path: root/lib/gs/src/gstk_gridline.erl
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diff --git a/lib/gs/src/gstk_gridline.erl b/lib/gs/src/gstk_gridline.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d504ed5319..0000000000
--- a/lib/gs/src/gstk_gridline.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
- {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,val,3}}]).
- read_option/5]).
--record(state,{canvas,ncols,max_range,cell_id, cell_pos,ids,db,tkcanvas}).
-%% text Text
-%% row Row
-%% data Data
-%% fg Color (default is the same as grid fg)
-%% click Bool
-create(DB, Gstkid, Options) ->
- Pgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB,Gstkid#gstkid.parent),
- Id = Gstkid#gstkid.id,
- #gstkid{widget_data=State} = Pgstkid,
- #state{cell_pos=CP,tkcanvas=TkW,ncols=Ncols} = State,
- Row = gs:val(row,Options),
- case check_row(CP,Row) of
- {error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
- ok ->
- Ngstkid = Gstkid#gstkid{widget=TkW},
- gstk_db:insert_opts(DB,Id,[{data,[]},{row,Row}]),
- update_cp_db(Ncols,Row,Id,CP),
- config_line(DB,Pgstkid,Ngstkid,Row,Options),
- Ngstkid
- end.
-%% Returns: ok|false
-check_row(_CellPos,undefined) ->
- {error,{gridline,{row,undefined}}};
-check_row(CellPos,Row) ->
- case ets:lookup(CellPos,{1,Row}) of
- [] ->
- {error,{gridline,row_outside_range,Row}};
- [{_,Item}] ->
- case Item#item.line_id of
- free -> ok;
- _ ->
- {error,{gridline,row_is_occupied,Row}}
- end
- end.
-%% s => text item
-%% p => rect item
-option(Option, _Gstkid, _TkW, DB,_) ->
- case Option of
- {{bg,_Item}, Color} -> {p,[" -f ", gstk:to_color(Color)]};
- {{text,_Item},Text} -> {s, [" -te ", gstk:to_ascii(Text)]};
- {{fg,_Item},Color} -> {sp,{[" -fi ", gstk:to_color(Color)],
- [" -outline ", gstk:to_color(Color)]}};
- {{font,_Item},Font} -> {s,[" -font ",gstk_font:choose_ascii(DB,Font)]};
- _ -> invalid_option
- end.
-%% Is always called.
-%% Clean-up my specific side-effect stuff.
-delete(DB, Gstkid) ->
- Row = gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,row),
- gstk_db:delete_widget(DB, Gstkid),
- {Gstkid#gstkid.parent, Gstkid#gstkid.id, gstk_gridline,[Gstkid, Row]}.
-%% Is called iff my parent is not also destroyed.
-destroy(DB, Lgstkid, Row) ->
- Ggstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB,Lgstkid#gstkid.parent),
- #gstkid{widget_data=State} = Ggstkid,
- config_line(DB,Ggstkid,Lgstkid,Row,
- [{bg,gstk_db:opt(DB,Ggstkid,bg)},
- {fg,gstk_db:opt(DB,Ggstkid,fg)},{text,""}]),
- Ncols = State#state.ncols,
- update_cp_db(Ncols,Row,free,State#state.cell_pos).
-config(DB, Gstkid, Opts) ->
- Pgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB,Gstkid#gstkid.parent),
- case {gs:val(row,Opts,missing),gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,row)} of
- {Row,Row} -> % stay here...
- config_line(DB,Pgstkid,Gstkid,Row,Opts);
- {missing,Row} -> % stay here...
- config_line(DB,Pgstkid,Gstkid,Row,Opts);
- {NewRow,OldRow} ->
- config_line(DB,Pgstkid,Gstkid,OldRow,Opts),
- Ngstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB,Gstkid#gstkid.id),
- case move_line(NewRow,OldRow,DB,Pgstkid#gstkid.widget_data,Ngstkid) of
- true ->
- gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Ngstkid,{row,NewRow}),
- ok;
- {error,_Reason} -> ok
- end
- end,
- ok.
-%% Returns: true|false depending on if operation succeeded
-move_line(NewRow,OldRow,_DB,State,_Ngstkid) ->
- case ets:lookup(State#state.cell_pos,{1,NewRow}) of
- [] ->
- {error,{gridline,row_outside_grid,NewRow}};
- [{_,#item{line_id=Lid}}] when Lid =/= free->
- {error,{gridline,new_row_occupied,NewRow}};
- [{_,_NewItem}] ->
- #state{tkcanvas=TkW,ncols=Ncols,cell_pos=CP} = State,
- swap_lines(TkW,OldRow,NewRow,1,Ncols,CP),
- true
- end.
-%% Purpose: swaps an empty newrow with a (oldrow) gridline
-swap_lines(TkW,OldRow,NewRow,Col,MaxCol,CellPos) when Col =< MaxCol ->
- [{_,NewItem}] = ets:lookup(CellPos,{Col,NewRow}),
- [{_,OldItem}] = ets:lookup(CellPos,{Col,OldRow}),
- swap_cells(TkW,NewItem,OldItem),
- ets:insert(CellPos,{{Col,NewRow},OldItem}),
- ets:insert(CellPos,{{Col,OldRow},NewItem}),
- swap_lines(TkW,OldRow,NewRow,Col+1,MaxCol,CellPos);
-swap_lines(_,_,_,_,_,_) -> done.
- #item{rect_id=OldRectId,text_id=OldTextId}) ->
- Aorid = gstk:to_ascii(OldRectId),
- Aotid = gstk:to_ascii(OldTextId),
- Anrid = gstk:to_ascii(NewRectId),
- Antid = gstk:to_ascii(NewTextId),
- Pre = [TkW," coords "],
- OldRectCoords = tcl2erl:ret_str([Pre,Aorid]),
- OldTextCoords = tcl2erl:ret_str([Pre,Aotid]),
- NewRectCoords = tcl2erl:ret_str([Pre,Anrid]),
- NewTextCoords = tcl2erl:ret_str([Pre,Antid]),
- gstk:exec([Pre,Aotid," ",NewTextCoords]),
- gstk:exec([Pre,Antid," ",OldTextCoords]),
- gstk:exec([Pre,Aorid," ",NewRectCoords]),
- gstk:exec([Pre,Anrid," ",OldRectCoords]).
-%% Pre: {row,Row} option is taken care of.
-config_line(DB,Pgstkid,Lgstkid,Row,Opts) ->
- #gstkid{widget_data=State, widget=TkW} = Pgstkid,
- #state{cell_pos=CP,ncols=Ncols} = State,
- Ropts = transform_opts(Opts,Ncols),
- RestOpts = config_gridline(DB,CP,Lgstkid,Ncols,Row,Ropts),
- gstk_generic:mk_cmd_and_exec(RestOpts,Lgstkid,TkW,"","",DB).
-%% Returns: non-processed options
-config_gridline(_DB,_CP,_Gstkid,0,_Row,Opts) ->
- Opts;
-config_gridline(DB,CP,Gstkid,Col,Row,Opts) ->
- {ColOpts,OtherOpts} = opts_for_col(Col,Opts,[],[]),
- if
- ColOpts==[] -> done;
- true ->
- [{_pos,Item}] = ets:lookup(CP,{Col,Row}),
- TkW = Gstkid#gstkid.widget,
- TextPre = [TkW," itemconf ",gstk:to_ascii(Item#item.text_id)],
- RectPre = [$;,TkW," itemconf ",gstk:to_ascii(Item#item.rect_id)],
- case gstk_generic:make_command(ColOpts,Gstkid,TkW,
- TextPre,RectPre,DB) of
- [] -> ok;
- {error,_Reason} -> ok;
- Cmd -> gstk:exec(Cmd)
- end
- end,
- config_gridline(DB,CP,Gstkid,Col-1,Row,OtherOpts).
-opts_for_col(Col,[{{Key,Col},Val}|Opts],ColOpts,RestOpts) ->
- opts_for_col(Col,Opts,[{{Key,Col},Val}|ColOpts],RestOpts);
-opts_for_col(Col,[Opt|Opts],ColOpts,RestOpts) ->
- opts_for_col(Col,Opts,ColOpts,[Opt|RestOpts]);
-opts_for_col(_Col,[],ColOpts,RestOpts) -> {ColOpts,RestOpts}.
-%% {Key,{Col,Val}} becomes {{Key,Col},Val}
-%% {Key,Val} becomes {{Key,1},Val}...{{Key,Ncol},Val}
-transform_opts([], _Ncols) -> [];
-transform_opts([{{Key,Col},Val} | Opts],Ncols) ->
- [{{Key,Col},Val}|transform_opts(Opts,Ncols)];
-transform_opts([{Key,{Col,Val}}|Opts],Ncols) when is_integer(Col) ->
- [{{Key,Col},Val}|transform_opts(Opts,Ncols)];
-transform_opts([{Key,Val}|Opts],Ncols) ->
- case lists:member(Key,[fg,bg,text,font]) of
- true ->
- lists:append(expand_to_all_cols(Key,Val,Ncols),
- transform_opts(Opts,Ncols));
- false ->
- case lists:member(Key,[click,doubleclick,row]) of
- true ->
- [{keep_opt,{Key,Val}}|transform_opts(Opts,Ncols)];
- false ->
- [{Key,Val}|transform_opts(Opts,Ncols)]
- end
- end;
-transform_opts([Opt|Opts],Ncols) ->
- [Opt|transform_opts(Opts,Ncols)].
-expand_to_all_cols(Key,Val,1) ->
- [{{Key,1},Val}];
-expand_to_all_cols(Key,Val,Col) ->
- [{{Key,Col},Val}|expand_to_all_cols(Key,Val,Col-1)].
-read(DB, Gstkid, Opt) ->
- Pgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB,Gstkid#gstkid.parent),
- gstk_generic:read_option(DB, Gstkid, Opt,Pgstkid).
-read_option({font,Column},Gstkid, _TkW,DB,Pgstkid) ->
- case gstk_db:opt_or_not(DB,Gstkid,{font,Column}) of
- false -> gstk_db:opt(DB,Pgstkid,font);
- {value,V} -> V
- end;
-read_option({Opt,Column},Gstkid, TkW,DB,#gstkid{widget_data=State}) ->
- Row = gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,row),
- [{_pos,Item}] = ets:lookup(State#state.cell_pos,{Column,Row}),
- Rid = gstk:to_ascii(Item#item.rect_id),
- Tid = gstk:to_ascii(Item#item.text_id),
- Pre = [TkW," itemcg "],
- case Opt of
- bg -> tcl2erl:ret_color([Pre,Rid," -f"]);
- fg -> tcl2erl:ret_color([Pre,Tid," -fi"]);
- text -> tcl2erl:ret_str([Pre,Tid," -te"]);
- _ -> {bad_result, {Gstkid#gstkid.objtype, invalid_option, {Opt,Column}}}
- end;
-read_option(Option,Gstkid,TkW,DB,Pgstkid) ->
- case lists:member(Option,[bg,fg,text]) of
- true -> read_option({Option,1},Gstkid,TkW,DB,Pgstkid);
- false -> gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,Option,undefined)
- end.
-update_cp_db(0,_Row,_,_) -> ok;
-update_cp_db(Col,Row,ID,CP) ->
- [{_,Item}] = ets:lookup(CP,{Col,Row}),
- ets:insert(CP,{{Col,Row},Item#item{line_id = ID}}),
- update_cp_db(Col-1,Row,ID,CP).
-event(DB, GridGstkid, Etype, _Edata, [CanItem]) ->
- State = GridGstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
- #state{cell_pos=CP,cell_id=CIs,tkcanvas=TkW} = State,
- case ets:lookup(CIs,CanItem) of
- [{_id,{Col,Row}}] ->
- [{_pos,Item}] = ets:lookup(CP,{Col,Row}),
- case Item#item.line_id of
- free -> ok;
- Id ->
- Lgstkid = gstk_db:lookup_gstkid(DB,Id),
- case gstk_db:opt_or_not(DB,Lgstkid,Etype) of
- {value,true} ->
- Txt = read_option({text,Col},Lgstkid,TkW,
- DB,GridGstkid),
- gstk_generic:event(DB,Lgstkid,Etype,dummy,
- [Col,Row,Txt]);
- _ -> ok
- end
- end;
- _ -> ok
- end;
-event(_DB, _Gstkid, _Etype, _Edata, _Args) ->
- ok.