path: root/lib/hipe
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1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
index 02fe773edb..4691662f9f 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
@@ -1141,6 +1141,32 @@ trans_fun([{get_map_elements,{f,Lbl},Map,{list,KVPs}}|Instructions], Env) ->
{TestInstructions, GetInstructions, Env2} =
trans_map_query(MapVar, map_label(Lbl), Env1, KVPs),
[MapMove, TestInstructions, GetInstructions | trans_fun(Instructions, Env2)];
+%%--- put_map_assoc ---
+trans_fun([{put_map_assoc,{f,Lbl},Map,Dst,_N,{list,Pairs}}|Instructions], Env) ->
+ {MapMove, MapVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Map, Env),
+ TempMapVar = mk_var(new),
+ TempMapMove = hipe_icode:mk_move(TempMapVar, MapVar),
+ {PutInstructions, Env2}
+ = case Lbl > 0 of
+ true ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(exists, assoc, TempMapVar, Dst, Lbl, Pairs, Env1);
+ false ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(new, assoc, TempMapVar, Dst, new, Pairs, Env1)
+ end,
+ [MapMove, TempMapMove, PutInstructions | trans_fun(Instructions, Env2)];
+%%--- put_map_exact ---
+trans_fun([{put_map_exact,{f,Lbl},Map,Dst,_N,{list,Pairs}}|Instructions], Env) ->
+ {MapMove, MapVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Map, Env),
+ TempMapVar = mk_var(new),
+ TempMapMove = hipe_icode:mk_move(TempMapVar, MapVar),
+ {PutInstructions, Env2}
+ = case Lbl > 0 of
+ true ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(exists, exact, TempMapVar, Dst, Lbl, Pairs, Env1);
+ false ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(new, exact, TempMapVar, Dst, new, Pairs, Env1)
+ end,
+ [MapMove, TempMapMove, PutInstructions | trans_fun(Instructions, Env2)];
@@ -1540,6 +1566,83 @@ trans_map_query(MapVar, FailLabel, Env, [Key,Val|KVPs]) ->
{TestList, GetList, Env2} = trans_map_query(MapVar, FailLabel, Env1, KVPs),
{[Move, IsKeyCall, TrueTest, PassLabel|TestList], [GetCall|GetList], Env2}.
+%% Generates a fail label if necessary when translating put_map_* instructions.
+gen_put_map_instrs(exists, Op, TempMapVar, Dst, FailLbl, Pairs, Env) ->
+ TrueLabel = mk_label(new),
+ IsMapCode = hipe_icode:mk_type([TempMapVar], map,
+ hipe_icode:label_name(TrueLabel), map_label(FailLbl)),
+ DstMapVar = mk_var(Dst),
+ {ReturnLbl, PutInstructions, Env1}
+ = case Op of
+ assoc ->
+ trans_put_map_assoc(TempMapVar, DstMapVar, Pairs, Env, []);
+ exact ->
+ trans_put_map_exact(TempMapVar, DstMapVar,
+ map_label(FailLbl), Pairs, Env, [])
+ end,
+ {[IsMapCode, TrueLabel, PutInstructions, ReturnLbl], Env1};
+gen_put_map_instrs(new, Op, TempMapVar, Dst, new, Pairs, Env) ->
+ TrueLabel = mk_label(new),
+ FailLbl = mk_label(new),
+ IsMapCode = hipe_icode:mk_type([TempMapVar], map,
+ hipe_icode:label_name(TrueLabel),
+ hipe_icode:label_name(FailLbl)),
+ DstMapVar = mk_var(Dst),
+ {ReturnLbl, PutInstructions, Env1}
+ = case Op of
+ assoc ->
+ trans_put_map_assoc(TempMapVar, DstMapVar, Pairs, Env, []);
+ exact ->
+ trans_put_map_exact(TempMapVar, DstMapVar,
+ hipe_icode:label_name(FailLbl), Pairs, Env, [])
+ end,
+ Fail = hipe_icode:mk_fail([hipe_icode:mk_const(badarg)], error),
+ {[IsMapCode, TrueLabel, PutInstructions, FailLbl, Fail, ReturnLbl], Env1}.
+%% This function generates the instructions needed to insert several
+%% (Key, Value) pairs into an existing map, each recursive call inserts
+%% one (Key, Value) pair.
+trans_put_map_assoc(MapVar, DestMapVar, [], Env, Acc) ->
+ MoveToReturnVar = hipe_icode:mk_move(DestMapVar, MapVar),
+ ReturnLbl = mk_label(new),
+ GotoReturn = hipe_icode:mk_goto(hipe_icode:label_name(ReturnLbl)),
+ {ReturnLbl, lists:reverse([GotoReturn, MoveToReturnVar | Acc]), Env};
+trans_put_map_assoc(MapVar, DestMapVar, [Key, Value | Rest], Env, Acc) ->
+ {MoveKey, KeyVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Key, Env),
+ {MoveVal, ValVar, Env2} = mk_move_and_var(Value, Env1),
+ BifCall = hipe_icode:mk_call([MapVar], maps, put,
+ [KeyVar, ValVar, MapVar], remote),
+ trans_put_map_assoc(MapVar, DestMapVar, Rest, Env2,
+ [BifCall, MoveVal, MoveKey | Acc]).
+%% This function generates the instructions needed to update several
+%% (Key, Value) pairs in an existing map, each recursive call inserts
+%% one (Key, Value) pair.
+trans_put_map_exact(MapVar, DestMapVar, _FLbl, [], Env, Acc) ->
+ MoveToReturnVar = hipe_icode:mk_move(DestMapVar, MapVar),
+ ReturnLbl = mk_label(new),
+ GotoReturn = hipe_icode:mk_goto(hipe_icode:label_name(ReturnLbl)),
+ {ReturnLbl, lists:reverse([GotoReturn, MoveToReturnVar | Acc]), Env};
+trans_put_map_exact(MapVar, DestMapVar, FLbl, [Key, Value | Rest], Env, Acc) ->
+ SuccLbl = mk_label(new),
+ {MoveKey, KeyVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Key, Env),
+ {MoveVal, ValVar, Env2} = mk_move_and_var(Value, Env1),
+ IsKey = hipe_icode:mk_new_var(),
+ BifCallIsKey = hipe_icode:mk_call([IsKey], maps, is_key,
+ [KeyVar, MapVar], remote),
+ IsKeyTest = hipe_icode:mk_if('=:=', [IsKey, hipe_icode:mk_const(true)],
+ hipe_icode:label_name(SuccLbl), FLbl),
+ BifCallPut = hipe_icode:mk_call([MapVar], maps, put,
+ [KeyVar, ValVar, MapVar], remote),
+ Acc1 = [BifCallPut, SuccLbl, IsKeyTest, BifCallIsKey, MoveVal, MoveKey | Acc],
+ trans_put_map_exact(MapVar, DestMapVar, FLbl, Rest, Env2, Acc1).
%% trans_puts(Code, Environment) ->
%% {Movs, Code, Vars, NewEnv}