path: root/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.erl
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+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.erl
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+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% HiPE Intermediate Code
+%% ====================================================================
+%% Filename : hipe_icode.erl
+%% Module : hipe_icode
+%% Purpose : Provide primops for the Icode data structure.
+%% History : 1997-? Erik Johansson (happi@it.uu.se): Created.
+%% 2001-01-30 EJ (happi@it.uu.se):
+%% Apply, primop, guardop removed
+%% 2003-03-15 ES (happi@acm.org):
+%% Started commenting in Edoc.
+%% Moved pretty printer to separate file.
+%% $Id$
+%% This module implements "Linear Icode" and Icode instructions.
+%% <p> Icode is a simple (in that it has few instructions) imperative
+%% language, used as the first Intermediate Code in the HiPE compiler.
+%% Icode is closely related to Erlang, and Icode instructions operate
+%% on Erlang terms. </p>
+%% <h2><a href="#type-icode">Icode</a></h2>
+%% <p> Linear Icode for a function consists of:
+%% <ul>
+%% <li> the function's name (`{M,F,A}'), </li>
+%% <li> a list of parameters, </li>
+%% <li> a list of instructions, </li>
+%% <li> data, </li>
+%% <li> information about whether the function is a leaf function, </li>
+%% <li> information about whether the function is a closure, and </li>
+%% <li> the range for labels and variables in the code. </li>
+%% </ul>
+%% </p>
+%% <h2><a href="#type-icode_instruction">Icode Instructions</a> (and
+%% their components)</h2>
+%% Control flow:
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt><code><a href="#type-if">'if'</a>
+%% {Cond::<a href="#type-cond">cond()</a>,
+%% Args::[<a href="#type-arg">arg()</a>],
+%% TrueLabel::<a href="#type-label_name">label_name()</a>,
+%% FalseLabel::<a href="#type-label_name">label_name()</a>
+%% } ::
+%% <a href="#type-icode_instruction">icode_instr()</a></code></dt>
+%% <dd>
+%% The if instruction compares the arguments (Args) with
+%% condition (Cond) and jumps to either TrueLabel or
+%% FalseLabel. (At the moment...) There are only binary
+%% conditions so the number of arguments should be two.
+%% <p>
+%% An if instructions ends a basic block and should be followed
+%% by a label (or be the last instruction of the code).
+%% </p></dd>
+%% <dt><code><a href="#type-switch_val">switch_val</a>
+%% {Term::<a href="#type-arg">var()</a>,
+%% FailLabel::<a href="#type-label_name">label_name()</a>,
+%% Length::integer(),
+%% Cases::[{<a href="#type-symbol">symbol()</a>,<a
+%% href="#type-label_name">label_name()</a>}]
+%% }::
+%% <a href="#type-icode_instruction">icode_instr()</a></code></dt>
+%% <dd>
+%% The switch_val instruction compares the argument Term to the
+%% symbols in the lists Cases, control is transfered to the label
+%% that corresponds to the first symbol that matches. If no
+%% symbol matches control is transfered to FailLabel. (NOTE: The
+%% length argument is not currently in use.)
+%% <p>
+%% The switch_val instruction can be assumed to be implemented as
+%% efficiently as possible given the symbols in the case
+%% list. (Jump-table, bianry-serach, or nested ifs)
+%% </p><p>
+%% A switch_val instructions ends a basic block and should be
+%% followed by a label (or be the last instruction of the code).
+%% </p></dd>
+%% <dt><code><a href="#type-switch_tuple_arity">switch_tuple_arity</a>
+%% {Term::<a href="#type-arg">var()</a>,
+%% FailLabel::<a href="#type-label_name">label_name()</a>,
+%% Length::integer(),
+%% Cases::[{integer(),<a href="#type-label_name">label_name()</a>}]
+%% }::
+%% <a href="#type-icode_instruction">icode_instr()</a></code></dt>
+%% <dd>
+%% The switch_tuple_arity instruction compares the size of the
+%% tuple in the argument Term to the integers in the lists Cases,
+%% control is transfered to the label that corresponds to the
+%% first integer that matches. If no integer matches control is
+%% transfered to FailLabel. (NOTE: The length argument is not
+%% currently in use.)
+%% <p>
+%% The switch_tuple_arity instruction can be assumed to be
+%% implemented as efficently as possible given the symbols in the
+%% case list. (Jump-table, bianry-serach, or nested ifs)
+%% </p><p>
+%% A switch_tuple_arity instructions ends a basic block and
+%% should be followed by a label (or be the last instruction of
+%% the code).
+%% </p></dd>
+%% <dt>`type {typ_expr, arg, true_label, false_label}}'</dt>
+%% <dt>`goto {label}'</dt>
+%% <dt>`label {name}'</dt>
+%% </dl>
+%% Moves:
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt>`move {dst, src}'</dt>
+%% <dt>`phi {dst, arglist}'</dt>
+%% </dl>
+%% Function application:
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt>`call {[dst], fun, [arg], type, continuation, fail,
+%% in_guard}'</dt>
+%% <dd>
+%% Where `type' is one of {`local', `remote', `primop'}
+%% and `in_guard' is either `true' or `false'.</dd>
+%% <dt>`enter {fun, [arg], type}'</dt>
+%% <dd>
+%% Where `type' is one of {`local', `remote', `primop'}
+%% and `in_guard' is either `true' or `false'.</dd>
+%% <dt>`return {[var]}'</dt>
+%% <dd>
+%% <strong>WARNING:</strong> Multiple return values are yet not
+%% fully implemented and tested.
+%% </dd>
+%% </dl>
+%% Error handling:
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt>`begin_try {label, successor}'</dt>
+%% <dt>`end_try'</dt>
+%% <dt>`begin_handler {dstlist}'</dt>
+%% <dt>`fail {Args, Class}'</dt>
+%% <dd>Where `Class' is one of
+%% {`exit', `throw', `error', `rethrow'}. For `error/2', `[args]'
+%% is `[Reason,Trace]'. For `rethrow', `Args' is
+%% `[Exception,Reason]' - this only occurs in autogenerated code.
+%% </dd>
+%% </dl>
+%% Comments:
+%% <dl>
+%% <dt>`comment{Text::string()}'</dt>
+%% </dl>
+%% <h4>Notes</h4>
+%% <p> A constant can only show up on the RHS of a `move' instruction
+%% and in `if' and `switch_*'</p>
+%% <p>
+%% Classification of primops should be like this:
+%% <ul>
+%% <li> `erlang:exit/1, erlang:throw/1, erlang:error/1,
+%% erlang:error/2, erlang:fault/1',
+%% and `erlang:fault/2' should use the
+%% {@link fail(). fail-instruction} in Icode.</li>
+%% <li> Calls or tail-recursive calls to BIFs, operators, or internal
+%% functions should be implemented with `call' or `enter'
+%% respectively, with the primop flag set.</li>
+%% <li> All other Erlang functions should be implemented with `call'
+%% or `enter' respectively, without the primop flag set.</li>
+%% </ul>
+%% </p>
+%% <h4>Primops</h4>
+%% <pre>
+%% Constructors:
+%% cons - [Car, Cdr]
+%% mktuple - [Element1, Element2, ..., ElementN]
+%% call_fun - [BoundArg1, ..., BoundArgN, Fun]
+%% enter_fun - [BoundArg1, ..., BoundArgN, Fun]
+%% #mkfun{} - [FreeVar1, FreeVar2, ..., FreeVarN]
+%% Binaries:
+%% bs_init
+%% {bs_put_string, Bytes, Size}
+%% bs_final
+%% Selectors:
+%% element - [Index, Tuple]
+%% unsafe_hd - [List]
+%% unsafe_tl - [List]
+%% #unsafe_element{} - [Tuple]
+%% #unsafe_update_element{} - [Tuple, Val]
+%% #closure_element{} - [Fun]
+%% Arithmetic: [Arg1, Arg2]
+%% '+', '-', '*', '/', 'div', 'rem',
+%% 'band', 'bor', 'bxor', 'bnot', 'bsl', 'bsr'
+%% Receive:
+%% check_get_msg - []
+%% next_msg - []
+%% select_msg - []
+%% set_timeout - [Timeout]
+%% clear_timeout - []
+%% suspend_msg - []
+%% </pre>
+%% <h4>Guardops: (primops that can be used in guards and can fail)</h4>
+%% <pre>
+%% Selectors:
+%% unsafe_hd - [List]
+%% unsafe_tl - [List]
+%% #element{} - [Index, Tuple]
+%% #unsafe_element{} - [Tuple]
+%% Arithmetic: [Arg1, Arg2]
+%% '+', '-', '*', '/', 'div', 'rem',
+%% 'band', 'bor', 'bxor', 'bnot', 'bsl', 'bsr',
+%% fix_add, fix_sub %% Do these exist?
+%% Concurrency:
+%% {erlang,self,0} - []
+%% </pre>
+%% <h4>Relational Operations (Cond in if instruction)</h4>
+%% <pre>
+%% gt, lt, geq, leq,
+%% eqeq, neq, exact_eqeq, exact_neq
+%% </pre>
+%% <h4>Type tests</h4>
+%% <pre>
+%% list
+%% nil
+%% cons
+%% tuple
+%% {tuple, N}
+%% atom
+%% {atom, Atom}
+%% constant
+%% number
+%% integer
+%% {integer, N}
+%% fixnum
+%% bignum
+%% float
+%% pid
+%% port
+%% {record, Atom, Size}
+%% reference
+%% binary
+%% function
+%% </pre>
+%% @type icode(Fun, Params, IsClosure, IsLeaf, Code, Data, VarRange,LabelRange)
+%% Fun = mfa()
+%% Params = [var()]
+%% IsClosure = boolean()
+%% IsLeaf = boolean()
+%% Code = [icode_instr()]
+%% Data = data()
+%% VarRange = {integer(),integer()}
+%% LabelRange = {integer(),integer()}
+%% @type icode_instr(I)
+%% I = if() | switch_val() | switch_tuple_arity() | type() | goto()
+%% | label() | move() | phi() | call() | enter() | return()
+%% | begin_try() | end_try() | begin_handler() | fail() | comment()
+%% @type if(Cond, Args, TrueLabel, FalseLabel)
+%% Cond = cond()
+%% Args = [arg()]
+%% TrueLabel = label_name()
+%% FalseLabel = label_name()
+%% @type switch_val(Term, FailLabel, Length, Cases)
+%% Term = var()
+%% FailLabel = label_name()
+%% Length = integer()
+%% Cases = [{symbol(),label_name()}]
+%% @type switch_tuple_arity(Arg, FailLabel, Length, Cases)
+%% Term = var()
+%% FailLabel = label_name()
+%% Length = integer()
+%% Cases = [{symbol(),label_name()}]
+%% @type type(TypeTest, Arg, True_label, False_label)
+%% TypeTest = type_test()
+%% Args = [arg()]
+%% TrueLabel = label_name()
+%% FalseLabel = label_name()
+%% @type goto(Label) Label = label_name()
+%% @type label(Name) Name = label_name()
+%% @type move(Dst, Src) Dst = var() Src = arg()
+%% @type phi(Dst, Id, Arglist)
+%% Dst = var() | fvar()
+%% Id = var() | fvar()
+%% Arglist = [{Pred, Src}]
+%% Pred = label_name()
+%% Src = var() | fvar()
+%% @type call(Dst, Fun, Arg, Type, Continuation, FailLabel, InGuard)
+%% Dst = [var()]
+%% Fun = mfa() | primop() | closure()
+%% Arg = [var()]
+%% Type = call_type()
+%% Continuation = [] | label_name()
+%% FailLabel = [] | label_name()
+%% InGuard = boolean()
+%% @type enter(Fun, Arg, Type)
+%% Fun = mfa() | primop() | closure()
+%% Arg = [var()]
+%% Type = call_type()
+%% @type return (Vars) Vars = [var()]
+%% @type begin_try(FailLabel, Successor)
+%% FailLabel = label_name()
+%% Successor = label_name()
+%% @type end_try()
+%% @type begin_handler(Dst)
+%% Dst = [var()]
+%% @type fail(Class, Args, Label)
+%% Class = exit_class()
+%% Args = [var()]
+%% Label = label_name()
+%% @type comment(Text) Text = string()
+%% @type call_type() = 'local' | 'remote' | 'primop'
+%% @type exit_class() = 'exit' | 'throw' | 'error' | 'rethrow'
+%% @type cond() = gt | lt | geq | leq | eqeq | neq | exact_eqeq | exact_neq
+%% @type type_test() =
+%% list
+%% | nil
+%% | cons
+%% | tuple
+%% | {tuple, integer()}
+%% | atom
+%% | {atom, atom()}
+%% | constant
+%% | number
+%% | integer
+%% | {integer, integer()}
+%% | fixnum
+%% | bignum
+%% | float
+%% | pid
+%% | port
+%% | {record, atom(), integer()}
+%% | reference
+%% | binary
+%% | function
+%% @type mfa(Mod,Fun,Arity) = {atom(),atom(),arity()}
+%% @type arg() = var() | const()
+%% @type farg() = fvar() | float()
+%% @type var(Name) Name = integer()
+%% @type fvar(Name) Name = integer()
+%% @type label_name(Name) Name = integer()
+%% @type symbol(S) = atom() | number()
+%% @type const(C) C = immediate()
+%% @type immediate(I) = I
+%% I = term()
+%% @end
+%% ____________________________________________________________________
+%% Exports
+-export([mk_icode/7, %% mk_icode(Fun, Params, IsClosure, IsLeaf,
+ %% Code, VarRange, LabelRange)
+ mk_icode/8, %% mk_icode(Fun, Params, IsClosure, IsLeaf,
+ %% Code, Data, VarRange, LabelRange)
+ icode_fun/1,
+ icode_params/1,
+ icode_params_update/2,
+ icode_is_closure/1,
+ icode_closure_arity/1,
+ icode_closure_arity_update/2,
+ icode_is_leaf/1,
+ icode_code/1,
+ icode_code_update/2,
+ icode_data/1,
+ %% icode_data_update/2,
+ icode_var_range/1,
+ icode_label_range/1,
+ icode_info/1,
+ icode_info_update/2]).
+-export([mk_if/4, %% mk_if(Op, Args, TrueLbl, FalseLbl)
+ %% mk_if/5, %% mk_if(Op, Args, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Prob)
+ if_op/1,
+ if_op_update/2,
+ if_true_label/1,
+ if_false_label/1,
+ if_args/1,
+ if_pred/1,
+ %% is_if/1,
+ mk_switch_val/4,
+ %% mk_switch_val/5,
+ switch_val_term/1,
+ switch_val_fail_label/1,
+ %% switch_val_length/1,
+ switch_val_cases/1,
+ switch_val_cases_update/2,
+ %% is_switch_val/1,
+ mk_switch_tuple_arity/4,
+ %% mk_switch_tuple_arityl/5,
+ switch_tuple_arity_term/1,
+ switch_tuple_arity_fail_label/1,
+ switch_tuple_arity_fail_label_update/2,
+ %% switch_tuple_arity_length/1,
+ switch_tuple_arity_cases/1,
+ switch_tuple_arity_cases_update/2,
+ %% is_switch_tuple_arity/1,
+ mk_type/4, %% mk_type(Args, Type, TrueLbl, FalseLbl)
+ mk_type/5, %% mk_type(Args, Type, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, P)
+ type_args/1,
+ %% type_args_update/2,
+ type_test/1,
+ type_true_label/1,
+ type_false_label/1,
+ type_pred/1,
+ is_type/1,
+ mk_guardop/5, %% mk_guardop(Dst, Fun, Args, Continuation, Fail)
+ mk_primop/3, %% mk_primop(Dst, Fun, Args)
+ mk_primop/5, %% mk_primop(Dst, Fun, Args, Cont, Fail)
+ mk_call/5, %% mk_call(Dst, Mod, Fun, Args, Type)
+ %% mk_call/7, %% mk_call(Dst, Mod, Fun, Args, Type,
+ %% Continuation, Fail)
+ mk_call/8, %% mk_call(Dst, Mod, Fun, Args, Type,
+ %% Continuation, Fail, Guard)
+ call_dstlist/1,
+ call_dstlist_update/2,
+ %% call_dst_type/1,
+ call_args/1,
+ call_args_update/2,
+ call_fun/1,
+ call_fun_update/2,
+ call_type/1,
+ call_continuation/1,
+ call_fail_label/1,
+ call_set_fail_label/2,
+ call_set_continuation/2,
+ is_call/1,
+ call_in_guard/1,
+ mk_goto/1, %% mk_goto(Lbl)
+ goto_label/1,
+ mk_enter/4, %% mk_enter(Mod, Fun, Args, Type)
+ mk_enter_primop/2, %% mk_enter_primop(Op, Type)
+ enter_fun/1,
+ enter_fun_update/2,
+ enter_args/1,
+ enter_args_update/2,
+ enter_type/1,
+ is_enter/1,
+ mk_return/1, %% mk_return(Vars)
+ %% mk_fail/1, %% mk_fail(Args) class = exit
+ mk_fail/2, %% mk_fail(Args, Class)
+ %% mk_fail/3, %% mk_fail(Args, Class, Label)
+ mk_move/2, %% mk_move(Dst, Src)
+ %% mk_moves/2, %% mk_moves(DstList, SrcList)
+ mk_begin_try/2, %% mk_begin_try(Label, Successor)
+ mk_begin_handler/1, %% mk_begin_handler(ReasonDst)
+ mk_end_try/0, %% mk_end_try()
+ %% mk_elements/2, %% mk_elements(Tuple, Vars)
+ mk_label/1, %% mk_label(Name)
+ mk_new_label/0, %% mk_new_label()
+ mk_comment/1, %% mk_comment(Text)
+ mk_const/1, %% mk_const(Const)
+ mk_var/1, %% mk_var(Id)
+ annotate_variable/2, %% annotate_var_or_reg(VarOrReg, Type)
+ unannotate_variable/1,%% unannotate_var_or_reg(VarOrReg)
+ mk_reg/1, %% mk_reg(Id)
+ mk_fvar/1, %% mk_fvar(Id)
+ mk_new_var/0, %% mk_new_var()
+ mk_new_fvar/0, %% mk_new_fvar()
+ mk_new_reg/0, %% mk_new_reg()
+ mk_phi/1, %% mk_phi(Id)
+ mk_phi/2 %% mk_phi(Id, ArgList)
+ ]).
+%% Identifiers
+-export([%% is_fail/1,
+ is_return/1,
+ is_move/1,
+ %% is_begin_try/1,
+ %% is_begin_handler/1,
+ %% is_end_try/1,
+ is_goto/1,
+ is_label/1,
+ is_comment/1,
+ is_const/1,
+ is_var/1,
+ is_fvar/1,
+ is_reg/1,
+ is_variable/1,
+ is_annotated_variable/1,
+ %% is_uncond/1,
+ is_phi/1]).
+%% Selectors
+ phi_id/1,
+ %% phi_args/1,
+ phi_arg/2,
+ phi_arglist/1,
+ phi_enter_pred/3,
+ phi_remove_pred/2,
+ phi_redirect_pred/3,
+ move_dst/1,
+ move_src/1,
+ move_src_update/2,
+ begin_try_label/1,
+ begin_try_successor/1,
+ begin_handler_dstlist/1,
+ label_name/1,
+ comment_text/1,
+ return_vars/1,
+ fail_args/1,
+ fail_class/1,
+ fail_label/1,
+ fail_set_label/2,
+ var_name/1,
+ variable_annotation/1,
+ fvar_name/1,
+ reg_name/1,
+ reg_is_gcsafe/1,
+ const_value/1
+ ]).
+%% Misc
+ uses/1,
+ defines/1,
+ is_safe/1,
+ strip_comments/1,
+ subst/2,
+ subst_uses/2,
+ subst_defines/2,
+ redirect_jmp/3,
+ successors/1,
+ fails_to/1,
+ is_branch/1
+ ]).
+-export([highest_var/1, highest_label/1]).
+%% Icode
+-spec mk_icode(mfa(), [icode_var()], boolean(), boolean(), [icode_instr()],
+ {non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},
+ {icode_lbl(),icode_lbl()}) -> #icode{}.
+mk_icode(Fun, Params, IsClosure, IsLeaf, Code, VarRange, LabelRange) ->
+ #icode{'fun'=Fun, params=Params, code=Code,
+ is_closure=IsClosure,
+ is_leaf=IsLeaf,
+ data=hipe_consttab:new(),
+ var_range=VarRange,
+ label_range=LabelRange}.
+-spec mk_icode(mfa(), [icode_var()], boolean(), boolean(), [icode_instr()],
+ hipe_consttab(), {non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()},
+ {icode_lbl(),icode_lbl()}) -> #icode{}.
+mk_icode(Fun, Params, IsClosure, IsLeaf, Code, Data, VarRange, LabelRange) ->
+ #icode{'fun'=Fun, params=Params, code=Code,
+ data=Data, is_closure=IsClosure, is_leaf=IsLeaf,
+ var_range=VarRange, label_range=LabelRange}.
+-spec icode_fun(#icode{}) -> mfa().
+icode_fun(#icode{'fun' = MFA}) -> MFA.
+-spec icode_params(#icode{}) -> [icode_var()].
+icode_params(#icode{params = Params}) -> Params.
+-spec icode_params_update(#icode{}, [icode_var()]) -> #icode{}.
+icode_params_update(Icode, Params) ->
+ Icode#icode{params = Params}.
+-spec icode_is_closure(#icode{}) -> boolean().
+icode_is_closure(#icode{is_closure = Closure}) -> Closure.
+-spec icode_is_leaf(#icode{}) -> boolean().
+icode_is_leaf(#icode{is_leaf = Leaf}) -> Leaf.
+-spec icode_code(#icode{}) -> icode_instrs().
+icode_code(#icode{code = Code}) -> Code.
+-spec icode_code_update(#icode{}, icode_instrs()) -> #icode{}.
+icode_code_update(Icode, NewCode) ->
+ Vmax = highest_var(NewCode),
+ Lmax = highest_label(NewCode),
+ Icode#icode{code = NewCode, var_range = {0,Vmax}, label_range = {0,Lmax}}.
+-spec icode_data(#icode{}) -> hipe_consttab().
+icode_data(#icode{data=Data}) -> Data.
+%% %% -spec icode_data_update(#icode{}, hipe_consttab()) -> #icode{}.
+%% icode_data_update(Icode, NewData) -> Icode#icode{data=NewData}.
+-spec icode_var_range(#icode{}) -> {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
+icode_var_range(#icode{var_range = VarRange}) -> VarRange.
+-spec icode_label_range(#icode{}) -> {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
+icode_label_range(#icode{label_range = LabelRange}) -> LabelRange.
+-spec icode_info(#icode{}) -> icode_info().
+icode_info(#icode{info = Info}) -> Info.
+-spec icode_info_update(#icode{}, icode_info()) -> #icode{}.
+icode_info_update(Icode, Info) -> Icode#icode{info = Info}.
+-spec icode_closure_arity(#icode{}) -> arity().
+icode_closure_arity(#icode{closure_arity = Arity}) -> Arity.
+-spec icode_closure_arity_update(#icode{}, arity()) -> #icode{}.
+icode_closure_arity_update(Icode, Arity) -> Icode#icode{closure_arity = Arity}.
+%% Instructions
+%% if
+-spec mk_if(icode_if_op(), [icode_term_arg()],
+ icode_lbl(), icode_lbl()) -> #icode_if{}.
+mk_if(Op, Args, TrueLbl, FalseLbl) ->
+ #icode_if{op=Op, args=Args, true_label=TrueLbl, false_label=FalseLbl, p=0.5}.
+%% mk_if(Op, Args, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, P) ->
+%% #icode_if{op=Op, args=Args, true_label=TrueLbl, false_label=FalseLbl, p=P}.
+-spec if_op(#icode_if{}) -> icode_if_op().
+if_op(#icode_if{op=Op}) -> Op.
+-spec if_op_update(#icode_if{}, icode_if_op()) -> #icode_if{}.
+if_op_update(IF, NewOp) -> IF#icode_if{op=NewOp}.
+-spec if_args(#icode_if{}) -> [icode_term_arg()].
+if_args(#icode_if{args=Args}) -> Args.
+-spec if_true_label(#icode_if{}) -> icode_lbl().
+if_true_label(#icode_if{true_label=TrueLbl}) -> TrueLbl.
+-spec if_true_label_update(#icode_if{}, icode_lbl()) -> #icode_if{}.
+if_true_label_update(IF, TrueLbl) -> IF#icode_if{true_label=TrueLbl}.
+-spec if_false_label(#icode_if{}) -> icode_lbl().
+if_false_label(#icode_if{false_label=FalseLbl}) -> FalseLbl.
+-spec if_false_label_update(#icode_if{}, icode_lbl()) -> #icode_if{}.
+if_false_label_update(IF, FalseLbl) -> IF#icode_if{false_label=FalseLbl}.
+-spec if_pred(#icode_if{}) -> float().
+if_pred(#icode_if{p=P}) -> P.
+%% switch_val
+-spec mk_switch_val(icode_var(), icode_lbl(),
+ non_neg_integer(), [icode_switch_case()]) ->
+ #icode_switch_val{}.
+mk_switch_val(Term = #icode_variable{kind='var'}, FailLbl, Length, Cases) ->
+ #icode_switch_val{term=Term, fail_label=FailLbl, length=Length, cases=Cases}.
+-spec switch_val_term(#icode_switch_val{}) -> icode_var().
+switch_val_term(#icode_switch_val{term=Term}) -> Term.
+-spec switch_val_fail_label(#icode_switch_val{}) -> icode_lbl().
+switch_val_fail_label(#icode_switch_val{fail_label=FailLbl}) -> FailLbl.
+-spec switch_val_fail_label_update(#icode_switch_val{}, icode_lbl()) ->
+ #icode_switch_val{}.
+switch_val_fail_label_update(SV, FailLbl) ->
+ SV#icode_switch_val{fail_label=FailLbl}.
+%% switch_val_length(#icode_switch_val{length=Length}) -> Length.
+-spec switch_val_cases(#icode_switch_val{}) -> [icode_switch_case()].
+switch_val_cases(#icode_switch_val{cases=Cases}) -> Cases.
+-spec switch_val_cases_update(#icode_switch_val{}, [icode_switch_case()]) ->
+ #icode_switch_val{}.
+switch_val_cases_update(SV, NewCases) ->
+ SV#icode_switch_val{cases = NewCases}.
+%% switch_tuple_arity
+-spec mk_switch_tuple_arity(icode_var(), icode_lbl(),
+ non_neg_integer(), [icode_switch_case()]) ->
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{}.
+mk_switch_tuple_arity(Term = #icode_variable{kind='var'}, FailLbl, Length, Cases) ->
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{term=Term, fail_label=FailLbl,
+ length=Length, cases=Cases}.
+-spec switch_tuple_arity_term(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{}) -> icode_var().
+switch_tuple_arity_term(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{term=Term}) -> Term.
+-spec switch_tuple_arity_fail_label(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{}) -> icode_lbl().
+switch_tuple_arity_fail_label(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{fail_label=FailLbl}) ->
+ FailLbl.
+-spec switch_tuple_arity_fail_label_update(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{}, icode_lbl()) ->
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{}.
+switch_tuple_arity_fail_label_update(S, FailLbl) ->
+ S#icode_switch_tuple_arity{fail_label=FailLbl}.
+%% switch_tuple_arity_length(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{length=Length}) -> Length.
+-spec switch_tuple_arity_cases(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{}) -> [icode_switch_case()].
+switch_tuple_arity_cases(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{cases=Cases}) -> Cases.
+-spec switch_tuple_arity_cases_update(#icode_switch_tuple_arity{},
+ [icode_switch_case()]) ->
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{}.
+switch_tuple_arity_cases_update(Cond, NewCases) ->
+ Cond#icode_switch_tuple_arity{cases = NewCases}.
+%% type
+-spec mk_type([icode_term_arg()], icode_type_test(), icode_lbl(), icode_lbl()) ->
+ #icode_type{}.
+mk_type(Args, Test, TrueLbl, FalseLbl) ->
+ mk_type(Args, Test, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, 0.5).
+-spec mk_type([icode_term_arg()], icode_type_test(),
+ icode_lbl(), icode_lbl(), float()) -> #icode_type{}.
+mk_type(Args, Test, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, P) ->
+ #icode_type{test=Test, args=Args,
+ true_label=TrueLbl, false_label=FalseLbl, p=P}.
+-spec type_test(#icode_type{}) -> icode_type_test().
+type_test(#icode_type{test=Test}) -> Test.
+-spec type_args(#icode_type{}) -> [icode_term_arg()].
+type_args(#icode_type{args=Args}) -> Args.
+%% type_args_update(T, Args) -> T#icode_type{args=Args}.
+-spec type_true_label(#icode_type{}) -> icode_lbl().
+type_true_label(#icode_type{true_label=TrueLbl}) -> TrueLbl.
+-spec type_false_label(#icode_type{}) -> icode_lbl().
+type_false_label(#icode_type{false_label=FalseLbl}) -> FalseLbl.
+-spec type_pred(#icode_type{}) -> float().
+type_pred(#icode_type{p=P}) -> P.
+-spec is_type(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_type(#icode_type{}) -> true;
+is_type(_) -> false.
+%% goto
+-spec mk_goto(icode_lbl()) -> #icode_goto{}.
+mk_goto(Lbl) -> #icode_goto{label=Lbl}.
+-spec goto_label(#icode_goto{}) -> icode_lbl().
+goto_label(#icode_goto{label=Lbl}) -> Lbl.
+-spec is_goto(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_goto(#icode_goto{}) -> true;
+is_goto(_) -> false.
+%% return
+-spec mk_return([icode_var()]) -> #icode_return{}.
+mk_return(Vars) -> #icode_return{vars=Vars}.
+-spec return_vars(#icode_return{}) -> [icode_var()].
+return_vars(#icode_return{vars=Vars}) -> Vars.
+-spec is_return(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_return(#icode_return{}) -> true;
+is_return(_) -> false.
+%% fail
+%% mk_fail(Args) when is_list(Args) -> mk_fail(Args, error).
+-spec mk_fail([icode_term_arg()], icode_exit_class()) -> #icode_fail{}.
+mk_fail(Args, Class) when is_list(Args) ->
+ case Class of
+ error -> ok;
+ exit -> ok;
+ rethrow -> ok;
+ throw -> ok
+ end,
+ #icode_fail{class=Class, args=Args}.
+%% mk_fail(Args, Class, Label) when is_list(Args) ->
+%% #icode_fail{class=Class, args=Args, fail_label=Label}.
+-spec fail_class(#icode_fail{}) -> icode_exit_class().
+fail_class(#icode_fail{class=Class}) -> Class.
+-spec fail_args(#icode_fail{}) -> [icode_term_arg()].
+fail_args(#icode_fail{args=Args}) -> Args.
+-spec fail_label(#icode_fail{}) -> [] | icode_lbl().
+fail_label(#icode_fail{fail_label=Label}) -> Label.
+-spec fail_set_label(#icode_fail{}, [] | icode_lbl()) -> #icode_fail{}.
+fail_set_label(I=#icode_fail{}, Label) ->
+ I#icode_fail{fail_label = Label}.
+%% move
+-spec mk_move(#icode_variable{}, #icode_variable{} | #icode_const{}) ->
+ #icode_move{}.
+mk_move(Dst, Src) ->
+ case Src of
+ #icode_variable{} -> ok;
+ #icode_const{} -> ok
+ end,
+ #icode_move{dst=Dst, src=Src}.
+-spec move_dst(#icode_move{}) -> #icode_variable{}.
+move_dst(#icode_move{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+-spec move_src(#icode_move{}) -> #icode_variable{} | #icode_const{}.
+move_src(#icode_move{src=Src}) -> Src.
+-spec move_src_update(#icode_move{}, #icode_variable{} | #icode_const{}) ->
+ #icode_move{}.
+move_src_update(M, NewSrc) -> M#icode_move{src=NewSrc}.
+-spec is_move(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_move(#icode_move{}) -> true;
+is_move(_) -> false.
+%% phi
+%% The id field is not entirely redundant. It is used in mappings
+%% in the SSA pass since the dst field can change.
+-spec mk_phi(#icode_variable{}) -> #icode_phi{}.
+mk_phi(Var) -> #icode_phi{dst=Var, id=Var, arglist=[]}.
+-spec mk_phi(#icode_variable{}, [{icode_lbl(), #icode_variable{}}]) ->
+ #icode_phi{}.
+mk_phi(Var, ArgList) -> #icode_phi{dst=Var, id=Var, arglist=ArgList}.
+-spec phi_dst(#icode_phi{}) -> #icode_variable{}.
+phi_dst(#icode_phi{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+-spec phi_id(#icode_phi{}) -> #icode_variable{}.
+phi_id(#icode_phi{id=Id}) -> Id.
+-spec phi_arglist(#icode_phi{}) -> [{icode_lbl(), #icode_variable{}}].
+phi_arglist(#icode_phi{arglist=ArgList}) -> ArgList.
+-spec phi_args(#icode_phi{}) -> [#icode_variable{}].
+phi_args(P) -> [Var || {_, Var} <- phi_arglist(P)].
+-spec phi_arg(#icode_phi{}, icode_lbl()) -> #icode_variable{}.
+phi_arg(P, Pred) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Pred, 1, phi_arglist(P)) of
+ {_, Var} -> Var;
+ false -> exit({'No such predecessor to phi', {Pred, P}})
+ end.
+-spec is_phi(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_phi(#icode_phi{}) -> true;
+is_phi(_) -> false.
+-spec phi_enter_pred(#icode_phi{}, icode_lbl(), #icode_variable{}) ->
+ #icode_phi{}.
+phi_enter_pred(Phi, Pred, Var) ->
+ NewArg = {Pred, Var},
+ Phi#icode_phi{arglist=[NewArg|lists:keydelete(Pred, 1, phi_arglist(Phi))]}.
+-spec phi_remove_pred(#icode_phi{}, icode_lbl()) -> #icode_move{} | #icode_phi{}.
+phi_remove_pred(Phi, Pred) ->
+ NewArgList = lists:keydelete(Pred, 1, phi_arglist(Phi)),
+ case NewArgList of
+ [Arg] -> %% the Phi should be turned into an appropriate move instruction
+ {_Label, Var = #icode_variable{}} = Arg,
+ mk_move(phi_dst(Phi), Var);
+ [_|_] ->
+ Phi#icode_phi{arglist=NewArgList}
+ end.
+phi_argvar_subst(P, Subst) ->
+ NewArgList = [{Pred, subst1(Subst, Var)} || {Pred,Var} <- phi_arglist(P)],
+ P#icode_phi{arglist=NewArgList}.
+-spec phi_redirect_pred(#icode_phi{}, icode_lbl(), icode_lbl()) -> #icode_phi{}.
+phi_redirect_pred(P, OldPred, NewPred) ->
+ Subst = [{OldPred, NewPred}],
+ NewArgList = [{subst1(Subst, Pred), Var} || {Pred,Var} <- phi_arglist(P)],
+ P#icode_phi{arglist=NewArgList}.
+%% primop and guardop
+%% Whether a function is a "primop" - i.e., an internal thing - or not,
+%% is really only shown by its name. An {M,F,A} always represents a
+%% function in some Erlang module (although it might be a BIF, and
+%% could possibly be inline expanded). It is convenient to let the
+%% constructor functions check the name and set the type automatically,
+%% especially for guardops - some guardops are primitives and some are
+%% MFA:s, and this way we won't have to rewrite all calls to mk_guardop
+%% to flag whether they are primops or not.
+-spec mk_primop([#icode_variable{}], icode_funcall(),
+ [icode_argument()]) -> #icode_call{}.
+mk_primop(DstList, Fun, ArgList) ->
+ mk_primop(DstList, Fun, ArgList, [], []).
+-spec mk_primop([#icode_variable{}], icode_funcall(),
+ [icode_argument()], [] | icode_lbl(), [] | icode_lbl()) ->
+ #icode_call{}.
+mk_primop(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Continuation, Fail) ->
+ Type = op_type(Fun),
+ make_call(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Type, Continuation, Fail, false).
+%% Note that a 'guardop' is just a call that occurred in a guard. In
+%% this case, we should always have continuation labels True and False.
+-spec mk_guardop([#icode_variable{}], icode_funcall(),
+ [icode_argument()], icode_lbl(), icode_lbl()) -> #icode_call{}.
+mk_guardop(DstList, Fun, ArgList, True, False) ->
+ Type = op_type(Fun),
+ make_call(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Type, True, False, true).
+op_type(Fun) ->
+ case is_mfa(Fun) of
+ true -> remote;
+ false -> primop
+ end.
+is_mfa({M,F,A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F),
+ is_integer(A), 0 =< A, A =< 255 -> true;
+is_mfa(_) -> false.
+%% call
+-spec mk_call([#icode_variable{}], atom(), atom(),
+ [icode_argument()], 'local' | 'remote') -> #icode_call{}.
+mk_call(DstList, M, F, ArgList, Type) ->
+ mk_call(DstList, M, F, ArgList, Type, [], [], false).
+%% mk_call(DstList, M, F, ArgList, Type, Continuation, Fail) ->
+%% mk_call(DstList, M, F, ArgList, Type, Continuation, Fail, false).
+-spec mk_call([#icode_variable{}], atom(), atom(), [icode_argument()],
+ 'local' | 'remote', [] | icode_lbl(), [] | icode_lbl(), boolean()) ->
+ #icode_call{}.
+mk_call(DstList, M, F, ArgList, Type, Continuation, Fail, InGuard)
+ when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+ case Type of
+ local -> ok;
+ remote -> ok
+ end,
+ Fun = {M,F,length(ArgList)},
+ make_call(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Type, Continuation, Fail, InGuard).
+%% The common constructor for all calls (for internal use only)
+%% Note: If the "guard" flag is `true', it means that if the call fails,
+%% we can simply jump to the Fail label (if it exists) without
+%% generating any additional exception information - it isn't needed.
+-spec make_call([#icode_variable{}], icode_funcall(), [icode_argument()],
+ icode_call_type(), [] | icode_lbl(), [] | icode_lbl(), boolean()) ->
+ #icode_call{}.
+make_call(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Type, Continuation, Fail, InGuard) ->
+ #icode_call{dstlist=DstList, 'fun'=Fun, args=ArgList, type=Type,
+ continuation=Continuation, fail_label=Fail, in_guard=InGuard}.
+-spec call_dstlist(#icode_call{}) -> [#icode_variable{}].
+call_dstlist(#icode_call{dstlist=DstList}) -> DstList.
+-spec call_dstlist_update(#icode_call{}, [#icode_variable{}]) -> #icode_call{}.
+call_dstlist_update(C, Dest) -> C#icode_call{dstlist=Dest}.
+-spec call_type(#icode_call{}) -> icode_call_type().
+call_type(#icode_call{type=Type}) -> Type.
+%% -spec call_dst_type(#icode_call{}) -> erl_type().
+%% call_dst_type(#icode_call{dst_type=DstType}) -> DstType.
+-spec call_args(#icode_call{}) -> [icode_argument()].
+call_args(#icode_call{args=Args}) -> Args.
+-spec call_args_update(#icode_call{}, [icode_argument()]) -> #icode_call{}.
+call_args_update(C, Args) -> C#icode_call{args=Args}.
+-spec call_fun(#icode_call{}) -> icode_funcall().
+call_fun(#icode_call{'fun'=Fun}) -> Fun.
+%% Note that updating the name field requires recomputing the call type,
+%% in case it changes from a remote/local call to a primop call.
+-spec call_fun_update(#icode_call{}, icode_funcall()) -> #icode_call{}.
+call_fun_update(C, Fun) ->
+ Type = case is_mfa(Fun) of
+ true -> call_type(C);
+ false -> primop
+ end,
+ C#icode_call{'fun'=Fun, type=Type}.
+-spec call_continuation(#icode_call{}) -> [] | icode_lbl().
+call_continuation(#icode_call{continuation=Continuation}) -> Continuation.
+-spec call_fail_label(#icode_call{}) -> [] | icode_lbl().
+call_fail_label(#icode_call{fail_label=Fail}) -> Fail.
+-spec call_set_continuation(#icode_call{}, [] | icode_lbl()) -> #icode_call{}.
+call_set_continuation(I, Continuation) ->
+ I#icode_call{continuation = Continuation}.
+-spec call_set_fail_label(#icode_call{}, [] | icode_lbl()) -> #icode_call{}.
+call_set_fail_label(I=#icode_call{}, Fail) ->
+ case Fail of
+ [] ->
+ I#icode_call{fail_label=Fail, in_guard=false};
+ _ ->
+ I#icode_call{fail_label=Fail}
+ end.
+-spec is_call(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_call(#icode_call{}) -> true;
+is_call(_) -> false.
+-spec call_in_guard(#icode_call{}) -> boolean().
+call_in_guard(#icode_call{in_guard=InGuard}) -> InGuard.
+%% enter
+-spec mk_enter(atom(), atom(), [icode_term_arg()], 'local' | 'remote') ->
+ #icode_enter{}.
+mk_enter(M, F, Args, Type) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+ case Type of
+ local -> ok;
+ remote -> ok
+ end,
+ #icode_enter{'fun'={M,F,length(Args)}, args=Args, type=Type}.
+-spec enter_fun(#icode_enter{}) -> icode_funcall().
+enter_fun(#icode_enter{'fun'=Fun}) -> Fun.
+-spec enter_fun_update(#icode_enter{}, icode_funcall()) ->
+ #icode_enter{}.
+enter_fun_update(E, Fun) ->
+ Type = case is_mfa(Fun) of
+ true -> enter_type(E);
+ false -> primop
+ end,
+ E#icode_enter{'fun'=Fun, type=Type}.
+-spec enter_args(#icode_enter{}) -> [icode_term_arg()].
+enter_args(#icode_enter{args=Args}) -> Args.
+-spec enter_args_update(#icode_enter{}, [icode_term_arg()]) -> #icode_enter{}.
+enter_args_update(E, Args) -> E#icode_enter{args=Args}.
+-spec enter_type(#icode_enter{}) -> icode_call_type().
+enter_type(#icode_enter{type=Type}) -> Type.
+-spec is_enter(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_enter(#icode_enter{}) -> true;
+is_enter(_) -> false.
+-spec mk_enter_primop(icode_primop(), [icode_term_arg()]) ->
+ #icode_enter{type::'primop'}.
+mk_enter_primop(Op, Args) ->
+ #icode_enter{'fun'=Op, args=Args, type=primop}.
+%% begin_try
+%% The reason that begin_try is a branch instruction is just so that it
+%% keeps the fail-to block linked into the CFG, until the exception
+%% handling instructions are eliminated.
+-spec mk_begin_try(icode_lbl(), icode_lbl()) -> #icode_begin_try{}.
+mk_begin_try(Label, Successor) ->
+ #icode_begin_try{label=Label, successor=Successor}.
+-spec begin_try_label(#icode_begin_try{}) -> icode_lbl().
+begin_try_label(#icode_begin_try{label=Label}) -> Label.
+-spec begin_try_successor(#icode_begin_try{}) -> icode_lbl().
+begin_try_successor(#icode_begin_try{successor=Successor}) -> Successor.
+%% end_try
+-spec mk_end_try() -> #icode_end_try{}.
+mk_end_try() -> #icode_end_try{}.
+%% begin_handler
+-spec mk_begin_handler([icode_var()]) -> #icode_begin_handler{}.
+mk_begin_handler(Dstlist) ->
+ #icode_begin_handler{dstlist=Dstlist}.
+-spec begin_handler_dstlist(#icode_begin_handler{}) -> [icode_var()].
+begin_handler_dstlist(#icode_begin_handler{dstlist=Dstlist}) -> Dstlist.
+%% -spec is_begin_handler(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+%% is_begin_handler(#icode_begin_handler{}) -> true;
+%% is_begin_handler(_) -> false.
+%% label
+-spec mk_label(icode_lbl()) -> #icode_label{}.
+mk_label(Name) when is_integer(Name), Name >= 0 -> #icode_label{name=Name}.
+-spec label_name(#icode_label{}) -> icode_lbl().
+label_name(#icode_label{name=Name}) -> Name.
+-spec is_label(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_label(#icode_label{}) -> true;
+is_label(_) -> false.
+%% comment
+-spec mk_comment(icode_comment_text()) -> #icode_comment{}.
+%% @doc If `Txt' is a list of characters (possibly deep), it will be
+%% printed as a string; otherwise, `Txt' will be printed as a term.
+mk_comment(Txt) -> #icode_comment{text=Txt}.
+-spec comment_text(#icode_comment{}) -> icode_comment_text().
+comment_text(#icode_comment{text=Txt}) -> Txt.
+-spec is_comment(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_comment(#icode_comment{}) -> true;
+is_comment(_) -> false.
+%% Arguments (variables and constants)
+%% const
+-spec mk_const(simple_const() | structured_const() | binary()) -> #icode_const{}.
+mk_const(C) -> #icode_const{value=#flat{value=C}}.
+-spec const_value(#icode_const{}) -> simple_const() | structured_const() | binary().
+const_value(#icode_const{value=#flat{value=X}}) -> X.
+-spec is_const(icode_argument()) -> boolean().
+is_const(#icode_const{}) -> true;
+is_const(_) -> false.
+%% var
+-spec mk_var(non_neg_integer()) -> #icode_variable{kind::'var'}.
+mk_var(V) -> #icode_variable{name=V, kind=var}.
+-spec var_name(#icode_variable{kind::'var'}) -> non_neg_integer().
+var_name(#icode_variable{name=Name, kind=var}) -> Name.
+-spec is_var(icode_argument()) -> boolean().
+is_var(#icode_variable{kind=var}) -> true;
+is_var(_) -> false.
+-spec mk_reg(non_neg_integer()) -> #icode_variable{kind::'reg'}.
+mk_reg(V) -> #icode_variable{name=V, kind=reg}.
+-spec reg_name(#icode_variable{kind::'reg'}) -> non_neg_integer().
+reg_name(#icode_variable{name=Name, kind=reg}) -> Name.
+-spec reg_is_gcsafe(#icode_variable{kind::'reg'}) -> 'false'.
+reg_is_gcsafe(#icode_variable{kind=reg}) -> false. % for now
+-spec is_reg(icode_argument()) -> boolean().
+is_reg(#icode_variable{kind=reg}) -> true;
+is_reg(_) -> false.
+-spec mk_fvar(non_neg_integer()) -> #icode_variable{kind::'fvar'}.
+mk_fvar(V) -> #icode_variable{name=V, kind=fvar}.
+-spec fvar_name(#icode_variable{kind::'fvar'}) -> non_neg_integer().
+fvar_name(#icode_variable{name=Name, kind=fvar}) -> Name.
+-spec is_fvar(icode_argument()) -> boolean().
+is_fvar(#icode_variable{kind=fvar}) -> true;
+is_fvar(_) -> false.
+-spec is_variable(icode_argument()) -> boolean().
+is_variable(#icode_variable{}) -> true;
+is_variable(_) -> false.
+-spec annotate_variable(#icode_variable{}, variable_annotation()) ->
+ #icode_variable{}.
+annotate_variable(X, Anno) ->
+ X#icode_variable{annotation = Anno}.
+-spec is_annotated_variable(icode_argument()) -> boolean().
+is_annotated_variable(#icode_variable{annotation=[]}) ->
+ false;
+is_annotated_variable(#icode_variable{}) ->
+ true;
+is_annotated_variable(_) ->
+ false.
+-spec unannotate_variable(#icode_variable{}) -> #icode_variable{}.
+unannotate_variable(X) ->
+ X#icode_variable{annotation=[]}.
+-spec variable_annotation(#icode_variable{}) -> variable_annotation().
+variable_annotation(#icode_variable{annotation=Anno}) ->
+ Anno.
+%% Floating point Icode instructions.
+%% Liveness info
+-spec uses(icode_instr()) -> [#icode_variable{}].
+uses(Instr) ->
+ remove_constants(args(Instr)).
+-spec args(icode_instr()) -> [icode_argument()].
+args(I) ->
+ case I of
+ #icode_if{} -> if_args(I);
+ #icode_switch_val{} -> [switch_val_term(I)];
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> [switch_tuple_arity_term(I)];
+ #icode_type{} -> type_args(I);
+ #icode_move{} -> [move_src(I)];
+ #icode_fail{} -> fail_args(I);
+ #icode_call{} -> call_args(I);
+ #icode_enter{} -> enter_args(I);
+ #icode_return{} -> return_vars(I);
+ #icode_phi{} -> phi_args(I);
+ #icode_goto{} -> [];
+ #icode_begin_try{} -> [];
+ #icode_begin_handler{} -> [];
+ #icode_end_try{} -> [];
+ #icode_comment{} -> [];
+ #icode_label{} -> []
+ end.
+-spec defines(icode_instr()) -> [#icode_variable{}].
+defines(I) ->
+ case I of
+ #icode_move{} -> remove_constants([move_dst(I)]);
+ #icode_call{} -> remove_constants(call_dstlist(I));
+ #icode_begin_handler{} -> remove_constants(begin_handler_dstlist(I));
+ #icode_phi{} -> remove_constants([phi_dst(I)]);
+ #icode_if{} -> [];
+ #icode_switch_val{} -> [];
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> [];
+ #icode_type{} -> [];
+ #icode_goto{} -> [];
+ #icode_fail{} -> [];
+ #icode_enter{} -> [];
+ #icode_return{} -> [];
+ #icode_begin_try{} -> [];
+ #icode_end_try{} -> [];
+ #icode_comment{} -> [];
+ #icode_label{} -> []
+ end.
+-spec remove_constants([icode_argument()]) -> [#icode_variable{}].
+remove_constants(L) ->
+ [V || V <- L, (not is_const(V))].
+%% Utilities
+%% Substitution: replace occurrences of X by Y if {X,Y} is in the
+%% Subst_list.
+-spec subst([{_,_}], I) -> I when is_subtype(I, icode_instr()).
+subst(Subst, I) ->
+ subst_defines(Subst, subst_uses(Subst, I)).
+-spec subst_uses([{_,_}], I) -> I when is_subtype(I, icode_instr()).
+subst_uses(Subst, I) ->
+ case I of
+ #icode_if{} -> I#icode_if{args = subst_list(Subst, if_args(I))};
+ #icode_switch_val{} ->
+ I#icode_switch_val{term = subst1(Subst, switch_val_term(I))};
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} ->
+ I#icode_switch_tuple_arity{term = subst1(Subst, switch_tuple_arity_term(I))};
+ #icode_type{} -> I#icode_type{args = subst_list(Subst, type_args(I))};
+ #icode_move{} -> I#icode_move{src = subst1(Subst, move_src(I))};
+ #icode_fail{} -> I#icode_fail{args = subst_list(Subst, fail_args(I))};
+ #icode_call{} -> I#icode_call{args = subst_list(Subst, call_args(I))};
+ #icode_enter{} -> I#icode_enter{args = subst_list(Subst, enter_args(I))};
+ #icode_return{} -> I#icode_return{vars = subst_list(Subst, return_vars(I))};
+ #icode_phi{} -> phi_argvar_subst(I, Subst);
+ #icode_goto{} -> I;
+ #icode_begin_try{} -> I;
+ #icode_begin_handler{} -> I;
+ #icode_end_try{} -> I;
+ #icode_comment{} -> I;
+ #icode_label{} -> I
+ end.
+-spec subst_defines([{_,_}], I) -> I when is_subtype(I, icode_instr()).
+subst_defines(Subst, I) ->
+ case I of
+ #icode_move{} -> I#icode_move{dst = subst1(Subst, move_dst(I))};
+ #icode_call{} ->
+ I#icode_call{dstlist = subst_list(Subst, call_dstlist(I))};
+ #icode_begin_handler{} ->
+ I#icode_begin_handler{dstlist = subst_list(Subst,
+ begin_handler_dstlist(I))};
+ #icode_phi{} -> I#icode_phi{dst = subst1(Subst, phi_dst(I))};
+ #icode_if{} -> I;
+ #icode_switch_val{} -> I;
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> I;
+ #icode_type{} -> I;
+ #icode_goto{} -> I;
+ #icode_fail{} -> I;
+ #icode_enter{} -> I;
+ #icode_return{} -> I;
+ #icode_begin_try{} -> I;
+ #icode_end_try{} -> I;
+ #icode_comment{} -> I;
+ #icode_label{} -> I
+ end.
+subst_list(S, Is) ->
+ [subst1(S, I) || I <- Is].
+subst1([], I) -> I;
+subst1([{I,Y}|_], I) -> Y;
+subst1([_|Pairs], I) -> subst1(Pairs, I).
+%% @doc Returns the successors of an Icode instruction.
+%% In CFG form only branch instructions have successors,
+%% but in linear form other instructions like e.g. moves and
+%% others might be the last instruction of some basic block.
+-spec successors(icode_instr()) -> [icode_lbl()].
+successors(I) ->
+ case I of
+ #icode_if{} ->
+ [if_true_label(I), if_false_label(I)];
+ #icode_goto{} ->
+ [goto_label(I)];
+ #icode_switch_val{} ->
+ CaseLabels = [L || {_,L} <- switch_val_cases(I)],
+ [switch_val_fail_label(I) | CaseLabels];
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} ->
+ CaseLabels = [L || {_,L} <- switch_tuple_arity_cases(I)],
+ [switch_tuple_arity_fail_label(I) | CaseLabels];
+ #icode_type{} ->
+ [type_true_label(I), type_false_label(I)];
+ #icode_call{} ->
+ case call_continuation(I) of [] -> []; L when is_integer(L) -> [L] end
+ ++
+ case call_fail_label(I) of [] -> []; L when is_integer(L) -> [L] end;
+ #icode_begin_try{} ->
+ [begin_try_successor(I), begin_try_label(I)];
+ #icode_fail{} ->
+ case fail_label(I) of [] -> []; L when is_integer(L) -> [L] end;
+ #icode_enter{} -> [];
+ #icode_return{} -> [];
+ %% the following are included here for handling linear code
+ #icode_move{} -> [];
+ #icode_begin_handler{} -> []
+ end.
+%% @doc Returns the fail labels of an Icode instruction.
+-spec fails_to(icode_instr()) -> [icode_lbl()].
+fails_to(I) ->
+ case I of
+ #icode_switch_val{} -> [switch_val_fail_label(I)];
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> [switch_tuple_arity_fail_label(I)];
+ #icode_call{} ->
+ case call_fail_label(I) of [] -> []; L when is_integer(L) -> [L] end;
+ #icode_begin_try{} -> [begin_try_label(I)]; % just for safety
+ #icode_fail{} ->
+ case fail_label(I) of [] -> []; L when is_integer(L) -> [L] end;
+ #icode_if{} -> []; % XXX: Correct?
+ #icode_enter{} -> []; % XXX: Correct?
+ #icode_goto{} -> [];
+ #icode_type{} -> []; % XXX: Correct?
+ #icode_return{} -> []
+ end.
+%% @doc Redirects jumps from label Old to label New.
+%% If the instruction does not jump to Old, it remains unchanged.
+%% The New label can be the special [] label used for calls with
+%% fall-throughs.
+-spec redirect_jmp(icode_instr(), icode_lbl(), [] | icode_lbl()) -> icode_instr().
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToOld) ->
+ Jmp; % no need to do anything
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew) ->
+ NewI =
+ case Jmp of
+ #icode_if{} ->
+ NewJmp = case if_true_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> if_true_label_update(Jmp, ToNew);
+ _ -> Jmp
+ end,
+ case if_false_label(NewJmp) of
+ ToOld -> if_false_label_update(NewJmp, ToNew);
+ _ -> NewJmp
+ end;
+ #icode_goto{} ->
+ case goto_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> Jmp#icode_goto{label=ToNew};
+ _ -> Jmp
+ end;
+ #icode_switch_val{} ->
+ NewJmp = case switch_val_fail_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> switch_val_fail_label_update(Jmp, ToNew);
+ _ -> Jmp
+ end,
+ Cases = [case Pair of
+ {Val,ToOld} -> {Val,ToNew};
+ Unchanged -> Unchanged
+ end || Pair <- switch_val_cases(NewJmp)],
+ NewJmp#icode_switch_val{cases = Cases};
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} ->
+ NewJmp = case switch_tuple_arity_fail_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld ->
+ Jmp#icode_switch_tuple_arity{fail_label=ToNew};
+ _ -> Jmp
+ end,
+ Cases = [case Pair of
+ {Val,ToOld} -> {Val,ToNew};
+ Unchanged -> Unchanged
+ end || Pair <- switch_tuple_arity_cases(NewJmp)],
+ NewJmp#icode_switch_tuple_arity{cases = Cases};
+ #icode_type{} ->
+ NewJmp = case type_true_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> Jmp#icode_type{true_label=ToNew};
+ _ -> Jmp
+ end,
+ case type_false_label(NewJmp) of
+ ToOld -> NewJmp#icode_type{false_label=ToNew};
+ _ -> NewJmp
+ end;
+ #icode_call{} ->
+ NewCont = case call_continuation(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> ToNew;
+ OldCont -> OldCont
+ end,
+ NewFail = case call_fail_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> ToNew;
+ OldFail -> OldFail
+ end,
+ Jmp#icode_call{continuation = NewCont,
+ fail_label = NewFail};
+ #icode_begin_try{} ->
+ NewLabl = case begin_try_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> ToNew;
+ OldLab -> OldLab
+ end,
+ NewSucc = case begin_try_successor(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> ToNew;
+ OldSucc -> OldSucc
+ end,
+ Jmp#icode_begin_try{label=NewLabl, successor=NewSucc};
+ #icode_fail{} ->
+ case fail_label(Jmp) of
+ ToOld -> Jmp#icode_fail{fail_label=ToNew};
+ _ -> Jmp
+ end
+ end,
+ simplify_branch(NewI).
+%% @doc Turns a branch into a goto if it has only one successor and it
+%% is safe to do so.
+-spec simplify_branch(icode_instr()) -> icode_instr().
+simplify_branch(I) ->
+ case ordsets:from_list(successors(I)) of
+ [Label] ->
+ Goto = mk_goto(Label),
+ case I of
+ #icode_type{} -> Goto;
+ #icode_if{} -> Goto;
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> Goto;
+ #icode_switch_val{} -> Goto;
+ _ -> I
+ end;
+ _ -> I
+ end.
+%% Is this an unconditional jump (causes a basic block not to have a
+%% fallthrough successor).
+%% is_uncond(I) ->
+%% case I of
+%% #icode_goto{} -> true;
+%% #icode_fail{} -> true;
+%% #icode_enter{} -> true;
+%% #icode_return{} -> true;
+%% #icode_call{} ->
+%% case call_fail_label(I) of
+%% [] ->
+%% case call_continuation(I) of
+%% [] -> false;
+%% _ -> true
+%% end;
+%% _ -> true
+%% end;
+%% _ -> false
+%% end.
+%% @spec is_branch(icode_instr()) -> boolean()
+%% @doc Succeeds if the Icode instruction is a branch. I.e. a
+%% (possibly conditional) discontinuation of linear control flow.
+%% @end
+-spec is_branch(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_branch(Instr) ->
+ case Instr of
+ #icode_if{} -> true;
+ #icode_switch_val{} -> true;
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> true;
+ #icode_type{} -> true;
+ #icode_goto{} -> true;
+ #icode_fail{} -> true;
+ #icode_call{} ->
+ case call_fail_label(Instr) of
+ [] -> call_continuation(Instr) =/= [];
+ _ -> true
+ end;
+ #icode_enter{} -> true;
+ #icode_return{} -> true;
+ #icode_begin_try{} -> true;
+ %% false cases below
+ #icode_move{} -> false;
+ #icode_begin_handler{} -> false;
+ #icode_end_try{} -> false;
+ #icode_comment{} -> false;
+ #icode_label{} -> false;
+ #icode_phi{} -> false
+ end.
+%% @doc Makes a new variable.
+-spec mk_new_var() -> icode_var().
+mk_new_var() ->
+ mk_var(hipe_gensym:get_next_var(icode)).
+%% @doc Makes a new fp variable.
+-spec mk_new_fvar() -> icode_fvar().
+mk_new_fvar() ->
+ mk_fvar(hipe_gensym:get_next_var(icode)).
+%% @doc Makes a new register.
+-spec mk_new_reg() -> icode_reg().
+mk_new_reg() ->
+ mk_reg(hipe_gensym:get_next_var(icode)).
+%% @doc Makes a new label.
+-spec mk_new_label() -> #icode_label{}.
+mk_new_label() ->
+ mk_label(hipe_gensym:get_next_label(icode)).
+%% %%
+%% %% @doc Makes a bunch of move operations.
+%% %%
+%% -spec mk_moves([_], [_]) -> [#icode_move{}].
+%% mk_moves([], []) ->
+%% [];
+%% mk_moves([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) ->
+%% [mk_move(X, Y) | mk_moves(Xs, Ys)].
+%% Makes a series of element operations.
+%% mk_elements(_, []) ->
+%% [];
+%% mk_elements(Tuple, [X|Xs]) ->
+%% [mk_primop([X], #unsafe_element{index=length(Xs)+1}, [Tuple]) |
+%% mk_elements(Tuple, Xs)].
+%% @doc Removes comments from Icode.
+-spec strip_comments(#icode{}) -> #icode{}.
+strip_comments(ICode) ->
+ icode_code_update(ICode, no_comments(icode_code(ICode))).
+%% The following spec is underspecified: the resulting list does not
+%% contain any #comment{} instructions
+-spec no_comments(icode_instrs()) -> icode_instrs().
+no_comments([]) ->
+ [];
+no_comments([I|Xs]) ->
+ case is_comment(I) of
+ true -> no_comments(Xs);
+ false -> [I|no_comments(Xs)]
+ end.
+%% @doc True if an Icode instruction is safe (can be removed if the
+%% result is not used). Note that pure control flow instructions
+%% cannot be regarded as safe, as they are not defining anything.
+-spec is_safe(icode_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_safe(Instr) ->
+ case Instr of
+ %% Instructions that are safe, or might be safe to remove.
+ #icode_move{} -> true;
+ #icode_phi{} -> true;
+ #icode_begin_handler{} -> true;
+ #icode_call{} ->
+ case call_fun(Instr) of
+ {M,F,A} ->
+ erl_bifs:is_safe(M,F,A);
+ Op ->
+ hipe_icode_primops:is_safe(Op)
+ end;
+ %% Control flow instructions.
+ #icode_if{} -> false;
+ #icode_switch_val{} -> false;
+ #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> false;
+ #icode_type{} -> false;
+ #icode_goto{} -> false;
+ #icode_label{} -> false;
+ %% Returning instructions without defines.
+ #icode_return{} -> false;
+ #icode_fail{} -> false;
+ #icode_enter{} -> false;
+ %% Internal auxiliary instructions that should not be removed
+ %% unless you really know what you are doing.
+ #icode_comment{} -> false;
+ #icode_begin_try{} -> false;
+ #icode_end_try{} -> false
+ end.
+-spec highest_var(icode_instrs()) -> non_neg_integer().
+highest_var(Instrs) ->
+ highest_var(Instrs, 0).
+-spec highest_var(icode_instrs(), non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+highest_var([I|Is], Max) ->
+ Defs = defines(I),
+ Uses = uses(I),
+ highest_var(Is, new_max(Defs++Uses, Max));
+highest_var([], Max) ->
+ Max.
+-spec new_max([#icode_variable{}], non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+new_max([V|Vs], Max) ->
+ VName =
+ case is_var(V) of
+ true ->
+ var_name(V);
+ false ->
+ case is_fvar(V) of
+ true ->
+ fvar_name(V);
+ _ ->
+ reg_name(V)
+ end
+ end,
+ new_max(Vs, erlang:max(VName, Max));
+new_max([], Max) when is_integer(Max) ->
+ Max.
+-spec highest_label(icode_instrs()) -> icode_lbl().
+highest_label(Instrs) ->
+ highest_label(Instrs, 0).
+-spec highest_label(icode_instrs(), icode_lbl()) -> icode_lbl().
+highest_label([I|Is], Max) ->
+ case is_label(I) of
+ true ->
+ L = label_name(I),
+ NewMax = erlang:max(L, Max),
+ highest_label(Is, NewMax);
+ false ->
+ highest_label(Is, Max)
+ end;
+highest_label([], Max) when is_integer(Max) ->
+ Max.