path: root/lib/gs/contribs/mandel/mandel.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 351 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gs/contribs/mandel/mandel.erl b/lib/gs/contribs/mandel/mandel.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e6061ba77d..0000000000
--- a/lib/gs/contribs/mandel/mandel.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,config,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,create,4}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,image,2}},
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,start,0}}]).
-%% User's interface
-%% Internal exports:
-%%% Distributed Mandelbrot program.
-%%% Originally written i C++/rpc/lwp/interviews by Klas Eriksson.(1200 lines)
-%%% Rewritten in Erlang by Klas Eriksson and Martin Björklund.
-%% unix>erl -sname foo (all nodes will get the same name)
-%% (foo@data)1>mandel:start([{hosts,["computer1","computer2"]},{window,400}]).
-%% unix>erl
-%% 1> mandel:start().
- maxiter,colortable,zoomstep}).
-%% This is the client start function.
-start() ->
- start([]).
-%% Option is list of Option. Option is:
-%% {xmax,float()}|{ymax,float()}|{range,float()}|
-%% {maxiter,integer()}|{window,integer()}|{zoomstep,float()}|
-%% {hosts,(list of string())|all_found_nodes}
-start(Opts) ->
- Nodes1 = nodes(),
- Nodes = case get_option(hosts,Opts,all_found_nodes) of
- all_found_nodes when Nodes1 == [] ->
- N = [node()],
- spawn(mandel,start_server,[N]),
- N;
- all_found_nodes ->
- start_nodes(dir(),Nodes1),
- Nodes1;
- Hosts ->
- start_slaves(Hosts),
- start_nodes(dir(),Nodes1),
- Nodes1
- end,
- spawn(mandel,start_client,[Opts,Nodes]).
-%% This is not an application so we don't have their way of knowing
-%% a private data directory where the GIF files are located (this directory).
-%% We can find GS and makes it relative from there /kgb
- GsPrivDir = code:priv_dir(gs),
- filename:join(GsPrivDir,?EbinFromGsPriv).
-start_slaves([]) -> ok;
-start_slaves([Host|Hs]) ->
- {ok,Name}=slave:start(Host),
- io:format("host ~p is up~n", [Name]),
- start_slaves(Hs).
-start_nodes(_Dir,[]) -> ok;
-start_nodes(Dir,[Node|Nodes]) ->
- rpc:call(Node,code,add_path,[Dir]), % hack? should be done in .erlang
- spawn_link(Node,mandel,start_server,[[node()]]),
- io:format("started mandelserver at node: ~p~n", [Node]),
- start_nodes(Dir,Nodes).
-start_client(Opts,Nodes) ->
- Wt = get_option(window,Opts,100) div ?JOBWIDTH * ?JOBWIDTH,
- Ht = get_option(window,Opts,100) div ?JOBWIDTH * ?JOBWIDTH,
- S=gs:start(),
- Win=gs:create(window,win1,S,[{title,"Mandel"},{width,Wt-1},{height,Ht-1},
- {configure,true}]),
- Canvas=gs:create(canvas,can1,Win,[{width,Wt},{height,Ht}]),
- Image=gs:image(Canvas,[{buttonpress,true}]),
- MaxIters = get_option(maxiter,Opts,100),
- timer:apply_after(8000,mandel,refresher,[Image]),
- CT = make_color_table(MaxIters),
- State2=#state{image=Image,width=Wt,height=Ht,
- xmax=try_random(get_option(xmax,Opts,2),-2,2),
- ymax=try_random(get_option(ymax,Opts,2),-2,2),
- range=try_random(get_option(range,Opts,4),0,4),
- maxiter=MaxIters,colortable=CT,
- zoomstep=get_option(zoomstep,Opts,1.7)},
- ToDo = make_jobs(State2),
- gs:config(Win,[{map,true}]),
- main(State2, [], Nodes, ToDo).
-try_random(random,Low,High) ->
- random:uniform()*(High-Low)+Low;
-try_random(Float,_Low,_High) when is_number(Float) -> Float.
-%% Distribute work to the nodes. When a node returns, that
-%% node is the first to be used if there's any job left.
-main(State, [], PassiveNodes, []) ->
- wait_event(State,[],PassiveNodes,[]);
-main(State, ActiveNodes, PassiveNodes, []) ->
- % No jobs left, but some nodes are still active.
- % Wait_Event for their results
- wait_event(State,ActiveNodes,PassiveNodes,[]);
-main(State, ActiveNodes, [Node|PassiveNodes], [Job|ToDo]) ->
- % We have work to do, and at least one passive node.
- % Let him do it.
- distribute_job(Node, Job),
- main(State, [Node|ActiveNodes], PassiveNodes, ToDo);
-main(State, ActiveNodes, [], ToDo) ->
- % We have work to do, but all nodes are active.
- _Node = wait_event(State,ActiveNodes,[],ToDo).
-wait_event(State,ActiveNodes,PassiveNodes,ToDo) ->
- receive
- {calculation_done, {Node, Job}} ->
- if % a small hack. we want to discard data for old pictures
- Job#job.ymax==State#state.ymax ->
- draw(State, Node, Job);
- true -> true
- end,
- main(State,lists:delete(Node,ActiveNodes),[Node|PassiveNodes],ToDo);
- {gs,_Img,buttonpress,_Data,[_Butt,X,Y|_]} ->
- #state{width=W,height=H,ymax=Ymax,xmax=Xmax,range=R,zoomstep=ZS} =
- State,
- RX = Xmax-R+(X/W)*R,
- RY = Ymax-R+(1-(Y/H))*R,
- R2 = R/ZS,
- Xmax2 = RX + R2/2,
- Ymax2 = RY + R2/2,
- State2 = State#state{xmax=Xmax2,ymax=Ymax2,range=R2},
- io:format("{xmax,~w},{ymax,~w},{range,~w}~n", [Xmax2,Ymax2,R2]),
- ToDo2=make_jobs(State2),
- main(State2,ActiveNodes,PassiveNodes,ToDo2);
- {gs,_Win,destroy,_,_} ->
- kill_nodes(lists:append(ActiveNodes,PassiveNodes));
- {gs,_Win,configure,_Data,[W,H|_]}
- when State#state.width==W+1, State#state.height==H+1->
- main(State,ActiveNodes,PassiveNodes,ToDo);
- {gs,_Win,configure,_Data,[W|_]} ->
- gs:config(can1,[{width,W},{height,W}]),
- gs:config(win1,{configure,false}),
- gs:config(win1,[{width,W-1},{height,W-1}]),
- gs:config(win1,{configure,true}),
- State2 = State#state{width=W,height=W},
- ToDo2=make_jobs(State2),
- main(State2,ActiveNodes,PassiveNodes,ToDo2)
- end.
-kill_nodes([]) ->
- done;
-kill_nodes([Node|Nodes]) ->
- exit(rpc:call(Node,erlang,whereis,[mandel_server]),kill),
- kill_nodes(Nodes).
-distribute_job(Node, Job) ->
- {mandel_server, Node} ! {mandel_job, {self(), Job}}.
-draw(#state{image=Image, width=Wt, height=Ht, xmax=Xmax,
- maxiter=MI,colortable=ColorTable,range=R}, Node, Job) ->
- #job{left=Left,data=Data}=Job,
- io:format("Got data from node ~30w~n", [Node]),
-%% PixelX = K * RealX + M
-%% 0 = K * Xmin + M
-%% Width-1= K * Xmax + M
- K=(1-Wt)/-R,
- M=Wt-1-K*Xmax,
- Xbegin = round(Left*K+M),
- draw_cols(Image, Xbegin, Ht, lists:reverse(Data),MI,ColorTable).
-draw_cols(Image, X, Ht, [H|T],MaxIter,ColorTable) ->
- draw_col(Image, X, 0, H,MaxIter,ColorTable),
- draw_cols(Image, X+1, Ht, T,MaxIter,ColorTable);
-draw_cols(_Image, _X, _, [],_MaxIter,_ColorTable) ->
- done.
-draw_col(_Image, _X,_Y,[{no_first_color,0}],_MaxIter,_ColorTable) ->
- done;
-draw_col(Image, X,Y,[{Color,1}|T],MaxIter,ColorTable) ->
- gs:config(Image,[{pix_val,{{X,Y},
- element(Color+1,ColorTable)}}]),
- draw_col(Image, X,Y+1,T,MaxIter,ColorTable);
-draw_col(Image, X,Y,[{Color,Height}|T],MaxIter,ColorTable) ->
- gs:config(Image,[{pix_val,{{{X,Y},{X+1,Y+Height}},
- element(Color+1,ColorTable)}}]),
- draw_col(Image, X,Y+Height,T,MaxIter,ColorTable).
- xmax=Xmax,ymax=Ymax,maxiter=MI}) ->
- make_jobs(Xmax-R,Xmax,Ymax-R,Ymax,H,W,MI).
-make_jobs(Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Ht,Wt,MaxIter) ->
- NoJobs = Wt/?JOBWIDTH, % Each job is ?JOBWIDTH pixel-col
- DX = (Xmax - Xmin)/NoJobs,
- make_jobs(DX,Xmin,Xmax,#job{ymin=Ymin,ymax=Ymax,height=Ht,width=Wt/NoJobs,
- maxiter=MaxIter},[]).
-make_jobs(DX,Left,Xmax,JobSkel,Res) when Left =< Xmax ->
- Right = Left + DX,
- Job = JobSkel#job{left=Left,right=Right},
- make_jobs(DX,Right,Xmax,JobSkel,[Job | Res]);
-make_jobs(_DX,_Left,_Xmax,_JobSkel,Res) -> Res.
-%% A small process that refreshes the screen now and then.
-refresher(Image) ->
- gs:config(Image,flush),
- timer:apply_after(8000,mandel,refresher,[Image]).
-%% This is the server start function.
-start_server([ClientNode]) ->
- register(mandel_server, self()),
- erlang:monitor_node(ClientNode, true),
- server_loop().
-server_loop() ->
- receive
- {mandel_job, {Pid, Job}} ->
- spawn_link(mandel, respond, [Pid, Job]),
- server_loop()
- end.
-respond(Pid, Job) ->
- Data = do_job(Job),
- Pid ! {calculation_done, {node(), Data}}.
-do_job(Job) ->
- calculate_area(Job).
-calculate_area(Job) ->
- #job{ymin=Ymin,ymax=Ymax,height=Ht,width=Wt,left=Xmin,right=Xmax}=Job,
- Job#job{data=x_loop(0,[],Wt,(Xmax-Xmin)/Wt,(Ymax-Ymin)/Ht,Xmin,Job)}.
-x_loop(IX,Res,Wt,Dx,Dy,X,Job) when IX < Wt ->
- #job{ymin=Ymin,height=Ht,maxiter=MaxIter}=Job,
- Cols = y_loop(0,Ht,[],MaxIter,Dy,X,Ymin,no_first_color,0),
- x_loop(IX+1,[Cols|Res],Wt,Dx,Dy,X+Dx,Job);
-x_loop(_,Res,_,_,_,_,_) ->
- Res.
-y_loop(IY,Ht,Res,MaxIter,Dy,X,Y,PrevColor,NprevColor) when IY < Ht ->
- Color = color_loop(1,MaxIter,0,0,0,0,X,Y),
- if
- Color == PrevColor ->
- y_loop(IY+1,Ht,Res,MaxIter,Dy,X,Y+Dy,PrevColor,NprevColor+1);
- true ->
- y_loop(IY+1,Ht,[{PrevColor,NprevColor}|Res],MaxIter,
- Dy,X,Y+Dy,Color,1)
- end;
-y_loop(_,_,Res,_,_,_,_,PC,N) ->
- [{PC,N}|Res].
- when Za2 + Zb2 < 4, Color < MaxIter->
- Ztmp = Za2 - Zb2 + X,
- ZbN = 2 * Za * Zb + Y,
- color_loop(Color+1,MaxIter,Ztmp,ZbN,Ztmp * Ztmp,ZbN * ZbN,X,Y);
-color_loop(MaxIter,MaxIter,_Za,_Zb,_Za2,_Zb2,_X,_Y) ->
- 0; % black
-color_loop(Color,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
- Color.
-%% The "colormodel".
-make_color_table(MaxColors) ->
- list_to_tuple([{0,0,0}|colors(MaxColors)]).
-colors(Ncolors) ->
- {A,B,C}=erlang:now(),
- random:seed(A,B,C),
- Colors = random_colors(Ncolors),
- Colors2 = best_insert([hd(Colors)],tl(Colors)),
- Colors2.
-random_colors(0) -> [];
-random_colors(N) ->
- R = random:uniform(256)-1,
- G = random:uniform(256)-1,
- B = random:uniform(256)-1,
- [{R,G,B}|random_colors(N-1)].
-best_insert(Sorted,[RGB|Unsorted]) ->
- best_insert(insert_at(best_pos(RGB,Sorted),RGB,Sorted),Unsorted);
-best_insert(Sorted,[]) -> Sorted.
-insert_at(1,Elem,L) -> [Elem|L];
-insert_at(N,Elem,[H|T]) -> [H|insert_at(N-1,Elem,T)].
-best_pos(RGB, Sorted) ->
- D = distances(RGB,Sorted),
- pos_for_smallest_distance(D,1,1000,-1).
-pos_for_smallest_distance([],_CurPos,_SmallestDist,Pos) -> Pos;
- when Dist < SmallDist ->
- pos_for_smallest_distance(T,CurPos+1,Dist,CurPos);
-pos_for_smallest_distance([_|T],CurPos,Smallest,Pos) ->
- pos_for_smallest_distance(T,CurPos+1,Smallest,Pos).
-distances(_RGB,[]) ->
- [];
-distances({R,G,B},[{R2,G2,B2}|T]) ->
- [lists:max([abs(R-R2),abs(G-G2),abs(B-B2)])|distances({R,G,B},T)].
-get_option(Option, Options, Default) ->
- case gs:assq(Option, Options) of
- {value, Val} -> Val;
- false -> Default
- end.