path: root/lib/et/src/et_gs_viewer.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/et/src/et_gs_viewer.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1498 deletions
diff --git a/lib/et/src/et_gs_viewer.erl b/lib/et/src/et_gs_viewer.erl
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index ce8634d09f..0000000000
--- a/lib/et/src/et_gs_viewer.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1498 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2012. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose: Displays a sequence chart for trace events (messages/actions)
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,checkbutton,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,config,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,destroy,1}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,frame,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,line,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menu,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menu,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menubar,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menubutton,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menubutton,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menuitem,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menuitem,3}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,scale,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,start,0}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,text,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,window,2}}]).
-%% External exports
-%% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3,
- handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
--define(unknown, "UNKNOWN").
- {parent_pid, % Pid of parent process
- collector_pid, % Pid of collector process
- event_order, % Field to be used as primary key
- trace_pattern, % Collector trace pattern
- active_filter, % Name of the active filter
- filters, % List of possible filters
- selected_actor, % Actor selected by user
- first_event, % Key of first event (regardless of visibility)
- last_event, % Key of last event (regardless of visibility)
- max_events, % Maximum number of shown events
- events, % Queue containg all event keys (regardless of visibility)
- max_actors, % Maximum number of shown actors
- actors, % List of known actors
- refresh_needed, % Refresh is needed in order to show all actors
- display_mode, % Display all or only matching actors
- detail_level, % Show only events with lesser detail level
- hide_actions, % Hide/show events where to == from actor (bool)
- hide_unknown, % Hide/show events with unknown actor (bool)
- is_suspended, % Suspend viewer updates (bool)
- title, % GUI: Window title
- win, % GUI: Window object
- menubar, % GUI: Menu bar object
- packer, % GUI: Packer object
- width, % GUI: Window width
- height, % GUI: Window height
- scale, % GUI: Scaling factor on canvas
- font, % GUI: Font to be used on text labels
- canvas_width, % GUI: Canvas width
- canvas_height, % GUI: Canvas height
- canvas, % GUI: Canvas object
- y_pos}). % GUI: Current y position on canvas
--record(actor, {name, string}).
--define(initial_x, 10).
--define(incr_x, 60).
--define(initial_y, 15).
--define(incr_y, 15).
-%%% Client side
-start_link(Options) ->
- case parse_opt(Options, default_state(), []) of
- {ok, S, CollectorOpt} ->
- case S#state.collector_pid of
- CollectorPid when is_pid(CollectorPid) ->
- case gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [S], []) of
- {ok, Pid} when S#state.parent_pid =/= self() ->
- unlink(Pid),
- {ok, Pid};
- Other ->
- Other
- end;
- undefined ->
- case et_collector:start_link(CollectorOpt) of
- {ok, CollectorPid} ->
- S2 = S#state{collector_pid = CollectorPid},
- case gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [S2], []) of
- {ok, Pid} when S#state.parent_pid =/= self() ->
- unlink(Pid),
- {ok, Pid};
- Other ->
- Other
- end;
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, {et_collector, Reason}}
- end
- end;
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-default_state() ->
- #state{parent_pid = self(),
- collector_pid = undefined,
- detail_level = ?detail_level_max,
- active_filter = ?DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME,
- filters = [?DEFAULT_FILTER],
- event_order = trace_ts,
- is_suspended = false,
- max_events = 100,
- first_event = first,
- last_event = first,
- events = queue_new(),
- max_actors = 5,
- actors = [create_actor(?unknown)],
- selected_actor = ?unknown,
- hide_actions = false,
- hide_unknown = false,
- refresh_needed = false,
- display_mode = all,
- scale = 2,
- canvas_height = 0,
- canvas_width = 0,
- width = 800,
- height = 600}.
-parse_opt([], S, CollectorOpt) ->
- {ok, S, [{parent_pid, S#state.parent_pid} | CollectorOpt]};
-parse_opt([H | T], S, CollectorOpt) ->
- case H of
- {parent_pid, Parent} when Parent =:= undefined ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S#state{parent_pid = Parent}, CollectorOpt2);
- {parent_pid, Parent} when is_pid(Parent) ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S#state{parent_pid = Parent}, CollectorOpt2);
- {title, Title} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{title = name_to_string(Title)}, CollectorOpt);
- {detail_level, Level} when is_integer(Level),
- Level >= ?detail_level_min,
- Level =< ?detail_level_max ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{detail_level = Level}, CollectorOpt);
- {detail_level, max} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{detail_level = ?detail_level_max}, CollectorOpt);
- {detail_level, min} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{detail_level = ?detail_level_min}, CollectorOpt);
- {is_suspended, true} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{is_suspended = true}, CollectorOpt);
- {is_suspended, false} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{is_suspended = false}, CollectorOpt);
- {scale, Scale} when is_integer(Scale), Scale > 0 ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{scale = Scale}, CollectorOpt);
- {width, W} when is_integer(W), W > 0 ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{width = W, canvas_width = W}, CollectorOpt);
- {height, WH} when is_integer(WH), WH > 0 ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{height = WH, canvas_height = WH}, CollectorOpt);
- {collector_pid, Pid} when is_pid(Pid) ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{collector_pid = Pid}, CollectorOpt);
- {collector_pid, undefined} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{collector_pid = undefined}, CollectorOpt);
- {active_filter, Name} when is_atom(Name) ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{active_filter = Name}, CollectorOpt);
- {event_order, trace_ts} -> %% BUGBUG: Verify event_order with collector
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S#state{event_order = trace_ts}, CollectorOpt2);
- {event_order, event_ts} -> %% BUGBUG: Verify event_order with collector
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S#state{event_order = event_ts}, CollectorOpt2);
- {trace_port, _Port} ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- {trace_max_queue, _Queue} ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- {trace_pattern, _Pattern} ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- {trace_global, _Boolean} ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- {trace_client, _Client} ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- {dict_insert, {filter, Name}, Fun} ->
- if
- is_atom(Name), is_function(Fun) ->
- F = #filter{name = Name, function = Fun},
- Filters = lists:keydelete(Name, #filter.name, S#state.filters),
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S#state{filters = Filters ++ [F]}, CollectorOpt2);
- true ->
- {error, {bad_option, H}}
- end;
- {dict_insert, {subscriber, Pid}, _Val} ->
- if
- is_pid(Pid) ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- true ->
- {error, {bad_option, H}}
- end;
- {dict_insert, _Key, _Val} ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- {dict_delete, {filter, Name}} ->
- Filters = lists:keydelete(Name, #filter.name, S#state.filters),
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S#state{filters = Filters}, CollectorOpt2);
- {dict_delete, _Key} ->
- CollectorOpt2 = [H | CollectorOpt],
- parse_opt(T, S, CollectorOpt2);
- {max_events, Max} when is_integer(Max), Max > 0->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{max_events = Max}, CollectorOpt);
- {max_events, Max} when Max =:= infinity ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{max_events = Max}, CollectorOpt);
- {max_actors, Max} when is_integer(Max), Max >= 0->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{max_actors = Max}, CollectorOpt);
- {max_actors, Max} when Max =:= infinity ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{max_actors = Max}, CollectorOpt);
- {actors, ActorNames} when is_list(ActorNames) ->
- ActorNames2 =
- case lists:member(?unknown, ActorNames) of
- false -> [?unknown | ActorNames];
- true -> ActorNames
- end,
- Actors = [create_actor(Name) || Name <- ActorNames2],
- parse_opt(T, S#state{actors = Actors}, CollectorOpt);
- {first_event, First} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{first_event = First}, CollectorOpt);
- {hide_unknown, Bool} when Bool =:= false ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{hide_unknown = Bool}, CollectorOpt);
- {hide_unknown, Bool} when Bool =:= true ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{hide_unknown = Bool}, CollectorOpt);
- {hide_actions, Bool} when Bool =:= false ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{hide_actions = Bool}, CollectorOpt);
- {hide_actions, Bool} when Bool =:= true ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{hide_actions = Bool}, CollectorOpt);
- {display_mode, Mode = all} ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{display_mode = Mode}, CollectorOpt);
- {display_mode, Mode = {search_actors, Dir, _Key, Actors}} when is_list(Actors), Dir =:= forward ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{display_mode = Mode}, CollectorOpt);
- {display_mode, Mode = {search_actors, Dir, _Key, Actors}} when is_list(Actors), Dir =:= reverse ->
- parse_opt(T, S#state{display_mode = Mode}, CollectorOpt);
- Bad ->
- {error, {bad_option, Bad}}
- end;
-parse_opt(BadList, _S, _CollectorOpt) ->
- {error, {bad_option_list, BadList}}.
-do_dict_insert({filter, Name}, Fun, S) when is_atom(Name), is_function(Fun) ->
- F = #filter{name = Name, function = Fun},
- Filters = lists:keydelete(Name, #filter.name, S#state.filters),
- Filters2 = lists:keysort(#filter.name, [F | Filters]),
- gs:destroy(filter_menu),
- create_filter_menu(S#state.active_filter, Filters2),
- S#state{filters = Filters2};
-do_dict_insert(_Key, _Val, S) ->
- %% ok = error_logger:format("~p(~p): handle_info({et, {dict_insert, ~p, ~p}})~n",
- %% [?MODULE, self(), Key, Val]),
- S.
-do_dict_delete({filter, Name}, S) when is_atom(Name), Name =/= S#state.active_filter ->
- Filters = lists:keydelete(Name, #filter.name, S#state.filters),
- gs:destroy(filter_menu),
- create_filter_menu(S#state.active_filter, Filters),
- S#state{filters = Filters};
-do_dict_delete(_Key, S) ->
- %% ok = error_logger:format("~p(~p): handle_info({et, {dict_delete, ~p}})~n",
- %% [?MODULE, self(), Key]),
- S.
-%%% Callback functions from gen_server
-%% Func: init/1
-%% Returns: {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-init([S]) when is_record(S, state) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- InitialTimeout = 0,
- case S#state.parent_pid of
- undefined ->
- ignore;
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- link(Pid)
- end,
- et_collector:dict_insert(S#state.collector_pid,
- {subscriber, self()},
- {ok, create_main_window(S), InitialTimeout}.
-%% Func: handle_call/3
-%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} |
-%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_call(get_collector_pid, _From, S) ->
- Reply = S#state.collector_pid,
- reply(Reply, S);
-handle_call(stop, _From, S) ->
- gs:destroy(S#state.win),
- {stop, shutdown, ok, S};
-handle_call(Request, From, S) ->
- ok = error_logger:format("~p(~p): handle_call(~p, ~p, ~p)~n",
- [?MODULE, self(), Request, From, S]),
- Reply = {error, {bad_request, Request}},
- reply(Reply, S).
-%% Func: handle_cast/2
-%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_cast(Msg, S) ->
- ok = error_logger:format("~p(~p): handle_cast(~p, ~p)~n",
- [?MODULE, self(), Msg, S]),
- noreply(S).
-%% Func: handle_info/2
-%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_info({et, {more_events, _Size}}, S) ->
- noreply(S);
-handle_info({et, {insert_actors, ActorNames}}, S) when is_list(ActorNames) ->
- Fun = fun(N, Actors) ->
- case lists:keymember(N, #actor.name, Actors) of
- true -> Actors;
- false -> Actors ++ [create_actor(N)]
- end
- end,
- Actors = lists:foldl(Fun, S#state.actors, ActorNames),
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S#state{actors = Actors}),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, {delete_actors, ActorNames}}, S) when is_list(ActorNames)->
- Fun = fun(N, Actors) when N =:= ?unknown ->
- Actors;
- (N, Actors) ->
- lists:keydelete(N, #actor.name, Actors)
- end,
- New = lists:foldl(Fun, S#state.actors, ActorNames),
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S#state{actors = New}),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, {dict_insert, Key, Val}}, S) ->
- S2 = do_dict_insert(Key, Val, S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, {dict_delete, Key}}, S) ->
- S2 = do_dict_delete(Key, S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, first}, S) ->
- S2 = scroll_first(S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, prev}, S) ->
- S2 = scroll_prev(S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, next}, S) ->
- S2 = scroll_next(S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, last}, S) ->
- S2 = scroll_last(S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, refresh}, S) ->
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, {display_mode, Mode}}, S) ->
- S2 = change_display_mode(Mode, S),
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({et, close}, S) ->
- gs:destroy(S#state.win),
- {stop, shutdown, S};
-handle_info({gs, Button, click, Data, Other} = Click, S) ->
- CollectorPid = S#state.collector_pid,
- case Button of
- close ->
- gs:destroy(S#state.win),
- {stop, shutdown, S};
- suspended ->
- case Other of
- [_Text, _Group, Bool | _] when Bool =:= true ->
- S2 = do_suspend(S),
- noreply(S2);
- [_Text, _Group, Bool | _] when Bool =:= false ->
- S2 = do_resume(S),
- noreply(S2);
- _ ->
- click_error(Click, S),
- noreply(S)
- end;
- hide_actions ->
- case Other of
- [_Text, _Group, Bool | _] when Bool =:= true ->
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S#state{hide_actions = Bool}),
- noreply(S2);
- [_Text, _Group, Bool | _] when Bool =:= false ->
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S#state{hide_actions = Bool}),
- noreply(S2);
- _ ->
- click_error(Click, S),
- noreply(S)
- end;
- hide_unknown ->
- case Other of
- [_Text, _Group, Bool | _] when Bool =:= true ->
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S#state{hide_unknown = Bool}),
- noreply(S2);
- [_Text, _Group, Bool | _] when Bool =:= false ->
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S#state{hide_unknown = Bool}),
- noreply(S2);
- _ ->
- click_error(Click, S),
- noreply(S)
- end;
- up ->
- S2 = scroll_up(S),
- noreply(S2);
- down ->
- S2 = scroll_down(S),
- noreply(S2);
- first ->
- S2 = scroll_first(S),
- noreply(S2);
- prev ->
- S2 = scroll_prev(S),
- noreply(S2);
- next ->
- S2 = scroll_next(S),
- noreply(S2);
- last ->
- S2 = scroll_last(S),
- noreply(S2);
- refresh ->
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S),
- noreply(S2);
- {display_mode, Mode} ->
- S2 = change_display_mode(Mode, S),
- noreply(S2);
- close_all ->
- close_all(S);
- close_all_others ->
- close_all_others(S);
- first_all ->
- et_collector:multicast(CollectorPid, first),
- noreply(S);
- prev_all ->
- et_collector:multicast(CollectorPid, prev),
- noreply(S);
- next_all ->
- et_collector:multicast(CollectorPid, next),
- noreply(S);
- last_all ->
- et_collector:multicast(CollectorPid, last),
- noreply(S);
- refresh_all ->
- et_collector:multicast(CollectorPid, refresh),
- noreply(S);
- clear_all ->
- et_collector:clear_table(CollectorPid),
- et_collector:multicast(CollectorPid, refresh),
- noreply(S);
- load_all ->
- et_collector:start_trace_client(CollectorPid, event_file, "et_viewer.log"),
- noreply(S);
- save_all ->
- et_collector:save_event_file(CollectorPid,
- "et_viewer.log",
- [existing, write, keep]),
- noreply(S);
- {open_viewer, Scale} ->
- Actors = [A#actor.name || A <- S#state.actors],
- open_viewer(Scale, S#state.active_filter, Actors, S),
- noreply(S);
- _Level when Data =:= detail_level, is_integer(hd(Other)),
- hd(Other) >= ?detail_level_min,
- hd(Other) =< ?detail_level_max ->
- S2 = S#state{detail_level = hd(Other)},
- noreply(S2);
- _PopupMenuItem when is_record(Data, filter) ->
- open_viewer(S#state.scale, Data#filter.name, [?unknown], S),
- noreply(S);
- _ ->
- click_error(Click, S),
- noreply(S)
- end;
-handle_info({gs, _Obj, destroy,_, _}, S) ->
- gs:destroy(S#state.win),
- {stop, shutdown, S};
-handle_info({gs, _Obj, buttonpress, _, [_Button, X, Y | _]}, S) ->
- S3 =
- case y_to_n(Y, S) of
- actor ->
- %% Actor click
- case S#state.actors of
- [] ->
- S;
- _ ->
- N = x_to_n(X, S),
- A = lists:nth(N, S#state.actors),
- S#state{selected_actor = A}
- end;
- {event, N} ->
- %% Event click
- List = queue_to_list(S#state.events),
- S2 = S#state{events = list_to_queue(List)},
- Key = lists:nth(N, List),
- Pid = S#state.collector_pid,
- Fun = fun create_contents_window/2,
- case et_collector:iterate(Pid, Key, -1) of
- Prev when Prev =:= Key ->
- et_collector:iterate(Pid, first, 1, Fun, S2);
- Prev ->
- et_collector:iterate(Pid, Prev, 1, Fun, S2)
- end
- end,
- noreply(S3);
-handle_info({gs, _Obj, buttonrelease, _, [_Button, X, Y | _]}, S) ->
- S2 =
- case y_to_n(Y, S) of
- actor ->
- %% Actor click
- case S#state.actors of
- [] ->
- S;
- Actors ->
- N = x_to_n(X, S),
- New = lists:nth(N, S#state.actors),
- Old = S#state.selected_actor,
- case New#actor.name =:= Old#actor.name of
- true ->
- A = S#state.selected_actor,
- toggle_search_for_actor(A#actor.name, S);
- false ->
- move_actor(Old, New, Actors, S)
- end
- end;
- {event, _N} ->
- %% Event click ignored
- S
- end,
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info({gs, _Obj, keypress, _, [KeySym, _Keycode, _Shift, _Control | _]} = Key, S) ->
- case KeySym of
- 'c' ->
- close_all_others(S);
- 'C' ->
- close_all(S);
- 'Up' ->
- S2 = scroll_up(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'Down' ->
- S2 = scroll_down(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'f' ->
- S2 = scroll_first(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'p' ->
- S2 = scroll_prev(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'Prior' ->
- S2 = scroll_prev(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'n' ->
- S2 = scroll_next(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'Next' ->
- S2 = scroll_next(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'l' ->
- S2 = scroll_last(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'r' ->
- S2 = refresh_main_window(S),
- noreply(S2);
- 'F' ->
- et_collector:multicast(S#state.collector_pid, first),
- noreply(S);
- 'P' ->
- et_collector:multicast(S#state.collector_pid, prev),
- noreply(S);
- 'N' ->
- et_collector:multicast(S#state.collector_pid, next),
- noreply(S);
- 'L' ->
- et_collector:multicast(S#state.collector_pid, last),
- noreply(S);
- 'R' ->
- et_collector:multicast(S#state.collector_pid, refresh),
- noreply(S);
- 'a' ->
- S2 = S#state{display_mode = all},
- S3 = refresh_main_window(S2),
- noreply(S3);
- 'equal' ->
- Scale = S#state.scale,
- Actors = [A#actor.name || A <- S#state.actors],
- open_viewer(Scale, S#state.active_filter, Actors, S),
- noreply(S);
- 'plus' ->
- Scale = S#state.scale + 1,
- Actors = [A#actor.name || A <- S#state.actors],
- open_viewer(Scale, S#state.active_filter, Actors, S),
- noreply(S);
- 'minus' ->
- case S#state.scale of
- 1 ->
- gs:config(S#state.canvas, beep);
- Scale ->
- Actors = [A#actor.name || A <- S#state.actors],
- open_viewer(Scale - 1, S#state.active_filter, Actors, S)
- end,
- noreply(S);
- 0 ->
- case lists:keysearch(?DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME, #filter.name, S#state.filters) of
- {value, F} when is_record(F, filter) ->
- open_viewer(S#state.scale, F#filter.name, [?unknown], S);
- false ->
- gs:config(S#state.canvas, beep)
- end,
- noreply(S);
- Int when is_integer(Int), Int > 0, Int =< 9 ->
- case catch lists:nth(Int, S#state.filters) of
- F when is_record(F, filter) ->
- open_viewer(S#state.scale, F#filter.name, [?unknown], S);
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- gs:config(S#state.canvas, beep)
- end,
- noreply(S);
- 'Shift_L' ->
- noreply(S);
- 'Shift_R' ->
- noreply(S);
- 'Caps_Lock' ->
- noreply(S);
- _ ->
- click_error(Key, S),
- noreply(S)
- end;
-handle_info({gs, _Obj,configure, [], [W, H | _]}, S) ->
- gs:config(S#state.packer, [{width, W}, {height, H}]),
- S2 = S#state{width = W, height = H},
- noreply(S2);
-handle_info(timeout, S) ->
- Try =
- case S#state.display_mode of
- {search_actors, reverse, _, _} ->
- -10;
- _ ->
- 10
- end,
- if
- S#state.is_suspended =:= true ->
- {noreply, S, infinity};
- S#state.max_events =:= infinity ->
- display_more_events(Try, S);
- true ->
- Needed = S#state.max_events - queue_length(S#state.events),
- if
- Needed =< 0 -> {noreply, S, infinity};
- Needed > 10 -> display_more_events(Try, S);
- Needed =< 10 -> display_more_events(Needed, S)
- end
- end;
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, S) ->
- if
- Pid =:= S#state.collector_pid ->
- unlink(Pid),
- gs:destroy(S#state.win),
- {stop, Reason, S};
- Pid =:= S#state.parent_pid ->
- unlink(Pid),
- gs:destroy(S#state.win),
- {stop, Reason, S};
- true ->
- noreply(S)
- end;
-handle_info(Info, S) ->
- ok = error_logger:format("~p(~p): handle_info(~p, ~p)~n",
- [?MODULE, self(), Info, S]),
- noreply(S).
-%% Func: terminate/2
-%% Purpose: Shutdown the server
-%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, _S) ->
- ignore.
-%% Func: code_change/3
-%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
-%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
-code_change(_OldVsn, S, _Extra) ->
- {ok, S}.
-%%% Handle suspend/resume
-reply(Reply, S) ->
- case queue_length(S#state.events) of
- _ when S#state.is_suspended =:= true ->
- {reply, Reply, S, infinity};
- _ when S#state.max_events =:= infinity ->
- {reply, Reply, S, 500};
- N when N >= S#state.max_events ->
- {reply, Reply, S, infinity};
- _ ->
- {reply, Reply, S, 0}
- end.
-noreply(S) ->
- case queue_length(S#state.events) of
- _ when S#state.is_suspended =:= true ->
- {noreply, S, infinity};
- _ when S#state.max_events =:= infinity ->
- {noreply, S, 500};
- N when N >= S#state.max_events ->
- {noreply, S, infinity};
- _ ->
- {noreply, S, 0}
- end.
-do_suspend(S) ->
- config_suspend(S#state{is_suspended = true}).
-do_resume(S) ->
- config_suspend(S#state{is_suspended = false}).
-config_suspend(S) ->
- Suspended = S#state.is_suspended,
- gs:config(refresh, [{enable, not Suspended}]),
- gs:config(refresh_all, [{enable, not Suspended}]),
- gs:config(clear_all, [{enable, not Suspended}]),
- S.
-refresh_main_window(S) ->
- Pid = S#state.collector_pid,
- Key = S#state.first_event,
- case et_collector:iterate(Pid, Key, -1) of
- Prev when Prev =:= Key ->
- scroll_first(S);
- _Prev ->
- S2 = S#state{last_event = S#state.first_event},
- clear_canvas(S2)
- end.
-scroll_first(S) ->
- S2 = S#state{first_event = first, last_event = first},
- clear_canvas(S2).
-scroll_prev(S) ->
- Try =
- case S#state.max_events of
- infinity -> -10;
- Max -> -Max
- end,
- Key = et_collector:iterate(S#state.collector_pid, S#state.first_event, Try),
- S2 = S#state{first_event = Key, last_event = Key},
- clear_canvas(S2).
-scroll_next(S) ->
- S2 = S#state{first_event = S#state.last_event},
- clear_canvas(S2).
-scroll_up(S) ->
- Key = et_collector:iterate(S#state.collector_pid, S#state.first_event, -5),
- S2 = S#state{first_event = Key, last_event = Key},
- clear_canvas(S2).
-scroll_down(S) ->
- Key = et_collector:iterate(S#state.collector_pid, S#state.first_event, 5),
- S2 = S#state{first_event = Key, last_event = Key},
- clear_canvas(S2).
-scroll_last(S) ->
- S2 = S#state{first_event = last, last_event = last},
- clear_canvas(S2).
-change_display_mode(Mode, S) ->
- case Mode of
- all ->
- S2 = S#state{display_mode = Mode},
- refresh_main_window(S2);
- {search_actors, _Dir, _Key, []} ->
- S2 = S#state{display_mode = all},
- refresh_main_window(S2);
- {search_actors, _Dir, Key, Actors} when is_list(Actors) ->
- Pid = S#state.collector_pid,
- Prev = et_collector:iterate(Pid, Key, -1),
- S2 = S#state{first_event = Prev,
- last_event = Prev,
- display_mode = Mode},
- clear_canvas(S2)
- end.
-close_all(S) ->
- et_collector:multicast(S#state.collector_pid, close),
- timer:sleep(timer:seconds(1)),
- spawn(et_collector, stop, [S#state.collector_pid]),
- gs:destroy(S#state.win),
- {stop, shutdown, S}.
-close_all_others(S) ->
- Fun =
- fun({{subscriber, Pid}, _}) ->
- if
- Pid =:= self() ->
- ignore;
- true ->
- unlink(Pid),
- Pid ! {et, close}
- end
- end,
- All = et_collector:dict_match(S#state.collector_pid,
- {{subscriber, '_'}, '_'}),
- lists:foreach(Fun, All),
- noreply(S).
-click_error(Click, S) ->
- gs:config(S#state.canvas, beep),
- io:format("~p: ignored: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Click]).
-%%% Clone viewer
-open_viewer(Scale, FilterName, Actors, S) ->
- Filters = [{dict_insert, {filter, F#filter.name}, F#filter.function}
- || F <- S#state.filters],
- Options =
- [{parent_pid, S#state.parent_pid},
- {title, S#state.title},
- {collector_pid, S#state.collector_pid},
- {is_suspended, S#state.is_suspended},
- {detail_level, S#state.detail_level},
- {active_filter, FilterName},
- {event_order, S#state.event_order},
- {first_event, S#state.first_event},
- {max_events, S#state.max_events},
- {max_actors, S#state.max_actors},
- {hide_actions, S#state.hide_actions},
- {hide_unknown, S#state.hide_unknown},
- {is_suspended, S#state.is_suspended},
- {actors, Actors},
- {scale, Scale},
- {width, S#state.width},
- {height, S#state.height} | Filters],
- case start_link(Options) of
- {ok, ViewerPid} ->
- unlink(ViewerPid),
- ok;
- {error, Reason} ->
- ok = error_logger:format("~p: Failed to start a new window: ~p~n",
- [?MODULE, Reason])
- end.
-%%% Handle graphics
-create_main_window(S) ->
- Font = select_font(S#state.scale),
- GS = gs:start(),
- Name = name_to_string(S#state.active_filter),
- Title = case S#state.title of
- undefined -> atom_to_list(?MODULE);
- Explicit -> name_to_string(Explicit)
- end,
- WinOpt = [{title, Title ++ " (filter: " ++ Name ++ ")"},
- {configure, true},
- {width, S#state.width},
- {height, S#state.height}],
- Win = gs:window(GS, WinOpt),
- Bar = gs:menubar(Win, []),
- create_file_menu(Bar),
- create_viewer_menu(Bar),
- create_collector_menu(Bar),
- gs:menubutton(filter_button, Bar, [{label, {text, "Filter"}}]),
- create_filter_menu(S#state.active_filter, S#state.filters),
- create_help_menu(Bar),
- config_suspend(S),
- PackerOpt = [{packer_x, [{fixed, 5}, {fixed, 40}, {fixed, 40},
- {stretch, 1}, {fixed, 5}]},
- {packer_y, [{fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30},
- {stretch, 1}, {fixed, 30}]},
- {x, 0}, {y, 30}],
- Packer = gs:frame(Win, PackerOpt),
- gs:checkbutton(suspended, Packer, [{label,{text,"Freeze"}},
- {x, 10}, {y, 0},
- {width, 120}, {align, w},
- {select, S#state.is_suspended}]),
- gs:checkbutton(hide_actions, Packer, [{label,{text,"Hide From=To"}},
- {x, 10}, {y, 20},
- {width, 120}, {align, w},
- {select, S#state.hide_actions}]),
- gs:checkbutton(hide_unknown, Packer, [{label,{text,"Hide Unknown"}},
- {x, 10}, {y, 40},
- {width, 120}, {align, w},
- {select, S#state.hide_unknown}]),
- gs:scale(Packer, [{text,"Detail Level"},
- {range, {?detail_level_min, ?detail_level_max}},
- {orient, horizontal},
- {x, 150}, {y, 0}, {height, 65}, {width, 200},
- {pos, S#state.detail_level}, {data, detail_level}]),
- CanvasW = calc_canvas_width(S),
- CanvasH = calc_canvas_height(S),
- CanOpt = [{pack_xy, {{2, 4}, 3}}, {vscroll, right}, {hscroll, bottom},
- {scrollregion, {2, 2, CanvasW, CanvasH}}],
- Canvas = gs:canvas(Packer, CanOpt),
- gs:config(Canvas, [{buttonpress, true}, {buttonrelease, true}]),
- gs:config(Packer, [{width, S#state.width}, {height, S#state.height}]),
- gs:config(Win, [{map, true}, {keypress, true}]),
- S2 = S#state{title = Title,
- win = Win, font = Font, packer = Packer,
- canvas_width = CanvasW, canvas_height = CanvasH,
- canvas = Canvas,
- y_pos = ?initial_y * S#state.scale},
- draw_all_actors(S2).
-select_font(Scale) when is_integer(Scale) ->
- case Scale of
- 1 -> {courier, 7};
- 2 -> {courier, 10};
- 3 -> {courier, 12};
- 4 -> {courier, 14};
- S -> {courier, S * 4}
- end.
-create_file_menu(Bar) ->
- Button = gs:menubutton(Bar, [{label, {text, "File"}}]),
- Menu = gs:menu(Button, []),
- gs:menuitem(close_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Close Collector and all Viewers (C) "}}]),
- gs:menuitem(close_all_others, Menu, [{label, {text, "Close other Viewers, but keep Collector (c)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(close, Menu, [{label, {text, "Close this Viewer, but keep Collector"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(clear_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Clear Collector"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(load_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Load Collector from the file \"et_viewer.log\""}}]),
- gs:menuitem(save_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Save Collector to the file \"et_viewer.log\""}}]).
-create_viewer_menu(Bar) ->
- Button = gs:menubutton(Bar, [{label, {text, "Viewer"}}]),
- Menu = gs:menu(Button, []),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "Scroll this Viewer"}}, {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(first, Menu, [{label, {text, "First (f)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(prev, Menu, [{label, {text, "Prev (p)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(next, Menu, [{label, {text, "Next (n)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(last, Menu, [{label, {text, "Last (l)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(refresh, Menu, [{label, {text, "Refresh (r)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(up, Menu, [{label, {text, "Up 5 (Up)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(down, Menu, [{label, {text, "Down 5 (Down)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "Search in this Viewer"}}, {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem({mode, all}, Menu, [{label, {text, "Abort search. Display all (a)"}}]).
-create_collector_menu(Bar) ->
- Button = gs:menubutton(Bar, [{label, {text, "Collector"}}]),
- Menu = gs:menu(Button, []),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "Scroll all Viewers"}}, {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(first_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "First (F)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(prev_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Prev (P)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(next_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Next (N)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(last_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Last (L)"}}]),
- gs:menuitem(refresh_all, Menu, [{label, {text, "Refresh (R)"}}]).
-create_filter_menu(ActiveFilterName, Filters) ->
- Menu = gs:menu(filter_menu, filter_button, []),
- Item = fun(F, N) when F#filter.name =:= collector ->
- Label = lists:concat([pad_string(F#filter.name, 20), "(0)"]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, Label}}, {data, F}]),
- N + 1;
- (F, N) ->
- Label = lists:concat([pad_string(F#filter.name, 20), "(", N, ")"]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, Label}}, {data, F}]),
- N + 1
- end,
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "Same Filter New Scale"}}, {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- {value, Filter} = lists:keysearch(ActiveFilterName, #filter.name, Filters),
- Same = lists:concat([pad_string(ActiveFilterName, 20), "(=)"]),
- Larger = lists:concat([pad_string(ActiveFilterName, 20), "(+)"]),
- Smaller = lists:concat([pad_string(ActiveFilterName, 20), "(-)"]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, Same}}, {data, Filter}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, Smaller}}, {data, Filter}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, Larger}}, {data, Filter}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "New Filter Same Scale"}}, {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- lists:foldl(Item, 1, Filters).
-create_help_menu(Bar) ->
- Button = gs:menubutton(Bar, [{label, {text, "Help"}}]),
- Menu = gs:menu(Button, []),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "Display details of an event"}},
- {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, " Single click on the name tag or the arrow (Mouse-1)"}},
- {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "Toggle actor search"}},
- {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, " Single click on the name tag (Mouse-1)"}},
- {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, "Move actor"}},
- {bg, lightblue}, {enable,false}]),
- gs:menuitem(Menu, [{label, {text, " se drag and drop on name tag (Mouse-1)"}},
- {enable,false}]).
-clear_canvas(S) ->
- gs:destroy(S#state.canvas),
- CanvasW = calc_canvas_width(S),
- CanvasH = calc_canvas_height(S),
- CanOpt = [{pack_xy, {{2, 4}, 3}}, {vscroll, right}, {hscroll, bottom},
- {scrollregion, {2, 2, CanvasW, CanvasH}}],
- Canvas = gs:canvas(S#state.packer, CanOpt),
- gs:config(S#state.packer, [{width, S#state.width}, {height, S#state.height}]),
- gs:config(Canvas, [{buttonpress, true}, {buttonrelease, true}]),
- S2 = S#state{refresh_needed = false,
- y_pos = ?initial_y * S#state.scale,
- canvas = Canvas,
- canvas_width = CanvasW,
- canvas_height = CanvasH,
- events = queue_new()},
- draw_all_actors(S2).
-calc_canvas_width(S) ->
- Min = calc_min_actors(S),
- CanvasW = ((2 * ?initial_x) + (Min * ?incr_x)) * S#state.scale,
- lists:max([CanvasW, S#state.width - (15 * S#state.scale), S#state.canvas_width]).
-calc_canvas_height(S) ->
- Min = calc_min_events(S),
- CanvasH = ((2 * ?initial_y) + (Min * ?incr_y)) * S#state.scale,
- lists:max([CanvasH, S#state.height - (4 * 30), S#state.canvas_height]).
-calc_min_actors(S) ->
- Max = S#state.max_actors,
- N = length(S#state.actors),
- if
- Max =:= infinity ->
- N * 2;
- Max < N ->
- N;
- true ->
- Max
- end.
-calc_min_events(S) ->
- Max = S#state.max_events,
- N = queue_length(S#state.events),
- if
- Max =:= infinity ->
- N * 2;
- Max < N ->
- N;
- true ->
- Max
- end.
-display_more_events(Try, S) ->
- Name = S#state.active_filter,
- {value, F} = lists:keysearch(Name, #filter.name, S#state.filters),
- FilterFun = F#filter.function,
- Fun = fun(Event, State) ->
- case catch FilterFun(Event) of
- true ->
- State2 = ensure_key(Event, State),
- opt_display_event(Event, State2);
- {true, Event2} ->
- State2 = ensure_key(Event2, State),
- opt_display_event(Event2, State2);
- false ->
- ensure_key(Event, State);
- Bad ->
- Contents = {bad_filter, Name, Bad, Event},
- Event2 = Event#event{contents = Contents,
- from = bad_filter,
- to = bad_filter},
- State2 = ensure_key(Event2, State),
- opt_display_event(Event2, State2)
- end
- end,
- Pid = S#state.collector_pid,
- S2 = et_collector:iterate(Pid, S#state.last_event, Try, Fun, S),
- case queue_length(S2#state.events) - queue_length(S#state.events) of
- Diff when Diff =:= Try ->
- %% Got as much as requested, look for more
- %% io:format("Done: ~p~n", [{Try, Diff}]),
- {noreply, S2, 0};
- _Diff when S2#state.first_event =:= S#state.first_event,
- S2#state.last_event =:= S#state.last_event ->
- %% Got lesser than requested, wait a while before looking for more
- %% io:format("More: ~p~n", [{Try, Diff}]),
- {noreply, S2, 500};
- _Diff ->
- %% Got lesser than requested, look for more
- %% io:format("More2: ~p~n", [{Try, Diff}]),
- {noreply, S2, 0}
- end.
-ensure_key(E, S) when is_record(E, event), is_record(S, state) ->
- Key = et_collector:make_key(S#state.event_order, E),
- case S#state.first_event of
- first ->
- S#state{first_event = Key, last_event = Key};
- last ->
- S#state{first_event = Key, last_event = Key};
- _ ->
- S#state{last_event = Key}
- end.
-opt_display_event(E, S) ->
- case S#state.display_mode of
- all ->
- display_event(E, S);
- {search_actors, _Dir, _FirstKey, Actors} ->
- %% Key = S#state.last_event,
- From = select_actor_name(E#event.from, S),
- case lists:member(From, Actors) of
- true ->
- display_event(E, S);
- false ->
- To = select_actor_name(E#event.to, S),
- case lists:member(To, Actors) of
- true ->
- display_event(E, S);
- false ->
- S
- end
- end
- end.
-select_actor_name(Name, S) ->
- case lists:keymember(Name, #actor.name, S#state.actors) of
- true -> Name;
- false -> ?unknown
- end.
-display_event(E, S) when E#event.detail_level < S#state.detail_level ->
- {FromRefresh, From} = ensure_actor(E#event.from, S),
- {FromName, FromPos, S2} = From,
- {ToRefresh, To} = ensure_actor(E#event.to, S2),
- {ToName, ToPos, S3} = To,
- if
- FromRefresh =/= false, ToRefresh =/= false ->
- Key = S#state.last_event,
- refresh_beep(S),
- S3#state{refresh_needed = true,
- events = queue_in(Key, S3#state.events)};
- FromName =:= ToName ->
- case S#state.hide_actions of
- true ->
- S3;
- false ->
- Label = name_to_string(E#event.label),
- draw_named_arrow(Label, FromName, FromPos, ToName, ToPos, S3)
- end;
- true ->
- Label = name_to_string(E#event.label),
- draw_named_arrow(Label, FromName, FromPos, ToName, ToPos, S3)
- end;
-display_event(_, S) ->
- S.
-draw_named_arrow(Label, FromName, FromPos, ToName, ToPos, S) ->
- Key = S#state.last_event,
- case S#state.y_pos + (?incr_y * S#state.scale) of
- _ when S#state.hide_unknown =:= true, FromName =:= ?unknown ->
- S;
- _ when S#state.hide_unknown =:= true, ToName =:= ?unknown ->
- S;
- Y when Y > S#state.canvas_height ->
- refresh_beep(S),
- S#state{refresh_needed = true,
- events = queue_in(Key, S#state.events)};
- Y ->
- S2 = S#state{y_pos = Y, events = queue_in(Key, S#state.events)},
- S3 = draw_arrow(FromPos, ToPos, S2),
- draw_label(Label, FromName, ToName, FromPos, ToPos, S3)
- end.
-refresh_beep(S) ->
- case S#state.refresh_needed of
- false ->
- gs:config(S#state.canvas, beep),
- gs:config(S#state.canvas, beep),
- gs:config(S#state.canvas, beep);
- true ->
- ignore
- end.
-draw_arrow(Pos, Pos, S) ->
- S;
-draw_arrow(FromPos, ToPos, S) ->
- Y = S#state.y_pos,
- CanOpts = [{coords, [{FromPos , Y}, {ToPos, Y}]},
- {arrow, last},{width, 1}, {fg, black}],
- gs:line(S#state.canvas, CanOpts),
- S.
-draw_label(Label, FromName, ToName, FromPos, ToPos, S) ->
- Colour =
- if
- FromName =:= ?unknown,
- ToName =:= ?unknown -> blue; %turquoise;
- FromName =:= ?unknown -> orange;
- ToName =:= ?unknown -> orange;
- FromPos =:= ToPos -> blue;
- true -> red
- end,
- Scale = S#state.scale,
- X = lists:min([FromPos, ToPos]) + (6 * Scale),
- Y = S#state.y_pos,
- write_text(Label, X, Y, Colour, S),
- S.
-draw_all_actors(State) ->
- Scale = State#state.scale,
- Fun = fun(A, X) ->
- draw_actor(A, X, State),
- X + (?incr_x * Scale)
- end,
- lists:foldl(Fun, ?initial_x * Scale, State#state.actors),
- State.
-%% Returns: {NeedsRefreshBool, {ActorPos, NewsS, NewActors}}
-ensure_actor(Name, S) ->
- do_ensure_actor(Name, S, S#state.actors, 0).
-do_ensure_actor(Name, S, [H | _], N) when H#actor.name =:= Name ->
- Pos = (?initial_x + (N * ?incr_x)) * S#state.scale,
- {false, {Name, Pos, S}};
-do_ensure_actor(Name, S, [_ | T], N) ->
- do_ensure_actor(Name, S, T, N + 1);
-do_ensure_actor(Name, S, [], N) ->
- %% A brand new actor, let's see if it does fit
- Pos = (?initial_x + (N * ?incr_x)) * S#state.scale,
- MaxActors = S#state.max_actors,
- if
- is_integer(MaxActors), N > MaxActors ->
- %% Failed on max_actors limit, put into unknown
- %% Assume that unknown always is in actor list
- ensure_actor(?unknown, S);
- Pos > (S#state.canvas_width - ((?initial_x - 15) * S#state.scale)) ->
- %% New actor does not fit in canvas, refresh needed
- A = create_actor(Name),
- draw_actor(A, Pos, S),
- {true, {Name, Pos, S#state{actors = S#state.actors ++ [A]}}};
- true ->
- %% New actor fits in canvas. Draw the new actor.
- A = create_actor(Name),
- draw_actor(A, Pos, S),
- {false, {Name, Pos, S#state{actors = S#state.actors ++ [A]}}}
- end.
-draw_actor(A, LineX, S) ->
- Scale = S#state.scale,
- TextX = LineX - (5 * Scale),
- TextY = ?initial_y * Scale,
- LineTopY = TextY + ((?incr_y / 2) * Scale),
- LineBotY = S#state.canvas_height - ((?incr_y / 2) * Scale),
- Colour = case A#actor.name of
- ?unknown -> orange;
- _ -> red
- end,
- write_text(A#actor.string, TextX, TextY, Colour, S),
- LineOpt = [{coords, [{LineX, LineTopY}, {LineX, LineBotY}]},
- {width, 1}, {fg, Colour}],
- gs:line(S#state.canvas, LineOpt).
-toggle_search_for_actor(ActorName,S) ->
- case S#state.display_mode of
- all ->
- io:format("~p: search for: ~p ++ ~p~n", [?MODULE, [], [ActorName]]),
- %% Search for this actor
- Key = S#state.first_event,
- Actors = [ActorName],
- Mode = {search_actors, forward, Key, Actors},
- change_display_mode(Mode, S);
- {search_actors, Dir, Key, Actors}->
- Actors2 =
- case lists:member(ActorName, Actors) of
- true ->
- io:format("~p: search for: ~p -- ~p~n", [?MODULE, Actors, [ActorName]]),
- %% Remove actor from search list
- Actors -- [ActorName];
- false ->
- io:format("~p: search for: ~p ++ ~p~n", [?MODULE, Actors, [ActorName]]),
- %% Add actor from search list
- [ActorName | Actors]
- end,
- Mode2 = {search_actors, Dir, Key, Actors2},
- change_display_mode(Mode2, S)
- end.
-move_actor(From, To, Actors, S) ->
- Pos = #actor.name,
- ToName = To#actor.name,
- FromName = From#actor.name,
- ToIx = actor_index(ToName, Pos, Actors),
- FromIx = actor_index(FromName, Pos, Actors),
- if
- FromIx =/= 0, ToIx =/= 0, ToIx > FromIx ->
- Actors2 = lists:keydelete(FromName, Pos, Actors),
- Actors3 = insert_actor_after(From, To, Actors2),
- S2 = S#state{actors = Actors3},
- refresh_main_window(S2);
- FromIx =/= 0, ToIx =/= 0 ->
- Actors2 = lists:keydelete(FromName, Pos, Actors),
- Actors3 = insert_actor_before(From, To, Actors2),
- S2 = S#state{actors = Actors3},
- refresh_main_window(S2);
- true ->
- %% Ignore
- S
- end.
-insert_actor_after(From, To, [H | T]) ->
- case To#actor.name =:= H#actor.name of
- true -> [H, From | T];
- false -> [H | insert_actor_after(From, To, T)]
- end;
-insert_actor_after(_From, _To, []) ->
- [].
-insert_actor_before(From, To, [H | T]) ->
- case To#actor.name =:= H#actor.name of
- true -> [From, H | T];
- false -> [H | insert_actor_before(From, To, T)]
- end;
-insert_actor_before(_From, _To, []) ->
- [].
-actor_index(_Key, _Pos, []) ->
- 0;
-actor_index(Key, Pos, [H | T]) ->
- case Key =:= element(Pos, H) of
- false -> actor_index(Key, Pos, T) + 1;
- true -> 1
- end.
-y_to_n(Y, S) ->
- Y2 = ((Y / S#state.scale) - ?initial_y + (?incr_y / 2)),
- N = round(Y2 / ?incr_y - 0.2),
- MaxN = queue_length(S#state.events),
- if
- N =< 0 -> actor;
- N > MaxN -> actor;
- true -> {event, N}
- end.
-x_to_n(X, S) ->
- Scale = S#state.scale,
- Len = length(S#state.actors),
- X2 = X - (?initial_x * Scale),
- N = X2 / (?incr_x * Scale),
- N2 = trunc(N + 1.5),
- if
- N2 > Len -> Len;
- N2 < 1 -> 1;
- true -> N2
- end.
-write_text(Text, X, Y, Colour, S) ->
- Opt = [{coords, [{X, Y - (?incr_y * S#state.scale / 2)}]},
- {font, S#state.font}, {fg, Colour}, {text, Text}],
- gs:text(S#state.canvas, Opt).
-create_contents_window(Event, S) ->
- Options = [{viewer_pid, self()},
- {event, Event},
- {event_order, S#state.event_order},
- {active_filter, S#state.active_filter}
- | S#state.filters],
- case et_gs_contents_viewer:start_link(Options) of
- {ok, _Pid} ->
- S;
- {error, Reason} ->
- ok = error_logger:format("~p(~p): create_contents_window(~p) ->~n ~p~n",
- [?MODULE, self(), Options, Reason]),
- S
- end.
-%%% String padding of actors
-create_actor(Name) ->
- String = name_to_string(Name),
- PaddedString = pad_string(String, 8),
- #actor{name = Name, string = PaddedString}.
-name_to_string(Name) ->
- case catch io_lib:format("~s", [Name]) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Name]));
- GoodString -> lists:flatten(GoodString)
- end.
-pad_string(Atom, MinLen) when is_atom(Atom) ->
- pad_string(atom_to_list(Atom), MinLen);
-pad_string(String, MinLen) when is_integer(MinLen), MinLen >= 0 ->
- Len = length(String),
- case Len >= MinLen of
- true ->
- String;
- false ->
- String ++ lists:duplicate(MinLen - Len, $ )
- end.
-%%% Queue management
-queue_new() ->
- {0, [], []}.
-queue_in(X, {Size, In, Out}) ->
- {Size + 1, [X | In], Out}.
-%% queue_out(Q) ->
-%% case Q of
-%% {Size, In, [H | Out]} -> {{value, H}, {Size - 1, In, Out}};
-%% {Size, [], []} -> {empty, {Size, [], []}};
-%% {Size, In, _} -> queue_out({Size, [], lists:reverse(In)})
-%% end.
-queue_to_list({_Size, [], Out}) ->
- Out;
-queue_to_list({_Size, In, Out}) ->
- Out ++ lists:reverse(In).
-queue_length({Size, _In, _Out}) ->
- Size.
-list_to_queue(List) when is_list(List) ->
- {length(List), [], List}.