path: root/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl
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diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9df3a68de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Implements a trivial partial but optimal fast register allocator to be used
+%% as the first pass of the register allocation loop.
+%% The idea is to drastically reduce the number of temporaries, so as to speed
+%% up the real register allocators.
+%% * Spills trivially unallocatable temps
+%% This relies on the fact that calls intentionally clobber all registers.
+%% Since this is the case, any temp that is alive over a call can't possibly
+%% be allocated to a
+%% TODO: Partition the IG (without constructing it) into connected components
+%% and call the actual register allocator on them individually.
+%% -ifndef(DEBUG).
+%% -compile(inline).
+%% -endif.
+%%-define(DO_ASSERT, 1).
+%% We present a "pseudo-target" to the register allocator we wrap.
+%% Note: all arities are +1 as we're currently using the parameterised module
+%% facility to store context data.
+ all_precoloured/1,
+ allocatable/1,
+ args/2,
+ bb/3,
+ breadthorder/2,
+ def_use/2,
+ defines/2,
+ is_fixed/2, % used by hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc
+ is_global/2,
+ is_move/2,
+ is_precoloured/2,
+ labels/2,
+ livein/3,
+ liveout/3,
+ non_alloc/2,
+ number_of_temporaries/2,
+ physical_name/2,
+ postorder/2,
+ reg_nr/2,
+ uses/2,
+ var_range/2,
+ reverse_postorder/2]).
+%% Eww, parameterised module. Can we fix it without having to touch all the
+%% register allocators?
+ {target :: module()
+ ,sub :: sub_map() % Translates temp numbers found in CFG and understood by
+ % Target to temp numbers passed to RegAllocMod.
+ ,inv :: inv_map() % Translates temp numbers passed to RegAllocMod
+ % to temp numbers found in CFG and understood by
+ % Target
+ ,max_phys :: temp() % Exclusive upper bound on physical registers
+ }).
+ {cfg :: target_cfg()
+ ,bbs :: #{label() => hipe_bb:bb(instr())}
+ ,max_reg :: temp() % Exclusive upper bound on temp numbers
+ ,live :: target_liveness()
+ }).
+ {tgt_instr :: target_instr() % Not used, for debugging
+ ,defuse :: {[temp()], [temp()]}
+ ,is_move :: boolean()
+ }).
+%% -record(label,
+%% {no :: label()
+%% }).
+-type instr() :: #instr{} %% | #label{}
+ .
+-type target_cfg() :: any().
+-type target_instr() :: any().
+-type target_temp() :: any().
+-type target_reg() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type target_liveness() :: any().
+-type spillno() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type temp() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type label() :: non_neg_integer().
+-spec regalloc(module(), target_cfg(), spillno(), spillno(), module(),
+ proplists:proplist())
+ -> {hipe_map(), spillno(), target_liveness()}.
+regalloc(RegAllocMod, CFG, SpillIndex0, SpillLimit, Target, Options) ->
+ Liveness = Target:analyze(CFG),
+ {BBs0, LivePseudos, _Unused, SpilledPseudos, SpillIndex} =
+ scan_cfg(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex0, Target),
+ {SubMap, InvMap, MaxPhys, MaxR, SubSpillLimit} =
+ number_and_map(Target:all_precoloured(), LivePseudos, SpillLimit),
+ BBs = transform_cfg(BBs0, SubMap),
+ SubMod = #cfg{cfg=CFG, bbs=BBs, max_reg=MaxR, live=Liveness},
+ SubTarget = #?MODULE{target=Target, max_phys=MaxPhys, inv=InvMap, sub=SubMap},
+ case
+ RegAllocMod:regalloc(SubMod, SpillIndex, SubSpillLimit, SubTarget, Options)
+ of
+ {SubColoring, NewSpillIndex} -> ok;
+ {SubColoring, NewSpillIndex, _SubLiveness} -> ok
+ end,
+ ?ASSERT(check_coloring(SubColoring, SubMod, SubTarget)), % blame the RA ;)
+ SpillColors = [{T, {spill, S}} || {T, S} <- maps:to_list(SpilledPseudos)],
+ Coloring = translate_coloring(SubColoring, InvMap) ++ SpillColors,
+ ?ASSERT(check_coloring(Coloring, CFG, Target)), % Sanity-check
+ ?ASSERT(just_as_good_as(RegAllocMod, CFG, SpillIndex0, SpillLimit, Target,
+ Options, Coloring, _Unused)),
+ {Coloring, NewSpillIndex, Liveness}.
+number_and_map(Phys, Pseud, SpillLimit) ->
+ MaxPhys = lists:max(Phys) + 1,
+ case Pseud of [] -> ok; _ ->
+ case lists:min(Pseud) of % Assertion
+ FirstPseudo when FirstPseudo >= MaxPhys -> ok
+ end end,
+ NrPseuds = length(Pseud),
+ MaxR = MaxPhys+NrPseuds,
+ PseudNrs = lists:zip(Pseud, lists:seq(MaxPhys, MaxR-1)),
+ MapList = lists:zip(Phys, Phys) % Physicals are identity-mapped
+ ++ PseudNrs,
+ SubMap = maps:from_list(MapList),
+ InvMap = maps:from_list([{Fake, Real} || {Real, Fake} <- MapList]),
+ LastPseudo = case Pseud of [] -> MaxPhys-1; _ -> lists:max(Pseud) end,
+ SubSpillLimit = if SpillLimit > LastPseudo -> MaxR;
+ true -> map_get(SpillLimit, SubMap)
+ end,
+ {SubMap, InvMap, MaxPhys, MaxR, SubSpillLimit}.
+ {map :: spill_map()
+ ,ix :: spillno()
+ }).
+-type spill_state() :: #spill_state{}.
+-type spill_map() :: #{target_reg() => spillno()}.
+-spec scan_cfg(target_cfg(), target_liveness(), spillno(), module())
+ -> {#{label() => [instr()]}
+ ,ordsets:set(target_reg())
+ ,ordsets:set(target_reg())
+ ,spill_map()
+ ,spillno()
+ }.
+scan_cfg(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex0, Target) ->
+ State0 = #spill_state{map=#{}, ix=SpillIndex0},
+ {BBs, Seen, #spill_state{map=Spill, ix=SpillIndex}} =
+ scan_bbs(Target:labels(CFG), CFG, Liveness, #{}, State0, #{}, Target),
+ SeenOSet = ordsets:from_list(maps:keys(Seen)),
+ SpillOSet = ordsets:from_list(maps:keys(Spill)),
+ PhysOSet = ordsets:from_list(Target:all_precoloured()),
+ Dead = ordsets:union(SpillOSet, PhysOSet),
+ LivePseudos = ordsets:subtract(SeenOSet, Dead),
+ {_TMin, _TMax} = Target:var_range(CFG),
+ _Unused = ordsets:subtract(lists:seq(_TMin, _TMax),
+ ordsets:union(SeenOSet, PhysOSet)),
+ {BBs, LivePseudos, _Unused, Spill, SpillIndex}.
+-type seen() :: #{target_reg() => []}. % set
+-spec scan_bbs([label()], target_cfg(), target_liveness(), seen(),
+ spill_state(), #{label() => [instr()]}, module())
+ -> {#{label() => [instr()]}, seen(), spill_state()}.
+scan_bbs([], _CFG, _Liveness, Seen, State, BBs, _Target) -> {BBs, Seen, State};
+scan_bbs([L|Ls], CFG, Liveness, Seen0, State0, BBs, Target) ->
+ {Code, _, Seen, State} = scan_bb(hipe_bb:code(Target:bb(CFG, L)),
+ t_liveout(Liveness, L, Target),
+ Seen0, State0, Target),
+ scan_bbs(Ls, CFG, Liveness, Seen, State, BBs#{L=>Code}, Target).
+t_liveout(Liveness, L, Target) ->
+ %% FIXME: unnecessary sort; liveout is sorted, reg_names(...) should be sorted
+ %% or consist of a few sorted subsequences (per type)
+ ordsets:from_list(reg_names(Target:liveout(Liveness, L), Target)).
+-spec reg_names([target_temp()], module()) -> [target_reg()].
+reg_names(Regs, Target) ->
+ [Target:reg_nr(X) || X <- Regs].
+scan_bb([], Live, Seen, State, _Target) -> {[], Live, Seen, State};
+scan_bb([I|Is0], Live0, Seen0, State0, Target) ->
+ %% We could pass Target in the return tuple to make the stack frames
+ %% smaller, but without multireturn opt, it's probably not worth it.
+ {Is1, Live1, Seen1, State1} = scan_bb(Is0, Live0, Seen0, State0, Target),
+ {TDef, TUse} = Target:def_use(I),
+ Def = ordsets:from_list(reg_names(TDef, Target)),
+ Use = ordsets:from_list(reg_names(TUse, Target)),
+ Live = ordsets:union(Use, ToSpill = ordsets:subtract(Live1, Def)),
+ Seen = add_seen(Def, add_seen(Use, Seen1)),
+ State =
+ case Target:defines_all_alloc(I) of
+ false -> State1;
+ true -> spill_all(ToSpill, Target, State1)
+ end,
+ NewI = #instr{tgt_instr=I, defuse={Def, Use}, is_move=Target:is_move(I)},
+ {[NewI|Is1], Live, Seen, State}.
+add_seen([], Seen) -> Seen;
+add_seen([R|Rs], Seen) -> add_seen(Rs, Seen#{R=>[]}).
+spill_all([], _Target, State) -> State;
+spill_all([R|Rs], Target, State=#spill_state{map=Map, ix=Ix}) ->
+ case Target:is_precoloured(R) or maps:is_key(R, Map) of
+ true -> spill_all(Rs, Target, State);
+ false -> spill_all(Rs, Target, State#spill_state{map=Map#{R=>Ix}, ix=Ix+1})
+ end.
+transform_cfg(BBs0, SubMap) ->
+ maps:map(fun(_, BB) -> transform_bb(BB, SubMap) end, BBs0).
+transform_bb(BB, SubMap) ->
+ hipe_bb:mk_bb([I#instr{defuse={map_get_all_partial(Def, SubMap),
+ map_get_all_partial(Use, SubMap)}}
+ || I = #instr{defuse={Def,Use}} <- BB]).
+-spec translate_coloring(hipe_map(), _) -> hipe_map().
+translate_coloring(SubColoring, InvMap) ->
+ lists:map(fun({T, P}) -> {map_get(T, InvMap), P} end, SubColoring).
+%% Interference graph partitioning
+%% We partition the program
+%% The algorithm considers two kinds of components; those that are local to a
+%% basic block, and those that are not. The key is that any basic block belongs
+%% to at most two non-local components; one from the beginning to the first
+%% split point, and one from the end to the last split point.
+%% Temp map ADT
+-type sub_map() :: #{target_temp() => temp()}.
+-type inv_map() :: #{temp() => target_temp()}.
+map_get(Temp, Map) when is_integer(Temp) -> maps:get(Temp, Map).
+%% map_get_all(Ts, Map) -> [map_get(T, Map) || T <- Ts].
+map_get_all_partial([], _) -> [];
+map_get_all_partial([T|Ts], Map) when is_integer(T) ->
+ case Map of
+ #{T := R} -> [R|map_get_all_partial(Ts, Map)];
+ #{} -> map_get_all_partial(Ts, Map)
+ end.
+%% Check that the coloring is correct (if the IG is correct):
+%% Define these as 'ok' or 'report(X,Y)' depending on how much output you want.
+-define(report0(X,Y), ?IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(0,?msg(X, Y),ok)).
+-define(report(X,Y), ?IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(1,?msg(X, Y),ok)).
+-define(report2(X,Y), ?IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(2,?msg(X, Y),ok)).
+-define(report3(X,Y), ?IF_DEBUG_LEVEL(3,?msg(X, Y),ok)).
+check_coloring(Coloring, CFG, Target) ->
+ ?report0("checking coloring ~p~n",[Coloring]),
+ IG = hipe_ig:build(CFG, Target),
+ check_cols(hipe_vectors:list(hipe_ig:adj_list(IG)),
+ init_coloring(Coloring, Target)).
+init_coloring(Xs, Target) ->
+ hipe_temp_map:cols2tuple(Xs, Target).
+check_color_of(X, Cols) ->
+%% if
+%% is_precoloured(X) ->
+%% phys_reg_color(X,Cols);
+%% true ->
+ case hipe_temp_map:find(X, Cols) of
+ unknown ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("node ~p: color not found~n", [X]),
+ uncolored;
+ C ->
+ C
+ end.
+check_cols([], _Cols) ->
+ ?report("coloring valid~n",[]),
+ true;
+check_cols([{X,Neighbours}|Xs], Cols) ->
+ Cs = [{N, check_color_of(N, Cols)} || N <- Neighbours],
+ C = check_color_of(X, Cols),
+ case valid_coloring(X, C, Cs) of
+ yes ->
+ check_cols(Xs, Cols);
+ {no,Invalids} ->
+ ?msg("node ~p has same color (~p) as ~p~n", [X,C,Invalids]),
+ check_cols(Xs, Cols) andalso false
+ end.
+valid_coloring(_X, _C, []) ->
+ yes;
+valid_coloring(X, C, [{Y,C}|Ys]) ->
+ case valid_coloring(X, C, Ys) of
+ yes -> {no, [Y]};
+ {no,Zs} -> {no, [Y|Zs]}
+ end;
+valid_coloring(X, C, [_|Ys]) ->
+ valid_coloring(X, C, Ys).
+%% Check that no register allocation opportinities were missed due to ?MODULE
+just_as_good_as(RegAllocMod, CFG, SpillIndex0, SpillLimit, Target, Options,
+ Coloring, Unused) ->
+ {CheckColoring, _} = RegAllocMod:regalloc(CFG, SpillIndex0, SpillLimit,
+ Target, Options),
+ Now = lists:sort([vt(C) || C <- Coloring]),
+ Check = lists:sort([vt(C) || C={R,_} <- CheckColoring,
+ not ordsets:is_element(R, Unused)]),
+ case Now of
+ Check -> true;
+ _ ->
+ io:fwrite(standard_error, "Colorings differ (~w, sub: ~w, full: ~w)!~n"
+ %% "Sub:~w~n"
+ "Unused: ~w~n"
+ "Now:~w~nCorrect:~w~n",
+ [Target, count(Coloring), count(CheckColoring),
+ %% SubColoring,
+ Unused,
+ Now -- Check, Check -- Now]),
+ false
+ end.
+count(C) -> {length([[] || {_, {reg, _}} <- C]),
+ length([[] || {_, {spill, _}} <- C])}.
+vt({R, {reg, _}}) -> {R, reg};
+vt({R, {spill, _}}) -> {R, spill}.
+%% Pseudo-target interface
+analyze(Cfg, _ModRec) -> Cfg.
+bb(#cfg{bbs=BBs}, Ix, _ModRec) -> maps:get(Ix, BBs).
+args(Arity, #?MODULE{target=Target, sub=SubM}) ->
+ map_get(Target:args(Arity), SubM).
+labels(#cfg{cfg=CFG}, #?MODULE{target=Target}) -> Target:labels(CFG).
+livein(#cfg{live=Live}, Lb, #?MODULE{target=Target, sub=SubM}) ->
+ map_get_all_partial(reg_names(Target:livein(Live, Lb), Target), SubM). % Should we precompute?
+liveout(#cfg{live=Live}, Lb, #?MODULE{target=Target, sub=SubM}) ->
+ map_get_all_partial(reg_names(Target:liveout(Live, Lb), Target), SubM). % dito
+uses(I, MR) -> element(2, def_use(I, MR)).
+defines(I, MR) -> element(1, def_use(I, MR)).
+def_use(#instr{defuse=DefUse}, _ModRec) -> DefUse.
+is_move(#instr{is_move=IM}, _ModRec) -> IM.
+is_fixed(Reg, #?MODULE{target=Target,inv=InvM}) ->
+ Target:is_fixed(map_get(Reg, InvM)). % XXX: Is this hot?
+is_global(Reg, #?MODULE{target=Target,max_phys=MaxPhys}) when Reg < MaxPhys ->
+ Target:is_global(Reg). % assume id-map
+is_precoloured(Reg, #?MODULE{max_phys=MaxPhys}) -> Reg < MaxPhys.
+reg_nr(Reg, _ModRec) -> Reg. % After mapping (naturally)
+non_alloc(#cfg{cfg=CFG}, #?MODULE{target=Target,sub=SubM}) ->
+ map_get_all_partial(reg_names(Target:non_alloc(CFG), Target), SubM).
+number_of_temporaries(#cfg{max_reg=MaxR}, _ModRec) -> MaxR.
+allocatable(#?MODULE{target=Target}) -> Target:allocatable(). % assume id-map
+physical_name(Reg, _ModRec) -> Reg. % XXX: is this correct?
+all_precoloured(#?MODULE{target=Target}) -> Target:all_precoloured(). % dito
+var_range(#cfg{cfg=CFG, max_reg=MaxReg}, #?MODULE{target=Target}) ->
+ {0, _} = Target:var_range(CFG),
+ {0, MaxReg-1}. % What is the correct answer?
+breadthorder(#cfg{cfg=CFG}, #?MODULE{target=Target}) ->
+ Target:breadthorder(CFG).
+postorder(#cfg{cfg=CFG}, #?MODULE{target=Target}) -> Target:postorder(CFG).
+reverse_postorder(#cfg{cfg=CFG}, #?MODULE{target=Target}) ->
+ Target:reverse_postorder(CFG).