path: root/lib/hipe/misc
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/misc')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl
index 79c172b6d3..300f9ae43a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
--export([pack_constants/2, slim_refs/1, slim_constmap/1]).
+-export([pack_constants/2, slim_refs/1, slim_constmap/1,
+ find_const/2, mk_data_relocs/2, slim_sorted_exportmap/3]).
+-include("../main/hipe.hrl"). % Needed for the EXIT macro in find_const/2.
@@ -36,6 +38,10 @@
-type mfa_refs() :: {mfa(), [ref()]}.
+%% XXX: these types may not belong here: FIX!
+-type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}.
+-type export_map() :: [{addr(), module(), atom(), arity()}].
-record(pcm_entry, {mfa :: mfa(),
label :: hipe_constlbl(),
const_num :: const_num(),
@@ -44,9 +50,13 @@
raw_data :: raw_data()}).
-type pcm_entry() :: #pcm_entry{}.
+-type label_map() :: gb_trees:tree({mfa(), hipe_constlbl()}, addr()).
%% Some of the following types may possibly need to be exported
+-type data_relocs() :: [ref()].
-type packed_const_map() :: [pcm_entry()].
-type mfa_refs_map() :: [mfa_refs()].
+-type slim_export_map() :: [addr() | module() | atom() | arity() | boolean()].
@@ -216,3 +226,60 @@ slim_constmap([#pcm_entry{const_num = ConstNo, start = Offset,
slim_constmap(Rest, NewInserted, [ConstNo, Offset, Type, Term|Acc])
slim_constmap([], _Inserted, Acc) -> Acc.
+%% Lookup a constant in a ConstMap.
+-spec find_const({mfa(), hipe_constlbl()}, packed_const_map()) -> const_num().
+find_const({MFA, Label}, [E = #pcm_entry{mfa = MFA, label = Label}|_]) ->
+ E#pcm_entry.const_num;
+find_const(N, [_|R]) ->
+ find_const(N, R);
+find_const(C, []) ->
+ ?EXIT({constant_not_found, C}).
+%% Functions to build and handle Refs, ExportMap and LabelMap.
+%% Note: Moved here because they are used by all backends in
+%% hipe_{arm,sparc,ppc,x86}_assemble.erl
+%% XXX: Is this the right place for them?
+-spec mk_data_relocs(mfa_refs_map(), label_map()) -> data_relocs().
+mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap) ->
+ lists:flatten(mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap, [])).
+mk_data_relocs([{MFA, Labels} | Rest], LabelMap, Acc) ->
+ Map = [case Label of
+ {L,Pos} ->
+ Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
+ {Pos,Offset};
+ {sorted,Base,OrderedLabels} ->
+ {sorted, Base, [begin
+ Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
+ {Order, Offset}
+ end
+ || {L,Order} <- OrderedLabels]}
+ end
+ || Label <- Labels],
+ %% msg("Map: ~w Map\n", [Map]),
+ mk_data_relocs(Rest, LabelMap, [Map,Acc]);
+mk_data_relocs([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
+find({MFA,L}, LabelMap) ->
+ gb_trees:get({MFA,L}, LabelMap).
+-spec slim_sorted_exportmap(export_map(), [mfa()], [fa()]) -> slim_export_map().
+slim_sorted_exportmap([{Addr,M,F,A}|Rest], Closures, Exports) ->
+ IsClosure = lists:member({M,F,A}, Closures),
+ IsExported = is_exported(F, A, Exports),
+ [Addr,M,F,A,IsClosure,IsExported | slim_sorted_exportmap(Rest, Closures, Exports)];
+slim_sorted_exportmap([], _, _) -> [].
+is_exported(F, A, Exports) ->
+ lists:member({F,A}, Exports).