path: root/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_segment_trees.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/misc/hipe_segment_trees.erl')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_segment_trees.erl b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_segment_trees.erl
index cbee328125..22146396c3 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_segment_trees.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_segment_trees.erl
@@ -17,19 +17,16 @@
%%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%%% Segment trees.
+%%% Segment trees, with a delete operation.
%%% Keys are the (0-based) indices into the list passed to build/1.
%%% Range bounds are inclusive.
-%%% TODO: Change the shape of the tree to a perfect binary tree, and pack it as
-%%% an implicit data structure into tuples (like a binary heap would be) for
-%%% improved efficiency.
--export([build/1, intersect/2]).
+-export([build/1, intersect/2, delete/4]).
-record(segment_tree, {
lo :: integer(),
@@ -75,9 +72,7 @@ empty_tree_from_endpoints(Endpoints) ->
leaves([Endpoint]) -> [?POINT_LEAF(Endpoint)];
leaves([A | [B|_] = Tail]) ->
- %% We could omit the range leaf if it's empty, but we want to pack this data
- %% structure into an array (tuple) eventually, and then we *really* want
- %% every other leaf to be a range
+ %% We omit the range leaf if it's empty
case A<B-1 of
true -> [?POINT_LEAF(A),?RANGE_LEAF(A+1,B-1) | leaves(Tail)];
false -> [?POINT_LEAF(A) | leaves(Tail)]
@@ -121,7 +116,7 @@ insert_interval(I, {_Lo,_Hi}, _NLo, _NHi, Leaf) -> [I|Leaf].
intervals_intersect(ALo, AHi, BLo, BHi) ->
(ALo =< AHi) andalso (BLo =< BHi) %% both nonempty
- andalso (BLo =< AHi) andalso (ALo =< BHi).
+ andalso nonempty_intervals_intersect(ALo, AHi, BLo, BHi).
%% Purely optional optimisation
squash_empty_subtrees(?NODE(Left0, Right0, Mid, Segs)) ->
@@ -148,3 +143,39 @@ intersect_1(Point, ?NODE(Left, Right, Mid, Segs), Acc0) ->
Child = if Point =< Mid -> Left; true -> Right end,
intersect_1(Point, Child, Segs ++ Acc0);
intersect_1(_, LeafSegs, Acc) -> LeafSegs ++ Acc.
+%% @doc Deletes the interval {Lo, Hi}, which had index Index in the list passed
+%% to build/1.
+-spec delete(non_neg_integer(), integer(), integer(), tree()) -> tree().
+delete(_, _, _, nil) -> nil;
+delete(_, Lo, Hi, Tree) when Lo > Hi -> Tree;
+delete(_, Lo, Hi, Tree = #segment_tree{lo=TLo, hi=THi})
+ when Hi < TLo; Lo > THi -> Tree;
+delete(Index, Lo, Hi, Tree = #segment_tree{lo=TLo, hi=THi, root=Root0})
+ when is_integer(Lo), is_integer(Hi) ->
+ Root = delete_1(Index, Lo, Hi, TLo, THi, Root0),
+ Tree#segment_tree{root=Root}.
+delete_1(I, Lo, Hi, NLo, NHi, ?NODE(Left0, Right0, Mid, Segments)) ->
+ if Lo =< NLo, NHi =< Hi ->
+ ?NODE(Left0, Right0, Mid, delete_2(Segments, I));
+ true ->
+ Left = case nonempty_intervals_intersect(Lo, Hi, NLo, Mid) of
+ true -> delete_1(I, Lo, Hi, NLo, Mid, Left0);
+ false -> Left0
+ end,
+ Right = case nonempty_intervals_intersect(Lo, Hi, Mid+1, NHi) of
+ true -> delete_1(I, Lo, Hi, Mid+1, NHi, Right0);
+ false -> Right0
+ end,
+ %% We could do build_squash_node here, is it worth it?
+ ?NODE(Left, Right, Mid, Segments)
+ end;
+delete_1(I, _Lo, _Hi, _NLo, _NHi, Leaf) -> delete_2(Leaf, I).
+delete_2([I|Segs], I) -> Segs;
+delete_2([S|Segs], I) -> [S|delete_2(Segs,I)].
+nonempty_intervals_intersect(ALo, AHi, BLo, BHi) ->
+ (BLo =< AHi) andalso (ALo =< BHi).