complex_list([H|T]) when is_list(H) ->
- case is_string(H) of
- true ->
- complex_list(T);
- false ->
- true
- end;
-complex_list([H|_]) when is_tuple(H) -> true;
-complex_list(_) -> false.
-%% complex_tuple(Tuple) -> true | false
-%% Returns true if the tuple is complex otherwise false.
-complex_tuple(T) ->
- complex_list(tuple_to_list(T)).
-%% write_simple_tuple(Tuple, Indent} -> {Indent', Chars}
-write_simple_tuple({}, Indent) ->
- {Indent, "{}"};
-write_simple_tuple(Tuple, Indent) ->
- {_, S} = write_simple_tuple_args(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Indent),
- {Indent, [${, S, $}]}.
-write_simple_tuple_args([X], Indent) ->
- term(X, Indent);
-write_simple_tuple_args([H|T], Indent) ->
- {_, SH} = term(H, Indent),
- {_, ST} = write_simple_tuple_args(T, Indent),
- {Indent, [SH, $,, ST]}.
-%% write_complex_tuple(Tuple, Indent} -> {Indent', Chars}
-write_complex_tuple(Tuple, Indent) ->
- [H|T] = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
- {I1, SH} = term(H, Indent+2),
- {_, ST} = write_complex_tuple_args(T, I1),
- {Indent, [${, SH, ST, $}]}.
-write_complex_tuple_args([X], Indent) ->
- {_, S} = term(X, Indent),
- {Indent, [$,, nl_indent(Indent), S]};
-write_complex_tuple_args([H|T], Indent) ->
- {I1, SH} = term(H, Indent),
- {_, ST} = write_complex_tuple_args(T, I1),
- {Indent, [$,, nl_indent(Indent) , SH, ST]};
-write_complex_tuple_args([], Indent) ->
- {Indent, []}.
-%% utilities
-nl_indent(I) when I >= 0 ->
- ["\n"|indent(I)];
-nl_indent(_I) ->
- [$ ].
-indent(I) when I >= 8 ->
- [$\t|indent(I-8)];
-indent(I) when I > 0 ->
- [$ |indent(I-1)];
-indent(_) ->
- [].
-is_string([9|T]) ->
- is_string(T);
-is_string([10|T]) ->
- is_string(T);
-is_string([H|T]) when H >31, H < 127 ->
- is_string(T);
-is_string([]) ->
- true;
-is_string(_) ->
- false.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_application2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_application2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d8cb214d0a..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_application2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(File, {application, _Attrs, [Header|Rest]}, Opts0) ->
- %% Extract header data
- Title = docb_html_util:extract_header_data(title, Header),
- case docb_util:an_option(kwicindex_only, Opts0) of
- false ->
- %% Create the framing HTML document
- OutFile = docb_util:outfile(File++"_frame", ".html", Opts0),
- case file:open(OutFile, [write]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- io:format(Fd,
-"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\"
-<!-- This document was generated using DocBuilder-" ++ docb_util:version() ++ " -->
- <title>~s</title>
- " ++ docb_util:html_snippet(head, Opts0) ++ "
-<frameset cols=\"150, *\">
- <frame src=\"~s\" name=\"toc\">
- <frame src=\"~s\" name=\"document\">
- <noframes>
- <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#0000FF\"
- vlink=\"#FF00FF\" alink=\"#FF0000\">
- <p>This documentation requires a browser that can handle frames</p>
- </body>
- </noframes>
- [Title,
- File++".html", File++"_first.html"]),
- file:close(Fd)
- end,
- %% Create the front HTML document
- docb_main:transform(first, html, Opts0, File ++ "_first",
- {first, [], [Header|Rest]});
- true ->
- ok
- end,
- %% Extract files to include
- Files = case Rest of
- [{description, _, _}|NewRest] ->
- lists:map(fun({include, [{_, _, F}], _}) ->filename:rootname(F) end,
- NewRest);
- [{include, _, _}|_NewRest] ->
- lists:map(fun({include, [{_, _, F}], _}) -> filename:rootname(F) end,
- Rest)
- end,
- %% Concat all reference manuals into a *big* parse tree
- ConcatTree = concat_files(Files, Opts0),
- %% Create the kwic index src file to be put in outdir
- docb_main:transform(refs, kwic, Opts0, File, {refs,[],ConcatTree}),
- case docb_util:an_option(kwicindex_only, Opts0) of
- false ->
- %% Create an index
- docb_main:transform(index, html, Opts0, File ++ "_index",
- {index, [], [Header|ConcatTree]}),
- %% Create a cite dictionary
- docb_main:transform(cite, html, Opts0, File ++ "_cite",
- {cite, [], [Header|ConcatTree]}),
- %% Create a term dictionary
- docb_main:transform(term, html, Opts0, File ++ "_term",
- {term, [], [Header|ConcatTree]}),
- %% Transform each reference page
- case docb_util:an_option(framework_only, Opts0) of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- transform_refs(Files,
- [dict,{part_application,File}|Opts0])
- end;
- true ->
- ok
- end,
- %% Find all fascicules to be put in the top menu of the table of
- %% contents
- Ext = docb_util:lookup_option(src_type, Opts0),
- Opts2 =
- case filelib:is_regular("fascicules"++Ext) of
- true ->
- case docb_main:parse1("fascicules", Opts0) of
- {ok, Parse} ->
- FascData = get_fasc_data(Parse),
- case lists:keyfind(File, 1, FascData) of
- {_, _, "YES", _} ->
- OrigFile =
- docb_util:outfile(File++"_frame",
- ".html", Opts0),
- EntryFile =
- docb_util:outfile("index",
- ".html",Opts0),
- docb_util:message(info,
- "Copying ~s to ~s",
- [OrigFile,EntryFile]),
- file:copy(OrigFile, EntryFile);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- [{fascdata, FascData}| Opts0];
- errors ->
- %% Do not bother
- docb_util:message(
- warning,
- "fascicules~s could not be parsed,"
- " no index.html created",
- [Ext]),
- Opts0
- end;
- false ->
- %% do not bother
- docb_util:message(warning,
- "fascicules~s not found, "
- "no index.html created",
- [Ext]),
- Opts0
- end,
- %% Create ToC parse tree
- {{toc, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}], [Header|make_toc(ConcatTree)]},
- Opts2}.
-concat_files(Files, Opts) ->
- concat_files(Files, [], Opts).
-concat_files([File|Rest], Body, Opts) ->
- case docb_main:parse1(File, Opts) of
- {ok, Parse} ->
- NewParse=expand([Parse], File),
- %% Remove the reference manual header
- [{Ref, [], [_Hdr| NewBody]}] = NewParse,
- RefParse = [{Ref, [], NewBody}],
- Body ++ concat_files(Rest, RefParse, Opts);
- errors ->
- errors
- end;
-concat_files([], Body, _Opts) ->
- Body.
-expand([], _) ->
- [];
-expand([{pcdata, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{pcdata, Attrs, More}|expand(Rest, File)];
-expand([{name, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{name, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}|Attrs], More}|expand(Rest, File)];
-expand([{module, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{module, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}|Attrs], More}|expand(Rest,File)];
-expand([{file, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{file, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}|Attrs], More}|expand(Rest, File)];
-expand([{app, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{app, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}|Attrs], More}|expand(Rest, File)];
-expand([{lib, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{lib, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}|Attrs], More}|expand(Rest, File)];
-expand([{com, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{com, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}|Attrs], More}|expand(Rest, File)];
-expand([{Tag, Attrs, More}|Rest], File) ->
- [{Tag, Attrs, expand(More, File)}|expand(Rest, File)].
-transform_refs([], _) ->
- ok;
-transform_refs([File|Rest], Opts) ->
- Ext = docb_util:lookup_option(src_type, Opts),
- docb_util:message(info, "Processing \"~s~s\"", [File, Ext]),
- docb_main:process(File, Opts),
- transform_refs(Rest, Opts).
-make_toc([]) ->
- [];
-make_toc([{pcdata, _Attrs, _More}|Rest]) ->
- make_toc(Rest);
-make_toc([{module, Attrs, More}|Rest]) ->
- [{module, Attrs, More}|make_toc(Rest)];
-make_toc([{file, Attrs, More}|Rest]) ->
- [{file, Attrs, More}|make_toc(Rest)];
-make_toc([{app, Attrs, More}|Rest]) ->
- [{app, Attrs, More}|make_toc(Rest)];
-make_toc([{lib, Attrs, More}|Rest]) ->
- [{lib, Attrs, More}|make_toc(Rest)];
-make_toc([{com, Attrs, More}|Rest]) ->
- [{com, Attrs, More}|make_toc(Rest)];
-make_toc([{_Tag, _Attrs, More}|Rest]) ->
- make_toc(More) ++ make_toc(Rest).
-rule([module|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {"<small><a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_href(File) ++ "\">",
- "</a></small><br/>\n"};
-rule([file|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {"<small><a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_href(File) ++ "\">",
- "</a></small><br/>\n"};
-rule([app|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {"<small><a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_href(File) ++ "\">",
- "</a></small><br/>\n"};
-rule([lib|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {"<small><a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_href(File) ++ "\">",
- "</a></small><br/>\n"};
-rule([com|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {"<small><a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_href(File) ++ "\">",
- "</a></small><br/>\n"};
-rule([pcdata|_], {_, _, Data}) ->
- {drop, docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Data)};
-rule(_, _) ->
- {drop, ""}.
-rule([toc|_], {_Depth, [File], [Header|_]}, Opts) ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option(fascdata, Opts) of
- false ->
- {{docb_html_layout:application_toc_top(
- docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header),
- File, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:part_toc_bot()}, Opts};
- FascData ->
- HRefTexts =
- lists:map(
- fun({_File, HRef, _Entry, PCText}) ->
- {HRef, docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(PCText)}
- end,
- FascData),
- {{docb_html_layout:application_toc_top(
- docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header),
- File, Opts, HRefTexts) ++ "\n",
- docb_html_layout:part_toc_bot()}, Opts}
- end.
-%% Returns: [{File, HRef, Entry, Text}].
-get_fasc_data({fascicules, _, Fascs}) ->
- lists:map(
- fun({fascicule, Atts, Trees}) ->
- AVals = get_avals(Atts),
- PCText = get_pc_text(Trees),
- list_to_tuple(lists:append([AVals, [PCText]]))
- end,
- Fascs).
-get_avals(Atts) ->
- [element(3, Tuple) || Tuple <- Atts].
-get_pc_text([{pcdata, _, Text}]) ->
- Text.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_appref2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_appref2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4cc0f815..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_appref2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-%% Transform the parse tree. Header data is stored in an extra
-%% argument to make life easier later on.
-transform(_File, {appref,_,[Header|Rest]}, _Opts) ->
- Data = [{[], [], docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header)}],
- {appref, Data, [{header,[],[]}|Rest]}.
-rule([header|_],_) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([app|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>APPLICATION</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([appsummary|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>APPLICATION SUMMARY</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory,TagBody).
-rule([appref|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:ref_top(Data, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:ref_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_chapter2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_chapter2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 185cdc7cc3..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_chapter2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(File, {chapter,_,[Header|Rest]}, Opts) ->
- Data = [{[], [], docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header)}],
- Tree = {chapter, Data, [{header,[],[]}|Rest]},
- ChapterLevel =
- case docb_util:lookup_option(number, Opts) of
- false -> none;
- Value -> Value
- end,
- docb_html_util:number(Tree, ChapterLevel, File).
-rule([header|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([toc|_], {_,_,ToC}) ->
- {drop,
- "\n<h3>Table of Contents</h3>\n" ++
- docb_html_util:format_toc(ToC) ++ "\n"};
-rule([section|_], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([title|Rest], {_,[Number,_File], [{pcdata,_,Title}]}) ->
- N = integer_to_list(docb_html_util:count_sections(Rest)+1),
- {drop,"\n<h" ++ N ++ ">" ++ Number ++ " " ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Title) ++ "</h" ++ N ++ ">\n"};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([chapter|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:chapter_top(Data, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:chapter_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_cite2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_cite2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 77f1c4e636..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_cite2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File, Tree, Opts) ->
- purge(Tree, Opts).
-purge({Tag, Attrs, [Header|Body]}, Opts) ->
- CiteList = case docb_util:lookup_option({defs,cite}, Opts) of
- false -> [];
- Value -> Value
- end,
- B1 = purge_body(Body, CiteList),
- B2 = lists:ukeysort(2, B1),
- {Tag, Attrs, [Header|B2]}.
-purge_body([], _) ->
- [];
-purge_body([{pcdata,_Attrs,_More}|Rest], CiteList) ->
- purge_body(Rest, CiteList);
-purge_body([{cite,[{"ID","CDATA",ID}],More}|Rest], CiteList) ->
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, CiteList) of
- false ->
- [{cite, [{"NAME","CDATA",ID}, {"ID","CDATA",ID}], More}|
- purge_body(Rest, CiteList)];
- {ID, Name, _Description, _Responsible} ->
- [{cite, [{"NAME","CDATA",Name}, {"ID","CDATA",ID}], More}|
- purge_body(Rest, CiteList)];
- {ID, Name, _Description} ->
- [{cite, [{"NAME","CDATA",Name}, {"ID","CDATA",ID}], More}|
- purge_body(Rest, CiteList)]
- end;
-purge_body([{_Tag,_Attrs,More}|Rest], CiteList) ->
- purge_body(More, CiteList) ++ purge_body(Rest, CiteList).
-rule([header|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule(_, _) ->
- {drop, ""}.
-rule([cite|_], {_,[],[Header]}, Opts) ->
- HeaderData = docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header),
- {{docb_html_layout:chapter_top(HeaderData, Opts) ++
- "\n<center><h1>Bibliography</h1></center>\n",
- docb_html_layout:chapter_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule([cite|_], {_,[],[Header|_]}, Opts) ->
- HeaderData = docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header),
- {{docb_html_layout:chapter_top(HeaderData, Opts) ++
- "\n<center><h1>Bibliography</h1></center>\n<dl>\n",
- "\n</dl>\n" ++ docb_html_layout:chapter_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule([cite|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:chapter_top(Data, Opts) ++
- "\n<center><h1>Bibliography</h1></center>\n<dl>\n",
- "\n</dl>\n" ++ docb_html_layout:chapter_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule([cite|T], {A, B, [{citedef,C,
- [{ctitle, [], [{pcdata,[],CTitle}]},
- {cauthor, [], [{pcdata,[],CAuthor}]},
- {chowpublished, [],
- [{pcdata,[],Chowpublished}]}]}]}, Opts) ->
- CiteDef = CTitle ++ " " ++ CAuthor ++ " " ++ Chowpublished,
- rule([cite|T], {A,B,[{citedef,C,[{pcdata,[],CiteDef}]}]}, Opts);
-rule([cite|_], {_,[Name,ID], [{citedef,[],[{pcdata,[],Def}]}]}, Opts) ->
- CiteList =
- case docb_util:lookup_option({defs,cite}, Opts) of
- false -> [];
- Value -> Value
- end,
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, CiteList) of
- false ->
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ ID ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Def) ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description, _Responsible} ->
- docb_util:message(warning,
- "Global cite ~s overriding local", [ID]),
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description} ->
- docb_util:message(warning,
- "Global cite ~s overriding local", [ID]),
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts}
- end;
-rule([cite|_], {_,[Name,ID],_}, Opts) ->
- CiteList =
- case docb_util:lookup_option({defs,cite}, Opts) of
- false -> [];
- Value -> Value
- end,
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, CiteList) of
- false ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "The cite ~s has no definition", [ID]),
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ ID ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- "??" ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description, _Responsible} ->
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description} ->
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts}
- end.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_comref2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_comref2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 25207dccb4..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_comref2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File, {comref,_,[Header|Rest]}, _Opts) ->
- Data = [{[], [], docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header)}],
- {comref, Data, [{header,[],[]}|Rest]}.
-rule([header|_],_) ->
- {drop,""};
-rule([com|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>COMMAND</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([comsummary|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>COMMAND SUMMARY</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([comref|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:ref_top(Data, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:ref_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_cref2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_cref2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 06748b8c57..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_cref2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File, {cref,_,[Header|Rest]}, _Opts) ->
- Data = [{[], [], docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header)}],
- {cref, Data, [{header,[],[]}|Rest]}.
-rule([header|_],_) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([ret|_],_) ->
- {"",""};
-rule([nametext|_],_) ->
- {" ",""};
-rule([name|_], {_,_,[_Ret,{nametext,[],[{pcdata,[],Name}]}]}) ->
- FName = lists:flatten(docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Name)),
- TName = docb_util:trim(FName),
- CAnchor = docb_util:fknidx(TName, "/"),
- {"<A NAME=\"" ++ CAnchor ++ "\"><STRONG><CODE>",
- "</CODE></STRONG></A><BR>\n"};
-rule([name|T], {I,As,[Ret,{pcdata,[],Name}]}) -> % For SGML DTD
- rule([name|T], {I,As,[Ret,{nametext,[],[{pcdata,[],Name}]}]});
-rule([lib|_],_) ->
- {"\n<H3>C LIBRARY</H3>\n<DIV CLASS=REFBODY>\n","\n</DIV>\n"};
-rule([libsummary|_],_) ->
- {"\n<H3>C LIBRARY SUMMARY</H3>\n<DIV CLASS=REFBODY>\n","\n</DIV>\n"};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([cref|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:ref_top(Data, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:ref_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_erlref2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_erlref2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index b264c46bce..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_erlref2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File, {erlref,_,[Header|Rest]}, _Opts) ->
- Data = [{[], [], docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header)}],
- {erlref, Data, [{header,[],[]}|Rest]}.
-rule([header|_],_) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([module|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>MODULE</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([modulesummary|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>MODULE SUMMARY</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([erlref|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:ref_top(Data, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:ref_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_fileref2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_fileref2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 60280543a8..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_fileref2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File, {fileref,_,[Header|Rest]}, _Opts) ->
- Data = [{[], [], docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header)}],
- {fileref, Data, [{header,[],[]}|Rest]}.
-rule([header|_],_) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([file|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>FILE</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule([filesummary|_],_) ->
- {"\n<h3>FILE SUMMARY</h3>\n<div class=\"REFBODY\">\n","\n</div>\n"};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([fileref|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:ref_top(Data, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:ref_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html_ref:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_first2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_first2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e9ecbe73cb..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_first2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File, Tree, _Opts) ->
- Tree.
-rule([header|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([description|_], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([include|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([first|_], {_,[],[Header|_]}, Opts) ->
- HeaderData = docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header),
- {{docb_html_layout:first_top(HeaderData, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:first_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_index2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_index2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 312342add2..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_index2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File0, {index, Attrs, [Header| Trees0]}, _Opts) ->
- Trees1 = prune_flat(Trees0, false),
- %%
- %% Now each element of Trees1 is a tree with tag `name' and
- %% attribute `File', and with one `pcdata' subtree containing the
- %% name `Func' of the function. We extract `File' and `Func', and
- %% create new trees.
- %%
- %% `File' is attribute CDATA (from an <include file=...>), and
- %% `Func' is PCDATA.
- %%
- FileFuncs =
- [{File, RefType, Func} ||
- {name, [{_, _, File}, {_, _, RefType}|_],
- [{pcdata, [], Func}]}
- <- Trees1],
- Trees2 = new_trees(FileFuncs),
- {index, Attrs, [Header| Trees2]}.
-%% Remove all elements except those with tag equal to `name'.
-%% Within `name' remove all elements except those equal to `pcdata'.
-%% Add attribute `filetype' to `name'.
-%% Refs: appref, comref, cref, erlref, fileref
-prune_flat([{appref, _Attrs, More}| Rest], _) ->
- RefType = appref,
- lists:append(prune_flat(More, RefType), prune_flat(Rest, RefType));
-prune_flat([{comref, _Attrs, More}| Rest], _) ->
- RefType = comref,
- lists:append(prune_flat(More, RefType), prune_flat(Rest, RefType));
-prune_flat([{cref, _Attrs, More}| Rest], _) ->
- RefType = cref,
- lists:append(prune_flat(More, RefType), prune_flat(Rest, RefType));
-prune_flat([{erlref, _Attrs, More}| Rest], _) ->
- RefType = erlref,
- lists:append(prune_flat(More, RefType), prune_flat(Rest, RefType));
-prune_flat([{fileref, _Attrs, More}| Rest], _) ->
- RefType = fileref,
- lists:append(prune_flat(More, RefType), prune_flat(Rest, RefType));
-prune_flat([{name, [Attr0|Attrs0], More}| Rest], RefType) ->
- Attrs = [Attr0, {"FILETYPE", "CDATA", RefType} |
- Attrs0],
- [{name, Attrs, keep_pcdata(More)}| prune_flat(Rest, RefType)];
-prune_flat([{pcdata, _, _}| Rest], RefType) -> % special case
- prune_flat(Rest, RefType);
-prune_flat([{_Tag, _Attrs, More}| Rest], RefType) ->
- lists:append(prune_flat(More, RefType), prune_flat(Rest, RefType));
-prune_flat([], _) ->
- [].
-keep_pcdata(Trees) ->
- [T || T = {pcdata, _, _} <- Trees].
-new_trees(FileFuncs) ->
- Files0 = [{File, RefType} || {File, RefType, _} <- FileFuncs],
- Files1 = lists:usort(Files0),
- FileEntries = [{reffile, File, RefType,
- [Fu || {Fi, _, Fu} <- FileFuncs, Fi == File]}
- || {File, RefType} <- Files1],
- FuncEntries = [{func, Func, RefType, [File]}
- || {File, RefType, Func} <- FileFuncs],
- Entries = FileEntries ++ FuncEntries,
- SortedEntries = sort_entries(Entries),
- %%
- %% We create a tree according to the following "dtd":
- %%
- %% element index (reffile | funcdef)*
- %% element reffile (funcdef2)*
- %% attribute reffile filename CDATA
- %% attribute reffile filetype CDATA
- %% element funcdef2 PCDATA
- %% attribute funcdef2 filename CDATA
- %% attribute funcdef2 filetype CDATA
- %% element funcdef PCDATA
- %% attribute funcdef filename CDATA
- %% attribute funcdef filetype CDATA
- %%
- %% For example:
- %% <index>
- %% <reffile filename="mymod" filetype="erlref">
- %% <funcdef2 filename="mymod" filetype="erlref">myfunca(A)</>
- %% <funcdef2 filename="mymod" filetype="erlref">myfuncb(A, B)</>
- %% </>
- %% <funcdef filename="mymod" filetype="erlref">myfunca(A)</>
- %% <funcdef filename="mymod" filetype="erlref">myfuncb(A, B)</>
- %% </>
- lists:flatmap(
- fun({reffile, File, RefType, Funcs}) ->
- %% A reffile tree
- [{reffile, [{"FILENAME", "CDATA", File},
- {"FILETYPE", "CDATA", RefType}],
- [{funcdef2, [{"FILENAME", "CDATA", File},
- {"FILETYPE", "CDATA", RefType}],
- [{pcdata, [], Func}]} || Func <- Funcs]}];
- ({func, Func, RefType, [File]}) ->
- %% A func tree
- [{funcdef, [{"FILENAME", "CDATA", File},
- {"FILETYPE", "CDATA", RefType}],
- [{pcdata, [], Func}]}]
- end, SortedEntries).
-%% Sorting of entries
-%% The sorting is based on how names of files and functions are
-%% presented (in a browser).
-%% Requires conversion to "function/2" etc.
-sort_entries(Entries) ->
- ExpEntries =
- lists:map(
- fun({reffile, File, RefType, Funcs}) ->
- HFile = filename_sort_order(File),
- HFuncs = [{funcdef_sort_order(Fu, RefType), Fu} || Fu <- Funcs],
- {reffile, HFile, File, RefType, lists:sort(HFuncs)};
- ({func, Func, RefType, [File]}) ->
- HFunc = funcdef_sort_order(Func, RefType),
- HFile = filename_sort_order(File),
- {func, HFunc, Func, RefType, [{HFile, File}]}
- end, Entries),
- SortedExpEntries = lists:keysort(2, ExpEntries),
- lists:map(
- fun({Tag, _HName, Name, RefType, Vals}) ->
- NVals = lists:map(fun({_HVal, Val}) -> Val end, Vals),
- {Tag, Name, RefType, NVals}
- end, SortedExpEntries).
-rule([index| _], _) ->
- {docb_html_layout:index_top("") ++
- "<dl>\n",
- "</dl>\n" ++ docb_html_layout:index_bot()};
-rule([header| _], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([reffile| _], {_, [File, _RefType|_], _}) ->
- CFile = docb_html_util:attribute_cdata_to_html(File),
- {"<dt><em>" ++ CFile ++ "</em></dt>\n", ""};
-rule([funcdef2| _], {_, [File, RefType|_], [{pcdata, [], FuncDef}]}) ->
- FFuncDef = lists:flatten(docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(FuncDef)),
- TFuncDef = docb_util:trim(FFuncDef),
- ShortFuncDef = docb_html_util:make_funcdef_short(TFuncDef, RefType),
- HRef =
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_href_short(File, TFuncDef, RefType),
- {drop,
- "<dd><a href=\"" ++ HRef ++ "\"><code>" ++
- ShortFuncDef ++ "</code></a></dd>\n"};
-rule([funcdef| _], {_, [File, RefType|_], [{pcdata, [], FuncDef}]}) ->
- FFuncDef = lists:flatten(docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(FuncDef)),
- TFuncDef = docb_util:trim(FFuncDef),
- ShortFuncDef = docb_html_util:make_funcdef_short(TFuncDef, RefType),
- HRef =
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_href_short(File, TFuncDef, RefType),
- CFile = docb_html_util:attribute_cdata_to_html(File),
- {drop,
- "<dt><code>" ++ ShortFuncDef ++ "</code></dt>\n"
- "<dd><a href=\"" ++ HRef ++ "\"><em>" ++
- CFile ++ "</em></a></dd>\n"};
-rule(_, _) ->
- {drop, ""}.
-filename_sort_order(File) ->
- docb_html_util:html_latin1_sort_order(
- lists:flatten(
- docb_html_util:attribute_cdata_to_html(string:strip(File)))).
-funcdef_sort_order(FuncDef, RefType) ->
- docb_html_util:html_latin1_sort_order(
- docb_html_util:make_anchor_name_short(FuncDef, RefType)).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_part2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_part2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 30befe8432..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_part2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(File, {part, _Attrs, [Header| Rest]}, Opts0) ->
- %% Extract header data
- Title = docb_html_util:extract_header_data(title, Header),
- %% Create the framing HTML document
- OutFile = docb_util:outfile(File ++ "_frame", ".html", Opts0),
- case file:open(OutFile, [write]) of
- {ok, Frame} ->
- io:format(Frame,
-"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\"
- \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\">
-<!-- This document was generated using DocBuilder-" ++ docb_util:version() ++ " -->
-<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">
- <title>~s</title>
- " ++ docb_util:html_snippet(head, Opts0) ++ "
-<frameset cols=\"200, *\">
- <frame src=\"~s\" name=\"toc\"/>
- <frame src=\"~s\" name=\"document\"/>
- <noframes>
- <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#0000FF\"
- vlink=\"#FF00FF\" alink=\"#FF0000\">
- <p>This documentation requires a browser that can handle frames</p>
- </body>
- </noframes>
- [Title, File ++ ".html", File ++ "_first.html"]),
- file:close(Frame)
- end,
- %% Create the front HTML document
- docb_main:transform(first, html, Opts0, File ++ "_first",
- {first, [], [Header| Rest]}),
- %% Extract files to include
- Files =
- case Rest of
- [{description, _, _}| NewRest] ->
- lists:map(fun({include, [{_, _, F}], _}) -> filename:rootname(F) end,
- NewRest);
- [{include, _, _}| _NewRest] ->
- lists:map(fun({include, [{_, _, F}], _}) -> filename:rootname(F) end, Rest)
- end,
- %% Concat all chapters into a *big* parse tree
- %% Also transform them to HTML
- TransformP = not docb_util:an_option(framework_only, Opts0),
- TOpts = [dict, {part_application,File}],
- ConcatTree = concat_files(Files, Opts0, TransformP, TOpts),
- %% Create a cites dictionary
- docb_main:transform(cite, html, Opts0, File ++ "_cite",
- {cite, [], [Header| ConcatTree]}),
- %% Create a terms dictionary
- docb_main:transform(term, html, Opts0, File ++ "_term",
- {term, [], [Header| ConcatTree]}),
- %% Find all fascicules to be put in the top menu of the table of
- %% contents
- Ext = docb_util:lookup_option(src_type, Opts0),
- Opts2 =
- case filelib:is_regular("fascicules"++Ext) of
- true ->
- case docb_main:parse1("fascicules", Opts0) of
- {ok, Parse} ->
- FascData = get_fasc_data(Parse),
- case lists:keyfind(File, 1, FascData) of
- {_, _, "YES", _} ->
- OrigFile =
- docb_util:outfile(File++"_frame",
- ".html", Opts0),
- EntryFile =
- docb_util:outfile("index",
- ".html", Opts0),
- docb_util:message(info,
- "Copying ~s to ~s",
- [OrigFile,EntryFile]),
- file:copy(OrigFile, EntryFile);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- [{fascdata, FascData}| Opts0];
- errors ->
- %% do not bother
- docb_util:message(
- warning,
- "fascicules~s could not be parsed,"
- " no index.html created~n", [Ext]),
- Opts0
- end;
- _ ->
- %% do not bother
- docb_util:message(warning,
- "fascicules~s not found, "
- "no index.html created~n",
- [Ext]),
- Opts0
- end,
- %% Create ToC parse tree
- {{toc, [{"FILE", "CDATA", File}], [Header| ConcatTree]}, Opts2}.
-concat_files(Files, Opts, TransformP, TOpts) ->
- Ext = docb_util:lookup_option(src_type, Opts),
- concat_files(Files, [], 1, Opts, TransformP, TOpts, Ext).
-concat_files([File | Rest], Body, ChLevel, Opts, TP, TOpts, Ext) ->
- case docb_main:parse1(File, Opts) of
- {ok, Parse} ->
- {TopTag, Attrs, [Header = {header, _, HeaderContents} | More]} = Parse,
- {title,_,Title} = lists:keyfind(title,1,HeaderContents),
- NewMore = [{section, [], [{title, [], Title}| More]}],
- NewParse = {TopTag, Attrs, [Header| NewMore]},
- if
- TP ->
- docb_util:message(info,
- "Processing \"~s~s\"",
- [File, Ext]),
- Opts2 =
- [html, {number,integer_to_list(ChLevel)}] ++
- TOpts ++ Opts,
- docb_main:transform(TopTag, html, Opts2, File,
- NewParse);
- true -> ignore
- end,
- NumberTree =
- docb_html_util:number(NewParse,
- integer_to_list(ChLevel), File),
- {_, [], [_| NewBody]} = NumberTree,
- Body ++ concat_files(Rest, NewBody, ChLevel+1, Opts,
- TP, TOpts, Ext);
- errors ->
- throw({error,"Parse error when building chapter "++File})
- end;
-concat_files([], Body, _ChLevel, _Opts, _TP, _TOpts, _Ext) ->
- Body.
-rule([section| _], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule(_, _) ->
- {drop, ""}.
-rule([toc| _], {_Depth, [File], [Header| _]}, Opts) ->
- case docb_util:lookup_option(fascdata, Opts) of
- false ->
- {{docb_html_layout:part_toc_top(
- docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header), File, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:part_toc_bot()}, Opts};
- FascData ->
- HRefTexts =
- lists:map(
- fun({_File, HRef, _Entry, PCText}) ->
- {HRef, docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(PCText)}
- end,
- FascData),
- {{docb_html_layout:part_toc_top(
- docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header),
- File, Opts, HRefTexts),
- docb_html_layout:part_toc_bot()}, Opts}
- end;
-rule([title| Rest], {_, [Number, File], [{pcdata, _, Title}]}, Opts) ->
- N = docb_html_util:count_sections(Rest),
- OutFile = docb_html_util:make_anchor_href(File),
- if
- N == 1 ->
- {{drop,
- "<hr/>\n<small>" ++
- Number ++
- " <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ OutFile ++ "#" ++
- Number ++ "\">" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Title) ++
- "</a></small><br/>\n"},
- Opts};
- N < 3 ->
- {{drop,
- "<small>" ++
- Number ++
- " <a target=\"document\" href=\"" ++ OutFile ++ "#" ++
- Number ++ "\">" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Title) ++
- "</a></small><br/>\n"},
- Opts};
- true ->
- {{drop, ""}, Opts}
- end.
-%% Parsed fascicules:
-%% {fascicules,[],
-%% [{fascicule, [{"FILE","CDATA","refman"},
-%% {"HREF","CDATA","refman_frame.html"},
-%% {"ENTRY","TOKEN","YES"}],
-%% [{pcdata, [], "" Reference Manual\\n \n"}]},
-%% Returns: [{File, HRef, Entry, Text}].
-get_fasc_data({fascicules, _, Fascs}) ->
- lists:map(
- fun({fascicule, Atts, Trees}) ->
- AVals = get_avals(Atts),
- PCText = get_pc_text(Trees),
- list_to_tuple(lists:append([AVals, [PCText]])) end,
- Fascs).
-get_avals(Atts) ->
- [element(3, Tuple) || Tuple <- Atts].
-get_pc_text([{pcdata, _, Text}]) ->
- Text.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_refs2kwic.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_refs2kwic.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index dc60c329fc..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_refs2kwic.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2]).
-%% Output parts of a parsetree that contains a series of reference
-%% manual pages. The tags considered are: module, file, app, com and lib
-%% (and their corresponding *summary tags), and name, fsummary, c, em,
-%% ret and pcdata.
-extension() ->
- ".kwc".
-transform(File, Tree, Opts) ->
- {refs, [], Trees} = Tree,
- FileTree = {srcfile, [], [{pcdata, [], File}]},
- AppName = docb_util:lookup_option(name, Opts, "unknown"),
- AppTree = {appname, [], [{pcdata, [], AppName}]},
- Vsn = docb_util:lookup_option(vsn, Opts, "unknown"),
- VsnTree = {appvsn, [], [{pcdata, [], Vsn}]},
- NewTree = {refs, [], [FileTree, AppTree, VsnTree| Trees]},
- {NewTree, Opts}.
-rule([refs|_],_) ->
- {"%% Automatically generated. Do not edit.\n", ""};
-rule([srcfile| _], _) ->
- {"{srcfile, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([appname| _], _) ->
- {"{appname, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([appvsn| _], _) ->
- {"{appvsn, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([erlref|_ ], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([fileref|_ ], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([appref|_ ], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([comref|_ ], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([cref|_ ], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([module| _], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {drop, "{module, \"" ++ File ++ "\"}.\n"};
-rule([file|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {drop, "{file, \"" ++ File ++ "\"}.\n"};
-rule([app|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {drop, "{app, \"" ++ File ++ "\"}.\n"};
-rule([com|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {drop, "{com, \"" ++ File ++ "\"}.\n"};
-rule([lib|_], {_, [File], _}) ->
- {drop, "{lib, \"" ++ File ++ "\"}.\n"};
-rule([modulesummary|_], _) ->
- {"{modulesummary, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([filesummary|_], _) ->
- {"{filesummary, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([appsummary|_], _) ->
- {"{appsummary, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([comsummary|_], _) ->
- {"{comsummary, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([libsummary|_], _) ->
- {"{libsummary, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([funcs|_ ], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([func|_ ], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([name,func,funcs,cref|_], {_,[_File], [_Ret,{pcdata,[],Name}]}) ->
- FName = lists:flatten(docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Name)),
- TName = docb_util:trim(FName),
- case catch docb_util:fknidx(TName, "/") of
- {'EXIT',_} ->
- {drop, ["{name, \"", escq(TName), "\"}.\n"]};
- FuncName ->
- {drop, ["{name, \"", escq(FuncName), "\"}.\n"]}
- end;
-rule([name,func,funcs,erlref|_], {_,[_File], [{pcdata,[],Name}]}) ->
- FName = lists:flatten(docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Name)),
- TName = docb_util:trim(FName),
- case catch docb_util:fknidx(TName, "/") of
- {'EXIT',_} ->
- {drop, ["{name, \"", escq(TName), "\"}.\n"]};
- FuncName ->
- {drop, ["{name, \"", escq(FuncName), "\"}.\n"]}
- end;
-rule([name, func| _], {_, [_File], [{pcdata, [], Name}]}) ->
- FName = lists:flatten(docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Name)),
- TName = docb_util:trim(FName),
- Cmd = case string:tokens(TName, " ") of
- [Cmd0| _] ->
- Cmd0;
- _ ->
- TName
- end,
- {drop, ["{name, \"", escq(Cmd), "\"}.\n"]};
-rule([fsummary| _], _) ->
- {"{fsummary, \"", "\"}.\n"};
-rule([c, fsummary|_], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([em, fsummary|_], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([pcdata| _], {_, _, Data}) ->
- FData = lists:flatten(docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Data)),
- Out = lists:map(fun($\n) -> $ ; (C) -> C end, FData),
- {drop, escq(Out)};
-rule(_, _) ->
- {drop, ""}.
-escq(Cs) ->
- lists:flatmap(fun($") ->
- "\\\"";
- (C) -> [C]
- end,
- Cs).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_report2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_report2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3386ed972a..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_report2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-%% File extension
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(File, {report,_,[Header|Rest]}, Opts) ->
- Data = [{[], [], docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header)}],
- Tree = {report, Data, [{header,[],[]}|Rest]},
- ChapterLevel = case docb_util:lookup_option(number, Opts) of
- false -> none;
- Value -> Value
- end,
- NumberTree = docb_html_util:number(Tree, ChapterLevel, File),
- options(NumberTree, Opts).
-options(Tree, []) ->
- Tree;
-options(Tree, [_|Rest]) ->
- options(Tree, Rest).
-rule([header|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule([toc|_], {_,_,ToC}) ->
- {drop, "\n<h3>Table of Contents</h3>\n" ++
- docb_html_util:format_toc(ToC) ++ "\n"};
-rule([section|_], _) ->
- {"", ""};
-rule([title|Rest], {_,[Number,_File], [{pcdata,_,Title}]}) ->
- N = integer_to_list(docb_html_util:count_sections(Rest)+1),
- {drop, "\n<h" ++ N ++ ">" ++ Number ++ " " ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Title) ++ "</h" ++ N ++ ">\n"};
-rule([erlinclude|_], {_,[File,Tag],_}) ->
- docb_html_util:erl_include(File, Tag);
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody).
-rule([report|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:report_top(Data, Opts),
- docb_html_layout:report_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts) ->
- docb_html:rule(TagHistory, TagBody, Opts).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_term2html.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_term2html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c4a5312a..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_tr_term2html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([extension/0, transform/3, rule/2, rule/3]).
-extension() ->
- ".html".
-transform(_File, Tree, Opts) ->
- purge(Tree, Opts).
-purge({Tag, Attrs, [Header|Body]}, Opts) ->
- TermList = case docb_util:lookup_option({defs,term}, Opts) of
- false -> [];
- Value -> Value
- end,
- B1 = purge_body(Body, TermList),
- B2 = lists:ukeysort(2, B1),
- {Tag, Attrs, [Header|B2]}.
-purge_body([], _) ->
- [];
-purge_body([{pcdata,_Attrs,_More}|Rest], TermList) ->
- purge_body(Rest, TermList);
-purge_body([{term,[{"ID","CDATA",ID}],More}|Rest], TermList) ->
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, TermList) of
- false ->
- [{term,[{"NAME","CDATA",ID},{"ID","CDATA",ID}],More}|
- purge_body(Rest, TermList)];
- {ID, Name, _Description, _Responsible} ->
- [{term,[{"NAME","CDATA",Name},{"ID","CDATA",ID}],More}|
- purge_body(Rest, TermList)];
- {ID, Name, _Description} ->
- [{term,[{"NAME","CDATA",Name},{"ID","CDATA",ID}],More}|
- purge_body(Rest, TermList)]
- end;
-purge_body([{_Tag,_Attrs,More}|Rest], TermList) ->
- purge_body(More, TermList) ++ purge_body(Rest, TermList).
-rule([header|_], _) ->
- {drop, ""};
-rule(_, _) ->
- {drop, ""}.
-rule([term|_], {_,[],[Header]}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:chapter_top(
- docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header), Opts) ++
- "\n<center><h1>Glossary</h1></center>\n",
- docb_html_layout:chapter_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule([term|_], {_,[],[Header|_]},Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:chapter_top(
- docb_html_util:all_header_data(Header), Opts) ++
- "\n<center><h1>Glossary</h1></center>\n<dl>\n",
- "\n</dl>\n" ++ docb_html_layout:chapter_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule([term|_], {_,[Data],_}, Opts) ->
- {{docb_html_layout:chapter_top(Data, Opts) ++
- "\n<center><h1>Bibliography</h1></center>\n<dl>\n",
- "\n</dl>\n" ++ docb_html_layout:chapter_bot(Opts)}, Opts};
-rule([term|_], {_,[Name,ID],[{termdef,[],[{pcdata,[],Def}]}]}, Opts) ->
- TermList = case docb_util:lookup_option({defs,term}, Opts) of
- false -> [];
- Value -> Value
- end,
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, TermList) of
- false ->
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ ID ++ "</strong></a>\n</dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Def) ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description, _Responsible} ->
- docb_util:message(warning,
- "Global term ~s overriding local", [ID]),
- {{drop,"\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description} ->
- docb_util:message(warning,
- "Global term ~s overriding local", [ID]),
- {{drop, "\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts}
- end;
-rule([term|_], {_,[Name,ID],_}, Opts) ->
- TermList = case docb_util:lookup_option({defs,term}, Opts) of
- false -> [];
- Value -> Value
- end,
- case lists:keyfind(ID, 1, TermList) of
- false ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "The term ~s has no definition", [ID]),
- {{drop, "\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ ID ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- "??" ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description, _Responsible} ->
- {{drop, "\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"},
- Opts};
- {ID, Name, Description} ->
- {{drop, "\n<dt><a name=\"" ++ ID ++ "\">" ++
- "<strong>" ++ Name ++ "</strong></a></dt>\n<dd>" ++
- docb_html_util:pcdata_to_html(Description) ++ "\n</dd>\n"}, Opts}
- end.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_transform.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_transform.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 736ac92274..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_transform.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([file/1, file/2]).
- {file,2,next_major_release}]).
-%% file(File) -> ok | {error, Reason}
-%% file(File, Opts) -> ok | {error, Reason}
-%% File = string(), file name with or without ".xml" extension
-%% Opts = [Opt]
-%% Reason = badfile | {badopt, Term}
-file(File0) ->
- file(File0, []).
-file(File0, RawOpts) ->
- File = filename:rootname(File0), % without extension
- Ext = case filename:extension(File0) of
- ".xml" -> ".xml";
- ".sgml" -> ".sgml";
- "" ->
- %% If the file is given without extension, we try to
- %% infer if the source file is XML or SGML.
- %% SGML is supported *internally within OTP* for
- %% backwards compatibility reasons.
- case filelib:is_regular(File++".xml") of
- true -> ".xml";
- false -> ".sgml"
- end;
- _Ext0 -> % this is probably an error...
- ".xml"
- end,
- case filelib:is_regular(File++Ext) of
- true ->
- case parse(RawOpts) of
- {ok, Opts0} ->
- {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
- Opts = [{src_type,Ext},
- {src_dir,Cwd},
- {src_file,File},
- {{local_defs,term},[]},
- {{local_defs,cite},[]} | Opts0],
- case docb_main:process(File, Opts) of
- errors -> error;
- ok -> ok
- end;
- Error -> % {error, {badopt,Term}}
- Error
- end;
- false ->
- {error, badfile}
- end.
-parse(RawOpts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, []).
-%% Officially supported options
-parse([{html_mod,Module} | RawOpts], Opts) when is_atom(Module) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{html_mod,Module} | Opts]);
-parse([{outdir,Dir} | RawOpts], Opts) when is_list(Dir) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{outdir,Dir} | Opts]);
-parse([{number,N} | RawOpts], Opts) when is_integer(N) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{number,integer_to_list(N)} | Opts]);
-parse([{number,Nstr} | RawOpts], Opts) -> % list when called from script
- parse(RawOpts, [{number,Nstr} | Opts]);
-parse([{ptype,Type} | RawOpts], Opts) when Type==unix;
- Type==windows ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{ptype,atom_to_list(Type)} | Opts]);
-parse([{ptype,Type} | RawOpts], Opts) -> % list when called from script
- parse(RawOpts, [{ptype,Type} | Opts]);
-parse([silent | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- put(option_silent, true),
- parse(RawOpts, [silent | Opts]);
-parse([{top,Index} | RawOpts], Opts) when is_list(Index) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{top,Index} | Opts]);
-parse([{vsn,Vsn} | RawOpts], Opts) when is_list(Vsn) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{vsn,Vsn} | Opts]);
-parse([{term_defs,File} | RawOpts], Opts) when is_list(File) ->
- Opts2 = get_defs(term, File, Opts),
- parse(RawOpts, Opts2);
-parse([{cite_defs,File} | RawOpts], Opts) when is_list(File) ->
- Opts2 = get_defs(cite, File, Opts),
- parse(RawOpts, Opts2);
-%% OTP internal options (SGML and PDF support etc.)
-parse([html | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [html | Opts]);
-parse([latex | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [latex | Opts]);
-parse([{man,Level} | RawOpts], Opts) -> % Level = 1..9
- parse(RawOpts, [{man,Level} | Opts]);
-parse([{booksty,StyFile} | RawOpts], Opts) -> % "otpA4" | "otpBOOK"
- parse(RawOpts, [{booksty,StyFile} | Opts]);
-parse([{includepath,Dir} | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{includepath,Dir} | Opts]);
-parse([showpaths | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [showpaths | Opts]);
-parse([straight | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [straight | Opts]);
-parse([{ent,Ent} | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{ent,Ent} | Opts]);
-%% Undocumented options
-parse([{name, Name} | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [{name, Name} | Opts]);
-parse([framework_only | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [framework_only | Opts]);
-parse([kwicindex_only | RawOpts], Opts) ->
- parse(RawOpts, [kwicindex_only | Opts]);
-parse([], Opts) ->
- {ok, Opts};
-parse([Opt | _RawOpts], _Opts) ->
- {error, {badopt, Opt}}.
-%% Type = term | cite
-get_defs(Type, File, Opts) ->
- Key = {defs,Type},
- {PrevDefs, Opts2} =
- case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Opts) of
- {_, Defs0} ->
- {Defs0, lists:keydelete(Key, 1, Opts)};
- false ->
- {[], Opts}
- end,
- NewDefs = case file:consult(File) of
- {ok, [DefL]} when is_list(DefL) ->
- DefL;
- {ok, _Terms} ->
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Skipping defs file ~s, does "
- "not contain one list", [File]),
- [];
- {error, Error} ->
- Expl = lists:flatten(file:format_error(Error)),
- docb_util:message(error,
- "Skipping defs file ~s, ~s",
- [File, Expl]),
- []
- end,
- [{Key,PrevDefs++NewDefs} | Opts2].
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_util.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b2eec7733..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
--export([version/0, old_docb_dir/0, dtd_dir/0]).
--export([html_snippet/2, html_snippet/3]).
--export([lookup_option/2, lookup_option/3, lookup_options/2,
- an_option/2]).
--export([outfile/3, full_file_name/4]).
--export([message/2, message/3]).
--export([ltrim/1, rtrim/1, trim/1]).
-%%--DocBuilder info-----------------------------------------------------
-%% version() -> string()
-%% Returns the DocBuilder application version.
-version() ->
- DocbDir = code:lib_dir(docbuilder),
- case string:tokens(filename:basename(DocbDir), "-") of
- [_, Vsn] -> Vsn;
- _ -> "unknown"
- end.
-%% old_docb_dir() -> string()
-%% Returns the root directory of Old_DocBuilder (OTP internal).
-old_docb_dir() ->
- "/home/otp/sgml/docb".
-%% dtd_dir() -> string()
-%% Returns the directory where the XML DTDs are located.
-dtd_dir() ->
- DocbDir = code:lib_dir(docbuilder),
- filename:join(DocbDir, "dtd").
-%%--User defined HTML snippets------------------------------------------
-%% html_snippet(What, Opts) -> HTML
-%% html_snippet(What, Arg, Opts) -> HTML
-%% What = head | seealso
-%% HTML = string()
-html_snippet(What, Opts) ->
- case lookup_option(html_mod, Opts) of
- false -> "";
- Module ->
- case catch Module:What() of
- HTML when is_list(HTML) ->
- {'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
- "";
- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
- message(warning,
- "Callback function ~p:~p() => ~p",
- [Module, What, Reason]),
- "";
- Other ->
- message(warning,
- "Callback function ~p:~p() => ~p",
- [Module, What, Other]),
- ""
- end
- end.
-html_snippet(What, Arg, Opts) ->
- case lookup_option(html_mod, Opts) of
- false -> "";
- Module ->
- case catch Module:What(Arg) of
- HTML when is_list(HTML) ->
- {'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
- "";
- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
- message(warning,
- "Callback function ~p:~p(~p) => ~p",
- [Module, What, Arg, Reason]),
- "";
- Other ->
- message(warning,
- "Callback function ~p:~p(~p) => ~p",
- [Module, What, Arg, Other]),
- ""
- end
- end.
-%%--Option utilities----------------------------------------------------
-%% Opts = [{Opt,Value} | Opt]
-%% lookup_option(Opt, Opts) -> Value | false
-lookup_option(Opt, Opts) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Opt, 1, Opts) of
- {Opt,Value} -> Value;
- false -> false
- end.
-%% lookup_option(Opt, Opts, DefaultValue) -> Value | DefaultValue
-lookup_option(Opt, Opts, DefaultValue) ->
- case lookup_option(Opt,Opts) of
- false -> DefaultValue;
- Value -> Value
- end.
-%% lookup_options(Opt, Opts) -> [Value]
-%% Used when the same option can be defined several times and returns
-%% the (possibly empty) list of values.
-lookup_options(Opt, Opts) ->
- [V || {O, V} <- Opts, O == Opt].
-%% an_option(Opt, Opts) -> bool()
-an_option(Opt, Opts) ->
- lists:member(Opt, Opts).
-%%--File handling-------------------------------------------------------
-%% outfile(File0, Extension, Opts) -> File
-%% Build the full filename for where to place a resulting file.
-outfile(File0, Extension, Opts) ->
- File =
- case regexp:match(File0, "[^/]*\$") of
- {match,Start,Length} ->
- string:substr(File0, Start, Length);
- _ ->
- File0
- end,
- full_file_name(File, Extension, outdir, Opts).
-%% full_file_name(File, Extension, What, Opts) -> File'
-%% File = string()
-%% What = outdir | includepath
-%% Prepend the full path name.
-full_file_name(File, Extension, What, Opts) ->
- Path = lookup_option(What, Opts, ""),
- full_file_name(File, Extension, Path).
-full_file_name(File0, Extension, Path) ->
- File = case filename:extension(File0) of
- Extension -> File0;
- _ -> File0++Extension
- end,
- case File of
- [$/|_] -> File;
- [$~|_] -> File;
- _ when Path=/="" -> filename:join(Path, File);
- _ -> File
- end.
-%%--Messages to the user------------------------------------------------
-%% message(Class, Format)
-%% message(Class, Format, Values) -> ok
-%% Class = info | warning | error
-%% Format, Values -- as in io:format/2
-%% Prints a warning or error message.
-%% Call as util:message(warning, "~w is undefined", [foo]).
-message(Class, Format) ->
- message(Class, Format, []).
-message(Class, Format, Values) ->
- Prefix = case Class of
- info -> "";
- warning -> "*** Warning: ";
- error -> "*** Error: "
- end,
- case get(option_silent) of
- true when Class==warning ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- io:format(Prefix, []),
- io:format(Format, Values),
- io:nl()
- end.
-%%--String handling-----------------------------------------------------
-%% ltrim(Str) -> Str'
-%% rtrim(Str) -> Str'
-%% trim(Str) -> Str'
-%% Strips whitespace from left, right or both.
-ltrim(Str) ->
- lists:dropwhile(fun white_space/1, Str).
-rtrim(Str) ->
- lists:reverse(ltrim(lists:reverse(Str))).
-trim(Str) ->
- rtrim(ltrim(Str)).
-white_space($ ) -> true;
-white_space(C) when C<$ -> true;
-white_space($\n) -> true;
-white_space($\t) -> true;
-white_space(_) -> false.
-%% join(Strings, With) -> string()
-join([H1, H2| T], S) ->
- H1 ++ S ++ join([H2| T], S);
-join([H], _) ->
- H;
-join([], _) ->
- [].
-%% fknidx(FNdef0, Fn_arity_sep) -> string()
-%% Get me the function name and arity.
-fknidx(FNdef0, Fn_arity_sep) ->
- FNdef = string:strip(FNdef0),
- case string:tokens(FNdef,"(") of
- [FNdef] ->
- %% No parentheses, assume variable: remove nl:s at end,
- %% and strip blanks.
- string:strip(string:strip(FNdef, right, $\n));
- [Name0|Args0] ->
- [Args1|_] = string:tokens(string:strip(hd(Args0)), "-"),
- Arity = case Args1 of
- [$)|_] -> 0;
- _ ->
- length(string:tokens(Args1, ","))
- end,
- string:strip(Name0)++Fn_arity_sep++integer_to_list(Arity)
- end.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_util.hrl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_util.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index 01ef3f7fca..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_util.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%%% For character conversion
--record(in_opts, {expand_entities=false,
- encode_filter = fun(X) -> X end}).
--record(out_opts, {escape_chars=false,
- remove_nl=false,
- delete_trailing_whitespace=false,
- delete_trailing_nl=false,
- compress_white_space=false,
- escape_filter = fun(X) -> X end}).
--define(pcdata_IN, #in_opts{expand_entities=true}).
--define(rcdata_IN, #in_opts{expand_entities=true}).
--define(cdata_IN, #in_opts{}).
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xmerl_tree_cb.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xmerl_tree_cb.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index bc62069230..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xmerl_tree_cb.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the Licence for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2006, Ericsson AB.
-%% All Rights Reserved.��
-%% $Id$
-%% This is the XMerL callback module for exporting XML to the internal
-%% tree format used by DocBuilder.
-%% {Doc, _Misc} = xmerl_scan:file("file.xml", [{validation,true}])
-%% Tree = xmerl:export([Doc], docb_xmerl_tree_cb)
- '#text#'/1,
- '#element#'/5]).
-%%--Functions used by xmerl---------------------------------------------
-'#xml-inheritance#'() ->
- [].
-'#root#'(Data, _Attrs, [], _E) ->
- Data.
-'#text#'(Text) ->
- Text2 = strip_leading_blanks(Text),
-%% before
-%% case Text2 of
-%% [$\n|T] ->
-%% case is_empty(T) of
-%% true -> [];
-%% false -> {pcdata, [], nl(Text2)}
-%% end;
-%% _ ->
-%% {pcdata, [], nl(Text2)}
-%% end.
-%% after
- {pcdata, [], nl(Text2)}.
-'#element#'(Tag, Data, Attrs, Parents, _E) when Tag==pre; Tag==code ->
- [H|T] = reinsert_nl(Data),
- NewData = [strip_nl(H)|T],
- NewData2 = case Tag of
- code ->
- fix_single_pcdata(NewData);
- pre ->
- NewData
- end,
- {Tag, attrs(get_dtd(Parents), Tag, Attrs), NewData2};
-'#element#'(Tag, Data, Attrs, Parents, _E) ->
- NewData = case tag_content(Tag) of
- no_pcdata -> % remove all pcdata
- [Dat||
- Dat <- Data,
- begin
- Fun = fun({pcdata,_,_}) -> false;
- (_) -> true end,
- Fun(Dat)
- end];
- single_pcdata when length(Data)>1 ->
- %% merge several pcdata's into one single pcdata
- fix_single_pcdata(Data);
- _ ->
- lists:flatten(Data)
- end,
- {Tag, attrs(get_dtd(Parents), Tag, Attrs), NewData}.
-%%--Internal functions--------------------------------------------------
-%% is_empty(Str) -> bool()
-%% Returns true if the string Str only contains blanks, tabs and
-%% newlines, false otherwise.
-%% is_empty("\n" ++ Text) ->
-%% is_empty(Text);
-%% is_empty("\t" ++ Text) ->
-%% is_empty(Text);
-%% is_empty(" " ++ Text) ->
-%% is_empty(Text);
-%% is_empty("") ->
-%% true;
-%% is_empty(_) ->
-%% false.
-%% reinsert_nl(L1) -> L2
-%% Workaround for <pre>: Normally empty lines are ignored. However,
-%% Xmerl splits lines whenever it encounters an entity. In the case of
-%% <pre>, this may lead to that we ignores what we think is an empty
-%% line but is actually a line break that should be kept, for example
-%% in this case:
-%% <pre>
-%% <input>some command</input> <-- this line break is lost!
-%% &lt;some result&gt;
-%% </pre>
-%% This function reinserts line breaks where necessary.
-reinsert_nl([[]|T]) ->
- [{pcdata,[],"\\n"} | reinsert_nl(T)];
-reinsert_nl([H|T]) ->
- [H | reinsert_nl(T)];
-reinsert_nl([]) ->
- [].
-%% sgmls treats line breaks in a way that DocBuilder relies on and
-%% which must be imitated here. Replace all "\n" with "\\n" and add
-%% "\n" to the end of each text element.
-nl("") ->
- "\n";
-nl("\n"++Text) ->
- "\\n"++nl(Text);
-nl([Ch|Text]) ->
- [Ch|nl(Text)].
-%% strip_leading_blanks(Str) -> Str
-%% Leading spaces and tabs before a newline are always redundant
-%% and are therefore stripped of here
-%% If no newline is found the original string is returned unchanged
-strip_leading_blanks(Str) ->
- strip_leading_blanks(Str,Str).
-strip_leading_blanks([],Str) ->
- Str;
-strip_leading_blanks([$\s|T],Str) ->
- strip_leading_blanks(T,Str);
-strip_leading_blanks([$\t|T],Str) ->
- strip_leading_blanks(T,Str);
-strip_leading_blanks(Rest=[$\n|_],_) ->
- Rest;
-strip_leading_blanks(_,Str) ->
- Str.
-%% strip_nl(Str) -> Str
-%% The XMerL scan will often result in the contents of <pre> or <code>
-%% starting with a newline, as the format is normally:
-%% <pre>
-%% ..contents..
-%% </pre>
-%% However, this newline must be removed, or the resulting HTML will be
-%% <pre>
-%% ..content..
-%% </pre>
-strip_nl({pcdata,[],"\\n"++Str}) -> {pcdata,[],Str};
-strip_nl(E) -> E.
-get_dtd([]) ->
- none;
-get_dtd(Parents) ->
- {DTD, _} = lists:last(Parents),
- DTD.
-%% attrs(DTD, Tag, GivenAttrs) -> AllAttrs
-%% DTD = Tag = atom() DTD and tag name
-%% GivenAttrs = [#xmlAttribute{}]
-%% AllAttrs = [{Name, Type, Val}]
-%% Name = string() (uppercase) Example: "VALIGN"
-%% Type = "CDATA" | "TOKEN"
-%% Val = string() (uppercase if type is "TOKEN", as-is otherwise)
-%% The XMerL scanning of <file>.xml renders only the given attributes.
-%% However, DocBuilder needs also the optional attributes (which not
-%% necessarily have been given), so we add them here, using the default
-%% values according to the DTDs.
-%% NOTE: Uses the information from the DTDs. That is, if some change is
-%% done to the DTDs, also this file must be updated. Ideally, the DTDs
-%% should be parsed automatically in some way.
-%% It can also be noted that this check is superfluous in the case where
-%% all attributes are required (except that the attributes are sorted
-%% in the same order as in the DTD) and where an optional attribute has
-%% type "CDATA" as no sensible default value can be specified in this
-%% case.
-attrs(DTD, Tag, GivenAttrs) ->
- merge_attrs(Tag, default_attrs(DTD, Tag), GivenAttrs).
-merge_attrs(Tag, [{NameA, Type, DefVal}|Default], GivenAttrs) ->
- Val = case lists:keyfind(NameA, #xmlAttribute.name, GivenAttrs) of
- #xmlAttribute{value=Val0} -> Val0;
- false -> DefVal
- end,
- Attr = {attr_name(NameA), Type, attr_val(Type, Val)},
- [Attr | merge_attrs(Tag, Default, GivenAttrs)];
-merge_attrs(_Tag, [], _GivenAttrs) ->
- [].
-attr_name(Atom) ->
- string:to_upper(atom_to_list(Atom)).
-attr_val("CDATA", Val) -> Val;
-attr_val("TOKEN", Val) -> string:to_upper(Val).
-%% Given the DTD and element tag, return a list [{Name, Value}] where
-%% Name (atom) is the name of each possible attribute and
-%% Value (lowercase string) its default value.
-default_attrs(_, cell) ->
- [{align, "TOKEN", "left"},
- {valign, "TOKEN", "middle"}];
-default_attrs(_, cite) ->
- [{id, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(_, code) ->
- [{type, "TOKEN", "none"}];
-default_attrs(_, codeinclude) ->
- [{file, "CDATA", ""}, % required
- {tag, "CDATA", ""},
- {type, "TOKEN", "none"}];
-default_attrs(book, contents) ->
- [{level, "TOKEN", "2"}];
-default_attrs(_, erleval) ->
- [{expr, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(report, erlinclude) ->
- [{file, "CDATA", ""}, % required
- {tag, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(_, fascicule) ->
- [{file, "CDATA", ""}, % required
- {href, "CDATA", ""}, % required
- {entry, "TOKEN", "no"}];
-default_attrs(book, header) ->
- [{titlestyle, "TOKEN", "normal"}];
-default_attrs(_, image) ->
- [{file, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(_, include) ->
- [{file, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(report, index) ->
- [{txt, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(_, list) ->
- [{type, "TOKEN", "bulleted"}];
-default_attrs(_, marker) ->
- [{id, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(book, onepart) ->
- [{lift, "TOKEN", "no"}];
-default_attrs(book, parts) ->
- [{lift, "TOKEN", "no"}];
-default_attrs(_, path) ->
- [{unix, "CDATA", ""},
- {windows, "CDATA", ""}];
-default_attrs(_, seealso) ->
- [{marker, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(report, table) ->
- [{width, "CDATA", "0"},
- {colspec, "CDATA", ""}];
-default_attrs(_, table) ->
- [{align, "TOKEN", "center"}];
-default_attrs(_, term) ->
- [{id, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(book, theheader) ->
- [{tag, "TOKEN", "none"}];
-default_attrs(bookinsidecover, theheader) ->
- [{tag, "TOKEN", "none"}];
-default_attrs(_, url) ->
- [{href, "CDATA", ""}]; % required
-default_attrs(_, _) -> [].
-%%--Single PCDATA broken into several fix-------------------------------
-%% When text contains an entity, then XMERL splits it into two
-%% PCDATA elements, the second starting with the entity.
-%% Example:
-%% Magnus Fr�berg => [{pcdata,[],"Magnus Fr\n"},{pcdata,[],"�berg\n"}]
-%% This is not handled by DocBuilder which expects many tags, for
-%% example title and aname, to contain a single PCDATA element. (That
-%% is also what nsgmls returned.)
-fix_single_pcdata([{pcdata,[],Str1}, {pcdata,[],Str2}|T]) ->
- fix_single_pcdata([{pcdata,[],Str1++Str2}|T]);
-fix_single_pcdata(FixedData) ->
- FixedData.
-tag_content(aname) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(app) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(approved) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(appsummary) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(b) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(c) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(cauthor) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(cell) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(checked) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(chowpublished) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(code) -> single_pcdata; % mixed?
-tag_content(com) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(comsummary) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(copyright) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(ctitle) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(d) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(date) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(docno) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(em) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(email) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(fascicule) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(file) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(filesummary) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(fsummary) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(headline) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(holder) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(i) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(icaption) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(id) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(input) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(item) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(legalnotice) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(lib) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(libsummary) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(module) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(modulesummary) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(name) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(nametext) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(p) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(pagetext) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(path) -> single_pcdata; % mixed?
-tag_content(pre) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(prepared) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(resp) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(responsible) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(ret) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(rev) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(seealso) -> single_pcdata; % mixed?
-tag_content(shortdef) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(shorttitle) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(tag) -> mixed_content;
-tag_content(tcaption) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(termdef) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(title) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(url) -> single_pcdata; % mixed
-tag_content(v) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(year) -> single_pcdata;
-tag_content(_) -> no_pcdata.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xmerl_xml_cb.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xmerl_xml_cb.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 089b8f0c7d..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xmerl_xml_cb.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the Licence for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2006, Ericsson AB.
-%% All Rights Reserved.��
-%% $Id$
-%% This is the callback module for exporting XHTML to a DocBuilder
-%% erlref or chapter document in XML format.
-%% See docb_edoc_xml_cb.erl for further information.
-%% The origin of this file is the xmerl module xmerl_otpsgml.erl
-%% written by Ulf Wiger and Richard Carlsson.
- '#element#'/5,
- '#text#'/1]).
-'#xml-inheritance#'() ->
- [xmerl_xml].
-'#root#'(Data, _Attrs, [], _E) ->
- ["<",DTD,">"] = hd(hd(Data)),
- ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"latin1\" ?>\n",
- "<!DOCTYPE "++DTD++" SYSTEM \""++DTD++".dtd\">\n",
- Data].
-'#element#'(Tag, Data, Attrs, _Parents, _E) ->
- {NewTag, NewAttrs} = convert_tag(Tag, Attrs),
- xmerl_lib:markup(NewTag, NewAttrs, Data).
-'#text#'(Text) ->
- xmerl_lib:export_text(Text).
-%% Utility functions
-convert_tag(a, [Attr]) ->
- case Attr#xmlAttribute.name of
- href ->
- Val = Attr#xmlAttribute.value,
- case is_url(Val) of
- true ->
- {url, [Attr]};
- false ->
- {seealso, [Attr#xmlAttribute{name=marker}]}
- end;
- name ->
- {marker, [Attr#xmlAttribute{name=id}]}
- end;
-convert_tag(b, Attrs) -> {em, Attrs};
-convert_tag(blockquote, Attrs) -> {quote, Attrs};
-convert_tag(code, Attrs) -> {c, Attrs};
-convert_tag(dd, Attrs) -> {item, Attrs};
-convert_tag(dl, Attrs) -> {taglist, Attrs};
-convert_tag(dt, Attrs) -> {tag, Attrs};
-convert_tag(li, Attrs) -> {item, Attrs};
-convert_tag(ol, Attrs) -> {list, Attrs};
-convert_tag(strong, Attrs) -> {em, Attrs};
-convert_tag(td, Attrs) -> {cell, Attrs};
-convert_tag(tr, Attrs) -> {row, Attrs};
-convert_tag(tt, Attrs) -> {c, Attrs};
-convert_tag(ul, Attrs) -> {list, Attrs};
-convert_tag(underline, Attrs) -> {em, Attrs};
-convert_tag(Tag, Attrs) -> {Tag, Attrs}.
-is_url("http:"++_) -> true;
-is_url("../"++_) -> true;
-is_url(FileRef) ->
- case filename:extension(FileRef) of
- "" -> false; % no extension = xml file, DocBuilder resolves
- _Ext -> true % extension, DocBuilder must not resolve
- end.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xml_check.erl b/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xml_check.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5912e22e7b..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docb_xml_check.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2000, Ericsson
-%% Utvecklings AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% validate(File) -> ok | error | {error, badfile}
-%% File = string(), file name with or without ".xml" extension
-%% If XML validation fails for a file, the error information from
-%% Xmerl is printed to terminal and the function returns error.
-validate(File0) ->
- File = case filename:extension(File0) of
- ".xml" -> File0;
- _ -> File0++".xml"
- end,
- case filelib:is_regular(File) of
- true ->
- DtdDir = docb_util:dtd_dir(),
- case catch xmerl_scan:file(File, [{validation,true},
- {fetch_path,[DtdDir]}]) of
- {'EXIT', Error} ->
- io:format("~p~n", [Error]),
- error;
- {_Doc, _Misc} ->
- ok
- end;
- false ->
- {error, badfile}
- end.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docbuilder.app.src b/lib/docbuilder/src/docbuilder.app.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c4770964..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docbuilder.app.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-{application, docbuilder,
- [{description, "Tool for building HTML documentation"},
- {vsn, "%VSN%"},
- {modules, [docb_edoc_xml_cb,
- docb_gen,
- docb_html,
- docb_html_layout,
- docb_html_ref,
- docb_html_util,
- docb_html_util_iso,
- docb_main,
- docb_pretty_format,
- docb_tr_application2html,
- docb_tr_appref2html,
- docb_tr_chapter2html,
- docb_tr_cite2html,
- docb_tr_comref2html,
- docb_tr_cref2html,
- docb_tr_erlref2html,
- docb_tr_fileref2html,
- docb_tr_first2html,
- docb_tr_index2html,
- docb_tr_part2html,
- docb_tr_refs2kwic,
- docb_tr_report2html,
- docb_tr_term2html,
- docb_transform,
- docb_util,
- docb_xmerl_tree_cb,
- docb_xmerl_xml_cb,
- docb_xml_check
- ]},
- {registered, []},
- {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
- {env, []}]}.
diff --git a/lib/docbuilder/src/docbuilder.appup.src b/lib/docbuilder/src/docbuilder.appup.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 54a63833e6..0000000000
--- a/lib/docbuilder/src/docbuilder.appup.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@