path: root/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl
index 8881eb85bd..16eb0901ef 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl
@@ -44,34 +44,31 @@ ei_accept(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
io:format("Myname ~p ~n", [Myname]),
EINode = list_to_atom("c42@"++Myname),
io:format("EINode ~p ~n", [EINode]),
+ %% We take this opportunity to also test export-funs and bit-strings
+ %% with (ugly) tuple fallbacks.
+ %% Test both toward pending connection and established connection.
+ RealTerms = [<<1:1>>, fun lists:map/2],
+ Fallbacks = [{<<128>>,1}, {lists,map}],
Self = self(),
- TermToSend= {call, Self, "Test"},
- F= fun() ->
- case waitfornode("c42",20) of
- true ->
- {any, EINode} ! TermToSend,
- Self ! sent_ok;
- false ->
- Self ! never_published
- end,
- ok
- end,
- spawn(F),
+ Funny = fun() -> hello end,
+ TermToSend = {call, Self, "Test", Funny, RealTerms},
+ TermToGet = {call, Self, "Test", Funny, Fallbacks},
Port = 6543,
{ok, ListenFd} = ei_publish(P, Port),
+ {any, EINode} ! TermToSend,
{ok, Fd, _Node} = ei_accept(P, ListenFd),
- TermReceived= ei_receive(P, Fd),
- io:format("Sent ~p received ~p ~n", [TermToSend, TermReceived]),
- TermToSend= TermReceived,
- receive
- sent_ok ->
- ok;
- Unknown ->
- io:format("~p ~n", [Unknown])
- after 1000 ->
- io:format("timeout ~n")
- end,
+ Got1 = ei_receive(P, Fd),
+ %% Send again, now without auto-connect
+ {any, EINode} ! TermToSend,
+ Got2 = ei_receive(P, Fd),
+ io:format("Sent ~p~nExp. ~p~nGot1 ~p~nGot2 ~p~n", [TermToSend, TermToGet, Got1, Got2]),
+ TermToGet = Got1,
+ TermToGet = Got2,