path: root/lib/hipe/test/bs_SUITE_data/bs_pmatch.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe/test/bs_SUITE_data/bs_pmatch.erl')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/bs_SUITE_data/bs_pmatch.erl b/lib/hipe/test/bs_SUITE_data/bs_pmatch.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9474ffea4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/bs_SUITE_data/bs_pmatch.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Tests that basic cases of binary pattern matching work
+test() ->
+ %% construct some binaries
+ Bin42 = <<42>>,
+ Bin = <<12,17,42,0,0,0>>,
+ BinSS = <<0,1,0,0,0>>,
+ %% do some pattern matching
+ ok = pm_const(Bin42),
+ <<17,42,0,0,0>> = pm_tail(Bin),
+ 42 = pm_little(<<0:1,42:7>>),
+ 42 = pm_rec(Bin),
+ 30 = pm_rec_acc(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>>, 0),
+ 42 = pm_binary_tuple(Bin42),
+ -1 = pm_with_illegal_float(),
+ %% do some pattern matching with bound segments
+ ok = pm_bound_var(),
+ ok = pm_bound_tail(),
+ %% do some tests with floating point numbers
+ ok = pm_float(),
+ ok = pm_float_little(),
+ %% do some pattern matching with segments of unknown sizes
+ {<<17>>, <<42,0,0,0>>} = pm_body_s(Bin, 1),
+ {<<17>>, <<42,0,0,0>>} = pm_body_ss(Bin, 1, 4),
+ {<<45>>, <<>>} = pm_size_split(<<1:16,45>>),
+ {<<45>>, <<46,47>>} = pm_size_split(<<1:16,45,46,47>>),
+ {<<45,46>>, <<47>>} = pm_size_split(<<2:16,45,46,47>>),
+ {<<45,46>>, <<47>>} = pm_size_split_2(2, <<2:16,45,46,47>>),
+ {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch pm_size_split_2(42, <<2:16,45,46,47>>)),
+ {<<45,46,47>>, <<48>>} = pm_sizes_split(<<16:8,3:16,45,46,47,48>>),
+ <<"cdef">> = pm_skip_segment(<<2:8, "abcdef">>),
+ -1 = pm_double_size_in_head(BinSS),
+ -1 = pm_double_size_in_body(BinSS),
+ %% and finally some cases which were problematic for various reasons
+ ok = pm_bigs(),
+ ok = pm_sean(),
+ ok = pm_bin8(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>),
+ ok = pm_bs_match_string(),
+ ok = pm_till_gc(),
+ ok.
+%% Test cases below
+pm_const(<<42>>) ->
+ ok.
+pm_tail(<<12, Bin/binary>>) ->
+ Bin.
+pm_little(<<_:1, X:15/little>>) ->
+ {wrong, X};
+pm_little(<<_:1, X:7/little>>) ->
+ X.
+pm_rec(<<12, Bin/binary>>) ->
+ pm_rec(Bin);
+pm_rec(<<17, Word:4/little-signed-integer-unit:8>>) ->
+ Word.
+pm_rec_acc(<<_:4, A:4, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ case Rest of
+ <<X, Y, 9, NewRest/binary>> ->
+ pm_rec_acc(NewRest, X+Y+Acc);
+ <<X, 5, NewRest/binary>> ->
+ pm_rec_acc(NewRest, X+Acc);
+ <<2, NewRest/binary>> ->
+ pm_rec_acc(NewRest, 1+Acc);
+ <<NewRest/binary>> ->
+ pm_rec_acc(NewRest, A+Acc)
+ end;
+pm_rec_acc(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+pm_binary_tuple(<<X>>) ->
+ X;
+pm_binary_tuple({Y, Z}) ->
+ Y + Z.
+pm_with_illegal_float() ->
+ Bin = <<-1:64>>, % create a binary which is illegal as float
+ pm_float_integer(Bin). % try to match it out as a float
+pm_float_integer(<<F:64/float>>) -> F;
+pm_float_integer(<<I:64/integer-signed>>) -> I.
+%% Some tests with bound variables in segments
+pm_bound_var() ->
+ ok = pm_bound_var(42, 13, <<42,13>>),
+ no = pm_bound_var(42, 13, <<42,255>>),
+ no = pm_bound_var(42, 13, <<154,255>>),
+ ok.
+pm_bound_var(A, B, <<A:8, B:8>>) -> ok;
+pm_bound_var(_, _, _) -> no.
+pm_bound_tail() ->
+ ok = pm_bound_tail(<<>>, <<13,14>>),
+ ok = pm_bound_tail(<<2,3>>, <<1,1,2,3>>),
+ no = pm_bound_tail(<<2,3>>, <<1,1,2,7>>),
+ no = pm_bound_tail(<<2,3>>, <<1,1,2,3,4>>),
+ no = pm_bound_tail(<<2,3>>, <<>>),
+ ok.
+pm_bound_tail(T, <<_:16, T/binary>>) -> ok;
+pm_bound_tail(_, _) -> no.
+%% Floating point tests
+pm_float() ->
+ F = f1(),
+ G = f_one(),
+ G = match_float(<<63,128,0,0>>, 32, 0),
+ G = match_float(<<63,240,0,0,0,0,0,0>>, 64, 0),
+ fcmp(F, match_float(<<F:32/float>>, 32, 0)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float(<<F:64/float>>, 64, 0)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float(<<1:1,F:32/float,127:7>>, 32, 1)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float(<<1:1,F:64/float,127:7>>, 64, 1)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float(<<1:13,F:32/float,127:3>>, 32, 13)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float(<<1:13,F:64/float,127:3>>, 64, 13)),
+ ok.
+fcmp(F1, F2) when (F1 - F2) / F2 < 0.0000001 -> ok.
+match_float(Bin0, Fsz, I) ->
+ Bin = make_sub_bin(Bin0),
+ Bsz = bit_size(Bin),
+ Tsz = Bsz - Fsz - I,
+ <<_:I,F:Fsz/float,_:Tsz>> = Bin,
+ F.
+pm_float_little() ->
+ F = f2(),
+ G = f_one(),
+ G = match_float_little(<<0,0,0,0,0,0,240,63>>, 64, 0),
+ G = match_float_little(<<0,0,128,63>>, 32, 0),
+ fcmp(F, match_float_little(<<F:32/float-little>>, 32, 0)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float_little(<<F:64/float-little>>, 64, 0)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float_little(<<1:1,F:32/float-little,127:7>>, 32, 1)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float_little(<<1:1,F:64/float-little,127:7>>, 64, 1)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float_little(<<1:13,F:32/float-little,127:3>>, 32, 13)),
+ fcmp(F, match_float_little(<<1:13,F:64/float-little,127:3>>, 64, 13)),
+ ok.
+match_float_little(Bin0, Fsz, I) ->
+ Bin = make_sub_bin(Bin0),
+ Bsz = bit_size(Bin),
+ Tsz = Bsz - Fsz - I,
+ <<_:I, F:Fsz/float-little, _:Tsz>> = Bin,
+ F.
+make_sub_bin(Bin0) ->
+ Sz = byte_size(Bin0),
+ Bin1 = <<37,Bin0/binary,38,39>>,
+ <<_:8,Bin:Sz/binary,_:8,_:8>> = Bin1,
+ Bin.
+f1() -> 3.1415.
+f2() -> 2.7133.
+f_one() -> 1.0.
+%% Some tests using size fields specified within the binary
+pm_body_s(Bin, S1) ->
+ <<12, B1:S1/binary, B2:4/binary>> = Bin, %% 4 is hard-coded
+ {B1, B2}.
+pm_body_ss(Bin, S1, S2) ->
+ <<12, B1:S1/binary, B2:S2/binary>> = Bin,
+ {B1, B2}.
+pm_size_split(<<N:16, B:N/binary, T/binary>>) ->
+ {B, T}.
+pm_size_split_2(N, <<N:16, B:N/binary, T/binary>>) ->
+ {B, T}.
+pm_sizes_split(<<N0:8, N:N0, B:N/binary, T/binary>>) ->
+ {B, T}.
+pm_skip_segment(<<N:8, _:N/binary, T/binary>>) -> T.
+%% Some tests using multiple occurrences of size fields
+pm_double_size_in_head(<<S:16, _:S/binary, _:S/binary, _/binary>>) ->
+ -S.
+pm_double_size_in_body(Bin) ->
+ <<S:16, _:S/binary, _:S/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
+ -S.
+%% matching with 64-bit integers which become big nums
+-define(BIG, 16#7fffffff7fffffff).
+pm_bigs() ->
+ <<X:64/little>> = <<?BIG:64/little>>,
+ true = (X =:= big()),
+ <<Y:64>> = <<?BIG:64>>,
+ true = (Y =:= big()),
+ ok.
+big() -> ?BIG.
+pm_sean() ->
+ small = sean1(<<>>),
+ small = sean1(<<1>>),
+ small = sean1(<<1,2>>),
+ small = sean1(<<1,2,3>>),
+ large = sean1(<<1,2,3,4>>),
+ small = sean1(<<4>>),
+ small = sean1(<<4,5>>),
+ small = sean1(<<4,5,6>>),
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause, _}} = (catch sean1(<<4,5,6,7>>)),
+ ok.
+sean1(<<B/binary>>) when byte_size(B) < 4 -> small;
+sean1(<<1, _/binary>>) -> large.
+%% Crashed on SPARC due to a bug in linear scan register allocator
+pm_bin8(<<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>>) ->
+ 10 = add4(A, B, C, D),
+ 26 = add4(E, F, G, H),
+ ok.
+add4(X, Y, Z, W) ->
+ X + Y + Z + W.
+%% Cases that exposed bugs in the handling of bs_match_string with an
+%% empty destination list. Reported on 2013/2/12 and fixed 2013/3/10.
+pm_bs_match_string() ->
+ Bin = <<42,42>>,
+ Bin = pm_match_string_head(Bin),
+ ok = (pm_match_string_fun())(Bin).
+pm_match_string_head(<<42, _/bits>> = B) -> B.
+pm_match_string_fun() ->
+ fun (<<X, _/bits>>) when X =:= 42 -> ok end.
+%% Match a lot to force a garbage collection which exposed a bug
+pm_till_gc() ->
+ Bin = <<16#76543210:32>>,
+ 16#76543210 = pm_a_lot(Bin, 1000000),
+ ok.
+pm_a_lot(<<X:32>>, 0) ->
+ X;
+pm_a_lot(<<X:32>>, N) ->
+ pm_a_lot(<<X:32>>, N-1).