path: root/lib/hipe
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/hipe')
71 files changed, 6715 insertions, 543 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/Makefile b/lib/hipe/Makefile
index a9e24f4d17..46cbc33ae2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/Makefile
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk
-HIPE_SUBDIRS = regalloc sparc ppc x86 amd64 arm opt tools
+HIPE_SUBDIRS = regalloc sparc ppc x86 amd64 arm opt tools llvm
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_assemble.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_assemble.erl
index 2af786994e..e9de96a927 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_assemble.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_assemble.erl
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options) ->
print("Total num bytes=~w\n", [CodeSize], Options),
SC = hipe_pack_constants:slim_constmap(ConstMap),
- DataRelocs = mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
- SSE = slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
+ DataRelocs = hipe_pack_constants:mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
+ SSE = hipe_pack_constants:slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
SlimRefs = hipe_pack_constants:slim_refs(AccRefs),
Bin = term_to_binary([{?VERSION_STRING(),?HIPE_SYSTEM_CRC},
ConstAlign, ConstSize,
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ do_pseudo_li(I, MFA, ConstMap, Address, PrevImms, PendImms) ->
Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
{load_atom, Atom};
{Label,constant} ->
- ConstNo = find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
+ ConstNo = hipe_pack_constants:find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
{load_address, {constant,ConstNo}};
{Label,closure} ->
{load_address, {closure,Label}};
@@ -518,37 +518,6 @@ fix_pc_refs(I, InsnAddress, FunAddress, LabelMap) ->
-mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap) ->
- lists:flatten(mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap, [])).
-mk_data_relocs([{MFA,Labels} | Rest], LabelMap, Acc) ->
- Map = [case Label of
- {L,Pos} ->
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Pos,Offset};
- {sorted,Base,OrderedLabels} ->
- {sorted, Base, [begin
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Order, Offset}
- end
- || {L,Order} <- OrderedLabels]}
- end
- || Label <- Labels],
- %% msg("Map: ~w Map\n",[Map]),
- mk_data_relocs(Rest, LabelMap, [Map,Acc]);
-mk_data_relocs([],_,Acc) -> Acc.
-find({_MFA,_L} = MFAL, LabelMap) ->
- gb_trees:get(MFAL, LabelMap).
-slim_sorted_exportmap([{Addr,M,F,A}|Rest], Closures, Exports) ->
- IsClosure = lists:member({M,F,A}, Closures),
- IsExported = is_exported(F, A, Exports),
- [Addr,M,F,A,IsClosure,IsExported | slim_sorted_exportmap(Rest, Closures, Exports)];
-slim_sorted_exportmap([],_,_) -> [].
-is_exported(F, A, Exports) -> lists:member({F,A}, Exports).
%%% Assembly listing support (pp_asm option).
@@ -594,17 +563,6 @@ fill_spaces(N) when N > 0 ->
fill_spaces(0) ->
-%%% Lookup a constant in a ConstMap.
-find_const({MFA,Label},[{pcm_entry,MFA,Label,ConstNo,_,_,_}|_]) ->
- ConstNo;
-find_const(N,[_|R]) ->
- find_const(N,R);
-find_const(C,[]) ->
- ?EXIT({constant_not_found,C}).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile b/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile
index 506e993ff4..d13dfb33c2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/Makefile
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/hipe-$(VSN)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Target Specs
# ----------------------------------------------------
-MODULES = cerl_cconv cerl_closurean cerl_hipeify \
- cerl_lib cerl_messagean cerl_pmatch cerl_prettypr cerl_to_icode \
+MODULES = cerl_cconv cerl_closurean cerl_hipeify cerl_lib \
+ cerl_messagean cerl_pmatch cerl_prettypr cerl_to_icode \
cerl_typean erl_bif_types erl_types
HRL_FILES= cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ DOC_FILES= $(MODULES:%=$(DOCS)/%.html)
include ../native.mk
-ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +inline +warn_exported_vars +warn_unused_import +warn_missing_spec# +warn_untyped_record
+ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += -Werror +inline +warn_exported_vars +warn_unused_import +warn_missing_spec #+warn_untyped_record
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Targets
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ release_spec: opt
-$(EBIN)/cerl_to_icode.beam: cerl_hipe_primops.hrl ../icode/hipe_icode_primops.hrl
+$(EBIN)/cerl_cconv.beam: cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
$(EBIN)/cerl_hipeify.beam: cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
-$(EBIN)/cerl_lambdalift.beam: cerl_hipe_primops.hrl
-$(EBIN)/erl_bif_types.beam: ../icode/hipe_icode_primops.hrl
+$(EBIN)/cerl_to_icode.beam: cerl_hipe_primops.hrl ../icode/hipe_icode_primops.hrl
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl
index 22f5b8945a..f4a67439d6 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_prettypr.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% =====================================================================
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
seq_arg/1, seq_body/1, string_lit/1, try_arg/1,
try_body/1, try_vars/1, try_evars/1, try_handler/1,
tuple_es/1, type/1, values_es/1, var_name/1,
- map_es/1, map_pair_key/1, map_pair_val/1, map_pair_op/1
+ c_map/1, map_arg/1, map_es/1, is_c_map_empty/1,
+ c_map_pair/2, map_pair_key/1, map_pair_val/1, map_pair_op/1
-define(PAPER, 76).
@@ -475,13 +476,20 @@ lay_literal(Node, Ctxt) ->
%% that could represent printable characters - we
%% always print an integer.
- V when is_binary(V) ->
- lay_binary(c_binary([c_bitstr(abstract(B),
- abstract(8),
+ V when is_bitstring(V) ->
+ Val = fun(I) when is_integer(I) -> I;
+ (B) when is_bitstring(B) ->
+ BZ = bit_size(B), <<BV:BZ>> = B, BV
+ end,
+ Sz = fun(I) when is_integer(I) -> 8;
+ (B) when is_bitstring(B) -> bit_size(B)
+ end,
+ lay_binary(c_binary([c_bitstr(abstract(Val(B)),
+ abstract(Sz(B)),
abstract([unsigned, big]))
- || B <- binary_to_list(V)]),
+ || B <- bitstring_to_list(V)]),
[] ->
@@ -489,7 +497,13 @@ lay_literal(Node, Ctxt) ->
%% `lay_cons' will check for strings.
lay_cons(Node, Ctxt);
V when is_tuple(V) ->
- lay_tuple(Node, Ctxt)
+ lay_tuple(Node, Ctxt);
+ M when is_map(M), map_size(M) =:= 0 ->
+ text("~{}~");
+ M when is_map(M) ->
+ lay_map(c_map([c_map_pair(abstract(K),abstract(V))
+ || {K,V} <- maps:to_list(M)]),
+ Ctxt)
lay_var(Node, Ctxt) ->
@@ -596,10 +610,17 @@ lay_tuple(Node, Ctxt) ->
lay_map(Node, Ctxt) ->
+ Arg = map_arg(Node),
+ After = case is_c_map_empty(Arg) of
+ true -> floating(text("}~"));
+ false ->
+ beside(floating(text(" | ")),
+ beside(lay(Arg,Ctxt),
+ floating(text("}~"))))
+ end,
- beside(par(seq(map_es(Node), floating(text(",")),
- Ctxt, fun lay/2)),
- floating(text("}~")))).
+ beside(par(seq(map_es(Node), floating(text(",")), Ctxt, fun lay/2)),
+ After)).
lay_map_pair(Node, Ctxt) ->
K = map_pair_key(Node),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl
index 1c1c10d9b0..2645056be1 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/cerl_to_icode.erl
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
-define(NO_UNUSED, true).
+-export([module/1, module/2]).
--export([function/3, function/4, module/1]).
+-export([function/3, function/4]).
%% Added in an attempt to suppress message by Dialyzer, but I run into
@@ -102,36 +102,32 @@
%% Record definitions
--record(ctxt, {final = false :: boolean(),
- effect = false,
- fail = [], % [] or fail-to label
- class = expr, % expr | guard
- line = 0, % current line number
- 'receive' % undefined | #receive{}
- }).
-record('receive', {loop}).
-record(cerl_to_icode__var, {name}).
-record('fun', {label, vars}).
+-record(ctxt, {final = false :: boolean(),
+ effect = false :: boolean(),
+ fail = [], % [] or fail-to label
+ class = expr :: 'expr' | 'guard',
+ line = 0 :: erl_scan:line(), % current line number
+ 'receive' :: 'undefined' | #'receive'{}
+ }).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Code
-%% @spec module(Module::cerl()) -> [icode()]
+%% @spec module(Module::cerl()) -> [{mfa(), icode()}]
%% @equiv module(Module, [])
+-spec module(cerl:c_module()) -> [{mfa(), hipe_icode:icode()}].
module(E) ->
module(E, []).
-%% @clear
-%% @spec module(Module::cerl(), Options::[term()]) -> [icode()]
+%% @spec module(Module::cerl(), Options::[term()]) -> [{mfa(), icode()}]
-%% cerl() = cerl:cerl()
+%% cerl() = cerl:c_module()
%% icode() = hipe_icode:icode()
%% @doc Transforms a Core Erlang module to linear HiPE Icode. The result
@@ -149,7 +145,7 @@ module(E) ->
%% @see function/4
%% @see cerl_hipeify:transform/1
-%% -spec module(cerl:c_module(), [term()]) -> [{mfa(), hipe_icode:icode()}].
+-spec module(cerl:c_module(), [term()]) -> [{mfa(), hipe_icode:icode()}].
module(E, Options) ->
module_1(cerl_hipeify:transform(E, Options), Options).
@@ -163,8 +159,8 @@ module_1(E, Options) ->
S0 = init(M),
- S1 = s__set_pmatch(proplists:get_value(pmatch, Options), S0),
- S2 = s__set_bitlevel_binaries(proplists:get_value(
+ S1 = s__set_pmatch(proplists:get_value(pmatch, Options), S0),
+ S2 = s__set_bitlevel_binaries(proplists:get_value(
bitlevel_binaries, Options), S1),
{Icode, _} = lists:mapfoldl(fun function_definition/2,
S2, cerl:module_defs(E)),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
index a460f16272..74e93bf098 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_bif_types.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -1891,7 +1891,11 @@ infinity_add(neg_inf, _Number) -> neg_inf;
infinity_add(_Number, pos_inf) -> pos_inf;
infinity_add(_Number, neg_inf) -> neg_inf;
infinity_add(Number1, Number2) when is_integer(Number1), is_integer(Number2) ->
- Number1 + Number2.
+ try Number1 + Number2
+ catch
+ error:system_limit when Number1 < 0 -> neg_inf;
+ error:system_limit -> pos_inf
+ end.
infinity_mult(neg_inf, Number) ->
Greater = infinity_geq(Number, 0),
@@ -1902,7 +1906,13 @@ infinity_mult(pos_inf, Number) -> infinity_inv(infinity_mult(neg_inf, Number));
infinity_mult(Number, pos_inf) -> infinity_inv(infinity_mult(neg_inf, Number));
infinity_mult(Number, neg_inf) -> infinity_mult(neg_inf, Number);
infinity_mult(Number1, Number2) when is_integer(Number1), is_integer(Number2)->
- Number1 * Number2.
+ try Number1 * Number2
+ catch
+ error:system_limit ->
+ if (Number1 >= 0) =:= (Number2 >= 0) -> pos_inf;
+ true -> neg_inf
+ end
+ end.
width({Min, Max}) -> infinity_max([width(Min), width(Max)]);
width(pos_inf) -> pos_inf;
@@ -2633,7 +2643,9 @@ opaque_args(M, F, A, Xs, Opaques) ->
true ->
case t_tuple_subtypes(X, Opaques) of
unknown -> false;
- List when length(List) >= 1 -> opaque_recargs(List, Y, Opaques)
+ List when length(List) >= 1 ->
+ (t_is_atom(Y, Opaques) andalso
+ opaque_recargs(List, Y, Opaques))
false -> t_has_opaque_subtype(X, Opaques)
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index 32390045e3..5124e7238a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
- module_builtin_opaques/1,
number_max/1, number_max/2,
number_min/1, number_min/2,
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@
t_contains_opaque/1, t_contains_opaque/2,
- t_find_opaque_mismatch/2,
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch/3,
@@ -126,6 +125,8 @@
t_is_integer/1, t_is_integer/2,
+ t_is_map/1,
+ t_is_map/2,
t_is_nil/1, t_is_nil/2,
@@ -148,6 +149,8 @@
t_list_elements/1, t_list_elements/2,
+ t_map/0,
+ t_map/1,
@@ -184,7 +187,6 @@
- t_tid/0,
@@ -205,14 +207,11 @@
+ subst_all_remote/2,
- atom_to_string/1,
- t_is_map/2,
- t_map/1,
- t_map/0
+ atom_to_string/1
%%-define(DO_ERL_TYPES_TEST, true).
@@ -261,6 +260,8 @@
-define(TAG_IMMED1_SIZE, 4).
-define(BITS, (erlang:system_info(wordsize) * 8) - ?TAG_IMMED1_SIZE).
+-define(MAX_TUPLE_SIZE, (1 bsl 10)).
%% Type tags and qualifiers
@@ -463,16 +464,6 @@ has_opaque_subtype(T) ->
t_opaque_structure(?opaque(Elements)) ->
t_sup([Struct || #opaque{struct = Struct} <- ordsets:to_list(Elements)]).
--spec t_opaque_modules(erl_type()) -> [module()].
-t_opaque_modules(?opaque(Elements)) ->
- case ordsets:size(Elements) of
- 1 ->
- [#opaque{mod = Mod}] = set_to_list(Elements),
- [Mod];
- _ -> throw({error, "Unexpected multiple opaque types"})
- end.
-spec t_contains_opaque(erl_type()) -> boolean().
t_contains_opaque(Type) ->
@@ -498,9 +489,9 @@ t_contains_opaque(?int_range(_From, _To), _Opaques) -> false;
t_contains_opaque(?int_set(_Set), _Opaques) -> false;
t_contains_opaque(?list(Type, Tail, _), Opaques) ->
t_contains_opaque(Type, Opaques) orelse t_contains_opaque(Tail, Opaques);
-t_contains_opaque(?map(Pairs), Opaques) ->
- list_contains_opaque([V||{_,V}<-Pairs], Opaques) orelse
- list_contains_opaque([K||{K,_}<-Pairs], Opaques);
+t_contains_opaque(?map(_) = Map, Opaques) ->
+ list_contains_opaque(map_values(Map), Opaques) orelse
+ list_contains_opaque(map_keys(Map), Opaques);
t_contains_opaque(?matchstate(_P, _Slots), _Opaques) -> false;
t_contains_opaque(?nil, _Opaques) -> false;
t_contains_opaque(?number(_Set, _Tag), _Opaques) -> false;
@@ -529,39 +520,51 @@ list_contains_opaque(List, Opaques) ->
%% The first argument of the function is the pattern and its second
%% argument the type we are matching against the pattern.
--spec t_find_opaque_mismatch(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> 'error' | {'ok', erl_type(), erl_type()}.
+-spec t_find_opaque_mismatch(erl_type(), erl_type(), [erl_type()]) ->
+ 'error' | {'ok', erl_type(), erl_type()}.
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2).
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques).
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?any, _Type, _TopType) -> error;
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?none, _Type, _TopType) -> error;
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?list(T1, Tl1, _), ?list(T2, Tl2, _), TopType) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists([T1, Tl1], [T2, Tl2], TopType);
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(_T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, TopType) -> {ok, TopType, T2};
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?opaque(_) = T1, _T2, TopType) ->
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?any, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?none, _Type, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?list(T1, Tl1, _), ?list(T2, Tl2, _), TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists([T1, Tl1], [T2, Tl2], TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?opaque(_) = T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
+ case is_opaque_type(T2, Opaques) of
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T2};
+ true ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, t_opaque_structure(T2), TopType, Opaques)
+ end;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?opaque(_) = T1, T2, TopType, Opaques) ->
%% The generated message is somewhat misleading:
- {ok, TopType, T1};
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?product(T1), ?product(T2), TopType) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(T1, T2, TopType);
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(T1, Arity, _), ?tuple(T2, Arity, _), TopType) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(T1, T2, TopType);
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(_, _, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(_) = T2, TopType) ->
+ case is_opaque_type(T1, Opaques) of
+ false -> {ok, TopType, T1};
+ true ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(t_opaque_structure(T1), T2, TopType, Opaques)
+ end;
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?product(T1), ?product(T2), TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(T1, T2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(T1, Arity, _), ?tuple(T2, Arity, _),
+ TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(T1, T2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(?tuple(_, _, _) = T1, ?tuple_set(_) = T2,
+ TopType, Opaques) ->
Tuples1 = t_tuple_subtypes(T1),
Tuples2 = t_tuple_subtypes(T2),
- t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(Tuples1, Tuples2, TopType);
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?union(U2), TopType) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists([T1], U2, TopType);
-t_find_opaque_mismatch(_T1, _T2, _TopType) -> error.
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(Tuples1, Tuples2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, ?union(U2), TopType, Opaques) ->
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists([T1], U2, TopType, Opaques);
+t_find_opaque_mismatch(_T1, _T2, _TopType, _Opaques) -> error.
-t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(L1, L2, TopType) ->
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_ordlists(L1, L2, TopType, Opaques) ->
List = lists:zipwith(fun(T1, T2) ->
- t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, TopType)
+ t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, TopType, Opaques)
end, L1, L2),
-t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(L1, L2, _TopType) ->
- List = [t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2) || T1 <- L1, T2 <- L2],
+t_find_opaque_mismatch_lists(L1, L2, _TopType, Opaques) ->
+ List = [t_find_opaque_mismatch(T1, T2, T2, Opaques) || T1 <- L1, T2 <- L2],
t_find_opaque_mismatch_list([]) -> error;
@@ -614,7 +617,7 @@ t_decorate_with_opaque(T1, T2, Opaques) ->
-decorate(?none=Type, _, _Opaques) -> Type;
+decorate(Type, ?none, _Opaques) -> Type;
decorate(?function(Domain, Range), ?function(D, R), Opaques) ->
?function(decorate(Domain, D, Opaques), decorate(Range, R, Opaques));
decorate(?list(Types, Tail, Size), ?list(Ts, Tl, _Sz), Opaques) ->
@@ -680,6 +683,7 @@ union_decorate(U1, U2, Opaques) ->
List = [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,Map],
DecList = [Dec ||
E <- List,
+ not t_is_none(E),
not t_is_none(Dec = decorate(E, Opaque, Opaques))],
@@ -785,11 +789,6 @@ t_struct_from_opaque(Type, _Opaques) -> Type.
list_struct_from_opaque(Types, Opaques) ->
[t_struct_from_opaque(Type, Opaques) || Type <- Types].
--spec module_builtin_opaques(module()) -> [erl_type()].
-module_builtin_opaques(Module) ->
- [O || O <- all_opaque_builtins(), lists:member(Module, t_opaque_modules(O))].
%% Remote types: these types are used for preprocessing;
%% they should never reach the analysis stage.
@@ -1421,7 +1420,6 @@ t_number_vals(Type) ->
t_number_vals(Type, Opaques) ->
do_opaque(Type, Opaques, fun number_vals/1).
-number_vals(?int_set(?any)) -> unknown;
number_vals(?int_set(Set)) -> set_to_list(Set);
number_vals(?number(_, _)) -> unknown;
number_vals(?opaque(_)) -> unknown;
@@ -1728,11 +1726,16 @@ lift_list_to_pos_empty(?list(Content, Termination, _)) ->
t_map() ->
--spec t_map([{erl_type(),erl_type()}]) -> erl_type().
+-spec t_map([{erl_type(), erl_type()}]) -> erl_type().
t_map(_) ->
+-spec t_is_map(erl_type()) -> boolean().
+t_is_map(Type) ->
+ t_is_map(Type, 'universe').
-spec t_is_map(erl_type(), opaques()) -> boolean().
t_is_map(Type, Opaques) ->
@@ -1741,7 +1744,6 @@ t_is_map(Type, Opaques) ->
is_map1(?map(_)) -> true;
is_map1(_) -> false.
%% Tuples
@@ -1753,6 +1755,8 @@ t_tuple() ->
-spec t_tuple(non_neg_integer() | [erl_type()]) -> erl_type().
+t_tuple(N) when is_integer(N), N > ?MAX_TUPLE_SIZE ->
+ t_tuple();
t_tuple(N) when is_integer(N) ->
?tuple(lists:duplicate(N, ?any), N, ?any);
t_tuple(List) ->
@@ -1966,82 +1970,6 @@ t_parameterized_module() ->
t_timeout() ->
t_sup(t_non_neg_integer(), t_atom('infinity')).
-%% Some built-in opaque types
--spec t_array() -> erl_type().
-t_array() ->
- t_opaque(array, array, [t_any()],
- t_tuple([t_atom('array'),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_any(),
- t_any()])).
--spec t_dict() -> erl_type().
-t_dict() ->
- t_opaque(dict, dict, [t_any(), t_any()],
- t_tuple([t_atom('dict'),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_non_neg_integer()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_tuple()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_tuple()])])).
--spec t_digraph() -> erl_type().
-t_digraph() ->
- t_opaque(digraph, digraph, [],
- t_tuple([t_atom('digraph'),
- t_sup(t_atom(), t_tid()),
- t_sup(t_atom(), t_tid()),
- t_sup(t_atom(), t_tid()),
- t_boolean()])).
--spec t_gb_set() -> erl_type().
-t_gb_set() ->
- t_opaque(gb_sets, gb_set, [],
- t_tuple([t_non_neg_integer(), t_sup(t_atom('nil'), t_tuple(3))])).
--spec t_gb_tree() -> erl_type().
-t_gb_tree() ->
- t_opaque(gb_trees, gb_tree, [],
- t_tuple([t_non_neg_integer(), t_sup(t_atom('nil'), t_tuple(4))])).
--spec t_queue() -> erl_type().
-t_queue() ->
- t_opaque(queue, queue, [t_any()], t_tuple([t_list(), t_list()])).
--spec t_set() -> erl_type().
-t_set() ->
- t_opaque(sets, set, [t_any()],
- t_tuple([t_atom('set'), t_non_neg_integer(), t_non_neg_integer(),
- t_pos_integer(), t_non_neg_integer(), t_non_neg_integer(),
- t_non_neg_integer(),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_tuple()]),
- t_sup([t_atom('undefined'), t_tuple()])])).
--spec t_tid() -> erl_type().
-t_tid() ->
- t_opaque(ets, tid, [], t_integer()).
--spec all_opaque_builtins() -> [erl_type(),...].
-all_opaque_builtins() ->
- [t_array(), t_dict(), t_digraph(), t_gb_set(),
- t_gb_tree(), t_queue(), t_set(), t_tid()].
%% ?none is allowed in products. A product of size 1 is not a product.
@@ -2089,6 +2017,8 @@ t_has_var(?tuple(Elements, _, _)) ->
t_has_var(?tuple_set(_) = T) ->
+t_has_var(?map(_)= Map) ->
+ t_has_var_list(map_keys(Map)) orelse t_has_var_list(map_values(Map));
t_has_var(?opaque(Set)) ->
%% Assume variables in 'args' are also present i 'struct'
t_has_var_list([O#opaque.struct || O <- set_to_list(Set)]);
@@ -2116,21 +2046,28 @@ t_collect_vars(?function(Domain, Range), Acc) ->
t_collect_vars(?list(Contents, Termination, _), Acc) ->
ordsets:union(t_collect_vars(Contents, Acc), t_collect_vars(Termination, []));
t_collect_vars(?product(Types), Acc) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(T, TmpAcc) -> t_collect_vars(T, TmpAcc) end, Acc, Types);
+ t_collect_vars_list(Types, Acc);
t_collect_vars(?tuple(?any, ?any, ?any), Acc) ->
t_collect_vars(?tuple(Types, _, _), Acc) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(T, TmpAcc) -> t_collect_vars(T, TmpAcc) end, Acc, Types);
+ t_collect_vars_list(Types, Acc);
t_collect_vars(?tuple_set(_) = TS, Acc) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(T, TmpAcc) -> t_collect_vars(T, TmpAcc) end, Acc,
- t_tuple_subtypes(TS));
+ t_collect_vars_list(t_tuple_subtypes(TS), Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?map(_) = Map, Acc0) ->
+ Acc = t_collect_vars_list(map_keys(Map), Acc0),
+ t_collect_vars_list(map_values(Map), Acc);
t_collect_vars(?opaque(Set), Acc) ->
%% Assume variables in 'args' are also present i 'struct'
- lists:foldl(fun(T, TmpAcc) -> t_collect_vars(T, TmpAcc) end, Acc,
- [O#opaque.struct || O <- set_to_list(Set)]);
+ t_collect_vars_list([O#opaque.struct || O <- set_to_list(Set)], Acc);
+t_collect_vars(?union(List), Acc) ->
+ t_collect_vars_list(List, Acc);
t_collect_vars(_, Acc) ->
+t_collect_vars_list([T|Ts], Acc0) ->
+ Acc = t_collect_vars(T, Acc0),
+ t_collect_vars_list(Ts, Acc);
+t_collect_vars_list([], Acc) -> Acc.
@@ -2153,6 +2090,7 @@ t_from_term(T) when is_function(T) ->
{arity, Arity} = erlang:fun_info(T, arity),
t_fun(Arity, t_any());
t_from_term(T) when is_integer(T) -> t_integer(T);
+t_from_term(T) when is_map(T) -> t_map();
t_from_term(T) when is_pid(T) -> t_pid();
t_from_term(T) when is_port(T) -> t_port();
t_from_term(T) when is_reference(T) -> t_reference();
@@ -2555,7 +2493,7 @@ force_union(T = ?function(_, _)) -> ?function_union(T);
force_union(T = ?identifier(_)) -> ?identifier_union(T);
force_union(T = ?list(_, _, _)) -> ?list_union(T);
force_union(T = ?nil) -> ?list_union(T);
-force_union(T = ?number(_,_)) -> ?number_union(T);
+force_union(T = ?number(_, _)) -> ?number_union(T);
force_union(T = ?opaque(_)) -> ?opaque_union(T);
force_union(T = ?remote(_)) -> ?remote_union(T);
force_union(T = ?map(_)) -> ?map_union(T);
@@ -2970,16 +2908,19 @@ inf_union(U1, U2, Opaques) ->
List = [A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,Map],
inf_union_collect(List, Opaque, InfFun, [], [])
- O1 = OpaqueFun(U1, U2, fun(E, Opaque) -> t_inf(Opaque, E, Opaques) end),
- O2 = OpaqueFun(U2, U1, fun(E, Opaque) -> t_inf(E, Opaque, Opaques) end),
- Union = inf_union(U1, U2, 0, [], Opaques),
- t_sup([O1, O2, Union]).
+ {O1, ThrowList1} =
+ OpaqueFun(U1, U2, fun(E, Opaque) -> t_inf(Opaque, E, Opaques) end),
+ {O2, ThrowList2}
+ = OpaqueFun(U2, U1, fun(E, Opaque) -> t_inf(E, Opaque, Opaques) end),
+ {Union, ThrowList3} = inf_union(U1, U2, 0, [], [], Opaques),
+ ThrowList = lists:merge3(ThrowList1, ThrowList2, ThrowList3),
+ case t_sup([O1, O2, Union]) of
+ ?none when ThrowList =/= [] -> throw(hd(ThrowList));
+ Sup -> Sup
+ end.
inf_union_collect([], _Opaque, _InfFun, InfList, ThrowList) ->
- case t_sup(InfList) of
- ?none when ThrowList =/= [] -> throw(hd(lists:flatten(ThrowList)));
- Sup -> Sup
- end;
+ {t_sup(InfList), lists:usort(ThrowList)};
inf_union_collect([?none|L], Opaque, InfFun, InfList, ThrowList) ->
inf_union_collect(L, Opaque, InfFun, [?none|InfList], ThrowList);
inf_union_collect([E|L], Opaque, InfFun, InfList, ThrowList) ->
@@ -2990,19 +2931,21 @@ inf_union_collect([E|L], Opaque, InfFun, InfList, ThrowList) ->
inf_union_collect(L, Opaque, InfFun, InfList, [N|ThrowList])
-inf_union([?none|Left1], [?none|Left2], N, Acc, Opaques) ->
- inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], Opaques);
-inf_union([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], N, Acc, Opaques) ->
- case t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques) of
- ?none -> inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], Opaques);
- T -> inf_union(Left1, Left2, N+1, [T|Acc], Opaques)
+inf_union([?none|Left1], [?none|Left2], N, Acc, ThrowList, Opaques) ->
+ inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], ThrowList, Opaques);
+inf_union([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], N, Acc, ThrowList, Opaques) ->
+ try t_inf(T1, T2, Opaques) of
+ ?none -> inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], ThrowList, Opaques);
+ T -> inf_union(Left1, Left2, N+1, [T|Acc], ThrowList, Opaques)
+ catch throw:N when is_integer(N) ->
+ inf_union(Left1, Left2, N, [?none|Acc], [N|ThrowList], Opaques)
-inf_union([], [], N, Acc, _Opaques) ->
- if N =:= 0 -> ?none;
+inf_union([], [], N, Acc, ThrowList, _Opaques) ->
+ if N =:= 0 -> {?none, ThrowList};
N =:= 1 ->
[Type] = [T || T <- Acc, T =/= ?none],
- Type;
- N >= 2 -> ?union(lists:reverse(Acc))
+ {Type, ThrowList};
+ N >= 2 -> {?union(lists:reverse(Acc)), ThrowList}
inf_bitstr(U1, B1, U2, B2) ->
@@ -3076,6 +3019,9 @@ t_subst_dict(?tuple(Elements, _Arity, _Tag), Dict) ->
t_tuple([t_subst_dict(E, Dict) || E <- Elements]);
t_subst_dict(?tuple_set(_) = TS, Dict) ->
t_sup([t_subst_dict(T, Dict) || T <- t_tuple_subtypes(TS)]);
+t_subst_dict(?map(Pairs), Dict) ->
+ ?map([{t_subst_dict(K, Dict), t_subst_dict(V, Dict)} ||
+ {K, V} <- Pairs]);
t_subst_dict(?opaque(Es), Dict) ->
List = [Opaque#opaque{args = [t_subst_dict(Arg, Dict) || Arg <- Args],
struct = t_subst_dict(S, Dict)} ||
@@ -3125,6 +3071,9 @@ t_subst_aux(?tuple(Elements, _Arity, _Tag), VarMap) ->
t_tuple([t_subst_aux(E, VarMap) || E <- Elements]);
t_subst_aux(?tuple_set(_) = TS, VarMap) ->
t_sup([t_subst_aux(T, VarMap) || T <- t_tuple_subtypes(TS)]);
+t_subst_aux(?map(Pairs), VarMap) ->
+ ?map([{t_subst_aux(K, VarMap), t_subst_aux(V, VarMap)} ||
+ {K, V} <- Pairs]);
t_subst_aux(?opaque(Es), VarMap) ->
List = [Opaque#opaque{args = [t_subst_aux(Arg, VarMap) || Arg <- Args],
struct = t_subst_aux(S, VarMap)} ||
@@ -3135,6 +3084,18 @@ t_subst_aux(?union(List), VarMap) ->
t_subst_aux(T, _VarMap) ->
+-spec subst_all_remote(erl_type(), erl_type()) -> erl_type().
+subst_all_remote(Type0, Substitute) ->
+ Map =
+ fun(Type) ->
+ case erl_types:t_is_remote(Type) of
+ true -> Substitute;
+ false -> Type
+ end
+ end,
+ erl_types:t_map(Map, Type0).
%% Unification
@@ -3263,8 +3224,8 @@ is_opaque_type2(#opaque{mod = Mod1, name = Name1, args = Args1}, Opaques) ->
is_type_name(Mod, Name, Args1, Mod, Name, Args2) ->
length(Args1) =:= length(Args2);
-is_type_name(Mod1, Name1, Args1, Mod2, Name2, Args2) ->
- is_same_type_name2(Mod1, Name1, Args1, Mod2, Name2, Args2).
+is_type_name(_Mod1, _Name1, _Args1, _Mod2, _Name2, _Args2) ->
+ false.
%% Two functions since t_unify is not symmetric.
unify_tuple_set_and_tuple1(?tuple_set([{Arity, List}]),
@@ -3560,6 +3521,8 @@ t_subtract(?product(Elements1) = T1, ?product(Elements2)) ->
_ -> T1
+t_subtract(?map(_) = T, _) -> % XXX: very crude; will probably need refinement
+ T;
t_subtract(?product(P1), _) ->
t_subtract(T, ?product(_)) ->
@@ -3700,7 +3663,7 @@ t_unopaque(T) ->
t_unopaque(?opaque(_) = T, Opaques) ->
case Opaques =:= 'universe' orelse is_opaque_type(T, Opaques) of
true -> t_unopaque(t_opaque_structure(T), Opaques);
- false -> T % XXX: needs revision for parametric opaque data types
+ false -> T
t_unopaque(?list(ElemT, Termination, Sz), Opaques) ->
?list(t_unopaque(ElemT, Opaques), t_unopaque(Termination, Opaques), Sz);
@@ -3720,11 +3683,12 @@ t_unopaque(?union([A,B,F,I,L,N,T,M,O,R,Map]), Opaques) ->
UL = t_unopaque(L, Opaques),
UT = t_unopaque(T, Opaques),
UF = t_unopaque(F, Opaques),
+ UMap = t_unopaque(Map, Opaques),
{OF,UO} = case t_unopaque(O, Opaques) of
?opaque(_) = O1 -> {O1, []};
Type -> {?none, [Type]}
- t_sup([?union([A,B,UF,I,UL,N,UT,M,OF,R,Map])|UO]);
+ t_sup([?union([A,B,UF,I,UL,N,UT,M,OF,R,UMap])|UO]);
t_unopaque(T, _) ->
@@ -4099,15 +4063,7 @@ opaque_name(Mod, Name, Extra) ->
flat_format("~s(~s)", [S, Extra]).
mod_name(Mod, Name) ->
- case is_obsolete_opaque_builtin(Mod, Name) of
- true -> flat_format("~w", [Name]);
- false -> flat_format("~w:~w", [Mod, Name])
- end.
-is_obsolete_opaque_builtin(digraph, digraph) -> true;
-is_obsolete_opaque_builtin(gb_sets, gb_set) -> true;
-is_obsolete_opaque_builtin(gb_trees, gb_tree) -> true;
-is_obsolete_opaque_builtin(_, _) -> false.
+ flat_format("~w:~w", [Mod, Name]).
@@ -4172,8 +4128,6 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, any, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_any(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, arity, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_arity(), []};
-t_from_form({type, _L, array, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(array, t_array(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, atom, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_atom(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, binary, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
@@ -4195,10 +4149,6 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, byte, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_byte(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, char, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_char(), []};
-t_from_form({type, _L, dict, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(dict, t_dict(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
-t_from_form({type, _L, digraph, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(digraph, t_digraph(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, float, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_float(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, function, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
@@ -4214,10 +4164,6 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, 'fun', [{type, _, product, Domain}, Range]},
{L, R1} = list_from_form(Domain, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict),
{T, R2} = t_from_form(Range, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict),
{t_fun(L, T), R1 ++ R2};
-t_from_form({type, _L, gb_set, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(gb_set, t_gb_set(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
-t_from_form({type, _L, gb_tree, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(gb_tree, t_gb_tree(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, identifier, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_identifier(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, integer, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
@@ -4231,8 +4177,8 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, list, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
t_from_form({type, _L, list, [Type]}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
{T, R} = t_from_form(Type, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict),
{t_list(T), R};
-t_from_form({type, _L, map, _}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
- {t_map([]), []};
+t_from_form({type, _L, map, _}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
+ builtin_type(map, t_map([]), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, mfa, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_mfa(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, module, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
@@ -4290,8 +4236,6 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, maybe_improper_list, [Content, Termination]},
t_from_form({type, _L, product, Elements}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
{L, R} = list_from_form(Elements, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict),
{t_product(L), R};
-t_from_form({type, _L, queue, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(queue, t_queue(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, range, [From, To]} = Type,
_TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
case {erl_eval:partial_eval(From), erl_eval:partial_eval(To)} of
@@ -4303,14 +4247,10 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, record, [Name|Fields]}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
record_from_form(Name, Fields, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, reference, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_reference(), []};
-t_from_form({type, _L, set, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(set, t_set(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, string, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_string(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, term, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_any(), []};
-t_from_form({type, _L, tid, []}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
- builtin_type(tid, t_tid(), TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, timeout, []}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{t_timeout(), []};
t_from_form({type, _L, tuple, any}, _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
@@ -4321,7 +4261,10 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, tuple, Args}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
t_from_form({type, _L, union, Args}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
{L, R} = list_from_form(Args, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict),
{t_sup(L), R};
+t_from_form({user_type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
+ type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict) ->
+ %% Compatibility: modules compiled before Erlang/OTP 18.0.
type_from_form(Name, Args, TypeNames, RecDict, VarDict);
t_from_form({opaque, _L, Name, {Mod, Args, Rep}}, _TypeNames,
_RecDict, _VarDict) ->
@@ -4445,7 +4388,9 @@ get_mod_record([{FieldName, DeclType}|Left1],
[{FieldName, ModType}|Left2], Acc) ->
ModTypeNoVars = subst_all_vars_to_any(ModType),
- t_is_remote(ModTypeNoVars) orelse t_is_subtype(ModTypeNoVars, DeclType)
+ contains_remote(ModTypeNoVars)
+ orelse contains_remote(DeclType)
+ orelse t_is_subtype(ModTypeNoVars, DeclType)
false -> {error, FieldName};
true -> get_mod_record(Left1, Left2, [{FieldName, ModType}|Acc])
@@ -4459,6 +4404,10 @@ get_mod_record(DeclFields, [], Acc) ->
get_mod_record(_, [{FieldName2, _ModType}|_], _Acc) ->
{error, FieldName2}.
+contains_remote(Type) ->
+ TypeNoRemote = subst_all_remote(Type, t_none()),
+ not t_is_equal(Type, TypeNoRemote).
fields_from_form([], _TypeNames, _RecDict, _VarDict) ->
{[], []};
fields_from_form([{Name, Type}|Tail], TypeNames, RecDict,
@@ -4559,9 +4508,12 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, []} = T) ->
try t_to_string(t_from_form(T))
catch throw:{error, _} -> atom_to_string(Name) ++ "()"
-t_form_to_string({type, _L, Name, List}) ->
+t_form_to_string({user_type, _L, Name, List}) ->
- [Name, string:join(t_form_to_string_list(List), ",")]).
+ [Name, string:join(t_form_to_string_list(List), ",")]);
+t_form_to_string({type, L, Name, List}) ->
+ %% Compatibility: modules compiled before Erlang/OTP 18.0.
+ t_form_to_string({user_type, L, Name, List}).
t_form_to_string_list(List) ->
t_form_to_string_list(List, []).
@@ -4674,26 +4626,19 @@ do_opaque(Type, _Opaques, Pred) ->
is_same_type_name(ModNameArgs, ModNameArgs) -> true;
is_same_type_name({Mod, Name, Args1}, {Mod, Name, Args2}) ->
all_any(Args1) orelse all_any(Args2);
-is_same_type_name({Mod1, Name1, Args1}, {Mod2, Name2, Args2}) ->
- is_same_type_name2(Mod1, Name1, Args1, Mod2, Name2, Args2).
+is_same_type_name(_ModNameArgs1, _ModNameArgs2) ->
+ false.
all_any([]) -> true;
all_any([T|L]) ->
t_is_any(T) andalso all_any(L);
all_any(_) -> false.
-%% Compatibility. In Erlang/OTP 17 the pre-defined opaque types
-%% digraph() and so on can be used, but there are also new types such
-%% as digraph:graph() with the exact same meaning. In Erlang/OTP R18.0
-%% all but the last clause can be removed.
-is_same_type_name2(digraph, digraph, [], digraph, graph, []) -> true;
-is_same_type_name2(digraph, graph, [], digraph, digraph, []) -> true;
-is_same_type_name2(gb_sets, gb_set, [], gb_sets, set, [_]) -> true;
-is_same_type_name2(gb_sets, set, [_], gb_sets, gb_set, []) -> true;
-is_same_type_name2(gb_trees, gb_tree, [], gb_trees, tree, [_, _]) -> true;
-is_same_type_name2(gb_trees, tree, [_, _], gb_trees, gb_tree, []) -> true;
-is_same_type_name2(_, _, _, _, _, _) -> false.
+map_keys(?map(Pairs)) ->
+ [K || {K, _} <- Pairs].
+map_values(?map(Pairs)) ->
+ [V || {_, V} <- Pairs].
%% -----------------------------------
%% Set
diff --git a/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml
index e0b1622d19..2962e4a9ac 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/hipe/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,175 @@
<p>This document describes the changes made to HiPE.</p>
+<section><title>Hipe 3.11.1</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p> The pretty-printing of bitstrings has been corrected.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-12015</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p> A bug concerning <c>is_record/2,3</c> has been fixed,
+ as well as some cases where Dialyzer could crash due to
+ reaching system limits. </p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-12018</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
+<section><title>Hipe 3.11</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ A Dialyzer crash involving analysis of Map types has now
+ been fixed.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11947</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Improvements and New Features</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Handle Maps instructions get_map_elements, put_map_assoc,
+ put_map_exact in HiPE compiler.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11900</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
+<section><title>Hipe 3.10.3</title>
+ <section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Fix compilation with 'no_remove_comments' (Thanks to
+ Johannes Weißl)</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11564</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Application upgrade (appup) files are corrected for the
+ following applications: </p>
+ <p>
+ <c>asn1, common_test, compiler, crypto, debugger,
+ dialyzer, edoc, eldap, erl_docgen, et, eunit, gs, hipe,
+ inets, observer, odbc, os_mon, otp_mibs, parsetools,
+ percept, public_key, reltool, runtime_tools, ssh,
+ syntax_tools, test_server, tools, typer, webtool, wx,
+ xmerl</c></p>
+ <p>
+ A new test utility for testing appup files is added to
+ test_server. This is now used by most applications in
+ OTP.</p>
+ <p>
+ (Thanks to Tobias Schlager)</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11744</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ There is now a test suite for the Hipe application</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11748</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Support for a LLVM backend has been added in HiPE</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11801</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>Improvements and New Features</title>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p> The pre-defined types <c>array/0</c>, <c>dict/0</c>,
+ <c>digraph/0</c>, <c>gb_set/0</c>, <c>gb_tree/0</c>,
+ <c>queue/0</c>, <c>set/0</c>, and <c>tid/0</c> have been
+ deprecated. They will be removed in Erlang/OTP 18.0. </p>
+ <p> Instead the types <c>array:array/0</c>,
+ <c>dict:dict/0</c>, <c>digraph:graph/0</c>,
+ <c>gb_set:set/0</c>, <c>gb_tree:tree/0</c>,
+ <c>queue:queue/0</c>, <c>sets:set/0</c>, and
+ <c>ets:tid/0</c> can be used. (Note: it has always been
+ necessary to use <c>ets:tid/0</c>.) </p> <p> It is
+ allowed in Erlang/OTP 17.0 to locally re-define the types
+ <c>array/0</c>, <c>dict/0</c>, and so on. </p> <p> New
+ types <c>array:array/1</c>, <c>dict:dict/2</c>,
+ <c>gb_sets:set/1</c>, <c>gb_trees:tree/2</c>,
+ <c>queue:queue/1</c>, and <c>sets:set/1</c> have been
+ added. </p> <p> A compiler option,
+ <c>nowarn_deprecated_type</c>, has been introduced. By
+ including the attribute </p> <c>
+ -compile(nowarn_deprecated_type).</c> <p> in an Erlang
+ source file, warnings about deprecated types can be
+ avoided in Erlang/OTP 17.0. </p> <p> The option can also
+ be given as a compiler flag: </p> <c> erlc
+ +nowarn_deprecated_type file.erl</c>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-10342</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ EEP43: New data type - Maps</p>
+ <p>
+ With Maps you may for instance: <taglist> <item><c>M0 =
+ #{ a =&gt; 1, b =&gt; 2}, % create
+ associations</c></item> <item><c>M1 = M0#{ a := 10 }, %
+ update values</c></item> <item><c>M2 = M1#{ "hi" =&gt;
+ "hello"}, % add new associations</c></item> <item><c>#{
+ "hi" := V1, a := V2, b := V3} = M2. % match keys with
+ values</c></item> </taglist></p>
+ <p>
+ For information on how to use Maps please see Map Expressions in the
+ <seealso marker="doc/reference_manual:expressions#map_expressions">
+ Reference Manual</seealso>.</p>
+ <p>
+ The current implementation is without the following
+ features: <taglist> <item>No variable keys</item>
+ <item>No single value access</item> <item>No map
+ comprehensions</item> </taglist></p>
+ <p>
+ Note that Maps is <em>experimental</em> during OTP 17.0.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11616</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p> Parameterized opaque types have been introduced. </p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11625</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Add support for the compilation of the is_map/1 and
+ map_size/1 guards to native code.</p>
+ <p>
+ Own Id: OTP-11831</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </section>
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
index 81249c958e..4691662f9f 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
@@ -509,6 +509,10 @@ trans_fun([{test,test_arity,{f,Lbl},[Reg,N]}|Instructions], Env) ->
I = hipe_icode:mk_type([trans_arg(Reg)],{tuple,N},
[I,True | trans_fun(Instructions,Env)];
+%%--- is_map ---
+trans_fun([{test,is_map,{f,Lbl},[Arg]}|Instructions], Env) ->
+ {Code,Env1} = trans_type_test(map,Lbl,Arg,Env),
+ [Code | trans_fun(Instructions,Env1)];
%%--- select_val ---
trans_fun([{select_val,Reg,{f,Lbl},{list,Cases}}|Instructions], Env) ->
@@ -1121,6 +1125,49 @@ trans_fun([{trim,N,NY}|Instructions], Env) ->
trans_fun([{line,_}|Instructions], Env) ->
+%% Map instructions added in Spring 2014 (17.0).
+trans_fun([{test,has_map_fields,{f,Lbl},Map,{list,Keys}}|Instructions], Env) ->
+ {MapMove, MapVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Map, Env),
+ %% We assume that hipe_icode:mk_call has no side-effects, and reuse
+ %% the help function of get_map_elements below, discarding the value
+ %% assignment instruction list.
+ {TestInstructions, _GetInstructions, Env2} =
+ trans_map_query(MapVar, map_label(Lbl), Env1,
+ lists:flatten([[K, {r, 0}] || K <- Keys])),
+ [MapMove, TestInstructions | trans_fun(Instructions, Env2)];
+trans_fun([{get_map_elements,{f,Lbl},Map,{list,KVPs}}|Instructions], Env) ->
+ {MapMove, MapVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Map, Env),
+ {TestInstructions, GetInstructions, Env2} =
+ trans_map_query(MapVar, map_label(Lbl), Env1, KVPs),
+ [MapMove, TestInstructions, GetInstructions | trans_fun(Instructions, Env2)];
+%%--- put_map_assoc ---
+trans_fun([{put_map_assoc,{f,Lbl},Map,Dst,_N,{list,Pairs}}|Instructions], Env) ->
+ {MapMove, MapVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Map, Env),
+ TempMapVar = mk_var(new),
+ TempMapMove = hipe_icode:mk_move(TempMapVar, MapVar),
+ {PutInstructions, Env2}
+ = case Lbl > 0 of
+ true ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(exists, assoc, TempMapVar, Dst, Lbl, Pairs, Env1);
+ false ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(new, assoc, TempMapVar, Dst, new, Pairs, Env1)
+ end,
+ [MapMove, TempMapMove, PutInstructions | trans_fun(Instructions, Env2)];
+%%--- put_map_exact ---
+trans_fun([{put_map_exact,{f,Lbl},Map,Dst,_N,{list,Pairs}}|Instructions], Env) ->
+ {MapMove, MapVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Map, Env),
+ TempMapVar = mk_var(new),
+ TempMapMove = hipe_icode:mk_move(TempMapVar, MapVar),
+ {PutInstructions, Env2}
+ = case Lbl > 0 of
+ true ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(exists, exact, TempMapVar, Dst, Lbl, Pairs, Env1);
+ false ->
+ gen_put_map_instrs(new, exact, TempMapVar, Dst, new, Pairs, Env1)
+ end,
+ [MapMove, TempMapMove, PutInstructions | trans_fun(Instructions, Env2)];
trans_fun([X|_], _) ->
@@ -1500,6 +1547,102 @@ trans_type_test2(function2, Lbl, Arg, Arity, Env) ->
hipe_icode:label_name(True), map_label(Lbl)),
+%% Handles the get_map_elements instruction and the has_map_fields
+%% test instruction.
+trans_map_query(_MapVar, _FailLabel, Env, []) ->
+ {[], [], Env};
+trans_map_query(MapVar, FailLabel, Env, [Key,Val|KVPs]) ->
+ {Move,KeyVar,Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Key,Env),
+ PassLabel = mk_label(new),
+ BoolVar = hipe_icode:mk_new_var(),
+ ValVar = mk_var(Val),
+ IsKeyCall = hipe_icode:mk_call([BoolVar], maps, is_key, [KeyVar, MapVar],
+ remote),
+ TrueTest = hipe_icode:mk_if('=:=', [BoolVar, hipe_icode:mk_const(true)],
+ hipe_icode:label_name(PassLabel), FailLabel),
+ GetCall = hipe_icode:mk_call([ValVar], maps, get, [KeyVar, MapVar], remote),
+ {TestList, GetList, Env2} = trans_map_query(MapVar, FailLabel, Env1, KVPs),
+ {[Move, IsKeyCall, TrueTest, PassLabel|TestList], [GetCall|GetList], Env2}.
+%% Generates a fail label if necessary when translating put_map_* instructions.
+gen_put_map_instrs(exists, Op, TempMapVar, Dst, FailLbl, Pairs, Env) ->
+ TrueLabel = mk_label(new),
+ IsMapCode = hipe_icode:mk_type([TempMapVar], map,
+ hipe_icode:label_name(TrueLabel), map_label(FailLbl)),
+ DstMapVar = mk_var(Dst),
+ {ReturnLbl, PutInstructions, Env1}
+ = case Op of
+ assoc ->
+ trans_put_map_assoc(TempMapVar, DstMapVar, Pairs, Env, []);
+ exact ->
+ trans_put_map_exact(TempMapVar, DstMapVar,
+ map_label(FailLbl), Pairs, Env, [])
+ end,
+ {[IsMapCode, TrueLabel, PutInstructions, ReturnLbl], Env1};
+gen_put_map_instrs(new, Op, TempMapVar, Dst, new, Pairs, Env) ->
+ TrueLabel = mk_label(new),
+ FailLbl = mk_label(new),
+ IsMapCode = hipe_icode:mk_type([TempMapVar], map,
+ hipe_icode:label_name(TrueLabel),
+ hipe_icode:label_name(FailLbl)),
+ DstMapVar = mk_var(Dst),
+ {ReturnLbl, PutInstructions, Env1}
+ = case Op of
+ assoc ->
+ trans_put_map_assoc(TempMapVar, DstMapVar, Pairs, Env, []);
+ exact ->
+ trans_put_map_exact(TempMapVar, DstMapVar,
+ hipe_icode:label_name(FailLbl), Pairs, Env, [])
+ end,
+ Fail = hipe_icode:mk_fail([hipe_icode:mk_const(badarg)], error),
+ {[IsMapCode, TrueLabel, PutInstructions, FailLbl, Fail, ReturnLbl], Env1}.
+%% This function generates the instructions needed to insert several
+%% (Key, Value) pairs into an existing map, each recursive call inserts
+%% one (Key, Value) pair.
+trans_put_map_assoc(MapVar, DestMapVar, [], Env, Acc) ->
+ MoveToReturnVar = hipe_icode:mk_move(DestMapVar, MapVar),
+ ReturnLbl = mk_label(new),
+ GotoReturn = hipe_icode:mk_goto(hipe_icode:label_name(ReturnLbl)),
+ {ReturnLbl, lists:reverse([GotoReturn, MoveToReturnVar | Acc]), Env};
+trans_put_map_assoc(MapVar, DestMapVar, [Key, Value | Rest], Env, Acc) ->
+ {MoveKey, KeyVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Key, Env),
+ {MoveVal, ValVar, Env2} = mk_move_and_var(Value, Env1),
+ BifCall = hipe_icode:mk_call([MapVar], maps, put,
+ [KeyVar, ValVar, MapVar], remote),
+ trans_put_map_assoc(MapVar, DestMapVar, Rest, Env2,
+ [BifCall, MoveVal, MoveKey | Acc]).
+%% This function generates the instructions needed to update several
+%% (Key, Value) pairs in an existing map, each recursive call inserts
+%% one (Key, Value) pair.
+trans_put_map_exact(MapVar, DestMapVar, _FLbl, [], Env, Acc) ->
+ MoveToReturnVar = hipe_icode:mk_move(DestMapVar, MapVar),
+ ReturnLbl = mk_label(new),
+ GotoReturn = hipe_icode:mk_goto(hipe_icode:label_name(ReturnLbl)),
+ {ReturnLbl, lists:reverse([GotoReturn, MoveToReturnVar | Acc]), Env};
+trans_put_map_exact(MapVar, DestMapVar, FLbl, [Key, Value | Rest], Env, Acc) ->
+ SuccLbl = mk_label(new),
+ {MoveKey, KeyVar, Env1} = mk_move_and_var(Key, Env),
+ {MoveVal, ValVar, Env2} = mk_move_and_var(Value, Env1),
+ IsKey = hipe_icode:mk_new_var(),
+ BifCallIsKey = hipe_icode:mk_call([IsKey], maps, is_key,
+ [KeyVar, MapVar], remote),
+ IsKeyTest = hipe_icode:mk_if('=:=', [IsKey, hipe_icode:mk_const(true)],
+ hipe_icode:label_name(SuccLbl), FLbl),
+ BifCallPut = hipe_icode:mk_call([MapVar], maps, put,
+ [KeyVar, ValVar, MapVar], remote),
+ Acc1 = [BifCallPut, SuccLbl, IsKeyTest, BifCallIsKey, MoveVal, MoveKey | Acc],
+ trans_put_map_exact(MapVar, DestMapVar, FLbl, Rest, Env2, Acc1).
%% trans_puts(Code, Environment) ->
%% {Movs, Code, Vars, NewEnv}
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.erl
index 0e651a351c..7b3d087e2d 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.erl
@@ -503,7 +503,6 @@
mk_return/1, %% mk_return(Vars)
%% mk_fail/1, %% mk_fail(Args) class = exit
@@ -606,6 +605,12 @@
-export([highest_var/1, highest_label/1]).
+%% Exported types
%% Icode
@@ -614,7 +619,7 @@
-spec mk_icode(mfa(), [icode_var()], boolean(), boolean(), [icode_instr()],
- {icode_lbl(),icode_lbl()}) -> #icode{}.
+ {icode_lbl(),icode_lbl()}) -> icode().
mk_icode(Fun, Params, IsClosure, IsLeaf, Code, VarRange, LabelRange) ->
#icode{'fun'=Fun, params=Params, code=Code,
@@ -1434,8 +1439,8 @@ subst1([_|Pairs], I) -> subst1(Pairs, I).
%% @doc Returns the successors of an Icode instruction.
%% In CFG form only branch instructions have successors,
-%% but in linear form other instructions like e.g. moves and
-%% others might be the last instruction of some basic block.
+%% but in linear form other instructions like e.g. moves
+%% might be the last instruction of some basic block.
-spec successors(icode_instr()) -> [icode_lbl()].
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.hrl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.hrl
index 060493e61e..46c04beb40 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.hrl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode.hrl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
| 'op_exact_eqeq_2' | 'suspend_msg_timeout'.
-type icode_type_test() :: 'atom' | 'bignum' | 'binary' | 'bitstr' | 'boolean'
- | 'cons' | 'fixnum' | 'float'
- | 'function' | 'function2' | 'integer' | 'list' | 'nil'
+ | 'cons' | 'fixnum' | 'float' | 'function'
+ | 'function2' | 'integer' | 'list' | 'map' | 'nil'
| 'number' | 'pid' | 'port' | 'reference' | 'tuple'
| {'atom', atom()} | {'integer', integer()}
| {'record', atom(), non_neg_integer()}
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
length :: non_neg_integer(),
cases :: [icode_switch_case()]}).
-record(icode_type, {test :: icode_type_test(),
args :: [icode_term_arg()],
true_label :: icode_lbl(),
@@ -178,5 +177,6 @@
var_range :: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()},
label_range :: {icode_lbl(), icode_lbl()},
info = [] :: icode_info()}).
+-type icode() :: #icode{}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl
index c0cd9bd2d1..38b3881a77 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_fp.erl
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ redirect_phis([I|Is] = Code, OldFrom, NewFrom, Acc) ->
NewI = hipe_icode:phi_redirect_pred(I, OldFrom, NewFrom),
redirect_phis(Is, OldFrom, NewFrom, [NewI|Acc]);
_ ->
- lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Code
+ lists:reverse(Acc, Code)
redirect_phis([], _OldFrom, _NewFrom, Acc) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl
index 2402bad42c..99522f6430 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_mulret.erl
@@ -1166,9 +1166,9 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% removeUnElems([#icode_call{'fun'={unsafe_element,_}, args=Var}|List], Var, Res) ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, Res);
%% removeUnElems([I=#icode_move{dst=Var}|List], [Var], Res) ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% removeUnElems([I=#icode_call{dstlist=Var}|List], Var, Res) ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% removeUnElems([I|List], Var, Res) ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res]);
%% removeUnElems([], _, Res) -> lists:reverse(Res).
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% false ->
%% case lists:member(Var, Defs) of
%% true ->
-%% lists:reverse(Res) ++ [I|List];
+%% lists:reverse(Res, [I|List]);
%% false ->
%% removeUnElems(List, Var, [I|Res])
%% end
@@ -1248,16 +1248,16 @@ printCallList([]) -> io:format("~n").
%% modifyCode([I|Code], Var, Res) ->
%% case scanInstr(I, Var) of
%% {move, Arity, VarLst} ->
-%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}, I |lists:reverse(Res) ++ Code],
+%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}, I |lists:reverse(Res, Code)],
%% {Arity, lists:reverse(Code2)};
%% {mktuple, Arity, VarLst} ->
-%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}|lists:reverse(Res) ++ Code],
+%% Code2 = [#icode_return{vars=VarLst}|lists:reverse(Res, Code)],
%% {Arity, lists:reverse(Code2)};
%% other ->
%% modifyCode(Code, Var, [I|Res])
%% end;
%% modifyCode([], Var, Res) ->
-%% {1, lists:reverse(Res) ++ [#icode_return{vars=Var}]}.
+%% {1, lists:reverse(Res, [#icode_return{vars=Var}]}.
%% scanInstr(#icode_call{dstlist=Var, 'fun'=mktuple, args=Lst}, Var) ->
%% {mktuple, length(Lst), Lst};
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_type.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_type.erl
index 65876b83ea..ebeb5e2c10 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_type.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_icode_type.erl
@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@
t_fun/0, t_fun/1, t_fun/2, t_fun_args/1, t_fun_arity/1,
t_inf/2, t_inf_lists/2, t_integer/0,
t_integer/1, t_is_atom/1, t_is_any/1,
- t_is_binary/1, t_is_bitstr/1, t_is_bitwidth/1, t_is_boolean/1,
- t_is_fixnum/1, t_is_cons/1,
+ t_is_binary/1, t_is_bitstr/1, t_is_bitwidth/1,
+ t_is_boolean/1, t_is_fixnum/1, t_is_cons/1, t_is_map/1,
t_is_maybe_improper_list/1, t_is_equal/2, t_is_float/1,
t_is_fun/1, t_is_integer/1, t_is_non_neg_integer/1,
t_is_number/1, t_is_matchstate/1,
- t_is_nil/1, t_is_none/1, t_is_port/1, t_is_pid/1,
+ t_is_none/1, t_is_port/1, t_is_pid/1,
t_is_reference/1, t_is_subtype/2, t_is_tuple/1,
t_limit/2, t_matchstate_present/1, t_matchstate/0,
- t_matchstate_slots/1, t_maybe_improper_list/0,
+ t_matchstate_slots/1, t_maybe_improper_list/0, t_map/0,
t_nil/0, t_none/0, t_number/0, t_number/1, t_number_vals/1,
t_pid/0, t_port/0, t_reference/0, t_subtract/2, t_sup/2,
t_to_tlist/1, t_tuple/0, t_tuple/1, t_tuple_sizes/1]).
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ analyse_blocks(Work, State, MFA) ->
{NewState, NewLabels} =
try analyse_block(Label, Info, State)
catch throw:none_type ->
- %% io:format("received none type at label: ~p~n",[Label]),
+ %% io:format("received none type at label: ~p~n", [Label]),
NewWork2 = add_work(NewWork, NewLabels),
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ analyse_insn(I, Info, LookupFun) ->
do_move(I, Info);
#icode_call{} ->
NewInfo = do_call(I, Info, LookupFun),
- %%io:format("Analysing Call: ~w~n~w~n", [I,NewInfo]),
+ %% io:format("Analysing Call: ~w~n~w~n", [I, NewInfo]),
update_call_arguments(I, NewInfo);
#icode_phi{} ->
Type = t_limit(join_list(hipe_icode:args(I), Info), ?TYPE_DEPTH),
@@ -788,16 +788,16 @@ test_record(Atom, Size, Var, VarInfo, TrueLab, FalseLab, Info) ->
test_type(Test, Type) ->
- %%io:format("Test is: ~w\n", [Test]),
- %%io:format("Type is: ~s\n", [format_type(Type)]),
+ %% io:format("Test is: ~w\n", [Test]),
+ %% io:format("Type is: ~s\n", [format_type(Type)]),
Ans =
case t_is_any(Type) of
true -> maybe;
false ->
TrueTest = true_branch_info(Test),
Inf = t_inf(TrueTest, Type),
- %%io:format("TrueTest is: ~s\n", [format_type(TrueTest)]),
- %%io:format("Inf is: ~s\n", [format_type(Inf)]),
+ %% io:format("TrueTest is: ~s\n", [format_type(TrueTest)]),
+ %% io:format("Inf is: ~s\n", [format_type(Inf)]),
case t_is_equal(Type, Inf) of
true ->
not t_is_none(Type);
@@ -895,11 +895,12 @@ test_type0(boolean, T) ->
test_type0(list, T) ->
-test_type0(cons, T) ->
- t_is_cons(T);
-test_type0(nil, T) ->
- t_is_nil(T).
+%% test_type0(cons, T) ->
+%% t_is_cons(T);
+%% test_type0(nil, T) ->
+%% t_is_nil(T).
+test_type0(map, T) ->
+ t_is_map(T).
true_branch_info(integer) ->
@@ -931,22 +932,24 @@ true_branch_info(reference) ->
true_branch_info(function) ->
-true_branch_info(cons) ->
- t_cons();
-true_branch_info(nil) ->
- t_nil();
+%% true_branch_info(cons) ->
+%% t_cons();
+%% true_branch_info(nil) ->
+%% t_nil();
true_branch_info(boolean) ->
+true_branch_info(map) ->
+ t_map();
true_branch_info(T) ->
- exit({?MODULE,unknown_typetest,T}).
+ exit({?MODULE, unknown_typetest, T}).
%% _________________________________________________________________
%% Remove the redundant type tests. If a test is removed, the trace
-%% that isn't taken is explicitly removed from the CFG to simpilify
+%% that isn't taken is explicitly removed from the CFG to simplify
%% the handling of Phi nodes. If a Phi node is left and at least one
-%% branch into it has disappeared, the SSA propagation pass can't
+%% branch into it has disappeared, the SSA propagation pass cannot
%% handle it.
%% If the CFG has changed at the end of this pass, the analysis is
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/Makefile b/lib/hipe/llvm/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92f378924a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# %CopyrightBegin%
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2014. All Rights Reserved.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+# retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+# under the License.
+# %CopyrightEnd%
+ifndef EBIN
+EBIN = ../ebin
+include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
+include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Application version
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+include ../vsn.mk
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Release directory specification
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Target Specs
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+HIPE_MODULES = hipe_rtl_to_llvm \
+ hipe_llvm \
+ elf_format \
+ hipe_llvm_main \
+ hipe_llvm_merge \
+ hipe_llvm_liveness
+HRL_FILES= elf_format.hrl elf32_format.hrl elf64_format.hrl \
+ hipe_llvm_arch.hrl
+ERL_FILES= $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
+# App_SRC= $(APP_FILE).src
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# FLAGS: Please keep +inline below
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+include ../native.mk
+ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +inline #+warn_missing_spec
+# if in 32 bit backend define BIT32 symbol
+ARCH = $(shell echo $(TARGET) | sed 's/^\(x86_64\)-.*/64bit/')
+ifneq ($(ARCH), 64bit)
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Targets
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+debug opt: $(TARGET_FILES)
+ rm -f $(TARGET_FILES)
+ rm -f core erl_crash.dump
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Special Build Targets
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Release Target
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk
+release_spec: opt
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/elf32_format.hrl b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf32_format.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af1d95bf5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf32_format.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%%% @copyright 2011-2014 Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>,
+%%% Chris Stavrakakis <hydralisk.r@gmail.com>
+%%% @author Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>
+%%% [http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/~gtsiour/]
+%%% @doc This header file contains very very useful macros for handling
+%%% various segments of an ELF-32 formated object file, such as sizes,
+%%% offsets and predefined constants. For further information about
+%%% each field take a quick look at
+%%% "[http://www.sco.com/developers/gabi/latest/contents.html]"
+%%% that contain the current HP/Intel definition of the ELF object
+%%% file format.
+%% ELF-32 Data Types (in bytes)
+-define(ELF_ADDR_SIZE, 4).
+-define(ELF_OFF_SIZE, 4).
+-define(ELF_HALF_SIZE, 2).
+-define(ELF_WORD_SIZE, 4).
+-define(ELF_SWORD_SIZE, 4).
+-define(ELF_XWORD_SIZE, ?ELF_WORD_SIZE). % for compatibility
+%% ELF-32 Symbol Table Entries
+%% Precomputed offset for Symbol Table entries in SymTab binary (needed because
+%% of the different offsets in 32 and 64 bit formats).
+-define(ST_NAME_OFFSET, 0).
+%% ELF-64 Relocation Entries
+%% Useful macros to extract information from r_info field
+-define(ELF_R_SYM(I), (I bsr 8) ).
+-define(ELF_R_TYPE(I), (I band 16#ff) ).
+-define(ELF_R_INFO(S, T), ((S bsl 8) + (T band 16#ff)) ).
+%% ELF-64 Program Header Table
+%% Offsets of various fields in a Program Header Table entry binary.
+-define(P_TYPE_OFFSET, 0).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/elf64_format.hrl b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf64_format.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..794746ffdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf64_format.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%%% @copyright 2011-2014 Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>,
+%%% Chris Stavrakakis <hydralisk.r@gmail.com>
+%%% @author Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>
+%%% [http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/~gtsiour/]
+%%% @doc This header file contains very very useful macros for handling
+%%% various segments of an ELF-64 formated object file, such as sizes,
+%%% offsets and predefined constants. For further information about
+%%% each field take a quick look at
+%%% "[http://downloads.openwatcom.org/ftp/devel/docs/elf-64-gen.pdf]"
+%%% that contain the current HP/Intel definition of the ELF object
+%%% file format.
+%% ELF-64 Data Types (in bytes)
+-define(ELF_ADDR_SIZE, 8).
+-define(ELF_OFF_SIZE, 8).
+-define(ELF_HALF_SIZE, 2).
+-define(ELF_WORD_SIZE, 4).
+-define(ELF_SWORD_SIZE, 4).
+-define(ELF_XWORD_SIZE, 8).
+-define(ELF_SXWORD_SIZE, 8).
+%% ELF-64 Symbol Table Entries
+%% Precomputed offset for Symbol Table entries in SymTab binary
+-define(ST_NAME_OFFSET, 0).
+%% ELF-64 Relocation Entries
+%% Useful macros to extract information from r_info field
+-define(ELF_R_SYM(I), (I bsr 32) ).
+-define(ELF_R_TYPE(I), (I band 16#ffffffff) ).
+-define(ELF_R_INFO(S, T), ((S bsl 32) + (T band 16#ffffffff)) ).
+%% ELF-64 Program Header Table
+%% Offsets of various fields in a Program Header Table entry binary.
+-define(P_TYPE_OFFSET, 0).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..260da9b5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%%% @copyright 2011-2014 Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>,
+%%% Chris Stavrakakis <hydralisk.r@gmail.com>,
+%%% Kostis Sagonas <kostis@cs.ntua.gr>
+%%% @author Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>
+%%% [http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/~gtsiour/]
+%%% @doc This module contains functions for extracting various pieces of
+%%% information from an ELF formated Object file. To fully understand
+%%% the ELF format and the use of these functions please read
+%%% "[http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1060?page=0,0]" carefully.
+ %% Relocations
+ get_rodata_relocs/1,
+ get_text_relocs/1,
+ extract_rela/2,
+ get_rela_addends/1,
+ %% Note
+ extract_note/2,
+ %% Executable code
+ extract_text/1,
+ %% GCC Exception Table
+ get_exn_handlers/1,
+ %% Misc.
+ set_architecture_flag/1,
+ is64bit/0
+ ]).
+%% Types
+-type elf() :: binary().
+-type lp() :: non_neg_integer(). % landing pad
+-type num() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type index() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type offset() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type size() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type start() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type info() :: index().
+-type nameoff() :: offset().
+-type valueoff() :: offset().
+-type name() :: string().
+-type name_size() :: {name(), size()}.
+-type name_sizes() :: [name_size()].
+%% Abstract Data Types and Accessors for ELF Structures.
+%% File header
+-record(elf_ehdr, {ident, % ELF identification
+ type, % Object file type
+ machine, % Machine Type
+ version, % Object file version
+ entry, % Entry point address
+ phoff, % Program header offset
+ shoff :: offset(), % Section header offset
+ flags, % Processor-specific flags
+ ehsize :: size(), % ELF header size
+ phentsize :: size(), % Size of program header entry
+ phnum :: num(), % Number of program header entries
+ shentsize :: size(), % Size of section header entry
+ shnum :: num(), % Number of section header entries
+ shstrndx :: index() % Section name string table index
+ }).
+-type elf_ehdr() :: #elf_ehdr{}.
+-record(elf_ehdr_ident, {class, % File class
+ data, % Data encoding
+ version, % File version
+ osabi, % OS/ABI identification
+ abiversion, % ABI version
+ pad, % Start of padding bytes
+ nident % Size of e_ident[]
+ }).
+%% -type elf_ehdr_ident() :: #elf_ehdr_ident{}.
+%% Section header entries
+-record(elf_shdr, {name, % Section name
+ type, % Section type
+ flags, % Section attributes
+ addr, % Virtual address in memory
+ offset :: offset(), % Offset in file
+ size :: size(), % Size of section
+ link, % Link to other section
+ info, % Miscellaneous information
+ addralign, % Address align boundary
+ entsize % Size of entries, if section has table
+ }).
+%% -type elf_shdr() :: #elf_shdr{}.
+%% Symbol table entries
+-record(elf_sym, {name :: nameoff(), % Symbol name
+ info, % Type and Binding attributes
+ other, % Reserved
+ shndx, % Section table index
+ value :: valueoff(), % Symbol value
+ size :: size() % Size of object
+ }).
+-type elf_sym() :: #elf_sym{}.
+%% Relocations
+-record(elf_rel, {r_offset :: offset(), % Address of reference
+ r_info :: info() % Symbol index and type of relocation
+ }).
+-type elf_rel() :: #elf_rel{}.
+-record(elf_rela, {r_offset :: offset(), % Address of reference
+ r_info :: info(), % Symbol index and type of relocation
+ r_addend :: offset() % Constant part of expression
+ }).
+-type elf_rela() :: #elf_rela{}.
+%% %% Program header table
+%% -record(elf_phdr, {type, % Type of segment
+%% flags, % Segment attributes
+%% offset, % Offset in file
+%% vaddr, % Virtual address in memory
+%% paddr, % Reserved
+%% filesz, % Size of segment in file
+%% memsz, % Size of segment in memory
+%% align % Alignment of segment
+%% }).
+%% %% GCC exception table
+%% -record(elf_gccexntab, {lpbenc, % Landing pad base encoding
+%% lpbase, % Landing pad base
+%% ttenc, % Type table encoding
+%% ttoff, % Type table offset
+%% csenc, % Call-site table encoding
+%% cstabsize, % Call-site table size
+%% cstab :: cstab() % Call-site table
+%% }).
+%% -type elf_gccexntab() :: #elf_gccexntab{}.
+-record(elf_gccexntab_callsite, {start :: start(), % Call-site start
+ size :: size(), % Call-site size
+ lp :: lp(), % Call-site landing pad
+ % (exception handler)
+ onaction % On action (e.g. cleanup)
+ }).
+%% -type elf_gccexntab_callsite() :: #elf_gccexntab_callsite{}.
+%% Accessor Functions
+%% File header
+%% -spec mk_ehdr(...) -> elf_ehrd().
+mk_ehdr(Ident, Type, Machine, Version, Entry, Phoff, Shoff, Flags, Ehsize,
+ Phentsize, Phnum, Shentsize, Shnum, Shstrndx) ->
+ #elf_ehdr{ident = Ident, type = Type, machine = Machine, version = Version,
+ entry = Entry, phoff = Phoff, shoff = Shoff, flags = Flags,
+ ehsize = Ehsize, phentsize = Phentsize, phnum = Phnum,
+ shentsize = Shentsize, shnum = Shnum, shstrndx = Shstrndx}.
+%% -spec ehdr_shoff(elf_ehdr()) -> offset().
+%% ehdr_shoff(#elf_ehdr{shoff = Offset}) -> Offset.
+%% -spec ehdr_shentsize(elf_ehdr()) -> size().
+%% ehdr_shentsize(#elf_ehdr{shentsize = Size}) -> Size.
+%% -spec ehdr_shnum(elf_ehdr()) -> num().
+%% ehdr_shnum(#elf_ehdr{shnum = Num}) -> Num.
+%% -spec ehdr_shstrndx(elf_ehdr()) -> index().
+%% ehdr_shstrndx(#elf_ehdr{shstrndx = Index}) -> Index.
+%%-spec mk_ehdr_ident(...) -> elf_ehdr_ident().
+mk_ehdr_ident(Class, Data, Version, OsABI, AbiVersion, Pad, Nident) ->
+ #elf_ehdr_ident{class = Class, data = Data, version = Version, osabi = OsABI,
+ abiversion = AbiVersion, pad = Pad, nident = Nident}.
+%%% Section header entries
+mk_shdr(Name, Type, Flags, Addr, Offset, Size, Link, Info, AddrAlign, EntSize) ->
+ #elf_shdr{name = Name, type = Type, flags = Flags, addr = Addr,
+ offset = Offset, size = Size, link = Link, info = Info,
+ addralign = AddrAlign, entsize = EntSize}.
+%% -spec shdr_offset(elf_shdr()) -> offset().
+%% shdr_offset(#elf_shdr{offset = Offset}) -> Offset.
+%% -spec shdr_size(elf_shdr()) -> size().
+%% shdr_size(#elf_shdr{size = Size}) -> Size.
+%%% Symbol Table Entries
+mk_sym(Name, Info, Other, Shndx, Value, Size) ->
+ #elf_sym{name = Name, info = Info, other = Other,
+ shndx = Shndx, value = Value, size = Size}.
+-spec sym_name(elf_sym()) -> nameoff().
+sym_name(#elf_sym{name = Name}) -> Name.
+%% -spec sym_value(elf_sym()) -> valueoff().
+%% sym_value(#elf_sym{value = Value}) -> Value.
+%% -spec sym_size(elf_sym()) -> size().
+%% sym_size(#elf_sym{size = Size}) -> Size.
+%%% Relocations
+-spec mk_rel(offset(), info()) -> elf_rel().
+mk_rel(Offset, Info) ->
+ #elf_rel{r_offset = Offset, r_info = Info}.
+%% The following two functions capitalize on the fact that the two kinds of
+%% relocation records (for 32- and 64-bit architectures have similar structure.
+-spec r_offset(elf_rel() | elf_rela()) -> offset().
+r_offset(#elf_rel{r_offset = Offset}) -> Offset;
+r_offset(#elf_rela{r_offset = Offset}) -> Offset.
+-spec r_info(elf_rel() | elf_rela()) -> info().
+r_info(#elf_rel{r_info = Info}) -> Info;
+r_info(#elf_rela{r_info = Info}) -> Info.
+-spec mk_rela(offset(), info(), offset()) -> elf_rela().
+mk_rela(Offset, Info, Addend) ->
+ #elf_rela{r_offset = Offset, r_info = Info, r_addend = Addend}.
+-spec rela_addend(elf_rela()) -> offset().
+rela_addend(#elf_rela{r_addend = Addend}) -> Addend.
+%% %%%-------------------------
+%% %%% GCC exception table
+%% %%%-------------------------
+%% -type cstab() :: [elf_gccexntab_callsite()].
+%% mk_gccexntab(LPbenc, LPbase, TTenc, TToff, CSenc, CStabsize, CStab) ->
+%% #elf_gccexntab{lpbenc = LPbenc, lpbase = LPbase, ttenc = TTenc,
+%% ttoff = TToff, csenc = CSenc, cstabsize = CStabsize,
+%% cstab = CStab}.
+%% -spec gccexntab_cstab(elf_gccexntab()) -> cstab().
+%% gccexntab_cstab(#elf_gccexntab{cstab = CSTab}) -> CSTab.
+mk_gccexntab_callsite(Start, Size, LP, Action) ->
+ #elf_gccexntab_callsite{start = Start, size=Size, lp=LP, onaction=Action}.
+%% -spec gccexntab_callsite_start(elf_gccexntab_callsite()) -> start().
+%% gccexntab_callsite_start(#elf_gccexntab_callsite{start = Start}) -> Start.
+%% -spec gccexntab_callsite_size(elf_gccexntab_callsite()) -> size().
+%% gccexntab_callsite_size(#elf_gccexntab_callsite{size = Size}) -> Size.
+%% -spec gccexntab_callsite_lp(elf_gccexntab_callsite()) -> lp().
+%% gccexntab_callsite_lp(#elf_gccexntab_callsite{lp = LP}) -> LP.
+%% Functions to manipulate the ELF File Header
+%% @doc Extracts the File Header from an ELF formatted object file. Also sets
+%% the ELF class variable in the process dictionary (used by many functions
+%% in this and hipe_llvm_main modules).
+-spec extract_header(elf()) -> elf_ehdr().
+extract_header(Elf) ->
+ Ehdr_bin = get_binary_segment(Elf, 0, ?ELF_EHDR_SIZE),
+ << %% Structural pattern matching on fields.
+ Ident_bin:?E_IDENT_SIZE/binary,
+ Type:?bits(?E_TYPE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Machine:?bits(?E_MACHINE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Version:?bits(?E_VERSION_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Entry:?bits(?E_ENTRY_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Phoff:?bits(?E_PHOFF_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shoff:?bits(?E_SHOFF_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Flags:?bits(?E_FLAGS_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Ehsize:?bits(?E_EHSIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Phentsize:?bits(?E_PHENTSIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Phnum:?bits(?E_PHNUM_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shentsize:?bits(?E_SHENTSIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shnum:?bits(?E_SHENTSIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shstrndx:?bits(?E_SHSTRNDX_SIZE)/integer-little
+ >> = Ehdr_bin,
+ <<16#7f, $E, $L, $F, Class, Data, Version, Osabi, Abiversion,
+ Pad:6/binary, Nident
+ >> = Ident_bin,
+ Ident = mk_ehdr_ident(Class, Data, Version, Osabi,
+ Abiversion, Pad, Nident),
+ mk_ehdr(Ident, Type, Machine, Version, Entry, Phoff, Shoff, Flags,
+ Ehsize, Phentsize, Phnum, Shentsize, Shnum, Shstrndx).
+%% Functions to manipulate Section Header Entries
+%% @doc Extracts the Section Header Table from an ELF formated Object File.
+extract_shdrtab(Elf) ->
+ %% Extract File Header to get info about Section Header Offset (in bytes),
+ %% Entry Size (in bytes) and Number of entries
+ #elf_ehdr{shoff = ShOff, shentsize = ShEntsize, shnum = ShNum} =
+ extract_header(Elf),
+ %% Get actual Section header table (binary)
+ ShdrBin = get_binary_segment(Elf, ShOff, ShNum * ShEntsize),
+ get_shdrtab_entries(ShdrBin, []).
+get_shdrtab_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+get_shdrtab_entries(ShdrBin, Acc) ->
+ <<%% Structural pattern matching on fields.
+ Name:?bits(?SH_NAME_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Type:?bits(?SH_TYPE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Flags:?bits(?SH_FLAGS_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Addr:?bits(?SH_ADDR_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Offset:?bits(?SH_OFFSET_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Size:?bits(?SH_SIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Link:?bits(?SH_LINK_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Info:?bits(?SH_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Addralign:?bits(?SH_ADDRALIGN_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Entsize:?bits(?SH_ENTSIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ MoreShdrE/binary
+ >> = ShdrBin,
+ ShdrE = mk_shdr(Name, Type, Flags, Addr, Offset,
+ Size, Link, Info, Addralign, Entsize),
+ get_shdrtab_entries(MoreShdrE, [ShdrE | Acc]).
+%% @doc Extracts a specific Entry of a Section Header Table. This function
+%% takes as argument the Section Header Table (`SHdrTab') and the entry's
+%% serial number (`EntryNum') and returns the entry (`shdr').
+get_shdrtab_entry(SHdrTab, EntryNum) ->
+ lists:nth(EntryNum + 1, SHdrTab).
+%% Functions to manipulate Section Header String Table
+%% @doc Extracts the Section Header String Table. This section is not a known
+%% ELF Object File section. It is just a "hidden" table storing the
+%% names of all sections that exist in current object file.
+-spec extract_shstrtab(elf()) -> [name()].
+extract_shstrtab(Elf) ->
+ %% Extract Section Name String Table Index
+ #elf_ehdr{shstrndx = ShStrNdx} = extract_header(Elf),
+ ShHdrTab = extract_shdrtab(Elf),
+ %% Extract Section header entry and get actual Section-header String Table
+ #elf_shdr{offset = ShStrOffset, size = ShStrSize} =
+ get_shdrtab_entry(ShHdrTab, ShStrNdx),
+ case get_binary_segment(Elf, ShStrOffset, ShStrSize) of
+ <<>> -> %% Segment empty
+ [];
+ ShStrTab -> %% Convert to string table
+ [Name || {Name, _Size} <- get_names(ShStrTab)]
+ end.
+-spec get_tab_entries(elf()) -> [{name(), valueoff(), size()}].
+get_tab_entries(Elf) ->
+ SymTab = extract_symtab(Elf),
+ Ts = [{Name, Value, Size div ?ELF_XWORD_SIZE}
+ || #elf_sym{name = Name, value = Value, size = Size} <- SymTab,
+ Name =/= 0],
+ {NameIndices, ValueOffs, Sizes} = lists:unzip3(Ts),
+ %% Find the names of the symbols.
+ %% Get string table entries ([{Name, Offset in strtab section}]). Keep only
+ %% relevant entries:
+ StrTab = extract_strtab(Elf),
+ Relevant = [get_strtab_entry(StrTab, Off) || Off <- NameIndices],
+ %% Zip back to {Name, ValueOff, Size}
+ lists:zip3(Relevant, ValueOffs, Sizes).
+%% Functions to manipulate Symbol Table
+%% @doc Function that extracts Symbol Table from an ELF Object file.
+extract_symtab(Elf) ->
+ Symtab_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?SYMTAB),
+ get_symtab_entries(Symtab_bin, []).
+get_symtab_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+get_symtab_entries(Symtab_bin, Acc) ->
+ <<SymE_bin:?ELF_SYM_SIZE/binary, MoreSymE/binary>> = Symtab_bin,
+ case is64bit() of
+ true ->
+ <<%% Structural pattern matching on fields.
+ Name:?bits(?ST_NAME_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Info:?bits(?ST_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Other:?bits(?ST_OTHER_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shndx:?bits(?ST_SHNDX_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Value:?bits(?ST_VALUE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Size:?bits(?ST_SIZE_SIZE)/integer-little
+ >> = SymE_bin;
+ false ->
+ << %% Same fields in different order:
+ Name:?bits(?ST_NAME_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Value:?bits(?ST_VALUE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Size:?bits(?ST_SIZE_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Info:?bits(?ST_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Other:?bits(?ST_OTHER_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Shndx:?bits(?ST_SHNDX_SIZE)/integer-little
+ >> = SymE_bin
+ end,
+ SymE = mk_sym(Name, Info, Other, Shndx, Value, Size),
+ get_symtab_entries(MoreSymE, [SymE | Acc]).
+%% @doc Extracts a specific entry from the Symbol Table (as binary).
+%% This function takes as arguments the Symbol Table (`SymTab')
+%% and the entry's serial number and returns that entry (`sym').
+get_symtab_entry(SymTab, EntryNum) ->
+ lists:nth(EntryNum + 1, SymTab).
+%% Functions to manipulate String Table
+%% @doc Extracts String Table from an ELF formated Object File.
+-spec extract_strtab(elf()) -> [{string(), offset()}].
+extract_strtab(Elf) ->
+ Strtab_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?STRTAB),
+ NamesSizes = get_names(Strtab_bin),
+ make_offsets(NamesSizes).
+%% @doc Returns the name of the symbol at the given offset. The string table
+%% contains entries of the form {Name, Offset}. If no such offset exists
+%% returns the empty string (`""').
+%% XXX: There might be a bug here because of the "compact" saving the ELF
+%% format uses: e.g. only stores ".rela.text" for ".rela.text" and ".text".
+get_strtab_entry(Strtab, Offset) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Offset, 2, Strtab) of
+ {Name, Offset} -> Name;
+ false -> ""
+ end.
+%% Functions to manipulate Relocations
+%% @doc This function gets as argument an ELF binary file and returns a list
+%% with all .rela.rodata labels (i.e. constants and literals in code)
+%% or an empty list if no ".rela.rodata" section exists in code.
+-spec get_rodata_relocs(elf()) -> [offset()].
+get_rodata_relocs(Elf) ->
+ case is64bit() of
+ true ->
+ %% Only care about the addends (== offsets):
+ get_rela_addends(extract_rela(Elf, ?RODATA));
+ false ->
+ %% Find offsets hardcoded in ".rodata" entry
+ %%XXX: Treat all 0s as padding and skip them!
+ [SkipPadding || SkipPadding <- extract_rodata(Elf), SkipPadding =/= 0]
+ end.
+-spec get_rela_addends([elf_rela()]) -> [offset()].
+get_rela_addends(RelaEntries) ->
+ [rela_addend(E) || E <- RelaEntries].
+%% @doc Extract a list of the form `[{SymbolName, Offset}]' with all relocatable
+%% symbols and their offsets in the code from the ".text" section.
+-spec get_text_relocs(elf()) -> [{name(), offset()}].
+get_text_relocs(Elf) ->
+ %% Only care about the symbol table index and the offset:
+ NameOffsetTemp = [{?ELF_R_SYM(r_info(E)), r_offset(E)}
+ || E <- extract_rela(Elf, ?TEXT)],
+ {NameIndices, ActualOffsets} = lists:unzip(NameOffsetTemp),
+ %% Find the names of the symbols:
+ %%
+ %% Get those symbol table entries that are related to Text relocs:
+ Symtab = extract_symtab(Elf),
+ SymtabEs = [get_symtab_entry(Symtab, Index) || Index <- NameIndices],
+ %XXX: not zero-indexed!
+ %% Symbol table entries contain the offset of the name of the symbol in
+ %% String Table:
+ SymtabEs2 = [sym_name(E) || E <- SymtabEs], %XXX: Do we need to sort SymtabE?
+ %% Get string table entries ([{Name, Offset in strtab section}]). Keep only
+ %% relevant entries:
+ Strtab = extract_strtab(Elf),
+ Relevant = [get_strtab_entry(Strtab, Off) || Off <- SymtabEs2],
+ %% Zip back with actual offsets:
+ lists:zip(Relevant, ActualOffsets).
+%% @doc Extract the Relocations segment for section `Name' (that is passed
+%% as second argument) from an ELF formated Object file binary.
+-spec extract_rela(elf(), name()) -> [elf_rel() | elf_rela()].
+extract_rela(Elf, Name) ->
+ SegName =
+ case is64bit() of
+ true -> ?RELA(Name); % ELF-64 uses ".rela"
+ false -> ?REL(Name) % ...while ELF-32 uses ".rel"
+ end,
+ Rela_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, SegName),
+ get_rela_entries(Rela_bin, []).
+get_rela_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+get_rela_entries(Bin, Acc) ->
+ E = case is64bit() of
+ true ->
+ <<%% Structural pattern matching on fields of a Rela Entry.
+ Offset:?bits(?R_OFFSET_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Info:?bits(?R_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Addend:?bits(?R_ADDEND_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Rest/binary
+ >> = Bin,
+ mk_rela(Offset, Info, Addend);
+ false ->
+ <<%% Structural pattern matching on fields of a Rel Entry.
+ Offset:?bits(?R_OFFSET_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Info:?bits(?R_INFO_SIZE)/integer-little,
+ Rest/binary
+ >> = Bin,
+ mk_rel(Offset, Info)
+ end,
+ get_rela_entries(Rest, [E | Acc]).
+%% %% @doc Extract the `EntryNum' (serial number) Relocation Entry.
+%% get_rela_entry(Rela, EntryNum) ->
+%% lists:nth(EntryNum + 1, Rela).
+%% Functions to manipulate Executable Code segment
+%% @doc This function gets as arguments an ELF formated binary file and
+%% returns the Executable Code (".text" segment) or an empty binary if it
+%% is not found.
+-spec extract_text(elf()) -> binary().
+extract_text(Elf) ->
+ extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?TEXT).
+%% Functions to manipulate Note Section
+%% @doc Extract specific Note Section from an ELF Object file. The function
+%% takes as first argument the object file (`Elf') and the `Name' of the
+%% wanted Note Section (<b>without</b> the ".note" prefix!). It returns
+%% the specified binary segment or an empty binary if no such section
+%% exists.
+-spec extract_note(elf(), string()) -> binary().
+extract_note(Elf, Name) ->
+ extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?NOTE(Name)).
+%% Functions to manipulate GCC Exception Table segment
+%% A description for the C++ exception table formats can be found at Exception
+%% Handling Tables (http://www.codesourcery.com/cxx-abi/exceptions.pdf).
+%% A list with `{Start, End, HandlerOffset}' for all call sites in the code
+-spec get_exn_handlers(elf()) -> [{start(), start(), lp()}].
+get_exn_handlers(Elf) ->
+ CallSites = extract_gccexntab_callsites(Elf),
+ [{Start, Start + Size, LP}
+ || #elf_gccexntab_callsite{start = Start, size = Size, lp = LP} <- CallSites].
+%% @doc This function gets as argument an ELF binary file and returns
+%% the table (list) of call sites which is stored in GCC
+%% Exception Table (".gcc_except_table") section.
+%% It returns an empty list if the Exception Table is not found.
+%% XXX: Assumes there is *no* Action Record Table.
+extract_gccexntab_callsites(Elf) ->
+ case extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?GCC_EXN_TAB) of
+ <<>> ->
+ [];
+ ExnTab ->
+ %% First byte of LSDA is Landing Pad base encoding.
+ <<LBenc:8, More/binary>> = ExnTab,
+ %% Second byte is the Landing Pad base (if its encoding is not
+ %% DW_EH_PE_omit) (optional).
+ {_LPBase, LSDACont} =
+ case LBenc =:= ?DW_EH_PE_omit of
+ true -> % No landing pad base byte. (-1 denotes that)
+ {-1, More};
+ false -> % Landing pad base.
+ <<Base:8, More2/binary>> = More,
+ {Base, More2}
+ end,
+ %% Next byte of LSDA is the encoding of the Type Table.
+ <<TTenc:8, More3/binary>> = LSDACont,
+ %% Next byte is the Types Table offset encoded in U-LEB128 (optional).
+ {_TTOff, LSDACont2} =
+ case TTenc =:= ?DW_EH_PE_omit of
+ true -> % There is no Types Table pointer. (-1 denotes that)
+ {-1, More3};
+ false -> % The byte offset from this field to the start of the Types
+ % Table used for exception matching.
+ leb128_decode(More3)
+ end,
+ %% Next byte of LSDA is the encoding of the fields in the Call-site Table.
+ <<_CSenc:8, More4/binary>> = LSDACont2,
+ %% Sixth byte is the size (in bytes) of the Call-site Table encoded in
+ %% U-LEB128.
+ {_CSTabSize, CSTab} = leb128_decode(More4),
+ %% Extract all call site information
+ get_gccexntab_callsites(CSTab, [])
+ end.
+get_gccexntab_callsites(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+get_gccexntab_callsites(CSTab, Acc) ->
+ %% We are only interested in the Landing Pad of every entry.
+ <<Start:32/integer-little, Size:32/integer-little,
+ LP:32/integer-little, OnAction:8, More/binary
+ >> = CSTab,
+ GccCS = mk_gccexntab_callsite(Start, Size, LP, OnAction),
+ get_gccexntab_callsites(More, [GccCS | Acc]).
+%% Functions to manipulate Read-only Data (.rodata)
+extract_rodata(Elf) ->
+ Rodata_bin = extract_segment_by_name(Elf, ?RODATA),
+ get_rodata_entries(Rodata_bin, []).
+get_rodata_entries(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+get_rodata_entries(Rodata_bin, Acc) ->
+ <<Num:?bits(?ELF_ADDR_SIZE)/integer-little, More/binary>> = Rodata_bin,
+ get_rodata_entries(More, [Num | Acc]).
+%% Helper functions
+%% @doc Returns the binary segment starting at `Offset' with length `Size'
+%% (bytes) from a binary file. If `Offset' is bigger than the byte size of
+%% the binary, an empty binary (`<<>>') is returned.
+-spec get_binary_segment(binary(), offset(), size()) -> binary().
+get_binary_segment(Bin, Offset, _Size) when Offset > byte_size(Bin) ->
+ <<>>;
+get_binary_segment(Bin, Offset, Size) ->
+ <<_Hdr:Offset/binary, BinSeg:Size/binary, _More/binary>> = Bin,
+ BinSeg.
+%% @doc This function gets as arguments an ELF formated binary object and
+%% a string with the segments' name and returns the specified segment or
+%% an empty binary (`<<>>') if there exists no segment with that name.
+%% There are handy macros defined in elf_format.hrl for all Standard
+%% Section Names.
+-spec extract_segment_by_name(elf(), string()) -> binary().
+extract_segment_by_name(Elf, SectionName) ->
+ %% Extract Section Header Table and Section Header String Table from binary
+ SHdrTable = extract_shdrtab(Elf),
+ Names = extract_shstrtab(Elf),
+ %% Zip to a list of (Name,ShdrE)
+ [_Zero | ShdrEs] = lists:keysort(2, SHdrTable), % Skip first entry (zeros).
+ L = lists:zip(Names, ShdrEs),
+ %% Find Section Header Table entry by name
+ case lists:keyfind(SectionName, 1, L) of
+ {SectionName, ShdrE} -> %% Note: Same name.
+ #elf_shdr{offset = Offset, size = Size} = ShdrE,
+ get_binary_segment(Elf, Offset, Size);
+ false -> %% Not found.
+ <<>>
+ end.
+%% @doc Extracts a list of strings with (zero-separated) names from a binary.
+%% Returns tuples of `{Name, Size}'.
+%% XXX: Skip trailing 0.
+-spec get_names(<<_:8,_:_*8>>) -> name_sizes().
+get_names(<<0, Bin/binary>>) ->
+ NamesSizes = get_names(Bin, []),
+ fix_names(NamesSizes, []).
+get_names(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+get_names(Bin, Acc) ->
+ {Name, MoreNames} = bin_get_string(Bin),
+ get_names(MoreNames, [{Name, length(Name)} | Acc]).
+%% @doc Fix names:
+%% e.g. If ".rela.text" exists, ".text" does not. Same goes for
+%% ".rel.text". In that way, the Section Header String Table is more
+%% compact. Add ".text" just *before* the corresponding rela-field,
+%% etc.
+-spec fix_names(name_sizes(), name_sizes()) -> name_sizes().
+fix_names([], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+fix_names([{Name, Size}=T | Names], Acc) ->
+ case is64bit() of
+ true ->
+ case string:str(Name, ".rela") =:= 1 of
+ true -> %% Name starts with ".rela":
+ Section = string:substr(Name, 6),
+ fix_names(Names, [{Section, Size - 5}
+ | [T | Acc]]); % XXX: Is order ok? (".text"
+ % always before ".rela.text")
+ false -> %% Name does not start with ".rela":
+ fix_names(Names, [T | Acc])
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case string:str(Name, ".rel") =:= 1 of
+ true -> %% Name starts with ".rel":
+ Section = string:substr(Name, 5),
+ fix_names(Names, [{Section, Size - 4}
+ | [T | Acc]]); % XXX: Is order ok? (".text"
+ % always before ".rela.text")
+ false -> %% Name does not start with ".rel":
+ fix_names(Names, [T | Acc])
+ end
+ end.
+%% @doc A function that byte-reverses a binary. This might be needed because of
+%% little (fucking!) endianess.
+-spec bin_reverse(binary()) -> binary().
+bin_reverse(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ bin_reverse(Bin, <<>>).
+-spec bin_reverse(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
+bin_reverse(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+bin_reverse(<<Head, More/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ bin_reverse(More, <<Head, Acc/binary>>).
+%% @doc A function that extracts a null-terminated string from a binary. It
+%% returns the found string along with the rest of the binary.
+-spec bin_get_string(binary()) -> {string(), binary()}.
+bin_get_string(Bin) ->
+ bin_get_string(Bin, <<>>).
+bin_get_string(<<>>, BinAcc) ->
+ Bin = bin_reverse(BinAcc), % little endian!
+ {binary_to_list(Bin), <<>>};
+bin_get_string(<<0, MoreBin/binary>>, BinAcc) ->
+ Bin = bin_reverse(BinAcc), % little endian!
+ {binary_to_list(Bin), MoreBin};
+bin_get_string(<<Letter, Tail/binary>>, BinAcc) ->
+ bin_get_string(Tail, <<Letter, BinAcc/binary>>).
+%% @doc
+make_offsets(NamesSizes) ->
+ {Names, Sizes} = lists:unzip(NamesSizes),
+ Offsets = make_offsets_from_sizes(Sizes, 1, []),
+ lists:zip(Names, Offsets).
+make_offsets_from_sizes([], _, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+make_offsets_from_sizes([Size | Sizes], Cur, Acc) ->
+ make_offsets_from_sizes(Sizes, Size+Cur+1, [Cur | Acc]). % For the "."!
+%% @doc Little-Endian Base 128 (LEB128) Decoder
+%% This function extracts the <b>first</b> LEB128-encoded integer in a
+%% binary and returns that integer along with the remaining binary. This is
+%% done because a LEB128 number has variable bit-size and that is a way of
+%% extracting only one number in a binary and continuing parsing the binary
+%% for other kind of data (e.g. different encoding).
+%% FIXME: Only decodes unsigned data!
+-spec leb128_decode(binary()) -> {integer(), binary()}.
+leb128_decode(LebNum) ->
+ leb128_decode(LebNum, 0, <<>>).
+-spec leb128_decode(binary(), integer(), binary()) -> {integer(), binary()}.
+leb128_decode(LebNum, NoOfBits, Acc) ->
+ <<Sentinel:1/bits, NextBundle:7/bits, MoreLebNums/bits>> = LebNum,
+ case Sentinel of
+ <<1:1>> -> % more bytes to follow
+ leb128_decode(MoreLebNums, NoOfBits+7, <<NextBundle:7/bits, Acc/bits>>);
+ <<0:1>> -> % byte bundle stop
+ Size = NoOfBits+7,
+ <<Num:Size/integer>> = <<NextBundle:7/bits, Acc/bits>>,
+ {Num, MoreLebNums}
+ end.
+%% @doc Extract ELF Class from ELF header and export symbol to process
+%% dictionary.
+-spec set_architecture_flag(elf()) -> 'ok'.
+set_architecture_flag(Elf) ->
+ %% Extract information about ELF Class from ELF Header
+ <<16#7f, $E, $L, $F, EI_Class, _MoreHeader/binary>>
+ = get_binary_segment(Elf, 0, ?ELF_EHDR_SIZE),
+ put(elf_class, EI_Class),
+ ok.
+%% @doc Read from object file header if the file class is ELF32 or ELF64.
+-spec is64bit() -> boolean().
+is64bit() ->
+ case get(elf_class) of
+ ?ELFCLASS64 -> true;
+ ?ELFCLASS32 -> false
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.hrl b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78592e6e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/elf_format.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%%% @copyright 2011-2014 Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>,
+%%% Chris Stavrakakis <hydralisk.r@gmail.com>
+%%% @author Yiannis Tsiouris <gtsiour@softlab.ntua.gr>
+%%% [http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/~gtsiour/]
+%% ELF Header File
+-include("elf32_format.hrl"). % ELF32-specific definitions.
+-include("elf64_format.hrl"). % ELF64-specific definitions.
+%% ELF Data Types (in bytes)
+%%XXX: Included in either elf32_format or elf64_format.
+%% ELF File Header
+%% Useful arithmetics for computing byte offsets for various File Header
+%% entries from a File Header (erlang) binary
+-define(E_IDENT_OFFSET, 0).
+%% Name aliases of File Header fields information used in get_header_field
+%% function of elf64_format module.
+%% ELF Identification (e_ident)
+-define(EI_MAG0, 0).
+-define(EI_MAG1, 1).
+-define(EI_MAG2, 2).
+-define(EI_MAG3, 3).
+-define(EI_CLASS, 4).
+-define(EI_DATA, 5).
+-define(EI_VERSION, 6).
+-define(EI_OSABI, 7).
+-define(EI_ABIVERSION, 8).
+-define(EI_PAD, 9).
+-define(EI_NIDENT, 16).
+%% Object File Classes (e_ident[EI_CLASS])
+-define(ELFCLASSNONE, 0).
+-define(ELFCLASS32, 1).
+-define(ELFCLASS64, 2).
+%% Data Encodings (e_ident[EI_DATA])
+-define(ELFDATA2LSB, 1).
+-define(ELFDATA2MSB, 2).
+%% Operating System and ABI Identifiers (e_ident[EI_OSABI])
+-define(ELFOSABI_SYSV, 0).
+-define(ELFOSABI_HPUX, 1).
+%% Object File Types (e_type)
+-define(ET_NONE, 0).
+-define(ET_REL, 1).
+-define(ET_EXEC, 2).
+-define(ET_DYN, 3).
+-define(ET_CORE, 4).
+-define(ET_LOOS, 16#FE00).
+-define(ET_HIOS, 16#FEFF).
+-define(ET_LOPROC, 16#FF00).
+-define(ET_HIPROC, 16#FFFF).
+%% ELF Section Header
+%% Useful arithmetics for computing byte offsets for various fields from a
+%% Section Header Entry (erlang) binary
+-define(SH_NAME_OFFSET, 0).
+%% Name aliases of Section Header Table entry information used in
+%% get_shdrtab_entry function of elf64_format module.
+%% Section Indices
+-define(SHN_UNDEF, 0).
+-define(SHN_LOPROC, 16#FF00).
+-define(SHN_HIPROC, 16#FF1F).
+-define(SHN_LOOS, 16#FF20).
+-define(SHN_HIOS, 16#FF3F).
+-define(SHN_ABS, 16#FFF1).
+-define(SHN_COMMON, 16#FFF2).
+%% Section Types (sh_type)
+-define(SHT_NULL, 0).
+-define(SHT_PROGBITS, 1).
+-define(SHT_SYMTAB, 2).
+-define(SHT_STRTAB, 3).
+-define(SHT_RELA, 4).
+-define(SHT_HASH, 5).
+-define(SHT_DYNAMIC, 6).
+-define(SHT_NOTE, 7).
+-define(SHT_NOBITS, 8).
+-define(SHT_REL, 9).
+-define(SHT_SHLIB, 10).
+-define(SHT_DYNSYM, 11).
+-define(SHT_LOOS, 16#60000000).
+-define(SHT_HIOS, 16#6FFFFFFF).
+-define(SHT_LOPROC, 16#70000000).
+-define(SHT_HIPROC, 16#7FFFFFFF).
+%% Section Attributes (sh_flags)
+-define(SHF_WRITE, 16#1).
+-define(SHF_ALLOC, 16#2).
+-define(SHF_EXECINSTR, 16#4).
+-define(SHF_MASKOS, 16#0F000000).
+-define(SHF_MASKPROC, 16#F0000000).
+%% Standard Section names for Code and Data
+-define(BSS, ".bss").
+-define(DATA, ".data").
+-define(INTERP, ".interp").
+-define(RODATA, ".rodata").
+-define(TEXT, ".text").
+%% Other Standard Section names
+-define(COMMENT, ".comment").
+-define(DYNAMIC, ".dynamic").
+-define(DYNSTR, ".dynstr").
+-define(GOT, ".got").
+-define(HASH, ".hash").
+-define(NOTE(Name), (".note" ++ Name)).
+-define(PLT, ".plt").
+-define(REL(Name), (".rel" ++ Name) ).
+-define(RELA(Name), (".rela" ++ Name) ).
+-define(SHSTRTAB, ".shstrtab").
+-define(STRTAB, ".strtab").
+-define(SYMTAB, ".symtab").
+-define(GCC_EXN_TAB, ".gcc_except_table").
+%% ELF Symbol Table Entries
+%% Precomputed offset for Symbol Table entries in SymTab binary
+%%XXX: Included in either elf32_format or elf64_format.
+%% Name aliases for Symbol Table entry information
+%% Macros to extract information from st_type
+-define(ELF_ST_BIND(I), (I bsr 4) ).
+-define(ELF_ST_TYPE(I), (I band 16#f) ).
+-define(ELF_ST_INFO(B,T), (B bsl 4 + T band 16#f) ).
+%% Symbol Bindings
+-define(STB_LOCAL, 0).
+-define(STB_GLOBAL, 1).
+-define(STB_WEAK, 2).
+-define(STB_LOOS, 10).
+-define(STB_HIOS, 12).
+-define(STB_LOPROC, 13).
+-define(STB_HIPROC, 15).
+%% Symbol Types
+-define(STT_NOTYPE, 0).
+-define(STT_OBJECT, 1).
+-define(STT_FUNC, 2).
+-define(STT_SECTION, 3).
+-define(STT_FILE, 4).
+-define(STT_LOOS, 10).
+-define(STT_HIOS, 12).
+-define(STT_LOPROC, 13).
+-define(STT_HIPROC, 15).
+%% ELF Relocation Entries
+%% Arithmetics for computing byte offsets in a Relocation entry binary
+-define(R_OFFSET_OFFSET, 0).
+%% Name aliases for Relocation field information
+%% Useful macros to extract information from r_info field
+%%XXX: Included in either elf32_format or elf64_format.
+%% ELF Program Header Table
+%% Offsets of various fields in a Program Header Table entry binary.
+%%XXX: Included in either elf32_format or elf64_format.
+%% Name aliases for each Program Header Table entry field information.
+-define(P_TYPE, {?P_TYPE_OFFSET, ?P_TYPE_SIZE} ).
+%% Segment Types (p_type)
+-define(PT_NULL, 0).
+-define(PT_LOAD, 1).
+-define(PT_DYNAMIC, 2).
+-define(PT_INTERP, 3).
+-define(PT_NOTE, 4).
+-define(PT_SHLIB, 5).
+-define(PT_PHDR, 6).
+-define(PT_LOOS, 16#60000000).
+-define(PT_HIOS, 16#6FFFFFFF).
+-define(PT_LOPROC, 16#70000000).
+-define(PT_HIPROC, 16#7FFFFFFF).
+%% Segment Attributes (p_flags)
+-define(PF_X, 16#1).
+-define(PF_W, 16#2).
+-define(PF_R, 16#4).
+-define(PF_MASKOS, 16#00FF0000).
+-define(PF_MASKPROC, 16#FF000000).
+%% ELF Dynamic Table
+%% Offsets of each field in Dynamic Table entry in binary
+-define(D_TAG_OFFSET, 0).
+%% Name aliases for each field of a Dynamic Table entry information
+-define(D_TAG, {?D_TAG_OFFSET, ?D_TAG_SIZE} ).
+%% Dynamic Table Entries
+-define(DT_NULL, 0).
+-define(DT_NEEDED, 1).
+-define(DT_PLTRELSZ, 2).
+-define(DT_PLTGOT, 3).
+-define(DT_HASH, 4).
+-define(DT_STRTAB, 5).
+-define(DT_SYMTAB, 6).
+-define(DT_RELA, 7).
+-define(DT_RELASZ, 8).
+-define(DT_RELAENT, 9).
+-define(DT_STRSZ, 10).
+-define(DT_SYMENT, 11).
+-define(DT_INIT, 12).
+-define(DT_FINI, 13).
+-define(DT_SONAME, 14).
+-define(DT_RPATH, 15).
+-define(DT_SYMBOLIC, 16).
+-define(DT_REL, 17).
+-define(DT_RELSZ, 18).
+-define(DT_RELENT, 19).
+-define(DT_PLTREL, 20).
+-define(DT_DEBUG, 21).
+-define(DT_TEXTREL, 22).
+-define(DT_JMPREL, 23).
+-define(DT_BIND_NOW, 24).
+-define(DT_INIT_ARRAY, 25).
+-define(DT_FINI_ARRAY, 26).
+-define(DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ, 27).
+-define(DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ, 28).
+-define(DT_LOOS, 16#60000000).
+-define(DT_HIOS, 16#6FFFFFFF).
+-define(DT_LOPROC, 16#700000000).
+-define(DT_HIPROC, 16#7FFFFFFFF).
+%% ELF GCC Exception Table
+%% The DWARF Exception Header Encoding is used to describe the type of data used
+%% in the .eh_frame_hdr (and .gcc_except_table) section. The upper 4 bits
+%% indicate how the value is to be applied. The lower 4 bits indicate the format
+%% of the data.
+%% DWARF Exception Header value format
+-define(DW_EH_PE_omit, 16#ff). % No value is present.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_uleb128, 16#01). % Unsigned value encoded using LEB128.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_udata2, 16#02). % A 2 bytes unsigned value.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_udata4, 16#03). % A 4 bytes unsigned value.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_udata8, 16#04). % An 8 bytes unsigned value.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_sleb128, 16#09). % Signed value encoded using LEB128.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_sdata2, 16#0a). % A 2 bytes signed value.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_sdata4, 16#0b). % A 4 bytes signed value.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_sdata8, 16#0c). % An 8 bytes signed value.
+%% DWARF Exception Header application
+-define(DW_EH_PE_absptr, 16#00). % Value is used with no modification.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_pcrel, 16#10). % Value is relative to the current PC.
+-define(DW_EH_PE_datarel, 16#30). % Value is relative to the beginning of the
+ % section.
+%% ELF Read-only data (constants, literlas etc.)
+-define(RO_ENTRY_SIZE, 8).
+%% Custom Note section: ".note.gc" for Erlang GC
+%% The structure of this section is the following:
+%% .short <n> # number of safe points in code
+%% .long .L<label1> # safe point address |
+%% .long .L<label2> # safe point address |-> safe point addrs
+%% ..... |
+%% .long .L<label3> # safe point address |
+%% .short <n> # stack frame size (in words) |-> fixed-size part
+%% .short <n> # stack arity |
+%% .short <n> # number of live roots that follow |
+%% .short <n> # live root's stack index |
+%% ..... |-> live root indices
+%% .short <n> # >> |
+%% The name of the custom Note Section
+-define(NOTE_ERLGC_NAME, ".gc").
+%% The first word of a Note Section for Erlang GC (".note.gc") is always the
+%% number of safepoints in code.
+-define(SP_COUNT_OFFSET, 0). %(always the first entry in sdesc)
+%% The fixed-size part of a safe point (SP) entry consists of 4 words: the SP
+%% address (offset in code), the stack frame size of the function (where the SP
+%% is located), the stack arity of the function (the registered values are *not*
+%% counted), the number of live roots in the specific SP.
+-define(SP_FIXED_OFF, 0).
+%%XXX: Exclude SP_ADDR_SIZE from SP_FIXED_SIZE in lew of new GC layout
+%%XXX: SP_STKFRAME is the first piece of information in the new GC layout
+-define(SP_STKFRAME_OFFSET, 0).
+%% Name aliases for safepoint fields.
+%% After the fixed-size part a variable-size part exists. This part holds the
+%% stack frame index of every live root in the specific SP.
+%% Misc.
+-define(bits(Bytes), ((Bytes) bsl 3)).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e33731a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1131 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+ mk_ret/1,
+ ret_ret_list/1,
+ mk_br/1,
+ br_dst/1,
+ mk_br_cond/3,
+ mk_br_cond/4,
+ br_cond_cond/1,
+ br_cond_true_label/1,
+ br_cond_false_label/1,
+ br_cond_meta/1,
+ mk_indirectbr/3,
+ indirectbr_type/1,
+ indirectbr_address/1,
+ indirectbr_label_list/1,
+ mk_switch/4,
+ switch_type/1,
+ switch_value/1,
+ switch_default_label/1,
+ switch_value_label_list/1,
+ mk_invoke/9,
+ invoke_dst/1,
+ invoke_cconv/1,
+ invoke_ret_attrs/1,
+ invoke_type/1,
+ invoke_fnptrval/1,
+ invoke_arglist/1,
+ invoke_fn_attrs/1,
+ invoke_to_label/1,
+ invoke_unwind_label/1,
+ mk_operation/6,
+ operation_dst/1,
+ operation_op/1,
+ operation_type/1,
+ operation_src1/1,
+ operation_src2/1,
+ operation_options/1,
+ mk_extractvalue/5,
+ extractvalue_dst/1,
+ extractvalue_type/1,
+ extractvalue_val/1,
+ extractvalue_idx/1,
+ extractvalue_idxs/1,
+ mk_insertvalue/7,
+ insertvalue_dst/1,
+ insertvalue_val_type/1,
+ insertvalue_val/1,
+ insertvalue_elem_type/1,
+ insertvalue_elem/1,
+ insertvalue_idx/1,
+ insertvalue_idxs/1,
+ mk_alloca/4,
+ alloca_dst/1,
+ alloca_type/1,
+ alloca_num/1,
+ alloca_align/1,
+ mk_load/6,
+ load_dst/1,
+ load_p_type/1,
+ load_pointer/1,
+ load_alignment/1,
+ load_nontemporal/1,
+ load_volatile/1,
+ mk_store/7,
+ store_type/1,
+ store_value/1,
+ store_p_type/1,
+ store_pointer/1,
+ store_alignment/1,
+ store_nontemporal/1,
+ store_volatile/1,
+ mk_getelementptr/5,
+ getelementptr_dst/1,
+ getelementptr_p_type/1,
+ getelementptr_value/1,
+ getelementptr_typed_idxs/1,
+ getelementptr_inbounds/1,
+ mk_conversion/5,
+ conversion_dst/1,
+ conversion_op/1,
+ conversion_src_type/1,
+ conversion_src/1,
+ conversion_dst_type/1,
+ mk_sitofp/4,
+ sitofp_dst/1,
+ sitofp_src_type/1,
+ sitofp_src/1,
+ sitofp_dst_type/1,
+ mk_ptrtoint/4,
+ ptrtoint_dst/1,
+ ptrtoint_src_type/1,
+ ptrtoint_src/1,
+ ptrtoint_dst_type/1,
+ mk_inttoptr/4,
+ inttoptr_dst/1,
+ inttoptr_src_type/1,
+ inttoptr_src/1,
+ inttoptr_dst_type/1,
+ mk_icmp/5,
+ icmp_dst/1,
+ icmp_cond/1,
+ icmp_type/1,
+ icmp_src1/1,
+ icmp_src2/1,
+ mk_fcmp/5,
+ fcmp_dst/1,
+ fcmp_cond/1,
+ fcmp_type/1,
+ fcmp_src1/1,
+ fcmp_src2/1,
+ mk_phi/3,
+ phi_dst/1,
+ phi_type/1,
+ phi_value_label_list/1,
+ mk_select/6,
+ select_dst/1,
+ select_cond/1,
+ select_typ1/1,
+ select_val1/1,
+ select_typ2/1,
+ select_val2/1,
+ mk_call/8,
+ call_dst/1,
+ call_is_tail/1,
+ call_cconv/1,
+ call_ret_attrs/1,
+ call_type/1,
+ call_fnptrval/1,
+ call_arglist/1,
+ call_fn_attrs/1,
+ mk_fun_def/10,
+ fun_def_linkage/1,
+ fun_def_visibility/1,
+ fun_def_cconv/1,
+ fun_def_ret_attrs/1,
+ fun_def_type/1,
+ fun_def_name/1,
+ fun_def_arglist/1,
+ fun_def_fn_attrs/1,
+ fun_def_align/1,
+ fun_def_body/1,
+ mk_fun_decl/8,
+ fun_decl_linkage/1,
+ fun_decl_visibility/1,
+ fun_decl_cconv/1,
+ fun_decl_ret_attrs/1,
+ fun_decl_type/1,
+ fun_decl_name/1,
+ fun_decl_arglist/1,
+ fun_decl_align/1,
+ mk_landingpad/0,
+ mk_comment/1,
+ comment_text/1,
+ mk_label/1,
+ label_label/1,
+ is_label/1,
+ mk_const_decl/4,
+ const_decl_dst/1,
+ const_decl_decl_type/1,
+ const_decl_type/1,
+ const_decl_value/1,
+ mk_asm/1,
+ asm_instruction/1,
+ mk_adj_stack/3,
+ adj_stack_offset/1,
+ adj_stack_register/1,
+ adj_stack_type/1,
+ mk_branch_meta/3,
+ branch_meta_id/1,
+ branch_meta_true_weight/1,
+ branch_meta_false_weight/1
+ ]).
+ mk_void/0,
+ mk_label_type/0,
+ mk_int/1,
+ int_width/1,
+ mk_double/0,
+ mk_pointer/1,
+ pointer_type/1,
+ mk_array/2,
+ array_size/1,
+ array_type/1,
+ mk_vector/2,
+ vector_size/1,
+ vector_type/1,
+ mk_struct/1,
+ struct_type_list/1,
+ mk_fun/2,
+ function_ret_type/1,
+ function_arg_type_list/1
+ ]).
+-export([pp_ins_list/2, pp_ins/2]).
+%% Abstract Data Types for LLVM Assembly.
+%% Terminator Instructions
+-record(llvm_ret, {ret_list=[]}).
+-type llvm_ret() :: #llvm_ret{}.
+-record(llvm_br, {dst}).
+-type llvm_br() :: #llvm_br{}.
+-record(llvm_br_cond, {'cond', true_label, false_label, meta=[]}).
+-type llvm_br_cond() :: #llvm_br_cond{}.
+-record(llvm_indirectbr, {type, address, label_list}).
+-type llvm_indirectbr() :: #llvm_indirectbr{}.
+-record(llvm_switch, {type, value, default_label, value_label_list=[]}).
+-type llvm_switch() :: #llvm_switch{}.
+-record(llvm_invoke, {dst, cconv=[], ret_attrs=[], type, fnptrval, arglist=[],
+ fn_attrs=[], to_label, unwind_label}).
+-type llvm_invoke() :: #llvm_invoke{}.
+%% Binary Operations
+-record(llvm_operation, {dst, op, type, src1, src2, options=[]}).
+-type llvm_operation() :: #llvm_operation{}.
+%% Aggregate Operations
+-record(llvm_extractvalue, {dst, type, val, idx, idxs=[]}).
+-type llvm_extractvalue() :: #llvm_extractvalue{}.
+-record(llvm_insertvalue, {dst, val_type, val, elem_type, elem, idx, idxs=[]}).
+-type llvm_insertvalue() :: #llvm_insertvalue{}.
+%% Memory Access and Addressing Operations
+-record(llvm_alloca, {dst, type, num=[], align=[]}).
+-type llvm_alloca() :: #llvm_alloca{}.
+-record(llvm_load, {dst, p_type, pointer, alignment=[], nontemporal=[],
+ volatile=false}).
+-type llvm_load() :: #llvm_load{}.
+-record(llvm_store, {type, value, p_type, pointer, alignment=[],
+ nontemporal=[], volatile=false}).
+-type llvm_store() :: #llvm_store{}.
+-record(llvm_getelementptr, {dst, p_type, value, typed_idxs, inbounds}).
+-type llvm_getelementptr() :: #llvm_getelementptr{}.
+%% Conversion Operations
+-record(llvm_conversion, {dst, op, src_type, src, dst_type}).
+-type llvm_conversion() :: #llvm_conversion{}.
+-record(llvm_sitofp, {dst, src_type, src, dst_type}).
+-type llvm_sitofp() :: #llvm_sitofp{}.
+-record(llvm_ptrtoint, {dst, src_type, src, dst_type}).
+-type llvm_ptrtoint() :: #llvm_ptrtoint{}.
+-record(llvm_inttoptr, {dst, src_type, src, dst_type}).
+-type llvm_inttoptr() :: #llvm_inttoptr{}.
+%% Other Operations
+-record(llvm_icmp, {dst, 'cond', type, src1, src2}).
+-type llvm_icmp() :: #llvm_icmp{}.
+-record(llvm_fcmp, {dst, 'cond', type, src1, src2}).
+-type llvm_fcmp() :: #llvm_fcmp{}.
+-record(llvm_phi, {dst, type, value_label_list}).
+-type llvm_phi() :: #llvm_phi{}.
+-record(llvm_select, {dst, 'cond', typ1, val1, typ2, val2}).
+-type llvm_select() :: #llvm_select{}.
+-record(llvm_call, {dst=[], is_tail = false, cconv = [], ret_attrs = [], type,
+ fnptrval, arglist = [], fn_attrs = []}).
+-type llvm_call() :: #llvm_call{}.
+-record(llvm_fun_def, {linkage=[], visibility=[], cconv=[], ret_attrs=[],
+ type, 'name', arglist=[], fn_attrs=[], align=[], body=[]}).
+-type llvm_fun_def() :: #llvm_fun_def{}.
+-record(llvm_fun_decl, {linkage=[], visibility=[], cconv=[], ret_attrs=[],
+ type, 'name', arglist=[], align=[]}).
+-type llvm_fun_decl() :: #llvm_fun_decl{}.
+-record(llvm_landingpad, {}).
+-type llvm_landingpad() :: #llvm_landingpad{}.
+-record(llvm_comment, {text}).
+-type llvm_comment() :: #llvm_comment{}.
+-record(llvm_label, {label}).
+-type llvm_label() :: #llvm_label{}.
+-record(llvm_const_decl, {dst, decl_type, type, value}).
+-type llvm_const_decl() :: #llvm_const_decl{}.
+-record(llvm_asm, {instruction}).
+-type llvm_asm() :: #llvm_asm{}.
+-record(llvm_adj_stack, {offset, 'register', type}).
+-type llvm_adj_stack() :: #llvm_adj_stack{}.
+-record(llvm_branch_meta, {id, true_weight, false_weight}).
+-type llvm_branch_meta() :: #llvm_branch_meta{}.
+%% A type for any LLVM instruction
+-type llvm_instr() :: llvm_ret() | llvm_br() | llvm_br_cond()
+ | llvm_indirectbr() | llvm_switch() | llvm_invoke()
+ | llvm_operation() | llvm_extractvalue()
+ | llvm_insertvalue() | llvm_alloca() | llvm_load()
+ | llvm_store() | llvm_getelementptr() | llvm_conversion()
+ | llvm_sitofp() | llvm_ptrtoint() | llvm_inttoptr()
+ | llvm_icmp() | llvm_fcmp() | llvm_phi() | llvm_select()
+ | llvm_call() | llvm_fun_def() | llvm_fun_decl()
+ | llvm_landingpad() | llvm_comment() | llvm_label()
+ | llvm_const_decl() | llvm_asm() | llvm_adj_stack()
+ | llvm_branch_meta().
+%% Types
+-record(llvm_void, {}).
+%-type llvm_void() :: #llvm_void{}.
+-record(llvm_label_type, {}).
+%-type llvm_label_type() :: #llvm_label_type{}.
+-record(llvm_int, {width}).
+%-type llvm_int() :: #llvm_int{}.
+-record(llvm_float, {}).
+%-type llvm_float() :: #llvm_float{}.
+-record(llvm_double, {}).
+%-type llvm_double() :: #llvm_double{}.
+-record(llvm_fp80, {}).
+%-type llvm_fp80() :: #llvm_fp80{}.
+-record(llvm_fp128, {}).
+%-type llvm_fp128() :: #llvm_fp128{}.
+-record(llvm_ppc_fp128, {}).
+%-type llvm_ppc_fp128() :: #llvm_ppc_fp128{}.
+-record(llvm_pointer, {type}).
+%-type llvm_pointer() :: #llvm_pointer{}.
+-record(llvm_vector, {'size', type}).
+%-type llvm_vector() :: #llvm_vector{}.
+-record(llvm_struct, {type_list}).
+%-type llvm_struct() :: #llvm_struct{}.
+-record(llvm_array, {'size', type}).
+%-type llvm_array() :: #llvm_array{}.
+-record(llvm_fun, {ret_type, arg_type_list}).
+%-type llvm_fun() :: #llvm_fun{}.
+%% Accessor Functions
+%% ret
+mk_ret(Ret_list) -> #llvm_ret{ret_list=Ret_list}.
+ret_ret_list(#llvm_ret{ret_list=Ret_list}) -> Ret_list.
+%% br
+mk_br(Dst) -> #llvm_br{dst=Dst}.
+br_dst(#llvm_br{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+%% br_cond
+mk_br_cond(Cond, True_label, False_label) ->
+ #llvm_br_cond{'cond'=Cond, true_label=True_label, false_label=False_label}.
+mk_br_cond(Cond, True_label, False_label, Metadata) ->
+ #llvm_br_cond{'cond'=Cond, true_label=True_label, false_label=False_label,
+ meta=Metadata}.
+br_cond_cond(#llvm_br_cond{'cond'=Cond}) -> Cond.
+br_cond_true_label(#llvm_br_cond{true_label=True_label}) -> True_label.
+br_cond_false_label(#llvm_br_cond{false_label=False_label}) ->
+ False_label.
+br_cond_meta(#llvm_br_cond{meta=Metadata}) -> Metadata.
+%% indirectbr
+mk_indirectbr(Type, Address, Label_list) -> #llvm_indirectbr{type=Type, address=Address, label_list=Label_list}.
+indirectbr_type(#llvm_indirectbr{type=Type}) -> Type.
+indirectbr_address(#llvm_indirectbr{address=Address}) -> Address.
+indirectbr_label_list(#llvm_indirectbr{label_list=Label_list}) -> Label_list.
+%% invoke
+mk_invoke(Dst, Cconv, Ret_attrs, Type, Fnptrval, Arglist, Fn_attrs, To_label, Unwind_label) ->
+ #llvm_invoke{dst=Dst, cconv=Cconv, ret_attrs=Ret_attrs, type=Type,
+ fnptrval=Fnptrval, arglist=Arglist, fn_attrs=Fn_attrs, to_label=To_label,
+ unwind_label=Unwind_label}.
+invoke_dst(#llvm_invoke{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+invoke_cconv(#llvm_invoke{cconv=Cconv}) -> Cconv.
+invoke_ret_attrs(#llvm_invoke{ret_attrs=Ret_attrs}) -> Ret_attrs.
+invoke_type(#llvm_invoke{type=Type}) -> Type.
+invoke_fnptrval(#llvm_invoke{fnptrval=Fnptrval}) -> Fnptrval.
+invoke_arglist(#llvm_invoke{arglist=Arglist}) -> Arglist.
+invoke_fn_attrs(#llvm_invoke{fn_attrs=Fn_attrs}) -> Fn_attrs.
+invoke_to_label(#llvm_invoke{to_label=To_label}) -> To_label.
+invoke_unwind_label(#llvm_invoke{unwind_label=Unwind_label}) -> Unwind_label.
+%% switch
+mk_switch(Type, Value, Default_label, Value_label_list) ->
+ #llvm_switch{type=Type, value=Value, default_label=Default_label,
+ value_label_list=Value_label_list}.
+switch_type(#llvm_switch{type=Type}) -> Type.
+switch_value(#llvm_switch{value=Value}) -> Value.
+switch_default_label(#llvm_switch{default_label=Default_label}) ->
+ Default_label.
+switch_value_label_list(#llvm_switch{value_label_list=Value_label_list}) ->
+ Value_label_list.
+%% operation
+mk_operation(Dst, Op, Type, Src1, Src2, Options) ->
+ #llvm_operation{dst=Dst, op=Op, type=Type, src1=Src1, src2=Src2,
+ options=Options}.
+operation_dst(#llvm_operation{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+operation_op(#llvm_operation{op=Op}) -> Op.
+operation_type(#llvm_operation{type=Type}) -> Type.
+operation_src1(#llvm_operation{src1=Src1}) -> Src1.
+operation_src2(#llvm_operation{src2=Src2}) -> Src2.
+operation_options(#llvm_operation{options=Options}) -> Options.
+%% extractvalue
+mk_extractvalue(Dst, Type, Val, Idx, Idxs) ->
+ #llvm_extractvalue{dst=Dst,type=Type,val=Val,idx=Idx,idxs=Idxs}.
+extractvalue_dst(#llvm_extractvalue{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+extractvalue_type(#llvm_extractvalue{type=Type}) -> Type.
+extractvalue_val(#llvm_extractvalue{val=Val}) -> Val.
+extractvalue_idx(#llvm_extractvalue{idx=Idx}) -> Idx.
+extractvalue_idxs(#llvm_extractvalue{idxs=Idxs}) -> Idxs.
+%% insertvalue
+mk_insertvalue(Dst, Val_type, Val, Elem_type, Elem, Idx, Idxs) ->
+ #llvm_insertvalue{dst=Dst, val_type=Val_type, val=Val, elem_type=Elem_type,
+ elem=Elem, idx=Idx, idxs=Idxs}.
+insertvalue_dst(#llvm_insertvalue{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+insertvalue_val_type(#llvm_insertvalue{val_type=Val_type}) -> Val_type.
+insertvalue_val(#llvm_insertvalue{val=Val}) -> Val.
+insertvalue_elem_type(#llvm_insertvalue{elem_type=Elem_type}) -> Elem_type.
+insertvalue_elem(#llvm_insertvalue{elem=Elem}) -> Elem.
+insertvalue_idx(#llvm_insertvalue{idx=Idx}) -> Idx.
+insertvalue_idxs(#llvm_insertvalue{idxs=Idxs}) -> Idxs.
+%% alloca
+mk_alloca(Dst, Type, Num, Align) ->
+ #llvm_alloca{dst=Dst, type=Type, num=Num, align=Align}.
+alloca_dst(#llvm_alloca{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+alloca_type(#llvm_alloca{type=Type}) -> Type.
+alloca_num(#llvm_alloca{num=Num}) -> Num.
+alloca_align(#llvm_alloca{align=Align}) -> Align.
+%% load
+mk_load(Dst, Type, Pointer, Alignment, Nontemporal, Volatile) ->
+ #llvm_load{dst=Dst, p_type=Type, pointer=Pointer, alignment=Alignment,
+ nontemporal=Nontemporal, volatile=Volatile}.
+load_dst(#llvm_load{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+load_p_type(#llvm_load{p_type=Type}) -> Type.
+load_pointer(#llvm_load{pointer=Pointer}) -> Pointer.
+load_alignment(#llvm_load{alignment=Alignment}) -> Alignment.
+load_nontemporal(#llvm_load{nontemporal=Nontemporal}) -> Nontemporal.
+load_volatile(#llvm_load{volatile=Volatile}) -> Volatile.
+%% store
+mk_store(Type, Value, P_Type, Pointer, Alignment, Nontemporal, Volatile) ->
+ #llvm_store{type=Type, value=Value, p_type=P_Type, pointer=Pointer, alignment=Alignment,
+ nontemporal=Nontemporal, volatile=Volatile}.
+store_type(#llvm_store{type=Type}) -> Type.
+store_value(#llvm_store{value=Value}) -> Value.
+store_p_type(#llvm_store{p_type=P_Type}) -> P_Type.
+store_pointer(#llvm_store{pointer=Pointer}) -> Pointer.
+store_alignment(#llvm_store{alignment=Alignment}) -> Alignment.
+store_nontemporal(#llvm_store{nontemporal=Nontemporal}) -> Nontemporal.
+store_volatile(#llvm_store{volatile=Volatile}) -> Volatile.
+%% getelementptr
+mk_getelementptr(Dst, P_Type, Value, Typed_Idxs, Inbounds) ->
+ #llvm_getelementptr{dst=Dst,p_type=P_Type, value=Value,
+ typed_idxs=Typed_Idxs, inbounds=Inbounds}.
+getelementptr_dst(#llvm_getelementptr{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+getelementptr_p_type(#llvm_getelementptr{p_type=P_Type}) -> P_Type.
+getelementptr_value(#llvm_getelementptr{value=Value}) -> Value.
+getelementptr_typed_idxs(#llvm_getelementptr{typed_idxs=Typed_Idxs}) -> Typed_Idxs.
+getelementptr_inbounds(#llvm_getelementptr{inbounds=Inbounds}) -> Inbounds.
+%% conversion
+mk_conversion(Dst, Op, Src_type, Src, Dst_type) ->
+ #llvm_conversion{dst=Dst, op=Op, src_type=Src_type, src=Src, dst_type=Dst_type}.
+conversion_dst(#llvm_conversion{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+conversion_op(#llvm_conversion{op=Op}) -> Op.
+conversion_src_type(#llvm_conversion{src_type=Src_type}) -> Src_type.
+conversion_src(#llvm_conversion{src=Src}) -> Src.
+conversion_dst_type(#llvm_conversion{dst_type=Dst_type}) -> Dst_type.
+%% sitofp
+mk_sitofp(Dst, Src_type, Src, Dst_type) ->
+ #llvm_sitofp{dst=Dst, src_type=Src_type, src=Src, dst_type=Dst_type}.
+sitofp_dst(#llvm_sitofp{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+sitofp_src_type(#llvm_sitofp{src_type=Src_type}) -> Src_type.
+sitofp_src(#llvm_sitofp{src=Src}) -> Src.
+sitofp_dst_type(#llvm_sitofp{dst_type=Dst_type}) -> Dst_type.
+%% ptrtoint
+mk_ptrtoint(Dst, Src_Type, Src, Dst_Type) ->
+ #llvm_ptrtoint{dst=Dst, src_type=Src_Type, src=Src, dst_type=Dst_Type}.
+ptrtoint_dst(#llvm_ptrtoint{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+ptrtoint_src_type(#llvm_ptrtoint{src_type=Src_Type}) -> Src_Type.
+ptrtoint_src(#llvm_ptrtoint{src=Src}) -> Src.
+ptrtoint_dst_type(#llvm_ptrtoint{dst_type=Dst_Type}) -> Dst_Type .
+%% inttoptr
+mk_inttoptr(Dst, Src_Type, Src, Dst_Type) ->
+ #llvm_inttoptr{dst=Dst, src_type=Src_Type, src=Src, dst_type=Dst_Type}.
+inttoptr_dst(#llvm_inttoptr{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+inttoptr_src_type(#llvm_inttoptr{src_type=Src_Type}) -> Src_Type.
+inttoptr_src(#llvm_inttoptr{src=Src}) -> Src.
+inttoptr_dst_type(#llvm_inttoptr{dst_type=Dst_Type}) -> Dst_Type .
+%% icmp
+mk_icmp(Dst, Cond, Type, Src1, Src2) ->
+ #llvm_icmp{dst=Dst,'cond'=Cond,type=Type,src1=Src1,src2=Src2}.
+icmp_dst(#llvm_icmp{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+icmp_cond(#llvm_icmp{'cond'=Cond}) -> Cond.
+icmp_type(#llvm_icmp{type=Type}) -> Type.
+icmp_src1(#llvm_icmp{src1=Src1}) -> Src1.
+icmp_src2(#llvm_icmp{src2=Src2}) -> Src2.
+%% fcmp
+mk_fcmp(Dst, Cond, Type, Src1, Src2) ->
+ #llvm_fcmp{dst=Dst,'cond'=Cond,type=Type,src1=Src1,src2=Src2}.
+fcmp_dst(#llvm_fcmp{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+fcmp_cond(#llvm_fcmp{'cond'=Cond}) -> Cond.
+fcmp_type(#llvm_fcmp{type=Type}) -> Type.
+fcmp_src1(#llvm_fcmp{src1=Src1}) -> Src1.
+fcmp_src2(#llvm_fcmp{src2=Src2}) -> Src2.
+%% phi
+mk_phi(Dst, Type, Value_label_list) ->
+ #llvm_phi{dst=Dst, type=Type,value_label_list=Value_label_list}.
+phi_dst(#llvm_phi{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+phi_type(#llvm_phi{type=Type}) -> Type.
+phi_value_label_list(#llvm_phi{value_label_list=Value_label_list}) ->
+ Value_label_list.
+%% select
+mk_select(Dst, Cond, Typ1, Val1, Typ2, Val2) ->
+ #llvm_select{dst=Dst, 'cond'=Cond, typ1=Typ1, val1=Val1, typ2=Typ2, val2=Val2}.
+select_dst(#llvm_select{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+select_cond(#llvm_select{'cond'=Cond}) -> Cond.
+select_typ1(#llvm_select{typ1=Typ1}) -> Typ1.
+select_val1(#llvm_select{val1=Val1}) -> Val1.
+select_typ2(#llvm_select{typ2=Typ2}) -> Typ2.
+select_val2(#llvm_select{val2=Val2}) -> Val2.
+%% call
+mk_call(Dst, Is_tail, Cconv, Ret_attrs, Type, Fnptrval, Arglist, Fn_attrs) ->
+ #llvm_call{dst=Dst, is_tail=Is_tail, cconv=Cconv, ret_attrs=Ret_attrs,
+ type=Type, fnptrval=Fnptrval, arglist=Arglist, fn_attrs=Fn_attrs}.
+call_dst(#llvm_call{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+call_is_tail(#llvm_call{is_tail=Is_tail}) -> Is_tail.
+call_cconv(#llvm_call{cconv=Cconv}) -> Cconv.
+call_ret_attrs(#llvm_call{ret_attrs=Ret_attrs}) -> Ret_attrs.
+call_type(#llvm_call{type=Type}) -> Type.
+call_fnptrval(#llvm_call{fnptrval=Fnptrval}) -> Fnptrval.
+call_arglist(#llvm_call{arglist=Arglist}) -> Arglist.
+call_fn_attrs(#llvm_call{fn_attrs=Fn_attrs}) -> Fn_attrs.
+%% fun_def
+mk_fun_def(Linkage, Visibility, Cconv, Ret_attrs, Type, Name, Arglist,
+ Fn_attrs, Align, Body) ->
+ #llvm_fun_def{
+ linkage=Linkage,
+ visibility=Visibility,
+ cconv=Cconv,
+ ret_attrs=Ret_attrs,
+ type=Type,
+ 'name'=Name,
+ arglist=Arglist,
+ fn_attrs=Fn_attrs,
+ align=Align,
+ body=Body
+ }.
+fun_def_linkage(#llvm_fun_def{linkage=Linkage}) -> Linkage.
+fun_def_visibility(#llvm_fun_def{visibility=Visibility}) -> Visibility.
+fun_def_cconv(#llvm_fun_def{cconv=Cconv}) -> Cconv .
+fun_def_ret_attrs(#llvm_fun_def{ret_attrs=Ret_attrs}) -> Ret_attrs.
+fun_def_type(#llvm_fun_def{type=Type}) -> Type.
+fun_def_name(#llvm_fun_def{'name'=Name}) -> Name.
+fun_def_arglist(#llvm_fun_def{arglist=Arglist}) -> Arglist.
+fun_def_fn_attrs(#llvm_fun_def{fn_attrs=Fn_attrs}) -> Fn_attrs.
+fun_def_align(#llvm_fun_def{align=Align}) -> Align.
+fun_def_body(#llvm_fun_def{body=Body}) -> Body.
+%% fun_decl
+mk_fun_decl(Linkage, Visibility, Cconv, Ret_attrs, Type, Name, Arglist, Align)->
+ #llvm_fun_decl{
+ linkage=Linkage,
+ visibility=Visibility,
+ cconv=Cconv,
+ ret_attrs=Ret_attrs,
+ type=Type,
+ 'name'=Name,
+ arglist=Arglist,
+ align=Align
+ }.
+fun_decl_linkage(#llvm_fun_decl{linkage=Linkage}) -> Linkage.
+fun_decl_visibility(#llvm_fun_decl{visibility=Visibility}) -> Visibility.
+fun_decl_cconv(#llvm_fun_decl{cconv=Cconv}) -> Cconv .
+fun_decl_ret_attrs(#llvm_fun_decl{ret_attrs=Ret_attrs}) -> Ret_attrs.
+fun_decl_type(#llvm_fun_decl{type=Type}) -> Type.
+fun_decl_name(#llvm_fun_decl{'name'=Name}) -> Name.
+fun_decl_arglist(#llvm_fun_decl{arglist=Arglist}) -> Arglist.
+fun_decl_align(#llvm_fun_decl{align=Align}) -> Align.
+%% landingpad
+mk_landingpad() -> #llvm_landingpad{}.
+%% comment
+mk_comment(Text) -> #llvm_comment{text=Text}.
+comment_text(#llvm_comment{text=Text}) -> Text.
+%% label
+mk_label(Label) -> #llvm_label{label=Label}.
+label_label(#llvm_label{label=Label}) -> Label.
+-spec is_label(llvm_instr()) -> boolean().
+is_label(#llvm_label{}) -> true;
+is_label(#llvm_ret{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_br{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_br_cond{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_indirectbr{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_switch{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_invoke{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_operation{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_extractvalue{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_insertvalue{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_alloca{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_load{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_store{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_getelementptr{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_conversion{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_sitofp{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_ptrtoint{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_inttoptr{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_icmp{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_fcmp{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_phi{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_select{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_call{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_fun_def{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_fun_decl{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_landingpad{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_comment{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_const_decl{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_asm{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_adj_stack{}) -> false;
+is_label(#llvm_branch_meta{}) -> false.
+%% const_decl
+mk_const_decl(Dst, Decl_type, Type, Value) ->
+ #llvm_const_decl{dst=Dst, decl_type=Decl_type, type=Type, value=Value}.
+const_decl_dst(#llvm_const_decl{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+const_decl_decl_type(#llvm_const_decl{decl_type=Decl_type}) -> Decl_type.
+const_decl_type(#llvm_const_decl{type=Type}) -> Type.
+const_decl_value(#llvm_const_decl{value=Value}) -> Value.
+%% asm
+mk_asm(Instruction) -> #llvm_asm{instruction=Instruction}.
+asm_instruction(#llvm_asm{instruction=Instruction}) -> Instruction.
+%% adj_stack
+mk_adj_stack(Offset, Register, Type) ->
+ #llvm_adj_stack{offset=Offset, 'register'=Register, type=Type}.
+adj_stack_offset(#llvm_adj_stack{offset=Offset}) -> Offset.
+adj_stack_register(#llvm_adj_stack{'register'=Register}) -> Register.
+adj_stack_type(#llvm_adj_stack{type=Type}) -> Type.
+%% branch meta-data
+mk_branch_meta(Id, True_weight, False_weight) ->
+ #llvm_branch_meta{id=Id, true_weight=True_weight, false_weight=False_weight}.
+branch_meta_id(#llvm_branch_meta{id=Id}) -> Id.
+branch_meta_true_weight(#llvm_branch_meta{true_weight=True_weight}) ->
+ True_weight.
+branch_meta_false_weight(#llvm_branch_meta{false_weight=False_weight}) ->
+ False_weight.
+%% types
+mk_void() -> #llvm_void{}.
+mk_label_type() -> #llvm_label_type{}.
+mk_int(Width) -> #llvm_int{width=Width}.
+int_width(#llvm_int{width=Width}) -> Width.
+mk_double() -> #llvm_double{}.
+mk_pointer(Type) -> #llvm_pointer{type=Type}.
+pointer_type(#llvm_pointer{type=Type}) -> Type.
+mk_array(Size, Type) -> #llvm_array{'size'=Size, type=Type}.
+array_size(#llvm_array{'size'=Size}) -> Size.
+array_type(#llvm_array{type=Type}) -> Type.
+mk_vector(Size, Type) -> #llvm_vector{'size'=Size, type=Type}.
+vector_size(#llvm_vector{'size'=Size}) -> Size.
+vector_type(#llvm_vector{type=Type}) -> Type.
+mk_struct(Type_list) -> #llvm_struct{type_list=Type_list}.
+struct_type_list(#llvm_struct{type_list=Type_list}) -> Type_list.
+mk_fun(Ret_type, Arg_type_list) ->
+ #llvm_fun{ret_type=Ret_type, arg_type_list=Arg_type_list}.
+function_ret_type(#llvm_fun{ret_type=Ret_type}) -> Ret_type.
+function_arg_type_list(#llvm_fun{arg_type_list=Arg_type_list}) ->
+ Arg_type_list.
+%% Pretty-printer Functions
+%% @doc Pretty-print a list of LLVM instructions to a Device.
+pp_ins_list(_Dev, []) -> ok;
+pp_ins_list(Dev, [I|Is]) ->
+ pp_ins(Dev, I),
+ pp_ins_list(Dev, Is).
+pp_ins(Dev, I) ->
+ case indent(I) of
+ true -> write(Dev, " ");
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ case I of
+ #llvm_ret{} ->
+ write(Dev, "ret "),
+ case ret_ret_list(I) of
+ [] -> write(Dev, "void");
+ List -> pp_args(Dev, List)
+ end,
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_br{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["br label ", br_dst(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_switch{} ->
+ write(Dev, "switch "),
+ pp_type(Dev, switch_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", switch_value(I), ", label ", switch_default_label(I),
+ " \n [\n"]),
+ pp_switch_value_label_list(Dev, switch_type(I),
+ switch_value_label_list(I)),
+ write(Dev, " ]\n");
+ #llvm_invoke{} ->
+ write(Dev, [invoke_dst(I), " = invoke ", invoke_cconv(I), " "]),
+ pp_options(Dev, invoke_ret_attrs(I)),
+ pp_type(Dev, invoke_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", invoke_fnptrval(I), "("]),
+ pp_args(Dev, invoke_arglist(I)),
+ write(Dev, ") "),
+ pp_options(Dev, invoke_fn_attrs(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" to label ", invoke_to_label(I)," unwind label ",
+ invoke_unwind_label(I), " \n"]);
+ #llvm_br_cond{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["br i1 ", br_cond_cond(I), ", label ", br_cond_true_label(I),
+ ", label ", br_cond_false_label(I)]),
+ case br_cond_meta(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Metadata ->
+ write(Dev, [", !prof !", Metadata])
+ end,
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_indirectbr{} ->
+ write(Dev, "indirectbr "),
+ pp_type(Dev, indirectbr_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", indirectbr_address(I), ", [ "]),
+ pp_args(Dev, indirectbr_label_list(I)),
+ write(Dev, " ]\n");
+ #llvm_operation{} ->
+ write(Dev, [operation_dst(I), " = ", atom_to_list(operation_op(I)), " "]),
+ case op_has_options(operation_op(I)) of
+ true -> pp_options(Dev, operation_options(I));
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ pp_type(Dev, operation_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", operation_src1(I), ", ", operation_src2(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_extractvalue{} ->
+ write(Dev, [extractvalue_dst(I), " = extractvalue "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, extractvalue_type(I)),
+ %% TODO Print idxs
+ write(Dev, [" ", extractvalue_val(I), ", ", extractvalue_idx(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_insertvalue{} ->
+ write(Dev, [insertvalue_dst(I), " = insertvalue "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, insertvalue_val_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", insertvalue_val(I), ", "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, insertvalue_elem_type(I)),
+ %%TODO Print idxs
+ write(Dev, [" ", insertvalue_elem(I), ", ", insertvalue_idx(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_alloca{} ->
+ write(Dev, [alloca_dst(I), " = alloca "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, alloca_type(I)),
+ case alloca_num(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Num ->
+ write(Dev, ", "),
+ pp_type(Dev, alloca_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", Num, " "])
+ end,
+ case alloca_align(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Align -> write(Dev, [",align ", Align])
+ end,
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_load{} ->
+ write(Dev, [load_dst(I), " = "]),
+ write(Dev, "load "),
+ case load_volatile(I) of
+ true -> write(Dev, "volatile ");
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ pp_type(Dev, load_p_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", load_pointer(I), " "]),
+ case load_alignment(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Al -> write(Dev, [", align ", Al, " "])
+ end,
+ case load_nontemporal(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ In -> write(Dev, [", !nontemporal !", In])
+ end,
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_store{} ->
+ write(Dev, "store "),
+ case store_volatile(I) of
+ true -> write(Dev, "volatile ");
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ pp_type(Dev, store_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", store_value(I), ", "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, store_p_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", store_pointer(I), " "]),
+ case store_alignment(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Al -> write(Dev, [", align ", Al, " "])
+ end,
+ case store_nontemporal(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ In -> write(Dev, [", !nontemporal !", In])
+ end,
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_getelementptr{} ->
+ write(Dev, [getelementptr_dst(I), " = getelementptr "]),
+ case getelementptr_inbounds(I) of
+ true -> write(Dev, "inbounds ");
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ pp_type(Dev, getelementptr_p_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", getelementptr_value(I)]),
+ pp_typed_idxs(Dev, getelementptr_typed_idxs(I)),
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_conversion{} ->
+ write(Dev, [conversion_dst(I), " = ", atom_to_list(conversion_op(I)), " "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, conversion_src_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", conversion_src(I), " to "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, conversion_dst_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_icmp{} ->
+ write(Dev, [icmp_dst(I), " = icmp ", atom_to_list(icmp_cond(I)), " "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, icmp_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", icmp_src1(I), ", ", icmp_src2(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_fcmp{} ->
+ write(Dev, [fcmp_dst(I), " = fcmp ", atom_to_list(fcmp_cond(I)), " "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, fcmp_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", fcmp_src1(I), ", ", fcmp_src2(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_phi{} ->
+ write(Dev, [phi_dst(I), " = phi "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, phi_type(I)),
+ pp_phi_value_labels(Dev, phi_value_label_list(I)),
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_select{} ->
+ write(Dev, [select_dst(I), " = select i1 ", select_cond(I), ", "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, select_typ1(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", select_val1(I), ", "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, select_typ2(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", select_val2(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_call{} ->
+ case call_dst(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Dst -> write(Dev, [Dst, " = "])
+ end,
+ case call_is_tail(I) of
+ true -> write(Dev, "tail ");
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ write(Dev, ["call ", call_cconv(I), " "]),
+ pp_options(Dev, call_ret_attrs(I)),
+ pp_type(Dev, call_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", call_fnptrval(I), "("]),
+ pp_args(Dev, call_arglist(I)),
+ write(Dev, ") "),
+ pp_options(Dev, call_fn_attrs(I)),
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_fun_def{} ->
+ write(Dev, "define "),
+ pp_options(Dev, fun_def_linkage(I)),
+ pp_options(Dev, fun_def_visibility(I)),
+ case fun_def_cconv(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Cc -> write(Dev, [Cc, " "])
+ end,
+ pp_options(Dev, fun_def_ret_attrs(I)),
+ write(Dev, " "),
+ pp_type(Dev, fun_def_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" @", fun_def_name(I), "("]),
+ pp_args(Dev, fun_def_arglist(I)),
+ write(Dev, ") "),
+ pp_options(Dev, fun_def_fn_attrs(I)),
+ case fun_def_align(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ N -> write(Dev, ["align ", N])
+ end,
+ write(Dev, "{\n"),
+ pp_ins_list(Dev, fun_def_body(I)),
+ write(Dev, "}\n");
+ #llvm_fun_decl{} ->
+ write(Dev, "declare "),
+ pp_options(Dev, fun_decl_linkage(I)),
+ pp_options(Dev, fun_decl_visibility(I)),
+ case fun_decl_cconv(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Cc -> write(Dev, [Cc, " "])
+ end,
+ pp_options(Dev, fun_decl_ret_attrs(I)),
+ pp_type(Dev, fun_decl_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", fun_decl_name(I), "("]),
+ pp_type_list(Dev, fun_decl_arglist(I)),
+ write(Dev, ") "),
+ case fun_decl_align(I) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ N -> write(Dev, ["align ", N])
+ end,
+ write(Dev, "\n");
+ #llvm_comment{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["; ", atom_to_list(comment_text(I)), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_label{} ->
+ write(Dev, [label_label(I), ":\n"]);
+ #llvm_const_decl{} ->
+ write(Dev, [const_decl_dst(I), " = ", const_decl_decl_type(I), " "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, const_decl_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", const_decl_value(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_landingpad{} ->
+ write(Dev, "landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 (i32, i64, i8*,i8*)*
+ @__gcc_personality_v0 cleanup\n");
+ #llvm_asm{} ->
+ write(Dev, [asm_instruction(I), "\n"]);
+ #llvm_adj_stack{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["call void asm sideeffect \"sub $0, ",
+ adj_stack_register(I), "\", \"r\"("]),
+ pp_type(Dev, adj_stack_type(I)),
+ write(Dev, [" ", adj_stack_offset(I),")\n"]);
+ #llvm_branch_meta{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["!", branch_meta_id(I), " = metadata !{metadata !\"branch_weights\",
+ i32 ", branch_meta_true_weight(I), ", i32 ",
+ branch_meta_false_weight(I), "}\n"]);
+ Other ->
+ exit({?MODULE, pp_ins, {"Unknown LLVM instruction", Other}})
+ end.
+%% @doc Pretty-print a list of types
+pp_type_list(_Dev, []) -> ok;
+pp_type_list(Dev, [T]) ->
+ pp_type(Dev, T);
+pp_type_list(Dev, [T|Ts]) ->
+ pp_type(Dev, T),
+ write(Dev, ", "),
+ pp_type_list(Dev, Ts).
+pp_type(Dev, Type) ->
+ case Type of
+ #llvm_void{} ->
+ write(Dev, "void");
+ #llvm_label_type{} ->
+ write(Dev, "label");
+ %% Integer
+ #llvm_int{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["i", integer_to_list(int_width(Type))]);
+ %% Float
+ #llvm_float{} ->
+ write(Dev, "float");
+ #llvm_double{} ->
+ write(Dev, "double");
+ #llvm_fp80{} ->
+ write(Dev, "x86_fp80");
+ #llvm_fp128{} ->
+ write(Dev, "fp128");
+ #llvm_ppc_fp128{} ->
+ write(Dev, "ppc_fp128");
+ %% Pointer
+ #llvm_pointer{} ->
+ pp_type(Dev, pointer_type(Type)),
+ write(Dev, "*");
+ %% Function
+ #llvm_fun{} ->
+ pp_type(Dev, function_ret_type(Type)),
+ write(Dev, " ("),
+ pp_type_list(Dev, function_arg_type_list(Type)),
+ write(Dev, ")");
+ %% Aggregate
+ #llvm_array{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["[", integer_to_list(array_size(Type)), " x "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, array_type(Type)),
+ write(Dev, "]");
+ #llvm_struct{} ->
+ write(Dev, "{"),
+ pp_type_list(Dev, struct_type_list(Type)),
+ write(Dev, "}");
+ #llvm_vector{} ->
+ write(Dev, ["{", integer_to_list(vector_size(Type)), " x "]),
+ pp_type(Dev, vector_type(Type)),
+ write(Dev, "}")
+ end.
+%% @doc Pretty-print a list of typed arguments
+pp_args(_Dev, []) -> ok;
+pp_args(Dev, [{Type, Arg} | []]) ->
+ pp_type(Dev, Type),
+ write(Dev, [" ", Arg]);
+pp_args(Dev, [{Type, Arg} | Args]) ->
+ pp_type(Dev, Type),
+ write(Dev, [" ", Arg, ", "]),
+ pp_args(Dev, Args).
+%% @doc Pretty-print a list of options
+pp_options(_Dev, []) -> ok;
+pp_options(Dev, [O|Os]) ->
+ write(Dev, [atom_to_list(O), " "]),
+ pp_options(Dev, Os).
+%% @doc Pretty-print a list of phi value-labels
+pp_phi_value_labels(_Dev, []) -> ok;
+pp_phi_value_labels(Dev, [{Value, Label}|[]]) ->
+ write(Dev, ["[ ", Value, ", ", Label, " ]"]);
+pp_phi_value_labels(Dev,[{Value, Label}|VL]) ->
+ write(Dev, ["[ ", Value, ", ", Label, " ], "]),
+ pp_phi_value_labels(Dev, VL).
+%% @doc Pretty-print a list of typed indexes
+pp_typed_idxs(_Dev, []) -> ok;
+pp_typed_idxs(Dev, [{Type, Id} | Tids]) ->
+ write(Dev, ", "),
+ pp_type(Dev, Type),
+ write(Dev, [" ", Id]),
+ pp_typed_idxs(Dev, Tids).
+%% @doc Pretty-print a switch label list
+pp_switch_value_label_list(_Dev, _Type, []) -> ok;
+pp_switch_value_label_list(Dev, Type, [{Value, Label} | VLs]) ->
+ write(Dev, " "),
+ pp_type(Dev, Type),
+ write(Dev, [" ", Value, ", label ", Label, "\n"]),
+ pp_switch_value_label_list(Dev, Type, VLs).
+%% Auxiliary Functions
+%% @doc Returns if an instruction needs to be intended
+indent(I) ->
+ case I of
+ #llvm_label{} -> false;
+ #llvm_fun_def{} -> false;
+ #llvm_fun_decl{} -> false;
+ #llvm_const_decl{} -> false;
+ #llvm_branch_meta{} -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end.
+op_has_options(Op) ->
+ case Op of
+ 'and' -> false;
+ 'or' -> false;
+ 'xor' -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end.
+%% @doc Abstracts actual writing to file operations
+write(Dev, Msg) ->
+ ok = file:write(Dev, Msg).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_arch.hrl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_arch.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..689a5a52ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_arch.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-define(NR_PINNED_REGS, 2).
+-define(NR_ARG_REGS, 3).
+-define(ARCH_REGISTERS, hipe_x86_registers).
+-define(FLOAT_OFFSET, 2).
+-define(NR_PINNED_REGS, 2).
+-define(NR_ARG_REGS, 4).
+-define(ARCH_REGISTERS, hipe_amd64_registers).
+-define(FLOAT_OFFSET, 6).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_liveness.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_liveness.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1c90ed4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_liveness.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+%% @doc Find gc roots and explicitly mark when they go out of scope, based
+%% on the liveness analyzis performed by the hipe_rtl_liveness:analyze/1.
+analyze(RtlCfg) ->
+ Liveness = hipe_rtl_liveness:analyze(RtlCfg),
+ Roots = find_roots(RtlCfg, Liveness),
+ %% erlang:display(Roots),
+ NewRtlCfg = mark_dead_roots(RtlCfg, Liveness, Roots),
+ {NewRtlCfg, Roots}.
+%% @doc Determine which are the GC Roots.Possible roots are all
+%% RTL variables (rtl_var). However, since safe points are function calls, we
+%% consider as possible GC roots only RTL variables that are live around
+%% function calls.
+find_roots(Cfg, Liveness) ->
+ Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:postorder(Cfg),
+ Roots = find_roots_bb(Labels, Cfg, Liveness, []),
+ lists:usort(lists:flatten(Roots)).
+find_roots_bb([], _Cfg, _Liveness, RootAcc) ->
+ RootAcc;
+find_roots_bb([L|Ls], Cfg, Liveness, RootAcc) ->
+ Block = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(Cfg, L),
+ BlockCode = hipe_bb:code(Block),
+ LiveIn = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl_liveness:livein(Liveness, L))),
+ LiveOut = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl_liveness:liveout(Liveness, L))),
+ Roots = do_find_roots_bb(BlockCode, L, LiveOut, LiveIn, []),
+ find_roots_bb(Ls, Cfg, Liveness, Roots++RootAcc).
+%% For each call inside a BB the GC roots are those RTL variables that
+%% are live before and after the call.
+%% --> Live Before Call: These are the RTL variables that belong to the
+%% LiveIn list or are initialized inside the BB before the call
+%% --> Live After Call: These are the RTL variables that belong to the
+%% LiveOut list or are used after the call inside the BB (they die
+%% inside the BB and so do not belong to the LiveOut list)
+do_find_roots_bb([], _Label, _LiveOut, _LiveBefore, RootAcc) ->
+ RootAcc;
+do_find_roots_bb([I|Is], L, LiveOut, LiveBefore, RootAcc) ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_call(I) of
+ true ->
+ %% Used inside the BB after the call
+ UsedAfterCall_ = strip(lists:flatten([hipe_rtl:uses(V) || V <- Is])),
+ UsedAfterCall = ordsets:from_list(UsedAfterCall_),
+ LiveAfter = ordsets:union(UsedAfterCall, LiveOut),
+ %% The Actual Roots
+ Roots = ordsets:intersection(LiveBefore, LiveAfter),
+ %% The result of the instruction
+ Defines = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl:defines(I))),
+ LiveBefore1 = ordsets:union(LiveBefore, Defines),
+ do_find_roots_bb(Is, L, LiveOut, LiveBefore1, [Roots|RootAcc]);
+ false ->
+ %% The result of the instruction
+ Defines = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl:defines(I))),
+ LiveBefore1 = ordsets:union(LiveBefore, Defines),
+ do_find_roots_bb(Is, L, LiveOut, LiveBefore1, RootAcc)
+ end.
+%% @doc This function is responsible for marking when GC Roots, which can be
+%% only RTL variables go out of scope (dead). This pass is needed for the LLVM
+%% back end because the LLVM framework forces us to explicit mark when gc roots
+%% are no longer live.
+mark_dead_roots(CFG, Liveness, Roots) ->
+ Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:postorder(CFG),
+ mark_dead_bb(Labels, CFG, Liveness, Roots).
+mark_dead_bb([], Cfg, _Liveness, _Roots) ->
+ Cfg;
+mark_dead_bb([L|Ls], Cfg, Liveness, Roots) ->
+ Block = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(Cfg, L),
+ BlockCode = hipe_bb:code(Block),
+ LiveOut = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl_liveness:liveout(Liveness, L))),
+ NewBlockCode = do_mark_dead_bb(BlockCode, LiveOut, Roots, []),
+ %% Update the CFG
+ NewBB = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewBlockCode),
+ NewCFG = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, L, NewBB),
+ mark_dead_bb(Ls, NewCFG, Liveness, Roots).
+do_mark_dead_bb([], _LiveOut, _Roots, NewBlockCode) ->
+ lists:reverse(NewBlockCode);
+do_mark_dead_bb([I|Is], LiveOut ,Roots, NewBlockCode) ->
+ Uses = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl:uses(I))),
+ %% GC roots that are used in this instruction
+ RootsUsed = ordsets:intersection(Roots, Uses),
+ UsedAfter_ = strip(lists:flatten([hipe_rtl:uses(V) || V <- Is])),
+ UsedAfter = ordsets:from_list(UsedAfter_),
+ %% GC roots that are live after this instruction
+ LiveAfter = ordsets:union(LiveOut, UsedAfter),
+ %% GC roots that their last use is in this instruction
+ DeadRoots = ordsets:subtract(RootsUsed, LiveAfter),
+ %% Recreate the RTL variable from the corresponding Index
+ OldVars = [hipe_rtl:mk_var(V1) || V1 <- DeadRoots],
+ %% Mark the RTL variable as DEAD (last use)
+ NewVars = [kill_var(V2) || V2 <- OldVars],
+ %% Create a list with the substitution of the old vars with the new
+ %% ones which are marked with the dead keyword
+ Subtitution = lists:zip(OldVars, NewVars),
+ NewI = case Subtitution of
+ [] -> I;
+ _ -> hipe_rtl:subst_uses_llvm(Subtitution, I)
+ end,
+ do_mark_dead_bb(Is, LiveOut, Roots, [NewI|NewBlockCode]).
+%% Update the liveness of a var,in order to mark that this is the last use.
+kill_var(Var) -> hipe_rtl:var_liveness_update(Var, dead).
+%% We are only interested for rtl_vars, since only rtl_vars are possible gc
+%% roots.
+strip(L) -> [Y || {rtl_var, Y, _} <- L].
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e50c9539b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% @doc Translation of RTL to a loadable object. This function takes the RTL
+%% code and calls hipe_rtl_to_llvm:translate/2 to translate the RTL code to
+%% LLVM code. After this, LLVM asm is printed to a file and the LLVM tool
+%% chain is invoked in order to produce an object file.
+rtl_to_native(MFA, RTL, Roots, Options) ->
+ %% Compile to LLVM and get Instruction List (along with infos)
+ {LLVMCode, RelocsDict, ConstTab} =
+ hipe_rtl_to_llvm:translate(RTL, Roots),
+ %% Fix function name to an acceptable LLVM identifier (needed for closures)
+ {_Module, Fun, Arity} = hipe_rtl_to_llvm:fix_mfa_name(MFA),
+ %% Write LLVM Assembly to intermediate file (on disk)
+ {ok, Dir, ObjectFile} =
+ compile_with_llvm(Fun, Arity, LLVMCode, Options, false),
+ %%
+ %% Extract information from object file
+ %%
+ ObjBin = open_object_file(ObjectFile),
+ %% Read and set the ELF class
+ elf_format:set_architecture_flag(ObjBin),
+ %% Get labels info (for switches and jump tables)
+ Labels = elf_format:get_rodata_relocs(ObjBin),
+ {Switches, Closures} = get_tables(ObjBin),
+ %% Associate Labels with Switches and Closures with stack args
+ {SwitchInfos, ExposedClosures} =
+ correlate_labels(Switches ++ Closures, Labels),
+ %% SwitchInfos: [{"table_50", [Labels]}]
+ %% ExposedClosures: [{"table_closures", [Labels]}]
+ %% Labelmap contains the offsets of the labels in the code that are
+ %% used for switch's jump tables
+ LabelMap = create_labelmap(MFA, SwitchInfos, RelocsDict),
+ %% Get relocation info
+ TextRelocs = elf_format:get_text_relocs(ObjBin),
+ %% AccRefs contains the offsets of all references to relocatable symbols in
+ %% the code:
+ AccRefs = fix_relocations(TextRelocs, RelocsDict, MFA),
+ %% Get stack descriptors
+ SDescs = get_sdescs(ObjBin),
+ %% FixedSDescs are the stack descriptors after correcting calls that have
+ %% arguments in the stack
+ FixedSDescs =
+ fix_stack_descriptors(RelocsDict, AccRefs, SDescs, ExposedClosures),
+ Refs = AccRefs ++ FixedSDescs,
+ %% Get binary code from object file
+ BinCode = elf_format:extract_text(ObjBin),
+ %% Remove temp files (if needed)
+ ok = remove_temp_folder(Dir, Options),
+ %% Return the code together with information that will be used in the
+ %% hipe_llvm_merge module to produce the final binary that will be loaded
+ %% by the hipe unified loader.
+ {MFA, BinCode, byte_size(BinCode), ConstTab, Refs, LabelMap}.
+%% LLVM tool chain
+%% @doc Compile function FunName/Arity to LLVM. Return Dir (in order to remove
+%% it if we do not want to store temporary files) and ObjectFile name that
+%% is created by the LLVM tools.
+compile_with_llvm(FunName, Arity, LLVMCode, Options, UseBuffer) ->
+ Filename = atom_to_list(FunName) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Arity),
+ %% Save temp files in a unique folder
+ Dir = unique_folder(FunName, Arity, Options),
+ ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
+ %% Print LLVM assembly to file
+ OpenOpts = [append, raw] ++
+ case UseBuffer of
+ %% true -> [delayed_write]; % Use delayed_write!
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ {ok, File_llvm} = file:open(Dir ++ Filename ++ ".ll", OpenOpts),
+ hipe_llvm:pp_ins_list(File_llvm, LLVMCode),
+ %% delayed_write can cause file:close not to do a close, hence the two calls
+ ok = file:close(File_llvm),
+ __ = file:close(File_llvm),
+ %% Invoke LLVM compiler tools to produce an object file
+ llvm_opt(Dir, Filename, Options),
+ llvm_llc(Dir, Filename, Options),
+ compile(Dir, Filename, "gcc"), %%FIXME: use llc -filetype=obj and skip this!
+ {ok, Dir, Dir ++ Filename ++ ".o"}.
+%% @doc Invoke opt tool to optimize the bitcode (_name.ll -> _name.bc).
+llvm_opt(Dir, Filename, Options) ->
+ Source = Dir ++ Filename ++ ".ll",
+ Dest = Dir ++ Filename ++ ".bc",
+ OptLevel = trans_optlev_flag(opt, Options),
+ OptFlags = [OptLevel, "-mem2reg", "-strip"],
+ Command = "opt " ++ fix_opts(OptFlags) ++ " " ++ Source ++ " -o " ++ Dest,
+ %% io:format("OPT: ~s~n", [Command]),
+ case os:cmd(Command) of
+ "" -> ok;
+ Error -> exit({?MODULE, opt, Error})
+ end.
+%% @doc Invoke llc tool to compile the bitcode to object file
+%% (_name.bc -> _name.o).
+llvm_llc(Dir, Filename, Options) ->
+ Source = Dir ++ Filename ++ ".bc",
+ OptLevel = trans_optlev_flag(llc, Options),
+ Align = find_stack_alignment(),
+ LlcFlags = [OptLevel, "-code-model=medium", "-stack-alignment=" ++ Align
+ , "-tailcallopt", "-filetype=asm"], %%FIXME
+ Command = "llc " ++ fix_opts(LlcFlags) ++ " " ++ Source,
+ %% io:format("LLC: ~s~n", [Command]),
+ case os:cmd(Command) of
+ "" -> ok;
+ Error -> exit({?MODULE, llc, Error})
+ end.
+%% @doc Invoke the compiler tool ("gcc", "llvmc", etc.) to generate an object
+%% file from native assembly.
+compile(Dir, Fun_Name, Compiler) ->
+ Source = Dir ++ Fun_Name ++ ".s",
+ Dest = Dir ++ Fun_Name ++ ".o",
+ Command = Compiler ++ " -c " ++ Source ++ " -o " ++ Dest,
+ %% io:format("~s: ~s~n", [Compiler, Command]),
+ case os:cmd(Command) of
+ "" -> ok;
+ Error -> exit({?MODULE, cc, Error})
+ end.
+find_stack_alignment() ->
+ case get(hipe_target_arch) of
+ x86 -> "4";
+ amd64 -> "8";
+ _ -> exit({?MODULE, find_stack_alignment, "Unimplemented architecture"})
+ end.
+%% @doc Join options.
+fix_opts(Opts) ->
+ string:join(Opts, " ").
+%% @doc Translate optimization-level flag (default is "O2").
+trans_optlev_flag(Tool, Options) ->
+ Flag = case Tool of
+ opt -> llvm_opt;
+ llc -> llvm_llc
+ end,
+ case proplists:get_value(Flag, Options) of
+ o0 -> ""; % "-O0" does not exist in opt tool
+ o1 -> "-O1";
+ o2 -> "-O2";
+ o3 -> "-O3";
+ undefined -> "-O2"
+ end.
+%% Functions to manage Relocations
+%% @doc Get switch table and closure table.
+get_tables(Elf) ->
+ %% Search Symbol Table for an entry with name prefixed with "table_":
+ Triples = elf_format:get_tab_entries(Elf),
+ Switches = [T || T={"table_" ++ _, _, _} <- Triples],
+ Closures = [T || T={"table_closures" ++ _, _, _} <- Switches],
+ {Switches, Closures}.
+%% @doc This function associates symbols who point to some table of labels with
+%% the corresponding offsets of the labels in the code. These tables can
+%% either be jump tables for switches or a table which contains the labels
+%% of blocks that contain closure calls with more than ?NR_ARG_REGS.
+correlate_labels([], _L) -> {[], []};
+correlate_labels(Tables, Labels) ->
+ %% Sort "Tables" based on "ValueOffsets"
+ OffsetSortedTb = lists:ukeysort(2, Tables),
+ %% Unzip offset-sorted list of "Switches"
+ {Names, _Offsets, TablesSizeList} = lists:unzip3(OffsetSortedTb),
+ %% Associate switch names with labels
+ L = split_list(Labels, TablesSizeList),
+ %% Zip back! (to [{SwitchName, Values}])
+ NamesValues = lists:zip(Names, L),
+ case lists:keytake("table_closures", 1, NamesValues) of
+ false -> %% No closures in the code, no closure table
+ {NamesValues, []};
+ {value, ClosureTableNV, SwitchesNV} ->
+ {SwitchesNV, ClosureTableNV}
+ end.
+%% @doc Create a gb_tree which contains information about the labels that used
+%% for switch's jump tables. The keys of the gb_tree are of the form
+%% {MFA, Label} and the values are the actual Offsets.
+create_labelmap(MFA, SwitchInfos, RelocsDict) ->
+ create_labelmap(MFA, SwitchInfos, RelocsDict, gb_trees:empty()).
+create_labelmap(_, [], _, LabelMap) -> LabelMap;
+create_labelmap(MFA, [{Name, Offsets} | Rest], RelocsDict, LabelMap) ->
+ case dict:fetch(Name, RelocsDict) of
+ {switch, {_TableType, LabelList, _NrLabels, _SortOrder}, _JTabLab} ->
+ KVDict = lists:ukeysort(1, lists:zip(LabelList, Offsets)),
+ NewLabelMap = insert_to_labelmap(KVDict, LabelMap),
+ create_labelmap(MFA, Rest, RelocsDict, NewLabelMap);
+ _ ->
+ exit({?MODULE, create_labelmap, "Not a jump table!"})
+ end.
+%% @doc Insert a list of [{Key,Value}] to a LabelMap (gb_tree).
+insert_to_labelmap([], LabelMap) -> LabelMap;
+insert_to_labelmap([{Key, Value}|Rest], LabelMap) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Key, LabelMap) of
+ none ->
+ insert_to_labelmap(Rest, gb_trees:insert(Key, Value, LabelMap));
+ {value, Value} -> %% Exists with the *exact* same Value.
+ insert_to_labelmap(Rest, LabelMap)
+ end.
+%% @doc Correlate object file relocation symbols with info from translation to
+%% llvm code.
+fix_relocations(Relocs, RelocsDict, MFA) ->
+ fix_relocs(Relocs, RelocsDict, MFA, []).
+fix_relocs([], _, _, RelocAcc) -> RelocAcc;
+fix_relocs([{Name, Offset}|Rs], RelocsDict, {ModName,_,_}=MFA, RelocAcc) ->
+ case dict:fetch(Name, RelocsDict) of
+ {atom, AtomName} ->
+ fix_relocs(Rs, RelocsDict, MFA,
+ [{?LOAD_ATOM, Offset, AtomName}|RelocAcc]);
+ {constant, Label} ->
+ fix_relocs(Rs, RelocsDict, MFA,
+ [{?LOAD_ADDRESS, Offset, {constant, Label}}|RelocAcc]);
+ {switch, _, JTabLab} -> %% Treat switch exactly as constant
+ fix_relocs(Rs, RelocsDict, MFA,
+ [{?LOAD_ADDRESS, Offset, {constant, JTabLab}}|RelocAcc]);
+ {closure, _}=Closure ->
+ fix_relocs(Rs, RelocsDict, MFA,
+ [{?LOAD_ADDRESS, Offset, Closure}|RelocAcc]);
+ {call, {bif, BifName, _}} ->
+ fix_relocs(Rs, RelocsDict, MFA,
+ [{?CALL_LOCAL, Offset, BifName}|RelocAcc]);
+ %% MFA calls to functions in the same module are of type 3, while all
+ %% other MFA calls are of type 2.
+ {call, {ModName,_F,_A}=CallMFA} ->
+ fix_relocs(Rs, RelocsDict, MFA,
+ [{?CALL_LOCAL, Offset, CallMFA}|RelocAcc]);
+ {call, CallMFA} ->
+ fix_relocs(Rs, RelocsDict, MFA,
+ [{?CALL_REMOTE, Offset, CallMFA}|RelocAcc]);
+ Other ->
+ exit({?MODULE, fix_relocs,
+ {"Relocation not in relocation dictionary", Other}})
+ end.
+%% Functions to manage Stack Descriptors
+%% @doc This function takes an ELF Object File binary and returns a proper sdesc
+%% list for Erlang/OTP System's loader. The return value should be of the
+%% form:
+%% {
+%% 4, Safepoint Address,
+%% {ExnLabel OR [], FrameSize, StackArity, {Liveroot stack frame indexes}},
+%% }
+get_sdescs(Elf) ->
+ case elf_format:extract_note(Elf, ?NOTE_ERLGC_NAME) of
+ <<>> -> % Object file has no ".note.gc" section!
+ [];
+ NoteGC_bin ->
+ %% Get safe point addresses (stored in ".rela.note.gc" section):
+ RelaNoteGC = elf_format:extract_rela(Elf, ?NOTE(?NOTE_ERLGC_NAME)),
+ SPCount = length(RelaNoteGC),
+ T = SPCount * ?SP_ADDR_SIZE,
+ %% Pattern match fields of ".note.gc":
+ <<SPCount:(?bits(?SP_COUNT_SIZE))/integer-little, % Sanity check!
+ SPAddrs:T/binary, % NOTE: In 64bit they are relocs!
+ StkFrameSize:(?bits(?SP_STKFRAME_SIZE))/integer-little,
+ StkArity:(?bits(?SP_STKARITY_SIZE))/integer-little,
+ _LiveRootCount:(?bits(?SP_LIVEROOTCNT_SIZE))/integer-little, % Skip
+ Roots/binary>> = NoteGC_bin,
+ LiveRoots = get_liveroots(Roots, []),
+ %% Extract information about the safe point addresses:
+ SPOffs =
+ case elf_format:is64bit() of
+ true -> %% Find offsets in ".rela.note.gc":
+ elf_format:get_rela_addends(RelaNoteGC);
+ false -> %% Find offsets in SPAddrs (in ".note.gc"):
+ get_spoffs(SPAddrs, [])
+ end,
+ %% Extract Exception Handler labels:
+ ExnHandlers = elf_format:get_exn_handlers(Elf),
+ %% Combine ExnHandlers and Safe point addresses (return addresses):
+ ExnAndSPOffs = combine_ras_and_exns(ExnHandlers, SPOffs, []),
+ create_sdesc_list(ExnAndSPOffs, StkFrameSize, StkArity, LiveRoots, [])
+ end.
+%% @doc Extracts a bunch of integers (live roots) from a binary. Returns a tuple
+%% as need for stack descriptors.
+get_liveroots(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ list_to_tuple(Acc);
+ MoreRoots/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ get_liveroots(MoreRoots, [Root | Acc]).
+%% @doc Extracts a bunch of integers (safepoint offsets) from a binary. Returns
+%% a tuple as need for stack descriptors.
+get_spoffs(<<>>, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+get_spoffs(<<SPOff:?bits(?SP_ADDR_SIZE)/integer-little, More/binary>>, Acc) ->
+ get_spoffs(More, [SPOff | Acc]).
+combine_ras_and_exns(_, [], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+combine_ras_and_exns(ExnHandlers, [RA | MoreRAs], Acc) ->
+ %% FIXME: do something better than O(n^2) by taking advantage of the property
+ %% ||ExnHandlers|| <= ||RAs||
+ Handler = find_exn_handler(RA, ExnHandlers),
+ combine_ras_and_exns(ExnHandlers, MoreRAs, [{Handler, RA} | Acc]).
+find_exn_handler(_, []) ->
+ [];
+find_exn_handler(RA, [{Start, End, Handler} | MoreExnHandlers]) ->
+ case (RA >= Start andalso RA =< End) of
+ true ->
+ Handler;
+ false ->
+ find_exn_handler(RA, MoreExnHandlers)
+ end.
+create_sdesc_list([], _, _, _, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+create_sdesc_list([{ExnLbl, SPOff} | MoreExnAndSPOffs],
+ StkFrameSize, StkArity, LiveRoots, Acc) ->
+ Hdlr = case ExnLbl of
+ 0 -> [];
+ N -> N
+ end,
+ create_sdesc_list(MoreExnAndSPOffs, StkFrameSize, StkArity, LiveRoots,
+ [{?SDESC, SPOff, {Hdlr, StkFrameSize, StkArity, LiveRoots}}
+ | Acc]).
+%% @doc This function is responsible for correcting the stack descriptors of
+%% the calls that are found in the code and have more than NR_ARG_REGS
+%% (thus, some of their arguments are passed to the stack). Because of the
+%% Reserved Call Frame feature that the LLVM uses, the stack descriptors
+%% are not correct since at the point of call the frame size is reduced
+%% by the number of arguments that are passed on the stack. Also, the
+%% offsets of the roots need to be re-adjusted.
+fix_stack_descriptors(_, _, [], _) ->
+ [];
+fix_stack_descriptors(RelocsDict, Relocs, SDescs, ExposedClosures) ->
+ %% NamedCalls are MFA and BIF calls that need fix
+ NamedCalls = calls_with_stack_args(RelocsDict),
+ NamedCallsOffs = calls_offsets_arity(Relocs, NamedCalls),
+ ExposedClosures1 =
+ case dict:is_key("table_closures", RelocsDict) of
+ true -> %% A Table with closures exists
+ {table_closures, ArityList} = dict:fetch("table_closures", RelocsDict),
+ case ExposedClosures of
+ {_, Offsets} ->
+ lists:zip(Offsets, ArityList);
+ _ ->
+ exit({?MODULE, fix_stack_descriptors,
+ {"Wrong exposed closures", ExposedClosures}})
+ end;
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
+ ClosuresOffs = closures_offsets_arity(ExposedClosures1, SDescs),
+ fix_sdescs(NamedCallsOffs ++ ClosuresOffs, SDescs).
+%% @doc This function takes as argument the relocation dictionary as produced by
+%% the translation of RTL code to LLVM and finds the names of the calls
+%% (MFA and BIF calls) that have more than NR_ARG_REGS.
+calls_with_stack_args(Dict) ->
+ calls_with_stack_args(dict:to_list(Dict), []).
+calls_with_stack_args([], Calls) -> Calls;
+calls_with_stack_args([ {_Name, {call, {M, F, A}}} | Rest], Calls)
+ when A > ?NR_ARG_REGS ->
+ Call =
+ case M of
+ bif -> {F,A};
+ _ -> {M,F,A}
+ end,
+ calls_with_stack_args(Rest, [Call|Calls]);
+calls_with_stack_args([_|Rest], Calls) ->
+ calls_with_stack_args(Rest, Calls).
+%% @doc This function extracts the stack arity and the offset in the code of
+%% the named calls (MFAs, BIFs) that have stack arguments.
+calls_offsets_arity(AccRefs, CallsWithStackArgs) ->
+ calls_offsets_arity(AccRefs, CallsWithStackArgs, []).
+calls_offsets_arity([], _, Acc) -> Acc;
+calls_offsets_arity([{Type, Offset, Term} | Rest], CallsWithStackArgs, Acc)
+ when Type =:= ?CALL_REMOTE orelse Type =:= ?CALL_LOCAL ->
+ case lists:member(Term, CallsWithStackArgs) of
+ true ->
+ Arity =
+ case Term of
+ {_M, _F, A} -> A;
+ {_F, A} -> A
+ end,
+ calls_offsets_arity(Rest, CallsWithStackArgs,
+ [{Offset + 4, Arity - ?NR_ARG_REGS} | Acc]);
+ false ->
+ calls_offsets_arity(Rest, CallsWithStackArgs, Acc)
+ end;
+calls_offsets_arity([_|Rest], CallsWithStackArgs, Acc) ->
+ calls_offsets_arity(Rest, CallsWithStackArgs, Acc).
+%% @doc This function extracts the stack arity and the offsets of closures that
+%% have stack arity. The Closures argument represents the
+%% hipe_bifs:llvm_exposure_closure/0 calls in the code. The actual closure
+%% is the next call in the code, so the offset of the next call must be
+%% calculated from the stack descriptors.
+closures_offsets_arity([], _) ->
+ [];
+closures_offsets_arity(ExposedClosures, SDescs) ->
+ Offsets = [Offset || {_, Offset, _} <- SDescs],
+ %% Offsets and closures must be sorted in order for find_offsets/3 to work
+ SortedOffsets = lists:sort(Offsets),
+ SortedExposedClosures = lists:keysort(1, ExposedClosures),
+ find_offsets(SortedExposedClosures, SortedOffsets, []).
+find_offsets([], _, Acc) -> Acc;
+find_offsets([{Off,Arity}|Rest], Offsets, Acc) ->
+ [I | RestOffsets] = lists:dropwhile(fun (Y) -> Y<Off end, Offsets),
+ find_offsets(Rest, RestOffsets, [{I, Arity}|Acc]).
+%% The function below corrects the stack descriptors of calls with arguments
+%% that are passed on the stack (more than NR_ARG_REGS) by subtracting the
+%% number of stacked arguments from the frame size and from the offset of the
+%% roots.
+fix_sdescs([], SDescs) -> SDescs;
+fix_sdescs([{Offset, Arity} | Rest], SDescs) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Offset, 2, SDescs) of
+ false ->
+ fix_sdescs(Rest, SDescs);
+ {?SDESC, Offset, {ExnHandler, FrameSize, StkArity, Roots}} ->
+ FixedRoots = list_to_tuple([Ri - Arity || Ri <- tuple_to_list(Roots)]),
+ FixedSDesc =
+ {?SDESC, Offset, {ExnHandler, FrameSize - Arity, StkArity, FixedRoots}},
+ fix_sdescs(Rest, [FixedSDesc | lists:keydelete(Offset, 2, SDescs)])
+ end.
+%% Miscellaneous functions
+%% @doc A function that opens a file as binary. The function takes as argument
+%% the name of the file and returns an Erlang binary.
+-spec open_object_file(string()) -> binary().
+open_object_file(ObjFile) ->
+ case file:read_file(ObjFile) of
+ {ok, Binary} ->
+ Binary;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({?MODULE, open_file, Reason})
+ end.
+remove_temp_folder(Dir, Options) ->
+ case proplists:get_bool(llvm_save_temps, Options) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> spawn(fun () -> "" = os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ Dir) end), ok
+ end.
+unique_id(FunName, Arity) ->
+ integer_to_list(erlang:phash2({FunName, Arity, now()})).
+unique_folder(FunName, Arity, Options) ->
+ DirName = "llvm_" ++ unique_id(FunName, Arity) ++ "/",
+ Dir =
+ case proplists:get_bool(llvm_save_temps, Options) of
+ true -> %% Store folder in current directory
+ DirName;
+ false -> %% Temporarily store folder in tempfs (/dev/shm/)
+ "/dev/shm/" ++ DirName
+ end,
+ %% Make sure it does not exist
+ case dir_exists(Dir) of
+ true -> %% Dir already exists! Generate again.
+ unique_folder(FunName, Arity, Options);
+ false ->
+ Dir
+ end.
+%% @doc Function that checks that a given Filename is an existing Directory
+%% Name (from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Ensure_that_a_file_exists#Erlang)
+dir_exists(Filename) ->
+ {Flag, Info} = file:read_file_info(Filename),
+ (Flag =:= ok) andalso (element(3, Info) =:= directory).
+%% @doc Function that takes as arguments a list of integers and a list with
+%% numbers indicating how many items should each tuple have and splits
+%% the original list to a list of lists of integers (with the specified
+%% number of elements), i.e. [ [...], [...] ].
+-spec split_list([integer()], [integer()]) -> [ [integer()] ].
+split_list(List, ElemsPerTuple) ->
+ split_list(List, ElemsPerTuple, []).
+-spec split_list([integer()], [integer()], [ [integer()] ]) -> [ [integer()] ].
+split_list([], [], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+split_list(List, [NumOfElems | MoreNums], Acc) ->
+ {L1, L2} = lists:split(NumOfElems, List),
+ split_list(L2, MoreNums, [ L1 | Acc]).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_merge.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_merge.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ababfc21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_merge.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+finalize(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports) ->
+ CompiledCode1 = [CodePack || {_, CodePack} <- CompiledCode],
+ Code = [{MFA, [], ConstTab}
+ || {MFA, _, _ , ConstTab, _, _} <- CompiledCode1],
+ {ConstAlign, ConstSize, ConstMap, RefsFromConsts} =
+ hipe_pack_constants:pack_constants(Code, ?ARCH_REGISTERS:alignment()),
+ %% Compute total code size separately as a sanity check for alignment
+ CodeSize = compute_code_size(CompiledCode1, 0),
+ %% io:format("Code Size (pre-computed): ~w~n", [CodeSize]),
+ {CodeBinary, ExportMap} = merge_mfas(CompiledCode1, 0, <<>>, []),
+ %% io:format("Code Size (post-computed): ~w~n", [byte_size(CodeBinary)]),
+ ?VERBOSE_ASSERT(CodeSize =:= byte_size(CodeBinary)),
+ AccRefs = merge_refs(CompiledCode1, ConstMap, 0, []),
+ %% Bring CompiledCode to a combine_label_maps-acceptable form.
+ LabelMap = combine_label_maps(CompiledCode1, 0, gb_trees:empty()),
+ SC = hipe_pack_constants:slim_constmap(ConstMap),
+ DataRelocs = hipe_pack_constants:mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
+ SSE = hipe_pack_constants:slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap, Closures, Exports),
+ SlimRefs = hipe_pack_constants:slim_refs(AccRefs),
+ term_to_binary([{?VERSION_STRING(),?HIPE_SYSTEM_CRC},
+ ConstAlign, ConstSize,
+ SC, % ConstMap
+ DataRelocs, % LabelMap
+ SSE, % ExportMap
+ CodeSize, CodeBinary, SlimRefs,
+ 0,[] % ColdCodeSize, SlimColdRefs
+ ]).
+%% Copied from hipe_x86_assemble.erl
+nr_pad_bytes(Address) ->
+ (4 - (Address rem 4)) rem 4. % XXX: 16 or 32 instead?
+align_entry(Address) ->
+ Address + nr_pad_bytes(Address).
+compute_code_size([{_MFA, _BinaryCode, CodeSize, _, _, _}|Code], Size) ->
+ compute_code_size(Code, align_entry(Size+CodeSize));
+compute_code_size([], Size) -> Size.
+combine_label_maps([{MFA, _, CodeSize, _, _, LabelMap}|Code], Address, CLM) ->
+ NewCLM = merge_label_map(gb_trees:to_list(LabelMap), MFA, Address, CLM),
+ combine_label_maps(Code, align_entry(Address+CodeSize), NewCLM);
+combine_label_maps([], _Address, CLM) -> CLM.
+merge_label_map([{Label,Offset}|Rest], MFA, Address, CLM) ->
+ NewCLM = gb_trees:insert({MFA,Label}, Address+Offset, CLM),
+ merge_label_map(Rest, MFA, Address, NewCLM);
+merge_label_map([], _MFA, _Address, CLM) -> CLM.
+%% @doc Merge the MFAs' binary code to one continuous binary and compute the
+%% size of this binary. At the same time create an exportmap in a form
+%% of {Address, M, F, A}.
+%% XXX: Is alignment correct/optimal for X86/AMD64?
+merge_mfas([{{M,F,A}, CodeBinary, CodeSize, _, _, _}|Code],
+ Address, AccCode, AccExportMap) ->
+ ?VERBOSE_ASSERT(CodeSize =:= byte_size(CodeBinary)),
+ {Address1, Code1} =
+ case nr_pad_bytes(Address + CodeSize) of
+ 0 -> %% Retains alignment:
+ {Address + CodeSize, CodeBinary};
+ NrPadBytes -> %% Needs padding!
+ Padding = list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(NrPadBytes, 0)),
+ {Address + CodeSize + NrPadBytes, % =:= align_entry(Address+CodeSize)
+ <<CodeBinary/binary, Padding/binary>>}
+ end,
+ ?VERBOSE_ASSERT(Address1 =:=
+ align_entry(Address + CodeSize)), %XXX: Should address be aligned?
+ AccCode1 = <<AccCode/binary, Code1/binary>>,
+ merge_mfas(Code, Address1, AccCode1, [{Address, M, F, A}|AccExportMap]);
+merge_mfas([], _Address, AccCode, AccExportMap) ->
+ {AccCode, AccExportMap}.
+%% @doc Merge the references of relocatable symbols in the binary code. The
+%% offsets must be updated because of the merging of the code binaries!
+merge_refs([], _ConstMap, _Addr, AccRefs) -> AccRefs;
+merge_refs([{MFA, _, CodeSize, _, Refs, _}|Rest], ConstMap, Address, AccRefs) ->
+ %% Important!: The hipe_pack_constants:pack_constants/2 function assignes
+ %% unique numbers to constants (ConstNo). This numbers are used from now on,
+ %% instead of labels that were used before. So, in order to be compatible, we
+ %% must change all the constant labels in the Refs to the corresponding
+ %% ConstNo, that can be found in the ConstMap (#pcm_entry{}).
+ UpdatedRefs = [update_ref(label_to_constno(Ref, MFA, ConstMap), Address)
+ || Ref <- Refs],
+ merge_refs(Rest, ConstMap, align_entry(Address+CodeSize),
+ UpdatedRefs++AccRefs).
+label_to_constno({Type, Offset, {constant, Label}}, MFA, ConstMap) ->
+ ConstNo = hipe_pack_constants:find_const({MFA, Label}, ConstMap),
+ {Type, Offset, {constant, ConstNo}};
+label_to_constno(Other, _MFA, _ConstMap) ->
+ Other.
+%% @doc Update offset to a reference. In case of stack descriptors we must check
+%% if there exists an exception handler, because it must also be updated.
+update_ref({?SDESC, Offset, SDesc}, CodeAddr) ->
+ NewRefAddr = Offset+CodeAddr,
+ case SDesc of
+ {[], _, _, _} -> % No handler; only update offset
+ {?SDESC, NewRefAddr, SDesc};
+ {ExnHandler, FrameSize, StackArity, Roots} -> % Update exception handler
+ {?SDESC, NewRefAddr, {ExnHandler+CodeAddr, FrameSize, StackArity, Roots}}
+ end;
+update_ref({Type, Offset, Term}, CodeAddr) ->
+ {Type, Offset+CodeAddr, Term}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7d8d1b049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1613 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+-author("Chris Stavrakakis, Yiannis Tsiouris").
+-export([translate/2]). % the main function of this module
+-export([fix_mfa_name/1]). % a help function used in hipe_llvm_main
+-define(WORD_WIDTH, (?bytes_to_bits(hipe_rtl_arch:word_size()))).
+-define(BRANCH_META_TAKEN, "0").
+-define(BRANCH_META_NOT_TAKEN, "1").
+%% @doc Main function for translating an RTL function to LLVM Assembly. Takes as
+%% input the RTL code and the variable indexes of possible garbage
+%% collection roots and returns the corresponing LLVM, a dictionary with
+%% all the relocations in the code and a hipe_consttab() with informaton
+%% about data.
+translate(RTL, Roots) ->
+ Fun = hipe_rtl:rtl_fun(RTL),
+ Params = hipe_rtl:rtl_params(RTL),
+ Data = hipe_rtl:rtl_data(RTL),
+ Code = hipe_rtl:rtl_code(RTL),
+ %% Init unique symbol generator and initialize the label counter to the last
+ %% RTL label.
+ hipe_gensym:init(llvm),
+ {_, MaxLabel} = hipe_rtl:rtl_label_range(RTL),
+ put({llvm,label_count}, MaxLabel + 1),
+ %% Put first label of RTL code in process dictionary
+ find_code_entry_label(Code),
+ %% Initialize relocations symbol dictionary
+ Relocs = dict:new(),
+ %% Print RTL to file
+ %% {ok, File_rtl} = file:open("rtl_" ++integer_to_list(random:uniform(2000))
+ %% ++ ".rtl", [write]),
+ %% hipe_rtl:pp(File_rtl, RTL),
+ %% file:close(File_rtl),
+ %% Pass on RTL code to handle exception handling and identify labels of Fail
+ %% Blocks
+ {Code1, FailLabels} = fix_code(Code),
+ %% Allocate stack slots for each virtual register and declare gc roots
+ AllocaStackCode = alloca_stack(Code1, Params, Roots),
+ %% Translate Code
+ {LLVM_Code1, Relocs1, NewData} =
+ translate_instr_list(Code1, [], Relocs, Data),
+ %% Create LLVM code to declare relocation symbols as external symbols along
+ %% with local variables in order to use them as just any other variable
+ {FinalRelocs, ExternalDecl, LocalVars} =
+ handle_relocations(Relocs1, Data, Fun),
+ %% Pass on LLVM code in order to create Fail blocks and a landingpad
+ %% instruction to each one
+ LLVM_Code2 = add_landingpads(LLVM_Code1, FailLabels),
+ %% Create LLVM Code for the compiled function
+ LLVM_Code3 = create_function_definition(Fun, Params, LLVM_Code2,
+ AllocaStackCode ++ LocalVars),
+ %% Final Code = CompiledFunction + External Declarations
+ FinalLLVMCode = [LLVM_Code3 | ExternalDecl],
+ {FinalLLVMCode, FinalRelocs, NewData}.
+find_code_entry_label([]) ->
+ exit({?MODULE, find_code_entry_label, "Empty code"});
+find_code_entry_label([I|_]) ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_label(I) of
+ true ->
+ put(first_label, hipe_rtl:label_name(I));
+ false ->
+ exit({?MODULE, find_code_entry_label, "First instruction is not a label"})
+ end.
+%% @doc Create a stack slot for each virtual register. The stack slots
+%% that correspond to possible garbage collection roots must be
+%% marked as such.
+alloca_stack(Code, Params, Roots) ->
+ %% Find all assigned virtual registers
+ Destinations = collect_destinations(Code),
+ %% Declare virtual registers, and declare garbage collection roots
+ do_alloca_stack(Destinations++Params, Params, Roots).
+collect_destinations(Code) ->
+ lists:usort(lists:flatmap(fun insn_dst/1, Code)).
+do_alloca_stack(Destinations, Params, Roots) ->
+ do_alloca_stack(Destinations, Params, Roots, []).
+do_alloca_stack([], _, _, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+do_alloca_stack([D|Ds], Params, Roots, Acc) ->
+ {Name, _I} = trans_dst(D),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)),
+ case hipe_rtl:is_var(D) of
+ true ->
+ Num = hipe_rtl:var_index(D),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_alloca(Name, WordTy, [], []),
+ case lists:member(Num, Roots) of
+ true -> %% Variable is a possible Root
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ BYTE_TYPE_PP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTyPtr),
+ I2 =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T1, bitcast, WordTyPtr, Name, BYTE_TYPE_PP),
+ GcRootArgs = [{BYTE_TYPE_PP, T1}, {ByteTyPtr, "@gc_metadata"}],
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call([], false, [], [], hipe_llvm:mk_void(),
+ "@llvm.gcroot", GcRootArgs, []),
+ I4 = case lists:member(D, Params) of
+ false ->
+ hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, "-5", WordTyPtr, Name,
+ [], [], false);
+ true -> []
+ end,
+ do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, [I1, I2, I3, I4 | Acc]);
+ false ->
+ do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, [I1|Acc])
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_reg(D) andalso isPrecoloured(D) of
+ true -> %% Precoloured registers are mapped to "special" stack slots
+ do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, Acc);
+ false ->
+ I1 = case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(D) of
+ true ->
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_alloca(Name, FloatTy, [], []);
+ false -> hipe_llvm:mk_alloca(Name, WordTy, [], [])
+ end,
+ do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, [I1|Acc])
+ end
+ end.
+%% @doc Translation of the linearized RTL Code. Each RTL instruction is
+%% translated to a list of LLVM Assembly instructions. The relocation
+%% dictionary is updated when needed.
+translate_instr_list([], Acc, Relocs, Data) ->
+ {lists:reverse(lists:flatten(Acc)), Relocs, Data};
+translate_instr_list([I | Is], Acc, Relocs, Data) ->
+ {Acc1, NewRelocs, NewData} = translate_instr(I, Relocs, Data),
+ translate_instr_list(Is, [Acc1 | Acc], NewRelocs, NewData).
+translate_instr(I, Relocs, Data) ->
+ case I of
+ #alu{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_alu(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #alub{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_alub(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #branch{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_branch(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #call{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} =
+ case hipe_rtl:call_fun(I) of
+ %% In AMD64 this instruction does nothing!
+ %% TODO: chech use of fwait in other architectures!
+ fwait ->
+ {[], Relocs};
+ _ ->
+ trans_call(I, Relocs)
+ end,
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #comment{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_comment(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #enter{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_enter(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #fconv{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fconv(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #fload{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fload(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #fmove{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fmove(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #fp{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fp(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #fp_unop{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fp_unop(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #fstore{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fstore(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #goto{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_goto(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #label{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_label(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #load{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_load(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #load_address{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_load_address(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #load_atom{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_load_atom(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #move{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_move(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #return{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_return(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #store{} ->
+ {I2, Relocs2} = trans_store(I, Relocs),
+ {I2, Relocs2, Data};
+ #switch{} -> %% Only switch instruction updates Data
+ {I2, Relocs2, NewData} = trans_switch(I, Relocs, Data),
+ {I2, Relocs2, NewData};
+ Other ->
+ exit({?MODULE, translate_instr, {"Unknown RTL instruction", Other}})
+ end.
+%% alu
+trans_alu(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:alu_dst(I),
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ {Src1, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src1(I)),
+ {Src2, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src2(I)),
+ Op = trans_op(hipe_rtl:alu_op(I)),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(TmpDst, Op, WordTy, Src1, Src2, []),
+ I4 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, RtlDst),
+ {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% alub
+trans_alub(I, Relocs) ->
+ case hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I) of
+ Op when Op =:= overflow orelse Op =:= not_overflow ->
+ trans_alub_overflow(I, signed, Relocs);
+ ltu -> %% ltu means unsigned overflow
+ trans_alub_overflow(I, unsigned, Relocs);
+ _ ->
+ trans_alub_no_overflow(I, Relocs)
+ end.
+trans_alub_overflow(I, Sign, Relocs) ->
+ {Src1, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src1(I)),
+ {Src2, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src2(I)),
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I),
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ Name = trans_alub_op(I, Sign),
+ NewRelocs = relocs_store(Name, {call, {llvm, Name, 2}}, Relocs),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ ReturnType = hipe_llvm:mk_struct([WordTy, hipe_llvm:mk_int(1)]),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, false, [], [], ReturnType, "@" ++ Name,
+ [{WordTy, Src1}, {WordTy, Src2}], []),
+ %% T1{0}: result of the operation
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(TmpDst, ReturnType, T1 , "0", []),
+ I5 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, RtlDst),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ %% T1{1}: Boolean variable indicating overflow
+ I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(T2, ReturnType, T1, "1", []),
+ case hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I) of
+ Op when Op =:= overflow orelse Op =:= ltu ->
+ True_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I)),
+ False_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I)),
+ MetaData = branch_metadata(hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I));
+ not_overflow ->
+ True_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I)),
+ False_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I)),
+ MetaData = branch_metadata(1 - hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I))
+ end,
+ I7 = hipe_llvm:mk_br_cond(T2, True_label, False_label, MetaData),
+ {[I7, I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], NewRelocs}.
+trans_alub_op(I, Sign) ->
+ Name =
+ case Sign of
+ signed ->
+ case hipe_rtl:alub_op(I) of
+ add -> "llvm.sadd.with.overflow.";
+ mul -> "llvm.smul.with.overflow.";
+ sub -> "llvm.ssub.with.overflow.";
+ Op -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator", Op}})
+ end;
+ unsigned ->
+ case hipe_rtl:alub_op(I) of
+ add -> "llvm.uadd.with.overflow.";
+ mul -> "llvm.umul.with.overflow.";
+ sub -> "llvm.usub.with.overflow.";
+ Op -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator", Op}})
+ end
+ end,
+ Type =
+ case hipe_rtl_arch:word_size() of
+ 4 -> "i32";
+ 8 -> "i64"
+ %% Other -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown type", Other}})
+ end,
+ Name ++ Type.
+trans_alub_no_overflow(I, Relocs) ->
+ %% alu
+ T = hipe_rtl:mk_alu(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I), hipe_rtl:alub_src1(I),
+ hipe_rtl:alub_op(I), hipe_rtl:alub_src2(I)),
+ %% A trans_alu instruction cannot change relocations
+ {I1, _} = trans_alu(T, Relocs),
+ %% icmp
+ %% Translate destination as src, to match with the semantics of instruction
+ {Dst, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I)),
+ Cond = trans_rel_op(hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I)),
+ T3 = mk_temp(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_icmp(T3, Cond, WordTy, Dst, "0"),
+ %% br
+ Metadata = branch_metadata(hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I)),
+ True_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I)),
+ False_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I)),
+ I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_br_cond(T3, True_label, False_label, Metadata),
+ {[I6, I5, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% branch
+trans_branch(I, Relocs) ->
+ {Src1, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src1(I)),
+ {Src2, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src2(I)),
+ Cond = trans_rel_op(hipe_rtl:branch_cond(I)),
+ %% icmp
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_icmp(T1, Cond, WordTy, Src1, Src2),
+ %% br
+ True_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:branch_true_label(I)),
+ False_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:branch_false_label(I)),
+ Metadata = branch_metadata(hipe_rtl:branch_pred(I)),
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_br_cond(T1, True_label, False_label, Metadata),
+ {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+branch_metadata(X) when X =:= 0.5 -> [];
+branch_metadata(X) when X > 0.5 -> ?BRANCH_META_TAKEN;
+branch_metadata(X) when X < 0.5 -> ?BRANCH_META_NOT_TAKEN.
+%% call
+trans_call(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlCallArgList= hipe_rtl:call_arglist(I),
+ RtlCallName = hipe_rtl:call_fun(I),
+ {I0, Relocs1} = expose_closure(RtlCallName, RtlCallArgList, Relocs),
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ {CallArgs, I1} = trans_call_args(RtlCallArgList),
+ FixedRegs = fixed_registers(),
+ {LoadedFixedRegs, I2} = load_fixed_regs(FixedRegs),
+ FinalArgs = fix_reg_args(LoadedFixedRegs) ++ CallArgs,
+ {Name, I3, Relocs2} =
+ trans_call_name(RtlCallName, Relocs1, CallArgs, FinalArgs),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ I4 =
+ case hipe_rtl:call_fail(I) of
+ %% Normal Call
+ [] ->
+ hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, false, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, Name, FinalArgs,
+ []);
+ %% Call With Exception
+ FailLabelNum ->
+ TrueLabel = "L" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:call_normal(I)),
+ FailLabel = "%FL" ++ integer_to_list(FailLabelNum),
+ II1 =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_invoke(T1, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, Name, FinalArgs, [],
+ "%" ++ TrueLabel, FailLabel),
+ II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_label(TrueLabel),
+ [II2, II1]
+ end,
+ I5 = store_fixed_regs(FixedRegs, T1),
+ I6 =
+ case hipe_rtl:call_dstlist(I) of
+ [] -> []; %% No return value
+ [Destination] ->
+ II3 =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(TmpDst, FunRetTy, T1,
+ integer_to_list(?NR_PINNED_REGS), []),
+ II4 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, Destination),
+ [II4, II3]
+ end,
+ I7 =
+ case hipe_rtl:call_continuation(I) of
+ [] -> []; %% No continuation
+ CC ->
+ {II5, _} = trans_goto(hipe_rtl:mk_goto(CC), Relocs2),
+ II5
+ end,
+ {[I7, I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0], Relocs2}.
+%% In case of call to a register (closure call) with more than ?NR_ARG_REGS
+%% arguments we must track the offset this call in the code, in order to
+%% to correct the stack descriptor. So, we insert a new Label and add this label
+%% to the "table_closures"
+%% --------------------------------|--------------------------------------------
+%% Old Code | New Code
+%% --------------------------------|--------------------------------------------
+%% | br %ClosureLabel
+%% call %reg(Args) | ClosureLabel:
+%% | call %reg(Args)
+expose_closure(CallName, CallArgs, Relocs) ->
+ CallArgsNr = length(CallArgs),
+ case hipe_rtl:is_reg(CallName) andalso CallArgsNr > ?NR_ARG_REGS of
+ true ->
+ LabelNum = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm),
+ ClosureLabel = hipe_llvm:mk_label(mk_label(LabelNum)),
+ JumpIns = hipe_llvm:mk_br(mk_jump_label(LabelNum)),
+ Relocs1 =
+ relocs_store({CallName, LabelNum},
+ {closure_label, LabelNum, CallArgsNr - ?NR_ARG_REGS},
+ Relocs),
+ {[ClosureLabel, JumpIns], Relocs1};
+ false ->
+ {[], Relocs}
+ end.
+trans_call_name(RtlCallName, Relocs, CallArgs, FinalArgs) ->
+ case RtlCallName of
+ PrimOp when is_atom(PrimOp) ->
+ LlvmName = trans_prim_op(PrimOp),
+ Relocs1 =
+ relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, {bif, PrimOp, length(CallArgs)}}, Relocs),
+ {"@" ++ LlvmName, [], Relocs1};
+ {M, F, A} when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
+ LlvmName = trans_mfa_name({M, F, A}),
+ Relocs1 =
+ relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, {M, F, length(CallArgs)}}, Relocs),
+ {"@" ++ LlvmName, [], Relocs1};
+ Reg ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_reg(Reg) of
+ true ->
+ %% In case of a closure call, the register holding the address
+ %% of the closure must be converted to function type in
+ %% order to make the call
+ TT1 = mk_temp(),
+ {RegName, II1} = trans_src(Reg),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ II2 =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TT1, inttoptr, WordTy, RegName, WordTyPtr),
+ TT2 = mk_temp(),
+ ArgsTypeList = lists:duplicate(length(FinalArgs), WordTy),
+ FunRetTy =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ FunType = hipe_llvm:mk_fun(FunRetTy, ArgsTypeList),
+ FunTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FunType),
+ II3 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TT2, bitcast, WordTyPtr, TT1, FunTypeP),
+ {TT2, [II3, II2, II1], Relocs};
+ false ->
+ exit({?MODULE, trans_call, {"Unimplemented call to", RtlCallName}})
+ end
+ end.
+trans_call_args(ArgList) ->
+ {Args, I} = lists:unzip(trans_args(ArgList)),
+ %% Reverse arguments that are passed to stack to match with the Erlang
+ %% calling convention. (Propably not needed in prim calls.)
+ ReversedArgs =
+ case erlang:length(Args) > ?NR_ARG_REGS of
+ false ->
+ Args;
+ true ->
+ {ArgsInRegs, ArgsInStack} = lists:split(?NR_ARG_REGS, Args),
+ ArgsInRegs ++ lists:reverse(ArgsInStack)
+ end,
+ %% Reverse I, because some of the arguments may go out of scope and
+ %% should be killed(store -5). When two or more arguments are they
+ %% same, then order matters!
+ {ReversedArgs, lists:reverse(I)}.
+%% trans_comment
+trans_comment(I, Relocs) ->
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_comment(hipe_rtl:comment_text(I)),
+ {I1, Relocs}.
+%% enter
+trans_enter(I, Relocs) ->
+ {CallArgs, I0} = trans_call_args(hipe_rtl:enter_arglist(I)),
+ FixedRegs = fixed_registers(),
+ {LoadedFixedRegs, I1} = load_fixed_regs(FixedRegs),
+ FinalArgs = fix_reg_args(LoadedFixedRegs) ++ CallArgs,
+ {Name, I2, NewRelocs} =
+ trans_call_name(hipe_rtl:enter_fun(I), Relocs, CallArgs, FinalArgs),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, true, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, Name, FinalArgs, []),
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_ret([{FunRetTy, T1}]),
+ {[I4, I3, I2, I1, I0], NewRelocs}.
+%% fconv
+trans_fconv(I, Relocs) ->
+ %% XXX: Can a fconv destination be a precoloured reg?
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fconv_dst(I),
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(hipe_rtl:fconv_src(I)),
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TmpDst, sitofp, WordTy, Src, FloatTy),
+ I3 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst),
+ {[I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% TODO: fload, fstore, fmove, and fp are almost the same with load, store, move
+%% and alu. Maybe we should join them.
+%% fload
+trans_fload(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fload_dst(I),
+ RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:fload_src(I),
+ _Offset = hipe_rtl:fload_offset(I),
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc),
+ {Offset, I2} = trans_float_src(_Offset),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_double()),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T1, add, WordTy, Src, Offset, []),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, FloatTyPtr),
+ I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(TmpDst, FloatTyPtr, T2, [], [], false),
+ I6 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst),
+ {[I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% fmove
+trans_fmove(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fmove_dst(I),
+ RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:fmove_src(I),
+ {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc),
+ I2 = store_float_stack(Src, RtlDst),
+ {[I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% fp
+trans_fp(I, Relocs) ->
+ %% XXX: Just copied trans_alu...think again..
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fp_dst(I),
+ RtlSrc1 = hipe_rtl:fp_src1(I),
+ RtlSrc2 = hipe_rtl:fp_src2(I),
+ %% Destination cannot be a precoloured register
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy),
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ {Src1, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc1),
+ {Src2, I2} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc2),
+ Op = trans_fp_op(hipe_rtl:fp_op(I)),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(TmpDst, Op, FloatTy, Src1, Src2, []),
+ I4 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst),
+ %% Synchronization for floating point exceptions
+ I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(FloatTy, TmpDst, FloatTyPtr, "%exception_sync", [],
+ [], true),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, FloatTyPtr, "%exception_sync", [], [], true),
+ {[I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% fp_unop
+trans_fp_unop(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst(I),
+ RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_src(I),
+ %% Destination cannot be a precoloured register
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc),
+ Op = trans_fp_op(hipe_rtl:fp_unop_op(I)),
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(TmpDst, Op, FloatTy, "0.0", Src, []),
+ I3 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst),
+ {[I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% TODO: Fix fp_unop in a way like the following. You must change trans_dest,
+%% in order to call float_to_list in a case of float constant. Maybe the type
+%% check is expensive...
+%% Dst = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst(I),
+%% Src = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_src(I),
+%% Op = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_op(I),
+%% Zero = hipe_rtl:mk_imm(0.0),
+%% I1 = hipe_rtl:mk_fp(Dst, Zero, Op, Src),
+%% trans_fp(I, Relocs1).
+%% fstore
+trans_fstore(I, Relocs) ->
+ Base = hipe_rtl:fstore_base(I),
+ case isPrecoloured(Base) of
+ true ->
+ trans_fstore_reg(I, Relocs);
+ false ->
+ exit({?MODULE, trans_fstore ,{"Not implemented yet", false}})
+ end.
+trans_fstore_reg(I, Relocs) ->
+ {Base, I0} = trans_reg(hipe_rtl:fstore_base(I), dst),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, Base, [], [], false),
+ {Offset, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:fstore_offset(I)),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T2, add, WordTy, T1, Offset, []),
+ T3 = mk_temp(),
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T3, inttoptr, WordTy, T2, FloatTyPtr),
+ {Value, I5} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:fstore_src(I)),
+ I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(FloatTy, Value, FloatTyPtr, T3, [], [], false),
+ {[I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0], Relocs}.
+%% goto
+trans_goto(I, Relocs) ->
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_br(mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:goto_label(I))),
+ {I1, Relocs}.
+%% label
+trans_label(I, Relocs) ->
+ Label = mk_label(hipe_rtl:label_name(I)),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_label(Label),
+ {I1, Relocs}.
+%% load
+trans_load(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:load_dst(I),
+ TmpDst = mk_temp(),
+ %% XXX: Why translate them independently? ------------------------
+ {Src, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:load_src(I)),
+ {Offset, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:load_offset(I)),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T1, add, WordTy, Src, Offset, []),
+ %%----------------------------------------------------------------
+ I4 = case hipe_rtl:load_size(I) of
+ word ->
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, WordTyPtr),
+ II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(TmpDst, WordTyPtr, T2, [], [], false),
+ [II2, II1];
+ Size ->
+ LoadType = llvm_type_from_size(Size),
+ LoadTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(LoadType),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, LoadTypeP),
+ T3 = mk_temp(),
+ LoadTypePointer = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(LoadType),
+ II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T3, LoadTypePointer, T2, [], [], false),
+ Conversion =
+ case hipe_rtl:load_sign(I) of
+ signed -> sext;
+ unsigned -> zext
+ end,
+ II3 =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TmpDst, Conversion, LoadType, T3, WordTy),
+ [II3, II2, II1]
+ end,
+ I5 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, RtlDst),
+ {[I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% load_address
+trans_load_address(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:load_address_dst(I),
+ RtlAddr = hipe_rtl:load_address_addr(I),
+ {Addr, NewRelocs} =
+ case hipe_rtl:load_address_type(I) of
+ constant ->
+ {"%DL" ++ integer_to_list(RtlAddr) ++ "_var", Relocs};
+ closure ->
+ {{_, ClosureName, _}, _, _} = RtlAddr,
+ FixedClosureName = fix_closure_name(ClosureName),
+ Relocs1 = relocs_store(FixedClosureName, {closure, RtlAddr}, Relocs),
+ {"%" ++ FixedClosureName ++ "_var", Relocs1};
+ type ->
+ exit({?MODULE, trans_load_address,
+ {"Type not implemented in load_address", RtlAddr}})
+ end,
+ I1 = store_stack_dst(Addr, RtlDst),
+ {[I1], NewRelocs}.
+%% load_atom
+trans_load_atom(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:load_atom_dst(I),
+ RtlAtom = hipe_rtl:load_atom_atom(I),
+ AtomName = "atom_" ++ make_llvm_id(atom_to_list(RtlAtom)),
+ AtomVar = "%" ++ AtomName ++ "_var",
+ NewRelocs = relocs_store(AtomName, {atom, RtlAtom}, Relocs),
+ I1 = store_stack_dst(AtomVar, RtlDst),
+ {[I1], NewRelocs}.
+%% move
+trans_move(I, Relocs) ->
+ RtlDst = hipe_rtl:move_dst(I),
+ RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:move_src(I),
+ {Src, I1} = trans_src(RtlSrc),
+ I2 = store_stack_dst(Src, RtlDst),
+ {[I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% return
+trans_return(I, Relocs) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ {VarRet, I1} =
+ case hipe_rtl:return_varlist(I) of
+ [] ->
+ {[], []};
+ [A] ->
+ {Name, II1} = trans_src(A),
+ {[{WordTy, Name}], II1}
+ end,
+ FixedRegs = fixed_registers(),
+ {LoadedFixedRegs, I2} = load_fixed_regs(FixedRegs),
+ FixedRet = [{WordTy, X} || X <- LoadedFixedRegs],
+ Ret = FixedRet ++ VarRet,
+ {RetTypes, _RetNames} = lists:unzip(Ret),
+ Type = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(RetTypes),
+ {RetStruct, I3} = mk_return_struct(Ret, Type),
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_ret([{Type, RetStruct}]),
+ {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% @doc Create a structure to hold the return value and the precoloured
+%% registers.
+mk_return_struct(RetValues, Type) ->
+ mk_return_struct(RetValues, Type, [], "undef", 0).
+mk_return_struct([], _, Acc, StructName, _) ->
+ {StructName, Acc};
+mk_return_struct([{ElemType, ElemName}|Rest], Type, Acc, StructName, Index) ->
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_insertvalue(T1, Type, StructName, ElemType, ElemName,
+ integer_to_list(Index), []),
+ mk_return_struct(Rest, Type, [I1 | Acc], T1, Index+1).
+%% store
+trans_store(I, Relocs) ->
+ {Base, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:store_base(I)),
+ {Offset, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:store_offset(I)),
+ {Value, I3} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:store_src(I)),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T1, add, WordTy, Base, Offset, []),
+ I5 =
+ case hipe_rtl:store_size(I) of
+ word ->
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, WordTyPtr),
+ II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, Value, WordTyPtr, T2, [], [],
+ false),
+ [II2, II1];
+ Size ->
+ %% XXX: Is always trunc correct ?
+ LoadType = llvm_type_from_size(Size),
+ LoadTypePointer = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(LoadType),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, LoadTypePointer),
+ T3 = mk_temp(),
+ II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T3, 'trunc', WordTy, Value, LoadType),
+ II3 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(LoadType, T3, LoadTypePointer, T2, [], [], false),
+ [II3, II2, II1]
+ end,
+ {[I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
+%% switch
+trans_switch(I, Relocs, Data) ->
+ RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:switch_src(I),
+ {Src, I1} = trans_src(RtlSrc),
+ Labels = hipe_rtl:switch_labels(I),
+ JumpLabels = [mk_jump_label(L) || L <- Labels],
+ SortOrder = hipe_rtl:switch_sort_order(I),
+ NrLabels = length(Labels),
+ ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)),
+ TableType = hipe_llvm:mk_array(NrLabels, ByteTyPtr),
+ TableTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(TableType),
+ TypedJumpLabels = [{hipe_llvm:mk_label_type(), X} || X <- JumpLabels],
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ {Src2, []} = trans_dst(RtlSrc),
+ TableName = "table_" ++ tl(Src2),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_getelementptr(T1, TableTypeP, "@"++TableName,
+ [{WordTy, "0"}, {WordTy, Src}], false),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ BYTE_TYPE_PP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTyPtr),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T2, BYTE_TYPE_PP, T1, [], [], false),
+ I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_indirectbr(ByteTyPtr, T2, TypedJumpLabels),
+ LMap = [{label, L} || L <- Labels],
+ %% Update data with the info for the jump table
+ {NewData, JTabLab} =
+ case hipe_rtl:switch_sort_order(I) of
+ [] ->
+ hipe_consttab:insert_block(Data, word, LMap);
+ SortOrder ->
+ hipe_consttab:insert_sorted_block(Data, word, LMap, SortOrder)
+ end,
+ Relocs2 = relocs_store(TableName, {switch, {TableType, Labels, NrLabels,
+ SortOrder}, JTabLab}, Relocs),
+ {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs2, NewData}.
+%% @doc Pass on RTL code in order to fix invoke and closure calls.
+fix_code(Code) ->
+ fix_calls(Code).
+%% @doc Fix invoke calls and closure calls with more than ?NR_ARG_REGS
+%% arguments.
+fix_calls(Code) ->
+ fix_calls(Code, [], []).
+fix_calls([], Acc, FailLabels) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), FailLabels};
+fix_calls([I | Is], Acc, FailLabels) ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_call(I) of
+ true ->
+ {NewCall, NewFailLabels} =
+ case hipe_rtl:call_fail(I) of
+ [] ->
+ {I, FailLabels};
+ FailLabel ->
+ fix_invoke_call(I, FailLabel, FailLabels)
+ end,
+ fix_calls(Is, [NewCall|Acc], NewFailLabels);
+ false ->
+ fix_calls(Is, [I|Acc], FailLabels)
+ end.
+%% @doc When a call has a fail continuation label it must be extended with a
+%% normal continuation label to go with the LLVM's invoke instruction.
+%% FailLabels is the list of labels of all fail blocks, which are needed to
+%% be declared as landing pads. Furtermore, we must add to fail labels a
+%% call to hipe_bifs:llvm_fix_pinned_regs/0 in order to avoid reloading old
+%% values of pinned registers. This may happen because the result of an
+%% invoke instruction is not available at fail-labels, and, thus, we cannot
+%% get the correct values of pinned registers. Finally, the stack needs to
+%% be re-adjusted when there are stack arguments.
+fix_invoke_call(I, FailLabel, FailLabels) ->
+ NewLabel = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm),
+ NewCall1 = hipe_rtl:call_normal_update(I, NewLabel),
+ SpAdj = find_sp_adj(hipe_rtl:call_arglist(I)),
+ case lists:keyfind(FailLabel, 1, FailLabels) of
+ %% Same fail label with same Stack Pointer adjustment
+ {FailLabel, NewFailLabel, SpAdj} ->
+ NewCall2 = hipe_rtl:call_fail_update(NewCall1, NewFailLabel),
+ {NewCall2, FailLabels};
+ %% Same fail label but with different Stack Pointer adjustment
+ {_, _, _} ->
+ NewFailLabel = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm),
+ NewCall2 = hipe_rtl:call_fail_update(NewCall1, NewFailLabel),
+ {NewCall2, [{FailLabel, NewFailLabel, SpAdj} | FailLabels]};
+ %% New Fail label
+ false ->
+ NewFailLabel = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm),
+ NewCall2 = hipe_rtl:call_fail_update(NewCall1, NewFailLabel),
+ {NewCall2, [{FailLabel, NewFailLabel, SpAdj} | FailLabels]}
+ end.
+find_sp_adj(ArgList) ->
+ NrArgs = length(ArgList),
+ case NrArgs > ?NR_ARG_REGS of
+ true ->
+ (NrArgs - ?NR_ARG_REGS) * hipe_rtl_arch:word_size();
+ false ->
+ 0
+ end.
+%% @doc Add landingpad instruction in Fail Blocks.
+add_landingpads(LLVM_Code, FailLabels) ->
+ FailLabels2 = [convert_label(T) || T <- FailLabels],
+ add_landingpads(LLVM_Code, FailLabels2, []).
+add_landingpads([], _, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+add_landingpads([I | Is], FailLabels, Acc) ->
+ case hipe_llvm:is_label(I) of
+ true ->
+ Label = hipe_llvm:label_label(I),
+ Ins = create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels),
+ add_landingpads(Is, FailLabels, [I | Ins] ++ Acc);
+ false ->
+ add_landingpads(Is, FailLabels, [I | Acc])
+ end.
+convert_label({X,Y,Z}) ->
+ {"L" ++ integer_to_list(X), "FL" ++ integer_to_list(Y), Z}.
+%% @doc Create a fail block wich.
+create_fail_blocks(_, []) -> [];
+create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels) ->
+ create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels, []).
+create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keytake(Label, 1, FailLabels) of
+ false ->
+ Acc;
+ {value, {Label, FailLabel, SpAdj}, RestFailLabels} ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_label(FailLabel),
+ LP = hipe_llvm:mk_landingpad(),
+ I2 =
+ case SpAdj > 0 of
+ true ->
+ StackPointer = ?ARCH_REGISTERS:reg_name(?ARCH_REGISTERS:sp()),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_adj_stack(integer_to_list(SpAdj), StackPointer,
+ WordTy);
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ FixedRegs = fixed_registers(),
+ FunRetTy =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, false, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy,
+ "@hipe_bifs.llvm_fix_pinned_regs.0", [], []),
+ I4 = store_fixed_regs(FixedRegs, T1),
+ I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_br("%" ++ Label),
+ Ins = lists:flatten([I5, I4, I3, I2, LP,I1]),
+ create_fail_blocks(Label, RestFailLabels, Ins ++ Acc)
+ end.
+%% Miscellaneous Functions
+%% @doc Convert RTL argument list to LLVM argument list.
+trans_args(ArgList) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ MakeArg =
+ fun(A) ->
+ {Name, I1} = trans_src(A),
+ {{WordTy, Name}, I1}
+ end,
+ [MakeArg(A) || A <- ArgList].
+%% @doc Convert a list of Precoloured registers to LLVM argument list.
+fix_reg_args(ArgList) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ [{WordTy, A} || A <- ArgList].
+%% @doc Load Precoloured registers.
+load_fixed_regs(RegList) ->
+ Names = [mk_temp_reg(R) || R <- RegList],
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ Fun1 =
+ fun (X, Y) ->
+ hipe_llvm:mk_load(X, WordTyPtr, "%" ++ Y ++ "_reg_var", [], [], false)
+ end,
+ Ins = lists:zipwith(Fun1, Names, RegList),
+ {Names, Ins}.
+%% @doc Store Precoloured registers.
+store_fixed_regs(RegList, Name) ->
+ Names = [mk_temp_reg(R) || R <- RegList],
+ Indexes = lists:seq(0, erlang:length(RegList) - 1),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ Fun1 =
+ fun(X,Y) ->
+ hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(X, FunRetTy, Name, integer_to_list(Y), [])
+ end,
+ I1 = lists:zipwith(Fun1, Names, Indexes),
+ Fun2 =
+ fun (X, Y) ->
+ hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, X, WordTyPtr, "%" ++ Y ++ "_reg_var", [], [],
+ false)
+ end,
+ I2 = lists:zipwith(Fun2, Names, RegList),
+ [I2, I1].
+%% Translation of Names
+%% @doc Fix F in MFA tuple to acceptable LLVM identifier (case of closure).
+-spec fix_mfa_name(mfa()) -> mfa().
+fix_mfa_name({Mod_Name, Closure_Name, Arity}) ->
+ Fun_Name = list_to_atom(fix_closure_name(Closure_Name)),
+ {Mod_Name, Fun_Name, Arity}.
+%% @doc Make an acceptable LLVM identifier for a closure name.
+fix_closure_name(ClosureName) ->
+ make_llvm_id(atom_to_list(ClosureName)).
+%% @doc Create an acceptable LLVM identifier.
+make_llvm_id(Name) ->
+ case Name of
+ "" -> "Empty";
+ Other -> lists:flatten([llvm_id(C) || C <- Other])
+ end.
+llvm_id(C) when C=:=46; C>47 andalso C<58; C>64 andalso C<91; C=:=95;
+ C>96 andalso C<123 ->
+ C;
+llvm_id(C) ->
+ io_lib:format("_~2.16.0B_",[C]).
+%% @doc Create an acceptable LLVM identifier for an MFA.
+trans_mfa_name({M,F,A}) ->
+ N = atom_to_list(M) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(A),
+ make_llvm_id(N).
+%% Creation of Labels and Temporaries
+mk_label(N) ->
+ "L" ++ integer_to_list(N).
+mk_jump_label(N) ->
+ "%L" ++ integer_to_list(N).
+mk_temp() ->
+ "%t" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_gensym:new_var(llvm)).
+mk_temp_reg(Name) ->
+ "%" ++ Name ++ integer_to_list(hipe_gensym:new_var(llvm)).
+%% Translation of Operands
+store_stack_dst(TempDst, Dst) ->
+ {Dst2, II1} = trans_dst(Dst),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, TempDst, WordTyPtr, Dst2, [], [], false),
+ [II2, II1].
+store_float_stack(TempDst, Dst) ->
+ {Dst2, II1} = trans_dst(Dst),
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy),
+ II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(FloatTy, TempDst, FloatTyPtr, Dst2, [], [], false),
+ [II2, II1].
+trans_float_src(Src) ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_const_label(Src) of
+ true ->
+ Name = "@DL" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:const_label_label(Src)),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ %% XXX: Hardcoded offset
+ ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8),
+ ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTy),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_getelementptr(T1, ByteTyPtr, Name,
+ [{ByteTy, integer_to_list(?FLOAT_OFFSET)}], true),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy),
+ I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, bitcast, ByteTyPtr, T1, FloatTyPtr),
+ T3 = mk_temp(),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T3, FloatTyPtr, T2, [], [], false),
+ {T3, [I3, I2, I1]};
+ false ->
+ trans_src(Src)
+ end.
+trans_src(A) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ case hipe_rtl:is_imm(A) of
+ true ->
+ Value = integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:imm_value(A)),
+ {Value, []};
+ false ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_reg(A) of
+ true ->
+ case isPrecoloured(A) of
+ true -> trans_reg(A, src);
+ false ->
+ {Name, []} = trans_reg(A, src),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, Name, [], [], false),
+ {T1, [I1]}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_var(A) of
+ true ->
+ RootName = "%vr" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:var_index(A)),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, RootName, [], [], false),
+ I2 =
+ case hipe_rtl:var_liveness(A) of
+ live ->
+ [];
+ dead ->
+ NilValue = hipe_tagscheme:mk_nil(),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, integer_to_list(NilValue), WordTyPtr, RootName,
+ [], [], false)
+ end,
+ {T1, [I2, I1]};
+ false ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(A) of
+ true ->
+ {Name, []} = trans_dst(A),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_double()),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, FloatTyPtr, Name, [], [], false),
+ {T1, [I1]};
+ false -> trans_dst(A)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+trans_dst(A) ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_reg(A) of
+ true ->
+ trans_reg(A, dst);
+ false ->
+ Name = case hipe_rtl:is_var(A) of
+ true ->
+ "%vr" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:var_index(A));
+ false ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(A) of
+ true -> "%fr" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:fpreg_index(A));
+ false ->
+ case hipe_rtl:is_const_label(A) of
+ true ->
+ "%DL" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:const_label_label(A)) ++ "_var";
+ false ->
+ exit({?MODULE, trans_dst, {"Bad RTL argument",A}})
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ {Name, []}
+ end.
+%% @doc Translate a register. If it is precoloured it must be mapped to the
+%% correct stack slot that holds the precoloured register value.
+trans_reg(Arg, Position) ->
+ Index = hipe_rtl:reg_index(Arg),
+ case isPrecoloured(Arg) of
+ true ->
+ Name = map_precoloured_reg(Index),
+ case Position of
+ src -> fix_reg_src(Name);
+ dst -> fix_reg_dst(Name)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {hipe_rtl_arch:reg_name(Index), []}
+ end.
+map_precoloured_reg(Index) ->
+ case hipe_rtl_arch:reg_name(Index) of
+ "%r15" -> "%hp_reg_var";
+ "%rbp" -> "%p_reg_var";
+ "%esi" -> "%hp_reg_var";
+ "%ebp" -> "%p_reg_var";
+ "%fcalls" ->
+ {"%p_reg_var", ?ARCH_REGISTERS:proc_offset(?ARCH_REGISTERS:fcalls())};
+ "%hplim" ->
+ {"%p_reg_var", ?ARCH_REGISTERS:proc_offset(?ARCH_REGISTERS:heap_limit())};
+ _ ->
+ exit({?MODULE, map_precoloured_reg, {"Register not mapped yet", Index}})
+ end.
+%% @doc Load precoloured dst register.
+fix_reg_dst(Register) ->
+ case Register of
+ {Name, Offset} -> %% Case of %fcalls, %hplim
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ pointer_from_reg(Name, WordTy, Offset);
+ Name -> %% Case of %p and %hp
+ {Name, []}
+ end.
+%% @doc Load precoloured src register.
+fix_reg_src(Register) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ case Register of
+ {Name, Offset} -> %% Case of %fcalls, %hplim
+ {T1, I1} = pointer_from_reg(Name, WordTy, Offset),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T2, WordTyPtr, T1, [], [] , false),
+ {T2, [I2, I1]};
+ Name -> %% Case of %p and %hp
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ {T1, hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, Name, [], [], false)}
+ end.
+%% @doc Load %fcalls and %hplim.
+pointer_from_reg(RegName, Type, Offset) ->
+ PointerType = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(Type),
+ T1 = mk_temp(),
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, PointerType, RegName, [], [] ,false),
+ T2 = mk_temp(),
+ I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, Type, T1, PointerType),
+ T3 = mk_temp(),
+ %% XXX: Offsets should be a power of 2.
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_getelementptr(T3, PointerType, T2,
+ [{Type, integer_to_list(Offset div hipe_rtl_arch:word_size())}], true),
+ {T3, [I3, I2, I1]}.
+isPrecoloured(X) ->
+ hipe_rtl_arch:is_precoloured(X).
+%% Translation of operators
+trans_op(Op) ->
+ case Op of
+ add -> add;
+ sub -> sub;
+ 'or' -> 'or';
+ 'and' -> 'and';
+ 'xor' -> 'xor';
+ sll -> shl;
+ srl -> lshr;
+ sra -> ashr;
+ mul -> mul;
+ 'fdiv' -> fdiv;
+ 'sdiv' -> sdiv;
+ 'srem' -> srem;
+ Other -> exit({?MODULE, trans_op, {"Unknown RTL operator", Other}})
+ end.
+trans_rel_op(Op) ->
+ case Op of
+ eq -> eq;
+ ne -> ne;
+ gtu -> ugt;
+ geu -> uge;
+ ltu -> ult;
+ leu -> ule;
+ gt -> sgt;
+ ge -> sge;
+ lt -> slt;
+ le -> sle
+ end.
+trans_prim_op(Op) ->
+ case Op of
+ '+' -> "bif_add";
+ '-' -> "bif_sub";
+ '*' -> "bif_mul";
+ 'div' -> "bif_div";
+ '/' -> "bif_div";
+ Other -> atom_to_list(Other)
+ end.
+trans_fp_op(Op) ->
+ case Op of
+ fadd -> fadd;
+ fsub -> fsub;
+ fdiv -> fdiv;
+ fmul -> fmul;
+ fchs -> fsub;
+ Other -> exit({?MODULE, trans_fp_op, {"Unknown RTL float operator",Other}})
+ end.
+%% Misc.
+insn_dst(I) ->
+ case I of
+ #alu{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:alu_dst(I)];
+ #alub{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I)];
+ #call{} ->
+ case hipe_rtl:call_dstlist(I) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Dst] -> [Dst]
+ end;
+ #load{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:load_dst(I)];
+ #load_address{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:load_address_dst(I)];
+ #load_atom{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:load_atom_dst(I)];
+ #move{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:move_dst(I)];
+ #phi{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:phi_dst(I)];
+ #fconv{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:fconv_dst(I)];
+ #fload{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:fload_dst(I)];
+ #fmove{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:fmove_dst(I)];
+ #fp{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:fp_dst(I)];
+ #fp_unop{} ->
+ [hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst(I)];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+llvm_type_from_size(Size) ->
+ case Size of
+ byte -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(8);
+ int16 -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(16);
+ int32 -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(32);
+ word -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(64)
+ end.
+%% @doc Create definition for the compiled function. The parameters that are
+%% passed to the stack must be reversed to match with the CC. Also
+%% precoloured registers that are passed as arguments must be stored to
+%% the corresonding stack slots.
+create_function_definition(Fun, Params, Code, LocalVars) ->
+ FunctionName = trans_mfa_name(Fun),
+ FixedRegs = fixed_registers(),
+ %% Reverse parameters to match with the Erlang calling convention
+ ReversedParams =
+ case erlang:length(Params) > ?NR_ARG_REGS of
+ false ->
+ Params;
+ true ->
+ {ParamsInRegs, ParamsInStack} = lists:split(?NR_ARG_REGS, Params),
+ ParamsInRegs ++ lists:reverse(ParamsInStack)
+ end,
+ Args = header_regs(FixedRegs) ++ header_params(ReversedParams),
+ EntryLabel = hipe_llvm:mk_label("Entry"),
+ FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(),
+ ExceptionSync = hipe_llvm:mk_alloca("%exception_sync", FloatTy, [], []),
+ I2 = load_regs(FixedRegs),
+ I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_br(mk_jump_label(get(first_label))),
+ StoredParams = store_params(Params),
+ EntryBlock =
+ lists:flatten([EntryLabel, ExceptionSync, I2, LocalVars, StoredParams, I3]),
+ Final_Code = EntryBlock ++ Code,
+ FunctionOptions = [nounwind, noredzone, list_to_atom("gc \"erlang\"")],
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_fun_def([], [], "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, FunctionName, Args,
+ FunctionOptions, [], Final_Code).
+header_params(Params) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ [{WordTy, "%v" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:var_index(P))} || P <- Params].
+store_params(Params) ->
+ Fun1 =
+ fun(X) ->
+ Index = hipe_rtl:var_index(X),
+ {Name, _} = trans_dst(X),
+ ParamName = "%v" ++ integer_to_list(Index),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, ParamName, WordTyPtr, Name, [], [], false)
+ end,
+ lists:map(Fun1, Params).
+fixed_registers() ->
+ case get(hipe_target_arch) of
+ x86 ->
+ ["hp", "p"];
+ amd64 ->
+ ["hp", "p"];
+ Other ->
+ exit({?MODULE, map_registers, {"Unknown architecture", Other}})
+ end.
+header_regs(Registers) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ [{WordTy, "%" ++ X ++ "_in"} || X <- Registers].
+load_regs(Registers) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ Fun1 =
+ fun(X) ->
+ I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_alloca("%" ++ X ++ "_reg_var", WordTy, [], []),
+ I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, "%" ++ X ++ "_in", WordTyPtr,
+ "%" ++ X ++ "_reg_var", [], [], false),
+ [I1, I2]
+ end,
+ lists:map(Fun1, Registers).
+%% Relocation-specific Stuff
+relocs_store(Key, Value, Relocs) ->
+ dict:store(Key, Value, Relocs).
+relocs_to_list(Relocs) ->
+ dict:to_list(Relocs).
+%% @doc This function is responsible for the actions needed to handle
+%% relocations:
+%% 1) Updates relocations with constants and switch jump tables.
+%% 2) Creates LLVM code to declare relocations as external
+%% functions/constants.
+%% 3) Creates LLVM code in order to create local variables for the external
+%% constants/labels.
+handle_relocations(Relocs, Data, Fun) ->
+ RelocsList = relocs_to_list(Relocs),
+ %% Seperate Relocations according to their type
+ {CallList, AtomList, ClosureList, ClosureLabels, SwitchList} =
+ seperate_relocs(RelocsList),
+ %% Create code to declare atoms
+ AtomDecl = [declare_atom(A) || A <- AtomList],
+ %% Create code to create local name for atoms
+ AtomLoad = [load_atom(A) || A <- AtomList],
+ %% Create code to declare closures
+ ClosureDecl = [declare_closure(C) || C <- ClosureList],
+ %% Create code to create local name for closures
+ ClosureLoad = [load_closure(C) || C <- ClosureList],
+ %% Find function calls
+ IsExternalCall = fun (X) -> is_external_call(X, Fun) end,
+ ExternalCallList = lists:filter(IsExternalCall, CallList),
+ %% Create code to declare external function
+ FunDecl = fixed_fun_decl() ++ [call_to_decl(C) || C <- ExternalCallList],
+ %% Extract constant labels from Constant Map (remove duplicates)
+ ConstLabels = hipe_consttab:labels(Data),
+ %% Create code to declare constants
+ ConstDecl = [declare_constant(C) || C <- ConstLabels],
+ %% Create code to create local name for constants
+ ConstLoad = [load_constant(C) || C <- ConstLabels],
+ %% Create code to create jump tables
+ SwitchDecl = declare_switches(SwitchList, Fun),
+ %% Create code to create a table with the labels of all closure calls
+ {ClosureLabelDecl, Relocs1} =
+ declare_closure_labels(ClosureLabels, Relocs, Fun),
+ %% Enter constants to relocations
+ Relocs2 = lists:foldl(fun const_to_dict/2, Relocs1, ConstLabels),
+ %% Temporary Store inc_stack and llvm_fix_pinned_regs to Dictionary
+ %% TODO: Remove this
+ Relocs3 = dict:store("inc_stack_0", {call, {bif, inc_stack_0, 0}}, Relocs2),
+ Relocs4 = dict:store("hipe_bifs.llvm_fix_pinned_regs.0",
+ {call, {hipe_bifs, llvm_fix_pinned_regs, 0}}, Relocs3),
+ BranchMetaData = [
+ hipe_llvm:mk_branch_meta(?BRANCH_META_TAKEN, "99", "1")
+ , hipe_llvm:mk_branch_meta(?BRANCH_META_NOT_TAKEN, "1", "99")
+ ],
+ ExternalDeclarations = AtomDecl ++ ClosureDecl ++ ConstDecl ++ FunDecl ++
+ ClosureLabelDecl ++ SwitchDecl ++ BranchMetaData,
+ LocalVariables = AtomLoad ++ ClosureLoad ++ ConstLoad,
+ {Relocs4, ExternalDeclarations, LocalVariables}.
+%% @doc Seperate relocations according to their type.
+seperate_relocs(Relocs) ->
+ seperate_relocs(Relocs, [], [], [], [], []).
+seperate_relocs([], CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc) ->
+ {CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc};
+seperate_relocs([R|Rs], CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc) ->
+ case R of
+ {_, {call, _}} ->
+ seperate_relocs(Rs, [R | CallAcc], AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc,
+ JmpTableAcc);
+ {_, {atom, _}} ->
+ seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, [R | AtomAcc], ClosureAcc, LabelAcc,
+ JmpTableAcc);
+ {_, {closure, _}} ->
+ seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, AtomAcc, [R | ClosureAcc], LabelAcc,
+ JmpTableAcc);
+ {_, {switch, _, _}} ->
+ seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc,
+ [R | JmpTableAcc]);
+ {_, {closure_label, _, _}} ->
+ seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, [R | LabelAcc],
+ JmpTableAcc)
+ end.
+%% @doc External declaration of an atom.
+declare_atom({AtomName, _}) ->
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@" ++ AtomName, "external constant", WordTy, "").
+%% @doc Creation of local variable for an atom.
+load_atom({AtomName, _}) ->
+ Dst = "%" ++ AtomName ++ "_var",
+ Name = "@" ++ AtomName,
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(Dst, ptrtoint, WordTyPtr, Name, WordTy).
+%% @doc External declaration of a closure.
+declare_closure({ClosureName, _})->
+ ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@" ++ ClosureName, "external constant", ByteTy, "").
+%% @doc Creation of local variable for a closure.
+load_closure({ClosureName, _})->
+ Dst = "%" ++ ClosureName ++ "_var",
+ Name = "@" ++ ClosureName,
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(Dst, ptrtoint, ByteTyPtr, Name, WordTy).
+%% @doc Declaration of a local variable for a switch jump table.
+declare_switches(JumpTableList, Fun) ->
+ FunName = trans_mfa_name(Fun),
+ [declare_switch_table(X, FunName) || X <- JumpTableList].
+declare_switch_table({Name, {switch, {TableType, Labels, _, _}, _}}, FunName) ->
+ LabelList = [mk_jump_label(L) || L <- Labels],
+ Fun1 = fun(X) -> "i8* blockaddress(@" ++ FunName ++ ", " ++ X ++ ")" end,
+ List2 = lists:map(Fun1, LabelList),
+ List3 = string:join(List2, ",\n"),
+ List4 = "[\n" ++ List3 ++ "\n]\n",
+ hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@" ++ Name, "constant", TableType, List4).
+%% @doc Declaration of a variable for a table with the labels of all closure
+%% calls in the code.
+declare_closure_labels([], Relocs, _Fun) ->
+ {[], Relocs};
+declare_closure_labels(ClosureLabels, Relocs, Fun) ->
+ FunName = trans_mfa_name(Fun),
+ {LabelList, ArityList} =
+ lists:unzip([{mk_jump_label(Label), A} ||
+ {_, {closure_label, Label, A}} <- ClosureLabels]),
+ Relocs1 = relocs_store("table_closures", {table_closures, ArityList}, Relocs),
+ List2 =
+ ["i8* blockaddress(@" ++ FunName ++ ", " ++ L ++ ")" || L <- LabelList],
+ List3 = string:join(List2, ",\n"),
+ List4 = "[\n" ++ List3 ++ "\n]\n",
+ NrLabels = length(LabelList),
+ ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)),
+ TableType = hipe_llvm:mk_array(NrLabels, ByteTyPtr),
+ ConstDecl =
+ hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@table_closures", "constant", TableType, List4),
+ {[ConstDecl], Relocs1}.
+%% @doc A call is treated as non external only in a case of a recursive
+%% function.
+is_external_call({_, {call, Fun}}, Fun) -> false;
+is_external_call(_, _) -> true.
+%% @doc External declaration of a function.
+call_to_decl({Name, {call, MFA}}) ->
+ {M, _F, A} = MFA,
+ CConv = "cc 11",
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ {Type, Args} =
+ case M of
+ llvm ->
+ {hipe_llvm:mk_struct([WordTy, hipe_llvm:mk_int(1)]), [1, 2]};
+ %% +precoloured regs
+ _ ->
+ {FunRetTy, lists:seq(1, A + ?NR_PINNED_REGS)}
+ end,
+ ArgsTypes = lists:duplicate(length(Args), WordTy),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], CConv, [], Type, "@" ++ Name, ArgsTypes, []).
+%% @doc These functions are always declared, even if not used.
+fixed_fun_decl() ->
+ ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8),
+ ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTy),
+ LandPad = hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], [], [], hipe_llvm:mk_int(32),
+ "@__gcc_personality_v0", [hipe_llvm:mk_int(32), hipe_llvm:mk_int(64),
+ ByteTyPtr, ByteTyPtr], []),
+ GCROOTDecl = hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], [], [], hipe_llvm:mk_void(),
+ "@llvm.gcroot", [hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTyPtr), ByteTyPtr], []),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)),
+ FixPinnedRegs = hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], [], [], FunRetTy,
+ "@hipe_bifs.llvm_fix_pinned_regs.0", [], []),
+ GcMetadata = hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@gc_metadata", "external constant",
+ ByteTy, ""),
+ [LandPad, GCROOTDecl, FixPinnedRegs, GcMetadata].
+%% @doc Declare an External Consant. We declare all constants as i8 in order to
+%% be able to calcucate pointers of the form DL+6, with the getelementptr
+%% instruction. Otherwise we have to convert constants form pointers to
+%% values, add the offset and convert them again to pointers.
+declare_constant(Label) ->
+ Name = "@DL" ++ integer_to_list(Label),
+ ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl(Name, "external constant", ByteTy, "").
+%% @doc Load a constant is achieved by converting a pointer to an integer of
+%% the correct width.
+load_constant(Label) ->
+ Dst = "%DL" ++ integer_to_list(Label) ++ "_var",
+ Name = "@DL" ++ integer_to_list(Label),
+ WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH),
+ ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)),
+ hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(Dst, ptrtoint, ByteTyPtr, Name, WordTy).
+%% @doc Store external constants and calls to dictionary.
+const_to_dict(Elem, Dict) ->
+ Name = "DL" ++ integer_to_list(Elem),
+ dict:store(Name, {'constant', Elem}, Dict).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src
index bcdfcb0e03..e81212d4dc 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src
+++ b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ elf_format,
@@ -108,6 +109,10 @@
+ hipe_llvm,
+ hipe_llvm_liveness,
+ hipe_llvm_main,
+ hipe_llvm_merge,
@@ -159,6 +164,7 @@
+ hipe_rtl_to_llvm,
@@ -216,4 +222,6 @@
{applications, [kernel,stdlib]},
- {env, []}]}.
+ {env, []},
+ {runtime_dependencies, ["syntax_tools-1.6.14","stdlib-2.0","kernel-3.0",
+ "erts-6.0","compiler-5.0"]}]}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl
index 434d5c3061..539ce883c0 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
+ llvm_support_available/0,
@@ -648,7 +649,18 @@ run_compiler_1(DisasmFun, IcodeFun, Options) ->
%% The full option expansion is not done
%% until the DisasmFun returns.
{Code, CompOpts} = DisasmFun(Options),
- Opts = expand_options(Options ++ CompOpts),
+ Opts0 = expand_options(Options ++ CompOpts),
+ Opts =
+ case proplists:get_bool(to_llvm, Opts0) andalso
+ not llvm_support_available() of
+ true ->
+ ?error_msg("No LLVM version 3.4 or greater "
+ "found in $PATH; aborting "
+ "native code compilation.\n", []),
+ ?EXIT(cant_find_required_llvm_version);
+ false ->
+ Opts0
+ end,
?when_option(verbose, Options,
?debug_msg("Options: ~p.\n",[Opts])),
@@ -821,7 +833,9 @@ finalize_fun_sequential({MFA, Icode}, Opts, Servers) ->
?debug_msg("Compiled ~w in ~.2f s\n", [MFA,(T2-T1)/1000])),
{MFA, Code};
{rtl, LinearRtl} ->
- {MFA, LinearRtl}
+ {MFA, LinearRtl};
+ {llvm_binary, Binary} ->
+ {MFA, Binary}
error:Error ->
?when_option(verbose, Opts, ?debug_untagged_msg("\n", [])),
@@ -890,21 +904,27 @@ do_load(Mod, Bin, BeamBinOrPath) when is_binary(BeamBinOrPath);
assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options) ->
- case get(hipe_target_arch) of
- ultrasparc ->
- hipe_sparc_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
- powerpc ->
- hipe_ppc_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
- ppc64 ->
- hipe_ppc_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
- arm ->
- hipe_arm_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
- x86 ->
- hipe_x86_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
- amd64 ->
- hipe_amd64_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
- Arch ->
- ?EXIT({executing_on_an_unsupported_architecture, Arch})
+ case proplists:get_bool(to_llvm, Options) of
+ false ->
+ case get(hipe_target_arch) of
+ ultrasparc ->
+ hipe_sparc_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
+ powerpc ->
+ hipe_ppc_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
+ ppc64 ->
+ hipe_ppc_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
+ arm ->
+ hipe_arm_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
+ x86 ->
+ hipe_x86_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
+ amd64 ->
+ hipe_amd64_assemble:assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options);
+ Arch ->
+ ?EXIT({executing_on_an_unsupported_architecture, Arch})
+ end;
+ true ->
+ %% Merge already compiled code (per MFA) to a single binary.
+ hipe_llvm_merge:finalize(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports)
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1330,6 +1350,11 @@ opt_keys() ->
+ to_llvm, % Use the LLVM backend for compilation.
+ llvm_save_temps, % Save the LLVM intermediate files in the current
+ % directory; useful for debugging.
+ llvm_llc, % Specify llc optimization-level: o1, o2, o3, undefined.
+ llvm_opt, % Specify opt optimization-level: o1, o2, o3, undefined.
@@ -1468,11 +1493,19 @@ opt_expansions() ->
[{o1, o1_opts()},
{o2, o2_opts()},
{o3, o3_opts()},
+ {to_llvm, llvm_opts(o3)},
+ {{to_llvm, o0}, llvm_opts(o0)},
+ {{to_llvm, o1}, llvm_opts(o1)},
+ {{to_llvm, o2}, llvm_opts(o2)},
+ {{to_llvm, o3}, llvm_opts(o3)},
{x87, [x87, inline_fp]},
{inline_fp, case get(hipe_target_arch) of %% XXX: Temporary until x86
x86 -> [x87, inline_fp]; %% has sse2
_ -> [inline_fp] end}].
+llvm_opts(O) ->
+ [to_llvm, {llvm_opt, O}, {llvm_llc, O}].
%% This expands "basic" options, which may be tested early and cannot be
%% in conflict with options found in the source code.
@@ -1516,4 +1549,22 @@ check_options(Opts) ->
+-spec llvm_support_available() -> boolean().
+llvm_support_available() ->
+ get_llvm_version() >= 3.4.
+get_llvm_version() ->
+ OptStr = os:cmd("opt -version"),
+ SubStr = "LLVM version ", N = length(SubStr),
+ case string:str(OptStr, SubStr) of
+ 0 -> % No opt available
+ 0.0;
+ S ->
+ case string:to_float(string:sub_string(OptStr, S + N)) of
+ {error, _} -> 0.0; %XXX: Assumes no revision numbers in versioning
+ {Float, _} -> Float
+ end
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/main/hipe_main.erl b/lib/hipe/main/hipe_main.erl
index 99028cc3c1..89b79998be 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/main/hipe_main.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/main/hipe_main.erl
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-type comp_icode_ret() :: {'native',hipe_architecture(),{'unprofiled',_}}
- | {'rtl',tuple()}.
+ | {'rtl',tuple()} | {'llvm_binary',term()}.
@@ -115,11 +115,18 @@ compile_icode(MFA, LinearIcode0, Options, Servers, DebugState) ->
pp(IcodeCfg7, MFA, icode_liveness, pp_icode_liveness, Options, Servers),
FinalIcode = hipe_icode_cfg:cfg_to_linear(IcodeCfg7),
- LinearRTL = ?option_time(icode_to_rtl(MFA,FinalIcode,Options, Servers),
- "RTL", Options),
+ {LinearRTL, Roots} = ?option_time(icode_to_rtl(MFA, FinalIcode, Options, Servers),
+ "RTL", Options),
case proplists:get_bool(to_rtl, Options) of
false ->
- rtl_to_native(MFA, LinearRTL, Options, DebugState);
+ case proplists:get_bool(to_llvm, Options) of
+ false ->
+ rtl_to_native(MFA, LinearRTL, Options, DebugState);
+ true ->
+ %% The LLVM backend returns binary code, unlike the rest of the HiPE
+ %% backends which return native assembly.
+ rtl_to_llvm_to_binary(MFA, LinearRTL, Roots, Options, DebugState)
+ end;
true ->
put(hipe_debug, DebugState),
{rtl, LinearRTL}
@@ -385,11 +392,21 @@ icode_to_rtl(MFA, Icode, Options, Servers) ->
%% hipe_rtl_cfg:pp(RtlCfg3),
pp(RtlCfg3, MFA, rtl_liveness, pp_rtl_liveness, Options, Servers),
RtlCfg4 = rtl_lcm(RtlCfg3, Options),
- pp(RtlCfg4, MFA, rtl, pp_rtl, Options, Servers),
- LinearRTL1 = hipe_rtl_cfg:linearize(RtlCfg4),
+ %% LLVM: A liveness analysis on RTL must be performed in order to find the GC
+ %% roots and explicitly mark them (in RTL) when they go out of scope (only
+ %% when the LLVM backend is used).
+ {RtlCfg5, Roots} =
+ case proplists:get_bool(to_llvm, Options) of
+ false ->
+ {RtlCfg4, []};
+ true ->
+ hipe_llvm_liveness:analyze(RtlCfg4)
+ end,
+ pp(RtlCfg5, MFA, rtl, pp_rtl, Options, Servers),
+ LinearRTL1 = hipe_rtl_cfg:linearize(RtlCfg5),
LinearRTL2 = hipe_rtl_cleanup_const:cleanup(LinearRTL1),
%% hipe_rtl:pp(standard_io, LinearRTL2),
- LinearRTL2.
+ {LinearRTL2, Roots}.
translate_to_rtl(Icode, Options) ->
%% GC tests should have been added in the conversion to Icode.
@@ -540,6 +557,17 @@ rtl_to_native(MFA, LinearRTL, Options, DebugState) ->
put(hipe_debug, DebugState),
+%% Translate Linear RTL to binary code using LLVM.
+rtl_to_llvm_to_binary(MFA, LinearRTL, Roots, Options, DebugState) ->
+ ?opt_start_timer("LLVM native code"),
+ %% BinaryCode is a tuple, as defined in llvm/hipe_llvm_main module, which
+ %% contains the binary code together with info needed by the loader, e.g.
+ %% ConstTab, Refs, LabelMap, etc.
+ BinaryCode = hipe_llvm_main:rtl_to_native(MFA, LinearRTL, Roots, Options),
+ ?opt_stop_timer("LLVM native code"),
+ put(hipe_debug, DebugState),
+ {llvm_binary, BinaryCode}.
%% Debugging stuff ...
diff --git a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_gensym.erl b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_gensym.erl
index 84fc8fa7e8..4d2a237188 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_gensym.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_gensym.erl
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
%% Types of allowable entities to set global variables for
--type gvarname() :: 'icode' | 'rtl' | 'arm' | 'ppc' | 'sparc' | 'x86'.
+-type gvarname() :: 'icode' | 'rtl' | 'arm' | 'ppc' | 'sparc' | 'x86' | 'llvm'.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl
index ca8a9e6bf7..300f9ae43a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/misc/hipe_pack_constants.erl
@@ -20,30 +20,48 @@
--export([pack_constants/2, slim_refs/1, slim_constmap/1]).
+-export([pack_constants/2, slim_refs/1, slim_constmap/1,
+ find_const/2, mk_data_relocs/2, slim_sorted_exportmap/3]).
+-include("../main/hipe.hrl"). % Needed for the EXIT macro in find_const/2.
--type raw_data() :: binary() | number() | list() | tuple().
--type tbl_ref() :: {hipe_constlbl(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type const_num() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type raw_data() :: binary() | number() | list() | tuple().
+-type addr() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type ref_p() :: {DataPos :: hipe_constlbl(), CodeOffset :: addr()}.
+-type ref() :: ref_p() | {'sorted', Base :: addr(), [ref_p()]}.
+-type mfa_refs() :: {mfa(), [ref()]}.
+%% XXX: these types may not belong here: FIX!
+-type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}.
+-type export_map() :: [{addr(), module(), atom(), arity()}].
-record(pcm_entry, {mfa :: mfa(),
label :: hipe_constlbl(),
- const_num :: non_neg_integer(),
- start :: non_neg_integer(),
+ const_num :: const_num(),
+ start :: addr(),
type :: 0 | 1 | 2,
raw_data :: raw_data()}).
+-type pcm_entry() :: #pcm_entry{}.
+-type label_map() :: gb_trees:tree({mfa(), hipe_constlbl()}, addr()).
+%% Some of the following types may possibly need to be exported
+-type data_relocs() :: [ref()].
+-type packed_const_map() :: [pcm_entry()].
+-type mfa_refs_map() :: [mfa_refs()].
+-type slim_export_map() :: [addr() | module() | atom() | arity() | boolean()].
-spec pack_constants([{mfa(),[_],hipe_consttab()}], ct_alignment()) ->
- {ct_alignment(),
- non_neg_integer(),
- [#pcm_entry{}],
- [{mfa(),[tbl_ref() | {'sorted',non_neg_integer(),[tbl_ref()]}]}]}.
+ {ct_alignment(), non_neg_integer(), packed_const_map(), mfa_refs_map()}.
pack_constants(Data, Align) ->
pack_constants(Data, 0, Align, 0, [], []).
@@ -194,13 +212,12 @@ compact_dests([], Dest, AccofDest, Acc) ->
%% to the slimmed and flattened format ConstMap which is put in object
%% files.
--spec slim_constmap([#pcm_entry{}]) -> [raw_data()].
+-spec slim_constmap(packed_const_map()) -> [raw_data()].
slim_constmap(Map) ->
slim_constmap(Map, gb_sets:new(), []).
--spec slim_constmap([#pcm_entry{}], gb_sets:set(), [raw_data()]) -> [raw_data()].
-slim_constmap([#pcm_entry{const_num=ConstNo, start=Offset,
- type=Type, raw_data=Term}|Rest], Inserted, Acc) ->
+slim_constmap([#pcm_entry{const_num = ConstNo, start = Offset,
+ type = Type, raw_data = Term}|Rest], Inserted, Acc) ->
case gb_sets:is_member(ConstNo, Inserted) of
true ->
slim_constmap(Rest, Inserted, Acc);
@@ -209,3 +226,60 @@ slim_constmap([#pcm_entry{const_num=ConstNo, start=Offset,
slim_constmap(Rest, NewInserted, [ConstNo, Offset, Type, Term|Acc])
slim_constmap([], _Inserted, Acc) -> Acc.
+%% Lookup a constant in a ConstMap.
+-spec find_const({mfa(), hipe_constlbl()}, packed_const_map()) -> const_num().
+find_const({MFA, Label}, [E = #pcm_entry{mfa = MFA, label = Label}|_]) ->
+ E#pcm_entry.const_num;
+find_const(N, [_|R]) ->
+ find_const(N, R);
+find_const(C, []) ->
+ ?EXIT({constant_not_found, C}).
+%% Functions to build and handle Refs, ExportMap and LabelMap.
+%% Note: Moved here because they are used by all backends in
+%% hipe_{arm,sparc,ppc,x86}_assemble.erl
+%% XXX: Is this the right place for them?
+-spec mk_data_relocs(mfa_refs_map(), label_map()) -> data_relocs().
+mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap) ->
+ lists:flatten(mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap, [])).
+mk_data_relocs([{MFA, Labels} | Rest], LabelMap, Acc) ->
+ Map = [case Label of
+ {L,Pos} ->
+ Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
+ {Pos,Offset};
+ {sorted,Base,OrderedLabels} ->
+ {sorted, Base, [begin
+ Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
+ {Order, Offset}
+ end
+ || {L,Order} <- OrderedLabels]}
+ end
+ || Label <- Labels],
+ %% msg("Map: ~w Map\n", [Map]),
+ mk_data_relocs(Rest, LabelMap, [Map,Acc]);
+mk_data_relocs([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
+find({MFA,L}, LabelMap) ->
+ gb_trees:get({MFA,L}, LabelMap).
+-spec slim_sorted_exportmap(export_map(), [mfa()], [fa()]) -> slim_export_map().
+slim_sorted_exportmap([{Addr,M,F,A}|Rest], Closures, Exports) ->
+ IsClosure = lists:member({M,F,A}, Closures),
+ IsExported = is_exported(F, A, Exports),
+ [Addr,M,F,A,IsClosure,IsExported | slim_sorted_exportmap(Rest, Closures, Exports)];
+slim_sorted_exportmap([], _, _) -> [].
+is_exported(F, A, Exports) ->
+ lists:member({F,A}, Exports).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_assemble.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_assemble.erl
index b2fd50517b..3ad91f4051 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_assemble.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_assemble.erl
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options) ->
print("Total num bytes=~w\n", [CodeSize], Options),
SC = hipe_pack_constants:slim_constmap(ConstMap),
- DataRelocs = mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
- SSE = slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
+ DataRelocs = hipe_pack_constants:mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
+ SSE = hipe_pack_constants:slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
SlimRefs = hipe_pack_constants:slim_refs(AccRefs),
Bin = term_to_binary([{?VERSION_STRING(),?HIPE_SYSTEM_CRC},
ConstAlign, ConstSize,
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ do_pseudo_li(I, MFA, ConstMap) ->
%%% end,
%%% {load_address, {Tag,untag_mfa_or_prim(MFAorPrim)}};
{Label,constant} ->
- ConstNo = find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
+ ConstNo = hipe_pack_constants:find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
{load_address, {constant,ConstNo}};
{Label,closure} ->
{load_address, {closure,Label}};
@@ -574,37 +574,6 @@ mk_y(Pred, BD) ->
-mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap) ->
- lists:flatten(mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap, [])).
-mk_data_relocs([{MFA,Labels} | Rest], LabelMap, Acc) ->
- Map = [case Label of
- {L,Pos} ->
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Pos,Offset};
- {sorted,Base,OrderedLabels} ->
- {sorted, Base, [begin
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Order, Offset}
- end
- || {L,Order} <- OrderedLabels]}
- end
- || Label <- Labels],
- %% msg("Map: ~w Map\n",[Map]),
- mk_data_relocs(Rest, LabelMap, [Map,Acc]);
-mk_data_relocs([],_,Acc) -> Acc.
-find({_MFA,_L} = MFAL,LabelMap) ->
- gb_trees:get(MFAL, LabelMap).
-slim_sorted_exportmap([{Addr,M,F,A}|Rest], Closures, Exports) ->
- IsClosure = lists:member({M,F,A}, Closures),
- IsExported = is_exported(F, A, Exports),
- [Addr,M,F,A,IsClosure,IsExported | slim_sorted_exportmap(Rest, Closures, Exports)];
-slim_sorted_exportmap([],_,_) -> [].
-is_exported(F, A, Exports) -> lists:member({F,A}, Exports).
%%% Assembly listing support (pp_asm option).
@@ -642,14 +611,3 @@ fill_spaces(N) when N > 0 ->
fill_spaces(0) ->
-%%% Lookup a constant in a ConstMap.
-find_const({MFA,Label}, [{pcm_entry,MFA,Label,ConstNo,_,_,_}|_]) ->
- ConstNo;
-find_const(N, [_|R]) ->
- find_const(N, R);
-find_const(C, []) ->
- ?EXIT({constant_not_found,C}).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl
index 4276b8f968..7a00a0534a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ls_regalloc.erl
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ is_free(R, Free) ->
is_free(R, Free, []).
is_free(R, [{R,_}|Rest], Acc) ->
- {true,lists:reverse(Acc)++Rest};
+ {true, lists:reverse(Acc, Rest)};
is_free(R, [X|Rs],Acc) ->
is_free(R, Rs, [X|Acc]);
is_free(_, [], _) ->
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ exists_free_register(Start, Regs) ->
exists_free_register(Start, [{Phys, Start0}|Rest], Acc)
when Start > Start0 ->
- {true, Phys, lists:reverse(Acc)++Rest};
+ {true, Phys, lists:reverse(Acc, Rest)};
exists_free_register(Start, [Free|Rest], Acc) ->
exists_free_register(Start, Rest, [Free|Acc]);
exists_free_register(_, [], _) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl
index 5bad31ade9..0278a896d2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_optimistic_regalloc.erl
@@ -958,9 +958,9 @@ splits_2({Cols, NonCols, OldSpillCost}, L, SpillCost) ->
%% Merge two ordered sub-splits into one.
spillCostOrderedMerge(Spl1, [], Spl) ->
- lists:reverse(Spl) ++ Spl1;
+ lists:reverse(Spl, Spl1);
spillCostOrderedMerge([], Spl2, Spl) ->
- lists:reverse(Spl) ++ Spl2;
+ lists:reverse(Spl, Spl2);
spillCostOrderedMerge(Spl1, Spl2, Spl) ->
{_, _, SpillCost1} = hd(Spl1),
{_, _, SpillCost2} = hd(Spl2),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_icode2rtl.erl b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_icode2rtl.erl
index 034153a3cb..483d0b37f7 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_icode2rtl.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_icode2rtl.erl
@@ -427,8 +427,6 @@ gen_type_test([X], Type, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred, ConstTab) ->
hipe_rtl:mk_branch(X, eq, TmpF, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred)], ConstTab};
cons ->
{hipe_tagscheme:test_cons(X, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred), ConstTab};
- constant ->
- {hipe_tagscheme:test_constant(X, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred), ConstTab};
fixnum ->
{hipe_tagscheme:test_fixnum(X, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred), ConstTab};
float ->
@@ -439,6 +437,8 @@ gen_type_test([X], Type, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred, ConstTab) ->
{hipe_tagscheme:test_integer(X, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred), ConstTab};
list ->
{hipe_tagscheme:test_list(X, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred), ConstTab};
+ map ->
+ {hipe_tagscheme:test_map(X, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred), ConstTab};
nil ->
{hipe_tagscheme:test_nil(X, TrueLbl, FalseLbl, Pred), ConstTab};
number ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.erl b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.erl
index 4bf4eb6bd7..bc61bec0bd 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.erl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
%% <li> {alu, Dst, Src1, Op, Src2} </li>
%% <li> {alub, Dst, Src1, Op, Src2, RelOp, TrueLabel, FalseLabel, P} </li>
%% <li> {branch, Src1, Src2, RelOp, TrueLabel, FalseLabel, P} </li>
-%% <li> {call, DsListt, Fun, ArgList, Type, Continuation, FailContinuation}
+%% <li> {call, DsListt, Fun, ArgList, Type, Continuation, FailContinuation, NormalContinuation}
%% Type is one of {local, remote, primop, closure} </li>
%% <li> {comment, Text} </li>
%% <li> {enter, Fun, ArgList, Type}
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
%% rtl_data_update/2,
%% rtl_var_range/1,
%% rtl_var_range_update/2,
- %% rtl_label_range/1,
+ rtl_label_range/1,
%% rtl_label_range_update/2,
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@
%% goto_label_update/2,
+ mk_call/7,
@@ -233,8 +234,10 @@
+ call_normal/1,
+ call_normal_update/2,
%% call_continuation_update/2,
- %% call_fail_update/2,
+ call_fail_update/2,
@@ -290,10 +293,13 @@
%% fconv_src_update/2,
%% is_fconv/1,
- %% mk_var/1,
+ mk_var/1,
+ mk_var/2,
+ var_liveness/1,
+ var_liveness_update/2,
%% change_vars_to_regs/1,
@@ -350,10 +356,15 @@
%% move_dst_update/2,
- %% pp_arg/2,
+ %% Uber hack!
+ pp_var/2,
+ pp_reg/2,
+ pp_arg/2,
@@ -387,7 +398,7 @@ rtl_data(#rtl{data=Data}) -> Data.
%% rtl_data_update(Rtl, Data) -> Rtl#rtl{data=Data}.
%% rtl_var_range(#rtl{var_range=VarRange}) -> VarRange.
%% rtl_var_range_update(Rtl, VarRange) -> Rtl#rtl{var_range=VarRange}.
-%% rtl_label_range(#rtl{label_range=LabelRange}) -> LabelRange.
+rtl_label_range(#rtl{label_range=LabelRange}) -> LabelRange.
%% rtl_label_range_update(Rtl, LabelRange) -> Rtl#rtl{label_range=LabelRange}.
rtl_info(#rtl{info=Info}) -> Info.
rtl_info_update(Rtl, Info) -> Rtl#rtl{info=Info}.
@@ -643,6 +654,17 @@ is_goto(_) -> false.
%% call
+%% LLVM: Call with normal continuation
+mk_call(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Continuation, FailContinuation,
+ NormalContinuation, Type) ->
+ case Type of
+ remote -> ok;
+ not_remote -> ok
+ end,
+ #call{dstlist=DstList, 'fun'=Fun, arglist=ArgList, type=Type,
+ continuation=Continuation, failcontinuation=FailContinuation,
+ normalcontinuation=NormalContinuation}.
mk_call(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Continuation, FailContinuation, Type) ->
case Type of
remote -> ok;
@@ -651,6 +673,10 @@ mk_call(DstList, Fun, ArgList, Continuation, FailContinuation, Type) ->
#call{dstlist=DstList, 'fun'=Fun, arglist=ArgList, type=Type,
+call_normal(#call{normalcontinuation=NormalContinuation}) -> NormalContinuation.
+call_normal_update(C, NewNormalContinuation) ->
+ C#call{normalcontinuation=NewNormalContinuation}.
call_dstlist(#call{dstlist=DstList}) -> DstList.
call_dstlist_update(C, NewDstList) -> C#call{dstlist=NewDstList}.
call_fun(#call{'fun'=Fun}) -> Fun.
@@ -853,11 +879,14 @@ reg_is_gcsafe(#rtl_reg{is_gc_safe=IsGcSafe}) -> IsGcSafe.
is_reg(#rtl_reg{}) -> true;
is_reg(_) -> false.
--record(rtl_var, {index :: non_neg_integer()}).
+-record(rtl_var, {index :: non_neg_integer(), liveness=live :: dead | live}).
mk_var(Num) when is_integer(Num), Num >= 0 -> #rtl_var{index=Num}.
+mk_var(Num, Liveness) when is_integer(Num), Num>=0 -> #rtl_var{index=Num, liveness=Liveness}.
mk_new_var() -> mk_var(hipe_gensym:get_next_var(rtl)).
var_index(#rtl_var{index=Index}) -> Index.
+var_liveness(#rtl_var{liveness=Liveness}) -> Liveness.
+var_liveness_update(RtlVar, Liveness) -> RtlVar#rtl_var{liveness=Liveness}.
is_var(#rtl_var{}) -> true;
is_var(_) -> false.
@@ -1077,6 +1106,131 @@ subst_uses(Subst, I) ->
switch_src_update(I, subst1(Subst, switch_src(I)))
+subst_uses_llvm(Subst, I) ->
+ case I of
+ #alu{} ->
+ {NewSrc2, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, alu_src2(I)),
+ {NewSrc1, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst1, alu_src1(I)),
+ I0 = alu_src1_update(I, NewSrc1),
+ alu_src2_update(I0, NewSrc2);
+ #alub{} ->
+ {NewSrc2, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, alub_src2(I)),
+ {NewSrc1, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst1, alub_src1(I)),
+ I0 = alub_src1_update(I, NewSrc1),
+ alub_src2_update(I0, NewSrc2);
+ #branch{} ->
+ {NewSrc2, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, branch_src2(I)),
+ {NewSrc1, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst1, branch_src1(I)),
+ I0 = branch_src1_update(I, NewSrc1),
+ branch_src2_update(I0, NewSrc2);
+ #call{} ->
+ case call_is_known(I) of
+ false ->
+ {NewFun, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, call_fun(I)),
+ {NewArgList, _} = subst_list_llvm(Subst1, call_arglist(I)),
+ I0 = call_fun_update(I, NewFun),
+ call_arglist_update(I0, NewArgList);
+ true ->
+ {NewArgList, _} = subst_list_llvm(Subst, call_arglist(I)),
+ call_arglist_update(I, NewArgList)
+ end;
+ #comment{} ->
+ I;
+ #enter{} ->
+ case enter_is_known(I) of
+ false ->
+ {NewFun, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, enter_fun(I)),
+ {NewArgList, _} = subst_list_llvm(Subst1, enter_arglist(I)),
+ I0 = enter_fun_update(I, NewFun),
+ enter_arglist_update(I0, NewArgList);
+ true ->
+ {NewArgList, _} = subst_list_llvm(Subst, enter_arglist(I)),
+ enter_arglist_update(I, NewArgList)
+ end;
+ #fconv{} ->
+ {NewSrc, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst, fconv_src(I)),
+ fconv_src_update(I, NewSrc);
+ #fixnumop{} ->
+ {NewSrc, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst, fixnumop_src(I)),
+ fixnumop_src_update(I, NewSrc);
+ #fload{} ->
+ {NewSrc, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, fload_src(I)),
+ {NewOffset, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst1, fload_offset(I)),
+ I0 = fload_src_update(I, NewSrc),
+ fload_offset_update(I0, NewOffset);
+ #fmove{} ->
+ {NewSrc, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst, fmove_src(I)),
+ fmove_src_update(I, NewSrc);
+ #fp{} ->
+ {NewSrc2, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, fp_src2(I)),
+ {NewSrc1, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst1, fp_src1(I)),
+ I0 = fp_src1_update(I, NewSrc1),
+ fp_src2_update(I0, NewSrc2);
+ #fp_unop{} ->
+ {NewSrc, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst, fp_unop_src(I)),
+ fp_unop_src_update(I, NewSrc);
+ #fstore{} ->
+ {NewSrc, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, fstore_src(I)),
+ {NewBase, Subst2} = subst1_llvm(Subst1, fstore_base(I)),
+ {NewOffset, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst2, fstore_offset(I)),
+ I0 = fstore_src_update(I, NewSrc),
+ I1 = fstore_base_update(I0, NewBase),
+ fstore_offset_update(I1, NewOffset);
+ #goto{} ->
+ I;
+ #goto_index{} ->
+ I;
+ #gctest{} ->
+ {NewWords, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst, gctest_words(I)),
+ gctest_words_update(I, NewWords);
+ #label{} ->
+ I;
+ #load{} ->
+ {NewSrc, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, load_src(I)),
+ {NewOffset, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst1, load_offset(I)),
+ I0 = load_src_update(I, NewSrc),
+ load_offset_update(I0, NewOffset);
+ #load_address{} ->
+ I;
+ #load_atom{} ->
+ I;
+ #load_word_index{} ->
+ I;
+ #move{} ->
+ {NewSrc, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst, move_src(I)),
+ move_src_update(I, NewSrc);
+ #multimove{} ->
+ {NewSrcList, _} = subst_list_llvm(Subst, multimove_srclist(I)),
+ multimove_srclist_update(I, NewSrcList);
+ #phi{} ->
+ phi_argvar_subst(I, Subst);
+ #return{} ->
+ {NewVarList, _} = subst_list_llvm(Subst, return_varlist(I)),
+ return_varlist_update(I, NewVarList);
+ #store{} ->
+ {NewSrc, Subst1} = subst1_llvm(Subst, store_src(I)),
+ {NewBase, Subst2} = subst1_llvm(Subst1, store_base(I)),
+ {NewOffset, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst2, store_offset(I)),
+ I0 = store_src_update(I, NewSrc),
+ I1 = store_base_update(I0, NewBase),
+ store_offset_update(I1, NewOffset);
+ #switch{} ->
+ {NewSrc, _ } = subst1_llvm(Subst, switch_src(I)),
+ switch_src_update(I, NewSrc)
+ end.
+subst_list_llvm(S,X) -> subst_list_llvm(S, lists:reverse(X), []).
+subst_list_llvm(S, [], Acc) -> {Acc, S};
+subst_list_llvm(S, [X|Xs], Acc) ->
+ {NewX, RestS} = subst1_llvm(S, X),
+ subst_list_llvm(RestS, Xs, [NewX|Acc]).
+subst1_llvm(A,B) -> subst1_llvm(A,B,[]).
+subst1_llvm([], X, Acc) -> {X, Acc};
+subst1_llvm([{X,Y}|Rs], X, Acc) -> {Y, Acc++Rs};
+subst1_llvm([R|Xs], X, Acc) -> subst1_llvm(Xs,X,[R|Acc]).
subst_defines(Subst, I)->
case I of
#alu{} ->
@@ -1614,7 +1768,11 @@ pp_var(Dev, Arg) ->
true ->
pp_hard_reg(Dev, var_index(Arg));
false ->
- io:format(Dev, "v~w", [var_index(Arg)])
+ io:format(Dev, "v~w", [var_index(Arg)]),
+ case var_liveness(Arg) of
+ dead -> io:format(Dev, "(dead)", []);
+ _ -> ok
+ end
pp_arg(Dev, A) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.hrl b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.hrl
index 974e40f830..fbdf9ac524 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.hrl
+++ b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl.hrl
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
-record(alu, {dst, src1, op, src2}).
-record(alub, {dst, src1, op, src2, 'cond', true_label, false_label, p}).
-record(branch, {src1, src2, 'cond', true_label, false_label, p}).
--record(call, {dstlist, 'fun', arglist, type, continuation, failcontinuation}).
+-record(call, {dstlist, 'fun', arglist, type, continuation,
+ failcontinuation, normalcontinuation = []}).
-record(comment, {text}).
-record(enter, {'fun', arglist, type}).
-record(fconv, {dst, src}).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl_liveness.erl b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl_liveness.erl
index 3cfada9d6c..0c4b6b2e11 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl_liveness.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_rtl_liveness.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
-%% -define(LIVEOUT_NEEDED,true). % needed for liveness.inc below.
+%% -define(DEBUG_LIVENESS,true).
+-define(LIVEOUT_NEEDED,true). % needed for liveness.inc below.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_tagscheme.erl b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_tagscheme.erl
index f1e8d1ef41..c27c682915 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_tagscheme.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/rtl/hipe_tagscheme.erl
@@ -39,14 +39,13 @@
test_tuple/4, test_atom/4, test_bignum/4, test_pos_bignum/4,
test_any_pid/4, test_any_port/4,
test_ref/4, test_fun/4, test_fun2/5, test_matchstate/4,
- test_binary/4, test_bitstr/4, test_list/4,
- test_integer/4, test_number/4, test_constant/4, test_tuple_N/5]).
+ test_binary/4, test_bitstr/4, test_list/4, test_map/4,
+ test_integer/4, test_number/4, test_tuple_N/5]).
-export([realtag_fixnum/2, tag_fixnum/2, realuntag_fixnum/2, untag_fixnum/2]).
-export([test_two_fixnums/3, test_fixnums/4, unsafe_fixnum_add/3,
fixnum_gt/5, fixnum_lt/5, fixnum_ge/5, fixnum_le/5, fixnum_val/1,
- fixnum_mul/4,
- fixnum_addsub/5, fixnum_andorxor/4, fixnum_not/2,
+ fixnum_mul/4, fixnum_addsub/5, fixnum_andorxor/4, fixnum_not/2,
fixnum_bsr/3, fixnum_bsl/3]).
-export([unsafe_car/2, unsafe_cdr/2,
unsafe_constant_element/3, unsafe_update_element/3, element/6]).
@@ -113,13 +112,15 @@
-define(TAG_HEADER_MASK, 16#3F).
-define(HEADER_ARITY_OFFS, 6).
-mk_header(SZ,TAG) -> (SZ bsl ?HEADER_ARITY_OFFS) + TAG.
+mk_header(SZ, TAG) -> (SZ bsl ?HEADER_ARITY_OFFS) + TAG.
mk_arityval(SZ) -> mk_header(SZ, ?TAG_HEADER_ARITYVAL).
size_from_header(Sz, Header) ->
@@ -133,9 +134,9 @@ mk_var_header(Header, Size, Tag) ->
mk_fixnum(X) -> (X bsl ?TAG_IMMED1_SIZE) + ?TAG_IMMED1_SMALL.
-define(NIL, ((-1 bsl ?TAG_IMMED2_SIZE) bor ?TAG_IMMED2_NIL)).
-mk_nil() -> ?NIL.
-%% mk_atom(X) -> (X bsl ?TAG_IMMED2_SIZE) + ?TAG_IMMED2_ATOM.
-mk_non_value() -> ?THE_NON_VALUE.
+mk_nil() -> ?NIL.
+%% mk_atom(X) -> (X bsl ?TAG_IMMED2_SIZE) + ?TAG_IMMED2_ATOM.
+mk_non_value() -> ?THE_NON_VALUE.
-spec is_fixnum(integer()) -> boolean().
is_fixnum(N) when is_integer(N) ->
@@ -253,6 +254,15 @@ test_tuple_N(X, N, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
hipe_rtl:mk_branch(Tmp, 'eq', hipe_rtl:mk_imm(mk_arityval(N)),
TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred)].
+test_map(X, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
+ Tmp = hipe_rtl:mk_new_reg_gcsafe(),
+ HalfTrueLab = hipe_rtl:mk_new_label(),
+ [test_is_boxed(X, hipe_rtl:label_name(HalfTrueLab), FalseLab, Pred),
+ HalfTrueLab,
+ get_header(Tmp, X),
+ mask_and_compare(Tmp, MapMask, ?TAG_HEADER_MAP, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred)].
test_ref(X, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
Hdr = hipe_rtl:mk_new_reg_gcsafe(),
Tag = hipe_rtl:mk_new_reg_gcsafe(),
@@ -405,17 +415,6 @@ test_number(X, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
hipe_rtl:mk_branch(Tmp, 'eq', hipe_rtl:mk_imm(HeaderFlonum),
TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred)].
-%% CONS, NIL, and TUPLE are not constants, everything else is
-test_constant(X, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
- Lab1 = hipe_rtl:mk_new_label(),
- Lab2 = hipe_rtl:mk_new_label(),
- Pred1 = 1-Pred,
- [test_cons(X, FalseLab, hipe_rtl:label_name(Lab1), Pred1),
- Lab1,
- test_nil(X, FalseLab, hipe_rtl:label_name(Lab2), Pred1),
- Lab2,
- test_tuple(X, FalseLab, TrueLab, Pred1)].
tag_fixnum(DestVar, SrcReg) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_assemble.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_assemble.erl
index b534fe20ec..68a4e1b349 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_assemble.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_assemble.erl
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options) ->
print("Total num bytes=~w\n", [CodeSize], Options),
SC = hipe_pack_constants:slim_constmap(ConstMap),
- DataRelocs = mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
- SSE = slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
+ DataRelocs = hipe_pack_constants:mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
+ SSE = hipe_pack_constants:slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
SlimRefs = hipe_pack_constants:slim_refs(AccRefs),
Bin = term_to_binary([{?VERSION_STRING(),?HIPE_SYSTEM_CRC},
ConstAlign, ConstSize,
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ do_pseudo_set(I, MFA, ConstMap) ->
%%% end,
%%% {load_address, {Tag,untag_mfa_or_prim(MFAorPrim)}};
{Label,constant} ->
- ConstNo = find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
+ ConstNo = hipe_pack_constants:find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
{load_address, {constant,ConstNo}};
{Label,closure} ->
{load_address, {closure,Label}};
@@ -507,37 +507,6 @@ px({pred,Pred}) -> % XXX: use pt/pn throughout entire backend
-mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap) ->
- lists:flatten(mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap, [])).
-mk_data_relocs([{MFA,Labels} | Rest], LabelMap, Acc) ->
- Map = [case Label of
- {L,Pos} ->
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Pos,Offset};
- {sorted,Base,OrderedLabels} ->
- {sorted, Base, [begin
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Order, Offset}
- end
- || {L,Order} <- OrderedLabels]}
- end
- || Label <- Labels],
- %% msg("Map: ~w Map\n",[Map]),
- mk_data_relocs(Rest, LabelMap, [Map,Acc]);
-mk_data_relocs([],_,Acc) -> Acc.
-find({_MFA,_L} = MFAL, LabelMap) ->
- gb_trees:get(MFAL, LabelMap).
-slim_sorted_exportmap([{Addr,M,F,A}|Rest], Closures, Exports) ->
- IsClosure = lists:member({M,F,A}, Closures),
- IsExported = is_exported(F, A, Exports),
- [Addr,M,F,A,IsClosure,IsExported | slim_sorted_exportmap(Rest, Closures, Exports)];
-slim_sorted_exportmap([],_,_) -> [].
-is_exported(F, A, Exports) -> lists:member({F,A}, Exports).
%%% Assembly listing support (pp_asm option).
@@ -575,14 +544,3 @@ fill_spaces(N) when N > 0 ->
fill_spaces(0) ->
-%%% Lookup a constant in a ConstMap.
-find_const({MFA,Label},[{pcm_entry,MFA,Label,ConstNo,_,_,_}|_]) ->
- ConstNo;
-find_const(N,[_|R]) ->
- find_const(N,R);
-find_const(C,[]) ->
- ?EXIT({constant_not_found,C}).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/Makefile b/lib/hipe/test/Makefile
index cedb150b5d..009f503abb 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/Makefile
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk
+# .erl files for these modules are automatically generated
+ bs_SUITE \
+ maps_SUITE
@@ -40,6 +45,8 @@ EBIN = .
$(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) $(MODULES) \
+ $(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) $(GEN_MODULES) \
$(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) '*_SUITE_make' \
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/hipe_testsuite_driver.erl b/lib/hipe/test/hipe_testsuite_driver.erl
index c8fdf1600c..5f05a716bc 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/test/hipe_testsuite_driver.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/hipe_testsuite_driver.erl
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ list_testcases(Dirname) ->
list_dir(Dir, Extension, Dirs) ->
case file:list_dir(Dir) of
- {error, _} = Error-> Error;
+ {error, _} = Error -> Error;
{ok, Filenames} ->
FullFilenames = [filename:join(Dir, F) || F <- Filenames],
Matches1 = case Dirs of
@@ -173,10 +173,29 @@ run(TestCase, Dir, _OutDir) ->
%% end, DataFiles),
%% try
ok = TestCase:test(),
- HiPEOpts = try TestCase:hipe_options() catch _:_ -> [] end,
+ HiPEOpts = try TestCase:hipe_options() catch error:undef -> [] end,
{ok, TestCase} = hipe:c(TestCase, HiPEOpts),
- ok = TestCase:test().
+ ok = TestCase:test(),
+ case is_llvm_opt_available() of
+ true ->
+ {ok, TestCase} = hipe:c(TestCase, [to_llvm|HiPEOpts]),
+ ok = TestCase:test();
+ false -> ok
+ end.
%% after
%% lists:foreach(fun (DF) -> ok end, % = file:delete(DF) end,
%% [filename:join(OutDir, D) || D <- DataFiles])
%% end.
+%% This function, which is supposed to check whether the right LLVM
+%% infrastructure is available, should be probably written in a better
+%% and more portable way and moved to the hipe application.
+is_llvm_opt_available() ->
+ OptStr = os:cmd("opt -version"),
+ SubStr = "LLVM version ", N = length(SubStr),
+ case string:str(OptStr, SubStr) of
+ 0 -> false;
+ S -> P = S + N, string:sub_string(OptStr, P, P + 2) >= "3.4"
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_aliasing.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_aliasing.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14d8320cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_aliasing.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+test() ->
+ M1 = id(#{a=>1,b=>2,c=>3,d=>4}),
+ #{c:=C1=_=_=C2} = M1,
+ true = C1 =:= C2,
+ #{a:=A,a:=A,a:=A,b:=B,b:=B} = M1,
+ #{a:=A,a:=A,a:=A,b:=B,b:=B,b:=2} = M1,
+ #{a:=A=1,a:=A,a:=A,b:=B=2,b:=B,b:=2} = M1,
+ #{c:=C1, c:=_, c:=3, c:=_, c:=C2} = M1,
+ #{c:=C=_=3=_=C} = M1,
+ M2 = id(#{"a"=>1,"b"=>2,"c"=>3,"d"=>4}),
+ #{"a":=A2,"a":=A2,"a":=A2,"b":=B2,"b":=B2,"b":=2} = M2,
+ #{"a":=_,"a":=_,"a":=_,"b":=_,"b":=_,"b":=2} = M2,
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_empty_val.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_empty_val.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2abfa4e5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_empty_val.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+test() ->
+ F = fun(#{ "hi":=_,{1,2}:=_,1337:=_}) -> ok end,
+ ok = F(id(#{"hi"=>ok,{1,2}=>ok,1337=>ok})),
+ %% error case
+ case (catch (F(id(#{"hi"=>ok})))) of
+ {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} -> ok;
+ {'EXIT', {{case_clause,_},_}} -> {comment,inlined};
+ Other ->
+ test_server:fail({no_match, Other})
+ end.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_literals.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_literals.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc2c63fab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_literals.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+test() ->
+ #{} = id(#{}),
+ #{1:=a} = id(#{1=>a}),
+ #{1:=a,2:=b} = id(#{1=>a,2=>b}),
+ #{1:=a,2:=b,3:="c"} = id(#{1=>a,2=>b,3=>"c"}),
+ #{1:=a,2:=b,3:="c","4":="d"} = id(#{1=>a,2=>b,3=>"c","4"=>"d"}),
+ #{1:=a,2:=b,3:="c","4":="d",<<"5">>:=<<"e">>} =
+ id(#{1=>a,2=>b,3=>"c","4"=>"d",<<"5">>=><<"e">>}),
+ #{1:=a,2:=b,3:="c","4":="d",<<"5">>:=<<"e">>,{"6",7}:="f"} =
+ id(#{1=>a,2=>b,3=>"c","4"=>"d",<<"5">>=><<"e">>,{"6",7}=>"f"}),
+ #{1:=a,2:=b,3:="c","4":="d",<<"5">>:=<<"e">>,{"6",7}:="f",8:=g} =
+ id(#{1=>a,2=>b,3=>"c","4"=>"d",<<"5">>=><<"e">>,{"6",7}=>"f",8=>g}),
+ #{<<"hi all">> := 1} = id(#{<<"hi",32,"all">> => 1}),
+ #{a:=X,a:=X=3,b:=4} = id(#{a=>3,b=>4}), % weird but ok =)
+ #{ a:=#{ b:=#{c := third, b:=second}}, b:=first} =
+ id(#{ b=>first, a=>#{ b=>#{c => third, b=> second}}}),
+ M = #{ map_1=>#{ map_2=>#{value_3 => third}, value_2=> second}, value_1=>first},
+ M = #{ map_1:=#{ map_2:=#{value_3 := third}, value_2:= second}, value_1:=first} =
+ id(#{ map_1=>#{ map_2=>#{value_3 => third}, value_2=> second}, value_1=>first}),
+ %% nil key
+ #{[]:=ok,1:=2} = id(#{[]=>ok,1=>2}),
+ %% error case
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=3,x:=2} = id(#{x=>3}))),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=2} = id(#{x=>3}))),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=3} = id({a,b,c}))),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=3} = id(#{y=>3}))),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,_},_}} = (catch (#{x:=3} = id(#{x=>"three"}))),
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_over_alloc.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_over_alloc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dae6f64e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_over_alloc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+test() ->
+ Ls = id([1,2,3]),
+ V0 = [a|Ls],
+ M0 = id(#{ "a" => V0 }),
+ #{ "a" := V1 } = M0,
+ V2 = id([c|Ls]),
+ M2 = id(#{ "a" => V2 }),
+ #{ "a" := V3 } = M2,
+ {[a,1,2,3],[c,1,2,3]} = id({V1,V3}),
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_val.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_val.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..284f69e06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_build_and_match_val.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+test() ->
+ F = fun
+ (#{ "hi" := first, v := V}) -> {1,V};
+ (#{ "hi" := second, v := V}) -> {2,V}
+ end,
+ {1,"hello"} = F(id(#{"hi"=>first,v=>"hello"})),
+ {2,"second"} = F(id(#{"hi"=>second,v=>"second"})),
+ %% error case
+ case (catch (F(id(#{"hi"=>ok})))) of
+ {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} -> ok;
+ {'EXIT', {{case_clause,_},_}} -> {comment,inlined};
+ Other ->
+ test_server:fail({no_match, Other})
+ end.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_expand_map_update.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_expand_map_update.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df0f77ea47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_expand_map_update.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+test() ->
+ M = #{<<"hello">> => <<"world">>}#{<<"hello">> := <<"les gens">>},
+ #{<<"hello">> := <<"les gens">>} = M,
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_export.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_export.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d43fc96ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_export.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+test() ->
+ Raclette = id(#{}),
+ case brie of brie -> Fromage = Raclette end,
+ Raclette = Fromage#{},
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_get_map_elements.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_get_map_elements.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2d749796a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_get_map_elements.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+test() ->
+ {A, B} = id({"hej", <<123>>}),
+ Map = maps:from_list([{a, A}, {b, B}]),
+ #{a := A, b := B} = id(Map),
+ false = test_pattern(Map),
+ true = test_pattern(#{b => 1, a => "hej"}),
+ case Map of
+ #{a := C, b := <<124>>} -> yay;
+ _ -> C = B, nay
+ end,
+ C = id(B),
+ ok.
+id(X) -> X.
+test_pattern(#{a := _, b := 1}) -> true;
+test_pattern(#{}) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_bifs.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_bifs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61a0eaa1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_bifs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+test() ->
+ true = map_guard_empty(),
+ true = map_guard_empty_2(),
+ true = map_guard_head(#{a=>1}),
+ false = map_guard_head([]),
+ true = map_guard_body(#{a=>1}),
+ false = map_guard_body({}),
+ true = map_guard_pattern(#{a=>1, <<"hi">> => "hi" }),
+ false = map_guard_pattern("list"),
+ true = map_guard_tautology(),
+ true = map_guard_ill_map_size(),
+ ok.
+map_guard_empty() when is_map(#{}); false -> true.
+map_guard_empty_2() when true; #{} andalso false -> true.
+map_guard_head(M) when is_map(M) -> true;
+map_guard_head(_) -> false.
+map_guard_body(M) -> is_map(M).
+map_guard_pattern(#{}) -> true;
+map_guard_pattern(_) -> false.
+map_guard_tautology() when #{} =:= #{}; true -> true.
+map_guard_ill_map_size() when true; map_size(0) -> true.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_fun.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_fun.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f6eb3a04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_fun.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+test() ->
+ F1 = fun
+ (#{s:=v,v:=V}) -> {v,V};
+ (#{s:=t,v:={V,V}}) -> {t,V};
+ (#{s:=l,v:=[V,V]}) -> {l,V}
+ end,
+ F2 = fun
+ (#{s:=T,v:={V,V}}) -> {T,V};
+ (#{s:=T,v:=[V,V]}) -> {T,V};
+ (#{s:=T,v:=V}) -> {T,V}
+ end,
+ V = <<"hi">>,
+ {v,V} = F1(#{s=>v,v=>V}),
+ {t,V} = F1(#{s=>t,v=>{V,V}}),
+ {l,V} = F1(#{s=>l,v=>[V,V]}),
+ {v,V} = F2(#{s=>v,v=>V}),
+ {t,V} = F2(#{s=>t,v=>{V,V}}),
+ {l,V} = F2(#{s=>l,v=>[V,V]}),
+ %% error case
+ case (catch F1(#{s=>none,v=>none})) of
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause,[{?MODULE,_,[#{s:=none,v:=none}],_}|_]}} -> ok;
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause,[{?MODULE,_,1,[#{s:=none,v:=none}]}|_]}} -> ok;
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause,[Frame|_]}}
+ when is_tuple(Frame), element(1, Frame) =:= ?MODULE ->
+ test_server:comment("Unexpected trace format, probably using HiPE");
+ {'EXIT', {{case_clause,_},_}} -> {comment,inlined};
+ Other ->
+ test_server:fail({no_match, Other})
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_receive.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_receive.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f84ba19c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_receive.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+test() ->
+ M0 = #{ id => 0 },
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> guard_receive_loop() end),
+ Big = 36893488147419103229,
+ B1 = <<"some text">>,
+ B2 = <<"was appended">>,
+ B3 = <<B1/binary, B2/binary>>,
+ #{id:=1, res:=Big} = M1 = call(Pid, M0#{op=>sub,in=>{1 bsl 65, 3}}),
+ #{id:=2, res:=26} = M2 = call(Pid, M1#{op=>idiv,in=>{53,2}}),
+ #{id:=3, res:=832} = M3 = call(Pid, M2#{op=>imul,in=>{26,32}}),
+ #{id:=4, res:=4} = M4 = call(Pid, M3#{op=>add,in=>{1,3}}),
+ #{id:=5, res:=Big} = M5 = call(Pid, M4#{op=>sub,in=>{1 bsl 65, 3}}),
+ #{id:=6, res:=B3} = M6 = call(Pid, M5#{op=>"append",in=>{B1,B2}}),
+ #{id:=7, res:=4} = _ = call(Pid, M6#{op=>add,in=>{1,3}}),
+ %% update old maps and check id update
+ #{id:=2, res:=B3} = call(Pid, M1#{op=>"append",in=>{B1,B2}}),
+ #{id:=5, res:=99} = call(Pid, M4#{op=>add,in=>{33, 66}}),
+ %% cleanup
+ done = call(Pid, done),
+ ok.
+call(Pid, M) ->
+ Pid ! {self(), M}, receive {Pid, Res} -> Res end.
+guard_receive_loop() ->
+ receive
+ {Pid, #{ id:=Id, op:="append", in:={X,Y}}=M} when is_binary(X), is_binary(Y) ->
+ Pid ! {self(), M#{ id=>Id+1, res=><<X/binary,Y/binary>>}},
+ guard_receive_loop();
+ {Pid, #{ id:=Id, op:=add, in:={X,Y}}} ->
+ Pid ! {self(), #{ id=>Id+1, res=>X+Y}},
+ guard_receive_loop();
+ {Pid, #{ id:=Id, op:=sub, in:={X,Y}}=M} ->
+ Pid ! {self(), M#{ id=>Id+1, res=>X-Y}},
+ guard_receive_loop();
+ {Pid, #{ id:=Id, op:=idiv, in:={X,Y}}=M} ->
+ Pid ! {self(), M#{ id=>Id+1, res=>X div Y}},
+ guard_receive_loop();
+ {Pid, #{ id:=Id, op:=imul, in:={X,Y}}=M} ->
+ Pid ! {self(), M#{ id=>Id+1, res=>X * Y}},
+ guard_receive_loop();
+ {Pid, done} ->
+ Pid ! {self(), done};
+ {Pid, Other} ->
+ Pid ! {error, Other},
+ guard_receive_loop()
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_sequence.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_sequence.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eb18dcea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_sequence.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+test() ->
+ {1, "a"} = map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq=>1,val=>id("a")}),
+ {2, "b"} = map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq=>2,val=>id("b")}),
+ {3, "c"} = map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq=>3,val=>id("c")}),
+ {4, "d"} = map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq=>4,val=>id("d")}),
+ {5, "e"} = map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq=>5,val=>id("e")}),
+ {1,M1} = map_guard_sequence_2(M1 = id(#{a=>3})),
+ {2,M2} = map_guard_sequence_2(M2 = id(#{a=>4, b=>4})),
+ {3,gg,M3} = map_guard_sequence_2(M3 = id(#{a=>gg, b=>4})),
+ {4,sc,sc,M4} = map_guard_sequence_2(M4 = id(#{a=>sc, b=>3, c=>sc2})),
+ {5,kk,kk,M5} = map_guard_sequence_2(M5 = id(#{a=>kk, b=>other, c=>sc2})),
+ %% error case
+ {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq=>6,val=>id("e")})),
+ {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch map_guard_sequence_2(#{b=>5})),
+ ok.
+map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq:=1=Seq, val:=Val}) -> {Seq,Val};
+map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq:=2=Seq, val:=Val}) -> {Seq,Val};
+map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq:=3=Seq, val:=Val}) -> {Seq,Val};
+map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq:=4=Seq, val:=Val}) -> {Seq,Val};
+map_guard_sequence_1(#{seq:=5=Seq, val:=Val}) -> {Seq,Val}.
+map_guard_sequence_2(#{ a:=3 }=M) -> {1, M};
+map_guard_sequence_2(#{ a:=4 }=M) -> {2, M};
+map_guard_sequence_2(#{ a:=X, a:=X, b:=4 }=M) -> {3,X,M};
+map_guard_sequence_2(#{ a:=X, a:=Y, b:=3 }=M) when X =:= Y -> {4,X,Y,M};
+map_guard_sequence_2(#{ a:=X, a:=Y }=M) when X =:= Y -> {5,X,Y,M}.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_update.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_update.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..254c1c2984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_guard_update.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+test() ->
+ error = map_guard_update(#{},#{}),
+ first = map_guard_update(#{}, #{x=>first}),
+ second = map_guard_update(#{y=>old}, #{x=>second,y=>old}),
+ third = map_guard_update(#{x=>old,y=>old}, #{x=>third,y=>old}),
+ ok.
+map_guard_update(M1, M2) when M1#{x=>first} =:= M2 -> first;
+map_guard_update(M1, M2) when M1#{x=>second} =:= M2 -> second;
+map_guard_update(M1, M2) when M1#{x:=third} =:= M2 -> third;
+map_guard_update(_, _) -> error.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_has_map_fields.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_has_map_fields.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61653aa519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_has_map_fields.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+test() ->
+ false = has_a_field(#{}),
+ false = has_a_field(#{b => 2}),
+ true = has_a_field(#{a => 3}),
+ true = has_a_field(#{b => c, a => false}),
+ false = has_a_b_field(#{a => true}),
+ false = has_a_b_field(#{b => a}),
+ true = has_a_b_field(#{a => 1, b => 2}),
+ true = has_a_b_field(#{b => 3, a => 4}),
+ false = has_binary_field(#{}),
+ false = has_binary_field(#{#{} => yay}),
+ true = has_binary_field(#{<<"true">> => false}),
+ false = has_binary_but_no_map_field(#{}),
+ false = has_map_but_no_binary_field(#{}),
+ false = has_binary_but_no_map_field(#{#{} => 1}),
+ false = has_map_but_no_binary_field(#{<<"true">> => true}),
+ true = has_binary_but_no_map_field(#{<<"true">> => false}),
+ true = has_map_but_no_binary_field(#{#{} => 1}),
+ false = has_binary_but_no_map_field(#{<<"true">> => true, #{} => 1}),
+ false = has_map_but_no_binary_field(#{<<"true">> => true, #{} => 1}),
+ ok.
+has_a_field(#{a := _}) -> true;
+has_a_field(#{}) -> false.
+has_a_b_field(#{a := _, b := _}) -> true;
+has_a_b_field(#{}) -> false.
+has_binary_field(#{<<"true">> := _}) -> true;
+has_binary_field(#{}) -> false.
+has_map_but_no_binary_field(#{<<"true">> := _}) -> false;
+has_map_but_no_binary_field(#{} = M) -> maps:is_key(#{}, M).
+has_binary_but_no_map_field(#{<<"true">> := _} = M) ->
+ not maps:is_key(#{}, M);
+has_binary_but_no_map_field(#{}) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_is_map.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_is_map.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e84f4b8c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_is_map.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+test() ->
+ true = test_is_map(#{}),
+ false = test_is_map(<<"hej">>),
+ true = test_is_map_guard(#{a => b}),
+ false = test_is_map_guard(3),
+ true = test_is_map_with_binary_guard(#{"a" => <<"b">>}),
+ false = test_is_map_with_binary_guard(12),
+ ok.
+test_is_map(X) ->
+ is_map(X).
+test_is_map_guard(Map) when is_map(Map) -> true;
+test_is_map_guard(_) -> false.
+test_is_map_with_binary_guard(B) when is_binary(B) -> false;
+test_is_map_with_binary_guard(#{}) -> true;
+test_is_map_with_binary_guard(_) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_list_comprehension.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_list_comprehension.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad2c726d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_list_comprehension.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+test() ->
+ [#{k:=1},#{k:=2},#{k:=3}] = [#{k=>I} || I <- [1,2,3]],
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_map_size.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_map_size.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25c8e5d4c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_map_size.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+test() ->
+ 0 = map_size(id(#{})),
+ 1 = map_size(id(#{a=>1})),
+ 1 = map_size(id(#{a=>"wat"})),
+ 2 = map_size(id(#{a=>1, b=>2})),
+ 3 = map_size(id(#{a=>1, b=>2, b=>"3","33"=><<"n">>})),
+ true = map_is_size(#{a=>1}, 1),
+ true = map_is_size(#{a=>1, a=>2}, 1),
+ M = #{ "a" => 1, "b" => 2},
+ true = map_is_size(M, 2),
+ false = map_is_size(M, 3),
+ true = map_is_size(M#{ "a" => 2}, 2),
+ false = map_is_size(M#{ "c" => 2}, 2),
+ %% Error cases.
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch map_size([])),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch map_size(<<1,2,3>>)),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch map_size(1)),
+ ok.
+map_is_size(M,N) when map_size(M) =:= N -> true;
+map_is_size(_,_) -> false.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_map_sort_literals.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_map_sort_literals.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31abf15d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_map_sort_literals.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+test() ->
+ % test relation
+ %% size order
+ true = #{ a => 1, b => 2} < id(#{ a => 1, b => 1, c => 1}),
+ true = #{ b => 1, a => 1} < id(#{ c => 1, a => 1, b => 1}),
+ false = #{ c => 1, b => 1, a => 1} < id(#{ c => 1, a => 1}),
+ %% key order
+ true = id(#{ a => 1 }) < id(#{ b => 1}),
+ false = id(#{ b => 1 }) < id(#{ a => 1}),
+ true = id(#{ a => 1, b => 1, c => 1 }) < id(#{ b => 1, c => 1, d => 1}),
+ true = id(#{ b => 1, c => 1, d => 1 }) > id(#{ a => 1, b => 1, c => 1}),
+ true = id(#{ c => 1, b => 1, a => 1 }) < id(#{ b => 1, c => 1, d => 1}),
+ true = id(#{ "a" => 1 }) < id(#{ <<"a">> => 1}),
+ false = id(#{ <<"a">> => 1 }) < id(#{ "a" => 1}),
+ false = id(#{ 1 => 1 }) < id(#{ 1.0 => 1}),
+ false = id(#{ 1.0 => 1 }) < id(#{ 1 => 1}),
+ %% value order
+ true = id(#{ a => 1 }) < id(#{ a => 2}),
+ false = id(#{ a => 2 }) < id(#{ a => 1}),
+ false = id(#{ a => 2, b => 1 }) < id(#{ a => 1, b => 3}),
+ true = id(#{ a => 1, b => 1 }) < id(#{ a => 1, b => 3}),
+ true = id(#{ "a" => "hi", b => 134 }) == id(#{ b => 134,"a" => "hi"}),
+ %% lists:sort
+ SortVs = [#{"a"=>1},#{a=>2},#{1=>3},#{<<"a">>=>4}],
+ [#{1:=ok},#{a:=ok},#{"a":=ok},#{<<"a">>:=ok}] = lists:sort([#{"a"=>ok},#{a=>ok},#{1=>ok},#{<<"a">>=>ok}]),
+ [#{1:=3},#{a:=2},#{"a":=1},#{<<"a">>:=4}] = lists:sort(SortVs),
+ [#{1:=3},#{a:=2},#{"a":=1},#{<<"a">>:=4}] = lists:sort(lists:reverse(SortVs)),
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_match_and_update_literals.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_match_and_update_literals.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29a6a29290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_match_and_update_literals.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+test() ->
+ Map = #{x=>0,y=>"untouched",z=>"also untouched",q=>1},
+ #{x:=16,q:=21,y:="untouched",z:="also untouched"} = loop_match_and_update_literals_x_q(Map, [
+ {1,2},{3,4},{5,6},{7,8}
+ ]),
+ M0 = id(#{ "hi" => "hello", int => 3, <<"key">> => <<"value">>,
+ 4 => number, 18446744073709551629 => wat}),
+ M1 = id(#{}),
+ M2 = M1#{ "hi" => "hello", int => 3, <<"key">> => <<"value">>,
+ 4 => number, 18446744073709551629 => wat},
+ M0 = M2,
+ #{ 4 := another_number, int := 3 } = M2#{ 4 => another_number },
+ ok.
+loop_match_and_update_literals_x_q(Map, []) -> Map;
+loop_match_and_update_literals_x_q(#{q:=Q0,x:=X0} = Map, [{X,Q}|Vs]) ->
+ loop_match_and_update_literals_x_q(Map#{q=>Q0+Q,x=>X0+X},Vs).
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_put_map_assoc.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_put_map_assoc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72ac9ce078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_put_map_assoc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+test() ->
+ true = assoc_guard(#{}),
+ false = assoc_guard(not_a_map),
+ #{a := true} = assoc_update(#{}),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, [{?MODULE, assoc_update, 1, _}|_]}}
+ = (catch assoc_update(not_a_map)),
+ ok = assoc_guard_clause(#{}),
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause, [{?MODULE, assoc_guard_clause, _, _}|_]}}
+ = (catch assoc_guard_clause(not_a_map)),
+ ok.
+assoc_guard(M) when is_map(M#{a => b}) -> true;
+assoc_guard(_) -> false.
+assoc_update(M) -> M#{a => true}.
+assoc_guard_clause(M) when is_map(M#{a => 3}) -> ok.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_put_map_exact.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_put_map_exact.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cfcd80180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_put_map_exact.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+test() ->
+ false = exact_guard(#{b => a}),
+ false = exact_guard(not_a_map),
+ true = exact_guard(#{a => false}),
+ #{a := true} = exact_update(#{a => false}),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, [{?MODULE, exact_update, 1, _}|_]}}
+ = (catch exact_update(not_a_map)),
+ {'EXIT', {badarg, [{?MODULE, exact_update, 1, _}|_]}}
+ = (catch exact_update(#{})),
+ ok = exact_guard_clause(#{a => yes}),
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause, [{?MODULE, exact_guard_clause, _, _}|_]}}
+ = (catch exact_guard_clause(#{})),
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause, [{?MODULE, exact_guard_clause, _, _}|_]}}
+ = (catch exact_guard_clause(not_a_map)),
+ ok.
+exact_guard(M) when is_map(M#{a := b}) -> true;
+exact_guard(_) -> false.
+exact_update(M) -> M#{a := true}.
+exact_guard_clause(M) when is_map(M#{a := 42}) -> ok.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_assoc.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_assoc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc7c1353de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_assoc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+test() ->
+ M0 = id(#{1=>a,2=>b,3.0=>c,4=>d,5=>e}),
+ M1 = M0#{1=>42,2=>100,4=>[a,b,c]},
+ #{1:=42,2:=100,3.0:=c,4:=[a,b,c],5:=e} = M1,
+ #{1:=42,2:=b,4:=d,5:=e,2.0:=100,3.0:=c,4.0:=[a,b,c]} = M0#{1.0=>float,1:=42,2.0=>wrong,2.0=>100,4.0=>[a,b,c]},
+ M2 = M0#{3.0=>new},
+ #{1:=a,2:=b,3.0:=new,4:=d,5:=e} = M2,
+ M2 = M0#{3.0:=wrong,3.0=>new},
+ %% Errors cases.
+ BadMap = id(badmap),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch BadMap#{nonexisting=>val}),
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_exact.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_exact.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e5acb3283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_exact.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+test() ->
+ M0 = id(#{1=>a,2=>b,3.0=>c,4=>d,5=>e}),
+ M1 = M0#{1:=42,2:=100,4:=[a,b,c]},
+ #{1:=42,2:=100,3.0:=c,4:=[a,b,c],5:=e} = M1,
+ M1 = M0#{1:=wrong,1=>42,2=>wrong,2:=100,4:=[a,b,c]},
+ M2 = M0#{3.0:=new},
+ #{1:=a,2:=b,3.0:=new,4:=d,5:=e} = M2,
+ M2 = M0#{3.0=>wrong,3.0:=new},
+ true = M2 =/= M0#{3=>right,3.0:=new},
+ #{ 3 := right, 3.0 := new } = M0#{3=>right,3.0:=new},
+ M3 = id(#{ 1 => val}),
+ #{1 := update2,1.0 := new_val4} = M3#{
+ 1.0 => new_val1, 1 := update, 1=> update3,
+ 1 := update2, 1.0 := new_val2, 1.0 => new_val3,
+ 1.0 => new_val4 },
+ %% Errors cases.
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch ((id(nil))#{ a := b })),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{nonexisting:=val}),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{1.0:=v,1.0=>v2}),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{42.0:=v,42:=v2}),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch M0#{42=>v1,42.0:=v2,42:=v3}),
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_literals.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_literals.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87aea3d8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_literals.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+test() ->
+ Map = #{x=>1,y=>2,z=>3,q=>4},
+ #{x:="d",q:="4"} = loop_update_literals_x_q(Map, [
+ {"a","1"},{"b","2"},{"c","3"},{"d","4"}
+ ]),
+ ok.
+loop_update_literals_x_q(Map, []) -> Map;
+loop_update_literals_x_q(Map, [{X,Q}|Vs]) ->
+ loop_update_literals_x_q(Map#{q=>Q,x=>X},Vs).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_map_expressions.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_map_expressions.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..181e3f18f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_map_expressions.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+test() ->
+ M = maps:new(),
+ X = id(fondue),
+ M1 = #{ a := 1 } = M#{a => 1},
+ #{ b := {X} } = M1#{ a := 1, b => {X} },
+ #{ b := 2 } = (maps:new())#{ b => 2 },
+ #{ a :=42, b:=42, c:=42 } = (maps:from_list([{a,1},{b,2},{c,3}]))#{ a := 42, b := 42, c := 42 },
+ #{ "a" :=1, "b":=42, "c":=42 } = (maps:from_list([{"a",1},{"b",2}]))#{ "b" := 42, "c" => 42 },
+ %% Test need to be in a fun.
+ %% This tests that let expr optimisation in sys_core_fold
+ %% covers maps correctly.
+ F = fun() ->
+ M0 = id(#{ "a" => [1,2,3] }),
+ #{ "a" := _ } = M0,
+ M0#{ "a" := b }
+ end,
+ #{ "a" := b } = F(),
+ %% Error cases, FIXME: should be 'badmap'?
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch (id(<<>>))#{ a := 42, b => 2 }),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch (id([]))#{ a := 42, b => 2 }),
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_values.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_values.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbad5ac19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_update_values.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+test() ->
+ V0 = id(1337),
+ M0 = #{ a => 1, val => V0},
+ V1 = get_val(M0),
+ M1 = M0#{ val := [V0,V1], "wazzup" => 42 },
+ [1337, {some_val, 1337}] = get_val(M1),
+ N = 110,
+ List = [{[I,1,2,3,I],{1,2,3,"wat",I}}|| I <- lists:seq(1,N)],
+ {_,_,#{val2 := {1,2,3,"wat",N}, val1 := [N,1,2,3,N]}} = lists:foldl(fun
+ ({V2,V3},{Old2,Old3,Mi}) ->
+ ok = check_val(Mi,Old2,Old3),
+ #{ val1 := Old2, val2 := Old3 } = Mi,
+ {V2,V3, Mi#{ val1 := id(V2), val2 := V1, val2 => id(V3)}}
+ end, {none, none, #{val1=>none,val2=>none}},List),
+ ok.
+get_val(#{ "wazzup" := _, val := V}) -> V;
+get_val(#{ val := V }) -> {some_val, V}.
+check_val(#{val1:=V1, val2:=V2},V1,V2) -> ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_warn_pair_key_overloaded.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_warn_pair_key_overloaded.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76b2a91f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_warn_pair_key_overloaded.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+test() ->
+ #{ "hi1" := 42 } = id(#{ "hi1" => 1, "hi1" => 42 }),
+ #{ "hi1" := 1337, "hi2" := [2], "hi3" := 3 } = id(#{
+ "hi1" => erlang:atom_to_binary(?MODULE,utf8),
+ "hi1" => erlang:binary_to_atom(<<"wazzup">>,utf8),
+ "hi1" => erlang:binary_to_float(<<"3.1416">>),
+ "hi1" => erlang:float_to_binary(3.1416),
+ "hi2" => erlang:pid_to_list(self()),
+ "hi3" => erlang:float_to_binary(3.1416),
+ "hi2" => lists:subtract([1,2],[1]),
+ "hi3" => +3,
+ "hi1" => erlang:min(1,2),
+ "hi1" => erlang:hash({1,2},35),
+ "hi1" => erlang:phash({1,2},33),
+ "hi1" => erlang:phash2({1,2},34),
+ "hi1" => erlang:integer_to_binary(1337),
+ "hi1" => erlang:binary_to_integer(<<"1337">>),
+ "hi4" => erlang:float_to_binary(3.1416)
+ }),
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_warn_useless_build.erl b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_warn_useless_build.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cb0366314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/maps_SUITE_data/maps_warn_useless_build.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+test() ->
+ [#{ a => id(I)} || I <- [1,2,3]],
+ ok.
+%% Use this function to avoid compile-time evaluation of an expression.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/vsn.mk b/lib/hipe/vsn.mk
index ed4b4dc8d2..cf1976d8d6 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/hipe/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
+HIPE_VSN = 3.11.1
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_assemble.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_assemble.erl
index 7878c7219d..3f756769c4 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_assemble.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_assemble.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
%%% TODO:
%%% - Simplify combine_label_maps and mk_data_relocs.
-%%% - Move find_const to hipe_pack_constants?
-define(HIPE_X86_ASSEMBLE, hipe_amd64_assemble).
@@ -80,8 +79,8 @@ assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options) ->
%% ?debug_msg("Constants are ~w bytes\n",[ConstSize])),
SC = hipe_pack_constants:slim_constmap(ConstMap),
- DataRelocs = mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
- SSE = slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
+ DataRelocs = hipe_pack_constants:mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap),
+ SSE = hipe_pack_constants:slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports),
SlimRefs = hipe_pack_constants:slim_refs(AccRefs),
Bin = term_to_binary([{?VERSION_STRING(),?HIPE_SYSTEM_CRC},
ConstAlign, ConstSize,
@@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ translate_imm(#x86_imm{value=Imm}, Context, MayTrunc8) ->
case Imm of
{Label,constant} ->
{MFA,ConstMap} = Context,
- ConstNo = find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
+ ConstNo = hipe_pack_constants:find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap),
{Label,closure} ->
@@ -712,7 +711,7 @@ resolve_jmp_switch_arg(I, _Context) ->
resolve_jmp_switch_arg(I, {MFA,ConstMap}) ->
- ConstNo = find_const({MFA,hipe_x86:jmp_switch_jtab(I)}, ConstMap),
+ ConstNo = hipe_pack_constants:find_const({MFA,hipe_x86:jmp_switch_jtab(I)}, ConstMap),
Disp32 = {?LOAD_ADDRESS,{constant,ConstNo}},
SINDEX = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sindex(2, hipe_x86:temp_reg(hipe_x86:jmp_switch_temp(I))),
EA = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp32_sindex(Disp32, SINDEX), % this creates a SIB implicitly
@@ -932,37 +931,6 @@ resolve_x87_binop_args(Src=#x86_fpreg{}, Dst=#x86_fpreg{})->
-mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap) ->
- lists:flatten(mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap, [])).
-mk_data_relocs([{MFA,Labels} | Rest], LabelMap, Acc) ->
- Map = [case Label of
- {L,Pos} ->
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Pos,Offset};
- {sorted,Base,OrderedLabels} ->
- {sorted, Base, [begin
- Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap),
- {Order, Offset}
- end
- || {L,Order} <- OrderedLabels]}
- end
- || Label <- Labels],
- %% msg("Map: ~w Map\n",[Map]),
- mk_data_relocs(Rest, LabelMap, [Map,Acc]);
-mk_data_relocs([],_,Acc) -> Acc.
-find({MFA,L},LabelMap) ->
- gb_trees:get({MFA,L}, LabelMap).
-slim_sorted_exportmap([{Addr,M,F,A}|Rest], Closures, Exports) ->
- IsClosure = lists:member({M,F,A}, Closures),
- IsExported = is_exported(F, A, Exports),
- [Addr,M,F,A,IsClosure,IsExported | slim_sorted_exportmap(Rest, Closures, Exports)];
-slim_sorted_exportmap([],_,_) -> [].
-is_exported(F, A, Exports) -> lists:member({F,A}, Exports).
%%% Assembly listing support (pp_asm option).
@@ -1001,14 +969,3 @@ fill_spaces(N) when N > 0 ->
fill_spaces(0) ->
-%%% Lookup a constant in a ConstMap.
-find_const({MFA,Label},[{pcm_entry,MFA,Label,ConstNo,_,_,_}|_]) ->
- ConstNo;
-find_const(N,[_|R]) ->
- find_const(N,R);
-find_const(C,[]) ->
- ?EXIT({constant_not_found,C}).