path: root/lib/erl_interface
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/erl_interface')
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/doc/src/make.dep b/lib/erl_interface/doc/src/make.dep
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f43cf64fe..0000000000
--- a/lib/erl_interface/doc/src/make.dep
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# >>>> Do not edit this file <<<<
-# This file was automaticly generated by
-# /home/otp/bin//docdepend
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# TeX files that the DVI file depend on
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-book.dvi: book.tex ei.tex ei_connect.tex ei_users_guide.tex \
- erl_call.tex erl_connect.tex erl_error.tex \
- erl_eterm.tex erl_format.tex erl_global.tex \
- erl_malloc.tex erl_marshal.tex part_ei.tex \
- ref_man.tex ref_man_ei.tex ref_man_erl_interface.tex \
- registry.tex
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Source inlined when transforming from source to LaTeX
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-book.tex: ref_man.xml ref_man_ei.xml ref_man_erl_interface.xml
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/init_tc.erl b/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/init_tc.erl
index 8157d590fc..8db4667bf9 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/init_tc.erl
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/init_tc.erl
@@ -40,23 +40,11 @@ run([]) ->
run1(Name) ->
CFile = Name ++ ".c",
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(CFile),
- String = binary_to_list(Bin),
- %% This ConstPart stuff is because you can't retrieve part of a match.
- %% Long live Perl!
- ConstPart = "\nTESTCASE\\(",
- ConstPartLen = 10,
- {match, Matches} = regexp:matches(String, ConstPart++"[_a-zA-Z]*"),
- Cases = get_names(Matches, ConstPartLen, Bin, []),
+ RE = "\nTESTCASE\\(([_a-zA-Z]*)\\)",
+ {match, Cases0} = re:run(Bin, RE, [{capture,all_but_first,list},global]),
+ Cases = lists:concat(Cases0),
generate(Name, Cases).
-get_names([{Start, Length}|Rest], Skip, Bin, Result) ->
- Name = binary_to_list(Bin, Start+Skip, Start+Length-1),
- get_names(Rest, Skip, Bin, [Name|Result]);
-get_names([], _Skip, _Bin, Result) ->
- lists:reverse(Result).
generate(TcName, Cases) ->
Hrl = TcName ++ "_cases.hrl",
{ok, HrlFile} = file:open(Hrl, write),