path: root/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl
index 260da9b5e6..8cf6ea6250 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl
@@ -13,21 +13,20 @@
- %% Relocations
- get_rodata_relocs/1,
- get_text_relocs/1,
+-export([%% Relocations
- get_rela_addends/1,
%% Note
%% Executable code
%% GCC Exception Table
- get_exn_handlers/1,
- %% Misc.
- set_architecture_flag/1,
- is64bit/0
+ get_exn_handlers/1,
+ %% Symbols
+ elf_symbols/1,
+ %% Sections
+ section_contents/2,
+ %% Main interface
+ read/1
@@ -36,27 +35,57 @@
%% Types
--type elf() :: binary().
--type lp() :: non_neg_integer(). % landing pad
--type num() :: non_neg_integer().
--type index() :: non_neg_integer().
--type offset() :: non_neg_integer().
--type size() :: non_neg_integer().
--type start() :: non_neg_integer().
--type info() :: index().
--type nameoff() :: offset().
--type valueoff() :: offset().
--type name() :: string().
--type name_size() :: {name(), size()}.
--type name_sizes() :: [name_size()].
+ ,addend/0
+ ,bitflags/0
+ ,name/0
+ ,offset/0
+ ,reloc_type/0
+ ,shdr_type/0
+ ,size/0
+ ,sym_bind/0
+ ,sym_type/0
+ ,valueoff/0
+ ]).
+-type bitflags() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type index() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type lp() :: non_neg_integer(). % landing pad
+-type num() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type offset() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type size() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type start() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type addend() :: integer() | undefined.
+-type name() :: string().
+-type shdr_type() :: 'null' | 'progbits' | 'symtab' | 'strtab' | 'rela'
+ | 'hash' | 'dynamic' | 'note' | 'nobits' | 'rel' | 'shlib'
+ | 'dynsym' | {os, ?SHT_LOOS..?SHT_HIOS}
+ | {proc, ?SHT_LOPROC..?SHT_HIPROC}.
+-type sym_bind() :: 'local' | 'global' | 'weak' | {os, ?STB_LOOS..?STB_HIOS}
+ | {proc, ?STB_LOPROC..?STB_HIPROC}.
+-type sym_type() :: 'notype' | 'object' | 'func' | 'section' | 'file'
+ | {os, ?STT_LOOS..?STT_HIOS}
+ | {proc, ?STT_LOPROC..?STT_HIPROC}.
+-type valueoff() :: offset().
+-ifdef(BIT32). % 386
+-type reloc_type() :: '32' | 'pc32'.
+-else. % X86_64
+-type reloc_type() :: '64' | 'pc32' | '32'.
%% Abstract Data Types and Accessors for ELF Structures.
+-record(elf, {file :: binary()
+ ,sections :: [elf_shdr()]
+ ,sec_nam :: #{string() => elf_shdr()}
+ ,symbols :: undefined | [elf_sym()]
+ }).
+-opaque elf() :: #elf{}.
%% File header
-record(elf_ehdr, {ident, % ELF identification
type, % Object file type
@@ -85,42 +114,6 @@
%% -type elf_ehdr_ident() :: #elf_ehdr_ident{}.
-%% Section header entries
--record(elf_shdr, {name, % Section name
- type, % Section type
- flags, % Section attributes
- addr, % Virtual address in memory
- offset :: offset(), % Offset in file
- size :: size(), % Size of section
- link, % Link to other section
- info, % Miscellaneous information
- addralign, % Address align boundary
- entsize % Size of entries, if section has table
- }).
-%% -type elf_shdr() :: #elf_shdr{}.
-%% Symbol table entries
--record(elf_sym, {name :: nameoff(), % Symbol name
- info, % Type and Binding attributes
- other, % Reserved
- shndx, % Section table index
- value :: valueoff(), % Symbol value
- size :: size() % Size of object
- }).
--type elf_sym() :: #elf_sym{}.
-%% Relocations
--record(elf_rel, {r_offset :: offset(), % Address of reference
- r_info :: info() % Symbol index and type of relocation
- }).
--type elf_rel() :: #elf_rel{}.
--record(elf_rela, {r_offset :: offset(), % Address of reference
- r_info :: info(), % Symbol index and type of relocation
- r_addend :: offset() % Constant part of expression
- }).
--type elf_rela() :: #elf_rela{}.
%% %% Program header table
%% -record(elf_phdr, {type, % Type of segment
%% flags, % Segment attributes
@@ -199,44 +192,19 @@ mk_shdr(Name, Type, Flags, Addr, Offset, Size, Link, Info, AddrAlign, EntSize) -
%%% Symbol Table Entries
-mk_sym(Name, Info, Other, Shndx, Value, Size) ->
- #elf_sym{name = Name, info = Info, other = Other,
- shndx = Shndx, value = Value, size = Size}.
--spec sym_name(elf_sym()) -> nameoff().
-sym_name(#elf_sym{name = Name}) -> Name.
+mk_sym(Name, Bind, Type, Section, Value, Size) ->
+ #elf_sym{name = Name, bind = Bind, type = Type,
+ section = Section, value = Value, size = Size}.
+%% -spec sym_name(elf_sym()) -> string().
+%% sym_name(#elf_sym{name = Name}) -> Name.
%% -spec sym_value(elf_sym()) -> valueoff().
%% sym_value(#elf_sym{value = Value}) -> Value.
%% -spec sym_size(elf_sym()) -> size().
%% sym_size(#elf_sym{size = Size}) -> Size.
-%%% Relocations
--spec mk_rel(offset(), info()) -> elf_rel().
-mk_rel(Offset, Info) ->
- #elf_rel{r_offset = Offset, r_info = Info}.
-%% The following two functions capitalize on the fact that the two kinds of
-%% relocation records (for 32- and 64-bit architectures have similar structure.
--spec r_offset(elf_rel() | elf_rela()) -> offset().
-r_offset(#elf_rel{r_offset = Offset}) -> Offset;
-r_offset(#elf_rela{r_offset = Offset}) -> Offset.
--spec r_info(elf_rel() | elf_rela()) -> info().
-r_info(#elf_rel{r_info = Info}) -> Info;
-r_info(#elf_rela{r_info = Info}) -> Info.
--spec mk_rela(offset(), info(), offset()) -> elf_rela().
-mk_rela(Offset, Info, Addend) ->
- #elf_rela{r_offset = Offset, r_info = Info, r_addend = Addend}.
--spec rela_addend(elf_rela()) -> offset().
-rela_addend(#elf_rela{r_addend = Addend}) -> Addend.
%% %%%-------------------------
%% %%% GCC exception table
%% %%%-------------------------
@@ -263,15 +231,30 @@ mk_gccexntab_callsite(Start, Size, LP, Action) ->
%% gccexntab_callsite_lp(#elf_gccexntab_callsite{lp = LP}) -> LP.
+%% Main interface function
+%% @doc Parses an ELF file.
+-spec read(binary()) -> elf().
+read(ElfBin) ->
+ Header = extract_header(ElfBin),
+ [_UndefinedSec|Sections] = extract_shdrtab(ElfBin, Header),
+ SecNam = maps:from_list(
+ [{Name, Sec} || Sec = #elf_shdr{name=Name} <- Sections]),
+ Elf0 = #elf{file=ElfBin, sections=Sections, sec_nam=SecNam},
+ [_UndefinedSym|Symbols] = extract_symtab(Elf0, extract_strtab(Elf0)),
+ Elf0#elf{symbols=Symbols}.
%% Functions to manipulate the ELF File Header
%% @doc Extracts the File Header from an ELF formatted object file. Also sets
%% the ELF class variable in the process dictionary (used by many functions
%% in this and hipe_llvm_main modules).
--spec extract_header(elf()) -> elf_ehdr().
-extract_header(Elf) ->
- Ehdr_bin = get_binary_segment(Elf, 0, ?ELF_EHDR_SIZE),
+-spec extract_header(binary()) -> elf_ehdr().
+extract_header(ElfBin) ->
+ Ehdr_bin = get_binary_segment(ElfBin, 0, ?ELF_EHDR_SIZE),
<< %% Structural pattern matching on fields.
@@ -300,19 +283,28 @@ extract_header(Elf) ->
%% Functions to manipulate Section Header Entries
+-type shdrtab() :: [elf_shdr()].
%% @doc Extracts the Section Header Table from an ELF formated Object File.
-extract_shdrtab(Elf) ->
- %% Extract File Header to get info about Section Header Offset (in bytes),
- %% Entry Size (in bytes) and Number of entries
- #elf_ehdr{shoff = ShOff, shentsize = ShEntsize, shnum = ShNum} =
- extract_header(Elf),
+-spec extract_shdrtab(binary(), elf_ehdr()) -> shdrtab().
+extract_shdrtab(ElfBin, #elf_ehdr{shoff=ShOff, shentsize=?ELF_SHDRENTRY_SIZE,
+ shnum=ShNum, shstrndx=ShStrNdx}) ->
%% Get actual Section header table (binary)
- ShdrBin = get_binary_segment(Elf, ShOff, ShNum * ShEntsize),
- get_shdrtab_entries(ShdrBin, []).
-get_shdrtab_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-get_shdrtab_entries(ShdrBin, Acc) ->
+ ShdrBin = get_binary_segment(ElfBin, ShOff, ShNum * ?ELF_SHDRENTRY_SIZE),
+ %% We need to lookup the offset and size of the section header string table
+ %% before we can fully parse the section table. We compute its offset and
+ %% extract the fields we need here.
+ ShStrEntryOffset = ShStrNdx * ?ELF_SHDRENTRY_SIZE,
+ <<_:ShStrEntryOffset/binary, _:?SH_NAME_SIZE/binary,
+ _:?SH_TYPE_SIZE/binary, _:?SH_FLAGS_SIZE/binary, _:?SH_ADDR_SIZE/binary,
+ ShStrOffset:?bits(?SH_OFFSET_SIZE)/little,
+ ShStrSize:?bits(?SH_SIZE_SIZE)/little,
+ _/binary>> = ShdrBin,
+ ShStrTab = parse_strtab(get_binary_segment(ElfBin, ShStrOffset, ShStrSize)),
+ get_shdrtab_entries(ShdrBin, ShStrTab).
+get_shdrtab_entries(<<>>, _ShStrTab) -> [];
+get_shdrtab_entries(ShdrTab, ShStrTab) ->
<<%% Structural pattern matching on fields.
@@ -324,205 +316,166 @@ get_shdrtab_entries(ShdrBin, Acc) ->
- MoreShdrE/binary
- >> = ShdrBin,
- ShdrE = mk_shdr(Name, Type, Flags, Addr, Offset,
- Size, Link, Info, Addralign, Entsize),
- get_shdrtab_entries(MoreShdrE, [ShdrE | Acc]).
-%% @doc Extracts a specific Entry of a Section Header Table. This function
-%% takes as argument the Section Header Table (`SHdrTab') and the entry's
-%% serial number (`EntryNum') and returns the entry (`shdr').
-get_shdrtab_entry(SHdrTab, EntryNum) ->
- lists:nth(EntryNum + 1, SHdrTab).
-%% Functions to manipulate Section Header String Table
-%% @doc Extracts the Section Header String Table. This section is not a known
-%% ELF Object File section. It is just a "hidden" table storing the
-%% names of all sections that exist in current object file.
--spec extract_shstrtab(elf()) -> [name()].
-extract_shstrtab(Elf) ->
- %% Extract Section Name String Table Index
- #elf_ehdr{shstrndx = ShStrNdx} = extract_header(Elf),
- ShHdrTab = extract_shdrtab(Elf),
- %% Extract Section header entry and get actual Section-header String Table
- #elf_shdr{offset = ShStrOffset, size = ShStrSize} =
- get_shdrtab_entry(ShHdrTab, ShStrNdx),
- case get_binary_segment(Elf, ShStrOffset, ShStrSize) of
- <<>> -> %% Segment empty
- [];
- ShStrTab -> %% Convert to string table
- [Name || {Name, _Size} <- get_names(ShStrTab)]
- end.
--spec get_tab_entries(elf()) -> [{name(), valueoff(), size()}].
-get_tab_entries(Elf) ->
- SymTab = extract_symtab(Elf),
- Ts = [{Name, Value, Size div ?ELF_XWORD_SIZE}
- || #elf_sym{name = Name, value = Value, size = Size} <- SymTab,
- Name =/= 0],
- {NameIndices, ValueOffs, Sizes} = lists:unzip3(Ts),
- %% Find the names of the symbols.
- %% Get string table entries ([{Name, Offset in strtab section}]). Keep only
- %% relevant entries:
- StrTab = extract_strtab(Elf),
- Relevant = [get_strtab_entry(StrTab, Off) || Off <- NameIndices],
- %% Zip back to {Name, ValueOff, Size}
- lists:zip3(Relevant, ValueOffs, Sizes).
+ Rest/binary
+ >> = ShdrTab,
+ Entry = mk_shdr(get_strtab_entry(Name, ShStrTab), decode_shdr_type(Type),
+ Flags, Addr, Offset, Size, Link, Info, Addralign, Entsize),
+ [Entry | get_shdrtab_entries(Rest, ShStrTab)].
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_NULL) -> 'null';
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_PROGBITS) -> 'progbits';
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_SYMTAB) -> 'symtab';
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_STRTAB) -> 'strtab';
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_RELA) -> 'rela';
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_HASH) -> 'hash'; %unused
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_DYNAMIC) -> 'dynamic'; %unused
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_NOTE) -> 'note'; %unused
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_NOBITS) -> 'nobits';
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_REL) -> 'rel';
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_SHLIB) -> 'shlib'; %unused
+decode_shdr_type(?SHT_DYNSYM) -> 'dynsym'; %unused
+decode_shdr_type(OS) when ?SHT_LOOS =< OS, OS =< ?SHT_HIOS -> {os, OS};
+decode_shdr_type(Proc) when ?SHT_LOPROC =< Proc, Proc =< ?SHT_HIPROC ->
+ {proc, Proc}.
+-spec elf_section(non_neg_integer(), elf()) -> undefined | abs | elf_shdr().
+elf_section(0, #elf{}) -> undefined;
+elf_section(?SHN_ABS, #elf{}) -> abs;
+elf_section(Index, #elf{sections=SecIdx}) ->
+ lists:nth(Index, SecIdx).
+%% Reads the contents of a section from an object
+-spec section_contents(elf_shdr(), elf()) -> binary().
+section_contents(#elf_shdr{offset=Offset, size=Size}, #elf{file=ElfBin}) ->
+ get_binary_segment(ElfBin, Offset, Size).
%% Functions to manipulate Symbol Table
%% @doc Function that extracts Symbol Table from an ELF Object file.
-extract_symtab(Elf) ->
- Symtab_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?SYMTAB),
- get_symtab_entries(Symtab_bin, []).
-get_symtab_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-get_symtab_entries(Symtab_bin, Acc) ->
- <<SymE_bin:?ELF_SYM_SIZE/binary, MoreSymE/binary>> = Symtab_bin,
- case is64bit() of
- true ->
- <<%% Structural pattern matching on fields.
- Name:?bits(?ST_NAME_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Info:?bits(?ST_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Other:?bits(?ST_OTHER_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Shndx:?bits(?ST_SHNDX_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Value:?bits(?ST_VALUE_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Size:?bits(?ST_SIZE_SIZE)/integer-little
- >> = SymE_bin;
- false ->
- << %% Same fields in different order:
- Name:?bits(?ST_NAME_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Value:?bits(?ST_VALUE_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Size:?bits(?ST_SIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Info:?bits(?ST_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Other:?bits(?ST_OTHER_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Shndx:?bits(?ST_SHNDX_SIZE)/integer-little
- >> = SymE_bin
- end,
- SymE = mk_sym(Name, Info, Other, Shndx, Value, Size),
- get_symtab_entries(MoreSymE, [SymE | Acc]).
-%% @doc Extracts a specific entry from the Symbol Table (as binary).
-%% This function takes as arguments the Symbol Table (`SymTab')
-%% and the entry's serial number and returns that entry (`sym').
-get_symtab_entry(SymTab, EntryNum) ->
- lists:nth(EntryNum + 1, SymTab).
+extract_symtab(Elf, StrTab) ->
+ Symtab = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?SYMTAB),
+ [parse_sym(Sym, Elf, StrTab) || <<Sym:?ELF_SYM_SIZE/binary>> <= Symtab].
+parse_sym(<<%% Structural pattern matching on fields.
+ Name:?bits(?ST_NAME_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Value:?bits(?ST_VALUE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Size:?bits(?ST_SIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Info:?bits(?ST_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ _Other:?bits(?ST_OTHER_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shndx:?bits(?ST_SHNDX_SIZE)/integer-little>>,
+ Elf, StrTab) ->
+ mk_sym(get_strtab_entry(Name, StrTab), decode_symbol_bind(?ELF_ST_BIND(Info)),
+ decode_symbol_type(?ELF_ST_TYPE(Info)), elf_section(Shndx, Elf), Value,
+ Size).
+parse_sym(<<%% Same fields in different order:
+ Name:?bits(?ST_NAME_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Info:?bits(?ST_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ _Other:?bits(?ST_OTHER_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shndx:?bits(?ST_SHNDX_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Value:?bits(?ST_VALUE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Size:?bits(?ST_SIZE_SIZE)/integer-little>>,
+ Elf, StrTab) ->
+ mk_sym(get_strtab_entry(Name, StrTab), decode_symbol_bind(?ELF_ST_BIND(Info)),
+ decode_symbol_type(?ELF_ST_TYPE(Info)), elf_section(Shndx, Elf), Value,
+ Size).
+decode_symbol_bind(?STB_LOCAL) -> 'local';
+decode_symbol_bind(?STB_GLOBAL) -> 'global';
+decode_symbol_bind(?STB_WEAK) -> 'weak'; %unused
+decode_symbol_bind(OS) when ?STB_LOOS =< OS, OS =< ?STB_HIOS -> {os, OS};
+decode_symbol_bind(Proc) when ?STB_LOPROC =< Proc, Proc =< ?STB_HIPROC ->
+ {proc, Proc}.
+decode_symbol_type(?STT_NOTYPE) -> 'notype';
+decode_symbol_type(?STT_OBJECT) -> 'object';
+decode_symbol_type(?STT_FUNC) -> 'func';
+decode_symbol_type(?STT_SECTION) -> 'section';
+decode_symbol_type(?STT_FILE) -> 'file';
+decode_symbol_type(OS) when ?STT_LOOS =< OS, OS =< ?STT_HIOS -> {os, OS};
+decode_symbol_type(Proc) when ?STT_LOPROC =< Proc, Proc =< ?STT_HIPROC ->
+ {proc, Proc}.
+%% @doc Extracts a specific entry from the Symbol Table.
+-spec elf_symbol(0, elf()) -> undefined;
+ (pos_integer(), elf()) -> elf_sym().
+elf_symbol(0, #elf{}) -> undefined;
+elf_symbol(Index, #elf{symbols=Symbols}) -> lists:nth(Index, Symbols).
+-spec elf_symbols(elf()) -> [elf_sym()].
+elf_symbols(#elf{symbols=Symbols}) -> Symbols.
%% Functions to manipulate String Table
+%% ADT: get_strtab_entry/1 must be used to consume this type.
+-type strtab() :: binary().
%% @doc Extracts String Table from an ELF formated Object File.
--spec extract_strtab(elf()) -> [{string(), offset()}].
+-spec extract_strtab(elf()) -> strtab().
extract_strtab(Elf) ->
- Strtab_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?STRTAB),
- NamesSizes = get_names(Strtab_bin),
- make_offsets(NamesSizes).
-%% @doc Returns the name of the symbol at the given offset. The string table
-%% contains entries of the form {Name, Offset}. If no such offset exists
-%% returns the empty string (`""').
-%% XXX: There might be a bug here because of the "compact" saving the ELF
-%% format uses: e.g. only stores ".rela.text" for ".rela.text" and ".text".
-get_strtab_entry(Strtab, Offset) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Offset, 2, Strtab) of
- {Name, Offset} -> Name;
- false -> ""
- end.
+ parse_strtab(extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?STRTAB)).
+-spec parse_strtab(binary()) -> strtab().
+parse_strtab(StrTabSectionBin) -> StrTabSectionBin.
+%% @doc Returns the name of the symbol at the given offset.
+-spec get_strtab_entry(non_neg_integer(), strtab()) -> string().
+get_strtab_entry(Offset, StrTab) ->
+ <<_:Offset/binary, StrBin/binary>> = StrTab,
+ bin_get_string(StrBin).
+%% @doc Extracts a null-terminated string from a binary.
+-spec bin_get_string(binary()) -> string().
+%% FIXME: No regard for encoding (just happens to work for ASCII and Latin-1)
+bin_get_string(<<0, _/binary>>) -> [];
+bin_get_string(<<Char, Rest/binary>>) -> [Char|bin_get_string(Rest)].
%% Functions to manipulate Relocations
-%% @doc This function gets as argument an ELF binary file and returns a list
-%% with all .rela.rodata labels (i.e. constants and literals in code)
-%% or an empty list if no ".rela.rodata" section exists in code.
--spec get_rodata_relocs(elf()) -> [offset()].
-get_rodata_relocs(Elf) ->
- case is64bit() of
- true ->
- %% Only care about the addends (== offsets):
- get_rela_addends(extract_rela(Elf, ?RODATA));
- false ->
- %% Find offsets hardcoded in ".rodata" entry
- %%XXX: Treat all 0s as padding and skip them!
- [SkipPadding || SkipPadding <- extract_rodata(Elf), SkipPadding =/= 0]
- end.
--spec get_rela_addends([elf_rela()]) -> [offset()].
-get_rela_addends(RelaEntries) ->
- [rela_addend(E) || E <- RelaEntries].
-%% @doc Extract a list of the form `[{SymbolName, Offset}]' with all relocatable
-%% symbols and their offsets in the code from the ".text" section.
--spec get_text_relocs(elf()) -> [{name(), offset()}].
-get_text_relocs(Elf) ->
- %% Only care about the symbol table index and the offset:
- NameOffsetTemp = [{?ELF_R_SYM(r_info(E)), r_offset(E)}
- || E <- extract_rela(Elf, ?TEXT)],
- {NameIndices, ActualOffsets} = lists:unzip(NameOffsetTemp),
- %% Find the names of the symbols:
- %%
- %% Get those symbol table entries that are related to Text relocs:
- Symtab = extract_symtab(Elf),
- SymtabEs = [get_symtab_entry(Symtab, Index) || Index <- NameIndices],
- %XXX: not zero-indexed!
- %% Symbol table entries contain the offset of the name of the symbol in
- %% String Table:
- SymtabEs2 = [sym_name(E) || E <- SymtabEs], %XXX: Do we need to sort SymtabE?
- %% Get string table entries ([{Name, Offset in strtab section}]). Keep only
- %% relevant entries:
- Strtab = extract_strtab(Elf),
- Relevant = [get_strtab_entry(Strtab, Off) || Off <- SymtabEs2],
- %% Zip back with actual offsets:
- lists:zip(Relevant, ActualOffsets).
%% @doc Extract the Relocations segment for section `Name' (that is passed
%% as second argument) from an ELF formated Object file binary.
--spec extract_rela(elf(), name()) -> [elf_rel() | elf_rela()].
+-spec extract_rela(elf(), name()) -> [elf_rel()].
extract_rela(Elf, Name) ->
- SegName =
- case is64bit() of
- true -> ?RELA(Name); % ELF-64 uses ".rela"
- false -> ?REL(Name) % ...while ELF-32 uses ".rel"
- end,
- Rela_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, SegName),
- get_rela_entries(Rela_bin, []).
-get_rela_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-get_rela_entries(Bin, Acc) ->
- E = case is64bit() of
- true ->
- <<%% Structural pattern matching on fields of a Rela Entry.
- Offset:?bits(?R_OFFSET_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Info:?bits(?R_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Addend:?bits(?R_ADDEND_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Rest/binary
- >> = Bin,
- mk_rela(Offset, Info, Addend);
- false ->
- <<%% Structural pattern matching on fields of a Rel Entry.
- Offset:?bits(?R_OFFSET_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Info:?bits(?R_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
- Rest/binary
- >> = Bin,
- mk_rel(Offset, Info)
- end,
- get_rela_entries(Rest, [E | Acc]).
-%% %% @doc Extract the `EntryNum' (serial number) Relocation Entry.
-%% get_rela_entry(Rela, EntryNum) ->
-%% lists:nth(EntryNum + 1, Rela).
+ SecData = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, Name),
+ [#elf_rel{offset=Offset, symbol=elf_symbol(?ELF_R_SYM(Info), Elf),
+ type=decode_reloc_type(?ELF_R_TYPE(Info)),
+ addend=read_implicit_addend(Offset, SecData)}
+ || <<Offset:?bits(?R_OFFSET_SIZE)/little,
+ Info:?bits(?R_INFO_SIZE)/little % 386 uses ".rel"
+ >> <= extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?REL(Name))].
+%% The only types HiPE knows how to patch
+decode_reloc_type(1) -> '32';
+decode_reloc_type(2) -> 'pc32'.
+read_implicit_addend(Offset, Section) ->
+ %% All x86 relocation types uses 'word32' relocation fields; i.e. 32-bit LE.
+ <<_:Offset/binary, Addend:32/signed-little, _/binary>> = Section,
+ Addend.
+-else. %% BIT32
+extract_rela(Elf, Name) ->
+ [#elf_rel{offset=Offset, symbol=elf_symbol(?ELF_R_SYM(Info), Elf),
+ type=decode_reloc_type(?ELF_R_TYPE(Info)), addend=Addend}
+ || <<Offset:?bits(?R_OFFSET_SIZE)/little,
+ Info:?bits(?R_INFO_SIZE)/little,
+ Addend:?bits(?R_ADDEND_SIZE)/signed-little % X86_64 uses ".rela"
+ >> <= extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?RELA(Name))].
+decode_reloc_type(1) -> '64';
+decode_reloc_type(2) -> 'pc32';
+decode_reloc_type(10) -> '32'.
+-endif. %% BIT32
%% Functions to manipulate Executable Code segment
@@ -615,19 +568,6 @@ get_gccexntab_callsites(CSTab, Acc) ->
get_gccexntab_callsites(More, [GccCS | Acc]).
-%% Functions to manipulate Read-only Data (.rodata)
-extract_rodata(Elf) ->
- Rodata_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?RODATA),
- get_rodata_entries(Rodata_bin, []).
-get_rodata_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-get_rodata_entries(Rodata_bin, Acc) ->
- <<Num:?bits(?ELF_ADDR_SIZE)/integer-little, More/binary>> = Rodata_bin,
- get_rodata_entries(More, [Num | Acc]).
%% Helper functions
@@ -647,107 +587,15 @@ get_binary_segment(Bin, Offset, Size) ->
%% There are handy macros defined in elf_format.hrl for all Standard
%% Section Names.
-spec extract_segment_by_name(elf(), string()) -> binary().
-extract_segment_by_name(Elf, SectionName) ->
- %% Extract Section Header Table and Section Header String Table from binary
- SHdrTable = extract_shdrtab(Elf),
- Names = extract_shstrtab(Elf),
- %% Zip to a list of (Name,ShdrE)
- [_Zero | ShdrEs] = lists:keysort(2, SHdrTable), % Skip first entry (zeros).
- L = lists:zip(Names, ShdrEs),
+extract_segment_by_name(#elf{file=ElfBin, sec_nam=SecNam}, SectionName) ->
%% Find Section Header Table entry by name
- case lists:keyfind(SectionName, 1, L) of
- {SectionName, ShdrE} -> %% Note: Same name.
- #elf_shdr{offset = Offset, size = Size} = ShdrE,
- get_binary_segment(Elf, Offset, Size);
- false -> %% Not found.
+ case SecNam of
+ #{SectionName := #elf_shdr{offset=Offset, size=Size}} ->
+ get_binary_segment(ElfBin, Offset, Size);
+ #{} -> %% Not found.
-%% @doc Extracts a list of strings with (zero-separated) names from a binary.
-%% Returns tuples of `{Name, Size}'.
-%% XXX: Skip trailing 0.
--spec get_names(<<_:8,_:_*8>>) -> name_sizes().
-get_names(<<0, Bin/binary>>) ->
- NamesSizes = get_names(Bin, []),
- fix_names(NamesSizes, []).
-get_names(<<>>, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-get_names(Bin, Acc) ->
- {Name, MoreNames} = bin_get_string(Bin),
- get_names(MoreNames, [{Name, length(Name)} | Acc]).
-%% @doc Fix names:
-%% e.g. If ".rela.text" exists, ".text" does not. Same goes for
-%% ".rel.text". In that way, the Section Header String Table is more
-%% compact. Add ".text" just *before* the corresponding rela-field,
-%% etc.
--spec fix_names(name_sizes(), name_sizes()) -> name_sizes().
-fix_names([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-fix_names([{Name, Size}=T | Names], Acc) ->
- case is64bit() of
- true ->
- case string:str(Name, ".rela") =:= 1 of
- true -> %% Name starts with ".rela":
- Section = string:substr(Name, 6),
- fix_names(Names, [{Section, Size - 5}
- | [T | Acc]]); % XXX: Is order ok? (".text"
- % always before ".rela.text")
- false -> %% Name does not start with ".rela":
- fix_names(Names, [T | Acc])
- end;
- false ->
- case string:str(Name, ".rel") =:= 1 of
- true -> %% Name starts with ".rel":
- Section = string:substr(Name, 5),
- fix_names(Names, [{Section, Size - 4}
- | [T | Acc]]); % XXX: Is order ok? (".text"
- % always before ".rela.text")
- false -> %% Name does not start with ".rel":
- fix_names(Names, [T | Acc])
- end
- end.
-%% @doc A function that byte-reverses a binary. This might be needed because of
-%% little (fucking!) endianess.
--spec bin_reverse(binary()) -> binary().
-bin_reverse(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- bin_reverse(Bin, <<>>).
--spec bin_reverse(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
-bin_reverse(<<>>, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-bin_reverse(<<Head, More/binary>>, Acc) ->
- bin_reverse(More, <<Head, Acc/binary>>).
-%% @doc A function that extracts a null-terminated string from a binary. It
-%% returns the found string along with the rest of the binary.
--spec bin_get_string(binary()) -> {string(), binary()}.
-bin_get_string(Bin) ->
- bin_get_string(Bin, <<>>).
-bin_get_string(<<>>, BinAcc) ->
- Bin = bin_reverse(BinAcc), % little endian!
- {binary_to_list(Bin), <<>>};
-bin_get_string(<<0, MoreBin/binary>>, BinAcc) ->
- Bin = bin_reverse(BinAcc), % little endian!
- {binary_to_list(Bin), MoreBin};
-bin_get_string(<<Letter, Tail/binary>>, BinAcc) ->
- bin_get_string(Tail, <<Letter, BinAcc/binary>>).
-%% @doc
-make_offsets(NamesSizes) ->
- {Names, Sizes} = lists:unzip(NamesSizes),
- Offsets = make_offsets_from_sizes(Sizes, 1, []),
- lists:zip(Names, Offsets).
-make_offsets_from_sizes([], _, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-make_offsets_from_sizes([Size | Sizes], Cur, Acc) ->
- make_offsets_from_sizes(Sizes, Size+Cur+1, [Cur | Acc]). % For the "."!
%% @doc Little-Endian Base 128 (LEB128) Decoder
%% This function extracts the <b>first</b> LEB128-encoded integer in a
%% binary and returns that integer along with the remaining binary. This is
@@ -770,21 +618,3 @@ leb128_decode(LebNum, NoOfBits, Acc) ->
<<Num:Size/integer>> = <<NextBundle:7/bits, Acc/bits>>,
{Num, MoreLebNums}
-%% @doc Extract ELF Class from ELF header and export symbol to process
-%% dictionary.
--spec set_architecture_flag(elf()) -> 'ok'.
-set_architecture_flag(Elf) ->
- %% Extract information about ELF Class from ELF Header
- <<16#7f, $E, $L, $F, EI_Class, _MoreHeader/binary>>
- = get_binary_segment(Elf, 0, ?ELF_EHDR_SIZE),
- put(elf_class, EI_Class),
- ok.
-%% @doc Read from object file header if the file class is ELF32 or ELF64.
--spec is64bit() -> boolean().
-is64bit() ->
- case get(elf_class) of
- ?ELFCLASS64 -> true;
- ?ELFCLASS32 -> false
- end.