path: root/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index 7826dada9d..a5a3e8c136 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
t_map_get/2, t_map_get/3,
t_map_is_key/2, t_map_is_key/3,
t_map_update/2, t_map_update/3,
+ t_map_pairwise_merge/4,
t_map_put/2, t_map_put/3,
@@ -219,8 +220,7 @@
- cache__new/0,
- map_pairwise_merge/3
+ cache__new/0
%%-define(DO_ERL_TYPES_TEST, true).
@@ -236,7 +236,8 @@
--export_type([erl_type/0, opaques/0, type_table/0, var_table/0, cache/0]).
+-export_type([erl_type/0, opaques/0, type_table/0, mod_records/0,
+ var_table/0, cache/0]).
%%-define(DEBUG, true).
@@ -379,8 +380,9 @@
-type type_value() :: {{module(), {file:name(), erl_anno:line()},
erl_parse:abstract_type(), ArgNames :: [atom()]},
--type type_table() :: dict:dict(record_key() | type_key(),
- record_value() | type_value()).
+-type type_table() :: #{record_key() | type_key() =>
+ record_value() | type_value()}.
+-type mod_records() :: dict:dict(module(), type_table()).
-opaque var_table() :: #{atom() => erl_type()}.
@@ -494,9 +496,9 @@ t_contains_opaque(?function(Domain, Range), Opaques) ->
t_contains_opaque(Domain, Opaques)
orelse t_contains_opaque(Range, Opaques);
t_contains_opaque(?identifier(_Types), _Opaques) -> false;
-t_contains_opaque(?integer(_Types), _Opaques) -> false;
t_contains_opaque(?int_range(_From, _To), _Opaques) -> false;
t_contains_opaque(?int_set(_Set), _Opaques) -> false;
+t_contains_opaque(?integer(_Types), _Opaques) -> false;
t_contains_opaque(?list(Type, Tail, _), Opaques) ->
t_contains_opaque(Type, Opaques) orelse t_contains_opaque(Tail, Opaques);
t_contains_opaque(?map(_, _, _) = Map, Opaques) ->
@@ -524,7 +526,8 @@ list_contains_opaque(List, Opaques) ->
lists:any(fun(E) -> t_contains_opaque(E, Opaques) end, List).
%% t_find_opaque_mismatch/2 of two types should only be used if their
-%% t_inf is t_none() due to some opaque type violation.
+%% t_inf is t_none() due to some opaque type violation. However,
+%% 'error' is returned if a structure mismatch is found.
%% The first argument of the function is the pattern and its second
%% argument the type we are matching against the pattern.
@@ -533,22 +536,30 @@ list_contains_opaque(List, Opaques) ->
'error' | {'ok', erl_type(), erl_type()}.
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques).
+ catch t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques).
t_find_opaque_mismatch(?any, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?none, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?none, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> throw(error);
t_find_opaque_mismatch(?list(T1, Tl1, _), ?list(T2, Tl2, _), TopType, Opaques) ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists([T1, Tl1], [T2, Tl2], TopType, Opaques);
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
case is_opaque_type(T2, Opaques) of
- false -> {ok, TopType, T2};
+ false ->
+ case t_is_opaque(T1) andalso compatible_opaque_types(T1, T2) =/= [] of
+ true -> error;
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T2}
+ end;
true ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2), TopType, Opaques)
t_find_opaque_mismatch(?opaque(_) = T1, T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
%% The generated message is somewhat misleading:
case is_opaque_type(T1, Opaques) of
- false -> {ok, TopType, T1};
+ false ->
+ case t_is_opaque(T2) andalso compatible_opaque_types(T1, T2) =/= [] of
+ true -> error;
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T1}
+ end;
true ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2, TopType, Opaques)
@@ -564,7 +575,11 @@ t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(_, _, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(_) = T2,
t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(Tuples1, Tuples2, TopType, Opaques);
t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?union(U2), TopType, Opaques) ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists([T1], U2, TopType, Opaques);
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(_T1, _T2, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error.
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, _TopType, Opaques) ->
+ case t_is_none(t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques)) of
+ false -> error;
+ true -> throw(error)
+ end.
t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(L1, L2, TopType, Opaques) ->
List = lists:zipwith(fun(T1, T2) ->
@@ -573,10 +588,11 @@ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(L1, L2, TopType, Opaques) ->
t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(L1, L2, _TopType, Opaques) ->
- List = [t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques) || T1 <- L1, T2 <- L2],
+ List = [catch t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques) ||
+ T1 <- L1, T2 <- L2],
-t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([]) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([]) -> throw(error);
t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([H|T]) ->
case H of
{ok, _T1, _T2} -> H;
@@ -611,9 +627,13 @@ t_decorate_with_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
false -> T1;
true ->
R = decorate(T1, T, Opaques),
- ?debug(case catch t_is_equal(t_unopaque(R), t_unopaque(T1)) of
- true -> ok;
- false ->
+ ?debug(case catch
+ not t_is_equal(t_unopaque(R), t_unopaque(T1))
+ orelse
+ t_is_equal(T1, T) andalso not t_is_equal(T1, R)
+ of
+ false -> ok;
+ _ ->
io:format("T1 = ~p,\n", [T1]),
io:format("T2 = ~p,\n", [T2]),
io:format("O = ~p,\n", [Opaques]),
@@ -642,7 +662,6 @@ decorate(?tuple_set(List), ?tuple_set(L), Opaques) ->
decorate(?union(List), T, Opaques) when T =/= ?any ->
?union(L) = force_union(T),
union_decorate(List, L, Opaques);
-decorate(?opaque(_)=T, _, _Opaques) -> T;
decorate(T, ?union(L), Opaques) when T =/= ?any ->
?union(List) = force_union(T),
union_decorate(List, L, Opaques);
@@ -656,7 +675,7 @@ decorate_with_opaque(Type, ?opaque(Set2), Opaques) ->
case decoration(set_to_list(Set2), Type, Opaques, [], false) of
{[], false} -> Type;
{List, All} when List =/= [] ->
- NewType = ?opaque(ordsets:from_list(List)),
+ NewType = sup_opaque(List),
case All of
true -> NewType;
false -> t_sup(NewType, Type)
@@ -670,9 +689,10 @@ decoration([#opaque{struct = S} = Opaque|OpaqueTypes], Type, Opaques,
case not IsOpaque orelse t_is_none(I) of
true -> decoration(OpaqueTypes, Type, Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes0, All);
false ->
- NewOpaque = Opaque#opaque{struct = decorate(I, S, Opaques)},
+ NewI = decorate(I, S, Opaques),
+ NewOpaque = combine(NewI, [Opaque]),
NewAll = All orelse t_is_equal(I, Type),
- NewOpaqueTypes = [NewOpaque|NewOpaqueTypes0],
+ NewOpaqueTypes = NewOpaque ++ NewOpaqueTypes0,
decoration(OpaqueTypes, Type, Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes, NewAll)
decoration([], _Type, _Opaques, NewOpaqueTypes, All) ->
@@ -745,16 +765,16 @@ decorate_tuples_in_sets([], _L, _Opaques, Acc) ->
-spec t_opaque_from_records(type_table()) -> [erl_type()].
-t_opaque_from_records(RecDict) ->
- OpaqueRecDict =
- dict:filter(fun(Key, _Value) ->
+t_opaque_from_records(RecMap) ->
+ OpaqueRecMap =
+ maps:filter(fun(Key, _Value) ->
case Key of
{opaque, _Name, _Arity} -> true;
_ -> false
- end, RecDict),
- OpaqueTypeDict =
- dict:map(fun({opaque, Name, _Arity},
+ end, RecMap),
+ OpaqueTypeMap =
+ maps:map(fun({opaque, Name, _Arity},
{{Module, _FileLine, _Form, ArgNames}, _Type}) ->
%% Args = args_to_types(ArgNames),
%% List = lists:zip(ArgNames, Args),
@@ -763,8 +783,8 @@ t_opaque_from_records(RecDict) ->
Rep = t_any(), % not used for anything right now
Args = [t_any() || _ <- ArgNames],
t_opaque(Module, Name, Args, Rep)
- end, OpaqueRecDict),
- [OpaqueType || {_Key, OpaqueType} <- dict:to_list(OpaqueTypeDict)].
+ end, OpaqueRecMap),
+ [OpaqueType || {_Key, OpaqueType} <- maps:to_list(OpaqueTypeMap)].
%% Decompose opaque instances of type arg2 to structured types, in arg1
%% XXX: Same as t_unopaque
@@ -798,10 +818,6 @@ list_struct_from_opaque(Types, Opaques) ->
[t_struct_from_opaque(Type, Opaques) || Type <- Types].
--type mod_records() :: dict:dict(module(), type_table()).
%% Unit type. Signals non termination.
@@ -1664,10 +1680,12 @@ t_map(Pairs0, DefK0, DefV0) ->
%% define(DEBUG, true).
- catch error:badarg -> error(badarg, [Pairs0,DefK0,DefV0]);
- error:{badarg, E} -> error({badarg, E}, [Pairs0,DefK0,DefV0])
+ catch error:badarg -> error(badarg, [Pairs0,DefK0,DefV0])
- ?map(Pairs, DefK, DefV).
+ case map_pairs_are_none(Pairs) of
+ true -> ?none;
+ false -> ?map(Pairs, DefK, DefV)
+ end.
normalise_map_optionals([], _, _) -> [];
normalise_map_optionals([E={K,?opt,?none}|T], DefK, DefV) ->
@@ -1684,7 +1702,6 @@ normalise_map_optionals([E={K,?opt,V}|T], DefK, DefV) ->
normalise_map_optionals([E|T], DefK, DefV) ->
[E|normalise_map_optionals(T, DefK, DefV)].
-validate_map_elements([{_,?mand,?none}|_]) -> error({badarg, none_in_mand});
validate_map_elements([{K1,_,_}|Rest=[{K2,_,_}|_]]) ->
case is_singleton_type(K1) andalso K1 < K2 of
false -> error(badarg);
@@ -1697,6 +1714,10 @@ validate_map_elements([{K,_,_}]) ->
validate_map_elements([]) -> true.
+map_pairs_are_none([]) -> false;
+map_pairs_are_none([{_,?mand,?none}|_]) -> true;
+map_pairs_are_none([_|Ps]) -> map_pairs_are_none(Ps).
-spec t_is_map(erl_type()) -> boolean().
t_is_map(Type) ->
@@ -1763,13 +1784,26 @@ mapdict_insert(E1={K1,_,_}, [E2={K2,_,_}|T]) when K1 > K2 ->
[E2|mapdict_insert(E1, T)];
mapdict_insert(E={_,_,_}, T) -> [E|T].
+-type map_pairwise_merge_fun() :: fun((erl_type(),
+ t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type(),
+ t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type())
+ -> t_map_pair() | false).
+-spec t_map_pairwise_merge(map_pairwise_merge_fun(), erl_type(), erl_type(),
+ opaques()) -> t_map_dict().
+t_map_pairwise_merge(F, MapA, MapB, Opaques) ->
+ do_opaque(MapA, Opaques,
+ fun(UMapA) ->
+ do_opaque(MapB, Opaques,
+ fun(UMapB) ->
+ map_pairwise_merge(F, UMapA, UMapB)
+ end)
+ end).
%% Merges the pairs of two maps together. Missing pairs become (?opt, DefV) or
%% (?opt, ?none), depending on whether K \in DefK.
--spec map_pairwise_merge(fun((erl_type(),
- t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type(),
- t_map_mandatoriness(), erl_type())
- -> t_map_pair() | false),
- erl_type(), erl_type()) -> t_map_dict().
+-spec map_pairwise_merge(map_pairwise_merge_fun(), erl_type(), erl_type())
+ -> t_map_dict().
map_pairwise_merge(F, ?map(APairs, ADefK, ADefV),
?map(BPairs, BDefK, BDefV)) ->
map_pairwise_merge(F, APairs, ADefK, ADefV, BPairs, BDefK, BDefV).
@@ -2223,16 +2257,21 @@ t_has_var_list([]) -> false.
-spec t_collect_vars(erl_type()) -> [erl_type()].
t_collect_vars(T) ->
- t_collect_vars(T, []).
+ Vs = t_collect_vars(T, maps:new()),
+ [V || {V, _} <- maps:to_list(Vs)].
+-type ctab() :: #{erl_type() => 'any'}.
--spec t_collect_vars(erl_type(), [erl_type()]) -> [erl_type()].
+-spec t_collect_vars(erl_type(), ctab()) -> ctab().
t_collect_vars(?var(_) = Var, Acc) ->
- ordsets:add_element(Var, Acc);
+ maps:put(Var, any, Acc);
t_collect_vars(?function(Domain, Range), Acc) ->
- ordsets:union(t_collect_vars(Domain, Acc), t_collect_vars(Range, []));
+ Acc1 = t_collect_vars(Domain, Acc),
+ t_collect_vars(Range, Acc1);
t_collect_vars(?list(Contents, Termination, _), Acc) ->
- ordsets:union(t_collect_vars(Contents, Acc), t_collect_vars(Termination, []));
+ Acc1 = t_collect_vars(Contents, Acc),
+ t_collect_vars(Termination, Acc1);
t_collect_vars(?product(Types), Acc) ->
t_collect_vars_list(Types, Acc);
t_collect_vars(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), Acc) ->
@@ -2833,12 +2872,7 @@ t_inf(?map(_, ADefK, ADefV) = A, ?map(_, BDefK, BDefV) = B, _Opaques) ->
%% becomes mandatory in the infinumum
(K, _, V1, _, V2) -> {K, ?mand, t_inf(V1, V2)}
end, A, B),
- %% If the infinimum of any mandatory values is ?none, the entire map infinimum
- %% is ?none.
- case lists:any(fun({_,?mand,?none})->true; ({_,_,_}) -> false end, Pairs) of
- true -> t_none();
- false -> t_map(Pairs, t_inf(ADefK, BDefK), t_inf(ADefV, BDefV))
- end;
+ t_map(Pairs, t_inf(ADefK, BDefK), t_inf(ADefV, BDefV));
t_inf(?matchstate(Pres1, Slots1), ?matchstate(Pres2, Slots2), _Opaques) ->
?matchstate(t_inf(Pres1, Pres2), t_inf(Slots1, Slots2));
t_inf(?nil, ?nil, _Opaques) -> ?nil;
@@ -2978,27 +3012,21 @@ inf_collect(_T1, [], _Opaques, OpL) ->
combine(S, T1, T2) ->
- #opaque{mod = Mod1, name = Name1, args = Args1} = T1,
- #opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2} = T2,
- Comb1 = comb(Mod1, Name1, Args1, S, T1),
- case is_compat_opaque_names({Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2}) of
- true -> Comb1;
- false -> Comb1 ++ comb(Mod2, Name2, Args2, S, T2)
+ case is_compat_opaque_names(T1, T2) of
+ true -> combine(S, [T1]);
+ false -> combine(S, [T1, T2])
-comb(Mod, Name, Args, S, T) ->
- case can_combine_opaque_names(Mod, Name, Args, S) of
- true ->
- ?opaque(Set) = S,
- Set;
- false ->
- [T#opaque{struct = S}]
- end.
+combine(?opaque(Set), Ts) ->
+ [comb2(O, T) || O <- Set, T <- Ts];
+combine(S, Ts) ->
+ [T#opaque{struct = S} || T <- Ts].
-can_combine_opaque_names(Mod1, Name1, Args1,
- ?opaque([#opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2}])) ->
- is_compat_opaque_names({Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2});
-can_combine_opaque_names(_, _, _, _) -> false.
+comb2(O, T) ->
+ case is_compat_opaque_names(O, T) of
+ true -> O;
+ false -> T#opaque{struct = ?opaque(set_singleton(O))}
+ end.
%% Combining two lists this way can be very time consuming...
%% Note: two parameterized opaque types are not the same if their
@@ -3007,32 +3035,27 @@ inf_opaque(Set1, Set2, Opaques) ->
List1 = inf_look_up(Set1, Opaques),
List2 = inf_look_up(Set2, Opaques),
List0 = [combine(Inf, T1, T2) ||
- {Is1, ModNameArgs1, T1} <- List1,
- {Is2, ModNameArgs2, T2} <- List2,
- not t_is_none(Inf = inf_opaque_types(Is1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
- Is2, ModNameArgs2, T2,
- Opaques))],
- List = lists:sort(lists:append(List0)),
+ {Is1, T1} <- List1,
+ {Is2, T2} <- List2,
+ not t_is_none(Inf = inf_opaque_types(Is1, T1, Is2, T2, Opaques))],
+ List = lists:append(List0),
%% Optimization: do just one lookup.
inf_look_up(Set, Opaques) ->
- [{Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques),
- {M, N, Args}, T} ||
- #opaque{mod = M, name = N, args = Args} = T <- set_to_list(Set)].
+ [{Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques), T} ||
+ T <- set_to_list(Set)].
inf_is_opaque_type2(T, {match, Opaques}) ->
is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques);
inf_is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques) ->
is_opaque_type2(T, Opaques).
-inf_opaque_types(IsOpaque1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
- IsOpaque2, ModNameArgs2, T2, Opaques) ->
+inf_opaque_types(IsOpaque1, T1, IsOpaque2, T2, Opaques) ->
#opaque{struct = S1}=T1,
#opaque{struct = S2}=T2,
- Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse
- is_compat_opaque_names(ModNameArgs1, ModNameArgs2)
+ Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse is_compat_opaque_names(T1, T2)
true -> t_inf(S1, S2, Opaques);
false ->
@@ -3046,98 +3069,109 @@ inf_opaque_types(IsOpaque1, ModNameArgs1, T1,
-is_compat_opaque_names(ModNameArgs, ModNameArgs) -> true;
-is_compat_opaque_names({Mod,Name,Args1}, {Mod,Name,Args2}) ->
- is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
-is_compat_opaque_names(_, _) -> false.
+compatible_opaque_types(?opaque(Es1), ?opaque(Es2)) ->
+ [{O1, O2} || O1 <- Es1, O2 <- Es2, is_compat_opaque_names(O1, O2)].
+is_compat_opaque_names(Opaque1, Opaque2) ->
+ #opaque{mod = Mod1, name = Name1, args = Args1} = Opaque1,
+ #opaque{mod = Mod2, name = Name2, args = Args2} = Opaque2,
+ case {{Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2}} of
+ {ModNameArgs, ModNameArgs} -> true;
+ {{Mod, Name, Args1}, {Mod, Name, Args2}} ->
+ is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
+ _ -> false
+ end.
is_compat_args([A1|Args1], [A2|Args2]) ->
is_compat_arg(A1, A2) andalso is_compat_args(Args1, Args2);
is_compat_args([], []) -> true;
is_compat_args(_, _) -> false.
-is_compat_arg(A1, A2) ->
- is_specialization(A1, A2) orelse is_specialization(A2, A1).
--spec is_specialization(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
-%% Returns true if the first argument is a specialization of the
-%% second argument in the sense that every type is a specialization of
-%% any(). For example, {_,_} is a specialization of any(), but not of
-%% tuple(). Does not handle variables, but any() and unions (sort of).
-is_specialization(T, T) -> true;
-is_specialization(_, ?any) -> true;
-is_specialization(?any, _) -> false;
-is_specialization(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2)) ->
- (is_specialization(Domain1, Domain2) andalso
- is_specialization(Range1, Range2));
-is_specialization(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
- ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2)) ->
+-spec is_compat_arg(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> boolean().
+%% The intention is that 'true' is to be returned iff one of the
+%% arguments is a specialization of the other argument in the sense
+%% that every type is a specialization of any(). For example, {_,_} is
+%% a specialization of any(), but not of tuple(). Does not handle
+%% variables, but any() and unions (sort of). However, the
+%% implementation is more relaxed as any() is compatible to anything.
+is_compat_arg(T, T) -> true;
+is_compat_arg(_, ?any) -> true;
+is_compat_arg(?any, _) -> true;
+is_compat_arg(?function(Domain1, Range1), ?function(Domain2, Range2)) ->
+ (is_compat_arg(Domain1, Domain2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(Range1, Range2));
+is_compat_arg(?list(Contents1, Termination1, Size1),
+ ?list(Contents2, Termination2, Size2)) ->
(Size1 =:= Size2 andalso
- is_specialization(Contents1, Contents2) andalso
- is_specialization(Termination1, Termination2));
-is_specialization(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2)) ->
- specialization_list(Types1, Types2);
-is_specialization(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(_, _, _)) -> false;
-is_specialization(?tuple(_, _, _), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> false;
-is_specialization(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
- ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
- specialization_list(Elements1, Elements2);
-is_specialization(?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]),
- ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
- specialization_list(sup_tuple_elements(List), Elements2);
-is_specialization(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
- ?tuple_set([{Arity, List}])) when Arity =/= ?any ->
- specialization_list(Elements1, sup_tuple_elements(List));
-is_specialization(?tuple_set(List1), ?tuple_set(List2)) ->
+ is_compat_arg(Contents1, Contents2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(Termination1, Termination2));
+is_compat_arg(?product(Types1), ?product(Types2)) ->
+ is_compat_list(Types1, Types2);
+is_compat_arg(?map(Pairs1, DefK1, DefV1), ?map(Pairs2, DefK2, DefV2)) ->
+ (is_compat_list(Pairs1, Pairs2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(DefK1, DefK2) andalso
+ is_compat_arg(DefV1, DefV2));
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), ?tuple(_, _, _)) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(_, _, _), ?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any)) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ is_compat_list(Elements1, Elements2);
+is_compat_arg(?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]),
+ ?tuple(Elements2, Arity, _)) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ is_compat_list(sup_tuple_elements(List), Elements2);
+is_compat_arg(?tuple(Elements1, Arity, _),
+ ?tuple_set([{Arity, List}])) when Arity =/= ?any ->
+ is_compat_list(Elements1, sup_tuple_elements(List));
+is_compat_arg(?tuple_set(List1), ?tuple_set(List2)) ->
- specialization_list_list([sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List1],
- [sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List2])
+ is_compat_list_list([sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List1],
+ [sup_tuple_elements(T) || {_Arity, T} <- List2])
catch _:_ -> false
-is_specialization(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
- case specialization_union2(T1, T2) of
- {yes, Type1, Type2} -> is_specialization(Type1, Type2);
- no -> specialization_list(List1, List2)
+is_compat_arg(?opaque(_) = T1, T2) ->
+ is_compat_arg(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2);
+is_compat_arg(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2) ->
+ is_compat_arg(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2));
+is_compat_arg(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
+ case is_compat_union2(T1, T2) of
+ {yes, Type1, Type2} -> is_compat_arg(Type1, Type2);
+ no -> is_compat_list(List1, List2)
-is_specialization(?union(List), T2) ->
+is_compat_arg(?union(List), T2) ->
case unify_union(List) of
- {yes, Type} -> is_specialization(Type, T2);
+ {yes, Type} -> is_compat_arg(Type, T2);
no -> false
-is_specialization(T1, ?union(List)) ->
+is_compat_arg(T1, ?union(List)) ->
case unify_union(List) of
- {yes, Type} -> is_specialization(T1, Type);
+ {yes, Type} -> is_compat_arg(T1, Type);
no -> false
-is_specialization(?opaque(_) = T1, T2) ->
- is_specialization(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2);
-is_specialization(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2) ->
- is_specialization(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2));
-is_specialization(?var(_), _) -> exit(error);
-is_specialization(_, ?var(_)) -> exit(error);
-is_specialization(?none, _) -> false;
-is_specialization(_, ?none) -> false;
-is_specialization(?unit, _) -> false;
-is_specialization(_, ?unit) -> false;
-is_specialization(#c{}, #c{}) -> false.
-specialization_list_list(LL1, LL2) ->
- length(LL1) =:= length(LL2) andalso specialization_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
-specialization_list_list1([], []) -> true;
-specialization_list_list1([L1|LL1], [L2|LL2]) ->
- specialization_list(L1, L2) andalso specialization_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
-specialization_list(L1, L2) ->
- length(L1) =:= length(L2) andalso specialization_list1(L1, L2).
-specialization_list1([], []) -> true;
-specialization_list1([T1|L1], [T2|L2]) ->
- is_specialization(T1, T2) andalso specialization_list1(L1, L2).
-specialization_union2(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
+is_compat_arg(?var(_), _) -> exit(error);
+is_compat_arg(_, ?var(_)) -> exit(error);
+is_compat_arg(?none, _) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(_, ?none) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(?unit, _) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(_, ?unit) -> false;
+is_compat_arg(#c{}, #c{}) -> false.
+is_compat_list_list(LL1, LL2) ->
+ length(LL1) =:= length(LL2) andalso is_compat_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
+is_compat_list_list1([], []) -> true;
+is_compat_list_list1([L1|LL1], [L2|LL2]) ->
+ is_compat_list(L1, L2) andalso is_compat_list_list1(LL1, LL2).
+is_compat_list(L1, L2) ->
+ length(L1) =:= length(L2) andalso is_compat_list1(L1, L2).
+is_compat_list1([], []) -> true;
+is_compat_list1([T1|L1], [T2|L2]) ->
+ is_compat_arg(T1, T2) andalso is_compat_list1(L1, L2).
+is_compat_union2(?union(List1)=T1, ?union(List2)=T2) ->
case {unify_union(List1), unify_union(List2)} of
{{yes, Type1}, {yes, Type2}} -> {yes, Type1, Type2};
{{yes, Type1}, no} -> {yes, Type1, T2};
@@ -4170,7 +4204,7 @@ t_map(Fun, T) ->
-spec t_to_string(erl_type()) -> string().
t_to_string(T) ->
- t_to_string(T, dict:new()).
+ t_to_string(T, maps:new()).
-spec t_to_string(erl_type(), type_table()) -> string().
@@ -4366,7 +4400,7 @@ record_field_diffs_to_string(?tuple([_|Fs], Arity, Tag), RecDict) ->
string:join(FieldDiffs, " and ").
field_diffs([F|Fs], [{FName, _Abstr, DefType}|FDefs], RecDict, Acc) ->
- %% Don't care about opaqueness for now.
+ %% Don't care about opacity for now.
NewAcc =
case not t_is_none(t_inf(F, DefType)) of
true -> Acc;
@@ -4469,28 +4503,31 @@ t_from_form1(Form, ET, Site, MR, V, C) ->
vtab = V,
tnames = TypeNames},
- {T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Form, State, ?EXPAND_DEPTH, L, C),
+ {T0, L0, C0} = from_form(Form, State, ?EXPAND_DEPTH, L, C),
- L1 =< 0 ->
- from_form_loop(Form, State, 1, L, C1);
+ L0 =< 0 ->
+ {T1, _, C1} = from_form(Form, State, 1, L, C0),
+ from_form_loop(Form, State, 2, L, C1, T1);
true ->
- {T1, C1}
+ {T0, C0}
initial_typenames({type, _MTA}=Site) -> [Site];
initial_typenames({spec, _MFA}) -> [];
initial_typenames({record, _MRA}) -> [].
-from_form_loop(Form, State, D, Limit, C) ->
+from_form_loop(Form, State, D, Limit, C, T0) ->
{T1, L1, C1} = from_form(Form, State, D, Limit, C),
Delta = Limit - L1,
- %% Save some time by assuming next depth will exceed the limit.
+ L1 =< 0 ->
+ {T0, C1};
Delta * 8 > Limit ->
+ %% Save some time by assuming next depth will exceed the limit.
{T1, C1};
true ->
D1 = D + 1,
- from_form_loop(Form, State, D1, Limit, C1)
+ from_form_loop(Form, State, D1, Limit, C1, T1)
-spec from_form(parse_form(),
@@ -4528,6 +4565,8 @@ from_form({atom, _L, Atom}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
{t_atom(Atom), L, C};
from_form({integer, _L, Int}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
{t_integer(Int), L, C};
+from_form({char, _L, Char}, _S, _D, L, C) ->
+ {t_integer(Char), L, C};
from_form({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op, _S, _D, L, C) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, Val} ->
@@ -4749,7 +4788,7 @@ type_from_form1(Name, Args, ArgsLen, R, TypeName, TypeNames, S, D, L, C) ->
{Rep, L2, C2} = recur_limit(Fun, D, L1, TypeName, TypeNames),
Rep1 = choose_opaque_type(Rep, Type),
Rep2 = case cannot_have_opaque(Rep1, TypeName, TypeNames) of
- true -> Rep1;
+ true -> Rep;
false ->
ArgTypes2 = subst_all_vars_to_any_list(ArgTypes),
t_opaque(Module, Name, ArgTypes2, Rep1)
@@ -4821,7 +4860,7 @@ remote_from_form1(RemMod, Name, Args, ArgsLen, RemDict, RemType, TypeNames,
NewRep1 = choose_opaque_type(NewRep, Type),
NewRep2 =
case cannot_have_opaque(NewRep1, RemType, TypeNames) of
- true -> NewRep1;
+ true -> NewRep;
false ->
ArgTypes2 = subst_all_vars_to_any_list(ArgTypes),
t_opaque(Mod, Name, ArgTypes2, NewRep1)
@@ -5042,6 +5081,7 @@ check_record_fields({remote_type, _L, [{atom, _, _}, {atom, _, _}, Args]},
list_check_record_fields(Args, S, C);
check_record_fields({atom, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({integer, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
+check_record_fields({char, _L, _}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({op, _L, _Op, _Arg1, _Arg2}, _S, C) -> C;
check_record_fields({type, _L, tuple, any}, _S, C) -> C;
@@ -5143,6 +5183,7 @@ t_form_to_string({var, _L, Name}) -> atom_to_list(Name);
t_form_to_string({atom, _L, Atom}) ->
io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(Atom), $'); % To quote or not to quote... '
t_form_to_string({integer, _L, Int}) -> integer_to_list(Int);
+t_form_to_string({char, _L, Char}) -> integer_to_list(Char);
t_form_to_string({op, _L, _Op, _Arg} = Op) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(Op) of
{integer, _, _} = Int -> t_form_to_string(Int);
@@ -5225,7 +5266,7 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, union, Args}) ->
t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, []} = T) ->
M = mod,
- D0 = dict:new(),
+ D0 = maps:new(),
MR = dict:from_list([{M, D0}]),
Site = {type, {M,Name,0}},
V = var_table__new(),
@@ -5289,8 +5330,8 @@ is_erl_type(_) -> false.
-spec lookup_record(atom(), type_table()) ->
'error' | {'ok', [{atom(), parse_form(), erl_type()}]}.
-lookup_record(Tag, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
- case dict:find({record, Tag}, RecDict) of
+lookup_record(Tag, Table) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ case maps:find({record, Tag}, Table) of
{ok, {_FileLine, [{_Arity, Fields}]}} ->
{ok, Fields};
{ok, {_FileLine, List}} when is_list(List) ->
@@ -5304,18 +5345,18 @@ lookup_record(Tag, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
-spec lookup_record(atom(), arity(), type_table()) ->
'error' | {'ok', [{atom(), parse_form(), erl_type()}]}.
-lookup_record(Tag, Arity, RecDict) when is_atom(Tag) ->
- case dict:find({record, Tag}, RecDict) of
+lookup_record(Tag, Arity, Table) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ case maps:find({record, Tag}, Table) of
{ok, {_FileLine, [{Arity, Fields}]}} -> {ok, Fields};
{ok, {_FileLine, OrdDict}} -> orddict:find(Arity, OrdDict);
error -> error
-spec lookup_type(_, _, _) -> {'type' | 'opaque', type_value()} | 'error'.
-lookup_type(Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
- case dict:find({type, Name, Arity}, RecDict) of
+lookup_type(Name, Arity, Table) ->
+ case maps:find({type, Name, Arity}, Table) of
error ->
- case dict:find({opaque, Name, Arity}, RecDict) of
+ case maps:find({opaque, Name, Arity}, Table) of
error -> error;
{ok, Found} -> {opaque, Found}
@@ -5325,8 +5366,8 @@ lookup_type(Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
-spec type_is_defined('type' | 'opaque', atom(), arity(), type_table()) ->
-type_is_defined(TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity, RecDict) ->
- dict:is_key({TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity}, RecDict).
+type_is_defined(TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity, Table) ->
+ maps:is_key({TypeOrOpaque, Name, Arity}, Table).
cannot_have_opaque(Type, TypeName, TypeNames) ->
t_is_none(Type) orelse is_recursive(TypeName, TypeNames).